L’Europe Est Au Bord Du Précipice

This article was written by Roosh Valizadeh and translated into French by Jean-Batave Poqueliche.

Original article here: Europe Is On The Precipice

Les Européens ne méritent pas l’Europe. Voilà la seule conclusion que je peux tirer après avoir été témoin de la réaction aux attaques de vendredi qui ont tué 129 personnes. Au lieu de se défendre, de supprimer la politique qui permet à des millions de réfugiés d’inonder l’Europe ou de mettre en place des plans concrets pour expulser les hordes de musulmans qui refusent de s’adapter à leur nation, l’élite européenne redouble d’effort pour imposer sa doctrine qui va sûrement conduire l’Europe à sa perte et son propre peuple à l’extinction.

Si un homme violet s’approche de vous et vous met un pain dans la tronche, la réponse appropriée est de le frapper à votre tour ou de demander de l’aide à d’autres personnes pour le maîtriser. La mauvaise réponse est de crier « Paix ! » et « Solidarité ! » à l’intention de l’homme violet, puis d’inonder Internet avec des messages du type «Tous les hommes violets ne sont pas violents» et « Est-ce que la violente attaque dont j’ai été victime va renforcer le racisme et la haine contre les hommes violets ? ». Pourtant, dans un démonstration choquante de faiblesse et de défaitisme, c’est exactement ce que les Européens sont en train de faire. Les élites qui mènent la danse incitent à prier pour la paix et la plèbe, confronté à son propre anéantissement, se laisse mener à l’échafaud, insistant sur le fait que ce dont l’Europe a besoin en ce moment, c’est d’encore plus de musulmans et des réfugiés.

Croyez-le ou pas, mais brandir des pancartes pour la paix en pleurant n’arrêtera pas les attaques futures.

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Faire de jolis petits coeurs avec des bougies non plus…

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Et s’en prendre à ceux qui critiquent la politique d’ouverture des frontières non plus

(Au Lendemain De La Tragédie, Rob Lowe Pense Que C’est Le Moment Idéal Pour Critiquer La Politique De La France En Matière D’Immigration)

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Rob Lowe 


Oh, NOW France closes its borders. #Hollande

(« Ah, MAINTENANT La France ferme ses frontières. #Hollande »)

Si il n’y a pas de révoltes en France, en Allemagne ou en Suède d’ici la fin de la semaine, menées par des groupes qui veulent protéger leur nation et leur peuple, l’Europe est condamnée. Si les Européens ne sont pas prêts à sacrifier leur vie maintenant pour se protéger après les attentats de Paris, alors que les musulmans sont, eux, en train de faire la queue pour sacrifier leur propre vie pour conquérir un nouveau territoire, l’Europe n’a absolument aucune chance de résister à un coup d’État islamique, parce il n’y aura pas d’autre événement pour les aider à se réveiller et à prendre les armes. Je crains que ce dont nous sommes témoins, c’est un peuple qui a été si féminisé, amolli et lobotomisé qu’il ne peut tout simplement pas identifier l’ennemi qui a franchi ses portes brisées, menace son mode de vie, pour au lieu de ça, aider les envahisseurs qui tentent activement de le remplacer.

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Pouvez-vous imaginer ce que l’homme musulman moyen en Europe est en train de penser en ce moment? Il doit avoir du mal à croire que les élites européennes l’accueillent à bras ouverts, lui donnent de l’argent, foutent dehors les résidents de leur propre maison afin que lui et ses frères puissent avoir un logement tous frais payés, et qu’ils arrivent à lui trouver des excuses si il lui prend l’envie d’attraper un AK-47 et de faire un peu de tir aux pigeons sur cible humaine. Je suis sûr qu’il est scié, qu’à chaque fois qu’une attaque se produit, des millions d’Européens prennent d’assaut les réseaux sociaux pour défendre sa religion, car c’est une religion de « paix ».

Si j’étais ce mec-l à, je n’aurais aucun mal à croire qu’Allah m’a éclairé le chemin et m’a donné la force de renverser ce people de faibles qui ne mérite plus la terre qu’on lui a donné. Je peux pas lui reprocher de vouloir soumettre l’Europe, puisque les peuples européens et leurs dirigeants ont vraiment l’air d’avoir envie qu’il réusisse, le payant même de leur poche avec les aides sociales, pour l’aider à financer sa violence.

Les Musulmans vont faire ce que vous les laisserez faire, comme n’importe quel groupe ou race qui possèdent ses propres intérêts. Nous devons plutôt nous concentrer sur les traîtres des élites au pouvoir qui permettent à cette horde d’entrer en Europe. Ces dirigeants, qui ont accueilli les musulmans en Europe et qui ont refusé de mettre un terme à l’invasion, ont du sang sur les mains et doivent être démis de leur fonctions et jetés en prison. Si l’Europe était saine d’esprit, voici ce qui devrait être immédiatement fait:

  • Fermeture totale des frontières européennes. Tirer à vue sur les bateaux de migrants voguant vers L’Europe pour que cela serve de message aux prochains envahisseurs qui veulent s’y infiltrer.
  • Expulsion immédiate de tous les musulmans en Europe qui ne possèdent pas les papiers d’identité nécessaires, qui ont fait la publicité des concepts du jihad ou qui ont affiché leur soutien aux attaques précédentes. Les réfugiés qui sont entrés au cours de la dernière année doivent repartir chex eux.
  • Destitution de tous les politiciens qui ont soutenu ou favorisé l’immigration musulmane. Ils devront être jugés pour crimes contre le peuple européen.

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Si vous vouliez défendre une nation face à une invasion de migrants par terre et par mer, les trois mesures ci-dessus serait la marche à suivre, mais nous savons tous qu’elles ne seront pas mises en place. Au lieu de cela, plus de réfugiés viendront, plus de «solidarité» sera prêchée, et plus d‘Européens vont mourir. Les Européens ont eu le cerveau tellement formaté qu’ils vont rationaliser la mort des membres de leur propre famille aux mains des envahisseurs, ce qui signifie que nous avons passé le cap où les arguments et la raison sont efficaces. La violence est maintenant l’avenir de l’Europe, soit venant des ses envahisseurs, soit venant de ses défenseurs qui auront à lutter contre trois adversaires en même temps: leurs élites, leurs compatriotes dont on a lavé le cerveau et les envahisseurs musulmans en eux-mêmes.

Si j’étais un Français ou un Allemand en colère en ce moment, je sais ce que je ferais:

  • Je trouverais une petite ville dans mon pays possédant une bonne défense stratégique dans laquelle on a largué des réfugiés.
  • J’établirais une ligne de communication avec un gouvernement qui comprend la situation, comme la Russie, pour un éventuel appui militaire.
  • Je rassemblerais au moins 30 hommes armés qui croient que leur nation vaut la peine qu’on meurt pour elle.
  • J’envahirais la ville, foutrais dehors les envahisseurs et défendrais ma position contre la police locale tout en prolongeant l’impasse aussi longtemps que possible pour un effet maximum dans les médias.

La mission aurait pour but d’envoyer un signal à d’autres milices nationalistes et aux patriotes. Soit nous renforçons notre position et nous nous développons avec un soutien extérieur ou nous mourons en essayant de défendre notre pays. Je ne peux pas imaginer une façon plus honorable de quitter cette Terre, en m’affirmant maître de mon destin, dans un monde où des conditions démentes me sont dictées, qui n’ont pour but que de me nuire, de nuire à ma famille et ma nation. Si mon ennemi est prêt à mourir pour mon pays mais que je ne le suis pas, il n’est pas difficile de dire que je ne pars pas gagnant, si je veux m’accrocher à ma terre.

Ces mêmes libéraux qui détruisent l’Europe essayent de faire la même chose aux États-Unis. Nos politiciens font des pieds et des mains pour augmenter le nombre de Syriens qui viendront chez nous (10.000 d’entre eux viennent d’arriver à la Nouvelle-Orléans), et tout comme en Europe, les locaux ne font pas grand chose en signe de protestation, à part tweeter comme des fiottes. Alors que les musulmans sont plus efficacement gardés sous contrôle aux États-Unis qu’en Europe, les Américains doivent se poser dès maintenant la question de savoir dans quel genre de pays ils veulent vivre. Ma famille vit actuellement près de nombreux centres de réfugiés et quand je leur rends visite, je ne sais pas si je suis arrivé au Honduras ou en Éthiopie. Le sort de tous les citoyens américains et européens est désormais scellé: soit vivre dans la peur parce que vous êtes entouré d’étrangers qui imposent leurs intérêts par l’agression en même temps que leur nombre augmente, ou vous défendre par la violence contre les politiques de l’élite qui cherchent activement à détruire votre vie et vous chasser de votre foyer.

La génération actuelle d’Européens ne s’est pas battu pour sa terre comme l’ont fait ses ancêtres. On lui a donné une civilisation en bon ordre, de belles villes et des villages paisibles sans qu’elle comprenne les sacrifices que les hommes du passé ont dû faire afin qu’elle puisse profiter de ce qu’elle a maintenant. Le multiculturalisme, le « Vivre Ensemble » se révélera être son suicide, et la seule question qui reste est de savoir si il y a encore des hommes prêts à se sacrifier pour leur pays comme les hommes de jadis l’ont fait. Quand je vois les attaques de Paris, je crains que si nous ne voyons pas ce sacrifice bientôt, dans les jours qui viennent, même, c’en est fini de l’Europe.

En savoir plus (en anglais): Le Nombre De Victimes Augmente Après Les Attaques De Paris Alors Que Les Médias Font Du Zèle Pour Minimiser La Connexion Avec Le Terrorisme Musulman

120 thoughts on “L’Europe Est Au Bord Du Précipice”

  1. Why do the French put trees alongside the road?
    So the Germans can march in the shade.
    Dear France.
    Thank you for your help and support with the American republic back in the 1770s.
    But it’s apparent that you have all lost your marbles and, like any collapsed and weak society, are going to be overrun. Your candles and flowers vigils won’t do a thing to stop the tide.
    You know what you have to do, but you won’t do it.
    At the least your country will serve as another warning for the rest of us.
    Meanwhile, if you want to escape to the United States, here’s the best way:
    Go to Mexico
    Learn some Spanish
    Get a tan
    Sneak over the border
    Get welfare, a license, in-state tuition, everything.
    When you get here, please do not vote the same retarded leftoidism that sent your country down the rat-hole. Thank you.
    — America

    1. Right letter, but coming from us it seems disingenuous. We are at least as big pussies.

      1. Worse than pussies, brainwashed. This is a cut on the cover of The Economist, False Flag announced.

        1. Doesn’t the Freemansonry have to give a clue before carrying out their actions? I think it’s in their code.

      2. Agreed. Also, while the Nazis steamrolled over France in 1939 (as they did almost everyone, even the Russians at first), France has a strong military history, and what France went through in the First World War was something I’m not sure America could have survived. They regularly lost, day after day, in the worst part of the fighting, the same numbers of troops America still licks its wounds about in the entirety of Vietnam. And this was in battles that would go on for MONTHS. And of course there was that old fellow Bonaparte who took over an entire continent. And the French Foreign Legion is maybe the only kind of military force I could get behind.
        I have a friend in Paris, and they have not only sealed the borders, they have revoked Schengen visa participation. Meaning you and I cannot even visit France now without obtaining permission. The only country I know where we had to do that was Soviet Russia, you had to mail them your passport and apply for permission.
        We’ll see how France responds, and indeed it is an extremely tough enemy to defeat (I remember Quintus Curtius’s article on the Algerian resistance) but they seem to be taking the right steps so far.

        1. France has a strong military history, and what France went through in the First World War was something I’m not sure America could have survived. They regularly lost, day after day, in the worst part of the fighting, the same numbers of troops America still licks its wounds about in the entirety of Vietnam. And this was in battles that would go on for MONTHS. And of course there was that old fellow Bonaparte who took over an entire continent. And the French Foreign Legion is maybe the only kind of military force I could get behind.”
          Since the West fell away from Orthodoxy, and the Franks became the French, the French only win wars when:
          1. Allied to the USA.
          2. Led by a foreigner (Napoleon, who was Corsican, thus more Italian than French), but still ultimately lose in the long run.
          3. When fighting internal wars against other French.

        2. There are a bunch of countries that I know of where you have to send in a bunch of documents money, passport, and hope you get your visa stamp-China Russia, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia(though it can be bypassed)

        3. While France is certainly no powerhouse today (and neither is Italy, who is almost certainly weaker, despite being home to the greatest western Empire ever) that link is a flawed summary of history. In particular, if one says the French lost the Napoleonic Wars, then I don’t know how any war can be won. They defeated all of mainland Europe, crowned Napoleon Emperor, and drove all the way to Moscow, where, even though never defeated by the Russians, they were driven back due to winter losses. Sure, there was eventually Waterloo, where Bonaparte was defeated, but using that rationale, no one has ever been victorious in any war in Europe, because the gains were always temporary and eventually someone else took the territory back.
          Then to claim that the US, who joined the First World War in 1918 when Germany was already pondering surrender, mere months before the war ended, “saved” the French, who had fought the Germans for 4 years, both killing and losing *millions* of casualties, is an absurd distortion of history.
          In the single battle of Verdun alone, the French lost more soldiers than the Americans lost in their entire Civil War. And this is for a nation a fraction the size of America. They would sometimes lose tens of thousands a day, and this would go on for WEEKS. And there would be literally no change in the outcome. The battle of the Marne saw a million casualties and the end result was almost no change in territory. Multiply this by 10 or so and tell me if America would fight a war where it lost 10 million and had no objectives achieved, and still have the will to go on for years longer?

        4. Good thing they are not dealing with Algerians.
          The US and Britain combined could barely even handle the “B Team” of the Germany military. The elites were fighting the Soviets.
          As for Schengen. This is a typical redirection. Don’t let the magicians… sorry politicians fool you with their sleight of hand. France was not attacked because they have a Schengen agreement.

        5. Oh, *I* absolutely don’t believe that. In fact, if anything, I think the politicians will use this event as a way to reduce the freedoms that the EU had granted Europeans, namely the freedom to come and go as freely as Americans travel from one state to another, without the need for passport control between EU nations.
          And yes, the Soviets killed I think 8 Germans for every one the west did. The western front was mostly the Hitler Youth and the old men who were conscripted and were set up as mainly on guard duty while the real army pushed east.
          Englishbob, you have some reasonable insights.. any thoughts on the Paris events? My thoughts were this was a group created by the US/Mossad/Saudi in order to do regime change in Syria, but got out of control and is now rogue, much the way OBL was funded and used by the CIA to defeat the Russians in the 70s in Afghanistan but then got out of control and became rogue. But what really gets me is these Hollywood produced HD videos of tall light skinned guys in white Nikes driving around in their Toyota pickups and Humvees producing well choreographed video clips… that doesn’t strike me as something that would ever come out of a true rebel group. These videos really make me question the narrative we’re being sold. A new one was released yesterday or today and every one just reeks of propaganda.

        6. I think that your thoughts are essentially correct and can be corroborated with significant evidence. This is the group that was funded to fight the Assad Regime. You might even argue that they are not out of control but are in fact doing exactly what they are supposed to do. Lets review, the CIA creates IS to fight their enemy Assad. Assad is weakened. France and the US bomb IS. Then we have the Migrant Crisis. IS operatives slip in with the Migrants (although I was not aware that France had accepted any). IS attacks French civilians in response to recent French airstrikes. The French Police do not show up until the terrorists have completed their work and hundreds of people lie dead or wounded (just like after the Norway Terror Attack).
          The response? More French airstrikes and a move to cancel the Schengen Agreement. But the Schengen Agreement does not apply to migrants! It only applies to EU Citizens! Furthermore, now after the failure of the French Police and security forces for a third time this year, there are calls to give them more power so that they can sit on their arse and let people die. I don’t know about you but to me, this shit stinks!
          Why are there no calls to arm the population so that they can defend themselves? The police obviously have no interest in defending you. If I can have my AR-15 and a sidearm it will be the terrorist being terrorised if he walks on my block.

    2. At least the french government is finally waking up and taking some real action.
      Right now they are making the US look like one big pussy which, when you consider history, makes me want to go and punch a wall somewhere.

      1. Right.
        I suspect there is a struggle in the French government at the moment. There’s the leftoid side that caused this and they would rather start post 911 style laws than actually address the problem (kind of like how American leftoids want more gun control every time some little special snowflake marvel of the kind of society they are building shoots up a school) but on the other side I think there are people running things in France who think if they can nip the problem in the bud early then there won’t be fear driven laws to clamp down on liberty.
        Hunting these fucks down is always a good thing.

        1. The French have a very odd attitude. For example I had a female French friend who was born in France, looks Spanish, speaks accentless French, left her family for their insane religious requirements, isn’t religious, has monster tits and is friendly. The minute they see her last name say for a job application and they start to treat her like shit, I’m sorry no job for you. If they don’t accept her as integrated, then who do they accept?

        2. “looks Spanish”
          Spaniards are caucasians, and in Spain live as few black people as in the other milky-white European countries, like Poland ie.
          It’s ironic because it is France who, like the US, embraced multiculturalism and therefore has a lot of brown skinned people.

        3. Chances are, they were attacked/robbed/insulted by Arabs in the past so anything vaguely Arabic brings up negative reactions.
          According to one researcher, every day in France there are 1,360 assaults on average and 450 sexual assaults/rapes. Almost all young French people living in a city have been insulted, threatened or physically attacked by Arabs at some point. Many people are “allergic” to Arabs, even if they act and sound French and have big tits.
          To answer your question, they accept whites and east asians.

    3. Lets not forget two important facts. The US violently involved itself in Middle-Eastern affairs and got attacked. France violently involved itself in Syrian affairs and got attacked by Syrians. Is there a pattern emerging here?
      More to the point, I remember two years ago when we were told by the government that they needed to attack ISIS before they attacked us here. Then they attacked ISIS and now we have been attacked here. Has something gone wrong here?

    4. 1.- How can you recognize a french veteran? His armpits are sunburned.
      2.- I hear the french have designed a new flag. It´s a white star on a white background.
      3.-Did you hear about the military surplus rifles France is selling? They have never been fired and only been thrown down once.
      4.- Why do the french only sleep on colored and printed sheets? Because they used all the white ones to make flags.
      P.D. This does not apply to the foreign legion, as they are ruthless and are not made up of french naturals.

    5. Doktor Jeep… France in its contemporary history was at was with Germany three times.. 870, WWI, WWII, all those wars were planned by the greatest enemy of France…..Have a guess were they reside & who are they??
      Ohh & BTW they are still in command in France…
      Philippe Le Bel come back ! All’s forgiven !

    6. The last new bullshit from those leftist in France : To show “resistance”, tonight people will hold hands together at 9:20pm (because, the first gunshot was fired at this moment) and show their pics to facebook instagram and all shitty social networks with the hashtag #maindanslamain (literally : holding hands)
      This, gentlemen, is the worst bullshit I’ve ever seen in my country. people are not able to show anger, no. All of them are just weak sheep with a fucking disgusting hippy mindstate.

  2. My french is a little rusty, but i enjoy a challenge.
    What’s the french word for “kratom” by the way?

  3. Tenemos que dar muchos punos a los pendejos, huevones y babosos de la izquierda. Los chochones tambien merecen una bofetada y una patada en el culo porque no tienen cojones. Finalmente, las punetas feas y sucias merecen insultos por las tonterias que escriben. Tienen caras de vacas y son imbeciles.
    Arriba las manos!

    1. La izquierda es un tonto útil, el problema es que ahora todo el mundo es de izquierda, incluso si no los vota. La evolución hacia la izquierda en estos últimos 20 años es impresionante, el lavado de cerebro sobre la gente a fuerza de propaganda dio sus frutos. Esta es una política deliberada.

      1. Estoy en acuerdo. Ay mucha gente que no entienden que la politica mental de la izquierda es socialista y verdaderamente racista, porque ponen mucho esfuerzo en pelea contra los pobres y ricos, jovenes y ansianos, heterosexuales y homosexuales, blancos y morenos, etc. obama existe para causar pelea.
        Los democratas especialmente son communista, pero los republicans tambien tienen estos bichos adentro.
        Ay que inundar la casa blanca y la colina capital con agua y mucho jabon blanco lol.

        1. Siempre es peligroso politicamente robar de uno para dar a otro. Pero se puede ver eso en Socialismo y Capitalismo(Communismo realmente es mas como Dictadura con el minimo pinta de Socialismo). Los ricos generalmente tienen mas poder, y los pobres tienen mas gente..el arte es el balance del poder y la justicia.

        2. Si, en el capitalismo falso (amigote)
          Pero pienso que no es los ricos que tienen el poder verdadero…pero los politicos en vez.

        3. Pensandolo bien creo que tienes razon. Porque un dictador se puede assesinar violar..lo que sea, mientras el hombre mas rico puede hacer muchas cosas..pero hay un limite. Solomente hay que mirar a la vida de Pablo Escobar(llego a ser el 6 mas rico del mundo) para confirmar eso.

      2. No se de donde son ustedes pero me alegro que esten aqui. La izquierda es rampante hasta en latino america, muchos no estan conscientes de lo que esta pasando.

        1. Queee —estas diciendo que el communismo no fuciona? Estas loco mira, ha funcionado en tantos paises..ehhh que no puedo nombrar todos. Viva Cuba!

    2. You know, I don’t feels so bad about it now that I know you don’t have a Spanish keyboard!

        1. They’re in english and they’re on my private computer. I’ve been meaning to set up a website though with a special name 🙂

        2. ROK is always looking for contributors.
          Since I married, 19 years ago, my Spanish has degenerated. Mi esposa no me deja tener novia mexicana asi que puedo practicar a mi Espanol. You know how it is. Por eso, se me olvida toda.
          Please overlook my Spanish errors. I am out of practice.
          I have big plans in Mexico in 2019, and it is critically important that I be able to present myself as an educated person in Spanish.
          You are always an interesting read. You once wrote about writing articles in Spanish. I’m sure they would be helpful and fun in my effort to regain fluency.

        3. I have articles published on ROK already.
          No you’re pretty good all things considered.

        4. Yeah i was thinking of writing one in spanish on here but i haven’t followed through. Not sure how well received it would be 🙂

        5. I’ll check when I have a moment. It will please me to no end if I can identify you by your style.
          As for tonight, I need to finish some other things. The boys elected for some cold weather primitive camping this weekend. My son and I have been pulling gear all evening. We’ll have the sole run of a very large Scout Camp to ourselves. I really need to get busy packing.
          Enjoy your weekend!

  4. I realize that this is not related to the article in question but, i trust that the faithful readership will allow me this one small indulgence.
    Behold…the Women of “Bienvenidos” the greatest spanish comedy show in the history of spanish TV, for more than the obvious.
    (runners up: salvese quien pueda, fuera de serie (classic)

    1. Fuck yes! Se les puede perdonar a los venezolanos traer al mundo al pendejo de Nicolas Maduro so ponen mas a nenas como estas.

      1. Venezuelan girls are very nice, I was dating one a little while ago. Its against their religion to leave the house without dressing up.

        1. ¿Estas seguro? La ultima vez que fui a Venezuela, las chicas eran muy feas. Prefiero las colombianas.

        2. Damn, you have my vote on that one. It used to be the same here in the U.S. not that long ago. Today, sadly, you can see how much it’s changed with some women leaving the house in pajamas, slippers, a robe, no makeup with a hat on. It’s pretty pathetic when you think about it (I guess her cats don’t care).

        3. I always tell girls in third world countries about the girls in my college who would roll out of bed 5 minutes before class and go in their pajamas. The look of shock and horror on their faces was priceless.

        4. Claro las Colombianas (dependiendo de la ciudad) son mas lindas…pero en Venezuela puedo conseguir chicas super calientes mas facilmente(y que son simpaticas). Pero ahora no se talvez Ven. es demasiado peligroso ahora.

        5. That’s what happens when you have it too good in life (and their parents always telling them how special they are all of the time). The reality is that women have been held up on a pedestal by society for too long. Our society needs to knock them back down a peg and make them take responsibility for their actions.
          You want to see the look of horror on a girl’s face….tell an American girl that she’s nothing special.

    2. haha.. that’s great. Ever watch any Rebelde Way? It was broadcast on TV in (Argentina?) yet is NSFW to post here…

      1. It was a show, shabby, produced by Cris Morena, corrupting the young. It produces very successful shows and brainwashing.

        1. I wouldn’t doubt that it’s corrupting. It showed a 15 year old girl literally topless with her mother, and this was broadcast on national TV. I know Americans can be prudish but I am still shocked years after seeing that! Of course I saw Miley Cyrus has a new magazine shoot for Candy Magazine, a full frontal nude in a magazine aimed at teens, and next she is performing a concert completely naked. Meanwhile, Playboy has decided to stop showing vagina. What is wrong with this world!?!

    3. What is the punchline to the guy jogging on the beach to the girl in the white bikini? You can exercise to work out every part of your body except one… something…

      1. He’s saying that one part you can actually exercise…but it ends up smaller not bigger.

      2. Not bad. You got most of it.
        Girl: Jaime!
        Guy: Hey love how are you?
        Girl: Good. Do you think that on starting exercises, do you think that you can develop any part of the body through exercise?
        Guy: With exercise a man can develop any part of his body except one, and with exercise even that part is included. it looks smaller when compared to the development of the rest of the body.
        Girl: I don’t understand any of it.
        Guy: Then write that down in the weird jokes, stupid.
        He’s talking about how the bigger your body gets, the smaller your dick is going to appear. She is too stupid to get it, and he let’s her know. That’s the punchline…she’s another dumb blonde 😀
        (sorry for taking so long to respond, been busy working on stuff)

  5. I’ve heard it rumored that DC may be next, union station perhaps. The numbers 9/11/2001 add up to 14. In paris, the date 11-11-2015 all digits add up to 14! Look for the next 14. It is on Dec 01 and Dec 10th. For some reason Dec10 strikes a chord. Intuition maybe.

  6. It’s nice to see that. As a long time french Canadian (Montreal) RoK reader, to see such a translated article published, I feel like it’s time to start sharing the message a bit more. As much as I have always felt like the black sheep in my tribe reading stuff like this, I now feel like I have something, some written piece that is not too remote, not too far from our reality, that I can share with people around me, now that there is something available in our language, and not indecipherable, not written in this cryptic and devoid of sense foreign language that is English (Pls note the irony).
    So merci for putting the effort to translate this article, since it means it can now reach more people. But let me also bring myself forward to offer translating more important RoK articles in French. I don’t think the only articles worth translating are the ones regarding the recent attacks so in this regard I would like to “attack” one or two of the more symbiotic RoK articles and work toward getting them properly translated.

    1. I’ve never been to Quebec. How is it, feminism-wise, as compared to the rest of Canada and the USA?

      1. To be honest, I think defining a region only on the “feminism” scale is very reductionist, in the grand scheme of things, when looking for a living environment.
        But to give you an idea though, I like to think we are often a more polarized place in this respect. And what I mean here is that while a decent part of the population (including the media, for the most part) will lean a lot more left than the average American in this regard, there is also a good bit of the population that comes from a much more traditional, backcountry, rugged background. Those include the rural population of Quebec, as well as good part of the French immigrants, which for the most part live in Montreal.
        This means that while it’s quite easy to come across you’re run-of-the-mill short blue-haired, tattoed, fat feminist bitch anywhere in the city (as Roosh certainly did), you will also all day long cross path with well-dressed, mild-mannered and good-looking women.
        So is it more “feminist”? Well, yes, it actually probably is if you add everything up.
        But that being said, I also think there are a lot more women worth fighting for here than in most of the US.

      2. “How is it, feminism-wise, as compared to the rest of Canada and the USA?”
        To simply answer : worse. Or maybe comparable to the rest of Canada. In Quebec the culture of the feminized man is a decades-long tradition. Here if you watch any French-speaking TV, chances are good you will see a man crying. Crying happens in nearly every TV show. They are full of “emotional” shit. Men are expected to cry like little bitches on TV.

      3. Worse
        Quebec has a nasty streak of uppity leftism because it thinks its being oppressed by anglo-Canada
        It’s kinda like how Scotland leans left because it thinks England is oppresing them

      4. Quebec has some of the nastiest Leftist movements, and at the same time tons, and I mean tons, of gorgeous, friendly,feminine girls. Getting laid there is probably the easiest. Oftentimes, they would initiate a contact with a guy, believe or not.

      5. You just need to know that no Aurélie Nix is currently reported to scour Montreal’s street seeking to disrupt Tariq Ramadans very publicized speech in one of our universities. Yup, really, that’s all you need to know. Roosh and his 30 attendees private event tho’? Let loose the bitches of war. Sad.

  7. My French is rusty and almost nonexistent since high school, mais, allez GIGN! Allez Legion Etrangere! Tues les cochons islamiques!

  8. C’est un bon idée je crois d’avoir cet article traduit en français, it’s good to expand our principles to the french speaking populace of Quebec and France

  9. Ah ben tabarnack: du français sur Return Of Kings! Just tells you how dire the situation has become.

  10. Cool de voir enfin des articles en français sur ROK.
    Même si je vous avertis tout de suite que partager un lien ROK va faire de vous un affreux macho (voire même, ça va avec, un *facho*), mais bon au point où nous en sommes on n’est plus à ça près.
    Perso la crise récente m’a fait prendre conscience de plusieurs directions que je vais devoir suivre:
    – trouver une femme avec laquelle fonder une famille autour des valeurs chrétiennes (ça va à l’encontre de l’aspect PUA de ce site, mais j’en ai fait le tour et intuitivement je sais que c’est la direction à prendre pour moi – même si je n’ai plus d’illusions sur la nature des femmes et que je prends ce paramètre en compte dans l’équation)
    – m’installer en province dans la zone où gravite historiquement ma famille
    – trouver d’autres gars qui partagent mes valeurs pour s’aider mutuellement.
    Je suis actuellement “en fuite” à l’étranger, mais en ce moment j’essaie de réfléchir pour établir ce plan concrètement. Je dois pas être le seul.

    1. Je suis heureux de ne pas vivre en France. Désolé mon ami, mais l’Europe est dans de beaux draps. En Amérique, nous avons encore la possibilité de changer la situation.

      1. De toute façons il n’y plus de travail, et la seule issue c’est de quitter ce continent de merde. Je ne crois pas que vous soyez mieux lotis en Amérique du Nord…

    2. Le gros problème c’est que dans ROK il y a des gens convenables et fréquentables et puis d’autres qui son dignes d’écrire pour Stormfront et qui sont ouvertement pervers… Il y a décidément quelque chose de déglingué dans la politique estadounidense.

  11. If any Frenchmen had any ounce of pride, they would probably formulate a group of fellow Frenchmen and hold some sort of serious protest and go on standoff with the local police to try to push off the migrants. Recently I noticed increasing number of French nationals going to SouthEast Asia (former French colony). It has gotten so bad in Europe that some Europeans are willing to go to Asia. That’s how “bad” it has gotten huh.
    Immigrants from North Africa (some areas of former French colony) and Middle East come to France. Local French goes to SouthEast Asia. LOL.
    I read somewhere that by 2043, Europe will be fully Islamic. I laughed at that but now looking at this, I don’t doubt it, at least Western Europe would be done. Eastern Europe still has chance. They don’t take shit from immigrants. One thing I respect about Eastern Europe; they still got the spine and balls to call it out.

  12. This a good initiative thank you
    I lived in France for some time. Yes France is in a very bad stated, the reason is itit had bean under the rule of the US and Israel from more the 30 years. They do not have any foreign ministry anymore since DeGaule
    Their is an opposition that exist but they get hammered all the time but still stand up. My guest is every reader of ROK would probably a member as it is a no shit and traditionally rooted movement.
    The Zionist and their French government tries to close it all the time by bringing them in court. They do no succeed because, as for Roosh, they are build around a publishing house and a solid internet site.
    I you want to know more about one of the last French intellectual:

      1. Hey a good one.. The Zionists went as far as to say that it was a Nazi gesture: The sodomization of the victim of the concentration camps… I’m not joking. All the media took it as gospel and Soral was send in court for this and had to pay 30 000 Euro for making this gesture in Berlin..
        France is turning crazy from a long time.. well since De Gaule I guest

  13. This is the real situation in France :
    The article you need to read to know what is really happening in Middle-east and in France:
    France, as the us and all the country around the planet is not own by its people, Worst they have been use by NATO and Israel to do they job and often been sent in the front line at their place.
    France is a terrorist state since 2011 and it has supported Isis.
    They are now simply paying for what they have sow
    If you don’t care to read ( 10 minutes to understand what is happening in Paris) :

  14. So a non-white Iranian who grew up in Europe worst enemy(the USA) is telling white europeans that we do not deserve our ancestral homeland. Interesting indeed.

    1. That wasn’t the purpose of the article.
      He was saying that if European people do nothing to defend themselves from this obvious catastrophe, they don’t deserve their land. It’s hard to disagree. Then, he encourages them to defend themselves in various ways.

  15. Je suis d’accord avec vos pensees, en particulier:
    Je ne peux pas imaginer une façon plus honorable de quitter cette Terre, en m’affirmant maître de mon destin, dans un monde où des conditions démentes me sont dictées…”
    Le lame de la guillotine, il tombe rapidement; je crois que c’est probable que beaucoups du peuple d’Europe, ils vont a mourir, d’une faucon ou d’un autre. Pouvent mourir avec honneur, combatantes pour leurs familles et villages, avec un chance de succes (et avec l’aide de Russie, ou quelq’autre pays intelligent de la situation), ou pouvent mourir en deshonneur, miserablement, avec grandes souffrances, peut etre demain, ou l’apres demain, mais, soit l’une ou l’autre, tres bientot.
    Me parce aussi tre claire, que le gauchisme est vraiment une nouveau et tres superstitieux religion. L’Europe Catholique avait marchee avec le bannieres de la tres-Sainte Vierge, et ses bougies etaient allumes devant d’Elle, et le peuple avait priee a Dieu, et avait preparee pour se defendre. Mais aujourd’hui, ils avont un religion de charite fictif, sans le virtues de prudence et fortitude; donc, ils allument ses bugies en forme du couer, symbole de leur “charite” false et insense pour leurs ennemis, sans priere, sans sagesse, sans espoir supernaturelle en le vrai bien. C’est un peuple prets pour l’abbatage. Kyrieleison.
    Perdonnais-vous moi, si ma Francais soit tres horrible!

    1. There was a project of a new flag for the EU presented to the euro-parlament by a Catholic nationalistic group with the Virgin Mary in the center surrounded by the stars. Of course, the lefties would never allow it. A dream though… I do not know if there is any hope for the EU. I personally would be happy to see it fall. Fuhrer Merkel has done enough damage.

    2. Très bonne réponse et le français est très compréhensible. Meilleur que celui de bon nombre d’étudiants et collègues que j’ai côtoyés à vrai dire. Cheers.

  16. Heureux de voir un article en francais. J’ai fait une partie de mes etudes dans une universite francaise.
    A l’epoque, pour moi, le Front National etait un parti de clowns. Maintenant, j’aimerais voir la victoire de Marine Le Pen lors des prochaines elections.
    Moi, ancien socialiste !

  17. Le petit garçon qu’a répondu à son pére que les putains de fleurs étaient inutiles contre les flingues a compris la situation. Son père? Pas si sûr.

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