I am often stricken by how brazen some feminist thinkers and sympathizers can be in biting the hand that feeds them and throwing stones from glass houses. Many are bold enough to consider the end of men, or question the necessity of the male gender in its entirety, suggesting that the pace of female empowerment has rendered the male of the species obsolete or, at a bare minimum, pushed him into a position of objectively lower value than his female peer.
These women make such claims with little thought to the source of their empowerment and/or the irony behind the existence of the “empowered,” upwardly mobile woman of the “Sex and the City” mold that so many feminists hold in the highest esteem today.
Undermining anti-male feminist rhetoric are the following seven vital concerns, the analysis of which will reveal the true irony behind modern feminist “empowerment” (and, it could be said, much of the modern feminist message altogether). To the growing number of feminists (and their many male and female sympathizers who prefer not to use that label) who question the worth of the male gender in the wake of their supposed progress, I pose the following concerns:
1. Who built the advanced Western society you live in?
And when I refer to the act of “building”, I mean to describe the crafting of the laws and the actual physical establishment of a working, governable polity with all of the freedoms and liberties you now take for granted.
Who is it that, having built this society, has stood and still stands between you and that violent developing world you see on TV where the women aren’t allowed to drive, real rape culture is the norm and children still die at rapid rates?
2. Who keeps the society you live in going?
Who puts up and maintains the buildings you walk in and out of, the big suburban homes you fantasize about, the roads you (incompetently) drive on? Who keeps the power on and the (clean) water flowing?
Who is responsible for getting all of that fresh seafood to the table in that fancy urban restaurant you consider yourself so special for being able to frequent every week, or for farming the contents of your latest vegan diets?
And those clothes you wear (and spend exorbitant amounts of money on), who is responsible for getting them to you? I mean, we might as well go all out: who is largely responsible for developing and expanding the textile industry in the first place?
3. Who crafted the laws that allow you to enjoy the liberties that are denied to the vast majority of women on Earth?
Who wrote, sponsored, and actually made legal the likes of Title IX and other laws designed to mandate equality between the sexes and bring you up to the level you enjoy today?
4. Who enforces these laws, and ensures that the liberties and freedoms you take for granted aren’t ripped from you by physical force?
5. Who protects you and your children?
Aside from law enforcement, who does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to saving the free world or launching some sort of operation in a distant, undesirable part of the planet all for the sake of protecting the economic interests of your country so you can enjoy the cheap consumer products and reality TV you so desperately need?
Even more importantly, to which gender do those whose lives are most often sacrificed in the name of your safety (and “empowerment”) generally belong?
6. Who actually makes everything?
Who engineers, designs and builds the Iphones, laptops, blackberries and other devices you can’t live without? Who develops the Facebook, Instagram, Myspace and Twitter that you spend all day gossiping, attention-whoring, and otherwise bullshitting on? Who creates the Youtube for you to show off your twerk videos and share your latest views on how useless and/or silly you think men are?
Who develops the film technology (cameras, 3D, etc) you use to get on TV (also a male invention) or the big screen (once again, male invention) and go on and on about how independent you are?
7. Who made “bad” men so valuable?
Feminists often complain about the existence of aggressive, risk-taking, and sometimes violent men being an issue that society must deal with. This concern is part of what keeps their movements active and relevant, as it provides a viable “threat” for them to shout about.
Yet in their rush to neuter the male gender in the name of public safety, they fail to recognize the source of this threat, which is an internal one.
Who is it that men are trying to impress by acquiring more wealth at any cost, or subjugating the next guy/nation, making decisive and often difficult/controversial decisions, or taking the undue risk and being the often disagreeable go-getter? Who is it that rewards the men who are most successful in these endeavours by giving them the enhanced chance of siring progeny?
Feminism points the finger at men, but they do not drive these developments. Women, many of them self-proclaimed feminists, do this themselves via their own free-will.
Like children, those feminists who further anti-male arguments see a limited picture and attempt to draw a full conclusion. In this limited picture, they run shit: they’re more educated than men, they can reproduce without marrying a man, and they are even beginning to out-earn men.
Their problem? If you broaden the scope to see the full picture, you’ll realize that they only enjoy these privileges and advantages because of men. Every small, progressive step they take exists at the pleasure of men who craft these pro-feminist/equality laws and principles, enforce said laws/principles, and fight to ensure that nobody else infringes upon them and sends these women back to the sexist supposed “stone age” of gender relations (which still persists across most of the planet).
Every little privilege they get to enjoy as a result of this (dominance in higher education, increasing dominance in professional fields, increasingly higher incomes) is therefore actually provided at the pleasure of men, who also make sure that all the tools they take for granted (electricity, the internet, roadways, clubs, etc) are there and ready for use.
If men disappear or are otherwise marginalized as a whole, then so will go the progress of the “empowered” woman whose existence and persistence is largely a product of male effort. The empowerment that provides the fuel for the anti-male condescension of certain feminists is in itself a product of men, and will not continue to exist without their continued work and investment.
Like a child, the anti-male feminist sees the end result of this male effort and ignores all that came before it, assuming that the end product she enjoys is all there is. Her mind is too limited to see what goes into providing all of that, and so she instead attacks those responsible for providing it.
Unfortunately, as is often the case with children, she will probably only learn the hard way.
Read Next: Decreasing Marriage Rate Is Hurting Feminism
Absolutely brilliant.
Agreed, excellent.
The pictures say a thousand words as always. Athlone you brilliant readable mofo.
Men are often a bit fuzzy about where goods and services come from, but women by nature are almost unable even to comprehend the question, never mind answering it correctly. Nobody needs to think about that, because men take care of it.
That works fine as long as women don’t have enough power to interfere in the process. When they do, they’ll keep right on assuming that whatever they do, the buck will always stop with some man, somewhere, who’ll make everything OK. Somehow.
Same as in a relationship: let a girl make decisions, she’ll take that a s your permission to do whatever insane shit feels good for her at the moment. She will never do what’s best for both of you — unless she’s in awe of you and thinks uou’re testing her loyalty. In which case what makes her feel good at the moment will be trying to anticipate what pleases you.
Might as well pile on…brilliant once again. I bet you go to Yale.
This is in general a western problem, and specifically an American one. We all know about the rapidly declining value of American women, however far as I can see, the American male still has arguably the highest SMV in the world. Do American girls have any hint of that reality?
Great article.
I often find it amusing to point out the Orwellian nature of the word “empowerment” whenever I manage to get sucked in to those ridiculous types of arguments. (Read: as little as possible.)
True power cannot be given, it can only be taken.
If someone has “empowered” you, that means they have allowed you to use a bit of their power. Rest assured, that will only continue so long as you use it in ways they approve of.
Yes, empowering others is nice, but saying someone should seek power sounds bad. Of course you can’t empower someone who doesn’t want it, so really it amounts to a claim that people should be power-seeking. Then feminism bitches about unequal power when someone attains it.
Feminist whine and cry that they want something, and then bitch and complain when it’s given to them?
The hell you say.
These ironies are supported by four primary phenomena:
1) Apex Fallacy – thanks to hypergamy, feminists see only highly visible apex alphas
2) The Glass Cellar – feminists don’t see the beta males beneath their feet; the ones who take outsize risks, labor ceaselessly, and receive scraps for their efforts
3) Unbridled Credentialism – women get unsustainable resource extraction from beta males by simply following the herd long enough to get otherwise worthless pieces of paper (a degree or a marriage certificate)
4) Feminine Imperative – Cost-free, beta-supported, and state-enforced female delusion means they can spin that hamster without consequences
Awesome article, and these four points are absolutely fucking incredibly insightful.
Women will never appreciate so much as the roof over their heads, that at some point some nameless guy who means nothing to her put it there, until it comes crashing down on her head.
And one day it will…
Alex: “… the American male still has arguably the highest SMV in the world. Do American girls have any hint of that reality?”
Not yet. But the market will not tollerate an extended price/value mismatch. Wiley Coyote-esque distortions cannot last much longer.
Feminism is the apex of the spoiled brat Western woman syndrome.
With all the crap going on about that gang rape in India right now, feminists on Twitter are saying that as bad as that is, we here in America have no right to judge other cultures on how they treat women.
I’d love for one of those cunts to say that to some poor Pakistani girl who’s just had acid thrown in her face because she dared to leave the house uncovered.
“Feminism is the apex of the spoiled brat Western woman syndrome.”
I totally agree, and I’ve thought of the perfect way to deal with the spoiled brat Western feminist woman: Spanking Day! There should be a mass spanking of these woman-brats who want to subjugate our gender by the very men they hate.
Fuck that abandon them and let them try to fight ISIL alone.
I read this article and agree with it…but, given the state of how our laws favor women (especially in anti-family court), I’ve can’t help but interpret it as, “Men are Slaves”.
Slaves had built and maintained ancient Roman state and society as laborers, engineers, teachers, librarians…
Simply, they were resources for exploitation by their masters.
And did not receive any “thanks” nor mention in history, they are nonexisting. Ignorant, lazy and decadent ruling domineering class is what counts.
Bet they were thinking same things as here about their masters 🙂
I doubt slaves “empowered” anyone, that is where the comparison breaks down.
Stupendous piece Athlone! I’m going to forward it to a few girls and guys I know. Thank for taking the time to put this brilliantly eloquent piece.
¨Many are bold enough to consider the end of men, or question the necessity of the male gender in its entirety, suggesting that the pace of female empowerment has rendered the male of the species obsolete or, at a bare minimum, pushed him into a position of objectively lower value than his female peer.¨
Your arguments in favor of the value of men are good. Though, what I would like to see get more exposure is flipping the script on women to show their hypocrisy.
If, and that´s a big if, men are now of traditionally lower value, what of women´s traditional value?
¨Like children, those feminists who further anti-male arguments see a limited picture and attempt to draw a full conclusion. In this limited picture, they run shit: they’re more educated than men, they can reproduce without marrying a man, and they are even beginning to out-earn men.¨
We have to do some real contortions to fit ourselves into their framing. So, men are of lower traditional value?, yet women are proclaiming superiority in the contemporary frame. And as I see it, women are utter failures at their traditional roles; and they can´t all hide behind Michelle Dugger´s skirt( an extreme example) to claim otherwise.
¨Their problem? If you broaden the scope to see the full picture, you’ll realize that they only enjoy these privileges and advantages because of men. Every small, progressive step they take exists at the pleasure of men who craft these pro-feminist/equality laws and principles, enforce said laws/principles, and fight to ensure that nobody else infringes upon them and sends these women back to the sexist supposed “stone age” of gender relations (which still persists across most of the planet).¨
As the American or Western model continues to self-destruct, the ¨stone age¨ of gender relations will continue to power ahead.
why the picture change? good article though
Many guys read this site at work.
Yeah, hadn’t considered that. My bad.
Can’t agree more, it’s the females who both construct and denigrate the bad boy.
Brilliant and so spot on!
Thank you Athlone
doesnt matter how much you give to a woman, they will never be satisfied….wierd thing is american women have everything and are less happy and less satisifed than woman from other nations(even some poor ones too)
women shouldnt be drivin.they dangerous..saudis have got that right
o and those clothes that they love so much an well done make up are made by gay men
the best chefs are men too
women are sucking at their own traditional roles
to take a quote from the movie “the dictator” a woman goin to school is like seein a monkey on roller skates…they dont care but we find it funny(they tend to study the useless courses instead of STEM courses)
Co-sign 100% women don’t invent or create(save babies) they can barely maintain the status quo in the male-created structures where leadership gets handed to them. With all safety nets we have for them I’m frankly baffled when I see homeless women.
Women ride through life on training wheels some guys made for them Guys walk, barefoot.
Women. They’ll actually take credit for all the things men have envisioned, designed, built, maintained, and defended by brazenly asserting their superior intellect and stating that the reason women didn’t do all those things is that brutish men oppressed women since the beginning of time.
Ask a woman to how she can build an iPhone and wait to be entertained. A pencil? LOL
I can’t even find a woman how knows how to cook.
i was thinking the exact same thing. i know one woman that can cook. thats my bottom bitch. lol
we are expendable? bull shit. give me a pocket pussy and the world goes on as normal. it would suck, but it would last.
give a woman a vibrator and soon enough the batteries run out with nobody to make replacements. and then the world will crumble.
its the broads that are expendable. and the day a man realizes that (not the world, just you) his life begins to kick ass again.
I made the mistake of bringing up the fact that men make everything at the dinner table whilst visiting my dad and stepmother.
They vehemently disagreed. Yet they couldn’t cite one manufactured or constructed item within view (we were outside) that wasn’t made predominantly with men’s labor.
When I asked them to explain the discrepancy, my father said “It’s because women are discriminated against!” to the approving look of my stepmother. Really, there was nothing more to say at this point.
It was then that I realized my father is a mangina. (hangs head)
Crap, just read about the third. Tomorrow I will finish and share. Fantastic.
Good point. One other thing is why are women pushing for equal representation at board level but never asking why dirty jobs such as street sweepers, sewer workers, bricklayers, etc are entirely male.
If the day comes when women actually do these jobs in equal numbers to men I will become a feminist.
I mostly agree with this…I hate how western women constantly bring up trivial past and present examples of privileged white women being snubbed in some boring way. Example: a facebook post from a feminist friend complained about Niagara Falls being sexist because the first person to go over said falls, in a barrel, was a woman, not a man (as originally reported)…but this fact was kept secret because women weren’t considered heroic enough looking. This happened over 100 years ago… But this same Feminist FBfriend has never ever posted anything about the plight of women and their severed genitalia in contemporary Africa, or typed a peep about how US military MEN keeps the Taliban from beheading women who dare to learn to read.
I agree that women have forgotten the value of men…because, just like the electricity supply, it’s working best when you don’t realize it’s working at all. But I can’t rule out the possibility that modern educated women couldn’t reproduce the industrial revolution if asked.
Take it this way : As described in this article virility is what makes you build things, fight for your causes, for freedom etc… It is what makes you take actions. It is the seed crafted into each revolution. Virility is dangerous. It is very interesting to destroy virility for the few that actually rule the world and who want to keep the power. Besides, true men are not great consumers. True men put utility above style. So it’s interesting to turn everyone into a childish woman. In fact feminism is more about emasculating men in order to easily keep the power and sell bullshits than about women equality. Ahah. It reminds me of rosh’s article about pleasing our multiples “massa”.
Who didn’t abort you so you could actually publish this drivel?
The truth hurts…like a bamboo sliver under a fingernail, does it not?
The truth does hurt, that’s probably why you refuse to face it and instead hold up crap like this in such high esteem.
I see I hit a nerve.
How do you quote someone like that, Athlone?
Who impregnated your mom so that you could turn out to be fucking retarded?
Who raised you to believe that how you’re acting right now is ok?
My favorite thing about this attitude is that the things you guys bring up are largely done by WHITE men….but you don’t dare sit back and say, “See, white people are superior,” because you know you’d get your asses beaten if you did. Yet, somehow, if it’s against women, everyone stands back and goes, “Oh well…it’s free speech….” You’re lucky feminists are as forgiving of you as they are!
I’m too lazy to look up the numbers but nowadays most technology/creative advances come from Asian nations. Look at how the Koreans are kicking everyone’s ass in the auto industry.
And labor, farming, anything that’s awfully physical and exhausting… Mexicans and people of South American roots.
As a whole, white people don’t drive a majority of things anymore.
Man, why does someone always have to race-troll Athlone’s articles?
Race doesn’t detract from the main point here. Because even if you look at races separately, it’s still men who accomplished almost everything within that group. Just about all Chinese inventions were still created by Chinese men. The stone ruins of Zimbabwe were built by men, the ancient Mayan pyramids were build by men. Sure, some groups have invented vastly more than others, but one theme is consistent, it’s always the men who are the main contributors within each culture.
Thank u speakeasy for contributing that bit of info
It looks like I will need to clarify the actual content of my post for you since it is clear that you did not read and/or comprehend it.
The post begins by pointing out a growing tendency among some feminists to claim that men are obsolete, dispensable, and generally no longer useful. A couple of writers are cited to provide examples of these arguments.
I respond by arguing for the indispensability of men by pointing out the dominant role they play in building, defending and maintaining civilization that those who consider them obsolete benefit from and take for granted.
I did not argue that men were superior, as your statement implies that I did. I argued that they were much more important in the grand scheme of things than an increasingly large number of feminists are willing to give them credit for. In essence, I argued for the indispensability of the male gender, not the superiority.
Secondly, your focus on white men with regards to the things I brought up in this post is quite misguided, as non-whites play a very crucial role at each level.
The manufacturing of western society as we know it was heavily dependent on cheap non-white labor and human capital. There’s Point 1.
The little things that keep that society going today (I noted the manufacture and maintenance of buildings, roads, etc) are often performed by non-whites, disproportionately so in fact. There’s Point 2.
Much of the modern legislation relating to equality was made possible by the largely minority-led civil rights movement. There’s Point 3.
Minorities are quite substantially involved in law enforcement and in the military, among other crucial defensive organizations. There’s Points 4 and 5.
Much of the modern engineering our society takes advantage of is put forward by non-white immigrants (Africans, East Asians, etc). There’s Point 6.
In short, you don’t really have the grounds to try to establish the analogy you want to build here. Your statements depends upon the notion that whites did (and still do) just about all of the heavy lifting I mentioned in this society, and that simply isn’t the case. Add speakeasy’s point to this and your arguent, quite frankly, sinks.
We’re not in need of their forgiveness. They don’t have any intellectual or moral high ground from which to grant it. If their analytical skills are at all approximate to those you have displayed in this comment (and I suspect that this is indeed often the case), then we’ve quite frankly got nothing to worry about.
“In essence, I argued for the indispensability of the male gender, not the superiority.”
with the subtle message of “who makes everything possible?” in between all those lines, this being the basic conclusion appears suprisingly modest.
And that is what I loved about it!
The fact that you would get push back really shows what a lot of the modern feminist movement is all about, labeling us as parasites that need to be eliminated.
Great article, you had me laughing all the way, cheers up mate, this is BRILLIANT comedy, keep up the good work!
Now do one about zombies, 😀
Great piece, Athlone! This site is becoming the anti-Jezebel. In fact I hope this article gets linked to on Jezebel so they can all read it and weep.
The reality is that men don’t NEED women for anything other than sexual fulfillment and raising their children. And if you are a gay man, well hell I guess you need women for absolutely *nothing*, lol. But for real man, the world turns because of the hard work of men. Women have been ALLOWED to play a bigger role and get a bigger piece of the pie, but without men providing the infrastructure to make that happen, this world would look nothing like it does today. There was a recent article out of the UK about a woman that started an all female company and all they did was act catty and internally fight with each other. Feminist should stop reviling men and be grateful that we exist. For their lifestyle would not be possible without us.
In looking at the photos posted above I noticed something that was invented by a man…….invented for women. The soldiers sport this item for their utilitarian purposes. Construction workers used it to help build of our buildings…..in fact sit has many uses. The first use however was to solve a problem. Like many great inventions it started out as a problem. Items are invented to provide a solution to these problems. The item is KNEE PADS……and they were repurposed for rugged work but originally had an entirely different use. Women…..including feminists have holes. 3 holes to be exact, one for shitting….one for fucking….and one for speaking. The hole for fucking makes them sing and be pleasurable to be around. The hole for speaking makes them annoying, and the other one….we all know what it’s for but you can interpret that yourself what it’s for.
The hole for speaking was the problem, as well as carpet burns and hurt knees. They would give us blow jobs and as a result they used their mouths to bitch about the pain of the floor and the knee burns. The sucking part was good….the bitching part…….PROBLEM. Men solved this for them. We came up with knee pads. This led to more blow jobs….less hurt knees and if a woman has a dick in her mouth she can’t talk….especially if its in there deep. Men invented knee pads to get more head….get women to not speak, and get pleasure….Men are so good to women. The repurpose was just a bonus
Let’s hope that three years later you’ve realized how awful this comment is.
The funniest part about this is you menfolk fail to realize you’ve been used.
But you’re cute, I’ll say that for you!
(Mostly, I am kidding, but seriously, do you think any of these accomplishments would have been possible without the contributions of women, as well? Really, the relationship between the sexes has been far more symbiotic than misandrists and misogynists alike fail to recognize. I say the war between the sexes should end, and, as we do between cultures, recognize and celebrate the diversity that each sex brings to the table.)
What putrid vagina are all these girl trolls coming from?
The Bat Cave!
Is that what I actually said?
Read the article over carefully one more time and, once you have done this, examine this comment.
Yes, they absolutely would have been, and most of them were/are.
Not like you would know anything about it, though.
This kind of fluffy language might get you an A in women’s studies courses in college, but you realize that a phrase like “recognize and celebrate the diversity that each sex brings to the table” doesn’t mean much.
I agree with you Angel rider. Women certainly have contributed to man’s success.
Without that boner you gave me, I wouldn’t have been motivated enough to to get my ass out bed this morning, build that cell phone tower you use to sext me (or insert any real job that actually oils and fuels the machine that runs our modern daily existence), and use my earnings to get you to help me with my boner.
PS. If you were serious and not a troll, you would have picked a better name than angel rider. Sounds very James Bondish…Honey Rider = Angel Rider. *Sigh* You girls make it so hard for us to take you seriously.
That’s exactly what we are trying to do silly,
but you to are cute I’ll give you that much.
You can’t take everything you want, and then tell us we are waging a battle of the sexes when we refuse to give you something that isn’t fair to ask of us.
The problem with modern women is that they want a ‘strong man, yet someone who is willing to supplicate to the women they are with’.
It’s a typical struggle in many a woman’s brain (Experiencing this through my sister having gone through various failed relationships/marriage)
Because of female empowerment, women are lead to believe that they’re as strong as men and think they can control the men they are with. And this is why Game has become what it now is in modern society as it’s a way for Men to stand up against this new female empowerment.
Because of my new found knowledge, i can now see why my sister’s relationship always end up in failure, because while she desires control, she naturally isn’t going with her true nature as a woman which results in anger, frustration from her man and her man ending up in resentment, leading to an eventual breakup.
It angers me when a man in the relationship looks over at his woman and jokingly saying – ‘Yep, she’s the boss’… NO SHE ISN’T!
Maybe it’s time more men start growing a pair of balls and standing up to all of these women (My sister included)
All good and well, but she has the pussy, and we want it,,,,hard to fight against that!
unless your willing to rape.
The worst thing about this chorus of man hating are the male sycophants tooting the feminist horn. It’s expected that a washed up hag like Hanah Rosin will write about the end of men. But then you get these super betas, like Greg Hampkian, writing that second BetaTimes article you linked to. They even used this guy as a talking head DNA expert, for a local news story, defending Amanda Knox.
Men in beta occupations have have always suffered from a lack of social grace and awareness due to the solitary nature of their disciplines. I once passed on taking an Intro to JavaScript in college, because the first thing that came out of the TA’s mouth, “you will need to put in at least 20 hours of work each week to pass this class.”
But there was a time when betas didn’t supplicate to women like they do now. Back in the Mad Men era and before, betas still had their social ineptitude, but they at least carried an alpha’s attitude towards women.
In the last season Mad Men, Harry Crane, the show’s resident beta, gets lured into a Hare Krishna sect, by former coworker Paul Kinsey and his slutty Krishna girlfriend. He fucks her on his office desk, shames her, gets slapped in face, and throws her out with a grin on face.
Mad Men is a work of fiction, but the way its written has sense of truth to it. To survive as a beta you gotta be ready for whatever opportunity comes your way, get the bang quickly, and move on. There’s point in reflection, unless you are thinking on how get a better bang. We think too much and let women get inside our heads. That’s why men evolved to have little emotion. Just keep it moving.
“Like children, those feminists who further anti-male arguments see a limited picture and attempt to draw a full conclusion. In this limited picture, they run shit: they’re more educated than men, they can reproduce without marrying a man, and they are even beginning to out-earn men.”
I could not have said it any better. And the sad thing is that I guarantee every feminist reading this took everything with a grain of salt and probably won’t even read the whole thing.
I’ll see your “bad boy” complaint and raise you the entire Madonna/Whore complex.
Also, this title needs to be called “The Ironies of Man-Hating Women”, not fucking Female Empowerment.
“I’ll see your “bad boy” complaint and raise you the entire Madonna/Whore complex.”
Female hypergamy is not equivalent to male sexuality. The Madonna/Whore complex is a fundamentally distinct phenomenon with its own problems.
“Also, this title needs to be called “The Ironies of Man-Hating Women”, not fucking Female Empowerment.”
I’m discussing a model of female empowerment lionized by those “man-hating women”, and undermining a few of the key claims they make with regard to it. The title is perfectly appropriate.
Yes, because MEN do everything! There aren’t actually any capable women who have advanced science and technology in anyway, have there?
Not that many, no. Attempt to refute at your pleasure 😉
go on, name those great women. (inb4 Curie)
Well first of all Hypatia, the ancient greek mathemetician, Florence Nightingale (revolutionized healthcare), Lise Meitner (discovered nuclear fission!) Rosalind Franklin (DNA research), Ada Lovelace (created the first algorithm), Mary Anning (groundbreaking discoveries in palaeontology, Mary Somerville . . . to name a few . . . not to mention a groundbreaking science fiction writer like Mary Shelley.
she is actually quite right, but what she forgets is that it pales in comparison to the list of men, listing the female heros really is a matter of ” hey these people did something to!!!!” and acting like I should seriously pretend that it was anything more than a 1 for every 10 kind of deal. You also forgot Annie jump cannon.
Mary Shelley’s book was in an unpublishable form originally. It took extensive editing from her much more talented husband — Percy Bysshe Shelley, the poet — to get it anywhere publication. The other women you’ve named have, similarly, all stood on the shoulders of men. They’ve done fuck all on their own.
They do everything except give birth?
If having genitals is your huge accomplishment then I think you just made our point.
The argument feminists up here in Canada usually make: “well, if woman weren’t suppressed for such a long time by men throughout human history, we could’ve accomplished the exact same things men have done. And it wouldn’t have all the violence and wars in the world.”
This was one of the most horrfic, mysognistic, non-sensical and steriotypical articles that has ever been wriiten. I am appalled that this is what men of today think. Educate yourselves before you publish your idiocy.
Yep. Lets scream misogyny like an idiot and not refute anything.
Typical feminist.
Couldn’t agree more with duke of hazard.
GUYS- this is a classic
example of cognitive dissonance, An idea entered her head and she
couldn’t handle it, and so now shes lashing out without any real thought
behind it. Calling anyone that disagrees with her narrow view an idiot and suggesting they shouldn’t be allowed to speak, without herself having to go through the hassle of making any kind of real point (because if she did it might be easily refuted).
The point of the article is true; if you go to any
construction yard, any airport, any sea port, any construction zone, any
highway, you will find that 80-90% of the people working are men, and
half of the women there look like men anyway. In other-words, men or women
with manly qualities literally built and defended from the ground up, the
entire culture that this woman lives in, and takes for granted every day, and her
idea of gratitude is hatred to anyone who wants that fact recognized.
We are not trying to take your right to vote, stop calling yourself a feminist. We are asking to not be treated like we were parasites in the very society that we built and still to this day maintain. Maybe your the parasite.
Why don’t you look UP from your iPhone for once (or take a break from taking spandex selfies to get countless “Likes” from schmucktard manginas) and educate us yourself then, Lady Einstein?
Boo hoo! Cry me a river!
Most fallacious rebuttal ever……
Someone was called a “race troll” for pointing out the obvious.
By and large, all these inventions were in fact pioneered by WHITE MEN. The role played by non-white men was a supporting/laborer role. Exactly the same way that women have played a supporting role in white men’s achievements. In exactly the same way that you can put a black man in a white-founded college, educate him in white man’s methods, drop him into a management position at a company founded, built, and sustained by white male ingenuity, and he will proudly proclaim that he’s an integral reason that the company is succesful! It’s the EXACT SAME THING.
The chinese don’t innovate shit anymore, nor does any other asian country. What they do is take WHITE MAN inventions, and steal the patents, then come up with ways to make them more efficient – AKA Cheaper. This is typically accomplished with a system of forced slave labor where millions of beta males work for peanuts.
This is why full ingestion of the red pill necessarily leads to a rejection of PC multi-cultural marxism. The same ideas and lies are propagated to make us except multi-culti. Merely swap out “woman” for “non-white” and it’s all IDENTICAL.
They were called out because they were wrong, particularly in the context of this argument. Let us examine each of my points.
Men of multiple races fit this category. The actual physical establishment of the US was done in large part by non-white hands, and many of the laws women of all races now rely on are the product of non-white male effort (ex: feminism piggybacking off of the civil rights movement).
Here I refer to the work done to keep this society going that often goes unrecognized, including construction, road maintenance, shipping, and a host of other things.
Non-whites figure prominently here, and actually always have in american history.
These were mostly white men, though many non-white men also played a role in creating the pressure that moved these laws forward (I mentioned the civil rights movement that white feminists piggybacked).
Non-white men are disproportionately represented in this category (law enforcement and the military), and actually have been for some time.
There are plenty of non-whites (I’m thinking particularly of Asians) playing a large role here. You also have a black man to thank for modern 3D technology.
It isn’t, really. Aside from all that I mentioned above (non-whitemen figure into most of the dynamics I listed), the fact is that the distinction I’m mentioning transcends race. Males do most of the heavy lifting and building of society, whether that society is Asian, African or Native American.
Regardless, the fact is that their innovations form a large part of the foundation that Western Europe used to create its current advantage. That needs to be noted if you’re to insist on continuing this rant about white superiority and who deserves credit for what-European civilization as we know it is based upon foundations of Eastern knowledge (ex: algebra).
Only to the most ignorant.
I got to this article from another one, and was going to say something about what Bogart said about minorities using the argument of what would happen without oppression. But I’m glad I kept reading. Cause you already did that, and did it so well.
“What they do is take WHITE MAN inventions, and steal the patents, then come up with ways to make them more efficient – AKA Cheaper”…. well – I don’t know about “take” – one example: Cisco Systems [the back bone of internet hardware] moved their entire manufacturing base to China about 15 years ago. Backward engineering isn’t exactly ‘taking’ when the blue prints are handed over to the most notorious counterfeiters in the world.
Just to clarify my position:
The concept that the “worker bee” or “proletariat” is more integral and fundamental to the success of an economy than the leaders, innovators, inventors, and logisticians, is the entire basis for marxism.
It’s this false belief that has allowed for feminism to spring forth. The misguided idea that without the oppression of the patriarchy, women would have accomplished everything men did and then some.
Minorities use the same exact argument, as do white blue-collar and lower-class proles with an envious chip on their shoulder. “If not for me leaning on this shovel all day, my rich boss wouldn’t have a penny!”.
With that attitude, you develop a murderous envious rage toward your imagined white male tormentors. In fact, every shortcoming you have, every lack you experience, can be directly laid at their oppressive feet! How great that must feel to have such a built-in readymade excuse to whip out every time you fail to live up to high standards.
It’s a very misguided and cancerous attitude that hollows out an economy over time, as we all agree it is doing in Western countries at the present time. The liberal idea of wealth redistribution is founded on this marxist principle.
We are all about unpleasant facts here so let’s not avoid the obvious just because it makes us squeamish.
Honestly, no. Most of us care much less about you than we think. The notion that we maintain some form of murderous rage towards white people simply because they are white is a bogus byproduct of ignorant white nationalist ideology.
Yes, facts. Let us know when you find some.
With all due respect, you know a fuck about Marxism.
Innovators and inventors spend their efforts on innovating and inventing. Simple. No brilliant innovator and inventor wastes his time on counter-productive tasks such as accumulating wealth through theft or exploitation of his fellow man.
Dude, you are a fuckin’ idiot. Marxism is not about the redistribution of wealth. Its final goal is the socialization of land and education. The true source of wealth.
In the future human reproduction will be done preferably with artificial wombs (incubators) cause it’ll be safer, more convenient, remove the burden of pregnancy, and produce healthier, superior offspring with no birth-defects.
So natural pregnancy will become backwards and outdated.
The assumption that all feminists are man-haters is like the assumption that all Muslims are terrorists – it’s conveniently defining a school of thought by it’s most extreme section. As to the rest of these claims I feel like I need to just name drop. Just think about every brilliant, pioneering woman from before Hildegard of Bingen, to after Simone de Beauvoir, from Marie Curie, to Queen Elizabeth I to Margaret Thatcher, Rosalind Franklin, Jane Austen, Violette Szabo, Virginia Woolf, Betty Friedan, Florence Nightingale, Dorothy Parker, Gertrude Stein the Brontaes and Emmeline Pankhurst, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, the great British novelist George Eliot who wrote under a pseudonym, musicians like Edith Piaf and Clara Schumann . . . and all the innovative, brilliant women I can’t fit into this small message . . .these women were geniuses, and they helped build the society we live in the same way male leaders did, for better or for worse. Only they had to fight against a structure that did not favor them trying to do the things they did. Men did not ‘let’ them succeed. They were helped and hindered by both men and women and in the end they succeeded on their own merits, despite living in a suffocating patriarchy.
The assumption that a list of 50 women after two hundred years of progress driven by half a million men who did just as much Is insulting to anyone who has any real intelligence. Again with the ” i can name a woman to!!!” non sense. If two women went to Vietnam I can already see you saying “Women went to Vietnam!!! You have to say men AND women now!!!”
“The assumption that all feminists are man-haters is like the assumption
that all Muslims are terrorists – it’s conveniently defining a school of
thought by it’s most extreme section.”
Feminists, of both moderate and man-hating types, have no problem assuming all men are rapists.
But who gave birth to the men?
who got them pregnant?
First of all your using the term Feminist entirely wrong. Your implication is that Feminism= Females Superior to males, which it is not (that’s Feminazism). I think you makes some valid points against feminazis. But I think there is an element of sexism that pervades the whole list portion of the article. First of all to say that women are only “allowed” to be empowered by men in the modern age is ridiculous. I mean yes its true that most of our politicians are male, however in saying that at any time males could revert to “stone age sexism” is pretty stupid. “Stone age Sexism” applied because of the physicality of men being superior in general for warfare. Which allowed them to make the rules. Even looking at warfare today that no longer really applies to the mechanized and firearm based solider we have. The physicality of men and women are essentially equal when it comes to being soldiers, the only real difference being how much more a male can carry and the unlikely situation of close quarters combat. Its also blatantly offensive to me to call compare feminists to children. And putting aside the few points you make about how a female only society would be generally unsuccessful, many of your arguments are unsupported generalizations at best.
Overall 2/10
Sorry honey but testosterone is a needed ingredient in the aggressive behavior needed to conquer and oppress some one. You would figure that a feminist of all people would know that. We have what it take to throw down and commit genocide, you have the ability to throw down and hold up a fucking sign. Don’t bother sugar coating that obvious fact just because you feel insecure about the obvious.
I can’t believe that article from the Nytimes you posted in the beginning. This guy needs to shut the fuck up and lose his job. This ass kissing is killing me : writing an entire article in an attempt to prove that women are better than men. How can he write that bullshit without a straight face? I still can’t believe what I read.
just shut up and die. one of the shittiest, most unnecessary blog posts on the internet. after fucking assholes who are loving hitler.
I doubt you’re male, and I doubt you’re much of a feminist either.
I am a woman and i say…FEMALE EMPOWERMENT IS A JOCK !!! We women should respect men for building this life we so much enjoy and working so hard ! Thank you men!
The real reason why there are so many single mothers is because women are simply terrible at choosing partners. They choose through peer pressure and materialistic gain instead of choosing based on personality. Time after time it is shown that men aren’t influenced by their partners achievements or monetary gain, instead of choosing for the wife with a compatible personality. Meanwhile women say they want a funny and loving husband but what they actually choose is completely different: the popular bad boy or the rich husband. Perhaps women just need some help with correcting their mistake to prevent the tragedy of so many growing up with a single mother.
Man that was an eye opener. Are women only valuable because we men were genetically designed to want to move mountains for them just so they might love us too?
Q: “How many women does it take to change a light bulb?”
A: “Two, but they don’t actually change the bulb, they just sit in the dark and bitch.”