Why Women Shouldn’t Be Encouraged To Attend University

In our age of progressiveness and modernity the pinnacle of open mindedness is seen as a fancy piece of paper saying one is educated. A degree has become just a continuation of high school, and like high school is just as useless in giving anyone knowledge in the real world. Men are shamed from doing traditional man’s work like manual labor or a trade. Women on the other hand are being shamed out of early marriage and other life-paths which maximize their innate strengths.

Women, like men, are told that they are worthless if they follow their natural drives. Blue collar men are mocked and are portrayed as lecherous, beer swilling, rednecks. Mothers are seen as little more than servants. The campaign against women is much more effective as it manipulates women through their core insecurities. Women have completely bought into this lie and are attending in numbers at ever increasing rates. On paper this sounds like a good trend, but it is far from the truth and the more women that attend higher education will mean more unhappy women.

1. They Don’t Really Want It

Women are essentially shamed into attending university. They’re pressured by parents and by society who both fear that if she does not become educated she will be a failure in life. Women are told that their happiness can only stem from spending four years regurgitating the viewpoints of biased professors, then building a career which pays well. They need a career that pays well so that they can buy the nice house with a two car garage, pay for the two weeks vacation, and eventually save for retirement. Women don’t really want this life path and they know it, but if they do not follow it they risk being ostracized by society for following their nature.

Ladies, ask yourself this, is that what you really want? Do you want to live this lie? Do you want to fight every day for someone who doesn’t have your best interest at heart? To sacrifice your precious youth so that you can submit to a corporation instead of a husband?

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2. They Become Belligerent And Argumentative

Most women don’t really want to be a full time student in the best years of their lives so once they have bought the lie they buy it on sale. They take the easy way out by studying sociology, English, or ‘women’s studies.’ The professors in these faculties are extremely biased towards feminist theory. The end product of years of cognitive dissonance, old cat-lady professors will do their best to manipulate impressionable young women into hating everything that they hate.

The gnawing sense of “this isn’t right for me” women have in their first years of university will almost be entirely silenced by the time they declare themselves a feminist. They learn the right things to say and when. They blame men for all their problems and by the end of their degree they are certified, professional, victims. With no solutions whatsoever.

It’s sad. If they had just listened to what mother nature was telling them: to marry young, have children and love to be lead by a man she would be so much happier, but by the time she is 22 the “educated” woman is broken. She is argumentative and belligerent. She will latch on to the party-approved viewpoints to gain the acceptance of the larger society. She will be unhappy.

hw 2

3. Sluts

The large portion of damaged women higher education produces is the feminist type. The second largest group of women damaged by higher education would have to be the party sluts. The feminists can also be party sluts, but historically these girls are often better looking and much better off going into school. Daddy pays for their degree in communications, and she gets an education in the language of blowjobs.

Having been taught all their lives that they should strive to achieve the same as men can, they seek to act the same way men can. These party sluts spend more time drinking and fucking than they do trying to better themselves through an education. More often than not these girls drop out after having unprotected sex with 100 men. Knowing no other life they party hard until their 30s where they hit the wall and their true desires finally bubble up through a sea of alcohol: they want children and a husband. However, it is too late, the party lifestyle has ruined their appearance, their minds and their wombs are barren. Just like the young women indoctrinated by feminism the party slut will continue the cycle and will seek to damage younger women they come across.

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All this being said there is a positive outcome for some women. Some women find themselves a husband and follow their true desires. Other women have commendable passion in a certain field and deserve far more praise than her less enthusiastic sisters. These women are usually STEM majors. They want to be a doctor because they love people, they want to challenge the dogmas of sociology, or revolutionize data manipulation in genetics. Sadly these types of women are few and far between, overshadowed by the majority of women who are shamed into being there; who ruin themselves either with toxic ideologies or years of self-destructive sluttery.

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Read Next: Why Is Rebecca Sparrow Attacking Young Moms For Staying Slim And Pretty?

239 thoughts on “Why Women Shouldn’t Be Encouraged To Attend University”

  1. Women should never be allowed to be educated. Women stop maturing mentally at age 12. What’s the use of trying to educate an overgrown child who will never mature past the mental and emotional age of 12?
    Also women are not capable of taking responsibility for their own actions, like an adult. Therefore women should not be allowed to work either, since they will just fuck up anything they are involved in.

    1. And then the economy will be ruined, seeing as women make up the vast majority of secretaries, managers, teachers, nurses etc.

      1. uh what? you must be a woman because only a woman could have written something that stupid.
        Actually you women and your HR departments are the ones destroying the American economy and driving businesses to outsource. If women were banned from work? 90 percent of these stupid lawsuits would end and then corporations would stop outsourcing in order to avoid lawsuits from stupid women.

        1. That’s entirely bullshit, but back to my point – if women aren’t allowed to work, who do you propose will make up for the lack of nurses, secretaries, teachers etc? MEN? Don’t make me laugh.

        2. Actually, men make better teachers and doctors and workers than women. This is a fact.
          You sound extremely retarded.

        3. Actually medicine is a science but unfortunately women just turn it into a pseudo science and hand out drugs like candy. Majority of psychiatrists are women, and they just hand out psychiatric drugs, Ritalin, antidepressants like it’s candy.
          The world would be a much better place if such women just didn’t exist. But hey, the majority of their patients are women, so it’s just women poisoning their fellow women, so I don’t really care. Psychiatric drugs are poison, by the way.

        4. Yeah Don Poldermans. Plenty of male doctors just making it up as they go along too. Medicine is 5%. Diet, exercise, and sanitation are the other 95% yet people get into pissing matches over doctors.

        5. No they don’t, but this idiot says that women shouldn’t be allowed in the workforce. It’s illogical. There are too many jobs that would need to be filled if women weren’t doing them and I can guarantee that men either wouldn’t want to do them or would be fucking shit at them. You just don’t get very many male nurses.

        6. Actually all those jobs have their roots in the Middle Ages. The first Hospitals were run by monks, who did the doctoring and nursing. Secretaries? Medieval Scribes, who were men. Teachers? Priest and Monks at Cathedral schools. In fact women didn’t start going into those fields en masse until the industrial revolution.

        7. No, it’s the women’s poor children who are then force fed those drugs, neutering energetic males in elementary school.
          Basically it’s just feminism’s way of controlling the next generation.

        8. Actually, I am a male nurse. Nursing was a male dominated field until the American Civil War. Florence Nightingale stated in a letter to a friend that she didn’t believe women possessed the sympathy necessary to be good nurses.
          Would men want to do these jobs: What man wants to do any job? Do the garbage men want to do their jobs? I would rather be on a beach sipping a margarita or driving a mustang on the freeway while getting a hummer. I believe that society would adapt to the change. It would require drastic changes that would be practically impossible for you or I to foresee, but it would adapt.
          Ofcourse, all of this is pointless speculation because its not going to happen.

    2. If you feminists are so much better than us, why can´t you even troll as well as we do?

  2. You guys are being too harsh. I don’t think there is anything wrong with educated women, just as long as they make sure to step back and allow men to take the top spots.
    For example a woman should attend a junior college or a local university, and should avoid law school, medical school, and other high-end careers.
    High-end careers require 8-10 years of preparation, which translates into 40 + year careers to “Pay back” the long training. Women are essentially *never* willing to work continuously for 40 years. They *always* want to quit after 10 years of career, in order to relax, have kids, or whatever.
    Society is wasting resources on a massive scale, educating women for high-end careers that the women never pay back seriously. Call it the Magniot Line of the modern world…the grand mistake that collapses our society and our economy.

    1. What’s the use in educating women in anything? Without the infrastructure created by MEN, these women would be living in mud huts. Problem is the older generation, the baby boomers, are a bunch of manginas and white knights who go around putting women on pedestals and as a result women have been artificially empowered.
      Just watch what happens once the boomers die off. Feminism will die off for the most part along with them. Fuck, the baby boomers can’t hurry up and just die off fast enough, can they? Boomers, the most worthless and selfish and immature generation to ever exist.

      1. Most boomers need to keep working until the day they day since they put all their equity into their now underwater McMansions and bimmers to keep up with the Jonses. All the while those assholes call us lazy when most graduated college with no debt or did not even have to attend college to find good paying work.

      2. Pensions are knot keeping up with inflation, a lot of boomers already have to choose between food and medications.
        A large number of them where not that healthy even 40 or 50 years ago.
        SHTF = boomer KT event.

    2. Well, frankly, these days universities are less about education and more about indoctrination anyway.

  3. Actually, let’s encourage them to infest academics. Higher education is in need of some serious change. The faster the whole rotten structure comes tumbling down, the faster something new and better can emerge. Something that values genuine education based upon critical thought and logic, instead of political indoctrination, conformism, favoritism, affirmative action and the mindless parroting of information.
    Universities these days are businesses. Education, how noble it may seem, is used as a front for a brutal money-making scheme. The day someone finds a decent way to accredit online courses, it’s game over for them. In the words of Gordon Gekko: “…in my book you either do it right or you get eliminated.”.

    1. I agree. It has nothing to do with females and males, but higher education in particular. There’s so much that kids can learn from online classes and community colleges are a much cheaper alternative. I’d tell most high school kids today to stay at home and live with mom and pop for 2-3 years after high school and study at community colleges while working part-time. Then, if it’s appropriate, transfer to a regular college for 2-3 more years. Work and study part-time to avoid student debt if necessary.

  4. The 4 stages of the emancipation of women:
    1. Women can not work.
    2. Women can work.
    3. Women must work
    4. Women must do all the work
    Honestly, I prefer that they work. Success for a man means not to wake up early, be the master of your own time, and to get to that point someone must do the dirty work. With the women in the workforce, we men can surrender to our nature: low productivity and pleasure seeking. We don’t need much, just a roof, some clothes and some money for our hobbies.
    They can get all those 9-5 office and factory jobs, their working drone model and work their asses off until they are 65, not a day more, not a day less. I am off fishing. Enjoy your cats ladies!

    1. Good in theory but to lay back and let someone else take charge will ensure that you won’t keep a woman around for any length of time. Aside from the fact that women are predominantly attracted to strong, confident, forward-moving men who have a purpose in life and know what they want, to hand over the control of things like your finances and your bills to someone else is a solid way to lose that “roof, clothes and money for your hobbies”.

      1. “Women are predominantly attracted to strong, confident, forward-moving men who have a purpose in life and know what they want”.
        This is a myth. Women today fuck bums, thugs, drug-dealers and unemployed guys who live on their mom’s basement. And the main advantage that those guys have over the regular 9-5 cubicle drones is TIME. They get to manage their time much better, they can go longer to the gym, spend more time grooming, reading, etc.
        The “strong, confident, forward-moving men who have a purpose in life and know what they want” aren’t working in an office from monday till friday selling insurances. They either have their own business, sell their own product or they have figured out a way of making money without selling their soul to a corporation.
        Let the women do the jobs. Let them work. Never interrupt them while they work.

        1. This is 100 percent true. Back when I was a bit of an unemployed bum type, I had no problem with women. Women were coming on to me without me making any effort whatsoever.
          As for you faggots who sell your souls to a corporation? Women sense that you are NOT a real man because you’re a spineless faggot. Any man willing to sell his soul to a corporation is a worthless subhuman.
          You beta fags keep working at your corporations and paying taxes. We real men will keep spending our free time improving ourselves, working out, focusing on spirituality, and just living a fun life, and we will have no problem attracting hot women, in fact we attract them without effort, while you beta losers can’t even attract a fat ugly woman.
          Fucking beta faggots.

        2. QUOTE: “Women today fuck bums, thugs, drug-dealers and unemployed guys who live in their mom’s basement. ”
          The only caveat is that said bum, thug has to be a real and genuine piece of shit.

        3. There is one more advantage these guys have. Women see them as “guys” not workplace competitors. We all underestimate what it’s like for women today who were raised basically as boys and taught to be in competition with boys in school then hearing about the (fictional) pay gap. That doesn’t go away. Hence, they avoid the guy in the nearby cubicle vying for the same big office and take to the guy who is a guy, not a co-worker. The only way out of this is to go blue collar, where the male-female labor division is more, er, divided and women and men are not as clearly in competition,

        4. A little harsh, but well-said nonetheless. If some stupid beta guy is stuck in the 1950s and thinks he’s gonna be Wally Cleaver and be some fucking ‘johnny-on-the-spot’ corporate slave…then let him. See how fast his meaningless life passes him by. Real men plot their own course in life, and disregard all the drone idiots who parrot the same nonsense about ‘needing’ to get a ‘real’ job and other such bullshit. Life is far too short to sell-out to women and corporations.

        5. No, that is the only real problem, they are not at all that keen to work, they can always get their satellites to do the hardest parts for them.
          Let the feminists set-up even more “positive discrimination”, they will have to either swim or sink, while those who innovate can give orders pwning those who are completely reactive.
          Hard-working ones doesn´t have that much energy to be bitches, now do they?

        6. Well said but practical problems remain. Blue collar jobs don’t pay anywhere near what white collar jobs pay unless you are willing to work in very rough, remote conditions. Not for everyone. How am I supposed to train MMA, hit the gym 7 days a week and procure expensive young hookers working on a floating oil rig? As a doctor, lawyer, engineer or finance guy I have a day to day lifestyle that is simply not available to blue collar guys in my income bracket, the small % that exist.

        7. I want a man who is just as ambitious and intellectual as I am. Bums, drug dealers, and unemployed dudes aren’t on my level of success. Sorry.

        8. Nice guy living in mom’s basement is the equivalent to the hot chick that constantly compares you to her dad. Creepy.

    2. This really is a great comment. Now that women work and pay taxes, we men have the freedom to do what we please, focus on self improvement and so on.
      Feminism was the best thing to ever happen to men. It liberated MEN from being women’s slaves.
      Now a man has the freedom and free time to pursue his hobbies. For example, I am going to spend 6 months in India doing meditation and yoga and spiritual shit. If I was married and had to work to support some fucking woman, I’d never have the time or opportunity to focus on my own life, especially spiritual life.
      So yea, feminism is awesome, it liberated men from being slaves to women and work.

      1. Totally true. The stuff that I’ve been able to accomplish without a leech sucking my wallet dry has been astounding.

        1. Yeah guys shouldn’t even think about getting serious with a chick until he’s in his mid forties, freedom for a man in this world is everything. A few of my friends have got married in recent years and their wives are about the same age, it’s no surprise that they all got married around the 30 mark as their wives get nearer the wall I feel sorry for these blue pill friends of mine their girls weren’t the best to start with and I can only imagine how bad they will look in 10 years time.

      2. I wish that you will realize during your meditation, that it feels bad being called “some fucking woman”.
        I wish you a good journey.
        From a fellow meditator

        1. Good point. He should have written, “…work to support some woman who’s never in the mood to fuck him.”

        2. Fuck off bitch this is a site for men. why do you come on to a men’s site and act like a little attention whore?

      3. All it would take is to knock one of them up accidentally, and bam, you’re off to debtor’s prison for not paying exorbitant child support fees.
        Hopefully male birth control like Vasalgel will remedy this situation.

        1. There is such a thing as male birth control. It’s called a condom. Though I doubt you’d have heard of them, since most men are selfish enough not to wear one and leave all of the responsibility to the woman. It shocks me how there are so many men here happy to call women sluts and whores, but you all seem to struggle to keep your dicks in your pants, and there would be nowhere to put them if women didn’t open their legs for you. Certainly no self-respecting women would have sex with any of you sexist, arrogant assholes.
          A University Educated Lady

        2. Man, have you ever tried to use condom? Or at least make sure she took morning after pill? It’s not that hard really.

      4. Feminism is awesome? Yes and no. The opportunity for men to not marry and enjoy freedom is great, but women unfortunately do very little of the real work that keeps society afloat. If we men do all decide to check out then its going to affect us all pretty damn quickly when things start fallung apart and women are unable/unwilling to fix it. Feminism is unsustainable.
        That being said, Im also planning to scale back my workload and go into an early semi retirement. While I recognise that this may contribute to a collapse, Im simply no longer willing to subsidise this Feminist bullshit with my tax dollars and effort.

        1. So when the majority of the young male population in the US was shipped overseas during WWII, and women took over the workforce, American society fell apart? I may just be a female university student, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what happened.

        2. In those days , most of the population was young , there was enormous natural resources , there were no banks that created huge debts , the government controlled the economy for war by a massive production of goods , for example, is now very expensive to attend college and if the outsourcing of labor and immigrants, the chances of finding a good job to pay the debts are few.
          When we won the war had all the resources to thrive and no competition in Europe.
          If now men working less , the government will have less tax , there will be less consumption , there will be no growth to pay for credits , most of college ( women) were found buried in debt for the rest of his life with a mediocre jobs declining economy.

    3. More to the point, I’ve met some very traditional women. Note: some. They view college as something that nets them direct pay after child rearing. The best was a STEM graduate that started as an intern, at 32. Her last kid was in full time school. She and her husband knew she would do this, raise the kids at home until 6, then she’d start her career.
      Now she works 40 a week, dropping the kids off at school he picks’em up. She’s at home cooking dinner, he breaks out the homework.
      She said otherwise she’d be bored to tears. They own a modest house, older cars, and not too much junk. Her pay goes into their Roth IRA’s et al.
      Good balance. Rare, unfortunately.

        1. Rare, unfortunately. She said it felt like a bandage being slowly torn off. (Her kids going to school)

      1. I know a girl that went to my school for a degree in biomedical engineering. You want to know what she’s doing now?
        She’s a manager of a Stop-n-Shop. Took a hard fuckin’ degree and flushed it down a toilet.

        1. All those degrees in programming, engineering and biotech could be really usefull for certain types of organizations…

    4. Not just that, but it takes out of the dating, and potentially mating pool, women who never wanted to be married nor have kids. These women are total nightmares to live with, and are horror mums (because they usually have kids due to the husband wanting them). My own grandmother was one of these women – very very intelligent but resented like hell the fact that she was “forced” into an arranged marriage and having kids – which she never wanted. Guess who suffered a lifetime from her incessant scolding, bad moods, bad tempers, impatience, dissatisfaction? Not just the poor sap who married her, mind you. Her children (my mum) has borne the scars of manical women like her.

  5. Applies to a lot of men too. Even if you cleansed universities of feminist influence, you’d still have too many frat boys and pajama boys without a higher standard

      1. It has always surprised me how there are lots of students these days that keep getting high grades, yet are as dumb as a rock. These same people would have failed miserably in higher education a century ago.

  6. A few months back I was having a casual chat with a chick that considered herself to be educated, here’s a synopsis of our discussion-
    Me- So where did you go to school?
    Her- *says name of college*, I graduated with my bachelor’s in Latin American Studies.
    Me- Well, you’re living in a good state to put that to use- having the ability to speak Spanish has probably opened a lot of doors for you in the job market.
    Her- Oh, I don’t speak Spanish.
    Me- Say huh?
    Her- Yeah, I don’t speak Spanish, I never took it in college.
    Me- How can you have a degree in Latin American studies and not speak Spanish?
    Her- It wasn’t required for my degree, so l didn’t take it.
    Me- So you didn’t even minor in Spanish?
    Her- Nope, te he he.
    Me- …. I see… (while maintaining strong eye contact with a “wow, you’re a fucking moron” expression on my face)
    So what we have here is a girl that’s somewhere in the neighborhood of 25k in debt for a degree that isn’t even worth two squirts of piss. The feminists are all too happy to gloat about all the women getting degrees and how women are now graduating college in greater numbers than men.
    However, let’s put some perspective on all of this-
    Meet Jim Bob- Jim Bob dropped out high school in the 9th grade. When he was 18 he went to truck driver school and within a month received his CDL for about $1,200. Jim Bob’s IQ is about 85, he’s not desperately intelligent, but he’s a hard worker and takes pride in doing his job safely and without incident.
    At this moment, Jim Bob is sitting in his big rig copping some dome from a lot lizzard at a Flying J truck stop. After he pays for her services and boots her toothless skanky ass out of his cab, he will crawl into his bunk for a nap. He will then drive his load- full of fresh produce- to a grocery store where it will be on the shelves for purchase by mid morning.
    Jim Bob makes $40k a year and has no student loan debt. Despite his lack of education he is fulfilling a pivotal role in our society. His work actually gets shit done. When I walk into the grocery store for some fresh tomatoes I can thank Jim Bob for getting them there.
    One Jim Bob is worth 100 broads with Latin American Studies degrees that can’t speak Spanish- he is useful to our society. How educated is a Latin American Studies degree holder, when if the holder of such a degree actually goes to Latin America she has to order her fucking dinner by pointing at pictures on the menu? She’s not educated. She has a degree, but she is NOT educated. That’s what happens when you make your education the tertiary goal of going to college- with the number one goal being chugging alcohol, and the number two goal being chugging cock.
    Needless to say, this girl wasn’t working in her field of study.

        1. I forgot something important.
          Political correctness, affirmative action and double-standards. A dude would have zero chance to get a job with a Bachelor Latin American studies, zero chances again for not knowing Spanish.
          She on the other hand, can actually get it, pn account of her gender. Affirmative Action is a big industry and noone cares if you are actually good at your job, except when it comes to discriminating against white males.
          That is the the whole point of Affirmative Action, get things without working for them.

        2. What’s ironic about affirmative action is that white women are often the ones filing the lawsuits against it when they themselves unknowingly benefit from affirmative action.

    1. Good point raised. Yes the female in question should have had the common sense to learn to spanish. This also is a reflection on how bad the educational system in america has become. A college issues a degree to someone in latin American studies but cannot speak spanish? Thats laughable, and at the same time pathetic.
      You can be rest assured that any college grad from south america who holds a degree in north american studies can speak english.
      What a joke the system in this cuntry has become.

      1. That’s a very solid point. The fact that she could earn such a useless piece of paper in the first place is a disgrace. Not to mention, actually getting a loan approved for it.
        If a college is going to offer degrees like that, the first two years should be dedicated exclusively to language studies. Then administering rigid fluency testing, and once proficiency is shown- moving on to the broader subjects of the major. The majority of the remaining two years of the program should be conducted in Spanish exclusively, with a compulsory time period of study immersed in the region. That would at least give the degree some validity.
        As it stands now, she could have procured the same knowledge from a required reading list, visiting forums, and doing research on her own time as a hobby- and accrued minimal debt in the process.
        l assign blame to both parties- the education system and the girl. However, women tend to be the ones more drawn to these types of easy street degree programs. That boils down to what Western Cancer was saying- they don’t really want to be there, and when they are there, they don’t really know what the hell they’re doing.

    2. Dude. Women go to College to earn their MRS. Degree
      If they don’t land a man in college, that’s when they rethink their life about priorities and choices.

    3. LOL there are plenty of men who have useless philosophy, history, art history, east asian studied degree’s. But that’s okay they’re men so they can do no wrong!

  7. If the government weren’t interfering with the economics of education we wouldn’t have all these students going to college for no beneficial reason to society and leaving college with massive amounts of debt they will never pay off.

    1. Governement spendings being +40% of total spending, worst than in Greece = few jobs for even those who have actually usefull degrees.

    2. And if we didn’t have the gov’t intervention of the GI Bill and the massive subsidies for mortgages and real estate, the iconic 1950s American Middle Class would have never been born.

      1. Because a series of government policies worked 60 years ago necessitates that a series of significantly different government policies are effective now?!?!

  8. In my thinking, this is where a lot of men get confused.
    They wouldn’t mind an intelligent and educated woman – who is feminine. That sort of woman is a good role-model for children, plus giving them a head-start in the smarts stakes.
    What bugs us is the half-smart “educated” types like the specimen described in this article. The ones who are so happy about parading around a qualification yet who are damaged enough that they see themselves as not being worth anything more than use as a cum-bucket.
    It is a disturbing dichomy.

    1. The porn star, Christy Mack pictured above is still attractive pump and dump wise, but yeah, the skrillex hair and all those tattoos are a major turn off. I don’t feel sorry at all for the chump that married her.

  9. This article makes a damned good point. Whereas there are rare exceptions to a small number of women who attend college to genuinely pursue a career, in the final analysis the majority of young girls today simply go to college and get a degree ultimately end up dropping out of the work force to live off some guy and let him do all the work, while providing very little of course to her husband. Essentially most money in terms of ROI that is spent on a woman is wasted. Her daddy is better off using the college money to pay for her abortions resulting from her regular one night stands. Or better yet just give the money to whomever she marries as a headache compensation for him, although she will get this money back after she decides to cash out and divorce his ass.

    1. Back in the day, that used to be called a dowry. Fathers used to have to essentially bribe men to take their daughters off their hands. Can you blame them?

      1. QUOTE: “Back in the day, that used to be called a dowry. Fathers used to have to essentially bribe men to take their daughters off their hands. Can you blame them?”
        Looking at the bigger picture, absolutely not. It’s along the same lines as “Please take my duaghter off of my hands, I want to enjoy my life for a bit.”

    1. Well that is just bad parenting at home. I know plenty of women that went to college for their MRS a little over a decade ago, and they did it without becoming sluts or feminists. In fact, those women went quick (because they were feminine and skilled in the domestic arts), and most got their ring right around graduation.
      The fact of the matter is that economically speaking a man isn’t worth a whole lot as a provider anymore unless he is on a path to be making 50k+ in short order, and the largest supply of those types of men are on college campuses.

      1. It is true that a female in the USA will find a better slave at places where men are duped into the system (i.e. higher education, pursue a soul destroying job) at college, but the chicks need not go to college themselves for that, and hence the girl’s father need not foot the bill for school for her, because all it really amounts to is a glorified dating fund, underwritnig her life until she finds a sucker who will bring her to town hall for a marriage license.

        1. Your level of jadedness doesn’t leave women a lot of options. If they find a man to cook/clean for and raise his kids they are finding a sucker. If they sleep with a bunch of alpha’s they are sluts.
          Are you suggesting the natural order of things should be that of the lions where the Alpha keeps a harem of women that do pretty much everything except fight other alphas. That isn’t going to end well for 9 out of 10 men.
          And a woman hanging around a college but not in college screams gold digger.
          Also from a parent perspective the money is gone either way. My son isn’t going to be paying me back any more than my daughter, the result is the same. They both will have roofs over their head and producing grand kids, which is after all the whole point. I am not going through the trouble of raising them for them to willingly dead end my genetic line.

        2. Because on a planet with 7.3 billion people we wouldnt want YOUR genetic line to come to an end.
          Jesus fucking christ – what faggotry wanting to “continue your line”
          Thats the fucking vanity of a bitch right there.
          Your “line” doesnt mean shit after you are rotting away 6 feet under pal.

        3. I suggest you eat a bullet, because if you aren’t going to leave a mark like Newton (and you specifically aren’t), and you don’t plan on pushing your genetic line forward there is zero reason for you to exist so you might as well do the rest of us a favor and stop consuming resources.

        4. Nice beta-rage, William. I’m sure your hallowed seed will be all over that Unified Field Theory or P v NP. Not wage slaves or low rent whores like 90% of humanity since time immemorial, no sir. Dumbass.

      2. QUOTE:”Well that is just bad parenting at home.”
        That remark is a typical politically correct soundbyte. It’s bullshit. Men have zero rights as fathers, and the mothers simply raise their daughters to be idiots.

      3. QUOTE:”Well that is just bad parenting at home.”
        That remark is a typical politically correct soundbyte. It’s bullshit. Men have zero rights as fathers, and the mothers simply raise their daughters to be idiots.

  10. That first picture is from the AXO sorority at Georgia. Most sorority girls are just awful; they aren’t feminists and most of them are from middle class white conservative families but still annoying to deal with. But that remaining 5% are some interesting girls (LTR material): Some are virgins, some are smarter than most guys on campus (STEM, Finance, CS), have traveled/lived in various parts of the world, are sophisticated and/ sweet. Let me say this about college girls, almost any at least decently good looking girl will be in a sorority. So sorority recruitment is essentially a vetting process for college guys. Then it’s up to the high value college male to pick from the litter. Most college girls (typical white sorority girl) only fuck/date (not in the traditional sense):
    1. The “fratstar” John Hamilton IV types
    2. Right before senior year when they need a bf, they’ll settle with a schlumpy fratboy
    3. When their drunk, cleat chasers, or just plain “mud sharks” they’ll hook up with black guys, and I mean any black guy.
    The top 5% of quality females will be taken by a diversified group of guys but usually they are also top 5% of males as well.

    1. Truth. The very few quality (read non-feminist, attractive, traditional) girls a man can find in college are essentially only accessible to the top 5% of guys, who usually have the whole package (great looks, rich, well-connected). Competing with those guys is basically a waste of time, meaning 95% of college men, even decent looking ones from solid middle class backgrounds, are left with either the trashy sluts or the butthurt and buttugly feminists. Most content themselves with the former, meaning any non-5% guy interested in an LTR or finding a gf/future wife in college is basically screwed. Only desperate omegas go for the latter. Even beta males would rather touch themselves on Saturday night than dip into that pile of shit. Can’t say I blame them either.

  11. Peter Drucker, in his famous essay Managing Oneself, advised the need to understand your strengths and weaknesses, and observed that you can never win by improving your weaknesses, only by improving your strengths.
    In broader socio-economic terms, we have given women the opportunity to build on their weaknesses (ability to compete against men) and discouraged them from capitalizing on their strengths (youth and fertility). They compete through artifices of fairness and inclusion that are borne on the backs of an ever-dwindling pool of male supporters.
    We have weakened society as a whole by building on women’s weaknesses in attempts to make them the equal of men, rather than encouraging them in their natural strengths. And while this charade is going on, men are encouraged to adopt feminine attitudes and lifestyles at the expense of their own natural strengths, now deemed unnecessary in the new gender-neutral economy.

    1. The thing is, they don´t even try to compete against males, why should they even consider it? They know very well they can get just as much money for far less work and far less mistakes.
      Very soon the dollar is going to default and some other, worst things, living standards in North America gets reduced to something between half and a third of the current level.
      There are fewer jobs and fewer less-paid jobs, feminism grows even more by promising jobs, especially better-paid ones, as usually at the expense of males…
      See where I am getting at? Good luck with being a provider, just bend-over and enjoy!
      Let them all the jobs, let them become the majority in the workplace so they cannot rely on maless to do all the work for them, with the majority of CEOs being female, that would be fooking great!
      Now that they work and pay taxes, males will have the opportunity to do as they please, self-improvement, work-out, making Obamavilles relatively livable and so on.
      Alphas would be doing great, pussie Gammas and Epsilon Semi-Morons will be crushed, without their precious emotional bonding they will turn to meth and crocodile by the tens of millions.

    2. Well women are shown to have increased brain tissue that may increase cognitive ability. So by education them we are building on their strengths if we follow your backwards logic. Also, if we followed your proposal men should be relegated only to manual labor since they are obviously more physically suited to that than academia. Finally, men’s fertility also significantly decreases with age as their sperm lowers in quality, carries more genetic mutations and they experience lack of sex drive and erectile dysfunction. Youth and fertility go hand in hand for EVERYONE .

  12. ya this trend is happening in iran too. women make 60% of the campus population and this is worrying since they have less children. their fertilty is at 1.8 which is below replacement value.

    1. Educated women everywhere have less children. When thinking about replacement rates, we’ve got to remember one thing though. It’s the average replacement rate that matters. If we have 55% of women with 0 children and 45% with 5, that’s a fertility rate of 2.25 which is well above replacement. The main thing is to get rich people to have LOTS of kids. If we have that and the rest of the women have 1 or two, we’ll definitely have enough children to sustain our population.

  13. Sorry. The faith that ROK puts in: blue collar “working-class heroes”, STEM, and business, is misplaced. I can tell the writers come mostly from affluent backgrounds and the business world.

    1. it would have been nice if you could have made an argument to go along with the assertion

  14. Encouraging girls to attend college, providing them with scholarships available only to girls (something not done for boys) – this a huge mal-investment by our society. Further, allowing them to attend women’s studies, social studies, communications, and so on, majors, diverts university resources from useful studies (preferred by men) such as engineering, economics, and some business degrees (finance, accounting).
    As pointed out in the article, the vast majority of these girls learn to be two types of women: sluts and feminists. (With a lot of overlap there of course). The pretty women that go into the corporate world get picked over by male managers, who get them drunk, and further abuse their vaginas. After that, the sluts often marry beta men willing to spend their lives jerking off. The ugly girls (usually the feminists) get stuck having to work their entire lives and spend their 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s making the workplace a toxic environment.
    Is it really that hard to see where the mal-investment is? Of course, this is NEVER discussed in the media. Academics, such as economists, will not touch the issue in their research because it would be a death sentence for their careers. Not even “conservative” media will cover this topic.
    Meanwhile, people wonder why the US is stuck with chronically high unemployment at a time in the business cycle when the economy would be going gangbusters in previous decades. They wonder why this economy can only produce bubbles. They wonder why businesses of all types are very slow to hire new employees – because with quotas, for every productive male, they have to take on a toxic female, for a net zero gain.
    There are some exceptions, but the vast majority of women that attend college end up being a huge drag on society and the economy from start to finish.
    The reality is that a woman that is not raising children by the age of 24 (either her own or contributing to another woman’s reproductive success) is a drag on the economy and on society.
    This fact will never be socially or politically acceptable to address. This is why the West is in decline. The West is continuing not only to do the worst thing possible, but actually doubling down on it. Those societies that keep the sexes in their natural order and places will thrive as the century progresses.

    1. I am all for them actually working, 10-14 hours work a day? No thanks! Let them bear their fair share, so males can have some freedom in their lives too! Oh and I am all for them getting to know feminists personally, when the majority of CEOs are jealous feminist hags, the young and pretty who enjoys sleeping around just won´t get that many jobs anymore or go through Hades doing so.
      They would come to learn to utterly loathe the feminists hags right back.
      Those who already have had children are better workers,

  15. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Uni is not for me and my mom does not want to accept this. Again thank you. I don’t wanna go to uni and I refuse to go and no one can make me. You know what is for me? A nice little part time job while I work on my writing and possibly move in with my boyfriend or stay at home with my mom until I get married. It works for me. I like that idea. It sounds very nice. Can I have that? Can my mom get over trying to stuff into a maniquin shell that doesn’t fit? Uni is not for me. I don’t want a career until whatever children I have are grown or until they’re all in school so I can write while I wouldn’t see them anyway. I want a family, not college. Is that so bad?

    1. No, it’s not so bad. In fact, you are following your natural instincts and you should trust them before they get twisted and destroyed by the media, feminism, or bitter female professors.
      In that regard, you should focus on your appearance and your home skills (cooking, cleaning, etc.). Save yourself for one man. Don’t go overboard, but make a habit of attending church. Stay out of organized sports (which tend to make women behave like men) but find a solo exercise routine that keeps you in good shape. Eat a healthy diet. Take seriously advice about maximizing your fertility.
      To land in your natural setting, focus on finding a man 10 years older than you are. Really, any age 10 years older and above is good, as long as that man has a solid career and the financial resources that result. If you go younger, you will end up with a man that has not learned some important lessons and will not respect you for the female traits you bring to the table. There are exceptions, of course, but it’s best to go with the odds in your favor.

        1. Fuck church, you don’t need that shit. I’d listen to everything else that guy says though.

        2. I’m not really religious anyway. I believe in God and think He can be worshiped in private and should be. But yes, everything else is very good.

        3. So, I’m a troll, because I’m female? Logic? Do you know how to use it? Reasoning skills, what about them?

    2. Look into community colleges, they’re dirt cheap. I’d suggest you work part time and save up as much money as possible (way more than you ever think you’ll need). I’d suggest you live with your parents (or somewhere you won’t have to pay rent). If you wanna go to college and you’re sitting on lots of cash, you can choose to go back and get a full degree.

    3. My mom freaked out when I left university to move in with my boyfriend across the country. It wasn’t for me and didn’t make any sense in the long run financially. I saw myself drowning in debt at 17 years old from the loans they wanted me to take out to attend! Why would I do that when I was unsure of what path I wanted to take to begin with? It was the best thing I ever did, moved in with my boyfriend, got married, went to a community college where I could pay for the tuition sans student loans. 10 years and two kids later it was the best thing I ever did. Hands down. My mom was very upset at first but she realized I knew what was best for me. She was beyond thrilled when she found out she was going to be a grandma and saw me happy. That’s all she wanted was for me to be happy she just didn’t realize at first that I knew what was going to make me happy. Don’t do something that’s not in your heart. It’s not worth it.

  16. college is yet another affirmative action plan for fat feminist cunts to educate skanks to go out into the world and vote for more affirmative action plans for fat feminist cunts.

  17. I know plenty of girls that should be in college and lots of guys that shouldn’t. It goes both ways.

      1. Dude, I studied in a STEM field at one of the best engineering schools in the country. In my major, half of the chicks there were girls and they weren’t feminists with their head stuck up their ass and most of them deserved to be there. Hell, girls get better grades than boys and girls do much better in structured environments. Who do you think is better to sit in a room and listen to some stupid moron yap? Boys or girls? If you put young boys in that environment, they’ll rebel (I did)–especially if they’re intelligent.

        1. “In my major, half of the chicks there were girls”??? A lot of chicks with dicks going into engineering these days

        2. Innovation goes to the most intelligent. The exceptional cases happen not because the means are vastly different, but the variance is vastly different. Don’t look at the means when looking at the exceptional cases, look at the variance. That being said, who has a higher variance, men or women? Men, of course.

        3. so they don’t innovate, but are competent and good at their job. That somewhat contradicts the article, insofar as it demonstrates some utility for those women (aside from the happiness issue) even if they may not be the one’s to do anything important

        4. Who’s more fit to take order? Men or women? All school is, in its entirety, is taking order. The most intelligent men don’t take orders.

        5. men are being marginalised / marginalising themselves from education, which is likely to remain the principal route to wealth and society. Education should be about teaching people critical thinking skills (as well as technical skills) – that’s very different from ‘taking orders’. If you’re comment makes some sense its because increasingly education has become about training rather than thinking & innovating, but that’s not a reason to get out, its a reason to lay seige to the ivory towers to starve out their corrupt incumbents

        6. I think one thing the article overlooks or downplays is the fact that women are often very good administrators & organisers within the knowledge economy. Whether that adds to the greater good of society or not its probably the reality.

        7. Yes, I agree. Honestly, it might be better if kids stayed at home with their parents for an extra 2-3 years and took classes at a community college, which are very cheap, and then move to a regular college for the final 2-3 years if necessary. With online education, kids can take less classes in an ordinary classroom setting. There are so many better alternatives out there. Honestly, I’d drop classroom time in regular schools too. I think it’s dangerous that we’ve got these stupid feminist cunts teaching our children for as much time.
          A classroom is basically a prison without metal bars on the windows and doors. This is especially true with respect to young boys. Our entire society has been pussified. Boys need to get their asses kicked in every goddamn walk of life–it’s the only way they learn and it builds character. These feminist cunts in charge of our schooling system don’t understand that.

        8. true, but online learning requires a lot of discipline (actually I’ve just finished a free 4 week online course and i’m 4 weeks behind). Feminism is online too. There’s often even ,more focus on coursework in online courses, which disadvantages boys. What would be better though is if there were a return to exams as a norm (which boys tend to do better at) perhaps within a not too structured online learning environment, just get rid of the coursework because its stacked against us

        9. there are a lot of variables in online learning. the course I referred to is free and I’m being undisciplined about it (nothing depends upon it) but a lot of those courses are accredited & very structured but also typically based on coursework. Coursework is easier, but exams produce a much fairer result Feminism has done well off of coursework. Only exams are going to require or produce real discipline.

        10. I think people really underestimate how powerful and useful community colleges can actually be. The classes are cheap, but they do a good job of teaching the material. Of course, boys and girls will take different types of classes, which is fine. Boys may take things like calculus or physics or whatnot while girls will probably take things like literature, foreign languages, and other things. The main thing we need to avoid is to have students coming out of college with $30,000 in debt and have no way to pay it back. I’d also advise kids today to not rush through anything. They should take their time and I encourage many of them to live with their parents and avoid debt. We can’t turn our future children into debt slaves. There’s no rush for kids to have full time jobs in today’s world, especially if they’ve saved up lots of money and live frugally and within their means. The important thing is to see consistent, steady improvements in our quality of life and to make sure we reproduce. Having kids come out of school being debt slaves is extremely counterproductive to those goals.

        11. yeah, but the quality can be a bit variable. You’re right about avoiding debt slavery though, but it depends on the system. In UK you get massive student debt, then you have to buy a place (if possible) which means being indebted for life for a mortgage as well + the whole economy is about cheap credit for more generalised consumerism. I do believe in the value of education as something worth having its own right, but the kinds of degrees that universities produce these days are worth increasingly little and produce second rate minds. There’s a market for real alternatives

  18. there’s a lot of contempt here for the soft subjects that women have tended to study. I understand that but I’m also concerned that it may be complacent. Sometimes I wish I’d studied the sciences etc including because of their utility etc but one thing that I’ve noted is that the knowledge divide between men (tending towards the STEM subjects or towards more traditional areas within the humanities) and women (soft subjects + feminism) gives educated women some specific advantages over the (diminishing numbers) of educated men. Studying subjects that have an inherently feminist element but which may also be politically and philosophically important in a way that STEM subjects may not be means that women and feminists are increasingly able to drive the political and intellectual agenda. Men are literally outnumbered and increasingly marginalised in those subjects not to mention effectively denied an important area of elite knowledge (feminism scholarship itself). However grotesque the results may often be, literature, post-modern philosophy, psycho-analysis, psychology, social sciences etc – that is all the most influential DISCOURSES in society, are all feminist strongholds. If men opt out of those subjects then they run the risk of being permanently marginalised within those wider societal discourses, which influence policy & politics. Technical subjects do not have the same influence.

    1. You make a compelling point. While men today tend to gravitate towards the STEM fields inasmuch as they are seen as both more compatible with men’s brains (logical, analytic, technical) and more economically lucrative, this only further enables women in general and feminists in particular to dominate the discourse in the Humanities and Social Sciences. While these fields may not be regarded as equally important compared to the STEM fields, the fact that feminism has gained such traction in politics and general society by manipulating them to their ideological advantage reveals just how important they actually are. If men wish to alter the political and academic agenda, they must expand their presence in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
      It is interesting to note that despite the popularity of the “soft” sciences today among women, virtually all of the greatest authors, philosophers, psychologists, poets, composers, painters, musicians, etc. have been men. We, as men, should not shame other men who wish to pursue something outside of the STEM fields, as men have immense talent in ALL disciplines, not simply the technical ones.

      1. There are some important feminist thinkers, who’ve said interesting things – for instance, Judith Butler, the bete noire of another essay on this site, who we can thank for the notion that gender is just a performance, but generally feminism has risen on the backs of the theory of male thinkers, including but not limited to the critical theorists, especially the frankfurt school marxists (cultural marxism), but also Lacan, Deleuze, Foucault, Bordieu (continental philosophy) etc most of whom have been either sympathetic to the feminist cause, or out and out enemies of the patriarchy. Left/liberal social & critical theory simply dominates academia these days. Its denizens effectively police universities and their agendas have a disproportionate influence on STEM subjects (for instance many universities have campaigns to increase the number of female academics in STEM but no equivalent campaign to increase the dwindling representation of males in social sciences etc)
        People like Steven Pinker, Dawkins et. al. and the more scientifically minded tended to be contemptuous of all of the above, and dismiss it as corrupt, just as RoKs tends to be (epistemologically) ‘realist’ in asserting its red pill versus blue pill reality, but however important reality checking may be, it may have its limits:
        Criticising social constructionism for example from a realist standpoint has done nothing to slow it down because realism / RoKs etc is concerned with what is actually the case at any given time (e.g. what men and women have been up to this point) whereas the left is always about the imperatives of ‘what must be’ i.e. outcomes. Evidence that reality is a certain way will always be interpreted by feminism etc as evidence of structural disadvantage (i.e. what has to change). RoK articles often tell us about what is natural, what men and women are, but feminism etc tells women what they can be (reach for the stars). Feminism & the left are selling a dream (‘change’). The fact that it’s largely a tissue of lies doesn’t change the fact that it may be persuasive precisely because its fantasy. Maybe PUAs need our own dream factory (an AGA in the kitchen might not cut it)
        More prosaically, the contempt men tend to have for corrupt continental philosophy, social constructionism, etc & the fact that they are more centred on STEM subjects means that relatively few know very much about arguably important ideas, which are important precisely because they shape public discourse. Feminism continues to focus almost exclusively on discourse because i) it claims that the discourse of the past has harmed / marginalised women and ii) because it intends henceforward to control that discourse, and in doing so shape institutions & practices of civic society. MGTOW has to be selectively applied. Men need to be getting back into the humanities & social sciences & shaping the discourse on their own terms. Just try to imagine RoK articles fleshed out to appear in peer review journals.

    2. The result could also be that those subjects will increasingly be debated outside the academic mainstream.
      Just look at sites like RoK or the dark enlightenment: They maybe shunned by academia, but I would predict them to become a serious credibility threat to the academic establishment.
      At some point, they will be the ones who have to accept a narrative from outside their circles, or become marginalized themselves.
      There is already a blueprint for this kind of development: The Protestant Reformation. Once the Catholic Church had the narrative tightly controlled, but then they’ve lost that control and everyone could claim authority and found their own churches.
      My bet would be that in 50 years from now, what a professor at university says will matter as much as what the pope says: Not nothing, but not enough to make any difference.

      1. “I would predict them to become a serious credibility threat to the academic establishment….At some point, they will be the ones who have to accept a narrative from outside their circles”
        I very much agree with that…in principle. Feminists ideas began on the fringe and worked their way into the centre of things. Academia may have to take on board viewpoints & realities that it has been denying or papering over, but as yet these alternative perspectives & resources are fairly crude in comparison, easily ridiculed and lacking in authority (in terms of scholarship, expert / peer reviewed status or simple journalistic respectability). Also some more extreme opinions serve to enliven the debate, gain notoriety etc, but they also make it easy for the left-liberal establishment to write off the wider enterprise as part of backlash, reaction etc. There needs to be clearer focus, discipline & leadership which perhaps is emerging. Plus embracing reaction is not the way to go. Progress should not mean liberal marxist or feminist. As you say its about the narrative and that means looking forward. Having said that – does the dark enlightenment – which I am fairly new to, embrace, modify or deny the idea of progress? There seems be more focus on difference (not the derridean type) rather than the similarity & sameness that passes for diversity in left-liberal newspeak

        1. I’ve thrown in the buzzword of dark enlightenment because it appears to have become an umbrella term for intellectual anti-liberalism.
          A google image search for dark enlightenment comes up with a popular chart depicting a large number of blogs, including much of the manosphere itself.
          I’ve used the term in this broad sense, and in that sense there’s also white supremecy weirdos and reactionary Christians among them – so it’s not at all a single ideology in this sense.
          I think the term originated from (or close to) the writings of Mencius Moldbug, with whom I also agree with to a large extent. He is a history buff and paints a chilling picture of the rise of liberalism in the last two centuries (he’s the guy who coined the term “the Cathedral” which is been thrown around a lot in recent years).
          So the strictest sense of “dark enlightenment” might be: Whatever Moldbug believes.
          That would include a favorable view of monarchies as opposed to democracy (which I share, I would also point to H.H.Hoppe in that regard) and a favorable view of medieval Catholicism as opposed to Protestantism (which I don’t share at all, in fact I think the Reformation could serve as a blueprint for what’s happening now).
          As for myself, besides Moldbug the major intellectual influences in this regard are Ayn Rand and Max Weber (his work on the Protestant Ethics is mind-blowing).
          But healthy differences in some questions don’t really matter much in the grand scheme of things. There’s obviously an intellectually potent opposition to the established liberal dogmas growing. If you read Moldbug, you see what I mean. The guy is awesome.

        2. This is fairly new territory for me. I will definitely read up on this Mencius Moldbug – (sounds like a new dark arts master at Hogwarts). Dark enlightenment seems like a quite eclectic mix. I’m not that big a fan of Ayn Rand although she is a definitely an interesting figure and I need to revisit Weber. But I do like the idea of Protestant style reform, not least because I am protestant by upbringing, but what must be asked surely is ‘what is it that we must reform’. We may not all have the same answer in that respect: but I could suggest a few things: there is corruption & falsehood (ideology), there is the vanity & narcissism (the culture of celebrity & narcissistic faux individualism); but surely the most important aspect of the protestant reformation was the temples it destroyed that the protestants excised what stood in between the ordinary people and the possibility of grace: the priests, the false intermediaries. The universities, corporations, local government have all grown fat offering priestly intercession to the common folk. Their roles as managers & experts is to think for people, to take responsibility for thought & decision away from the ordinary people, all the while dripping down ideas for the sheep to dutifully baa, which is what passes for debate.
          In terms of protestant reform, I like Bonhoeffer – not really a secular read, and his christianity might put some off but he is big on people taking responsibility at a radical level (he tried to kill hitler after all). The idea of adulthood in other words – something the left, which treats us all as children hates in practice even when it preaches it. As for monarchy / democracy – I think both are compatible as long as its constitutional monarchy. The left has tried to corner the market in consent and democracy. But the irony is that in everything it does, it is anti-democractic and anti-consensual: it’s totalitarian nature is always just under the surface, in censorship, in the way that it seeks to capture institutions and to change people’s minds without debate, without them really knowing what is going on. That’s the real opportunity, to democratise education, root out ideology & post-modern popeishness.

        3. >But I do like the idea of Protestant style reform, not least because I am protestant by upbringing, but what must be asked surely is ‘what is it that we must reform'<
          I think that today just like back then there will be some diversity of thrust in the reform.
          The common themes were anti-Papism (obviously) and, less obviously, pro-work-ethics.
          In fact Weber describes that the phenomenon that people identify with their job (which is usually the second question you’re asked when you meet someone) has materialized in the reformation.
          Apart from that, the Reformation had different streaks that even today shape the character of peoples. For example, the Amish and the Nazis do have something in common, don’t they? They both work like crazy and obey authority without questioning. And they are both German, influenced by the German flavor of the Reformation.
          Also, Latin America and Latin Europe doesn’t really have much work ethics at all – no Reformation.
          The Anglosphere was different again, here Calvinism was strong with astonishing effects.
          I think Weber has enormous explanatory power in this regard.

        4. the work ethic needs to be re-discovered – as you imply it is what divided the two europes. I think that’s a part of the responsibility / adulthood I referred to, and which I think protestantism is fundamentally about. You take responsibility for yourself, whether its in terms of trying to better yourself through work or through education. In the present situation we rely upon the state not only to feed and provide for us (e.g. welfare paternalism as a substitute for an actual [male] provider) but also intellectually (experts & mind managers tell us what and how to think e.g. consensus values). Re. authority & the work ethic, that’s complicated. The authoritarian personality identified by the marxist Adorno for example may or may not be correlated with actual productivity – I’m not sure to be honest, but the trend today is towards a totalitarianism – undemocratic harmonization of laws, surveillance, constraints on speech etc – that requires more or rather better not less democracy in my opinion. At least if the erosion of traditional forms of authority is a genuine problem, returning to those forms should not hopefully require authoritarianism – which is certainly not in the British tradition for instance & may not be good for innovation even if it is good for productivity (obeying leaders etc). As you say there are a lot of strands to the reformation, both present and past.

  19. If we are so confident that they aren’t as capable, then why are we upset that they have the same opportunity as us? Shouldn’t we let their results speak for itself?

  20. My ex was great when she was a stay-at-home mother, but once she got the itch to further her education she went all to hell. She got a 2-year college diploma and then a pretty good job, but now she’s obsessed with getting an accounting degree, and of course accountants never stop studying as tax laws change every year. Fuck it, if I’m going to have a wife, she’s going to be obsessed with me! The good thing though, is that the relatively cheap college education got her a good job and I don’t owe her spousal support because her income is pretty good: $5000 got me out of alimony! 😀 Shit, I shudder to think what I’d be paying her if she were unemployed.

      1. No regrets, especially when I have a self-employed hot little Filipina with a very marketable skill begging to let her treat me like a king. If the sexual chemistry is there, I’ll bring her over to Canada and back her in the same business she has there; but not 50/50, that’s for suckers: 51/49. I told her that I’ll get her started and back her (and share in the success, as she excels at what she does and I’m sure she’ll succeed), and I’ll stand back and let her do her thing for the most part and only intervene when I see fit; I told her I don’t do 50/50, that I want the final say on everything, that I always want to be in control. What was her response? “Of course, love, I want you to always be in control! In every way!” Good girl! Now what would a western femnazi cunt have demanded in such a venture?
        Heh heh. Fuck western bitches.
        Even if my little Pinay honey and I go splitsville eventually, it’ll be worth the measly few thousand bucks to get her here, and the measly few thousand more to set up a little business: she works her ass off; we both profit; I don’t see a problem here! 😀

  21. The only problem with this is, who will support you if you don’t get an education for some sort of job??. What about fat/very ugly chicks, lesbians, men haters etc.. How do they support themselves.?? Leeching off the government ??? This is not sound advice.

    1. “What about fat/very ugly chicks, lesbians, men haters etc.. How do they support themselves.??”
      lol you bear the weight of society on your shoulders don’t you?

    2. The chud women can find work where their looks don’t matter, for example as cooks, maids and Walmart clerks.

  22. “Business” degrees (and finance, communications, etc) are just as useless as Liberal Arts degrees. How can learn “business” from professors who rarely have business experience and don’t even work for a business.

    1. I agree with this… Usually business degree don’t lead to starting your own business but to managing someone else’s.
      To get into business, start young buy cheap sell pricy, or have a skill which can be freelanced.

  23. Why don’t we bring back finishing schools? As in, a one year course post-HS for girls to learn social graces and domestic skills. I think guys would be a lot more interested in a woman with this type of degree.

  24. I disagree with this for the most part. If I had a daughter, I would want her to get a degree. I think I will have kids some day and, from a very early age, I will encourage them to really think about what they are interested in and what kind of product or service they would like to provide to earn a living as a result of that passion. If it winds up being becoming an expert of ancient Chinese porcelain, fine. Just make sure you have a plan for earning money from it.
    Where I do agree with this article is in the identification of the very negative cross-effects of the the feminist agenda that is absolutely rampant in academia. The lady I thought I would marry and have kids with by now was so brainwashed into hating men that, even though she clearly loved me, actively sought to destroy me at every turn because, as she explained, she was afraid I would cheat on her if I were successful.
    The concept I would like to introduce is “innoculation” of all students against the diseases of leftism, feminism and multiculturalism. I tell my high school age nephew all the time that his teachers are going to seek to stop him from thinking for himself. The primary method they use is turning other students against the free thinker until he submits. This is a prescribed methodology described by John Dewey in the 1920s to mimic the “success” of German schools in the early 1900s at turning out good factory workers. His ideas were wholly adopted by the public school system in this country in the 1960s, with the charge led by UC Berkeley.
    So, the warning is good. The warning is important. That “innoculation” against bad ideas is critical. But I know that a degree helps with success and I would actively encourage my nieces to earn one and, possibly someday, my daughter.

  25. I don’t think not going to college is going to stop women from becoming feminists or sluts. Feminism,specially, is very powerful outside college academia. And I think it’s a good thing to send men’s rights activist, both women or men to college, so to shake things a bit :3 and maybe even balance academia later in the future.

  26. Even the ones that go on to become doctors apparently retire after 5 years to start a family and never work again. A complete waste of the massive resources we spent on them.

  27. While it is true that women have limited child-bearing years, this does not preclude them from a desire for education. It has been argued on RoK that American men have gone to war because of how Afghanis treat their women. I’m hoping this includes girls who are attacked for attending school.
    Also, for those whose only response to dissenting views on RoK is name-calling, don’t bother.

    1. That’s the cover story. Americans went to Afghanistan to bum their oil.
      Apart from that I agree.

  28. Personally I want to both be a full time mum and work part time while the kids are at school. In my opinion as long as the house is clean and the food is fresh and healthy, no one should complain. Plus I would feel better if I work and contribute to the finances of the family and make sure the children hsve the best of everything, than if I don’t work and spend most days at gyms and beauty parlors at my husband’s expense. So in a way, not allowing women to work is kind of counterproductive since it drains the man’s resources.
    And apart from that, locally the good jobs which allow for flexi hours require a degree, so my life plan requires that I have one.

      1. No, but there is no need to live at beauty parlours to be hot and beautiful. All if requires is eating healthy and exercise to stay in great shape, keeping hair long, and wearing cute clothes everywhere. So there is no need to live at the gym or beauty parlors.

  29. If you throw men and women together,as they have done in Unis,i`t should come as no surprise that all learning will become feminised,even history is being changed,and any boys allowed are mere camp followers.Any boys with male traits will be expelled one way or another.This is why feminists disagree with keeping the sexes apart
    in education,in the end only females will be educated and a hornets nest will have been stirred up which bodes ill for the civilisation of the west.

  30. Your article is eerily similar to this:
    *CLVGs= Girls (Civilizationally Less Valuable Gender)
    67. Most CLVGs do not know what to do with an education, thus CLVGs
    will not be allowed to study past basic arithmetic, languages and
    home-making arts. Those who wish to gain the knowledge can gain it by
    their own attempts and to prove excellence can prepare and give the same
    tests. No amount of performance in this tests would validate any CLVG
    claims to deserve higher education, as they work hard just as long as
    they can coerce society into bending over and then when they get their
    wish, they throw it away, again, rather like animals or monkeys. Also,
    no “Liberal Arts” as defined in the 21st century shall ever be taught in
    Auaria. Ones who want to learn these areas are able enough to seek out
    the knowledge by themselves. The greatest philosophers and artists etc
    are self taught.
    Plagiarism or Inspiration?

  31. A few months back I was having a casual chat with a guy from my course.
    me – so why did you come to uni ?
    him – to fuck bitches and get drunk *snort snort* lol.

  32. I agree with the majority of articles I read on here, but this one is pretty bogus. These are completely unsubstantiated claims…were any surveys conducted regarding this topic? How many women close to you have confessed that they would rather not go to college? Seriously, might be one of the worst articles I’ve read on this site. What young person, male or female, WOULDN’T want to go to college? The prospect of independence, partying and time for your true interests is attractive to everyone. To blindly claim that women would pick spending their time cleaning baby shit over having a blast with people her age is just ludicrous. What would fix the problem is toning down the leftist, feminist bubble that we enter upon starting college. I for one would prefer to marry a college educated girl as long as she acted in a proper feminine fashion…not only will the second income help in a time where it’s almost necessary, but she will be able to provide an intellectual and moral foundation for the children. Do you guys really want white trash wives? Women who have almost nothing interesting to say AT ALL? There’s a big difference between a good, deferential wife and an ignoramus. Just think of an Abigail Adam’s type…intelligent and educated woman who still embraced her role as a mother and a wife. Wouldn’t be so bad.

  33. It’s funny how often college educations make people ignorant. I see it too often with the new hires. They think they know it all. They think they can take their blanket solution that they learned from a text book and apply it to a real world problem. It’s only a few years after graduation that people realize that they were taught by the failures of their field. Full time faculty are teaching for a reason. If you are going to absorb ideas from anybody then it should be a part time professor that is retired from his previous career or an adjunct professor.

  34. So apparantly… you, a man, has decided that no woman truly wants to get a higher education. Ever.
    …..Okay, good for you, I guess…?

  35. Going a little further into reason No. 3, college has been the space most responsible for the rampant bisexualism and slutiness afflicting most females of our current generation. Like women who vacation to foreign countries, colleges provide a space where these young, horny women can do anything…out of sight from traditional sexual constraints; their family, the community and their friends.
    College has become for women, what mom’s Internet equipped basement is for most men; a dark secretive place where you can engage in your wildest fantasies in private. Like Vegas…for young people. But whereas young men are physically separated from that fantasy by a glass screen, women have access to all the young horny men (and women) as much as they like.

  36. College was for men to get a good job to support their future wife and children. Since women now get jobs and divorce men, most men refuse to go to college knowing there is little to gain….

  37. They really don’t want it, they just feel like they have to do it. I
    just met a sweet girl the other night, talked to her for about 20
    minutes. When the subject came up about her degree and outlook, you
    could hear her sigh and become depressed. She said that she didn’t know
    what she wanted to do with her degree, and that she felt childish
    because of that. Her voice sounded hopeless. Like She had been in
    college for 5 years for nothing. I felt really bad for her, because she
    wasn’t stereotypical, she was down to earth, and warm. Unfortunately I
    devalued myself and didn’t ask for her number. She was an 8 and I’m only
    about a 5 or 6. My heart now aches, thinking of her being lost in life.
    It makes me not at all jealous of the privilege women get over men in
    terms of education in America. Made me sad, the most.

  38. It is never too late for party sluts to marry and have children.
    As they hit the Wall, more or less at 28, they will snatch a beta provider, extract resources from him, pityfuck him once per month (no more than 15 minutes per fuck), give birth to some spawn, have an affair with an alpha, divorce, extract resources from the beta ex, hit 35, ask “is the best I can do?”, have an affair with an alpha, will try to marry an alpha, fail, will try to marry another beta, may fail, may not fail, extract resources from another beta, have his spawn raised by the state, a nanny or his parents, have an affair with an alpha, hit 38, buy a cat…

  39. I’m in college to find a husband because that’s how you land them these days. I thought most men knew this.

  40. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t mind when girls have degrees. I like being with an educated woman who can actually keep up a conversation. Sure, there’s a lot of bullshit degrees that girls enroll in for the sole purpose of having a university experience and tracking down a husband, but there’s a lot of other ones who are ambitious and driven. I was talking to a girl the other day at a party- she was in a top 5 school, majoring in economics, and was somehow social, funny, smart, and had a sexy bod. She wasn’t un-feminine because of her education and wish to work, she just wanted to accomplish something herself. I asked her if she planned on working if she wanted to have kids, and she said ‘God, no. I want to work until it’s time to have kids and settle down, two working parents would be horrible.’ She was an activist for girls’ equal education in third world countries, but wasn’t a pain in the ass feminist. There’s a bunch of girls who don’t know what they want to do and go just because they feel they have to, but there’s also a lot who know what they want, too. I wouldn’t generalize so harshly. Big fan of ROK, keep it up otherwise.

  41. How very pessomistic of you all! Would you rather meet a good woman in a university or a bar? The weeding out is also being done for you when they are there. They should see the horrors of feminism and If they are too ignorant to separate facts from man hating opinion and form their own then what are you bitching about. It’s like taking an Armadillo and putting it with Jackrabbits. One day it’s going to find out it’s really an Armadillo. I think a feminist is probably a certain criteria of negative personality traits to begin with before she even declares herself one. So I call BS on this Article. I argue for funsies though :). Does anyone Love Lamp?

  42. You all are preposterous. Maybe if you’d gotten one of those liberal arts degrees that you’re so quick to shit on you’d notice just how far off point your baseless claims are. You’ve selected two extremely narrow paths that lead women to allegedly dissatisfied adulthoods and proceeded to inflate them into a generalization of all women who go to college. Quit acting like an authority on a topic that you have absolutely no perspective on.

  43. Like all women are automatically “obligated” to get married and have kids just because they are women… Some might actually WANT to go to college.

  44. Looks like women aren’t allowed on these sanctified grounds. Too bad, i’m going to comment anyway.
    I’m a med student, and I love university. I love my career plans, and guess what ? The other women there feel the same way. We don’t go too university because of peer pressure. We go because we want to, because we have plan for the future that don’t include being homeless or depending on a man. Some of us want kids and families. I don’t, but there’s nothing preventing women from having a successful job and a family at the same time. Perhaps you should check your data.
    As for the slutty part… Well, I enjoy sex. A lot. And i get it -a lot. And it doesn’t affect me or my so called “value”, because I’m a human being, not an object.

  45. 1. Most people who are smart enough to attend university (judging by your About the Author you clearly weren’t) do indeed want to attend. You know why? They don’t want to end up working at some crappy website, never to be taken seriously. But your confusion is easy to understand, considering the astonishingly poor quality of this article you have written.
    2. “Belligerent and Argumentative”? In other words, not willing to put up with your old fashioned caveman misogynistic shit? Your oh-so-fragile ego is the source of your sexist beliefs. You can’t stand it when women prove to be equals so you feel threatened and need to tear them down. If you really were the “masculine” man you claim to be, you wouldn’t feel the need to blow out someone else’s candle to make yours shine brighter.
    3. I have no words for your sickening double standards. The irony would be funny if it were not so sad.
    4. There is no number 4, because you have limited reasons why women should not attend university and even those reasons are weak. All I can say is, show these articles to your mother or your sister or your daughter. Think about how they would feel if they were reading this.

  46. Stay at home and tend to your husbands ya bunch of dumb ass bitches. So glad i have a decent boyfriend and not a fucktard like the morons on this site. And no he’s not a fucking “beta”

  47. Wow. This article has got to be the most stupid article ever written! I went to college and Majored in Biology and Animal Behavior. Two very good degrees and was in the Honors College and did better than many of my male classmates and guess what, I ENJOYED IT! I love learning about nature and chemistry and other sciences to be able to help protect the planet, I was not “shamed” into it, I wanted to learn ,and so do the majority of women once you idiots stop treating them like they are lesser than you. Would it really hurt your self esteem to admit that we are equal?Ugh! You people and your idiotic, ancient views!

  48. “Submit to a corperation instead of a husband.”
    ARE YOU KIDDING WITH THIS CRAP? Women shouldn’t have to be submitted period.
    A person should not be forced to do something they don’t want to do, period. To assume women don’t want to be educated and would be happy only as a housewife is ridiculous.

  49. How come “Female” got to post here a month ago but not me? That is not consistent!

  50. I’m bored. Kind of like being banned though. I don’t have to worry about being judged or anything. It’s like talking into a black hole. Hmm…

  51. 1. I was not pressed into University, I entered because I lov studying and, even more, I love the course I’m doing. Journalism is my passion. I see no sense in marrying young and raising children because I don’t want to be someone’s slave and I have no tact for kids. All I want is find a good job, get enough money to pass me by and maybe, only maybe, marry and have kids.
    2. Why is it so bad women learn about feminism? Ah, because they learn how to think and men like you don’t like argumentative women. I’m sorry about that, but the world’s changing. About half of the population is female. If that half doesn’t work, the country will produce less and quality of life would be worse.
    3. What about sluts? Just let them be! Why can’t women lie with several men when men lie around with several women? If a woman is a slut, that’s her problem, that’s none of my (or your) business.

  52. Female Harvard Law student here, and appalled. AMA, if you’re brave enough to have your opinions challenged and to discuss with a modicum of dignity.

  53. Posted this comment about 12 hours ago, and it was deleted. Thanks for your security in your beliefs, Mod. Reposted: Female Harvard Law student here, and appalled. AMA if you’re willing to have your opinions challenged and to have a dialogue with dignity.

  54. Female Harvard Law student here. Third time posting after being deleted twice – Moderator appears threatened. AMA if you’re willing to have your opinions challenged and can have a dialogue with dignity.
    Note to the moderator: last time posting before I walk away with the conviction that the men here have failed to develop the courage and conviction to defend the beliefs they purport to champion. Up to you whether you’re brave enough to face an intelligent human being with a contrary opinion to your own.

  55. This post, nay, this site, is the dumbest piece of shit I’ve ever read. It’s 1000x worse than social justice sallys or feminazis. I never really believed there were men afraid of powerful or educated women until I discovered this site. Congratulations, you are more mentally deficient than Daily Mail readers and EDL members.

  56. Seriously? This article is disgusting, for starters you’re talking about all women as if you know them and exactly what they want. Each individual wants different things. Secondly, what’s wrong with feminism and wanting equality for the sexes? It seems like a basic thing to want, all women I know want this. Also ‘If they had just listened to what mother nature was telling them: to marry young, have children and love to be lead by a man she would be so much happier’ the thing you call ‘mother nature’ is what kicks off the menstrual cycle and the maternal instinct which can vary in the times they occur in a woman. Marriage and love never comes into it, what you’re spouting is patriarchal bullshit.

  57. Universities work as marriage brokers, it was in a sociology book I
    read. This is because women attend universities to find smart men who
    could potentially be their future mates.
    Women attend university also just so they could pick up guys without alcohol and being sluts. Future investors?

  58. Thank you for an honest, well presented, and `to the point` article. I am 17 and did start a college course in January because of pressure put on me by some of my family. It was only a part time course but I won’t be continuing with level two of the course starting in September. My boyfriend wants me to marry him and move in with him soon and that’s what I will be doing, he wants a big family so he said the sooner we marry and I get pregnant the better.
    I agree with everything you have written above, thanks for being honest and telling it like it is.

  59. I’m not sure how chicks are in America, but here in Australia we call “liberal arts” degrees : Bachelors of Attendance. All my friends are either in Engineering, chemistry, zoology or accounting/finance or nursing. I myself am in my last semester of accounting and Japanese. I plan to complete the Chartered accountant’s diploma after. I enjoy university and knowing I will be able to get a challenging Anyone, no matter the gender, (with necessary grades or experience) should be encouraged to continue their education. To say that all women should be discouraged is a backwards view. How do you expect women to become educated and intellectual with an emphasis on staying at home and immediately breeding? And by uni (in Aus), most girls have grown out of the so called “slut phase”.

  60. Stereotyping women with an alternative look as sluts comes from a very intelligent and educated person indeed!!
    There are perhaps far more sluts in suits than you can imagine!…Imbecile!!

  61. Get your head out of your misogynist arse mate, the lone desire of all women is not to have a husband and kids and if it is why can’t they also have a career? There are currently MORE women graduating in the field of dentistry than men, and the women there to further their education and chase their dream job are NOT few and far between.

  62. I’m not sure if this site real or just a joke. None of the problem posted above really shows any real negative explanation of why women shouldn’t attend university.
    1. Most of my female friends are actually serious in every way on class, on discussion, etc. Most of my classmates which is male are actually screw off and prefer smoke on the bathroom rather than really attend class. Their grades are abysmal and mostly only leeching when doing group works. Women are actually more passionate about attending higher educations, your statement is just invalid.
    2. You hate argumentative woman? I don’t. They’re generally more active and an excellent partner for idea-generating activities. Also your statement about happiness is just shallow. Happiness is subjective, and everyone should forge their own real happiness by experiencing life and harvesting knowledge from education. Seriously nowadays men are turning into sissy boys, scared to compete with woman. Masculinity? Can’t see than, you guys act more like whinny old lady rather than real man. You guys should reflect and redefine what masculinity means, you guys are disgrace for real men out here.
    3. I have no idea why you call them sluts. They’re serious and not gonna partying at least before they’re finished their works. They’re not feminine? they still act feminine, but responsibly is different story.
    Seriously, you guys are such disgrace.
    Real masculine men afraid of no change.
    We afraid of no competitor. We’ll even help them to compete on the same level, but we’ll still win.
    We won’t chicken out just because subordinate existence trying to climb to our level, we’re just gonna raise the bar.
    Whinny boys, stop pretend to be a masculine.

  63. Until they are interested in being an accountant, doctor, lawyer, nurse, or anything in the STEM fields, they shouldn’t be in college.

  64. University is fucking scam for anyone. Period. You don’t need college until you want to major in something useful like STEM fields. It should be a place for education and not partying, underage drinking, and sex. But nowadays, it’s gotten downhill and that’s all thanks to leftists professors.

  65. This is so true. I’m 18 and I was pressured by my family into going to university although I never really felt a desire to, I’ve been studying for 2 months now and I hate it. It’s definitely not for me. Previously I had changed my mind a million times about what career I wanted to pursue. This wasn’t because I was indecisive, it’s because I didn’t want a career and couldn’t find anything I was happy with, but felt pressured to keep looking. I am going to drop out at the end of this semester, I am getting married in August and am going to focus my attention on being a good wife and (hopefully) mother instead. That is all I ever really wanted anyway!
    Women are pressured into going to university for the sake of being considered educated and having a career, when deep down most women don’t really want a career they just want to be wives and mothers. No one will admit this though because it is seen by society as a terrible decision that will lead to 1. poverty, 2. your husband leaving you, 3. being a single divorced mother unable to support your children 4. working as a checkout chick or fast food worker for your entire life. I wish we would stop this propaganda and let women do what is natural to them…

    1. Don’t get married at your age – get out of where you are. You’re too young. I am Australian, and have lived in many rural areas. Have sex with more men and learn what you really like – otherwise it will only lead to disappointment.

  66. The failures of the education system is a topic that isnt hit on enough, and if it is, the proposed solutions are usually more failure…we need more money and women graduating damnit.
    As someone in my final class of my bachelors degree(THANK YOU GOD!!!!), my mind is fairly fresh in terms of the pure batshit insanity that goes on here. I could write many reasons the school system and the college system is falling apart at the seams, but I’ll focus here primarily on feminism and women.
    I have come to the conclusion that we truly should stop sending them to school past the 6th grade(though I am of the opinion that k-12 is largely a waste of time…but lets just run on the 6th grade education level for the sake of argument). THe reasons for stopping their education are a few
    1. they mentally stop maturing
    2. her place is not the workforce, its at home
    3. they need to gain mothering experience, which will mean hanging out with other mothers, and raising children. ideally they should be getting this taught to them earlier, but by this point it should become a priority.
    4. due to the ever damning facts known as biology…women really should be having kids by the time they are 16. the eggs are their peak, her body is at least 2 years past puberty at this point.
    but but but secretaries and nurses and school teachers.
    secretaries require the brain of a 10 year old, they are only popular because of secretary porn fetishes. Nurses again dont actually do a whole lot. its the doctors that run the show and have the meat of the education. FUrthermore, men who are already going into the medical field could pick this up. as for teachers? school needs men, school has become far to feminized as it is. it is also a scientific fact that boys only look up to men, but girls will look up to both men and women. given this reality, forcing boys to look up and respect a women, is contrary to their nature and should be avoided and one of many reasons men today are not men.
    Stopping their education would also stop them gaining life experience and keep their nature in check, in essence, it would put a lock down on the slut mentality. It would also ensure everyman will get a wife.
    When it comes to the feminized nature of education these days….well go to a college class. I am behaviroal science- psychology major, and in every fucking class, some woman(usually many women), must raise their hands and emotionally validate everything. every fucking thing is….”oh that reminds me this….” or “you know this happened to me does this mean that???” or some other mindless drivel. the men get in on it too. Beta men I assume must vomit out their feelings too.
    this ultimately brings the quality of the class down. I cannot stress the useless comments enough….these girls and manginas vomit out their feelings left and right with reckless abandon to the enjoyment of most of the class.
    i feel like i have 120 credit hours of classes all disguised as “lets talk about our feelings and why men suck”
    the useless degrees….holy fuck the useless degrees. there only to make you feel good about graduating.I know there are a lot English majors that are women that are just waiting to get a husband, which tells you exactly what
    they would rather be doing.
    only a mangina or girl could take 2-3 years of “university studies”. yet Ive known a lot of folks that are doing just that, or the ever famous I am 5 classes from being done, i’ll change majors now….but wait they do that 2 more times. the fuck people??? dont think my grandfather or father would ever do that.
    then we have the mind poison…girls that obviously want to settle down with a man, spend this time getting mind poisoned.
    due to a females general inability to critically think, they will eat up everything they are told. EVERYTHING and teachers lie a lot, and spit out a lot of pure bullshit. These girls take it as gospel fact. The weaker men take it as fact too. as a result they get out of here poisoned mentally.
    I say this….if your mind has awakened for any reason at all, and you are in college….it is like pure hell. My mind
    awoke probably in spite of college, and it has been pure torture….if I want to pass, I must go along with it quitely and thankfully this is my last class.
    if you want to feel good about a “great” degree….go to college, if you a truth seeker, stay far, far away.
    another point is…lets assume this girl gets her bachelors and in some cases a masters or PHD….she is now anywhere from 22-30 years old, she may even get married during that time….guess fucking what? shes going to throw all of that shit down the drain to raise her kids, or shes going to be too mind poisoned by school, and the kids will suffer because they will get tossed into a daycare system. worse yet the husband she marries, may pay off the majority of her student loan debt, and thus is the one that sends her to school, and the girl may still break in her 30s and divorce him. so not only does the husband eat her debt(afterall marriage = joint finances you know and hes an unmanly coward if he does otherwise), but will then still get nailed with child support even though she has a PhD in whatever and could get a good 100k a year job.
    This assumes she even ever uses the damn degree for anything. I know Ive heard it so many fucking times on the Dave Ramsey show….they are in debt, student debt half of the time, the wife has a massive debt, a masters or a PHD, and now she is a stay at home mom because for some reason the husband let her finish this now useless degree on HIS DIME and everyone applauds it. Its kind of hilarious ironic that Dave Ramsey who normally gives great financial advise, cannot see past his beta pussy worshipping thick skull, and realize that putting your wife through a PHD just so she can stay at home and raise
    the kids, is the work of a fucking moron.
    an educated women with a degree is to put it bluntly a fucking moron.
    we also have the fact that she WONT BE A GOOD HOUSWIFE or submissive. school dont teach that shit, so odds are she will be even MORE stubborn.
    to the comments…you want an educated mother
    lets look at that….no no you dont. because of the aforementioned reasons. you want a housewife for a mother. a housewife is not an idiot by default. think of your old school mothers and grandmothers? are they stupid? no. They know how to keep a house running under the stress of 5 or more kids. they know how to clean up running noses, scrapped knees, get kids to stop fighting and make a damn good dinner too. They know how to help with your homework. they are not fucking morons. but the university educated girl is a moron….she is living on hot pockets, cant do her laundry(seriously Ive seen college girls that cant make spaghetti and Ive been praised for my cooking skills when all Im doing sometimes is making rice….), clean the house, or do any other wifey things. She also probably cant change a diaper. She is in essence incapable of caring for that child in her womb. Some educated women are so dense and stupid, they choose formula over breast feeding(medical problems aside like the child cant digest protein….though I have a hunch eating like a fatass addicted to fast food is probably ONE reason the child came out defective).
    seriously the educated woman is a moron because she denies her own nature. thats why you dont want that as a wife.
    seriously if you can still find an old school grandmother or mother around…speak with them. you will be amazed at the tricks they know. they are wise indeed, and they have failed to pass that wisdom onto their daughters. I would urge everyone…..if you are in LTR, go and get your girl to hang out with an old school mother or grandmother(one that hates feminisim and many old ladies do hate feminism because they are actually wise and actually mourn over the fact that a good home cooked grandmothers meal at holidays is a dying thing) and have them teach her(really just shadow her). they know so much hidden shit, its ridiculous. why do they know this? because their mothers taught them tricks to be a good housewife and what ran a good home in the year 1500 is the same shit that runs a good home now, it hasnt changed, kids havent changed, the secrets are there, they were passed onto your grandmother, partly to your mother, but your wife? no one taught her. find one of these wise old sages before they are dead. i implore you.
    being a good housewife aint natural…its gotta be taught.

  67. is this serious? really are there men saying they know what women want better than women themselves??? Do you know what makes me happy better than I do? “they become argumentative” is a euphemism for “they think for themselves”. Looks like you’re afraid of that. What’s in the brain of a man that’s so worried about what women should do for “their happiness”? I think you’re worried about your happiness…Do whatever you want that makes you happy don’t worry about us girls… Also, the “follow the nature” argument… Mother nature gave women brains with abilities other than have children. There are many fields in which women are naturally better than men, commmunication and languages are two of them. And another point you’re missing: university does not exist just to gain knowledge to find a job as a corporation slave… learn about the begginings of university, its origin. Being educated is always positive as it opens your mind in many ways. University existed before corporations, before the idea of working as having a job. Dear men, worry about your own happiness, try to be happy without having to exercise power over the other half of humanity.

  68. Have you been actually been to university? There are lots of intelligent and industrious people of all gender identities within the insitutions who may also put up with a lot of crap that they shouldn’t have too . There are some slackers and oh insitution is perfect but there are a lot of university students-not just men- who are of more profound substance;and whom are more rational , intelligent and hardworking than you . They are also decent human beings . Maybe go to university or at least change your view point . Furthermore if you thinking of pursuing a career in journalism , i suggest you reevaluate your thinking and writing as many places will not hire you for posting asinine posts such as this.

  69. If women do not go to university, then men would take over jobs that require high levels of education, such as doctors and scientists, while women would either revert back to being housewives or work in jobs that don’t require undergraduate education, such as factory workers or construction jobs. However, our culture has already changed so much that banning women from university would probably force them to take the traditionally masculine jobs (factory workers, construction, taxi and truck drivers). Our society already encourages women to have jobs rather than become housewives, so women would not just revert back to how it was in the 1950s. Essentially, banning women from university would cause them to have masculine jobs and also make them more masculine while would become more feminine, which is exactly what this website is advocating against.

  70. I love learning. I feel like I’m in my element when I’m in a classroom and having discussions with others in a controlled, academic setting. No, I don’t want a husband or wife because I think my personal achievements are infinitely more important to me than fleeting relationships with people I will eventually get bored of. I’m not good with connecting with people so why should I worry about it?
    As soon as class began Fall of my freshman year of college I thought “Yes, this is where I want to be. I want to learn from experts about my favorite topics, I want to strengthen my analytical and debate skills. I want to apply said knowledge to worldly affairs and better my understanding of not only who I am, but who others are.”
    This article is condescending as hell and incorrectly infers that every female on campus is miserable. No, me and my female colleagues are having a blast from what I can see. I love getting full marks for a heavily-researched paper and receiving acknowledgment for my contributions to a class discussion. I decided to be celibate and a single party since high school and I’m not going to suddenly change that because of there being educated male colleagues studying along with me. I feel no urge to have children, much less start a relationship with a man or woman.
    So if anything this article pisses me off because it assumes that every woman feels a biological clock when in fact a lot of us are absolutely uninterested in anything but what we can contribute to society. If a man can go until the age of 30 without settling down and having a kid, why can’t a woman?

  71. It’s interesting in a way to see feminist ideology described as “The campaign against women”, but in a weird way, it is. Feminism is anti-femininity.

  72. I love school, though. I’m hoping to major in finance with a dual minor in French and German. Finance is a useful degree, and I just love studying foreign languages. If I’m sick, I just put on some films in another language and try to follow the dialogue.

  73. I srsly hope u’re kidding and if u’re not then, dude go visit a doctor, looks like there’s a big tumor in ur brain, although, If removed, I don’t think u’ll survive (that ,ofc if u ask me, would be the greatest service u’ll do to humanity) since an air balloon has more brains than u’ll ever will.

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