The New Star Wars Movie Spinoff Reaffirms Disney’s Hatred Of White Males

This is a rebellion, isn’t it? I rebel.

Rogue One character Jyn Erso, continuing the sad new Star Wars emphasis on “girl power” in a world where men do basically all the heavy lifting.

Rogue One, due for release in December this year, is the first of several planned Star Wars spinoff films. And, like its trilogy predecessor The Force Awakens, which Return of Kings boycotted, this new instalment reiterates Disney’s hatred for white males. Unless, of course, they are cast as villains.

In The Force Awakens, for example, the only highly visible “good” white male character was Han Solo, who was a preexisting part of the Star Wars franchise and could hardly be replaced by either a non-white or non-male. Maybe I spoke too soon, however, because the new female lead of Rogue One is an obvious but very flawed attempted copy of the Han Solo template.

Rogue One tells the story of Jyn Erso, who, according to the trailer, is so rebellious even the Rebel Alliance apparently has severe reservations about recruiting her for a mission. Along with Hispanic Diego Luna’s character, she assembles a group of Rebel soldiers and sympathizers (who are all non-white males) to steal the plans for the first Death Star. This group is about as white male as Mogadishu prior to the arrival of American soldiers in Black Hawk Down.

Band of non-white males led by a female? Oh, yeah! Now let’s make the bad guys white males!

Those rounding out Disney’s “screw white men” squad include Rizwan Ahmed, a British rapper of Pakistani descent, who plays Bodhi Rook and simultaneously fills Disney’s Muslim quota. Ahmed stirred up considerable controversy with his 9/11-themed song about British police supposedly shooting “brown” people deliberately ten years ago. The song solidified his attempt at victim-status as a brown man himself, despite being a privileged Oxford graduate whose ancestors included indigenous elite stooges for the British in India. Asians Donnie Yen and Jiang Wen play two other members of the team, while African-American Forest Whitaker has joined the cast as what is perhaps best described as a non-Force using Obi-Wan Kenobi-style Clone Wars veteran.

The most laughable aspect of Erso’s recruitment is that the character Mon Mothma, another female, describes her as having been alone since she was 15. Here we see another example of the canonizing of otherwise damaged women presumably raised by single mothers and who do not know their father. Despite every objective measure pointing out that girls who grow up like this are much, much more likely to be dysfunctional and grow up to be outright delinquents, somehow it is what makes Jyn Erso perfect for the job.

Meanwhile, the villains are all white men. Ben Mendelsohn plays a white cape-wearing Imperial admiral and Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen is rumored to play another senior-ranking officer of the Empire, particularly as a non-film Star Wars character has already been based on his likeness.

Why don’t we see so many Jyn Ersos in our world?

Yes, because so many of the heroes you see in real world situations are female.

It is ironic that the two danger-seeking “good side” leads of The Force Awakens and Rogue One are female. Feminists like Anita Sarkeesian bellow for female representation in video games and other media, but they forget that in no sense are women even close to represented in real-life, life-endangering activities. As I have opined in at least two other articles, one about women and liberalism, and the other about a man who died trying to save his shit-testing girlfriend, women meticulously avoid trying to put themselves in harm’s way to save other people, especially men. Jyn Erso is nothing short of a false mirror for what feminists think women are when, in fact, almost all of them are completely different.

The female warrior mentality that Jyn Erso is meant to represent is pure folly. As continental Europe continues to feel threatened by the perceived expansionism of Russia, it is men in places like Finland and Lithuania who are carrying the increased defense load. Some 900,000 Finnish men received conscription reminders last year and Lithuania, which had both a female President and female Parliamentary Speaker at the time, went so far as to reintroduce male-only conscription.

It is little wonder that women claiming an equal martial spirit for females have to resort to obscure figures like Boudica resisting the Romans or the supremely mentally ill Joan of Arc, before then supporting the invention of puffed up heroines like Jyn Erso and Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games.

When justifying the character Jyn Erso, it no defense to say that Star Wars is science fiction. Whilst the franchise’s technology and the Force itself are concepts that have no direct parallels with our world, its higher themes, namely power, redemption, and sacrifice, reflect more concretely struggles we can relate to. Unless someone is brainwashed by the pernicious modern “culture,” no one can rationally relate to a world where women equally shoulder the burden of self-endangerment, let alone take the lead in it, for some good cause.

What’s Disney’s angle?

So if Western countries must (over-)diversify their populations, media, culture, and films, why don’t non-Western countries have to? Rizwan Ahmed’s parents and Donnie Yen himself both come from societies that categorically refuse to diversify.

The Star Wars franchise’s owner Disney is unquestionably championing women as something they are not amidst the cold, hard truths of real life. This fantasy portrayal of women will be very regressive for popular culture, ravaged as it already is, because the corporate juggernaut’s share of the film industry is, along with Marvel’s, so gargantuan. Expect much more of this claptrap to disgrace your local cinema screens.

Universities, which miraculously manage to still produce notable conservatives and other non-leftists, have been banging on the door with anti-white male “theories” for decades. Yet it seems that film and other entertainment mediums are finally closing the distance between themselves and academia with output like The Force Awakens and Rogue One. This development will be interesting to watch, as so many white male (or just male) celebrities have attached their public images to leftist causes, without ever having to lose something from their affiliation. They may indeed be feeling the pinch from this Hollywood feminist shift soon.

As we saw in The Force Awakens, the black character Finn became something of a fumbling parody compared to the “she always has her shit together” Rey. Likewise, in Rogue One, the non-white men are seemingly falling in behind Jyn Erso, with Diego Luna’s character only nominally calling the shots.

All in all, Rogue One is just another example of women doing things in films they never bother to do in real life.

Read More: Why Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is A Social Justice Propaganda Film

649 thoughts on “The New Star Wars Movie Spinoff Reaffirms Disney’s Hatred Of White Males”

  1. Dollars spent on Disney over the last 10 years – $0.00
    Fucks given if Disney perishes – 0
    Effective range of Disney propaganda on myself and my kids – 0.0 yards
    The Left is going Full Retard the last 8 years or so. They think that they are invincible. If we ever get to a Pinochet Moment in the States then they will finally confront the Evil White Male Villain that they’ve invented out of whole cloth. For ten seconds; just before they have their gray matter splattered against the wall behind them.
    These people are simply intolerable and evil. What happens to them in the future will be of their own doing, and I will have zero sympathy for them or their families.

    1. But, hey, at least Hollywood still knows how to cast Asians as Kato, this time it’s Donnie Yen in the new Star Wars. You can always count on them to let their bias show no matter how much they screech about diversity.

      1. I’ve come to quickly understand that “diversity” means “I’m not invited to the party”.
        A buddy of mine and I were talking about this not long ago. If you add every race into the mix when it comes to movies/entertainment, then great, no issues. If you add every race into the mix and then exclude one purposefully, then it’s propaganda with a very specific agenda in mind. I can’t help but notice that “i” am no longer in that mix, except as either a villain, or a useful idiot that is to be mocked by all of the Wise Diversity. There are exceptions to this, without question, but they are becoming more rare with each passing year. The Revenant for example, was fucking fantastic and I’d gladly watch it again a couple of times.
        Money has been withdrawn accordingly. When a good movie pops up every couple of years or so, I’ll see it, but otherwise these people can kiss my lilly white Anglo Saxon ass.

        1. Seconded the Revenant. Incredible movie and accurately depicted the varying hostilities of ‘Native’ American Tribes and their barbaric tendencies. I was actually unaware the Pawnee were fairly friendly with the Euro Settlers.

        2. Agreed.
          But it is also telling to me how the non-white males are utilized primarily as back-up/servants to the empowered white woman. How long will so-called minorities allow entitled women/feminists to exploit them?

        3. There were no punches pulled in that movie at all. When the Indians were giving the “You took our homes” speech, it was actually accurate because those French guys literally did burn down their village. That nothing was white washed or made comfortable is a fantastic thing, how that slid past the gatekeepers is anybody’s guess.

        4. Good question. I’ve also wondered how black women are taking being literally dissed as not good enough for black men any longer by the media. If I were a black woman I’d be major pissed off at this trend.

        5. Lol good point. The black guy in the new Star Wars is merely the token black dude.

        6. I think there is literally a civil war going on amongst black people. It’s the “blacks who are too black” vs the “blacks who are too white”.
          The “blacks who are too white”, act white, but aren’t necessarily lighter skinned, tend to be the successful and disciplined people. They only date like minded blacks or don’t date black at all. They’re usually demonized by other blacks as being “Uncle Toms” or “sell-outs” thus pushing their dating pool away from fellow blacks to whites. Most of black women I see dating white men, regardless of how beta the men look, the women seem to look after themselves quite well and dress respectably. I went on a couple dates with a women under the “blacks who are too white” category and what I noticed was she was well spoken, liked classic rock, worked out all the time and ran an entrepreneurial business on the side. Her parents were doctors/lawyers. I’ve met many people under this category myself, all of whom I speak very highly of.
          “Blacks who are too black” tend to be the ones left behind. They hate everyone and focus their anger on “the white man”/”the system” (Black Lives Matter). They end up in jail, in gangs, dead, dealing drugs. It’s a vicious cycle and it’s hard for them to escape. They knock up broken women and then remain absent from the kid’s lives thus completing another cycle.

        7. He wasn’t even the “Magical Negro archetype”, I was pissed off!

        8. Even Jackie Robinson, the first black baseball player, was considered an Uncle Tom at some point. Go figure.

        9. That propaganda seed has been sown long ago. Between fake hair and education, American culture has many black women believing black men are substandard and to have the best they need to be educated and date an affluent, preferably white guy. The real tragedy is with the propaganda most black women intrinsically know to stay close to home but will still operate on the program, leaving a huge disconnect no matter what side they choose, betray the programming by dating black or betray the race by dating white?

        10. It’s all discord and confusion.
          I’d really like to live in a world where this shit didn’t matter. Just live life, get along with people, have friends and find a sense of peace. But these faggots in the halls of the elite seem hell bent on pitting everybody against everybody.
          If the day comes, I won’t be playing a sad violin song to cover the sounds of the firing squads.

        11. The propaganda engine was strong in America. The moment the black family was separated was the moment “white black” and “black black” became the divide. White man’s education. White man’s system. White man’s laws. Solipsism formed because people never looked beyond the four walls of America and looked at Africa as sole reference point.
          The silliness of it all is social aspects must be taken on to fit in within a group and all people strive to fit in, whether it is to belong or to gain influence. Some how, that notion got flipped on its head to create a consistent divide between black people and everyone else in America. The message how can you want to fit in when white people have harmed so much throughout black culture and history. And it is the correct message.
          There are several articles of consideration of destruction that occur to black people instilled by the police state that are substantiated by the old trope of black people are criminals. No different than the new trope of white men are serial killers, muslim men terrorists, and jewish men as social cur who wish to destroy all cultures not looking to place them on the top of the food chain. We take the few to judge the many and call it fact.

        12. Bw have been pissed for decades. Displaying their anger to the media any chance they get. The gender war between bw and bm still rages on. Courtesy of white feminist.

        13. The scary thing is, that was the plan and point all along.
          Couldn’t have anyone becoming too independent/uppity listening to folks like Dr. King or BT Washington or Douglass. Nope, keep ’em hatin,’ divided, and controlled.

        14. So sad. I actually was being serious with the question too, I really do feel bad for what’s being done to black women culturally. Every ten years they’ll throw out a token “See, black women are soulful and decent” movie, then go right back to the grind of “Hey black dudes, don’t settle for that shit, go grab a blonde white girl, that’s a much better option”. I guess I feel somewhat like we’re in the same boat in a way. Doubt they’d see it as such though. Dunno.

        15. We are in the same boat, it just took new wave feminism to see it was the plan for all men, not just black men. It also took feminism to see it was the plan not some conspiracy theory trying to substantiate the value of their people.

        16. It is actually good that people are starting to come around to this, and getting less afraid to pull back the curtain on the agenda setters. I figure anybody in the same situation as me is an ally, whether they know it or not.

        17. And it sucks because it seems to be a well tooled self fulfilling cycle. Black women start hypergamous, then tell themselves all of what they been programmed to think; black men will only leave you for a white girl. So from hypergamy the switch goes to education for better hypergamous choices.
          Got to give it up to the programmers. They show post wall women with no surplus of immediate men looking to date them as a small social vestige to say, black women can’t date black men because they are either hiding a child somewhere or beneath your status.
          You can always do better than black men. Even if it means sterility. Thus the inherent self hatred is on display for the world to see. But this is America’s culture. To want to get ahead you must have a level of self hatred. Or so the saying goes.

        18. Damn right. I always watch the movies with a kick ass man as the lead, good actors, etc…
          You may not like Keanu Reeves but watched John Wick the other day (a man movie, with women fucking it up). The only women in this movie are the gfs in the background being gfs, bringing drinks, looking good and not talking.
          There is a second one coming out soon.
          I’ll watch any of these types of movies with a man as the lead, kicking ass. The Revenant is on my list to see as well.
          The Martian was a good movie…why? Because it was a man who was left alone to figure out how to stay alive on a planet with no one else. It was a man doing what men do best – figuring shit out, finding solutions, etc…

        19. Agreed, I liked that movie as well. There were good guys and bad guys among both the natives and settlers. It was realistic.

        20. I did make an exception to the no cinema rule this last weekend, at the urging of my son, to see Deadpool. Fun movie, but not sure if I’d watch it again. The lead however, funny as hell, zero fucks given and kind of cool in his own way.
          Wanted to see The Martian but didn’t get to it while it was in theatres.

        21. Black women created their own problems (made their own beds) – in my opinion. They spout out this bullshit of “I don’t need a man, I’m a strong black woman”…and they all buy into it.
          So, the black man said fuck this shit…I’m moving on.
          The patting on the back that Oprah used to give to single mothers (especially black single mothers) was fucking ridiculous. I was glad when she finally went off the air because she was giving bad advice out to black women…keeping that god damn circle alive with the repeated nonsense.

        22. Do we really need another “round table” with black women, minorities or white women giving us their opinions on everything?
          What do women want? Who cares.

        23. I agree that they had that attitude, but I think it was instilled in them by the Social Experimenters back around the time of LBJ. I knew plenty of old black women when I was a child and they were all kind and sweet, as a rule. I’m assuming that their being old, at the time, meant that they grew up at least partially in the pre LBJ world.

        24. It’s a vicious beast. Unfortunately most bm like many white guys won’t see it from a red pill perspective. Enjoy the decline.

        25. Indeed. Once the welfare state hit…all bets were off (it destroyed families and communities). It pretty much replaced “the dad” in the family with “the state”.

        26. Yep. The Martian is a man in his own element….finding a way to survive, using his skills, thinking (critical thinking)….to stay alive.
          No woman could be in this role…but they’ll try to push that narrative if they can get away with it.

        27. I have a very strong suspicion that the black community were the petri dish where social experimenters knew that they could work on testing their theories. A black family in 1920 was basically the same as a white family, in regards to family values, community, togetherness. That it all changed so fast and so drastically leaves no doubt that it was contrived from “above”. That’s the shit they have in plan for us as well, on a larger scale.

        28. I’ve come to quickly understand that “diversity” means “I’m not invited to the party”.

          That’s a very polite definition. I’m definitely saving this one.

        29. Whether it be women or minorities, realistically, they don’t care. But generations of being fed nonsense and you get this shit. Women don’t know what the fuck they want, yet they piss away their golden yrs chasing lies which ultimately leads to unhappiness. You should always consider what modern women want to an extent. Good chance it’ll be from you.

        30. It really just depends where that woman is at…point in her life and what she’s been exposed to (the truth or propaganda).
          Women approaching The Wall (wanting children and a stable man to provide) will switch tactics when they are approaching their late 20s to early 30s. They know time is running out, their friends are married, engaged, kids, etc…and they aren’t (not yet). They’ll move from banging any and everyone (cock carousel) to settling down with “the right man” (more like the right man for the right time).
          Even more so if she already has kids…looking for that beta provider to provide security.
          Women will rationalize the shit out of anything to tell themselves it’s ok and justify their actions. Never listen to a woman…watch her actions.

        31. So let me get this straight, in the movies, the 125 pound woman manages to be cute and sexy but also at the same time the best warrior/assassin/fighter etc, yet in Europe there is a massive rape crisis courtesy of Arab hordes. In the movies, the 125 pound woman always seems to be able to easily slay men 2x her size with one punch. Why aren’t all these warrior women showing off their deadly fighting skills to the groups of Arab men who try to sexually assault them in real life? Maybe they should putJyn Erso in a room with a trio of Arab guys. I can only imagine the devastation and utter destruction she would rain down on them with her superb fighting skills as all 3 guys cower in the corner, begging for mercy.

        32. From what I read it goes back a little further. Good read if you have time. Of course blacks today still want to blame slavery and white liberals encourage them.
          “• In the 1890s, there were four public high schools in Washington D.C.; one black, the M Street School/Dunbar High School, and three white. In 1899, Dunbar averaged higher standardized test scores than students in two of the three white schools. From 1870 to 1955 Dunbar repeatedly equaled or exceeding performance on national standardized tests.
          • As late as 1910 more than two-thirds of the black population of Chicago lived in neighborhoods where most residents were white.
          • In 1950, 72 percent of all black men and 81 percent of black women had been married.
          • Every census from 1890 to 1950 showed that black labor force participation rates were higher than those of whites.
          • Prior to the 1960’s the unemployment rate for black 16 and 17-year olds was under 10 percent.
          • Before 1960, the number of teenage pregnancies had been decreasing; both poverty and dependency were declining, and black income was rising in both absolute and relative terms to white income.
          • In 1965, 76.4 percent of black children were born to married women.”

        33. I’m the same way, which is why I can’t accept race as a moral quality. Down south there are still too many decent old school black Americans for me to really believe that race is the determining factor. The black community has some serious systemic problems because LBJ detonated the black family, but anyone who escapes (more than you might think) that system is just a normal human being, sometimes better because they escaped the default.
          I’m also worried about the slip of poor whites into the same ghetto cycle. Not 20 miles from where I live you see the same sad story playing out, single moms, gangs, and drugs. The gangs are bikers and the drug is meth and the IQ is slipping.
          This is where some libertarianism in me stops. It’s the responsibility of those better off to help take care of the worse off members of the tribe even if it’s a self preservation mechanism. Not with welfare payments that destroy families, but helping to provide meaningful work and an orderly environment. :steps off soap box:

        34. Don’t be fooled by the appearance of the female lead initially. Unapologetically grounded & masculine film, especially from the midpoint onwards right towards the end.

        35. You sure do. When I first watched the previews I thought it was another “girl power” movie. They sure sold it as such. But it wasn’t really like that at all. Great Film!

        36. Living in a very liberal city I have to agree with you. I constantly see this in Black women. As for black men, they are dating black women less and less. They are sick of the BS and nonsense.

        37. Unfortunately it was all downhill for the black community after instituting the “war on poverty.” fatherless households jumped from 7% to about 70%.

        38. Same here. I’ve spent money to go to the theater only once in the last 25+ years. Also TV and Hollywood are personally boycotted (with rare non-PC exceptions) until this bullshit PC madness ends.

        39. “…How long will so-called minorities allow entitled women/feminists to exploit them?”
          When those same non-white minority males ‘forget their place’ and speak up against the entitled feminist imperative.
          When that happens, I don’t think that things will go well. But I damn sure won’t interfere nor will I ‘defend’ any of them; I’ll just enjoy some schadenfreude.

        40. One thing no one EVER talks about is subsidized housing. While there are welfare benefits and food stamps, these all have expiration dates, and are temporary “helping” services. The HUD housing system, and specifically the Section 8 Voucher program with which I have experience, gives applicants free housing for life, once you make it through a long waiting list. The irony is that anyone who could sit on a waiting list for 3 years waiting on housing help has already found a housing alternative at that point so they no longer need it. But from that point on they have free housing at taxpayer expense for the rest of their lives. This absolutely destroys the will to work and be productive.
          It boggles my mind that this isn’t discussed because the cost of housing is in the thousands of dollars per year, but the cost of food stamps may be like $85 a month.

        41. Thanks for repeating the obvious one more time. Today I really needed to hear “never listen to a woman… watch her actions”

        42. Yeah. I can’t watch that stuff for 2 reasons. One, because it’s so absurd and I can’t take it seriously. Two, it’s nothing but a political agenda and I’m not interested in being preached to by some PC priest.

        43. And especially, don’t expect us to pay for that “privilege”.

        44. Just one more reason that I don’t go to films anymore: too damn expensive just to see some PC nonsense, as well as sharing the same space with the loud, ill-mannered SJW idiots that do.
          Waiting for Revenant to come out on DVD.

        45. Goes in the same column as ” Affirmative Action hire = ‘White males need not apply’ “.

        46. Nailed it. Way back in highschool my sister was called “Whitewashed” which was an updated version of the Sellout or Uncle Tom insults back then. Why you ask….simply because she regularly went to class.
          That civil war has been around for many years sadly and a reason relations between Black Women and Men are so poor.

        47. The problem with that is that this is probably one of the only movies I can say truly needs to be seen in the theatre to appreciate it fully. The camera work and photography consume you.

        48. But it shouldn’t be about adding or excluding races (not even if you just add and dont exclude), but about MERITOCRACY.
          For example, today it has been released the trailer from “A Monster Calls”. The director, J.A.Bayona, is Spanish, but if you check his movies and you check the trailer, you’ll see that he’s not there because of any racial quota or any political agenda, but because he’s bloody good at his job. And that is what should matter.

        49. What Western women fail to understand is that the safety they enjoy is a privilege made possible by Western men and not some inherent natural right that just happens. No means no, my body my choice etc is a privilege they have in a civilized western world. Young women think that wearing see through leggings with no underwear without being accosted by men they aren’t immediately attracted to is a natural right. But rights are useless without being able to physically enforce them. Ultimately, might does make right.
          We see this happening in Europe. When a strong, independent career woman is groped by some migrant and she yells no means no and he slaps the shit out of her, tells her to shut up and gropes her again, what does she do? She knows if she attempts to physically retaliate she’ll be hurt because she isn’t dealing with your typical western man who views her as his equal. There’s nothing she can do besides accept the groping or other sexual assault. Because she cannot defend it, her “right” to choose what man has her is ultimately a privilege men agree to give her. Her only defense is to find a strong enough man who can protect her from other men.

        50. Bleaching the problem away. *wink* nothing like that swirl with a fine looking sistah. 😉

        51. Fixed:

          typical western man who views her as his superior.

          I agree that women are privileged in the West. I would add though that they are privileged to the point of the ridiculous. FAR too much.
          This little girl power silliness collapses quickly when invaders are at the door. Lol.

        52. On the one hand, kudos that they are admitting it’s happening, and a problem, and want to end it (most EU countries, including Sweden on the whole, are afraid to do even that little).
          On the other hand it is laughable if they think it will be effective for anything more than turning native men’s stomachs and generally keep them from even going to the pool, at least with their eyes open (tats, fats, and purple hair, the trifecta of ick), just the kind of idea one would expect to come from the pixie-dust tea party set.
          Most likely outcomes: either the return of male/female segregated spaces (least likely to happen) or policed zones (wherein men are automatically guilty of whatever they get accused of by a woman (more likely)) or future headline reading “Groping Guard girl claims Mass Sexual Assault” (more likely on those men present who may have asked her to wear more clothing).

        53. It’s so god damned sad what happened to them. MLK and the cucks who enabled him deserve to rot in hell.

        54. “…Her only defense is to find a strong enough man who can protect her from other men.”
          Their problem is that they burned that bridge behind them at least twenty years ago.
          Only a White Knight idiot would do that now, and he deserves the tromping that he’s gonna get for defending ‘Miss Grrrrl Power’.

        55. And what are the girl groups gonna do when THEY are on the receiving end of some Middle Eastern thug-lovin’?
          (And ask me if I care…)

        56. Yeah…”I’m not invited to the party”, but you know damn well that they’ll want ME to pay for it!

        57. No wonder white women absolutely love Oprah. Nobody induces the feeling of “if they can do it, so can I” better than a fat, ugly black woman who is mega successful.

        58. Why they’ll inform them that “No means no” and that “It’s my body, my choice and I don’t owe you sex”. I’m sure that Abdul and company will thank them kindly for enlighting them with their newfound feminist knowledge and go volunteer at their nearest DV shelter as penance for their sin of objectifying women. Or they might tell them to shut up, slap the shit out of her for talking without permission and rape her anyway. One can never know.

        59. did you forget the one “super woman” agent in John wick that tried to kill him? still…they tried to put the strong female, i can be an assassin just like the guys, in there.

        60. Those Swedish hags are pretty damn ugly, I wonder if they broke the photographer’s camera?

        61. Seeding even more discord from our women folk. Teaching them to be ever more rebellious and aggressive. In real life, the super-hero women are not aggressive leaders. They are the spies, plants and double-agents working in the shadows.

        62. **Young women think that wearing see through leggings with no underwear without being accosted by men they aren’t immediately attracted to is a natural right.**
          One million up votes for that gem of an observation!

        63. Yeah because apparently watching Alien and Aliens would make you commit suicide right?

        64. Ah yes, you do want women to be nothing more than kitchen slaves and baby breeders.

        65. This is either a woman or a white knight. I’m surprised it took 22 days. lol.

        66. Neither. But I do not believe that women should be reduced to those two levels even in media but then again, anything with Neo on their site is bound to have traditionalist radicals.

        67. You wish you could be a wife beater while I am for rights and not previleges.

      2. True. Asian men are usually cast as asexual villains, asexual sidekicks, or asexual nerds. And Asian women as the romantic interest of non-Asian men.
        And this has been going on for years now. So I can imagine that the average Asian American guy probably shakes his head and laughs after reading this.

        1. Actually the Kato in the modern was the “Wise Diversity” who basically had to put up with the dumb bumbling white guy.

        2. Rogan is an insta-clue to me that I don’t want to see a movie. Kind of the opposite of how Steve Buscemi affects my decision to see a movie, anything with him in it automatically is upgraded a good 2 points on the “want to see” scale.

        3. There are still a hell of a lot of movies in which white characters are portrayed as heroes. Look at all the Marvel movies, DC comic movies, other big budget action flicks, etc.
          The same cannot be said about Asian actors in Hollywood. Which is why it’s very amusing when the author of the article fumes at the inclusion of Donnie Yen in the movie. Asians as heroes in big budget Hollywood films are rare exceptions. It is easy to name a list of white actors who get the best parts. On the other hand, the last big name actor of Asian descent was Bruce Lee. Yes, the original Kato. Then you have Jackie Chan and he is getting older. That’s it.
          It makes much more sense to focus on the Mary Sue characters in movies today.

        4. DC comic movies are undergoing a transition too though. I do agree, due to the comic books originating before PC culture, that you’re going to have a lot of white guys. They’re part of the exceptions I was talking about. Keep in mind however that in Comic World, they’ve transitioned Thor to a woman and Spiderman to a black guy. Give it time, it’ll reach the screen soon enough.

        5. I’ll chime in here a second. You have to understand that many of these Asians, also, decide to go back to their homelands (China, Korea, etc..) to be involved in their film studios versus staying in the U.S.. It’s hard to break in the U.S., similar to China, because of the diversity here (and lack of diversity in China).
          I don’t blame them but they have plenty of big named stars in their own countries doing well…who may or may not decide to stay here.
          China has plenty of their own leading men playing leading parts that may break into the U.S. or not..doesn’t mean they are successful. Yun-Chow Fat (The Replacement Killers)…big star in China before coming here….did well here in a few movies…went back to China to do some movies as well. He’s one example…there are plenty.

        6. The one that I shook my head at was the new Fantastic Four with (insert black guy here). I’m not opposed to change but it didn’t make any sense at all. No back story explained, just an updated version with a white sister, new CGI shit and insert diversity (PC bullshit) just because.

        7. Meanwhile ignoring established characters like Static Shock, Shadowman, Turok, Bishop, and Black Panther to name but a few.
          EDIT: Turok is a personal favorite of mine and my go to pick for Native American, but for a listing of black superheroes (and notice DC and Marvel had characters way back in the 70s, no reason to alter other characters in the name of diversity):

        8. Still pissed Bishop was turned into a villain. He was a time jumper hoping to change the past. He was always out to save his people yet some how was flipped into a man out to destroy his people over a white baby girl who may not even exist in the current Marvel Universe.

        9. From what I’ve heard the new black panther comics is taking a sjw apporach. And how could you forget green lantern John Stewart?

        10. Yes, but the point is relevant either way. DC has done similar things with their own stable such as Aqualad II being black or Stan Lee’s vision of Batman as black or Superman of Earth D & Earth 23 or Green Arrow (Conner Hawke). In this instance I took his meaning for “in Comic World” to be inclusive of all publishers not just DC and he used the most prominent recent examples to his point (which in this case were Marvel characters).

        11. And how about Asian American actors?
          Chow Yun Fat and Donnie Yen are native Asians from Hong Kong, and have it easier than actors of Asian descent who were born in the US or Canada, because they are already famous in their native countries.
          And that is the reason why they get cast in Hollywood in the first place; name recognition. It’s like Brad Pitt, an American actor, playing the part of an Irish gypsy in Snatch, a British flick. Asian American actors don’t have that luxury. Their homeland is the US.
          So it is quite silly of the author to perceive Asian actors as “threats” to white actors. They aren’t, never have been, and it will most likely happen when hell freezes over. It doesn’t make any sense at all.
          Incidentally Yen has refused parts in Hollywood in the past because they were demeaning. He didn’t want to play the umpteenth stereotype.

        12. I hope you are wrong on Black Panther. One of the biggest worries for years was that America was not ready to see a Black male hero as strong as the Black Panther and how awesome he would be on screen. I like how he looks in Captain America and am hopeful his totem will be shown to it’s fullest extent but if he gets sjw’d up, will that mean he is a defanged hero looking to peacefully build fans as opposed to being the king that he is?
          John Stewart was an intense character who was my favorite Green Lantern with Kyle Rayner being second. For some reason once you mentioned John, I thought of this great Green Lantern comic scene.

        13. Not really forgetting him, it’s just from my consideration/perspective Green Lantern is a job title not a specific person. He is listed on the Wikipedia entry linked though.

        14. I heard they casted stephen Yeun from the Walking Dead as the Black panther 😉

        15. It is wild but once, Stan was questioned on whether he knew of the Black Panthers before he created this character. Time stamped though, Black Panther in comics originated before Black Panthers in revolutionary movement. When life imitates art it has some fascinating results.

        16. I can’t name many myself: maybe Keanu Reeves as he is half-asian, or John Cho. Then there are the forgotten guys like Jason Scott Lee and Robin Shou (who was born in Hong Kong). And the old guard like the now deceased Kato and Pat Morita (who were generally type-cast) or Ric Young and Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa who got cast anytime the script calls for “generic Asian guy #1”.
          As you say most of the ones we think about are huge stars internationally or in their home countries (like Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Chow Yun Fat, and Donnie Yen), but they wound up cast in garbage roles their first time in America (like Jackie with The Protector or the bit parts in Cannonball Run, though Battle Creek Brawl isn’t terrible) and left for home or more friendly markets. Or they get parts/offered parts due to their fame even though many such offers are garbage roles.

        17. Yeah. I loved the earlier arcs with Bishop as an older brother figure (replacing Wolverine) to the likes of Jubilee & the younger mutants in the early books. And his tracking of the X Man who would betray the team in his future timeline.
          Always thought he had an interesting narrative as the man of duty hunting down mutant criminals who had escaped back to the 20th Century from their apocalyptic timeline.
          Tons of rich creative potential in the right hands. Gone.

        18. Exactly. Which is why the author off-base here by harping on a guy like Donnie Yen. You hardly ever see an Asian actor play a significant part in a Hollywood movie. On top of that, Asian characters are often replaced by white actors in movies.
          I do fully agree that the avalanche of Mary Sue characters is getting out of hand, but as long as the movies in which they are featured keep making money this won’t change. Because in the end that’s what counts. Sometimes the public doesn’t accept the bullshit, like the upcoming Ghostbusters movie for example.

        19. Yep. They can’t write a new series or story about Frigga, or Freya or even a random Valkyrie, nope, they go straight for the balls of the most masculine man in Western mythology. Like clockwork.

        20. Great reference. I am actually half way through the Green Lantern/Green Arrow omnibus where they are driving through America in a pickup truck fighting all the social ills.

    2. It’s funny how we condemned some of those authoritarians, like Pinochet, who during the Cold War persecuted the Marxists in their countries. Now that We have let Marxism run unchecked in this country for 50 years can we really blame them for taking such extreme steps?

      1. My view of him has “evolved” (as Leftists call changing one’s mind) a lot in the last 10 years. I now get why he did what he did.

        1. Well, Allende was a kgb agent on the kgb payroll. He had a Manchurian candidate who had to be dealt with.

        2. Suharto was good too. I’m glad India’s CIA (R&W) assassinated the various secret Muslim leftist leaders too (and I’m so glad someone shot that faggot Gandhi).
          Otherwise the country would’ve been lost to communism and the world would be irreparably on the communist path.

        3. Unfortunately, we have too many here that are leading our own home-grown ‘Useful Idiot’ followers down the same path that led the Russians to the Soviet Union and the gulags.

      2. I never had a problem with Pinochet…in fact growing up I cheered those brutal dictators who ruthlessly persecuted Marxists…even tho I knew I wasn’t ‘supposed’ to.

    3. Indeed…no dollars spent and zero fucks given about Disney. Star Wars is dead (once Disney took over the franchise).
      The rest of the propaganda is another tool to use subtle racism against whites (namely white men) calling it “diversity”. All white men should feel that they now have a target on their backs. Society and the media is in full force and they are not hiding it….and you should not hide it either.
      Strike back at these types and do not give any ground. It will be a hard fought war because many of these people live in fantasy land (thinking that they can stand up to real men).
      The real shot across the bow is how feminists are trying to integrate Muslims into the mix with these characters in movies (the group with radicals who want to get rid of white women or at least put them in their place, take their rights away, etc…). It will not be pretty once they figure it out (too late).

      1. Hiya there Driver. I usually enjoy your insightful comments here in ROK. But this something else. This is pure, laughable paranoia. You wrote “All white men should feel that they now have a target on their backs.”
        Seriously dude. I have noticed the level of baseless paranoia is on the steady rise in ROK lately. Now back to reality. There is no secret group of elites huddling in secret rooms throwing darts at picture of White Men while simultaneously plotting to demean White Men. Movies are meant to be enjoyed, not over-analyzing to the point of ludicrous absurdity. Those are the favorite pastime of deranged Leftist. Not us red pilled men.
        So what if a certain moviemaker or production house glorifies Women Empowerment? Don’t like it? Then don’t even mention about it let alone writing juvenile comments and clutching your pearls on how the world are soo unfair to us White blokes.

        1. I saw the agenda around 2003 when things were much milder. Today it’s so “in your face” that to deny it is to deny reality.

        2. I appreciate your comment and honesty. The one thing that I always look for is the truth. The fact that white men are being openly discriminated against is that truth. Now, I don’t hide in a corner cowering in fear about it…I only spread this information to other people (other men).
          The double standard that many can’t or don’t want to see is that truth. You only need to substitute words like diversity for racism…it’s subtle. You only need to turn on the TV to see how it’s subtle…but it is there, out in the open.
          Again, I’m not paranoid, I live my life. But many are considering me racist, today, because I think a certain way, I have beliefs (my own) and I don’t conform (plus I’m a white man). All other cultures are allowed to openly embrace their own histories, their cultures, etc…it’s empowering for them.
          For white men to do it…they are racists. It’s the ugly truth…but it’s still the truth.

        3. Diversity is the opposite of racism
          I am tall Nordic and never feel racism.

        4. What, heartiste finally banish your ass over at CH?

        5. Not the way that it’s used, today. Diversity is always, first, while being the best is second. That means another round of affirmative action to achieve that “diversity” first so everyone feels good….in some fields it means lowering the bar and putting lives in danger (i.e. the military, firefighting, etc….).

        6. Forget about me, you just reminded me of a poor bastard being abandoned because his mummy is a skank. Maybe you’re just grappling with the fact your maternal figure is a dishonorable woman, thus her progeny (you) doesn’t fall far from the tree. Lol

        7. If everybody everywhere notes something about you, maybe it’s not them that’s the problem. People across a wide range of sites don’t all conspire to pass the same judgement on you, you know.

        8. I know there’s not. I’m pointing out something analogous to “If you’ve been divorced eight times, maybe the problem isn’t who you’re marrying, but rather you”.

        9. In the current zeitgeist, I’d say Driver has grounds for holding such a position.

        10. Exactly. I can assure once they are done with white men, the rest will fall. Decadence is being spread far and wide and they fear a sudden revolt and their overthrow by their “lessers” in their homefront (the West).

        11. “Movies are meant to be enjoyed, ”
          Why are they not enjoyable then ? I tell you why, it is not possible to enjoy propaganda, unless you already are brainwashed.

        12. He cracks me up, and his creative use of the word “rape” borders on artistry.

        13. I’m not so sure. Other cultures are not nearly as trusting as western white society. If western civilization indeed collapses I think the other nations of the world will learn from the mistakes the west made.

        14. The irony here is that it is white men doing it to white men. I have to say though… the vast majority of TV shows have white males as the leads. Really it is this blockbuster junk that wants forced diversity and girl power.
          Check out Hell on Wheels for a more rational approach to humanity…

        15. Indeed! What TSW hopes to accomplish posting to these sites I have no idea. The ROK comments section seems to be a bit more civil than CH, maybe this will be a better fit for him.

        16. I am a minority female. And I see precisely what you mean, everyday.
          There is NO DOUBT that open discrimination against whites is acceptable and open sexism against men (of any race) is also acceptable in the West.

        17. The director actually said that there were too many white people at the auditions and that the room was too white. That is blatant.

        18. A good point. Men need to back up men, first…and stop with this pussy parade and beta game.

        19. A big part of art itself is the meaning behind it.
          When the meaning is disgusting, so is the art.

        20. The same with the Carousel riders who complain that they ALWAYS end up with jerks, losers, abusive thugs, and players.
          “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

        21. Correct. Movies were once purely for entertainment, in the last few years (decade) it’s become more about “the message”. Particularly in kids’ movies.
          Coincidentally, it’s around the same time movies turned to shit.

        22. And moving on from your point GoJ, this propaganda that has indeed gotten so “in your face” would be fine if that’s where it stopped. However for every ggrrrrlll power movie, there is another hundred young females who will now have unrealistic expectations of themselves and society at large. Plus there will be another hundred young males who will now be ashamed to be males, especially if they are white and heterosexual.
          The movies/tv shows/commercials are bad enough, but together they have a cumulative effect with long lasting consequences.

        23. Very true but there are so many “thirsty” betas out there I can’t see any positive changes anytime soon.

        24. “The irony here is that it is white men doing it to white men”
          You sure about that? These (((white men))) can certainly pass invisibly as such and have done so for a millenia in the cultures they wish to poison.
          Let me help you find your ‘They Live’ glasses so you can see the world as it truly is.
          President of NBC, Jeff Zucker ✡✡✡
          President of CBS, Leslie Moonves, ✡✡✡
          President of ABC, Ben Sherwood ✡✡✡
          (Consequentially ABC owns Disney which I’m sure is just 100% coincidence of course)
          President of Universal Pictures- Peter Levinson ✡✡✡
          President of Warner Bros- Greg Silverman / Peter Roth ✡✡✡
          President of MGM Studios- Jon Glickman ✡✡✡
          Chairman of Lionsgate Studios- Rob Friedman ✡✡✡
          Chairman of Paramount Pictures- Brad Grey ✡✡✡
          Weinstein Production Company- ✡✡✡
          When these (((white men))) are viewed through the magic glasses they look much different than we do.
          More clear now?

        25. Most everything we have been told about the history of the last 100 years is a lie.
          If you want to really learn the truth about ww2 watch the greatest story never told.

        26. does it sound like any of us here give a fuck?
          get your “tall nordic” faggot ass out of here you phony

        27. >There is no secret group of elites huddling in secret rooms throwing darts at picture of White Men while simultaneously plotting to demean White Men.
          … except when that actually happens. The jews aren’t exactly hidden or subtle about it.

        28. Well, ain’t that fancy: “This video isn’t available in your country.” I am german.
          So what’s it about?
          Frankly, I doubt that it disproves hitlers disregard and plans for human lives though.

        29. Thank you for making this distinction. It’s incredibly important.
          Hollywood is run by only 6 studios and they are all working in concert. What seems like a huge industry only employs probably a few 1000 people. Imagine a few guys in a home studio broadcasting EVERYTHING you SHOULD see, think, feel and know about the world.
          If life imitated art nobody would write articles like this. It’s art paving what life is.

        30. This vid is quite the item. Though it mentions bestiality and pedophilia it seems that the thing that most concerned Hitlar was the fags. Since it’s well-known Hitler liked to shit on his girlfriends, that was his thing, you could say that it was “immoral” to be a fag, but A-OK moral to be into heterosexual shit sports. But we can’t even say that. Until Hitler purged them, the SA was almost completely made up of homosexuals. And they were the muscle that broght Adolph to power. Immoral Brelin of shit in the face Adolph. Which is the most “immoral”? I’ll take the fags, bud.

        31. “I am tall Nordic and never feel racism.”
          You are tall, Nordic, and never feel racism from your big, black boyfriend.

        32. I felt it right after 9/11 happened. The national and local news turned into a tabloid over night. They really kicked it up a gear after that.

        33. Here’s the thing, though. While both you and the author are spot-on about this “Grrl Power ” crap, we’ve had white male villains in movies for decades, and there’s a good reason for that. Think of all of the old Bond villains from the 60s and 70s. Then you had the “Die Hard” franchise. A good villain has to have a lofty plan, good foresight, the ability to strategically plan, and enough money and manpower to back it all up. Last time I checked, the average black or Hispanic guy doesn’t have enough money to put together a three-man band, let alone an army of well-equipped soldiers, and his ambition generally doesn’t go beyond planning on how to hook up with a new chick at the club or how to keep from getting fired from Domino’s.
          You think Hans Grueber just got together a few of his drinking buddies and decided, “hey, let’s go pull the biggest bank heist in history”? Nope. He probably came from old money (or had a huge cache of illegally-gotten gains stashed somewhere) and he used it to buy hackers, top-notch assassins, ex-special ops mofos and the like. The only time you’ve had anything that came close to a black super-villain was Samuel L. Jackson in ‘Kingsman,’ and that only worked because 1) the movie as a whole was so “out there” that a black villain just didn’t seem that out of place, and 2) he was only able to pull off his plan with the help of white businessmen and white heads of state.
          That being said, I think movies like “The Expendables” get it close to right. You’ve got a white male leading the team as the main protagonist, a few more white guys, an Asian guy, and a black guy as backup, and no “Grrl Power” chicks in sight. If you’re gonna have white male villains, it should be a white male hero who takes him down.

        34. Would you mind elaborating on what you noticed around 2003?
          I’m very interested to see if I draw the same parallels.

        35. Thank you for pointing this out. You white people better wake up and realize that those of the Synagogue do not consider themselves white and simply initiating the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. They really believe it is their job to rule us all

        36. oh my gosh? look at those poor, poor innocent girls who now believe that it is possible for them to be in positions of authority, be physically strong, and smart… the worlds ending. Self confidence oh no

      2. I dont think that women want all those rights, not for real. Too much responsibility, too much hard work.. easier to just give it up and do as told.

        1. They WANT the rights, and ONLY the rights — they just don’t want the responsibilities and liabilities that go with having those rights.

        2. The whole women’s movement was potentially one major shit test???? Stranger things have happened.

        3. wow tom tell me about how i don’t want rights. Please, explain to me my own political opinions. Because obviously i don’t understand my own ideas

      3. To be fair, the black guy in the new Star Wars is a major chump. I mean running away from a girl?

        1. A bit irrelevant – but all those Star Wars fans, or any other saga fans are pathetic wierdos in my eyes

        2. That’s true. He’s kind of embarrassing, just as a man, from what I hear.
          In the end, it all falls to Grrrrrrl Powwwwah.

        3. Actually you’re absolutely right. He was totally inept throughout and in the next movie he might even be gay. I’m never watching another Star Wars or James Bond movie ever again.

        4. He’s turning gay?
          Wait what happened with James Bond? I thought they got rid of that annoying grandmotherly version of “M”?

        5. I always wondered who is the most pathetic between a star wars fan and an apple fan ?

        6. So true. The way some people talk about Star Wars (and other lame shit) as adults is fucking pathetic. You’d think they were 4th graders but they’re adults.
          The infantalization of the modern “man” is pathetic

        7. And ya know what else?
          Everyone and i DO MEAN EVERYONE who is into Star Bores is so fucking vocal about it and if you don’t express equal enthusiasm for it they look at you like you’re from another planet.
          They can’t wrap their head around the idea that some people aren’t faggots like them and don’t like the same shit as them. That doesn’t exist in their world.
          You know what movie I like? Aliens(1986). It’s actually really cool. But if someone says they haven’t seen it or don’t like it I say “Oh, ok” and spare them a 20 minute rant about how it’s the best thing ever.
          These starwars fags can’t do that.

        8. Yeah she apparently got wacked but if I remember correctly from the latest Bond movie it was hinted that she was still alive.

        9. Agree, its Ok to like movies, but making it part of your identity is beyond my comprehension. Its just like at my gym one dude cant shut up talking about some football or basketball team he supports – thats all he talks about

        10. I was about to say the Apple fan, because they buy all this expensive shit they don’t need. But then I realised that Star Whores fans do that as well. I would probably say SW fans are more pathetic because they are obsessed with a bunch of movies, cartoons etc. while Apple fans are at least obsessing over a real object.

        11. I missed that. I must have been too busy rejoicing that she was gone and replaced by Ralf Fiennes.

        12. Because it’s become a cult.
          I should know, I was a SW nerd most of my early adult life. Then the prequels came out. But that cheese was much more bearable and fun than the pc drivel of the Mary Sue Awakens. That, sir, killed the franchise for me. I’m pretty much embarrassed to be associated with it, now.
          I’ll end up watching the new one out of curiosity, though. If not just to challenge it to entertain me.
          Highly skeptical, though.
          It’s already going to have to dig itself out of a hole.

        13. James Bond is just terrible now. It is lazily written, too long and they are clearly no longer interested in storytelling anymore. Just making money with piss poor writing. The actors they have are fine but the writing team need to be taken into a deep dark room and shot.

        14. Thats what turned me off to sports about 15 years ago. Even though we were all mid-20’s you begin to realize that you share the same interest as 12 year old kids, literally talking all day about the same stuff that teenagers talk about. I had to get out of that scene. My old buddies still are in that world now. Pathetic.

        15. If you are talking about the literary Bond, Anthony Horowitz’s Trigger Mortis, the latest Bond book, was a politically correct train wreck where Pussy Galore shames Bond for his smoking and they basically squabble like they have been married for years. Bond also now has a gay activist friend.
          As for the movies, I thought the Daniel Craig’s quartet of films were great until the last one (Spectre) where the villain turns out to be a whiner with daddy-issues.

        16. The female M’s appearance in Spectre was a video she made for Bond in the event of her death that happened in Skyfall.

        17. I avoid talking to Star Wars fans. They start going into every detail and their eyes glaze over and it becomes obvious that they’re not working with reality. It’s psychotic escapism like the extreme D&D people.

        18. Expressed exactly as I was trying to come up with. . .They make it so much of their personal identity and life that they ignore all the real stuff that makes up the world. Most of the kind I’m talking about are obese and addicted to the internet.

        19. ‘Casino Royale’ was pretty badass.
          Fake enemies (always White men after ‘Casino’), when there are so many real enemies, destroyed a good reboot.
          Marvel is trying the same. But the alien invasion as #1 threat resonates (for now). Of course it’s up to increasingly ‘diverse’ heroes to save the day.
          After the White male core Avengers are picked off in ‘Ragnarok’ and ‘Civil War’, the strength and goodness of Earthly culural-marxist justice warriors will crush the homogenous, warmongering, colonization of Thanos’ White metaphors.
          ‘Grrrrl Wars’ is full Mary Sue, right out of the gate. Trying the Cuckservative strategy of ignoring their constituents in hopes of wooing new, ‘diverse’ special interest fans ain’t gonna happen.
          The heroic epic, the basis of Star Wars’ success, is Western in origin/appeal and male-centric. ‘Grrrrl Wars’ will weather a couple of ‘diversity in space’ themeless boilerplate outings…and die.

        20. Well put. I won’t be watching any of the rest of this crap. Though Casino Royale was great the next three have been total shit.
          Have Christopher Nolan directing and Benedict Cumberbatch as the villain and I might be interested.

        21. Of course not because you act like a conspiracy theorist who isn’t even a movie person.

        22. There’s plenty of reasons, this isn’t one of them. Nice strawman.

        23. Considering you are part of a site where your owner endorses rape and is racist even towards blacks.

        24. “even towards blacks”? meaning what?
          Again with the strawman…are you going to make an argument or just regurgitate talking point spoonfed to you by some leftist rat?

        25. Why else was one comment calling Finn the n word? Also it’s not just that, what do the Jews have to do with anything?

        26. Guys I wrote a story about you:
          “pathetic……” they whispered through clenched yellow teeth. “pPPATHHETICCC! I AM WHITE!! A GIRL ONCE TOOK MY PENCIL AND I AM OPPRESSED!!!” Cheeto dust and spit flied everywhere. “REY WAS A MARY SUE!!! WOMEN ARE PaTHETIC, PEOPLE OF COLOR ARE PAAAAThETICCCC!!” They choked on a cheeto. They took a moment to recover. “hhhhh…hhhhh… I AM A REALIST! YOU LIKE THINGS?? WELL GUESS WHAT! YOU’RE PATHETIC TOO! I AM THE ELITE OF THIS GENERATION! IF I AM NOT INCLUDED IN EVERY ASPECT OF MEDIA THEN I AM O P P R E S S E D!” Rage boiled deep in their veins. How dare the media… include minorities.

      4. A group of us guys have helped a single freind to raise his daughter. She’s 14 now, but we went all through the Disney crap on T.V. Thanks to our input and helping her deal with reality, she’s totally not into the whole “girly girl princess fantasy.” But her freinds aren’t doing as well. Our little girl is setting the grade curve at her private school and already has serious plans for her future. It was around 10 years old that she gave very insightful and thoughtful social criticisms of the Disney crap that her freinds were still addicted to.

        1. Ok, but explain to me why the “girly girl princess fantasy” is bad. Why would it be bad to be “girly”? Why do you see feminine things as inherently bad? It’s very possible for someone to be feminine and strong at the same time. I don’t think you aren’t doing her favors by forcing her interests.

        2. Shut up and troll someplace else. You found this website just to get a place to argue and troll. Get a life.

      5. oh my god please explain to me how the muslim women will take over the world and destroy every single white women by being represented in media

    4. Pinochet proved that simply removing a small shitstain from society can do wonders to improve a country.

    5. I’ve seen this double-edged ploy before. It won’t succeed in the end, except for making relations even more difficult between races

    6. They aren’t bigoted. They just want to have the opportunity to be featured on a film.
      I don’t know what is going on in the manosphere. Everybody is more racist each day.
      Why we can’t talk about game and let alone all this moribund old fascists?

        1. He sock puppets on other sites as well. He needs attention, and hitting red pill sites and trolling with equalism is his preferred method to attract it.

      1. Then stop appropriating already existing franchises and make your own type of movies. See how easy that is? That this is not happening is precisely half of the point of most of the comments here. I’m all about strong minority leads and even women doing shit on screen, but when they purposefully replace “me” in almost every genre, that’s bullshit.

        1. “Then stop appropriating already existing franchises and make your own type of movies…”
          That takes creativity and the will to risk failure to be able to present your creation to the public. Those are MALE characteristics — especially the willingness to take chances to be a success. As we have seen, females don’t like taking chances — they want success to be assured; which is why they usually attach themselves to a man while he is working his way to the top, or they leech off a man who is already a success.

      2. Unfortunately voices of reason like you are steadily diminishing in this part of manosphere. Everyone is so obsessed with the fantastical idea of white men getting slighted in popular culture. Even ROK is turning into an ersatz Stormfront with racism taking the driver’s seat and real, pressing issues are getting pushed into the trunk.

        1. Star Wars no longer looks to use the best actors. The originals had some of the best actors in the business (from stage and screen). But it was “too white” so it purposely went after “diversity” first and then best actors, second, for the new installments.
          All of this time (for decades), I’ve been told it’s about the best (first) the best, right? Now, I’m told it’s “too white” and I should be even more understanding to allow others in but no (or less white people) versus the best?
          No. I don’t buy into it…and again, it’s the ugly truth.

        2. JJ Abrams was even openly stating that this was the goal. To look cultural Marxism in the face and try to shame others for noticing it, when it’s right out in the open, is a big, big error.

        3. Well yeah, you should check out the Social Pathologists words on this topic. The growing attitude seems to be less about having pride in your own culture (an extension of healthy self respect) and more about race obsession and being as touchy as an SJW about your own race and sex.
          Look at the same fanatical Jew focus, never mind that the vast majority of ones actual, practical enemies are the same white gentile progressives they’ve always been. They can’t see enemies and they can’t see friends.

        4. Chico, you fucking retard … “the spirit within” is your own account, you cunt. You’re one sad and pathetic little cunt. How many other accounts do you have? I hope you’re aware that there’s a direct correlation between the number of accounts and mental illness, eh homey?

        5. Huh? Conspiracy theory much buffoon? Wow what a fucking epic discovery eh? At this point there is no point in engaging with a son of a filthy whore like you. Hell your stupidity can even make your dingbat slut mum green with jealousy.

        6. Hey, chico! Off your meds again, esse?!? So, why did you respond with this account and not one of the other multiple ones? lol! so if you claim to be a, ahem, “white” “male” with this account, what do you masquerade as in the other ones?!! lol!

      3. Because drawing a line in the sand & saying ‘this stops here’ is more beneficial than burying one’s head in the sand. Consider that.

        1. If you view his posts over at Heartistes site, you’ll see that nothing anybody says will stop his Equalism crap. He’s a known quantity and a broken record.

        2. Actually yes, I do. But I also think that you’re a dyed in the wool equalist who, while pretending to like some tenants of red pill, are actually the opposite of what red pill should be about.

        3. Shit I have had harem of girls. You even aren’t here for game. You know nothing about redpill.
          Just whining about equality like a pre Narcissiste reader

        4. No one with “a harem of girls” (any man) would make that statement…you just do it and it happens (you don’t broadcast it).
          You’re making statements and asking questions…just like a leftist, feminist or SJW would do to troll.

      4. Everyone is not “more racist” each day. People are just tired of the double standard that exists in society.
        All of these people in this movie are allowed to embrace their culture or heritage…except white people. White people do it and they are painted as racists. Everyone else gets to celebrate it or it’s empowering.
        Decades of being patient, accepting and understanding….and then being told you’re a racist for “just being” gets a little old.

        1. White people do it and they are painted as racists. Everyone else gets to celebrate it or it’s empowering.

          Ikr? Yet some of the dumb asses I see just don’t or wont’ get that. It’s so obvious an idiot should be able to see it.

    7. Makes sense since Disney has had Jewish ceos since the first goyim Walt Disney created the company itself.
      I never thought they would take things this far though. For the last 30 years I’ve seen all white casts with token blacks representing diversity but in the last 3 years they went from gradual incorporation of ethnic minority to complete hostile take over. You’d think the producers would minimise risk by not doing something this dumb, but no.

      1. Nope- all those walkers from north of the wall turn out to be made of black ice.

      2. I really don’t get the appeal of that show.

        1. Try Hell on Wheels. And Sons of Anarchy until it turns homosexual in the final season. And no I’m not joking…

        2. Really which part? I watched the whole show and don’t remember any homo shit.. them Jews might have slipped a subliminal by me.

        3. Final season. Lots of anal rape with Juice. And Tig falls in love and has anal sex with a semi-Op tranny.

        4. Yeah… I guess all that leather, crack and alcohol and they forget which hole they’re supposed to put it in…

    8. We just need to position ourselves so we don’t get dragged down the chute with them. I can’t believe the stuff on the news now. The SJ people don’t know what they’re advocating. Black Lives Matter- Basically theyre fighting for the right of a minority to kill, rob, and maim and be unbothered by cops. LGBT- They’ve redefined “Transgender” to simply mean a man in a dress. So a queer can use either the women’s or men’s room depending on how he feels that day. (AND fathers are now going to have to accompany their adolescent daughters to the restroom. ) It just goes on and on.

    9. Look at how selfish you sound by saying you want the families to go bankrupt and out of the streets. You are not being truthful by being a little Alex Jones.

    10. I do however get a great deal of satisfaction from, ahem, “my friend” pirating Hollywood movies online. God bless BitTorrent.

  2. There’s the age old question as to whether life imitates art or art imitates life. Looks like Disney has decided to perform social engineering experiments on a live population to try to confirm the first option. It will be amusing to watch.

    1. That was a deep slap. It practically echoed. Main things of note were the females were without a guy and running around unchecked thinking they were too cute to be touched. They must not have realized the cap off of fucks given by some men have reached maximum output. Ah well.
      Gay men have already started to strike back at women. Straight may not be far in following this trend.

    2. Disney has always been doing social experiments, especially when Walt was alive. The fact that people would rather fork fortunes to go to Disneyland and see fake, clean versions of cultures instead of traveling far and wide to experience the real thing attests to this.

        1. The same type of thing happened while I was in the train the other day in our old holy beloved France, with black couple insulting the ticket inspector and screaming about “waycizm”.

        2. My last time in France I was getting 6-1 on the Franc so yeah, it’s been a while….I do remember the blacks in france being a far sight more civilized than here.

        3. The “gangsta” hip hop culture went mainstream here around the 2000s I believe. This might explain the change.
          There seems to be a shit-pipeline between the US and France in which the mass culture shit slowly but surely travels accross the sea.

        4. Makes sense. I remember I was in paris while the world cup was going on and most of the black people I met…including in the bars and clubs of Goutte-d’Or were mostly either well read and artsy, in the jazz scene etc or about 6 years late to the Nirvana-Pearl Jam scene. In fact, I felt much less of a disconnect between the races in paris than I did in NYC. Times change I guess.

        5. If I remember well in that case it definitely is a bunch of rich jews.

      1. Go back and reread the article that was published on the subject within the past month. Keep this video in mind when evaluating how understated that article was.

      2. Most yes. I’ve worked in restaurants and they are notorious for being terrible tippers, if they even tip at all. On top of that, they are incredibly demanding customers. I’ve seen fights almost break out between servers when a large group of blacks come in; the servers know they are going to be busting their asses for nothing and they don’t want them in their area.

      3. That’s a masterpiece of understatement. Most of them are #1 class Grade-A cunts. They are the worst. I’m surprised black dudes aren’t beating the shit out of them every second of the day or just ignoring them altogether.

    3. Even with this video, they both were arrested. She was let go in a few hours, he had to spend a few days(I assume it meant that hellhole, Rikers Island) locked up, I assume bc he(and a lot of others) needed time to scroung up bail money. He did sue the city and won a small settlement, so good for him

      1. Oh yes, I don’t mean to imply men aren’t held to a different standard. Just saying that you-go-girlism is retarded because women will get beat down if they try to act like bad asses.

        1. Yes, indeed. Women will act a certain way until they are taught (again) to be responsible for their own actions. Reminds me of this video (below).
          Notice how the girl cries (after she hits the driver from behind and then takes a beating) how she’s going to get the police and her father to take care of the driver.
          More women being delusional and then reality setting in…after the beating:

        2. I’ve got to hand it to her, that was one of the most perfect uppercuts I’ve ever seen, and she still had some fight after it. But that’s mainly because this guy didn’t follow up and finish her off, like he would have if this was a dude.

    4. Where’s that one where a giant white guy slaps a girl so hard she literally flies through a restaurant window. Oh man…. Come to think of it I think it’s the same guy in this video! He must be some bitch-slapping superhero here to rescue the human race, one hoe at a time haha

  3. I let Force Awakens slide, but this solidifies it. My lifelong love of all things Star Wars must come to an end. Time for me to take my original trilogy box set and ride off into the sunset.

    1. The original trilogy is all that matters anyway. All the rest of it is window dressing for the originals, and it ranges from a lukewarm to absolutely abysmally terrible window dressing at that.

      1. The rest is really nothing more than a cash grab (the prequels were dreadful) and the most recent one is just a cash grab and a PC lecture to the masses.

  4. The amount of Jewish influenced Cultural Marxism is literally at North Korean propoganda levels. But like the frog sitting in the water, we are blind to the fact that the water was boiling long ago.
    There is even a fine review by a redpilled black man here which sums up my frustrations with this movie:
    Best conclusion about the ‘new’ Star Wars:
    “It’s like when an unknown Chinese manufacturer decided to make a fake iPhone. They can call it an iPhone as much as they want, but it isn’t an iPhone.” – ilcool90

  5. It’s not they they don’t bother to do it in real life, but that they aren’t capable.
    And I can’t possibly be the only one who saw the white caped guy and thought he looked totally cool…

    1. Isn’t he the evil SS commander with a taste for fresh milk from Inglorious Basterds? If so, he’s an awesome villain actor. White guys do make the best villains.

      1. Christoph Waltz as Colonel Hans Landa. One of the best villains ever on screen!

  6. Disney CEO and Chairman: Bob Iger (✡)
    Also on the board: Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook and “Ban Bossy” infamy (✡)
    Senior Executive Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary: Alan N. Braverman (✡)
    Writer: Chris Weitz (✡)

      1. Yes, it was. But not in the “correct” way according to Leftists. There were, you see, white guys who were portrayed as competent and decent. That’s just wrong.

        1. There’s nothing wrong with mixing it up as long as it’s what’s good for the story. I can’t imagine anyone other than Billy Dee Williams playing Lando Calrissian. He deserved to be there because he was the right man for the job, not because George Lucas said “you know what, we need a black guy.”

        2. Couldn’t agree more.
          The original 3 were organic. And the diversity was natural, not forced as you noted. Princess Leia was strong, but in a feminine way, and I felt that she accurately represented the strength to be found in the feminine, without the tedious and boring “let’s make her into a man” shit that goes on today. Lando, as you said, that guy *owned* the city in the clouds, there is nobody else that could have filled that role like he did.

        3. More like, “we need the smoothest mothafucka in the whole damn Galaxy. Get me the Colt .45 guy.”

        4. Strangling a fat guy while wearing a bikini. Empowering, yet sexy as hell. Now if you’ll excuse me, The Force just got strong, if you catch my drift.;-)

        5. Her looks vastly improved when she was in that bikini, and took those cinnamon rolls off of her ears and let her hair down. She really wasn’t a super hot chick in real life, but that one scene, she could have any man she wanted to. That’s how feminine is done.

        6. I think that it’s always worth bringing up Ripley in the first two Alien movies. She’s a badass, but out of necessity rather than girl power. And she’s afraid and flawed the whole time, but she does what has to be done to survive.. I’ve never had a problem with that at all because Sigourney Weaver was the right person for the job.

        7. Yes, same view. And she had a strong motherly impulse. She didn’t do that shit for Grrrrl Pwrrrr!(tm), she did it to save her own life, or the life of a child. That’s my kind of “strong, empowered woman”.

        8. Yes, good one.
          You know…we’re missing something here. Hey, get that Colt 45 guy, the black guy, on the phone. He can be the guy who runs that place in the clouds….and maybe we could plug Colt 45 while we’re at it…get a few promo shots in..make a little money.
          Nope, right guy for the right job (first).

        9. Makes me think of the female Kurdish fighters slugging it out with DAESH. They’re doing it, not for girl power, but to defend the patriarchy and their families from evil Islamist thugs.

        10. If anything, it shows even average looking women can look good in a bikini if they know how flaunt it.

        11. Daesh is the Arabic acronym for the Islamic state (ISIS). it’s what cucks and women use to avoid linking Islam with all the islamic terrorism going on. Don’t be like them.

        12. Usually I use the acronym ISIS. For some damn reason I resorted to DAESH. Probably laziness.

      2. The difference being that they looked for some of the best actors, first. The result – a damn good movie.

    1. Star Wars XXI: Gay Luke Skywalker returns to cut off Bruce Jenner’s remaining part to complete his final transition.

  7. How long do you think it will take before gays & trans people scream about not being represented & we have two jedi knight dudes makin’ out in the cockpit of the millennium falcon? If a bulldike played the main antagonist, like, a cyborg bulldike with a sweet-ass lightsaber, Waldo might have to cash in his chips for a ticket. That’d be hilarious.

    1. There is a strong and rather persistent rumor that they’re going to make Luke Skywalker gay.
      I wish I was kidding.

      1. Pretty son there will be some transdoodle with a huge light dildo going to the Gaygobah system to learn the Jedi ways from Elton John…he is a knight after all.
        Seriously though, first “good guy” white male character will have a story arch similar to Han Solo where he starts off as a lone wolf with no beliefs and comes around in the end to be a good guy….only it will be some straight x-wing pilot who learns to not just be accepting of homosexuality but to take it in the ass—–because the force.

      2. No wonder the first thing Disney did with the license was to say all the expanded universe content never happened.
        In all that, Luke married a redheaded Emperor’s assassin named Mara Jade who he converted to the light side and had a child named Ben Skywalker with.
        She even got an action figure and starring role in a video game (or two).

        1. I had no idea that they disavowed the expanded universe content actually. I don’t keep up on Star Wars much to be honest.

        2. I don’t anymore, but the year I was born was around the time Return of the Jedi came out, my dad and mom like science fiction so I grew up with it and really liked it until around the time the prequels came out, but never as much as Star Trek TOS or Dune for that matter.

      3. I’ll just stick to the first three movies. Anything outside of that doesn’t count.

        1. Not as long as there’s money to be made from a ‘sure thing’. It beats being creative and trying to dream up something ‘new’, hoping the public will like it. Just like women, the studios now don’t like taking chances on anything new or different.
          And don’t forget that Lucas pitched the idea for Star Wars to at least three other studios before he went to Twentieth-Century-Fox, and they didn’t like the idea because “people won’t go to see a science fiction movie.”
          Twentieth-Century-Fox only took a chance on it because they were already financially shaky and had nothing to lose — Lucas managed to sell them on the idea because his pay would be a cut of the gross profits instead of a flat amount. Yet, Twentieth-Century still almost sold off their interest in Star Wars as a tax shelter; they changed their minds from positive audience comments from a sneak preview.
          The first Star Wars film set box-office records that stood for twenty years, and literally saved Twentieth-Century-Fox from bankruptcy.

      1. That’s probably the most effective — “hit ’em where it hurts the most, in their wallet”.

        1. Indeed. It is why I have long-advocated for dropping most forms of pay TV, so that way we no longer indirectly subsidize such programming.
          Case in point, even if you never watch stuff like The Daily Show, part of the cost of a cable TV subscription goes into the pockets of Comedy Central, and they have an incentive to continue to produce such crap.

  8. As I read this post, I conclude more that it is a commentary on how far too many people (not the author of this post or the readers here, but people who watch these movies) seem to think that these movies are a reflection of real life. You see it in the way all cultural marxists behave, and they blow up when real life doesn’t work out the way it does on the big screen.
    If we are to teach our kids anything, it is that movies, TV shows, and other such content, are works of fiction and nothing more. Outside of entertainment value, there’s nothing more that should be “read into” such works.

  9. Thank you David Garret Brown for watching the crap that ROKers won’t watch. You took one for the team. Bet you had a long shower afterwards.
    I’ve recently decided, life’s too short to waste time on inferior films and books. If it didn’t get rave reviews from someone worthy I’m not touching it.

  10. A little off topic: some time ago a friend told me “if you think XYZ movie is cultural poison, you have not seen nothing yet, try watching Maleficient”
    I did, through yify torrents of course (I’m not going to waste my money in that), and was (and still am) atonished for the level of poison in the movie, it is incredible the level of perversion and subversion in that movie.
    The worse of all is: who is the audience of this kind of products: young people, and mostly young white people.
    Of course, who is behind Hollywood, Disney, and all the entertainment industry? Yes, jews.

    1. Interesting. All I know is that the character Maleficient was always purely bad, but in the movie apparently they try to make her somewhat of a hero as well?

      1. It is worse than that:
        1. Sexualization of children.
        2. Lesbian allegories with the previously mentioned sexualized children.
        3. Evil white males as rapist, all of them.
        4. grrrlll power with the usual cliche of tough warrior girl.
        5. Every feminist cliche you can imagine, and a couple you don’t know about.
        And so forth and so on…..I almost puke (literally) a couple of times.
        We are all aware of the agenda that judaism is promoting through Hollywood, and there are blatant examples of propaganda movies; but this one is directed to children, especifically white female children (the little niggers don’t like fairy tales).
        Your brain, when you are seeing a movie, reading a book, etc., make a process called suspension of disbelief ( so the message of that book or movie is considered true and plausible by your brain, and the message goes directly to your subconscious. Yes, it is literally brainwashing. Thats the reason we have to stop reading enemy propaganda, watching TV or movies, etc.

  11. Good, I kind of relish the idea of white men being the “bad guys” in this derivative new version of Star Wars that Disney is pimping. Better than the white guys being cast as Cap’n Save-A-Ho, eh?

    1. Yes this is a departure from the cliched characterization of Nice Guy White Bloke don’t you think buddy? I can’t believe all the pearl clutching and insane whining by so called masculine men on this comments section. Writing pages of comments in ROK won’t even make a dent in the Hollywood Juggernaut Shield. So why even bother to write about a movie that is not compatible with red pill truth amirite?

      1. I’ve always preferred the villains that have their own aims and ambitions that the viewer can sympathize with. Rarely do you have opposing groups where the bad guy is just a bad guy; he’s being driven by or for something. If the Star Wars franchise wants to pander to the idiotic feminists with the simple analogy of “white male = bad” then so be it. Perhaps we should embrace the title and become dark triad men. Women always love the bad guys anyways, right?

        1. Agreed, but in history when whites openly embrace evil, the world shakes. I’m not sure that’s really what the Elite want to happen. I mean what kind of plan is that, awakening white guys to their Viking warriors within?

        2. I have three nationalities to choose from. I suspect that donning a red jacket, a kilt and a horned helm will make me look…peculiar, so I best just pick one to keep things sane.

        3. Mine was way too easy, since both sides of the family “got off the boat” in America so recently.

        4. No, no, go with that and a psychotic battle-cry so they will be hesitant of what to make of you and buy you whatever advantage you may get from the confusion.
          Who knows you might have a feathered, war-painted, kilted, red-jacketed, viking rushing along beside you (maybe even more than one).

        5. If you and Unabashed put on skirts it will be really, really funny.

        6. I remember a girl once asked me “where are you from”
          I said “new York.” She asked “but what is your nationality” I said “new York” She said “where are your parent’s from” I said “new York” She asked “what about your grandparents “oh, yeah, upstate new York” What about their parents “yeah, also new York”
          I think if you have to go 4 generations to find someone that comes from more than 100 miles from where you were born you pretty much renounced the old country.

        7. I’m not 4 generations out yet on either side. Technically if somebody did a DNA test on me I’d peg 100% for the U.K. England, in or near London, Scotland around Inverness and a strong marker as well for Norman French (Norse warriors) which could or couldn’t also be considered “English” depending on how you feel about the Battle of Hastings.

        8. Chick: “What are you? Irish?”
          Me: “I’m American.”
          With that response, she is on the line for the rest of the night.

        9. I will take that opportunity to introduce you to a sgian dubh, should you laugh. Heh.

        10. Yeah, that is fair enough.
          If you go back 4 generations in my family you will find they are from the old country. No mention of which country that is, just that it is old. My grandfather lived to 96 years old and short of 1 trip to florida and a few years in a war never left New York. His father was a grape farmer in upstate new York who replanted his crops from grapes to apples with Gov FDR gave grape farmers subsidies to do so because Prohibition was tanking the farmer economy.
          There is zero connection I have with THAT guys father. Trying to figure out my “nationality” just seems insane. I am sure there are some DAR chicks and Mayflower brats who would still consider me an immigrant but I have no real connection to whatever Honky mother land my blue eyes came from.

        11. I still have relatives living over there that I visit from time to time. I suspect that my son will not feel half the connection and his son will be more or less like you when he grows up.

        12. My favorite was 1 Ton and his sock puppet handy.
          Handy: He is sulking in his tent like Achilles.
          1 Ton: yeah, he is sulking like some guy from Chile.
          Handy: Achilles, The Iliad, Homer, READ A BOOK!
          Or El Seed. Or chairface chipendale. That was a truly excellent cartoon.

        13. Some form of connection with your roots is great, but the time of men wearing skirts really needs to come to an end. It’s absurd. I don’t want to hear about the Fierce warriors who pranced around in dresses back in the old days. Put on some pants damn it!

        14. You wouldn’t believe how chicks dig it though. When I wear my kilt I can basically have any woman I want. This is true when I’m not wearing it too, but I mean it’s not even a challenge, they come to me when I got on the ol’ tartan.

        15. The Evil White Man message sends an unintentional compliment, really. White men just do a much better job of evil than nonwhites because of our superior competence in general.

        16. You and I have a lot of areas of intersection GOJ, but that intersection ends when you put on your skirt.

        17. Really spectacular stuff, and there are so many very smart and esoteric easter eggs in there.

        18. I understand. It takes a much higher level of testosterone and masculinity to really pull it off well. heh

        19. I never got into the whole ninja thing. They always seemed like wussys to me. Like medieval Japan’s answer to crossfit. I am sure that when they were skulking around in their pajamas and jumping over walls they were preaching on and on about Paleo diets and the evil of big box dojos.

        20. Heh. Ninjas never actually wore black suits. They dressed normally. The black suits come from Japanese theater, where it’s meant to convey “stealthy and unseen”.

        21. I am sure it does. I have no doubt that you have all the masculinity needed to wear women’s clothing.

        22. Didn’t know that. I still hold to my Ninja / Crossfit analogy.

        23. THis is pretty much how I picture everything that is considered Asian culture.

        24. True, but every documentary I’ve seen on them show them in some kind of black getup on assassin missions at night when they are scaling a fortress wall or something. Perhaps more theatrics, but it would make sense to dress in black then when true stealth is needed and not blending in with villagers.

        25. There are documentaries made that show them actually for real assassinating people?

        26. You’re planting the seeds of a crop you ain’t gonna want to harvest. Heh.

        27. Brave. Bah. “Celtic Girl Power Movie Which We Hope You Forget In Time For Us To Release Frozen, A Scandinavian Girl Power Movie”.

        28. dont forget the one where he says “Crime has a bossa nova beat!”

        29. so many good things. When the mad scientist is trying to lure in Dinosaur Neil and trap him using a 50 story high pair of pants “BRING HIM TO ZE PANTS” and the pants catch on fire and he screams LIAR! LIAR! PANTS ON FIRE!
          I saw that prob almost 20 years ago and I still chuckles when I think of it

        30. Always keep your Gladius with you…guns run out of ammo, but edged weapons ALWAYS work.

      2. Don’t worry about it, chico. You don’t like it, don’t bother visiting the site and making faggoty and moronic observations based on bland, clichéd, average, and conventional values. You can’t see the irony of using the “red pill” label when you’re as thoroughly blue pill as they come, esse.

    1. Even worse…female heroine who “doesn’t need a man” and “is doin’ it herself”.

  12. And from a geek mythology standpoint, I’d always thought it was Kyle Katarn & members of the Bothan species who were the true heroes who obtained the Death Star plans at great cost. Let the retconning begin…

    1. Yeah I was sad when they threw out Kyle Katarn and the rest of the books. I played Dark Forces a lot during my blue pill days, haha. The red pill is difficult to swallow sometimes because I used to really enjoy Star Wars.

      1. Heh. I know just what you mean. These new incarnations of Star Wars content are dead to me.

  13. I don’t automatically have a problem with a girl lead/heroine, but during the trailer when she’s throwing around 200lb fully armored stormtroopers whilst being unarmored and 100lbs soaking wet, I rolled my eyes. I guess she has the Force/is a Mary Sue like Rey from The Force Awakens?
    Fwiw there is a white good guy on the team, Alan Tudyk from Firefly. But he’s motion captured and plays a droid, so you can’t tell he’s white, lol.

  14. Just as expected. Looks I will be using that movie ticket money and buy the Thrawn trilogy which will be, no doubt, better than anything Disney will add to Star Wars. I do need to read more books anyway.

        1. Never used Netflix, here’s WellGo’s preview (hundred times cooler than actual film, note tiny tuffgrrl) with the option to watch the full movie for about 2 bucks:

  15. I recently watched the first couple episodes of Jessica Jones on Netflix since I was a comic book fan back in the day and people keep praising it. The protagonist is a White woman, love interest in a Black dude, the creepy mind-controlling rapist villain is a White dude. Just that I could accept but they just had to throw in this putzy White neighbor guy who is into the heroine but too beta to do anything about it and also implied to be in a sexual relationship with his sister. (Also, Krysten Ritter is hitting the wall. Hard.)
    I just wonder how much longer using YT as a punching bag will pay off. At what point will we just vote against the agitprop with our wallets? And aren’t blacks rather overrepresented? I mean, they’re 12ish percent of the population but there seems to be a rule that they have to be 1/4th of the people in a film/show. Or 1/3rd in any instance where there’s a group of models in an advertisement.
    Anyways, it’s interesting that Hispanics are largely ignored even though they’re more numerous than the Blacks. I suppose you could argue that it’s because they’re consuming their own Spanish-language media. But my theory? The Elite hates their sense of group identity, multi-generational households, and devotion to the Catholic church and they’ll be on the chopping block once Whites are sufficiently enriched. I expect that by the 2030’s we’ll see shows featuring strong Latina single moms and documentaries arguing that Mexico and the American Southwest couldn’t have been built without slaves.

  16. This one is even worst. In the pre-Disney Star Wars, the man who stole the Death Star plans was an ex-stormtrooper who turned mercenary after his father was killed by the Empire. That character became one of the most bad ass characters in the mythos.
    This movie is an appropriation of what was once a good story.

  17. The other day at a bookstore I skimmed through a book which argues that literacy has apparently vanished in the Star Wars universe. You don’t see characters reading or otherwise referencing books, so everyone has to learn things from direct apprenticeships or through oral accounts. If you have to depend on oral traditions for your transmission of history, then that explains why even after a few years the knowledge of great events becomes hazy or distorted, or it simply fails to communicate if you never run across an eye witness.
    Of course, if you don’t have something like a literate professorial class in this universe to transmit leftist ideology, then people will form their beliefs about men and women based on their own experiences, and feminism simply wouldn’t ever occur to anyone.

  18. If a filmmaker wanted to break new ground in superhero films, he could make one about a superwoman who lives in a Neoreactionary society where she accepts its patriarchal values. She keeps a low profile, and she uses her superpowers sparingly and reluctantly, and only as a last resort when the superpowered men in her society can’t stop the Big Bad on their own. She does this because she knows the visibility she draws to herself could set a bad example for mortal women – Just because her powers make her competitive with the supermen in her world, it doesn’t follow that mortal women should aspire to compete with mortal men.

  19. Hey guys I just had an idea for a new film.
    It’s called Cinderello.
    It’s about a beta-male janitor with some faggoty older brothers. They all treat Cinderello like shit because they’re too lazy to get off the couch and stop watching porn.
    One day Cinderello discovers that Charlize Theron is going to be hosted at a comicbook convention in his city. Cinderello wants nothing more in life than to wed a rich white broad with a great ass and so concocts a master plan.
    Cinderello spends all of his savings on a tennis racket, some nice shorts, a headband, and an entourage of bodyguards. He shows up to the comicbook convention and tells everyone that he is Roger Federer.
    Cinderello, aka Federer, signs autographs and parlays with the geek crowd who don’t know a god-damn thing about the sport of tennis. Charlize can’t help but notice that the most well-respected tennis player of all time has shown up to the same comic-con. She checks her hair for a moment.
    With a mesmerized crowd Cinderello walks straight up to Charlize’s booth and asks her if she would like to dance. He bandies her about like the broom and mop bucket that she is and at the climax of their encounter tells her he has never seen a woman so majestic and graceful. Roger Federer swears on all the tennis balls in the world to be the ultimate husband and tame the wild huntress that is Ms. Theron. Gasping for air, Charlize is uncertain of the reality of the situation, but there are crowds of people cheering her on taking selfies. This must be real… there are bodyguards aren’t there?…
    Yes!!! I’ve decided!!! I will marry the most famous sports star in the world!!!
    The bodyguards swoop in with the wedding papers and a priest on Skype to make sure it is official.
    Cinderello has done it. This unexpected janitor has taken a beautiful rich white actress with a great ass as his bride.
    Off into the sunset the newlyweds go… Back to his apartment by the potato farm to live happily ever after with his deadbeat older brothers and their medicated single mom.

    1. Good…but I suggest three minor changes. Name is Cinderfella. Instead of Theron use someone who hasn’t pole vaulted the wall. and, finally, when she gets back to the apartment and realizes he isn’t rich or, for that matter, Federer she divorce rapes him, uses the money to travel the world and bang real athletes until she is too old and ugly for them and then she goes to get shit on by arabs…after she is too old and ugly for them she comes back to Cinderfella who gladly takes her back

        1. I own it as it was pretty cheap, it was part of some Jerry Lewis DVD collection including The Bellboy, Family Jewels, Disorderly Orderly, Nutty Professor, Errand Boy and Delicate Delinquent.

        2. I thought the Nutty Professor invented Flubber, turns out it was the Absent-Minded Professor- thx internet!

    2. I like it. A re imagining of classic fairy tail for modern times. Actually I think Jerry Lewis already had a crack at this, but would work well in these times with the changes in society.

      1. haha yeah i just learned that today.
        It’s the perfect story to flip the script… An average Joe using trickery to lock down a high-profile woman.

  20. Same tired ass bullshit. They’re not even trying anymore. At least at one time they pretended like they did something other than push an agenda. Mainstream America cannot make art, even if they wanted to. Hollywood, Disney, they all need to crumble so that real artists cant take their place and produce things worth seeing. Seriously every trailer that pops up give me three seconds to get the gist of it and I can predict the rest of the movie. At least the Nazis and Soviets were at least artistic in their use of propaganda, then again their propaganda was made by men so…

  21. I remember hearing Camille Paglia say something along the lines that politics should not dictate art. One the fundamental problems with current popular entertainment mediums are the diversity quotas. It sucks when entertainment does a crappy job at hiding the politics behind the casting decisions which seems to be the case with the post-1984 Star Wars franchise. I watched the prequels and character who played Leia’s mother seemed un-natural and forced. As a contrast, the Vasquez character in Aliens, a female, seemed natural and unforced. The same holds true for Tarantino’s Kill Bill. In that film,I didn’t get the sense that a diversity quota was being rammed down my throat…. at least until the Lucy Liu character which was a face palm inducing moment.

  22. I am Spanish, and I am completely SICK of this multicultural agenda.
    I like american movies to feel american, and french movies to feel french, german movies to feel german, japanese movies to feel japanese, or chinese, or argentinian (campanella, highly recommended) or south-korean (love south korean movies). There’s a wonderful and diverse world out there, full of interesting differences. You can see different ways of thinking, learn something from them all.
    Watching Star Wars with hispanics main characters? Is that supposed to make me feel better some way? More recognized? Because of what? Because of watching a franchise done by american people that cast hispanics to feel multicultural?
    That feels like charity. That is bloody charity. Thanks.Mr.Abrams, but you’re a racist, you’re a patronizing and snobbish old lady, and as a Spanish person, I don’t need your condescending charity.

    1. As a Mexican who actually grew up in Mexico and never swallowed the Brown Pride crap, I agree with you. We don’t need your empathy or you affirmative action crap. Saludos.

      1. Amen. Mediterranean and Latin American countries have lots of problem. And what we need is self-criticism and improvement. This kind of New Age Fake Proud that humbugs like Abrams sell is nothing but beato stuff from applicants to leftist sanctity. But it doesn’t make any good to those communities.
        When you make mistakes, what you need is people to be honest about your mistakes, not to sell you a fake sense of fulfillment. There’s a proverb in Spain: the one that loves you right, he’ll make you cry.

        1. It reminds me of getting a “Participation Certificate” in sports when I was young.
          I thought to myself “I’m not a retard…I don’t want this shit”. You win, you get the goods…if not, then work on it to be better (and win).

    2. I like american movies to feel american, and french movies to feel french, and german movies to feel german, japanese movies to feel japanese, or chinese, or argentinian (campanella, highly recommended) or south-korean (love south korean movies). There’s a wonderful a diverse world out there. You can see different ways of thinking, and learn something from them all.

      What a novel idea, eh? But that’s not the globalist agenda.

      1. As a rule, I don’t watch dubbed foreign movies. Not the same. I realized this during middle school French class. We watched The Man in The Iron Mask in French. It made sense because it took place IN FRANCE!In fact, I went on Tourettes mode at Salma Hayek for making a movie about Frida Kahlo in English. Nothing against the English language, but Frida was Mexican. It’s like making a movie about George Washington in Swahili.

    3. It’s reverse racism at it’s finest (and little to no news organizations are calling him out for it). Could you imagine a white or even a black film director making that statement about a film being too black (and the media ignoring it)?
      That’s the problem with our society. They want diversity (read: no white men wanted), they want us all to be tolerant and understanding while people, like this director, make racist comments (openly)…but again, only one way racism (in this case reverse racism).

  23. I gave TFA a pass because I thought…. ok having one female lead in the action movie was fine but this just ridiculous. Now most of the star wars movies will be female leads WTF. What a slap in the face to the fans (who are mostly males) as most women don’t give a rats ass about star wars. Ironically talking about alienating your audience. This movie will be a financial success so Disney doesn’t care but down the road males will lose the attraction to star wars as they can’t or won’t identify with the males they have on the screen.

    1. My Dad introduced Return of the Jedi to me when I was 4 years old and I was hooked – nerd hooked. While I was watching TFA, I thought to myself I can’t imagine my son would ever have an interest in Star Wars the way I did as a child. That is where they will suffer. NO NEW FANS. Star Wars is dead.

      1. It’s more like a fad rather than a cultural watershed. I’m not a fanboy in the strictest sense, yet I do like the original Star Wars for what it is, not because others think it’s cool or hip.

        1. I was pretty hardcore as a kid and collected toys, books, and other useless shit. Then episode 1 came out… Then episode 2… 3 was tolerable. TFA fucking sucks. A childhood past time that should have been left in the past. Hollyweird has no choice but to continue the series, they only make reboots these days. I’m sure a “new” spiderman is already in the works.

        2. Spidey will be in Civil War. There will be another stand-alone Spidey film after that, but with a new actor, but it won’t be a reboot.
          I’m glad Andrew Garfield is being replaced, just before it was announced he was being replaced he said he wanted to make Spidey gay.

        3. You mean he wasn’t LMAO, “not that there’s anything wrong with that” HA HA

      2. I wonder too how many new fans are going to be picked up now. The TFA rode on the coat tails of the previous series + with a LOT of hype. I feel the new SW movies wont capture the imagination of boys/young men like the original three movies did. It was somewhat radical back then – a big budget well made sci-fi action adventure.
        When the 2nd lot of 3 movies came out from what I observed it picked up quite a few new young fans. There was a lot of marketing of SW merchandise to capture the kid market then and Disney wont slack off on that, so maybe it will continue to swell the ranks of fans.
        Disney with the change in direction targeting females more wont be so hard hit if the drop off in boys is replaced with a pick up on female ticket sales Plus also these new SW movies are made more to cater for a global audience than the original series, so that will bolster ticket sales.

    2. In TFA she’s a Mary Sue. It’s just so eye-rolling to watch a woman try to act like a man. I can’t take it seriously. The times I have watched that kind of movie though it does sometimes make for a good laugh.

    3. I’d say it’s the males they’re aiming at. Most women will realise they can’t play the hero but young males can be educated into thinking they can and more importantly they be slowly trained to associate sexy with kick ass female. Yes, it’s evil

  24. Maybe Star Wars should learn from Star Trek about casting or making female leads in male audience shows. This show was the worst and destroyed a successful run of shows for star trek. When fan boys talk about it all they reference is how hot the borg chick was. I couldn’t even stomach the show no matter how many hot women they tried to put on to get some ratings

    1. Agreed. The recent remake was pretty good though, because they went back to the original characters and kept their personalities fully intact, which was a breath of fresh air to me. Not the best movie ever made, but I enjoyed it.

      1. Haha that was awesome.
        And what a great (and calm, pleasant, sexy) anti-feminist response by Uhura.

        1. her response should be the definition of feminist and not anti-feminist.

        2. I mean to say that in an ideal world, being a “feminist” would mean being very much like Uhura in this clip….gentle, soft, strong in womanly way, etc….and not…well, you know.

      2. Man, how cool would it be to live in that universe?

        1. a universe where people realize that words are just that….pretty cool.

        2. Funny thing is, it should be. This is what actual diversity would look like between a group of sane people.

        3. Yeah, I know. While I was way too young to actually remember the scant few years I was present in the 1960’s, I do know that this is how people used to be, minus the bad acting.

        1. Pretty sure that guy sold his artisanal whisky to me last yr. It was clear, just like my conscience, when I told him it wasnt that good

      3. Sounds like Abe Lincoln was using the mystery method. In more than one sense he used what in the olden days used to be called a ‘neg’

        1. I suspect that the line “what a charming nigress” can really come in handy when out sarging.

        2. Definitely. Use that line at a Black lives matters demo and you have the kind of day game that will hit all the right emotional buttons for immediate escalation to physical intimacy

    2. But compared to the Enterprise Voyager was just a little runaround. In reality Janeaway would have used it for the school run

    3. The fact that they had to “use” a hot woman (for ratings) should tell you everything here.
      It’s natural for men (or boys) to want to see hot women (being women, not men). They tried to shoe horn a woman into the role of the captain (a leader, a role for men) and the show tanked. Another move, of course, was putting a man (minority) in the second lead role to try to boost the woman (it never works).

  25. Oh look, another Star Wars movie that I’m proudly not watching. Brazilian dude here. Couldn’t care less about diversity.
    Seriously, women and the left and anyone who cares about diversity anywhere gotta be the greatest retarded whining faggots on this planet. Their happiness and “empowerment” depends so much on the gender, ethnicity and looks of the characters of works of FICTION that it’s pretty fucking pathetic. The lead character is a female and she has a romantic relationship with a dude? “OMG SO YOU GUYS ARE TELLING ME THAT A WOMAN CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT A MAN? SO ONLY STRAIGHT COUPLES EXIST? MUH SOGGY KNEES!” The girl in the movie is hot? “OMG YOU GUYS ARE TELLING ME THAT I CAN’T WIN IN LIFE UNLESS I LOOK LIKE SCARLETT JOHANSSON? THAT YOU GUYS LIKE WATCHING PRETTY WOMEN ON A SCREEN? MUH SOGGY KNEES! And on and on… I guess you get the idea.
    Now just imagine how pathetic it would be if men acted by the same logic: “Oh look, He-Man is a super ripped dude and the show is telling me that I won’t be doing anything in life unless I’m as ripped as him! Fuck your your beauty standards!” “Hey man, Tony Stark is a genius engineer and billionaire, so this movie is forcing me to be like him and if I don’t nobody will ever like me ohhh boo hooooo we need moar diversity!”

  26. Alt-Right guys get a lot of crap for “racism” and conspiratorial-sounding thinking about how our elites plan to extinguish white people. But then you look at propaganda campaigns like the Star Wars movies, and you have to wonder.
    Hell, even National Geographic says that Americans in 2050 will become a mob of haphazardly interbred brown people.

    1. Yup. Think about it. How come ONLY white countries have to take in endless amounts of non-whites because… multiculturalism. How come only white countries have to be “multicultural” while none of the other ones do? How come white males are always painted as the devil these days? This isn’t hard to figure out once you start looking at it.

        1. Yup. You have took first thought before you can even see it. Most people don’t even know to look.

    2. You should be able to, at least, ask the questions or bring up the notion that this could be happening.
      The fact that you are shouted down when you bring it up is enough evidence to point to the fact that it could be happening. Man shaming and white shaming has been running rampant for years (and it’s only getting worse in my opinion). When whites are not allowed to embrace their history or your culture without being called a racist then something is wrong (at the same time, others are encouraged to do it and they are considered empowered for doing it).
      It wasn’t only white people who enslaved other people but they seem to get the brunt of the blame (even though it was white people who set slaves free). These are facts that people don’t want revealed.
      People don’t like facts when they are trying to push a certain narrative (facts get in the way).

    3. “Hell, even National Geographic says that Americans in 2050 will become a mob of haphazardly interbred brown people”
      Tell a lie long enough and strong enough and people will believe it. Along with pumping propaganda pieces of shit like this film and people will believe it. Guess what happens when that belief is believed?

  27. Before Disney bought Star Wars, there were already plenty of Star Wars novels, comic books, and games that could have been made into movies. But since the old Star Wars expanded universe wasn’t diverse enough, Disney declared it noncanon.

  28. Feminism has always trodden the thin line between fantasy and psychosis. In fact like Rutger Hauer’s psychopath in the Hitcher if it were honest when asked where it hails from the response would be: “Disneyland”. Obviously by Disneyland, what he really meant was ‘hell’. Feminist progressive psychosis has come into its own. It no longer has to hide or play act in dark rooms. It can be openly Disney’d in the head and pretend black is white and corruption is innocence. Let them lie. Disneyland is trying to become the next great empire but many people are waking up to the shite they’re peddling. Note it always seems to be privileged middle-to-upper-class white females they empower. Al the others are just supporting cast. They are empowered only enough to serve the Daisy Ridley’s and Jennifer Lawrence’s of this world.

  29. In a way, Hollywood has created a new kind of superhero film. If it keeps showing individual white men as competent villains that women and nonwhites have to gang up against to take them down, then who has the real superpowers here?

    1. Indeed. And we all know da chicks love bad boys.

    2. they’ve had a few Cruella de Ville types in film, but the only really convincing female villain was Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. In other words villains in films like Star Wars will continue to be male. Otherwise you’d need an Empress motivated to destroy the rebels planets out of revenge because ‘they just weren’t that into her’ or something

  30. Why did the empire decide to stop using clones like it had for decades and start using kidnapped children? Because Disney wanted a black storm trooper. It makes no logical sense, no matter how you try to spin it. But we shouldn’t be surprised. Disney has been feeding bullshit to children for decades, warping their worldviews and spreading the left’s propaganda.

    1. Stormtroopers were suppose to be race neutral. I don’t recall if they were specifically any particular race in the original 3, or even the 6.

      1. In Attack of the Clones they were clones of Boba Fett, who was, I believe, Hispanic. It just made zero logical sense to abandon an army of clones who were bred to do the empire’s bidding in exchange for kidnapped children who required tireless hours brainwashing…that is, unless there was an agenda.

        1. the clones in the revenge of the sith get turned against the jedi. so, they could also get turned against the empire

        2. But only because the empire “programmed” them to turn against the Jedi. However, I see your point.
          Next in the “rogue” star war series, it will be a movie about another woman and her “diverse” crew that steals the plans to reprogram the clone armies.

      2. In the original trilogy, you’re right, they were race neutral. Never took off a helmet.
        In the next trilogy, someone thought it would be a good idea to make these clones of a New Zealand actor-who-then-made-a-clone-but-not-the-same-type-of-clone-who-turned-out-to-be-Boba-Fett-so-now-lets-redub-the-original-Boba-Fet’s-lines-in-the-original-trilogy-with-a-New-Zealand-accent-to-make-it-“work”.
        It makes no sense at all. But hey they got some diversity out of it.

        1. I didn’t recall Boba Fet being any ethnicity except maybe some alien. He never took off his mask. He could be like the Elephant Man for all I know. Now he’s Hispanic? That’s news to me.

        2. He never took off his mask in the original trilogy and could have been anything. In the second trilogy, his father was Jengo Fett (who was the template for all the clones). He was played by a New Zealander actor and had a New Zealander accent. Young Boba was also played by a New Zealander and had the accent too.
          Following this, the next release of the original trilogy on DVD/bluray featured Boba Fett’s voice having a New Zealander accent.

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