Negative HIV Tests For Sale

It has come to my attention that women are selling positive pregnancy tests on Craigslist. It is assumed these tests are not for making funny Youtube videos, but deceiving men in the hopes of gaining their commitment.


A site called Daily Dot found it possibly reprehensible that this is being allowed, but stops short of judging the women who engage in positive pregnancy test commerce:

I’m all for women with a business plan, and the concept of a ratchet network intrigues me, but this might be taking the idea of “lean in” a little too far.

I paid careful attention to this story for several days after its release, waiting for outrage from the American media. I waited in vain, because there was none (it only made the rounds on the Men’s Rights subreddit). This was actually good news for us over at ROK, since as you already know, we are looking to make some money for the site. We have decided on the male equivalent of selling positive pregnancy tests, and don’t anticipate any criticism to our venture.

Negative HIV Tests

For only $50, we can sell you a bonafide negative HIV test. You can give it to whomever you want—we don’t ask questions. Here’s how it will work:

1. You purchase a HIV home test.

2. Contact us to get the address of the nearest HIV negative ROK writer. Mail the test to him. (European readers will be mailing me their test.)

3. We will bleed, drool, urinate, or defecate on the test, whichever is required as per the protocol.

4. We will mail the test back to you through express mail. You can then forward the test to the laboratory for a guaranteed, worry-free result.


Dramatization of ROK writer fulfilling your order

Special Upgrade Combo

If you purchase a negative HIV test within the next week, you get a negative syphilis upgrade for only $5 more. That’s right—you will be confirmed negative for HIV and syphilis. And you know what, since we appreciate the loyalty of our readership, we will toss in a negative herpes test at no extra charge. If you are interested in our service, please email [email protected] with the result you desire.

Don’t let a little STD ruin a relationship you want with a woman. Order an ROK Negative STD Result test today so that you can continue having sex just as if you were STD-free. Since we anticipate such a huge demand for this service, please be patient in receiving a reply to your inquiry. Thank you for your patronage.

Read Next: The Truth About AIDS & Heterosexual Transmission

38 thoughts on “Negative HIV Tests For Sale”

  1. Nice idea. Let’s also not forget about the negative HPV test. That can lie dormant in men with little effect but end up disastrous for women.

    1. I agree, having a negative HPV test for sale would broaden the market, as HIV test would be mostly looked for by homosexual men.
      A negative HPV test, on the other hand, would get you all the raw dogging you want with heterosexual women!

    2. I agree, having a negative HPV test for sale would broaden the market, as HIV test would be mostly looked for by homosexual men.
      A negative HPV test, on the other hand, would get you all the raw dogging you want with heterosexual women!

  2. Sailor approved evil trolling of genius.
    Post this far and wide. I hope it gives manboooby a conniption because for some reason, that asshole would probably commend the false pregnancy test, and condemn this. I honestly have no idea where his cognitive dissonance came from. But we should bottle it, study it, and label it what it is. Social cancer, and remove him and his whole cat loving “whore”ed of sycophants with him.

  3. Why is the ‘dramatization of ROK writer fulfilling your order’ pic a female? Is that mangosteen? You sure the test will come back negative from her mouth?

  4. The male pill can’t come fast enough if it arrived this afternoon………
    “You’re preggers? Like O……….M………..G……..I’m so happy!!!!!!!(wait for it……………………………………………………………………………………………….)
    Weird though, since I’m on birth control.
    L…………….O……………fuckin’ L”

    1. You can now get the Indonesian Gandarusa pill online. It is, of course, not approved by the FDA, nor will it be in my lifetime (I am an old fart). However, it has been extensively tested in Indonesia and results reported in reputable journals. There has been very little to no coverage in the MSM in the west.

  5. Now set up a serious looking web site for this and when they click on “buy”, it takes them to your site.

      1. Nah, then all manospherians would look like they have cancer. The problem is that you’re all too fat to make that remotely believable.

  6. LMAO. One of the characters in my story is a stoner who sells negative STD tests online and pretends to be a clinic whenever someone called to confirm.

  7. 1) These tests are most likely being sold to women to pull pranks on their partners or family members, not for insidious purposes.
    2) The mainstream media is reporting on this. As of the time I am writing this comment, this is the top story on, a mainstream, pc website.

    1. I would hardly call an unknown site that has “Top Categories” of Honey Boo Boo, Teen Mom 3, and reprints the headlines of TMZ into their news feed a “mainstream” or “pc” website.

      1. Mindless pop culture and entertainment isn’t “mainstream”? What America are you living in?

    2. 1) I think there are at least as many women using it for commitment than as for pranking. Many women get pregnant for that, so showing a fake test would be easility rationalized.
      2) We don’t have the same definition of “the mainstream media”

      1. 1) You honestly think there are more women using these fake tests as part of an elaborate scheme to trick men into commitment than there are women using them as practical jokes? I don’t even see how that would be possible.
        2) What is your definition of “mainstream media”? My definition is a news outlet that presents news of interest to the mindless general public and from a perspective in-line with the present zeitgeist. I would say a website that focuses on trivial pop culture and entertainment stories is about as “mainstream” as it gets. CBS Connecticut also has reported on this and the story is linked on Drudge if an entertainment website isn’t “mainstream” enough for you.

        1. How many women have you ever met willing to drive however many miles and pay $25 in order to get a fake pregnancy test that some other woman has peed on all for the purpose of pulling off a practical joke?
          The women in whatever city / country / continent you live in must have one hell of a penchant for practical joking.

        2. 1) I agree with Xavier, women I know aren’t fan of jokes in general, let alone doing that much effort for one. Plus the seller write “what you do with it is not my business”, she knows it won’t be used for jokes most of the time.
          2) My definition of a mainstream media? A website I at least heard about would be nice.

        3. 1) I agree with Xavier, women I know aren’t fan of jokes in general, let alone doing that much effort for one. Plus the seller write “what you do with it is not my business”, she knows it won’t be used for jokes most of the time.
          2) My definition of a mainstream media? A website I at least heard about would be nice.

  8. Guys, I’m ordinarily not big on these kinds of things, but let me tell you: the RoK Negative HIV (and Syphilis and Herpes) Test really works.
    As you all know, I have a habit of engaging in unprotected sex with homeless junkies, many of whom are infected with HIV due to shooting up with dirty needles. While I haven’t been tested, in the past few years I occasionally have breakouts of sores on my crotch. Whenever I squeeze them, they shoot a thin stream of blood and pus straight across the room.
    I used to tell my girlfriend that I got the sores in a motorboating accident, but she no longer believes me and insisted I get tested. When Roosh was demoing the Negative HIV Test a month ago, he approached me knowing my sexual history and asked if I wanted to test the product out. I accepted.
    I got the urine and blood samples three days later in an unmarked, nondescript cardboard box. Because I’m currently based in New York, the false negatives were provided by [NAME REDACTED]. I mailed the samples to the free clinic and my test results came back negative! Wow!
    When I showed the test results to my girlfriend, she was so overjoyed that she let me raw-dog her in the ass that night. I even ejaculated deep in her colon! As she dutifully limped back to the bathroom to wash up her behind, I did a fist-pump of VICTORY! I should note that in the month since I got the test, my girlfriend has had a sudden outbreak of IBS, but I’m pretty sure that’s the result of her German cooking.
    Thanks ROK team!

  9. I would think that a negative herpes test would be more commercially viable, considering that HIV is fatal and all..

  10. Bitches selling positive pregnancy tests via Craigslist: doing anything they can to further the decline of Western male-female relations and make a little money off of it while they’re at it.
    Bitches who would be in the market for such a thing: thinking only of themselves and only of the short-term benefits — never mind all the explaining they’ll have to do should the poor bastard they suckered in someday have the notion to get a paternity test done.
    Why, oh fucking why, am I not surprised?

    1. A positive congenital disease test !
      – I have a test to show you, I’m pregnant.
      – Well, I also have one to show you…

  11. Unless Costco has a good price on bulk orders, last I remember, a preg test runs between $15-20. Not only are these bitches, well, bitches, they don’t get the concept of profit margin.

    1. you can literally get a pregnancy test at walmart for two dollars. even the brand name ones with the pretty commercials don’t go for more than 7. unless you’ve dealt with pregnancy tests that can predict the gender, weight, and athletic ability of that fetus, if you’re paying $20, you’re being robbed.

      1. Yup my obgyn’s nurse told me to go to the dollar store.To get one instead of paying the lab fees or an office visit to find out. Its what they use . Then they will confirm how far along with the routine lab testing. The expensive ones are just more sensitive

    2. $20??? What part of Beverly Hills or Uptown Manhattan are you getting your pregnancy tests in??? I am guessing your name refers to your brain? “Rock hard” implying nothing can pass into or out of it. Dollar store all the way — two tests per box.
      LOL, yeah, those bitches are the ones who can’t understand profit, omg too effing funny.

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