Over my years at DePaul University, I have began to open my eyes and realize the true extent of the cultural decadence resulting from a combination of inexorable cultural Marxism, shameless hedonism, and subjugated Catholicism. At DePaul University, red pill philosophy has been snuffed out and the feminists and cultural Marxists have won.
I am now stuck behind enemy lines, having to choose between fighting alone, or wearing a mask. As I wear this mask, I would like to give a current report of the state of affairs at my school.
Section 1: Witch-Hunts
Just like many other college campuses, we see numerous witch-hunts against anything that is deemed improper by our ever-so-snide feminist and Marxist culture. I never really realized the extent of the pseudo-victimization of women when I saw this DePaul security alert in my email one morning. It reads as follows:
WHEN: SEPTEMBER 8, 2014 1:00 A.M.
Let me point out the key aspects of this alert. First, let us note the classification of the crime: battery. Now the worst thing this individual did was commit bad night game, misread a situation, and gave an uncomfortable hug. Considering our own security force at DePaul released this report, I have to wonder what the implications are for me, and the fact that if some lady doesn’t explicitly consent to a hug, I open myself to being accused of battery.
But hey! At least on the bright side, I have not found anything on DePaul’s campus to date of a guy giving a girl a hug when she was drunk, and then the girl accusing him of battery the next morning. Feminists have such a distorted world view that they cannot tell the difference between these two pictures:
Section 2: Absolute Control
At DePaul, feminist ideology has taken over to such an extent that it demands absolute control of all male behavior. The most recent example I can think of comes from our own school newspaper, The DePaulia, where I ask myself every week if I accidentally picked up a copy of the onion.
One recent article I read on the article relates to Matt Forney’s recent article: “’Manspreading’ shows off the social retardation of millennial women.” DePaulia’s article, “Sit to yourself: ‘Manspreading’ irks on the CTA,” advocates for the same ridiculous idea that manspreading should be regulated by the public transit authority.
As a matter of fact, a quote that caused me to cry while laughing so hard in public came from a DePaul student named Laura Springman, who is a member of the DePaul Feminist Front. Springman was quoted as saying “ [manspreading] is part of a bigger problem of male entitlement, specifically in public spaces.” It got even worse when a white-knight male in the same club, Benjamen Shaffer, agreed by saying “I think some men think they deserve more space than other people. They are mistakenly under the impression that their comfort is more important than the needs of those around them.”

Oh the barbaric tyranny of the modern American man. This grotesque public display wants me to drop my econometrics major and study something that really helps the world: Feminist Geography!
Now, would I say this is technically ill-mannered? Yes, to the prudest of individuals. But let’s be honest, in a world where thousands of individuals die from starvation a day, this is the biggest concern for liberal, vegan, pretentious coffee shop American feminists?
It is even worse that everyone at The DePaulia is fine with reporting this petty garbage, but if you look at DePaulia’s page, you would notice the rhetoric has been 100% controlled by feminists and liberals for the longest of times, without any thought to finding an individual who disagrees with their opinions.
Section 3: The LBGTQA community
DePaul University is renowned for having one of the strongest if not the strongest LGBTQ community of any university in the United States of America. Now, not that I personally have anything against gay people, but the power of the groups at a PRIVATE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY has gotten completely out of control.
One example of the absurdity that goes on at DePaul is their annual drag show. If you want your eyes to bleed, watch a clip of one here. At these drag shows, to my knowledge, transvestites conduct crude skits on stage in front of a audience in the main center of our Lincoln Park campus. This is plain vulgar, and just a disgrace to anyone who goes to DePaul. The administration should be ashamed of itself for letting people put on this event in public, especially when it is done with complete hypocrisy when it comes to their history of repeated attacks on republicans at DePaul.
If the LGBTQA communities needed to do this event, it could have been done in a private place where young children, and normal human beings did not have to be exposed to this smut. I remember when DePaul’s feminists and liberal activists held an event called Vagina Monologues, to discuss issues of sexual assault. Two word can describe their behavior: vulgar, and tactless.

Did anyone ever think of what parents/small children would think if they walked into our student center where they see people like this lap dancing with two other transvestites in leather chaps? And DePaul wonders why we have one of the highest STD rates in the country……
Section 4: Irrational consequences
Recently at DePaul there has been a lot of demonization against male athletes resulting from the supposed easy treatment given to Cleveland Melvin, one of our former basketball players who supposedly raped multiple women. I don’t know enough about the case to comment; however, his actions resulted in the demonization of other athletes I personally witnessed.
Rebounding off this, one entrepreneur at DePaul University named Randy Vollrath started a movement called “Consent the D,” which is a play off one of our old basketball shirts which read: “fear the D.” The shirts sold on threadmeup for $15 a shirt, and half of the proceeds went to shelters for women suffering from sexual violence. I have met Randy a few times in my life, and I have a gut feeling this is a good person, so I want to give him a much needed defense.

When life gives you lemons at DePaul, you have to consult with the feminists and administration to make lemonade
So to get this movement going, the first thing Mr. Vollrath did was go to the feminist groups, pitching his idea, which he thought was going to be an immediate sell. WRONG. As a matter of fact, THE FEMINISTS GROUPS TRIED TO STOP THE MOVEMENT, using various outlets such as their beloved DePaulia. Take a look at some of the quotes from the DePaul Feminist Front in our newspaper, the article being found here.
He clearly wasn’t educated on the issue, and because he was male, it was automatically more praised because of his gender.—Adina Babaian, DePaul Feminist Front (Note to self—Jealous feminist who is mad that she didn’t think of it herself)
Here is another excerpt from another article here.
The movement left out a specific group of people who are often victims of sexual assault – the LGBTQ community… (Consent the D) limits the definition of sex in general to that which involves a penis, and this is, indeed, heteronormative, Honestly, the original DePaul Slogan for ‘Fear the D’ might be more on point’ – Allison McCracken, a professor of American Studies at DePaul
Let me take a brief minute to address this. One, lesbians and gay men can be raped by a penis, so it does include them. Two, this had nothing to do with the limitation of the definition sex, but was bringing up the issue of rape. The bullshit feminist terminology such as heteronormativity has one of two places to live: in the mind of a Starbucks barista, or a propped up gender studies program in the most pretentious of ad hominem academic slime.
If you look at her CV, this professor has worked at universities all of her life, with her most famous class being “sex in the US.” I am partially disgusted at myself for paying tuition that helps pay for her job. Without heteronormativity, humanity would not survive. It’s mathematically impossible. But I forgot, Allison probably didn’t take one mathematics course throughout all of college.
If you were to tell me feminists would be against a charitable movement donating to women’s shelters, I would have laughed in your face until a few months ago. Now I truly know anything is possible at the height of irrationality. If these incompetent hippies for one second decided to think and get behind Randy instead of trying to inhibit him, more money could have been raised for women suffering from sexual violence, but liberalism is always centered around three things: hugging trees, not contributing to society, and then complaining about how bad the people that actually do contribute to society, hypocritically looking at their iPhones that they bought with their daddy’s money.
As I was writing this article, I just found out that one of the Palestinian groups is hosting a terrorist that bombed a supermarket full of women and children in Israel. This goes on because DePaul’s administration is in a state of abjection due to their fanciful politically correct mindset, which is just a leftist tool for silencing opposition.
DePaul has backed down to the subcultures of feminism, liberalism, the LGBTQ community, and extreme Islamism, and as a result they have taken over. Therefore, the rest of us normal human beings suffer. I am personally ashamed of my school, and have been persecuted for my beliefs. St. Vincent is rolling in his grave for the events that go on at DePaul University on a daily basis.
Read More: Is Feminism Its Own Worst Enemy?
Got a case of the Holy Shits.
I would bet the people running the place have some crime or “secret life” thing going on that is being dangled over them.
The minute they start to resist, they get outed or charged. This is what all the surveillance is really for.
Holy crap… as a
fellow DePaul student, you hit the nail on the head. You forgot to
mention the bullshit “sophomore seminar” classes we have to take
here. I took one called “Immigrant Experience in the US,”
expecting to actually learn about, you know, the various immigrant communities
in the US and what their life is like. How naive. First day of
class, I see that my professor is a fat harridan from the Women’s Studies
program. That was enough of a giveaway, but still I said “let’s give it a
shot.” Now of course any class on
immigrants in the US will touch on racism.
I expected at least a unit. In
this case, this unit was called “the entire class.” Basically nothing but the professor’s
ramblings on social justice. We even
touched on subjects that had little to do with immigrants, like US income
inequality and the objectification of women.
Now most of the class was as white as snow, but that didn’t stop it from
being a circlejerk of SJW tropes and self-flagellation. I remember one fat girl saying “well we all
know white people despise other races and everything that’s different” when
discussing racism, and the professor (who is also white) nodding in
agreement. What a time to be alive.
I remember having to take a similar class and I completely fucked with everyone in it. When the class talked about immigration I mentioned how unfair it was to the poor oppressed blacks that they are being replaced and forgotten about by Mexicans. Playing those angles completely mind-fucked the entire class.
They’re too brainwashed to function and don’t even have a tiny bit of a mind.
Which is why I want to break them with their own lines of reasoning. Trying a direct confrontation in these schools leads to everyone turning on you and you getting punished for merely speaking against the choir. Playing their own SJW game against them makes them re-evaluate their own positions, gets their heads hurting like Hell with all the mental gymnastics they’re forced to play in order to come up with some rationalization against you.
The beautiful part is that there is always an angle you can play to keep the SJW angle working against them. Even if we just get them to have mental breakdowns, then that’s good enough for me.
Watching sjw’s lash about in fits of uncontrolled emotional outbursts does sound pretty entertaining.
Even the mouse will stop grabbing the cheese when he keeps gettin shocked from it but I doubt sjw’s have the same mental capacity.
Keep jabbin at em till they go nuts and eat each other!
love it. “why do you support racism against blacks by supporting mass hispanic immigration into black neighborhoods?”
this is happening for real all over LA btw.
Holy crap… as a fellow DePaul student, you hit the nail on the head. You forgot to mention the bullshit “sophomore seminar” classes we have to take here. I took one called “Immigrant Experience in the US,”
expecting to actually learn about, you know, the various immigrant communities in the US and what their life is like. How naive. First day of class, I see that my professor is a fat harridan from the Women’s Studies program. That was enough of a giveaway, but still I said “let’s give it a shot.” Now of course any class on immigrants in the US will touch on racism. I expected at least a unit. In this case, this unit was called “the entire class.”
Basically, it was nothing but the professor’s ramblings on social justice. We even touched on subjects that had little to do with immigrants, like US income inequality and the objectification of women. Now most of the class was as white as snow, but that didn’t stop it from being a circlejerk of SJW tropes and self-flagellation. I remember one fat girl saying “well we all know white people despise other races and everything that’s different” when discussing racism, and the professor (who is also white) nodding in agreement and saying nothing. I was amazed anyone was being paid to teach their own drivel with nary a fact to back it up, in a class that had little even to do with their agenda. At least it was an easy A if you shut up and just joined the jerk, which I did. What a time to be alive.
Do what I did in these classes and play their own SJW games against them. What I did when immigration came up is play the angle of “immigration is racist plot to get rid of black people by replacing them with Mexicans.”
Seriously, just fuck with them by using their own reasoning against them. I remember pissing off so many white feminists by telling them they can’t be raped because of their privilege.
Can I play?
“Immigration is Whitey’s plot to make Mexicans dalits for the elites and depopulate resource rich South America!”
That is exactly how you play the game. That’s right, depopulate resource rich South America while getting rid of black people. That is their end game with immigration. Don’t forget that the Asians are doing so well because they’re privileged right underneath whitey, so we can’t let them escape from their privilege either. Asians are let over to work with whites to destroy blacks through Mexican immigration.
Seriously, you can play any angle imaginable.
“H1B Visas are indentured servants of the Elites!”
“Asian success is Whitey’s way of obfuscating racism in the US”.
Cripes. I am just thankful for Latina and Asian babes that still love a red pill male, does that make me one who, “embraces” other cultures? Feminists and libs are really backing themselves into a corner.
One of my favorites is telling everyone feminism is a club for white girls (which it primarily is,) and that the non-white feminists always have to sit in the back of the feminist bus.
I too have noticed the lack of “Diversity” among femis.
I guess “Ain’t I a Women” isn’t ion the syllabus.
My favorite leftist contradiction is how angered they are by white guys dating Asian girls. What? Racist!!!! We’re supposed to be ‘color-blind’ but that goes out the window when white dudes want to date Asian girls. If I’m ever publicly called out for having a 115 lb. Asian on my arm, I will go ballistic with a public accusation of racism. I have it scripted already and I plan on being LOUD.
OMG, that last line is F’N GREAT.
Why would you take such a bullshit course? Social justice is practically synonymous with mental illness
It was part of our mandatory sophomore seminar, dude. We basically had the option to pick one of many BS sjw classes, but we did have to pick one as a graduation requirement.
You were done a gross disservice man. I took an Immigrant Experience class with an old school professor and on the first day he said, ” This class will not be about blaming white people for everything. It will end with you thanking God that you turn on the faucet and clean tap water comes out”.
You go to Depaul too?
I hate millennials. Their current attitude is only enabled due to the economic prowess of America 1946-2000. It’s a unique aligning of the stars of comfort, financial security and safety that these cunts and faggots create petty ‘injustices’ to bitch about. All the hard work of older conservative people to build the country is being squandered by these retards.
I don’t know how you could even hire one of these idiots.
They deserve to be poor, the first American generation to have a lower standard of living than the previous.
These SJW Marxist, critical theory driven idiots don’t even realize they’re destroying the very society that allows them to have feminism, LGBT and all that in the first place. The economy will fall apart, and the white hipsters will be surrounded by blacks, Mexicans, and Arabs that couldn’t give less of a fuck about their social justice crusades.
I actually can’t wait for that to happen
I can’t wait either. I’m prepared for just about anything. I’ve learned to enjoy the decline and be ready for any collapse that may or may not come.
Your best bet is to marry a central american or arab from a family with some wealth, then watch the decline from your retirement in their country. buenas dias bitches!
That’s a problem for me because I want the white population to still continue and actually thrive 100 years from now. Call me some delusional Nazi or whatever, but I care more about the future of white people than I do marrying arabs or mestizos.
no problem eastern euro is your friend
You… I like you. You immediately understand and have a solution.
I’d say Boomers are just as entitled and clueless. In fact, a lot of the problems millennials face existed or were even created by the Boomer generation, which was born to the generation that actually had to fight through a fucking depression and the most destructive war in the history of mankind. The boomers inherited America in its golden age and basically squandered its wealth. The increasing national debt, two unjust wars, and our brain dead consumer culture were not the inventions of millennials.
This isn’t to deny that millennials don’t have grave flaws, but most are just going off what they’ve always been fed. The selfishness came from their boomer parents. The liberalism came from the elites and their professors. Proclaiming hate for an entire generation and laying society”s problems at their feet is just stupid.
“Proclaiming hate for an entire generation and laying society”s problems at their feet is just stupid.”
You just did the exact same thing, except you blame boomers instead of millennials
A million dollars to you if you can find anywhere where I say that I hate boomers. I admitted that millennials have problems as well. The point was to show that what’s fucked up with our society isn’t the fault of one generation, especially one that’s only been on earth for 20 something years at most. And while I do not lay all our problems at their feet, I do think you could make a lot stronger of a case for the boomers being responsible for our social decline.
“The boomers inherited America in its golden age and basically squandered its wealth.”
In the early 70s Charles de Gaulle stepped up to the plate to play hardball with Richard Nixon and drove one down the middle. Nixon flinched and collapsed what was left of America’s wealth.
Neither one was a Boomer.
Whoa…”Boomers” is just too broad of a term. The generation that SUCKS is the one born just after WWII…they’re the children of the 60’s who fucked up in the 70’s, and ended with Jimmy Carter. We children of the very late 50’s and early 60’s are Reagan stalwarts. Conservative, motivated, and yeah, wealthy. Unfortunately, the millennials are our children and grand children, and we’ve spoiled them, even though many of us tried not to. My son is a veteran of Afghanistan, my daughter somehow survived American University without becoming a total idiot. I may be in a minority, but I would never have tolerated liberal bullshit coming from my children’s mouths. I ALWAYS told them that they were the beneficiaries of my largesse, and I could cut them off at will, and I did. Their behavior shaped up accordingly.
“They deserve to be poor”
Precisely right. This is why you never help anyone who believes in equality. It’s like throwing time and money into a hole.
I just saw this one. Yeah. So much money from our culture and from any leftist culture is just dropping money into a hole. So much money is being invested in the feelings of leftist’s minds. They want to get super charged over non-existent ‘rape culture’ and money is invested just so that they can get a cerebral tingle somewhere in their head. Leftist emotional payoff is getting to be a trillion dollar industry–all for fleeting emotional tickles in their cerebral cortex that change by the moment anyway.
Humans invent suffering when they lack suffering.
The Romans had a practice. When they conquered barbarian clans, they would steal the children of the elite and take them to Rome, where they groomed them to hate the people of their birth. This is basically the education system today. An aggressive new religion, Social Justice, has taken over our culture and is grooming children and young adults.
This religion is called materialism.
Eight year olds, dude!
Eight is about where Marx thought they should be removed from their parents.
This isn’t Nam, Smoky, there are rules.
another idea for an article- explaining the alpha-ness of jeffrey lebowski….
omega on the streets, alpha in the sheets?
pederast dude…they made him walk door to door telling people who he was…
To hate who? Themselves?
Good catch on Roman practice, and how it ties in with the elite mandarins who dominate our education schools that qualify more and more of our teachers nationwide, every year. Like you point out, they do indeed train our youth to despise our history, our impact on the world, and to hate us.
Western women and sjws feed off attention. Starve them out by not giving them any.
Fuck them, dudes, let’s go bowling.
Pacifism is nothing to hide behind…
Am I right? Am I right?
I thought you didn’t roll on Shabbas.
I don’t, I’m vacationing on Maui on Hawaiian time so I’ve still got 5 hours.
and hit on bishes at that Vietnamese joint!
I don’t really have anything against the drag shows but the PC has gotten way out of hand. The DePaul security alert is the stupidest alert I’ve ever read because it wasn’t even an alert or concern. The guy only gave a number and a hug and nothing more than that afterwards. The person that wrote about how manspreading should be regulated is a dumbass. And hosting a terrorist that bombed a supermarket in Israel is hypocritical and dumb to say the least. Utter stupidity to the core!
Went to a large midwest state school and had a lot of the same shit. Hell a group on our campus Hosted a talk by Tupac Shakur’s mother, who was part of a violent black separatist group.
I had enough credits that I only needed a few classes of Sociology for a minor, but after one class with a prof who literally would spin off into a tangent of quoting Karl Marx, I abandoned that. When she had us discuss who our favorite historical figure was, one dipshit actually said Chairman Mao. Just to screw with them I said mine was Chang Kai-Shek.. Nobody had heard of him.
Yeah. I’ve heard of him. He was the Nationalist dictator fighting against Mao (Communist) who finally fled to Taiwan to seek refuge after robbing them of their resources to fight Mao. Chiang took over the island of Taiwan and made it into a military state until the late 80’s. Well after his death in the mid 1970’s. People in Taiwan feared of voicing against the only political party Kuomintan at the time because you could be taken away for espionage without a trial. Everyone there was a suspect.
At least his country is a MUCH better place to live than Mainland China that will become old and blue-balled before it becomes rich thanks to the 1 child policy.
And this is why as an alum of not one but two institutions of higher learning, I don’t “give back” as they call it or give more, as I call it since, they got plenty from me already.
Same here. I have just given directly to student groups I support, but I’m never giving my Alma Mater another dime.
“I’m never giving my Alma Mater another dime.”
Indeed. That’s like paying a Bernie Madoff for the ‘privilege’ of being scammed.
You must be another University of Oklahoma graduate.
Give back to my Alma Mater?
1. Fuck no. I paid tuition and had student loans and an ROTC scholarship.
2. Fuck no. I went to a public Uni so I ‘give back’ every time I pay my property taxes
3. Fuck no. Those scum bags extorted 10s of thousands of dollars and years of my life with bullshit classes. Please tell me why an Econ major needs to take (and pay for) Arts, Humanities and Ethics classes?
The school wanted to make certain that you didn’t miss your proper socialist indoctrination.
Yup. But they call it “Being well rounded”.
… not to mention “tolerant” and “diverse.”
It only made me less so!
Men gave women the vote long before universities pumped the majority of citizens through these feminist-indoctrination camps.
Explain that one…
Influx of jews after WWII
Actually, the humanities were always a part of classical education, and for centuries, the point of education was to be exposed to culture, making one wise, appreciative of art, music, etc. We have declined to a point where colleges only teach how to make loads of money scamming people on wall street or 4 years of how to decorate houses or work in an HR department.
Ethics are clearly something that is lacking in the west. Basic morality that every decent person can agree on (keep your word, don’t cheat people) should absolutely be taught in schools from elementary up. And as for college, read up on the Trivium.
But otherwise, hell no, not a penny more for my uni.
I’m not interested in being “Educated” and I don’t give a shit about the classics. I went to school for the same reason everyone who doesn’t have a trust fund goes: to get a decent paying job.
We have BS degrees. Then we have BA degrees which show the student was too stupid/lazy to get the required math and science credits to earn the BS. I propose a BT or Bachelor of Technical degree. This would show that the student took all of the required classes for the major but didn’t waste their time with the filler non-sense. Would MicroSoft have a problem hiring Comp Sci majors who didn’t take philosophy or fine arts? I’d like to find out.
There is not, nor has there ever been “Ethics” or “Morality”. There is legal and illegal. There is getting ass raped in prison and there is ‘free to go’. “Keep your word, don’t cheat people” would fall under civil and possibly criminal law. Ethics and the like is the same as Chivalry and Bushido; they are bullshit constraints that the powers-that-be use to enslave those who do not reject them out right.
[Edit] I am living proof that you can not learn ethics or morality from a class. I took the required classes and I am proudly Amoral and unethical.
Well you are living proof of the fact that at least 80% of all people right now in the Universities (and probably 100% of all women), should have learned a trade and stop pretending you had it in you to become educated or just (in the case of women) stayed at home and improve yourself to attract a well-to-do husband. Part of the reason the quality of high education went through the basement in its way down is the massification of today’s college education. 100 years ago most of the halfwits spouting marxist drivel would have been unable to approve the entrance exams.
By the way morality do exist, otherwise you’d most likely be dead by now since someone would have disliked you and taken the matters in his hands and believe me, police and daddy gov. is not 24/7/365 protecting its subjects. If just 10% decided to follow your advice, the society would instantly collapse, we don´t have enough policemen soldiers, drones to watch even 50% of population all the time… Most people I’ve known (with few exceptions) that are nihilsts are wimps physically.
P.S. It´s true, ethics and moral cannot be taught in University, it had to be done since childhood, after certain age, a person cannot be shaped, he has to want it, otherwise is kaputt. Chivalry and Bushido in their time were not bullshit, and only savages and other barbaric groups lack discipline at all…
” should have learned a trade and stop pretending you had it in you to become educated ”
Great theory except most trades require at least a 2 year degree; where the future plumber/electrician will be forced to put up with the same fine arts and humanities bullshit as everyone else. Here’s an experiment for you. Go to the largest city in your state ask the [white] cops and firefighters what percentage of them [do they believe] have a 4 year degree. Naturally the Afro-mitive Action hires should not be considered, although I’ll bet that even the majority of them have at least an AA.
“By the way morality do exist, ” No laws exist. It is the fear of consequences that keeps society in check. It is the fear of consequences that allows the gray haired man drive his convertible corvette without the fear of being pulled out of it by someone physically stronger then him. Could he do that in Mogadishu?
“P.S. It´s true, ethics and moral cannot be taught in University”
Great so let’s cut the ‘unethical’ bullshit of making students waste their time and money taking them.
Let’s hear it for “Education”
“I am personally ashamed of my school, and have been persecuted for my beliefs.”
Persecuted? Really? When you are outlawed for speaking your viewpoints freely such as you have in a very public website, or when you’re physically threatened and abused then you can throw around the word “persecution”. Til then stop acting like a victim. This site tells men to stop acting wussy then they pretend they are being victimized instead.
But this site is also about confronting the full reality of our situation. Indeed, we shouldn’t act as victims but we need to call things what they are, and I think using the term persecution, especially since he’s on a college campus, is spot on.
Hugs are battery?
I AM A VICTIM!!!!11!!
I can’t count the number of times my mother’s middle aged female friends have given me unwanted hugs. I guess I’m in that 1 out of 4 “Sexually Assaulted” statistic.
“I just found out that one of the Palestinian groups is hosting a terrorist that bombed a supermarket full of women and children in Israel”
The one and only thing that I respect about the jew is those slimy bastards will send their Mosad assassins anywhere and violate any country’s laws to exact vengeance.
I wonder if Achmood will “Slip in the shower”, or “Get into a car accident”. Maybe the 25 year old will have a mysterious heart attack or simply have his shit colored face blown off with a .45.
I live about an hour away from Chicago and I know alot of people who go to DePaul. The amount of liberals that school is churning out shocks me – particularly how nasty some of them are.
That place is Catholic in name only. Any influence Catholicism had on it is gone.
This just goes to remind me of how much Chicago sucks. Only time I’ve really gone down to the city and enjoyed it has been with friends a few times and when Mike Cernovich had a meetup there.
“Honestly, the original DePaul Slogan for ‘Fear the D’ might be more on point’ – Allison McCracken”
Ha I was thinking the same thing back for a completely different reason. I might buy a “Fear the D” t-shirt just for shits.
I wonder if that dumb cunt knows that her sir name means “Son of Cracken”.
I only lasted the summer at De Paul. And that was all I could tolerate.
Got my masters there some years back when the school was still sane (besides nobody cared about these issues during evening classes.. in and out..). One thing I noticed though during my going there was the academic quality went down and down year after year.. Hm, maybe that has something to do with it all…
I’m really glad you didn’t decide to come here.
So a guy ‘manspreading’ or hugging a girl is worse than a guy blowing g up innocent women an children? Yep SJWs got their priorities right.
The only guys blowing up innocent women and children are Jews, not Muslims. Or brainwashed-from-birth Muslim guys on the payroll of Mossad.
You’re not much better than the SJW’s. Think for yourself, man.
I’m not taking sides in the Israel Palestine situation but blowing up innocents is wrong. The situation there is complex an both sides have blood on their hands. As for me being a SJW for crticising a Muslim, SJWs rush to thd defence of Islam all the time an seem to hate Israel, they’re the ones not thinking for themselves an not viewing Islam objectively. Also if you think there’s no such thing as Islamic terrorists an that every so single terrorist attack is a false flag or propaganda you’re living in fairy land. Sure there’s some that are but there’s plenty that arn’t.
DP is just another american college hijacked by the feminist / queer agenda. If beta males would just be more compliant…
DP….apt abbreviation…..
Depaul is a fucking disgrace. It is truly saddening to see a once great institution fall to such shambles. Depaul has an inordinate amount of students that are privileged, sheltered hipsters from Ohio that largely contribute to this madness but now this shit is just out of control. The dean literally gets tons of emails and phone calls daily from people concerned about the direction the university is heading in but he doesnt care, this is all part of his agenda. Dont even think about attending this institution unless your a SJW, beta, or a have a full ride.
You hit them where it hurts financially.
If enough alums get annoyed and refused to donate over shenanigans, they will get the message.
I was gonna say. One has to look beyond the madness and try to figure out where the money trail leads, or where it comes from. It is always about the money.
What does the Q stand for in the sodomite slogan?
Queer I’m pretty sure.
LGBTQA, doing their worst to make their depravity seem normal to the rest of the world since….. whenever……..
“Questioning”, as in “I dunno, low testosterone and conflicting messages in the media, so maybe I’m gay?” And the “A” is for “Ally”, a synonym for SJW.
You need to fuck off.
Every university in the country has been ruined by Cultural Marxism. But for the Church to have allowed it to happen at what were once Catholic universities is beyond sinful.
Amen, Jed.
Marxism seeks to replace not only the Church but God Himself with the State. That’s what makes this situation even more messed up. A catholic university is paying money to help people who want to get rid of religion altogether.
Couldn’t agree with you more.
The Church apparently went into complete corruption mode with the Vatican II.
I’m not as knowledgeable on all that as I should be, but it seems that the left flank of the Church managed to take control and swing things way off course.
The old Latin Tridentine Mass is both a magnificent and sublimely beautiful liturgy, and somewhat rare to find anymore.
What a shithole.
I dunno, if you get rid of the rest, the blue beard is kinda cool…. sparkly.
I treat feminists like retarded children, I might hear what they’re saying but I don’t take them seriously and sure as hell don’t like them run my life.
Reading this article has made me feel embarrassed to be a Chicagoan. Especially since today I was at DePaul’s Loop (Downtown) campus considering talking to an advisor about attending school there. Fortunately I looked at my phone figured it was too close to 5 and went about my way. By the way, Columbia is shit too. Don’t go there.
Thank God you aren’t here.
Damn man…Well, at least your school doesn’t have a “rapist list” with 0 evidence: http://jezebel.com/university-of-chicago-gets-its-own-rapist-list-1637594348 http://chicagomaroon.com/2014/09/23/hyde-park-list-accuses-students-of-sexual-violence/
or an SJW who “hacked” his own facebook account with false rape threats and racial slurs to get tons of people to sign a marxist/racist petition advocating for affirmative action for *professors*: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/393756/student-fakes-rape-threat-advance-diversity-initiatives-katherine-timpf
Anyways, I’d love to have an ROK college meetup in Chicago if anyone’s down. I have a friend who owns a club downtown.
people born from 1910-1945 > Boomers = Gen X > Millenials
People born between 1939 and 1955 (effectively the “real” Baby Boomers) are the worst generation known to mankind.
90% preoccupied with irrelevant social issues and feelings… sounds like every western university
The problem here is that those boys even cared enough about rape politics to start a campaign in the first place. They should’ve just dismissed it as rape hysteria and went on with their lives.
“DePaul University is renowned for having one of the strongest if not the
strongest LGBTQ community of any university in the United States of
America. Now, not that I personally have anything against gay people,
but the power of the groups at a PRIVATE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY has gotten
completely out of control.”
Guess what: you’re part of the problem. “I-I-I don’t have anything against gays, I have no problem with degeneracy running wild even though I visit a Christian university. I’m just open-minded like that!”
You’ve provided a number of reasons why I no longer practice being a Catholic. I am a Catholic, but not in the Roman Catholic Church which has been taken over by the politically correct, socialist, homosexual elite. If the Marxist elite win, Western Civilization is finished. Committing suicide is still against Church Doctrine, it’s too bad they don’t recognize their own sin.
If you wish you can check this http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com is a good place to start and by far the most concise explanation of what happened in the Church, that led us here….
As a Chicagoan I noticed that DePaul must be the worst school for heterosexuals. aside from the fact that you have one of the fattest demographics of women on the planet, but you also have to deal with unrestrained feminism. To top it off the bar scene is the biggest sausage fest I’ve seen with my own 2 eyes and I have been around the world. we’re talking 80% guys who chase any chubster that orders a Michelob ultra
“Let me take a brief minute to address this. One, lesbians and gay men can be raped by a penis, so it does include them.”
Don’t say that out loud, you’ll make the SJW’s head explode…
I live on the DePaul campus and have had sex with a couple depaul girls. Yeah, they’re all either wacko marxists or complete sluts. Really no inbetween.
that’s awesome. please, tell us more.
Recommend daygaming there on the Quad or no, good sir?
lol what the fuck did I just read just leave depaul and stop your whining
the fact that you delete comments that don’t agree with you really says something
people like you are ruining depaul
“The whole story is transparently barmy. If humanities faculties are really geared to brainwashing students into accepting the postulates of far-left ideology, the composition of western parliaments and presidencies and the roaring success of corporate capitalism suggests they’re doing an astoundingly bad job. Anyone who takes a cool look at the last three decades of politics will think it bizarre that anyone could interpret what’s happened as the triumph of an all-powerful left.”
From “‘Cultural Marxism’: a uniting theory for rightwingers who love to play the victim”
The left is winning big time . Take a look at the black community
You mean the ones who are being stopped-and-frisked for no reason, or the ones who are being shot on sight?
Yes, that is what it looks like and the liberals wouldn’t have it any other way. Grow up funnyman
Yep that is what it looks like. That is how the left handles people. Ever notice how they always seem to vote liberal.
For maximum laffs, read this entire article with the sound of a whining baby playing in the background
I’ll just laugh at this faggot who takes bathrooms selfies with his cat. ANd when that gets old, I’ll go down to the AIDS ward for a laugh riot.
Please do not hurt my delicate oppressed male feelings :'(
I’m not the oppressed, faggot. I’m the oppressor. I’m the embodiment of every “Cis Gender white male patriarch” that hunts your dreams. It was my vote that helped push “Stand You Ground” laws so that niggers like Trayvon end up dead for trespassing. It was my vote that helped turn the Senate Red in order to take food out of the mouths of single mothers and their filthy bastards. It was my vote that helped elected those who deport Honduran spic children back to their swamp, knowing full well that they will be murdered.
0.5/10 barely edgy
For maximum laffs, observe your entire progressive life with the sound of a whining baby playing in the background.
For maximum laffs, observe your entire whining baby with the sound of a progressive insurance ad playing in the background.
Yup. Millenial with no ability to follow the thread whatsoever. Go get pegged by your little sister.
You’re so cute when you’re angry.
haha @ manspreading on the El, as if you can actually manspread on rush hour in the Red Line (more packed than a sardine can, more heads than a train from Bengal to Hyderabad, and smells like several toilets haven’t been flushed – oh wait, that’s the Blue Line lol). Feminist fools at DePaul don’t know diddly squat.
cultural marxism? herp derp … no such thing … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jobrot/sandbox
Ohhh. Well if some faggot with a Wiki link says so.
One last thing, is “Rape” treated like any other crime? Is the “perpetrator” presumed innocent until proven guilty? Or are lynch mobs formed and Frat activities shut down when crazy bitches claim that non-existent “Haven Montiques” raped them and nigger strippers are automatically believed by DAs over Duke students?
that’s Mr. Faggot to you, m’am!
The funniest part is Whitey goes to these schools, and puts up with this “diversity” non-sense only so he can get a decent paying job to buy a house in a non “diverse” neighborhood.
Guys we’ve been breached.
Well I have seen almost all. There is a comment that equates Marxist and feminist with freedom.
I agree with points 1 and 2, and 4, point 3 is iffy, and im not so sure i agree with your conclusion, but you are correct in your overall assessment that the movement in some respects has become egregiously trigger-happy, outright ridiculous, and overall problematic.
BTW, for any who dont know, legally, battery is “unlawful physical contact”. Misreading cues and giving an awkward hug is uncomfortable, but not unlawful. Is that the kind of shit we wanna classify as battery?
I had a nice chuckle at the “give a girl a hug when shes drunk, and get accused of battery in the morning”. Clever joke.
Definition of battery in the Illinois Criminal Code:
12-3. Battery. (a) A person commits battery if he intentionally or
knowingly without legal justification and by any means, (1) causes
bodily harm to an individual or (2) makes physical contact of an
insulting or provoking nature with an individual.
(b) Sentence. Battery is a Class A misdemeanor.
Instead of protecting your male entitlements and airing your prejudices, maybe you should attend a few classes and learn that his behavior was a legal definition. You DO believe in the law, don’t you?
I like my violence like I like my beer, domestic!
Same experiences, only at Desales University. I am so glad I dropped out.
Thank god I go to a community college and I don’t a fraction of this shit as the author of this article sees at DePaul university. The sad thing is that it is a catholic university, geee aren’t they against LGBT and transgenders? Aren’t they suppose to follow the bible? It seems not..
Dear God.. what is happening to your women, America?
Lol why is the battered woman wearing so much makeup
How do we as a society prevent this shit from spreading? Communism is a complete failure and it’s clear these people are trying to destroy the foundation of the country. What can be done to reverse it?
Hahah you are living in the wrong generation, this country is finaly changing and it’s for the better! I was unsure about my transfer to Depaul but after reading your artcile I understand how great of a school it is!
Even that Whole Foods is corrupted. I know some totally cool, normal, very socially popular guys who were angrily threatened and kicked out of the Whole Foods on Fullerton and Sheffield by the White Knight management there for talking to a girl during the Friday night SOCIAL wine event there that is a packed house. Apparently at a SOCIAL WINE MIXER the Feminists and White Knights are threatened and fearful to be social and talk to other people.
Chicago itself is getting sad. It’s like an episode of the Twilight Zone. MOST of the attractive girls have DISAPPEARED from the entire city and it has become a zombie land of average or below average looks women with HORRID personalities. It’s as if all the attractive and sane women have fled and went elsewhere to seek out where men are not vaginae but still men, and get away from the cuck brainwashing that is overwhelming this city. I challenge anyone to walk around the busiest parts of the city on any given day where hundreds of thousands of people are and tell me how many hot women you see over the course of 3 or 4 hours… I can promise it will be little to none.