9 Benefits Of Having Female Friends

It’s common knowledge in these parts that western females are flaky, disloyal, and rarely bring anything of value to a man’s life outside of sex. This makes being friends with them an even less attractive proposition because spending time with a woman without the prospect of fucking her usually isn’t worth the headache.

There are, however, a few things females can bring to the table that can be quite useful if you understand their true nature and how to mitigate their hard-wired deficiencies.

Keep in mind that certain conditions apply here. You have to have game (as is the case with every female you interact with whether sex is involved or not), a bit of social currency, and attractive female accomplices to reap these benefits.

Let’s get to it.

9. They will screen women for you

Don’t let that smile fool you. She’s watching everything.

We all know women hate each other because they know each other. When you bring your flavor of the week around your female acquaintances, they won’t hesitate to alert you of any red flags you may not see. Chicks see things we don’t as a matter of survival so their supernatural ability to pick up on subtle nuances in human behavior comes in handy in these situations.

Granted, they do tend to embellish or hamster things into existence out of thin air on account of their innate disdain for one another. But game will allow you to filter out that particular brand of bullshit and hear what needs to be heard so that you can take the appropriate action(s).

8. They give you instant social proof

When girls see attractive women with or around you it instantly gives you social proof. Good looking girls are much more selective about the people they spend their time with and other women know this. If attractive women trust you enough to be around you, then it’s assumed by other females that you must be trust worthy (read: not a creep, axe murderer, etc.)

Women generally don’t want to be around a man who is labeled a creep or a recluse lest he be a serial rapist! This is why having a chick or two in your physical orbit when hitting on that hot cashier or striking up conversation with the pretty barista works in your favor.

Another advantage to having good looking girls in your midst is…

7. Pre-selection

The following is a text conversation with a girl I approached at the supermarket a while back. I had my on again off again FWB with me, which made arranging a meet up almost too easy, as I used standard text game to close the deal:







A standard tenet of game is that women don’t want a man that other women don’t want. You could be as ugly as homemade sin but if you’ve got an attractive female with you, your SMV always spikes. This will send their hamsters into overdrive wondering if you’re rich, great in the sack, or if you have high social status.

Whether you have these assets or not is irrelevant. The hamster always assumes a man has favorable traits when he’s accompanied by an attractive woman. 

Once again, this is why game is necessary as stated in the intro. Fuck buddies can be acquaintances too if your game is on point. Whether I was fucking the girl I was with or not didn’t matter to Trini. All that mattered is that she thought I might be (and verbalized as much) and that’s what made her ripe for the picking.

6. Transference of their pussy pass

Pussy pass? Yeah we take those!

Personally, this one has paid huge dividends for me. I’ve zoomed to the front of countless night club lines, been given preferential treatment in bars and various other venues, and even been “let off with a warning” on more than one occasion involving traffic violations—all because, and only because, I had a good looking girl with me.

95% of men in this part of the world are pathetic, thirsty white knights. Any time they get a chance to impress even a half decent looking woman they jump at it. Bouncers, cops, butchers, waiters, cashiers, bartenders, or any other male inhabited profession or post all gladly accept the all powerful pussy pass as a form of currency.

Their desire to score “brownie points” with her means that each and every one of them will transfer it’s membership privileges to you simply because she’s with you.

5. They’ll hook you up with their friends

Another huge benefit of being acquainted with good looking females are their friends. Hot girls have hot friends. Period. Women, of all SMVs also take tremendous pride in being a “matchmaker.”

The combination of your game and social currency turns your female friends into your own personal mouth pieces as they won’t hesitate to tell their girlfriends “what an amazing guy” you are.

In these instances pre-selection, social proof, and screening are all taken care of in one fell swoop. Plus, if things go sideways with your acquaintance’s friend(s), she’ll take your side most of the time because a) your game is tight b) she doesn’t want to lose the added social status she gains by being around you and c) girls are always looking for a reason to show their dislike for one another, which further feeds their insatiable need for drama.

4. You can sharpen your teasing skills

Teasing a woman and calling her out on her bullshit are both sure-fire ways to moisten the panties of any given target. Having female friends you can practice on will hone these skills to the point where they become second nature to you.

Because you’re not trying to fuck her (at least not yet), you can tease away without worrying about “offending” her or fucking up the pickup. What’s really happening here is that you’re inadvertently gaming her and she may eventually make a play to fuck you which, of course, leads to the fact that…

3. You can turn them into FWBs

This isn’t to suggest that you turn every one of your attractive female acquaintances into a fuck friend, but it’s an great option to have during dry spells.

Similar to #5, all of the pre-selection, social proof, and screening boxes are checked. Add to the fact that she’s comfortable with you, knows you see through her b.s. and will call her out on it, and that you add social value to her life, it’s only a matter of time before she wants you between her legs.

The obvious drawback to this is that you’ll likely lose her as an acquaintance. Your abundance mentality knows this isn’t a big deal because females really are a dime a dozen in any capacity. However, depending upon how much value she brings to your life you may need to think long and hard about whether letting her go as an asset is worth a few romps in the sack with her.

2. They’ll help you tighten up your thread game

Good looking girls don’t want to be seen with a man who is dressed poorly and if you hang out with them on the regular, they will make damn sure you’re always looking your best—especially if you’re in a social setting (clubs, bars, etc.). And because women know what looks good on a man, this will raise your vestment game.

Take initiative and ask her to go shopping with you and help you pick outfits (she’ll agree 100% of the time). Her solipsism will compel her to ensure that your perceived value is as high as possible because it directly affects her value. This is one of the few instances when you can actually trust a woman not to lead you astray.

1. Consistent neomasculine confirmation

Try as they might, women are unable hide their vapid, slutty, westernized ways. I’ve overheard and been involved in many a conversation with this girl or that about how she’s looking for Mr. Right, then in the same breath talk about the guy who fucked her senseless that weekend.

One good friend of mine has admitted to me that she’s fucked more than 60 guys (which means her count probably exceeds triple digits) but feels she “deserves” a man who has a good job, will take care of her and her son, has a six pack, and fucks her like her baby daddy—her words verbatim.

Another female acquaintance of mine is married to a man who has his own business, has the house, the kid, the white picket fence (yes, their picket fence is white), and even the dog.  So far so good right? Well she recently told me about a torrid affair she had with a regular customer (she’s a cocktail waitress at a local casino) who “swept her off her feet” who she actually contemplated leaving her “American dream” life to be with.

All women are like that, gents, and the more you hang around them, the further your red pill conditioning is drilled into your skull. Female friends will all but ensure that you will never slip back into the beta boy ways that landed you here in the first place.


Most females in our culture are increasingly unable to add much to a man’s life, but these nine benefits have the potential to keep your game and crimson capsule mindset sharp—so long as you stay on your p’s and q’s.

As is the case with all female interactions, keep your wits about you and proceed with caution. Females can and will turn on you at the drop of a hat for no good reason. But if you’re running solid game, trouble and drama shouldn’t be much of a problem.

Read More: Why You Need More Female Friends

339 thoughts on “9 Benefits Of Having Female Friends”

  1. if they are sluts, they will not be loyal friends. But if they aren’t sluts, it’s unlikely they’ll just let you bang a good friend of theirs; they may put in a good word for you though if you want a relationship, but that might be unnecessary if her friends know you guys are very good friends; it gives you social proof in her circle of friends. But to have female friends that are attractive, they need to find you attractive too, in which case you can’t be called “just friends”, unless she is dating one of your buddies

      1. I am just saying that a friendship is based on loyalty among other things. The only loyal women I have met are of the traditional non-slutty kind.

    1. I had an attract friend even when I looked like a loser. All women take pity on something and try to build it up or fix it.

  2. Every female friend i have ever had prefaced our friendship with i can’t be friends if you fuck me or i wanted a relationship and they were screwing someone on the side and enjoying telling the stories and watching the pain. Even in long term relationship they would say that as if baiting me. In the end i would say it is important to have platonic female relationships but the idea of being friends is just a fantasy that cuckolds hold-e.g confide in and support emotionally.I would say having female friends is a quick way to join the queue for the red pill.

    1. Yes, women enjoy the attention and exclusivity while giving you nothing in return.

    1. The idea of the being together after she’s been ran through is still a privilege to them.

      1. The idea of sucking her pussy clean after she’s been ran through is their nirvana.

  3. Nah… I don’t really believe masculine, straight men and women can be friends.
    I mean, unless it’s an very unattractive girl or someone you’ve known since childhood, it’s gonna be hard because there’s always going to be an attraction which makes it all difficult. And an ugly female friend isn’t really going to give you any sort of “social proof”.

    1. When me and Miranda my ex were together I didnt get any of these benefits. She always put me down in front of my buddies, slept with one of my friends and then demanded an open relationship so she could sleep with a black guy. They paid me to go to the cinema on their date nights and he beat me up for getting jealous and made me sleep in the spare room while they were in our bedroom.
      So girls can be good and bad”!

      1. Sucks that happened, however why subject yourself to such a situation at all? It sounds like you fell into her early shit test traps by not standing up for yourself, then she lost any respect for you with the cuckold treatment.
        Booting her ass to the curb at first sign of putting you down in front of your friends would have been the way to go. Maybe you are already aware of this in hindsight, you are here on RoK after all.

      2. Lol, you’re making shit up.
        Nobody would take that sort of treatment, would they?

      3. You forgot to mention how ashamed you are that to this day that still makes your dick hard and you need to find another woman like that who’ll just be a little nicer about it.
        Fear not, there’s a broad here named “dontregretathing” that will help you, if she shows up on this thread.

        1. FU M….F..ker
          Bring it on…i’ll meet you wherever u want and sort this out.
          Now F…Off

        2. Ah “dontregretathing”. She is the Superman of trolls. To get her to comment simply say something about women being subservient and in she’ll fly, first with a shocked restating of the statement she is reading, and a “fuck you” follow up. It never fails. Just wait on the next comment from an article saying women deserved to be chained to bedposts or women are best for making babies. A true misogynist troll.

        3. I once got her to admit that some dude’s comment about spanking some broad’s ass hard moistened her private area.
          So she doth protest to much, the unfortunate slovenly overweight unrequited sub.

    2. “Nah… I don’t really believe masculine, straight men and women can be friend”

    3. Yeah I can’t imagine sitting at a tea party where women screech and paint their nails as my Saturday

      1. Unless that nail painting is taking place topless and in gstring bikini bottoms by a pool in one of their backyards.

  4. i’d say be careful bc the female could end up wanting something out of it. after awhile hanging out all the time etc she’ll start thinking that she is your top priority and that could fuck with your relationships. also if you are friends with a girl you’re attracted to and wanting to hook up with it’s best not to come off as the ‘friend’ guy, you will be put in her beta male friendzone list. make your intentions know, you can have female friends but i think there’s a certain barrier that should not be crossed and can be counterproductive in regards to your relationships etc.

  5. “Another female acquaintance of mine is married to a man who has his own business, has the house, the kid, the white picket fence (yes, their picket fence is white), and even the dog. So far so good right? Well she recently told me about a torrid affair she had with a regular customer (she’s a cocktail waitress at a local casino) who “swept her off her feet” who she actually contemplated leaving her “American dream” life to be with.”
    These are the situations in ROK articles that just don’t make sense.

    1. I know that story…Girl basically came from wealthy family married to as close to royalty as you can get in this world, the guy would still be alpha from what i can tell. He plays profession football and loos the part. Still wants to follow the trouble.It’s got me beat and kind of leads me towards the MGTOW might be the only safe option as i’m sure the sword that i play with will eventually be my own defeat!

  6. In my own experience a female can be your friend if you only see them occasionally an if they add something to your life like the list in the article. Too much of any female tends to annoy me after a while but I do have female friends who’s company I enjoy but only in small doses.

  7. “10:19 -Lets meet up”
    10:19-10:39 -shit test stack taller then the Trump Tower.
    “10:41 -K”
    Twenty minutes of bullshit, just to get a girl to agree via text to meet you at a time and place. To think some wonder why men would rather put money on the table, bang, and walk via P4P……………

      1. You speak like a man with no higher goals in life than pussy.
        Typing with your thumb for that long just to get a slut – let’s at least be honest about that – to meet up in the hope of a meaningless fuck that will lead nowhere is no way for a man to act.

        1. Let me rephrase.
          Chasing sluts for random sex works perfectly well down in Africa. But it doesn’t up north. If we had lived like that before electricity and oil furnaces and other modern conveniences were invented, we would have simply died. Survival in cold climates depends entirely on cooperation between people in society, while in Africa it depends (depended) on being able to not being eaten by a lion and being able to catch a gazelle.
          The world is fucked up right now because modern technology has transformed society and the way we live the world over in ways evolution can not keep up with. But we still have biological dispositions so far as how sex should be conducted goes, largely based on race.

        2. All of this sounds like a rather grandiose rationale for why you are not seeking romantic/sexual relations with women.
          Random sex in Africa? What?
          Trust me it works far better in the West. If you think that twenty minutes of texting is too much trouble to get laid (and if he is anything like me, he is doing other stuff, like working while he is texting her), then I am surprised you bother getting up in the morning.

        3. “I don’t want to change the world, I’m not looking for a new England …”
          And neither is englishbob, I would reckon.

        4. Random sex in Africa sounds like something that would make your dick turn black (no pun intended!) and fall off. Well hey, had you been born 100 years ago, you could have had all the random sex in Africa you wanted via the British colonies!

        5. Ive lived in New England. Their obnoxous accent will drive your dick in the dirt.

        6. damn who is this? I got “shirlene” playin in my head now…

        7. The quote “…not looking for New England…” is a quote from Billy Bragg, who in fact is British. I don’t know why anyone would be looking for new england.

        8. It’s from Kirsty MacColl’s “A New England”, although during Political Awfulness Season I change the word “looking” to “working” …

        9. No its Billy Bragg- that kirsty chick is doing a cover. thx visionquest!

        10. I’m a wicked retahd but smaht enuff ta get out theah for greenah, hottah poosy pastyahs.

        11. You posted a kool moe dee song somewhere recently- I bet you think ladies do NOT love cool James.

        12. NO-mah is gonna make a comeback this year..mahk my words kid!

        13. You talk like a feminist:
          “Ehehe wow, you’re butt hurt!”
          “You never get laid!”

        14. Shut the fuck up bitch. Putting words in my mouth is a bitch move. So go eat a hot bowl of dicks I’m sure you’ll like it.

      2. Might be MGTOW. They border on a general disdain for women in all forms.

        1. They sound like a bunch of Knights Templars… forswearing woman only to wind up seeking pleasure from each other…

        2. Now that I think about it. A guy with a general disdain for women in all forms is definitely not getting any pussy.
          That is not a healthy state. I know this because I’ve been there. It starts to effect your mind and perception, a bit like how an alcoholic cannot objectively judge how much he has drunk.
          The important thing here, is rather than take the ugly fat girl approach (“I don’t need a man!”) you recognize that there is an issue and you work it out. Instead, these guys are hiding from the real problem.
          Just like a woman needs a man, a man needs a woman. Yin and Yang my brother…

        3. Well said. One thing I’ve always started with is self reflection. After my first girlfriend I spent two legitimate years trying to get back to some semblance of balance and joy with life. During that time, I hated women but more than that, I hated myself. I never wished to harm women but hated that words were without weight. Fortunately that was almost a decade ago.
          Since then, i’ve experienced one grave relationship and the only problem there was I didn’t establish a separate financial reserve for myself to make a clean break. What I’ve learned from both is women have a sexual nature diametrically opposed to us. This is not a reason to consider them vile, which is easy when you don’t understand them, or even if you do. What may be the real problem is we are still learning human nature and use the “we are animals” argument to suggest we only want to fuck.
          All things considered, men want sex to have children to start their own armies, while women look to have the strongest children. Problem becomes getting to a primal brain of a woman so she doesn’t have everyone’s kids. That may very well be one half of the MGTOW problem. Adding in male honor and belief women are like us, and we get a clusterfuck of woes

        4. that happened to me by accident once
          my room mate pretended to be a girl and gave me a pleasuring in the darkness
          after getting suspicious i laid a trap and caught him out

        5. Yes, it is really hard to tell in the darkness.
          I once even mistook my turtle for a woman. Now I am more careful where I put my dick.

        6. Ey, I heard that skunks have an amazing ability to feel(and smell) like Michelle Obama’s pussy in the dark. I bet our chump-in-chief has been bamboozled more than once.

        7. Yeah a lot of us go through those battles. But the true warriors wear the scars like badges of honor. Others are cowed by the defeats and hide themselves away in shame. The mark of a man is that he keeps pushing through the hardships no matter what. There is no shame in being afraid but to let fear rule your life… that is something else.
          What you said about the argument “we only want to fuck”. What these guys don’t understand is that a man is built to dominate and there is no greater pleasure than to dominate a woman, to feel her submit to you in your hands. It makes you feel like a man and it should, because in that moment, when you blast yourself into her innards, you have once again achieved the goal that nature has set out for us.
          Sure there is more to life, but at that moment, in primal fashion, there is nothing else.

        1. Speaking for yourself? You butt hurts for more than one reason it seems. Try Vaseline next time and ask your lover to be gentle.

        2. You k ow why you always do those “bitch fag” insults? Because they would bother you. Because you worry about being that.
          I don’t.

        3. You are happy Hanuwoman.
          Happy to suck bags of cock and drink the nectars of many loves in your rectum.

  8. You have to be careful with female friends. I do have one or two attractive friends who seem “mostly harmless” but I just had one seriously try to fuck my shit up.
    This crazy bitch arranged to hang out with my gf recently after adding me on FB. She is (was) a mutual friend of the two of us. We don’t see her often and so she was not aware that gf and I were an item (as far as we knew).
    Anyway, long story short, the bitch created a story and told my gf that I had been chasing her for a year, that she had unfriended me on FB because I was “creepy” but simultaneously we were having phone calls until the early hours of the morning. All news to me. Clearly, the bitch knew that the two of us were together but decided to leverage the fact that neither of us had told her, to fuck shit up for both of us. Fortunately, her story was so contradictory and crazy, my gf didn’t believe her.
    That is some serious dark triad shit right there.

      1. I have waaaay too many of them it seems. Although, she did all her damage offline. FB was not the issue here.

  9. Tread carefully with the female friend. One can get attached and try to sabotage your entire harem.

  10. Another solid article contribution Don! The only caveat to remember is have male friends. There is a high potential to get Pavlov’d into adding a harem of female friends, especially if you are receiving awards for it. Do not skimp on your male friends while this happening because, if your harem crumbles, and it will because hanging with a lot of women softens a man’s applications of self-improvement, you still want to be able to right the ship. In all things seek balance. Maybe once or twice a week at most hang with the girls. Consistently communicate only if you truly have the time. Crushing life trumps whatever addition women add for you. Remember someone is turning 21 everyday.

    1. hey RH, shoot me an email at Maybe we can hang out, have a beer. That’s my junk email. If I get yours, I’ll switch to the real one.

  11. I do not believe in “female friends” in a sense that it is impossible to have with a woman the same kind of friendship you could have with another man.
    I would not go to bed with the few female friends I have, even if I put a brown paper bag on their head, mostly because I do not feel any sexual attraction for them. I’d even say they physically have a negative attraction on my lizard brain controlling my sexual instinct.

    1. the lizard brain never sees them as friends, it is the rational self that rejects the attractiveness.

  12. This article is completely useless to anyone who buys into its ideology.
    You cannot think these things about women and also be their friends. In order to be someone’s friend, you must respect them as a human being and you all can’t and don’t respect women – which you would probably proudly admit to on your own, so please don’t delete this comment for that statement.
    “Try as they might, women are unable hide their vapid, slutty, westernized ways.” — if you think this about someone in particular, you are not their friend. If you think this about women in general, which is what you said, you will never truly have a female friend.
    Some of these “benefits” are true — giving opinions on the girls you’re dating, hooking you up with their friends, and even something as stupidly sexist as helping you dress are all very real things friends do for each other — even if your logic is flawed and your language disrespectful.
    If you really want to have female friends, though, you need to open your mind to a world in which they are also human beings with value outside of sex, boosting your self confidence, and making you feel like a “real man” or whatever it is you guys say.

    1. If it weren’t for sexual attraction, most women of reproductive age would receive as much attention from men as 80 yo women.
      Or did you really think men that weren’t pursuing sex or benefits such as this found women that compelling for “friendship” ?

  13. i rejected a girls advances in exchange for friendship and my body rejected the decision as if i had been given blood from a different blood type.

  14. Woulda been funny if the article was blank.
    Anyway, I’ve found women are VERY reluctant to do #5 – hook you up with their friends. If you are friends with a married woman, perhaps, but I’ve found due to their jealousy, it’s almost impossible to get them to help you out with another girl.

    1. Usually they will hook you up with an ugly fat friend… one they know you won’t be interested in.

      1. That was always my experience. Why is that I wonder? When I was dating, I’d be with famously beautiful women, yet my girl “friend” types all told me I was a catch and needed to find a good girl to settle down with, then introduce me to quite unattractive women, or homely plain Janes. And not even conversationally interesting ones.
        My hypothesis is that they were doing it for their girl buddy and not me at all. Because plain, borderline ugly girls deserve the top shelf men who date beauty pageant women. Yeah…..no.

        1. Women are reluctant to hook you guys up with their friends because you buy into the shit on this website. Just saying. No one is gonna set up their friend with a guy who treats women like second class citizens.
          If they are hooking you up with people but you deem them their “fat” or “borderline ugly” friends, it’s because (shockingly to you all, I’m sure) physical beauty is not the only thing that matters! Probably, they’re setting you up with them because they’re like “hey, I like this girl and I like this guy, they’d probably like and get along with each other!”
          Most likely, they think their friend is just as much of a catch as you are. It’s not wrong to not be attracted to someone — that’s fine, be set up and don’t like the person for whatever reason — but don’t take everything as personally offensive. Jesus christ, you don’t deserve a model girlfriend and you don’t deserve for your female friends to set you up with one.

        2. “Just saying. No one is gonna set up their friend with a guy who treats women like second class citizens.”
          Maybe in your social circles, a tiny and diminishing percentage of a small corner of a world whose women prefer dominant men.

        3. Yeah dude that so applied to me in 1985. Yeah, I was the only one who knew about this website at the time, in fact even Roosh was unaware of its existence. Hell it was so new it preceded the http protocol by three years!
          Next time try to think a bit before you start your idiotic feminist sneering, mmmmkay?
          As to what I deserve, well I’m married now and have been for a while. I looked until I found exactly what I desired because, unlike you, I do have standards and do know my worth.
          I also noted that they were boring conversationalists, btw, the plain James and unattractive chicks.
          And yes, in fact, looks do matter.
          Now go grovel before your fat tatted up blueberry haired masters, mangina or feminist chick.

        4. Exactly. It was just a typical shaming leftist twunt, doing typical, but ineffective, shaming.

        5. Bullshit. Women always say its not about appearances so they don’t sound shallow, that’s a tenet of female game. Until a guy with model looks walks by and their panties get moist just by orbiting him. They start talking amongst themselves about how they’d suck his cock in the parking lot if they could. I’ve seen this over, and over, and over. Don’t bring out that tired trope here.

        6. “Women are reluctant to hook you guys up with their friends because you buy into the shit on this website.”
          That is such a boring, tired old canard. If you met many of us in real life, you’d never know that we’re evil crime-thinking ROK misogynists. No, your dubious “female intuition” wouldn’t catch it either. You wouldn’t have a clue, quite frankly.
          Secondly, I’ve always had a hard time reconciling the idea that females actually favor good-thinking virtuous types with the fact that tons of scum-of-the-Earth types who actually do treat women like second class citizens get more ass than a toilet seat. I hope that my confusion is understandable, given that I’ve never met a woman who could reconcile these two things either.

        7. “I’d be with famously beautiful women, yet my girl “friend” types all told me I was a catch and needed to find a good girl to settle down with, then introduce me to quite unattractive women, or homely plain Janes”
          Exactly. They are just trying to get their girlfriends hooked up, one-and-done. They have no consideration what you want.
          I have a 37 year old cousin who kept telling me repeatedly how much her girlfriends and female colleagues think I’m “hot”, and how cool it is that they think I’m hot. Of course all these women are STD riddled, past their prime, garbage females age ranging late 30’s to mid 40’s. I got tired of hearing this so I read her the riot act: I told my cousin I’m only interested if any females who said this are slender, fashion model types under age 30. That shut her up pretty fast.

        8. Doesn’t change what women are attracted to though.
          I’ve never once had a girl say “Clark you’re such a great guy, why don’t you try and fuck my hot friend!?”
          It’s generally played out in my life that I’ll meet girls through socializing with the girl I’m seeing.

        9. The plain Jane friend becomes a burden after awhile. “If she could only meet a nice guy!”. Then we could double-date etc., then everything is tied up in a nice bow.
          Gosh, I wonder if she will have me in her wedding party? I need to lose 50lbs. first….better pull out Grandma’s ambrosia salad recipe for the wedding shower…..maybe a girl’s weekend in Vegas.
          Really, don’t laugh, the engagement/wedding hamster goes into overdrive.

        10. Tell me something, is it hard to breath with your head that far up your arse?

        11. “More ass than a toilet seat”. I’m using that. Tom Leykis has a couple of old shows about how women love jerks.

        12. You’re right they’re doing it for their friend “who deserves a good man” they don’t take your needs or wants into consideration.

        13. Yeah, seems logical in a chick logic kind of way.

        14. ” physical beauty is not the only thing that matters!”
          what else is there? please elaborate.

        15. …So i gotta get with a chick who can’t get me hard? Then what’s the point?

        16. Agree. Never listen to a woman just watch her action.
          Woman says she wants an honest, good man….same woman fucks the player with no job that evening after out at the club.
          They all say it because it’s the right thing to say. You’ll never hear any of them saying “All I want is a man that can make me feel like a whore and treat me badly”.
          They’ll never say it but everyone on here has seen that one, first hand.

        17. part the reason for this is that women evaluate other women’s attractiveness based on how they feel about the woman in question. we (men) are quite capable of admitting that a total bitch is also smoking hot, they really aren’t.

        18. any time women talk about how looks don’t matter, offer to set them up with your friend who is 5’4.

        19. Would you introduce a your good looking male friend to a hot chick? Or would you introduce your slob friend to a hot chick. When makes you look comparatively better, one makes you less desirable. What do women want, constant validation. You do the math.

        20. Yeah, perhaps she chose her ugly friend because she was the most adamant about being set up with you. An ugly woman would have more to gain, and thus would be more willing to take the risk of being set up.

        21. Never listen to a woman just watch her action.

          I’ve been saying this for years. Women simply mindlessly regurgitate the shit society has trained them to say, and then follow their hindbrain instincts that leads them to the alpha or bad boy.

        22. There ARE other kinds of beauty (in science, nature, etc.) but females typically don’t have any of this.

        23. Given as I’m a man, I’d set up an actual true friend with the hottest girl I’d think he’d be able to handle.

        24. Interesting observation, that didn’t cross my mind actually.

        25. and I’m ok with it. I gladly call them out on their bullshit each and every time. The proof is in the numbers and usually when you present it that way, many of these women have no real rebuttal.
          I hear women often complain about this man or that man in their lives. I simply ask them “Who picked them?…you did” What else is there to say after that remark.
          Women have plenty of choices in men. They are the ones choosing poorly (but never making the claim).

        26. Easy. First, you will need a time machine. Dial it to the year 1988. Hit rural farm country in the red state flyover country. Go out on dates with promising girls, e.g. Feminine, wears dresses, knows how to cook and bake, has a strong family, good upbringing, etc.
          Today though, no idea man. Until you get a Wayback Machine, I guess it’s slim pickin’s.

        27. yeah, the converse is that they will sincerely think of a plain, kind of chubby friend they like/feel sorry for/don’t feel threatened by as beautiful.

        28. You so often hear women belittle the “losers” they slept with or went out with, I always think to myself or tell them “you were the one who chose to go out with or sleep with them so what does that make you?” The other thing you hear is women go on about is breaking up with guys who treat them badly then continue to go out with that kind of person only to say “all men are assholes”. it shows a complete lack of self awareness an self responsibilityresponsibility for her to not see that she’s the problem as she chooses to go out with those men.

        29. Women will always blame the man and never take responsibility for their actions. It does take two to tango and if things don’t work out…then they don’t.
          The problem: women will always rationalize (hamster mode) why the man was a jerk, he was wrong, etc…instead at looking at their own actions. In most cases, if the man was an asshole or abusive, then the woman will even go back to the same man (you can’t make that shit up) to take more punishment. I’ve seen that happen countless times with women.
          I no longer take anything women have to say on face value. I know it’s their side of the story and it’s usually filled with the hamster, rationalizing on why she’s right (he’s wrong)…blah, blah, fucking blah.
          Again, she picked him to go out with, have sex with, continue a relationship with and it goes on. I don’t want to hear the complaining when they can’t find a good man or men are all like that, shit.

        30. I agree that they’re doing it more for their friends than you. So you train them.
          “Your friend Lauren is cute. I’m gonna talk to her.”
          “You should talk to Karen. She’s so nice!”
          “Karen’s not my type. I only date petite women who are shorter than I am.”
          Now I get stuff like “Hey I’m going out with this girl Steph tonight. She’s just your type. Short and petite.”

        31. Women want to pair up these old slags as a confirmation that even when they get old they can still get with it. All women are aware of their diminishing beauty
          A woman’s consideration is still selfish

        32. Yes women dont go out with short guys and they act like its okay and then tell you how they hate racism

        33. I’ve never once had a girl say, “Clark you’re such a great guy, why don’t you try and fuck my hot friend!?”
          Strange, many a time broads have told their friends (or me), “12th, you’re such a hardboiled intimidator, you make [her or some hot friend] have to wring out the panties after you walk by, howsaboutta bang, tough guy? Please?”

        34. Our wallet and properties, in exchange for her yeasty stinkhole and scowling, homely mug and shapeless carcass.

        35. You’ve got to trancend terraplayer and exist in the stratosphreak, brother.
          Brainy dudes like you are preselected as a geek or a freak – once you develop the freak credentials and reputation you’ll end up happily married with 5 of your own kids to some brainy kinky doll for the rest of your happy life, trust me.
          Rock on.

        36. Some how “head up your ass” jokes never cease to give back great laughs. Well played with your comment, ‘screed’.

        37. I’m 5’2 and I wouldn’t mind if he’s a great guy. In fact the most manly man I met was at that height 😉 I’ll just mind if he’s shorter than me but hey if these guy’s shorter than me and he’s that great I’ll take him happily ^_^

        38. @ghostofjefferson:disqus This ^.
          This is a big difference between men and women. In 2007 I setup a friend of mine with a chick who was and still is one of the steamiest smokeshows of all smokeshows. At the time she was a 25 year old white/hawaiian/chinese working model with a sickeningly awesome sense of humor and almost no dick traffic because she lived in a parental Disney bubble.
          I couldn’t date her simply because I’d met her through the stupifyingly beautiful girl I was “friending” regularly. Anyway, I introduced her to a friend of mine who lived about about 5 miles from her. He is a little bit socially awkward with women but physically, he is as top of the chain good-looking as it is defined in our society. First thing I said to him was that she is just like every other girl you will ever meet, only prettier. And the only thing separating her from Gina Gobblesmuch is 50lbs.
          He took heed to that. After they got together, they ended up engaged and had a kid together. Even though they’re no longer together, they’re still friends and just the fact that she’s his ex is enough to keep netting him super fine chicks that stalk his Facebook that he wouldn’t have even dared to speak to before her.
          Contrast that to a few female friends of mine trying to hook me up with Dorothy Donut. No.

        1. Nice. I have to tell you there is the DUG. Designated Ugly Guy. Also known as the mall parking spot.

        2. They use the fat girl as an ego booster. If they can get a hot guy to fuck the fat girl then they already know ur easy and a beta and look elsewhere

      2. No. Women truly want everyone to be hooked up. Nothing is more irritating to a female than observing a single friend (male or female) who is reasonably happy without a partner. However, foisting the ugly , lonely friend off builds hope that someone might like her/him. The absolute worse is the ambush at any social function.

        1. That’s where it always happened to me. Ticked me off over time. I was scoring with a some very pretty girls even, but they felt that I “deserved” a “down to earth” plain Jane with zero conversational ability. Dufuq? Out of that herd of girls, only one has remained on friendly terms with me, I ended up disassociating with the others.

        2. We speak from experience here.
          That said, I was once “hooked up” with a cute Asian girl. She was a fucking greedy and selfish bitch.

        3. You got hooked up because her so-called friends were glad to get rid of her.

        4. When that happened back in the day, offer of a fatty or zero, I’d tell the “friend” who’s trying to make the connection that I accept but only if it’s a threesome. [Response, “Eeew you’re nasty!”]
          Two benefits occurred after a few times of that – the “friend” broads stopped offering to hook me up, but somehow word must have leaked that I’m a freak, which resulted in much hotness with actual hotties but that’s stories for another time.

      3. This. It’s the “I have a friend that is single” Me: Is she fat? Her: No she’s really nice. Me: Is she fat? Her: No. She just isn’t skin and bones. Me: Is she fat? Her: Well she is thick Me: So she’s fat. Her: You’re so mean. And then you gotta hear all about Chad that fucked her all last night. I say no thanks to the friendzone with a woman. Rather be by myself.

        1. You can try to leverage those kinda shitty circumstances like so:
          Next time the kind of scene you mentioned goes down, tell her if she’s going to tell you about how she got fucked all night last night, you’re gonna be forced to masturbate while asking her lewd, graphic questions about it, whilst suggesting what you would’ve done to her.
          You have no idea how well it works, she WILL test you – “oh rayndal, I thought you were a nice guy”, etc…

        2. Oh no. I was serious. I don’t have friends that are girls. I’m not dumb.

        3. Nope. He could just tell her what he would have done to her without anything extra. She’ll become intrigued. I have done this several times. You could even suggest that she doesn’t know what she’s doing sexually because I’m positive that she didn’t describe what she liked, only what happened.
          Seems to me when chicks do this they’re practically begging you to take them down.

      4. Precisely, I’ve never had a hot friend offered to me. It is always the fatty

    2. Absolutely correct. And if they don’t it’s proof that they are trying to preserve you for themselves at some point. May not be today or tomorrow, but at some point.

    3. Ive had women set me up on blind dates with their unattractive friends. so thats a positive.

    4. “I don’t have any friends that are girls. Girls have too much drama. I just get along better with guys.”
      -every white female age 18-30

    5. If you keep strong, the female acquaintance will mention their large gross friend once, and as long as you shut it down right away, it’ll never happen again from that one. Can’t be afraid to call her on her shit, her trying to put you with the fat friend is a shit test.

      1. Girls have a fat girl used for ego boosting men have a wingman to take the fall for fatty.
        Its like Discovery channel. Use bait to get rid of the fatty and go in for the kill

    6. I’ve had exactly the opposite experience. Had hot blonde roommate for a few years that helped me bang a bunch of her friends. My other friend once brought an available girl I’d mentioned to me for my birthday like a mongol king. Then again, when we are out, I’ll pretend to be the boyfriend when they are trying to duck some creeper. A symbiotic relationship can be established if you can find decent women.

        1. Women tend to overuse it but it an apt description of whole bunch of very thirsty dudes with no game.

        2. Roosh should consider using a word filter on terms like that.
          Why not?
          The other side filters ‘cunt’ all the time.

        3. No, its pointing out that the dude’s are weird and have little to no social skill. If I was a woman I’d be put off too. Telling the truth isn’t shaming. Stop using SJW language.

        4. Filters exist to protect the sensitive (read: all of the authoritarian left) from being “triggered.” If you identify as such, this isn’t the place for you.

        5. Reasserting your argument in different words does not constitute a valid rebuttal. Neither does accusing of me what was accused of you initially. To see that “shaming” is not by any means exclusively associated with social justice warriors, you need only search for “Fat Shaming Week.” On the other hand, “weird,” when describing men, exists in the same camp as “creeper” as a word used almost exclusively by girls.

        6. I don’t need a rebuttal. There is no argument to begin with as all I did was state a fact. You seem to think that ad hominems are equivalent to an argument. They are not. You “argue” like an SJW. Bye.

    7. I’ve found that when a woman wants to hook me up, it’s with the girl in her group that they all pity. (All thanking God that they’re not her.)
      On the other hand, I’ve had some average female freinds, we weren’t dating or anything. And several times I had the chance to date hot, hot looking girls (And it was because I recently got a great job, ONLY. The girls shot me down before.) And the girl “freinds” I had did all they could to sabotage the chances I had to screw the hot ones I wanted. After that I quit having women as casual freinds.
      Whatever games and strategies going on in their heads can be figured out. You just have to sit down and think about all the angles.

      1. Female “friends” are so nuts they will troll through social media looking for potential rivals. They don’t want to really fuck you, but God forbid you give attention to someone else.

    8. I believe they adopt a protective stance which forbids them from actually helping you find a girl of equal or better attractiveness.
      To do that would validate you as someone worthy of attraction. Men are happy to do this, but for a woman it could shake the paper maché beliefs she clings to about you being a ‘friend’.
      We all know they can’t accept that all men want to do is fuck.

    9. True. I have a friend who swears she’ll never sleep with me and largely acts disinterested in having anything romantic with me. But she’ll get jealous if I even appear to check out a woman in public. Sometimes she’ll accuse me of checking a woman out and I’ll have no clue what she’s talking about. Often she’ll mention women who checked me out … again, no clue. Is she telling me this as a friend or for some other reason? She’s also apparently jealous of another woman friend of mine (who’s actually more of an acquaintance). When I go to visit my family she thinks i am visiting this woman. Yet, she only wants to be friends. My simple logical male mind can’t figure this out.

  15. I believe that you can only keep a true female friend around for awhile if you are related to her. It’s been my experience that if you have a female friend then she will eventually try to “make things more than friends”. If you do not want to get into a LTR with her then she will resent you and become one of your worst enemies. (FWB only placates them for the short term).

  16. I already have male friends. And I don’t believe men and women can be genuine friends. Maybe when you’re gay, or in the case you are a couple and thus also friends with her. But in “normal” cases the man involved is there for a reason, and we all know what that is. He wants to bang her, if he’ll get the chance.
    I’ve had a girlfriend who didn’t understand that males and females can’t be friends. She got really angry, called me a sexists, but couldn’t disaprove with the logic. That’s because women know as well that the only reason why a man would take time for her is because she as a vajayjay.
    In the first 2 weeks of a new relationship my girl said she wanted to meet her ex. She said: “he’s just a friend now, nothing else”. Yeah right…I said. No way that’s going to happen if you want to be in a relationship with me. If found this notification to be so utterly shameless. Maybe it’s just me. I told her she could get lost if she continued that plan.
    There are countless uses for knowing females, but then again. Is it real friendship if you only use them so you can have sex with them, their friends or get social proof from being with her?

      1. That picture is exactly the type of guy that ugly fat chicks turn their noses up at. Meanwhile the orca retards yap about how people shouldn’t judge them for their size or looks.

  17. This is a solid article.
    You CAN flirt and game your female friends. Try it.
    It’s good to cultivate female friendships, and will give you access to MORE women.
    I understand many of you are thinking: “female friends? wtf?” but you have to be a friend on YOUR terms, not theirs. They will respect your strength of character if you can do it like that.

  18. This is all great advice. The only aspect that I disagree with is #5. In China and Japan, yes, women have tried to hook me up with decent-looking friends, but in America, chicks are always trying to hook me up with their gargantuan or ugmo friends.

    1. its kinda like an arrange marriage or something where they try and find a good sucker for some used goods. Unless you are really good friends with her and even if shes a slut herself along with her friends, shed rather youd get an innocent virgin or “good girl”. True story about my viet friend talking about shed rather set up my lil bro with her cousins in the motherland then her friends here in the west.
      its funny women will complain about the sex double standard,but when it comes to a male they care about, theyll want the best for him.

      1. In all my sleazy, jaded, cynical, sinful youth to this day, what you said never ceased to amaze me when it happened.

  19. 10. You’ll realize they are all inherently nuts so don’t get too broken up about them throwing irrational tantrums or leaving for supposedly greener pastures on a whim.

  20. Having female friends can show you their id and confirm all of your neomasculine beliefs. It’s amazing to hear them speak candidly and show their dark side. It can be a major boost to your game.
    As a side note. Don’t enter into a relationship with any waitress or bartender. Even if she only served briefly. They become conditioned to male thirst and aggressive players. It’s a drug. And once they are hooked they will always need their fix.

  21. only thing female friends help you with is SOCIAL PROOF.
    or if she is in a powerful position (socially).
    If you rely solely on social circle game to get some action ….then female friends are a must.
    but some of us guys out there are happy picking up chicks through cold approach…so we don’t need to waste time and resources over female friends.

    1. Keep in mind social proof can help in loosening up cold-approach girls too.

      1. But if those require the loosening up to begin with then how loose can they be made compared to those that you can cold approach?

  22. The amount of batshit crazy things women do these days. I would steer clear away from women other than if I knew I was going to get sex. They are literally useless in everything except their pussyhole. Plus when I’m in the gym trying to lift and need a spotter, I don’t think having a chick would benefit me in any ways and I’m not interested in going on “shopping” with them or listening to their bullshit drama problems. If you get a real gf and your female “friend” finds out, she may harbor jealousy and try to screw you over because she can and your “loyal” gf may side with the crazy bitch since women tend to side with each other.

    1. Also when women dress you, you tend to come out looking more like Peewee Herman than James Bond.

      1. Yes, exactly. Too many manospherians are city dudes, so they tend to dress and admire metrosexual looks. Here in flyover country you make it either by looking professional or by looking rugged in a traditional way. My clothes of choice would make most city guys guffaw up their well tailored sleeves, until they saw the results it delivers in red state territory.

        1. I was raised in a family of all females and a demented mother with a taste for abusive boyfriends.
          When I was younger I was taught that I had to be as inoffensive to females as possible and that everything I did had to serve or please women in some type of capacity. I used to try to dress and act as inoffensively as possible, shrug my shoulders in and wear clothing that made me look like a little boy.
          I used to hang around with other similar losers that played video games all day and couldn’t speak about or advise on women at all. I couldn’t understand why women wouldn’t take me seriously at all, while trying my best to make them “like” me by being supplicating and supposedly kind.
          It wasn’t until I got into my mid twenties that after graduating and not being able to find work in information technology, I basically started working blue collar jobs. What a revelation, physical work including gym work just does something to your body and makes you feel and behave completely differently. When I first started hunting I used to shake whenever I would go wild boar hunting or was placed in a dangerous situation. Eventually through meeting the right kind of men and learning to confront my own issues including laziness, apathy and cowardice I now feel more like a man. I can now fix my own car, build things such as houses, fences and skin a deer. I can still write software too. These things aren’t mutually exclusive. It hasn’t always been easy but genuine self improvement usually isn’t and I believe men must go through a length of adversity to grow internally.
          Listening to a woman’s nagging or being shamed into how to dress, spend your money or who you associate with is no longer an issue. It’s amazing how much your confidence grows just being away from women and around the right type of men. And you usually don’t find them in an office.

  23. I personally disagree with this in most cases; I think extended periods of asexual ‘hanging out’ with a girl will damage your game.
    And in my experience most of these girls don’t help you improve yourself or hook you up with their friends – it is a one way thing where they want your attention. It’s not a real friendship.
    If there is a real friendship, then go ahead, but in most cases it won’t be, and your basically being a Beta Orbiter.

    1. Even married women will do this to complain about their husbands. You learn a lot but it will am emotionally screw you. It does show however, how revolting most women’s natures are.

      1. back in my 100% blue-pill-beta days i had a lot of female friends. even back then i noticed how when they cheated on boyfriends and husbands they always had a damn good reason, and it was ultimately his fault, not hers (“if he didn’t want me to cheat on him, he could have prevented it by doing X”).

    2. “It’s not a real friendship.”
      What pisses me the most is how intellectually alien they are.
      You can’t have a conversation about anything deep or profound because…. well quite simply… they aren’t!
      Even the straight A types are awful that way. Their minds have more in common with dumber chicks than they do with you.

  24. So simple, no skills involved I could have figured this out for myself.
    Don’t use facebook, don’t involve womyn fiends on social networks, don’t share shit with people who use facebook, and don’t associate with anyone who is a social media godzilla. Such a waste of life.
    Just focus on young impressionable gals who aren’t coddling retard bad boy types. Do your work if you live in the states and take your vacations where the sun shines and the nubiles are prime

      1. There’s a remedy to that problem mate. No one else here will say it so I might as well. This neo-human socialnet phase our type is going through right now is tearing apart what it means to be alive and have real interactions. Therefore in the interest of our species, all social ‘networks’ need to be dismantled or destroyed.

        1. Aloonium p38 social media modulator, because Facebook does so block my view of Venus!

        2. Venus.
          Or hey, maybe he wanted in on Star Trek’s gig of traveling to Uranus to wipe out the Klingons?

    1. Lol….”retard bad boy types.”
      “You girls are attracted to these losers! You should be attracted to me!”
      Elliot Rodger

  25. Speaking of bad decisions between the sexes.
    I witnessed a much younger friend of mine make the mistake of trying to impress her male friends with her “wit”. She refuses to see the harm. She was socializing with some work colleagues of ours and, while she won’t admit it, I could tell she liked one of them and wanted to impress him.
    I could see what she was doing. She was showing her “clever wit”. Everyone laughed along, even the guy, and her jokes were quite clever at his expense.
    I smiled but inwardly cringed. I could see what was really happening. He wasn’t angry, but her jokes on him and other guys were having the opposite effect. They came across as put downs.
    As they laughed, they were without doubt thinking, “Would she shut up?”
    And she couldn’t see it. Even if I tried to explain it, she wouldn’t believe me. Why should she hold back? They’re laughing so they must love her humor right?
    I wish I could get her to understand that they may be laughing, but they are not as amused as you think. She’s just becoming that female friend they don’t want around.
    Most guys hold back on returning the sarcasm.
    As women usually like to dish it, but cannot take it.
    The female colleague blew a gasket when a guy (in a different situation) returned the favor with a barb of his own. Soon the other women were berating him for his “insensitivity”.
    But his zinger on her was no more uncaring than hers at his expense.

    1. “impress her male friends with her “wit”
      On a similar note, women do not seem to realize that we don’t really care for their “wit.” Their “intelligence”, for the most part, does nothing for us. If anything, it is annoying!

      1. Agreed. However, her “witty sarcasm” is far worse than intelligence. Intelligence can be valued, although no one wants to be corrected by their date or lectured. But their sarcastic biting witty barbs are huge turnoffs. They don’t seem to get this!

      2. Whaaat? You mean sass and snark don’t do it for you? *gasp* Has Hollywood been deceiving me? But in movies and books the sassy heroine with an endless supply of “witty jokes” always fights as an equal next to the guy.
        Next you’ll be telling me a girl’s PhD and detailed philosophy on french poetry mean about as much to you as gum stuck to the floor.
        Or that most men will not love of a big, curvy 35 year old because she has a heart of gold inside.
        Say it isn’t so.

    2. “women usually like to dish it, but cannot take it.”
      Correction, females ALWAYS like to dish it out but can NEVER take it.

  26. In my experience, you can be friendly with women, but never friends.
    They will inevitably let you down(owed favors, they flake out).
    Cant depend on a female friend. You are just a character in her neverending melodrama…

  27. Only reason to have female “friends” is #3 and #5. As of matter of fact, I just got laid this past weekend because of #5.

  28. “Women generally don’t want to be around a man who is labeled a creep or a recluse lest he be a serial rapist!”
    Any man that doesn’t fit their warped, twisted “standards” autopilot defaults as one of these. They overuse “creepy” to the point of becoming comical as a label for any man they don’t find attractive.

      1. very true! ask for the nearest restroom, so you can share some blow with her, Hawt!

      1. Their limited cliche of vocabulary never ceases to amaze. How many times a day do you reckon Americunts say 1) Stalker 2) Douchebag 3) Creeper 4) Awkward, and always in the context of a guy whom they don’t think is attractive or wealthy or socially high-status enough? I can’t even begin to fathom!

      2. In the first scenario, go ask another girl hotter than her without caring if you score or not. If you do, watch how fast she will try to get your attention from the hotter girl you just landed. She’ll give the hotter girl that bitch look.

  29. There’s nothing I can relate to a woman with in terms of friendship. If you hang around a woman long enough the idea of sex will come up. Feelings get involved and that’s what you don’t need. Any woman outside your family or that’s not your girl ( I use girl loosely) is an acquaintance at best.

    1. “There’s nothing I can relate to a woman with in terms of friendship. If you hang around a woman long enough the idea of sex will come up”
      Agreed. The only exception is a forced work environment and it behooves any man to maintain a cold demeanor at all times.

      1. Yes, but now I’ve noticed that this gets penalized, if you have a female manager. Sit quietly and do your work now means you are unsocial and standoffish and hurt others feeeeeeeeewings. Basically if you don’t participate with women at work as a woman you will see no career advancement.
        Only work for a male as if your livelihood depended on it. And not a thirsty mangina either, an actual man.

        1. I moved from my previous lab which was all girls to a new lab which is all men and I must say it is a completely different scene.
          We stayed in the lab until 4 in the morning last night to hit a deadline and none of us complained… We ate food, cracked jokes, swore out loud, and worked out problems…
          I think he has some red-pill attitudes as he nearly got fired through accusations from another female professor who tried to use the PC police to slander his reputation (no exaggeration, he is bitter about how he was treated). He’s told me about it a few times but he doesn’t know I experienced something similar, but I think he can tell that I understand where he’s coming from.
          One thing I really like about him is he is American, and has an American attitude towards entrepreneurship. The more I get to know him the more I realize the differences in Canadian and American mindset are subtle but profound.

        2. I upset my female manager by saying that Harry Potter was a children’s book. I was taken aside for a “good talking to”.

        3. But…it was…
          Does she similarly penalize you for noting that the sky is blue?

        4. Worse. She “remembered” things incorrectly during appraisals (i.e. that made me look bad) so I had to write a dissenting statement. Only time in my career I ever had to do that.

        5. The differences are strange aren’t they? But to an outsider, well, doubt they could tell our cultures apart except for a few blatant things (health care).

        6. Anything that hurts a woman’s feeeeeelings will get you penalized, even if you’re just stating a logical fact

        7. The fuck. I would not stand that for one second. What goes for me is they can all give me a vigorous blow job. Why? Because they need me. Not that I am irreplaceable. Nobody is.. Shit man.. having to sit through a talk like that would make my blood boil or I would just laugh in their face.. One of the two..

        8. And that right there is why Iove working construction…… I used to tell my foreman to go fuck himself when he wanted stuff done…. We would both laugh then get to work. The long hours and hard work are well worth not having to deal with emotional irrational women (sometimes even men) at work. Blue collar till I die

        9. Yeah I quit a short while later. Funny they begged me to come back when everything started to go to shit. I work with all men now.

        10. Yes. I went military, enlisted, got out and went into a factory; shipping and receiving dock to put myself through college. Got out of that and entered corporate world, hated it, so found a factory that needed my technical skills and that was a happy compromise. It is utterly a different world in blue collar ville, so much more direct, honest and goal oriented. Unfortunately I migrated away from that a few years ago, regretted it ever since. Once my second kid graduates high school (2 years) I’m packing up, buying a ranch in Wyoming or Montana or South Dakota and flipping the bird to white collar bullshit forever.

        11. From my own experience, when there are too many women in the workplace hardly any work gets done and privileges are used to the full or they request more, e.g. more days off sick. They need a masculine presence to get the work done and to lead, as well as having males because an oestrogen filled environment drives women mad.

        12. I said it and I’ll say it again, women analyse things around them from a sexual point of view, that bloke is cute? better treat him nice coz you knowwwwwwwwwww!X!X!X, well Dave is such a creep for asking Amanda out ewwwwwww, he’s fat. Let’s talk shit about Dave instead of doing work. There is office politics and there is women’s office politics.

        13. Women tend to also constantly interrupt serious work to get attention for some inane triviality, mostly directed at themselves. If you ignore them, it starts getting even more ludicrous. Also there’s the danger of befriending the office fatty in which case you’ll probably at some point have to run the gauntlet of getting lunch with her or something(strictly platonic but geez, can I hide underneath the nearest rock?).

        14. Done that before, had lunch with a phat biatch from a place I’ve worked and she started hitting on me! Now, there is a fine balance between being straightforward with the fatty and politely telling her to fuck off and behaving like you might just give her a go.
          If you do the former, you risk pissing off the rest of the office herd and you might not get laid with the other chicks. If you don’t manage to shake the fatty off your back then you are gonna have her follow you around and get too chummy. You /don’t want that, trust me.
          When I got lunch with the fat chick, I made sure I was an intolerable arsehole and be as repulsive as you can.I was eating my with hands, long silences, making rude remarks, making myself look insecure. lol

        15. Now that’s living the dream…..Good for you! Hope it all works out well

        16. And this should be on the list don’t play the friend card with fat chicks
          They will probably make a commotion if you reject them ruining your image

        17. Paul he short dwarf is such a little creep trying to act all macho and assertive he has napolean complex let’s talk about how all short men should die instead of filing these reports grrrrl power!

        18. Well that is pretty ignorant. The stories are written in a way such that children can take interest in them, but by no means are the books exclusively for children.

        19.  I was taken aside for a “good talking to” –
          Naturally involving a cane striking your buttocks.

        20. Wouldn’t know mate, she was quite confused! I think the mail man was a bit of a chubby chaser and saved by ass! lol

  30. You have to be incredibly naive to think that a woman will ever see you/treat you as a friend the same way a guy would. I think the last female ‘friend’ I had was when I was 14. Of course it wasn’t my choice(as I was put in the dreaded friendzone), even then, in my blue pill days I swore an oath to myself that I would never be ‘friends’ with women again.
    I don’t want to hear about her talking about the last badboy that fucked her over, I dont want to hear her talk about how much of a bitch her friend is, I don’t want to hear her talk about mundane bullshit 99% of the time. If she’s not going to talk about how she’s gonna get on her knees and suck my dick or have her face in the pillow and her ass in the air than i’m not interested.
    Women put male ‘friends’ in the following categories
    1. A wallet( don’t you think its odd the badboy she’s fucking isn’t taking her out to dinners or buying her gifts?)
    2. A therapist
    3. A free mechanic( You fix more shit in her house than your own-without getting paid of course)
    Oh and if she’s is attractive, you can bet your ass you will catch ‘feelings’ for her and when you do give it a shot you will get the ” Let’s just be friends” or the “You deserve a nice girl, any woman will be happy to be with a guy like you(just not me)” lines.
    The rule is to never have female friends but every rule has exceptions. So in this case you can be friends with women if she’s unattractive or if she’s lesbian and/or you’re gay.

    1. Your insight is sound but I wonder if the bias has embittered you. Perhaps you have been burned in the past but to me it’s not so clear-cut. Yes most of the time it’s a zero-sum exchange but it doesn’t always have to be.
      It’s not a great revelation to claim that women make for poor friends, they are inherently self-serving. We all know that.
      However to preclude the possibility of friendship with a woman because of those potential reasons misses the point and women could make the same argument not to be friends with men because we ‘only want one thing’.
      Women offer a different thing to men, they offer different circles, sometimes without even realising they have provided you access. I’ve taken advantage of this multiple times in the past railing friends of friends via preselection.
      Instead of thinking like a cynic. Think like an opportunist.
      I have one good female friend. I don’t buy her shit, I don’t listen to her problems, and I don’t fix her shit. When we meet we talk mostly about what I want to talk about. If she starts with her feminine prattle I shut it down. Like a Pavlovian drone she knows by now not to bring up mindless shit.
      Girls, like with any end-result concerning them, need screening and in some instances, training.
      As long as you know what women are, friendship is possible. For the discerning man only.
      Obviously if you want to fuck her, then you’re an idiot for even thinking of friendship.

      1. What does this person offer you? She starts to talk about something boring or stupid, and you stop and change to something you want to talk about. I just don’t see the benefit of this kind of “relationship.”
        Can they offer you access to different social circles? Sometimes, but it’s fairly rare in my experience. I engage certain women for this, had lunch with one yesterday who is 23, young, single, new to the city, has a hot roommate, but not my type. But I certainly wouldn’t call her a friend.

    2. I would have agreed with this comment a couple of years ago, prior to developing decent game. I spent too many hours on the phone listening to how she’s pissed that the guy with all the tattoos didn’t text her back after fucking her brains out, and how she wished some rich guy would sweep her off her feet so she could quit her job waitressing, wondering why she didn’t want to fuck my brains out.
      Today I have a pretty solid group of female friends, most of whom are in their early mid 20s (I’m in my early mid 30s). It’s the gift that keeps on giving – a constant supply of hot women in a circle where I’m already preselected. I love rolling into a bar with a few cute girls with me, or knowing the hot waitress on a first name basis. I live in a small part of town and have a reputation for hanging out with hot women. Frankly, it took my game to another level.
      Here is the secret…
      You’re either a high value man they like to be around, or you’re one of the girls.
      You do not want to be one of the girls.
      When you have solid game, your women friends treat you very, very differently. They will flirt with you, and sometimes try and hook up with you. They’ll test the waters and say stuff like “We might be good together, but you just want to run around and be a player…” or “I wish my boyfriend were more like you, Hank.”
      It’s more a matter of you being out of their league, than them being out of yours.
      When you have solid game, Sharpe’s article is spot on. You’re a man with options, and everyone knows it. When your game is weak, women view you as another beta orbiter and treat you like you’re one of the girls. I’ve been in both places.
      The key is to use basic game in all relationships with females, not just the ones you are trying to sleep with. Don’t spend hours on the phone with your female friends or send them elaborate text messages about love, life, and the internet. Do not watch romcoms together. Don’t whine about how you can’t read this girl you’re dating, or meet anyone you like. Flirt, tease, and touch. Seek companionship from your male friends (and never use basic game on your male friends). Have your own group of friends and interests outside your female friends. Don’t smile too much or laugh at your own jokes. Always use good posture. Make your time scarce. When you do hang out, do something cool or at least go out to the bar. Always say “no” if they ask you to do something stupid like go shopping with them or drive them somewhere.
      If you carry yourself like a high status male, they’ll treat you like one. Women like having a high status masculine male in their life.
      You’ll find that you’re getting constant text messages like “Hi Hank! I’m going to the pool with Amy, Suzy, and Abby. Come with us!” Which is incredibly useful if you’re trying to hit up Suzy – you’re “the cool guy.” Plus, all the other women see you with cute gals and want to know what’s up, like Sharpe said.
      On the flip side, do not ever befriend a girl because you want to sleep with her. That is awful, horrible game. Make your intentions known right at the outset.
      In closing, women friends are great, but only with game, low expectations for a deep relationship, and in moderation. Female friends can up your game tremendously and give you a much better understanding of how women think.
      On that note, Sharpe’s strongest point is #1. Now I know how the sausage is made, and it’s not pretty…

      1. Clap! Clap! Clap1! Clap! I wish I had more hands. Your comment should be its own article.

      2. So high value yet your not in a relationship or even banging these “hot” women. For a single man that finds a woman attractive friendship is always plan B for Beta. Sometimes I get stuck with my GF’s friends and I do get your point where going to a night club with bunch of hot women adds to your SMV,but often that table is turned when women turn you into unwitting cock blocker by using to keep men they do not want around them away.

        1. Here is the thing…
          Sexual relationships are a fucking pain in the ass. Women are dramatic. When you have enough of them in your life for sexual gratification, there comes a point when enough is enough. Pizza is great, but not seven days a week. No matter how varied the toppings.
          With solid game, it’s not all that difficult to turn your female friends into FWBs, like Sharpe said.
          But do you really want to? That is the question…
          It’s a matter of cost / benefit analysis.
          For instance, while that 5’8 leggy blond is traditionally attractive, that isn’t what I’m into. I like short petite women. In that case, I would rather just be friends than have to deal with her shit if she catches feelings, needs somewhere to sleep because she’s fighting with her roommates, or “wants to know where this is going”, etc. There are enough short petite women who are my type out there, which makes a sexual relationship with leggy blond more of a hassle than it’s worth. The social proof she offers has more value than sex that I am ambivalent about.
          This is especially important if you live in a close vicinity or run in the same social circle. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
          Ironically, it also raises your SMV when it’s known that you LJBF’d some of your hot female friends. “Karen is super cool but she is just not my type.”
          Boiled down –
          A beta befriends a hot woman because he wants to bang her but is too cowardly to make his sexual intentions known. She friend zones him, and he wll never bang her.
          An alpha befriends a hot woman because it benefits him, but he doesn’t feel like getting into a sexual relationship with her because he has better options. His game is strong and there is probably an opportunity there if he chooses to pursue it.

    3. Your right! But that is the point of the article. Even your girlfriend is going to talk about mundane shit 99% of the time. But you have to learn to pimp that shit. The author is spot on. I almost never go to clubs with male friends anymore. Going to a club with good looking female friends means you walk in there like a Boss, and all the attention becomes centered on you. You barely have to approach after that. Going with a bunch of dudes is like throwing yourself into the river with concrete boots, you can’t help but drown.

  31. Over the years I’ve accumulated some female friends like this and they do in fact serve these benefits.
    The social-proof is a very useful one – once girls see that other girls enjoy your company, they’ll “realize” that you’re attractive. This is especially useful if you string a new girl along to a party where you’ll know a bunch of people, specifically female friends. Remember girls don’t really think for themselves a lot of the time.
    Overgrown children.
    With that said though… hanging about with girls is a fucking waste of time if you’re trying to get your life together. Hanging out with girls works if life is already laid out in front of you and you’re pleasure-cruising, but if you’re like the average guy, you’re going to be better off making more male allies than female allies. I’m just saying… Chicks can suck up time like nobody’s business… And you’ll have to listen to their contradictory emotional bullshit and trivial “philosophizing” that endlessly goes in circles.
    A girl the other night asked me “Are you happy?”
    My response, “Who cares?”

    1. Some years ago, A girl some night asked me “Are you happy?” 
      My response, “Are your panties moist?”
      She actually answered, “Almost always”.
      So I told her I’ll supply all the cock as long as it’s not a yeast infection.
      Needless to say mad sex followed until the sun came up.
      As a side effect, for the rest of my leave (another 5 days or so), all the hot broads in the hostel wanted me to do the stuff to them that made her make those noises so loud and for so long…

  32. Good info. I think criticism in some of the comments comes with the use of the word “friends”. Female friends and male friends go in different categories. There’s implied loyalty with male friendship that you can’t get with females. The sample text message exchange demonstrates that women really want a player, even though they say they’re not like that. I’m gonna pay some stripper with a boob job just to take pics with me now. lol

  33. Perhaps you could be friends with someone who you’ve known since you were children or if she’s just unattractive. Having female friends is a pain in the ass considering she’s most likely going to talk about her current boyfriends or whatever to you.

  34. The only attractive female friends I have are my cousins. Other than that, any other attractive female friends I have I am trying to fuck. Simple as that. Why? Because there it’s an increasing amount of ugly fat girls in The States.
    Do I think the sexes can be friends? Not really. If there is nothing barring you from having sex with them and they aren’t hideous– go for it.
    However, if you have female friends there had to be some proof conveyance or you will never be going out with her or her friends on Friday or Saturday and you will be the sexless chump that gets to hear how the bad boys sexually exploit her. So that being said, this approach will not work for everyone.

    1. We have all been there. Who the hell wants female “friends”? That is one way for a guy to end up in a psyche ward.

  35. Here is a life-hack for un-friending “female friends”
    The secret to bedding a girl who is a “friend”
    Always hang up immediately and randomly just when the conversation is interesting, do not answer if she tries to call back
    Repeat over and over again, remember to hang up on her every time the conversation gets good, this is key* You want to leave her with a sense of dread and confusion, anger, ETC, this is you having power over her mental emotional state and it will turn her on
    Something odd is going to happen after a while, She is going to see you as an alpha and this bizzare arrogance will turn her on(it will confuse her why she is so turned on) if she keeps wanting to talk to you even after you are randomly hanging up on her it means it’s working,
    basically, what you do, is called the polarity inversion technique, She thinks you are the beta friendzoned pathetic dweeb
    So what you do is , you start to treat her that way(the way she sees you), than she has something to prove, but don’t let her “prove it” unless she beds you

      1. The technique sounds absolutely stupid, and shouldn’t work if we’re looking at it from a theoretic and logical perspective of a man..
        They think you’re “cool” if you are a dick for no reason, somewhere in that barbarian mind is a button for male attraction
        Act nice, and she’ll be nice… But we don’t want them to be “nice” to us, what we want is for them to be sexually aggressive and i think it’s wired in their hatred , so they have to hate you abit in order to bed you

  36. I’ve noticed with my “female friends” that the only time they ever go out of their way to talk to me is unless they want something from me. Being art, written articles for their sites, etc. To which they have to pay for. Other than that, I never get a random call or text out of the blue to ask me how I am or what I’m up to. I’m usually the one that has to imitate the conversation.
    An example of this would be a friend of mine whom I’ve known for the past 13 years since college. She was a career driven, over successful, independent type chick. Pretty much built herself up from nothing. We worked on a of projects together, helped each other move several times, and generally spent a ton of time together. However the few times I tried pushing for something more, she would just play coy and act like nothing happen. Pretty much stayed friend zoned with her. She had a pretty solid reputation in college as being a stand up type of individual. Not into parties, never went out drinking, nor ever saw her get drunk once. She actually worked as a RA for a few years. As I got to know her the word “sex” didn’t ever appear to be her in vocabulary. Although one time she let me sit in a photo session she was doing with two nude painted up girls. That was fun.
    Being that I worked a lot of behind the scenes events at the school I was always able to get into pretty much anything.
    After college we stayed in touch. She moved out to NYC, got a kick ass job working with the Department of Defense making over 6 figures. She got tired of that and moved into Manhattan and started her own advertising agency. She occasionally sends me paid assignments and I write for her Entertainment blog. However she’s pushing 37, isn’t married nor has any kids. Whenever I try to bring up the subject of her personal life, she just plays dumb and changes the subject.
    While I count her as one of my closest longest known friends, one that I can always count on, I know there’s a certain emotional distance that I have to keep from her.

      1. I had the strong suspicion that she could have possibly been a lesbian. Although she’s very feminine in terms of her mannerism. She did have one boyfriend in college but the majority of the time I hung out with her she was single and had a lot of beta orbiters (none she never get past the friendszone with her).
        The last time I went to NYC I had the unfortunate event of finding myself stuck at JFK airport with no money, a missed flight, and a used up prepaid cellphone. Very stressful. I was able to get a friendly security guard let me borrow his phone to call my friend (who lived in Brooklyn at the time right off the Hudson).
        She had a cab come pick me up, take her back to her place where I arranged for a flight home. While I was there, another lady friend of her arrived (they were going to hang out and play video games). So I had interrupted their planned night. Now if I had had better game at the time I would’ve tried to go for a threesome with the two of them, but the airline was able to reschedule my flight for the red eye so I was only there for a bit before they drove me back to the airport.
        A few weeks after that I has asked my friend how the other girl was. She just told me things hadn’t worked out and they weren’t friend anymore.
        Thinking back on it now, when facebook first came to out school she put that she was interested in women on her status. I asked her about it and she said it was a mistake and changed it back to guys.
        While all the evidence is circumstantial, it is looking like she might have been gay the entire time….

        1. Gay for the win, brother.
          But, she proved to be a true-blue stand-up gal, true friend, got to give her credit there.

        2. She’s proven that to me on multiple occasions. One of the few women that I’m glad to have in my life both professionally and personally.

        3. Maybe YOU should keep your eyes peeled for a good bi broad for the both of you, that would really take you all out of the matrix.

  37. The only way you can experience the benefits in this article without also risking experiencing MANY negatives is if the female is your blood relation, preferably cousin. Sisters can be lame because they are too close to you; nieces can view things as creepy; but cousins of similar age can be GOLDEN. Otherwise, men and women don’t work (long-term at least) as friends. Never have, never will.

    1. Truth female relatives is a bit better as friends not leagues better but they don’t play bullshit games as otherz

    1. Where did he say you *need* them to get women. He’s simply outlining a tool you can use if you wish. Or not.
      There’s a hundred ways to skin a cat. This is one such way, according to the author.

    2. The writer didn’t say a man needed women to bed women. But the child psychology in ‘social proof’ is real so its stupid to pretend it doesn’t exist.

      1. Yep, it even works on men. If you attract a crowd or are the perceived leader of the “cool kids” people will gather just to be seen in your presence. It is an amazing thing to watch once you learn how true it is across most people in life.

    1. You’re banned!
      You know I have to wonder what’s on this bitch’s mind. She must know that she makes men sick but still wants to shove herself in your face.Must be a micro-aggression.

    1. Have you ever had to sit next to a bunch of “hot female friends” of guys in a bar? The conversation makes you want to poke out your own eardrums.

  38. I have female friends but I usually have to hide my outrageously sexist beliefs from them.

    1. Why hide your ‘outrageously sexist beliefs’?
      From everything that any of us have seen, showing such beliefs would make them all act better towards you, not worse; even if they initially protested/complained that you were a jerk.
      I would suggest you try this on one friend and watch the results.

        1. I prefer saying ‘So?’ or ‘And?’
          It is much shorter use of words and seems to infuriate them more.

        2. Exactly. That’s how you pass their shit test. They pretend to get mad and gauge your reaction. When you respond with So or And, it shows you don’t give a shit about their feelings and then they get all tingly inside.

      1. You’re completely right. Girls always go for assholes. White knights never get any pussy. I think it’s time I share more of my sexist beliefs.

        1. Don’t do it because you have nothing to gain.And you’re wrong about assholes because they don’t want you to be an asshole to them even if you are one in general.
          White knights aren’t bad, it’s just that many of them are nerds or pussies and the girl knows that they guy is a fake just doing things to get into her panties.

    2. I think it’s better to just blurt out what you actually think. They will respect you more for it, much more.

  39. Well done Donovan Sharpe. I went back up to read who the author was because the article was a lot better than most “5-10 reasons why . . .” I noticed disagreement with some of the points but no one serious who thought the article was bunk.

  40. Man, this website is great. Yeah, women hate other women, but at the same time will defend other women who’re playing games. It’s like they don’t want to rock the gender boat no matter how much they despise each other.
    And being with a hot girl, or having a wedding ring on is chick magnet. Especially if you have both a ring AND wear a doctors coat or ID badge to the bar. (That one’s kind of self-explanatory)
    But I’ve wondered why girl reject self-made guys who’re self-employed. Rich guys who work at companies are prime game for women. But you could have your own business and being doing financially great, and they won’t speak to you. I wonder if it’s because a guy who’s rich and works for someone else is percieived as manipulatible. Like, women do well in business when they’re manipulative and take short cuts, and see the men the same way, and therefore think they can outplay him in the area of cheating people for money.
    Anyway, great article.

      1. She sees the indy businessman as a sure lockdown where she’ll be permanently employed doing running work and she’ll get paid in direct dick deposits and use of the kitchen and the left side of the mattress. Her only way out of the office then will be to say heck and nut up an ovary. Bitches usually never escape the indy man.

  41. To the author, and anyone who agrees with him, you sirs, are severely demented pieces of filth. Please stay away from all women in general. You don’t deserve a single ounce of genuine or lustful love for the rest of your miserable lives. I could say that having a boyfriend is extremely hard to deal with and that men should only serve to move our furniture, fix our cars, and hook us up with their hot friends. But since I actually have a soul, I see the extreme value that the opposite sex has, regardless of how much of a royal pain in the ass you guys can be. This article screams “I have mommy issues and I was abused a kid.” If you’d take a moment to stop drowning yourself in your own hatred, maybe you’ll deserve a genuinely good woman to be by your side, but that’s highly unlikely for bastards like yourselves. We’re not all bad, and until you grow the hell up, and get your heads out of your asses, you’ll never find happiness.

      1. That’s a stab in the dark. Real mature. Unless you’re under 105lbs, chances are, I’m much skinnier than you. 🙂

        1. Shut up about your feminist insecurities. Shouldn’t you be at xojane blogging about lip injections and bulimia?

        2. Nobody cares what you look like. We just want you to go away and stop shitting over the comment section. Pretty much most guys here realise that what women say and what you do are completely different things.

        3. And we’d like you guys to stop shitting all over the internet with your misogyny, but that’s not gonna happen. Too damn bad. If you post garbage like this and expect nobody to defend themselves, you’re as stupid as you are demented. I’m not sure who brutally broke your hearts (assuming you had one to begin with) and I won’t argue the fact that there are good women out there because I’m talking to a brick wall. I really hope women stay far away from all of you. With all this hatred for us, I suggest going gay.

        4. Here’s what she wrote me before it was deleted and here’s my reply:

          ジ ジ
          And we’d like you guys to stop shitting all over the internet with your misogyny, but that’s not gonna happen. Too damn bad. If you post garbage like this and expect nobody to defend themselves, you’re as stupid as you are demented. I’m not sure who brutally broke your hearts (assuming you had one to begin with) and I won’t argue the fact that there are good women out there because I’m talking to a brick wall. I really hope women stay far away from all of you. With all this hatred for us, I suggest going gay.”
          No bitch, you don’t get away that easily. As much as you’d like men that you don’t find desirable enough to “go away or turn gay” that’s just not going to happen.
          We spent our early 20’s and teens brainwashed with the fallacious narrative of the “good woman” and how if we just knuckled down, acted like ourselves and got a good job we’d find one. We listened to bitches like you telling us all about the guys you fucked, your drama and head problems while giving us nothing in return.
          So now you’re the one who is going to get used and abused, pumped and dumped in return for your lies. We no longer believe the garbage that comes out of the media, the education system or our families. We’re going to leave you miserable and alone just like you wanted us to be all those years ago.

        5. That’s true. I also have to wonder why females want to try to prove themselves on blogs. Must be fat and fugly looking.It’s like when there’s an article on some blog about beach bodies or something like that and all the fatties want to argue about everything from too skinny standards to BMI’s being inaccurate to different racial types should weigh more and all of the typical BS that these fatties spout.
          I shoot them down just to amuse myself.
          BMI? yes, it’s wrong because it uses the same calculation for men and females of the same heights. Men have heavier muscles and bones so the female needs to have a lower BMI to adjust for this and I’d say of around 5 points. A men’s 20 is like a female 15.
          Black girls are fatter with big fat butts?
          Don’t think so.Go to Kenya and then up the coast to Somalia and Ethiopia. Obama is Kenyan and has a typical body of one.If I boiled a Masai girl I couldn’t get an ounce of fat out of her and no butt either. They may be bigger boned and heavier on the west coast but not fat like the US with flabby big butts. Stop stuffing your gut and then see what you look like.

    1. There lies your problem. You view men only as a tool to serve women, not as a human being. How do you define having a soul as you claim you have one?

      1. I do not view them that way at all, that’s my entire point. I said I -could- view them that way, but that would just bring me down to the author’s level. You guys are just as bad as feminazis.

        1. Because I’m not against men. I love men! I see them as equals. I only get like this when a bunch of boys make sick articles like this.

        2. Feminists aren’t bad. Real feminists want gender equality. My boyfriend is a feminist and so am I. The group of people you’re referring to would be female chauvinists. I hate them too. They’re no good, and they’re screwing everything up.

  42. 9. They will screen women for you
    I can do that myself and am much better at it than any female.
    8. They give you instant social proof
    It depends but it’s probably more important to see you with some alpha billionaire
    7. Pre-selection
    I can just go over and talk to one of the better looking girls regardless of where I am and other girls will see me with her
    6. Transference of their pussy pass
    Don’t need it. I just hand them my card when I want something and they’re trying to score points with me
    4. You can sharpen your teasing skills
    I don’t play ‘tween teasing games and have never had to call any female with me out on anything
    3. You can turn them into FWBs
    That’s a given and it’s only the more unsophisticated lower class girls who get butthurt if you shag another friend
    2. They’ll help you tighten up your thread game
    No need, I’m always better dressed than the female and incidentally a man always should be.There may be a few upper class girls who I may listen to about whether something looks good on me and then ignore it but the average girl needs me to show HER how to dress and needs my advice. It’s amazing how bad the taste of girls from middle and below class is.
    And btw, if you lower beta boys need advice on dressing I will assist you as part of my sense of noblesse oblige. I have a feeling that 99% of you need it.And as I said the man should always look better dressed than the female regardless of whether he’s wearing a suit or sportswear (casual wear to you newbs) even if he is an ugly guy. No point in being ugly AND looking like a geek or poor stumblebum. Don’t worry I can fix you up regardless of your money.
    1. Consistent neomasculine confirmation
    They may feel they are entitled to things but unless she’s a quality female she can find it elsewhere cos I’m not interested in being her sucker.

    1. Actually some fashion tips would be useful, especially for job interviews, special occasions, conferences, public speaking et cetera. Submit an article.

      1. Years ago I was in a bookstore and there was some guy signing his book and meeting people which is what authors had to do as part of their job in pushing books for their publisher.It was Malloy who had written a book called Dress For Success.He was signing a few books and just sort of answering some questions from the small groups of people there. Typical stuff in those days at book sellers.It was a small volume and easy to read so I was just sort of reading sections. Afterwards I just said hello and asked him why he had written a book about what looked to me to be just ordinary things about dressing and some basic social advice in one section.He asked me where I attended prep school and I answered why did he assume that I did and not some inner city public school.He just laughed and said that today a lot of men from more humble backgrounds may attend for example Harvard Law and then mange to get a job at some old line law firm but were sort of out of their depth when it came to dressing and in certain social areas and he acted as an advisor for those who hired him for advice because they felt they didn’t quite fit in and may not be a success there compared to someone who these things were 2nd nature because they were brought up differently and his book wasn’t really for them.He said that whether we like it or not that we do judge people on their appearance and other social indicators of what basically is recognised as their class and that all people do it, even the working class secretaries in the office.
        He did do some experiments to test things about dress that he wrote about in his book.For example,in one test he used the same man and he had to deliver an envelope with some papers to an executive at a co. where of course he had to get through his secretary. When the guy was dressed in a light coloured raincoat he got through and was just told to go in but when he was dressed in a black raincoat he had a hard time or just told to wait. Of course Malloy did this experiment a number of times at different offices.What was happening was that they associated the light colour coat with a higher class and the black one with a lower class so these private secretaries of the executive were basically judging his class and when he appeared more upper class he had an easy time getting in to the executive with the fake papers he was pretending to deliver.Malloy did a lot of experiments with clothes and even with the colour of the clothes. Sometimes the colour even mattered if let’s say you were a lawyer in court based on the composition of the jury. If a lot of the jurors looked like middle class whites, or if a lot were black or oriental etc different colours of suits appealed more to different people and would influence decisions.So his book has a lot to do with appearance and subtle social cues and if you analyse it it comes down to class or rank that people respond to.In an office the men are pretty much the same wearing a suit as a uniform (although the boss may have a custom made one) and sometimes sportswear (casual clothes) are an even bigger giveaway because the those workers from the lower classes who worked their way into the firm while wearing a suit at work always tend to neglect them and that’s a giveaway.The boss invites you to play golf with him at his club and you show up looking like Rodney Dangerfield in Caddy Shack lol OK maybe not as bad but in a way that is slightly off and like you don’t belong (it can be subtle too)
        I would also bet that there is a subtle difference even at Cal. tech companies where they may not wear suits between different ranks of employees and the boss but that secretaries and office workers can detect these difference and the person’s rank. They may all look like they’re wearing polo shirts and sports shoes but the owner is wearing a Smedley polo at $250(Jobs wore a black LaCroix mock turtle that sells for over $200 when he was sick and dying) and some Mephisto shoes or one of the expensive Gucci sneakers.
        These distinctions even exist in the ‘hood in shoes or shirts.
        And I bet that if we tried an experiment with two guys trying to deliver an envelope to Fatboy, CEO of Dead Gangster records and his big butt secretary saw one guy who looked like a delivery boy she’d tell him to wait outside because Fatboy is busy.The 2nd guy has on J-Zee special edition hightops that sell for $1k at Barneys and a $500 shirt from CoolNigga fashions with a solid gold chain that weighs 5 lbs ‘go right in sir, Fatboy is in”
        You see,everyone gets an impression about someone’s rank and importance based primarily on what they see.

      2. I was rambling a bit below but dress for interviews is simple. How old are you and where are you going to be interviewed and for what position.I would dress for the interview the same as I would be dressing when on the job.If you’re selling Hyundais you’d want to dress like a typical car salesman but if you were lucky or some relative got you into selling Bentleys you’d want to be more sophisticated looking and like some who actually drives a Bentley because in this area a lot is about image.But I’m not so sure that you’d make more selling the Bentleys as opposed to ordinary cars. You may make a good commision if you sell one but you won’t sell many while the ordinary cars sell a much higher volume and easier.

        1. Thanks very much for the essay, it was most enlightening. Interesting that Mr Molloy talks about how fashion trends and following fashion is not always the most successful way of getting ahead as primarily they are in the business of selling clothes and getting people to spend more money than is strictly necessary to look successful.
          It is amazing how many people are simply not taught these things such as myself through growing up in a lower to middle class background. We turn up to job interviews in overly formal suits, feeling awkward and wonder why we’re not taken seriously. I’m definitely going to start attempting to dress better now and be more conscious of my own environment.
          Do you have any suggestions for starting out without looking odd? Mainly I am looking at starting my own business as I am currently underemployed, though not enthusiastic about working for anyone else. So I have been associating with a lot of business owners and entrepreneur types lately.

        2. Yes, it seems like it is the same guy. I had just assumed that he was dead or in an old age home. I noticed something else, it looks like he has a book,
          Why Men Marry Some Women And Not Others
          Hmmm have to see what it’s about

        3. ‘We turn up to job interviews in overly formal suits, feeling awkward;
          OK let me tell you about Connery. In those early Bond films he was a bit rough around the edges and was not used to wearing those custom made Savile Row suits they put him in for the part. The director told him to sleep in his suit (of course wardrobe would have to press it the next day). He did this so that he would feel perfectly comfortable and natural it in.

        4. Depends on what you’re doing and where you live.And I’d avoid anything extreme looking at work. If you have no tattoos never get one.And no skrillex haircuts :o)

        5. I’m almost definitely going to read Dress for success and also Live for success.
          Also I think I will book myself into a tailor as soon as possible. The realisation and diagnosis of a problem is the first step towards a cure.

  43. The girl with the painted blue eyes in the last photo looks like what I’d imagine the Whore of Babylon to look like, astride the beast while drinking the blood of mortals, straight out of Revelation.

  44. women seek out:
    1.Financial stability
    2.Psychical stability
    3.Emotional stability
    don’t let any one fool you
    your job as a man is to get little risk(transfer of money direct or indirect) and more reward (sex) which make you the psychical stability

  45. Being friends with a woman confirms that she does not find you physically attractive. Any self-respecting guy should be insulted when a girl tells him that she just wants to be ‘friends’.
    A guy should be doubly insulted when a girl wants to set you up with her friend. She’s basically saying that she doesn’t find you attractive enough to fuck, but maybe someone else will. A woman who thinks you’re hot will never offer you to someone else– she will immediately fuck you herself

  46. Mocking guys , saying “You sound like you get no pussy” “bitch, you sound like a woman” is doing a lot of the work FOR the feminists.

  47. Number 6 reminds me of an episode of Seinfeld, where Jerry is dating a model who can get anything because of her looks. Hilarious!

  48. Probably good advice. I never had many female friends-as-friends and it’s one of my regrets.

    1. Consider yourself lucky. They add [almost] nothing to your life. If you enjoy drama or are gay, have female friends.

      1. Yeah, seems right. The only female friends I’d say I have are fellow musicians. No problem passionately discussing music, but I have zero interest in discussing fashion or their kids or whatever.

  49. I am lucky to have a very red-pill mother and sister, that’s enough. I think there are more drawbacks than benefits to ANY relationship with any unrelated woman.

  50. The only friendship worth having is one that leads to a higher level of existence. I doubt ANY woman can do that.

  51. i wouldnt trust a chick to tell u what to wear dude most of them dress like shit too

  52. There is absolutely no reason to have female friends. I can get better advice from the chick working at Starbucks, than I ever did from my female “friends”. My life is 10x better without them in it.

    1. Exactly right, there are only two kinds of women to me, ones that i’m involved with, and ones that I’m not. The latter are just faces in the crowd to me.

  53. Good advice here except for trusting a woman in any capacity. They know what looks good on a man but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll give you good advice on what to wear. At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter what you wear as long as you have game.

  54. First of all, think about it, if a girl (Just) wants to be a
    friend with you, most likely that means she is not interested in you. And if
    she is not interested in you, it is very unlikely she will do anything for you
    without return. If she does those things for you without asking anything back,
    she is just a female white knight, which is very rare in the real world.
    Second, you will be lucky to find any female friend will
    just even one thing on that list, without being getting out of favors from you.
    Being a “friend” to any female is time consuming, energy draining, and money
    wasting. Very likely you still need to pay for foods, drive for them and become
    servants to them. And most likely they will get more out of you than you can
    get out of them.
    The author is too idealistic. It is like a girl saying she
    wants her future to be an CEO of a company, male stripper body, and 10million
    net worth.

    1. The problem with the just friends concept, assuming that you are spending a lot of one on one time with a girl is that it’s a one way relationship. You are providing her with the emotional aspect of a relationship and get nothing in return. She on the other hand is probably sleeping with a guy who doesn’t care about her, so she is in a sexual relationship with someone else. The relationship has no future, the guy should limit his time with her, to just meet ups at public places were the opportunity to meet other women are more likely. He should never come over to watch a movie alone with her if he knows nothing will come of it.

      1. True. Most so called male-female friendship I observed are one way relationships which only benefit females. Most guys in those relationships don’t even want to admit that.

  55. I’m just so … The blatant misogyny and slut-shaming in this article is horrific. Honestly, this whole website just convinces me even more of why we need feminism.

    1. Sure, try to remind yourself of your feminism ideals, when your male friend tries to pay for your drink or lunch,

  56. Ive been saying this shit for years but all the unsocialized idiots on these pickup sites say NAW NAW MAN DA LADDUR FEERY MAN. Ive had female friends for years, been set up several times, attract women fairly easily on that account alone, and been opened a few times because I was with girls that were just friends.
    One girl actually did help me out with ditching shlubby clothes and approaching better dress. I eventually had to admit to her “you were right”. One of the biggest helps is it gives you a built in abundance mentality. Youre talking to girls all the time, so any one doesnt really matter. I always find I end up friends with a girl or two in any situation. The funniest shit is that my exs friends all take my side now and hate her.

  57. “Most females in our culture are increasingly unable to add much to a man’s life.”
    Kids, relationship and parenting skills, emotional balance, financial management, intelligent companionship, functional partnership, challenge to grow and improve as a human.
    A good woman can bring all of these qualities, plus great sex. Even a woman you might consider conventionally unattractive.

    1. Let’s have a little look at those “qualities”, shall we?
      “Kids” — add little, cost a lot, don’t need a woman to get one. Let’s leave aside that when she decides to leave you — as roughly 1 in 2 will — those kids will go with her.
      “Relationship and parenting skills” — 75% of divorces are initiated by women, for reasons outside abuse or adultery one might add. Single mothers are also predominantly the feature in criminals’ pasts, not to mention most psych patients’ pasts. Also see: 1 in 2 marriages ending in divorce. Women are even more shit at LTRs than men are.
      “Emotional balance” — completely out of whack at least once per 28 day cycle, and more generally dodgy as fuck for the other 27.
      “Financial management” — paying a bill on time is an art anyone can muster on their own, and women are disproportionately society’s consumers and society’s debtors. This no more makes them good financial managers than driving drunk makes you a Formula 1 contender.
      “Intelligent companionship” — not terribly relevant to a man, who can get this from other men, on rather less loaded terms than a woman (see: emotional balance, above)
      “Challenge to grow and improve as a human” — no woman required or optimised for this purpose. Any self-respecting man will have to have all this shit already sorted if any woman will look at him to begin with, so it is not a quality she brings to the table.
      “Great sex” — for fucking real? The only way a woman brings “great sex” to the table is generally by riding the cock carousel wildly throughout her most fertile years. And said great sex will only last roughly two years after marriage, or shorter once reason (a) — kids — come along. Don’t kid yourselves, ladies, your vagina and your dicklicking skills ain’t that impressive — especially with so many of you willing to serve it up on a plate for bad boys and men who respond rationally to incentives.

      1. Kids add little.
        And you lost all credibility from the outset. Before me and the kids, all my husband had in his life were users/losers and cocaine. He was always broke, had no direction and no reason to grow up.
        Marriage and kids changed that. He has meaning, purpose and deep satisfaction. And, after 18 years, sex just keeps getting better and better, thanks to real connection and intimacy.

        1. Oh, and I’m *sure* you took him on in preference to guys with jobs and futures. Or was it just that you were turning 30 and he was literally the only guy left willing to take you on?
          Also unimpressed with him being a former drug addict. Odds are on he would’ve cleaned up on his own without you or would’ve been dead in a ditch. Either up, you still added nothing except for the prospect of occasional sex.
          In the meantime, address the other points: they cost disproportionately too much and you don’t need a harpy to get one.

        2. You assume that when I took him on he had no job and no money. Interesting. Job and money, sure…plenty of it. But broke all the time because of the user/loser hangers on. I gave him direction and purpose, and helped him to translate all that money into a secure grown up life. I added my significant set of skills to his life, in addition to the prospect of regular sex.

        3. As for kids costing too much…in proportion to what? Are you talking return on investment?
          Do try to remember that kids are not objects, but real human beings. The return is not financial, but relational. Of course, that may be beyond your comprehension, given your habit of objectifying persons.

        4. You seem rather fixated on kids’ value, which remains pretty fucking low in comparison to cost.
          That aside, your suggestion their value is relational is flawed, too. Plenty of surveys outside your solipsistic worldview indicate people’s general happiness goes down when they have kids, not up.

        5. You gave him the prospect of regular sex, and married a man weak enough that he couldn’t get his head out of his arse on his own. I don’t call that value adding, I call that marrying down in your case — which, as I suspect, happened when you hit 30 and none of the alpha dick you’d previously been attracting was interested in your “prospects” anymore.

        6. How dare you hurt her Tinder™ Feelz!! Don’t you know “Not all women are like that”?! Besides 50+ guys isn’t That many….

        7. What I gave him was a reason to grow up, beyond being an alpha dick and into a human being with depth.
          And at 50 I still have plenty of alpha dicks to pick from if I were so inclined. They’re not my type. I enjoy the company of good men who actually enjoy the company of good women.

        8. I stopped falling for alpha dicks years ago, when I figured out the ‘game’.
          Alphas are insecure losers who know they have no hope of getting anywhere near a quality woman. So they prey on the weak and the sick, as any wild dog will, using mental/emotional abuse (aka ‘game’) to break her. It’s very similar to the way pedophiles groom their victims.
          You seek out the young and inexperienced woman because she won’t know the difference between good sex and the garbage you’re offering.
          You’re not alphas, not superior in any way. You’re predators, nothing more, nothing less.
          And now you’ll have this post removed, just like my last, because you don’t have the socio-emotional skills to cope with a real woman.

        9. Individual delusion and rationalisation does not change general experience, and it’s general experience we observe here.

        10. Oh, I won’t have your post removed. It serves amply well as a perfect example of what the manosphere is talking about: how feminism generates women past the age of 30 who suddenly realise — as the alpha dick dries up — that it’s time to look for a “good” man. Pity you decided to ignore the good men throughout your twenties and thirties, thanks in no small part to feminism’s preaching that women shouldn’t wife up and shouldn’t see it as a priority until their ovaries reach the point of collapse.
          Don’t blame men for your decades-long rebellion against your mother and grandmother’s examples of women who understood it’s better to find a good provider male early in your life rather than ride the cock carousel until your cunt is stretched out. That’s entirely on you. And don’t blame men for learning game and getting sex as offered. That, again, is entirely on you because men respond to rational incentives.

        11. Lol. I’m not upset. You’re the one who’s too insecure to leave my comments for others to see you being challenged. It would seem it is you who has been upset.

        12. You clearly understand female anatomy about as well as you understand math. Still trying to make sense of your accusation that I ignored the good men “throughout” my 30’s and refused to wife up. I married first when I was 21 and again at 32, well before “throughout” my 30’s came to pass.
          As for my grandmother’s example, she put off marrying until she found a feminist man and married for love, not to be provided for. She was more than capable of providing for herself and her children, which she did when he died after only 7 years. She remained single when so many women would have remarried for security. She ran the business, was the first woman in Canada to hold a mortgage without a husband, flipped homes and did all the renovations herself (while teaching her son, the eventual master carpenter, everything he needed to know) and made her own fortune. When she eventually remarried it was for companionship and great sex, not because she needed a provider. So it seems I followed her fine example after all.
          Finally, “game” has nothing to do with rational incentives. It’s all about using verbal abuse and control to diminish a woman to such a degree that she thinks you’re the best prospect she’s got.
          The fact that you all think you have to stoop so low to get some only speaks to the depth of your insecurity.

        13. Darling. If your little amydgala is so stimulated that you have to start resorting to verbal abuse, it merely demonstrates you’ve been triggered. Otherwise why would you keep replying, if only to try and get rid of that rage you’re feeling when confronted with the truth?

        14. Two marriages, then? Couldn’t make the first one work out despite all those good examples, hm? Or did grandmother not teach you how to hang onto a man for life, thus demonstrating the point?

      2. That’s a good hit,Yeah!
        You did however forget a most venomous danger,which in part keeps me from dating or cohabiting: Unpunished false allegations! (rape/DV)
        Women Only value Our “Male Utility & Disposability”. They Never “cared” about Men,so it was easy to cater to “Female In Group Bias” and throw Us under the bus!
        “Let no act be done at haphazard, nor otherwise than according to the finished rules that govern its kind”
        -Marcus Aurelius

      3. Remember now, if we say women like their bad boys, we are just a bunch of bitter misogynists. LOL

        1. Well, as dear old Sam tells us, further down, at the age of 50, she apparently figured out the game “years” ago. LOL.

  58. One more….a female friend will actually invite you to lunch or coffee, something that, besides a birthday, rarely if ever happens with a girlfriend.

  59. Done. Let us know if that helps at all. My confidence is Disqus policing itself is not real strong.

  60. I find #1 the most relevant and beneficial of the 9. Having a female friend who constantly reminds you and showcases exactly how their psyche works without being in love with you (obviously) is an invaluable tool to prevent one-itis, neediness, and to remember that at the end of the day they are generally heartless and will drop you in a second.

    1. I was reading your comment and thinking “this poor guy,has no idea”,then the twist at all the end,turned the tables on me……
      well played!

  61. Try as they might, men are unable hide piggish, thirsty, westernized ways. I’ve overheard and been involved in many a conversation with this man or that about how he’s looking to hook up with women he calls “sluts.”

  62. I had a stunning female friend from Seattle who was the girlfriend of a good pal of mine. We got on really well. Sometimes I would bump into her without her boyfriend on nights out and chat about various things. The effect on other women in the place was phenomenal. As soon as she went to the toilet or the bar to get a drink a random chick would sidle up and ask me for a light, the time, what I thought about the Miami Dolphins etc. I never thought much of it but through her I did score a number of times. I think she knew the effect she had and would sometimes linger at the bar or get chatting to someone random while this was going on. Cool chick.

    1. ..but be sure to read the Terms of use, expecially the point 14. Maybe is better to go out and have a beer at the local bar!,;-)

  63. imho is not a plus to have female friends. a woman may be your lover, your wife, your sister but not a friend, the reason is imho that:
    about points 9-8-7-6:
    -i can’t be a friend of a woman that i want to fuck, this usually leads you in the friend zone if you don’t game her right.
    -i can’t be a friend of a woman because you still have to pay for her to maintain a frame.
    -i can’t be a friend of a woman that is ugly but i may use it for social proof because other women may criticize me for my low quality pick, and bail out before know the truth, and i hate to use people for my purpose, that’s is what women do in reality nowadays, not men
    -they will screen women from their point of view, interest etc etc, not mine! also using them as proxy lover your ability to do it by yourself, also she may loves you but she hide it until you purpose to her, meanwhile she may tell you false flags about women around you
    About the pussy pass, is enought to do as Roosh told in a previous post, while you are in the queue you may start to screen for nice girls AND you may tell to one of them to be together once you arrve at the disco door. it worked for me in Kiev, Cuba, London and Munich, even in Italy.
    points 4-5
    i agree in some extents, however, you should be ready to maintain an average game, and be ready to fight cockblockers as well, too much enfort since i saw another girl who send me lots of iois, so i believe you must be with a really nice girl to put up such enfort, otherwise it not worth it, even to sharp your teasing skills because, remember, this is a set up made from women to men, where you have to play by their rules for a fuck, really? well, i prefer to be myself, a man, and not beg a fuck being a buffon or a teaser just for the opportunity to play this game, expecially if there are plenty of women around who are easier and prettier.
    point 3 FWB
    i have FWB in italy, now, i don’t know about americunts, however once they realize to stay well with you, they try to drive you in a more emotional involvments, so you should be ready to kkeep the frame or to bail out when the pussy won’t flow as normal and for a fair ROI, if it dries up, it’s better to spend money and time for an hooker. and do not forget that women talks each other more than men, using also socials you have to made your move like a smart man, otherwise she will cry out to friends that you dump her and you won’t score anyone of her social circle.
    point 2-1
    I agree with those points, even in Italy i saw such situations, but this brings me to mine…
    Why bother with such females?
    -For a fuck? sometimes is better and quick to pay an hooker than inflate their stupid slut egos in their “game” set up for you, since they had lot’s of men in their vagina, there are no real evidences to prefer them to a hooker who, for a fair deal, gives you 100% sex, expecially those who work at home, who are more than happy to welcome you, have a shower with you, and please you for all the time you invest money. And do not forget the false accuse of rape.
    -for a wife? well i believe i don’t need to tell nothing about this regard, unless you are a Capt-save-the-ho of course
    Imho Is better to have the right wingman, after an hooker, going with him to a bar, disco etc etc and have simply fun.. but at least your balls are dry, your wallet are fine, you don’t have to deal with bullshit games, and you can go to sleep earlyer with a smile in your face due you didn’t gave a fucking dime to this stupid nosense hookup game and have enought money to go abroad for better experiences.

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