Any decently educated person knows that there are many things wrong with the world today; the disease of feminism is spreading at an alarming rate, moral standards have been sinking like an anvil dropped into the ocean, and purposeful lives are at an all-time low. Only a fool would reject these claims, and many try to.
This being said, the point of this article is not meant to prove that these problems exist; no amount of proof will convince a stubborn fool to shrug off his chains of ignorance. Rather, the point of this article is to explain how American culture went from valuing traditional marriages, morals, and art, to valuing novelty, degeneracy, and instant gratification.
Knowing that there are problems with our society is good. It is not, however, very difficult to see (assuming that you have the eyes to see it). Knowing exactly how our society got this way, however, is CRUCIAL, for the only ones who can stop this madness are the ones who know how degeneracy takes root, how it grows, and how it spreads.
I am here to help shed some light on these things, in the hopes that more will soon have the knowledge required to put an end to this terrible age that we live in.
The Beginnings
It all began in the early 1800’s. The USA was primarily an agrarian society; gender roles existed due to this. The men were tasked with doing the heavy lifting; they were to carry barrels of hay, brand the livestock, slaughter the animals for feast, and other typically masculine jobs. The women were to tend to the house; they were to sew what needed to be sewed, cook good meals for their husbands to replenish their strength with, raise children in an appropriate manner, and do other typically feminine jobs.
This model worked perfectly, as it played to each sex’s different biological and psychological abilities. Men, being physically stronger and more logical, were tasked with running the farm, dealing with the finances, and being involved in local politics. The women, being better at multi-tasking and being more emotionally intelligent, were tasked with cooking, cleaning, tending to the house, and raising the young ones.
Children spent an enormous amount of time with their parents, as not many children went to school—they didn’t need to. Their parents gave them a more practical education than any educational system could today.
The young boys learned how to be men by working alongside their fathers in the field and the young girls learned how to be women by helping their mothers with household tasks; parental wisdom was effectively passed down in such a way. As a man and his son toiled away in the fields, they likely had all sorts of conversations, covering a wide range of topics: how to treat girls, how to manage finances, local politics, philosophy, and their aspirations to name a few.
While a woman and her daughter were working in the house, they likely had conversations covering various topics as well: how to act around men, the best herbs to mix with certain dishes, and how to properly raise a child, for example.
This is how they learned. Not from some government-controlled, bureaucratic, politically correct organization, but rather, from their own parents’ experience. Which do you think has a child’s best interests at heart?
Then, at the end of the day, when the males were done working, they would come home from the fields. The children could then get a glimpse at how their parents interacted, thus learning about functional male/female relationships. They would notice their father’s gentleness when hugging his wife, his volunteering to carry heavier objects for her. They would notice their mother’s eagerness to serve her husband after a long, hard day in the fields, and the way that she let him take the lead in the relationship, trusting in his guidance.
Agrarian Societies Teach You Values
Working on a farm taught families discipline as well; it taught them that you reap what you sow, and it taught them to appreciate hard work. It didn’t matter how much book knowledge you have, how arrogant you are, how attractive you are…nothing mattered except knowing how to farm, and putting in hard work.
If a man was lazy, he would have a poor harvest and his family would either starve to death or come close. Working on a farm taught them the value of depending on yourself and having control over your life and circumstances.
This is, in part, why the USA was a very morally upright nation during its toddler stage. This is also why America was very conservative (both fiscally and socially) during this time period—conservatives are borne out of hard work, liberals are borne out of the lack of it.
All was well; gender roles were in place, taxes were tremendously low due to almost nonexistent liberal attitudes, parents taught children morals, the government didn’t interfere too much in the peoples’ lives, and a strong sense of honor and purpose permeated the masses.
If it was discovered that a man was abusing his children, the men in the local town would have a stern talking to him, the implication being that if he continued, they would take whatever action was necessary to stop the abuse. The local patriarchy upheld order within its own domain – not some massive, centralized, bureaucratic entity, too crippled by its size to actually solve anything.
Enter The Industrial Age
This all started to change in the early-mid 1800’s; factories began sprouting up, and the US began to become more and more urban. It was gradual of course, but nonetheless it progressed.
Some families even sent their daughters away to factories; many viewed this as a horrible sacrilege against the traditional gender roles which had governed society for so long. Men were expected to work, not women! Women were delicate, emotional, and nurturing; they were supposed to work at home, doing womanly things.
Regardless, families were enticed by mediocre wages and promises of “educating” their daughters. Many caved and sent their daughters off; this began the dissolution of gender roles.
It Only Got Worse…
More and more men (and women) began to go to factories and move to urban areas; and eventually, the “only men work,” belief started to fade away. This move towards an urban civilization posed a massive problem, because young boys learned how to be men by working alongside their fathers in the fields, and young girls learned how to be women from working alongside their mothers.
In a factory, there is none of this. Many boys began to see their fathers less and less, and their mothers were tasked with teaching them how to be men. The problem, however, is that women can’t teach boys how to be men.
First Wave Feminism
By the 1860’s, factories were sprouting up everywhere, women and men were being sent off to factories, gender roles were slowly, but steadily dissolving, and the first wave of feminism was growing more popular by the minute. Women had successfully gained greater financial power, and now they wanted more.
Why? Well it’s quite simple, really. Women wanted to have their cake and eat it too. Women wanted to be treated like princesses, have men cater to them, and have men pay for all of their needs, but they also wanted all of the responsibility and power that came with being a man.
Women have always wanted this, since the beginning of time. I do not blame them for this, and neither should you. It is in a woman’s nature to manipulate and get what she wants, thus it is a man’s responsibility to maintain a strong frame and keep her in her place. So, instead of blaming women, blame the men for being too beta and naïve to realize that women should not wield the same power as men, as they are not biologically or psychologically capable of doing so.
Feminism Ran Its Course
Regardless of who to blame, however, the insidious seed of feminism was planted into the heads of women… and once it is planted, it cannot be undone.
Over the next 50 or so years, society became more and more urbanized. Men working at factories became far more common, and consequently young boys being raised without fathers did too. Many women even chose to go off to factories as well; many of their children were sent off to public school, as neither a man nor a woman was home to raise them.
Public Schools: The Catalyst That Destroys The Nuclear Family
“But Jon, isn’t school a good thing?” I can hear you ask.
Education is a good thing—public schools, however, are entirely different. I personally got a Catholic education, and am extremely grateful for it. Even though I’m not religious, my Catholic teachers instilled many great values into me.
I learned the value of discipline and hard work. I learned how to dress like a man (ladies wore skirts, boys wore slacks and a button down shirt and tie). I learned that traditional values aren’t “uncool,” like the media tries to convince our youth, but rather that they’re the only way to live a successful, fulfilling life.
As most ROK readers know, public schools nowadays are brainwashing factories, but some of you may also be quick to point out that it wasn’t always like this—and you’re right. This isn’t the point, however—whenever the education of an entire youth is put into a single, centralized power, it’s only a matter of time before the nation collapses.
The reasons for this are twofold: first, the bureaucracy always pushes an agenda onto the children, and second, it teaches the children to rebel against their parents. They no longer view their parents as guiding forces in their life, but rather as obstacles to being “cool,” and outdated fools who “just don’t get it.”
Okay, You’ve Made Your Point – But Just How Bad Was It?
By 1910, 72% of children attended public schools. On one hand, this was good, because the literacy rate improved vastly. On the other hand, however, this was horrible, because by having the government control what children are taught, they can easily control what children will come to think and believe. As I said earlier, this is where the brainwashing began.
Likewise, around the same time, many of the men in the USA were far more emasculated than the previous generation. The generation of young boys who went to public school during the early 1900’s were byproducts of first wave feminism, and the dissolution of the agrarian society (which remember, means that their fathers weren’t around to teach them how to be a man).
Around the same time, women began to push for more rights. Men were too occupied with work, distraught by cultural changes, and/or emasculated to stand up to their wives or do anything about it, so they just decided to appease them. They gave women the right to vote, rather than telling their wives to stop with the bullshit protesting and complaining.
Well Shit, Now Women Can Vote (2nd Wave Feminism)
The problem with this is that giving women the right to have ANY say in a country’s politics has been historically proven to be a terrible mistake, time and time again. Don’t believe me? Look at the Arab empire—in the 10th century women demanded to hold positions that were once exclusively reserved for men. Soon after women held positions as judges, professors, and lawyers, government and public order collapsed, leaving them vulnerable to foreign invasion. History is ridden with examples of how once women are given political power, everything goes to shit – look at Rome, Greece, Babylon, and lastly… the USA. (Source: The Fate of Empires).
Is it then a coincidence that suddenly, RIGHT after women were granted the right to vote, liberal policies such as the social security act were enacted soon thereafter? Is it a coincidence that there was a massive spike in the amount of liberalism in the country? Is it a coincidence that there was soon a huge increase in welfare?
It is not; as I said before, women are extremely emotional and thus easily swayed by emotional appeals. In fact, many women even elected Warren Harding (the election of 1920, just 1 year after women could vote) simply because “he was handsome.”
As the country began to become more and more industrialized, as more and more boys began to be deprived of male role models, and as more and more women went off to work, the country steadily became more and more liberal as women gained more wealth and power.
History has shown us that whenever women are given the right to vote, the country slowly, but surely becomes more socially and fiscally liberal until its demise. Again, if you don’t believe me look at the Roman Empire, the Roman Republic, Greece, the Ottoman Empire, and now the USA.
Enter Third Wave Feminism
This increase in social and fiscal liberalism led to the massive feminist movement of the 1960’s. However, the difference between this wave of feminism and the previous two was that this one wasn’t entirely grass-roots.
Yes, there was an enormous amount of anti-male sentiment present in the minds of women during this time period, however the third wave of feminism was catalyzed by the CIA and the elite. They funded women’s lib. Yes, that’s right. Here is where I will likely lose many of you, as few people understand just how insidious the US government and the elite are.
If you don’t believe me, however, maybe you will believe Aaron Russo, a political activist who ran for governor of the state of Nevada as a Republican in 1998. Aaron Russo has also made several libertarian leaning political documentaries and went on to run for the President of the United States in 2004 under the Libertarian party. Watch the video below.
Like Russo says, feminism was not some noble crusade. Rather, the elite wanted to be able to tax both men AND women. They wanted to break apart the nuclear family in order to push kids into public schools and start indoctrinating them.
This was the true motivation for third wave feminism. Of course, the elite and the politicians didn’t say that; that wouldn’t sound good to the public. So instead, they did what politicians always do. They spun a selfishly motivated grab for wealth and power to sound like a heroic endeavor.
Men Are Inferior, Women Don’t Need Them
Thus, third wave feminism was born in the 1960’s. Third wave feminism exposed young men to constant propaganda such as the phrase “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle,” and were frequently told about how men have been oppressing women for years. Consequently, young boys began to believe that there was almost something wrong with being a man, and they began emulating women.
The 1960’s was a crucial turning point in this game; look at your grandparents’ generation compared to the baby boomers. The differences are startling.
What caused the cultural revolt of the 60’s to be so much more powerful than any of the preceding cultural revolts? The mass media, of course. Before the mass media, when daddy was off working mommy would take responsibility for raising the kids, and even though she couldn’t raise her sons to be men, she could still at least do a decent job.
Even if both Mom and Dad were working, the kids would at least have to play with one another, read books, or find something intellectually challenging to keep them from getting bored.
The media changed all of that.
The Media Exacerbates Trends (Good Or Bad)
With a TV in the house, however, mommy could slack off and plop the kids in front of a central narrative machine to be brainwashed. And with the media being controlled by a few wealthy, elite spectators who don’t have the nation’s best interest at heart, obviously the media isn’t going to raise children for the better.
So with the mass media permeating nearly every aspect of peoples’ lives, they began to abandon traditional values in lieu of more “progressive” ones. The media began to teach children to rebel from a young age—and how can children learn from their parents if they are taught from the time that they’re two years old that their parents are old, stupid, uncool, and “just don’t understand”?
In addition to this, the youth became more accustomed to being passively entertained, as opposed to actively entertaining themselves (reading, playing games, etc.), which laid the foundation for future passive entertainment such as pornography and all forms of brain-rotting social media.
This spike in passive entertainment effectively started the journey towards mass stupidity; instead of young children actively exercising their brains through reading, learning a new skill, socializing, or playing sports, they simply slumped in front of a TV and took in whatever was given to them.
As children became more and more accustomed to being catered to, this became the culture of their generation. They wanted others to fix their problems, even if they were self-induced. Ever wonder why the baby boomer’s generation was dubbed the “Me” generation?
Thus, without many good parents teaching children ethics, with young men becoming increasingly beta, and with logical capabilities crashing through the floor, the propaganda on TV was a huge success.
The Liberal Machine
The massive liberal machine began to grow exponentially. First it was feminism, then it was the normalization of homosexuality, the normalization of divorce, the nuclear family began to fall apart, and here we are today, living in a “fem-topia.”
Things will only become worse, however – history has shown us the pattern that every great empire follows. Soon, pedophilia will be legalized (just like it was in Rome), and heterosexuality will become a taboo.
Soon it will be normal for children to be molested, bestiality will become far more common, AIDS rates will skyrocket, and straight white men will be persecuted. Soon, we will be forced to play along with the narrative lest we lose our jobs, and our families starve.
I realize that this is very depressing, but I always like to end with some practical advice…
Okay, So What Do We Do?
So then, if the trend cannot be reversed, what do the men with eyes to see this degeneracy do? The answer is simple—go elsewhere. Many men have caught onto this already—the “Great Exodus,” as it is dubbed in the manosphere is happening as we speak.
Men from all over the Western world are migrating to more hospitable lands in the east; lands where gender still means something, and isn’t a thing you can just decide to change.
We must “Ride the Tiger,” as Italian esotericist Julius Evola would say. He postulated that humanity, as a whole, is at a tipping point. We are experiencing such a rapid change, and a rapid dissolution of spirituality (and remember, he said this in the mid 1900’s), that there is no way we can fight it.
We must ride it out.
Here’s some tips to make the transition smooth…
Work On Creating Passive Income
This one is major. Within the next several decades, it will be very common for men to get fired for speaking up about anti-male propaganda, expressing distaste towards homosexuality, and valuing traditional gender roles. In fact, it’s already starting to happen, but it’s only going to get worse.
By creating passive income, you can say what you want without fear of poverty. Roosh can say what he wants, because this blog sustains him—in fact, it had to. Many of you might not know this, but Roosh was actually paranoid for years; he realized that he could be fired from his position as an industrial microbiologist at any moment if his employer found out about his blog.
Now, this doesn’t mean you have to create a blog, although it is a great way to earn some side revenue. You can also learn to day trade, start a business, monetize a YouTube channel, get into Amazon mercantilism, or publish eBooks.
I tweeted about buying stock in ABX on January 6th, and since then it’s almost doubled. I’ll be tweeting stock advice every now and then, so that neomasculine men can slowly gain more financial power in the world, but if you’re trying to make money investing I recommend a combination of reading Motley Fool, Seeking Alpha, and making predictions about where the world is headed (right now towards another collapse).
Buy Some Fucking Guns
You never know when the shit will hit the fan; it’s always good to be prepared. A fellow author wrote about this here – I think it’s a great introduction, and at the very least, it will give you an idea of what you’re looking for in a gun. In addition to this, it’s a good idea to create a bug out bag and learn some survivalist skills. You never know when you’ll have to use them.
Keep Your Goddamn Mouth Shut
Until you are completely financially independent, DO NOT risk getting fired. I am telling you from personal experience, it is not worth it. I used to try to convince everyone that feminism was cancer, but I quickly learned that most people will think you’re crazy, and the rest will try to get you fired or expelled (when I was in school).
If you find someone who seems to have a general sense of unease at the state of the world, you can try to slowly push him down the path that we’ve all gone down, that led us here. Be careful though, too much truth revealed at once will cause a severe backlash.
Improve Yourself
Even though the time we live in isn’t very great for living a fulfilling, honorable life, it’s still great for fucking tons of women.
Work on your game, lift weights, meditate, read, and find other like-minded men.
In Summary
In summary, there are several lessons that you should keep in mind:
- When women are given the right to vote, everything goes to shit.
- When a single centralized power controls the youth’s education, everything goes to shit.
- Without the nuclear family, everything goes to shit.
Every reader of ROK should know these things by heart—history has shown us time and time again that they are true. If you can convince others of these things, that’s great, but if they don’t want to listen, then don’t waste your time.
Work on improving yourself, and preparing yourself for the imminent collapse of the West, so that you can be prepared to make a difference when it will really count.
Read More: What Happened To Ashley?
This gets my vote for article of the month of April, and April just started.
You might have also injected how religious institutions became permeated by the cancer of social justice philosophy, but this is a small caveat. Your article should be required reading for any would be parents.
Well done Jon Anthony. Well done. You deserve your own seat and title as a “Knight of the Roosh table.”
Exactly my thoughts, Daniel Ramos, exactly.
This is possibly the best article I have seen which mirrors my own perceptions and conclusions so completely, from the strong agricultural, community, and familial ties to public education, Woodrow Wilson and 1910 to the understanding that there was more profit/control/taxes to be had by subjugating men and women and breaking through the protections inherit in nuclear families (the true and only goals of third wave feminism). Outstanding article.
I had to go back up and check who the author was. It sounded a lot like Aaron Clarey’s style initially.
Bravo, Jon.
It took a lot of time and painstaking research to come across information like this, he certainly didn’t google or wikipedia the results.
This should definitely be commended.
Very true esp. passive income. I am currently working hard to make more sales commissions; my long term plan is to gather together an investment grubstake so I can trade forex and futures.
Definitely also keeping your mouth shut except in certain company. I wish ROK readers could form a clandestine society so we could communicate online and in the real world.
Farming though? Ugh I hate that. 🙂
We could buy up a bunch of land and start our own communities but I doubt that would end too well.
They would mock us until we start to prosper, then they’ll demand our resources.
See attached.
I figured it would end like most of the other groups with the government just shooting us or arresting everyone and taking what we made to destroy it. Then claiming we were nothing more than a terrorist organization.
That’s why you start small with your family first, then build into a community.
You do not need to farm, either. How about a small machine shop, or 3-d printery, etc?
I could get with that. I hate farming/yard work.
I would be very interested in tinkering with a 3D printer. Any idea how hard it is to pick up and go with one of them? Are they fairly user friendly?
Me too. I hire lawn care people to take care of the plants on the back of my condo.
I picked up a lulzbot mini printer last summer, and it’s been fun to work with. There are always learning curves, especially with release, material properties, leveling, etc. I’ve had good results with this one. The software is accessible (Cura), and I’m skilling to use it to cast parts with aluminum. I’ve got to acquire a small furnace yet.
Some people love gardening, I don’t get it.
It’s a useless activity. I can have groceries delivered by a service, that’s where food comes from. I have no idea what this whole “gardening” thing is supposed to do, who has time for that?
You ain’t got time to bleed!
Or, apparently, have any idea on what to do when the life you live is no longer possible due to circumstances outside your control.
Don’t take lolknee too seriously. No one else does.
If that happens, I’ll take a bottle of whiskey to the bay, along with a gun, and kill myself. Problem solved.
I see you’re following the Aaron Clarey retirement plan.
A world without concierge service is not a world I want to live in.
Come around to my parts and ride motorcycles with me. You’ll change your mind.
I’ve been thinking of doing that this summer, but I’m not sure if roads stop existing just outside the city limits of New York CIty or not.
This is fun.
Nothing I can add to that. Man gets to choose how his life ends, period.
You’ll fall right off the side of the world. It’s flat after all.
That’s my assumption. I only recognize a few places, most other places in the U.S. are “flyover country” and all of south and central America is “Mexico”. They try to tell me they come from other places, but I tell them that I don’t care about their football team.
Just an FYI, yesterday was an April Fool’s prank between Unabashed and myself, and possibly lolknee but I’m not sure if he was posting. A conspiracy to be goofy. I was imitating him, that’s not who I actually am, heh.
always funny to read those articles. at the end it’s all about fucking “tons of girls”.. yeah decadence is everywhere, same as hookup culture that you’re promoting in every single article in ROK instead of promoting families and christian values (abstinence).
You realize there are multiple authors for this site, each with their own outlook and opinions, right?
No, no I don’t think it does, Ghost.
Do they all live in New York City?
I don’t get why some of these people expect the people here to be some huge monolith. This isn’t a dictatorship.
Because that’s how their SJW cult works. On “their” sites, the views are all monolithic (nice word) and strongly controlled and regulated. They don’t understand that not everybody is like them.
Your point would have some validity had it been ROK readers or Roosh who had brought about the social changes of feminism and the collapse of family life and morality. But it wasn’t. It was the left from the 1950s onwards. They created the world of broken families, promiscuity and collapsing civilisation. They took away all the old social codes, morals, teachings and forces for restraint.
And in this new world of no restraint, of animalistic individualism there are winners and losers and ROK readers are simply those who want to understand and want to win, want to make the best of a bad situation. I daresay quite a few men here, especially those a little older, would actually be glad to see the end of hook-up culture, would accept the duties of marriage, had society not been so undermined by feminists and liberals. But hook up culture is here, thanks to feminism, and marriage has been destroyed. The fact some men refuse to behave as cuckolds and go along with it hardly makes us the same as those who brought about the decadence in the first place.
“every single article” really?
I’m a person of Christian faith and i can tell that you haven’t bothered to read much of ROK if you take it to be as cliched as you make it out to be.
We have a wide variety of articles covering every possible field of study and skill-set. From gun usage to the philosophies of ancient scholars, to waxing intelligently on politicians and the State of masculinity and religion, ROK is many things but sex specific is not one of them.
This ignorant comment sounds like it came from someone trying to pass themselves off as a person of faith. It falls flat, fails fully and feels foolish.
You just created this account, so i take it to be the bowel movement of a troll until you can prove otherwise.
No sir, you understand me perfectly. when I read a ROK article about 5 masculines activities, about the 3 mandatory gym exercices or about why Trump is a different candidate, sure there’s nothing about hookup culture.
Beside, there’s a lot of articles promoting night clubs and bars pick-up, having fast sex with lot of girls because “well, feminism destroy western girls mind you know, mariage is dead.. so let’s bang the most of them”.. it’s Nero watching Rome burning while playing his fiddle.
Also, this argue of “we’re guys, we must have sex” is the weakest statement for a guy spending his time fighting in other areas of his life.
if western women are fucked up, we should get out of the game for good and develop other sides of our lives, find a wife from a decent family and a country where values of honor are still important.
only this way one can be logic with himself.
Check out articles made by an (I’m assuming) older author like Aurelius Moner.
More Chicken Little horseshit. The west is going to collapse? What does that even fucking mean? You cannot move away from the inevitable march of technology which is the cause of all the revolts cited. Moving away is simply ostriching. Either you face real life or you will leave it to your kids to face (unless they continue to run away and move to more traditional places, which by that time, the only ones left will be African tribes or fundamentalist Islam).
Learn how to control your life, your woman, and live in modern society, or stfu. Traditional female roles? Fuck that. Maybe when she had to walk the laundry down to the river, but traditional housework now requires only a few hours a week. Woman better be bringing in a paycheck.
The future will be a mix of traditional practices and modern technology, e.g. local/farm to table agriculture using modern techniques and strains/hybrids, home produced goods – with the help of a 3D printer, home/community schooling – utilizing the internet’s limitless source of information and connectivity. But collapse… nope.
Out of curiosity, how many children do you have?
If any, are you leaving their education to the state?
You must, as you talk about “Woman better be bringing in a paycheck”
OP pointed out how craptastic this decision is.
My wife’s job is our children, and I have way more than you. It’s a full time job, one that I’m glad she does, and that I have made this possible.
THAT is the highest and best use of a woman’s time, not some fucking paycheck from an office where she’s under constant bombardment by the feminist cuckservative scum.
Zero for now.
When we do have them, it will most likely a private charter school. For example, we have a wonderful German immersion school around here.
Kids don’t have to be a full time job, especially if they are in school. I’m a well adjusted latch key kid myself. I make plenty good money so once the wife graduates, she is free to find a good job, not just some shit office/corporate drone. Likely a charitable organization that helps better the community as a whole.
I thought much as you do now.
I am simply text on the screen, but you will find out what you don’t know when you do have children. The world is not what it was when you were a latchkey kid.
I’m sure my views will change as they always do.
However, the world being different is kind of my point. It is different and its never going back. I am not planning on living my life scared of society, change, and the future like I see so many people are currently doing. An out of touch, pampered, reality television star is a leading challenger for president because millions of people are scared of change and think that he, as president, can somehow magically turn the dial back to a romanticized past. I’d rather figure out how to continue make a society work successfully going down the technology path than try to fight the current of human ingenuity and push us down the repressive way it used to be path. With the latter, you end up with systems like militant Islam.
You lost me at “Women are more emotionally intelligent”, trying to cast this as a positive value.
In fact it’s a dyscivic handicap that was better suited to tribalism and living in mud huts.
This is why women were relegated to the home and disallowed from voting. Civilization development requires cold hard competition, which results in law, justice, and peace. This benefits women.
You don’t develop this in your intro into the industrial age, which should be the core of your argument as to the “How” of the fall of the United States.
Otherwise, the advice part is pretty good. Especially the “keep your mouth shut” part. That also means private email, VPN if needed, ditching social media except for business use, and ditching the smartphone. Since Reddit is now being scoped by the NSA one should expect that discourse will be more monitored than ever.
“You lost me at “Women are more emotionally intelligent”, trying to cast this as a positive value.”
Well it is a value when one factors in how this would be of considerable benefit if one was designed to function as a nurturer. Emotions allow a female to bond with her progeny more effectively, which is why their entire brain is streamlined to make the synaptic transmission of emotion more efficient than ours. It’s a double edged sword of course, but for the purpose of my example it definitely corresponds to the positive end of the sword.
OP’s context is the decline of America. “Nurturing” cannot be turned outward, as it destroys.
Your sword analogy is terribad, too. The “positive” edge still cuts the shit out of you, if you don’t know how to hold the hilt your opponent will cut the shit out of you, and you stab yourself in the foot with the point.
A better one is the sheath. The sheath protects what’s inside, it does not attack or defend, and presents a pretty face and obvious warning to the world that might require the sword to be drawn.
When men think of women as swords, and not sheaths, the world turns to shit.
But the fact remains “nurturing” of the next generation of children, Alpha males specifically, is of undeniable benefit.
My analogy isn’t bad, your understanding of it is. It goes without saying that a person that doesn’t know how to wield a sword is also a person who should not be handing a sword in the first place.
You also misinterpreted the context of my example. I wasn’t referring to females as “swords” i was referring to them as nurturers, which would actually be the equivalent of comparing them to a sheath, since a sheath does for a sword what a Mother would normally do for a child: protect and conceal.
“It’s a double edged sword of course, but for the purpose of my example
it definitely corresponds to the positive end of the sword.”
Terribad analogy, as per above.
“It goes without saying that a person that doesn’t know how to wield a
sword is also a person who should not be handing a sword in the first
Swords are much like analogies.
“You also misinterpreted the context of my example. I wasn’t referring to
females as “swords” i was referring to them as nurturers”
I pointed out how terrible your analogy was, not that you were referring to women as swords. I used such delightful innuendo to do so as well.
“When men think of women as swords, and not sheaths, the world turns to shit.”
You turned this last line of mine into your own thoughts, and responded as if I had accused you of that.
Which tells me you think of women as swords.
“Terribad analogy, as per above.”
Repetition doesn’t make you any less incorrect than last time.
“Swords are much like analogies.”
Red herrings also don’t help your cause any.
“I pointed out how terrible your analogy was, not that you were referring to women as swords. I used such delightful innuendo to do so as well.”
The only thing you’re pointing out is how successful you are at building a Strawman argument.
“You turned this last line of mine into your own thoughts, and responded as if I had accused you of that.”
I did no such thing. This was your remark not mine and i never once paraphrased it or otherwise quoted it in totum.
“Which tells me you think of women as swords.”
Your logic is as sensible as a common core pop quiz.
Why, now I recognize you, your majesty! You are the secret king!
“I did no such thing. This was your remark not mine and i never once paraphrased it or otherwise quoted it in totum.” – you
“You turned this last line of mine into your own thoughts, and responded as if I had accused you of that.” – me
I had to add the you and me parts so that you can withdraw from the field gracefully, your majesty.
All your base are belong to us.
People often refer to emotional intelligence as meaning the ability to read the subliminal, body language, etc. which is an extremely powerful skill to have. I do believe women are innately better at this.
“That also means private email, VPN if needed, ditching social media except for business use, and ditching the smartphone.”
What exactly do you mean here? Nothing compromising on the smartphone even? All these things are wide open to gov and corporate spying.
I can no longer function without some source of realtalk, like emailing my red pilled brother and listening to podcasts.
I am literally not willing to work and participate in this fucked up society without those escapes.
“If it was discovered that a man was abusing his children, the men in the local town would have a stern talking to him”.
My Grandfather told me when he was a little boy, there was a little girl in his one room school house, who was constantly showing up to school with bruises, and apparently her father was a worthless drunk. So my Grandfather’s Dad, and the rest of the Fathers all got together and they paid the father of the Bruised up little girl a “Visit”. My Grandfathers Dad when he got home from the “Visit”, told my Grandfather, that there was going to be no more Bruises on that little girl, and that her Father and all the rest of the other Fathers had come to an “Understanding” that there was never going to be a bruise on the little girl again. The drunk father Never touched his daughter again.
Similar thing happened in the 1950’s in my dads neighborhood in NYC. One of his friends had a younger uncle (father and friends were 8-10, uncle was only 25) that was WAYYYY to nice to the kids and way too interested in them. Turns out he liked to “put things in boys henie’s” . Some of the local men beat the living shit out of him and he left that neighborhood soon after. Problem solved.
…except for the kids in the neighborhood he moved to.
Excellent point !!!
I know it’s not exactly what you mean but a beating is just too lenient as well as lacking in efficiency
Lol their “henie’s” were in jeopardy yet again.
Now everyone expects government to handle it, and as with everything else they do a lousy job.
one big inconsistency of many authors on this blog, is the support of the hookup culture, and sexual promiscuity. It almost look as if this blog has been infiltrated by the same people that this blog is speaking against, because they know that offering good analysis/information will interest men, and they know that they can neutralize men by encouraging them to indulge in sexual immorality.
If women are not equals to men, as many here argue, then women need protection. They need protection from our infinite appetite for sex. A man who say that women are not as rational as men, and at the same time say that one man’s goal in life should be to sleep with as much woman as possible… this man is not consistant. And this man is not honorable. Not chivalreous.
What is needed is a return to chivalry ethics, not retarded teenagers with childish lack of self-control.
Men need to read Augustine’s Confessions
A return to chivalry ethics would be interesting, but it takes a commitment from both sides. Are most women willing to be submissive to their husbands again and not whore around?
You’re right of course. Except for all the parts where you are wrong.
I’m GoJ…I’m never wrong.
I agree totally. It’s a shame you’re wrong about that.
Go back to hanging out at Starbucks leering at the yoga women as they pass by.
Yoga pants in spring are a nice thing. Sometimes I’ll mix some bourbon into my coffee and slap their little cheeks when they walk by. Some of them are “tourists”, whatever that means, I think from that place outside of New York, forget what it’s called. Whatever, it doesn’t matter, I don’t care about their football team.
I believe the place you’re thinking of is Chicago…it’s very similar to NYC.
Also, well done. I looked at your Diqus profile and was a little perplexed for a minute. Thought I was speaking to you know who for a few minutes. You nihilistic little twat, you.
To know me is to worship me.
Not it isn’t, it’s a myth created by the media to try and copy NYC. Hell I can’t even consider anything outside of Manhattan as truly New York City.
You should have seen the original reaction to you know who, when I first replied to his comment this morning. He wasn’t too happy until he realized what was going on. Gold.
You mean Unabashed?
You’re actually right. We’ve been lying to you all along. I actually live just down the block from you. Nothing truly exists outside of NYC.
Nope. Haven’t seen him all day.
What’d you have EGO waffles for breakfast? 🙂
Stop changing your picture ! It troubles me a lot…
Exactly my point.
Me thinks thou dost protest too much.
Ah give me a break Jeff I thought that was good.
I’m up front about being a narcissistic bastard. Everybody knows that.
One side of the dark triad, go with it.
I’m incognito
What thread?
The April Fool’s article from this morning. He edited his response after he figured out what was going on. Thought I was a troll following him around…partially correct.
You do know who you’re talking to here, right? Oohhhh…I’m doing that good am I?! Well there we go.
It would be good if I didn’t have a general idea of how many upvotes each of you guys have, heh. Nice try.
No, I meant that the “he” you’re talking about, well, you’re talking to right now. Just with Scotch on his breath.
Wait…now I’m confused…
You know it’s a good prank when its originator gets confused.
Yeah, I actually went back and had to look again, hah! Well played, sir.
I have this shit down tight.
There’s going to be a lot of confused people tomorrow…if they aren’t confused already.
That’s ok because technically they don’t really exist outside of the internet.
That’s right, they’re all just computer programs, but not me. I’m real, honest.
victim mentality
easy excuse to stay passive
someone has to start
and chivalry would suggest that men start
Fuck Chivalry.
How is chivalry working out for all of those “nice guys” that we read across the internet crying about women not wanting them?
They’re just not chivalring hard enough.
Maybe they need to get a powered snow chivaler-er
Insta magic change back to self. New graphic though, changing things up a bit.
Yeah I changed my graphic up a bit too. Same theme.
It’s too hard being you. Good thing I only have to do it once a year.
In order to have true chivalry, we need to find it’s roots and see what it means. Most readers are still young and still have the blue pill-jonesing. Just by pointing to chivalry is not enough. We need to redefine it – and what better candidates than our ROK members ?
Well said.
None of these things are profitable or even possible when you have a fascist govt/corporate complex inimical to those interests.
The only answer is absolute collapse and a restructuring of society to forms of neo tribalism(hey gotta start somewhere).
Males of the west will not survive the coming darkness unless they become a savage.
My goal is to become a kind of noble savage who has a code of ethics that are more important than his own safety.
One thing is for sure it is going to get ALOT WORSE. You can harden yourselves now or pay the price later for you and your loved ones.
When are you going to let me in your Telegram group with Unabashed? He’s my hero, don’t ya know.
Come on in
“They need protection from our infinite appetite for sex.”
Aaaaaaaaaaand your point is gone.
Women desire sex as much as or more than men. This is why patriarchy was developed, as it prevented women from shitting on civilization with their hypergamous appetites.
Women who do not voluntarily place themselves into the protection of men through marriage and advocate feminism, cock-carousel riding, abortion, no fault divorce, etc. deserve NO protection.
Your white knighting and straw manning, along with attempting to guilt men over their notch count is worthy of Jezebel.
Rose-colored glasses. The old American farm wasn’t all that bucolic. Those families had it tough, really tough —
— and no amount of “hard work” could make rain fall. That’s why they ended up on their knees in church, the whole family every weekend, praying like hell.
The farms emptied out for a reason. People were looking for easier lives.
Easier is not better, as it turns out.
We may have to disagree on that. American longevity has increased by about twenty-five years since the turn of the twentieth century. The advances in plumbing and antibiotics have allowed us to live better, and longer.
Pitching bales of hay for ten hours a day is grunt work. It’s not going to necessarily make your life any more meaningful. It severely damages the body after a couple decades.
I’m more in line with Grok and the paleo lifestyle. Save your energy for hunting.
Do you lift, bro?
That’s a bit cheeky, I know. However, lifting to improve muscle mass used to be bucking bales. Not to mention work ethic, determination, and good wages.
Yes, farming is tough. Yes, its hard work. It made for a hard people. Easier life makes for softer people, and its not better.
Yes, I lift usually three times a week, 30-40 minutes each. You don’t need more than that to maintain good muscle mass.
When did pitching bales of hay pay well?
Work ethic can be built in a thousand other ways. Go to any research lab, for starters.
It’s a weird myopia that says that one has to be a 19th-century farmer to understand hard work.
My grandparents had a farm and I’ve pitched bails of hay. The only way it made my life more meaningful is that I learned I don’t want to fucking pitch bails of hay for a living.
If farming paid good wages, John Melloncamp wouldn’t have a career.
Thank you for posting this article. I have been thinking a lot and was wondering where to begin with addressing this topic. None of what we experienced came from a vacuum. Even the vilifying of men in the public domain of today. Needless to say public indoctrination has served the oligarchy well.
Here’s a tip: help the Misandry Bubble pop.
Not a bad idea actually. The sluts I’ve been banging, I have exposed to a relative depraved way of treatment both in bed and in general. After cutting ties, they sure as shit won’t be looking for assholes no more. Most of them have locked a young betaish-alphaish dude and have babies. Even though I cringe a little, I’m glad they are starting families. So your idea is good !
2016 and counting
I thought this site was moving away from the “move to greener pastures” mentality.
The time for running is rapidly coming to an end. Greener pastures won’t stay greener for much longer. Eastern Europe, South America and East Asia are westernizing. Rapidly. It won’t take much time for them to be indistinguishable from the west. I don’t know what the solution is. Western Europe is gone, nothing can save it now. America still has a chance to resolve things peaceably, but whether change comes peaceably or violently, I don’t think the US will go the way of western Europe. However, America’s days as a world power is coming to an end. The era of western civilization’s dominance (and by extension, Anglo-Saxon dominance) of the world is ending. The future will likely be dominated by Eastern Europe and Asia, in particular Russia and China.
Can’t really blame many men though, a lot don’t have anything here to fight for. Who would want to stay and fight for a land that hates them?
I suppose that’s the end game, so that there’s no opposition from us.
This video of the disgusting Fields in action is worth a view:
Seriously, John Edwards was nearly elected entirely based off of his looks. Later, as we all know, he was found to have committed some unscrupulous acts against his wife by stealing campaign funds to cover up his mistress from his cancer stricken wife. Women really know best don’t they
Fuck social justice, fuck anal marriage, fuck limp wristed leftists, and fuck the bloated and useless federal government. Most of all, fuck my retarded millennial peers who literally vote for someone or stand for something just to fit in. We could use an article on how to counter the anal marriage argument of, it won’t affect you.
+1. Can you write it? – I like the ‘cut of your jib’!
Sure I’ve considered writing for the site. Don’t know that I have the time or the will to write multiple articles though. Thanks though. Most men on here are quite refined, mature, and respectable. I like to think of my self as raw aggressiveness and holding to the truth relentlessly. Unbridled passion. Though I try to keep it bottled most of the time.
Just ask Dan
Some nice talent in that photo. I like to go to the park and pick up chicks in bikinis, which fortunately they wear in Central Park, because nothing actually exists “for real” outside of NYC.
You’re really doing a number on this guy!
It was an April fools thing. We all conspired together, it was on purpose. Lolknee is an internet buddy, all in good fun. Unabashed was playing the role of “me”.
It was pretty obvious that every one was on it! Kinda weird how in-character you guys were.
For fucks sake RoK how long we going to beat this dead horse?
And by the media you mean the Jews.
Oh, and if you guys haven’t figured it out now, feminism was also created by the Jews in order to decimate the population of the West (i.e. white people) so as to facilate the mudvasion.
so how come you didn’t mention that Aaron Russo – whose video is prominently featured in this article – as well as Milo Yiannopoulos are Jews?
He didn’t say ‘all Jews’. There are some decent Jews who aren’t on board with the whole ‘killing the host that we feed off of’ trend, but most Jews are ideologically inclined to act in ways that harm the ethnic interest of whites (which is really very shortsighted because I can see no evidence that their current privileged position will be possible under a non-white majority.)
If you think he’s wrong just go check into the ethnic and religious backgrounds of the leading proponents of feminism… Jews are disproportionately represented to such an undeniably huge margin that their centrality in the rise of Feminism cannot credibly be denied (and this is true whether it’s an actual coordinated conspiracy or just Jews being Jews.)
he said what he said and i addressed exactly what he said. no reply from him not surprisingly – as most likely he’s just another Goldberg trying to troll bait naive readers.
Christ, I’m so TIRED of reading this “it’s all the Jews fault” bullshit. Fuck you. It’s the fucking collectivist philosophy that’s at fault. Plato wrote about it in The Republic…he wasn’t a Jew. WTF, get off the hate the Jews horse and stop the bullshit. I have a lot of Jewish friends who are conservative…Jews who are liberal, are LIBERAL, first and Jews somewhere way down the list. You can kick their asses, because they’re liberal fucks, fine, but NOT ’cause they’re Jews.
The same CANNOT be said for Islam, unfortunately.
Well, unfortunately about 65% of Jews are ideologically liberal to an extent that’s caustic to the ethnic interests of whites, and of the remaining 35% almost half are so radically conservative as to consider non-Jews subhuman and would thus also gladly sh-t on our group interests (which they do every time they subvert our political processes to get more military aide.)
This leaves about 20% as ‘good Jews’, so sure we need to look at people as individuals whenever possible, but to deny the ‘Jewish problem’ (i.e. their disproportionately high percentage of destructive ideologues) is just willful ignorance.
I would LOVE to grow that 20% proportion of Jews as allies for all that is good and wholesome (they make great allies when their interests align with ours) but until we can separate out the good Jews from the bad it’s best that we treat all with a healthy dose of suspicion.
interesting. and where exactly did you get those stats?
They aren’t all in one place… I’ll try to compile a list when I have a chance, but the significant liberal leaning is well documented (I was actually being conservative some estimates have it as high as 80%…) For the radical conservative underbelly you have to look at rates of Orthodox judaism, the ideology they believe, and how they treat non-Jews when they get direct political power (as they do in Israel) including degrees of popular support.
Regarding this article of ROK, this another one is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED:
Three reasons Why Women Should Not Vote
No, I don’t think its going to get that bad. This article is good, it speaks to some truths, but, believe it or not, we could have 1950s values and conditions with all the technology and comfort of life today in 2016. To me the biggest variable that has delivered us to this unfortunate state is cultural marxism and by extension propaganda. Screw top orange juice containers, instant global communication, advanced healthcare etc, enhances life, it doesn’t negate our natural instincts, which reduce to survive and procreate. Everyone knows intuitively that the nuclear family and heterosexuality are normal and healthy. It takes a tremendous amount of brainwashing and continued brainwashing to keep the lies of the left believed. That will prove to be their undoing. If they can rapidly change culture to be the opposite of what it was then it just as possible to rapidly change it back. The West, America…its just our turn to endure this plague known as socialism and communism. Such degeneracy and female liberation all happened a century ago when other nations went through their maxist stage. It failed then and it will fail here. Trump provides the best proof that there is a huge rejection of these “values”. If Trump is one thing he is against political correctness and its pc that empowers the freaks and rejects of the world to reign over us. Ponder that…how long do you honestly think a system where the losers dominate the winners will last?
I agree with you. In the 50s, men may have been away at the factory, but boys were still allowed on their own initiative to be boys, whether in rural America or inner city America.
When you realize just how big the propaganda machine is then you see the problem. If you take away this incessant machine no matter what the technology is, things will normalize because men and women have instincts and, unless perverted, we follow them.
The end point of advice is fine and practical for some but we really need to create a new government. We can’t just run. Did running stop the native americans from slaughter?
The TLDR version of how America went from greatness to irreversible decadence is “turning away from Christianity.”
“The Constitution was meant for a moral and religious people” – John Adams.
Or in other words: electing a new president will not magically turn the country into paradise or the Kingdom of Heaven.
America is doomed, but the right President, might be able to slow the rate of decline.
Long time reader, first time commenter. “The right president might slow the decline” is interesting, but I don’t think it is prudent.
I think we can all agree that this truck is going in the ditch regardless of who’s driving. If that’s the case then I say, “get it over with.”That being said, WHEN (not if) that happens, I think it is VITAL that a Prog is at the wheel. When they crash this thing, then maybe America can FINALLY get this whole Commie-Complex out its system.
Trump (or any Replican) won’t fix anything. I think the principles in The Road to Serfdom apply here. And when that happens, the voting sheep will go crying to the Lefties even harder to ” fix things” making THIS era of Progtardedness even more unbearable.
I say let them Bern this fucker down and start over.
This seems to be the only course (except that Hillary going to be their ‘man’ even if the Democrats have to fix it.) In the American system of governance, the president doesn’t propose laws- congress does. All the major players of the Republican (and Democrat) Party see Trump as a threat; most of his ‘colleagues’ would rather Hillary to him- he is basicially an independent with an R on the ticket. So who exactly gets his agenda moving? It would be pretty hard for a Libertarian leaning politician to push through everything he wants to do by executive order- especially when the two thirds necessary will always be there to veto it the second it goes against the globalist’s wishes. He might not be bought and paid for by subversive interests, but the fact remains that just about everyone else still is. Without a party to support him, whatever vision for the country he has gets stuck in limbo.
“American system of governance, the president doesn’t propose laws- congress does.”
While that is true, the Average Schmo, either blames or lauds whoever is in the whitehouse when anything happens. They are the de facto “ruler”, and representative of the collective ideology. That is why there seems to be so many knee-jerk shifts from one side of the paradigm to the other in regards to the “public consciousness” to political matters.
Even though the president doesn’t make the laws that will facilitate a decline, he or she is the face of the franchise for all the people that will look for someone to blame. He or she, will represent the “side” that screwed up. Even when they just happen to be holding the bag when it blows up. When that happens, I think it is better to have a Prog as the goat in that situation.
While I don’t vote, if this were like Australia, then I would vote Hillary. When she crashes the truck, people will blame Feminism and Progressivism, and kill two birds with one stone.
Christians lost the argument in the Enlightenment. Now the religion has turned into a form of Creative Anachronism.
Regardless, the historical facts are that America was founded by Christians for Christians. Its founding documents made extensive use of Christian principles. And the country’s sustained success prior to the 60s secular leftist takeover was due in large part to adhering to those principles, just as its decline since is due in large part to ignoring them.
The rot began with the reformation. Christianity splintered into spiritual shrapnel.
No. They want the power but not the responsibility that goes with it.
Muslims were right all along. No wonder the west demonizes them.
So was Christianity.
To an extent. They don’t control their women like Muslims, though. Look where Christianity got us.
They used to, more or less. No women voting, women had to dress modestly and with a head covering of some sort, all that. Yes, long ago, but they both had similar backgrounds in common.
I agree, but lack of control is what got us where we are now. The brutal harshness is needed.
Muslims condemn their women to death, even for crimes they did not initiate. Hardly worthy of comparing to Christianity.
And look at the livings standards and levels of civic development in Muslim societies. Our dogs and cats live better, and more fulfilling lives.
GoJ. did you retire the world’s most in interesting man?
Please stop. Do not support killers, rapist and baby killers.
Rather support them than support family killing, nation killing feminists like you.
Yes indeed. The grass is always greener on the other side of the sand dune. A free yazidi slave for you. Whatcha want? We got 10 year girls you can rape and abuse. Don’t worry about the parents saying anything because we murdered them before we kidnapped their children.
Excellent, man. Thanks for posting.
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a day. Teach an independent, empowered woman how to fish, and let the “Eww, like that is so gross!” commence.
I think you could substitute the name of many once great western nations for America in the title and this article would all make sense.
Funny how we don’t hear about Israel’s fall from greatness to irreversible decadence.
No you don’t. That’s because Israel’s best years are ahead of her, not behind her.
Of all the countries in the developed world, only Israel has a better chance than even of making it to 2050 without become a Latin banana republic with atomic bombs or a failed state ungovernable except by the local version of the Taliban. Even Russia’s future is an open Question after Putin.
Exodus huh? Yeah thats sweet it really is and where to exactly? There are no real frontiers anymore. Space is still not viable. Why the majority should leave so an insane minority that cannot even support itself can take over is a mystery to me. This government will be overthrown, it has no support. Without the law backing them the criminal oligarchs will either flee or die. After that the demographics will change. Without free shit, the freeloaders will either leave or die. Those that want to stay will be made to go. America is gone, but something homogeneous and permanent will replace it.
My dad grew up in the countryside and told me he’d learned most stuff not directly from his father, but usually from older boys. I imagine this could have been true even back then. Dads would have to work a lot. Any thoughts?
I do not think this is quite true. Back when there was a lot of hardship, I imagine people would help each other out a lot more. Actually, this is a good argument against the social security system, where true compassion turns into a bothersome obligation and do-gooder narcissism.
Good article but:
“History has shown us that whenever women are given the right to vote, the country slowly, but surely becomes more socially and fiscally liberal until its demise. (…) look at the Roman Empire, the Roman Republic, Greece, the Ottoman Empire, and now the USA.”
I think you falsely stated that the Roman Republic and Greece failed because women gained the right to vote – that never happened.
You should correct that unless you have evidence/sources.
This is an RoK article. That sort of stuff doesn’t matter. It’s all about gut feelsies.
I’m seriously concerned – historical inaccuracies don’t help anyone.
Good tips as well, but leaving is not a necessity. Things are changing and will change, if deus vult.
Manosphere is too pessimistic at times – we have the ever growing ROK (hope the meet-ups will continue) & Roosh, Milo Yannopoulous, Lauren Southern, so many people standing up against feminism and other liberal stupidities (the alt-right, Trump, Marie La Pen, this is all new). Men shouldn’t whine, but take action.
Leaving is not an option. It’s spreading EVERYWHERE.
Is something a bit too pessimistic about the tone here some of the time.. Why are people so convinced that this is so unstoppable, it smells of “the world will end on ___ “
Yeah, grow a pair, if you see a problem fix it, and enjoy life to the fullest. I agree man.
Before public education the literacy rate for those of a white European background was around 90%. It was only around 50% in England at the time. The colonies always had a tradition of learning. Even men of modest means owned books (which weren’t cheap at the time).
It can be argued that literacy actually went down with the advent of compulsory schooling.
Bales of hay, not barrels… I grew up on a farm 😉
Great article. Instead of pinning false hopes on a politician or religion or the idea that suddenly we’ll be able to stop the momentum and actually reverse the trends, we need to realize that one must either accept the current environment, or GTFO. And it’s going to get much worse over the next few decades.
Or fix on making your own family and friend circle a community of its own, but yeah it will get worse before it gets better.
One thing I have faith in is that leaders will emerge locally also from the chaos when that comes, and it will be dividing places into different zones… I think we need to have some enclaves around as unapologetic men.
I would consider staying in America if it were at least broken up into zones. I live in one of the most “conservative” areas and it’s really bad here, mostly due to federal policy.
I’m in NL which is portrayed like a socialist hell hole, bwahaha. Eh no, far from it, and here we don’t have the insane nanny state of the Scandinavian countries but a much more meritocratic system, firing people is easy enough to make for a very competitive system.
The government doesn’t really get much into what you do, if you want a gun however it’s a bit of a hassle. Sports shooting club membership and some tests here and there and you can keep an AR… Fees & bs are only a hundred or two.
Oh and you don’t have to know languages if you have other skills. I work in IT in a company that has no requirement for even basic Dutch.
Yeah, there’s a lot of BS out there about other countries, because your local government always wants you to think you are living in the best possible place on the planet already, and if you have any concerns, you should really just shut the fuck up because it’s only worse in other places.
Traditional ways make people happy from what I’ve learned. My wife told me tonight at dinner that she realized that maybe the single most important job she had is to make me happy through her cooking – I smiled and told her she is going a very good job.
This after she told me she was grateful to me for the work I have done this week for our family.
She tells me often how happy she is every day. She has virtually zero independence, she doesn’t have a bank card or credit card, I give her cash for shopping and her stuff.
From what I experience girls only get unhappy when you give them independence and responsibility etc…
One of the best articles of this ongoing year. Cheers.
Actually I just realized something, every group of people who are expats in a foreign country form communities of some kind, maybe it’s time we start thinking like we are expats from patriarchy in feminist lands?
Just something I came to think of, as I’ve lived most of my life as expat.
As to keep your mouth shut. Good idea. I work for the federal government. Recently we got a directive, from Obama, stating that we could be reprimanded and/or fired for making racist or sexist comments, on duty or off duty. I only have 1 year left to retirement. Can’t wait to get out!
Friends are in the same boat, and yeah keep your head down until you’re clear man. Wait it out, it’s not even close to worth risking..
You are lucky to be almost out.
I am just getting in. I am soaked in the madness.
This blackmail means nothing if you’re not a slave to their money.
Just a stranger’s view : Learn to watch your back! Inside the system you need to be as strong as Damascus Steel and have a soul ignited by lightning. Bonne chance and God bless !
This is common everywhere. Most companies now force people to sign an agreement saying if you do something in your personal life that the company does not approve of or something that the company finds offensive your fired.
Except when it’s the government, whose money comes from coercively extracted tax revenue, the 1st amendment comes into play.
Surely there’s something in that constitution or bill of rights that you have over there that should make such clauses illegal or unenforceable?
In the military, as I told one of my flight chiefs who told me he had become more racist, I told him I became less racist. However that was by necessity. I had too much in stake, and I was willing to play along.
The idea of owning an employee outside of the work environment is very scary. I just experienced that and had to remind the higher up that I was entitled to free speech on my private, personal and free time.
Likewise. We were told not only this, but that we could not pursue profitable side projects outside of work. I flat out told them, when I leave this facility’s grounds, I am no longer bound to you. They shut up about it.
Watch the HR goons. Just watch your back dude.
Interestingly, we were encouraged to “LIKE” our employer on Facebook for a ….candy bar as the reward. Luckily I NEVER post ANYTHING even REMOTELY policial, manosphere etc on there….but there are ways they are weaseling their way into our minds etc…
No kidding. I do not do Faceshmook, twit or MyFace.
Isn’t that unconstitutional?
I gotta keep my mouth shut.
I cannot mention how the most violent people in class are black.
I cannot point out how these women are killing their kids by being single moms.
Nope, gotta keep it all in. Till I fucking explode. Gotta hold.
Meh. You got the 1800s all wrong. Men were still firmly the head of household. No one was sent off to factories (who would send them?). It was an unprecedented period of social mobility. If you hustled and worked your butt off you could improve your social class. That’s why men had their whole family work in factories if they wanted. Feminism was no where
Listen man, you spent 10 paragraphs jumping through hoops needlessly. Let me simplify for you, who has been “progressive” for over 100 years? Who has been wanting to torpedo Christianity as the basic bedrock for a society? Who radically pushed for women’s suffrage, and all the various shades of feminism?
Here is a hint: ✡ ✡ ✡ ✡ ✡ ✡
Every other empire collapsed for the same reason without jewish presence. Jews are merely reaping the rewards from the seemingly inevitable, not the cause of your problems
You are right to an extent but too many different cultures in too many different places found jews to be a problem for it to be unfounded.
Or is everyone else wrong and the jews right ??
always the victim never your fault
Idk I just don’t see the whole anti jew thing the same way everyone else. For one, Israel is the only technologically advanced, first world country in the middle east. Secondly, they’re the only people who specifically try not to kill their enemies, they literally want peace. Thirdly, sure Jews control Hollywood and the banks but, I don’t really see the global conspiracy…
It’s pretty easy to survive when you’re stealing billions upon billions of dollars from the world’s sole superpower and have the sympathy of the entire world. And no, they don’t want peace. If they had the capacity to subjugate the local goat herders despite all their support (which they can’t even manage) they would exterminate them. You can find clips of IDF soldiers kicking people in wheelchairs, shooting kids, ect… If they wanted peace they would have never settled that land in the first place.
Dubai is a pretty advanced city. Are the people who run it decent human beings? No. There are many ways a civilization can “look” alright from the outside but be built from a rotten core.
It’s not really a ‘global conspiracy’, it’s just Jews doing what comes natural to them (blending in and reaping benefits as a valued part of ‘white’ civilization when it suits them, but who then use their power and influence to in-fact weaken the ethnic interests of the majority non-Jewish portion of the white civilization they feed off of.)
Most of the dysfunction coming from Jews thus stems from us letting them get away with having one foot in each world (white and non-white) which is a dishonest and inequitable state of affairs.
Hitler saw the same degeneracy infecting his country… and he did something about it!
Women went to work in the factories en-mass during world war one due to man power shortages, again during world war two but they took on a far greater role which they didn’t want to give back. As for third wave feminism (the real crazy stuff) your probably right it started in America in sixties and spread around the world Australia started with this stupidity under the Prime Minister Gough Whitlam (who was fired as Prime Minister by the Queens representative), the following Conservative Liberal Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser followed on similar lines it was him who allowed the first Muslim refugees into Australia against all his Ministerial advice then later in life he admitted what a great mistake that was – which is a big lesson ROK readers Don’t make stupid irreversible mistakes in your younger years then regret them in old age.
my belief is simple- the more the number the people; the smaller the pie. You will likely have a lower standard of living than your parents. Its called fitting 320million people into a country that should have about 140 million and so we swirl down the giant toilet bowl along with the rest of the 3rd world turds.
and less whites, of course. that’s probably the biggest problem.
no – too many people. the third world is filled with failure only because you can’t have 20 people eating a pie for 4.
Congratulations, this is a great text !
What a great history lesson!!! They should teach this in schools!
Going to bookmark and teach my future kids this valuable history lesson!
This is a very enlightening article. Sometimes when I’m amongst the crowd, I feel like I’m the only one awaken to the truth about the world around me. I follow “some” of society’s rules since I’m not financially in position to speak my mind. But, it gets really sickening when you realize how gullible this nation has become to the destruction, both from within and outside our gates.
In a way, I have to thank society and the people that are spawn from it for awakening my eyes and enlightening me on the path of truth, as well as bringing me to sites like here. Neomasculine men could easily get sucked into the blue pill dynamics of society. But somehow, I believe we all had a moment in our lives that we wanted to seek the truth of everything. When that happens, we have already foresaken the ways of this decomposing society. There’s really nothing left of it that has meaning to it anymore.
I encourage you gentlemen to always seek the truth. A lot of things we were taught by society, are turning out to be methods to control us all. Those who have awaken will know the truth behind everything. Keep gaining knowledge.
This article doesn’t even mention Jews or the Frankfurt school or any of the real agenda. Degeneracy has been introduced by Jews step by step. Simply to destroy our society. It was more reform of schools than anything else that lead to loss of values.
kudos to the jews then. making the the end of this world come faster. humans are scum. ever heard of T.U.L.I.P?
Outstanding article.
The beginning of the end was and is the Progressive movement and it’s gaining control over central government. None of the rest of this crap is possible without central government interference. The three pieces of legislation that made way for ALL the rest: The 16th Amendment, The 17th Amendment, and The Federal Reserve Act of 1913…all ratified in the same year. Without a new revolution, we may never see a small government, again.
I’ve kept my mouth shut or remained silent before in some situations due to not having the right words or angle to punch back with. Then I’ll ponder the issue and the perfect quick response or revelation comes to me. There’s a big bum rush to re engineer society and keep opposition running off chasing a bone or going in circles down rabbit trails or just plain knocked out and temporarily immobilized. All the while the enemy advances like a rolling wave of slime covering everything. A collective of men now pokes it’s head above the sea of slime like a beacon, something no one man alone can do as the slime rises. Over the years I’ve gained the perception to see the enemy and call them out. I can clearly see a hostile and unjustified clusterfuck bowing up to me and can get a handle of just how much real force they have at the moment. That’s when you either make a great advance and call their bluff or take the podium and be prepared when they try to spotlight and villify you. When their illogic is in a knot, describe what you see. Gyno brains begin beating up on each other like Larry , Mo and Curly. One strikes another and they in turn strike a third innocent bystander. It’s bitch madness masquerading as order or the final solution. Clearly it’s nothing but bitch madness. We can’t allow bitch madness to trump natural order. We have real concrete and hard force of nature on our side.
logic and reason no longer triumph. If you want to win- there has to be a new strategy..what it is .. I don’t know.
The strategy for winning will appear when we defeat something called ‘too late-itis’.
The issue is about doing or saying the right thing at the right time and not TOO LATE. A good while back when I was clubbing nightly, quite a few times I’d strike out. Sometimes I’d have a super fine girl rolling, dancing, having fun, the works and for whatever reason, I’d blow it. So a few hours later I’d be about the town late when not a girl is left in sight, still buzzed with drinks and going over the lines I’d used. These were routines and cheezy pua openers I’d lay on perfect strangers, usually the hot ones. Trying to land a bonzai close on a hottie was something for me since I had no money. I had to be creative with the game, and quick. That’s the problem, being quick. It’s called ‘too late-itis’ when the perfect come back or the right venue to pursue dawns on you after the fact or after the interaction has passed. ‘Too late-itis’ is like solving a problem after you’ve been beaten by the clock.
‘The right venue’ – winning or losing aginst feminism is similar to scoring or striking out at game. ‘Too late-itis’ affects both, hindering you at a crucial moment. When I’d strike out at club game and after the club closed for the night, sometimes I’d climb to a nearby peaceful rooftop and sit, going over super funny openers and routines as they came to me. The clencher angles and acts needed to ‘close’ the deals I’d blown came to me at that time, only TOO LATE. That’s ‘too late-itis’ by definition. I’d have then a load of pua on my mind to try next time clubbing. The reflecting and meditating over situations is important, kind of the way a stand up comedian practices his routines in front of the bathroom mirror. Yes, the greats, Carlin, Steve Martin and others spent a bit of time tweaking their debut in front of their dressing room mirror before hitting the stage, meditating and reflecting, preparing to open up a can of ripping words.
As far as ‘strategy’ for winning, the ‘too late-itis’ needs to be curbed. Usually the right strategy comes to you only after the window has passed. Trust your instincts. The strategies come naturally. We’re batteling a natural enemy with natural instinct to restore the natural order.
Try GINKO BILOBA to cut down on the delay, the ‘too late-itis’. I’ll have to make a plug here for GINKO BILOBA. Any quality brand will do. I’m a bit older now, but the ‘too late-itis’ that I described from my club days has subsided. Try some GINKO tabs or tea (strong). With GINKO I find I’m quicker and can dominate a subject or keep frame and drive an opener to close.
******** GINKO ********
I think it began to fall apart when the baby boomers became an oppressive majority and selfishly spent the inheritance their parents gave them and now are spending their kids and grand kids money to keep their lifestyle.
Something went wrong in 1968..
Good article and good advice, generally speaking. While the transformation from agrarian to industrial society definitely played a part, I would attribute more weight to the social conditioning (from government shools; pop culture, etc.). It is possible to maintain a patriarchal system once industrialized, but once the majority of the people have been brainwashed, the war is lost. I’m glad the article did touch on that aspect.
The issue of women’s suffrage resulting in sharp jumps in public spending was addressed by John Lott and Lawrence Kenny as far back as 1999:
PS. You are so right about passive income, also known in various circles as “fuck you” money. Save as much as you possibly can when you’re young so you can ride it out with a supplementary lower income working class job later on if necessary, where no one gives a shit about your politics (although bear in mind that that might change as well).
“the insidious seed of feminism was planted into the heads of women… and once it is planted, it cannot be undone.”
That’s not an absolute given. In the years immediately following the Iranian Revolution, women who were “Westernized” in the late Shah era, quickly became as zealous about restoring traditional Islamic mores and gender roles, as men were. Sad thing is, while still not nearly as feminist and progressive as the West, within a decade after the Revolution, there were backpedaling on the gender roles issue in Iran.
But, and this is really important, not because of women “fighting back.” But instead, because the original zeal of the Revolution was giving way to internecine squabbling within the ruling Clergy. And, like is common in such cat fights, some of the factions realized it would be to their benefit, to recruit women to their cause, to benefit themselves in their battles against other factions.
And this is the real reason why feminism rears it’s ugly head everywhere: Some men realize they can use the large numbers; and more pliable, less critical nature; of women, to further their own ends. While the men who know, or at least should know, better; fail in their duty to intervene forcefully enough to stop this. In the West today, virtually our entire political class owes much to most of it’s authority and privilege to women, as women are much more easily swayed to give up abstract ideas like liberty and privacy for a little bit of promised “security”. After all, abstract ideas aren’t something women are well equipped to appreciate anyway, the way (at least some) men are.
IOW, feminism doesn’t continue to grow because of women. They couldn’t care less either way, as long as they get to parade around showing other women how good they are at performing what they feel is expected of them by the current “alpha. As repeatedly shown, women can be just as happy living the romantic life of a warrior wife, wed to an Isis fighter in a bombed out Isistan, as they are living in luxury in a feminist utopia like Sweden.
But the current ruling classes, are not so nonchalant about it. Take away feminism, and they are living on borrowed time. Which they, in reality are, anyway, as no culture dependent on destroying femininity (and with it, it’s yang; masculinity) has ever, nor will ever, survive for long. But for a period of time; ensuring that the immediate, realistic, challengers to their own privilege; other men; are more solidly disenfranchised, does give the current rulers a bit of respite, before they are inevitably overran by superior cultures from without.
Or the problem is the rise of technology.
Great article!! only its difficult always getting a visa in the Eastern countries as a western male
Men need to make kids with decent girls.
There won’t be any decent girls in a few years. If you’re of an age, financially secure and mindset to have children, have them now.
Seriously this. Fast.
God do I hate feminism
What the author is saying right now about play along with the narrative or your life will be ruined, is spot on. I am currently going through some toils at my place of employment because of what I percieve to be something related to this issue. Cant share too many details, I work for people who have the ability to monitor anything I do online, anywhere, anytime, so long as my actual name is attached to it in some way (trust me, it ALWAYS IS). You are at risk of losing everything, simply by showing interest in this website…
I hope you’re not writing about somewhere in Germany, I thought only America was this crazy..
Yeah, in America we have allowed it to slip too far. It may be crazy but it is true, the socialists have their fingers in everything and if they cant intimidate you into silence, they resort to other measures.
On the eve of the American Revolution, white Americans enjoyed the highest standard of living anywhere in the world; this held steady for over 200 years until the 1990s when we were surpassed. If you are a man under 40 or want children you should “vote with your feet” and move to the few sane countries left in this world.
White, Christian, sane countries:
Russian Federation
Russian-occupied Ukraine
Note that the final two have “citizenship by investment” programs and the former two accept foreigners into their army provided you have Russian language ability. If you are a man over 40 or don’t want children you should move a cheap, temperate country with liberal sex attitudes (Mexico, Thailand, Brazil etc.) and live out your days. Wherever you go, vote and/or support the most conservative political parties of the country and discourage further immigration (paradoxically, as you would be an immigrant yourself). For any non-white men reading this my advice is similar except you should go to wherever your race hails from and do the rest the same. If you are black go to an African or Caribbean country, Asian go to either your home nation or a nation where your children could pass as native. In the meantime, save up as much money as possible, acquire a savings account with a bank that does not have assets in the U.S. and vote for Trump (if for no other reason than to leftists).
Love the Warren Harding comment about him being elected because he was handsome. It’s already clear that Justin Trudeau is a moron. I suspect he got elected by women because of his looks.
Jewish 3rd wave Feminism = Jews deconstructing America.
Yeah, women don’t need you, until a 100 lb. box needs lifting… Then, all of a sudden, you get these doe eyes and a “can you lift this for me??”
My response: “Nope.”
Most likely due to the fact you couldn’t lift it yourself 😉
Ok, dude. Whatever you say.
So the article starts out saying “this is, in part, why the USA was a very morally upright nation during its toddler stage. “conservatives are borne out of hard work, liberals are borne out of the lack of it”.
I just love how this fails to note during the toddler stage overt IMMORALITY of institution of slavery that helped those so-called hard-working conservatives tend their crops and expand their land holdings. Or how about the desire of the moral to seize lands from the natives, breaking treaties with the locals, and later on even GOING TO WAR to maintain that slavery model of commerce, because you know, they worked sooo hard!
We don’t even need to talk about feminism as a contributing factor.
Go fuck yourself. Your narrative is rejected, Leftist.
lmao, leftist, no not really. I just don’t appreciate someone lying about morality of those who sought independence from the yolk of King George but had no problem taking independence and property from others. But then again, GOJ you took advantage of Sally Hemmings , so we know how you roll…
Look, your position is futile. So we took land from them. Well, didn’t they take land from someone else? And what about those people, didn’t they take if from yet another group at some point? 2016 is just a snap shot in an ever changing landscape of people taking land from others. Same applies to slavery. White people to include the same whites that owned Blacks in America, which was a small percentage FYI, had many if not ALL of their ancestors enslaved. I’m 1/2 Russian, and that side did not descend from aristocracy, so, I am 100% certain I come from slaves as recent as > 116 years ago. So, my ancestors were slaves even after America abolished slavery.
Not necessarily did they take any land from another. Some natives settled in areas over generations that had no human inhabitants. And its laughable that you equate any white indentured servants with the horror of Africans being enslaved, not to mention the pain suffered after slavery due to Jim Crow practices in the south and forced segregation in the north.
Keeping your mouth shut is the hardest thing.