I recently relocated from Los Angeles, California to Poland. While I’ve spent time in both Eastern Europe and South America before, and noticed the cultural differences between North American women and EE or SA ones, my experience with the women here has continued to be mind-blowing.
Here are eight things that Eastern European girls have said to me, and what their American counterparts would likely have said in place of it. Keep in mind that these are close-to-exact quotes, so read past their charming English mistakes (it truly is cute).
These quotes came from three different girls, and are not in any particular order.
Quote #1
“Why are American girls masculine? Men and women are compatible. I think… man is the head of the relationship. The woman should be the neck. The neck supports the head. But… the head does much better with a neck. It cannot do without.”
An American girl would say: “I’m a strong and independent woman who has never needed a man and never will. In fact, men just get in the way of what I could accomplish. I am oppressed!”
Analysis: I’ve often used the term “polarity” to describe why men and women need each other, but this girl took made it an extremely teachable lesson. It does a better job of illustrating the lesson of “a building needs a foundation” by taking it to an extremely human level.
Quote #2
[When setting up a date] “Okay, Monday is good for you? I wrote you in my calendar. I can’t wait :)”
She also attached this picture:
An American girl would say: “Umm, so I’m pretty busy this week with my Feminist Dance Movement studies and my job at Starbucks, but MAYBE I can fit you in on Tuesday at 4pm. But I only have one hour. Then I have to get home and feed my four cats. I’ll let you know on Tuesday by 3pm.”
Analysis: I thought this was the sweetest thing in the world to send me that picture. I won’t lie, all girls have not been this easy to get out on a date. Many of them sing the same song about how busy they are with their lives. But many of the ones who have agreed to meet have said similar things about looking forward to it—they are showing eagerness and excitement to meet an interesting guy. American girls, on the other hand, would clam up and go silent.
Quote #3
“I only kiss men I have strong feelings for. How can an American girls have sex with 50+ men? She must be ruined, her face must have no light left.”
An American girl would say: “Well, I kissed five guys in a night once. I once had sex with seven guys in seven days. But those days are past now. I’ve had my fun and want to settle down with one special guy. By the way, what is your annual income?”
Analysis: I found it hilarious. The Ukrainian girl who said this described the 1,000 cock stare on an expert level. European girls recognize the value of their youth and beauty, and will not squander it away for some fleeting pleasure; I couldn’t even get this girl to kiss me despite 10+ attempts and a 3 hour+ date. They recognize that men like a chaste girl for long-term commitments.
Also—that American girl who had sex with seven guys in seven days? That was a true quote, it really happened to me. I was the seventh. She didn’t tell me until after the fact.
Quote #4
“Of course I cook. It is a woman’s responsibility.”
An American girl would say: “Of course I cook. But it’s not my job to cook for a man. What are my best recipes? Well, I make a mean box of Kraft Mac ‘n Cheese. I’m also quite talented with Lean Cuisines, and know the Domino’s delivery number by heart.”
Analysis: A Polish girl cooked me an egg soup on our third date—a recipe passed down from her grandmother. It was delicious. Later that week, she invited me over for cake and wine. She and her roommates made three different types of cake for my friend and me to sample.
Girls here take real pride in knowing domestic skills like cooking. The best thing in the world is when they shoo you out of the kitchen and tell you that is not a man’s place.
Quote #5
“I want kids, though I am not sure about right now. But I think it is a woman’s destiny to be a mother. To nurture. Sometimes I have very vivid dreams where I am pregnant. They are wonderful and beautiful.”
An American girl would say: “Eww, I never want kids. They’re so gross. The days of women being nothing but child-bearers is over.”
Analysis: This girl was partially Westernized, as shown by the “not sure about now” bit. Many of her friends are already married and she seemed to be the rebel of the group. However, it’s been repeatedly proven that women respond to societal pressures and shaming. So if all of her friends start popping out babies soon enough, it’s very possible she’ll cave in to that.
Quote #6
I asked what her hobbies were. “I paint, but I am not very good I think. I do not have many talents, I am not sure what I am good at.”
She then proceeds to show me 20+ amazing paintings, several of which are are on display and were bought at an art show.
An American girl would say: “Well, I really like watching the Kardashians on television. They’re definitely the celebrities I’m most passionate about. But in my other spare time, I like to watch Modern Family and Sex and the City reruns.”
Analysis: I’m still trying to figure out if these girls downplay their talents because they don’t want to intimidate you, or because they’re searching for praise. I sense that many of them are truly insecure in some matters, but are also deeply flattered by praise from men. This goes back to the head and neck reference—they want to feel good and make you feel good, too.
Quote #7
“Wait, you mean American girls do not know the different between macro and micro economics? How is this possible?”
An American girl would say: “Well, I thought Econ 101 was boring, so I dropped it and picked a major I’m truly passionate about—social work!” I’m sure I’ll get a high-paying six figure job right out of college with this degree.”
Analysis: The girls here in Eastern Europe are truly cultured and intelligent. One of the girls I’m dating speaks seven languages and understands another eight at a very basic level. They can discuss politics at an intelligent, logical level, can discuss economic theory, and actually read books instead of just gossip magazines.
Quote #8
“I want a man who can be my rock. Sometimes… I just want to be a little girl.”
American girl would say: I don’t even have anything to say here that hasn’t been said already.
Needless to say, this is the kind of quote that brings out a man’s primal instinct. To protect. To provide. It’s everything that’s sorely lacking in America.
I’ve only been in Eastern Europe a month, but I never want to go back.
Read More: 6 Ways Poland Is Becoming Degenerate Like America
Looks very similar to a friend of mine, only with straighter hair. WB
Gorgeous, not sure I’ve ever had one of those, this area is filled mostly with the Nordic look (which is not a bad thing). WB.
I predict a quick influx of people telling us how Russians are the same as the U.S., which I’ve always found suspect. Pussy Riot gets flogged when they pull crap and despite their acting out they still at least look like normal girls, whereas the U.S. is the home to the clown haired, underarm dyed pit hair, tatted up, multi-pierced landwhale who can and will destroy any man in a 10 foot radius with the help of the courts.
The pic of the brunette is much more appealing than the blonde, IMO. That flirty smile is killing me.
Well, the top one resembles the friend you know about heavily in many ways. The bottom one looks like a tasty new exotic treat that I’d love to try out. You’re right, the smile is endearing.
I really want to know whats going on with the sexy pic of the girl holding a box of bread…
Hah. She looks like she’s giving that obligatory smile when someone wants to take a pic of you but you just want them to go away.
Looks like a fire in the background actually.
A little something to throw on the burning building behind her?
Well, I doubt bread has much value as a fire retardant. My guess is that she’s feeding the men fighting the fire. Just a hunch.
Or she’s looting the local bakery amidst the chaos.
Or even there trying to make some toast without having to use electricity. They’re a very practical people.
Babushka: “Ludmilla! There is fire at Zhardovsky’s house!”
Ludmilla: “I shall grab our bread and create toast, babushka!”
Babushka: “Da. Don’t burn it.”
I had in mind toast… Eating while fighting a fire… That’s a bit like smoking while running a marathon…
They gotta rest. Generally I think that they work in teams and rotate, at least here. Dunno about EE.
A tea break in the middle of a fire. Sounds very… English.
Well grab some water quick and put it out!
I just love background fires
Heh heh heh heh heh. Now *she* looks *very* familiar.
Why are my posts being erased?
Hadn’t noticed they were being erased, which ones? Try borrowing hers.
And speaking of posts and erasing, is anyone on troll patrol today?
it’s such a typical ukrainian/russian picture. made me feel very nostalgic for the FSU and its women, much more so than the professional pics of the other girls.
mad dogs and englishmen…what do they say about them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFHA15B8iNI
It was firefox and disqus having a fight. They’re still here.
girl in quote 6 for the win.
The one in the flowery dress and the pearls around her head?
She is pretty.
I’m more of a quote 3 or 7 man myself.
Agreed. Imagine what she looks like with her hair down!
yup, her.
wouldn’t kick ’em out of bed for eating crackers
She is quite pretty.
It’s odd too, I figured he didn’t like feminine looking women.
“Bitch I just changed the sheets!” *starts blowing me*
“This isn’t over…”
He’s got his troll resistance up to 89% without enhancements! Damn!
He’s quite impervious. I’ve been looking for chinks in his armor for months. Nothing.
I don’t think he dates Asian chicks.
Well played.
I think I like 3 the most. Looks like she has minimal make-up. Some of those girls are waaaay too airbrushed.
Why not?
With 6 you get eggroll…
Well, 1) they might make pee pee in his coke and 2) he’d be horny again one hour after he fucked her.
Lolknee’s gonna so disappointed that he can’t make his standard Chinese jokes.
All part of the master plan…
i vote for bread box girl (#5). no joke.
you should really grab pimsleur russian and head over to ukraine. you’d love it.
very typical ukrainian beauty. and people wonder why i miss it over there.
I don’t even go to the outer boroughs in nyc.
I am sure it would be fun, but I don’t function when separated from the source of my power. I am kind of like the holy grail in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, if you take me past the great seal the whole place will fall in on your head.
Great Doris Day reference. The woman who, Bob Hope observed, had an ass you could play a nice game of bridge upon. After all, there was a reason that he affectionately referred to her as J.B. (“Jut-Butt”).
Bread box girl looks like she would scrub up really nicely. I like girls with potential. It’s interesting that nobody voted for the Air Brush Hoes.
Would plough them both with the force of a thousand kratom-powered suns.
head over to ukraine immediately for more of those flirty smiles than you can shake a stick at. just don’t get married.
Already married….can I still go to Ukraine? Heh.
I wouldn’t kick either of them out of bed for eating crackers.
“Friend” eh?
When I say I’m a traditional man, I mean old school traditional. 1870’s traditional. And I act accordingly. Where I am, being old school male is still celebrated. And I refuse to bow down to modern pussy whipped suburban male in pastel shirt expectations. Fuck that.
So, well, there we go.
What you’re saying is here is that she’s just a friend?
Um…yeah….let’s go with that.
cue the Biz Markie tune
Kirk Cameron got slammed for making the commenr that men lead in a marriage and women follow the man.
“However, it’s been repeatedly proven that women respond to societal pressures and shaming. So if all of her friends start popping out babies soon enough, it’s very possible she’ll cave in to that.”
The only pressure a girl should need to start popping out babies is a partner who emphasizes how their relationship depends on it, man.
It was fairly easy for us.
Me: “We need to start trying to have kids.”
Wife: “What? Why?”
Me: “We’re leaving no legacy behind and it’s time we acted like adults.”
Wife: “Ok, let’s start trying now!”
Me: *shitlord grin*
It really can be that easy, if you have your other shit squared away in your life.
Evolution, Death, Procreation … are all diseases that have inflicted humanity for a looong time.
Weak humans, unable to turn to Übermenschen, enjoy carrying on this endless process of birth,procreation,evolution and death.
We don’t need children. We need immortality.
My genetic legacy is worth preserving, I come from kings of old. The rest of you fucks I could care less about.
Then why not preserving it by STAYING ALIVE instead of dying and wasting your life preparing your successor ?
Because immortality is a fantasy in the context of the material world. I deal with cold hard facts, not idle daydreams and bullshit new age philosophy, that’s why.
If ever technology allows me to live forever, bet your last dollar that I will utilize it. Until that happens, I plan accordingly.
Plan accordingly ?
How much time have you spent promoting the extension of life ?
All I am trying to say, is that this would be a much better goal than bringing up chidren.
You can “spent promoting” till the cows come home, promotion != science. Going into marketing for a cause and spending my resources there, when the actual technology doesn’t exist, is futile.
End of the day, my DNA wins, yours loses. This is how the cold harsh universe works. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
That’s kinda hurtful, GoJ…I thought we were pals. Excuse me while I weep into my coffee…
If you think that way, you are part of the problem.
What do you need to become a normal human being ? Who has hurt you ? It will all be allright. You don’t have to fight anymore. We will make everyone happy.
Heh. People who are like me will hold the same viewpoint. I don’t begrudge them their families at all, I celebrate it. Just noting that my primary goal and focus was continuing my family’s proud past and legacy. It worked.
And now you stop trying to discuss and become your normal troll self. Our conversation is finished, little man. Run along and engage in your mastubatory fantasy.
Your family has turned you into a drone, a clone and a slave.
How can you be a friend to any man, if you have this aggression and this sense of competition ?
you are the little man.
Confused, angry, you have been given orders by your “great family”. Have you ever been able to think one thought of your own ?
How does it feel in that prison that they built for you? Don’t worry, eventually you will be freed from it.
Enjoy your glass tower of bullshit.
Indeed. The dude is clueless.
It is quite simple :
1.Would you prefer to find the right woman with the right genetics, to create the best offspring ?
2.Or would you rather be the one who genetically modifies himself to become a better version of you ?
Why give your resources to some kid you create, instead to yourself ?
The prime directive of your family has been :
But in the end you MUST die like the rest of us, otherwise we will all be so so disappointed.
Think about that one.
It holds true for everyone in the world.
If you the type of person that going to immoral, then I need to invest in katana for you. Having children is biological imperative for human being. We can defy this nature, but we can not deny it exist. A person with great genetics is a waste without the moral and intellectual upbring of father and mother can bring. I want to make a world better place, l will leave next generation that have moral and intellectual foundation that made Western Civilization great.
Do you believe that God exists ? That you have to serve him by making children ?
“you are the little man.
Confused, angry, you have been given orders by your “great family”. Have you ever been able to think one thought of your own?”
Why questioning by belief in God? I serve God by being good human being and following his commandments as best I can. Children are biological imperative that I can choose to have. I will choose once I find a women of good character that can help me raise them. Now go back dreams of Übermenschen.
If you believe in God you have to consider that there is something wrong with you …
you are confused I know. Keep following the “prime directives” imprinted in your small brain since childhood.
That is the theory of Darwinism. The survival of the fittest never had anything to do with the strongest, smartest, or fastest with a gun. It meant nothing more than out reproducing the others. Since I have 6 kids and 7 grandchildren (so far), I win.
I’m working on getting the other shit squared away.
When I decided, we owned a real home with land, had 1 car paid off and the other close, no real debt (we’ve always carried a 0 balance per month) and I had a good income. She was young, hot and fertile with excellent genetics and so was I. We were 26.
I advise this route as optimal. Squirting out kids without being prepared is a recipe for major headaches and maybe even divorce.
I have to finish clawing my way through college then look for a job. Good thing is college is all paid off but I started later. Only real debt I have is my car loan right now.
Yeah, college was finished too, forgot that.
That’s the key that many forget to take care of. Being in debt is never good and while I’ve only been married for a couple months, I flat out told the wife no new furniture or major purchases until my college debt and her car is paid off.
Not having kid is surer to make her divorce you. 26 is fucking old to be childless. It screws with your biology and isn’t healthy. You’re obviously worried way too much about other stuff, too… and is it HER problem? Get her pregnant and tell her to sit down while you handle all that man stuff… and reduce your expenditures when she’s not looking.
Honestly, if you cannot afford to have kids then it just sounds like poor life planning.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. This was planned by us, to not be in debt. Today my son is grown and a good man who would fit straight into the manosphere without any awakening needed, my daughter is anti-feminist, feminine to the core, beautiful, cooks elegant meals and rejects men in her generation as “weak”.
My plan worked. Period. Your comments are born out of nothing but stale theory. My experience is born from actually executing the plan. I win.
You have remained a slave your entire life.
You are stil loved by us though and we hope for you to sometime in the future become free.
Get a grip of your cock, dude. I was just saying I don’t agree. No need to hose the place down.
I’ve got 2 daughters and I didn’t plan shit and ended up with major problems all over the place, but we’re fine because kids aren’t really a burden to anything, anyway.
If you ended up not in debt in the end then that’s okay for you. I was suggesting, though, that not getting in debt to begin with might be better. I.e. don’t borrow, don’t spend too much, live simpler, and fuck your wife and make kids. At least, that’s my game-plan now. It works well, too,
We really didn’t get into debt, we were ensuring that once the kids came that we wouldn’t fall into it. You have to plan that shit out, just barely ekeing out a life debt free paycheck to paycheck doesn’t cut it, kids cost a lot of money. That’s why I put this plan in place. Saw lots of bullshit with other people who didn’t.
You’re obviously a huge-spending Westerner. My kids only cost a bowl of rice and a fried egg to feed, and a new piece of clothing every other week. Sometimes I got to buy toothpaste or something, maybe a new coloring in book. The ultimate cost of living you pay is your decision, man. Things could be cheaper if you wanted.
Why should I live cheaper when I can live a very good life without debt? I can retire today if I wanted to, and have considered as much recently. Living like a common villager doesn’t interest me (no offense). I like my state of the art computer, my firearms, my ability to travel on a whim and also my ability to spend copious amounts of cash with or on “friends” whenever I wish without having to worry about debt/usury or anything of that nature. I started out poor, it’s not my style and I don’t plan on returning if I can avoid it.
That said, I don’t mind if everything collapses either because, as I said, I grew up poor and have the skills to get by in that scenario.
I agree you should make as much money as you can and live on that. If you can afford better then buy better. Yet having children shouldn’t wait, and you should just raise them on whatever your current income at that time is, and strive to improve your income and your children’s quality of life gradually as you grow together as a family.
It sounds like you’re past those years, though. I did fuck a lot of things up in my life, to be honest, but I’m glad I didn’t wait for things to get better before having kids (because things might not get much better! LOL)
Right now I’m going back (from Thailand) to New Zealand to work, then after a couple years of saving money I’m taking my daughters with me to travel China probably, then down to Nepal and India. Yeah, I’ve got no fucking plan, but children don’t stop me and I give them my best and take them wherever I go. They’ll be grown ups before I know it and maybe we’ll all have more money then once they start working!
call me if you are going to have another baby. I will pay for the abortion.
Was that directed at me?! I’m planning on having dozens of kids, if I can. I don’t believe in condoms, contraceptives, and abortions, either. I only believe in ballerina princesses and rainbow unicorns. My kids are alright, but.
I watched “whatever your income is” pan out. Divorce nearly every time. Failure to plan is planning to fail. Most people don’t move to Tailand, we make our lives here and 26 is not “too old”; our great grandmothers were still cranking out kids in their 10 kid families at that age. We weren’t waiting until 30 or anything. And in any event, I’m done with the cycle now and am enjoying life and living and knowing they came out right. So it’s all good.
If you can afford it, pay for abortions of muslim children.
I meant 26 is too old for marriage security for the wife to not have a baby (you were lucky, see). I mean, through-out human evolutionary history, how old do you think most females were when they first gave birth? Basically, aged 12 – 15 or so. So, psychologically, when have they evolved to sink into the motherhood life-style and such? Waiting until much later in life sends her unconscious signals that something is wrong in her life. This can, truly, lead to relationship instability. You should get your wife preggers as early as possible. It’s natural and healthy.
Older age is not too late for having babies. That’s not what I meant – she starts making babies as a teen and should still be making them in her late 30’s. That’s ideal, and that’s how older generations had such large families.
Not making plans is not necessarily planning to fail, either. I’m a smart person and I know how to handle women. None of my women will ever leave me. So long as you’re smart and a genuinely fuckable guy, you’ve got not to fear.
Aborting girls is gay
Not making plans is not necessarily planning to fail, either.
It never is, until you fail (not you you). Plan and direction and execution has always been my style. It’s how I clawed out of being poor. Nothing else works.
I like this .. We need more women than men.
However muslim birth rates need to go down …
I suppose I agree, though with the sole exception that plans shouldn’t interfere with making babies.
I am quite big on plans, I suppose – I mean, I DID just tell you I want to go to save money to pay for a massive trip through Asia. That’s a big plan. It’s just not a “buy a car and house” plan like I think you imagine. Yet without planning and management, yes, you’re fucked.
Yeah. If only male children were aborted, it wouldn’t be so bad. Every man could have 5 wives and nobody would blink an eyelid because the girls wouldn’t get any sex otherwise!
So your only form of contraception is your personality huh. Well, like I said, if you get knocked up again let me know. We can discuss what percentage of your debt I will pay for you to have it aborted.
I don’t discriminate bucko. I hate everyone equally.
Nah. I’d say it’s my wife’s personality that acts as my contraception. Loyal as she is, she’s an utter fucking bitch. Plus, when I do fuck her, I oft forget what hole it’s meant to go in and I get the wrong one… though maybe that explains her bitchiness?
Breed that broodmare yeahhhhhhh
bowl of rice with a fried egg plopped on top … I fucking love it!
I have a son that graduated college last spring. He is pretty involved with a young woman. When I asked him his plans he said he wasn’t planning anything else until he had his college debt paid off. He had set up a plan to have it paid off by the time he turns 30 (6 years). His girl friend has rich parents so she will graduate in a couple of years with no debt.
Unless you are a devout Catholic, and therefore don’t believe in birth control. My parents had 7 kids (with 6 miscarriages). So, my mom was pregnant 13 times over 21 years (difference between my oldest sister and youngest sister). HBC screws with women’s heads and I have come to agree more and more with the churches doctrines on this.
My mother always told me that it didn’t cost any more to raise one child than it did to raise 7; just 100% of everything you have.
I’ll bet grandma didn’t wait until 35 to have her fist child. My mother had her last daughter at 42, but by then the skids had been truly well greased.
Well, I’m talking more about evolutionary biology than religion. The simple truth is the only women in human history who got to age 26 without having kids were either barren or facing extremely adverse environmental/social conditions. It isn’t healthy. Women cannot be expected to physically experience virtual reproductive failure without the associated negative psychological repercussions.
Fuckin eh’. You went T-Rex and ripped everything apart in this thread.
GOJ 2020!
I have never had such a discussion, and I have 6 kids. The way it went with me was:
Her: I want to have kids.
Me: OK.
Her: I am pregnant.
Me: What, again?
If you want to have kids (aka treat a woman the way she wants to be treated with a big fat appendix like yours and then empty your load inside her) but NOT stick with the woman or raise them, you ‘re an alpha. You will only give the sex, the sperm, and then instruct her to either finding a nice normal beta to raise those children, or trick her current boyfriend/husband that this child is his.
if you want to have kids and stick around with the woman and raise them, you ‘re beta.
I could be wrong though … What do you think ?
I think you’re wrong. If you abandon your son to the whims of a woman and some pasty schlub you’re better off not reproducing at all. Men need to raise men, acting like some inner city black dude will get you the same results. Period. End of sentence.
That comment up there is what baby daddies are made of. This is partly why feminism has gained strength in the first place. And this is why we have slackers who pop out babies from different women nilly willy, leave them at their mercy, then whine and moan to me about having to pay child support or their kids not loving them. And people wonder why I support castrating these bastards.
The goal is to stop having babies.
To end the cycle of birth, procreation, evolution and death.
The examples I used above were only a marketing tool.
Wouldn’t you want to live forever ?
Exactly. This cycle was played out via LBJ through the 1980’s, we know where it leads. Advocating it for civilized people now is goofy.
Nah. I would rather die and see which religion had it right all along. Although I suspect South Park was right, and only Mormons make it heaven.
That is why we will eventually come to the meta society of immortal beings who will simply enjoy life and not be involved in this ridiculous cycle of birth, procreation, evolution and death …
There will be no alphas or betas, as dna manipulation will allow to switch personalities and “status” just for the lolz. Opportunities and enjoyment, instead of fighting. Doesn’t it sound ok ?
Sir, with all do respect. What are you smoking? This shit isn’t coming in our lifetimes. And if it does you can bet your ass the common man won’t be allowed to partake in it. Get your head out of the clouds and figure out how to live in the present or you’re going to have a very sad unfulfilling life.
And people will teleport to different worlds and travel through wormholes. Sounds glorious.
Meanwhile, back in the non-fiction world, one plans and acts accordingly.
Sure, so the first step would be to utterly destroy all muslim and in general conservative societies, so that they stop having so many children … instead of trying to antagonize those people in the “procreation” field.
Then we can create a wonderful “democracy”, where men enjoy themselves and women serve the C%ck.
Ok I’m going to humour you. The only feasible method of what you’re describing ever occuring is through effectively creating the Matrix and downloading our consciousness to it. Except we all exist as virtual Gods in our own worlds. The irony of this, literally taking the blue pill, should not be lost on anyone here.
Immortality will be eventually feasible.
DNA manipulation is the future.
It will solve even the oh so funny transgender problem : “So you don’t like being a man ? Take this gene therapy while remaining in a coma for a few weeks, while your body changes from male to female”
Give solutions to all people – make everyone happy – get their vote and consent = change the world peacefully … instead of antagonizting everyone
“Immortality will be eventually feasible.
DNA manipulation is the future.”
Let’s see, trade your humanity and your immortal soul for the promise of a physical life that can’t perish, how’s that going to work out.
Luke 17:33:
“Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.”
Revelation 9:6:
“And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.”
What you’re describing is a paper alpha. A man who on the surface has dominant commanding traits, but when push comes to shove has no backbone. The alpha provider is the old school alpha who inspires loyalty from his family by masculinity. The decline has led to the increasing success of the new alpha. The player who refuses to settle down, gets all the pussy he wants but doesn’t pretend to be anything else. The woman he beds know his deal, or at least he doesn’t pretend to be the alpha provider.
This alpha you ‘re talking about is a slave to some ideals he never chose on his own and for himself.
Why not aspire to be something of your own creation ?
Why not enjoy life instead of becoming a slave to evolution ?
No – the slave who gets divorce raped is the beta who wifes up the cock-carouseled slut of yesteryear. A key defining point of a true alpha is that he steers his ship. His decisions are calculated. He chooses his path, not because of any pressure, but its because its what he wants.
What? Men choose to have a family and to procreate.
Its immensely rewarding.
Do you want to be a slave to evolution ?
Do you want to be a beta provider to evolution ?
FUCK evolution man … lets make a REVOLUTION. The revolution of life.
No more kids. No more unhappy boring marriages. Just chilling out …
But even this alpha . of the past and of today, will remain a slave to evolution … a beta provider to evolution.
I say FUCK EVOLUTION, lets have a male revolution !
In theory, your points have merit. But at this point in time they’re just not worth considering. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours.
This is the way to unify the fighting sides.
By aknowledging the importanvce of DNA you will embrace all those of ambivalent sexuality. By embracing gene therapies, you will give them hope and bring them to you. They can be annoying and relentless fighters.
AND you will be directing the world AGAINST any religious fondamentalists – who are some of our biggest enemies. All those crazy fucks who believe God is right and we must serve serve and procreate …
I’m not a slave and I take pride in the choices I have made. I chose my wife, and I choose to provide for her and it’s quite satisfying.
I’m happily married FYI. You might think it’s boring but that’s your opinion and nothing more.
You are welcome to take your revolution, put it in your pipe, and smoke it.
thank you for sharing.
“Do you want to be a slave to evolution ?
Do you want to be a beta provider to evolution ?”
Macro-evolution doesn’t exist. However, there’s no avoiding being a participant in (“beta provider to”) micro-evolution.
“No more kids. No more unhappy boring marriages. Just chilling out …”
Have have considered prison? No marriage, no work, free room and board, “just chilling out,” 24/7/365.
EE girls are great. I spend 3 months per year there sampling the delights. Western women cannot compare to these women as EE ladies generally have superior general knowledge and domestic skills.
Have no illusions about these girls, though. There are plenty of EE girls that are doing 50+ partners prior to marriage. They sample the cockfest of handsome Italians and the beta provider German men. When they can save enough cash, they vacation in places like Tenerife and Cyprus. What do you think they do there?
Many of these girls are very aware of their high SMV and are avid flag collectors, just like you and I.
That being said for your awareness, there’s definitely a greater amount of EE women than western women who are genuine and put priority on their men and their families.
Wise words. Be very careful about drawing sweeping conclusions about Eastern European girls. I say this as someone with Easten European roots. I’ve seen the characteristics of these women up close and personal. There are certainly plenty of attractive and pleasant women over there and the cultural rot is not advanced as it is here. That said, there is something inate in the Slavic DNA that can make them crazy as hell. Perhaps some genetic residue from the Mongol hordes that raped and pillaged their way across these lands. It’s true of the men too.
Russians are perhaps the most interesting case study as you see the extremes. At one end, 95th percentile in terms of kindness, gentleness, culture and intelligence. At the other end, ruthless savages. One and the same people and, in some cases, even the very same person.
This duality of human nature is not unique to Slavs of course but, based on my observations, the extremes are uniquely manifested amongst them. Handle with care.
It makes you wonder were poverty comes in though >_>. Eastern Europe is also poorer than the West, maybe that’s how they kept some of their tradition, they didn’t buy Jewish produce.
TOTAL GAME CHANGER : Have your virgin wife if you want, but breed her as soon as possible !!!
Roosh has stated again and again how “women should have children as soon as possible. Their eggs get worse as time goes by. But it is ok for a man to have children at a later age”.
PROOF that it is MEN who are responsible for genetic mutations :
No quotes. No writings … James Watson himself speaking :
ENJOY the truth from 00:19 to 01:07
In a few words : All mutations come from men, as women have all their eggs ready at an early age …
Hardly “enjoyable”.
Also, it is not in his place to make statements about the sexes as though they are facts.
“Men are much less able to take care of themselves.”
Hah, sure… Just look at all those broken feminists and modern women. What was the rate of mental illnesses and depressions again? 2 to 1?
How is it that women are more depressive than ever?
All this clearly shows how dependent women are on men and how little they can take care of themselves.
They are completely oblivious to changing times or rational planning of their lives.
Now you know the truth though.
YOU are the one who should be having children at the age of 18 … not really the women, when it comes to AVOIDING genetic mutations.
But I propose we give up children all together.
We just have to make those muslims stop having them … don’t you agree ?
“Not really the women?”
Do you not bother to look anything up?
If one thing than it is “equal” in the regard of completely healthy kids. Which would be the age of 35.
Not to forget that only the risks increase but never a complete halt.
As a tip: You’re being way too obnoxious. It makes you seem like a troll.
Let’s see here. This is for NE Asian unless otherwise noted.
No 1 I have gotten verbatim from both EE and NE Asian girls.
No 2 not exactly with a picture but otherwise same.
No 3 similar sentiments but not in a comparison way.
No 4 not verball but would not have been needed. It was obvious.
No 5 without the ‘not right now’
No 6 similar but not about painting, it was flower setting and cooking.
No 7 not really. NE Asians leave that stuff alone.
No 8 yes, verbatim.
Good examples, but goes to show feminine family oriented girls are similar all over.
Indeed. Family is the key. A solid together family with strong traditions and values and a man at the helm who is solid and alpha (for lack of a better term) produces feminine women. My daughter, American, is a throwback to the 1880’s in attitude regarding her duties, feminism, etc. Yet she was born and raised in America, where “this can’t happen!”. It can happen, but men need to be like they used to be to make it happen. There are no shortcuts.
We need a word other than “westernized.” Western culture has been corrupted and what we see is not “western.”
Suggestions welcome.
Conrad pretty much clenched it, here.
I just wish there was a convenient word to describe men trying to be women and women trying to be men. There’s an inherent weakness in the concept that isn’t adequately expressed by any words I know.
Whatever term covered that should also convey the decadent trend towards narcissism and loss of ability to interact with other human beings. It’s a tribeless, meandering existence that should not be associated with anything positive.
What you are describing is degeneracy, though it may be difficult to come up with a single “umbrella” term that unequivocally describes all the trends mentioned.
You know it when you see it…
Last night I met a friend’s roommate and this was our conversation.
“So what do you do?”
“I collect unemployment insurance and do burlesque striptease for half the year. The other half of the year I work as a security guard at a government office.”
The guy looked like a typical liberal… out of shape, unkempt, stoned, League of Legends, smug attitude… The guy kept sharing little “quotes of wisdom” even though he was barely managing to exist.
Reminded me loud and clear why I moved away from downtown Toronto.
Foreign girls always say something that blows my mind. But when you analyze any of those quotes, there’s nothing amazing in any of them. It’s just that most American men have never experienced true femininity. It took me a while to realize that while America may be at the top of the economic powerhouse, there are things that are far more important than money, and other cultures place these values above monetary profits. Plus foreign girls are always way better kissers and better in the sack, in my experience. Remember, Roosh complains about Poland, so if that’s a “corrupting” society, just imagine how good things really were for our grandfathers.
Wish I could uprate this more.
Here… Let me help you.
Every so often, I go to classic television and films to see what it was like shortly before things went insane. When I combine the dynamics I see with some of the stories I’ve heard about my great grandfathers, all I can see is a better life.
Then I go out and encounter hundreds of decidedly less-feminine women. It breaks the heart to think what potential they waste.
I grew up when some of the tail end of the classic television/film was made. The shows reflected the main parts of society rather accurately in regards to how men and women interacted. Things really were different.
One of my favorites is “The Quiet Man”. The Duke and Maureen O’Hara.
Sometimes it’s hard to believe this is the same country. In my twenties I heard about what was going on with young people and thought “Wow, I wish I could have scored as easily as that.” Then in my forties I’d hear what the young people were into and was pretty shocked. And the things that they do these days would have had a judge intervene and send you out-of-state or join the military, or locked up. And today’s parents actually fight for there kids to “express” themselves and use opposite sex bathrooms, and screw countless people while still under 18. The country has fallen apart.
Yeah, it was really just a few years ago, my first job out of college, this big rich guy came into town from New York or something..the boss of some big financial firm and I got invited to this party. He was an older guy in his 50s or 60s, and was talking about how his brother just got divorced and was sending him pics of all these girls he was hooking up with. The guy couldn’t believe all the shaved snatches! He grew up in the bushy 70s, and this is what was blowing his mind. A shaved puss.
If only he knew the avalanche of change that was coming just in a few years.. Bruce Jenner. Campus Rape Hysteria. Triggerings. Blue hair. Fatness everywhere. 50 shades of gender. I try to imagine what the US will be like in 10 years, and even if it changes at the SAME rate, I can’t picture it. But the rate of change is quickening.
Its the destruction of the family its done on purpose ,its easier when the state is the man “DADDY”and the men are weak feminized ,nobody fights harder than a man and women for family but when thats not in the picture we are easier to control where i live you cant make fires in hawaii because of obama thinks that a fire will warm the world faster the police stopped us 7 times ,what that is is another piece of breaking up the structure fires bring people together the state does not want people to stand together on any level
It’s all because of lemming dynamics. From compulsory education to the advertising on media, EVERYONE is forced to comply with the group. That is why people like Ted Turner and Michael Bloomburg make me sick. They use their media empires to destroy the United States and then pretend that nothing happened.
You can go back and watch movies from just the 1980s and see how corrupted women are now. Things were just fine 20 years ago.
Yup I grew up in the 80’s early 90’s shit was alot easier then
I know a lot of EE girls. Some of them are terrible and they all seem to be weird in one way or another. I have had them tell me all kinds of nice things and then go back on their word. In two cases I have had EE girls fuck me on flights. (One asked me to meet her in Europe, I bought the nonrefundable ticket and a few days before I was supposed to fly she changed her mind. Thanks bitch). I have also dated American women who think in similar ways to the Polish girl above, who can cook and love children. You cannot judge them all so simply.
Remember that in the final analysis, EE women are still just women but with prettier packaging. In some ways they are more dangerous than Western women because they can really suck you into their web with their feminine wiles…
“Remember that in the final analysis, EE women are still just women but
with prettier packaging. In some ways they are more dangerous than
Western women because they can really suck you into their web with their
feminine wiles…”
yes this is what i’ve been trying to say. you said it better than me.
incidentally, about your wasted flight, i had a similar thing happen to me once. my russian ex broke up with me once a few days after i bought a very expensive ticket to fly from the US to see her. i doubled down and proposed to her a few weeks later. i was very blue pill at that time and dind’t know better, although even then i really should have.
speaking of traveling to meet women, most of you guys already know this, but just in case, always have a back up plan in case she doesn’t show when you arrive. one of my good friends flew to mexico city to spend a week with a girl once, and she disappeared on him. he’s a good looking guy and speaks spanish, but he inexplicably spent the week moping and feeling sorry for himself rather than, you know, approaching some of the other millions of good-looking mexican women in el DF. don’t be like my friend.
Hah, had a similar story, luckily the girl was only a domestic flight away, but I thank God every day she later broke off the engagement. Hallelujah! Oneitis can be a terminal disease. Luckily, there is a cure.
Ditto on the backup plan. I learned this about 2 years ago when a Mexican friend of mine set me up with his cousin… then he was actively telling me I should game other women while I was there! He was a pretty redpill dude, plus he knew how his cousin was / ie the nature of women.
heh. yeah, that sounds very latino. incidentally, it’s the kind of thing that makes my latina wife worship me. basically, she’s amazed that she’s with a guy who works, isn’t a drunk and doesn’t cheat on her. in a way i’m grateful to latino guys for setting the bar so low.
Well I went any way and found another chick. Like my boy Walder Frey once said “I’ll find another…”
Having spoken to many divorced Latinas, physical abuse was the dealbreaker. A little cheating was tolerated as long as she didn’t have to know about it.
Re: flights. You’re gonna pay for sex one way or the other, so let’s get that out of the way. When buying flights for two to a separate destination, make her put up money for half of her ticket, reimbursable AFTER the trip. No front money, no deal. if she flies to you, same deal. If you fly to her, I recommend arranging dates with at least 3 women in the same locale. typically, one will be flat chemistry, one will flake entirely and one will rock your world. it is also helpful to have alternate sightseeing/business plans in her city in case your whole dating shit house goes up in flames. Lastly, find out where to hire an escort, which is often the cheapest and most enjoyable of all. Better to burn her than the other way around and trust me, these bitches will, regardless of game, they don’t give a fuck and they won’t miss a beat.
Definitely when making plans with a girl, have something else in mind and only include her as the fallback. Don’t tell her, of course, and let her believe it’s about her. It’s such a common shit-test to get you to spend a lot and be inconvenienced, that you can’t take the entire gender at it’s word.
Now, if you get to the destination and she DOES show up, casually let it drop that your group of freinds is there also, or that you’d intended to do such-and-such while there, but that she’s welcome to come along. You’ll get a shocked look, because she thinks her standing by her word and showing is supposed to make you grateful, but she’ll be hot for sex later.
For real. For years the SJW media and women have tried to shame white and black American men by holding the latino guys up as macho images. But they’re a race of stupid, drunken losers. The average latino is a scavenger in life with no regard for himself or environment.
I’ve never been burned on travel arrangements. I attribute that to pipelining and building rapport before meeting. The women in my rotation are automatically available. If I smell any trouble I move on to the next.
Mate this was after fucking and blowjobs. That only makes it even more … frustrating.
That’s a new level of flaking. AWALT.
You got flaked. Sorry, dude. Nice recovery, though.
Honestly I don’t even get mad about flaking anymore. I expect it. So I act as though the chick won’t show and have back-up plans.
do it long enough and you will. even Hugh hefner gets burned sooner or later. see my reply to Bucky above!
“Remember that in the final analysis, EE women are still just women but with prettier packaging. In some ways they are more dangerous than Western women because they can really suck you into their web with their feminine wiles”
True. As an EE female gets infected wiith the Western disease she probably will not get blue hair and a nail through her nose, she will be smart and realize her tits and ass are a key factor to play men for suckers. So indeed, always be on guard with an EE female; she could very well be putting on an act.
I’ve been in Ukraine for the last month and have another 3 weeks here. You are definitely right.. you might get lucky and meet a decent one, but girls love to have you drop coin on them.. honestly, in the end, it’s actually cheaper to get prostitutes or a massage, mathematically speaking. Every year I come here, it becomes more and more westernized.. “Land of the Selfies” is no understatement.. yes, they look good physically, but at what point do we acknowledge that the world is just fucked, most of these women are looking out for themselves, and there is nothing you can do.
I went to Poland (Lublin-THREE major universities there) in 2005 and was BLOWN AWAY! The women there are all “hyper feminine” compared to your standard issue American sweatpants and pajama wearing cow. Sorry to hear its going downhill…
If it’s more westernized getting sex should’very easier
If we are so bad Why do you come here?
Find woman in USA. You are guest here. If you come in Middle East you follow their rules.
We live as we like to live and as we want. Our men don’t look for wives over the world ( Asia, Latin America, Europe etc, as American men do), they marry women from their culture.
We should not change our culture because some American man comes here and doesn’t like how we are.
How many Slavic men do you know that want to marry foreign women?
How many foreign men want to marry Slavic women?
If you want a woman from another culture you also have to change smth in your behavior, vision, accept this culture etc… If not , get one in ur own country and be happy. Woman from another culture should not totally change herself for you only because you are American.
What is important is love when both make efforts to make relationship work.
BTW American men have not good reputation here in general.
Thus first of all try to learn to respect other cultures, traditions if you want people respect you.
I agree totally with Bob. We discuss the good things about EE girls but never the negative. Truth is they can be some of the ruthless most cunning women you’ll ever meet. They flake out as bad with a lot more money on the table, They can be exceedingly cruel and indifferent but many Ukrainian girls call these types of girls the scammers, if you can get past this crud level you might be able to get down to a decent girl, I have a few times and there are genuinely sweet girls over there, but very suspicious so if you’re looking for Ukraine 10 years ago it’s gone.I was so young when i played soccer in Kiev I didn’t know why all these girls were so friendly, but that was a perfect time- no more.The girl who posted (if she was a girl) that the EE guys don’t look abroad and the EE girls don’t look abroad is really for one reason alone- you’re broke.
Most of EE is a scamming culture, down to the police man. Don’t ever pick up a wallet if you see it drop from someone’s pocket, it’s a scam, the person will say you tried to steal their wallet, a cop will be staged right there, and they will empty your wallet.
Drunk EE guys go around looking for foreigners because there’s articles propagandizing how inter-mixing with foreigners is changing the face of society. It can be really dangerous if you don’t know where you’re going and aren’t out with people who speak Ukrainian and Russian. Roosh makes it loo easy but times have changed and Ukraine is in turmoil, it’s like going into a war zone at times to meet different women that may or may not be better looking or better people. I would read Roosh’s updated books. Don’t be afraid to go out there, there is beautiful women everywhere and I’m certainly not sticking up for American women but screw people who think we aren’t polite. When I travel I go above and beyond as an American to know some of the language and culture and I’m a lot more polite then they would be if they came to America. God knows it’s a big world out there with lots of great adventures, just know where you’re treading.
You dropped some good knowledge here brother, thank you.
No problem Bob- you definitely started it. Everyone needs to be shaken really hard sometimes and come back to reality. Those pictures are photo-shopped to boot. Reality is scary in some of this areas, Ukraine is SO poor and very racist. The people aren’t that friendly anymore and very untrustworthy probably due to the sex tourists who come from Turkey and other places. If you are planning on going there PM me, I’ll be playing music in Kiev in July in a decent area. I’m sure we could trade some stories. People need to educate themselves. These girls will literally put you in mortal danger if it means a couple extra bucks for them. Scammers isn’t even a proper word for them, they’re criminals. Like I said, have friends around you that know the culture and language, the Russian mob is ubiquitous and there are eyes everywhere. Foreigners have become a target. Research heavily!! You’re in another country that happens to be an ex-soviet satellite and the men don’t want you there, the country is at war and the people are poor. There are still great areas out there in Europe and EE so I’m not here to scare anyone, I’m just sick of hearing stories about guys getting taken for everything because they didn’t read up.. thanks for bringing this up Bob.
Should I make it over there I will let you know, thanks man.
Budapest is another place. Great city but the women there are unpleasant (you’re better off talking to other tourist girls) and there is a seriously mean element looking to rob you (girls are used as a honey trap).
Wow this is very interesting. Thanks for the heads up. My bf & I are planning to spend a month there, thought to maybe pick up a girl for fun, but who knows if that will even work out!
very interesting
Women are women. It doesn’t matter if they are foreign, or whether they are American. Hypergamy is present in every race, religion, and ethnicity. I’ve met plenty of European women that fared bad compared to American women. Don’t even get me started on the European women that have immigrated here to the United States. You don’t think they were on cock carousel? Think again. They’ll do anything to get that Green Card. Why do you think it’s easy to find Pornstars that hail from Hungary and Poland? Hypergamy my friend.
That’s a good dose of the Crimson Capsule. While EE women can be superior to western women domestically, you still have to keep your game up with them.
“True femininity.” Right. American women play at being feminine but can’t carry it off. They actually like being slut dogs, and are so confused about what they want and how they pretend to be what they’re not. Average American women are regarded as prostitutes by other parts of the world. There are a lot of countries in SA where families freak out when a daughter wants to come to the states. And when those girls return home, their communities shun them for awhile untill they regain trust. And I’m talking big metropolitan places like Buenos Aires and Quito.
Bitches ain’t shit
But hoes and tricks
Who suck our dicks
Another thing – Eastern European girls are so much hotter than the west. I live in Boston, which due to its rich English, Irish and to a lessor degree Italian heritage makes for a lot of butter faces out there. Particularly those with strong English lineage.
I vaguely recall one time as a child feeling left out when a group of older women said of my peers around me – he’s an Englishman and he’s an Englishman. When they got to me they said, no, you are most definitely not an Englishman. I felt slighted and left-out until one of the older women whispered…that’s a good thing. Not that I’m that striking…well, definitely striking on my good days 🙂 . Rather, I’m 1/2 Russian and look mostly like my 100% Russian Mother (who was born and raised in the US FYI) and who is very striking.
More recently, I used to work around an Eastern European from Belarus. Wow…I honestly want to fall on my knees and grovel. She dressed immaculately and with class. She had class and was very feminine. On some occasions she would wear those patterned leggings, which drive me nuts and I would have to leave early to masturbate.
And then you have the typical girl from Boston. Not even close to a 10, compared to National or even EE standards, I’d say the highest is a 6.5 walking around as if she is this sexual dynamo spouting off all this feminist bullshit to boot. I fucked plenty of them, after a little game it was easy. But its a really difficult to watch a bunch of sub-standard broads suffer from such delusions.
Fucking PARAGRAPHS, dude!
It’s funny when you see foreign women in the States, because they stick out like a sore thumb compared to American women. How they carry themselves, the way they dress and even their manners. Makes me nostalgic for my days when I was stationed overseas.
Yes indeed. Foreign women in the US are more pleasant to be with. They do have the herd mentality so if they stay long and adopt the US culture, then they turn into one of those harpies.
Yep. One friend of mine married a Philippine girl and another met a Ukrainian. The Philippine loves spending his money and it’s gotten pretty nasty at times but they haven’t divorced because she doesn’t believe in it. The one with the Ukrainian divorced recently and from what he tells me, she turned quite evil after their third kid.
I have been married to a Filipina for about 8 years. One of my friends who is also married to a Filipina was visiting her family in the Philippines one time. They got in a fight while he was drunk and she went to mother’s. He said a mental FU, and got more drunk and picked up a bar girl. He then got really stupid and took the bar girl back to the hotel room he had with his wife. He walked in on her naked in bed ready to make up with him. He suggested a three way; which went over like a turd in the punch bowl. At first the girl refused to leave as she had been paid to do a job and couldn’t go until she had finished her work. I love that work ethic.
The killer was that later when she was back in the USA she was discussing divorcing him but said, “If I divorce him I can never have sex again.” This is straight from the new testament on divorce. Look it up. They are still together many years later.
Get this…this girl wasn’t a gym freak either. I’m sure she did her exercises here and there to tone and trim, but, she had a perfect body! And it was just who she was, so, it wasn’t forced like so many women do to their bodies today. Its refreshing. Even though I think we need to encourage women in the west to work out more, those that do are fanatic, or more likely, want to present the image that they are fanatic about working out. If a chick is all about her 26.6 or cross fit bullshit, I just don’t want to hear it. I simply cannot see that most of the girls out there have any of the discipline necessary to be a truly fanatical about their work-outs. But, its such a nice “fuck you” when a Eastern European girl can just live and not have to subject herself to mind numbing hours in the gym and starving herself. Like it takes no effort for them to look amazing. I’m sure this pisses-off the other girls wasting their lives in spin class to no end.
russian and ukrainian girls make excellent girlfriends, but please think twice before marrying them. they are usually extremely materialistic and require a rock-solid frame to keep them in line. russia and ukraine have very high divorce rates (most of the stats i see show russia’s divorce rate as far higher than the US). “sex in the city” was hugely popular when i lived in the former-USSR, for what it’s worth.
for a good foreign wife, i highly recommend latina girls who go to church (but most of you regulars already know that). no personal experience with asians, but they’re probably a better bet too.
Bucky, she goes to church and you can fuck around to enjoy some variety, or are you having sex ONLY with her ?
you mean my wife? i’m faithful to her. among other things, we’re expecting our first baby soon and infidelity is incredibly damaging to kids.
Bucky, he’s been humoured enough. For the sake of minimizing the derailment of this thread just ignore him.
I am more interested in how self-limiting your options is affecting you.
Don’t you want to reach out and get that novelty that a new woman will offer ? Shouldn’t your wife accept that and shut up ? Don’t you think that little tyrant who was bornto suck out your lives, should learn real soon that he only exists because science has not yet discovered immortality ?
Bishca … while you ‘re commenting, someone is somehow making money from all this.
Wouldn’t you want to know how it’s done ?
If they ‘re not making any money, then WHO is actually sponsoring all this ? Wouldn’t you want to know ? Who the “man”(the money) behind the curtain is ?
WHAT THREAD ?? Are you kidding me ? You consider this to be a quality article ? It looks like it was written by a 20 year old. (could be, he looks young) … Have you Bishca ever met an eastern european woman ?
thanks. didn’t realize he was trolling.
Bucky if they said so .. it must be the truth right ? I mean .. THEY SAID SO !!! … Blue pilled by the Red pilled who are actually still Blue pilled …
no, i’m incredibly excited about the kid. had an ultrasound last night and the midwife pointed out how you could feel her little head at a certain spot on her my wife’s belly. having kids isn’t for everyone, but i accidentally did things right, married a feminine, traditional woman who’s much younger when i was well over 40. as far as wanting some new strange, i’m a man so yeah, i want that, but i want a happy family a lot more. it’s a question of discipline, sort of like how i’d rather not do the devastating workout i’m going to do now, but i’m going to do it anyway because i don’t want to be a pathetic manboob.
We will fight for your life too.
DNA manipulation will eventually set us all free. Then you won’t have to force anything on yourself, you won’t need to have children, you will be – we will all be free. Hey .. a man ‘s got to dream big.
I just made $78 by sitting in my underwear and clicking some buttons. Want to know how?
There were gay men watching?
Fuck that was cold …
And you guys dare call me a troll …
that was cold man .. .what she said …
One can always assume that somewhere, somehow, there are gay men watching.
How did you make the money, then?
You ask a question, you lose the game …
I just made 79 dollars an hour sitting in my aquaman underroos- wanna know how?
I don’t mind a girl who demands provisioning IF she is bearing your children and being feminine. That’s just her hard wiring, it makes perfect sense. Demanding it “just because” though, they can kiss my pasty white ass.
If Eastern European girls actually SCHEDULE dates and stick to them, I’d consider moving just for that.
Go for it man.
“I’ve only been in Eastern Europe a month, but I never want to go back.”
That’s probably the most telling part of the article. I’d be interested to see this piece written after a year. Don’t get me wrong, because I married a foreign girl and am happy about it. But women are women.
definitely applies to the former USSR. guys get blown away when they arrive and fail to see the many downsides to the women. think twice before marrying russian and ukrainian girls. i speak from personal experience.
Bucky speaking the truth … Nobody cares though Bucky … Something is going terribly wrong with this website. And how many distinct views does each article get ? We want to know …
True. An average EE lady has more game than the most ZFG Western Alpha male. You can count on it. Bring your “A” Game*
* A Game is not sold in stores.
can’t speak for the rest of EE, but for russian speaking girls, exactly. i heard one western guy who had spent years over there put it this way: “if you are 10% a decent person, you stand no chance against these women.” i know a lot of american guy/russian girl couples in my area. around half get divorced eventually, and for those who stay together, it isn’t easy.
That actually happened to an army buddy of mine. Married a Ukrainian woman and had three girls with her. Their marriage lasted barely a decade. Funny enough, when I met her I could feel that something was off about her.
oy vey shut Bucky down ! He is speaking the truth …
Why would a beautiful woman invest time in someone who DOES NOT EVEN speak her language, does not know any of the culture she grew up in and is not able to even understand the spontaneous jokes she would make ?
Because you ‘re a tool to her, that’s why …
10 long fucking boring years, spent with the same person living with you in the same house. Give that man a medal …
most of my friends and family say that about my russian ex, but i was blissfully ignorant at the time. didn’t have kids with her, fortunately.
i actually spoke conversational russian and met my ex after several years of living and working over in the former USSR. still didn’t help me, because i was blinded by that sweet, sweet russian pussy. sometimes i think i could have made it work if i’d understood women in general and russian women in particular like i do now, but things would never have been as good as they are with my devout catholic latina wife. i never met any deeply religious girls in russia and ukraine, but i wonder if the few that there are might be better marriage material.
I met a Russian family who had immigrated to the US. The woman was bombshell blonde but the guy was stalky and looked wrestler ugly, greying and roughly twice her age. Both were native Russian. They had high school age sons in sports and the woman seemed to cleave to the man. She never spoke to anyone else but him since her English was poor. I bought a car from the guy and his wife hovered nearby the whole time during the transaction. He explained that she was nervous about me openly handing him a wad of money for the car. I presume she was used to Moscow muggings. She looked like she was ready to break out a mac 10 if any funny shit went down. It was only a simple car purchase, geez. She got back to cooking afterwards. Their sons seemed very all american. It still surprises me how him being so butt ugly had such a beautiful wife. I asked him and he shrugged.
do you call this a quality article? whatever. KRATOM
I am very interested in the business model.
Do you know how this scheme works ?
what are you referring to?
Dropping this in here: Kyle’s site is actually pretty good. It dovetails nicely with other resources I tend to frequent (this site included).
If you want a good foreign woman, just find one you like and stay with her. Don’t bring your promiscuity everywhere.
“Just find one you like”
If only it was that easy…
Men that is much much easier than finding someone who likes you isn’t it ?
How many girls you like do you see each day ?
How many of those girls do you think liked you ?
There is a light in the eyes of foreign girls, a sort of naiveté, a cute optimism that is very endearing. That is not saying they can’t be cynical, but it’s much more natural, almost biblical. I can’t quite put it into words.
And I guess that was pretty much the end of this post …
Someone wrote that article and paid money to have that article posted here. He got his adbvertising space. The owner of the site got some money.
Not many had something interesting to say. Not much interesting is said anyway.
The usual people post or reply … hmmm
It would appear there is a European and an American influx of posts.
HOW MANY distinct views does each article get on average ? …
FFS you were given the source now go and pay for it.
Went out (not really dated) with a Polish girl last year. I dressed decently, her not so much for a dinner. If it wasn’t for this site and articles about flaking I’d never know what she was doing. She must have been too Americanized at this point? Or riding the cock carousel? She was in the US 9 years by then. No tears shed for her.
Who paid for the dinner man ?
Split it both times.
Good call. As a man you probably ate more, so you got something out of it. Kudos !
That seemed natural to you?
I dated 6 women last week. Not for the lolz.
I paid only for the one who travelled 200 kms to come and visit me. I didn’t pay for the one who traveled 1000 kms to come and visit me, but this one stayed with me.
With the others we went for a cup of coffee.
Each one paid their own.
This is the way it was meant to be ON THE FIRST DATES.
Women want a provider. If you split the bills with her or, even worse, make her pay, why should she want you?! It’s retarded. I can’t believe some guys are splitting bills. I reckon you same guys get to bed and you fuck her in the ass for 5 minutes, then stop and hand her a strap-on and say, “now it’s your turn to do me.” Gaylords.
Women want a provider ??? You ‘re a woman right ?
Women want a provider, so they can find a real fucker, have babies with him and make the cuck pay for them.
Don’t get me wrong, I get them, and I get it.
I just don’t want to provide women with anything other than ways to provide for me.
I’m not a fucking woman! Damn. If you don’t pay for your dates, you’ve also got less chance of fucking her just for a one night stand. Even in the short-term, WOMEN WANT A PROVIDER. They don’t open their legs for free unless they’re a right proper feminist.
ridiculous … your language pattern suggests you ‘re either a woman or something much worse … a true troll !
What language pattern is that?
I split the bill on a first date with one chick. We’re now married. Your logic is flawed.
Sorry, I don’t talk to women I will :
1.not get something from
2.not have a chance to have sex with
I sincerely love you and support you though. We will make life better together and give hope for freedom to all.
JUST KIDDING : Let me keep my secrets
Is she fat or ugly or elsehow desperate?
Nope. Was a virgin, traditional, and we have 3 kids.
I’m a man, douche. Married with 2 kids. Fucking Hell.
Well, the wonders of feminism! Although I do wonder what kind of virgin goes on “dates”…
It’s the kind of virginity you can lease, and then you get a tax deduction
I don’t talk to women I will :
1.not get something from
2.not have a chance to have sex with
Holy shit, you said something I agree with unequivocally.
A traditional, dating virgin. It’s actually quite the paradox, isn’t it?
Um, all of them? Amish kids go on dates, for goodness sake.
Not sure where you’re from, but around here dates =/= sex.
GoJ he’s the worst kind of troll – the deranged one who thinks he’s wise. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
That’s why virgins don’t go on them…
sometimessshit happens …
wait a little more, you ‘ll see it will all turn out to be great …
This response doesn’t make any sense to my comment…
don’t be so obtuse. I talk to my cleaning lady all the time.
You said dates = sex. No? In any case, they do. I suppose you could’ve been her first date, but if she was a virgin I imagine there would’ve been a more prolonged, traditional method of courtship that didn’t involve splitting bills and retiring to a motel to shag.
Why don’t you try to shag her?
Because then he’d have to find a new cleaning lady when he nexted her and who has time for that?
I said dates =/= (don’t) sex. Again, don’t know where you’re from, but around my parts, it’s not uncommon for couples to date a while without instantly running to the bedroom. I split the bill on the first date because I wasn’t sure if I even liked the chick. After we got to know each other better, then yes, I began paying for the dates.
No, he means “does not mean sex”.
Well he needs to fucking say that…
I did…
“=/=” mean not equal to
correct. Cleaning lady is for cleaning home. Other lady’s for cleaning pipes.
If you say so. It seems unrealistic to me, but I’ve not been wherever “round here” is, so…
Still, even “round there”, I wouldn’t be letting my virgin daughters go on dates, least of all with bill-splitting guys…
A language pattern analyzer for M/F.
I prefer multi-purpose ladies. If I couldn’t shag her, I don’t see the point in hiring her to begin with…
Are you familiar with traditional American Southern culture? Splitting a bill gets rid of any “expectations” on a first date, it’s actually a good thing. Besides one generally doesn’t take a girl to a lavish place with a huge spread on the first date.
Don’t shit where you eat. How hard is that as a concept?
Apparently he is not. She remembers the date with fondness and we still go to the same spot at the same restaurant every year. I COULD recreate it a little more and make her pay her half, heh.
… now you guys don’t have expectations when you date? This just keeps getting weirder and weirder. If I take a girl on a date, it’s because I’ve already decided I’m going to get her pregnant, and at that point I’m crashing my bank account into her like a runaway train. Of course, I don’t date much being married, but that’s my general view of it. I don’t date unless I want her.
There might be a difference with Western guys, though, because so many of your women are insufferable bitches and I get it if you need to learn that about her first before investing too heavily in her. It’s not the same in Thailand. If she’s hot, that’s really all that matters.
Virgin girls are not insufferable bitches, generally, when you find them. Throwing “money game” at them on a first date however, just doesn’t make sense. I figure, they have to earn my interest, and I suspect Unabashed does too. Just being pretty and a virgin doesn’t mean that she’s interesting or fun.
My wife’s a total bitch, actually. Maybe I should’ve done that first date test thingy after all? LOL
Honestly, though, all I look for in a girl is whether she’s attractive and she’ll be chaste. Nothing else matters to me. I don’t mind my bitchy wife. I generally just ignore her.
I also have the idea of big spending on her on a first date probably because I don’t think I’d be on a date with a girl I didn’t know locally before-hand. Even if I’d just moved to the area, I’d probably have met the girl and talked to her a dozen times bare minimum before I asked her out to date. By the time we get to the date, yeah, there’s no point splitting bills. Business has already begun.
I have almost no patience for drama to be honest. A bitchy wife would be thrown out on her ass after a day or two of bitchyness.
Why not just fuck her ass instead? Honestly, I little bitchiness and mental instability is amusing. Rough sex restores the natural balance if things ever get too far out of hand.
Rough sex is great, and dominating them body and soul is amazing. Listening to them nag afterward though? Fuck that. My house I demand and get peace.
Well that’s obviously a proper piece of shit!
I usually go for a walk until I’m ready for more sex. Or go sit on the computer and watch a movie with the head-phones on and drink beer. It’s not as though she follows me around with her bitchiness. It’s possible to escape it.
It is the worst mistake to pay the bill on the first date. Been there done that.
I dated my very Catholic present wife for two years. The simple way of having virgins date is to chaperone all dates. We did that as a requirement of her parents for dating at all.
Alpha Fux/Beta Bux. Don’t ever be the Beta provider unless you desire the cuck lifestyle.
Yeah, chaperoning is a good idea, but then it’s not really a date. I mean, if a guy wants to get to know my daughter, fair enough, I’ll invite him to come spend a day at the beach with us – fishing, barbecue, so on. It’s more just a social outing. Even if we go to a restaurant together, it’s a social thing rather than a date.
And what do you get from her? A cleaning service, correct?
I believe in equadorian culture cleaning my apartment is considered a great honor. I am an altruist
Sadly common. Whatever values she had in Poland, the tribeless, globalist mindset of the Americas wiped them out.
Pedestalizing much ?
So Fucking true!!! The first time I went to the East and dated a “REAL” woman, it blow my mind!!
I wasted 15 years of my life on broken women in the west where I refuse to touch one ever again! I just annoy them and afford contact just like you would with a retarded person!
really wish I didn’t read all the comments on this one lol
I really wish someone didn’t insist on replying to every comment in terrible English with blatant irrational psychoses on display, but alas, here we are.
That guy Jefferson needs to be taken care of for sure.
You’re worse.
Oh no son, you’re the monkey at the top with his hands over his eyes.
yea that dude was way out there.
Sometimes I wonder whether you’re truly a sea otter, or just a man sitting on a computer pretending to be one…
Are you really a sparkly rainbow girl or just a man sitting on a computer?
… stop changing your picture !!!
nope, an actual sea otter my friend. well technically an actual dangerous internet sea otter. there is a big difference.
Is this better?
But I … I broke you…
No, little boy. You will never break my soul-piercing gaze. I will always be here, lurking in the shadows; haunting your dreams.
I can be both if I want, you know. Welcome to the modern world.
Whatever floats your boat.
You’re pure evil…
Now you’re beginning to understand.
Pleasantville, Poland?
Wasn’t that the movie where everything wholesome, decent and upright was mocked by being “in black and white” then two “modern” kids enter, corrupt the entire place and it turned to “color”? What a fuck piece of social programming, if so.
Kinda- tobey maguire saw the value in that place, his sister ruined it…
Right, the girl is the corrupter. Which I suppose is rather accurate.
Pleasantville was good while it lasted, just like Poland
The film is a little grey (badum-tss) in regards to its message. Sure there’s a lot of shitlibbery. Some pretty overt allegories to the black civil rights movement, but despite all the boots knocking the corrupter girl can’t turn colour, it takes education to do that. I’d say 90% overt social programming, 10% unintentional truth gems.
American women have bad tempers and short fuses. I was at the grocery market the other day and the checker made a mistake and the lady blew her top and was all pissy with everyone. American women always walk around with permafrown bitch shield angry faces like they are mentally ill!
I used to work in NYC with a 21-year-old Polish girl who recently emigrated to the country with her husband (21 and married???? She’s a rarity). One day the boss asked her if she could come in early to help out with something and she said she wasn’t sure – Every morning she’d wake up and make her husband breakfast and take care of the house before leaving and she thought coming to work early would interfere with her wifely duties.
Of course this fat, loud-mouthed American girl who worked there pipes in and goes “You make breakfast for your husband? The hell, can’t he make it himself?” and then tried to convince her that she needs to be more independent. And this showed me the dynamics of the cultures – One was an extremely attractive foreign girl who, despite her good looks, married early (And was probably a virgin) and will put her husband’s needs above her work duties. Meanwhile the big fat one, who should’ve been the truly demure one, had a loud and obnoxious personality and was spewing you-go-girlisms. Her ugliness was a huge red flag, but the personality was like puking on a pile of shit. No wonder why society is going to hell in a handbasket.
EDIT: Just found Polish girl on Facebook. She’s probably about 27 now and looks to have gained some weight. Her eyes are also dead inside. And no photos or mention of a husband or kids. Divorced? She went from demure EE girl to typical western career girl. I wonder if she’d have remained the same demure girl had she not moved to NYC.
Before HR existed, she woulda been shut up real quick.
This american woman wrote an article on why she deserves “me-ternity leave” even though she is fat, 38 and has no children…even other women got pissed at her…
Heard about that last week on the Free Beer & Hot Wings Show. Selfish narcissism at its finest.
Thats a tv show? Sounds fantastic
Radio morning show.
I saw that one…fucking brilliant. I want maternity leave. What a fucking scam that is.
Single or divorced over the hill women are the most dangerous things on the planet. Left alone with only their “thoughts”, this is what they come up with. Rudderless women, easily fooled into being useful idiots
I saw that. Argh. Speechless.
Maybe he cheated on her. A woman like that is hard to find, she should be properly appreciated if she’s doing all of that. I’m not saying he needs to bow down, that’s ridiculous. But appreciated, yes. I dunno. Both genders need to have a seat nowadays. We are both out of control. Like I know women married to great guys who treat them like shit. I really don’t get it. Maybe you’re right, maybe she did change and he was like fuck this bitch. *shrug*
There is a whole lot of herding by unattractive high testo women. I brought my Bavarian girlfriend to New Zealand and there would be similar howls of outrage from post-wall short-haired quasi feminists when she would quietly ask me if I wanted a sandwich or a beer. To which I would shrug and explain that they were the reason I had little interest in the sort of homosexual relationship with a New Zealand woman they seemed to envisage. Kiwi women are still less of a headache than their American sisters though.
I actually tried to court a New Zealander who just moved to NYC recently. When I met her she was friendly and bubbly and not all surly and jaded like American women. Then as soon as I began texting her she was shit testing me out of the gate, taking hours to respond to texts, not committing to meeting up, etc. She had only been here a couple months but was like every other American girl, so either she learned the game quickly or NZ girls are like this, as well. Either way I nexted her quickly.
Sounds like Indian girls. Such a pain in the ass to get to a date. American girls were easier IMO.
Guys please help me find this new blog called like savageman lifestyle or something. I can’t find it on Google, and I know that guy has commented on a bunch of posts here. I really want to read it. Thanks
Thanks boss
It’s “Bosch”, fixed it for you. You’re welcome……
Rhymes with Anonymous….
Eastern European girls will say whatever it takes to catch an American beta male. These girls want to move to America. They want green cards. It’s a simple case of beta bux for the gullible American
Two can play at that game. Just do what I do in Thailand and play the game back at them. Promise nothing, suggest everything and then fuck em’ and chuck em’.
I was at a bar this weekend with some friends and we were in an especially social mood. We were acting crazy and having tons of people come up to us to talk. I don’t know what it was, maybe it was because we were so happy, but I specifically remember taking a look around the bar to check out all the girls and noticing most, if not all, were scowling. It was Friday night, the party was fun, and they’re looking miserable.
However, we did encounter some girls. The two that stood out to me the most were very kind and nice and smiling and laughing at our dumb jokes and took well to light teasing. What did they have in common? They were European. One was French, and she thought I was the coolest guy ever and only left once some friendzoned guy from her group came in and took her away. The second was a model from Sweden. Even though she was a gorgeous model she was still very nice and hung around us and talked. She was easily a 9 but she had a better attitude than most of the 5’s there.
The highlight of the night was one of my friends getting bummed out and leaving because the DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) of the group of some girls he was talking to came over and chewed him out for something. This girl was a 4 but had an attitude I wouldn’t have even accepted from that 9 model.
Are you…in commune with a-a-angels?
But in all seriousness, the last bit about bringing out the primal instinct of man providing and protecting (and dominating) resounded with me even as I read the quotes from the ee girls. My personal experience with recently predominantly dating Russian/Ukranian/Finnish Russian women has led me to the same conclusions.
What’s a Finnish Russian?
A Russian that’s done with whatever they were doing. Dammit…GoJ’s humor is rubbing off on me.
you’re finished here.
Yes…embrace your fate…join us…
Embrace the dark side.
I’m Finnish, and don’t know either.
Finnish Swede girls on the other hand, the best on the planet.
A Russian immigrant with Finnish nationality
I think everyone here can agree that american women are fu**** up in many ways. And that EE Girls or Asian Girl are better , BUT they are still women and are not that different as you may think.
I hate it when I see guys here who claim to be redpills, but then they talk shit that foreign women are sooooooo different and wifey material or a keeper . These guys are not redpills, these guys swallowed the redpill, did not like it, put a finger in their throat and made an “escape plan”.
“Well, yeah yeah man..women are like that and that….but only american/westernized girls, foreign girls are different”.
this strikes me as true. American women aren’t lazy slobs because they happen to be born here. They are lazy slobs because weak men have been letting them be for 3 generations now and because they are women and so are susceptible to that shit in the first place.
Take a great girl from some traditional culture and do your normal worship the pussy routine and you will train her to be just like an American girl.
Eddie Murphy knew the score
This and also the fact that 50% of marriages end in divorce in the West. With this figure you can be guaranteed that a similar percentage of western women will be from broken homes. I’m not saying that everyone from broken homes is batshit crazy but from my experience many women with divorced/separated parents are fucked up. As far as I am aware divorce in many Eastern European countries although common is still frowned upon.
Marriage is a losing proposition I think.
In the WEST for sure. I look at it this way. If you want to put 50% of your stuff up for grabs to a western career woman who can’t cook, keep the house clean or look after the kids by all means wife the kunt up. I really don’t understand the concept any longer. There is nothing in it for western men. If you want kids just live with the woman and knock out a few rug rats. I know after a few years in some countries they look on this arrangement as a cammon law marriage but just get the bitch to pay you rent and draw up a rental agreement.
Why not actually try looking up real statistics instead of making up fantasies in your head about how much better it is on the other side. EE nations actually top the charts in the divorce rates
Read what I wrote. I never said Divorce rates in Eastern Eorope were any better than the West. I did say that it ” was still frowned upon.” I’m guessing you are a maladjusted child of divorce.
So, 52.2% of Russian marriages end in divorce ? That’s lower than the US rate.
Eddie Murphy Raw. What a classic. I remember trying to sneak in and hear it through the door while my parents watched it (I wasn’t allowed to watch this rated R flick). I finally watched it in college later. As genius as he was with women, I wonder why he doesn’t seem to be doing much lately, just some of those lame black comedies where he plays the whole family. George Carlin kept evolving his shit and got really hard core and philosophical at the end. Murphy seems to just be fading away. Just googled him and it says “Eddie Murphy has 9th child”. Guess he just became a family man.
OMG this was so on point. Red Pill for real… I saw this very same thing with my Russian EX. She came to the U.S.A. and hated feminism. Felt men were superior and all that good shit. Then, 4 years latter, she was spouting out girl empowerment crap, how I rapped her many times because we had sex while drinking and on and on and on… it’s no joke fellas. Good women are easily corrupted. Gotta treat them like Gremlins. Keep them in a cage and feed them a strict diet or else.
This seems appropriate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PM4mL4-RF4
America is interesting. Alpha males in America never complain about American women. NFL and NBA players never whine about how women in the states are. I guess they are too busy on their path and sleeping with the 9s and 10s. It’s always the American beta males who complain about women in USA and have to flee to poorer Eastern European countries where their status as American citizens will cover up how beta they actually are
They don’t complain until they are oopsed, divorce raped, FRA, or just accused of sexual harassment or assault. I have seen interviews with college athletes that have been through the FRA process and are now MGTOW/ghosts when it comes to women. They have seen that they have a big red bulls eye on their backs and fronts. Coaches in colleges are advising their players of these dangers and trying to keep them away from the co-eds. But as we all know, pussy makes you stupid; you forget everything you know and dive in.
The pros (think basketball/NBA) are seeing the stars taken down with lifetime alimony based on their highest earning years. Think about Kobe where the wife made him crawl for a few years and then divorced him the day after lifetime alimony kicked in. I can’t say I could resist the kind of temptation the ballers get, but man they are playing with fire for real.
Do you understand what would happen if someone in the public eye complained such that you’d know about it? Have you heard from Tiger Woods recently? Then there was Patrick Kane. Think he might be complaining where we can’t hear him? He knows better to say anything in public. The SJW’s would ruin his career if he did.
And he was damn lucky to draw a government office holder with some integrity and work ethic.
They also make post-coital crèpes. That’s 10 minutes after bang.
There’s a lot I like about this article. I honestly somewhat agree with the support quote. However I feel that instead of head and neck maybe we are left and right hands? As a female you truly must support your man but sometimes you need the other hand to take over. Kind of like in one of the last quotes where she says she needs her man to be her rock. Amen to that! The whole 50+ partners thing is friggen crazy. Honestly I don’t know how some chicks can do all that…. I don’t know how DUDES can do all that. If I’m gonna be with a guy it’s just that one dude. How are these women complaining about not having time for a date but yet fucking all of their neighborhood. It doesn’t add up. Ill be honest if I tell a man I’m very busy, it’s an honest answer. I want a relationship where we can be in love but yet have our own careers and other activities. Ill also only take a man that is worth incorporating into my life. Sorry if that’s not something men want to hear. Like I volunteer at an animal shelter and work full time and go to the gym 4 times a week so I can look decent when a man I like wants to take me out. Lol! But apparently other females are just blowing hot air? That’s really silly. Anyway, this article is cute and I really like the way he expresses his frustration with American females. If I ever meet a man and get into another relationship I’ll certainly use some of these tips.
What’s interesting about your comment is that this is how I used to think. When I married first time, I was all about equality in marriage, and so was my wife. We were naive about biology. It all went weird when she had our first baby. We had agreed to share breadwinning and childcare, but when the baby was born hormones kicked in and she took over 100% the childcare and forced me into a position of 100% breadwinner. It was a shock to the system and it made me realise that the ‘biological determinism’ that we were so against in our theoretical, pre-parenthood days, was actually a serious force to be reckoned with. I have seen other previously feminist women suddenly change after the birth of their first baby and turn into 1950s housewives, including one friend who used to be a Communist. (An actual, card-carrying member of one of Britain’s Communist parties.)
The experience, and my subsequent divorce (another story) was what led me on to discovering that the strongest relationships are where the male-female polarity is strongest. And part of that is the leader/led dynamic. I didn’t grow up with sexist attitudes. I grew up in a family of strong women with no men around and grew up instinctively feminist, and my experiences have re-educated me along the way.
I’m not a natural leader and my upbringing made me more feminine, but developing the kind of relationship-leadership skills and masculinity that the articles in ROK and other of the more thoughtful manosphere sites has improved my relationships hugely. I have travelled a lot and my experience is that in non-Western countries, women are not ashamed of their instincts to want the man to be the leader in the relationship, whereas it is heresy in the West. The instinct is still there in Western women but they fight against it.
The West is trying to go against the grain of biology and it isn’t working.
Well that’s the thing. The female role and the male role are equally important. They go hand in hand especially, in my opinion, when it comes to raising a family. I totally agree with what you are saying though. Some people can’t fight their natural biology to be nurturing. But this is a good thing. This is still team work. This is still two hands working together. The pressure of being the breadwinner must be phenomenal but so is the pressure of being the nurturing parent. I mean the study of psychology was basically founded on the idea of blaming mom for everything and some people still believe in those theories today so you can imagine how it is. I dunno, I’m not married nor a parent yet and cant really speak from experience. Though I look forward to mairrage and family life and hope I can find a man who can be everything I know I can’t be. To me that’s teamwork. I don’t know about sport but I’m sure that the quarterback does something different from his other team mates and though one gets more glory, they are equally important.
What we’re both describing from different perspectives is ‘complementarity’ and it’s been the basis of the relations between the sexes for all of time and throughout the whole world until recently, and perhaps during certain periods of the ancient Greek and Roman civilisations.
But you also have to be realistic with the situation. If I’m a wife and mommy but daddy honestly can’t cover all the bills by himself then mamas gotta help out with the bills as well! I have a degree and have a nice resume. I enjoy my field and make an ok salary. Hopefully when I’m married I can focus on being the nurturer but if I can’t then I’ll be able to still add to the table. Just because a man isn’t rich doesn’t mean he’s going to be a bad husband and vice versa.
I agree. Unfortunately in a family member’s case, his wife didn’t want to work (even part time) when they needed the money.
That kind of attitude is what men in America find in potential wives today: I DON’T HAVE TO WORK! I’M NOT GONNA!
However you can bet she had expectations…
I’ve seen that. They wear the husband down. It’s a form of spousal abuse in my opinion. Equivalent to a man beating his wife.
In any relationship, everybody has to bring something to the table. Roles can change, but both parties need to contribute, and both parties need to feel as though the other side is contributing as much. When things get out of balance, resentment grows. In the past, male/female roles were fairly rigidly scripted. Not sure if this is an issue of biological determinism, but it does make life easier when everyone knows what’s expected of them out of the gate, so to speak. People have careers, babies, illnesses, job losses…you have to be flexible, but you must always pull your weight in some capacity.
Thanks for sharing your field experiences. I will say however to enjoy Poland and EE while it lasts…because you will be hearing less EE girls saying all those things you mention in your article as EE becomes infected with the feminist virus.
note to guys that haven’t yet traveled to the east: ROK tends to idolize eastern girls esp in juxtaposition to their western counterparts. though for sure the former are head and shoulders above the latter, lets not get too carried away — at the end of the day they’re still women, and women are, for better or for worse, women. in asia ive been w girls who are pure and girls that are just as slutty, if not more so, than girls ive been w in the US.
dont get it twisted: girls in the east are dominant, but they assert their dominance in a subtler, passive-aggressive way. where white girls will be all up in your face about their want to control men and relationships, eastern girls do it through a feminine, siren-esque method thats just as dangerous.
bottom line: women are women, wherever you go, esp in metropolises, whether they be in the west or east. i think to truly get a unicorn that isnt blemished, you have to go to deep rural areas. but then ofc theres a trade-off. theyre bound to be less attractive than their urban counterparts.
Exactly man. If you want to find a unicorn, you have to go back in time. lol.
i think to truly get a unicorn that isnt blemished, you have to go to
deep rural areas. but then ofc theres a trade-off. theyre bound to be
less attractive than their urban counterparts.
Take makeup off a city girl and she looks like a country girl, if they are of the same body build, weight and proportions. Put makeup on a country girl and a nice dress and she looks like a city girl, all other things being equal.
I recruited my wife from the farmlands of Ohio and she’s was thin, beautiful and had an extremely sweet feminine demeanor. They exist.
I agree, given ethnic differences but my wife is from rural back country, her family has lived in the same place for centuries. Her family still owns a lot of farmland and farm it or some parts at least, but they all are university educated professionals.
But when we go to a nicer place in a big metropolis and she dolls herself up she doesn’t look any different from the rest of women. She just doesn’t dress up etc much daily as she’s a pregnant housewife…
I just read an article that had some research about how men are drawn to a 60-70% waist to hip ratio and apparently 1/20 in the US have this. I had to laugh and give my wife a hug. Apparently it means smarter and healthier children and also they are more fertile. The last bit I can certify.
And I can say I always have a big smile on my face when I get home and she opens the door and welcomes me home.
The 3 size ideal ratio of bust:waist:hip is 3:2:3.
I know obviously we here at Rok paint Eastern women in a more hyperbolic light when comparing them to American girls…. But shit, these articles do for me what seeing commercials for Disney land does for 7 year olds.
Bout to start saving money in a piggy bank so I can take a trip.
This is complete bullshit.
East/west is not the distinction….why, even Eddie Cantor knew what men needed
Yep. I’m moving to Kyiv in 8 days. Looking forward to the girls again. I concur with this article.
I’m guessing when you say “I’m never going back”, you’re talking about the US?
Well, I honestly think that (although clearly biased towards Eastern women and their culture) this article is refreshing, in that it gives us bachelors out there a shred of hope that feminism hasn’t swallowed EVERY woman on planet Earth. Plus, It sure as hell beats all the bad news we’ve been hearing on TV lately.
Having grown up in the United Staes, I too have witnessed the decline of women, even today. Yes, if you thought it was impossible, you are wrong: IT GETS WORSE. I’m waiting for most women I know to cash in and purchase one of those “I’m a Woman!” Hillary Clinton support cards.
The fact of the matter is, even though many of us are going to view this article in more of a negative light, and/or an exaggerated idea of women of the East, it is true in the overall theme: the women on THAT side are of much better QUALITY than the women over on THIS side (THIS side being the West).
It brings a smile to my face to know that our search for wife-material isn’t a complete failure. And, especially after having read this, I am even more excited for my own upcoming trip to the East.
As many have commented remember that they are still women, and prone to some of the same behavior if it isn’t checked.
Also, you need to hold frame especially in the beginning. Rock solid.
I live in one of EE countries and to be completely honest most of EE girls dont want to marry foreigners. Sure they would like to live in other countries due to better economic status but they would date or marry people from the same background. Just because they date you dont assume that they want to marry you. A lot of them are attracted to “exotic” factor foreigners can offer.
Some are open to it. Generally less than half by wide margin but that’s still good odds.
My wife is Japanese, and from what I read only something like 1/5 would consider dating/marriage(I forget which) with a foreigner there.
This article gives me hope…but there’s hope from another development, too: the “retro-sexism” trend, which American feminists hate. If you haven’t read the article, maybe it will give you hope as well!
Interesting read
I know one of these girls. She dresses in 50s clothes and had a classic movie-themed wedding. She even styles herself as Mrs John Surname.
I saw that by accident somewhere. Interesting.
Every Russian girl I’ve met was a rampant slut. And these were all ones either fresh off the boat to live here, or were visiting for the first time. Now, although they loved cock, they were more feminine and better in bed than most western women. However, by no means were any of them LTR material. They were also extremely manipulative. I honestly believe their acts of kindness were meant as traps, because as soon as a guy locked one down, these women showed how ruthless they could be (spoiler: they put western women to shame). So be careful, don’t get trapped, and don’t get suckered by their supposed kindness. EE girls, at least the ones I’ve met, are borderline sociopaths (maybe not even borderline) hellbent on getting their way at all costs.
My wife is Russian. Good grief, we’ll be married ten years this month…
But I digress. In my view Russian women are, from my experience with my wife and my observations of her sister, genuinely much more feminine than western women.
On the downside, many if not most Russians – of bother genders – are hypochondriacs. I mean, as a nation, they are really health obsessed. whereas the French have a lingerie shop on every street corner, and the English have a newsagent’s shop, and the Irish a pub, the Russians have a clinic.
The first warning sign for me was when we first met. It was deep winter out in her home city and she told me she wanted to bring me to visit a friend. But she then proceeded to wrap me up like a Michelin Man for this trip on foot in the snow… Which lasted all of 5-10 seconds. Turns out the friend was in the very next apartment section.
Since then, with 2 kids to look after, every little sniffle is immediately seized on with forensic suspicion and trips to doctors – all very expensive – have, in all seriousness, emaciated my finances. In the past year, I estimate our medical bills and the cost of flights to Russia and eastern Europe for treatments to be around £15K – £20K (Sterling). And now she wants us to move east because the doctors in “the west are appalling”.
It’s not all bad, though. She has a heart of gold and is very kind, and so on. But I would summarise Russian girls thus: regardless of their beauty (and mine was model material pre-babies), they tend to be very high maintenance, and many of them are hardcore hypochondriacs.
“Since then, with 2 kids to look after, every little sniffle is
immediately seized on with forensic suspicion and trips to doctors – all
very expensive – have, in all seriousness, emaciated my finances. In
the past year, I estimate our medical bills and the cost of flights to
Russia and eastern Europe for treatments to be around £15K – £20K
(Sterling). And now she wants us to move east because the doctors in ‘the west are appalling’.”
Put your foot down the medical expenses and/or start proactively “sharing” information that will make her distrust the medical industry (anti-vaccine, organic vs. GMO, etc).
If you play your cards right you’ll end her medical tourism and transition her to spending your money on feeding you with bison and ostrich meat, fresh North Atlantic salmon, etc.
Well, in fairness I stood firm and refused to let the kids be vaccinated and we homeschool them, so I generally get my way, but I’ve been losing the broader medical argument for years.
I think a big problem is her parents divorced while she was a child, so she had no daddy around in her teenage years to speak some common sense to her. In other words, like many Russian women, she has “daddy issues”.
But I do agree, the medical nuttery has to come to an end.
I think that every woman has the same panic attack when her own kid gets sick. It’s that overprotective mother bear syndrom. She’ll make up diseases which she’ll convince herself the kid has even if the doctor finds nothing wrong. So she’ll change doctors until the doctor agrees with her.
Same boat.
This is because healthcare was never as easy in Communist times (and before). It’s all about prevention, and home remedies.
The doctors in the West (general practitioners) actually ARE appalling. They are terrible pill pushers and nothing else.
That is downright terrifying.
the writing is on the wall. the coddled generation of privileged and tactless hacks is living in a gilded age. Caught between legions of white knights, kneeling to anything with a vagina, and the inexorable SJW assault on morals, ethics, or any semblance of common sense, The common man who values the sweat of his brow will seek better pastures, and the whole crumbling system will come crashing down when he slams the door behind him.
This is normal throughout the world and throughout time except for the liberal west.
Oh, please. The generalizations in these quotes are pathetic. EE girls will say anything to get a western guy. As for American girls, stop dating immature 22 year olds and the quality dramatically improves.
“stop dating immature 22 year olds and the quality dramatically improves”
You must not be from planet Earth.
Age is definitely not a guarantee of anything with women, except them being more prone to want to have kids.
The older women put on this act to get you to put that ring on her finger and have kids. Once the kid is squeezed out, you’ll find out all you were was a sperm donor.
He makes alot of sense, this guy is just feeling over the moon because he moved from the famous city of LA. Check out how those women treats the guys the dont deem high enough. I have been in the situation like this guy, where i was the Hot pursuit for every girl.
The immature 22 year olds are vacuous bubble heads.
The immature 44 year olds are vacuous bubble heads with saggy tits.
Hahaha, some things never change. As Ron White said, “You can’t fix stupid.”
You make a good point. I have never seen “woman” and “mature” ever, EVER in the same equation together. Wise, yes. Mature – never.
If you know what qualities to look for, while rare, you can find a mature woman in her 20’s.
It’s so sad that good, sensible women seem to be so rare nowadays.
USA is a strange country.Obama is gay and his wife “Michelle”
is a actually a man.There are videos on youtube where Obama admits that he is gay and where he accidently says ” My wife Michael”.There is another video where you can see Michael’ s dick swinging while he is dancing.
Serena Williams is actually a man as well.Poor girls who have to play against ” her” , but cannot win, because ” her” arms are so
Careful what you say about Michelle or she’ll come after you with her bat’leth and force you to eat fresh Klingon food such as gagh … 🙂
do you mean “she´ll come” or “he´ll come” ? 🙂
‘Tis true, you really cannot tell with those Klingon women. 🙂
You are 100% correct about Obama. I first heard about his gayness from a relative who lives in Chicago
hopefully trump can bring back femininity.
Has anyone looked in his hair? Maybe it’s hiding in there.
His wife definitely knows what side her bread is buttered on.
Haven’t been to Ukraine since war broke out … I miss it even if it is westernizing at breakneck speed. Maybe next year
Knew several people from Germany who were working in the states when I met them – engineers all. Educated, intelligent, and though we disagreed on a lot of things, unlike SJW’s we could actually talk about the underlying assumptions and WHY we disagreed.
They were good people and would have your back. They, despite a bit of bobo-style elitism, are far more likely to speak their minds than many americans I know.
Their wives were also very feminine and charming, observant, and knew what they were talking about when they spoke.
There is nothing particularly East European about these quotes — most of them could have been from any country that has not been too infested with western style feminism (and these countries are a large majority in the world). I have, for example, heard many Chinese and Japanese (and some Polish, Indian, Mexican etc.) girls saying that they wish to find a man who can lead them, “be their rock” and similar things.
Interestingly though, it seems that at least in China, people have much less firm views of how things “should” be; they may think it is perfectly normal that the woman has the power in some families (or even to live in such a marriage themselves), while at the same time expressing admiration for families with a more patriarchal structure. Often, you hear comment of the type that a woman is lucky if she can find a man who is strong and responsible enough to conquer and lead her (implying, of course, that this is not always possible).
#6 : I find women so much of the time to be completely empty. There’s nothing there to hold my interest.
#7: The schools in the USA kill self learning and any desire to learn things and the ability to think. So this is a deliberately created condition. However it seems women are much more susceptible to this or maybe it’s because of my sampling. Most geeks and nerds have always been male and that minority has been very difficult for the state to stomp out. The best (from their pov) it can do is guide them into pointless things.
Too true. Women demands more ‘coding for girls’ camps and whatnot. Meanwhile the boys are too busy reading library books and messing around with their home built computers.
Holy ****, I am dating american version of #2!
You are still naive. If you were polish guy you will rarely hear those quotes. These are fakes for foreigners.
That’s that passport game.
Men need to realize how adaptable women are. As soon as a new technique or game move is made public, you can bet women already have a counter to the counter of the counter move to that technique mapped out. Only women should be playing games after all.
#7 particularly appeals to me. I had a great conversation with a Russian girl about her physics Phd. I just can’t talk to western women about /anything/.
Ok, i´m going to tell you guys the story of a well known closed person in order to remove your phantasies fromm EE and make you back to reality.
Guy close to me who is an inmigrant in my country. Started working for a local institution and is tranferred into a EE country. Average income in euros that´s makes him well of in the EE country due FX. Nice apartment in the center paid by the aforementioned institution. He hang out a lot and bang lots of chicks using the leverage of his status, his income and his facility. At the ends he finds a girlfriend but 2 months later he´s transferred back to our country.
Once in our country, 2 months later his girlfriend comes to visit him. Now the guy doesn´t live in the center, he lives at his mothers house 40 kilometers far away, he has no car and a below average income, also the fact that his grilfriend realize she´s dating an inmigrant.
Girlfriend came back to her country, split up and wrote him a letter explaining what i consider the EE women´s general narrative ” I date a foreigners because of status and wealth and one day move to his country”
Understandably, she would want a male who could ideally provide for her when she cannot work if/when she bears children. She could have also admired him for his job- a decent income, I believe, indicates to a woman that a man is competent, intelligent, and articulate. This signals not only good genes and upbringing, but also security for the woman for the first reason mentioned. Now, after he lost all of that, she probably felt pretty duped. Imagine if you thought you were dating a woman whom you believed was intelligent, articulate, etc., but it turns out she was an immigrant who got fired from her job, could in reality not find a decent job in her country, lived off of her parents, and wasted her money to where she could not even purchase a used car. Unless she had valid explanations for the situation and had real reasons to be put in such a predicament, I would consider that whole scenario a red flag at the very least. Also, there is no obligation for her to have stayed with him if she did not wish to- they were barely dating, it seems, not married or even long-term. Either way, while it may have been an injury to his ego, your buddy probably dodged a bullet.
Correct me if I am mislead or mistaken in any way, but that is my take on this story.
That could be one interpretation. But in my opinion, EE women are not unicorns, are just women who have a strong desire to improve their lives and see foreigners as an exit. I don´t know in your countries guys, but in mine, if you are a badass with status and some money, you can´t get a quality woman easily and you won´t need to import it.
BONUS FOR LATINA LOVERS: Living in Venezuela, Colombia an Dominican Republic, every time i stated dating a girl and she realizes i was´nt going to bring her to my country…they disappeared…should be magic.
To be fair, there is, in reality, no race, nationality, or ethnicity of people with “unicorn” women.
There is always a catch to dating someone from any culture. It’s more of an individual phenomenon to find a truly valuable and worthwhile woman. It depends on what you are looking for in a potential partner and mate, and same for the woman.
If I may add, if I was a woman living in those countries, I’d want out too.
However, that’s what we have “legal immigration” and visas for.
If you were not going to propose anything to these women why should they stay with you and waste their time? If man wants a woman with her he will bring her to his house without any doubts. Doesn’t matter where the house is.
What a man looks for in a relationship with a girl is not the same as what a girl looks for.
I think a better analogy would be if a guy was dating this girl and later discovers that she pees standing up at a urinal. That would be the ultimate disappointment.
Fair, I see what you mean. One would feel quite cheated and tricked.
But, I believe my point still stands. If I may clarify, there are certain desirable characteristics which apply to both men and women when seeking out a desirable partner and mate.
Generally, I personally believe these include cooperativeness, responsibility, honesty, respectfulness, intelligence, and the ability to self-reflect and evaluate oneself. Physical attractiveness is also very favorable, and marks the difference between wanting to pursue someone versus merely enjoying one’s company, but I digress.
What I think happened in this story was that the young lady interpreted the change in the fellow’s situation as indicators that he is not as intelligent, responsible, or honest as she thought. Evidently, she was also motivated by his wealth, and his losing of wealth killed her motivation to be with him. A little nasty, yes, but if she truly wanted to pursue and remain with him, she likely viewed the wealth as security from which she could adequately raise children.
In the reverse situation, it would still stand. While yes, it would be quite the shock to see that your potential female counterpart was actually a man with gender dysphoria, it would also be quite a shock if a true woman who you perceived as a good pick turned out to be little more than an irresponsible liar who will likely use you as a financial crutch (if she wound up with no money, lost her job, spent her money irresponsibly, and cannot support herself without mother and father’s help). Sure, you could perhaps turn this situation around if you did not mind trying to help her back on her feet, but is it really your responsibility to do so?
Your story indicates that the girl never really loved him for him. She loved the status he could bring her. She doesn’t care about him.
“For richer or poorer” being one of the vows in marriage applies more to women than men.
Then the fellow dodged a bullet in that case.
As for the phrase, “for richer or for poorer” is a marriage vow, which is much different than the “testing the waters” nature of dating. In this story especially, the two individuals only dated for a short time (a few months).
If she prefers a man who has truly made something of himself and has money, she has every right to say, “Sorry, pal.”
If the two had known each other for a substantial amount of time, and vowed to remain committed to each other, then that would be a whole different story.
Just as males have standards for selecting which women they’d like to be with, women do as well.
Is it unfortunate he was eventually rejected? Of course. But, there are at least two lessons to be learned from it:
1.) She desired a man with steady income, who was not living in mom’s basement.
2.) The man got rejected, and is in a bad spot financially. So, instead of dwelling on the fact he was rejected by this individual woman, he should dust himself off, work to get himself out of his conundrum, and move on with his life, with the hope he finds another suitable lady, if he so desires. Simple.
If I misinterpreted your statements, then please elaborate.
I actually misinterpreted. You are correct. They weren’t married so at least he discovered her true intent.
YES! I’m getting sick of the hypocrisy on this site WRT ‘golddiggers’. In one breath an author or commenter will condemn a woman who dates/marries a man mainly for his wealth/status but in the next breath will express his disgust at the idea of dating an average-looking promiscuous woman.
No, we can’t be expected to wife up the town bike after she’s ridden through the wall. But on the other hand, we can’t expect quality women to take an interest in us if we’re broke and below average in the looks/fitness department.
I agree!
Dont you think that this guy should be honest with her from the beginning?
When he lived in the center etc he pretended and thought he was cool to bang girls etc. First of all he proposed himself like a man with whom woman can be cuz he lives in the center but not because he is a nice person. Why woman should follow the man who even doesn’t have own house? Or if man has money he can behave like a bastard but if he doesn’t have money it is not his fault but women around are bitches? Be good and do good. This guy got what he is worthy. Maybe he is a nice guy but according to what you have written he got excatly what he should get.
BTW: average income and apartment in the city center doesn’t gice any status:))
“I want you to fuck me now.” “I’m drunk you can do anything what you want.”
maybe this is why i have a sensation or id say a feeling that my first GF could be foreign i don’t know and yes i know that men must be masculine and confident. However, with a foreign girl it is much easier to show masculinity and the desire to treat a girl with respect. Unlike girls in the U.S where if you treat a girl right, she will get bored and go for bad boy.
The USA is not the only contamined country, the virus is preading, I see this stupid STRONG EMPOWRED WOMYN in other countries as well.
Maybe the next article should be, “How to Relocate to Eastern Europe”!
I never believe a woman that tells me what I want to hear. It’s a ruse to use, feminine wiles. It’s best to find one from a married family where her mom isn’t a short haired fatass and the old man runs the show. Also look for German or Irish last names, preferably practicing Catholic. A mulatto where the dad sticks around is good too, provided she has,white friends. And stay away from shaved pussy…that’s corporate feminism on steroids.
It SOUNDS so good does it not.
Sorry, you’ll get s***wed just the same by women there too, it’s in their nature.
It’s not their fault, they are not conscious of it (most of the time).
It’s just the way they HAVE been designed to operate, like the mantis (that predator jumps from branch to branch, always wanting to arrive to the highest to be able to dominate the panorama and to find her dinner of the day…), in the end, when the provider will not have anything left to give, it will be destroyed, or simply utterly forgotten and become one of the “invisibles.”
Maybe there they will do it in a come “culturally evolved way,” but the result is just the same.
Not to mention the alcohol problem all over Poland and the fact that most if not all the girls there have been bred by drunkards. What do you think that will have been doing to their genes?
If I were you I would go back to where it’s warm (just because it feels better and makes life less complicated), and forget looking for the perfect pancacke. It only exists in your head: give it up.
The sooner, the better.
Thank you.
Stop ruining the NAWALT fantasy, bro.
#6 – what is it with women’s obsession with television? They can sit for hours and watch mindless crap, just because it’s on. My ex would watch West Wing – I know, I’m going back awhile – and you LITERALLY could not get her attention during that hour. Her face was glazed over. The kids and I would joke about it then. It’s not funny now, looking back. All that wasted time.
As with all things, there’s pros and cons to everywhere. I dated an American Polish girl who was an Elite agency print model. Of all the European cultures, Poland is the strictest when it comes to Catholicism and thus sexual expression. It is rarely even talked about publicly or between girls themselves, though this may be changing somewhat. So traditional marriage and relationships are more strongly emphasized here, and there is great social pressure not to be a public whore. There is so much pressure in polish culture that the uptightness can become annoying (i.e. careful what you wish for) , and they will nag you incessantly if you so much as mention or look at another woman. This is not the case in much of Europe: French whores are legendary, Italy, Scandinavia, west Germany, Czech, Romania and so on. And if you’re looking for the biggest sluts on earth, go to London.
“French whores are legendary”
Just wanted to quote that again.
“French whores are legendary”
True, but that being said, there is something about french girls I simply cannot ignore. That fucking accent is to die for no matter what nation you hail from. And the classic ones that are thin and somewhat sexually open are just— good.
There is a certain refinement to their whoring that Americunts lack. They whore from a place of femininity vs. feminism, if that makes any sense. I would have greatly liked to have married a french girl who fit the stereotypical mold of the sexy french woman but with a more classic upbringing.
Chicks…same everywhere.
Ironic the above poster “123” proves your point.
Not ironic, but merely a matter of time some gash came along to prove it. Total no-brainer.
This article made me smile. I am EE woman. Quote #1 means woman is neck man is head. Where neck turns , there head will look. Men like to be deceived 🙂 American women are direct. Our women know how to talk to men in order they say “Wow”, Not all but most. We have too different mentality. But anyway article is funny )))
Western men are far from reality )) If there are on this forum slavic men they will understand what i mean :)))
If american women are so bad, they don’t want to have children, where from apprear children in USA.?? Hah
it depends, my main experience with eastern europeans have been with the polish, and they’re really a mixed bag as far as the women go. yeah a lot of them are hot but there’s some real trash among them, once they move to the west they slut it up even worse than local girls, it’s like their new found “liberation” goes to their head, meanwhile others have impressed me. i’ve spoken to more than a handful that are really traditional and can’t understand why local girls behave and think as they do, oh and they despise dating out of their race. they’re not mudsharks aka “progressive” minded on racial matters. i was speaking to one not so long about who was on about the time she first moved here and couldn’t hide her disgust when she saw landwhales with mixed race kids out and about in supermarkets and around town, she wondered why englishmen don’t have a problem with it, because their men do apparently.
The fruit tree of knowledge is a double edged sword or a curse depending on how you look at it. I can see moving to Poland to live among the relatively sane, but I do not date any longer at my advanced age.
Yet another Male-Fanatsy-Daydreaming-That’sAwesomeDude article.
Women are women, they are after the same things, resources, resources and more resources. They are different on how to acquire them. Some play nicely, others don’t.
I hope you wrapped it up on the 7th day lol
Enjoyed the article, but you don’t have to go all the way over to Eastern Europe. There are NAWALTS right here in the USA, I should know – I married one! Fifteen years ago now and it’s been a joy. Submits to me on major decisions without question, her motto is “husband knows best”, cooks, does laundry and all housework (too bad, like most of her generation, her mom never taught her to sew…but I can live with that), when it comes to sex she is “always available” and accommodates my requests, is not only not a feminist but strongly ANTI-feminist, sweet natured, doesn’t swear and act like a dude, forgave me without question on the times I have been weak regarding other women and stepped out on her (she knows this comes with the territory being married to an Alpha who is attractive to other chicks – and when I say forgave me, I mean put it away with no bitterness and never brought it up after, etc).
When doctors told her never to get pregnant because there was a good chance it would kill her, I told her she was going to risk it and give me children anyway – which she did without question. Twice. When I told her we were downsizing our house, she didn’t complain once or question me. When I told her I was moving my non-ambulatory elderly mother in with us and she would have to take care of her (plus our 2 little kids), she didn’t object. When I told her we were cutting a close relative of hers out of our life because the person is a destructive influence, she agreed.
So it’s not nationality that does it. Find a suitable girl, and NEVER marry a feminist. There will be more NAWALTS here in this country – I’m raising 2 myself!
P.S. My close buddy married an Eastern European – a Romanian girl. She is spoiled, selfish feminist who had made his life miserable and denied him children (no health reasons – just too selfish). Naturally, she and my wife don’t get along – she actually called my wife a “bad example” for other wives, lol
Seems you didn’t love her but just used because as you mentioned she was suitable for you. Maybe she loved you or was a sacrifice.
Actions are too far from actions of alpha man. To abuse a woman doesn’t meam to be an alpha. If you wrote you loved her, made her happy, never cheated on her then you could call yourself an Alpha. This woman was like a slave. But if your wife is happy to live such kind of life and to know her husband cheats on her – it is her choice. Maybe she doesn’t know that there are men that can make woman happy.
Story about “fogive me” made me smile. “Fogive me” means “I will not do it again”.
If she was weak regarding other men would you forgive her? I didn’t understand if you still live with her or not.
123, you made me laugh. Typical feminist bullschit – “oh, your wife submits to you and respects you as head of the household? The poor, brainwashed dear…clearly you must be a using her.”
Just lol. Only a man with no options (or who’s just plain stupid) would wife up a feminist or any other chick who doesn’t believe in being a surrendered wife. Sorry, can’t help….they will get all the misery they are asking for.
Marry an anti-feminst NAWALT like I did, and it will add joy and pleasure to your life. Simple choice. For me anyway, but then I was/am a successful, attractive alpha guy with lots of options.
Don’t know why you would wonder if we live together – of course we do. I thought I made it clear we are going on 15 years of wedded bliss, and have a beautiful little family now with 2 kids. Our home is our bubble, our refuge from the world. She sees to it that it’s always clean, tidy, welcoming, and full of love for me when I come home from work. To come home and have your kids hug you and tell you they love and missed you…while your pretty wife hands you a cold beer, a hot kiss, and tells you dinner will be ready soon – well, it’s something every man should experience. There’s no feeling quite like it, truly being the king of your castle. Men, this was our birthright back in Marriage 1.0 days, before the accursed feminists did their damage.
P.S. You show you know nothing about female psychology when you portray her as the victim, when I have dipped my pen into the ink of other chicks. Of course she finds it a turnon – it validates her husband as a high-value man who is in demand. And knowing she is the one who locked me down makes her feel great about herself. (I’ve actually gone out of my way to flirt with hot chicks in front of her, just for this reason. This is a part of married game…she realizes she has something a lot of other hot girls would love to have and this makes her feel secure and sexy)
It’s related to pre-selection. It’s part of red pill thinking, which is obviously alien to you.
P.P.S. She also believes in keeping herself fit and attractive for her man. Which means that even after having 2 kids and entering her forties now, she still has a hot figure and looks great. She spends time at the salon and the gym. As a result, basically anytime she leaves the house she is getting hit on, compliments, offered free drinks, etc. To her that’s just normal life, lol.
Marry the right girl fellas. I had at least 3 girlfriends who seriously pushed marriage before I met my now-wife. I passed on those three. Know what you want, and don’t settle for less than a NAWALT. Then you can kick back and laugh at the haters like 123 and the feminists.
Just lol.
I am far from feminism and I am not from your culture.
If I respect myself you don’t have any right to tell me smth about feminism as you don’t know me and it is your subjective opinion.
You have what you have ( i mean your family) due to efforts and loyalty of your wife.
Everything is ok with my psychology .
In USA You are all obsessed with feminism.
If american men hate feminists so much and american women are so bad think about why in your country women are like this.
Maybe men did something wrong also if now there is this problem in the society?
Seems in USA men call feminism everything they don’t like in women. If woman respects herself, knows what she wants, can defend herself thus she is a feminist.
Not all men but men like you.
I don’t know you personally and don’t want to offend you with my words.
When you become old , will be not able to do anything and will be zero in sex (sorry saying this but all met reach this moment) only one women who will be with you will be your wife. When you are sick who will be with you? Your family but not with whom you have fun.
People don’t appreciate what they have.
But as I mentioned before if your wife is happy and for her is ok you cheat on her it is her choice.
I don’t forgive cheating first of all because I never cheat on my partner , this is matter of respect.
It doesn’t mean I am feminist or smth like that.
I wish you happiness , kindness, love.
Frankly there is nothing to be proud of according to what you have written about your attitude to your wife. I doubt you gift her even flowers at least from time to time.
You did not answer my question- would you forgive your wife if she cheated on you?
Let’s say she comes at home and say: ” Darling i had sex with such cool man. Forgive me”
You say: ” sure my love. I forgive you. If it makes you happy I am happy too”. LOL.
123, you have much to learn about women.
You can’t grasp that some of us guys are smart enough to either marry a NAWALT (like I did), or just never marry at all. But more of us will be taking the red pill as feminism continues to advance and to destroy lives, marriages, and families.
You say my attitude towards my wife is nothing to be proud of. Hmmm. Funny then that she tells me every day how grateful she is to have found me and how happy she is to be married to me. She looks at wives in what you would call “normal” (I.e. feminist-approved) marriages, sees how unhappy they are, and feels sorry for them. She is happy as a clam with her life, and esp being a devoted surrendered wife to an alpha male like me. But according to you, I am somehow oppressing her? Just lol.
As far as her cheating, not something I worry about. Hasn’t happened in almost 16 years of marriage, I doubt she’s gonna wake up tomorrow and decide to do so. It’s not in her character, and besides….when a woman has an alpha male husband who is red pill and knows how to make her feel like a real woman, there’s not a lot of temptation for her to stray. What would she being straying for? So on the contrary, it’s the blue pill shlubs married to feminist wives who get cheated on. Sorry, but that’s the reality.
Anyway, the point of my post was to all the guys who read these articles and think they should never marry. My message is it’s good to marry IF you find an anti-feminst NAWALT who truly believes in submitting to her husband and desires to be a surrendered wife. That is who you marry. But if you choose to wife up your typical American feminist-leaning harpy, don’t be surprised when you end up going through hell.
Dear man! Do you read my comments attentively?
First of all I am woman. I don’t live in US. thus I don’t care about feminism and other crap.
Regarding your wife as I told if she is happy -It’s her choice.
But I asked you not about if she is going to cheat on you but if she did it would you forgive her as she forgives you?
You cheats on her because she allows to do it not more not less.
Sorry for saying this but it’s not the determination of Alpha man.
American also are obsessed with this. Men want to show they are alpha and write and say about it everywhere .
123, the fact you are a woman doesn’t mean you understand women. Look at the feminists as a case in point, they are females and yet are in rebellion against their own feminine nature!
Also, lol on your obsession (hope?) that my wife will cheat. Sorry, but it not happening. Is this projection on your part?
Regarding that you don’t care about feminism, we don’t have that luxury to not care about it. Unfortunately it has corrupted most of our females and done great destruction to our society. The solution for men is to either go MGTOW or to make the choice I did – find a loving, devoted NAWALT who’s explicitly anti-feminist and wife her up.
By the way, are you married by any chance? What are your qualifications to tell me where I’m wrong or to give advice? My qualifications for giving advice to other men is that I’m happily married for a decade and a half to a NAWALT and have a peacefully, happy family. How about you? Are you a loving, devoted, submissive wife to an alpha male, and blessed with children by him? If not, then why would anyone listen to you?
1. I don’t describe my personal life in blogs.
2. We have too different mentality.
3. As I am a woman I understand women much better than any man.
4. I’m not obsessed with ur wife, you or smb else.
But what is the fact that you didn’t answer my question,
I can assume you would not forgive.
I don’t want to participate in the conversation about feminism, alpha men and submissives. It’s wasting of time. We are on different spiritual levels. Hope mature men will not listen to you.
What is happiness for you or for your wife could be unhappiness for other people.
Be happy anyway. Period.
Would be unhappiness to other people? LOL. Yeah sure, who wouldn’t be unhappy with a loving, devoted, feminine, supportive wife and happy, peaceful family? Most people are only happy if they marry a sarcastic, aggressive, masculinized harpy of a feminist who will constantly be questioning her own husband’s headship of the family! I mean, it just makes perfect sense doesn’t it? Just lol.
BTW, you used “I don’t describe my personal life in blogs” as a way to avoid answering MY question. But that’s ok – without you even saying a word the answer is quite obvious. You are a single or divorced bitter woman who can’t understand where is your Prince Charming. Just lol. Hang on sweetie, I’m sure he’ll be along any day now!
Guys, this chick is a perfect example of the kind of woman you should stay away from. Or at the most, a pump and dump.
Now if you’ll excuse me 123, I have to get going – I’m taking my wife, kids, and mom out for a lovely Mother’s Day dinner. And I’m sure you have to go feed your cats.
Ta ta my dear.
” Who wouldn’t be unhappy with a loving, devoted, feminine, supportive wife and happy, peaceful family?” – Did i say that men don’t want to have such kind of wife?
Do you have all these qualities?
We talk in different languages.
Regarding my life, why i have to write in blogs about my life?
You can think, say about me whatever you want.
BTW i don’t have cats.
Do I have qualities like devoted, feminine, and supportively? LOL. I’m not the wife, in case you forgot.
Good luck in your spinsterhood sweetie.
I am sorry for you mentaly and spiritualy poor man.
Just like a deranged feminist, always have to have the last word! Just lol.
By the way, notice how nobody stopped 123 from posting her comments on here, even though she is a feminist chick posting on a men’s site and she is attacking me for marrying a NAWALT. She was allowed to state her pathetic opinion freely and no one censored her.
By way of comparison, I invite any of you guys to post anything even remotely red pill on any even slightly feminist leaning site (not necessary that the site be strongly feminist). See how long it takes to not only see all your comments deleted, but to find yourself blocked from making future comments on that site. And if the article was written by a chick, you are basically only allowed to tell the OP she is “amazing” and “so brave.” Post anything even slightly critical of the OP, and again you will be censored, banned, and any previous comments you made will be deleted.
The feminists are ruthless about this. Part of me prefers how we men let anyone post, because it shows we’re not afraid of opposing ideas. But part of me envies the discipline of the feminists and makes me wonder if we’re perhaps too easy. For example, I used to love Sunshine Mary’s blog back in the day…but a feminist slutbag calling herself “Doomed Harlot” would hijack like every comment thread. SSM wouldn’t block this chick, and so the comments on every article would be either Doomed Harlot’s comments or people responding to her. She must have been laughing her ass off at how this was allowed to go on, and no one blocked her from hijacking it every time. No feminist site would ever allow anything remotely like this!
So please give some thought to banning feminist trash like 123 in the future, and deleting her comments. If feminists won’t allow us a single comment on their sites, why should we give them the privilege?
Yeah…And the ‘NAWALTS’ that you’re raising will probably end up being cheated on and have their lives put at risk because their supposedly alpha husbands want children by force or for some other reason. Karma is a heartless bitch.
I understand staying away from feminist women when seeking marriage, so did I, but you cannot call yourself an honorable man and go back on your word by cheating on your wife multiple times, and risking her health to get children. It’s funny that your wife is apparently okay with all of this. LOL, you don’t have a submissive wife. What you have is not much more than a doormat. Congratulations. A man’s word is sacred and he protects his family with all he is and all he has. He doesn’t betray his wife’s trust and he certainly doesn’t put their lives at risk.
Feminism has definitely created some effeminate men but now, with the advent of blogs like these, we’re seeing a bunch of pseudo-alpha men running around claiming some ridiculously selfish form of dominance and passing that off as being noble.
Lol, man are you miserable in your life! Just lol.
Nope, I’m actually very happy. With my wife and my kids.
But you, LOL. Typical response from someone that cannot even begin to understand how messed up his thinking and his life is, because he’s been internally justifying it for so many years.
And I’m very happy with my wife and kids. So ain’t we both content?
Now piss off. Your creepy obsession with me is getting boring. And I think your wife’s calling you, she has some chores for you to do. Oh, and she says she caught you flirting with the Hooters waitress, so you’re sleeping on the couch tonight, lol!
LMAO, little betaboys never learn!
HAHAHA!! Again, the point just flew right past your head. You really are a special kind of stupid, aren’t you?
Anyway, good luck. You’re gonna need it.
“The Ukrainian girl who said this described the 1,000 cock stare on an expert level.” Please give me a detailed description of what she said. I’d like to know.
They definitely cultivate feminity and their minds, that’s for sure. And it can throw you off. . . Like, I went out with a Slovakian girl a few times; she cooked, cleaned my place, and wouldn’t kiss. I thought she was playing game because American girls only do that to catch you. (And then when the ring’s on their finger it’s all over.) But she was just doing her “duty” as she saw it, because I was a man. And wouldn’t kiss because she wasn’t going to have sex with me. I didn’t understand for a long time. We’re still pretty good freinds. An American girl will say “still be freinds” but they’re lying.
About the kissing thing and American girls. . .Note that prostitutes don’t want to kiss their johns. There’s a barrier there. But regular girls jump at it. The have no propriety or boundaries because a man is a man is a meal ticket, and sex gets it accomplished.
“Umm, so I’m pretty busy this week with my Feminist Dance Movement studies and my job at Starbucks, but MAYBE I can fit you in on Tuesday at 4pm. But I only have one hour. Then I have to get home and feed my four cats. I’ll let you know on Tuesday by 3pm.”
THIS. Whenever I get the feeling I’m being slotted into some super busy schedule that if I miss that time slot then I have to join a circus, and invent fire in order to get another meeting, then I just move on. It’s not worth it guys. The only time you should be trying to figure out schedules is in an actual business matter. I find a lot of American women are fickle about giving you any time. FOH, not here to play games, that’s what consoles are for.
Good article, but as a warning. If you find a good woman such as those who quoted, don’t get complacent. I’ve seen many women, including some friends and from my own family, get ruined by American “culture” where they ended up either slutting around, get some stink attitudes, or just have their IQ completely lowered.
Don’t let them socialize with locals or singles if you bring them over.
I have no issues telling my wife that, and why. She gets it.
I’m def no lib, no social warrior, no feminist, but article kinda weirded me out, I’m Wondering why u would attempt to kiss a girl 10+ times in one date, if u get shot down then maybe u try again at the end of the date if she seems into it. And with the asking American women out n they say “my schedules really full right now” is a nice more polite way to say “eww No thanks Youre ugly” kinda sounds creeper style a little bit to me bro. Def should alter title a bit, “Liberal American Women” “Democrat American Women” there’s still plenty of down to earth, humble conservative females out there, gotta forget about most of California, or The North east, try Texas, north Florida Arkansas
the south u.s is full of sluts that think they are country because they blow dudes in jacked trucks
Oh yeah course a foreign woman came out with any of that shit. Get a life you fake, pretentious twat.
luckily, american girls can do combat now…….maybe that will thin the feminist herd