Quarterback Colin Kaepernick Fights White Privilege By Not Foregoing His $114 Million Paycheck

During his last NFL game against the Green Bay Packers, quaterback Colin Kaepernick created controversy by remaining seated during the national anthem. It is part of the traditions of the game to stand up while the “Star-Spangled Banner” is played.

Kaepernick during the anthem

Kaepernick during the anthem

Responding to his critics, this is what Colin had to say:

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

The background

It is clear that he acted in support of the Soros-backed Black Lives Matter movement. The NFL is increasingly turning into a political arena to impose PC-approved themes. This phenomenon can not be ignored when we observe the recent events occurring during the season:

Kaepernick often jumps on the BLM “every white is a white supremacist” and rape-culture mangina train on Twitter and it has been going on for quite some time. His account only displays news of police shooting minorities, an obsession for white privilege and the celebration of slave rebellions when they kill whites.

Capture d’écran (608)

Capture d’écran (609)

It is being a recurrent remark among sport experts that he should focus more on training than tweeting. Being European, I will let our American readers decide of his quality as a player.

A bit of history


  • Colin Kaepernick was born of a black father and white mother, Heidi Zabransky (née Russo).
  • His father never aknowledged him (even after his rise to fame) and ran away. His mother put him for adoption when he was six weeks old.
  • The Kapernicks, a white family from Wisconsin, adopted him. By Zabransky’s account, the Kaepernicks were “giving, wonderful people. Colin himself confirmed that he had a happy childhood with a loving family.
  • Colin’s biological mother never told him or her parents anything about Colin’s father.
  • His adoptive parents never treated him differently from his white siblings. They said clearly that he was adopted but that they were nevertheless his family.
  • Colin was never raised by a black parent but says

    My racial heritage is something I want people to be well aware of. I do want to be a representative of the African community, and I want to hold myself and dress myself in a way that reflects that

  • He has a $114,000,000 contract with the 49ers and an average salary of $19,000,000.
  • Kaepernick, coming from a Christian upbringing, also converted to Islam last football season and is engaged to a Black Lives Matter activist and hip hop radio host. (Sources and further information)

The motivation behind the decision


It is quite strange to see a half-white, wealthy quarterback from a white background with a good education and what many could see as the pinnacle of privilege, stand up against those who “oppress Black people and people of color.”

Well-documented data related to race and based on crime statistics, police fatal shootings, household income and many others confirm that the black community is currently in the best situation it has ever been in American history.

Blacks killed by police – 1%
Blacks killed by whites – 2%
Whites killed by police – 3 %
Whites killed by whites – 16%
Whites killed by blacks – 81%
Blacks killed by blacks – 97%

Blacks represent 13% of the population of the USA

2015 US crime statistics (crime statistics bureau)


Kaepernick behaves like a last-minute religious convert

The convert is always the most zealous as he works harder to fit in the new group he chose, in order to be accepted by the more “naturally determined” members of the group.

The example of Westerners with a Christian or neutral religious background that convert to Islam comes to mind, especially the ones that look like the polar opposites of the “naturally determined” followers of Islam.

They make up for their late start by being more aggressive or more invested in the “cause”. Through this process, they seek validation from their new peers and distance themselves from the group they originate from. They harbour the feeling that if they do not go the extra mile, they can be seen as a potential traitor instead of a safe ally.


The case of Kaepernick reminds me of neckbeard ginger jihadi Jordan Horner.

It appears clear that the quaterback’s stance on racial issues betrays a desire to seek revenge on the white mother that abandoned him, even if all the love he received afterwards came from his white family from Wisconsin.

The expression of this deeply rooted issue is hardly understandable. The hatred should be directed towards his black father instead of his mother who, at the very least, gave him to a loving, stable family instead of dragging her infant into a future single-mother hell.

The total absence of a strong father role might explain why Kaepernick chooses the role of the victim instead of being a role model for the youth (as he shortly did before) through talent, hard work or athletic excellence.

The aftermath


It is a fact that sitting during the anthem before games is not forbidden by the NFL. Kaepernick had the right to do so even if one can disagree with his motivations.

But in those times of division, symbols and tradition such as standing up for the anthem are one of the few left that allow the American population to unite.

It is an unnecessary provocation, a recuperation by a brat with daddy issues popularised by the domestic terrorist group know as Black Lives Matter. It can only be seen as a maneuver to earn some credit from the black community.


His teammates and the whole franchise of the 49ers are the one that will pay for his selfish choice. They have no power apart from voicing their disapproval over the situation but the brand will lose in popularity and suffer financial consequences. There have been multiple reports of fans burning their Kaepernick jerseys or canceling their season tickets following his decision.

The San Francisco 49ers public representatives, faithful to the liberal self-flagellating tradition of their host city, decided to support Kaepernick in his decision. But many of his teammates and 49ers staff made a point of showing their disapproval regarding Kaepernick’s choice (1,2).

It boils down to attention whoring


Are the “problem glasses” a coincidence?

Colin says it himself. He is not looking for approval. But his gesture brings nothing productive or groundbreaking. The only “positive” impact of what he did are a few retweets by black activists but nothing has changed in essence.

His public involvement in the “cause” is extremely recent. Noticing that his fame was in decline or stalling, he finds an opportunity for virtue signaling and tries to catch some light through race baiting.

Qui vit par le glaive périra par le glaive


Kaepernick impulsive stint might cost him more than a few boos. In addition to dwindling possibilities of future contracts, his popularity is in free fall now that the BLM movement has been exposed for what it is.

Contrary to “Look at me” Colin, many prominent figures of the black community try to dissociate themselves from Black Lives Matter, seeing their growing propensity to violent acts and the bad publicity that follows.

We simply witness the tantrum of  a self-hating Jesse Williams clone, sticking it to his white mother on a football field. It could also be a maneuver to make the public forget about the incident where he called his opponent Lamarr Houston the N-word during an altercation on the field.

Karma is a bitch and the victim card is a double-edged sword.

Read more: Mizzou “White Privilege” Hunger Striker Jonathan Butler Is From A Family Worth $20 Million

217 thoughts on “Quarterback Colin Kaepernick Fights White Privilege By Not Foregoing His $114 Million Paycheck”

  1. 1. Wouldn’t we all love to be as oppressed as this jackass?
    2. How can any self-respecting American guy watch the National Felons League anymore these days? The stand with cop killers, stand for the “Hands up, don’t shoot” LIE, and now stand with an ingrate prick who won’t stand for the anthem of the country that not only gave him the opportunity to be super rich, but is the ONLY reason he has this gift.

  2. Keaper boy is half white biologically. So he can hate half his own DNA. Then he was adopted and raised by 2 white parents. So he can hate both them also. Self loathing much…?

    1. The half-blacks generally despise whites. Ironically, they hate whites because of other blacks. Half-breeds are frowned upon among the white societies, but are absolutely hated by the vast majority of other “woke” blacks. Dindu tribalism is too strong to ever have a single negative opinion on the behavior of their own people. Thus, they end up hating white people for creating them in the first place… for “tainting” them. At the same time they also feel the need to “act blacker” in an attempt to be accepted by the tribe that rejected them. Solidarity with a violent racial supremacist group that wants to kill white people is about as black as you can get.
      It’s fascinating really.

      1. Kaeper boy has been gifted the life of a rock star but he’s down with the struggle in the street. What a fraud obama’s post racial america. Hope SF fires his ass as soon as they can figure out a way to terminate his contract. None of the other black players on the team are doing that shit. This a new way to be the attention whore. If he can’t get attention on the field, then get attention on the bench. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
        The real situation is that there are other NFL quarterbacks getting paid less who put up better stats on the field. He can’t justify his bloated salary. So he’s trying to deflect criticism by playing the race card. Where did he learn that from (((obama))). I hope the white lineman who have been protecting him, intentionally allow 300lb opponents to cripple his sorry ass. There are college players putting up better stats than this “team leader”. What a fraud.

      2. It explains why, after they were through killing all the whites dumb enough to stay, the post-revolutionary Haitians started segregating and slaughtering themselves based on race composition/skin hue.
        I’d like to think that incidents like Nat Turner’s racial rampage scared some sense into folks about this, but whatever sense was imparted was undone by the “SJW” Republicans of the 20th century.

      3. Nah, he’s a product Made in America. American culture is toxic, it makes a victim of virtually anyone but white males, advocates the abandonment of personal responsibility. The worst part is that the poison is spreading. Normally you don’t see that in mulattoes in Latin America (Colombia, Venezuela etc) but in the U.S. he just the new normal. What an asshole.

  3. I so totally and completely don’t care about any of this. The real question is why do we have to wrap sportsing up in patriotism and the military? Sports are for my entertainment, I don’t care what country or army the are somehow related to.

    1. Because football was born out of the Civil War. It’s not a mistake that it mimics in many ways battlefield tactics, and *really* did way back in the beginning. That’s why.
      Baseball or basketball or lacrosse on the other hand, I see your point. Although lacrosse was basically battle training for Injuns, people used to routinely die in the days long matches that were played.

  4. Look at the back of an NFL ticket – “For entertainment purposes only.” The National Fixed-Ball League. Its games are as scripted as Kaepernick’s recent tirade. Easy money at the betting window for those who can see (not to mention at the window of reality). What a sideshow…

      1. If you try to become a multimillionaire by betting on sports in Vegas, you’ll eventually get buried in a hole in the desert. But then, there are a lot of things that are true, that the average person doesn’t realize. I make a few bucks on it. You go wagering more than $500 a game, you’ll get banned from sportsbooks if you are even moderately successful at it. If you persist, you’ll disappear. That’s the red-pill reality of it. It takes 53% winners to profit over time on spread bets (the “juice” or the side fee for the wager, is 10%). The payoff is straight up, 2-1 on a winner (minus the juice if you lose; you get the juice back if you win). Probably 90% of all men in the world don’t even know that one, little, basic betting fact. I make my living via statistical predictive modeling and algorithmic math (mostly via search engine optimization applied to web design), and one of my side ventures is betting on sports. Just a little hobby, as it were. What you wrote reads like the typical, cautious, skeptical-male reaction. That’s fine, I get all that. I’d be skeptical too. Never met a man who acted any differently. Big world though, my friend. Lots of people do lots of things that are way outside the box. The trick lies in not ending up in one too quickly (meaning, a box in the ground).

        1. Big world exactly.
          There are tons of places to spread around bets.

          Esp on such “easy money” bets.
          Even if you stick to 500 a pop.

        2. You talking online…or by using “beards” (other guys to bet for you)…also, fuck bookies, you start beating a bookie up he eventually won’t pay you, or he won’t take your action.

        3. Online is too risky for me. If you get way up, they can, and will, cancel your account and keep the money. I don’t trust anything online. Maybe there are exceptions to that, but I’d have to be 100% convinced. As far as using other people to bet goes, it’s too risky as well. If you get made for having a crew, you’ll get banned (or worse) as well. I’ll take my couple of thousand here, a couple of thousand there, over a weekend. Nobody wins all the time and I am no exception. But once again, 53% is all it takes. Anything over that is gravy…

    1. History seems to be filled with mixed-race folks who have serious racial angst.
      Frederick Douglass->0bama, history repeats itself.

      1. Obama should not even be mentioned in the same breath with Frederick Douglass. Douglass is an inspiring figure, unlike Obama.

        1. Frederick Douglass is one of the, if not the, first race-baiting poverty pimps
          Douglass was to his day what Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson (“Emperor of Black People”) and 0bama are to today.

        2. Perhaps, but the guy rose up from slavery to become one of the biggest figures of the 19th century on his own merit, and in so doing he discredits all these modern-day “blame whitey” fuckers

        3. By his own merit? No, he did not.
          Again, 0bama of his day. Also, if you were to sum up Douglass’ message into two words, they would be “blame whitey”. That’s all he did, hence “race baiting poverty pimp”.

        4. As far as I’m concerned “white guilt” was atoned for when the yankee and confederate alike soaked the ground in their own blood over the black man.

        5. Frederick Douglass was born into slavery, educated himself, escaped to freedom and became one of the leading American abolitionists.
          How the hell can Sharpton, Jackson and Obama compare to someone who literally pulled himself up from slavery?

        6. Douglass did not educate himself.
          Douglass actually feuded against the abolitionists. They wanted repatriation, Douglass had a chip on his shoulder and insisted that whitey owed blacks reparations, something that MLK would champion again.
          Douglass fought tooth and nail against the Liberia project and proper race relations. Which is fitting as he made his fame by being a race-baiting poverty pimp.
          For someone posting on a “red-pill” site, I have to say that you are very “blue pill” when it comes to US history.

        7. Civil War wasn’t fought for blacks though.
          The only antebellum “white guilt” was over the desire to repatriate the blacks. Whites must not have had much then to be guilty for as not only did blacks want to stay in the USA but the majority of free blacks voluntarily lived in the South.

        8. Provide some sources for your claims. Otherwise, it’s clear that you’re one of those alt-righters who simply cannot fathom a non-white achieving some level of respectability and achievement.
          And considering the fact that Douglass was born into slavery and faced some real racism throughout his life (unlike, say Obama), I think he kind of had a reason to “hate whitey” a little bit.

        9. I know, but by the end of the war it had taken on a double purpose, the result of which included the purging of and atonement for “white guilt”.

  5. If he were to stay out of the sun and get his hair buzzed and go beardless I’d assume he were a white guy.

  6. We could use some of those millions to send them back to Africa.
    America sucks! So pretty please to all the liberals, leftist, Dindus, and Jews… please leave it. Just go.

      1. I cannot describe how happy I am that I have 0.0% DNA contribution from any of those ethnic types. Beady eyes, big arse noses, thin quivering lips. I know that there are handsome men from those cultures, but the overall look of the average dude is pretty repulsive. Say what you will about the Gaels, Saxons and Vikings, but they are the absolute pinnacle of looks when you combine them. Which thankfully, my parents did. If it weren’t for my modesty I’d wax more eloquently on the subject. Heh.

    1. Screenshot from ((CNN)).
      For a second I honestly thought both pics were the same dude.
      I dont even watch football, but the instant I saw this dude’s mug I thought he was Arab, definitely not Black, and yet he’s playing the Black self-pity card.

  7. Another bobo trying a hand at street theater? I am sure his team and adoptive parents are proud.
    Obama should give him a call… oh wait.

  8. What amazes me is that he’s supporting a domestic terrorist group (BLM) and people are calling him a hero.

  9. American Blacks have the highest standard of living of any black society on the planet, achieved via the subsidy of living amongst a majority Germanic White population. (British Blacks come in a close second).
    If 114 million dollars to throw a ball around, 24 hour shopping and electricity, or social safety nets which are unfathomable in any black majority country, can’t get them to realize how lucky they are to be here, I don’t know what else.

    1. But dem po-leece wuz mean to anudda unarmed black toddler who didndu nuffin wrang! He jus shot a cop. Dat rayciss!

      1. Sheesh, after nagger protester is not satisfied with official explanation of attempted murder of a police officer (getting shot in face by dead suspect), then he has to grasp for straws of another offense against his blackness by claiming he and others were assaulted by another officer trying to keep protesters away from active crime scene to preserve evidence. “What cha goona du ’bout it?” Uh, nothing. Contact Internal Affairs he’s advised. Nope, not gud nuff for us dindus.

      2. BlackCrimesMatter is a separatist movement. They want their own lands, and they want the Dindu Tribes to have their own Government. We allowed it to the American Indian. The Dindu wants it, too. It’s a fair request, honestly, as long as they have to keep on their negro reservation.
        The Dindu Tribe does not feel they need to obey “White Law.” That is why, no matter how egregious the offense, the black toddler didnu nuffin wrang. Ever. Why? Because shooting a cop, stealing from white businesses, and raping white women is only illegal by white law– not negro law.
        This explains why you’ll never, ever, ever, ever find a single member of the Dindu Tribe ever even suggest that maybe their little niglet broke the law. Because they didn’t break any black laws… only white ones. That means it doesn’t count.
        In fact the only offense among the negro that the “black community” will not blindly defend is stepping on a nigga’s brand new (white, and probably stolen…) Air Jordans. That shill will get you killed
        Meanwhile not a single “black community activist” will insist that a negro that stepped on another negro’s shoes was a gudboy who dindu nuffin wrang. Cause damn, you don’t need no po-leece body cameras to see dem Jordans be skuffed. Dat nigguh shoulda knowns betta.
        Nigger Logic.

    2. It will never happen. Black Africans, by virtue of their DNA, cannot conceive, create, maintain, or compete within White European civilizations or with White Europeans. The simple truth is that Blacks resent Whites because of this and always will. Give them any excuse, no matter how outrageous, to give them any other reason for their societal shortcomings other than DNA and they will fully embrace it.
      Because most White Europeans have been brainwashed with egalitarianism nonsense on how to think about Blacks this reality is going to continue to be a painful one to realize. Until people learn the hard way that the Western World’s highly pampered non-White “guests” belong in a homogeneous society among their own kind, all racial groups will continue to suffer at the expense of the others, especially the host nations. The widespread ignorance of truth regarding race really is the “flat earth” belief our our time.

        1. Your response is typical of a fool who lacks understanding. If it makes you feel better to name call, ad hominem in general, and endorse the truth in my statement by doing so, carry on.

    3. Social safety net is lacking in SE Asia, in South America in East Europe and you cite Africa? You make less sense that you would have had you been less biased. Africa’s population is about 800 million of which 300 million or more lives very well. I think that Red Cross begging advert has misled you 🙂
      Your examsple are stupid. American Poles have better standard of living than Poles in Poland and so are Italians, Irish, Scots.
      Isn’t your example of this chap true of any number of impoverished white ball player?
      You should travel to Africa..then you would realise your loans fuelled life is a lie and you are a victim , banks and credit agencies own you 🙂

    4. You, along with the author and many on this thread are missing Colin’s point, which is to be understood, because you have been discriminated against or experience police brutality. That’s Colin’s whole point.

      1. I haven’t but my brother has and we were poor and unable to get my brother even a fair sentencing when he was 18. And cops have killed 2x as many whites as blacks in the last 10 years despite the fact that 50% of hard violent crimes are committed by blacks. His point is worthless.

  10. The only sad thing about this guy’s situation is that converting to Islam forbids him to sip an expensive scotch inbetween groupie fuck marathons
    After that …… pfffft I’m out of ideas at what he could be pissed about

    1. He is allowed to do so in situations where it is necessary to fool the infidels. Remember, islam even allows lying to manipulate infidels

  11. Why do you think so many blacks and half-black athletes are so prominent these days. (Half-black: Steph Curry, Ben Simmons, Kaepernick, et al.) Look at the NFL right now and you are starting to see more and more black quarterbacks who are starters – not to mention stars. Didn’t used to be that way only a few years back. What, blacks suddenly became more proficient at the QB position? You have to use your heads here. Why do you think Kaepernick said what he said. Who does it hurt – white people. It makes it seem like killing whites is okay, because they all deserve it.
    Between 1965 and 1994, more than 45,000 people were killed in interracial murders in the USA – the vast majority of them being black-on-white killings. By comparison, 58,000 Americans died in the Vietnam War, and 34,000 were killed in the Korean War. Nobody ever talks about this silent war, this mass murder of whites by blacks, in the MSM. The elite want white people eliminated. They want a mixed-race population, ultimately. Easier to control. Easier for people to have the same identification as being mixed, and not being different in any way. Their goal is to make everybody the same, from the inside out. You’ve got to broaden your field of vision here and drop your preconceived notions and let your eyes and mind tell the story. It’s the only way you can see the bigger picture…
    This is precisely why we see the flood of immigrant Muslim hordes, into all nations. This is precisely why we see Mexicans flooding America from the south. It’s all by design. Blow up the country by war, or ruin it by economic targeting, and make its inhabitants have nowhere else to go, and shuttle them into predominantly white population centers so they can erode the quality of life and interbreed with the white locals. One people, all the same. Everywhere.

    1. Disagee. There is definitely a coordinated political and media push, but most are not buying it. Most of us do not not have the luxury of having a narrative of a world view. We live in it and know the score. Hence the doubling down.

      1. Most are not buying it…I don’t know about that one. Seems like there are far more liberal pajama people (asleep) than the opposite…but I’m not sure where we might look to get an accurate percentage breakdown on that score.

        1. Geography. Fly over country has been suffering. Talk to a white coal miner lately? Democrat Party openly says “you don’t matter.”

        2. Democrat party has been saying that for years now and they still voted for 0bama and similarly anti-coal left-wing local politicians.
          Trade Union tribalism is almost as strong as “dindu” tribalism, it seems 🙁

        3. Drive through Kentucky sometime. Their “tribalism” has cracked up and done a 180 in regards to Democrats. The billboards of absolute hatred towards Obama, by coal miners and their unions, are shocking.

        4. I’m not holding my breath, but I’ll hope for the best. Trump has shot himself in the foot a few times pandering to the unions so it’d better pay off.
          West Virginia unionists broke from “the tribe” to vote against 0bama, but they couldn’t break away enough to resist voting for political equivalents like Manchin (who misrepresented himself, but his true nature was known) and Tomblin. Mitch McConnell is living proof that KY is politically compromised as well.

        5. Related but [literally] unrelated side topic:
          I drove through Kentucky once, east to west on 64, ultimately heading to St. Louis. The flash thunderstorm made me fear for my life. I’m doing 80ish, like I typically did in those days, when suddenly, within what seemed like a second, I couldn’t even see what color my own truck hood was though the windshield.
          I therefore cannot endorse “Drive through Kentucky sometime.” Perhaps walk though Kentucky would be more appropriate, given the climate.

        6. I have no empathy for them. I know too many UAW pawns who are life long democrats. Voting outside of the plantation is simply unthinkable. GM (govt. motors) is a disgrace and should have filed chapter 11 a long time ago and tossed the union contracts out as their bailout costed the US taxpayer $10 billion.

        7. Heh. I’m not certain that this is representative of their normal weather, chief. I’m in Ohio, we’d probably heard if Kentucky was the epicenter of hell I’m guessing.

    2. Congratulations, Bob Smith. You got it. And in all the comments I’ve seen on this, nobody else said it.

  12. Career spiraling downward? Check
    Slipping into irrelevancy? Check
    Tatted up to appear hard, but actually dresses like a hipster faggot? Check
    Colin forgets that 3 of his starting offensive linemen, including the center, are big, burly, white men. I won’t be surprised if one of them blocks the wrong assignment and allows him to get obliterated. But that’s only if he actually plays this season…

    1. From what I hear Kaepernick had a good start, then he got figured out, and now he sucks. He’s no longer Mr. Wonderful in football, and his ego is hurt. Kaepernik, blaming America for racial Oppression, is nothing more than excuses for his failing career, and an attention seeking stunt to remain Relevant.

    2. What a stupid dick. The guy gets paid good money to play a game with a ball. BUT NOOOOOOO! That’s not enough for him. He’s got to be a politician and SJW too and express his oh so precious opinions as if his abilities on the field somehow translate into cred in the social and political arena.
      All protesters are losers. That’s right. ALL PROTESTERS ARE LOSERS. Rather than do the work to solve the problems they protest, they simply sit on the sidelines and waste oxygen by speaking their mind, holding a sign, and in some cases physically assaulting anyone who dares to challenge their point of view. What a waste.

    1. This is funny stuff. Was vaguely aware of the GF influence, but lacked details.
      Long term prediction: He doubles down on the stupid (multiple times) and never wises up.

      1. She’ll break up with him for acquiescing too much to her. Then he’ll probably turn his life around after he’s faded from TV screens.

        1. He’ll be an interesting case study. He started down the acquiescing road rather recently. This is in conflict with his history, which was to fight and work hard for what he had attained. He has money, she may be content with that for more than a few years. And therein lies the problem.
          If she doesn’t leave soon enough, he’ll lash out in a bad way. If she leaves before he forgets who he was, he’ll turn his life around.

      2. It will be fun watching her cuckold him at the end of their “relationship”. Assuming that the media covers it which, knowing them, they won’t.

        1. She’ll marry him first, I’d bet, simply to rip half of his fortune from him. CK is a divorce-raped MGTOW in the making.

        2. You know, usually I’m always for the guy when it comes to this kind of thing, but in his case, I’ll make an exception. He wants real oppression, let him face Family Court. He hasn’t seen oppression yet.

    1. Might as well watch “Modern Family” – same fictional bullshit. “Give them bread and circus…”

  13. The NFL is like any other major sport, college or pro…the rule of VAW applies. (Vegas Always Wins.) Make sure you play fair today. Because as you’ve all been taught, it’s all about fair play. Work hard and you can be president, or an NFL player. Drop a few bucks in the collection plate on the way out, and don’t let the door hit you in the ass. “And now, a word from our sponSOROS…”

  14. Being born poor in America is not your fault. Dying poor is.
    I lived half of my life in the barrio surrounded by Latinos, whose parents fled brutal Central and South American regimes and cartel violence. They were of mestizo peasant stock barely able to read Spanish, much less speak English.
    That being said, in a single generation, their kin have surpassed African Americans in every meaningful metric: GDP, employment, literacy, lower crime, children born in wedlock, and IQ.
    The few black acquaintances I have say they cannot bring up these issues in fear of ostracism. Until one of their own rises to offer deep rooted instrospection, their tribe will continue to dwell at the bottom.

  15. For God’s sake, why the hell is someone getting paid more than $100 million to play a fucking game?
    I’m all for rewarding talent, but this is just fucking ridiculous.

      1. I have never understood how men can be “fans”of something that their only involvement in is buying team merchandise/tickets or watching it on television and it’s supposed to be “manly”.

        1. It’s indoctrination. We’re pounded with sports from the time we can crawl, most men. Sports team allegiance is often handed down, father to son. A powerful blue pill…for sure.

        2. Agreed. If YOU are an athlete, props, but this bullshit “WE won!” etc, I always ask, who the fuck is “we”, because “we” sure as hell doesnt include “you”. Most of these sports fans are beer-gutted fatasses yelling at the TV.

        3. I have never been able to grasp the “we” thing either.
          THEY won YOU sat and watched.

        4. It’s like your candidate winning an election, “We won!” Open your refrigerator, nothing in it…

        5. People can have a stake in the political process, so claiming a political victory != claiming a sports victory.

        6. When I was a toddler there was a photographer at the mall taking kids’ pictures and they took one of me holding a prop football, I was like WTF is this shit I dont care about this.. this feels wrong just like having a religion forced on you. Sports worship is a religion unto itself, consider me a heretical non-beLIEver. That being said I’m in great shape and athletic, something most of these beer-gutted fatass sports “fans” cannot claim.

        7. Not us. Although I did hand down the appreciation of higher math, music, athleticism and literature to my son. Beats filling his head with faux “man cave” crap like professional sports team worship.

        8. Yup it’s crazy shit. I guess as long as we pay attention to shit that doesn’t matter, everything is okay with the guys at the top of the greasy flagpole…

    1. With cheerleaders on the sidelines of games, and fox news info babes, you can include pussy on that chart two more times. Pussy sells sports, pussy sells news, pussy sells….

      1. I stand corrected, good sir – and I added one more “Pussy” for the women who serve the beer, as well as the beer commercials…

  16. Those poor American blacks being oppressed by the evil blue eyed devils. Black president, black attorney general,black director of homeland security. Had billions in “reparations” paid to the black community over the last 50 years in the form of SNAP,TANF, HUD,special government loans for”socially disadvantaged persons”, earned income tax credits, Medicaid, free school lunch now free school breakfast and coming soon free school dinner along with summertime free lunches, affirmative action laws, hate crime laws, hate speech laws,college admission diversity rules and workforce diversity rules. NFL and NBA is dominated by blacks along with pop music, every movie, television show and commercial has blacks every government agency has has a large number of blacks, housing assistance, rent assistance, utilities assistance and no one even knows what all else. The vast majority of racial crime is black on white, white guys aren’t going around lynching blacks, they aren’t painting graffiti all over black neighborhoods they aren’t beating up blacks on the streets or at schools. The only oppression they face is from themselves. Nigga please! Get the fuck outta here with that shit.

  17. I’m a 49ers fan and he has only played in one preseason game which was the game which he pulled the “sit in” he’s been on bad terms with the management and owner up to this point and he’s prob at the end of the rope. The 49ers were quick to issue a statement regarding his stance. He’s prob finished because they prefer gabbert over him and at this point he might not get many offers if he’s released. I think his “wife” has a big influence on him at this point and he’s basically pushing away his adopted parents. I want to see their reaction to his statement.

    1. I’m sure his contract guarantees him some “golden parachute” severance pay out so even if he gets fired tomorrow he never has to work again. What a fraud. Yeah he’s down with the struggle in the street… fuck him.

      1. His contract was all performances based and had we cut him on April 1 they would’ve save money. He will still get a good amount of money if he was released.

  18. He can exercise his first amendment right and run his mouth off all he wants as long as he understands that people will exercise their first amendment right as well to disagree with him and call him an asshole. Hopefully he understands that words without action mean nothing. If he truly cares and wants to make a difference in the community, he’d drop football and that fat contract of his and get to work.
    What also gets me is all the crap Tim Tebow recieved for his little prayer deal after scoring a TD.

    1. Same reason this asshole is getting shit…attention whoring. Fuck Tebow and this whoever the hell he is for the 69ers.

      1. Sure, but nothing compared to this douchnozzle. Lots of southern types do a prayer after any “big” event during a sport or contest, it’s not that unusual. Well, it wasn’t when I was growing up anyway, hell some did it up here in the north too. But this Kaepernick is one big seething sack of insecurity and bullshit.

        1. I don’t disagree. But would anyone even know Tim Tebow’s name if it wasn’t for his prayer thing? Was he that great a player that we would know him otherwise? (To be fair, I don’t know. I don’t follow football.)

        2. I don’t know the sport either. My niece said that he was great in college but sputtered in pro. I really have no idea though.

        3. Tim Tebow won the Heisman and a national Championship, people would know his name. But anyway, let’s get back to the insecure idiot with the identity crisis who had three shoulder surgeries and is on his way out. The picture of him sitting on the bench are funny, apparently that’s where he’s most comfortable.

        4. Yes, he won the Heisman and a national championship and he took Denver to the playoffs his first year.

      2. “Kind of.” That’s the only thing Tebow was guilty of, just being kind of lame. Big picture, he’s an upstanding individual. Kaepernick is a full blown SJW who proved, once again, products of a feminized society simply cannot wrap their narrow minds around irony. Stop the oppression!

        1. All that wealth, just for playing an idiotic game and having no actual life skills outside of that game. The man should be falling down and French kissing the ground in the U.S., as outside it, he’d have, at best, a job as bagger in a grocery store.

        2. “The man should be falling down and French kissing the ground in the US.” You would think! I breezed through several articles online regarding this ordeal. Almost all of them chalk it up as attention whoring. In a way I’m glad this happened. More and more people reacting with a “oh, get lost!” Attitude. Colin Kaepernick said he did this to “spread awareness.” Oh he spread awareness alright. Awareness that there are really spoiled children out there.

  19. I’ve been waiting for this article. Nice work, Jean. I’ve had a feeling from the beginning that this was a little bit of bootlicking for the black lives matter camp & a lot of stunting for publicity. I wasn’t aware of these personal character developments such as conversion to Islam or his wife’s position.
    This guy, (along with the dead-armed gymnast bitch) are only the tip of the iceberg. Way to help further usher in the social acceptability of blatant disrespect for what’s left of our nation by creating even more racial division, dipshit. Coupled with the fact that the nfl does absolutely nothing but step aside & tuck their dicks between their legs–no doubt too afraid of the backlash from a pc fanbase– standing during our anthem will fall out of status-quo before the next logical step which is doing away with it before games all together, which isn’t very far away. I halfway expected a congratulatory phone call from Obama.
    It seems like one of you was telling me the other day that the leagues pay to have the anthem performed before games; perhaps it was a friend. Either way, this is only the beginning. I’ve been worked up a bit about this story for a few days now & find it disgusting but sadly, not surprising how many people not just merely support his right–which he has–but agree with his decision.
    Don’t expect him to get canned. The 49ers owners & the heads of the league know they would face a burning at the stake for touching this issue. He gets cut, the number of players pulling this shit happens quicker, he stays, it happens inevitably. At the least, his actions can be corralled in with the rest of the degenerate leftist happenings in the hell-hole that is San Francisco. I feel sorry for the decent members of the team. What a fucking embarrassment.

    1. Him playing the black self-pity card is a red herring for the real reason he’s being an anti-American shithead, he’s a muslim.

      1. I’m honestly waiting for Isis & offshoots of to converge with slack lives matter. It would be a great recruiting tool for radical islam. We’ll probably see more of that to come down the pike not too far from now. Just wait until Hillary steps in & all those boatloads of refugees make their way over. Domestic terrorist groups will be stepping out of the shadows quick & heavy.

    2. “Don’t expect him to get canned. The 49ers owners & the heads of the league know they would face a burning at the stake for touching this issue.”
      I’m gonna have to agree with you on that. I think the PC shackles are already too tight for removal.

  20. A rookie lb on the Eagles had said that he would join krapernick by sitting during the anthem. But the Eagles said they would release him if he had done that and he quickly changed his mind. Pretty funny

  21. The guy’s as black as Shaun King.
    Interestingly he did bash Hillary Clinton publicly, which is usually enough to get you ex-communicated from the Church of SJW. No one seems to be talking about it, though.

    1. He does not look black in the slightest. He could be an Arab. That Jesse Williams guy looked blacker (and even then…).

  22. He doesn’t want to stand for the anthem? Cool. Good for him. That’s called freedom. Of course, we also have the freedom to call him a retard, and the NFL has the freedom to bench and or fire him. So it’s all good.
    Personally, I agree to a point with what BLM says – the militarization of police in this country and their ability to kill first and ask questions later without any shred of accountability is a horrible blight on our nation. I differ with BLM because this doesn’t just affect blacks, in fact, more whites are killed by police every year than blacks, but you won’t hear that discussed. And I’m not signing on to some race baiting bullshit, so I won’t side with BLM.
    But Kaepernick is a football player, and I don’t expect him to be a deep thinker in this regard, or to make this kind of distinction. My real problem with what he’s doing here is that the National Anthem is a show of respect for our nation – the federal government. Police are not federal troops. The issue he’s mad about has fuck all to do with the symbol he’s protesting. If he was making some San Francisco specific protest, maybe I could get on board. But the implication here is that the nation has failed to better protect black lives, and he will sit until the nation does a better job. See that for what it is – an ask for an even more powerful federal government than the catastrophic freedom-infringing shit pile that we already have. Fuck. That.

    1. Personally, I agree to a point with what BLM says – the militarization
      of police in this country and their ability to kill first and ask
      questions later without any shred of accountability is a horrible blight
      on our nation

      BLM is disingenuous on that first point as their allies are the ones militarizing and seeking to nationalize the police.
      Police forces are only unaccountable when they whack whitey. BLM has nothing to complain about in that regard, we’re even seeing white cops who were justified in their actions (eg: Michael Slager, Darren Wilson) being thrown under the bus as human sacrifices to appease the BLMers.

    2. I agree with the disdain for the militarization of the cops. I do not think that they care that much about that so much as “whitey killing dindus!”. Which is bogus, more whites are killed by cops than blacks by a large number. If this were just a “put cops back in their place” thing, I’d be down with it. It’s not, it’s “gibmedat, lemme do an-ting I’s wants an also, gibmemoredat o we burn down shit and smash cars!”. Fuck them.

    1. He shouldn’t have a crisis. The man does have the ideal mix of black and white. He should embrace it.

      1. Ideal?
        With the deep-seated angst that appears so common in mixed-race people, this is far from ideal.
        Muhammad Ali’s rant against miscegenation for this very reason comes to mind.

        1. Here’s my two cents. The man IS light skinned. Just on that he’s got an advantage over say, the one black actress on Ghostbusters. That, and he’s an athlete and not bad looking, at least from a hetero man’s point of view. I think he should embrace it and not whine about it.

      2. He seems to be dismissing his white half entirely.
        Kind of like Obama.
        Two guys that need to come to terms with their ethnicity.
        Maybe the world isn’t a perfect place, but hating on half of your own ethnicity is extreme.
        It’s weak minded at the least.

        1. Look at Derek Jeter. Man is mixed race, yet it didn’t deter him. In fact, he might have taken full advantage of it.

  23. Someone aught to punch this cunt right in the eye he screams of someone who has never had a proper beating

    1. That’s the problem with SJW’s. Not a moment’s hard reality or pain in their pampered little lives, so they expect the world to cater to them like mum and da used to. Useless little mouth breathing punks, and this football player literally exemplifies everything wrong about them. To a tee.

        1. No, he’s still a cunt.
          We’re nowhere near as bad as Europe or even Canada yet, and we have plenty of men who value freedom and a warrior ethic still here. Throwing in the towel and letting these dunderheads assume a bloodless victory is the exact *wrong* strategy, as demonstrated by the rapidly diminishing populations of native Europeans.

        2. I agree with you completely GOJ.
          This story actually really pissed me off.
          I just meant to say that he is acting like a coward who can’t think for himself, and he doesn’t deserve to stand with Americans after such childish bullshit.
          Of course I agree with you… There is no new frontier on the planet to run to… The fight is here in the West.

  24. ESPN is unwatchable. they inject that SJW horseshit into literally every minute of programming now.

    1. Correct you are. Bare bones are the olden days of game analysis. Now we get various brands of ‘the View’:

      1. What.
        In the fuck.
        Is that thing beside the blonde?
        Did they seriously put that freak show on Olympics coverage?
        Like, seriously?

        1. I said the same thing. Apparently, he’s a professional ice skater who was for some reason given the role of news anchor during Rio. And yes, he dressed that ridiculous the entire time. That particular outfit is pretty modest compared to some of the other shit he wore. Every time the cameras panned to him I did that thing where you slowly run your open hands down your face & let your bottom eyelids stretch out. Of course, this is right in step with all of those lgbtqrxyz commercials they crammed down your throat during the breaks. I’m sure he was the fucking guest of honor.

        2. who was for some reason
          Oh, I think that the reason is pretty clear. You can’t have 24/7 propaganda pushes of disgusting themes if you don’t push it 24/7.
          These freak shows are really digging their own graves by being so in our face about their mental illness. That pendulum is going to swing back, hard, and they will *not* like it when it happens.

        3. I really don’t understand how testosterone injections (or natural production of it if you’re male to female) doesn’t breach the policy against steroid use for athletes. Is that where we make the exception? The feelz? I’m sure they’ve amended it for exceptions of “medical purposes” or some garbage. I have yet to have anyone explain that to me.

    2. Drop cable tv. As long as you have ESPN on your channel lineup you put money into their pocket.

  25. At his next game someone should bring in a banner saying
    “Your mother didn’t want you and neither do we. Fuck off!”

  26. Had no idea about his supposed conversion to Mohammedanism, but that would certainly explain an awful lot. Regardless of this stupid stunt he pulled, his career is still in freefall, unless some team like Dallas is that desperate for a racist, whiny, underachieving QB.

      1. Cowboys only come up because that team actually does need a QB unless you consider Dak Prescott a worthy successor to Romo, who can’t walk five fucking feet without hurting himself.

        1. It is Cowboys tradition, brother. Following in the footsteps of Aikman, no doubt. The prophecy must be fulfilled!

  27. BLM is too general in what it stands for. It needs to address the fundemental causes of the oppression of black people, real or perceived. And that is accountability, not black vs white issues. For example, when the cops shoot an innocent black guy, the main problem is that the cop won’t generally be held accountable. This has been shown in the Stanford Prison Experiment, when those in power can do what they want. Power dynamics, not race.
    What the gov. needs to do is stop wasting money on welfare aka alt. dad and put that money in schools and other community helping services. I’ve grown up in a black neighborhood because my parents were poor at the time. The schools were terrible compared to the white community one I later went to (in the same state).
    I don’t think Kap is really Muslim, although he’s closer to it than the average nonMuslim. There aren’t many traditional systems left, and Islam is probably the biggest now. And I disagree about him not standing for the sake of unity. I know I would have qualms standing up for that this country now stands for- a filthy decaying cesspool, nothing more.

    1. Unfortunately, ending welfare will not help the black community at this point. There’s been too much damage done. Welfare reform (not paying the ghetto inhabitants to have ten kids on the state dime) is all that can be done, and hopefully it will be possible to rebuild from there.

  28. Someone should warn all the people who are desperate to get the U.S. that it’s a racist, oppressive shithole. I’m sure they’d appreciate the heads up.

  29. If you American do have some “cojones’;, then you would boycott this piece of shit & his team , unrtil that piece of shit is out on his arse.. Not watching that team play, live or on TV. When the money will not come to the team & the advertiser , that piece of shit will hit the road like a speeding diarrhoea !

    1. I think you need to take that a step further and extend a ban to the entire NFL. As long as the league makes money hand-over-fist, then they will continue to feel invincible in matters like this.

      1. Humph… Give a shot across the bow ! Start with the team of that piece of shit for a start ?? Then you could extend to the rest , If the schmucks didn’t get the message ??

  30. The Broncos should trade Mark Sanchez to the 49ers so Kaps can learn how to properly sit down upon his inevitable benching for Blaine Gabbert

  31. Colin’s slide into ridiculousness is created by two things: his descent into irrelevancy, and his new girlfriend. Guy converted to Islam and became a blacktivist simply for pussy. You’re worth 110 Million, son. No pussy is that good.

    1. Fantastic point. Dude is a QB on a NFL team. What the fuck is he pedastalizing a broad for anyway? He sounds like a died in the wool beta.
      “I hates da whitey!”
      “Yes dear, so do I dear.”
      “You bezz be not a standin’ for dat song!”
      “Yes dear, as you say dear.”
      Fucking pussy.

      1. Who exactly are you mocking? Nessa? She graduated from Berkley, clown. She doesn’t talk like that.

        1. Yeah, sure she doesn’t.
          Go stick your head in a pig, Heartiste token minority reject.

        2. Stick something in a pig? That action is definitely more in your neck of the woods, Mr. McWhite.

        3. it’s hard for you guys to fight a war on so many losing fronts. I could see if you were making a valiant effort in any one direction, but honestly it doesn’t seem like you’re gaining ground in any arena.
          I’m just here to make sure you realize the slippery slope you’re trying to climb. It’s like watching a turtle trying to climb out of a soup bowl.

      2. He has to double down on hisblackness, all the really light skinned ones do lest they be confused for identifying with their whiteness. He picked his side, now eeveryone needs to hold him to it.

    2. My guess is that he’s trying to succeed where Michael Sam couldn’t. Sam of course was trying to play the gay card as a way to keep his spot in the NFL in spite of by all measure being a mediocre player at best.

  32. Black Lives Matter, their message is clear, “I don’t care about your life but I want you to care about mine.” That’s insane. Who in their right mind is going to respond positively to that?

    1. Who in their right mind is going to respond positively to that?

      Self-hating leftists, particularly white ones who were indoctrinated for 13+ years in the public k12 school system to hate themselves because they are white.

  33. One of Kaepernick’s lineman may get fed up with his stunt and let the other team blitz and level him to the ground with an injury. He can then sit out indefinitely.

  34. >The hatred should be directed towards his black father
    No it shouldn’t. We have no indication that he consented to procreate. Even for men who do give consent, all do so under coercion, so it should not be legally or morally admissible.
    Consent is irrelevant if your refusal holds no weight. Men consent because their choice is ignored so by feigning cooperation they play for mercy from the female.
    If a man exits a relationship the woman can still have the child and use the government to steal his money.

    1. Or in this Kaepernick’s case, he can be adopted off to a white family, which he was as his biological father, who was black, ran off from his biological mother before he was born.
      He grew up with white privilege.

    2. Dam fucking right.Glad someone said it too many racist arseholes on here to actually spout what they claim to believe when push comes to shove.

      1. To clarify, I am a racist asshole and your last sentence was unintelligible like ebonics. But I am on the lookout for malebashing memes and will confront them even when the target is probably my inferior.

  35. Another case of burnt white man looking dude trying to reconectare with his father. Remind’s me of the Boateng soccer players. One plays for Germany and the other refused to do so and plays for Ghana.

    1. What has that to do with anything ?? One could just identify with his parents and families country of origin (like 90% of americans !!!!) or it could have been tactical like many soccer players who choose the country they think they have the best chance of getting called up for. The two situations have ZERO in common.

  36. simple pr stunt to recover some of the money they spent on this twerp before he rides off into the sunset. nothing more, he will be completely forgotten and unheard of in 5 years.

  37. He’s a cunt, plain and simple and so are you if you watch even a minute of the NFL or buy any NFL related merch until they stop paying him.
    FYI: Football sucks anyway, for too many reasons to list…. watch hockey if you want to watch men play a sport without all the crybaby shit (well except for Sidney Crosby anyway, but there is always an exception, isn’t there?)

    1. Lacrosse for me, thanks. The only organized sport that I actually enjoy watching, outside of a minor league baseball game on a lazy summer Sunday afternoon every now and then.

      1. That is a good point: Lax is another entertaining diversion in which being a whiney showboat is still looked down upon…. I just can’t get into the professional league.

  38. Anyone interested in buying 1000 Kaepernick rookie cards at a deep deep discount? I also have RG3 rookie cards for sale

  39. Colin is a spoiled baby ass but the outrage again is misplaced by ‘boobus americanus’.
    If boobus would now only get outraged by 4 million plus federal bureaucrats and numerous ones at the local and state level how much freer and wealthier would we be? How much of the Bill of Rights is actually left from a law perspective?
    I don’t get excited about this flag and anthem crap all that much. If we were actually free, I could stand with the outrage with Colin but I don’t really care one way or another.
    I rarely watch a football game and don’t care about millionaire prima donnas.

  40. First of all, as a Niners fan, it’s Colon, not Colin. Secondly, I’ve said it for years, he’s got the frame, but he ain’t got the brain.
    There’s a reason he went to Nevada , not UCLA, Berkeley or some other school, it’s called lack of brainpower. That’s the reason he can’t learn the playbook. Like many athletes he relied soled on his athletic prowess and nothing else.
    Hmmn , you don’t see Drew Or Eli kissing their guns. They’re watching film not playing video games.
    So he’s stupid. The bell curve proves correct again. Why do people think that these black athletes will do anything worthwhile. They’re all going to end up at a strip club, or arrested at the airport with a gun eventually.
    Eff this POS.
    He’s JaMarcus Russel, version 2.0
    Which is probably what his college GPA was.

  41. Is this thing owned by an Iranian a comfort zone for disgruntled white boys crying over their lack of achievements? Jaysus. Dude protested, his right. Deal with it and quit moaning and grumbling about blacks!

    1. Just as kaepernick has the right to sit out the National Anthem, this site and it’s readers have the right to discuss his absolute hypocrisy and spoiled attitude. Just like you have the right to not visit ROK, and to keep your retarded comments to yourself.

      1. You parents will be proud to have a clown that can’t express himself without puerile insult as a child. I can see you now, a pygmy amongst men. hmm

  42. hahahaha brilliant he called someone a nigger on the field as a derogatory remark !!! that really should just be the one sentence article. Fucking idiot. Also can’t believe the author hasn’t the balls to spell out the word NIGGER don’t go giving it mystical powers. It’s a word its ok to say as long as its not used to insult.

    1. Anyone who disagrees with the “white privilege” canard is racist. That’s what your point is?

  43. For one year, withdraw all police, ambulance, and emergency services from black neighborhoods. Citizens who live in those areas will not pay any taxes and they will be on their own. All crime will be legal and unpunished. The state department will issue travel warnings for citizens traveling to “black empowerment zones.” I wonder what would happen by the end of the year?

  44. This wouldn’t be an issue if we boycotted most sports. I havent watched or supported sports since my early 20s, 20 years ago. Sitting around every fucking weekend rootingfor men you dont know competing in a sport you could be playing yourself, what!!!?? I think its the final step in bbecoming fully redpill. Drop the cuck ass fantasy football, nogball, aka get your mind and body focused on shit around you like your family, friends, your health, god, home defense, ….anything but wearing another mans name on your back.
    You know how i know Im doing it right. Typical idiots, self confirmed ones, will often ask me whos my team. I reply, i dont watch sports i participate in them. WHAT! !!??? That reply right there alone lets me know im good. If you know a fella to be an idiot about his personal affairs, that reaction should be something you hear a lot…not agreement.

  45. Although some of the things this writer mentions above are correct, in my opinion, there are some problems. First he writes ” His mother put him for adoption when he was six weeks old.” Then later states “The total absence of a strong father role might explain why Kaepernick chooses the role of the victim instead of being a role model for the youth (as he shortly did before) through talent, hard work or athletic excellence.” Is the author of this saying that even though he was raised by a couple, he didn’t have a father role because his birth father was not known? The writer’s quote is an odd statement. If he was adopted by a white couple, he did have a father figure. He was adopted at 6 weeks (according to the article) so he wouldn’t even have understood a lot about adoption for a long time. His real father is the one who raised him. So I don’t see how the writer can make such a claim. My wife and I adopted a black child and although she had some contact with her birth mother and then later birth father (after she was around 19) the way she turned out is predominately the influence from us. Her birth father didn’t know she even existed until she was 19, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t have a strong father figure. The author of this article seems to make some assumptions that most likely are not true.
    This statement also seems odd “It appears clear that the quaterback’s [sic] stance on racial issues betrays a desire to seek revenge on the white mother that abandoned him, even if all the love he received afterwards came from his white family from Wisconsin.” It appears that way to whom? Not to me. I’m guessing we can’t know for certain was is driving this young man to make this stance when he tells us. As I’ve watched my own daughter now after being around blacks who are for BLM, I see her beginning to think like them. It has nothing to do with her upbringing, but it has everything to do with the company she keeps now. Her rationale is not coherent or logical. I think part of it is wanting to be like others who are black. This started happening when she got in contact with her birth father and because some kids were telling racial jokes in front of her and thought they were funny.
    So in some very basic ways, this article is flawed.

  46. I work in the jail system. These poor oppressed men and women count on the system to supply their food, medication and healthcare on a regular basis. They don’t bother to look after themselves but as soon as they enter the jail system they immediately want their goodies. No problem, if the system is so oppressive then get a job, buy your own meds etc. and look after yourself. Try buying a watch and calendar so you can show up for court for the 100th time on the same dumbass charges.
    Please stop blaming “the man, the system” and white people for your stupidity. Oh yeah, go to Walgreen’s and find the condom aisle. These bottom feeders suck up tax dollars that veterans and the elderly, who worked, payed taxes and lived without criminal activity their entire lives. are denied.
    Awesome article which exposes the hypocrisy and bullshit. No other news site would ever publish an article like this. Kudos RoK.

  47. He is such a mental idiot. He obviously doesn’t see the hypocracy of his thinking of slamming the country that afforded a guy like him a path from prison or crime to incredible wealth.

  48. It would have been perfectly fine if he were sitting down during the anthem in protest of taxes, federal reserve, IRS, affirmative action, EEO, welfare, abortion, feminism, wars, child support, obummercare, obummer phones, no-fault divorce, alimony, homo marriage, etc. All jewish creations of course. America is NOT the land of the free and sure as hell isn’t the land of the brave. America is the land of the she, and home of the slave. It’s a matriarchy. It’s not the same patriarch white Christian America it once was. And stop saying the bullsh*t phrase of “I fight wars for your freedom so you have the freedom to choose to be gay or a feminist”. All white males need to refuse military service and refuse police service. No dictatorship can survive without a military to enforce its policies at home or abroad.
    And on a side note, nobody should have even witnessed that anyhow because no one in their right mind would be watching NFL football. I stopped watching pro sports years ago. Commercialization and a debt based wall street infused monetary system has allowed for brown colored thugs to make millions and have celebrity stardom for running around on a field carrying a coconut while you dumb white slaves cheer them on.

  49. Do you fucking see this veteransforkaepernicc bull shit? I’ve never used this as an insult since it became popular but.. what a bunch of fucking cucks.
    Defending him from what, fucking criticism? Everyone has lost their god damn minds, I am one of the last sane people left

    1. I don’t know–what is their actual position? To me, the definition of a cuckservative is someone who blindly supports all the bullshit wars America fights–wars fought for Israel that make America less safe and poorer. When they trot veterans out on the field at every sporting event I attend, I don’t stand.

  50. But Tim Tebow, who set every college qb record, won the heisman and Natl championship and who had a higher qb rating than both Mannings and Elway, took the winless and last place team to the playoffs, shredding the best defense in the NFL, can’t make the team.
    That he is pro life and Christian but one of the nfls major sponsors is the pro choice Komen Foundation, is not an issue at all though …. Rolls eyes
    The NFL is largely fixed. Refs can call holding on every play and have loss of down and 10yd penalty, tells you all you need to know

  51. i submit that he is christian, this is something a christian would do if they felt they should stand up for something. he has tatoos all over his body of bible scriptures and a beautiful tatoo on his back of angels fighting demons. i submit kaepernick has guilt b/c he had a very good upbringing and many of his black friends didn’t.. i submit to you black people have teased him for being priveledged and didn’t respect all hi sheard work in highschool. and furthermore… (yes i am a trumpster republican) i believe he is shining a light on a problem that is too big for him to fix but its really too big for any one person to fix. the inner city death rate of black men.. the unimaginable amount of young black men in prison. the incredible high rate of black men dealing drugs right out in the open sstreets.. the cray cray problems of young black men driving by businesses shooting people up in drug wars.. yes, there are far too many cop killings and far too many people killings by cops. this has done reached stupid levels. the person to blame is not kaepernick or the cops. its the racial divide and hate that is being perpetrated agaisnt both whites and blacks.. minimalizing the facts and raising the art of manipulation among entire societies to keep this line going. smh. there needs to be HUGE MONSTEROUS STUDIES on solving this problem.. hate needs to be rejected either black or white.. all of our histories need to properly taught at proper ages.. with psychiatrists in the rooms! we’ve left self esteem lowering historical accounts of americas past in the hands of extremeist middle school teachers with no mental health certificates.. plus not all the history has been properly taught. blacks want to feel like they can do something about this wrong.. i agree! they should feel that way, so should whites.. i mean a huge n umber of whites were slaves too! slavery still exists in africa.. it is bad and there are black people there still selling their relatives in slavery! did you know that! black people need to form coalitions to end slavery everywhere.. they need to join a healthy movement and go to college, get criminal justice degrees and go as a group of agents to africa and put an end to slavery there, and in india and in Iraq… sure young black men can be tough, pushy, bossy, thuggiesh b/c they can be, heck some look very scarey to me.. like they could rip my head off.. why couldn’t THAT be garnered into something so positive? why aren’t we re-educating these tough guys in prison and teaching them to go out into the world and right these wrongs? this free country affords blacks that right. don’t bash it by bending your knees during the anthem unless your praying for our coutnry while your doing it. face the grueling numbers of crime statistics and do something positive about all the anger about the past, and anger about thug drug addicted missing black fathers.. or dead shot up brothers.. DO SOMETHING.. don’t riot, don’t fight hate with hate? become a hero.

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