“There is little that can withstand a man who can conquer himself.” – Louis XIV
What is a strong frame? In any social interaction, one person is reacting more than the other. One person needs more approval, validation, and acceptance from the other person than vice versa. Whoever is reacting less has the stronger frame. Whoever has the stronger frame has more leverage and social power.
External factors influence this dynamic. Research has found, for example, that subordinates tend to match the vocal patterns of their superiors, but superiors do not match the vocal patterns of their subordinates.
However, ultimately, a truly strong frame doesn’t rely on titles or external status, it is something you carry with you wherever you are and with whomever you are interacting with.
What A Strong Frame Isn’t
A strong frame isn’t being nice to make a girl like you. It isn’t using lines to appear ‘hard-to-get’ to make her chase you. A strong frame isn’t trying to seem unreactive so that people react to your strong frame.
That last one is especially important. You can’t try to have a strong frame. Affirming, “I have a strong frame,” is really just admitting to yourself that you don’t think your frame is strong enough. Pretending you don’t care is showing that you care too much. You can’t fake a strong frame and you can’t force it. It is unconscious, it is emotional, it is a part of who you are. You either have a strong frame or you don’t.
Is It Pointless To Try To Develop A Strong Frame?
Fuck no. Building a strong frame is one of if not the most important things you can do. But it’s important to know that a weak frame isn’t something you can fix simply by reading theory. It’s something you can only develop through experience. A strong frame is a personal quality that is earned.
The difference between a weak frame and a strong frame is the difference between the veteran CEO and the recent college grad who’s trying to climb the corporate ladder. The difference between a weak frame and a strong frame is the difference between the hardened soldier who’s seen combat time and again and the guy who’s fresh out of training. The difference between a weak frame and a strong frame is the difference between the guy who’s read 10 pickup books but never goes out and the guy who’s been approaching 10 women every single day for months.
Forged By Pain
You develop your frame by putting yourself through social pressure (also known as tension or discomfort), again and again and again. Each time you do this, you come out the other side a little bit more grounded, a little bit less reactive, a little bit stronger.
You go out and meet women to get laid, obviously, but instead of focusing on getting laid on any particular night, you focus on taking the actions that will strengthen your frame. It’s not about the girl, it’s about you and who you are becoming.
This mindset has many advantages. First, going out to get laid can be needy, it’s about getting something external (this way of thinking is often reflective of a weak frame). Instead, going out to build your frame isn’t about taking something. It’s about expressing your masculine energy and becoming a better man. Second, when you go out to strengthen your frame, you’re going to get better results with women, both short-term and long-term.
You develop your frame by straining it, testing it, challenging it. Your frame is a psychological muscle, and to build it up you have to break it down by putting it under pressure. This means that when you go out with the intention of developing your frame you’re going to take very different actions than you would otherwise.
To strengthen your frame, the right action is the action that challenges you and makes you experience a certain level of self-doubt.
If you’re frame is weak enough that you eject from interactions as soon as women indicate a slight hint of disinterest (a lot of guys do this); then your mission is to stay in your interactions and to withstand that discomfort as long as possible. Not because it will help you fuck that particular girl, but because it will make you a stronger person (to be fair, sometimes it does help you fuck that particular girl, too).
If you have trouble opening girls who are in big groups or are with guys, the proper action is to approach those sets because your fear is a reflection of a crack in your frame. Your frame is weak wherever there is fear, and by intentionally leaning into situations that trigger your fear, you will conquer the weaknesses in your frame.
The exact implications of this approach to game are determined by your level of experience. At a beginner level, you might strengthen your frame by going out every day (instead of just watching videos of other guys picking up girls). If you’re an intermediate you can develop your frame by trying to close every girl you talk to; you might try to pull every girl you meet or you might try to get every girl’s number (even when a girl clearly isn’t that into you). If you’re legitimately advanced you might develop your frame by approaching and trying to pull every single nine and ten that you see while you’re out.
The Paradox Of Outcome-focus
The irony here is that when you go out and your main agenda is to pull a girl you are actually much less likely to pull than if you go out to strengthen your frame. This is because when you go out with an agenda to pull a girl it’s hard not to go on defense.
When you’re talking to a girl that you’ve decided you should pull, it’s easy to hold back and play it safe. For example, you might not say things that are polarizing, you might avoid physicality, or you might hesitate to lead because those actions risk ‘losing’. Taking risks might fuck up your opportunity with that particular girl. Going on defense is one of the worst things you can do when it comes to picking up girls.
Girls want a guy who’s on offense. They want the guy who does take risks, the guy who does try to pull her, the guy who asserts himself unapologetically as a man. It just so happens that the actions that put you on offense are the same actions you must take to strengthen your frame.
Common Sense
There’s an important nuance here that some guys misunderstand. Building a strong frame doesn’t mean being intentionally uncalibrated in an antagonistic way to show how free from outcome you are. I’ve seen this, guys who define having a strong frame as purposely ignoring how a girl feels. If you’re scaring girls or making them afraid that you’re going to hurt them, they’re not going to fall into your frame.
This antagonistic approach is a form of trying way too hard, which is actually a symptom of a weak frame. It’s putting on a ‘tough guy’ mask to prove how little you care about getting rejected. If every girl you talk to is uncomfortable, you’re trying too hard to have a strong frame. Getting rejected on purpose (whether consciously or unconsciously) is not going to strengthen your frame. There’s a certain level of common-sense and calibration that needs to be taken into consideration here.
Each time you challenge yourself by intentionally facing social pressure and barreling through discomfort you are taking an important step towards developing a rock-solid frame that will make you attractive to most women in an immediate and visceral way. Women can feel a genuinely strong frame, it literally turns them on.
Not only will women be more attracted to you when you have a strong frame, but you will also be less likely to self-sabotage your interactions. The stronger your frame, the less you care about rejection, and therefore, the more likely you are to take the risks that will get the girl, and the next one.
Read More: The Battle To Maintain Frame Control
Confucius say, “Don’t be an idiot.”
Huh. I thought it was Gandhi that said that.
Gandhi said “don’t be idiot or I will ass rape you to death”
Superior descendant. Gandhi was always a one up man.
I tell you, I have learned more about Gandhi the past few months than I ever did in my entire public schooling.
“Public Schools don’t know fuck all about me…..pass me that steak and pray I am tired when I am done eating it or I will pull your leg off and beat you with it”
See? Public education never told me he was a cannibal.
Pimp, thug, cannibal, philosopher…. and a damn fine door-gunner.
You can’t make this shit up…
Fucking nuclear ghandi
So that’s why he was the biggest warmonger in the Civ series…
It´s was a bug in the program in an era where there was no Online updates, Gandhi being the most peaceful guy in the game had the lowest level of agresion, but once a civ got democracy become less aggressive so they subtract aggression from your aggression meter, but because Gandhi aggression is so low, the value goes to the negative numbers it should be less than zero or equal to zero but the value used in the code does not accept negative numbers so it goes to 255 the maximum value like the Y2k 2000 date error but in reverse. So Gandhi becomes the most aggressive warmonger of all civilization.
“There can be no peace, as long as a man is alive.”
Said a murdering robot.
DAMN! I was coming in here to post just that once I got to the Confusion “quote”.
“The early bird gets the worm. The late bird gets the worm, too. I give all the birds the worm, and they love it.”
— Abraham Lincoln.
ok I’m dying now
every quote is funnier when attributed to Abe Lincoln
I think Gandhi said that
This one is literally Lincoln….
“Marriage is neither heaven nor hell, it is simply purgatory” – Lincoln
“every quote is funnier when attributed to Abe Lincoln”
-George Washington
“Martha Washington could eat pussy much better than George.” –Eleanor Roosevelt.
“George wasn’t bad at it, but the splinters were painful”
-Drew Barrymore
A really nice read; some excellent points in this article. I would only add this – take utmost care to be sure that the girl you are trying to pull is really worth it, behind that mask of makeup, dyed hair, personality affectations and breast implants. Which brings us to “Name This Makeup-Free Hollywood Hottie” – can you name her (no cheating now!) –
A very nice read here; some truly excellent points in this article. I would only add this – take utmost care to be sure that the girl you are trying to pull is really worth it, behind that mask of makeup, dyed hair, personality affectations and breast implants. Which brings us to “Name This Makeup-Free Hollywood Star” – so…can you name her (no cheating now!) –
I can’t name her, but she isn’t bad looking. you can see the potential in her if she was dolled up. Excellent bone structure, low body fat and lips just made for dick sucking.
It’s Sofia Vergara…
WB. she must eat really terribly because her facial bone structure shows a woman who is not nearly as chunky as she is getting. I bet the couple miles of dick that have gone past those big lips have taught her to be a talented little tart too
“She sucked that producer cock all the way to the top. Gotta give a bitch points for that.” – Gandhi
Something I’ve noticed is that a lot of women actually look younger without makeup (that’s not to say better though). Maybe it’s just because it’s so unusual to see a woman or even a girl past 5th grade in public without the war paint that there is a subconscious association between a female being bare-faced and being young.
I think you are on to something there…it’s definitely not all fluff.
That might be part of the reason people usually think I’m younger than I am (I’ve yet to find a way to say that that doesn’t sound like bragging, except maybe by complaining about it but truthfully I don’t mind it at all). Most likely it is a combination of things, but the fact I rarely wear makeup could be a big factor, along with being drug/alcohol/tobacco free and limited sun exposure. I sometimes wonder too if there is anything to the idea that the number of sex partners a woman has over her lifetime has a role in her aging, my personal experience, or rather lack thereof, seems to back this up.
I think it does…I can’t imagine that taking in boatloads of foreign DNA can do a woman much good. And condoms, especially lubricated ones, contain toxic substances that no human being should ever put into their bodies. So it’s a lose/lose situation there, if a woman has multiple sex partners. The sorcerers of ancient Mexico claimed that women were different from men, and tended to be crazier, because they had that extra hole in their bodies that men don’t possess. And all sorts of weird energies crawled up in there (most of them invisible) – even if they didn’t absorb the energy of a thousand sex partners. Seems to be as logical an explanation as any I’ve ever encountered.
Those are not big lips
Tits then gtfo.
And go take a cooking class.
This is a site for men. The time you’ve spent reading and commenting here would have been better spent making us some sammiches.
Look juicy to me
My experience also seems to confirm the “hitting the wall faster if you sleep around tons” hypothesis. 😀
Women that have too many partners, even if quite young have a.. what I’ll call hardness to them. (I’m sure there’s some manosphere appropriate term, but I’m not savvy with the latest terms. :-D) It’s not a pleasant thing and detracts from whatever attractiveness they had to begin with.
“Excellent bone structure”……..
Lolknee is that you? You’re going Greek?
thought the peepee in the coke woulda tipped you off days ago
I normally don’t go online too much during the weekend, more important things to do.
lotta offensive posts today…lotta offensive posts….
Yeah, not sure if ’cause of the heat, or what.
Shut it, mudshark.
You are shitlord supreme
Al bundys third wife.
reminds me of a woman I once worked with who told me “I feel naked without my eye makeup.”
But they want to be taken seriously – as if they were “keeping it real”.
amazing what you can learn in an empty elevator when youre both late for work…
That was probably the only time that day that she was caught off-guard…
totally. looked pretty good with the raccoon mask going, she knew wasnt looking her best as soon as she saw me, blurted out some truth
If men can ever get their collective frame to the point where it’s better than the average woman’s, the ship will get righted in a hurry…
“I save my natural self for my one true love, Ghandi….”
-Sofia Vergera
Gandhi banged her like a bongo, deep in the Congo…
Gandhi banged her like a freakin’ bongo…deep in the freakin’ Congo…
“Gandhi was the man.” – Gandhi
“Bob Smith is the man!”
“Gandhi exaggerates a lot.” – Bob Smith
Gandhi was the only man who could gang bang a woman by himself.
The multiple orgasm first came into being at the quivering extremes of Gandhi’s manhood…
“I am luckier than a dog with two dicks.” – Gandhi
as a side note, I have been using a reformatted version of Ali’s “If you even dream of beating me you’d better wake up and apologize.” and telling women “if I dream of fucking you it will make you cum”
Very nice. And smooth. And full of frame.
What software do you use?
I do all of ’em with Microsoft Paint…
“I fuck with these hoes from a distance
The instant they start to catch feelings
I start to stealin’ they shit
Then I’m out just like a thief in the night
I sink my teeth in to bite
You thinkin’ life, I’m thinkin’ more like, whats up tonight?
Come on ma, you know I got a wife
And even though that pussy tight I’m not gon’ jeopardize my life (aight?)
So what is it you want from a nigga? (what?)
I gave you, you gave me, bitch, I blazed you, you blazed me (c’mon)
Nothin’ more, nothin’ less, but you at my door
Willin’ to confess that it’s the best you ever tested
Better than all the rest, I’m like, “Aight girlfriend, hold up
I gave you, what you gave me Boo, a nut (f’real)”
—-You Know
When I find out they burn coal
They’re off my list from the get-go
A brotha’s doing me a favor
Cuz I won’t taste that dark-meat flavor
When they go full-on apetard
You won’t catch me in their front yard
Mud sharks love to pull black cock in
But I think, ‘Why are their dicks so thin?’
not to move away from your truly amazing continued prolific song career……
but OT: while I can see not marrying them because they have shown some questionable judgment, what is everyone so against having sex with a girl who has had sex with a black guy?
“Ghandi walked in the room and I pissed my pants. ” – Chuck Norris
Telegony. (Actually, I just went for the joke.) Now with that being said, if I had my choice between, A, a hot girl who had never danced with the black bull snake, and, B, a hot girl who has, I’d take A. I’m not sure why, to be honest. Perhaps it has to do with my elitist upbringing. But in the end, it’s irrelevant, as women lie about their sexual history, and I have zero doubts that many a black dude has railed out many a woman whom I have widened out myself. It’s all sport-fucking. It’s all good.
That, sir, is a bridge too far
I figured that would get a rise out of someone, lol! 😀
Why not both as they say. I guess I just never really consider a girls sexual history when I fuck them. I have frequently told women that I don’t care about their former partners because women are virgins until I get done with them. I kid, of course, and have other game related reasons for using a line like that, but in a way it is kind of serious. Like the tv networks say “if you haven’t seen it its new”
Side note: I would say that 90% of girls who have gone to a non religion specific college have sampled some dark meat and add another 5% if it is a state or public city school. Top to bottom, side to side, girls are all giving it a try and Jamal is not feeling bad for one second about being flavor of the month when little Mary wants to experiment…he also isn’t being fucking gentle either. Some will be one and done, some will take a few until they “settle down” with Larry and others will go full on into it. For my part, doesn’t bother me one bit. I am not in the market to purchase. When I rent a car I don’t ask the history of who drove it, I beat the fucking thing to a pulp and then return it. Let some other sucker worry
I have a similar mindset about women. I don’t begrudge Jamal his pipe-fitting turn. Because he’s outmanned. I just take a dim view of women who demonstrate such a lack of discernment. Plus, they tend to be crazier if they burn coal, and they are crazy enough as it is. I’m all about statistics, taking the safest route to the barn.
I don’t know about actual sexual activity (at my school even kissing is enough to get you expelled), but I go to a Christian college that banned interracial dating till very recently and I know of at least 4 mixed race couples here, and in each case the female is white and 3 the male is black and 1 the male is Asian. So I can imagine it probably is a big thing in the state schools.
I have read the exact opposite.
That is 4% of white females are willing to cross that line. And for the most part, these are females with little other options. Yes, some of the rich athletes/celebrities may get an attractive one, like Tiger Woods did, but for the most part, the mud sharks are the bottom of the barrel.
Bob Jones U?
That was total BS what happened there. They were 100% in their rights to have that rule (private school – private property rights) and no one gave a damn until big mouth McShamnesty piped up in 2000.
“Plus, they tend to be crazier if they burn coal”
Far, far crazier.
In fact, the craziest.
And usually either the fattest, ugliest, or druggiest too.
Yes they’ve “loosened up” a lot of their rules in the past few years, I hear alumni talking about how different things were when THEY went here every time there’s an event where they return. It’s not the changes themselves so much that bother me, as the motivation behind them. It’s all about 2 things: avoiding lawsuits and tax status, both of which come down to money. Even the changes I agree with I think were cases of doing the right thing for the wrong reason. Even when I disagree with someone’s beliefs I can respect them for sticking by them, but Bob Jones is becoming hypocritical. I’m thinking of transferring elsewhere tbh, though I’m not keen on getting into the whole secular college culture, I suppose it’s a more accurate reflection of reality than the Bob Jones bubble.
To date, sure. To get some dick in college it’s almost all
I did note an exception to Religious schools and if I didn’t I meant to
I don’t know about that.
Why would they want some ghetto AA kid, or some barley literate dunce on a basketball scholarship when they can party with the rich white Frat boys?
Didn’t see this type of “sharking” at all when I was in college. But I went to a Catholic college and, that was back in the 80s.
Despite some of the hypocrisy, you are probably better off there than a public college. The pressure from the liberal media is intense for these types of things. It is the same reason private country clubs felt compelled to accept blacks. Afraid they would be banned by the PGA from hosting tournaments. Because the PGA is afraid of the bad press they would get by giving a tournament to an exclusive club.
All comes down to the media.
And we all know what that means…
Everyone wants to try something new at least once. Most of them will lie about it. It will be their little secret with their sorority sisters.
If you are dating a girl who graduated a non religious school in the last 5 years I think the assumption that Jamal dicked her down is fair
I would have thought that was Chuck Norris .. lolz
“That bitch talks about Gandhi all the time, but she’s got ‘Property of Abe’ tattooed around her asshole.” — Abraham Lincoln.
Girls who are ugly without makeup are some of the most repulsive specimens that have ever stained the earth. Sometimes I can tell, but the dim lights, booze, and smells can sometimes bamboozle me if she has a nice body
Still not bad looking aside from the cheek redness and slightly overgrown eyebrows. Of course I’m sure celebrities look better than the average woman even without makeup.
WOW! Nice butterfly rash though.
Sweeeeeet rashhhhhh…etc.
This is about anti fragility. It’s good to be one. I found that I deal with less bullshit and I seem to be the boring guy in my circle.
Gandhi had frame…badass frame…
He doesn’t have a toilet though…
“I never eat – therefore I need no toilet”
He shits in uncommon locations…like those princes in Dubai.
When you have that much frame you don’t give a shit, you don’t take any shit and in fact you don’t have to deal with shit at all… So why would you need a toilet?
“The world is my toilet. I shit on it, and it likes it.” -Ghandi
He actually invented toilet paper.
This is a joke, but he took on the British Empire. I can’t think of a more rock solid frame than that.
Damn good article! Smart way to address frame and it is very applicable in almost any field of you are really trying to get good at it. You are typically only on the ball as much as your last five lays were but for all their other faults, women are always honest with showing your results in real time. Definitely an article to bookmark for anyone looking to get good at game.
Frame is everything. It’s simply a shame that frame is commonly referenced in the context of PUA/Getting Laid. This might be due to the fact that frame is exponentially more important to a man than a woman. A woman without frame is still going to get laid, can still end up married, etc (read: still carrying out a successful reproductive strategy that she is wired for).
But a man without any frame, bending like a reed in the wind, is doomed to losership, incelitude, being manipulated by every marketer, professor, and politician (I repeat myself) – basically no better than the kind of low caste hordes who served as cannon fodder for men who ordered deaths by the thousands when not screwing his harem.
A hapless, loveless, bleak existence – “brutal and short” was a good thing.
Yes a “frameless man” does end up married: “settled for” and relegated to a man cave with a fat wife raising brats he can’t control. Oh he might have a business too, or be a manager – and end up a complete slave to it. I see these men all of the time, in the passenger seat of a minivan, looking like a pack of vampires ran a train on him the previous night.
A frameless man might even get laid once in a while too. And he’ll end up wishing he was still a virgin when he has to deal with the kind of women that pursue frameless men.
So even if you are not looking to get laid or anything related (more domestic goals perhaps) you need frame or some semblance of it. For you fellow Americans who tend to look for the “magic solution” and discard something when it fails to be so (something decades of TV commercials have rewired us for), don’t attempt to expect “frame” to solve everything for you. It won’t. It’s something that has to be practiced, every damned day, and every waking moment. No, don’t tighten up and start breathing hard like an idiot. Well practiced frame is super easy. And you will break, in small ways, ways that only you will be aware of. But with practice you will catch yourself and recover faster. Eventually breaks in your frame will come and go like a karate master losing his balance only for an instant.
You can start doing it right now even. And in a day, you will look back at now, and think your frame sucked. Then the next day, you look at the previous day, and see your frame sucked. But eventually you can look back a week and say your frame sucked, then it may take a month, a year. Never stop practicing it. You are competing only with yourself, nobody is keeping score, and you can master it on your own time, in due time.
Well Said man!! Love everything about this post and you are correct. You are only competing with yourself.
Good point about how women don’t need a strong frame to get laid/married, still seems like it could be a useful thing for women to cultivate as well, if only to avoid being swayed by every idiotic trend the other SHEeple fall for.
Considering the differences of the results between the empowerment of men versus the empowerment of women, I would disagree.
Compare what empowered men have accomplished with what empowered women have accomplished. You will see cathedrals and space travel on one side, abortuaries and sperm banks on the other.
True. They can’t drink from the same cup we have to drink from. Because they don’t deal with the same terms we do. Not without the cheat codes of legislation and government collusion.
Would you say frame is akin to kind of being a lone wolf in regard to how you feel about the world? Being confident enough in yourself that it doesn’t really matter what is going on around you (women shit testing, your life is seemingly falling apart but you have the wherewithal to carry on and conquer, etc.). I’ve read about frame a lot, but I never really got a great depiction of what it is.
I suppose I’ve been working on frame for the past year and a half or so. Not fretting about obstacles in life and I’ve stood up for myself more than ever. Not being outcome dependent when talking with women and just enjoying life as it is. As well as obviously bettering myself. The unplugging process was hard at first but it seems like it gets easier with more practice.
You might be referring to the sigma male or what a sigma observes in an alpha. Sigmas and alphas are not necessarily enemies when the alpha is a true alpha. A true alpha is someone who is not trying too hard. That is, he is someone who sees what is necessary then cultivates what he needs in himself. The article warns against this mindset of “Oh I’m going to be alpha. So (since in my mind alphas are dicks) I’m going to be a dick to everybody now”.
Another failure is this notion of “having no fucks to give”. It only seems like this to an outside observer, but many misguided fellows attempt to not give a fuck about anything thinking that everything will suddenly yield to their desires and goals, especially women. This DOES NOT HAPPEN. You have to throttle the appearance of giving a fuck at the right time and place and yes that’s just about the definition of frame right there. Hence I think the meaning you seek is that there is a difference between “being” and “acting”.
Here is another frame parable for you. How many times have the more white-knighted among us complained about being dumped for being “too nice”? And how many of those same fellows might have observed the woman who dumped him, or just observed other women in their mate selection, lamented about how she is treated: “Oh she just wants men who treat her like shit” they exclaim.
But in reality what is happening is this: treating a woman too nice will bring out the worst in her. It happens on a personal scale, and on a “macro” scale. We can view the macro now: we have a gynocratic society that gives too much of a pass to women. Look at what women have become. Fat, unruly, bossy, and depressed. They were given everything, but can’t enjoy it.
Now how many relationships have you seen where the man says things like “happy wife, happy life” and refers to her as his “better half” and the women is a big fat demanding short-haired pants and flipflops wearing cow? Never happy, never enough.
It may well have been the man who brought that evil out. And a truly good woman won’t let a man be so much of a simp that it brings out the worst in her.
So what we deemed “some cunt who does not want to be treated nice and wants an asshole instead” might have in fact been more in touch with herself and saw the potential to become a turbo-cunt with an enabling pedastalizing man. She dumps him.
And to that man, other fellows who treat women more like adults and less like idols see those fellows as some kind of cold callous monster. But the other fellow may in fact simply be treating the woman like a normal adult, having expectations, taking no excuses, etc.
So you see here is that frame could be looked at like a “global value”, that is, outside of the scope of the interpersonal experience. Or to put it less nerdy, being able to take critical assessment of your actions outside of yourself.
To “put a frame around yourself and observe it” (hint hint)
In much the same way we can that fire requires heat, fuel, and oxygen, we might take frame down to a few elements as well:
Observation – Self awareness – Adaptation
Some would argue that a “script” would be a forth element. We in America go to karate schools and learn “moves” and then on the street it all goes to ground anyway. So I would dump the concept of script so far as “if A happens then do X”. A mindset is more important and mindset and frame can be the same term for the same thing. If you are in the mindset say of being successful like Trump, and stay in that frame, you picture yourself having a successful day like Trump and put a “frame” around that picture and keep it displayed in your awareness, you won’t need “moves” or scripts and little dependency on “how to”.
All of this is like, my opinion.
Yeah that makes a lot of sense. I think women could use a lesson in frame as well, but that will never happen. Because like you said, they’ve been given the world and still cant be happy.
I like the idea of sigma male, I’ve never really looked into that as I have only really read about alpha/beta dynamic. My personality traits align more with sigma. I’ve always struggled with the idea of “trying to be” alpha when in reality I could never successfully emulate what it takes to be truly Alpha (or at least I’m not particularly interested in doing that, as I feel its somewhat disingenuous). Also I do not resent alpha males by any means so its not a jealousy thing or wishing I was something I’m not.
I look forward to reading more.
When Sigma and true Alpha meet it’s a wonderful thing. A true alpha does not take himself super seriously and you can tell that by his not being threatened by a Sigma. The fakes immediately become vindictive and you can almost bring out their autism with ease.
An alliance between a Sigma and an Alpha is formidable and they will amp each other even without a stated and open understanding of each other’s ideas and motives. Wish there were more examples but these kinds of men are rare and because every fellow not coated in rainbow has to operate in stealth mode we’ll never know. There is a reason why the left totally freaked at Roosh’s attempts at meetups: the leftists have the think tanks and psychological sciences at their disposal and they tabled-topped this or ran the numbers. Get the sigma and alpha males working together and the whole shitlib forces of darkness come crashing down.
Your last line I’m in total agreement with. I’ve self-reflected on this a bit over the past few years, if I was in fact Sigma, or Alpha overall. Without being outcome dependent, I did however have to take a few steps back to come up with my final conclusion about myself. That is, when I put forth effort towards a goal, I got alpha results. Of course, you don’t recognize it when it’s happening, just in retrospect. I also dug deeper into guys I once considered alpha and if external forces helped prop up that image on false pretenses. I’ve also observed other men / women’s reactions to my accomplishments, or presence over long periods, 3-10 years+, and part of that accomplishment is frame, repetitive responsiveness irrespective of the person / people involved.
The outcomes have overall been favorable to my goals and plans. I lead in my field of business. My previous business I threatened superiors who felt the need to position themselves defensively against me, which was their insecurity not mine. My previous business before that, the largest supplier of my products said:”In all my years, I’ve never seen anyone enhance the market with the sheer will power you’ve put forth,” while the next largest supplier bad-mouthed me. Telling. Most of my exes have made attempts to reconnect, or stay in contact until at my disposal, I dropped the “scram for good bitch” bomb. Having good friends of mine accomplish similar previous goals I hit in the gym, taking them 6 years, dabbling in roids and test, what took me 3 years to accomplish clean.
Having done all of this by simply conveying the truth about my surroundings, and applying a scientific method to it all, has allowed me to squelch out the crap, and make the cream rise by expending my resources at my will. Overall, I’d say I’m alpha, but maybe not top tier, yet in the ranks somewhere. The way other guys react when I’m around, excessively chatty, mood lightened, etc. And above-all you said; “A true alpha does not take himself super seriously.” Pretty much describes a keystone in my internalized self. An alpha male can be built. The mindset of the alpha is that he can operate from all phases; Alpha, Sigma, Beta at will, and when necessary. The reverse is however not the case with sigma or beta. There is a universal, principled mindset internalized in the subconscious, which much like true red-pill, can’t be undone.
The problem with the Sigma/Alpha dichotomy is that many persons, such as myself, are ambiverts, meaning somewhere in the middle of the extroversion-introversion spectrum. Sigma is purely an online community construct whereas ambivert is an actual term within personality psychology research.
Is the sigma the wingman for the alpha?
Fantastic comment man. This is so important for many men today to understand.
“But a man without any frame, bending like a reed in the wind, is doomed
to losership, incelitude, being manipulated by every marketer……”
you forgot cuckoldry, if his wife/girlfriend has more value than him or is a bit narcissistic…
And boom, here come some mofos like me lol
Frame is not important for women because they lack the skills needed to develop it.
You go out and meet women
to get laid, obviously, but instead of focusing on getting laid on any
particular night, you focus on taking the actions that will strengthen
your frame.
Women lack the introspection required in analyzing situations, outcomes, what works, and what didn’t, and most importantly they cannot LEARN from their MISTAKES (which is the primary way by which I learn) because they cannot ever admit that they had one.
I’m not being facecious–I truly believe they cannot self-reflect and see, ah, that didn’t work, let me try this. Ok that worked, that’s the right thing to do in that situation. They cannot see things as right or wrong, it’s simplly things turned out the way they did because of a bizarre array of circumstances, the moon was just right and my horoscope said I would meet someone interesting and the wind was blowing from the left, which is good, and I’m about to have my period so yeah that was so crazy!
No concept of someone disagreeing with them. Unable to comprehend that someone might have a differing opinion. Go crazy and try or destroy the person. Absolutely no stealth, totally emotional and supreme liars when they are caught.
Women are genetically programmed to constantly test our mental and physical frames. It’s how they check for fitness in potential mates.
Solution: Build the strongest masculine frame possible.
Why is that girl wearing clothes in the water? Is she high?
To develop rock solid frame, perhaps it would be beneficial to learn what NOT to do. For example; if you are a white man and you are around a black man. You may get a little overzealous, excited and giggly, calling him “man” at the end of every sentence. You may also use nervous exaggerated laughter when he makes a joke. This is an example of bad frame. Relax, take a breath and stop being a fag.
“subordinates tend to match the vocal patterns of their superiors, but superiors do not match the vocal patterns of their subordinates.”
I know a few people who have picked up on my vocal patterns. People I thought were friends and didn’t see me as someone to brownnose. I once tried an experiment with them: I would purposely say things and quip catchphrases at times and lo and behold, they picked up on it. I was saying variations of “lols” like “loli-pops,” “lolslice,” and “lolicopter.” It was retarded but they started saying those and I would get disgusted. I’m fine with people I don’t respect kissing my ass…but friends? No thanks
Convicting, man. Good post.
I would question if they were really kissing your ass, or just imitating you. If you have a strong presence & are a natural leader, many people will want to be like you. Hence the old adage: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Picking up your speech patterns is one of the easiest ways to do that.
A man of authority naturally has followers. Your ‘brown nosers’ would have been your loyal muscle or jobber forces in a patriarchal society where men develop to full potential commanding their women and also heirarchies of men evolving where motive force is directed from leading men, not women. Women who are fraudulently installed in elevated posts requires the entire populace to be drugged and sedated, otherwise the slightest movements would cause the charade to collapse. A ‘man-rule’ society stands on its own, supported by the hard bone manframe – and men rule their women with their stern and mighty DICK BONE!
Men today who should be commanding are shocked into the atomized fray. As a self defense mechanism, a man who could have potentially been a true commander of underlings finds himself alone when a power play comes his way. He may put on an atomized act when feminists/social marxists enter the sphere rather than smite them because he is without his forces. He discounted and marginalized his loyal brown nosers and underlings, unsure what purpose they serve and not being forthright on how to marshall and utilize them. Yes a man ‘sticks out’ when he commands and a man of authority becomes comfortable with that. The gynocracy puts blanket shame on men who dictate independently or who stick out. This reserved push for men to step down is learned early on in schooling and especially in empowered single mother households.
Look at Trump. Many of his underlings emulate him and he’s aware that many drool over his wife and daughters and he doesn’t blame them. Who would. Still they have important jobs to do and he can command them at the wave of a hand.
I once had a boss who emulated me somewhat. He adopted my rationalizations and ways of thinking. So I had authority over him in a way. I realized the importance not to feed wrong information and to shit test him was redundant. The command was already there if only I had a task at hand. I wasn’t competing with him nor did I want the constraints of his position. Years later to this day I can rely on the guy.
Today we have the issue of women seated in authority all the way down to the women who dictate over their own households, ruling with nothing more than their legally authorized tools of pusywhippery. They will all fall like a house of cards when the DICK BONE rises to pummel their paper authority to the ground. The restoration of the true divine order begins now and the first battle is to DICKWHIP our women back into their proper places.
I’m not suggesting that I’m repulsed by the position of authority, just the fact of close friends submitting to me like a beta bitch boy in a way. It doesn’t feel right to me to have men who you trust as your loyal compatriots show submissiveness and weakness in the face of a “more powerful” presence. Close allies like that shouldn’t have that happen. But I suppose human nature rules all, and maybe they can’t help it or don’t notice their biological wiring doing its thing. C’est la vie
For the philosophically-minded: how is frame different from the virtues of courage and endurance?
Seems similar to me as well.
Respect, self-respect I mean, seems to be a lense here as well. @Doktor Jeep was on here saying buit frame concerns building yourself and making sure you’re better than you were until you respect who you were the week before. I think he’s dead-on.
a quick guess is that the virtues are inwardly focused while frame, even if it is rooted on the inside, has goals external to the soul.
Excellent point. It has similarities with these as well as magnanimity, to not be small-minded and let the ego take the upper hand. Fortes fortuna juvat. Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo.
Not far, possibly.
But I would wager that good frame is also knowing when, or over what, to be courageous and having control over what it is that you endure.
Lots of fellows “enduring” big fat disgusting women in their lives giving them crap and making demands, and they would suddenly become all courageous in trying to kick your ass if you pointed out how lacking in courage they are to get these garbage women out of their lives.
“If you have trouble opening girls who are in big groups or are with guys..”
I’m the first to say that I’m not experienced at all in this area of “game”, “frame”, “approaches”, and what not, but….
With a guy?
Seems like a great way to get in some practice with your fighting skills. Which is fine if that’s what your looking for. Why else would you approach a girl who is with a guy? I would always assume she is his wife/girlfriend/date for the evening.
If she acts as if I’m a creep for initiating harmless conversation, then I embrace it and stick around. Sticking around while showing no negative emotions is the biggest FU to them. And sometimes it may work in a man’s favor. The thing is, don’t take things so personally.
As a woman, having a strong frame in my profession will get you fired. The vagina hive can’t handle anyone who does not agree, does not respect their stupidity and certainly isn’t afraid. Women are too vindictive and petty when they feel threatened.
I can’t with the spelling mistakes. This site has taken a dive on that front. Isn’t having a proofreader part of a strong frame? Agh.
I was in a bar in North Dakota and asked a girl where she was from because she looked Canadian. We laughed for a second at the idea of Canadians having a look and I asked if she kissed like a Canadian. We made out and I took her back to the hotel for sex.
Stupid things like that work so well it’s unbelievable. I was confident, spontaneous and funny and not much more.
Go forth and do likewise.
One of the best essays on frame, ever. Excellent work.
One of the methods that helped me improve was learning to “feel” my frame. Till then I was quite cerebral about it. (For example, thinking about what was said and then thinking of a strong frame reply.)
However, when I learned to recognize the FEELING of losing my frame, i.e. getting sucked or drawn into someone else’s, my ability to maintain frame increased exponentially.
For me the feeling of drifting toward someone else’s frame feels like being off balance, slightly agitated, or a sensation of being cheated. It’s kind of in the gut.
Anyway, the “feeling” of frame for me is more natural and effective than an in the head analysis.
Do ‘naturals’ with women have frame? In a sense yes. Women interact immediately and pleasantly with naturals but the woman knows she’s dealing with a pudding pop, if she focuses on the play and the little strings to pull. Most naturals I’ve known ended up housewhipped to some degree. Why? Because gaming women wasn’t so much a hard learning experience for the natural. This site is more like a war college for mastering control and management of the shebeast when all societal and legal crutches have been flipped. In this day the arising kings over their women will be stronger and the rising patriarchy will be legion and unfathomable.
Women are jackals: they want what the can’t have. Always calibrate attention: make them work for it.
And if you can’t…just hold that gun at a woman’s head and they should put out even for an alt-right pig.