6 Reasons Why A Man Learning Game Should Also Do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Sometimes, we can fall into the trap of one-track thinking.

Okay so I will meditate in the morning for an hour before going out and approaching at least 20 girls, then lifting later. Tomorrow I will do it again.

It’s easy to have a laundry list of things that you have to do and can only use for one specific purpose—like having 50 tools for 50 things. Why not have a few tools for the same 50 things? As you go on in your journey of improvement, you will find ways to streamline your tools to achieve the same results and beyond. Allow me to present an excellent tool for any man trying to become a casanova: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

1. Increases confidence

On the mats, you are forced to concede defeat to other men (and sometimes women if they’re really good). Normally, you will be training in front of most of the class, too. Failing in front of a crowd can be painful, especially if you partake in a tournament. The constant beating you will receive does its part in destroying embarrassment.

Always be pushing the envelope and chasing discomfort through new classes, tournaments, and better opponents. Becoming proficient at anything boosts a man’s confidence. Once you break through that beginner’s rut, you will submit one person, then two, then ten, and looking back on how far you came from your first miserable day will make you proud. The thrill of conquest in your bones will make it much easier to apply the same frame to gaming girls.

2. Doubles as self defense training

Over 90% of street fights go to the ground, and grappling will teach you how to manage, diffuse, or outright destroy your opponent. BJJ is only grappling, which means that there is no punches, kicks, or any form of striking. Knowing how to make an opponent helpless without throwing a single punch is both rewarding and incredibly practical. Of course in an actual fight you will be striking, but the BJJ training will give you a huge leg up over anyone who you might get into a fight with.

3. Trains the mind to relax in uncomfortable situations

When you first start out in BJJ, you will be burning energy and sweating up a storm like you never have before. You will think aggressive tactics is all you need to win at BJJ. You will go into each match at 110% and burn all the gas in the tank.

Off the mats, your mind will be occupied with thoughts of times you tapped out, times where you missed an opportunity, and have regrets over what you did not do. Losing in BJJ and reacting with anger and frustration is the fastest way to quitting or never improving. The same mindset applies to game.

Over time you will expend less energy and focus more on technique. Your mind and body become synergistically connected and you flow more—rather than being tense and hyperreactive all the time. Eventually you will develop a state of zen when grappling. You focus less on breathing and become in tune with your surroundings. This “zen” is simply the mind reaching homeostasis.

Conditioning the mind like this can be done through meditation and rhythmic hobbies, but BJJ does that too. Capturing the essence of when you hit your zen mode is how you apply it to all other areas of life—game included. BJJ forces you to be in the moment and flow with your competition while trying to get an edge to beat it. Like chess, you can think ten moves ahead, but what happens now (her shit testing, your opponent making a move) determines how you will flow with it. Getting tapped out (rejection) phases you less and less after hyper exposure.

4. You meet tight, fit girls at tournaments

The girls you will meet when doing BJJ are some of the best aesthetically. Getting muscular does not go hand in hand with grappling, so girls that do it are fit and lean, instead of trying to look like a man. They have tight, firm asses, toned legs, and pert tits.

Some sports have a bell curve with a higher proportion of more ugly females (*cough* crew), but BJJ girls have not disappointed me so far, save for very few outliers. BJJ as a discipline is attractive to women because there is no violent striking, and women can compete with anyone without getting seriously hurt.

5. Breaks the touch barrier

BJJ requires you to get close and personal with your partner. Not once have I thought of two men grappling as being gay, but I have seen grappling with girls as having sexual undertones at times. We all know women think about sex a lot more than men, but when these girls are rolling around with a lot of sweaty guys emanating hormones left and right—you get tingle paradise.

Going to tournaments and other classes, you can run game on any girl that you roll with, and it is extremely easy to break the touch barrier and get physical with her when you work up more tingles using your tight game. Rolling with girls while having other girls see you also sets off a biological signal in her head whether she thinks it or not. Seeing you dominating another girl makes her think about sex 10/10 times. Thus, it is easier to open other girls after practicing on a few.

I have personally netted great results from being “that guy that charismatically submits the girls” at both different gyms and competitions. One thing though, if you have a gym or two that you call your home, then don’t shit where you eat. 99% of the regulars at these gyms are close knit, and if you aggressively pursue the girls at your gym, whether you fail or not, can lead to a less than favorable training environment for you.

Don’t nuke potential bonds with fellow grapplers at your gym for one piece of pussy. You can be more sexually aggressive outside your home gym(s) and competitions. Game at your home gym should be after she shows IOI. Don’t let your desire for pussy supercede your desire to become a great grappler.

6. Teaching dates to grapple leads to sex

You will look like a wrestling god in front of a girl who has zero experience in the sport. Make sure to let her know during your interaction that you grapple. Make it interesting, and work it into your LMR smashing tactics, or as a way of easing into sex. If you get her to agree to learning some “important self defense tips,” then the foot is already in the door. She may not see it as sexual first, but getting heated and rolling around with your bodies rubbing close to each other creating friction will get any girl’s motor running for sure.


Your focus should be on your training first and foremost. The point of this article is that BJJ naturally remedies some issues facing many men today who are learning game. If you do end up joining just for the “poon gainz,” then my advice to you is to stick with it for at least a year.

Over time, you will highly enjoy getting on the mats and rolling with your classmates. You will sign up for tournaments because you want to win. There is a commonly held belief in the manosphere that says if you foster an attractive, healthy, and interesting lifestyle, women are more inclined to come to you. That is the raw honest truth when taking up BJJ. You will have so much to talk about, a hobby that trains your body, and an excuse to give girls a “demonstration.”

Read Next: 5 Things I Learned About Life From Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

163 thoughts on “6 Reasons Why A Man Learning Game Should Also Do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu”

  1. I remember when every worker in Njpw neeeded to know legit sports to connect to the crowd and look legit.

    1. Even if Akira Maeda was a nutcase and fought Andre the Giant for reals there.

        1. Those moments in Japan are called Gonzo. When they go from a work to a shoot. They’re aren’t very common anymore due to the industry mostly using Baba’s and Tana’s and Mutoh’s ideas. Which is Drama over Faux-Fighting
          Igf-New and Inoki-Ism however are two warring factions carrying on Inoki’s ideas. Igf- New is just more wrestling related.

        2. Yes. Personally I’m more into Baba’s ideas and regarded AJPW of 1989-1997 as the best wrestling possibly in history. Kobashi, Misawa and Kawada were putting on master classes .

        3. Misawa was the business. It was terrible when he passed. But then he put his body through so much to keep NOAH afloat when Kobashi was out with cancer and Akiyama had his own injury concerns.

        4. Did you read about what happened to Noah? They had to shut it down to start it over.

        5. Nothing wrong with that.
          If I had stupid money and wanted to get into the wrasslin’ bidness I would run something similar to UWFi and classic AJPW and present it like a sport.

        6. Which reminds me. Takayama Yoshihiro has reportedly been paralysed due to an in-ring accident. Very sad news.

  2. Some guy tried to give me a BJJ, so I broke his fokin legs- Vinny Pringo

    1. I think the point behind jiu jutsu is to avoid getting taken out until your buddies pull the guy off. Hang on closer than he can punch or kick.

    2. Most martial arts train for 1 on 1 duels on a nice flat surface rather than self defense. The most valuable part of self defense training is recognizing when someone is a threat and making others not wish to target you. Very few arts spend much time on that aspect and instead work on techniques instead.

  3. I prefer judo. Its more useful and cheaper. BJJ’s focus on newaza is less useful. That being said, judo gets harder on the body as you get older, while BJJ doesn’t have as much time spent on throws.

    1. I’m on the east coast. I don’t know where you reside, but I’m told by many people who are purple, brown, and black belts that the east coast is where you get the best jiujitsu training in the US, and that the west coast is more lax or not as competitive. Of course there’s nothing like Brazil

  4. Now I know which sport should a potential daughter of mine never join.

  5. In regards to point 2, BJJ alone isn’t ideal for self defense. Being wrapped up in the ground in a fight isn’t a good place to be. What if he has buddies? Be prepared to have your face curb stomped into pulp. I’ve learned enough BJJ to get me back up on my feet. Mobility is crucial in a fight. Other points are pretty valid though.

    1. Yes if you are being ganged up on (likely by a horde of africans/muslims) going to the ground and letting the rest kick your head into the ground is not ideal, but jiujitsu shares tactics with judo in that you can utilize quick armbars, leg locks, throws, tosses, and other takedowns to quickly dispatch or hurt one dude before moving onto the next. At my gym, we do drills where one guy stands in the middle of a group of 5, and he tries to take down everyone quickly without getting caught himself. Brutal

      1. That mode of training can be useful, yes, but I’ve seen too many keyboard warriors say they’ll just take the fight to the ground where they’ll undoubtedly win. It’s naive. Mobility and distance from your assailant is always your best bet and you should always train to fend off more than one attacker. I’m not knocking BJJ in the sense that it’s useless. It merely one piece of a large puzzle.

    2. Seems that 1-on-1 fights have a tendency to end up on the ground. But against multiple opponents, seems that would be a significant disadvantage. Do cops learn BJJ? Bouncers? Special forces? Not being critical to be a negative Nelly, just trying to get a sense of the applied niche, and best case for use.

      1. Actually they do. Because of nature of their job, special forces operate with a team. Ever see their kill room training sequences? Guy charges them with a knife from a dark corner? Dbl leg take down, other teammates grapple the knife arm, shoot tango in the face, move on.
        Bouncers work with a team, cops work with a partner, etc.
        I trained with bouncers at several martial arts school including bjj

    3. Bingo. The last thing anyone should want to happen. In a street fight, is to go to ground.

  6. I gotta share this story from last night. Most of you guys know I’m 60 years old. Lately, I haven’t been going out, as I’ve spent the last four weeks or so, getting in better shape, and working on some projects. So anyway, last night I go out for the first time in about four weeks. I’m sitting on the patio of my local watering hole, about 9:00 p.m., and three women in their early 30s walk outside. They immediately eyeball me (I’m sitting alone at a table), and they ask if they can sit down. I say sure. One thing leads to another. They ask me what I do. I proceed to show one of the women a real estate website I do for a client, and how it ranks in the search engines, and I show her my LinkedIn page, and she gets amazed and now all three of the women are getting interested in me. They start jockeying for my attention.
    Now, one of them was really cute, another one was fat, and the third one was, eh, kinda cute, but not really. She was a Latina. Turns out all three of them were…drum roll…married. (That’s right…so if you think your special snowflake is solely going out, just to get away with the girls and unwind a bit, uh, guess again.)
    Anyway, a half an hour into it, the Latina point-blank says to me, “Take me back to your hotel room and fuck me.” Just like that. Right in front her two friends. Things had escalated to the point where all three were playing poker against each other, and this bitch went all-in. So I tell her, being buzzed enough to not give a shit what she or anybody else thought, “To be totally honest, I just don’t find you that attractive.” (***Crickets***) You should have seen the look on her face. I did get the cutest girl’s phone number, however, and will be tapping that ass soon…so that’s my tale from the war zone.
    Eat that, Vinny Pringo.

    1. I used to play cards once a week with this group of guys. I knew most of them and they were cool, but there was one guy who was a total beta simp. Knew it the minute I met him. So the card game rotated from house to house. First night we are at beta simp guy’s house, we’re all playing cards and his wife comes out from the back. She is smoking hot, a good 2 or 3 SMV points higher than this dude. She’s all dressed up to go out, make-up, hair done, tits propped up high and tight, the whole 9 yards.
      A few minutes later, a couple more women show up. All three of these chicks are in their late 30s, all married, all have kids. They are all dressed up, all pretty decent looking (although beta simp’s wife was the hottest). Giggling, laughing, drinking some wine… all revved up and ready to go. After a little pre-gaming, the girls pack up their purses, touch up their make-up and all say goodbye, and they leave.
      Beta simp just says “Bye sweetheart, have fun.”
      I’m trying for the life of me to figure out where this fucker’s wife is going all dressed up like an 18yo on prom night, because it sure as fuck wasn’t a church social.
      I look at him, and say “So where are they going?”
      Dude stares intently at his cards, “Oh, out for drinks.”
      That’s it. Just “out for drinks.”
      I just sit there, staring at this dude. He’s in his late 30s, early 40s. Dad bod with a beer belly, red head with a receding hairline, bad skin, fucked up teeth. As I sitting there, the dude starts picking his nose while looking at his cards. I mean, really spelunking up in there.
      And his hot-ass wife with a nice pair of tits just walked out the house with a skirt about an inch below her pussy to go “get drinks with the girls.”
      I’m stunned. I look over at the other guys I know there, and they are pointed *not* looking at me. My good friend who is also red pilled is smiling, but staring at his cards, absolutely refusing to look back at me.
      I know he’s thinking the exact same thing…. in about 45 minutes, some other dude is gonna be shoving his cock up this betas simp’s wife’s pussy just as aggressively and fervently as this beta simp is digging his finger up his own nose. I mean, all three of those chicks were very, very clearly on their way to go get seriously, enthusiastically and repeatedly fucked. This simp’s wife is gonna swallow a couple loads of random sperm and then come back home and and kiss this poor sap good night.
      And no one said a single goddamned thing about it.
      Couple months go by and I realize this is basically their routine. This beta simp goes to card night with the boys and his hot-as-fuck wife goes to “get drinks with the girls” and all my red pill friends know without a doubt that this bitch is getting her vaj-jay-jay beaten up like a fat white girl’s tonsils behind the locker room after football practice.
      Made me absolutely sick to my stomach. He never acknowledged it, no one else ever said anything about it, but it was so crystal clear, it was like she was wearing a neon “going out to get fucked by some rando at bar” sign every time she walked out of the house.
      Eventually got to where I wouldn’t even go to his house anymore, because I knew I was eventually either going to punch him in his stupid fucking nose or bang his whore wife out right on the card table in front of him. Or both.

      1. That story is so pervasive, isn’t it. Sad beta simp lets the hot wife go out and get ass-fucked. Not much a guy can do to stop it, because reading your buddy the riot act wouldn’t have mattered. He’s just going to take that abuse from her till she finds a better deal and they split up, and everybody knows it.
        All three of those married bitches last night gave me a sob story about their husbands. “He’s an asshole,” or “He’s a loser,” followed by the attendant explanations. And all the while I’m thinking, “That’s just cover, that’s how you justify going out and getting fucked by guys you meet in bars.” I was so inwardly elated when I told that bitch she just wasn’t that attractive to me. What these cunts just don’t understand is, a red pill guy is never going to wife them up. Because it doesn’t matter who is married to these sluts, they are going to go out and ride the carousel until the time comes when nobody wants to fuck their stretched-out pussies. But at the same time, the sluts are thinking, “Once I find a real man I will settle down and I won’t cheat.” But in order to find a real man, she has to find a red pill man, but no red pill man is going to go near her for anything other than a gratuitous suck and fuck. So it goes…

        1. Dead on, Bob. They keep riding the shit out of that carousel, and proving to the type of man they really want that they are not the type of girl that he really wants.
          I think the worst part of it to me was I never really knew if this guy knew his wife was out getting double-stuffed by random dudes or not. As a red-pilled guy, you think it’s blatantly obvious… but you forget how blind you were when you were blue-pilled. You forget how you were willing — desperate — to believe she was going “out for drinks with the girls” so you didn’t even have to consider the other possibilities. You just shut basic reality out of your head and refused to allow it to even become a question.

        2. It’s hard to feel too bad about it when you’re the guy gratuitously tapping the dissatisfied hot wives, as opposed to being the homebound nose-picking wage slave.

        3. Every reference to the Cock Carousel makes me think of an actual state fair amusement ride, where the drunk carny in charge of it ignores the squealing of failing bearings and eventually the thing comes off its axle and maims a bunch of people.

        4. Goto26a

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        5. Gear132s

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        6. That sounds like a ripped page out of my lifes bio, right there…got rid of my problem as soon as it hit me, so didn’t lose too badly in that divorce, but it damn sure woke me the f__k up fast.

        7. Premium25f

          Google is paying 97$ always! Work for couple of hours and have longer with sidekicks and family! :!sq115d:
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      2. I’m in a similar dynamic with my friend and his ex-girlfriend who just hangs around. She has told me to my face that tney are not together, but he still thinks they’re dating. Now I personally get a bit weirded out at the prospect of being eskimo brothers with a buddy, but I feel as though I would be doing him a service and snap him out of his dream if I banged her. It hasn’t come to a tipping point yet, but it might

      3. Love the vivid detailing in your recollection. Reminds me of AV Yader. You should write RoK articles yourself.

        1. I remember every detail about that shit because it happened just after I started to get red pilled, and it was one of the first times I saw actual red pill truth live and in living color right before me.

      4. Your simp friend knew in his guts exactly what time it was, and probably swallowed so much rage that he regularly fantasized about putting a bullet through his skull just to let the poison thoughts out through the hole.

        1. Spot on. Perhaps he does not have the freedom or opportunity to kick her to the kerb. There is lot of alpha talk in ROK, but only ourselves know what is in our minds. There are stupid people everywhere, and for some people here, I could appear as a “beta”, but trust me: what is going on my mind with Western women reaches Auschwitz levels.

        2. Ya know, every time I think I have truly reached ZFG, I find that I still have further to go. And the further I go, the more readily I treat myself as a priority. That means kicking my own ass into gear, rather than kicking it into the gutter. I am far from mastering my mind, but I have let go of so many expectations (and accepted the pain that fills the space where those expectations used to be), that the fire behind my rage seems distant.
          Sometimes, I feel confused and even *guilty* for not being as angry as I was. Like I’ve betrayed some kind of morality for letting the rage glow more dimly. But trust me: the spiritual effort needed to keep that anger contained will prevent any man from accessing necessary resources to be “alpha,” whatever we decide what “alpha” really means.

      5. Punch a beta and fuck his wife. That’s an interesting concept ! Much better than fat shaming or trying to redpill people imo

        1. Yeah, it is his problem. It made me sick to my stomach to see a guy get so obviously and brutally cucked right in front of me.

        2. Just get better friends mate. You’re the average of five people you hang out with and he’s bringing your average down.

        3. Way to parrot someone else’s irrelevant trite advice back to me there. He’s not my friend and as my post made clear, I don’t hang out with him at all.

        4. No need to get defensive mate. You hung out with the guy for quite some period of time and seem really put out by his actions which have zero impact on your own life. I have to tell you, that’s a little odd.
          To be honest, you actually sound jealous.

        5. No mate just commenting that its strange that you are so angry at this guy that you want to beat him up when he hasn’t done anything to you. You go on and on about how hot she is, how you know with almost clairvoyant certainty that she is getting banged whenever she goes out (except by you) and then tell us you want to bang her in your final paragraph.
          What other conclusion can I draw when you clearly see this guy as beneath yourself yet he has a hotter woman than you?
          Its my view that if you find yourself enraged by other people’s lives its you that has the problem and not them. I would reflect on that.
          Or just call people trolls I guess.

        6. Maybe just enjoy the story for what it was and not over-analyze it so much there, Freud.

        7. Fair enough mate. Maybe things got a bit out of hand. I’ll put down the clipboard and white coat and back carefully away.

      6. That vagina was scheming how to get your his ass as her personal ATM. Of course she didn’t care about his looks or condition, simp dude had a trophy wife, so he has “made it”. Broad is s sugar babie and she is indulged with his tacit approval to be cockcarouselwhore and he don’t care. She is happy with the arrangement cause it works for her. Anyone with half decent looks should be scoping out how to ride that saddle til they are tired of it and she gets all the bennies and probably money from her other attention givers too.
        You think they think about your looks and d__ck, but getting those two things are just a bonus (so they can look in the mirror and not use your mental image to purge with) for them once they split your cowhide and start extracting green paper. AWALT.
        Deplorable is the dudes attitude. I predict he will suicide once he gets sick of her lifestyle at his expense, but that dude is clearly cheaply expendable but the best gravy train the whore could have caught a ride on.

    2. Cool story Bob. Didn’t know you were 60. Always refreshing hearing your tales and advice.

    3. Damn. The latina understood her hand and had to beat the cute freind to the punch. Well played sir.
      Over a month ago I was at a watering hole, real dive bar, which was a bit crowded for a Friday night. Two guys and a 20 something girl sat next to me and the dudes immediately conversed leaving this chick on her own next to me. I completely ignored her and read my phone. At one point she jammed a pretzel bowl in my face and asked me if I wanted some. I declined without even looking up from my phone.
      I couldn’t help but think of Uncle Bob telling the story about depriving chicks in bars your attention and what the outcomes are. Heh.

      1. Grazie, my friend. I really didn’t do much, just maintained frame and showed them some bait online (which invariably works, as they are so shallow and greedy – it’s like waving a red flag in front of a bull). There are so many ways to get their interest, aren’t there. From ignoring them to enticing them with the hope of a financial score. Depends on the whore involved. Honestly, after that encounter the other night, I have an even lower opinion of them. It just keeps dropping and dropping. How low can they go? I don’t think there’s a bottom…

    4. Did it occur to you that they were sizing you up for the thickness of your wallet and the likely hood they will be dipping into it later if they “play their cards right”, and that your fitness and single status is a calling card for making you a prime target? Yeah so you get laid, that vagina is scheming how to get your ass to turn into their personal ATM.

      1. Abso-fucking-lutely. That’s what their interest was. Knew it right off. Kind of a sad testament to the modern whore but…if a guy can take advantage of that, it’s not all bad. Still, that being said, in all honesty? Now that a couple of days have passed, I would rather wait for better selections to come along.

        1. I kinda figured that was the reason for sharing that story. The dollar signs in Latinas eyes were that obvious I guess. I figured I would state the obvious radar blip I got as I read it. im so cynical anymore I never pay attention to slit and tits when they ogle me (im not a bad looking guy and stay in the gym and in shape for health reasons and self respect). My kids notice it and then tell me about it later when they see them doing similar plotting.

        2. At one point later in the evening, the two other chicks isolated me from the Latina. The Latina started chatting up this younger dude, after I rejected her. The other two asked me to come and watch them play pool. (Which I did for about one minute, prior to just up and leaving the bar.) But it was all dollar signs in their eyes, from start to finish. It was an amazing little sociology experiment. Given the stimulus (possible financial gain), what will a woman do to get a guy interested in her.
          I always hammer the money angle in here (and the success angle), because it trumps everything and if a guy can work hard and get there, his life will be so much better. He will have abundance no matter his age. He won’t have to settle. Back in the day I pulled them with looks, charm and game. And I did damned well back then. But now? My god, it’s like dropping a hook into the water, and a few seconds later hordes of fish are trying to get at the bait. It’s pretty sick really. But that’s how it is. AWALT.

    5. Not to detract from your story but I want to retaliate against the author’s main points presented here in the article since I am a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and have been training in it for 17 years.
      First off, BJJ is definitely an amazing side sport for a man to pursue in his spare time. It does build confidence, puts you in shape, and gives you a chance to defend yourself in a physical confrontation should one arise. However, the negatives of such a sport are that you will develop cauliflower ear, get injured if you train and compete a lot, and it sometimes becomes a cult like cross-fit. But most importantly, I want to address the women aspect.
      BJJ DOES NOT attract a lot of women to the sport. The idea of grappling and rolling with sweaty people does not appeal to women. So that is a lie that the author presented. You will find more hot women in kickboxing classes or even boxing classes than BJJ.
      The author uses a picture of Makenzie Dern in the article (the hot looking girl in the article above) who is the best BJJ female athlete out there. She is the daughter of a Brazilian immigrant who runs a BJJ academy in Arizona and as a result, got his daughter involved in the sport. Makenzie Dern has had 2 failed engagements, and has been on the cock carousel dating only champion black belt Brazilian men, who dump her later on (the Taylor Swift syndrome). I wouldn’t even touch her knowing which Brazilian men have liquid exploded in her vagina.
      Furthermore, the women that do enjoy BJJ are on the cock carousel, and signing the membership just to look for men to grope with. These women are usually fat, have a very low SMV, and not the type you want to wife up. If you even happen to find the unicorn who is hot, mark my words, she will dump you if even gets the slightest opportunity to sleep with a world champion black belt. Some women become way too obsessed with BJJ that they start acting like tomboys. Look at Anthony Bourdain’s ex wife as an example. Those are the type of women you will encounter in your BJJ academy. And wasn’t their an article here on ROK that said that females shouldn’t get involved in MMA? As a BJJ practitioner, I strongly urge to never date a girl who does BJJ.

        1. The best instructions I found for the basics were Cesar Gracie instructionals. They are by far the best!

      1. Hey man, thanks for your insight. Can I ask what your bb lineage is? Just curious.

        1. Black belt under Ricardo Vieira, who got his black belt under Romero Calvacanti, who got his black belt under Rolls Gracie.

  7. Wrestling with girls? That just seems so not alpha. These bitches need to be in the kitchen.
    And MMA girls look like dudes.

    1. I go to a separate MMA gym and two other Jiujitsu gyms. You are right about the MMA girls. They are manly, but jiujitsu is not as violent and tends to attract more….”delicate” girls. Catch my drift?

    2. Digging your posting on ROK man. Couldn’t agree more.

    1. yeah, but would he win against a stealthy ninjew, with a six pointed throwing star?

      1. From Wikipedia –
        “The Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), commonly known as Fannie Mae, is a United States government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) and, since 1968, a publicly traded company. Founded in 1938 during the Great Depression as part of the New Deal,[2] the corporation’s purpose is to expand the secondary mortgage market by securitizing mortgages in the form of mortgage-backed securities (MBS),[3] allowing lenders to reinvest their assets into more lending and in effect increasing the number of lenders in the mortgage market by reducing the reliance on locally based savings and loan associations (or ‘thrifts’).[4] Its brother organization is the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), better known as Freddie Mac.”
        “The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), known as Freddie Mac, is a public government-sponsored enterprise (GSE), headquartered in the Tyson’s Corner CDP in Fairfax County, Virginia.[2][3] The FHLMC was created in 1970 to expand the secondary market for mortgages in the US. Along with the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), Freddie Mac buys mortgages on the secondary market, pools them, and sells them as a mortgage-backed security to investors on the open market. This secondary mortgage market increases the supply of money available for mortgage lending and increases the money available for new home purchases. The name, ‘Freddie Mac’, is a variant of the initialism of the company’s full name that had been adopted officially for ease of identification.”

    1. Shit, if we have to pay to bail Fannie-Freddie out through my taxes, does that mean we don’t have to pay those student loans back anymore?

    2. How to stop it? Do people even care? I’m semi-shocked that the MSM paused their Russia fanfic long enough to even mention it.

      1. There’s no stopping it. We’ll see some sort of bail-out scenario, followed eventually by a bail-in scenario. (Money taken out of accounts to make up for bank “shortfalls”.) If a guy has been thinking about getting rich, now would be the time to put whatever plan he has devised for doing so, into action. It’s gonna get ugly.

  8. One thing I remember from kendo tournament days. Girls’ teams almost always pack a really nice lunchbox. If you look famished they will often offer some. A contender’s gotta eat.

  9. Very interesting article. However, I have one objection.
    “We all know women think about sex a lot more than men…” Is that your own conception or based on actual studies? It seems that younger males think somewhat more of sex than ditto girls. That is logical due to men’s frequent sperm production, but can be balanced as a consequence of women’s tendency to be unindustrious and let there fleeting minds stray away from focusing on particular tasks.

    1. I probably should have linked another ROK article or a different study, so I guess I will have to say right now it is my perception and anecdotal evidence from many in the manosphere. The general consensus is that women think about sex *at least* as much as men, if not more. Men are more inclined to want a stable relationship with one good woman, while women’s nature is always telling them to mate even if they are in a “good” relationship with a strong man

      1. This sounds backwards. Seems that common wisdom is that men want to spread their seed and women want commitment.

        1. I actually met college dudes who just wanted to get married and start a family, whereas all the girls were competing for the highest cock count…

    2. “”It seems that younger males think somewhat more of sex than ditto girls””
      Yeah right. My buddies ex gf cheated on him (and lost her virginity) in a threesome. Then she proceded to have sex with over 30 dudes by the end of the year…

  10. Dated a gal (briefly) that was into this glorified wrestling…. Her hands (and personality) were more callous than a ditch digger who never wore gloves, and she behaved like a man, no thanks.

    1. Good man to reject her. Only date feminine girls. Lay whatever, but real dating, only the feminine ones.

  11. The only BJJ I’m down for is blowjobs joyfully from lusty 18-23 year old girlies. Otherwise, when it comes to snapping necks catch wrestling and Pankration are the gear. Leg locks, neck cranks and small joint manipulation are why they make BJJ look like a sissy pursuit.

    1. Everything that these two did are taught in BJJ. Two arm bars and a poorly executed RNC.

    1. For most guys it’s hard to get a boner if she is choking you or about to break your arm. And honestly, once you have been around and with enough women just touching a woman isn’t going to give you a boner.

  12. Really? 90 % of street fights go to ground ? Watching YouTube fights it does seem the majority did “go to ground” . BJJ really does not teach any form of striking at all??? Sorta related a good fight movie about Jui Jitsu /martial arts is is “Red Belt” done by the great director David Mamet who himself is a BJJ practitioner…

    1. “”BJJ really does not teach any form of striking at all???””
      If youre really good at BJJ you wont have to worry about punching and kicking. But if youre still worried just mix it up with either Boxing or Karate
      Nuff Said…

  13. In the early 80’s I had the privilege of attending a seminar by the Gracie Family. A finer group of men I have never met. And just for the record. I had a practice session with Helio the “Old Man”. He kicked my ass twice before I hit the ground once.

    1. You must have asked him how it felt to be put asleep and get his arm broken by Masahiro Kimura… that’s why he kicked your ass twice before you hit the ground once…haha

  14. Overall, these are some solid points for getting more familiar with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, if only because it is a martial art style and performing and failing in front of others builds character.
    The same points you could say for practicing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu could be applied to many other styles, and aside from protecting yourself from ground takedowns, the ground is the last place you want to start a fight from. Maybe that is an oversimplification of the style from someone who doesn’t practice it. Either way, any martial art can build character so if this is something you gravitate towards, just do it.
    On women, if you are anywhere near Red Pill, it should be an easy deal to make a woman wet the first time you come across her simply by your tenacity to improve yourself. I’m no outlier but it was pretty easy to move for the lay with a classmate, but as women naturally look to submit, fighting is the quickest way to fulfill their inner wet dreams.
    All in all, I like the idea and any movement is good movement, would recommend looking around with the martial art you wish to study since being serious always gets the attention of women.

    1. Why do these things always boil down to impressing women to cater to them for sex. Why can it never be good enough alone to just do self improvement for your own sake for your own image security and self satisfaction?

      1. Socialization is pretty bad in America so sex is a major distraction as so few men have a satisfying sex life here. Learning to fight appeals to certain men since it isn’t truly necessary for a man to be able to fight when there are guns and other means to protect yourself. Learning to fight is all about you and your character.

  15. Women are always attracted to manly men. There’s nothing more manly than learning how to kill other men. If you train hard you’ll start to look hard, and manly as fuck. You walk into rooms and every man in will know that you’re the mother fucking boss. The men will want to be you, and the women will want to fuck you. Now go train!

    1. They want to f__k you not for your looks (that’s just a bonus for them so they don’t have to feel bad looking in the mirror afterwards), but for your resources and money raining on them potential. When ego and narcissism get in the way of understanding their motivation, you get your mindset.

  16. Goto26a

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  17. Nothing against that sport but I don’t know why so many of these articles have such a stand-offish tone; you “must” or “should” do this or that as if everyone had limitless energy and time to dedicate to pursuits that they have no natural talent for. Depending on your history of injuries, any grappling can be a risky move. The one combat sport that seems to be the most forgiving in this regard is boxing, unless you have messed up elbows or shoulders but there’s no stress to your knees and spine. I’m nursing several damaged discs myself and even some of the things they do in thai boxing hurt. I almost blew out my knee on my first day of judo when a teacher showed me a throw and he was alarmed about my position but there was no pain at the time.
    Though it is not worse than any other martial sport, I’m sick of the flamboyant MMA/BJJ fad myself. As a youth worker I’m not happy about all the ‘martial arts shaming’ that goes on online, where MMA/BJJ spread their delusions of invincibility and grandeur on YouTube comments and forums and taunt and mock bodybuilders and other athletes; I think it leads to a lot of kids getting into sports they absolutely effing hate because they think they need to do them to be the man. A real man does what he likes to do.
    BTW the thing about 90% of fights going to the ground is based on a police statistic and going to the ground itself is harmless just like standing up with someone. Getting your head banged against the pavement on the way down is dangerous and getting hit or choked when lying down is dangerous but so it is when standing up as well. If the attacker takes it to the ground, that just means there’s more time to cry for help and for others to intervene before you get seriously hurt. It’s much better than to have the start fight by getting kicked in the head or groin, which can happen in a near instant and which grappling does not prepare a person for but a kickboxing background will allow you to do that to the other guy before the fight even starts and it always starts either standing up or sitting down but never lying down. As long as you are a lifter, naturally strong and sober or practice any live martial art, some drunken chump is not going to magically take you to the ground; that happens when two skinny fat drunken chumps of equal skill decide to slug it out. Does anyone really think that some untrained guy would just go out and lay Floyd Mayweather on the ground because he so pleases? If they do, by that same logic the same untrained guy would surely just knock out a prime Gracie before they force him to the ground.

  18. Largely OT on MT (mental toughness): http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886917304208
    Subclinical narcissism might be unique among the Dark Triad of personality traits.

    Subclinical narcissism correlates positively with mental toughness.

    Subclinical narcissism exerts a significant negative indirect effect on both psychopathy and Machiavellianism, through MT.

    MT could facilitate the expression of the adaptive aspects of subclinical narcissism.
    The Dark Triad (DT) involves three closely related personality traits: narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism. Mental toughness (MT) is a multi-facet trait that entails positive psychological resources, which are important across a range of achievement contexts. Research that examined the association between MT and the DT returned mixed findings. The present study aimed at: (1) exploring the association between MT and the DT using a considerable larger sample in comparison to previous studies; (2) investigating whether MT mediates the association between narcissism with psychopathy and Machiavellianism. The mediation model revealed that narcissism exerts significant negative indirect effects on both psychopathy and Machiavellianism, through MT. The implications of these findings for reducing socially undesirable outcomes, often linked to the DT, are discussed.

  19. Why does this article morph into 6 reasons to simp/white knight /beta male to women before its halfway through? 3 reasons to do BJJ and 3 reasons to BJJ yourself into simping to women…Really? It should be 3 reasons to Bjj and 3 reasons to whoreship vagina.

  20. Do you have a source for that statistic that 90% of street fights go to the ground?
    I have to say, your BJJ school must be special because the girls I have seen at BJJ are some of the most mannish, fat lesbian looking (and sometimes being) I’ve seen.

  21. Rule no 1 in every self defense situation: NEVER go to the ground.
    Even if you have never tasted your own blood it will soon be clear why.
    1) The ground in your dojo and the ground on the street are not the same. Broken glass or worse things are not soft and cozy.
    2) It is rare that a real fight is 1 on 1. There are other people around. If you go the ground even the biggest coward will kick you. One kick to the head and you are done. for life. no good.
    3) If you grapple you cant move. Nevermind run. You are down and your options are limited.
    4) Last and worst. While you choke the guy and prepare that perfect head lock, he is afraid to get killed. He pulls out his knife and stabs you 5 times in the gut. Or his friend is afraid you will choke him to death and smashes a chair over your head. You didnt notice any of this because you are busy rolling in the dirt.
    BJJ is a sport, not self defense.
    The idea to grapple with young HB10s on the other hand makes all the above points pointless. To defend against this kind of vilain BJJ seems just perfect 😉

    1. 1. You are correct the mats are softer than concrete. That’s why it’s called training
      2. I’ve been in a couple of dozen fights, been a bouncer and bartender. Many fights are in fact 1 on 1 even if their friends are looking on. And if it’s going to be multiple on one, you’d better run as no martial art will defeat multiple opponents.
      3. When the fight inevitably goes to the ground, as most fights do. Your options are already limited so you best know what to do.
      4. If the guy has a knife, most will pull it at the beginning of the fight. Rarely do they wait till they are about to be choked out to suddenly remember they have it. As far as a guy smashing a chair over you, maybe in the movies. I tended bar for several years in a college town only once did I ever see a guy grab a chair, only to have it ripped from his hands a moment later.

      1. M.Ali I can see where you are coming from. From your viewpoint, what you said is all correct and true.
        But understand, there are others. In my case I am training and teaching self defense in south america.
        My viewpoint comes from a place where lethal force in self defense is quite common. People here get shot for their phones. I have trained people who had been raped. People who had experienced a home invasion first hand. People who got shot or saw a friend of family get shot in front of their eyes.
        Dont expect the police to help in any of these cases. Very different story from save and secured US or EU lands. This does include self defense laws; you are in fact allowed to defend yourself here. If you get attacked with a knife and you shoot the bastard you will not face much trouble, if any at all.
        “no martial art will defeat multiple opponents.”
        Not true. In wing tsun kung fu the 12th (highest) student grade is only passed if you can defend against several attackers, one of them armed with a club. The higher grades or masters are very good at this, and this is in the worst case situation – you are unarmed.
        Never forget there is the fact that you can use weapons to control multiple attackers.
        “When the fight inevitably goes to the ground”
        Our students train anti-ground defense. Nevertheless the first rule is “never go to the ground” in a real fight. Way too dangerous. No view of the area. Restricted movement. Head is very exposed. Big, big no.
        “If the guy has a knife, most will pull it at the beginning of the fight.”
        This is your worst error. A KNIFE IS MENT TO BE FELT NOT SEEN.
        Rembember this. No trained fighter will ever show you his weapon. Only a fool will.
        A chair is a respectable weapon. If i sit on a chair i will always do so in a way that allows me to use it as a weapon in the blink of an eye. Most people wont. But never underestimate those who are in fact warriors and what they can do with simple objects. A lot of what Jason Bourne (movie) does, is not THAT far from the truth.

  22. I respect BJJ as much anyone who has watched a minute of MMA, and it is highly effective in a one on one situation. But take it from one who knows all too well–in a street fight you want to stay on your feet as long as possible, because the dickhead your fighting likely has a friend.

    1. For this reason I prefer judo. Combat Sambo is also an great alternative, since combat Sambo incorporated lots of judo in it’s system.
      As for the MMA/UFC, it pretty much was made to cater to BJJ. When Pride FC was around, BJJ wasn’t that effective as it is in the UFC because of the cage and rules.

    2. going to the ground on purpose is a bad idea but when you end up there you’d better know what to do

  23. Although I never recommend taking a street fight to the ground on purpose, they end up there a lot and ground fighting skills are paramount. As a cop I was in several fights where having been a college-recruited wrestler and advanced amateur at jujitsu saved the day.
    The importance of inoculating your children to stress with combat sports is also impossible to understate. This can help prevent your kids from being victims and folding under stress and having panic attacks; the most pathetic display of helplessness a human being can exhibit short of dying.

    1. Thai boxers among others train the clinch a lot and they are stand-up fighters. In a sparring situation the stand-up fighter is certainly at a disadvantage because sparring is not about crippling people but establishing dominance at most; even if the boxer could throw a knock-out punch, they most likely hold back for obvious reasons, which allows the grappler to do his magic much easier. Striking has little known advantages that are normally ignored in these discussions; there’s a video of a Jackass comedy guy fighting a professional fighter in the ring only the professional had one of his arms strapped tight to his side so he could only use one arm to punch the untrained guy but he still did well. How useful would grappling be with only one arm? I imagine that any bodybuilder would ragdoll the Gracies around if they were only allowed to use one arm. In a so called real fight you might get a baseball bat in your left or right arm and have to survive with only one arm, where the boxer would still stand a chance. Also imagine sitting in a car with your seatbelt on, confined to a wheelchair or getting assaulted in a train or bus, where you can only move back and forth because space is lacking. This would negate numerous grappling techniques but you could still throw at least modified boxing punches.This would also apply to uneven spaces like stairs and spaces with obstacles like tables and counters; you can throw a punch over a heavy object but it is impossible to generate leverage for a throw or get close enough for a takedown.
      All things said, aside from bouncers and cops nobody should get into martial arts unless they like it because the gain relative to time investment is minimal unless the person wants to base their identity around machismo and never grows up from that.

    2. “”This can help prevent your kids from being victims and folding under stress and having panic attacks””

  24. 90% of street fights go to ground”
    I don’t bekieve that.

    This whole article seems like a 20 yr old wrote it.

  25. The r/bjj post that linked to this article was taken down, presumably to reduce the number of clicks to this site, but I wish everyone commenting on this piece, or agreeing with it’s author, could have taken a look. It would give you a very clear picture of exactly how this piece’s ideas are received by the BJJ community. Hint: it’s not positive.

  26. Lol this article is funny, but you know what? It’s true. Also – to those who are seeking a good school, if your bjj academy does not teach a good portion of stand up wrestling and judo – don’t go there. “Pulling guard” is not effective in military/streets. Sport jiu jitsu while useful is NOT designed for all out warfare just like boxing, wrestling, kickboxing, etc. best to cross train or better do a hybrid style like sanda (Chinese kungfu) or sambo (Russian system). I just got out of my jiu jitsu sparring class myself, so please excuse spelling errors lol

  27. Navy Seal commander, Jocko Willink on self-defense:

    The ideal progression of combatives knowledge:
    Concealed Carry –> Brazilian Jiu Jitsu –> Boxing –> Muay Thai –> Wrestling

  28. Premium26g

    Google is paying 97$ dependably! Work for couple of hours and have longer with sidekicks and family! :!sq116d:
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  29. That last bit is the TRUTH!! I started weight training almost 2 years ago. I was, still am, a super heavy weight. I dropped 70 lbs this year, and all of a sudden I got swamped. Now, I have 2 women who would die for me, one of whom is a workout fiend herself, and several orbiters, all of which are higher SMV than myself.
    Women LOVE confident men, body type be damned. They are thirsty for self-assured men who are out there working, and working towards something concrete.

  30. I thought BJJ wasn’t that good till I took it myself. Heh Heh.
    Here is a video of a spook getting what he deserves.
    He tried to sucker punch the hispanic and epically failed!!
    And when the hell were there any rules in a street fight lol

  31. I thought of trying BJJ. What stopped me was the fact that most guys who practise it seem like they would be able to snap me in two. I don’t have desire for a spinal injury or a broken jaw.

  32. I train in BJJ. It’s a great art. It has multiple benefits as the article mentions. It will increase your self confidence, your physicality, and mental fortitude. You will test your limits every time you roll. Your weaknesses are brought out very quickly by your opponent. My instructor says that “Jiu jitsu has a way of putting you in the position that you need the most work on.” I find that to be true.
    Most people will not need Jiu Jitsu. Most people will never be in a fight after High School. But if you are one of the unlucky ones, knowing what to do once on the ground is essential. Most fights end up on the ground. Once one guy is knocked down, the other one is likely going to be on top of him immediately. Then one had better know what to do, otherwise it’s going to be a even worse day.
    Several people in the comments mention how it’s not effective against multiple attackers. I submit this video on the topic from the Gracie Academy

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