The collapse of the sexual revolution is giving rise to an abandonment pandemic among post twenty-something women. Nature abhors a vacuum, so the ecological force of the missing husband and empty crib manifests in political efforts to attach women to the state and import extra virile, hard, young men.
Civilisations are uncannily good at exercising the imperatives of their sexual economies without revealing what those imperatives truly are so, while no rational excuse has ever been forthcoming for the Islamic settlement of Europe, anyone who dares to raise an objection is typically met with ‘Think of the children!’
The origins
Long before the invasion of Europe, the Think of the children™ stamp was already being used as a defence for any selfish demand it suffixed.
I got pissed on Blue Nun, read Eat Pray Love, and decided to shack up with a fit Turkish taxi driver – YOLO! but I still have a right to fleece my ex-husband for a fortune in alimony because think of the children!
We need aid programmes to send ageing female charity workers into the Calais jungle to help young men with construction work and social integration, because think of the children!
Or even…
It’s a woman’s right to have an abortion! An unwanted child shouldn’t be brought to life think of the children!
The ethical posturing is demonstrably phoney – because it is selective.
You’re not really supposed to think of these children, because they’re the victims of racial minorities in Britain.
And as for the victims of the largest child massacre the world has ever seen (move aside Hitler!), they were mostly the victims of free love and women’s rights which, of course, are the highest ideals in our society.
Escalation during the migrant crisis
Nothing, however, displayed the hypocrisy of this sentimental shibboleth quite so well as the narrative that surrounded the invasion of Europe.
You probably remember this picture – iconic of the crisis of 2015 – when a million bearded young men arrived on European shores.
Abdullah Kurdi decided to pay a people trafficker to take his family out of Turkey (where they had lived peacefully for three years), to the EU. The boat sank and only Abdullah survived. This photo of his drowned son, Alan, went round the world. Months after the tragedy, the German newspaper Bild caught up with Abdullah, by then safely back in Iraq. In Abdullah’s mind, it seemed quite clear who was to blame for what happened to his family: Western governments.
Now I’m probably safer than I’ve ever been in my life, but for what? People are still dying and nobody is doing anything about it.
Bild did a good job in documenting Kurdi’s sublimation of grief into resentment toward others. The only problem is that people reading his words in the West were bound to sympathise with his warped view because they feel sorry for his son. I feel sorry for him too, but that doesn’t mean I must to buy into his father’s geopolitical theories.
Kurdi broke European law and supported a criminal racket in order to take his family from safety into danger, then used the resulting tragedy to blame the very people who tried (not hard enough, in my opinion), to stop him. The only way anyone could possibly stare down these facts – let alone ignore them entirely – is through the emotional blackmail generated by those who have appropriated the image of his dead child for political purposes.
A barrage of such images were used to pour scorn on anyone who might otherwise voice their natural malaise at the violence, rape, panic and illegality of the ensuing Islamic invasion. Anyone who dared to point out that the images failed to represent the true demographic of people who were pouring across our borders was shamed in to silence as uncharitable, racist or – har har! – ‘un-Christian.’
Realising that Europeans would appropriate the blame for any suffering inflicted upon their children, migrants and press were quick to supply the newfound demand.
This Iraqi family became poster-children of the influx when photographed arriving on the Greek Island of Kos – supposedly escaping from mortal danger.
A year later, a newspaper tried to track them down in Germany, only to discover that they had returned to Iraq. Only their son remains in the West. He has become a criminal. No matter, though. Emotional memory linked to the original photo should far outlast any inconvenient consideration of fact (and if it doesn’t, then that’s just because you’re autistic).
So the press continued its appeal to emotion and, very quickly, we had this…
People have to understand that a hostage situation in which people take themselves hostage is still a hostage situation. It is normally the policy of Western governments not to negotiate with hostage-takers so as to discourage it as a means of manipulation. Their failure to apply this policy to migrants lead, inevitably, to this…
These migrants sank their own boat and drowned because they believed that they would be rescued by the boat they encountered. Unfortunately for them, the boat was Tunisian, not Italian.
By the end of this summer, thousands more will have died in similar circumstances. Think about how many lives might have been saved if we had just shot a few, or at least convincingly pretended to have shot a few, attempting to cross in the first place.
Sound too harsh? Well, let’s turn for guidance to the scriptures that lie at the foundation of our occidental Christendom.
The response: King Solomon’s judgement
The most efficient way to protect the greatest number of children is not to throw public money at them, but rather to stop tolerating delinquency in their adult supervisors.
For a society to do this actually requires less effort, not more. However, the difficulty lies in the realisation that the original effort to think of the children had nothing to do with thinking of the children and everything to do with thinking of the motivations of the people who told us to think of the children.
King Solomon (he of 300 wives and 700 concubines), understood better than anyone how to handle the types of emotive little outbursts we are now supposed to revere. One day, two women came before him to seek his justice. They lived alone for they were Harlots (Kings 3:16). Both had recently give birth (single moms). One had accidentally rolled over and squashed her baby in the night (fatty), and both pointed the finger of blame at the other.
Unable to settle the matter between themselves, they sought judgement from the state in the person of King Solomon (the Bible is charitable enough to omit that if they’d had a man around in the first place they probably wouldn’t have ended up in this pickle). King Solomon responded:
Bring me a sword, divide the living child in two, and give half to one, and half to the other.
Two words: agree and amplify.
At this, the women were suddenly forced to weigh their selfish interests against that of the child. The woman who was lying was happy to let the child be cut in half while the true mother revoked her claim to the child in order to allow her baby to live with the other woman. So (disobeying both of them), King Solomon gave the baby back to his mother.
And all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had rendered; and they feared the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to administer justice
In her seminar ‘The Israelite Woman: Social Role and Literary Type in Biblical Narrative,’ Professor Athalya Brenner-Idan – a biblical scholar at Tel Aviv University – notes that both women’s maternal instinct is intact. For the true mother it is manifested, as mentioned, in the compassion and devotion that she shows for her son. For the impostor it is manifested in her desire for a son, which makes her steal the other mother’s son when her own son dies. According to Brenner, one of the lessons of the story is that “true maternal feelings […] may exist even in the bosom of the lowliest woman.”
I agree with the professor and I draw her intriguing observation to its logical conclusion: women, by their nature, must be managed by stoic men – or else chaos ensues.
One way or another, the hundred-year female suffrage experiment is grinding to a halt. Polling data from across Europe is quite clear: pro-invasion leaders like Mutti Merkel and cuck-consort hag-fag Macron would not be in office without the votes of unmarried women. Their very purpose is to defer King Solomon’s judgement indefinitely at the expense of the accumulated financial and social capital of the West. When that is done, the matriarchy will collapse.
The only question is: will it be replaced by a Christian patriarchal resurgence or by Sharia law?
Read More: German Government Cuckolds Its Men By Teaching Migrants How To Sleep With German Women
Don’t play along with the game, and they will stop playing. Yes, you should avoid friendly fire, but not at the expense of the mission. If they are hiding behind skirts, shoot through the skirt. Do that, and they will see it is fruitless.
I am of the opinion that an enemy which violates the terms of civilized warfare (Geneva convention and the like) lose any protections provided by those conventions. For example, if they shoot from occupied public buildings or private residences, then public buildings and private residences become hostile targets. If they dress in burqas to hide bombs or weapons until well within strike range, then the burqa becomes military attire and all dressed in such are open targets.
When we hold to what we could call “civilized warfare” and our enemies do not, we put ourselves at a disadvantage. By demonstrating that they can’t pull that on us, and by making them and their families suffer for their transgressions, they’ll either fight fair or surrender.
Yup, like wearing boxing gloves to a knife fight, you can’t expect this “fighting nice” to win.
I can’t agree. If I were a soldier, I would want my commanders never to order me to do something that I could not live with. Adhering to the rules of war protects the conscience of our soldiers – regardless of the conduct of the enemy.
That having been said, I believe in the ruthlessness and overwhelming application of force in any and all engagements.
I hear what you’re saying, and I’m not disagreeing per se. But, as a rule, I’d rather do whatever is necessary to protect our men in the field and bring them home with a win (instead of remaining mired in conflict until grandchildren are on the same fields as their grandfathers).
I knew a few ‘Nam vets with deep scars. They watched their friends and brothers die one after another (or en masse) while the Cong refused to fight fairly. Bombs in children’s shoeshine boxes, mines in rice paddies and farms (which killed as many Vietnamese as soldiers, I heard), and the like kept these guys traumatized for life.
I’d rather they feel bad about collateral damage than that, honestly.
As a former grunt who’s been shot at, the rules of engagement are quite clear that you can fire back if they’re doing so from a residence, hospital, even religious structure. What makes the average rifleman hesitate is they’re doing so from behind unarmed women and children. It’s one thing when the enemy is armed, another when they’re fishing behind something that will make you hesitate. However, after a while the shock wears off and they’re just another target.
Most Muslims aren’t doing that anymore. Instead they are manipulating SJWs and playing the victim. There are still many who are violent.
“Dead because of rules of war, a clean conscience”. What horrible epitaph. I would rather be alive, I’d think.
Actually, that is what the Geneva Conventions themselves say. If somebody uses a school as a ammo dump you can bomb the crap outta it and the offense is on the side that put an ammo dump in a school. When the guns fall silent they get to face a war crimes tribunal.
And irregulars / terrorists are entirely outside the Conventions the U.S. have signed. The Soviets pushed some commie addenda to protect the “freedom fighters” they were supporting around the world but the U.S., even under Jimmy Carter, wasn’t dumb enough to fall for it.
Like when the civilians of the Gaza Strip vote in Hamas as their government, with the stated goal of wiping out Israel, and then claim Israel has no right to return fire into the Gaza Strip since it is Hamas that they are fighting and not the civilians of the Gaza Strip.
Its not really ‘civilized warfare,’ its the principals of the Christian concept of a ‘Just War’, if its not between honorable Christians with irreconcilable differences, then there are no rules, because no one else plays by them.
Collateral damage happens in war, but happens more in a war with savages in asymmetrical guerilla warfare because the major portion of their “weaponry” is to weaponized the guilt of the opposing forces for having to have to kill innocents to defend themselves against the armed guerrillas.
We had a standard reply during Vietnam when asked, “How could you kill women and children?” That response was, “Easy. Just lead a little less and aim a little lower.”
Topsy turvy that muh’ fugga. Use THEM as a human shield. Arnold knows how to do it.
“Easy! You just don’t lead ’em as much!”
Women frequently use human shields – they’re called beta males. A woman starts shit, she gets a beta male to defend her. A woman acts like shit, same thing. A woman is shit, ditto. “Eat shit, Western women.”
That’s so wrong, Bob. Women are strong, confident, rational beings with agency. And if you don’t agree with that, they will take a sick day off of work to stay home and cry about it while they eat a half-gallon of Haagen Daaz.
I know, right. I was watching some Law & Order/CSI/Super Cop show for a minute or two last night prior to going out on the town, and this female 30-something detective knocked out this evil, South American hitman/drug dealer who was all tatted up and mean-looking as hell. It was so fucking ridiculous. Two or three punches and kicks and he was unconscious. Now THAT will make your average Western Woman run for the ice cream, because she could never do anything like that, but she thinks she’s supposed to be able to do that type of thing, due to Hollywood programming. (You will notice that “abet” is an anagram for “beta”…yeah, I sure did. It’s a word conspiracy.)
I always laugh when I see a 100 lb, 5′ 5″, 35yo woman on TV trading punches with a 245 lb, 6′ 6″, 22yo dude like it was nothing. In reality, one punch and that chick would be out-cold in the ER waiting for an MRI to check for internal injuries.
Absolutely…it’s so lame.
Sssshhh! You’re disturbing The Narrative.
Just with 20lbs and 3 inches height difference and you immediately feel it in a fight.
How the stuntmen (who know better than anyone) can let the writers get away with that insanity is beyond me
Or send you emojis when they’re your boss.
shield she-beasts with the
paper tiger betas boys
burn the fuckers down
I don’t think that’s proper haiku format, chief.
Are you trolling my haiku? Tough room.
“If you don’t like my haiku, fuck off” –Basho
And I’m wrong, that is 5/7/5. Fucking A. Props, man,
“Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.” –Bruce Lee or maybe Gandhi
“Haiku is the noise a chick makes when I’m throat-fucking her on a city bus.” – Vinny Pringo
I thought I made a mistake once, but I was wrong.
And this is why I don’t ride public transportation.
Nah, that chick won’t take you anywhere.
No, she’s fancy. She only wants to be fucked on a Greyhound.
Haïku repeated many times sounds more like a asian girl getting fucked by some redpill guy imo
No…it was Bill Clinton
Ah yes! Vinny Pringo! More quotable than Gandhi.
I dated a girl once who antagonized some drunk mother fucker at the bar then tried to get me to defend her. I told the dude his beef was her stupid ass and I wasn’t fighting him. Deescalated quickly. I then told her she was done for the night and we were leaving. Got laid good that night.
Eat Shit!…. love
The opening scene in “Way of the Gun”!
I read the piece as more of a critique of the logical fallacy of Appeal to Pity as opposed to a human shield, but the gist is sound. Just as your take on betas is sound. It is all about ‘using’. When one uses, they are dehumanizing the other.
When it comes to the Religion of Peace dehumanizing is the norm. Life (here on Earth and not on Allah’s magic carpet of virgins) is cheap, honor is found in death, salvation is found in submission, and righteousness is found in subjugation of the infidels.
Accordingly, the act of strapping explosives onto your kid or severing the throat of some other kid or using your kid to, say, haul ammo across a line of fire is just not viewed through the same lens.
Through the lens of western civilization these things are appalling. But when it comes to the barbarism – with a splash of oral mysticism absorbed into the amygdala of 80 IQ tribal nomads, this is just how it has been and always will be. Aloha Snackbar.
As for western women, they have their own amygdala enlargata and will regularly employ their children in their own self-aggrandizement, appeals to pity, and all matters of feeding their boundless egos. See: Facebook, Instagram, or IRL.
When their choices lead to poor outcomes, danger, damage, or other forms of undue suffering in their children, they will indeed use their children to shield themselves from responsibility or reproach, to exact resources a la “think of the children”, and to exert power from a position of weakness through manipulation, extortion, and other threatpoints that rely on other people actually valuing her children more than she.
Fortunately for her – and unfortunately for men and likely western civilization, much of this is baked into the system.
To be fair, there are men who do the same, but this is not typically how men view children nor operate in general and it is certainly not codified in things like family law, criminal law, social benefits, etc.
OT, but how do you say, “Stop pissing on my senior citizen dinner from Cracker Barrel” in Spanish. My dog is a Chihuahua. I tried getting him to listen to English, but he just keeps smiling and peeing on my hash browns and gravy…
you know I’ve been wondering the same thing but haven’t had the nerve to ask….
Must be a much more common problem than we think. I probably asked at a bad time, though. Kinda slow in here…
Have you tried kicking him?
or, quid pro quo – piss in HIS gravy!
Now -that- is a good idea.
and then they threw me out of Cracker Barrel for NO reason!
One bad apple doesn’t spoil the whole Cracker Barrel. I’d sue.
I did but I’m a bit slow and he dances away and clicks his castanets, while shrieking, “Ai! Ai! Ai!” Everybody’s a comic these days.
Oh, he’s one of them.
Have you tried eating him? Should clear that right up.
Taste rike cheeken. You want fortune cookie?
I’m actively terrified of the things I might have eaten in my world travels. Especially when the conversation goes like this
What’s in this?
What kind of meat?
Ok. But I want to see you pour my coke…..
“Don’t conden-scend me, you little barking sumbitch…eat this.”
Oh sweet Jesus that was funny…
If you have a large enough gun, just shoot through the shield. Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette.
Just bring in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Oh wait, half of them are women. Never mind.)
Women stop bullets?
The land whales do
Land whales would make great shields.
Henceforth they shall all be…..
“Think about how many lives might have been saved if we had just shot a few, or at least convincingly pretended to have shot a few…”
Convincingly pretended? Isn’t it the MSM that convincingly pretends?
“One way or another, the hundred-year female suffrage experiment is grinding to a halt.”
Bizarre statement. Aren’t we supposed to be red pill rather than inclined to believe whatever we fancy? The NWO may end democracy for men or it may end democracy full stop, but the wimminz will continue to be useful and fear of a muslim invasion isn’t going to change that
Feminism can do anything (if you listen to their insane mantra, and nonstop chanting about “white mens privilege” , hell, any mans privilege for that matter.
So I guess the Feminists and women in general (according to their reasoning) should be able to defend themselves and quite obviously know what they are doing by supporting the illegal immigration and importation of “refugees” that victimize them, and got it all under control.
So screw them, they can defend their damn selves. They supported this insanity, let them work it out for themselves with their new pets.
they still have legions of supporters and enablers, but increasingly they will reason they’re on their own, and will have to live with the consequences of their irresponsibility. They’re still mostly on-narrative but that’s beginning to crack, and the adherents of a hive like philosophy are unlikely to enjoy being an increasingly despised group.
Okay, boys, here are my final picks for tonight. I ditched one of my earlier picks and substituted another game. So there are nine wagers on tonight’s program. If you lose, that’s okay. If you win, I get half. If you don’t pay up, Vinny Pringo will pay you a late-night visit. Good luck…
7 pm EST Miami +110 ML ($50 to win) +1.5 points ($100 spread bet) vs. Atlanta
7 pm EST Buffalo +140 ML ($50 to win) +3 points ($100 spread bet) vs. Minnesota
7:30 pm EST Baltimore +105 ML ($50 to win) +1.5 points ($100 spread bet) vs. Washington
7:30 pm EST Jacksonville +3.5 points ($200 spread bet) at New England
8 pm EST Chicago +100 ML ($50 to win) +1.5 points ($200 spread bet) vs. Denver
Folks, we are being cited! Keep going with the good work!
Huh. Everything to the right of Elizabeth Warren is now considered hate speech.
Also, Disqus isn’t neutral. I mean, they’ve had a façade of neutrality, at least until recently, and I have a good reason to believe they will cave to the SJW pressure and decline to host comments on this site in the near future.
I was sitting in a restaurant the other day & couldn’t help but overhear these two cackling beached whales talking. One of them was telling the other about the “horrible hate speech sites she had recently visited”, for research purposes of course. ROK was mentioned. The best part was when she was mentioning article titles to the other lady. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud at some of them, which caused them to look over at me. I made to sure to shoot them the best “I just fucked both your daughters” grin possible. On my way out I walked past their table & said “looks like I’ve got a new website to check out when I get home”.
I’m glad we have outreach.
Giving women the right to vote was the biggest blunder of western mankind. These 3rd worlders may have room temperature IQs but they were smart enough to not let women run their societies.
I am restarting civilization starting with my family.
I have followed everything going wrong back to the root cause, over and over and over again.
I cannot escape that fact/reality/truth, it all started to get twisted when we started ‘respecting’ women. I love my wife and daughter, but women are insane, given any leverage in the legal areas of Christian Civilization, and it starts to deteriorate.
I couldn’t agree more
Similarly, when you have a tribe that closes ranks to protect even the worst of its number(serial rapists,terrorists, et al) it becomes morally acceptable to employ collective punishment to turn them against each other.
Camille Paglia once compared our current situation to the decaying Late Roman Empire, with ISIS taking the place of the Goths and Huns.
Your firat sentence could also apply to black Americans and their ‘stop snitching’ culture.
Then they wonder why their neighborhoods are shit
Easy, don’t care. Plenty of trash to go around. Human lives have an arbitrary value, these ones have none. Overgrown weeds that’s all.
The technique Muslims are using to manipulate the West into supporting Muslim immigration is called gaslighting, they manipulate our emotions to make us feel sorry for them and also make us feel guilty we live in prosperous societies not ruled by dictators.
Guess what the same is done with Zionists, or they used to manipulate the West into blindly supporting every single thing Israel does, lot of it was done by the MSM making Israelis look like the civilized man surrounded by savages who harm women and children. Obviously we now know Israel commits horrible war crimes and behaves brutally to the Palestinians.
So the Muslims learned this from the Jews and instead of using violence they are making us feel bad by playing the victim.
Another recent propaganda use of children is the photogenic young brother and sister in Syria that the White Helmets kept rescuing over and over in Syria. I think there were at least three incidents, unlucky kids!
This has been debunked in the alternative media/web but unfortunately not in mainstream beliefs.
Blatant Marxist manipulation of circumstance. Marxism doesn’t care how many it murders in order to achieve its twisted goals. Its all just acceptable losses and sacrifices of OTHER PEOPLES LIVES so it can lord over the masses. The ONLY defense against this is to execute the Marxists…but this just makes people all sensitive about atrocities, but their mindset is wrong, this is about survival, and the Marxists don’t care about who the kill or how they kill, they want what they want and self justify by any means possible, the Machiavellian” ends justify the means”. The muzzies don’t care, their cult religion justifies senseless mass murder because “Allah”/Mohammed tells them to murder all infidels and any converts that attempt to save themselves through forced conversion.
Collateral damage happens in war, but happens more in a war with savages in asymmetrical guerilla warfare because the major portion of their “weaponry” is to weaponized the guilt of the opposing forces for having to have to kill innocents to defend themselves against the armed guerrillas.
So what, if guerrilla war”fighters” scum want to hide behind women and children, you just accept the fact that collateral damage is gonna happen. Its a heavy mental burden for those fighting the guerrillas, but the only winner is the one who goes home alive.
3/4s of the warfare in THIS century uses weaponized psychological warfare as an offensive weapon in terms of physically using human shields and targeting civilian and noninvolved civilian populations, and the defensive weaponization of the guilt in the opposing forces minds. As you can see, Psychological warfare is very very effective, when coupled with standard war fighting weapons and technology.
Like Central Africans with 15 kids and iphone assemblers from the Chinese hinterlands- these people are born to suffer.
And I’m Ok with that.
You can’t culturally uplift these people by placing them in Germany, or France. By ‘educating’ them. I hate to use the old chestnut of ‘low IQ’, but these people aren’t even conscious- they’re like fucking Cephlapods.
What about the magic dirt? If you are a low IQ third worlder you step into the US and instantly you become a scholar, an engineer, or a doctor, but never just a parasite collecting every form of public assistance available.
That dead beach kid is the funniest thing I’ve seen since all those Asscrackistan gun-camera videos.
This may be a no-women-allowed conversation, but your theory ignores the fact that Trump has been very popular with women, as is the movement against the globalist left. The women you mention in the article — Merkel, et al — are enslaved to a particular doctrine and ideology. It is not feminism which drives their decisions, but Brussels and the UN (many men).
Regarding politically incompetent Western women, they live under a fierce campaign of propaganda. When, in human history, has any group of people well withstood such a campaign? I think Americans, overall, are performing brilliantly, all things considered, given the rising level of public awareness (in both men and women).