Soft game is a term used to describe a very mild type of game married men can play to stay loose and comfortable in the presence of women. It’s a non-escalating, friendly rapport that is developed over the course of minutes to hours, depending on the situation, allowing men to elevate themselves and increase their perceived value during a conversation.
Married men often find themselves in social situations where soft game can help them, whether it’s during a couple’s dinner, a house or office party, or even in the field while shopping or at a park. A common scenario happens when a married man gets approached by an attractive female because he’s alone with a baby or a dog. This has happened to me and my married friends many times.
Soft game isn’t about approaches, number collecting, dates, escalating, and notches—its essence is about being friendly, communicating, and building rapport with women. Why is this important? Because too many married men will often stray off-course in one of two different directions: either too much game, which can hurt their marriage, or not enough interaction due to shyness, fear, or whatever is stopping them from acting “normal,” which makes them appear awkward or weird.
Too much game is a mistake newly-married men make when they haven’t yet fully accepted the fact that they have committed to one woman for life. Too little game is what happens to betas and men who have been beaten down for too long by alpha wives.
How Is Soft Game Different Than Simply Talking?
Soft game is a type of harmless “flirting,” but you are the only one who knows what you are doing. It is not flirting in the traditional sense. It’s a way to talk to women that makes them more interested in you and leaves them wanting more when the interaction is over. You do it by leaving bait, not answering questions directly, and leaving the conversation early.
Depending on the situation, you would use phrases like “Where I’m from…” and “At my job…” and “When I traveled out of the country…” When prompted, you should be vague, change the subject, and get her to talk about herself, which is usually her favorite subject, anyway.
Dale Carnegie said, in How to Win Friends and Influence People:
Talk to someone about themselves and they’ll listen for hours.
Finally, when you feel that the conversation has good momentum, it’s time to leave. The effect on her is very similar to actual game. She becomes more engaged in the conversation, because you are more interesting. The bait you drop leaves her with questions you can answer as you choose, but vague is better, or humorous.
I know a pharmacist who tells women that he is drug dealer. This gets way better reaction than “I’m a pharmacist.” Boring. Anything but straightforward. The goal is to be different. When women do this they are called “coy.” When men do it they are enthralling and engaging. When the conversation is flowing nicely, you politely leave with a “…nice talking with you,” “see you later,” or whatever feels right to you. The point is to end it early.
As the famous saying goes:
Always leave them wanting more.
This is far better than a tit-for-tat straightforward exchange of information and facts. While productive and economical, this type of engagement will not distinguish you from anyone else or make you any more riveting than a banner scrolling beneath a newscaster. The point of soft game is to elevate yourself in her eyes.
Why Bother, If You’re Married?
Everyone wants to feel better about themselves, and soft game will help you get there. Done correctly, all you’re doing is having captivating conversations with women you are already going to be talking to. Your conversations will have something “extra” that’s indefinable to any observer, but you know that you are intentionally making yourself more engrossing and, therefore, attractive.
Your wife will probably notice this (mine did) and will likely become more attracted to you, too. This is due to a similar effect as pre-selection. With pre-selection, women are more attracted to you because a taken man is more valuable. With soft game, your wife becomes more attracted to you because she notices that other women seem to be more interested in you. You have become more valuable. She has what they want, and they can’t have you.
Nobody expects their house to burn down, but they get fire insurance, even if the house is paid off and the bank doesn’t require it. The same goes with car insurance. Prenuptial agreements are just a fancy way of saying divorce insurance. Similarly, soft game keeps you ready in the event that your good marriage turns bad or, God forbid, you become a widower. After an appropriate period, you’ll be back in the game for real, and your soft game can easily be escalated into real game.
Additionally, by then you’ll have established a huge network of friends on Facebook, LinkedIn, or whatever social media you use (I don’t belong to any, but I have been asked hundreds of times for my info). These women already find you interesting and valuable due to pre-selection. In no time at all you’ll be back, because you were never completely out.
Soft game has been an integral part of my life for many years, and it can be a part of your life, too. My wife loves it when women half my age ask for my Facebook or eyeball me from across the room. Trust me, it’s not my looks. The “rules” are simple: drop bait, be vague, change the subject, talk about her, and end it early.
With practice, you will gain self esteem and confidence if you don’t already have enough. You will have much more interesting conversations with women that you are already talking to anyway. Your perceived value will increase, making you more attractive. You will feel better, which will permeate throughout other areas of your life. Lastly, in the unlikely event that you find yourself single, you will have the confidence to effortlessly transition into your new life whenever you are ready.
Read Next: Don’t Stop Running Game In Long-Term Relationships
As a married man, I appreciate this article. Thank you!
Me too! I have never heard of soft game. Some of this I naturally do except the last 2 steps talk about her and then leave early
“..drop bait, be vague, change the subject, talk about her, and end it early.”
Great advice. Keep in mind, especially if you take care of yourself and make a decent living, your SMV is rising and the wife’s depreciating which you can use to your advantage (dread game).
My ex used to ask me if I was cheating on her (insecure to the core). I wasn’t, but I purposefully never answered yes or no — just a smirk, and “what do you think?” No eye contact, going about my business.
I’m pretty sure that one move alone extended the life of my marriage by about a year and a half. Dread game works.
Keeping a marriage together is a lot of work, but I completey understand once you access that the ROI is no longer worth the effort you need to cut your losses and walk. Your time is finite, and your biggest personal asset, so do not waste it on people who do not appreciate you.
When did you realize the marriage was over for you? I had an ex-GF who I lived with (< 1 year) once. Her narcissism and hamstering was something to behold. Actually it put me off dating for awhile after it ended.
Two quick memories, the first one in keeping with the theme of this article:
ONE. I remember one afternoon a friend of hers came over, let’s call her Jessica. This girl was tall, blonde, attractive, and intelligent. Jessica and I flirted for about twenty minutes while my ex-wife was getting ready. I was using push-pull, telling sexual stories about girls I’d dated before marriage, teasing about her lack of a dating life, making fun of her education. I was running tight game, and Jessica responded perfectly. Doggy dinner bowl eyes. At that moment, I could’ve led her in the second bedroom and gone to poundtown.
It was a Paul on the road to Tarsus moment. It reminded me that most women respond well to game, and that my then-spouse was abnormal in that no matter how hard I tried, she was going to remain totally unmanageable. Basically, it took a brief half hour one Saturday afternoon to show me that I’d made a mistake.
TWO. About eight or nine months later, my ex landed a new job — a corporate B2B sales gig, with a big fat paycheck. For the first time in our entire relationship, she would be making more money than me. She left the marriage the very week that she got her first commission check.
was that the final nail- she made more green pieces of paper than you?
I dont care how much money a woman makes. In fact, I will never date (faithfully) a woman who makes more than I do. She’ll think her shit don’t stank.
It was for her. This is what the marriage looked like at the end:
I made this mistake for the honorable purpose of keeping my kids in the house. The marriage was a trainwreck at year 2. I finally understood she would never change at year 6. The divorce was at year 12. I would have been much better off dumping her at year 2.
And yes, she moved the kids out of state as soon as the ink was dry on the papers. With full support of the family court, I might add.
“Women love hard game, too. Ram your hard-on up her ass.” – Vinny Pringo
Talk to hot chicks always when with gf.
No anger. Amost like content with situation.
Boring is bad…
Hey, can someone do right up on the nomenclature/acronyms/hyerarchy/venn-diagrams of rightist groups & manosphere?
The fuck I dont understand it anymore(or ever)
Hardly anyone truly understands it, and those who do have a grasp would still likely have trouble making effective hierarchies and venn-diagrams out of the mess.
It’s rudderless, unified only by a general disdain for “moderates,” “Conservatives,” and the “left.” There really aren’t well-defined factions.
Anti-fa is a terrorist organization under the FBI definition.
Sign the petition to request the government recognize them as such.
If enough folks sign it, it will get some media play.
Already did, friend. It only seems right, considering the damage they do.
I signed it as well.
I don’t know about right wing groups, but for me the Sphere is divided into two halves: proactive and reactive.
Proactive guys are the puas who discovered Game and followed the path to what I consider is here at ROK, now: neomasculinity. For them (us) the red pill was the realization that Game worked– and if Game worked, everything we were ever taught about women, the possibility of mutual love relationships, feminism, and why women do what they do is wrong. Some neomasculine men take that red pill truth and use it to see what other lies we were raised with. But essentially, it arises from the game experience, and all that it implies about gender. The focus is becoming “alpha,” or more attractive to women and more personally developed.
The reactive side is MRAs and MGTOWs. For them, the red pill is discovery of the gynocentric priorities of society, law, and culture. That arose out of warren Farrell and evolutionary psychology. Many of these men have been badly abused by courts and the legal system to the benefit of women. They use their discoveries to defend themselves/remove themselves from gender-based conflict. The focus is self protection.
Outstanding summary
All in a nutshell!
Nailed it!
It don’ get no mo’ red pill than that!
eclipse songlist posts start now
“Waiting for the Sun” by the Doors; truly great song. Soundgarden’s version almost “eclipsed” the original, you know .
Eclipse and chill.
Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie whats-her-name
Bonnie Tyler. Written by Jim steinman– author of all Meatloaf music. She is the female Meatloaf. Sheloaf.
haha nice
This goes to show that men need affection from women. And as far as wives, I suspect that many often fail at meeting this need for their husbands. Therefore a soft game is important to help maintain and show confidence.
This is absolutely right. I really enjoy the attention and affection of women. I cultivate relationships with many different women and get a lot of hugs out of the deal too. I have had plenty who have made it plain that I am not in their friend zone (you can tell by the way they hug you), but I am very careful not to let things escalate. But it is nice to see her face flush and have her look into your eyes and know you have options even as you choose not to exercise them.
At nearly sixty I have a very attractive 28 y.o.who does her level best to keep me engaged when ever we meet. And just as the author suggests, I always make sure our encounters are brief enough to leave her wanting more. I have seen too many men get into LTRs, lose their edge and die inside. There is no excuse for it; it’s their own fault.
and die inside.. Yes, unfortunately this seems to happen to me in LTR’s due to this kind of reason.. Anyway, the article is inspiration in the right direction
When women chase men, they tend to be like dogs chasing cars. They work at it and work at it for years, and then when they finally succeed…damned if they know what to do with it.
I have actually done this for years. I just never knew there was a name for it. It is also very important that you stay in shape, keep yourself up (nice haircut, neat facial hair, good cologne, etc.), you are well read and witty. As the author points out, if you are desirable to other women, you will be desirable to your partner. If you let yourself go physically and mentally, and take her and the relationship for granted, don’t be surprised if you find out she’s cheating on you.
True stuff. Soft game helped me hit the ground running after I divorced the curse.
I’ll probably be getting married next year. I’m in the process of baby-making now. I told her we’ll get engaged once we know she’s pregnant, and we’ll marry after the first child is born with a DNA test. Anyways, my interest in other girls has drastically dropped ever since children came into the equation. This article is good advice and good timing for me.
Dont worry, within a year (at most) of having your first kid, your interest in other girls will skyrocket. Trust me on this one.
Your interest in other girls will never subside. But use this to your advantage. Girls want a man who CAN leave if he wants to but won’t.
Yep,everything changes at ” I do.”
What is your thought-process reasoning of:
•getting her pregnant
•getting engaged
•having a paternity test done (if you’re that paranoid of her fidelity to you, you shouldn’t think of marrying her)
• assuming the child does turn out to be yours, you’ll finally marry her
That sounds arse-backwards and like a perfect recipe for an inevitable divorce. I can’t believe she is going along with it, honestly.
Getting her pregnant = I want kids.
Getting engaged = I want marriage.
Paternity test = what all smart men do to make sure they’re raising their own
Marrying her = Her reward for having ma babies
Divorce sounds inevitable to you because you’re a Western broad. A spoiled, narcissistic divorce rapist. Well Courtney, I’m not marrying a Western broad. I’m not saying NAWALT, but this girl is definitely traditional. I made a half dozen conditions that she has accepted to marry me.
You still didn’t answer why you’re doing it in that order. You are making quite the list of hilarious assumptions when you know about me. I didn’t throw baseless insults at you, I merely am trying to understand your logic. I ask you to extend the same respect to me.
I’m protecting myself. I’m not marrying a girl unless I know the kid is mine. I’m willing to get engaged when we know she’s pregnant because I assume the baby is mine, and engagements can be called off quickly and painlessly unlike a divorce.
Wow. You don’t actually expect anyone to believe your dribble. Your words have no power here. Oh, and shhhh…….
“..if you’re marrying her you should already know her values and character, trust her, and trust that she is (and will always be) faithful to you.”
I’m sorry you appear jaundiced by your experiences with and actions of the average modern woman. But no, I will not quiet down. You naïvely underestimate the power of a traditional woman. Especially on such a forum. And even through your obvious bitterness, you know I’m correct…though I know you’d never admit it publicly. That’s okay. I hope things turn around for you regardless.
Wouldn’t a traditional girl wait to open her legs after marrying. You know…no sex before marriage…yep that tradition. Shacking up isn’t traditional behaviour
Unless she’s doing it for kids and a future marriage. It’s a risk on her part, but we just had unprotected sex twice, so I meant it when I told her I wanted kids and marriage.
Paternity tests should be a mandatory part of registering the birth of a child anyway. No ifs and no buts. If women have nothing to hide, they’ve nothing to worry about.
Female banned. We already know women want men to commit to them from just opening their legs.
You sound traditionally minded. Married?
No, I’m not. Just raised in a Christian household by parents who set a great example of a loving and traditional marriage. Still happily married and very much in love after 35 years.
How old are you?
Are you married and do you have kids?
I never called myself traditional. But yes, I do have pretty traditional/Christian views and values. The women in my family historically have zero problems with fertility and conceiving, so I’ll (very) likely have no problems there in the next decade in terms of a fertility window if it is in God’s plan.
I’ll play along with the rest:
• Yes
• Yes
• No (I’m a bookkeeper, currently)
• Honestly, I’ve never thought about it or clocked it. I’m very sporadic with my usage and rarely ever post anything.
• Zero (in any hole)
• Of course! Actually I’m a bit OCD about it. I love being clean.
You never called yourself traditional, but you implied it by namedropping your parents. Child rearing is more than fertility issues. A mid-20s woman has more energy to keep up with small kids than a mid-30s woman. Babies born to younger mothers have fewer health risks like retardation than older women. You know how it’s in God’s plan for you to have children? Biology. A woman who doesn’t fulfill her maternal instincts becomes more neurotic and depressed as she ages.
I wasn’t asking to play. I’ll take your word with your answers, although I’m skeptical that an American Millennial girl lives up to her perfect answers in a place like ROK where it behooves her to appear pure ( a domesticated virgin with minimal social media use and a fresh minge…). If you’re this good of a girl as you make out, then you should have suitors lining up to date you. And you haven’t given any one of them a time of day? Why not? Are they too nice? Too thuggish? You don’t think they can give it to you just right? Do you plan on remaining a virgin for the next ten years until Mr. Right puts a bun in your oven?
You use an actual photo of yourself in a male-dominated forum and actually answer questions about your private areas to a completely random man on the internet, yet you think you are fooling anyone with your ‘traditional values?’
If you were actually the private, reserved woman you present yourself as, you’d blush at such suggestive questions instead of answering them like a questionairre. What a joke.
Thank you for your misplaced concern, I had no idea traditional women appointed you our spokesperson and policewoman. Please go use someone else in your obvious and pathetic attempt to prop yourself up on this site. God bless.
Ironic bc that’s EXACTLY what you did LOL.
DON’T GET MARRIED! I have 4 kids with the same women whom lives with me and those children and we aren’t legally married. I call her my wife, but there was no ceremony or signed paper. You severely disadvantage yourself in the court system if you legally get married. You keep an advantage in court, and in your relationship from having a marriage without the paper.
Do the ceremony in front of friends and family if you have to, demand to keep it small and inexpensive. But do not sign that fucking piece of paper. She’s got you by the balls then, she knows it, and if she’s bad or if the relationship goes bad she’ll use it.
If you don’t sign it, she has more incentive to behave. Simply say you don’t believe government should be involved in marriage. It’s an agreement between two people, God and no one else, in front of the support of friends and family.
By the way, my cousin gave my wife a hard time about us not being married. My wife said she looked up the definition of marriage in Websters, and one of the definitions simply stated, “An intimate or close union.” So, no need for all the bells and whistles to be a marriage.
Wow. This truly speaks volumes; I’ll pray for you.
It’s good to see articles on ROK aimed at married guys like us.
Women’s bullshit doesn’t stop after the vows.
Hell, some of them are just getting started.
I watched the bullshit erupt into full-blown malignant narcissism after the wedding. It was like I had picked up a cute little bear cub that had grown into a rampaging grizzly tearing up my home.
I’d love to hear the full story of your first marriage some day, if you’re the kind to share that kind of thing I mean. Sounds like a nightmare based on what you’ve described so far.
Thanks, it was pretty close to a nightmare. I’d call it a frog-in-the-boiling-pot type of situation. For a while I wasn’t aware that her behavior was worsening. I was “boiling to death”. Then I fortunately became aware, the last year or two.
After it ended, I wrote a seven thousand word ‘story of my marriage’, pulling no punches, and sent a hard copy via USPS to my former in-laws. It explained ALL of her shitty behavior in the marriage. I did this because
1) fuck them, since they’d never apologized to me, or even said goodbye, despite the fact that THEY KNEW I’d been the mature one in the relationship
2) I was sure that she was lying to them about what ended the marriage, in order to preserve her own enormous ego, and I wanted to set the record straight, unequivocally
3) it was cathartic
Sorry, you can’t see that document, lol. But I issue it out in bits and pieces here.
Thanks for the inquiry.
Don’t you mean “bunny in the boiling pot…”?
That letter was a good idea. Women do have this innate need to see themselves as the victim in ANY breakup, even a public divorce that they have clearly caused. In my lifetime I cannot think of a single woman who has ever admitted a divorce was her fault.
Most women I know refuse to ever admit they are wrong.
I have rarely if ever met a women that has admitted to any wrong doing at all.
I second GoJ’s motion. You’ve already heard a fair amount of what happened in my first marriage. I am sure there are others here that would like to learn from your experiences too.
Thanks. There’s too much to put in the comments. I’d have to submit it as an article, or more likely a series of articles. “Don’t Ever Marry a Blonde HB9” or “How I Married and Divorced a Malignant Female Narcissist” or something like that.
Please post it…it sounds like it could really benefit your fellow men.
My dad has a lot to say about marrying blondes
Please share.
I think all of them get started after they get married. Before that, its just practice.
Heh, my 23 year old child like cousin is currently getting ready to blind side her husband to be. He doesn’t see it coming. She’s pretended to be a totally different person in order to get the ring on her finger. He has no idea the monster that will be revealed the night after the wedding when he lifts that veil. She is the most selfish person whom I personally know well. He’s just kind of a bumbling, nice idiot and he has no idea.
So common… what would she do if he ‘nicely’ delayed with the ring and did soft game?
Men should apply shit tests for commitment…
So, warn him…
He probably wouldn’t listen and would just put Josh on his sh!t list. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again (based on personal experience): “A young man does not have enough blood in his body to support an erection and coherent thought at the same time.” Ghandi
Agreed. Women are always on their best behavior before they get the ring. So, if they are troublesome now, imagine what they will be like after you seal the deal.
And remember these two important points: (1) The reason she’s smiling as she walks down the aisle is because she knows that last night was the last blow job she’ll ever have to give, and (2) Wedding cake is the most fattening substance ever created by man. 😉
thanks for the article; it’s hard to know when game ends and cheating starts
Cheating starts when there is intent or when you make allowances for the fact it may escalate.
Or when you are making an effort to try and get something you don’t feel you are getting in your marriage.
Emotional cheating is still cheating. Soft game is conversation and nothing more.
The cheating has started when you are always working an angle to get the target into bed with you or are considering leaving a perfectly good LTR to be with the other person (or at least have these things seriously on your mind even without acting on them). Soft game is keeping your SMV high and other women interested without letting them get close enough for you to get burned. It’s a fine line, kind of like walking the top a wall. You have to keep your balance at all times or you’ll slip and fall. If you’re prone to fall head over heels in love at the drop of a hat, soft game may be something you need to avoid.
You know when cheating starts.
Don Draper was a legend at soft game…
And plain old shagging!
The first picture in the article “Don’t be that guy” reminded me of this Klondike Bar commercial…
The game truly begins when married. If you get comfortable, your life will get miserable quickly. You have to always game her, keep your SMV higher than hers (so she looks at you as the prize) and pound her like she had never been pounded.
Soft game keeps them on their toes men. And the more they are kept on their toes the more they’ll be willing to get on their knees and backs.
Why not go “hard” game and fuck other women while being married? Also fuck marriage, fucking one woman for the rest of your life WHILE her value goes down due to aging and other shit.
You’re free not to have children. Which is fine. Marriage does work for having children better than it does to have kids outside of marriage. If you can’t figure a good plan on how to keep a marriage together and hold frame while the kids grow up though, then it’s surely not for you.
Let’s also not forget that training your wife is part of the game. To some men that aspect of game can be more exciting than pickup. With working an LTR for compliance the end result can be more fulfilling since you knew it was you that trained her and you’re not getting the work of other men.
You absolutely must train your wife. That may sound harsh, but it’s meant well. She needs to learn your boundaries and limits. She will test them. Proper training will keep her in line and the relationship strong. Always remember that she wants to be lead, whether she knows it or not.
I don’t think I am “wired” to build a family, since I believe I am trading my freedom for nothing. Selfishness probably, cynicism most definitely.
how about dying an old lonely man? no wife that’s ok but no kids?
Some people aren’t wired to have children. It’s good that you recognize that in yourself rather than having children you don’t want (or least don’t want yet). Too many men who should be out doing something else, at least until they are more mature, end up as accidental parents and resent it. That’s bad for the children to say the least.
Who said lonely?
alone≠lonely but no family, no kid….
even if you are not lonely, having no family is sad
Cool, in case i’m ever so delusional to get married.
Why bother getting married and giving vows you don’t mean to live up to. You give your word then cheat makes you a man whose word is not trustworthy , and scum. pick one or the other but always keep your word, you never recover once you compromise your word, especially for something like that because then your friends cannot trust you, nor family.
Good article, though as a (happily) married man I talk to other women as little as possible simply because they bored the bejesus out of me. Getting regular tail from the wife is the gift that keeps on giving, because you come to realize how utterly useless women are for anything else.
It’s about maintaining your value in her eyes. If she sees other women valuing you, it maintains her estimation of you. Contrarily– no matter how loyal, good to her you are, if she doesn’t see you as attracting/interesting other women hamster will start prompting her to wonder if you’re really all that (why don’t other women..?), and maybe she can do and deserves better.
Boredom, loves you but isn’t in love with you ….
Yeah I get that argument, but instead of spending my 20s and 30s gaming women I spent it making a lot of money. If my wife gets bored with her meal ticket, I’ll find another (younger) wife pretty easily. Some dudes enjoy playing the game and continue to do it into marriage or whatever. I never enjoyed it, and thanks to money I no longer have to play it.
Agree and good limits. Don’t know if I fully agree but some game psychology says women forgive you if you physically cheat, but won’t if you emotionally cheat. Mmmm, screw it …soft game
Soft game isn’t a indirect way to seduce your friend’s wives or girlfriend? The game never stops
Nope. Only a shithead would hard game a friend’s wife or girlfriend. Especially if he was married.
With the amount of utter land whales I see around my city now, I hardly even bother. Overseas is a different story, though.
Welcome Maximus! Really appreciate the stuff you’re laying down. Married 23 years and game is so important. Several Heartiste maxims; “Abundance” and “No woman wants a man no woman wants”. Being married gives you an elevated SMV naturally. Being pithy, enigmatic and teasing is tingle inducing. The more you run “catch and release” the more abundance you will create in your own mind which helps support ZFG frame. It also induces tingles in your lady and gives her a mild case of “dread game” to work with. Trust Maximus. He is laying down great LTR advice. You cannot get married to a high quality Alpha and turn beta. She will dry up and blow away. You will get so good, women will approach you on a regular basis. However, this is a specialty of the hsmv married male. Do not fall for the fool’s gold in them hills.
Agreed. Maximus is killing it.
Yeah I suspect half of all divorces are because the man decided to become complacent. He stopped exercising, pursuing new hobbies, being aware of how he presents himself, dressing well, etc.
I know of countless men who use to be alphas in high school and college but afterwards stop caring about how they present themselves, their health, and pursuing new things.
Their girlfriends and wives either start flirting with their single friends or worse look for the door.
Bingo. Keep in mind also that shit tests skyrocket and financial burdens (..can u say ‘gone shopping honey’?) pummel a man after he gives his commitment. Kids next?
Have the income, Frame, and time-allowing career opportunities… or else.
Where are those found these days for Average Joe?