It has been two months since Disqus shut us down. Since then, the ROK commenting system has been chaotic, to say the least. I’m now experimenting with a new system that allows easier commenting and sorting. Share your feedback below on what you think.
Also check out our commenting guide to read our rules and learn how to add your own avatar.
UPDATE: The new commenting system revealed a user’s email address in the HTML code, so it has been disabled.
Don’t Miss: Disqus Is Shutting Down ROK Comments Effective Friday
Comments seem to be working. I like how the page doesn’t reload when I hit “Submit Comment”.
Replying to my comment. Sometimes I talk to myself.
How much time did it take to make this?
It’s a paid plugin called Thrive Comments.
They’ll probably throw u without notice due to some sjw soyboy or feminist cum dumpster moaning about the honesty of the the comments. they may be too honest for them.
Whats the difference ?
It’s only a problem if you’re crazy.
I’m stoked to see you’re trying something new. Don’t give up on the new commenting system. Find what works. I think the old “followers” are just waiting for the right commenting system to show up. I know I’ve had a harder time checking in since Disqus started book-burning.
Fuck Disqus.
That is all.
Roosh is my man! Respect brother!
Please do another “Fat Shaming Week”. I enjoyed the first one so much that I really wish ROK would make it an annual staple like “Shark Week” for Discovery Channel.
What was shocking last year aint shocking this year we moved on. Maybe better would be “rape culture week” or “swedish rape festival ” or something may be a good one just to actually invent it to get press.
If mohamad was alive today the person he would most be like is Roosh who he reminds me of, in ethics, although Mohamed was far far more red pilled, maybe black pill tbh if you imagine doing what he did with a book and everything. Roosh ain’t controversial only verses leftist cucks PC principals.
thats why roosh is middle ground vs half the world eg the muslims just not vs the few million western suicidal feoidists you ain’t breeding so won;t even be around in a couple of generations like reform jews they have hardly any kids good bye
I agree!!! A slut shaming week would also be great!
I like this format better
very nice replacement for disqus
Disqus can suck my Dickus.
As can the SPLC, ADL, Google, and libs in general.
they would probably like that but report to the authorities that they were too drunk to consent while they were doing it. The comments on the other article you replied to doesn’t appear to be loading presumably while the new system is being trialled. Think everything changed post-charlotte.
nah its post TRUMP MOFO They realize that freedom is getting outa hand and they want to move back to pseudo-freedom like before where you pick between two controlled approved candidates .
Lets be honest the candidates get destroyed if the media don;r like them and they are pissed that these days they cannot actually kill a candidate due to freedom of the internet as a distributed system ( thanks time berners-lee )
so the intellectuals and sjws are getting pissed. they saw the arab countries get rolled over, and now they are scared usa and europe will get rolled over by nationalists …
the elite are scared that there will be thirty years of populist candidates flipping between sanders leftists and trump types and that democracy will be rendered useless as it is in the islamic world ( they just vote islamists ) and then we’lll have to move to a different system eg dictatorship of sorts or lose this central government strength and move to patriachal families eg brazil with ghettos at the bottom for blacks and arabs
the alt right were always on the fringes as bogeymen who will never get enough power in a stable society to overthrow and don’t have influence but not you have this alt light with those bbc addicts lauren southern and milo and a bunch of other ones giving things like brexit a fair hearing even if the leftist media flat out refused to hear of it so its dangerous for these fuckers as they cannot control the conversation.
the left is also out of control radicals meaning the left and right are becoming enemies and many regular people are now disgusted with feminism as its fully misandrist these days.
charlottesville was a game changer. Whatever its nature, it was used immediately to constrain speech or websites that might be considered to cross the line. It was a major piece of narrative reinforcement
Disqus had that pesky ‘report’ tab at the side of every comment. I don’t know how many times I accidentally hit it when scrolling down. Then a ‘yes/no-report’ pop up appears and you have to hit ‘no’ real quick. It’s as annoying as the ‘call 911’ button on my home screen that you can’t remove without rooting the whole friggin thing. So you know I have no intention to ‘report’ anyone or anything to snitch state social marxists. My big RED DICK is my national security and my DANGLING BALLS are my foundation. I know some people can’t sleep at night without a ‘report’ or ‘911’ button nearby. I suggest they download the Janet Reno face button screensaver and push it all they want as they fap with their remaining free hand.
Well said.
Video is GIGANTIC on my side. Anybody else have that problem?
And I am using Firefox.
Well the aesthetics of this system are pretty bad, everything is too large and spread out, but if it works that’s not a big deal.
What I’m most baffled by is the rules. No calling people idiots. Hey their feelings may be hurt! No using words like “[email protected] burner” – WTF???
No “racism” – of course without defining this very vague and nebulous (((term))) which could be applied to many of the articles penned by Roosh’s own hand.
I just don’t get it man. You are sequestered away in Eastern Europe, you have a thriving online income source, you are already doxxed and the worst has already happened…and yet you want to play it way, way safer than most other sites are these days. If I didn’t know better I would swear you’ve been threatened by YKW.
I will gracefully exit the site since my kind is clearly not wanted here, as I may slip up and call someone a m0r0n (oh the horror!!!) or call out a disgusting…uh…I don’t think I can even use that word any more. I absolutely love white women who engage in sexual congress with african americans…oh shit I can’t do this.
How bout profanity, is that allowed? OK:
I think its designed to give the mods ultimate discretion. Few will read the rules beyond today, and will post as normal
Hmm. Banning people based on a generous definition of “racism” would be bad, of course. But to me, the rules simply appear to state that you’re not supposed to use slurs, calls for violence etc, which seems pretty fair to me. What would be bad is if racial “stereotyping” (what I would rather call realism) would be grounds for banning. In the past, people have discussed the JQ and such on RoK, without any moderation. So I don’t think you should have too much to worry about, if your point is to get a message across.
About the technical stuff: I checked the network traffic generated by the comment system, too. It simply sends a JSON object across when you change sort order, which also refreshes the ones you have. Some systems send out huge HTML blobs, which takes more time and uses more bandwidth.
You’re being overly simplistic. I was one of the discus mods before Roosh took it all on himself for simplicity. I would not ban you for saying coal burner. However, those dudes last week trolling us to try to make us into a stormfront with handles like White Pride would get banned. The key is something called “selective enforcement;” it gives people the ammo to deal with shitty people and leave the good ones alone.
Looks good.
If I were to write rules for site commenting, they would be kept very simple so as to maximize customer freedom while providing ample legal cover. It would be something like this:
1. No spam of any kind
2. No obscene NSFW material
3. No advocating violence or any illegal activity
4. No doxxing or targeting any specific persons for harassment
5. Avoid excessive profanity and slurs
These are the only rules needed. That way you aren’t required to execute your most popular commenters for minor or occasional infractions, while still giving you the discretion to decide what is “excessive”. Real talk on racial, sexual, and political dynamics is not illegal – yet. Any truth, spoken plainly, is bound to offend most. Take a stand for free expression because it’s the only reason you’re allowed to exist.
One more thing, I sure as shit wouldn’t participate in ANY site that throws my comments into auto-moderation, when I avoid using trigger words. Total bullshit. Even BoomerBart doesn’t stoop that low.
That is the one thing about Chateau Heartiste that chafes my nuts. Because its a WordPress site you are in moderation hell lots of times because… mah bad wordz and mah soft feelz!
Testing reply
not sure yet how it differs yet but if the page doesn’t need to reload that’s a plus
As long as this system isn’t owned by the pussy libs then it’s fine. Speaking of pussy, Roosh don’t turn into a cuckerberg. Free speech even if you don’t like it
I like it, but I didn’t think the one with the weird funny avatars was terribly bad either. What makes this superior to the one you’ve been using the past few weeks? They seem functionally identical to me other than the goofy avatars.
I cant find registration, is/will that be available?
This commenting system is fancier, thanks, Roosh
Too bad there is no Edit function…
Disqus is cucked but that’s one thing that set them apart.
Would be nice to see the people who like/dislike as well…
i liked!
Something I don’t like about the commenting system is that in practice, it shows your e-mail address in public. Most systems only show it to the site admin. I would urge people not to enter your real ones there.
So how do we add pictures to our comments?
Well just posting the url doesn’t work I guess.
textpic test
This sucks’s
Make an account with gravitar, upload pic, then use same email and it will auto-populate. Behold my stylishly lit theatrical lighting wrench with Christian implications.
Give us a wank.
Just testing…
This works.
Look, I still love RoK and Roosh, along with all you guys, but why was I banged immediately from the new comment system? #Manhattan martini bar lovin’
So that’s what happened to you? I was wondering where you went. Comments have been getting quite toxic without the regulars here.
the real lolknee i knew would have made a comment without hashtags and stuff like “i love this and that”
Who is going around giving everyone a thumbs down? 😂
Hi, just a test
I would be a good idea for all concerned to read and understand the main points neo-con/Marxist/Stalinist thought. This is now the way of the “betters” over the worker/peasents of the world, not just an American situation. This way there will not be any surprises and counter-measures can be taken. This is warfare of a special type.
Hey Popov.
Your vodka….not so good.
Uhhhhh…. keep up the good work?
WHY has this been site been invaded by cucks who advocate marrying single moms ?
DUDE marrying a single mum is fine IF the husband died and was an upstanding man or something like that.
If she just chose to get impregnated by an african on tinder then you to be despised since you give women license to behave like that.
Hey the percentage of widows is low compared to alpha tryrone widows dude
Ok, if she has never been married, and put out a kid, that is not marriage material. If she has put out a kid from a race not yours, or has more than one kid from more than one dad, that isn’t even banging material. If she had a kid/kids with one man, then got divorced, that would be a soft no for me, you may think differently. Divorced moms with kids can remarry divorced dads with kids. I don’t believe a soccer mom with someone else’s kids deserves a well off, fit single man, and I don’t believe that man deserves her either.
Widows are another case. It’s not her fault, but you don’t need drama in your life. This one depends on the girl, and depends on how well you can hold frame.
Again, you’re mis-informed or inexperienced . Single moms EXpect and demand their new guy to spend ttheir me with HER bastard kids . I’m A single dad and I’m fucking a woman without kids . I could care less if she ever meets my son much less spend time with him . Also as I got older my resources also got larger because I also have a tax break and a great stable job and that still puts me in the running for women without kids to marry me just the same as men without kids .
I doubt anyone sincerely advocates for men to marry single mothers. They must be prank comments. The more you read ROK, the less you will feel like marrying a single mother. Articles have been devoted to discouraging the marrying of single mothers. I’ve read a few commenters though asking for advice, “I met this girl with two biracial toddlers and another in the oven and we’re really clicking like peas in a pod. Just bought her a ring and paid her rent . . yada yada”. Obviously the comment is satirical. They’re shit testing the readership to see who responds to them sincerely with a bucket of ice water to the face versus who responds with advice on how to continue the relationship and thereby dig their own grave even deeper.
I don’t think anyone sincerely advocates the marrying of single mothers. If anyone is out searching exclusively for a single mother, it’s because they’ve given up like a homeless person who digs in dumpsters for food. But I’ve never heard anyone declaring that a stretched out divorce rapist is the best thing since sliced bread. Still all too many fools marry or remarry them simply because 1). they don’t know any better and 2). their thirst exceeds their level of game and 3). because the wealthy west is awash in women that were reduced to used dumpster leftover waste by feminism. Marrying options are thus reduced for the western man. The west is so rich in goods, resources, buying power and standard of living but the west is 75%+ BANKRUPT of marryable women who are at or over the age of consent. Feminists declare a legal holiday for the deflowering of under consent age virgins by irresponsible peers but then the feminists in judiciary double down against wifing up a breeding age virgin by a mature property owning patriarch. They’re enforcing the ruin of all potential wifable women in the west. They’re all held accountable. The west is like having the best of everything wealth wise, but then the west has to eat throwaway garbage from the dumpster when it comes to marriage. The west is cucked and needs a patriarchal paint job and makeover.
Across the globe, the poor 3rd world is rich in nonwhite virgin brides for all. Even a Bantu in Gabon can have two Bantu virgin wives but no car or job. WTF kind of trade off is that? The west is the most impoverished in this sense lacking morally and ethically fit white women to wife up and breed a traditional family. But still we have what’s left of our 2nd amendment rights, our medicare and our Chinese made big screen TVs.
This John dodds guy married a slut Thai single mom and is proud of it . Read his comments
Discus sucks anyway. Anything that stores and sorts comments on a third party platform is out of your control and can be censored and deleted by them. It is smart to keep things on your own platform.
New commenting system is easier to read (better than Time New Roman font), but still not as good as Disqus when it comes to sorting or tracking your posts, tracking others over time, gauging reputation-building through tumb-up/down in post history, etc. I’m still surprised there was no Disqus interdiction on (RooshV Forum), which continues to run the Disqus commenting software.
You may have a browser menu at top right where you have a “find on page” option. Type in your avatar name and it highlights all your posts in the entire comments, no matter how large the comment section. You can jump up and down all over the comments from yellow strips displayed on a narrow column on the right. This I’m doing on android. Doing this on Disqus wasn’t as easy since they divided large comment threads into separate pages that had to be individually opened and viewed.
I’m just testing the profanity filter. Fuck shit cunt bastard smeg head knob
One issue is that it does not seem to store my name and email. I am having to enter it every time. FYI, I am using Firefox.
Streamline…. I like it.
Keep it.
It seems fine.
You’re doing awesome Roosh, thanks for this site
This system seems to run under brave browser with shields on.
Good job!
So much for the upgrade. Now we are back to the usual square one.
Disqus really did a number on the Roosh.
Damn PUAs. They still don’t like you even after leaving the game behind.
Have you tried wpDiscuz ( We’re testing it out on our shadow/test site for when Disqus inevitably bans us and it seems to work fairly well. It’s not as nice as Disqus, but functionally it works just as well.
Why do you think disqus will ban you Cynic?
There’s nothing controversial going on over there.
Because ROK is just a canary in a coal mine. You think SJWs are only going to go after controversial sites? The most controversial sites are only the first in line for censorship, not the ones to be exclusively censored. The only thing protecting us is our newness, lack of baggage, and our relative obscurity. If the MSM decides to do major hit pieces on us like they did ROK, then we will be censored too. You have to be ready for whatever they might throw at you, whether they actually throw it or not.
Awesome 👏
testing moron
Isn’t there a programmer in Russia or something you can use to make a comment widget without an SJW prerequisite?
Hey Roosh! You fucking SUCK sometimes dude. .. We should ALL be able to pitch in and delete the fake Nazi-J trolls BUT we should able to speak like we would if we were hanging out over Gen X-ile’s house. The last 20 articles have had a 90% FAIL rate and you are perilously close to PC shit most of the time. This whole site stinks of nervous cuck-ism.. If you are going to be a man.. ACT like a MAN!
Make comments great again.
I’m extremely satisfied with the new comment system
I don’t need to turn on my cookies.
if everyone had this, i wouldn’t need disqus for shite!
If 50% of the US is Fascist and 50% is Communist then who will speak up for freedom?