Environmentalism has gotten a bad rap the last few decades. People who care about the environment are usually labeled hippies or activists or feminine or—worst of all—government regulation-loving leftists. Those groups may well be environmentalists, and they surely give people who care about the environment a bad reputation. Despite the bad company, however, the most masculine men remain close to nature.
“But,” some are already saying, “how can masculine men want to protect nature from harmful pollution? That would involve government regulations and those don’t work.” True, but it’s also true that men haven’t cared enough to enforce meaningful safeguards.
Then people who don’t care about the environment will say, “Enforcing regulations would put restraints on the market, and we should leave the market free to operate. If people want to support the environment, they can do so with their dollars by choosing environment-friendly alternatives.”
Of course, we don’t have a free market in America (I know it hurts, but swallow this red pill already), so the idea of supporting something with your dollars is an elaborate charade created by the extremely wealthy, who push their agendas through the media. Voting with your dollars is a form of controlled opposition that is largely ineffectual.
When we let those who care to preserve nature be written off as hippies or feminine, we fall into a trap designed to emasculate us.
The Closer To Nature We Are, The More Masculine We Become
Imagine the prehistoric environment of our ancestors. Everything they used to live was taken directly from nature by their own hands. Tools were relatively simple, requiring masculine strength and innovation to put them to good use. There was danger all around from animals, the weather, and neighboring tribes. Men had to be courageous and resourceful to protect their people.
For the sake of brevity, we’ll skip forward to when we started living in suburbs. We weren’t forced to interact with nature much then. We also weren’t required to be as strong or brave. How often do grown men in middle-class suburbs have to physically fight to protect someone?
Then came urbanization. We were further removed from nature. And while you might have to be crafty to care for yourself in the city—or strong to protect yourself from criminals—for the most part men weren’t needed to be strong in the city.
Then the Internet happened. Long story short, we got to a point where software designers can spend all their time in an office or studio apartment and never have to be strong, courageous, or resourceful. Thanks to the further development of social media and sex robots, they don’t even have to interact with others.
The closer we are to nature, the more it forces us to be masculine. You can’t be weak, afraid, or dimwitted in a natural environment. You will die.
You want to survive a cold winter? Better know how to chop down some trees and build a house. Who in Silicon Valley has ever had to do either of these?
Simulating Natural Pressures
The most masculine activities we perform now act only as simulations to the real pressures we would encounter if we lived closer to nature. Do you work out? Life in a harsh natural environment would require you to strain your muscles all your life. You’d never have to search for weights to lift or tires to flip. Nature makes you strong, or you die.
Do you do combat sports? What are the chances you’re ever going to have to defend yourself with hand-to-hand combat? Our ancestors had to be strong and brave and know how to fight to protect their people.
Do you build anything at home? Why? There are very few things you can’t buy. If you lived closer to nature, you’d be building things because you need them to survive and there isn’t any alternative.
Do you diet? If you lived closer to nature, you would have to physically earn your food, hopefully eating as many calories as you burned, using every gram of protein to rebuild your strained muscles.
Masculine activities today allow us to live the convenient post-industrial life with some (only some) of the benefits of living close to nature. But these only simulate natural pressures and are therefore fleeting once we get tired of doing them.
Environmental Cynicism
Our bodies just don’t flourish in the 21st century post-industrial world. Americans are so fat because our bodies got good at storing fat when we had lots of food so we wouldn’t starve when food was scarce.
Every generation, men’s testosterone levels go down as their consumption of plastic goes up. That’s not the sole cause of the phenomena. Or is it? Nobody has figured that out conclusively. But it certainly isn’t good for your testosterone.
Yet, when people try to stop microplastics from hurting us, look at how the media responds. This headline from Breitbart is very passive-aggressive.
Stop Being A Useful Idiot
The biggest mistake made in the fight to preserve nature is the global warming argument. Predictions from climate scientists have only made it worse. There are far too many variables on planet Earth to predict how greenhouse gases will affect the world. What we do know is that it’s bad for us.
And that’s the point. Pollution is bad. Glitter and microplastics make their way into the food chain, eventually leading to our consumption of plastics. It’s bad for us. Smog and carbon monoxide and CO2 emissions are bad for us. Why do you think Chinese people are trying to not breathe this Beijing smog?
The second we try to clean up our world, the wealthy elite go to work. They say the cost of cleaning up their operations would put people out of work, even though the costs could just as easily come out of their bonuses. The argument becomes black and white if you fall in to that trap. Do you want to put Americans out of work because of “global warming?”
If you answered that question, it’s time to realize you’re being used.
Think America has a spiritual problem? I do. And there’s no cure for this that doesn’t involve putting down your device, getting out of the city, and leading a simpler life closer to nature.
Men were meant to live close to nature. For that reason alone, we should want to protect it.
Read More: Women Will Never Be Taken Seriously Until They Fight To Be Included In The Draft
“Think America has a spiritual problem? I do. And there’s no cure for this that doesn’t involve putting down your device, getting out of the city, and leading a simpler life closer to nature.”
That’s a catch-22. The majority of self-employed men in the “manosphere” are heavily dependent on the internet (or “device”) for their income.
Furthermore, men weren’t meant to live as hermits in the middle of nowhere. We’re tribal creatures. We need our fellow men. And we need females as well.
“Leading a simpler life closer to nature” is the pipe dream of an urban romantic. It’s enough to get out of the city several times a month and do some hiking, biking, kayaking, etc. and while in the city be sure to exercise regularly.
No kidding. From trying to argue that free market capitalism isn’t the ‘worst option, except for all the other options’ to now perpetuating the myth that any of this “manosphere” activism could have happened without the internet is not of my ludacris, it’s delusionally wishful thinking.
I predict a lot more articles along the lines of “Hey red-pillers! Here’s how the progressives/SJW’s are actually right, but for the wrong reasons!’ bullshit.
Great, sane article, props to author!
Without the internet there could have been even bigger onset of red-pillitis among men simply because there wouldnt be that much of omnipresent brainwashing as well as opportunity for every loser to hashtag #metoo and call everyone a rapist without backlash. Its a stick with two ends. Theres always TV, but its never as powerfull as with conjuction with the internet.
Let alone all this self indulgement with selfies, instagrams and shit, people sitting by the same table but not talking to each other or at best talking randomly but not looking into each others eyes.
Internet is great thing, dont get me wrong, it is, however, problem when people are not being educated how to think for themselves and analyse information that they are fed with. Some countries have started thinking about introducing such critical thinking courses that would start from the very first year in school for little kids.
Its not about stone age vs digital age, its about balancing your inner savage, your true nature of human being with modern life’s conveniences.
As for environment – I dont give a fuck how people look at those, who not just care but actually do productive stuff to help our world get better. I for one often pick up litter left from uknown pigs when being outdoors just to properly dispose of it and I never felt being hippie or feminist or SJW because of it. I guess it depends on where in the world you live and what kind of society you live in. Over here its pretty norm not to litter, even though theres still plenty of trash in the wild as well as filthy people throwing stuff outdoors.
Being in sync with nature is the most sound way for man to be, regardless of your profession or jobs youre in, get outdoors as often as you can, if youve never been, start slowly and gradually extend your outdoor adventures at the same time shaving off comfort with each time you go out.
I suppose its harder to be in sync with nature the way your ancestors were in countries like USA which are exclusively immigrant based and most, aside from physical appearance, have lost their roots so you have yoga this, native indians that, whaddafuck something else on the place from various outlets selling you oneness with the universe for lonely housewifes.
We either re-learn to live with nature in sync or were gonna fuck this planet up so bad that its gonna be Blade-cuck-runner and 1984 all over the world and lack of pussy will be our last problem then.
Let me elaborate on that “without internet there would be no red-pill movement as wide as now”.
The thing is, in normal family, normal state of things are that men are the way men are and women the way women should and its neither red nor whatnot color pill, its just norm.
Enter the internet – in my country TV has started to become increasingly liberally oriented, however were still against homo propaganda, refugees and destruction of family, however, internet is giving your generation endless possibilities to be poisoned by the shit that poisons youth around the world thanks to all this self indulgence with smartphones and pop culture, nobody limits the amount of bs kids get the access to these days thanks to internet, no one checks how reliable and sane the information is, its all there, the good and the bad and if family doesnt do its best(lets face, not all families are perfect) then kids will choose the path of least resistance and that would be the same everyone else at their age is going.
You sound like a whiny tree hugging lib. Nobody cares how or where you spend your time
Knife a wild pig in the Australian west with dogs. Laugh the whole time. Man up.
Higher temperatures means more water evaporates. More evaporating water means more clouds form. More clouds means less sunlight. Less sunlight means cooler temperatures.
Global warming solved. No need to thank me.
Global warming (aka Climate change) is a crock of shit invented by globalists to control the gullible.
Climate always changes. If it wasn’t we’d be dead.
The Global Warming/Climate data would not be accepted by anyone with competence in statistics: not only are they freaking out over 150/20000 years of data (0.75%), but the methods of obtaining the compared data are not the same: past 150 are recorded yearly averages, while past 20,000 years are geological analysis.
That’s right. The climate’s always changing that’s why when “global warming” turned out to a be a crock of shit, ((they))) renamed the propaganda campaign to “climate change”.
Record low temperatures? Climate change.
Record snowfall in May? Climate change.
Record heatwave? Climate change.
Hurricanes? Climate change.
Tsunamis? Climate change.
etc. etc.
“Climate change” is the linguistic equivalent of the “war on terror”. Both are completely abstract and subjective concepts leading to neverending tyranny.
Call it warming or cooling, same shit for me, I dont know which ones playing more prominent role – greenhouse gasses or cow farts in global warming, if any at all, but I do know that cyclic activity of our Sun make the most influence on climate, so its not like some of those most vocal climate change advocates are completely wrong.
Romanticizing the good old days is one thing but how many of us truly want to go back those days? Not many. The refugees (real and fraudsters) want to come to developed nations to escape the “masculine life” of lackluster food, poor or absent medical care, anarchy, extreme weather conditions etc.
None of the western tough guys really want to be put to the test (save for some extreme military types). What they want is a pat on the back and to feel like tough guys without having to sacrifice some gainz by missing a workout. And guys can live that out by going to their martial arts classes, hitting the weights, shooting guns and doing some extreme sports, cold approaching a girl etc.
The “warriors” of the old days did not have gleaming sixpacks and did not know a hundred techniques to choke a man out; they smelled like ass, suffered malnutrition and diseases they did not understand and were just miserable sad sacks a lot of the time but at least they did not know better.
I’m only in my early 30’s and I can still feel a generation gap where I have my own precious 90’s memories that very young adults cannot relate to; all the pre-internet times fun we had playing 16 bit consoles and roaming around in the village without portable phones in sight. For the 20 year olds of today looking into those days is basically just intellectual masturbation because they were not there to experience it, although I’m positively taken aback by the fact that even many under 18 year olds appreciate some of the popular culture we used to be into then. I’m referencing popular culture because fundamentally we’re still the same; it’s just that the technology and socialization is slightly different; lifting weights, hunting or doing martial arts etc. is essentially no different today; it’s just that more information is available and publicizing your activities is much easier in good or bad.
But just as it is intellectual masturbation for today’s teens to look into ‘Mortal Kombat’ (1992) so it is for the rest of us citizens of industrialized nations to talk about the good old days of toiling and back breaking labour to survive. In many european languages the word for “work” originally had a negative connotation related to suffering and back in those days work tended to be hard. Christians borrowed from greek philosophy and came to see the physical world as an ugly miserable place where we would nonetheless have to work until we’re released from the burden of earthly existence. Calvinists in particular stressed the importance of work; even if you don’t have to work to subsist, you should still work to save your soul.
We’re living in a transitional era where the definition of a good worker, taxpayer etc. is shifting in the minds of independent thinkers and it’s no longer that clean cut. We long for some things that we thought were better for us but we also know that things are a hell a lot better now in a multitude of ways than they were only decades ago in many ways. Longing for the past for the sake of sentimentalism alone is unfounded; we can draw spiritual value from reflecting on the past but we should not get stuck on it because the past is the past and it’s not supposed to come back. Draw value from those images or personal memories if you like but be sure to adapt to the times; the times are not going to adapt for you. There’s your survival of the fittest in 2018.
Am extremely good rebuttal to this article. RoK has been publishing a lot of crappy, ‘The SJW’s are right, but for the wrong reasons!’ articles lately.
Living ‘closer to nature’ means dealing with lice, chiggers, fleas, staph infections and butthole rot. I bet that any of the soldiers in Alfred the Great’s Army or the Danish Vikings would have done anything for even Victorian Era or WWI level technology and medicine.
Dude, nobody is talking about going back to the stone age. Getting outdoors, growing your own food, fishing, hunting, chopping some firewood can all be done without being in poor and desperate shape. The refugees/immigrants are just retards living in overpopulated shithole nations. None of them owned land in their home country or they would not be moving, they probably come from the city.
Growing your own food ain’t that great. My wife lived in a hut in the jungle, only eating what she could grow and forage, 2Km walk every morning to get water from the nearest spring. That was less than 15 years ago, and boy was she glad to meet me and move into a modern house with running water a flush toiled and internet. Just after we were married, I said “come on, let’s go and buy furniture”. Her reply ” I can’t help, I’ve never had furniture before”.
Jesus, what a fuck? If I havent read some of your and other folks insights under other articles I would have thought that you all lack common sense of comprehension.
Nobody fucking says in this article to move out and live in a shithole nation(like you and your wife) and live only on what you can grow yourself and throw out your smartphone, its about being in equilibrium with your true self where modern world’s goods and conveniences are just that – conveniences, not defining factors of who you are as a person. Shit person will be shit person no matter times and environment, russians have this simple saying – pig is a pig in Africa as well.
here’s a good thing to know for every survivalist here : ramp pump.
thanks me later
i meant RAM pump.
What Issan jungle did you go into? That is hard to believe that she lived in a “hut”. Most Issan have a house.
Dodds, your lifestyle sounds appealing. Hard to imagine a time when White women were like that.
“Dude, nobody is talking about going back to the stone age.”
exactly. People tend to hyperbolize every fucking thing each time.
Be smart, mix some traditionnal from the old times with stuff from modernism, there’s no need to throw everything that gives modern comfort for the sake of some so called “red pill manly” authenticity. what a joke.
Because I grow some of my own food, butcher my own meat, climb mountains, recycle, don’t watch TV and eat clean, less-processed foods I get called “granola” a lot. No one who knows me ever calls me hippie though. I do for myself but I’m no liberal. Unfortunately, many who enjoy the same hobbies are useless liberals though.
I find “granola” and “hippie” to be separate things; one is defined by self reliance, the other s a political views.
The Chad Granola vs. the Virgin Hipster
It all comes down to your desire and commitment to live- at much as achievable, an incorrupted life. I started down that path 7 years ago and went all in. The plan you put together must fall solely on skill sets and logistics. For instance, I reside on over 50 remote and wooded acres. Not isolated, just far enough to steer clear of riff raff. Sufficient tillable land to plant and rotate food deemed to grow in that zone. Planting fruits, nuts and other annuals for human consumption. (Remember, always go for the biggest nutritional bang for you buck.) Gather tools and basic self-reliance knack to fed for yourself, but also for trade purposes. Find a quantifiable level of redundancy in EVERYTHING. Learn to embrace beekeeping. It rocks. Hunt, track, trap, preserve. Gas could be your Achilles Heel. Potable water better not be. Address the issues necessary for simple survival. Plan, plant, put extra aside for the lean time. Rince and repeat. And find yourself a healthy little helpmate. Talk it out, divide the responsibilities while always working together. Read, study, experiment, ask questions and hit it like a boss. Bottom line, if you don’t put your attention and energy at surviving each season, you ain’t taking your odds of survival seriously. And nature will end up doing the easy part for you. MGTOW!
I meant uncorrupted life. But you get the picture.
I’ve been meaning to start experimenting/building my own biomass gasifier to see if I could run a snowblower off it. Might be fun not to pay fuel prices and put the hay fields ’round me to use.
Good looks aka frame, sixpack, slaying hot chicks every week and good financial situation wont help if SHTF and youve got nowhere to go and no skills to fight your way out of the city to your own refuge, youll be just that – big pussy with a sixpack and fleeting memories of how good it was to slay every week, but that wont make your water and food supplies appear magically out of thin air, nor your emergency shack etc or country side property.
In the US or European cities Blacks and Muslims would make this an unimportant point.
Our 1% already knows it. Most of them have second citizenship in well-ordered Anglo-Saxon countries that blacks cannot go.
What are those earthly paradise countries?
I would prefer to live in rural area with my future family. Cities are turning into a damn filth.
Lived in cities for decades. The country is where to be. Cheap fertile land, cheaper houses, friendly people. A good place to be is near enough to cities that you can find high culture if you get the desire for it, but far enough away that you are insulated from the riffraff. I’m on the very edge of the hinterlands supplying the growing east cost megalopolis. It’s a great place to be. Maybe in 20 years it will suck but right now it’s still pretty country.
One growing problem in rural areas is drugs, however.
Well said and true!
When I was a much younger man, l lived for awhile in a rural midwestern area. I loved to hunt bobwhite quail. I had beautiful high quality 12 gauge, 20 gauge, and 28 gauge shotguns, and some nice bird dogs. Hunting quail was a gentleman’s sport, and the respect for conservation, and a closeness I felt with god, my canine friends, and the gorgeous unmolested landscape was beyond words. It was an escape from women, BPD miscreatants, hipsters, and liberals. I miss those days.
I drop, clean, buck, and split wood for winter…so I approve of this post. Have to be warm when playing Nintendo. Keep it hot enough to grow a palm tree and keep wife in a nice three piece. Saving the planet is hard work. Drive used luxury cars to do my part. There is no app for this shit.
We generally think of the environment as an issue that women care more about than men. The irony in thinking that is women are overwhelmingly the drivers of consumerism. While men tend to buy small number of big ticket items, like a house, women on the other hand buy tons on small disposable trinkets to fill that house with. And since women are always keen to keep up with fashions and trends, most of that shit gets thrown out or put in a garage sale, to replace it with new shit in a relatively short amount of time. There is one BIG way women pollute more than men that never gets talked about; their addiction to buying massive amounts of clothes. We think of clothes as items that are eventually dissolve away into rags, like your favorite cotton t-shirt that’s been worn a thousand times. To make women’s clothes affordable enough for them to change their wardrobe every season, the fabric clothing companies use are made from man-made plastic materials like polyester, nylon, and spandex. Therefore these clothes are no different from the plastic shopping bags that end up in the water, suffocating sea turtles. But don’t worry, she hit the like button for Al Gore’s sequel to An Inconvenient Truth and lectures people all the time on how they can reduce their carbon footprint.
The reason it’s gotten a bad rap for decades is because it’s been liberal con job since the beginning for political manipulation and control. The idea this article is laying out is one of conservation not environmentalism. Conservation is the idea of connecting to and managing the natural world and living in balance with it. Environmentalism is just an empty concept to pacify people and get them to conform.
Don’t confuse Environmentalism with Conservation.
The management and multi-use of resources in a sustainable manner are lessons to be learned and adapted at scale, whether at home or portions of a state or larger.
Environmentalism largely includes the reviled tree-huggers and emotional Cause du jour supporters who lack actual understanding.
Conservation seeks to minimize impacts by man while maximizing production of beneficial resources in a variety of ways in the present as well as the future.
There is no escape from the digital city.
A few blasts of 5G+ directed energy and all the trees, plants and animals surrounding your homo-man-retreat will literally burn into ashes.
Then you will starve to death.
It is finished.
Where are all these anti-business financial betas coming from? This is the best country in the world to start a business, and we just passed the best tax cut for business owners in history. The market here is one of the freest still. You can start a business any time you want. Stop blaming some invisible corporation for your problems. You can incorporate yourself tomorrow and take control of your life.
China chose to focus on factories making cheap plastic parts. Thats what they want to do and that manufacturing sucks for the environment, sure. It doesnt mean all business is bad for the world. But until we have a nationalist revolution and start only doing business within the US, we’ll need to stop choking our businesses with regulations that no other country will follow.
Environmentalism is stupid and evil. These are the moronic assholes who clear-cut mountain tops in Vermont to put up the Lowell Wind Farm. While closing nuclear power-plants that produce many times more power in all weather conditions, without carbon emissions, on a smaller footprint.
I’m a CONSERVATIONIST. I believe in preserving wildness where possible as well as farmlands and open-space. Modern environmentalists have little interest in any of that.
One could argue whether most of todays nuclear power plants are best bang for your buck, especially in the long term.
Not advocating for cutting pristine mountain tops just so someone hiding behind green energy and environment protection gets his share though.
Nuclear power plants have their flaws which are compounded by business types who lack ethics.
Dude on the main pic is on roids. It’s probably Dan bilzerian
Haha! Exactly!
Captain Gaybeard will deflate after one week without his Sus250 and Tren cocktails.
Not to mention the back injury he has from throwing an axe like that! ha!
As a zombie-apocalypse adversary I would wait for shirtless Captain Woodpile to strut over to his depleted piles of twigs.
Then BAM!
One arrow to back!
I will then take his woman and his resources.
Senor Environmental is taken out in Round One!
MOST all of you [verbiage] sound like bedwetters. Accumulate some wealth, buy rural ground, learn things out of your comfort zone, thusly attaining an alpha mindset and then it’s resultant benefits. The greater your holdings, the better your kingdom. Stay off the radar, minimize government interaction, and enjoy a way cheaper, more fulfilling honest lifestyle. Laugh at the world and it’s complications.
Nature is out enemy.
Man is meant to subdue Nature,
Much the same way,
and for the same reason,
as they must confront and control female nature.
There is no cessation in this struggle.
One side or the other must win
Which side are you on?
Got invited piggin’ again next weekend. We’re running the dogs up a rainforest stream in North Queensland. No rifles allowed, the two boys that invited me look pretty serious. Should be good for a laugh. Track pants, nikes and carving knife.