The inimitable Joan Blondell said it best in an episode of Starsky & Hutch: “There are no REAL men left in the world, just sissy boys.” Indeed, many of these “sissy boys” have made their way into my life, providing a thousand proofs of the absurdity of modern American culture. A few decades later, her sentiments were echoed by a female citizen journalist, albeit with slightly different language: “Men have lost their testicular fortitude.” Her soft voice ran over the clumsy phrase “testicular fortitude” like a vehicle driving through a dangerous stretch of city.
Even men who LOOK like men — with muscles protruding from their skin-tight t-shirts — seem only to have achieved a caricature of masculinity. Many of them obsessively inhabit two of the only remaining arenas where men are still allowed to be men: sports and gyms.
They are often are so utterly de-individulaized that they seem wholly incapable of channeling the other long-lost aspects of masculinity: good manners, a robust interest in the world, a beaming heroism, respect for tradition but an openness to new ideas, a dignified sexual prowess that does not hang itself on cheap crudities, a jolly good humor, and a willingness to take charge and assert the natural aggression and dominance of the “classic male.” When men fail to give these things to the world, all of society tends to become the chaotic mess that it is now.
I came of age with pains so large that I never quite saw myself as a MAN. At times when I heard myself speak, the voice that spoke seemed to belong to someone else — it was a voice I did not recognize. An explosion of homosexuality and bi-sexuality, and also sexual ambiguity, only confused matters more, as both straight and gay men seemed to exist in the same void of emasculation disguised by flashy clothes and lifestyles and highfalutin political agendas.
Everywhere I went, straight men were being replaced by effeminate gay men or bossy, bitchy, authoritarian, and completely unlikable women. The educational and entertainment fields are only two examples of this unfortunate trend; straight men seemed to have been largely edged out, and if they did exist at all… they were usually geeks or eunuchs who did nothing to ensure that masculinity remained a strong or relevant force in professional operations.
I couldn’t change all that. But what I could change was myself. I started watching more male-oriented TV shows, such as The Lone Ranger, Starsky & Hutch, The Virginian, The Rifleman, and so on, absorbing the strong and triumphant masculinity that these shows displayed. I overturned all traces of political correctness (which houses a profound anti-male agenda), engaging at times in such ribald, uncensored language that it shocked even my closest cronies.
For instance, when a shrill, obnoxious feminist complained vociferously that women were “underrepresented as world leaders,” I said saucily: “Maybe that’s because you screw up all the countries, businesses, and avenues of society that you do rule. In the sixty or seventy years since women have taken on men’s roles in massive numbers, society has become a disgusting cesspool of nastiness, hatred, confusion, and manufactured rage. If this is what happens when women are ‘liberated,’ then perhaps they should go back to baking brownies… starting with you! Although I’m sure your brownies would be just as stale as you are.”
She didn’t have a neat, readily-available response to that because no one ever talks back to those women. No one dares. They have been given unchallenged control of almost all avenues of society. That is why they have done such damage to the world.
We, as men, have been brainwashed into thinking that we always have to be nice, that we have to like and accept everyone and everything (even the vilest forms of degeneracy), and that we must “respect” women even as they are DIS-respecting us. We even faithfully watch the TV shows that bash us, such as: Law and Order SVU, which cleverly uses the delicate matter of rape to insert a savage male-hating agenda, as if the male sexual impulse is synonymous with the instinct to rape and kill… and all men are potential or closeted rapists who must be punished with exposure, public humiliation, and incarceration.
Even though I am still an oddball, at times a goofball, and hardly the dictionary-definition of a “classic male,” I ultimately became the man that was once hidden beneath a meek exterior.
Read Next: 3 Manly Moments From My Life That Are Total Shams
“Law and Order SVU”, while at times entertaining (especially when they had Det. Stabler — he was a real pisser, beating the hell out of everyone and all) is a problem not just due to its portrayal of men, but its blatant denial of the violent crime statistics in NYC. According to that show, nearly all violent rapists in New York are clean cut white males with good jobs. What a load of crap! Not even trying to come close to reality!
When I’m working at the airport and TSA pats down a clean cut white guy, I’ll walk over with a big smile on my face and say, “Die terrorist scum!” Then I laugh. A little risky perhaps? I don’t care.
“I don’t care.”
Neither do I.
An ultra-liberal at work, a foreigner from an English speaking country, made some positive comments in the office back in January about Michael King day. I told him exactly what I thought of that rapist, hypocrite, and anti-American communist. He had no comeback whatsoever.
um what? If more blacks had MLK Jr as a role model today instead of terrible rappers the country would be much better off. There’s no evidence MLK Jr was ever a communist or a rapist. You’re just believing in bullshit fake news made up by the extremists on the right.
The way the communist TV and press in Poland were wailing, and denouncing the American imperialists for their rejection of progress, when he was shot leaves no doubt what he really was.
Then why are his FBI records still sealed. Also He was one of tbe worst hypocrites of all time.
He spoke about wanting to be judged by the content of his character, and then whined and cried for federal laws that judge people by the color of their skin (among other things).
BTW, Farakhan is a much better role model, if you filter out the nutty stuff. He tells them to stay off welfare, start their own businesses in their own neighborhoods, date and marry their own females, send their children to their own schools, etc.. Much better role model.
It’s confirmed that MLK was a commie. And it’s why they won;t release the file on him, esp. after a whole day was named after him.
His entire existence was literally nothing but plagiarism (cultural appropriation of white men). He was born Michael King Jr. Then stole the Christian saint’s name Martin Luther, forever confusing the layperson. Pat Buchanan had it right in questioning Kang’s so-called ‘peaceful’ protest. Purposely using elderly women and children as shields to be hit with firehoses, attack dogs and cattle prods was all ‘borrowed’ from Gandhi to incite normie outrage against authorities and white people was far more effective than any Black Panther guerrilla campaign. His group was even called ‘Project C,’ which stood for CONFRONTATION. He was just another minority supremacist seeking to genocide white people through miscegenation. Kang was the velvet hammer, Malcolm X was the anvil.
Slim, although I’m not telling you anything you don’t obviously already know, as much as you were right with your comment, I say to men to be careful what they say to protected classes (women, minorities, homosexuals, etc.) in the workplace. As one old white guy to another, these shakey flakey employers today love nothing better than kicking an older white guy (and even younger white guys) to the curb for the slightest misstep. I once had a liberal feminist HR woman at a former employer say to me that they loved hiring older white males because they were the easiest to terminate, and they had no recourse either.
I agree.
Especially for the younger guys here.
Be careful what you say and who you engage in conversation/debate.
But me, at my age, and after 30+ years in the industry, I just don’t care anymore. If they want to come for me, let them come.
I’ll take my FU fund and find some nice 3rd world country to live out the rest of my life in. Like JD and MM did…
Apparently the number of extremist conspiracy theorists on this site is quite high. MLK fought for equal treatment under the law, not affirmative action shit. He only was accused of of being communist as an effort to silence him. There’s no actual evidence he was one in any of his writings or speeches.
@ Matt
The 1964 and 68 (un)civil rights acts had NOTHING do due with “equal treatment” under the law. They were gross subversions of individual liberty, freedom of association, and private property rights, and were the extreme antithesis of the US Constitution and everything it represents. The US Government has no right to regulate to whom a landlord rents or to accept section 8, a homeowner sells to, a real estate company shows houses to, whom a taxi driver picks up,
local zoning and housing laws, whom private businesses hire and fire, local towns to accept public school students bused in from other towns, etc..
King whined and cried for social engineering, and the white idiots in congress gave in to him back in the 60s.
And it never would have happened if females were never given the vote.
Lol muh based black man Michael Kang Jr. He inspired desegregation. That meant forcibly bussing in SMALL CHILDREN into the ghetto from the safe white suburbs. If that wasn’t bad enough it also meant bussing the feral slime from the ghetto and into the emptied white suburbs. It was a redistribution of undesirables. Blacks were made into units of barter that everybody wanted to be rid of. I’m going to take a wild guess that you are black.
your rape
I believe his CPUSA handler was named Stanley Levison.
yeah the civil rights acts got rid of people’s freedom to be racist in instances of essential things like housing and transportation services and gave blacks the freedom to live where they want and go to the same schools as whites. Any rational conservative today will support the civil rights acts and it doesn’t make them a cuck for doing so. There are plenty of intelligent black men in the population that shouldn’t be discriminated against. They almost always have white ancestry but they deserve the same rights as everyone else. I’m white btw and if you think it’s ok to discriminate against an individual based on nothing more than the color of their skin you’re an idiot.
Has nothing to do with skin color. What part of individual liberty, freedom of association and private property rights do you not understand?
No, I’m afraid that makes you the definition of a cuck. If you want your wife or daughter to be banged by a black, just go live amongst them. Don’t subject everybody else to your sick fantasy just because you are too afraid to indulge alone.
‘Civil Rights’ is like white phosphorus. Both peaked in the 1960s. One little scintilla is enough to burn its way through the body politic. That is why everybody would stop what they were doing and take dirty knives to cut it out immediately, lest they lose everything.
Guess what happened when everybody stopped doing that?…’Civil Rights’ expanded to virtually anything, and that scintilla became a wildfire that consumed everything because of fetish CUCKS like you.
“…if you think it’s ok to discriminate against an individual based on nothing more than the COLOR of their skin you’re an IDIOT.”
@Matthew, you proved that they are still real MEN in this Country. Can’t say anything more than; Wishing you the very best.
Read: …there are still real MEN…
@Weimar Republican
Except for the part about Martin Luther being a “saint” (he’s anything but) I can’t disagree with anything you said.
Tanya, are you baiting too? Chomp! 🐸
Rain Florence lures young Ecuadorian boys so that she can pose naked in front of them. She was also investigated by an American child protection agency because locals in Ecuador believe that this feminist is a child molester and pedophile. She is also known in Thailand to have had sex with minors under age 10.
You raped me
Shut up, you fucking cunt.
Normalizing pedophilia…that is all that this abomination is. you nurse INFANTS. This is nothing more than an orgasm inducer for women at the expense of sexualizing children.
Detective Stabler got cucked by his wife and had at least one SJW daughter. The real man in that series was Detective Olivia Benson.
You still have private property rights, individual rights etc. You just can’t discriminate against people based on race alone. . The only way to have black people succeed in society was to stop letting them be treated like second class citizens.
The entire civilized world and every respectable intellectual including Jordan Peterson agrees with me. The only people who who agree with you are dumb ass rednecks. If the roles were reversed in our society and black people were the majority with most of the power, you know that you would support the civil rights act.
The reasons do not matter. The govt has no right whatsoever to tell a landlord to wbom they must rent or a business owner who they can hire or fire. You are making it a racial thing but it is purely a matter of whether or not people control their own property.
BTW, if i was dissatisfied here I would find someplace else to live. Not make trouble and scream at people and block streets and cause riots. But that’s just me.
I also never go where I am not wanted…
Exploring the far regions and territories of the unknown. Conquering countries and building empires. Reaching the for the stars and building civilizations.
Meanwhile, protecting the heritage and society of home.
That’s a few of the things men do.
It’s what real men do.
Among other things.
Anybody seen a real man lately?
Are there even any regions that a man or small group of men with modest means can explore? What out there is still unknown? The bottom of the ocean and outer space but those options aren’t readily available to most. There is nowhere for anyone who was a Lewis or Clark to explore. It’s all been done.
Visit North Sentinel Island! If you dare….
And while you’re there…visit I couldn’t resist.
The high point of my adventurous life will come when the new season of “Archer – Danger Island” debuts on Wednesday.
Almost as good as Jerry Springer. Naw….Haven’t watched tv in a lot of years. I had the first 4 seasons of Archer on dvd. I like the show.
What the FUCK IS THIS??
Yesterday played AC Milan against Benevento in the italian football League.
All the players and the referees had a red sign on their faces.They said this sign means “No violence against women”
Are they trying to pussify football players by this?
AC Milan even lost this game 0:1 against THIS very weak team.
The answer is “yes”. Are you aware of the universally-accepted SJW program that forces American football players to wear pink throughout the month of October to “raise awareness” about breast cancer?
Same, same.
Just saw it on youtube..Disgusting…
They even force high-school boys – who need all the masculine affirmation they can get — to wear pink. All through October I would have to watch my 6-2, 200 lb. son take the field in pink socks and pink gloves.
Particularly odd since some studies have shown that the color pink reduces aggressiveness. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaiao used to paint the walls of his holding cells pink for that reason.
Innumerable provider boys need to keep doing the work, so that young queens can enjoy their lover’s alpha cock, without worrying about the trivialities of survival.
Playing chess is also a masculine activity…
Bobby Fischer 13 year old
Ah,,, the great Robert J. (Bobby) Fischer. I’ve spent many enjoyable hours playing over his games. They are fight fight fight right till the end..Never give up. His is a strange and bizarre story in which an alpha male type guy expresses himself through, of all things, Chess…lol
antisemitic hate speech on a rape website
Apparently, this cunt is for real. Here’s one of her webpages with a bio.
Sue, you can go fuck yourself. Fuck you, your beliefs, your university, and your whole fucking country. Eat shit and then kill yourself.
Trying to shame us into silence? Won’t ever fucking happen, you fucking bitch.
Odd that someone would be making threats to stab another person (further down the thread), while clearly identifying herself in a way that provides all sorts of details — down to her office number and office hours. LOL.
Tell your employer that he should pay his taxes and stop fucking Trudeau in the ass
“I have a PhD in Political Science from York University (1996), specializing in Women’s Studies and Political Theory.”
That’s a hilarious waste of time and money (although her education was probably publicly funded).
You guys with Jew on the brain leave me tired. Do you know anything at all about the man? He was hardly an international Jew, his whole life was that of a fiercely independent man who refused to compromise.
“Although Fischer described his mother as Jewish in a 1962 interview, he later denied his Jewish ancestry. In 1984, Fischer denied being a Jew in a letter to the Encyclopaedia Judaica, insisting that they remove his name and accusing them of “fraudulently misrepresenting me to be a Jew […] to promote your religion”.
From the 1980s on, Fischer’s comments about Jews were a major theme in his public and private remarks. He openly denied the Holocaust, and called the United States “a farce controlled by dirty, hook-nosed, circumcised Jew bastards”. Between 1999 and 2006, Fischer’s primary means of communicating with the public was radio interviews. He participated in at least 34 such broadcasts, mostly with radio stations in the Philippines, but also in Hungary, Iceland, Colombia, and Russia. In 1999, he gave a radio call-in interview to a station in Budapest, Hungary, during which he described himself as the “victim of an international Jewish conspiracy”. In another radio interview, Fischer said that it became clear to him in 1977, after reading The Secret World Government by Count Cherep-Spiridovich, that Jewish agencies were targeting him. Fischer’s sudden reemergence was apparently triggered when some of his belongings, which had been stored in a Pasadena, California, storage unit, were sold by the landlord who claimed it was in response to nonpayment of rent. Fischer was also upset that UBS bank had liquidated his assets and closed his account without his permission. When asked who he thought was responsible for the actions UBS had taken Fischer replied, ‘There’s no question that the Jew-controlled United States is behind this — that’s obvious.’ ”
Fischer’s library contained anti-semitic and racist literature such as Mein Kampf, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and The White Man’s Bible and Nature’s Eternal Religion by Ben Klassen, founder of the World Church of the Creator. A notebook written by Fischer contains sentiments such as “12/13/99 It’s time to start randomly killing Jews”. Despite his views, Fischer remained on good terms with Jewish chess players.
Too much cosmos not enough chaos. We’ve achieved apex existence too fast without any other competition. Our time to craft meaning in our lives have passed us by.
When we were lesser creatures we needed to create meaning for our existence. That kept us busy meaningfully.
Now we’re just keeping busy to keep busy.
Need a cataclysm to get people to genuinely care again.
I am certain these sons of bitches were born after the bitches were pumped and dumped.
I’m certain that the mothers of those sons were pumped and dumped after having sex with their sons! Feminists are fucking immoral.
It’s because you and all of the women in the videos that you posted are child molesting pedophiles who deserve to be stoned publicly! FCUKING PEDOPHILE FEMIWHORE!
i shud stab you with an ice pick rapist
Armageddon tired of waitin’.
Who is this pervert? And why is she here?
She should be on a paedophile register…
If you’re the skank in the video I don’t want to see you naked.
She acts like a pedophile. Did you know that one of these superstars was investigated for child molestation because of her videos? She was naked with her son while he was breastfed, when her son started to talk how he had sexual relations with her and how he and her mom played girlfriend together. These attention whores pose naked in front of children and also have sex with them using feminist rhetoric.
Loser!You raped a girl when she was only 5
I hope the Russian army has you on their list of things to do when WW3 happens sometime in early 2019 to 2024.
@Earl, sure, and who’d join Russia in this great Third World War? Belarus? Some RoKers (the ones who fap to pictures of Putin) have this fantasy of Russia being 10 feet tall. Hate to break the news to you, but Russia ain’t the Soviet Union of old. It has a GDP the size of Holland’s (and smaller than the US state of California’s), a population 1/3 that of the USA, no real industrial base, a navy that’s been rusting in its ports since the USSR broke up, and a nuclear arsenal that, despite modernization attempts, is still decrepit and manned by poorly trained personnel. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news here.
How many times have you been pumped and dumped?
Which sane man would want to fuck a feminist pedophile who only chooses to pose naked with younger boys?
Over a bridge? I jumped off a bridge once in the Florida Keys. Me and a few friends. We jumped and swam ashore. It was fun.
Tanya… for somebody who considers the posters of ROK “losers”, you sure spend a lot of time here.
She da biggest loser on here. She also has the loosest pussy after pumping out dem kids.
What is the point of these posts troll bitch?
Probably to set this website up for hosting ‘illegal content’ even though the feminists advocate that posing naked with minor children is a women’s right to her body.
dumdum it’s legal to feed your children and teach them safe and consensual sex.
She’s fishing. She wants one of us to say it’s hot or something. Didn’t work. Hey, I’m glad she did it. Just goes to show the real pedophiles and weirdos on the left. She tried it here and didn’t get the reaction she hoped for. See ya Tanya.
i will tell everyone that you’re a pedophile and there is nothing that you can do to stop me. i will complain to the opp that you rape young girls for your fetish called rape you and rooshie are rapey cavemen
Better just ignore this ungrateful bitch; let us not “feed” the crow!
but you raped a 3 yr old girl today
How much is (((Bronfman))) paying you to do this shitposting, or are you part of their Masonic secret society?
It’s a shame that Roosh doesn’t seem to block shitposters, or delete their posts anymore.
Tanya, you and your fellow exhibitionists (and that’s ALL this is about) should just take it to the next level and be strippers or hookers. You and your friends are getting your sexual kicks breastfeeding kids who are beyond that age. Pretty sick stuff. And bitch, most of us here know more about life, love, and the real world than you ever will.
I don’t think that they will become strippers for grown men, but for young boys after school or at the shower rooms of the local swimming pool. These femenbitionists are pedophiles who get off of posing naked with their sons.
FUCK YEAH!!!! BlueEyedDevil.
i know where rooshie is staying he shud pray that i don’t tell antifa because they will slit his throat and stab his mother because she raised a rapist she should die like his sister
The idea of a Pantifa hit squad is absolutely terrifying.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Uttering threats is against the law, and this isn’t Canada. You will be fucking with the wrong men with those threats. Gun ownership and the right to use guns for protection are constitutional rights here in America. Don’t bring an ice pick in a nation which has over 300 million guns.
The problem is men are being threatened if they respond back. Firstly on the job site people can get fired and lose their living and also the dating game is an oversupply of men and a scarce number of women due to technological advances. So, men peacock their way to a women’s vagina even though it is not worth it or it is not even their dream girl. It is time to create camps for men to raise fatherless children and men without role models and time to anonymously spread flyers against feminism like how white nationalists are doing. We redpill the youngsters so, they join us in the end and we change the world. You all know what to do print a photo against feminism and put the website ROK under the picture and you know the rest
Except that many people are scared shit to associate with RooshV after the Canadian pinko media in collaboration with Trudeau’s elite party and the Bronfman family associated RooshV as a criminal of a serious nature. Many MRAs and red pill men are afraid of being labelled serious accusations of criminal offenses even if those accusations are slander and are false.
Ironic that the Bronfman family is hip-deep in the NXIVM scandal, branding Hollywood starlets on their carefully-manicured hoo-ha’s.
Funny how when we mention Bronfman, feminists come on here lashing out in anger. What does the Bronfman family in Canada don’t want us to know? This is scary!!!!
That is an excellent question. Their behind-the-scenes influence runs deep. I recall my parents talking about how the Bronfman family created the Kennedy fortune , since Joe Kennedy made his bones smuggling Seagrams whiskey into the U.S. during Prohibition.
Once connections like that are made, someone doesn’t stop being “a friend of ours” unless there’s a massive falling-out.
Technological advances? Robots are stealing our women? Sounds like a cheap horror movie you’d see on MST3K.
Technological advances are stealing our women? Wow, who knew?
YOU ARE A FUCKING PEDOPHILE FEMIN$ZI WHO should be hanged publicly in Tehran for molesting children and posting child erotica. As a matter of fact, I pray to God that every one of those exhibitionists that you posted posing naked with their minor children be faced with the nuclear missile from the Far East. YOU FVCKING PEDOPHILE GET LOST BITCH
Anyone knows how to legally sue YouTube for hosting child exploitation videos by these femwhores?
It’s quite ironic that femwhores who pose naked with children on YouTube become instant celebrities, even when they are currently under police investigation for child molestation (YouTube and Google : Tasha Mama child rape allegations).
Russia should drop an atomic missile right onto this femthot and her son, because her son will most likely become an sjw or fruity soy boy when he grows up into a mangina.
You raped my daughter when she was only a baby why did u do that to her? did your rape advocate teach you how to rape women and girls?
Nobody raped anyone, you lying sack of shit. Shut the fuck up.
Are you on drugs?
Even though he was labeled the King of Hollywood at one time, Clark Gable was the epitome of manhood. This is a guy who volunteered as a gunner in the U.S. air force during WW 2, at the age of 42, to go on bombing missions in Europe. He was the Alpha male of his day, as far as Hollywood stars went. In his spare time he was an avid outdoors man. His movies are a kind of proto type of alpha male reality.
What a great country America was then. Movie stars and journalists volunteered for combat! Just think about that. That greatness is what we are leeching off of today, as America declines.
Six-foot-five Sterling Hayden won the Silver Star for his work as a behind-the-lines OSS agent in Yugoslavia.
Angelo Bertelli won the Heisman in 1943, was drafted into the USMC, and was presented with the trophy on the parade deck at Parris Island.
Lee Marvin literally got his ass shot off on Saipan.
Jump over a bridge? You mean jump off a bridge?
After you, of course.
Indeed! Pussies first !! and we are just being “chivalrous” !!
Excellent article!
you fuck with feminists you’re going to get stabbed rapist
Here we go again, lefties threatening violence. That’s all you can do, despite calling everyone else fascists. Nobody is scared hypocrite.
I believe it. Women have a much better chance of getting away with committing violent crimes, due to the excuses so many people make for them when they do. Female privilege.
Sue Ferguson is probably a Bronfman shill. When Roosh was in Canada, it was the Bronfman family who paid several reporters in the Canadian media to use propaganda and lies on his reputation.
Especially when there are manginas are ready to commit acts of violence on their instigation. It is as old as prostitution itself.
LOL you gonna stab him, tenderfoot?
The reason you’re a feminist is because no man wanted to stab you with his dick.
Or anybody else’s dick, for that matter.
If I could jump over a bridge, I’d be playing in the NBA.
“The world is going to hell. But who cares! I have the seat in the first row.”
(Ron Perelman from the short movie Dirty Laundry)
The author brings up a good point in regards to the TV shows he allowed himself to watch. We all know TV is a tool used to condition its viewers. I attribute many of the manly traits I posses now at least partially to the TV shows/movies my father regularly exposed me to. John Wayne, Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood, Charles Bronson etc. I vividly remember trying to talk with my 5th grade male classmates about John Wayne and getting funny looks from them. It doesn’t have to be all action stars either. Wholesome programs such as The Andy Griffith Show/Little House on the Prairie go a long way to illustrate desired behavior in both men and women ie friendship, loyalty, community, family, kindness. I plan to have many of these programs recorded for my children to watch.
However men should also be warned the old days are long gone so many of the beta traits the men showed toward the women are largely not applicable. I was largely misled in this respect for a long time.
He looked like a cross between a haggard Polish drunk running a bar near the United Auto Workers building and a KGB agent, which he sometimes played on film. He was muscular but only about 5’8.
What made Bronson films hilarious was how the bad guys behaved in the era between 74-83 when Bronson’s generation was reacting to the craziness of the post-60’s hippie era.
Jeff Goldblum “DON’T JIVE MOTHER, YOU KNOW WHAT WE WANT!”…Jewish leader of a multicultural street gang that includes a skinhead, a Hispanic.
DEATH WISH II…Nirvana (VARSITY BLUES) the big Irish-American lummox Thomas F Duffy pulling his junk out to get a blowjob in front of his friends…FISHBURNE.
Dude! Where’s my Vigilante…
Richie Cunningham’s brother…”THEY HAD NO BUSINESS DOING THAT”
LOL Don’t forget Bronson’s BEST lines from the whole of the Death Wish series…Death Wish V: The Face of Death:
“Guns make you nervous?”
“Hey Freddie…I’m gonna take care of that Dan-Druff problem for ya…” **Freddie’s head explodes**
Bronson — 25 WW2 missions as a tailgunner in a B-29 — in Hard Times:
Sure, it’s just a movie, but Mr. Bronson is on my all-time list of guys not to [email protected] with. He was 54 years old when that movie was made.
My Dad (a Marine) would point to the pussy actors on UHF teevee in the early ’80’s and say “That guy’s a fag” or was a “Candy-assed faggot” but whenever Bronson came on, we would watch. He said “Bronson grew up in Appalachia. You know why he’s so tough? He was so poor, he had to wear his sister’s dresses to school. That’s how he learned to fight.”
I thought for years that THE OLD MAN WAS WRONG.
When I became an adult, I read that bit of trivia on Bronson in a book. IT WAS FUCKING TRUE.
Thomas F Duffy
The big PCP smoking red-haired Irish nutcase in Death Wish II gave Bronson a run for his money in the hospital fight-of course Thomas F Duffy was 25 and Bronson was 60.
Duffy played hockey for Ohio State University and when he threw the cops around you believed it.
The (((Bronfman))) family is pretty stupid to have lost over $100 million dollars in Satanic cults. They are also stupid to send their foot soldiers from the feminist movement to shitpost and damage our reputations through false accusations. The Bronfman family were one of the elites in Canada who funded mercenaries to protest against Roosh, and they used their media connections to turn Roosh into a pariah. Sounds pretty silly to me to give a PUA that much attention in Canada for hosting a happy hour in Montreal and Toronto. Fucking Jooos!
This semi-literate pederast is tedious — can’t someone block her?
So, to me I concede that things are bad and getting worse, but, it’s really this simple…
You, as an individual be it a man or whatever CAN NOT be silenced. If you are, and yes we are being silenced, then you do NOT have rights. If you 1. Do not have rights and 2. Those rights are being denied by other people then you are oppressed.
In this country YOU have legitimate channels to address such grievances. You see the women the gays the freaks all did this very thing. They aired grievances and got recognition. Men have all the evidence now and it builds each day that we’re the ones being screwed.
It won’t and can’t last. When we get our rights back we get back our culture and this queer feminized society, which is the source of true oppression will correct.
There is a Susan Ferguson feminist professor at Wilfred Laurier University in Canada but somehow I think that is not her posting. Someone is trying to pull our collective chains and it appears to be working. I wonder if the real Susan Ferguson is aware of this nonsense if being put out there in her name.
rightttttt, Susan Ferguson. It’s you!
Is it possible to serve a lawsuit against Susan Ferguson for civil code infractions such as slander?
“Everywhere I went, straight men were being replaced by effeminate gay men or bossy, bitchy, authoritarian, and completely unlikable women.”
That is possible thanks to the division of labor. Companies design jobs that anyone can do regardless of their gender or educational background. And companies prefer to hire people who are easy to manage (read: manipulate), because they do not represent a threat to the status quo (women, lgbt, effeminate men).
“straight men were being replaced by…”
That is possible thanks to the division of labor. Companies design jobs that anyone can do regardless of their gender or educational background. And companies prefer to hire people who are easy to manage (read: manipulate), because they do not represent a threat to the status quo (women, lgbt, effeminate men).
Vetigo Politix youtube and
I was very impress by this article, not even knowing some of shows. Sue Ferguson, you are ugly , stupid flat chested white woman feminist, you look like shit and no man would want to fuck you anyway. What are you doing reading articles on this site for masculine men? You could not get real man if you try.
I saw an episode of a cartoon called “Mighty Max” on Youtube. This one involved a Viking sorcerer and a giant “doom dragon.”
If that episode was typical of the series then it’s one you can let your boys watch.
Pop culture plays a role here (as if that’s news).
I know of a person who, when he was a kid, was what is called a “couch potato.”
Then one day his parents noticed he was into exercise, especially running, jumping, and climbing. He even seemed to want to get into (target) archery.
The reason?
He wanted to be like Crow the Elf from the movie “Hawk the Slayer.”
So good examples from books, cartoons, etc. are a big help. This may be an anecdote, but it gets the point across.