Why Do Women Really Want “Equality”?

Equality is a strange thing to ask for. Since when do feminists and hard-headed modern women want to be so similar to men?

If I were a woman, it would be easy to acknowledge that I am different from a man and would embrace that. As a man, I embrace being different than a woman. Similarly, I too embrace a woman as being different than a man—that’s the part I enjoy most about them! Men appreciate things like the hips of women or their soft voice, and women are attracted to things like the 5 o’clock shadow of a man, his deep voice, or his confidence. It’s unique to each gender. So why do women want equality?

Looking at the big picture

Men have a standard of living that they’ve cultivated, and have steered civilizations for thousands of years. It’s safe to say, men have what they want. They have created the jobs they are good at, they have negotiated salaries that they are comfortable with receiving, and have basically set a standard for themselves in most fields.

That standard is arbitrary, however. It’s floating in mid air. It is not a law of the universe. It is choices that men have made and (mostly) agree upon. So now we have these standards that men have set and now live with, and women want equality (the same).

If a woman wants the same standards as a man, she wants to be an awful lot like a man. Otherwise, she would have her own standards and desires that she has created. If a woman is unique and different (which is obvious), she should want different things than a man. She should want a different standard. Not necessarily less of a standard of life, just different.

Women and ego

Sometimes I open up my Tinder and see women flexing their muscles or putting in their bio that they are picky and “more sarcastic than you,” or similar boastful, egoic lines. It makes me roll my eyes so much it hurts. If I was attracted to ego, I’d date men.

You will see men everywhere posturing as being the “best” or the rulers of the universe and it is just ego stuff. That’s our thing! Ego is the domain of men, though we’re not entirely proud of it. The thirst for excellence is ego driven. We’re seeing more and more women sporting massive egos, and the ego is NOT a good look for women.

Now we have a culture of domineering and ego-driven women trying to be the king of ego mountain. The ego is ours. Ego mountain is ours. We have always had it the real men of us won’t give it up. This power struggle going on is counterintuitive to natural feminine energy—the attractive force that brings men and women together instead of butting heads. This could have an association with the decline in birth rates in Canada that we are seeing.

Instead of women marching around society, fighting to have the job, the income, the attitude, and the gym muscles of a man, wouldn’t it be more fitting to seek different standards, different desires? After all, men often seek excellence. We seek to have the biggest muscles, the biggest income, the most admirers, etc.

A modest proposal

Women yearning to be quality caretakers, writers, actresses, partners, mothers, students, emotional supports, and many similar honourable duties is far more befitting for them than becoming, say, a firefighter out of spite to prove to the world she can do it (stinking of ego). Meanwhile, the station has to also hire an extra firefighter to make up for her physical accommodations, thus negating the need for her.

This is really a message to all: do what you are naturally good at doing and if it happens to pay more or less, live with it… or change yourself. If someone earns more than you, it’s foolish to expect the same. They are producing different work than you because their skill set is different and possibly more valuable. If you want all the same things as this person, you are trying to be too much like them. Be original and carve out your own desires and standards.

Women: you are different. Not better and not worse, just different.

Read More: Modern Woman In Wanting To Be For Herself, Has Destroyed Herself

232 thoughts on “Why Do Women Really Want “Equality”?”

  1. Lots of women are not naturally caring or nurturing. Maybe that’s still a minority but they should find their own place.
    Personally I don’t think people (regardless of gender, race or age) always know what they know or what befits them.

    1. I agree. I’m a woman and I’m presonally much more interested in studying psychology and anthropology than I am having children or taking care of someone.

      1. See, love, exactly as I pointed out… you don’t know what you want. Young women would rather idle away their prime fertile years doing make-work and ‘studying’ fake fields than rear offspring. Then when their crescendo of eggs have flown the coup, they rally to find any beta that will have them just to have 1.7 kids and pay off her debts. I don’t think women are naturally nurturing. They see one child as a vanity statement. Drive around NYC and you’ll know what I’m getting at. Wrinkly old ladies were not meant to be first-time mothers. Thots gonna thot.
        Tbh I think most women aren’t getting that much action either. There are only so many college chads to go around. They sleep with him during orientation and then never see him or anybody even close to his ‘hotness’ all year. So they just flick their bean to that memorable night before the semester started year-round. Am I getting close, Emma?

        1. I don’t even know where to start with these responses. For starters, you aren’t “getting close” to my college experience in the slightest. I more of an introvert myself and so are the majority of my female friends, so I may be biased because I don’t personally know any women who live the lifestyle of sleeping around. Also, you made assumptions about my statement. I said I’m interesting in studying psychology and anthropology, but I meant as subjects, not as college majors. I’m aware there’s not a lot of money on those fields. I am however interested in human behavior, which is what led me to this site. I think if I were a man you’d call that intellectual curiosity?

        2. I think she made it pretty clear what she wants… or more to the point what she doesn’t want—which is kids. That you don’t agree with her position on the matter doesn’t make it her statement any less clear. Speaking of incongruent statements: where did you gather any information about her sexual history based on what she wrote. I’ve re-read it a few times now to be sure and nowhere does she say “I’m not nurturing because I’m too busy sleeping around” lol! Lack of desire for children and sexual restraint are not mutually exclusive.

        3. lol white knight alert. I knew I heard clanging chainmail. I didn’t say anything about her sex life. I study women and I made the assumption that most women (nowhere did I mention Emma) are following that ‘mating’ strategy, or rather condemned to it. Also, you’re not getting in her pants. You’ll get an upvote, but no pussy. I guess that’s close enough.

        4. Thing is, the nurture instinct only kicks in when they HAVE the kids, not before, so its perfectly normal for Emma to say that she dont feel it now..because of birthcontrol many women will just postpone it forever, whereas in the good old days there was no escape.

        5. So, now, pointing out the statements in someone’s response is white knighting, you irrational jerks?
          Your nasty stinking attitude proves this site exactly for what it is: a declaration of hatred against women, a continuous attempt to belittle, undermine and harass them.
          Emma, do what you want, girl. You don’t owe anything to any of these assholes and they are merely revenging their stupidity and uselessness on you because they are too lonely in their real lives.

        6. What if you’re not ready to be a mother at 24? What if you’ve figured, that it’s too much of a responsibility to make the choices of whether you should vaccinate your child, what diet you should give him, what morals you ought to teach him? What paths and literature and professionals to trust? One has to be educated themselves, in order to produce a healthy new member of society. It might be that in our previous eras people sort of went with it, because the times were harder and they tried their best, no matter the hardships they had due to their social status and education of the time. Nowadays we have more freedom and time, for example in western societies, because the quality of life has grown. But that also means that we can think more about growing up healthier offsprings. It is not satisfactory anymore to shut down a child with: “Do this because I said so.” Or even more by hitting him. This course of action, more often, produces a lot of confusion and frustration in a child. It can continue into adulthood and causes trauma in one or other form, and is transferred onto his children, if that is the path of parenting he chooses to take. Conclusively, it is not easy to be a good parent. Many young women in their best ripe time are not psychologicaly prepared to take on the difficult responsibility of not producing a frustrated youth. And their partners as well. Or it’s just me. I definitely don’t see myself as a parent yet. And I’ve been a babysitter of my siblings so I have some first hand experience. It is also important to find a good partner which is also not an easy task. This one can also haunt you later, in case of bad or premature decision-making. What are your opinions on this?

        7. Theres life outside of NYC tho.
          Flyover states averaging about 3 kids. 4-5 would be better. We will get there. Iowa and Kentucky are banning abortion. Thats huge.

      2. Psychology and anthropology. LOL
        Published psychology research findings have a reproduciblility rate of around 18%. Anthropology is an even worse fraud and is probably the most corrupted of all soft sciences and humanities. Because today the main motivation of anthropology is to avoid uncomfortable HBD truths about humans and human races.

        1. It’s tough to find a good anthropology program nowadays. Nothing really notable since the ’70s other then some physical anth. because of our access to greater genetic understandings.
          A very notable PhD wrote about how most humanities were the most corrupt they have ever been (2016) and anthropology was the worst even in Texas as students spend most of their time being SWJs and not learning about culture in any real sense.
          I was lucky to have a solid anthropology program which still exists yet is heavily dependent on the professors.

        2. Cutural anthro has been a bit wonky from the start, long before the SJW movement. Physical anthro is not a soft science, including but not limited to the forensic branch.

      3. If you study pre-1950’s anthropology, good for you. It was, if not exactly a science, at least a rigorous humanity for the most part, back then. Anthropology helped us beat the Japanese in WW2.
        Since the 1960’s it’s become a cheap front for Marxism, whose assumptions underlie most of the field and inform most of the professors’ worldviews; degeneracy such as brought to the world by the likes of homosexual Michel Foucault and his fascination with the panoptic gaze; French philosophy, also subversive and degenerate. Even archaeology has fallen prey to these impulses. Source: I was an anthropology professor until I couldn’t take the academy anymore.

      4. LOLZ. And people wonder why the West is in decline. Women forgoing child rearing to “study” horseshit like psychology and anthropology….complete waste of time. Emma, you’re not a woman you’re a female…big difference. To be a woman you have the be womanly, which means: maternal instinct i.e. putting your womb and chest to good use, and being wifely. The West is in decline because there are way too many females with your mindset.

      5. Anthropology is fascinating, although I’ve far more interest in physical rather than cultural. I obtained a second degree: BSc:with a double major in physical anthro/evolutionary ecology. I’ve been on a number of fascinating digs, it’s gruelling work but so satisfying. The degree wasn’t for career purposes, I did it as a hobby. You have the time to pursue these interests when you don’t have kids 😉

        1. “When you don’t have kids” – duh.
          Birth control = for women.
          “a woman’s body, a woman’s choice”
          Conveniently, women have 9 to 10 birth control technologies, choices and privileges available to every 1 available to men. How’d that happen? Equality?
          “a woman’s body, a woman’s choice”
          Women get to choose. Men do not.
          And then magically – she’s got a ‘second degree’, ‘fascinating digs’, ‘satisfying’, ‘hobby’ and ‘interests’ all of which follows easily ‘as if’ there was nothing to it.

        2. “When you don’t have kids” – duh.
          Birth control = for women.
          “a woman’s body, a woman’s choice”
          Conveniently, women have 9 to 10 birth control technologies and choices and privileges available to every 1 available to men. How’d that happen?
          “a woman’s body, a woman’s choice”
          Women get to choose. Men do not.
          And then magically – she’s got a ‘second degree’, ‘fascinating digs’, ‘satisfying’, ‘hobby’ & ‘interests’, as if there was nothing to it.

        3. @Jennifer I doubt it is Grueling work, I doubt you know s**t about psychology, I doubt you really know anything. You are just the average dumbass woman who thinks she is hot shit for getting a degree men typically laugh at, a degree that any retard on earth could probably get, and a degrees that will not do anything for the planet. The reason you are probably even commenting on this site is because you are desperately seeking attention and are trying to virtue signal to the world how amazing you are. Nothing special about you, and you are not accomplished. Everything you see around you and everything that you have “accomplished” is thanks to men inventing it in the first place. If our culture had said that having children was the greatest thing in the world than you would have probably had children and then come onto this site and told us just how amazing you were for having children.

      6. Emma, It depends on how old you are at the moment, early 20’s I guess, so there may be some hope left for you? If you keep going this way I hope you will be able to stay happy with your cats, in your old age. Its better than being dead, but not very fulfilling, especially after you retire.

      7. then when u cant finda job with that nonsence field then u blame man and the ‘system’

      8. That’s cause you’re not a woman! You have been brainwashed to focus on a career first and avoid being a mother cause its “shameful.” As quoted by mainstream which is controlled by ‘male hearing’ feminists.
        If I want to know if I’m dealing with a real woman or not, I just ask her, “do you want children”. If she says no, she is a brainwashed Feminists where I terminate the conversation right there!

        1. Disagree, the “media” is just a mouthpiece of those in power. If these “men” wanted could end this feminist nonsense tomorrow.

      9. @Emma
        I will not attack you like the others. you might be in the small boat of women who aspire for actualization “Like camille paglia”. However, you need to understand that the mass majority of women ( and a good portion of men) seek animalistic and social values of life aka finding an alpha mate and superior social status, allowing the majority of women an equal access to opportunity so far has resulted in the destruction of the family and extermination of the white race.
        So you need to come up with a better way to vet “Special women” like you.

      10. The old game of your maternal drive will kick in after you have a kid is a play of “you can’t prove a negative” It is a power game to take down an enemy, in this case women. Since there have been quite a few women out there who regretted kids, there is no way to prove one does not want one unless one has one then rejects it, no one is going to play that card to prove to an anti-abortion conservative that they REALLY don’t want kids so the idea is “you will love it when it gets here”, is pushed as verbal power trip.

    2. what an awesome smackdown on that nasty bitch! BOOM!if they were, why in a divorce, all they see and talk is dollar signs? their kids are just dollar aign insurance policies if you listen to them nasty cunts talk. they give lass than a fuck unless they can blackmail more money out of their ex.

    3. I agree. I’m not nurturing. I knew this at 13 as much as I know this now in middle age. I got an education, went to work and climbed the corporate ladder like many of my male colleagues. The corporate ladder certainly isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but I know my growing apathy towards any further career advancement is no different than my many of my peers with penises. I certainly don’t regret forgoing children and nor does my husband. Both of us are getting sick of the corporate grind but we’ll retire significantly younger than our peers who are parents and pursue whatever we fancy. No regrets thus far.

      1. Why on earth would any man get married to some infertile harridan? The marriage document should state that the bride’s womb belongs to the man. Yet women like you can’t even make that small tradeoff. So many more of you precocious cat ladies will be sent to the glue factory because there are simply too many of you and not enough suitors. I know math is hard for women, but someday you’ll understand…oh who are we kidding…you never will because being logical is too difficult for those with tits.

      2. “I certainly don’t regret forgoing children and nor does my husband” – duh.
        Birth control = for women.
        “a woman’s body, a woman’s choice”
        Conveniently, women have 9 to 10 birth control technologies and choices and privileges available to every 1 available to men. How’d that happen?
        “a woman’s body, a woman’s choice”
        Women get to choose. Men do not.
        And then magically – “Both of us are getting sick of the corporate grind but we’ll retire significantly younger than our peers who are parents and pursue whatever we fancy. No regrets thus far.”

      3. posting at this blog is sometimes a maze of confusion, but here goes again:
        “I certainly don’t regret forgoing children and nor does my husband” – duh.
        Birth control = for women.
        “a woman’s body, a woman’s choice”
        Conveniently, women have 9 to 10 birth control technologies and choices and privileges available to every 1 available to men. How’d that happen?
        “a woman’s body, a woman’s choice”
        Women get to choose. Men do not.
        And then magically – “Both of us are getting sick of the corporate grind but we’ll retire significantly younger than our peers who are parents and pursue whatever we fancy. No regrets thus far.”

    4. A woman who posesses the equipment to reproduce will also be wired to produce oxytocin when nurturing her offspring. Any woman can care and nurture provided she hasn’t been inhibited from developing her nurturing abilities during her formative years. Everything is learned including caring and nurturing behaviour.
      Ideally a female should put her baby manufacturing system into gear after puberty when her eggs are cracklin fresh and of the highest quality. YOU Karolina I suspect were deprived of the avenue to reproduce early while under the lordship of a suitable and culturally acceptable patriarch man. YOU were snookered into hitting the books as your eggs got archived to their finite shelf life. YOU were given options galore – but none of them could accomodate your natural design: TO BREED, to TIT FEED and to SERVE thy patriarchal master.
      I hope I’m making some sense here. Truth never goes away. It lingers. Give it time and on a clear day you will have a clear mindstate and it will be like the sky opening up before you. With your palm you will konk yourself upside the head and say “What was I thinking. MCGOO was right. I was put on this put on this good green Earth to BREED, to TIT FEED and to SERVE my patriarch man!”
      Keep that smile.

    5. @Karolina Nowicka: A woman who posesses the equipment to reproduce will also be wired to produce oxytocin when nurturing her offspring. If you think you can’t nurture, then it’s because your jelly beans were supressed and never got the chance. Any woman can care and nurture provided she hasn’t been inhibited from developing her nurturing abilities during her formative years. Everything is learned including caring and nurturing behaviour.
      Ideally a female should put her baby manufacturing system into gear after puberty when her eggs are cracklin fresh and of the highest quality. YOU Karolina I suspect were deprived of the avenue to reproduce early while under the lordship of a suitable and culturally acceptable patriarch man. YOU were shamed against motherhood at an age when you were suggestable to other ways to socially fit in. Shame can be a death sentence to a maturing kid and the societal engineers spare no means shaming the herd to steer it including YOU. Thus by society or your parents YOU were snookered into hitting the books as your eggs got archived to their finite shelf life. Yes YOU were given options galore – but sadly none of them could accomodate your natural design: TO BREED, to TIT FEED and to SERVE thy patriarchal master.
      I hope I’m making some sense here. Truth never goes away. It lingers. Give it time and on a clear day you will have a clear mindstate and it will be like the sky opening up before you. With your palm you will konk yourself upside the head and say “What was I thinking. MCGOO was right. I was put on this put on this good green Earth to BREED, to TIT FEED and to SERVE my patriarch man!”
      Yes I’m serious. Keep that smile . .

    6. Complementary relationship : people accept their differences, with risks of inequality and oppression.
      Symmetrical relationship : people are equivalent partners, that means more equality but also risks to outdo ourselves and rivalry.
      Women do have their own standards, being a good mom, a good wife, being beautiful, soft are existing standards for women. Also, the author talks about careers as if it has an only-male history but, in fewer number, often with less efficiency, there have always been women working (in fields, in factories, in offices, in schools) or creating, inventing things, completing in their own way male’s achievements.
      I think it is stupid and absurd to look for gender parity and I think that women who pursue a career simply to boost their ego are fools, but there are many women who honestly want to work (if anything, because they have to pay stuff). I would say that any trade that doesn’t require male abilities and body can be decent for a woman, if humbly wanted and deserved.
      “Women: you are different. Not better and not worse, just different.”
      I read several comments on ROTK where men explain how all women are whores because they depend on men’s strength to survive (and they would offer their bodies only for that reason), slaves because they’re naturally submissive, and animals because they don’t make laws and technology. Hearing stuff like that makes me want to reject my femininity, reject whatever a man can offer to me because he would make me feel ashamed for that, inferior. This article is fair towards men and women. It makes me want to forget every issues I have and embrace being different than a man.
      For me, pursuing gender equality is good when it means fighting against established strong abusive inferior/superior dynamics and forms of oppression. It is clearly not the case today in my country (and in western countries in general) and I find most of the actual feminist social movements stupid.

  2. Women don’t want, and never have wanted equality.
    Women want SUPERIORITY. And their mindset is that they are entitled to everything superior to men.
    Of course, women can’t just come out and say that. So,, being the ultimate creatures of deception they are, women much couch their deep desires and attitudes of superiority as equality, lest their true nature be on full display for men to see.
    Trust me, this notion of superiority is quite clear by some women in our society, especially by those who have the ear of the politicians and media. They let their superiority Freudian slip from time-to-time. Usually it’s through man-bashing, but often they’ll drop the pretense and boldly state how much better they are than men at their job, how women are stronger, smarter, inventive, more powerful, feeling, caring, and nurturing. When they slip, it’s usually in the company of other women and beta men who will accept their nonsense rhetoric, often cheering on their delusional statements.
    So, women don’t want equality. They want to be superior to men and remain the entitled class that is deserving of things they have not earned, will not work for, and will not give credit for to the men who provide women’s “strength” and “equality.”

    1. Feminism is really all about females overestimating their pussy value to such extent that they want men to entitle them to all good things that MEN created, including civilization, jobs, infrastructure, etc., without earning these things.

        1. that is what the globalist want they want the dog to take control of the car[civilisation] then thehy can take control of the car once the the dog crashed it and institute a one world gvt as is written in the bible.

      1. I know the value of a woman’s pussy, around $40, and for that price they usually throw in use of all their other holes and clean your bathroom before they leave.

        1. Mr Dodds should be debating “progressive” liberals on TV for PPV.
          He’d make more money than Floyd Mayweather’s fights.
          Man, I’d pay for this

    2. When you hear women and minorities bitching about ‘equality’ and ‘fairness’ and all its derivatives, they are displaying ***post-democratic behavior. ***
      These creatures are preparing for the next form of government. They don’t even hide their plans or disdain anymore once the coveted ‘majority-minority’ status of each host country is in their sightline.
      It isn’t just socialism…it’s beyond that now. Socialism argued about just redistributing wealth because of classism, while keeping everything else in place. But Cultural Marxism is genetic redistribution that features conquest and destruction. This is even beyond communism, which was only about overthrowing governments and nationalizing property.
      This Current Year virus of poz expresses itself firstly in Affirmative Action, which is compulsory corporate cancer cells meant to metastasize and terminally infect a white male business, not just to enrich women or minorities. It exists to destroy. It marauds on the coattails of righteousness, without having anything but the ‘gift’ to replace it. EVERYBODY knows this. Without white men, the world goes to shit OVERNIGHT.

      1. Yep. We of European descent invented and perfected nearly everything useful in this world. Now they don’t need us and in fact are actively eliminating us. Call me Donnie Downer, but I think they will eventually exterminate us by lack of white reproduction. Once are numbers are far enough down, it will be very easy for the (((elite))) to wipe us out physically. That dirtywork will be done by our new neighbors, the Muslims of Africa.
        The last laugh is ours, though.
        “Cradle of Civilization” could not invent the car, build a townhouse, or design a jet airliner. The next generations of women will be Cave Cunts, subserviant to their Arab masters, and from what I hear, Mohammed don’t like no equality!

        1. it will all work ok though. they will be back to mud huts and animal dung ovens being naked barefoot and pregnant with broods of tens of starving mullatto younglings killing each other with spears and swords or dying from filthy water. win win win.

        2. and they will fully deserve it. muh diversity muh toxic masculinity and muh sexual freedom and all…..

        3. Exactly. No matter what happens, we get the last laugh. Wherever we go, we take all of our inventions and knowledge with us…even into the afterlife, while these jealous, yipping, vengeful cockroaches will eat each other.

    3. Let’s not forget that Feminism, much like Communism, was / is created, organized, funded and implemented by men — mostly the light-colored variety who are extremely (((tribal))). In fact, Feminism really should be viewed as a “plank” of Communism, which is more accurately called Marxism or Sabbatean Judaism. People like Senator McCarthy weren’t right about everything, but their notion that a Marxist faction had infiltrated American culture with the goal of destroying it was DEAD ON. Several historical documents prove this, as does the current state of affairs all around us. It’s become as obvious as the nose on your face.
      Now, these infiltrators needed “dupes” whom they could emotionally manipulate in order to sew the seeds of their own (and children’s / grandchildren’s) destruction. Who are the most emotional creatures who cannot grasp cause & effect in most cases? Heterosexual women clearly, with a distant second-place awarded to lesbians, then male homosexuals. These 3 groups (representing about 55% of the North American population) are the Criminal Elite’s dupes, and have various privileges (such as “equal rights” masquerading as superior rights & status) constantly dangled in front of their noses. They simply can’t resist and always take the bait while gobbling up Hollywood culture and Liberalism with a voracious appetite. As such, never mistake the puppets (dupes) for the puppet masters (tribal men).
      Of course, the hand-picked and promoted female or gay leaders of the dupes nearly always happen to be obvious members of the (((exalted tribe))), or married to members, or trying desperately to hide their familial ties to said tribe via name changes and other obfuscations. This has been going on quite strongly since the end of WW2, although the concepts and practices of so-called Marxism are ancient and predate (((Karl Marx))) by many centuries. We are not dealing with impatient newcomers, but rather people who have iron-clad memories, long-range plans, and endless hate for everyone outside of their (((tribe))).
      As such, don’t waste your energy on your bitchy, self-empowered female boss, or your awful female lawyer girlfriend, or your lazy, self-righteous wife, or even old Gloria Steinem herself; they are all being played like empty-headed puppets on a string, oblivious to the destructive agendas being implemented by their enablers. And not 1 woman or fag in a 100 (1,000?) will understand or accept this post as the truth, unfortunately… that’s why they make such excellent dupes.
      “It’s easier to fool people (women) than convince them that they have been fooled.” — Mark Twain

    4. Equalists and egalitarians only come out of the woodwork once the work has been done. You never see them in the building phase, only when the pizza is being sliced do they want the largest slice. Just look at recent history. During The Cold War there were two periods of increased tension:
      1953 – 1962 (and from 1979 to 1985)
      During this period feminists were very silent, once tension decreased and violence thwarted did they come out. Almost directly after, in 1963, Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique which started the second feminist wave.
      The Cold War once again had a heightened risk period from the beginning of the Afghan-Russian War (1979) until the election of the moderate Mikhail Gorbachev (1985). Again during this period the equalists weren’t particularly vocal.
      Interestingly enough this era gave rise to a huge amount of masculine, boy friendly, TV shows. Particularly the high tension period around ‘84 :
      Miami Vice (1984-1990)
      A-team (1983-1987)
      He-Man (1983-1985)
      Airwolf (1984-1986)
      Knight Rider (1982-1986)
      Magnum PI (1980-1988)
      The Dukes of Hazzard (1979-1985)
      Many how-to-be-a-man movie franchises also started in 1984: Mission in Action, The Karate Kid, Revenge of the Nerds.
      This period also had some shows which showed healthy nuclear families: Family Ties (’82) and The Cosby Show (’84).
      Guess what came after ’85. Post ’85 saw a rise in shows with families with alternative lifestyles (Full House – started in 1987)) and massive dysfunction (Married with Children – launched in 1986 and Roseanne in ’88).
      The Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991 by Mikhail Gorbachev. Not much later the third feminist wave began.
      Answering you question: do they want real equality? No, definitely not. This is the -opportunistic- behaviour of people seeking privilege.
      Another explanation can be that these cries for equality are massive shittests. Considering the moments in time they are voiced (during periods of relative stability and wealth) shittesting is plausible. Wars and Cold Wars weed out the boys form the men. Without it women need an alternative mechanism to accomplish the same result.

      1. Forgot to mention one of the most influential popular post ’85 feminist forces (if not the most influential). The Oprah Winfrey show (beginning in 1986).

  3. I’m all in favor of women’s equality.
    When they start registering for the draft, and performing the dangerous and dirty work that men do, we can begin to have that conversation.
    As it stands now they aren’t dying on the job the way men are, haven’t died in wars the way men have, and are clear and undisputed “winners” in divorce settlements.
    If they (by in large) wanted real equality, they’d be clamoring to register for the draft, signing up for dangerous and life threatening professions, and rejecting outrageous and unfair child support and alimony settlements. How many are actually doing any of these things?

    1. Just like the Soviet Union’s idea whiched worked the opposite of its intention. They took the equality idea to extreme as you mention where women were expected to two tow the line no different then men (the idea that women were intellectually and physically equal) and were expected to contribute equivalent results with equvelent laws, procedures, etc. as if they were men (not women) – kind of like today.
      With them being treated perfectly equal, many of the women started reclaiming their feminine selves again (nurturing families, being sweet and kind, not trying to be a sucky version of a guy or take his job, ect.) and guys did not mind since who doesn’t like a womanly gal.

  4. I know people are too sensitive (feminine trait) to handle this without being triggered, but there is no such thing as ‘equality.’ If something is the same, it wouldn’t be separate. It would be one thing.
    All of this nonsense about biodiversity equality only occurs with an excess of wealth (exclusively in white society), but quickly contracts when a Depression occurs and ‘traditionalism’ returns with everybody begging for the reinstallment of the white patriarchy to rescue them from their self-inflicted hardship.
    Democracy itself is a white male concept. Everybody else is just LARPing as democrats because it is completely unnatural to their habitat/disposition. Cry all you want, but we all know this. Even in the Far East, they STILL need entire armies of American troops occupying their borders to protect these Asian ‘democracies’ from each other. Japan and South Korea would be overrun the very day when American G.I.s leave by China and North Korea, reinstalling the natural Oriental fiefdoms.
    So women pull this equality shit…almost universally white women because they are the laziest, most pampered and entitled creatures that ever lived…because their hypergamy is at its apotheosis. It has no ceiling to break. Their lives could not be more enriched without sacrificing something. That is why it is exclusively white women who date nonwhite men, whereas no other nonwhite women deign themselves to date different nonwhite men.
    Have you ever seen a Latina with an Asian? How about a Hindu and a black? Why is it that no matter how much diversity there is in proximity to itself, these unholy unions just never occur? Why is it exclusively white female-nonwhite male?
    White female miscegenation occurs because their omnipresent self-destructiveness becomes entangled, like a cunt caduceus, with their alleged ‘positive’ hypergamy (hypothetical beta male productiveness catalyst), which has already peaked since white women are at the top of the food chain… creating this genetic death spiral, like a biplane corkscrewing into a nosedive on a cloudless day.
    Then they hold up the wreckage as ‘hybrid vigor’ despite its low-esteem, immune deficiency and overall grotesqueness. Their bestiality produces this Rosemary’s Baby, which they have created all on their own…something that a white man could never do. So it is unique to women. THAT is why white women clamor for ‘equality.’ That is why women are obsessed with ‘art’ and their ‘artwork’ is called ‘modern.’ Their creations are lumps of unshaped material. They cosign Cultural Marxism so they can copilot the destructiveness of their (((one-time allies))).

    1. Comment of the month.
      To summarize, women have an inherent impulse toward suicidal, destructive ruinous decisions. They would rather burn the whole world down and watch the flames dance than to be bored. This is documented in every sacred literature through world history.
      White women are the only ones (((liberated))) enough to act on their repugnant and antisocial desires.

    2. “Why is it exclusively white female-nonwhite male?”
      I don’t know (((why))).

    3. First half of your comment was brilliant. The second half, when you start with this:
      “…whereas no other nonwhite women deign themselves to date different nonwhite men.”
      is just demonstrably false. People of all races mix when they live in close proximity to one another, to a greater or lesser extent based on culture. But the mixing happens. It is actually surprising how LITTLE it happens considering we’re being pummeled day and night by race-mixing propaganda. But if you travel overseas you’ll see other types of mixing going on. There are half-Asian, half-black kids in Korea and the Phillipines and Japan where American GIs have set up shop. You see Indian women marrying white men here in America and in the UK. One of my best friends married a Japanese woman. It’s not unusual and it’s not new.
      Here’s the rule of thumb when it comes to race-mixing: normal, healthy women want to marry UP. Thus every race on the planet wants to marry white men. Damaged women will marry DOWN, thus fat, stupid or crazy white women will marry (actually just date, black men don’t marry) black or brown men.

      1. I thought the Asian THOT-white male union was self-evident. Of course when the few black servicemen are isolated overseas within a noncombat units (shocker) they are going to fuck locals. That is an entirely different situation. They are also the only ones that get accused of rape over there. But no, nothing I said was false. I have NEVER seen an Hispanic with an Asian, aside from the subplot in Harold and Kumar. I can count on one hand the number of Asian women with black men. Of course you can find anecdotes, but by and large it just isn’t there. It has nothing to do with quantity either. There is a pattern. Why haven’t the Indians mixed in South Africa? These people all cloister in their own linguistic-religious culture as soon as white people disappear, which happen to be HUGE barriers that insulate their communities from poz and miscegenation. These communities strengthen as we weaken.

        1. Actually now that I’m re-reading your comment the Asian –> white thing is not just implied you actually stated it outright. Sorry about that I missed it.
          Still I maintain my argument and it isn’t just anecdotal. Stats back it up. Not only does race mixing happen in every place where races live in close proximity, it happens to a surprisingly small degree. People (both men and women) generally do not form long-term relationships with people of other races.
          Personally I think it’s a combination of biology and culture. I had a spell in my 20s where I tried dating women of different races and I can tell you that the cultural divide is fucking huge and in many cases irreconcilable. That’s why you generally find social rejects the most dedicated to dating out of race. I finally gave it up and decided that GOOD white women, for all their faults (and they have them), are simply the most pleasant to be around. That’s for me as a white middle-class man.

        2. Joms,
          I generally don’t find any women ‘pleasant to be around’. If I ain’t thinking of fucking them, I have no use for them.

    4. The concept of a Republic is from the “good and just” white man’s mind; Democracy is from the mind of a certain (((tribe))) of lighter-skin men.
      Interesting fact: during the WW2 era, the American Pentagon classified and defined the most stable and desirable government types that have existed on Earth, historically. A Republic was tops and the form of government recognized in the United States at that time. Next on the descending list were Patriarchal Monarchy, then Matriarchal Monarchy. Near the bottom was so-called Democracy (mob rule), which was looked down upon due to it’s tendency to transform into corrupt Fascism where government / military / corporate interests became blended together. That was only about 70 years ago. Now, we believe America is and always has been a Democracy. In truth, it really has morphed into a Democracy, but it was a proud Republic for over 90% of its existence.

    5. Dude, white women be trippin’ fo sho but I’ve also seen all of the other ethnic dating combos you say you haven’t.
      Maybe it’s a west coast thing.

  5. Women own three holes and this is their primary function-they are landlords of three spaces.

  6. Are women superior to men?
    They usually live when places are invaded, marrying the conquerors. Latin American Colombians are 100% male on their paternal DNA, Native on their mitochondrial one for example.

  7. Here is the reason:
    Women are prowling for high value men at work, these men are supposed to make lots of money in their careers.
    After they get their claws on these dudes, they’ll divorce them when their career start to wane starts to slow down & they’ll use the money they get from the settlements to fuck younger dudes, until they become unattractive.
    This is their great scheme, lol.

    1. Exactly. Women pursue ‘muh career’ in order to climb as high as they can up the corporate ladder via affirmative action, which everybody knows has a limit (‘glass ceiling’), so they can place themselves into the crosshairs of CEOs, who would otherwise pay them no mind as unskilled labor doing entry-level work.
      As soon as they peak in this climb, they look around for whatever company man can be a consolation prize to retire to and become his ‘homemaker’ (playing tennis in gated communities, eating cupcakes and shopping while fucking the Latin pool boy and verbally abusing the foreign maids/nannies).
      College is their farm system, but also the last hurrah to board the cock carousel. Half will be summoned to Corporate America, and the other half will languish under student loan debt in underclass make-work and more night school, waiting for some beta-orbiter to rescue them so they can continue to relive the cock carousel of their sorority days.

      1. WEIMAR
        It is odd about college. When I was sharing an apartment with my roommate John he dated a Soho named Christa who once gave him a blowjob on the couch next to me.
        I mean I was playing Nintendo and looked over and she was giving him a blowjob in front of me-though she did not like me much-not caring that a guy was watching her give a raunchy blowjob.
        I LEFT THE ROOM.
        Today Christa is probably married but the man she married does not know.
        In the end, men will do anything to get pussy and get their cocks sucked.

      Good point-
      As a young man in my 20’s I used to hit “swingers parties” in Arizona.
      One night, I picked up a woman then 45. Twenty years my senior. I was 25.
      My roommate was out of town and he had the bigger bedroom so I fucked her all over the place, which he would have killed me for if he found out.
      Anyhow, afterwards I got her story. She had been a German girl who was studying to be a nurse in Germany when she met a GI back when Germans still wanted to immigrate to the US and German girls would fuck and marry GI’s to get to the States.
      She left brought her mother to Arizona with her. I mean her husband really put his life into her happiness.
      One day she left him and now young men were fucking her.
      She bought me breakfast.

      1. I recently had sex with a 40 something and promptly ghosted her, only to learn this weekend that she died. Total mindfuck right now. She tried for two weeks to see me again. I should’ve texted her back and let her talk about her troubles. Could’ve made a difference. I feel terrible.

        1. WEIMAR
          MUM STORY-
          In Arizona I went crazy at 25 and smoked pot everyday and fucked anything that moved.
          Anyhow, on one occasion I was in apartment complex visiting my Chicano pot dealer and he took me to a Mexican wake. He dragged me to it.
          There was a Mestizo woman in her late 40’s and she was totally drunk and dragged me off to her apartment.
          She gave me an astonishing deep throat blowjob (Women who were girls of the 70’s grew up on Linda Lovelace and this was an art form now forgotten) and then I only pumped her for 4 minutes and shot a Peter North load on her vagina and stomach and breasts.
          She was passed out, having apparently orgasmed.
          I walked off.
          Two days later I was walking down the road and a cholo gave me an ominous look. My Chicano friend Eduardo told me to clear out-the woman was the Cholo’s mother and he had come home to see her passed out with spunk all over her a few minutes after I left.
          With the German woman I also spunked all over her face.

        2. Cinderella
          I did not experience true deep throat until I was out of college and 24-25 in Arizona in the “swinger” scene with women who were 45 in 1998 who’d been girls in the 70’s.
          The Mestizo woman was steaming drunk in a black dress and looked formidable until she grabbed my arm.
          That deep throat was incredible, I could not believe how older women could swallow swords into their esophagus.
          The women my age who’d been born in the 1970’s put their mouth around your knob and jerked you off but the women of the 70’s had grown up on Linda Lovelace, bless them…

        3. They found her in her car. Toxicology results pending. I delivered her final paycheck to her next of kin by googling. It was very awkward because they all suspected I had some role in her death since I was distraught and none of her roommates are cooperating. I only ‘hung out’ one night with her, but I imagine that she died from alcohol poisoning because she drank heavily despite her tiny frame.

        4. Cinderella
          The German woman did not dodge. I spunked all over her face.
          Afterwords she spoke about her son and how they were not getting along and he had drifted off. He was in his early 20’s.
          She said they were not getting along.
          “No wonder,” I thought. “You go to parties and pick up men his age and let them spunk all over your face.”

        5. Why? You were not her destruction, she was her own. So what? they love it when you guilt yourself over schit you don’t control. Enjoy your collar and leash, or take it off and get a grip.

      2. How pathetic does an adult man have to be to post about “his” sexual prowess on an anonymous forum? Please kill yourself tonight.

  8. Or…perhaps an angle none of you have considered…women want to be equal to men (equal as in having the option to work whatever kind of job they want) because women want to find value in something besides their external beauty. You guys are constantly saying that women should value their beauty and basically put all their energy towards it. Why would we do that when we know that our beauty only lasts about 30 years, tops? We’re supposed to value something so fleeting? And then after that, we have no value? Not to mention that most women are NOT beautiful in the way that men want us to be. The majority of women actually don’t have that perfect hour glass shape; the most common shape is actually something closer to a ruler. It makes sense that a women wouldn’t like this value system because it just doesn’t work for her. No woman wants to look in the mirror at her sagging skin and stretch marks from having a man’s children (like she was told to) and think “Now I’m all used up, I have no value”. And no young girl wants to look at her body that doesn’t measure up to what guys want and think “I have no value, I should just kill myself”. So instead she gets a job and makes goals for herself that have nothing to do with how beautiful she is or how fertile she is. Like any rational person would do.

    1. Riiiiiight. Is that why almost all of you quit within the first couple years? Is that why ‘burnout’ is now a concept for MDs? Nice try, THOT. Women have LOW-time preference. You aren’t thinking 30 years ahead EVER. You are like yipping dogs chasing whatever treat is tasty, no matter the consequences. How is that no matter a woman’s income, she is always in debt?
      Women were not built for education, democracy or careerism. We are seeing the ‘dividends’ of this experiment. You bitches have overburdened the producers of this society and overwhelmed the system with your spendthrift irresponsibility.
      As for your question of when you are post-wall and nearing menopause where is your worth? Gee, I don’t know. How about being a grandmother?

      1. WEIMAR
        Most women quit to be mothers and full-time homemakers. This makes sense.
        A man busts his shit all day and wants to come home to a clean house, a meal, a fuck and kids that are looked after.

        1. It doesn’t matter how hard we work for a man house and family. We still get older, and the man will make it clear that he’s noticed by cheating on his wife. I can’t think of one housewife I know who hasn’t had this experience. It’s pretty much inevitable. I had a lot of housewives in my family (boomer couples) who stayed with their cheating husbands for religious reasons. I’d hate to be stuck in relationship like that. Say what you will about women cheating more often these days than before, but in my opinion, they’re just returning the favor.

        2. Absolutely untrue. Women LOVE infidelity. They love MEN who ‘cheat’ because it helps women know their hyperamous instincts were correct because made the right decision in selecting a covetous male. Get the fuck out with that ‘women just want to be loved.’ Holy shit you do not. You want ‘excitement,’ which male infidelity is part of, although EXTREMELY RARE.
          It is EXTREMELY difficult for nearly all men to actually obtain sex from a stranger. Men do not have time to court newer pussy. It just does not happen that often except if the male is high-status AND under conducive environments. Where is he going to meet all these women when he is busy slaving away in an all-male office? Not the bar. Not Tinder. So where?
          I have only recently noticed that searching for work is nearly identical to searching for sex…both employer and women like a man who APPEARS to have experience and expertise in addition to virility. I literally just got a job last night at 9 PM because I walked in with an old uniform with my muscles bulging and my hair shampooed and flowing. I didn’t even bother to shave because the 5 o’clock shadow added a little edge. Every fucking time they do a quick look over the resume and ask me when I can come in, whereas I never even get a callback when I leave it without speaking to anybody. Just like with women. THEY approach me. THEY text me to rendezvous. WOMEN do all the proactive stuff. I don’t even know why condoms or dating exists because they ALWAYS fuck the first night and pull off the condom because they want to get pregnant. They won’t have sex with somebody they don’t want to be impregnated by unless they are hookers. That is the caveman instinct that will never change in women. They want dominate male cum all over them and inside of them, but literally become disgusted if an ‘inferior’ male even looks at them. They call it ‘harassment’ and ‘rape culture’ when women literally demand men they see as ‘above’ them simulate rape.
          Men are the peacocks and the prey, and women are the selectors. Therefore, women are at fault. I am even watching an Italian movie right now of Sophia Loren trying to corrupt a young boy studying to become a priest and his grandmother paints her as a whore. Amazing how women used to behave before gynocentrism conquered Western Civilization.
          I don’t hate women. I just hate anybody who refuses to understand them. I worked hard to learn about women and want everybody else to have my knowledge because I am not selfish like a woman or a leftist to hoard my talent. I’d rather share and make society function like it should instead of letting collapse like you women and leftists want it to.

        3. Emma
          So according to you, when a man cheats, he’s making it clear he’s noticed, when a woman cheats, she’s returning the favor. How convenient.

      2. Lol, by the in you’re throwing at me I can tell you hate women. It so funny how the writers for this site claim to not hate women, but it’s clear that their followers are filled with hate. And what exactly is “Being a grandmother” what do you spend your days doing as grandmother? Waiting for your son or daughter to drop by with the kids?

        1. If you’re looking to men for advice on how to be a grandmother, you’re in serious trouble. As is society because women clearly are not that bright. You women hate men. It’s obvious. You wouldn’t allow gynocentrism and feminism to erode society if you didn’t. If I hate women so much, why do I have sex with them? Why do I study their behavior so much?

        2. EMMA
          Monogamy makes sense socially and economically but does not square with either sexes reproductive instincts.

        3. Emma,
          It’s normal for grandparents to live with their children and grandchildren. The idea you all live in separate homes is a western Christian perversion. Once you have lived outside of the corrupted western society you notice the rest of the world does it differently.

        4. MARZ
          I still haven’t figured out if monogamy is or is not natural. Why else would recrudescent STDs proliferate the moment monogamy erodes? It seems sexual ‘liberation’ eventually beckons its day of reckoning, usually with women gaining some sort of infection (currently being offset with ‘miracle drug’ injections in early pubescence) that either saps their fertility prematurely or even kills them, despite only having sex with perfectly healthy men.
          If this chaotic canopy of neolithic sensibilities is the natural order, that makes even a (relatively) stable society, which we have had since WWII, a ‘social construct.’

        1. Because I spot typical female passive-aggressiveness and most here cannot.

      3. “Women were not built for education, democracy or careerism. We are seeing the ‘dividends’ of this experiment. You bitches have overburdened the producers of this society and overwhelmed the system with your spendthrift irresponsibility.”
        This is beautiful, W.R.

    2. every department I have been the male tech seems to know more than the female tech /analyst /developer yet they earn same pay while at it the guy even if sometimes he has a lesser quaification the innovation man pull out the partents and production level is higher yet you want to be paid same as someone who knows more than you who does more than you simply because his cuble is next to yours

    3. You are missing the mark by a wide margin.
      Your youth and beauty merely get you in the door, hitched to a young ambitious man with high potential.
      It’s your skills as a wife, mother, homemaker, and helpmeet that earn you a lifetime of love and support, not your beauty. If you did your job properly your husband is not looking to stray in middle age. If you chop your hair off and become obese, you are breaking your marital contract and that’s on you – not him.

    4. You stupid cunt. An intelligent man doesn’t expect women to be like models. We are more forgiving about looks than your lot is. Want a proof? Read up on perceptions of male attractiveness in the context of online dating to find out which sex is more shallow.

    5. You’re making an argument against this article by arguing against your own assumptions, not what’s in this article. You don’t reference it once.

    6. Emma, LOL what a joke you are. Women don’t even have internal beauty, so how could they possibly be valued for anything else except External Beauty and a Cum Dumpster to stick our rods in!? You women are so lazy and incompetent, you are dumber than a confused cockroach and cannot cook or clean or do anything useful these days, yet you invade all male spaces including the workplace and demand watered down requirements and level playing field for your inferior labor and inferior mental capacity and demand the same rights as us. In the real natural world, things do not work that way. Women were created to be the property of Men. Also Women who work and get jobs age even faster which degrades their value even more rapidly, lol you dumbass cunt.

      1. u sound a lil triggered bro. try getting laid it’ll help loooool. meanwhile us gals will continue to cop checks and get paid.

    7. Emma April 24, 2018
      “Or…perhaps an angle none of you have considered…women want to be equal to men (equal as in having the option to work whatever kind of job they want)…”
      Men have to work…it’s not an “option”?
      External beauty is particularly important to get your foot in the door. After that your attitude and values become the most important thing. Plenty of men stay with their wives after they have become ‘ugly’.
      Wife Goggles

    8. Emma- Fair comment, as far as it goes. But I agree with PrepZ. Women want superiority over men, not equality. You may not want that, but too many do, especially politically.
      The feminists said, destroy the patriarchy by destroying the family. They meant it, and succeeded.

  9. @Weimar Republican
    Those were rhetorical questions. I don’t need your advice on how to be a grandmother. It basically involves supported your children in raising theirs. Not complicated. But when I’m a grandmother, it would be pretty sad if all I could say about my life post raising children was that I baby sat and sent my grandkids a check every now and then. There’s nothing wrong with a woman having actual goals for herself, s d herself alone.

    1. You are LARPing as a man again. Women do not have goals aside from how to scheme their way into leisure, have sex and children. Abstract concepts like career, philosophy and politics are masculine qualities that women only possess fleetingly to impress A MAN. I have seen it enough times. You all don’t even know what you want, but I do. The only goal you should have is stripping women of their destructive power to ruin a man they pretend to love and his offspring. But you won’t because feminism is a bundle of free resources that you will turn away as often as a dog turns away table scraps…NEVER.

    2. “There’s nothing wrong with a woman having actual goals for herself, s d herself alone.”
      I guess it depends on what those goals are and how they are achieved.

  10. The leftist equality is a code word for socialism, to give from the people who have to the people who have not. There is equality, but equality of opportunities and equality in the eyes of the law. But there is not equality of outcome, I want the same outcome without doing the same effort just give me. Women have the same opportunities but ohh boy, equality of opportunities means to compete against men, and they fail miserable every time they are competing against men in every field. hahha ups that´s problematic. The leftist utopia is similar to communist Russia were they forced women and men to do the job they don´t want for communism, “No No comrade we don´t need more nurses, we need more female accountants so you are going to accountants school” or gulag.

  11. Again, it all points to Penis Envy. Many women hate and envy the drive, innovation and comraderie that God – the real one, not Allah – has endowed us with.

  12. Women want equality when it suits them. They want a nice air conditioned office cubicle, 9 to 5 job, a desk where they can stuff no fat yoghurt in their chubby pie holes while wearing a fatbit bracelet.
    Try telling a women to go tar a road in the hot August sun or do roofing. Nope! Not happening.
    NEWS FLASH: Guy mows down and kills 10 people in Toronto because he couldn’t get laid.

    1. Leftist stuck in the friend zone and goes crazy the rest of the way, as if it were someone elses fault he couldn’t get his d**k wet. phu**king leftist scumbags. all they know is blind rage and destruction because of their misplaced self entitlement being unrequited.

  13. Feminists have the phrase “equal, but different”. They say equal doesn’t necessarily mean the same (even though that’s exactly what it means). It’s their own version of Animal Farm’s “All animals are created equal, but…”.
    When a situation or double standard works in favor of men, they claim oppression and demand they be treated “equal”. When it works in favor of women, they say “but we’re different” and demand special treatment.
    It’s not that feminists, and even women in general, are trying to ignore the differences pointed out in this article. It’s that they only acknowledge them when it’s convenient. Meanwhile, men are jumping back and forth from one foot to another trying to accommodate, instead of putting them down.

      1. To be fair, most men are drawn to it also. One of them became president from it.

  14. I don’t know who gave you that diploma son, but someone needs to confiscate your keyboard until you learn how to use it.

  15. It’s the same with minorities. They want all the perks of our society but do not actually want to be apart of it, or contribute to it. People desire the end result.
    Another annoying thing girls try to do is be funny. Not just having a good personality and sense of humor, but people like Amy Schumer who wants to be a top comic but you cannot criticize her or you are sexist.. you cannot have it both ways, which is what they want. They want to rule and have us submit but also have us still be sensitive towards them….
    i stopped even bothering with dating apps after reading profile after profile of this whole tough girl act.
    “I don’t have any time for drama and don’t hit me up just for sex” its like every single profile and then they go on to talk about how great they are and how funny they are and how they are such a foodie …. I have to be honestly, other than psychical stuff, I am beginning to actually just stay away from women right now… they are becoming increasingly more annoying.

    1. Exactly. Why do you think The Tribe worked so hard to strategically ally women and non-whites together to gang up as a giant special interest group and destroy white men?
      It’s because women and non-whites employ more emotion than logic and don’t tend to have much integrity or moral conviction. It is easy to lead them around by their nose with promises of unearned benefits, because all of them want something for nothing.
      It’s been said that you can’t cheat an honest man. It’s only dishonest people who want to get things from others that they didn’t earn and don’t deserve. So, the Welfare State doesn’t hold much appeal to White Men because they have pride and integrity. But it appeals immensely to women and non-whites – they can be totally controlled just by promising them undeserved goodies.

      1. But if that’s true just what would “The Tribe” have to gain? If white man self-destructs where will they be?
        Blacks consider “the tribe” to be white people, in part because that’s how they portray themselves. So if blacks decide to “kill whitey” this must include “the tribe” as well.
        If whites fall the Asians will rule, and they will NOT allow any of the shenanigans that were used to ruin white countries. Woe unto any who try, because the 20th century showed just what kind of opponents Asians can be.

    2. That feeling of wanting to not be around women aside from sex is nature correcting itself. That is exactly the attitude you should have, as all men in history have had. Men and women have always been segregated until they were joined in sexual unions called matrimony. Populations exploded naturally and still do when these ancient rules apply (Amish, Mormons, Hutterites, Islam etc).
      Amy Schumer actually used to be funny many years ago on Opie and Anthony when she would just hang like one of the guys. Now she counter-signals all of the stuff that made her somewhat funny back then…also, she got much, much fatter and Jewy.

    3. Depends on which minorities.
      Indo-American and Chinese-American parents drive their kids to extremes academically and make them WORK, WORK, WORK. They drill it into their heads that nothing comes free and that you, as a minority, have to work twice as hard because you will face racism when you grow up.
      Blacks, on the other hand, largely have a gimme, gimme, victim attitude that is actually encouraged by the establishment.
      To add insult to injury, ivory league colleges heavily discriminate against all Asians and give enrollments to undeserving blacks under affirmative action programs.

      1. Incorrect. These street-shitting curry-fuckers have a monopoly on 7-eleven right now because they are given ethnic subsidies, not from ingenuity. They aren’t better programmers either, and they certainly aren’t good salesmen because nobody wants their neighborhood to smell like a Delhi bakery (cough-cough open-sewer).
        Asians are given the same ethnic tax breaks/loans to start their fruitless restaurants. They ride the coattails of hard-working whites to build their Chinatowns in pristine white areas before they bring in their no-eye contact, tenderizing-on-the-sidewalk, spitting, I’m-not-gonna-pay-you, not-holding-the-door culture into white society.
        I have seen it all firsthand. The FDA gives these filthy, toxic dumps a passing grade while shutting down white businesses that do everything they can from waterless urinals, clapper lights and tireless advertising just to say afloat.
        These piece of shit illegals are so arrogant they even have placards for ‘cash-only’ on their storefronts without ever gaining an IRS invite or an audit. I am sick of this. I have seen white males throw their entire live savings into their businesses, while these nonwhite parasites get safety nets.
        And no they are not a ‘net gain’ because they don’t pay taxes and only cater to their ethnic brethren illegal residing who are using what pennies they don’t send back in remittances back into their ethnic community pockets because everything is in cash and their language.

        1. Sorry, Weimar but you don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just venting a stream of racist diatribes with absolutely no facts to back them up. I have several Indo-American relatives (through marriage) who owned various franchises (including a 7-11!) and I can assure you NOBODY gave them any “ethnic” tax breaks or loans. In fact, they didn’t even qualify for mainstream bank loans. Instead, they worked their butts off for 10+ years, often working day AND night at multiple jobs to save up CASH. They then bought their franchises with said cash and continued to work their butts off for 20+ years until they were able to retire comfortably, while putting their kids through college. I witnessed it all firsthand and now own my own franchise using the same methodology.
          You come across as jealous of others’ success and probably have a secret desire to smell of curry yourself. It is the smell of prosperity after all.

        2. @Jock Jansen
          Jock get used to him he sullies the manosphere with his racist rhetoric…. look at his name “Weimar Republican”? This guy is a fucking racist.
          He loves to talk bad thing about all races except his one. He is probably just a fat white kid who lost his unicorn to a big alpha Hispanic Roman.
          This Weimar redneck needs to get the fuck out of here. All he does is make talk shit.

        3. I´m tired of him too Alberto. This stupid guy sullies ROK`s reputation with his hate speech. Sure there are people from minorities that exploit the system. But there are alot of smart folks from minorities that are hard workers and became captains of industry by working hard.
          If ROK and other manosphere sites ever want to look serious and be heard tabout our issues as men and the witch hunt against men in our feminized society. The first thing we need to to is to remove those stupid racist pricks that think they are in s.t.o.r.m.f.r.o.n.t webiste.
          Get the fuck out of here Weimar!

        4. Aww the little cucks don’t like it. ‘Racism’ is a Trotskyite buzzword. Also, Newsflash, brown supremacist. I speak your language, I work with your people and I fuck your women. How is that waycist? You can all bitch about whites and ‘white privilege,’ but I can’t say ANYTHING about you invaders? Cry me a river, babies.
          Nobody will ever take RoK seriously, idiots. I’m not ‘Stormfront.’ You people are such cowards. No wonder women don’t like you. Go run over a crowd in a car to get back at the world, losers.
          Look at nearly all of my posts and how most people respond to them with approval. Should tell you something. Strength, not weakness. Stop projecting and maybe you’ll gain respect from women, white people and more importantly, yourself.
          I don’t hate anybody. I have said it repeatedly.

        5. Fuk you quueers, Weimar is probably the best commenter on the entire site and that is tough for me to say because I thought I was good. You would do well to STFU, listen, and learn, boys. You drive guys like WR away to your own detriment, shitbirds!

  16. Women have egos, but they manifest differently. Why else do you think every last one of them – even the sluttiest – will lie about the number of sex partners they have?

    1. I think they are programed to lie, but men aren’t. I feel compelled to be honest about everything. Yet they are the ‘fairer’ sex and somehow ‘morally superior.’

  17. When the chips are down, women want the options to have the “good” jobs without the necessity of having to work the “bad” ones.
    How many women do you see doing the grueling, dangerous, physical jobs? Very few. Even women in the military are held to a lower PT standard and can opt out of combat duty.
    In the private sector, women want the upper echelon positions and white collar careers while openly detesting having a female boss themselves. Women seldom cooperate well with other women in the workplace. Whereas men firm teams and cooperate — even mentor other men — women take on a “queen bee” mentality and treat workplace status as a zero sum game.
    Finally, what’s the default “job of last resort” (not really) setting for most women when in financial need? So-called “sex work” — a feminine domain to which very few straight men have access (maybe a few “Chad” strippers or well endowed pornstars, who get paid less on average than their female counterparts). Women cry about it as their right to make money with their bodies vs. having to work a difficult, boring, or lower wage job.
    By the way, women in the sex industry are also racist toward black men:
    While male options (unless they inherited wealth) are, work or starve. Women can work (including sex work), find a man, go on welfare, etc.

    1. Based on decades of observation the only time an all-female anything ever works is when it’s:
      1) A relatively small operation.
      2) The one in charge is clearly older and is more of a matriarch than a “boss.”
      Can someone link me to that story about the all-women television station that failed?

  18. Based on my observation, women are stable when other women around them are on the same level in terms of physical attractiveness and social status. As soon as a prettier and wealthier woman strolls into their midst, they react negatively. They think it reflects poorly on them that another woman should do better. Instead of competing with her head to head (and thus improving themselves), they move to bring her down a notch. This is achieved by gossip, back stabbing, exclusion, mean comments etc. Passive aggression. This forces you to be independent or to seek alliance with a man. In my opinion, women don’t want equality, they just can’t stand it when another woman has more than them.

    1. Yeah, I’ve noticed that women in the workplace talk more about their opinions of other people than about the actual work to be done.
      Further, aside from bullying othervwomen, female leaders tend to try to be either a “mom” or a “bossy wife (minus the sex)” to their male subordinates.
      I’ve also noticed that, among their male status peers, women tend to both use their feminine charm to get men to do their work for them and to ally themselves with an alpha male to whom they can run for support.
      I will say, however, that lesbians and other “butch” women who adopt masculine behaviors tend to be very good coworkers in my experience. Their need to be accepted by men and be treated like “one of the guys” incentivizes them toward task oriented, cooperative teamwork (but not really leadership). Lesbians get treated the worst by female bosses because they’re still targets of the mean girl game and yet are as easily manipulated by feminine women as men are. I’m talking old school lesbians, not the new crop of pansexual, non-binary, easily triggered sjw variety.
      The downside, though, is that lesbians can’t keep up with men physically in blue collar jobs (but try like hell to anyway) and often end up injuring themselves through overexertion.

    2. I used to think that too, but it’s not true. Women ALL benefit from the gynocentrism-feminism continuum. That’s why there is no alpha-beta dichotomy amongst women. You all are distributed evenly across the Bell Curve. You are hive-minded. No matter your choice or appearance, you all know instinctively that any female move benefits the female collective. Women NEVER counter-signal other women because of female in-group preference. They almost never k!ll each other. They would even prefer to SHARE lovers than monopolize monogamy because the covetous, objectified chad represents a hypergamous beacon. So no, women are not divided in literally anything. They don’t compete for jobs against one another or play sports against one another. You all even have a fluid sexuality to lick each other’s pu$$y and have makeout session in front of crowds without feeling a faint sickness that a man would and can never return from. There is no female divide. We saw this with the ‘muh trad-con’ Fox News b!mbo war against then-candidate Trump.

  19. I completely understand your frustration, however, I believe there is always an opportunity in any difficulty. think about how much harder it was for our dads and grandfather’s to differentiate between a really good woman and a well packaged woman. today we have tats, face piercings, blue hair and obesity to show us what the person is like internally. While there is a huge number of crazies, the quality girls are much easier to spot now.

  20. I read Genesis 3:16 as saying that women will forever seek to overthrow the rulership of men.
    They can’t help it, but it doesn’t mean we have to tolerate it.

    1. They never left the kitchen…instead of cooking, they just eat…more…and take pics of it.

  21. In a word- no.
    Modern women want all of the privileges of being women, but none of the restrictions. They want it both ways.
    Thus a woman can try to punch me, but if I pummel her through the floor- as I would a man- suddenly we are back to the Victorian Age.
    Just look at what happened with “Moldylocks” during that Berkley riot last year- in an instant all of the “equality” and “gender is fluid/a social construct,” etc. vanished and it was boo-hoo a man hit a woman.

    1. Complementary relationship : people accept their differences, with risks of inequality and oppression.
      Symmetrical relationship : people are equivalent partners, that means more equality but also risks to outdo ourselves and rivalry.
      Women do have their own standards, being a good mom, a good wife, being beautiful, soft are existing standards for women. Also, the author talks about careers as if it has an only-male history but, in fewer number, often with less efficiency, there have always been women working (in fields, in factories, in offices, in schools) or creating, inventing things, completing in their own way male’s achievements.
      I think it is stupid and absurd to look for gender parity and I think that women who pursue a career simply to boost their ego are fools, but there are many women who honestly want to work (if anything, because they have to pay stuff). I would say that any trade that doesn’t require male abilities and body can be decent for a woman, if humbly wanted and deserved.
      “Women: you are different. Not better and not worse, just different.”
      I read several comments on ROTK where men explain how all women are whores because they depend on men’s strength to survive (and they would offer their bodies only for that reason), slaves because they’re naturally submissive, and animals because they don’t make laws and technology. Hearing stuff like that makes me want to reject my femininity, reject whatever a man can offer to me because he would make me feel ashamed for that, inferior. This article is fair towards men and women. It makes me want to forget every issues I have and embrace being different than a man.
      For me, pursuing gender equality is good when it means fighting against established strong abusive inferior/superior dynamics and forms of oppression. It is clearly not the case today in my country (and in western countries in general) and I find most of the actual feminist social movements stupid.

      1. Problem is, the feminist movement and those behind it are trying to create the trouble we see today. I saw it happen. It did NOT happen overnight, and it is clearly not going to stop. You cannot rewrite history with someone my age.
        How can I even be sure you are being sincere here? If you ever took advantage of or supported the feminist movement, that makes you an an enabler and an enemy.
        You know perfectly well that if a woman comes at me with a razor and I stomp her through the floor I will be the villain to you and the mainstream media…just before it shows yet another movie with ***-kicking warrior women.

  22. I’m female and considered nurturing and feminine by past partners. Finding a partner who has his act together, whom I have legitimate chemistry with and shared values to get married and have a family with is not so easy though. I could care less about matching a man, lol. Not all of us are looking to turn into men, we want our rightful domain as women.

    1. As of this posting, this gynocrat has 5 thumbs up and 1 thumbs down for this sneaky anti-male, blue-pill shill post.
      I am here to teach men (because even skeptical men here STILL cannot see) the nondescript methods women sneak in to tamper the Red Pill.
      Reread it again, folks.
      ‘I’m female and considered nurturing and feminine by past partners.’
      All she did was preface how she is a NAWALT…then went right into her gynocentric deception…
      ‘Finding a partner ***who has his act together,*** whom I have ***legitimate chemistry*** with and ***shared values*** to get married and have a family with is not so easy though.’
      LOL she blamed men for punching her ‘unwanted’ (lol) cock carousel ticket, and thus men are slated to also be blamed for her presumed fait accompli into spinsterhood if SHE does not select a mate.
      And then closed with not only another jam-packed double-down on NAWALT and gynocentrism, but also a feminist effervescence…
      ‘I could care less about ***matching a man,*** lol. ***Not all of us*** are looking to turn into men, we want our ***rightful domain*** as women.’
      Bravo, sister. You hit the trifecta:
      ‘Matching a man’ = I don’t want his responsibilities (gynocentrism)
      ‘Not all of us’ = NAWALT (blue pill)
      ‘Rightful domain’ = girl power (feminism)
      Translation overall:
      She clearly is not looking for marriage/motherhood because she is in her 20s and wants to save her moist pussy for Chad before she hands it off (wrung dry) to some beta accountant to bear her 1.7 children (vanity statement) in her 30s and assume her student loan/credit card debt, as well as providing her a stable mortgage from which to pivot in her 40s when she hops back on the cock carousel and boards the hypergamy train into single-motherhood (of the water-head hydrocephalic she helicoptered, until realizing his autism will never be cured, and will thus never become her eventual caretaker).
      Women do not have balls, so they cannot be ballsy like men are…so they have to be surreptitiously arrogant, just like this THOT did with this relatively pithy post.
      Women are nothing more than pedantic gatekeepers (like Cerberus, with each head being a THOT, gynocrat and feminist) and bratty hall monitors who benefit from the Current Year never ending like a Groundhog Day epoch because, on top of the everyday privilege of a pink carpet unfurled by society at every turn, and a beta jacket lain over every puddle, women receive a 401k no matter what from either men (alimony/child support), charity (gynocentric Evangelism) or government (welfare, ‘disability,’ Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare). Sometimes all at once.
      I know it is very difficult to remain perpetually vigilant when interacting with creatures that regularly bleed, used to bleed or will bleed someday because men see them as wounded patients (since they literally have an open-wound) and see themselves as paramedics on-call 24/7.
      Nobody ever said studying female demonology was a cakewalk. But it is easier to just see women as being part of below-the-line film crews, albeit with the slightest role because men do virtually all of that work too.
      But women have just enough influence (makeup, hair stylist, costume design, barracks whore) to affect the aesthetic and morale in a subtle way that leaves their snail trail on a man’s brainchild.
      Women see virtue in DODGING responsibility, whereas men see virtue in SEEKING responsibility. Even our masochistic hobbies (vidya, serenade/soliloquy music, sports, superhero movies) simulate this episodic gallantry. We are proud of our thankless role, but they are proud of finding ways to be blameless, while also blaming men. It is just the way women are evolutionarily wired.
      I have to admit I admire how amoral and cunning women are. Must be nice not caring about the lives you destroy, while gaining credit for being the exact opposite.

      1. awesome post. spot on. she wasnt fooling anyone who is not brain dead, but it all needed to be said. thanks!

      2. When are you going to create your own blog and get out of here little stormfront redneck troll?
        ROK is for men who want to improve themselves and help their fellowman no matter their origin or background as long as everyone wants to build a better Western Civilization.
        Your nazi crap is for losers who didnt amount to anything. You are in the wrong website go back to stormfront. Just by using the name”Weimar Republic” you are already sullying our reputation and chances of our ideasever becoming respected and heard by the mainstream media.
        If you spent more time hitting the books instead of writing Nazi
        PseudoScience. Maybe you would have a better life, salary and someone that woud want to bang you for being attracted to you instead of your possessions. But instead you opt to continue being this pathetic beta white male in real life. That pretends to be an alpha male in the internet.

        1. Why can you say terrible things about white men, but I can’t say anything about nonwhites? You are in OUR country, brown beta. I bang your women, while you learn some early 2000s ‘mating strategy’ with little success. Don’t take it out on me.

        2. @Weimar Republican
          Who told you I said bad things about your race? I never did. Look I do agree there too many people in black communities that suffer from victim mentalities but not all of them are like that. A lot of us worked hard not all of us steal or rob.
          “You are in OUR country, brown beta.”? Your country? I was born here as wel. If I go by your logic and reasoning then its neither mine or “yours” its the Native Americans that trully own this land them. By your logic country “your” country is in Albion. And even if you dont want to admit or belive you are a mix as well. Anglo Saxons are a mix between Anglos and Saxons but this is too much of a redpill truth for your stupid redneck brain be able to handle it. Also if you dont know Roosh is the son of immigrants. America was built by immigrants so stop your stupid beta rhetoric about immigrants destroying our country. Its illegal immigrants that do it not the skilled workers with skills and money that do it. If they share the same religion, culture and want to assimilate to Western Culture we should be hospitable as long as they dont try to live off welfare programs and work hard to get their money and prosper in this land through honest ways.
          You should stop generalizing black and hispanics. I do agree a lot of people from my race and hispanics have a strong victim mentality. But this is not how you are going to make them become Right-Wingers or redpill them like us. I´m a Christian as well I dont like barbarians nor cultural marxists but assuming everyone from a minority is a radical left-winger, who lives off welfare program and bashes white people is plain stupid and wrong.

        3. Dude, you just called me white slurs…’redneck,’ an ‘albino’ and a ‘racist.’ I seriously think you people can’t understand that. I don’t fault you for it. I have said many times here I get along better with nonwhites than I do my own people because I have zero expectations for you. I don’t even attempt to use logic, just like with women. You would be amazed how swimmingly that goes. I am the only gringo at the places I work and I ADAPT. I have never called for any genocide or deportation of anybody or even hatred, yet you lump me in with the worst whites you can manufacture. No matter how many ways I express that you’ll never understand how absurd that is. You know damn well minorities will NEVER be conservative. Genociding whites as you suggest won’t help that.
          I will point out again that I just gave a ride to the black who approached me at the pump for free into the ghetto. You’ve never done that. I didn’t want to, but you minorities always harass me for shit, yet never harass your own kind because you know damn well you’ll just get a middle finger. I think you guys lie to yourselves when you build up this ahistorical revisionism about how evil white men are, and the pretend potential nonwhites have. We are not equal. I am a race realist, so I’m gonna say what I damn well please in MY country that MY immigrant ancestors built. The founding fathers were not diverse. White immigrants built this country, not this poz rainbow that showed up in the last few decades.
          Nothing significant in history was built by nonwhites. I know, I know…peanut butter. It’s so funny how you refuse to point out the irony that all of you want to leave your hellholes to live amongst whites, not anywhere else, yet you’re arrogant enough and blinkered with such hatred for whites that you demand we accept you in your ways and keep out mouths shut in our own countries. I say things that are unpleasant. Most people here like it. Some things you just aren’t gonna like, but some stuff you will. Take what you can gain from it and ignore what is irritating unless you want to debate me, which I’m not here to do.
          I am an individual first, a patriarch second and a white nationalist third, nothing wrong with any of that. I don’t have to justify what I believe because all of you are somehow allowed to be that (nonwhite nationalists) my own country.
          Anybody who hints at white genocide or denies it is my enemy. We all know it’s happening. Only so many nonwhites and cucks sugarcoat it as ‘natural.’ It’s wrong and you know it. We have a right to exist just like you do.
          Lastly I will point out your cognitive dissonance: ‘immigrants built this country’ and ‘this country belongs to the native Americans.’
          It’s so funny how similar women and nonwhites are in their logic…or lack thereof.

        4. “Immigrants built this country” …….. And every one of them was white. As Weimar says, you can’t argue with the truth!

  23. I was a firefighter and worked alongside many women firefighters.
    They are shittier than you could even imagine. In addition to not being able to lift as much as a man they have far less endurance or agility. They scare as easy as, well, women. They don’t like to learn how to use a cascade system to refill SCBA bottles. What they actually do is immediately start taking officer qualification courses to get promoted out of regular firefighter duties.

    1. Problem is, the biggest female of all- Mother Nature- couldn’t care less what Gloria Steinman has to say. A person weighing 230 pounds unconscious in a burning building is not going to weight 40 pounds because it’s a woman firefighter trying to lift her.
      Isn’t it funny in an age when people are heavier they LOWERED the standards just to get more women in?
      And to you feminists, don’t tell me about fear. When a female relative years ago thought there was a fire in the attic guess who rushed up there from the cellar with a fire extinguisher? When the basement was flooding guess who got called at work to come and deal with it? Hint- it was someone with XY chromosomes. And who goes by a name here beginning with “All.”

  24. This is outrageous.
    This is a male space.
    Filthy cunts don’t belong here.
    Tits or GTFO.

    1. No, let them come so they can be smacked around, and the uninitiated can learn how to handle them.

    1. Bc a couple days ago I went on a political livestream and referred everyone to come to ROK, Sry, all they crazy nasties showed up…

  25. infiltrate and disrupt male space like they do everywhere they arent kept in check, you know, muh feminism.

  26. Awwww Neal, is your safe space being taken away? Grow a pair you fucking snowflake.

    1. more and more sharia makes sense. i think white men are missing the key good points of islam (as much as i hate to say it). there was also wisdom in the ancient texts of the Bible and Torah (old testament) that went ignored by Renaissance Europes populations that led us to this botched chaotic nonsensical society. If the texts are true, ignoring Gods instructions concerning women and children place, has led us directly into the sick mess we are in now, the mentally ill running society straight into its own destruction and perversions of feminism.
      white men lost their strong pimp hand when they caved to thirst for the easy offered snatch.

      1. I dislike Islam too, but it makes less and less sense to fight against a patriarchy that will benefit us if we just submit our pretend beliefs to it. Our ancestors in Europe said the same thing about some other Middle Eastern religion that eventually subsumed them and their society. Our ’empowered’ women are inviting it in too. So something has to give.

  27. I recall this dopey bitch in the UK who interviewed Jordan Peterson. She just sat there repeating “15% gender pay gap” like someone autistic, no matter how he tried to explain to her that it is a myth. In the end he was speaking to her like you would explain something to a small child and he still couldn’t get through.

    1. That’s because she WANTED the myth to persist. As long as such myths persist, women can get more and more of what they demand. If the “wage gap” was gone that bit of feminist nagging power would be gone with it. The idea is to keep the “crisis” going forever if possible.

      1. In precisely the same way that there is nothing American blacks love more than “racism”. It is their golden goose. If racism was ever taken away from them and they were expected to stand independently as all real men around the world do, they would collapse under the pressure and they know it. Racism is the best thing that ever happened to them. It is a cherished friend that can be blamed for all shortcoming and wrongdoing. Hmm brings to mind another…ethnicity/religion…that profits tremendously from the victim racket.

    2. Women do have their own standards, being a good mom, a good wife, being beautiful, soft are existing standards for women. Also, the author talks about careers as if it has an only-male history but, in fewer number, often with less efficiency, there have always been women working (in fields, in factories, in offices, in schools) or creating, inventing things, completing in their own way male’s achievements.
      I think it is stupid and absurd to look for gender parity and I think that women who pursue a career simply to boost their ego are fools, but there are many women who honestly want to work (if anything, because they have to pay stuff). I would say that any trade that doesn’t require male abilities and body can be decent for a woman, if humbly wanted and deserved.
      “Women: you are different. Not better and not worse, just different.”
      I read several comments on ROTK where men explain how all women are whores because they depend on men’s strength to survive (and they would offer their bodies only for that reason), slaves because they’re naturally submissive, and animals because they don’t make laws and technology. Hearing stuff like that makes me want to reject my femininity, reject whatever a man can offer to me because he would make me feel ashamed for that, inferior. This article is fair towards men and women. It makes me want to forget every issues I have and embrace being different than a man.
      For me, pursuing gender equality is good when it means fighting against established strong abusive inferior/superior dynamics and forms of oppression. It is clearly not the case today in my country (and in western countries in general) and I find most of the actual feminist social movements stupid.
      Complementary relationship : people accept their differences, with risks of inequality and oppression.
      Symmetrical relationship : people are equivalent partners, that means more equality but also risks to outdo ourselves and rivalry.

      1. “Women do have their own standards, being a good mom, a good wife”
        So explain divorce where these women deny their children a father?
        Seems more like selfish and vindictive to me ….. AWALT.

        1. “So explain divorce where these women deny their children a father ?”
          Men and women regularly fail their own standards.
          It’s not a secret, you could have find the answer yourself.

        2. You have such penis-envy. It’s CREEPY. So unbecoming and unladylike. Nobody wants a tomboy after the age of 7 or 8. You’re no different than these faggot transvestites who can’t accept themselves. My God you got it rough having that pussy between your legs that gets you everything, until you pass expiration and then it suddenly doesn’t. You poor thing! A bitching, whinging, nagging woman. How original.
          Grow up already!

        3. “My God you got it rough having that pussy between your legs that gets you everything, until you pass expiration and then it suddenly doesn’t.”
          What do you mean by “you got it rough” and “that gets you everything” ?

        4. Not falling for your passive-aggressive games, bitch. You won’t win with me. You know exactly what you’re doing here.

        5. I can interpret your phrase in two ways:
          You telling me that I had a lot of sex and that I enjoyed that
          You telling me that I’m complaining about how it is difficult to be a woman (“had it rough”) when I’m actually privileged (“that get you everything”)
          I was asking you which one

        6. I find it hilarious how women always use their real first names in male online forums. You know why? You aren’t afraid since you know nothing bad can happen to you (like it does for white men), and you also just want male attention. But you never use your names in the female collective websites because you aren’t trying to impress boys. It’s just like how women almost never split a bill with a man, but almost always insist on splitting a bill with another woman. It’s baffling. But alas, the times they are a-changin.’ You are feeling the pressure now. Fewer and fewer men will even hold the door open for you anymore, and you don’t like it at all. The greatest moment will be seeing the sadness on your faces how the average man won’t come to your rescue. I do my best in imparting this. It was difficult at first, but now it feels natural. I just say to myself, ‘She has hands. She can help herself up.’ I wish I had done this 10 years earlier. Would have probably gotten me much more pussy than I’m getting now. Can’t complain, but it could always be more and better.

        7. You’re talking about the double standard concerning abuse on the net, where simply (white) men would face consequences ? It deserves credit, but you can’t apply that to me. First names are commons. They can be fake too. You could be John and put it on your account, the police won’t catch you with that. And I won’t make a complaint because a stranger is addressing insults to a quite impersonal account I made. It makes me feel stupid talking with someone who despise what I represent to him, but it’s on me and you, both strangers, there is no serious offense taken.
          Times are changing, I don’t know about all the women, but expecting that a man pay the bill isn’t the rule anymore. The financial resources of men and women aren’t as different as it used to be. If a man insist to pay the bill because he’s old school or being generous, I will accept it, thank him, but it’s not a rule. Women can live without a man holding them the door (to say the least). If a man doesn’t hold me the door I won’t notice it, if he do I will thank him. It’s a polite move. If a woman (or a man) is in immediate serious danger and you’re a witness it’s on you to, at least, call the police or the ambulance. A woman should “help herself up”, without always counting on the kindness of men. Sometimes it’s also comforting for men and women to fall for the traditionnal dynamics, where the man sees a vulnerability in the woman and makes a move to help her. There is no bad judgement to make here.

        8. Your empty boy scout platitudes mean absolutely nothing. I’m not a trad-cuck, so I don’t get off on your ‘promises’ like these lovelorn incels. None of what you said is actually true. I see it every fucking day. The ONLY time it is the inversion where women pay is when she is with a man she ‘respects’ (fucks her like she is a 50 shades whore). You aren’t getting what I’m saying (actually you are), but I don’t care enough to explain more. Watching how I have instantly gotten more sex and attention from women because of the attitude I have adopted is all the proof I need that you should NEVER be taken or treated seriously ever again. It defies logic how this works. Women should not be allowed to have the ‘freedoms’ they do today to ruin everybody’s lives.
          I watch a shit ton of older movies and it’s amazing how women were treated back then with sexual realism. Silent movies regularly said stuff like ‘the devil is female’ for no apparent reason and kept the ‘patriarchy’ functioning like it needed to.
          Now everybody is afraid of women because of the immense power you have to ruin everything. I have seen it with my own eyes. I cannot believe how evil women truly are. You are NOT empathetic or caring. Don’t even counter-signal me or NAWALT me. You know what ALL women are capable of doing and MOST of them do. We need a return of Roman anti-hypergamy laws. It’s the only way.

      2. And what do you think a woman has invented?
        As far as I can see invention is 99.9% done by white males.

        1. “And what do you think a woman has invented?”
          Inventions of women probably represent a small percentage of the inventions. I don’t see why that small contribution should be mocked.
          I made an uncomplete list. In case you were really interested by the answer.
          Maria Beasely : Life raft patent
          Maria Telkes : The first solar heating system, the first thermoelectric refrigerator
          Florence Parpat : The modern refrigerator
          Alice Parker : The first central heatings using natural gas
          Stephanie Kwolek : The Kevlar (the material used for bulletproof vests)
          Caresse Crosby, Herminie Cadolle : The modern bra
          Patsy Sherman : The Laserphaco Probe (medical device used on lasers to remove cataracts)
          Gertrude Elion : Drugs used to treat leukemia, malaria, organ transplant rejection…
          Marion Donovan : The first waterproof disposable diaper
          Josephine Cochrane : The first commercially successful automatic dishwasher
          Edith Marie Flanigen : The zeolite Y (molecular sieve that make refining petroleum safer and more productive)
          Betty Lou Bailey : The converging diverging variable exhaust nozzle
          Ruth Arnon : Copaxone (drug for the multiple sclerosis)
          Ada Lovelace : The first algorithm intended to be carried out by a machine
          Randi Altschul : co-developer of the first disposable cellphone
          Pratibha Laxman Gai : The atomic-resolution environmental transmission electron microscope
          Mandy Haberman : The Haberman Feeder (for babies with impaired sucking ability)
          Letitia Mumford Geer : The one-hand operated syringe
          Mary Sherman Morgan : The liquid fuel Hydyne (powered the Jupiter-C rocket that boosted the US’ first satellite)
          Marie Marvingt : New type of surgical suture
          Bridget Elizabeth Talbot : Watertight electric torch for lifebelts
          Yvonne Madelaine Brill : The hydrazine resistojet (concept for a new rocket engine)
          Omowunmi Sadik : Microelectrode biosensors for detection of drugs and explosive
          Bessie Virginia Blount : An apparatus to help amputees feed themselves
          Anna Wagner Keichline : The “K Brick”, an early form of the concrete block for construction
          Martha Coston : The Coston flare, a device for signaling at sea
          Edith Clarke : The Clarke calculator, to solve equations like electric current, voltage…
          Hannah Slater : A new method of producing sewing thread from cotton
          Emma Parmee : Sitagliptin (a drug for treatment of diabetes)
          Nancy Farley Wood : Radiation detectors
          Saly Dominguez : Rainwater tank
          Radia Joy Perlman : The spanning-tree protocol (and other protocols for network design)
          Phyllis Kerridge : a glass electrode (to analyse biochemical samples), a device for artificial respiration
          Martha Coston : The Coston flare, a device for signaling at sea
          Tabitha Babbitt : The circular saw, the spinning wheel head, false teeth
          Ruth Mary Rogan Benerito : Wash-and-wear cotton fabrics (wrinkle-resistant, stain- and flame-resistant fabrics)
          Marie Van Brittan Brown : The home security system
          Hedy Lamarr : her work with spread spectrum technology contributed to the development of Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi

        2. @Cecilie…that 10 cm list just proves his point..list of male inventions is like 20 kilometer long (at least)

        3. I wasn’t trying to unprove his point.
          That 10 cm list is enough to prove my point, women invented useful things.

      3. You couldn’t be more cliche. You just copy/paste the same boring screed ad infinitum. Only women and minorities do that bitch move because you don’t come up with anything original. We get it, bitch, after the first five facsimiles of this crybaby post. You’re special, alright?

        1. One might ask what she has done about radical, man-hating feminism. After all, if “it’s on us” to stop rape (because women need men to protect them you see…) then shouldn’t it ” be on non-feminists” to do something about feminism?

        2. Allanon
          I’m working on it. Though, I’m new and it’s not easy to go against feminist stupidity (as you probably know).
          Since I’m not one I obviously don’t think that stopping rape is simply on men.

        3. No, you’re a gynocrat. (Before you ask, I am not your secretary. Look up the nomenclature yourself.) You are playing the same hammer-anvil convergence role that Jews (Cultural Marxism-Neoconservatism) and blacks (MLK-Malcolm X) do.
          You have assigned yourself to this rearguard position on this website (entryism) in order to sow division amongst this relatively united antifeminist front because we pose a threat to your feminist utopia. Even though women are dumber than rodents, you still have the instinct to know something is afoot. You know it doesn’t take many dissatisfied men to undermine any society. That is why you are here on this troll tour of duty to stop it.

        4. Allanon
          You, her, I and everybody else knows there is no ‘rape’ problem. Never has been. She is just stir-crazy horny. When a woman utters ‘rape,’ it is a metaphor, just like every other oblique move these empty-headed creatures emote.
          She is actually DEMANDING men simulate rape on her, but not just any men. She is getting off on my words as we speak because that is what she is here for. She is guaranteed 50 Shades hornier after this comment because she likes a man who knows how to handle her and every worthless whore like her, not just physically but emotionally too.
          Just watch her passive-aggressive tactics after this. Every fucking one of them will be directly from (((The Authoritarian Personality))) playbook.
          I am ready to sell bitches like her off to Libya as a peace gesture to the barbary pirates operating the slave markets.

        5. When I posted my first comment I was indirectly thanking the author for his article. It affected me in a good way. I shared my thoughts about that. I was also hoping for arguing and understandings (I don’t think that will happen now).
          Your way of talking, also affect me. You’re trying to understand me, interpreting my way of talking and my words.
          Allanon is the one who uttered rape out of nowhere. You’re the one insisting on it, describing something you observed concerning it.

        6. Once again, THOT, I’m not falling for your passive-aggressive games. You are here to stir shit. Nothing else. You aren’t here to ‘learn’ anything. I am not ‘trying’ to interpret you. I already know what you are what you are doing. You are a woman of a certain age, meaning you are done learning anything. You’re incapable of it. Girls grow much faster than boys and then literally stop growing in all directions while boys keep on growing (gaining wisdom) until death. Women become adolescents, but stop there. Neither child nor adult. That is why you are in this perfect balance of receiving privilege and never having responsibility or punishment…but it’s finally ending and you sense that. Haha. Here’s hoping your lonely pussy and still lube itself from the cobwebs.

        7. Both men and women become parents or tutors. Both make contracts (professional contract, estate contract, marriage contracts…). Both are subjected to the law. Both go to school. Both work. (I’m not saying all of them and I’m not saying that they do all these things equally or in the same way, though). Military service isn’t obligatory for men anymore. Both men and women take action and suffer the consequences, sometimes they face punishment (and not simply by the law). I know that laws aren’t enforced fairly or equally everytime, but where did you find that women never have responsiblity or punishement ? (It is an actual not-rhetorical question.)
          How it is possible that, with the same education, a boy becomes a responsible man, worthy representative of the adult world, while his sister remains an immature little girl, unworthy representative of the adult world ? Is is biological ? And so, women having the same rights as men is foolish because they’re intended to fail while men are intended to succeed ? What is the biological part ? Or is it social ? Men are still being “nice” towards women, all the time, despite laws and equal rights/duties, and so women never grow up ?

        8. You are full of shit. How many of your grandmothers have purple hearts? How many of ANYBODY you know or have even heard of had grandmothers with purple hearts? NONE. That sums up everything. Women are less than animals.
          It’s funny how the fear of what lay ahead has already triggered you. You know how society needs near uniformity of men to even function. That means cooperation of all men, with the excess of men killed off by wars and plagues. Uh oh…we have neither of those right now. So you are trying to silence than hoard.
          I have seen many men destroyed by the evilness of women. So much female evil is codified into law now. LOL ‘equality.’ Nothing about male and female are equal. We don’t look, act or even think the same, and we certainly are not tried or judged the same. So the law and culture needs to reflect this like it used to.
          Feminism only exists with the excess of extravagance created by white men. It’s cute watching the subpar whores online playing trad-con characters on youtube videos trying to entice the rightist skeptics back onto the plantation. So pathetic. I see the fear in your posts. You are terrified of what somebody like me represents. Yep, even an anonymous commenter on some lowly internet backwater is still enough of a threat to gynocentrism.

        9. Obviously I was talking about the 21st century: almost none of my male schoolmates did military service. Men are the ones who declare war, who make other men fight at war. They took the responsability of that but I don’t see why it makes women less than animals. The attackers are men and it’s their desire to conquer new lands and dominate other people that drives them. Men didn’t ask for female approval. They didn’t want them to fight in wars. It’s an argument on ROK: women shouldn’t be in the army because they don’t have enough strengh, because their bodies aren’t made to fight but to carry the child, something that isn’t painless or unworthy btw.
          Paying a bill is basic for women where I live but okay, you never met a woman who pay her bill (without trying to impress a man because he makes her 50 shades of something) and no, I can’t ‘promise’ you that you’ll meet one someday. You had a lot of sex with many women who were attracted by your ‘shitty’ attitude, which means that when a woman says she doesn’t like it ‘rough’ it is a lie and that’s a reason to ‘cut down their freedom’. Men never lie to women ? Men never sleep around, like it ‘rough’ or something ? You were forced to act in a ‘shitty’ way because of women ? You were forced to have sex with many insane ones, instead of chosing one sane woman ? You’re talking about some women accusing men of false rape or getting their way in a divorce, taking money and custody, blaming men for their misery, playing the victims and other cruel or petty moves, right ? So, they’re all evil when all men are innocent brave ones who never hurt women. Maybe you never did but you don’t represent all men. Everyone, given power, is tempted to make abuse. The thing that changed is that, now, in western societies, where women are more liberated, men are sharing the power with them.
          I never pretended to be perfect, I said that I found feminism “stupid” and that reading a peaceful ROTK article affected me in a good way. I do care about your answers. That doesn’t mean that I want to marry you and ruin your life, that means that I care because of what you’re saying. It’s interesting. It’s not dumb. It’s ‘touching’. You’re angry at women because of their attitude, because, if I got it right, you saw them regularly fail and destroy lives. You don’t believe in equality, one should complete (dominate) the other, you don’t take in consideration the fact that men and women share different and similar biologic conditions. You can’t consider women as people with feelings, heart or mind like men, they’re from another kind. All women are ‘evil’, they have too much power, they’re the source of men’s problems, they deserve shit. Some women have the same mantra on the other side. I’m not omniscient so I don’t know which sex is winning. I’m not really afraid of men winning and making women submit again. You have no idea of what terrifies me, it doesn’t involve you or what you represent (I didn’t understand what you should represent to me precisely, didn’t understand your second and last paragraph with “uniformity” and “plantation” too).

        10. No, I WANT women to get drafted and come home in caskets, with the rest disfigured, laid up at Walter Reed for a change. ONLY THEN will I consider you my equal. YOU need to be doing the dying and the fighting to defend your rights for once. It’s not about ‘strength.’ I WANT you, whether you are prepared or not, to face the Taliban. I don’t care about ‘tradition.’ It’s your turn to suffer for our collective rights.
          I had no idea that Margaret Thatcher, who started the Falklands War was a man? I had no idea that Queen Elizabeth was a man. I had no idea that Catherine the Great was a man? I had no idea that Hillary Clinton who promised WWIII with Russia was a man against Trump, the woman who promised peace?
          This is why women can NEVER be trusted. You are dishonest. You are less than animals. You don’t actually have ‘guilt.’ You only have ‘shame’ imposed by crowd psychology. At least a dog returns a ball when you throw it. At least the dog is happy to see you if you leave him outside in the rain. You bitches are almost entirely worthless. You have reneged on even basic duties (childbirth, loyalty, good sex). It’s a joke. You don’t pay your way for shit. Somewhere, someway you are having a man pay for you or giving you a discount. Keep lying to yourself. I have seen it all.
          And for the love of God, STOP with the ‘what-about-ism.’ You know damn well that male promiscuity is NOT equal to female promiscuity. Women are ATTRACTED to a man who has women all over him because it is a positive feedback loop for her hypergamy that he is a covetous male, while the inverse is not true aside from an easy lay. I don’t even want to interact with women like I have to. I could not even name 90 percent of the women who have handled my cock or kissed me because you filthy animals like it that way…drunk and creepy and anonymous and dangerous.
          It was my dream to marry JUST ONE beautiful woman, cherish her like a queen and have 3-7 children with her. If my career did not pan out, I would work 3 shitty jobs to support everybody. But after realizing what piles of dog shit you useless slits are, I will NEVER dedicate myself or commit to any of you. You can call me ‘incel’ or some other bullshit lie, but even the ‘incels’ win in the end because more women are alive than men, right? That means for every bachelor, there is MORE than one cat lady. By choosing not to be married (or being condemned to bachelorhood) I am making MORE than one of you an unrequited cat lady. Haha
          I make sure that every one of you that approaches me will forever be teased and tested for your loyalty, and I will make empty promises (like becoming betrothed without a wedding date!) so you can experience uncertainty for a change. I know exactly what turns you on and what doesn’t after careful study and success/failure.
          You’re pathetic. You’re trying to take notes so you can learn from yet another angle to fuck over a man with gynocentrism. Yes, my original posit stands…women are evil. Before I contemplated women being neither moral or immoral but amoral…but I’ve seen enough. You are sadomasochists. The dykes had it right…heterosexual sex is rape because the woman wants to be ‘taken.’ It IS rough because the woman cannot get off unless there is enough friction…inb4 you call be a faggot…NOPE. I have sex with women. I just don’t trust you.
          I have learned the most destructive thing a man can do is nothing. Just letting the world burn is far more destructive than any implosion I could cause. It killed me to come to this realization, but after a while I just say, ‘It’s none of my business.’ Now it doesn’t feel so bad. I have women like you to thank. YOU did this. I am going to spread this way of life to as many men as I can. Thanks, lady!

        11. I had no idea that Margaret Thatcher, who started the Falklands War was a man? I had no idea that Queen Elizabeth was a man. I had no idea that Catherine the Great was a man? I had no idea that Hillary Clinton who promised WWIII with Russia was a man against Trump, the woman who promised peace?
          This is why women can NEVER be trusted. You are dishonest. You are less than animals. You don’t actually have ‘guilt.’ You only have ‘shame’ imposed by crowd psychology. At least a dog returns a ball when you throw it. At least the dog is happy to see you if you leave him outside in the rain. You bitches are almost entirely worthless. You have reneged on even basic duties (childbirth, loyalty, good sex). It’s a joke. You don’t pay your way for shit. Somewhere, someway you are having a man pay for you or giving you a discount. Keep lying to yourself. I have seen it all.
          And for the love of God, STOP with the ‘what-about-ism.’ You know damn well that male promiscuity is NOT equal to female promiscuity. Women are ATTRACTED to a man who has women all over him because it is a positive feedback loop for her hypergamy that he is a covetous male, while the inverse is not true aside from an easy lay.
          And stop with the ‘women shouldn’t be cops or soldiers.’ YES you should. YOU need to be shouldering war for once. YOU need to experience defending yourself and your country instead of men. I am not a traditionalist. I WANT women in combat doing all the fighting. Only then will I consider you my equal.
          I know you are just phishing and collating here so you can trick more men and maintain gynocentrism. It’s hilarious because all men are kicked off your feminist websites for even lurking.

        12. Wars were often declared by men and in fewer cases by women, I’m sorry I truncated that truth.
          All people I know (of/after my generation, at least) didn’t earn their rights, we were born with those, we are all trying to have a ‘career’ now, we are all spoiled, privileged, I don’t have men at my feet, giving me a discount or paying for my shit, there is no enemy army invading our country, tearing our rights away and killing us. I’m supposed to compare myself to dead men of my country who suffered more than me because they were forced to fight in war decades ago, I’m less-than-animal for being born a ‘privileged white-woman’, what should I do exactly to be able to respect myself, raise my own all-female army, go to africa and Middle East and try to save other people from Boko Haram and ISIS (that sounds great actually).
          Watching movies of war, studying atrocious facts about soldiers at war, learning about Sharia abuses, learning about treatments in Syria’s prisons, reading about women in Congo having their ***s being literally butchered by Rwandan soldiers and then being rejected by their own village, these kinds of things make me collapse, I can’t stop thinking about it. When I understood that an american woman put a man (B. Turner) in prison and called herself a ‘rape survivor’ for a drunk bad experience, the whole thing encouraged by feminist associations, I found feminism more hard to swallow again. I always felt like women were discriminating theirself saying ‘I’m a feminist’. I’m not saying all these things to phish you but to make you understand some things (so you could criticize me with actual real datas). You want to know why I went posting here in the first place, I was making a research about the stereotypes concerning women of my country, and I found a ROK article “** myths about ** girls”. It crushed me and I kept coming, reading and trying to gather enough courage to communicate with men that I found intimidating, because I wanted to understand why they were despising women so much (you’ll say ‘lie’ and ‘gynocentrism’, I got it).
          I feel guilty or wrong all the time. Everytime, I make a move in my life I feel remorseful or stupid later, and I’m making less and less moves.
          I know that I hurt one man, involuntarily, he loved me, I didn’t see it at first, I was nice, then I shut down, rejected him, he never stopped calling me, I accepted to see him again, several times, then shut down again, he kept calling me, it taunts me with guilt, and I just don’t know what to do because I don’t want him, I never said that I wanted him (always said the contrary), I told that to no one except my sister.
          ‘Friction’ or ‘be taken’ is not the same as ‘having drunk sex with strangers”. I imagine it can be ‘rough’, if I really need that to ‘get off’, but without being dirty, bad and disgusting, if I do it with someone I know well, someone I respect and who respect me. For me, rape involves strong forced humiliation, pain, destruction, things like that.
          When I saw your phrase “It was my dream to marry JUST ONE beautiful woman, cherish her like a queen and have 3-7 children with her”, I started to break down. Simply rethinking about that makes me feel mortified. You give no credit to my words, I’m not near you, not american, not ‘women’, even I were, you’ll still have your explanation to my reaction, something that involves evilness and ‘gynocentrism’ (like “me just dreaming to be worshipped as a queen and trying to make it pass as compassion for a man” or something like that).

        13. Women do not have guilt – that would require introspection, which women are incapable of. If you are sincere, that would make you a NAWALT, which is also a gynocentric strategy. What you do have is shame. That is a crowd-source phenomenon. Women are moved by consensus in a way men are not.
          ‘Omg look at the shoes she is wearing with that dress. Ugly.’
          That is something a man would never think about, unless he were homosexual, maybe not even then. So THAT is where your second-guessing is coming from, not genuine remorse.
          If you actually cared about this lad, you would tell him exactly why you are not attracted to him so it could allow him to move on and also improve himself, but you won’t. It just isn’t in a woman’s nature. Instead, the sisterhood just defers to the precaution of ‘safety,’ in pretending to be worried about his hypothetical vengefulness. We can’t have a beta male rape you now can we? Nope, we can only have alpha rape. In fact that is why women get shit-fest at parties with people they barely know…because they are SEEKING alpha domination (rape). It’s a win-win because any afterglow regret can be reinterpreted as unlawful rape, and your lay will pay for it for the rest of his life.
          You don’t have to be attracted to this poor bastard or anybody else, but you led him on and then cut him off. That is the cruelest thing a woman can do. It’s like a divorce without sex ever occurring. You got his heart in alimony payments even though you already have your own, and likely have several other hearts of men you’re currently wooing.
          The way you trivialize ‘dead men’ is typical. There is no point in explaining it to you because women have hollow minds. It will go right past you. ‘Privilege’ occurs because of a surplus of resources wrought on because of those ‘dead men.’ All the wealth and rights around you exists because it is a bubble that is synthetic. It did not used to exist and it will eventually not exist again because it is artificial, as it is propped up off the gains of those ‘dead men’ and by the continued cooperation of ‘alive men’ today.
          As empty-headed as you women are, this is something you innately understand far more than most men because it directly affects YOU, just like menstruation.
          This bubble of wealth/privilege (feminism, egalitarianism, Cultural Marxism) is like a table. It requires four legs to stand. Time alone makes one leg wobbly, requiring stacked coasters/napkins to buttress its atrophy. Just a little bit more damage to that leg will force the whole table to tilt. Once that leg is broken, the entire table collapses. So all it takes is ¼ (maybe even less) for the integrity of the entire superstructure to be undermined and collapse. That is what your gynocentism is up against.
          So it isn’t vengeful individual men you have to guard against – it is the antipathy of just enough men that their absence of participation creates a void that is filled by instability.
          As for my ‘happy ending’ that isn’t or wasn’t…I guess you could say it made me better at womanizing because I do not treat women with any respect, and for some reason they love it. That is all the feedback I need to know that women are pathetic creatures not worthy of equality. So I will continue to not respect them. It’s quite baffling actually. They just hand me their numbers without me even asking, then they contact me first. I don’t like this Brave New Feminist World you created. I am just trying to navigate in it.
          The truth is women do not want to be treated like queens. They don’t even like ‘romance.’ That is just a shit-test to separate the wheat (alpha) from the chaff (beta), so they know who to pursue and who to dispose. It makes them feel like they can do better because they don’t respect men who get on their knees to propose to them – the bullshit never existed until a few decades ago. They only feel comfortable when the man is above them in every way. It is an eternal process.
          The truth about why you are here is you are part of the gynocracy acting on your own for the collective. You have dispatched yourself. What this corner of the web represents is that atrophy that is making the table wobbly, and you are here to prevent that. Your words are an attempt at maintenance, but it won’t work.
          Nice deceptive btw… Women NEVER earned their rights. Men were not franchised during WWI Britain, but they were drafted. FEMINISTS even walked around handing men white feathers who were at home on leave to shame them with cowardice. Yet when the war ended, BOTH men and women became enfranchised. What a fucking joke. I’m going to hand you over to the Muslims when the Islamic sharia takeover occurs. You’ll get to be a concubine in a violent harem, just like you wanted. So it’s a win-win.

        14. “I found out that SOME women were already drafted when WWI Britain happenned (even two centuries before in fact).”
          I forgot to say that it was simply some women who were drafted, not the majority of them like it was the case for men of course. But still. You eluded that fact.
          No, I’m not a nurse, it is a methaphor (just in case)

        15. I happened to be there : ‘When Sex Has Become an Obsession’ on ROK and I found YOU, posting the EXACT same paragraphs that you posted here.
          And you had the audacity to tell me : “You couldn’t be more cliche. You just copy/paste the same boring screed ad infinitum. Only Women and minorities do that bitch move because you don’t come up with anything original.” For a simple double post I made.
          “Women NEVER earned their rights. Men were not franchised during WWI Britain, but they were drafted.”
          I happened to be there : ‘Women in the military by country’ (Wikipedia) and I found out that some women were already drafted mostly as nurses when WWI Britain happened (even two centuries before in fact).
          And you had the audacity to tell me : “I had no idea that Margaret Thatcher, who started the Falklands War was a man? […] This is why women can NEVER be trusted. You are dishonest.” For a simple phrase I made where I forgot to say that some women also declared wars.
          So, I’m no more dishonest or a bitch than you. You copy-paste too. You elude facts too.
          I will tell you something men NEVER did. Men never fed babies with their own fertile bodies. Men never carried pregnancies after pregnancies. Men never suffered in childbirth. Men never died in childbirth. The vast majority of women on earth, in history, dedicated their lives to raise children and keep homes running. They ensured one of the most fundamental and vital part of mankind. They were ensuring it when men were ‘drafted’ in 1914. They are still largely ensuring it now. They earned the right to choose the leaders of their country as much as men.
          I’m not british, you’ll have to try one country below.
          It is clear now that you are in a very emotional and arbitrary state of mind when you read my comments.
          If you have been a bit observant of my text, you would have guessed that I ‘trivialized’ ‘dead men’ voluntarily. You would have take in consideration my other words, where I say that studying atrocious facts about soldiers at war makes me collapse and keeps me thinking endless, and you would have understood that they are not simply ‘dead men’ to me. I studied their stories, I know how they fought, with what weapons, I know how they died, I know about the trench warfare, the broken faces, the amputee members, the shrapnel injuries. My great-grandfather died from one, I know his name and I know about the letter he wrote to my great-grandmother the day of the Armistice. I felt for them, I admire them, and I do compare myself to them, at times.
          I told you about what happened to me and this man and you instantly filled the blanks and distorted the original story. The single correct definition you put contradicts your point. “Shame is a crowdsource phenomenon”: I spoke about him to only one person. No crowds shamed me. It is guilt that I’m feeling, not shame. He told me that he was in love with me after two hours, it was surreal, he was fifteen years older, I thought he was lying to me, I didn’t try to seduce him in order to throw him away, I didn’t even know I really had that power. He suffered. I’m in part responsible. I knew that before you told me. There is no way I could forget him and the moments we spent together. There was no ‘alimony payment’. You are living in a fantasy world where all men pay for women. Christophe was broke, he gave me the beautiful experience above the roofs of the city, the tiny box in shape of a heart, the bouquet of flowers. I wasn’t passively faking smiles in return. I paid for food we shared, I drove us to the sea, I gave him original illustrations I made, I gave him the shirt I was wearing that he wanted, I gave him things of intimacy, I gave him pleasure. He said that he preferred that to nothing. And I wanted to give him that. And yet, I still didn’t want to see him more and I told him why. And I also suffered because of the things he did and said. But I will not ask you to have empathy for a woman. You are the kind of hypocrite man who ask women to have empathy for men but who never ever try to put himself in a woman’s shoes for a change.
          I don’t want to be treated as a queen, I want to find a mate I can handle and who can handle me properly. I want to have a quite quality relationship and basic complicity and respect with him. And my dream has nothing to do with idiotic american movies where the man proposes on his knees in front of a crowd. Everyone can see that this is bullshit with an unequal dynamic and social expectations.
          I will share something with you (and with the two other persons who are still following that completely surreal conversation): sharing your private parts and bodily fluids with people you despise is creepy. The more you insist on telling me how these women are the lowest of the lowest, the more I feel sorry for you.
          And the way you are repeating “you are part of the gynocracy” at every comment, is also weird. One: You are too afraid to drop, just for one instant, some of your beliefs about women.
          Two: You know that you are exaggerating but you keep talking like that in order to test me.
          Three. You are not afraid, you are not testing me, your mind is drowned and you really don’t understand half of the things I’m writing, which makes me a very stupid nurse talking to a seaweed for days now.

        16. And THERE’S the irascible bitch-cunt I just knew resided within you! Tell me, what triggered it? Was it the part where I called your bluff and helped anybody who reads this figure you and your passive-aggressive games out? Haha!
          The only thing I copy/paste here is when I practice writing on a word doc because I literally spend sometimes 3 hours writing just ONE comment here because I take my words very seriously since they are being presented to the world. However, what happens is that this website either delays, erases them or ‘forbids’ many of them, as you can see with the two comment above. I rearranged it so I could see it posted, but then the original comment reappeared. That is where there are intentional typos to trick the mods. My very last comment before this disappeared, but never showed up again, but I had my comment saved on a doc and reposted it in the morning many hours later.
          THAT’S why I ‘copy/pasted,’ stupid. I am disciplined. You aren’t. You have ‘high-time preference’ because you are a woman and/or minority.
          This comment won’t be as good because I can’t pull up a doc to edit it, and I am trying to reply as fast as possible. Happy now?
          FYI, these weren’t my beliefs until I took the Red Pill a year ago. Now I see your cliche behavior everywhere and I can’t look away. If you read my other comments and the reactions here, you’ll see they start off hurting peoples’ feelings, but then most people take a liking to them. Funny how that works, huh?
          As for my ‘anger’ in sex with a woman being ‘creepy,’ that is just you projecting. Women are literally always angry with men they are attracted to. Bitchiness is a universal female trait that signals attraction. It’s cute how you deny your own nature.
          You wouldn’t be responding to me if you did not find me incredibly interesting.
          We live in a gynocracy and you know it. I could NEVER talk like this to some bitch on one of your cunt collective websites, yet here you are talking like this to me on a man’s site.
          I’m glad you finally realized my original premise – women have one purpose: sex, and its derivatives, as you pointed out, while men do everything else.
          You’re just mad at me because I cracked your code. I can get into your panties and kiss that warm, wet pussy of yours, with your insistence, without ever committing or paying. I know what women (actually) want to see and hear now, and I am going to accommodate myself at your expense (without breaking any laws) as often as possible. I am doing a service that is helping society return to its moorings.
          LOL women were never drafted. Women have never faced combat. (There’s a reason female skeletons are never found in groups.) You are talking about domestic armories women were sent to work. How terrible. Poor, poor dears not having to get trench foot if you dodged being blown to bits.
          No, you’re just a THOT. I can tell, Frenchy. I would seduce you too.
          See, this comment is all over the place since you wanted it posthaste.
          You put men being ‘drafted’ in scare quotes. That is the definition of trivialization. You have penis-envy. I posit that the average woman has absolute disdain for the average man, when it used to be the exact opposite for all time. We need to return to the inverse of that and we will. The devil was always the succubus, not a man with horns, because women were known to share qualities with satan.
          The cult of womanhood confuses this every 300 years where we all worship women as these saints that they certainly aren’t. YOU could give me tons of stories about your girlfriends being demonic, but you won’t because you are a gynocrat and recognize the damage you would do to the sisterhood if you did.
          So cute how you project your ‘shit-test’ onto me. Just another woman giving me HER shit-test.
          I would give you an amazing night, Mademoiselle, and make you beg for more. THEN I would cut you off (breaking all communication), making every relationship or lay you have after that subpar, triggering your hypergamy drive to stray from any commitment, always seeking better.
          I can tell by the desperation in your comment. You bragged about teasing this bloke, and yet you still think you are hot shit in wanting ‘better.’ Congrats, you left some beta male heartbroken. Way to go, sister. Feel better now?
          Wow, ‘great-grandfather,’ huh? That sounds rough. Almost like your ’empathy’ (making everything all about you and how you feel) a little superficial…and as simple as browsing through a family album and pretending to relate to somebody you never knew. You poor dear.
          I am not a ‘hater’ – I am a realist.
          Tell you what, sugar tits… I’ll do you this favor. I will meet you in a Paris cafe overlooking the Eiffel Tower. I’ll be wearing a beret, a black and white striped shirt, and a little mustache. We can share some baguettes, croissants and a 200-year-old bottle of Merlot… Then I’ll take you down to the waterfront and kiss you madly. Then we will go back to the penthouse, where I will this time give you more thorough kisses spanning your entire body, waxing/waning from delicate licks to manhandled roughhousing on the kitchen table…just how you want it, but dare not speak it… and then without stopping, I’ll carry you into my bedroom…
          I shall leave the rest to your imagination, mon amour. Au revoir.

        17. No, I wasn’t talking about the two very similar comments you posted here. I understood that it was a technical bug, I’m having the same bugs. I was talking about your posting the same paragraphs in two different topics : this (why do women really want equality) one and another one (when sex becomes an obsession).

        18. Nice concern-trolling.. A very womanish diversion tactic to entangle a man, whom she is losing an argument to, in the weeds.
          I’ll humor you this one time so you can’t keep going back to it. I noticed I may have posted something somewhere too, but I was not sure because I have a bunch of different docs and windows open. IT HAPPENS BY ACCIDENT, as I am carrying on a dozen different conversations simultaneously without notifications.
          Plus, a lot of things I say circle back to my main premise, which can make it appear identical.
          You, however, posted the same thing THREE times on the same article in equidistance so that you could maximize the number of eyeballs on it. Most of my comments get buried, but that’s ok because a lot it gets very repetitive and I have an endless pool of ideas to rewrite it somewhere else.
          My offer still stands… I’ll bend you over and fuck you hard…and if you’re lucky… I might just let you buy me dinner.

        19. I was rushing the technical part in a quick comment, don’t be too impatient, the rest is coming soon.
          (If I have time of course, I don’t know when the comment thread closes)

        20. Again, nice womanish tactic. YOU are chasing me, not vice versa. I don’t care if I never see you reply again. You’re just some anonymous comment, just like everybody else. My inner monologue of reading your comment is of a tranny wearing fishnets, not some innocent child. So your pussy privilege does not exist.

        21. To be honest I felt a bit surprised when I saw the part with your dream, already posted somewhere else. I don’t really mind copy-paste though and I understand the writing in a doc and the multiple windows. And you are right, women were simply nurses in the army, they weren’t facing combat, which is your point since the beginning.
          I posted some paragraph three times by accident, I didn’t see it was both at the head and the end of comment, I posted twice because I wanted feedback, I didn’t had it at the first attempt.
          There is something I don’t understand, you want women to respect men, recognize their value, you want women to face combat, you can’t accept the fact that they have been spared, and you want everyone to admit that they’re not saints. And at the same time, you mocked me, a woman, every time I showed my admiration towards men’s achievements and my desire to prove myself, like they did. Why exactly ? I want to face combat, I want to face these bad men I hear about every week at TV, I want to defend myself and earn my rights again and make other people safe and proud (I’m not saying that I will/would be able to do it right).
          Raising children, and keeping a home happy, for everyone (traditional female duties), is no more about ‘sex’, or a ‘derivation of sex’, than protecting and providing for the family (traditional male duties).
          I put ‘drafted’ in scare quotes to emphasise the role of the women, I was making a point about the women in that paragraph. Just like I was making a point about the men in the previous one. I don’t have full mode consideration and empathy towards every categories of people on earth at every moment of writing and life of course.
          I said it was creepy of you to share your private parts and the fluids of your body with people you despise. I’m a bit sorry about that (I’m still thinking that, though). Someone could seriously sue you for saying that to a woman on a ‘woman’s website ? In America maybe.
          How could I brag about such a thing, especially to someone like you.
          It’s not that I like reading ‘bitch’ at every comment, it’s just that I can handle it, you can tell what you want, I can see through your attitude, I know why and how you adopted that default behavior (unless you lied of course) and I felt for your story. I actually find you interesting, beyond the obvious insanity, I learnt some things (new words mostly). And that perfect phrase: ‘I’ll be wearing a beret, a black and white striped shirt, and a little mustache.’ My god, I laughed a lot. It was both funny and lovely. Thank you for that. You can be funny, and witty I guess from some things you wrote. And the fantasy part was exciting I must admit (I laughed and smiled if it’s proof). I’m sure that you know how to seduce women who have few control on their life, their body, their mind, but that’s not my case. You would never have me with that. I have a lot of imagination, I’m very curious, but I’m not reckless. I can imagine how it could be exciting and satisfying, at the time, the ‘rape’ fantasy, I still know that it will hurt me, that it is deceptive, I will always know how to prevent it. My mind is stronger. I still have my dream, see.
          (My quite passive aggressive game is nicely compensating your full aggressive mode, I think).

        22. The passive-aggressiveness is almost cute when women do it…if you are fully aware of it, and she is fully aware that you are fully aware of it. It’s almost like she was caught masturbating and she tried to hide the vibrator, while denying the guy saw what he saw, even though the room smells like fish and her special candles are flickering.
          Like how you manage to slip in how you think I’m psychotic while peppering me with compliments. So backhanded it’s funny because I can see it.
          Your entire scribe is cognitive-dissonance. You are balancing contradictory ideas as a fail-safe, depending on which angle I attack your disposition. But I am coming from a completely unexpected route, which is why so few can take me on in this, the most unrestricted arena of ideas…online anonymity…just as Erwin Rommel waxed poetically of North Africa, as both his men and his adversaries bemoaned the pointlessness of fighting a European army with European weapons in an inhospitable, depopulated, uncultivated desert a world away from home and civilization: ‘the perfect battlefield.’
          “Raising children, and keeping a home happy, for everyone (traditional female duties), is no more about ‘sex’, or a ‘derivation of sex’, than protecting and providing for the family (traditional male duties).”
          How are children sired? –Sex
          Do men not exist independently of sex and children? I don’t have kids or regular sex, yet I am technically alive…perhaps aimlessly, but still very much alive.
          Actually, as I typed my last response, some THOT who left me her number with lipstick, and promptly blew me off, texted me, apparently having spotted me at the mall and seeking to verify it. I did not respond and won’t because you must have the upper hand. I gain more by being the one who ghosted last than trying to rekindle the original attraction she had to parlay it into something tactile because I am not attracted to her. She is of a different race, and while I entertained hypothetical sex out of historical revenge, I’m bored with somebody who had the audacity to think she was even momentarily better than me, and suddenly had a resurgence of interest in me when she realized how handsome I was all over again, after not seeing me beyond our only encounter weeks earlier.
          Yes, there is anger and there is hurt in my words. I am a wounded animal, and what I’ve learned is that you have to stay wounded, lest you get healed and fall into the same trap ad infinitum.
          What so many people (women and minorities) do not understand about online anonymity is that it is often an exaggeration of one’s personality, not necessarily just trolling or a fake persona. I sometimes put disclaimers on my comments in brackets that I do not consider myself XYZ when my reductio ad absurdum is not transparent enough for the autistic readers.
          One would think my handle is enough of a clue, but so many people don’t get it.
          As for your confusion of my oscillation between seeming contradictions… The ‘Black Pill’ plays a key role… It is a hopeless indifference combined with nihilism, which comes into play often. Like so many WWI novels (Mein Kampf, All Quiet on the Western Front) used almost word-for-word phrases ‘hopeless indifference’ and ‘blown to bits,’ which was the Black Pill of that time because it is like the intellectual heroin that you retreat to despite your utopian hopes and realism. It is a constant vacillation. A cerebral fail-safe with which to cope in thinking you are doing the right thing in such an unsavory ambiance.
          It’s just baffling how women always defer in almost every aspect of life (especially sex) to a powerful man, despite their rhetoric. Very few men actually have rape fantasies – it is a woman thing. Most men (inexperienced or clueless) see sex as something that is supposed to be cooperative like any other form of teamwork. But it just isn’t in any way. For whatever reason, women just love being dominated. It goes against everything we have been propagandized with, and thus we never developed an affinity to domination, and thus ‘romance’ becomes elusive to you, as per the natural immune response of women to men who do not get it (incels) and an insatiable affinity to the men who do (adroitness).
          When you go from knowing next to nothing about women, completely awestruck with want, and bewildered by perpetual failure, despite all the ‘advice’ you’ve been imparted/instructed and ideas you’ve been proselytized with in this corrosive milieu…to suddenly waking up to ALL societal lies (Red Pill), it leaves you indescribably unstable: homicidally angry, manic-depressively suicidal, but also euphorically hopeful.
          It makes you want to ask everybody ‘Why?’ Why did I have to be tricked like this my whole life when all of you so cruelly had this blueprint from the beginning? I could have been spared so much hardship had I just been capable of regularly dating, getting laid and all that other shit when I was younger instead of figuring it out years later in this eternal game of catch-up.
          Like I’m aware that I just gave you enough ammo to execute me with, but that’s ok. I can smell your feeble-minded femaleness through my screen, so you can’t harm me. I could talk you out of pulling the trigger if you snuck a gun to my temple and then promptly impregnate you.
          I get so many ideas as I type on this site because it has a way of piquing my mind, assimilating different marionettes I have dancing around or stowed way until I can better articulate it to myself, and then to an audience.
          I think taking the Red Pill represents a loss of innocence. What makes it so painful is that it’s not therapeutic. Whatever payoff you expected from all these notches you are able to slide across your personal abacus in rites-of-passage is just not coming. It is the most anticlimactic unearthed secret imaginable, and so many of us have not come to terms with it – you literally cannot let go of the Red Pill or bad things will happen all over again. You have finally managed to grab the tiger by the ears, but you don’t dare let it go.
          Like I can see through yet another womanish tactic you just did to prompt this visceral reaction out of me, and pre-Red Pill I would have thought I made a breakthrough, but post-Red Pill I know it is just your last card to play in this argument that I have so mightily beaten you down in. But I just don’t care anymore. Maybe some day I will be doxxed by Antifa (modern Golem) as they piece together all the clues I have laid bare about my personal life under this handle. So be it.
          It’s just so surreal how the Red Pill unlocks this latency in your mind. Nobody gave me good advice in my entire life or even defended me. It’s like all the natural knowledge is just flooding my headspace everyday. I have to stop what I’m doing to jot it into my phone notes, lest that bit of wisdom disappears into effervescence, and I fall back to square one.
          It’s still incredibly difficult to understand why women are such sadomasochists, which has been coated, trivialized and excused with deceptive language (‘bad boy phase’).
          So many in the man-o-sphere use these crackpot theories (‘positive’ hypergamy) as a coping-mechanism to justify female behavior as if it were evolutionary (and some of it appears to be, take for instance my recalcitrance and distrust of everything), like their traits are stuck in a prehistoric time-warp. But overall I am just not seeing it. Women being infatuated with the most psychotic, feral maniacs is not evolutionary. He does not provide ‘good’ genes or ‘resources.’ He dies violently. Something else explains it: he places a woman beneath him, therefore women are not knowingly deigning themselves, and thus respect him.
          Respect is literally all or nothing with women – they are either sexually attracted to you or you do not exist to her, so much so that she will prosecute you for violating her peace of mind. Not much room for ‘empathy’ or ‘moral superiority’ in that equation, which is where I come into play in my self-appointed role.
          I am liberating women from women’s liberation, and thus depriving dark forces of their incubator (women) that it uses to reify and extrapolate its poisonous machinations onto white society.
          I could (and would) still shag you…if you aren’t old and take care of yourself (shave/clean your pussy, legs, armpits).

        23. Thank you, for the play down concerning men and their views on sex, it should be shouted from every rooftops.
          I’ll try to fill the missing part: (Maybe) Girls have a natural attraction in the opposite sex, which does not involve a crave for submission. Since adolescence, they are being told that their sex is the most sacred thing in the whole world and that, someday, men will try to touch it and ‘defile’ them. They grow up dreading sex and fearing ‘rape’, confusing both, last one presented as the most awful thing that could happen to them. They grow up feeling guilty for having sexual desires and impulses, which is socially accepted for men but far less for women. They start to develop ‘rape’ fantasies where they can express/externalize their irrational fears. And allow themselves to think about sex without feeling guilty. Eventually, they have unsatisfying sex, being affected by preconceived ideas, social expectations and confused feelings. Someday, they meet a man who dominates them, speaks to their repressed-mutated desires, they finally hit the last level of their unhealthy sexuality before starting to fall down. The man came with a different story, they are all fools.
          Women raise children and keep a household. Men protect and provide for women and children. How children are sired: men and women having sex. It appears that you may exist aimlessly in that setting. And that sex affects both men and women’s achievements.
          If you’re not trolling, or faking, but exaggerating your personality, it’s very likely that you’re in line with your ‘offensive’ content, which makes you more a threat for the ones you’re targeting. (I don’t think that the antifa would get your last monologue however).
          I don’t know how it is to be a hopeful man, wanting to touch women, having dreams of marriage. Trying his best, using the conventional methods, failing without understanding why. Realising that you have been fooled by the same ones you used to dream and care about in a very respectful way. I know what it is to navigate in a world you have no faith in, to feel homicidally angry, manic-depressively suicidal and euphorically hopeful, to oscillate between hopeless indifference, utopian hopes and realism.
          I used the Red Pill’ example once to explain my issues to someone, I didn’t know at time that other people used that comparison. In my case, it’s not that bad things will happen over again if I let it go, it’s just that I can’t remember a time where I wasn’t under some Red Pill. It started at 7-10, I will never forget what I realized. I can play the Blue Pill life or I can numb me with the Black Pill, but I will always know that it’s illusion.
          It’s not that I realized that I have been tricked and fooled by the opposite sex or that the world I live in is a fraud, it’s that I realized that I will die and absolutely nothing will exist anymore for eternity. I know that I’m not the only one who have existential questions, not the only one who have fear of infinite space and infinite time, but, for some reason, it affects me more than others. I realize that I will not exist for the eternity, I realize that I didn’t even exist for an infinite time before my birth, I realise that the earth, the world will cease to exist for eternity, didn’t even exist before. I try to understand how it is possible, my mind try to simulate these thoughts, what would be beyond infinity, beyond the void, and it fails and let me in complete despair, in terrible anguish, and absolutely nothing can soothe the pain. I think of these lucid moments as the most horrific and painful mental experience someone can feel. Nothing else matters, everything become absurd. Beyond the mental pain, it let me with no hope, no way to heal, because nobody is at fault, there is no enemies, nothing to win, nothing to fight. At time, I didn’t understand why everybody around me was playing Blue Pill as if it was okay when Red Pill’s truths existed. Blue Pill in my case means making sense of the world, still caring, still having beliefs, a fight, a will, a hope, despite massive obvious disturbing existential facts.
          Since I’m not completely insane and my lucid moments are scarce and usually happen at night, I’m still alive, still trying to play Blue Pill game, still dealing with Red Pill experience.
          You would not

        24. Ok I think this comment section is experiencing ‘software rot.’ So we can either pick up this conversation on newer posts or end it here. I have no idea if my comments are showing up anymore. I have a really long one that I tried breaking up. Find one of my comments on one a different article that is old enough that it won’t get derailed by spectators, but newer than this one.

        25. No it didn’t showed, I don’t know which topic is better so I found you on “The Diet Coke Commercial”, “3 Reasons Why Men…” and “Sex has become an obsession”.

  28. Why do the women commenters keep coming back to this site to argue with rapists, incels, men with small penises, and mom basement dwellers?

  29. Ego is the domain of the delusional. An ego driven man is a preening peacock. Useless in a crisis. An ego driven woman is just useless. Too much pretending in our culture. I say grow the fuck up. If you want to excel then practice forever. Its a fool who tells others he’s the best at anything. If it’s true then it becomes apparent and you won’t need to tell anyone. If it’s bullshit then you’re nothing but noisy cattle. Don’t know about anoyone else but I have no envy at all of the jackass that moos the loudest. A bull/silverback/whatever is devoted to his charges by choice. They’re his responsibility and they find comfort in that. Anything else is preening. Ego. A herd is much more than a stable of whores. That’s ghetto mentality and it’s a tragic dead end.

  30. Complementary relationship : people accept their differences, with risks of inequality and oppression.
    Symmetrical relationship : people are equivalent partners, that means more equality but also risks to outdo ourselves and rivalry.
    Women do have their own standards, being a good mom, a good wife, being beautiful, soft, are existing standards for women. You talk about careers as if it has an only-male history but, in fewer number, often with less efficiency, there have always been women working (in fields, in factories, in offices, in schools) or creating, inventing things, completing in their own way male’s achievements.
    I think it is stupid and absurd to look for gender parity and I think that women who pursue a career simply to boost their ego are fools, but there are many women who honestly want to work (if anything, because they have to pay stuff). I would say that any trade that doesn’t require male abilities and body can be decent for a woman, if humbly wanted and deserved.
    “Women: you are different. Not better and not worse, just different.”
    I read several comments on ROTK where men explain how all women are whores because they depend on men’s strength to survive (and they would offer their bodies only for that reason), slaves because they’re naturally submissive, and animals because they don’t make laws and technology. Hearing stuff like that makes me want to reject my femininity, reject whatever a man can offer to me because he would make me feel ashamed for that, inferior. This article is fair towards men and women. It makes me want to forget every issues I have and embrace being different than a man.
    For me, pursuing gender equality is good when it means fighting against established strong abusive inferior/superior dynamics and forms of oppression. It is clearly not the case today in my country (and in western countries in general) and I find most of the actual feminist social movements stupid.

  31. “If I was attracted to ego, I’d date men.” – congrats for coming out as a proud gay male.
    Ego is natural for all human beings and shaming women for their ego is similar to someone shaming you for having a nose.
    And as soon as you understand that everyone has a priority in their own personal fulfillment, not in being your personal perfect slave or date prospect, and stop whining about it, you’ll become a reasonable and dateable person.

  32. “And what do you think a woman has invented?”
    Inventions of women probably represent a small percentage of the inventions. I don’t see why that small contribution should be mocked.
    I made an uncomplete list. In case you were really interested by the answer.
    Maria Beasely : Life raft patent
    Maria Telkes : The first solar heating system, the first thermoelectric refrigerator
    Florence Parpat : The modern refrigerator
    Alice Parker : The first central heatings using natural gas
    Stephanie Kwolek : The Kevlar (the material used for bulletproof vests)
    Caresse Crosby, Herminie Cadolle : The modern bra
    Patsy Sherman : The Laserphaco Probe (medical device used on lasers to remove cataracts)
    Gertrude Elion : Drugs used to treat leukemia, malaria, organ transplant rejection…
    Marion Donovan : The first waterproof disposable diaper
    Josephine Cochrane : The first commercially successful automatic dishwasher
    Edith Marie Flanigen : The zeolite Y (molecular sieve that make refining petroleum safer and more productive)
    Betty Lou Bailey : The converging diverging variable exhaust nozzle
    Ruth Arnon : Copaxone (drug for the multiple sclerosis)
    Ada Lovelace : The first algorithm intended to be carried out by a machine
    Randi Altschul : co-developer of the first disposable cellphone
    Pratibha Laxman Gai : The atomic-resolution environmental transmission electron microscope
    Mandy Haberman : The Haberman Feeder (for babies with impaired sucking ability)
    Letitia Mumford Geer : The one-hand operated syringe
    Mary Sherman Morgan : The liquid fuel Hydyne (powered the Jupiter-C rocket that boosted the US’ first satellite)
    Marie Marvingt : New type of surgical suture
    Bridget Elizabeth Talbot : Watertight electric torch for lifebelts
    Yvonne Madelaine Brill : The hydrazine resistojet (concept for a new rocket engine)
    Omowunmi Sadik : Microelectrode biosensors for detection of drugs and explosive
    Bessie Virginia Blount : An apparatus to help amputees feed themselves
    Anna Wagner Keichline : The “K Brick”, an early form of the concrete block for construction
    Martha Coston : The Coston flare, a device for signaling at sea
    Edith Clarke : The Clarke calculator, to solve equations like electric current, voltage…
    Hannah Slater : A new method of producing sewing thread from cotton
    Emma Parmee : Sitagliptin (a drug for treatment of diabetes)
    Nancy Farley Wood : Radiation detectors
    Saly Dominguez : Rainwater tank
    Radia Joy Perlman : The spanning-tree protocol (and other protocols for network design)
    Phyllis Kerridge : a glass electrode (to analyse biochemical samples), a device for artificial respiration
    Martha Coston : The Coston flare, a device for signaling at sea
    Tabitha Babbitt : The circular saw, the spinning wheel head, false teeth
    Ruth Mary Rogan Benerito : Wash-and-wear cotton fabrics (wrinkle-resistant, stain- and flame-resistant fabrics)
    Marie Van Brittan Brown : The home security system
    Hedy Lamarr : her work with spread spectrum technology contributed to the development of Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi

  33. Allanon
    I’m working on it. Though, I’m new and it’s not easy to go against feminist stupidity (as you probably know).
    Since I’m not one I obviously don’t think that stopping rape is simply on men.

  34. No, I WANT women to get drafted and come home in caskets, with the rest disfigured, laid up at Walter Reed for a change. ONLY THEN will I consider you my equal. YOU need to be doing the dying and the fighting to defend your rights for once. It’s not about ‘strength.’ I WANT you, whether you are prepared or not, to face the Taliban. I don’t care about ‘tradition.’ It’s your turn to suffer for our collective rights.
    I had no idea that Margaret Thatcher, who started the Falklands War was a man? I had no idea that Queen Elizabeth was a man. I had no idea that Catherine the Great was a man? I had no idea that Hillary Clinton who promised WWIII with Russia was a man against Trump, the woman who promised peace?
    This is why women can NEVER be trusted. You are dishonest. You are less than animals. You don’t actually have ‘guilt.’ You only have ‘shame’ imposed by crowd psychology. At least a dog returns a ball when you throw it. At least the dog is happy to see you if you leave him outside in the rain. You bitches are almost entirely worthless. You have reneged on even basic duties (childbirth, loyalty, good sex). It’s a joke. You don’t pay your way for shit. Somewhere, someway you are having a man pay for you or giving you a discount. Keep lying to yourself. I have seen it all.
    And for the love of God, STOP with the ‘what-about-ism.’ You know damn well that male promiscuity is NOT equal to female promiscuity. Women are ATTRACTED to a man who has women all over him because it is a positive feedback loop for her hypergamy that he is a covetous male, while the inverse is not true aside from an easy lay. I don’t even want to interact with women like I have to. I could not even name 90 percent of the women who have handled my cock or kissed me because you filthy animals like it that way…drunk and creepy and anonymous and dangerous.
    It was my dream to marry JUST ONE beautiful woman, cherish her like a queen and have 3-7 children with her. If my career did not pan out, I would work 3 shitty jobs to support everybody. But after realizing what piles of dog shit you useless slits are, I will NEVER dedicate myself or commit to any of you. You can call me ‘incel’ or some other bullshit lie, but even the ‘incels’ win in the end because more women are alive than men, right? That means for every bachelor, there is MORE than one cat lady. By choosing not to be married (or being condemned to bachelorhood) I am making MORE than one of you an unrequited cat lady. Haha
    I make sure that every one of you that approaches me will forever be teased and tested for your loyalty, and I will make empty promises (like becoming betrothed without a wedding date!) so you can experience uncertainty for a change. I know exactly what turns you on and what doesn’t after careful study and success/failure.
    You’re pathetic. You’re trying to take notes so you can learn from yet another angle to fuck over a man with gynocentrism. Yes, my original posit stands…women are evil. Before I contemplated women being neither moral or immoral but amoral…but I’ve seen enough. You are sadomasochists. The dykes had it right…heterosexual sex is rape because the woman wants to be ‘taken.’ It IS rough because the woman cannot get off unless there is enough friction…inb4 you call be a faggot…NOPE. I have sex with women. I just don’t trust you.
    I have learned the most destructive thing a man can do is nothing. Just letting the world burn is far more destructive than any implosion I could cause. It killed me to come to this realization, but after a while I just say, ‘It’s none of my business.’ Now it doesn’t feel so bad. I have women like you to thank. YOU did this. I am going to spread this way of life to as many men as I can. Thanks, lady!

  35. Women do not have guilt – that would require introspection, which women are incapable of. If you are sincere, that would make you a NAWALT, which is also a gynocentric strategy. What you do have is shame. That is a crowd-source phenomenon. Women are moved by consensus in a way men are not.
    ‘Omg look at the shoes she is wearing with that dress. Ugly.’
    That is something a man would never think about, unless he were homosexual, maybe not even then. So THAT is where your second-guessing is coming from, not genuine remorse.
    If you actually cared about this lad, you would tell him exactly why you are not attracted to him so it could allow him to move on and also improve himself, but you won’t. It just isn’t in a woman’s nature. Instead, the sisterhood just defers to the precaution of ‘safety,’ in pretending to be worried about his hypothetical vengefulness. We can’t have a beta male rape you now can we? Nope, we can only have alpha rape. In fact that is why women get shit-faced at parties with people they barely know…because they are SEEKING alpha domination (rape). It’s a win-win because any afterglow regret can be reinterpreted as unlawful rape, and your lay will pay for it for the rest of his life.
    You don’t have to be attracted to this poor bastard or anybody else, but you led him on and then cut him off. That is the cruelest thing a woman can do. It’s like a divorce without sex ever occurring. You got his heart in alimony payments even though you already have your own, and likely have several other hearts of men you’re currently wooing.
    The way you trivialize ‘dead men’ is typical. There is no point in explaining it to you because women have hollow minds. It will go right past you. ‘Privilege’ occurs because of a surplus of resources wrought on because of those ‘dead men.’ All the wealth and rights around you exists because it is a bubble that is synthetic. It did not used to exist and it will eventually not exist again because it is artificial, as it is propped up off the gains of those ‘dead men’ and by the continued cooperation of ‘alive men’ today.
    As empty-headed as you women are, this is something you innately understand far more than most men because it directly affects YOU, just like menstruation.
    This bubble of wealth/privilege (feminism, egalitarianism, Cultural Marxism) is like a table. It requires four legs to stand. Time alone makes one leg wobbly, requiring stacked coasters/napkins to buttress its atrophy. Just a little bit more damage to that leg will force the whole table to tilt. Once that leg is broken, the entire table collapses. So all it takes is ¼ (maybe even less) for the integrity of the entire superstructure to be undermined and collapse. That is what your gynocentism is up against.
    So it isn’t vengeful individual men you have to guard against – it is the antipathy of just enough men that their absence of participation creates a void that is filled by instability.
    As for my ‘happy ending’ that isn’t or wasn’t…I guess you could say it made me better at womanizing because I now do not treat women with any respect, and for some reason they love it. That is all the feedback I need to know that women are pathetic creatures not worthy of equality. So I will continue to not respect them. It’s quite baffling actually. They just hand me their numbers without me even asking, then they contact me first. I don’t like this Brave New Feminist World you created. I am just trying to navigate in it.
    The truth is women do not want to be treated like queens. They don’t even like ‘romance.’ That is just a shit-test to separate the wheat (alpha) from the chaff (beta), so they know who to pursue and who to dispose. It makes them feel like they can do better because they don’t respect men who get on their knees to propose to them – that bullshit never existed until a few decades ago. They only feel comfortable when the man is above them in every way. It is an eternal process.
    The truth about why you are here is you are part of the gynocracy acting on your own for the collective. You have dispatched yourself. What this corner of the web represents is that atrophy that is making the table wobbly, and you are here to prevent that. Your words are an attempt at maintenance, but it won’t work.
    Nice deception btw… Women NEVER earned their rights. Men were not franchised during WWI Britain, but they were drafted. FEMINISTS even walked around handing men white feathers who were at home on leave to shame them with cowardice. Yet when the war ended, BOTH men and women became enfranchised. What a fucking joke. I’m going to hand you over to the Muslims when the Islamic sharia takeover occurs. You’ll get to be a concubine in a violent harem, just like you wanted. So it’s a win-win.
    White women are the biggest whores. They are the first to abandon their men and country for a better opportunity. There’s a reason why no female skeletons are found on battlefields AND in conquered villages: You weren’t killed. You just went along with the stronger men (whenever they arrive), laid down in his harem, had his children and lived a long life. That is a woman’s nature.

  36. So I have been a ROK reader now for about 3 months. I forget how I stumbled on this site but it has been a fascinating read. I think it was through a “The Burning Platform” link.
    Anyway….and this is speaking from my own experience as a 46 year old woman. When I got married (young, 19) I wanted children, at the time it seemed a natural thing to do, so we did. I didn’t fret or feel like I had to do a lot of thinking about it at the time. With very little effort I got pregnant and now my son is 26. At 46 it would be a very different thing entirely, and most likely entail expensive fertility treatments and a huge roll of the genetic dice for things like down’s syndrome and the like. I find this to be an irresponsible use of my time and life now, as well as unfair to a new life who may or may not have spina bifida, downs, or some other developmental delay.
    When my son was younger (under 5) I wanted more, but financially it wasn’t in the cards, so we didn’t. End of story. But the drive was there, it was an undefinable “need” and I chalk it up to biology and the drive to perpetuate the human race. But, being intelligent enough to understand if you can’t pay for something adequately, then you don’t do it.
    Women are biologically rewarded for having children through a cascade of hormones, that’s just science folks, and pretending it isn’t is utter nonsense. We are created that way. Men, for the most part, are not. Yes, they get a protective, fatherly instinct when the children are born, and the need to have the legacy, carry on the name, but it’s not the same. I have spoken with enough fathers, my own included, to know. Otherwise why would a woman risk 9 months of her health, her body, to have a helpless, very fragile person who really could die or be killed by any number of things in the blink of an eye if there was no reward?
    I think this hormonal reward system fades with time, as the fertility hormones of women fade with time because your old-ass eggs were not meant to create children. So older women who become pregnant possibly do not feel the same strong hormonal reward (or drive for that matter) and so I tend to agree with the label “vanity child” of the older set. Like the little tyke is a beemer or diamond ring to be flashed around.
    Plus I can say unequivocally I truly enjoy being active, unencumbered, and free to travel and whatnot without a small human in diapers.
    Women also tend to respond to a reward-based society, not a competition-with-reward, as men do. Men compete with each other for jobs, money, the women, the “stuff” an then feel the internal reward when they get that. Women, as we all know, feel rewarded through attention, good and sometimes sadly, bad. Children give a lot of attention back to the mom, and as they get older their grades, sports, dance, art, music, all are a feedback loop to her as well. Job well done mom, you stepped up, paid attention, made sure to keep Johnny out of jail and Susie off the pole. This is a simplification but still, there it is.
    As for myself, in my job…I sell real estate. I have for 13 years and make a darn good living. However, I don’t approach it the same way as a man. I don’t competitively work for listings and buyers. Rather, my personal touch and attention to detail and people has garnered me the referrals and repeat business that buyers (and the majority of them have been either single women or hetero couples, but not all) want. All the crazy sales classes taught by men teach men to sell like men. Persuasion, yes, but a different kind that I am just not wired for.
    I admire firefighters, think their job is really hard and would not want it. Ever. I am 5’3″ tall and don’t really like the heat, so why the hell would I want to put on a heavy suit and go into a fire? I don’t. My dad was a cop. No thanks. He also worked in corrections. Hell no. Maybe some of the women who choose these jobs are adrenaline junkies of some kind and rather than rock climb or base jump or whatever they pick these jobs. I don’t know because I cannot fathom myself doing it.
    But I am really good at empathy, and understanding people and what drives them to buy a home, how they buy, when, and where. Or sell for that matter.
    I personally do not want to live in a world where men become more emotional. I am not fond of a weepy man, who constantly acts like one of my girlfriends looking for attention. I like a well-spoken man, who can communicate, don’t get me wrong.
    Funny, if you look on Amazon’s top seller list for what women read, you will see a lot of bondage soft porn, and half naked sexy vampires and werewolves. So what exactly are we doing ladies? I have no idea but I am at the age where I am just not interested in pussy hats, men maybe being pregnant, and all that jazz. Gimme a guy with rough hands, a work ethic, who knows me and what I like, has a job, and color me happy.

  37. Cecile and Weimer:
    Cecile: My point about rape was the hypocrisy. I’ve never raped anyone. Most men never raped anyone. It’s a good bet nobody at ROK ever raped anyone (see below). Yet people like Obama, WITH THE APPROVAL OF FEMINISTS AND THEIR ALLIES (e.g. the mainstream media), said it was on us non-rapists to do something about it.
    Let’s say you are not a feminist. You’ve never “feministed” any man in any way. Well, if it’s still on men WHO HAVE NEVER RAPED to do something about it (how- with psychic premonition to prevent it? Even the police can’t do that; they can only handle things AFTER the fact, and fighting a non-existent “rape culture” won’t accomplish a thing since it doesn’t exist) then logically isn’t it on non-feminist women to do something about man-hating feminism? Yet I don’t see this happening. That was my point. What have you actually DONE, did you even write a letter objecting to #metoo or the Rolling Stone Rape Hoax, or something, anything, like that? If you ever voted for any sort of feminist then you are guilty of feminism.
    Weimer: I never said there was a rape crisis (maybe you meant that, posts do not carry context and tone unfortunately). Best to make my position clear in any case: rape does exist and I define it as forced sex or sex with someone incapable of understanding what is going on. Children, senile, and retarded people cannot really give consent no matter how much “sex education” they receive simply because it’s like a Japanese singer singing an English song by rote: they may know the words but they do not understand the language.
    A woman who simply regrets sex a while later or was urged on by some man-hating feminist “counselor” was not raped. A woman who was promised something for sex but did not get it was not raped (although the other person is guilty of breach of contract- in the case of promised marriage, well, that’s where shotgun weddings came from).
    Putting up 1980s bikini posters of Kathy Ireland and Cindy Crawford, making crude jokes, even fanny patting IS NOT RAPE. Nor is it any sort of sexual assault.
    Drugging somebody and then having sex is rape since consent cannot be given. The hypocrisy here is if a woman is drunk she cannot give consent so the man is guilty of rape; if the man was drunk he couldn’t control his base urges so…the man is guilty of rape. If both are drunk…the man is guilty of rape because see the previous two. Even if the woman is a 200 pound weightlifting Amazon and the man is a 110 pound spindly “soy boy” afraid of spiders and the dark he’ll always be the rapist. Either it works both ways or it is hypocrisy and has no place in law or even culture.
    The even greater hypocrisy is rarely discussed: we are always hearing about how girls mature in all ways sooner than boys. O.K, let’s say the age of consent is 16. If she is 15 and he is 16 then by that reasoning isn’t she the rapist because he’s still emotionally and mentally a kid and she’s more an adult? Nope- suddenly the biological physical differences we are never supposed to notice when it comes to police, military, or firefighting tasks are the deciding factor (“women have babies”).
    There it is.

  38. I don’t know what you meant by me being in line with Antifa, but whatever.
    Your personal dilemma has nothing to do with the Red, Blue or Black Pill trichotomy. That falls under some other psychosomatic existentialism. Really, this cabinet of metaphorical medication is a white male thing because it is directly caused by and reactive to female/nonwhite nature.
    I used to have something, not really similar, but in the same realm, only it involved obsessively watching myself (extreme self-awareness) like I was across the room picturing what I looked like 24/7, critiquing all of my flaws. Yet, ironically, I could not dissect things and other people like I can now. It was nothing but endless and fruitless self-critique.
    Just like with your issue, it was a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Usually there is a tic/ritual associated with it as a cerebral negation. It is a way of your mind coping with a lack of intellectual filler for every moment because you currently have no productive thoughts to fill this emotional void. It can be solved with distraction – scheduling being constantly busy, hobbies and constructive (replacement) thoughts to rationalize your irrational mental patterns, so you can have literally no time to have these thoughts. Focusing on something outside of your control (and anybody else’s) is unproductive and unhealthy. You have to show your subconscious mind that there is nothing you can do about these thoughts, so that your mind can become unfocused on harmful abstractions like that since there is nothing to gain by it, thus your mind cognitively sees it as a waste of energy, and will promptly use austerity on the machinations it delivers to you.
    Actually, becoming nothingness is how I cope. When I see a white woman with a nonwhite, I get so angry that I think I could have a heart attack. I feel betrayed, disgusted and hopeless. So I have to take myself out of the situation mentally. I just think of myself as an alien wanderer unaffected by all the poz, and that my country/race is destined to collapse regardless of my worry.
    I was always incredibly retributive, where I just had to get the last word or lick or whatever. But as my libido has slowed prematurely, it has cooled my unbearable lizard brain down and allowed me to see many things far clearer and learn mastery.
    I can see now that the most powerful move a man can make is an abrupt disappearance rather than this pronounced sendoff or Pyrrhic battle. Not in cowardly surreptitiousness, but instead exemplified by the man being clearly and demonstrably formidable, yet choosing to silently weigh his options and exert his moves nondescriptly in such a subtle way that it conceals his diligence (often unpleasant), and makes him look professional and proficient, which is attractive to any witnesses, so much so that his absence is felt more acutely than his presence because he leaves a void.
    Like I’m terrible at chess, as I used to think of it as a war of attrition. But I got licked every time by my opponent who lost nary a pawn, while I was serving mine up so voluntarily because I thought all that mattered was having that one piece standing in the end regardless of the expendables. Now I see that you should not sacrifice any piece.
    I don’t know how I can articulate this analogy better. The guys who beat me were thinking four moves ahead, while I was bogged down trying to chisel away at his misdirection gambits, suffering irreversible losses, as he prepared a coup de grâce.
    Finding a job is very similar to finding romance. It is really hit or miss. The women either love me or hate me. My previous gig I could do no wrong, but this one I could do no right. That is when the Law of Thermodynamics comes into action – the only way to win an unwinnable situation is to not play. You can only use nullification (your drama vs. theirs) so many times before you become persona non grata.
    I moonlight off and on in the service industry, not to be wealthy because the money is not good, but to keep my people skills sharp since it functions like an intense anthropology class that I do not take too seriously. So I have bounced around many restaurants. Just tonight I quit my latest peripatetic jaunt.
    As I wavered on whether to pull the trigger, apropos signs kept occurring… I was having allergic fits there all day even though I do not really have allergies, and somebody walked in looking for an application as I’m waiting patiently to tell my coworker, as my shift had ended, that I am quitting effective immediately. It was real-time surrealism in demonstrating how fungible you as a worker actually are.
    I told the guy he could have my job, which made my gay coworker laugh because he thought I was joking like I usually do. Then I informed him that I was not kidding and left. I had planned for it to be anticlimactic, but fate decided otherwise.
    The previous night I had apparently made one of the 15-year-old hostess cry because I had had it with her condescension, which she learned from watching the general manager and the snarky young manager kids of the affable owner berate me constantly as a scapegoat (while sparing everybody else), because that is how young women operate – their ‘opinions’ are formed via consensus of a third party.
    But it worked. She stopped talking to me and only did this passive-aggressive drama thing to me afterwards, involving bumping shoulders and outpacing me to each destination etc., which I had no desire to engage in. I think some men can parlay that tension into sex somehow, but teenage female sexuality is much harder to quantify, as it is solely based on male popularity.
    It’s amazing that this job, and one from a few years, earlier had been so hostile of a workplace in toxic femininity that my only confidant was the flamboyant homosexual…something previously unfathomable because I was truly homophobic. But survival mode kicked in, and I was able to ignore the usual creepy advances (‘You should be a model.’ ‘Have you ever thought about stripping?’ ‘Have you ever been with a man?’) because these weirdos ended up being the only ones I could say raunchy jokes/complain to, and would defend/assist me.
    Thank God I didn’t trust that little THOT because she kept trying to get ‘in’ with me to gain my trust, promising never to tell on me for anything. But I knew. I showed the faggot dirty texts from a (recently deceased) girl had sent me instead of this 15-year-old, who wanted to see. I think it would have been some crime had I done that (‘carnal knowledge’).
    I had been genteel up until then. But I snapped (when it got busy), yet was very tame since I did not sling any insults. I just raised my voice and told her that she was 15 and could not tell me what to do. I guarantee that was the first time in her entire life somebody ever told her no because she is very pretty/precocious, but I was not hypnotized by it since I am more mindful now.
    Young women mature far earlier than their male counterparts (which everybody knows), but what nobody else really knows is that these ‘proactive’ young women peak shortly thereafter. Getting your drivers license, an entry-level job, good grades, scholarships and boyfriends so punctually in adolescence does not translate into being a Wall Street day trader in adulthood.
    Sure, she may be practicing driving and juggling extracurricular activities, including a job, along with a high grade point average leagues ahead of her male contemporaries…
    But I have seen what happens next soooooooo many times….
    They think just because they started giving blowjobs at 14 (like a grown woman), and are deluged daily with compliments and obsequiousness from older men compared to their peers, that they can say or do anything in perpetuity without recourse…like the sky is the limit for their potential.
    All it really shows is that since they blossomed earlier, they will also wilt earlier.
    Nymphets have no incentive to remain infantilized since their fertile prime has such a short shelf life that they are compelled to capitalize on it as soon as possible, while males do have an incentive to remain childlike (video games, sports, slovenly) because the hypothetical payoffs of embracing a masculine adulthood is top-heavy hierarchical (an inverted pyramid) and thus no longer guaranteed, while nymphet adulthood is a guarantee of success (top men) – that is why they were always married off early for all human history until a few decades ago when they started calling it ‘pedophilia.’
    These dumb girls cannot fathom the societal bottleneck that funnels so few people into white-collar jobs. They all think there is a place waiting for them in a skyscraper off Madison Avenue rather than a construction site or something secretarial.
    I really feel like just traveling across Europe right now while I’m still young, but I have no idea about passports or expenses.

  39. I don’t know what you meant by me being in line with Antifa, but whatever.
    Your personal dilemma has nothing to do with the Red, Blue or Black Pill trichotomy. That falls under some other psychosomatic existentialism. Really, this cabinet of metaphorical medication is a white male thing because it is directly caused by and reactive to female/nonwhite nature.
    I used to have something, not really similar, but in the same realm, only it involved obsessively watching myself (extreme self-awareness) like I was across the room picturing what I looked like 24/7, critiquing all of my flaws. Yet, ironically, I could not dissect things and other people like I can now. It was nothing but endless and fruitless self-critique.
    Just like with your issue, it was a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Usually there is a tic/ritual associated with it as a cerebral negation. It is a way of your mind coping with a lack of intellectual filler for every moment because you currently have no productive thoughts to fill this emotional void. It can be solved with distraction – scheduling being constantly busy, hobbies and constructive (replacement) thoughts to rationalize your irrational mental patterns, so you can have literally no time to have these thoughts. Focusing on something outside of your control (and anybody else’s) is unproductive and unhealthy. You have to show your subconscious mind that there is nothing you can do about these thoughts, so that your mind can become unfocused on harmful abstractions like that since there is nothing to gain by it, thus your mind cognitively sees it as a waste of energy, and will promptly use austerity on the machinations it delivers to you.
    Actually, becoming nothingness is how I cope. When I see a white woman with a nonwhite, I get so angry that I think I could have a heart attack. I feel betrayed, disgusted and hopeless. So I have to take myself out of the situation mentally. I just think of myself as an alien wanderer unaffected by all the poz, and that my country/race is destined to collapse regardless of my worry.
    I was always incredibly retributive, where I just had to get the last word or lick or whatever. But as my libido has slowed prematurely, it has cooled my unbearable lizard brain down and allowed me to see many things far clearer and learn mastery.
    I can see now that the best move a man can make is an abrupt disappearance rather than this pronounced sendoff or Pyrrhic battle. Not in cowardly surreptitiousness, but instead exemplified by the man being clearly and demonstrably formidable, yet choosing to silently weigh his options and exert his moves nondescriptly in such a subtle way that it conceals his diligence (often unpleasant), and makes him look professional and proficient, which is attractive to any witnesses, so much so that his absence is felt more acutely than his presence because he leaves a void….

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