The French State Launched Its Great Stalinist Purge Against The Right

The summer has not yet started but the temperature already went up in the Soviet-like court rooms cracking down on “hate speech” throughout France. Right-wing figures keep being doxed, tried or jailed, thanks to the joint effort of zealous liberals and the eternal (((lobby that does not exist))).

The French establishment just shifted to next gear to reach full-blown 1984. Anyone flying off the handle shall be immediately unpersonned. Those were the targets in the last few weeks…

Génération Identitaire

They had a price on their head since they showed the gross incompetence of the French state (read “voluntary inaction”) to protect its own borders against illegal migrants,  who are called “newly arrived” by the media now and soon to be “your friendly neighbours”.

G.I’s Facebook page was deleted after their spectacular action at Col de l’Échelle last April. So was their Twitter account after the “checked” brigade on Twitter vehemently whined until the institutions obeyed.

Some like the LICRA (a French SPLC, with the same Inuit gang at the rudder) did not fail to gloat and brag about their role in the action, while their pets at the LDNA (a violent team of rocket scientists from Wakanda) had their Twitter account verified. Romain Espino, G.I’s spokesman might lose his job after he was doxed and several liberal political personalities relayed his personal data and called for his employer to fire him.

Boris Le Lay

Another bête noire of the system, Boris had already brought the wrath of the international clique upon himself and chose exile to avoid prison. He was once more found guilty of “inciting racial hatred” a month ago and his Facebook page was blocked.

His website Démocratie Participative, a French twin of the Daily Stormer, is also in the crosshairs after it exposed many globalist figures of Eskimo persuasion and shed some light on their modus operandi and long-term goals. The Left wing parties of the country officially declared open season on Le Lay and his “intolerance”.

Alexandre Gabriac

Gabriac was tried and condemned to six years probation this week, for recreating the group Jeunesses Nationalistes (Nationalist Youth) despite its dissolution by the government five years ago, following the death of Antifa member Clément Méric, who attacked a group of right-wing youth, got hit, and died seven seconds later.

It was a death the establishment did not care about (for Méric was White) until it became a tool during the witch hunt against the French right, just like Heather Heyer’s death in Charlottesville.

Gabriac recently described how he was intimidated, followed for months and arrested by the antiterrorist section of the public prosecutor’s office.

Hervé Ryssen

The writer appeared in court two weeks ago and is likely to be sent to jail for “hate speech” after he tweeted that “the main culprits of the massacres that claimed the lives of thirty million Christians in the USSR between 1917 and 1947 were Jews”.

It did not matter that the objective historical facts are on his side and that he produced several sources to back his claim while facing the court, the verdict was probably already decided.

Alain Soral

Soral was condemned twice last week to a suspended sentence and his platform on Youtube, ERTV, has just been deleted without any explanation, only a few months after his popular Facebook page was also deleted.

How unfortunate!

Soral was already evicted of several websites but I believe the censorship was enforced after his co-host Vincent Lapierre made himself particularly unpopular and “ideologically dangerous” when he showed that foreign-driven associations like the LICRA, CRIF (Council of Jewish Institutions) and LDJ (“Jewish Defence League”) were powerful enough to influence the French president, lean on magistrates, or give direct orders to the police.

Nicolas Dupont Aignan

A former candidate during the 2017 presidential election, Nicolas was sent to court a few months ago for a tweet where he described the massive influx of migrants in Europe as a “migratory invasion”.

The LICRA (see above) filed the lawsuit and described its outcome in those terms : “It does not matter if he is right, what he says is illegal!”

Attention, Paris is broadcasting!

France’s PC junta has gone full clown world. We already knew that truth and proofs do not matter, but this political round-up is used as an example for the French population.

It coincides with a campaign lead by the State, where soon every public media will need to be approved before publishing any content. The rest will be wiped out.

Françoise Nyssen

As Françoise Nyssen, unfuckable cat lady and Minister of Culture puts it:

This partisan media shall be (…) of all colours and origins. With a political agenda without ambiguities, it will change opinions on the ground. (…) The understanding ability of our citizens is not enough anymore.”

The usual accusers

Right-wingers are vilified, doxed, harassed, jailed but actual terrorist enablers like Jawad Bendaoud walk away scot-free and jihadists are being released en masse.

A lot of these right-wing figures were “fichés S” (filed “S” for “under surveillance”) by the government and the police, a title usually limited to radical Muslim clerics and potential Islamic terrorists.

Like usual, organisations like the LICRA and CRIF, heavily subsidised by the French State itself, foreign powers and well-known multicultural figures, set the tone on who shall be free and who shall not, rather than the legitimate French institution.

The system is gangrened by parasitic organisms that thrive in the chaos they create.

Un nouveau venu à suivre

What brings me a ray of hope is that the more censorship is enforced on the right, the larger the number of red-pilled men who unplug themselves from the system and seek brotherhood and support through traditional channels.

A new promising prospect is the Monte une Équipe (“Put together a team”) concept, launched by dissident Youtuber Raptor Dissident and his co-host, Papacito, where they invite young French men to find like-minded men and create a local network of “support, friendship and social cohesion”.

Raptor & Papacito, co-hosts of the “Dissident Meet-up”

In their show and videos that gather millions of viewers, they advocate a large array of principles that echo our doctrine of neomasculinity, exhorting young men to become stronger, seek income independence and so on.

Young French men want to respect themselves and stop being victims, after the system drilled their doctrine of submission in their heads for so long. Best of luck to them.

Read More: Night Of The Digital Knives: Silicon Valley Launches Biggest Internet Censorship Purge In History 

77 thoughts on “The French State Launched Its Great Stalinist Purge Against The Right”

    1. Only for conservative, straight white males. Seems like it must be paradise for refugees, non-whites, homoes, and feminists. They can do all sorts of degenerate, stupid, and even illegal things, yet those who call them out on it get monitored, doxxed, or arrested. The EU is real life Bizarro World.

      1. Even white liberals its a heaven for them and their woman. The french deserve what is happenming they voted to be exteminated

        1. Keith..
          As a Frenchman living abroad for the last 50 years, but still have close family in France for contact ..
          After the last French Election, for the faggot gopher of the Dung Beetle Bloodline …
          I have asked my sister, cousins did the voted for that faggot & do they know anyone ?? Who voted for that faggot ??
          Answer was an equivocal NO !
          So as Stalin said ..
          It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. J
          oseph Stalin
          Ohh BTW see the British people vote about BREXIT ??
          &………… What’s happening since then ??BREXIT implemented yet ??
          This is the EUSSR & the Komissars in that EUSSR don’t speak yiddish, but hebrew ….

      2. Blue-Eyed
        It is not a paradise for the J is it? Even if they spearheaded the movements that led to the situation.
        Same was true in 1960’s America-the Civil Rights and riots affected the J’s who at that time ran the liquor stores and pawn shops and Delis THE WORST of all whites.

    2. John
      The core problem is that your jails have become quite nice, let us face the facts.
      Back in the Borstal era of “Scum” Chavs of 16 were aware that experiences like Winstones would be the norm.
      Muslims in the US are better-behaved because a) prison is just absolutely awful in the States and no matter how tough you are when 8 guys jump out and sodomize you there is nothing you can do and b) the standards are awful in the prisons for food etc.
      In Western Europe a black or Muslim would love prison. Nice TV. Decent food. Transvestites to play around with.
      Dennis Nilsen said he loved jail. Dahmer, an identical serial killer/cannibal/homo, was killed by a barbell-wielding black within a few years.

      1. French prisons are among the worst in the EUSSR.
        Perhaps worse than US jails. Overcrowded, thanks to diversity, and it could be worse if all criminals were actually jailed.
        Moslems just don’t care. Piece of cake for them, as you said, TV, halal food, they smugle drugs and phones. And they don’t mind being sodomized, considering it’s a tradition where they are from.
        No goat or donkey but they make up for it.
        Any decent man, the one who did not read quran, would avoid jail at all cost.
        Muzzies just dont care.

    1. Do not be!
      It is the present that French should be ashamed about, not the past!
      Time to Make France Great Again, oui?

  1. Another great article by JBP. Learned much about various groups and individuals (on both sides) that I was unaware of.
    I admire those dissident Frenchmen and groups no end. Hope their efforts and sacrifices won’t be in vain, though it ain’t looking good for their (our) side.

  2. France has been dead for ages.
    By the time I visited Paris in 2007 it had already been Arabic and African city.
    The rothchild’s puppet is simply putting the last nail into a coffin of what was once the truly great country

    1. Their national football team with hardly any Frenchmen in it was a tip-off France had gone over the hill. The French nixed on their country in 1789. Where are their notorious union thugs? They don’t give a damn, they got their pay raises after the last riot, what should they care about anything else other than whether Depardieu’s forked over his “fair” share. Such mindset always leads to success in the long term… Bravo!

      1. @Dariusz…that mindset is the libertarian “muh individual” mindset. No different then selfish farmers/businesses in America hiring illegals to do cheap labor for them so they can make more profit. The Individual only cares about themselves. Don’t worry, with time many of these retarded and cowardly individuals will learn were wealth and prosperity ACTUALLY comes from, and hopefully some of the get the noose.

  3. This is a move that has been done in war for a very long time. First the invaders (refugees) come in and set up their regime (liberal politicans). Next they would burn books, destroy monuments/statues or anything that showed the culture of yesterday. Then professors, journalists, politicans were rounded up and jailed or executed. In this case instead of burning and destroying they simply censor or delete material and throw people in jail who oppose their system they want to impose on citizens. The only way to reverse this is if these people are no longer able to hold office.


    1. blacks are not the probelm its ((they)) africans can be sent back anytime if there is political will but why are people not talking about ((they))

      1. @Keith…Blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, etc are just the reserve armies of Israel. They are all a problem. The J’s are just the generals.

  5. Not so much “the EU is a scary place”. The scariness actually began in France with the Free|mason|ic sponsored French Revolution and its “Reign of Terror”.
    If you recall, that was organized by the “Committee of Public Safety”, which had been set up by the Convention, before falling under the control of the lawyer, and Jacobin radical named Maximilien Robespierre.
    About 18,000 people were then executed, mostly by the guillotine. What happened following the 1919 Bolshevik takeover of Russia was in part, inspired by Robespierre’s campaigns because the same secretive organizations and ethos sponsored both events.
    Liberté, égalité, fraternité is the national motto of France … …. … and also that of the failed state known as the Republic of Haiti. Think about that one for a minute!
    Every nation that was colonized by France was awarded a French Department status. Meaning that the populations of all those territories in West Africa and in Algeria, etc., automatically became de facto French Citizens.
    The USA gets blamed for a lot … often justifiably … but the most toxic nation on the planet vis-a-vis ethno-European (Nationalist) interests is France. For it is the French Republic that pioneered mass executions to enforce an insane and unworkable political point of view, it is the French Republic that birthed this ridiculous Left-Wing / Right Wing mindset, and it is the French Republic who has long lobbied the rest of Europe to give equal citizenry to any African, Arab, or Asian determined enough to apply.
    There’s nary a single Blonde White Female in Paris (under the age of 40) who hasn’t already had group fornication with at least 3 “swarthy coloured persons”. Those French nymphs simply can’t process the idea of racial differences and the concept of alien people. Most are raised to be totally deracinated creatures, and due to their toxic effect on both Europe and North America they really deserve to be placed into re-education camps.
    I might also add that France invaded Germany in 1914, 1923, and again in 1939.
    They then occupied sizable parts of Germany before the German forces organized a response. So in truth, it has always been “Red Shield” owned France who was the (repeated) aggressor … and NOT Germany! Yet 99.999% of Americans are so brainwashed, they still believe the biggest evil in human history was Adolfo.

    1. G. R.
      I can’t agree, killing aristocrats is a good thing, if only we Brits had got rid of our worthless cucked royalty at the same time.

      1. @john dodds … well I would have to agree about us getting rid of our cucked royalty … so long as the entire Rothschild clan also gets exterminated with them … and all their mansions razed to the ground after all contents/valuables have been safely placed into public museums.
        When I wrote my earlier comment criticizing the madness and very persistent (negative) consequences of the French Revolution, I was not making a case for the continuance of monarchy!
        I was simply pointing out that France is the true originator of most of the deracinated madness and political tom-foolery that has been afflicting us, ever since Germany was destroyed by the RAF and USAF … on behalf of (((those))) “aristocrats”.

    2. G.R. Wilson
      The more I learn about Adolfo the more I realize he is unjustifiably demonized.

      1. @Edward Easterling … the (((victors))) write the history future generations get brainwashed with.
        The Third Reich had to be destroyed because by creating their own financing methods, they did away with the international financing model and turned themselves into an international beacon of success … while FDR’s bogus “New Deal” kept America in poverty, and Britain suffered its Jarrow March (1936).
        If you really want to learn the truth, then you would do well to look up the DVD series: “The Greatest Story Never Told” (TGSNT), by Dennis Wise. In fact, it will set you free. Grown men have cried their eyes out during this epic, 4+ hours presentation.
        The White Race has been made complete fools of by these (((creatures))) and we all need to work overtime, as individuals and through support groups, to correct that. Starting NOW.
        If you can’t afford the modest purchase price, then team up with a few friends, and share it. For American, Canadian, and scum British viewers, TGSNT comes as COLD TURKEY.
        Meanwhile, I recommend this book review:

  6. “To learn who rules over you, simply find out (((who))) you are not allowed to criticize”
    Unfortunately this board will be flooded with white V black v Muslim misdirections whilst the real mastermind culprits get a free pass.

      The poor ones don’t. I come from an urban US city-unlike you-and I can assure that the people that got it the worst from the Civil Rights/Rioting were the J who ran the laundromats, owned the Delis, pawn stores and so on.
      By then, they were the last whites in the inner-city-landlords, deli owners etc.
      When they finally left, that was it.

      1. Sure [email protected]
        The so called whiteboy from Detroit who so diligently defends the J, lures the naive away from the JQ and attempts to demoralize the white man to a nihilistic individualist surrender.
        Now why is that…

  7. At this point if you’re truly red-pill and think you have overcome the brainwashing. You would have to seriously question someone’s motives who is trying to convince you and outright denies and deflects there is not a J problem with the global machinations taking place.
    I mean how asleep and ignorant can one be.

    1. There are no strong leaders. The so-called leaders of our movement are cucking left right and center to protect their precious shekels instead of devising more innovative ways to earn a living that don’t involve bowing and scraping before ZOG’s enforcers.
      When the average young man looks into things and sees the self-appointed leadership cucking on the JQ, they fall into line behind prevailing norms.
      That’s why each and every important blog or website in this sector has several government minders and shills assigned to it, where they repetitively blast their demoralizing messages and mock anyone who tries to discuss the JQ as if they are totally out of bounds. You see it here every day.
      If you don’t know who the shills are, then you are the one being shilled.
      The solution is for us to come together in unified strength and demonstrate the resolve to stop pussy-footing around the important issues. Quite simply, to stop backing down and being cucked by (((SJWs))). They are paper tigers.

      1. As an addendum to this, the participants in this movement are being too stingy with their wallets. Money is required for growth and momentum. The more self-sustaining we are able to be, the more strong leaders will emerge from the woodwork. Right now, the prospect of permanent financial ruin is too intimidating for most to take on. And this is understandable. When you see someone standing up in support of our ideals it’s your job to put a few bucks in their pocket if nothing else. The Left became so powerful because it is very lucrative to be a vocal adherent to Leftist causes. There are no similar rewards for being an adherent to truth, justice, and beauty. It’s up to us to change that.
        If you aren’t creating content you should be paying others who are.

        1. Absolutely. If men on here have ample disposable cash for hookers then perhaps they could contribute to red-pill leaders who put it all on the line and fight for us, our future.

        2. Sasq,
          Red pill leaders? there are none, find me one potential white leader that proclaims their desire to revoke the vote for women? Find me one potential white leader that wants to restore mens rights over their wife and children?

        3. It’s a travesty that (((controlled opp))) like Juden Peterson, Laura Joomer, Jewk Prosobiec, Paul Jewseph Watson, Alex Jonestein, Goyvin McInnes, and Thernobitch rake in tens of thousands of shekels from foolish CivNat Cuckbois who lack the intellectual horsepower to paddle out to deeper waters.
          Jim is right, without a financial engine directing money to the right people, we’ve got nothing but impotent silenced protest or illegal violence, both of which are rather distasteful.

      2. @Jim…”The solution is for us to come together in unified strength” Ya, good luck doing that with all the Libertarian retards out there.

        1. As you know re-tribalizing would go a long way to rectifying our ills.
          This is why (((they))) work so ferociously to prevent us from doing so.

    2. Overcome the brainwashing
      So why aren’t Koreans or Jews themselves in Los Angeles brainwashed?

      1. Blah blah blah Detroit
        Blah blah blah Asian Hookers
        Name Change
        Blah blah blah Detroit
        Blah blah blah Jews are Innocent Victims
        Blah blah blah Rural Whites
        Name Change
        Blah blah blah Detroit
        Blah blah blah Jews are Smarter
        Blah blah blah Whites Suck
        Blah blah blah Abandon Your Homeland
        Blah blah blah The J’s are SUPERIOR
        Blah blah blah I haven’t lived in America for 20 years but I think I know everything
        Name Change
        Rinse, repeat, on and on and on huh Marxie?
        But…you’re totally not a shill. Totally.

      2. Why aren’t J’s brainwashed? Because they are the ones DOING THE BRAINWASHING you mor0n.
        But of course, you knew that already, shill.

      3. You fucking jew parasite!!
        Time will come for your demonic inbred kind… just wait!
        Yimak shemo!

    1. Maybe some distant villages and small cities are fine.
      But never Paris and Marseilles

      1. I visited Marseilles too. It is over 50% North African people living there now and most seemed well integrated and all spoke excellent French.

        1. An African speaking French does not make a Frenchman, anymore than yourself speaking Chinese making you a Chinese. Observe Haiti to see what delights French speaking Africans wrought amongst each other.

        2. @Papa Zel…ya, and I a sure you interviewed every one of those Africans right? Uh, pretty sure France is experiencing the same problems with Blacks that America has (higher crime rates, lower education achievement, blacks voting 90% for leftists, etc etc).

    2. The days go by peaceful in the provincial UK as well, the countryside seems quaint. Fifty years ago, demographically, London was nothing like today. Maybe not in our lifetime, but change happens bit by bit, every day people wake up to a slightly different world, some day people will wake up in a completely different country and ask themselves- boy, what happened, how did we get here?

      1. The death of 1000 cuts, the thin edge of the wedge etc. It starts with one migrant, “gee they’re nice” and in 10years the country you know and love has been changed without any citizen actually having a say in it.

  8. EU zeitgeist civilisation? more like alzheimers.
    Trying to bring back the eskimos to be raise in hunting reindeors,walruses from childhood we’re sure for excellence far beyond conan the barbarian.

  9. Who’s going to pay for all this? These migrants consume exorbitant amounts of welfare dollars and rarely contribute anything back. The tax collected from their unskilled labor, should they choose to work, does not offset the costs of housing them, feeding them, and quelling their violent protests.
    The EU has effectively turned into a clown world, and nothing short of a national revolution will change that. Much respect to Hungary, Switzerland, and any European other countries sticking to their guns and keeping the borders closed

    1. those countries have to make sure they are self suffcient soon they will be denied trade unless they ((open their borders))

    2. Who is going to pay? Well, according to the Soros Plan, EU countries should take loans from banks ti finance migrants, and pay it back, with interest of course, from taxpayer money. Beautiful, innit?

    3. The money grows on the rainbow fantasy tree. Surely you wouldn’t expect bleeding hearts to pay to directly out of their own pocket, to support these poor downtrodden refugees?

  10. It seems like this time, we need a “HITLER – 2” for not just Germany, but for the entire Europe to kill the welcomers of immigrants and throw the migrants back to their homelands.

    1. Hitler tried to expel the usurpers. They wouldn’t leave so he put them in camps. Hitler took in tens of thousands of Slavic war migrants. The allies bombed the shit out of them in Dresden killing most of them.
      The J lies will tell you 6 quajillion J were turned to soap, lampshades, ovens, gassed, shrunken heads and all kinds of questionable fantasy acts. They will also tell you Hitler was trying to eliminate Slavs. The irony is most of the casualties inflicted on the J and Slavs were by allied actions.

    2. Hitler 2 = Angela Merkel.
      Hitler was a socialist, just like the current EU leaders.

      1. Wow john dodds, you’re really a moron. Merkel is NOT a nationalist… which is the first letter in NAZI. Shut up and never post again, please.

    3. Hitler tried to expel the [email protected] that would not stop working against their peoples interests. They wouldn’t leave nor cease so they were put in camps.
      The irony being the allies killed more J and innocent Slavic war migrants in Dresden with their bombings and cutting of supply lines than Germans ever really did.
      History has painted Germany ruled by a lunatic that turned 6 quadrillion’s of [email protected] into soap, lampshades, shrunken heads, ovens, gas chambers and other horrific fantasies.
      Shrunken voodoo like heads were official evidence at Nuremberg trials now mysteriously gone missingalong with the lampshades and soap. Lol.

  11. Françoise Nyssen and others like her are the cancer of Western civilization, and like any thing else evil, needs to be exorcised.
    A few of those in any body of people would immediately put the rest of the malignant traitors on notice.

  12. A glimpse at some of the winners of Cannes Festival is worth a thousand words.
    It’s a celebration of degenerate lifestyle. Transgenderism, gayness, pro-migrants, fake dissidence (from Japan, yes), etc. You name it. They even had a guy who illegally smuggled migrants into France, climb the red stairs, making him a hero. This idiot who broke the laws shoudl be jailed right now.
    Having such a great heart and all, when they go back to their private yachts at night, after having dinner in the finest restaurants and enjoyed the best cocaine, I bet the trendies will shed some tears for the plebs.

  13. The traditional scourge of some major european countries (like Hungary) have been roma gypsies, whose crime rates make american blacks look benign by comparison. Even in Spain every fourth female prisoner is a gypsy. Some of the most heinous violent crimes in recent years in my country (which I won’t reveal) have been committed by them.
    I’m not surprised that hungarians among neighbouring nations are so suspicious of mean looking universally black haired and brown eyed foreigners (muslims in this case) coming in en masse.
    These nations have witnessed the bestiality of certain third world ethnicities for several centuries and it has become more difficult to keep them in check with the increasing human rights legislation (which is not a bad thing in itself, just abused).

  14. There is no longer any doubt in my mind that the common masses are incapable of ruling themselves, and if given the opportunity, will gradually bring everything down to their level of mediocrity.

    1. A de-nationalized, de-tribalized mass where women can vote. This is all individualism bro, and you know it too. People who don’t care about what is happening to their country as long as they don’t personally feel the effects. Idiots who are scared of accepting the truth so they just believe whatever makes them feel better, or people who are so intellectually lazy they wouldn’t know what was going on till the gestapo was at their doorstep or their welfare checks stop coming in the mail.

  15. Lol, all these countries that went against Hitler are now getting a taste of that sweet (((medicine))). If this doesn’t turn all of Europe fascist than I don’t know what will. I guess the libertarians in this country should help teach those men how to make their beds and practice self improvement, lol.

  16. Soral and Ryssen are the best, they have my respect. the others are stupid racist idiots.. and the “Raptor Dissident” is a turncoat.

  17. Stalin was a ruthless macho man not like this granny lover soyboy Macron. Stalin killed indiscriminately all his political rivals. In fact most of his former communist bosses were killed. Jewish bastards like Trotsky & his entire companions were brutally killed by Stalin.

  18. The French are no bigger beta male cucks than Americans. I’ve been there. Yes, 25 years from now the entire country will be a third world multi-whatever toilet. So will America. I’m not going to put down the French.
    Admittedly, guy with a wife 25 years older than him, who offers no possibility of offspring is very odd, even perverse. Their President is a limp noodle.
    We almost had Hilary.
    I think in the next 10 years or so we will be seeing a large exodus of French abandoning the country.

  19. La révolution française et la terreur jacobine se perpétuent. A quand le retour de la guillotine ? Démocratie Participative is blocked by my Belgian ISP, btw.

  20. Do you know how to remove every last non-European from Europe? Slaughter all the European women. Then you will magically see all of them sent home with Millions of Euros from Rothschild personally.
    Because the point was always the extermination of
    the one race that could defeat their centuries-old plan
    for global enslavement and ritual sacrifices.

  21. So, let me get this straight: The Jooz are responsible for releasing jihadists, commit jihad against … The Jooz.

  22. how many gears does a french tank have? 6/ 5 backward and one forward, in case the enemy surprises them from the back.
    al-france is dead

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