United States Declared The 10th Most Dangerous Country For Women In The World, Right Behind Nigeria

Via CBS News:

The United States has been ranked for the first time among the 10 nations deemed to be the most dangerous for women by experts in the field. A survey by the Thomson Reuters Foundation of about 550 experts in women’s issues around the globe labeled the U.S. the 10th most dangerous nation in terms of the risk of sexual violence, harassment and being coerced into sex.

The foundation said the U.S. placement on the dubious list was down largely to the #MeToo and Time’s Up campaigns increasing awareness of sexual violence and intimidation of women in the U.S. in the wake of the criminal allegations against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.

“People want to think income means you’re protected from misogyny, and sadly that’s not the case,” Cindy Southworth, of the Washington-based National Network to End Domestic Violence, told the foundation. “We are going to look back and see this as a very powerful tipping point… We’re blowing the lid off and saying ‘#Metoo and Time’s Up’.”

Cindy Southworth looks exactly like you’d expect!

According to the survey, which was last carried out in 2011 and did not then rank the U.S. among the top 10 most dangerous nations, India is the most perilous country for women right now.

The survey noted that Indian government data shows reported crimes against women were up 83 percent between 2007 and 2016. During that year, there were an average of four rapes reported every hour in India.

India has seen a series of horrific attacks on women in recent years, the most recent example being five female activists working to raise awareness of human trafficking who were gang-raped at gunpoint in the eastern Indian state of Jharkhand just last week.

Other Indian women and even young girls have brutally assaulted, a couple even set on fire, in recent attacks, which have drawn huge protests onto the streets in defense of women’s right to safety.

Most of the other countries in the top-10 determined by the foundation’s survey are countries with ongoing military conflicts or insurgencies, or where long-held religious and political views have kept women on an unequal footing in terms of law enforcement and treatment in society generally.

The foundation asked the experts which five of the 193 United Nations member states they felt were “most dangerous for women and which country was worst in terms of health care, economic resources, cultural or traditional practices, sexual violence and harassment, non-sexual violence and human trafficking,” according to the foundation’s article on the survey.

Immediately behind India in the survey were Afghanistan and Syria. The full list of the 10 most dangerous countries for women, as picked by the experts surveyed by the foundation is as follows:

1. India

2. Afghanistan

3. Syria

4. Somalia

5. Saudi Arabia

6. Pakistan

7. Democratic Republic of Congo

8. Yemen

9. Nigeria

10. United States

This place (Nigeria) is as dangerous for women as the USA

Read the entire article

Don’t Miss: Would The World Be Safer For Women If They Were Declared The Legal Property Of Men?

124 thoughts on “United States Declared The 10th Most Dangerous Country For Women In The World, Right Behind Nigeria”

  1. The horrors!
    The feminists who run these kinds of studies should be offered paid passage to Asian, African and/or middle eastern nations not located in the top 9.
    Let me suggest a GoFundMe from ROK and I’d like to donate once this is established.

    1. why so extremist?, better a trip to Cologne for a new year party, a had heard that the migrants are very friendly in those holidays

      1. The Irony, 6-7 ones from the list are muslim countries…..yet they defends them so bad and attack christians folks. and they wonder why they’re a joke…..

        1. Women who defend Islam are mentally ill. Only women could be that stupid. The best is the morons who want a “Wear a Hijab Day” in support of Muslim women. Why do you need to support them? I told one fat moonbat that I would wear a hijab when they remove theirs and wear a large cross for Christian Cross Day. My suggestion was not met with great enthusiasm.

    2. I wish every feminist were forced to live for an entire year in India or Pakistan or Afghanistan or some shithole of that kind. They’d understand how easy they have it in the West.

      1. One year only? No, no, no.
        What I am proposing is a “buy out” of sorts–they leave for somewhere that’s allegedly safer than the United States, and their departure is once-and-for-all.
        As I mentioned, I will contribute money to this cause. Why? Because I’ve recognized my toxic masculinity. It’s the least I can do to ensure that the radical feminists and SJWs are able to live safer lives far away from the rape culture of the United States. I’m quite certain that the starving masses of the Third World will be captivated by their courageous #MeToo stories, as will the local gangsters and political dictators. Whether they are headed to Botswana, Bangladesh, or North Korea… all I can say is that I am very sorry for my existence and I wish all of them well. God bless.

      2. The femicuntists in this shithole country are quite busy in the pussification of local MEN !!

    3. That is why we have stupid upper-middle class white American girls going to “safe” places like Afghanistan to hike or Syria to “help out” or Africa on vacation. AirBnB, a Marxist-run company is promoting people to go to Haiti. No, I am NOT joking. They are telling Americans ot stay in some ghetto decrepit hellhole in Port-Au-Prince for vacation… you know… no potable drinking water, no sewage system, rampant violent crime, food makes you sick, no showers, no running water, etc.

      Our idiot SWJ types are told by the leftist propaganda SJW media that America is dangerous, and it is ONLY because of “racism” that people perceive Islamic countries or African rapezones as “dangerous”. It is all a “cultural misunderstanding”. 🙄 If you go to these places, it is safe, these are wonderful people! Go there and see it! 😆
      This explains it perfectly:

      Feminism Is Literally Killing Women By Telling Them That 3rd World Countries Are Safer Than The West

      Bottom line: I no longer feel sad when I see some idiot get killed because he/she went on vacation to a Islamic shithole country or Africa or some 3rd world hellhole.
      As one of my friends always say to me when we see something like the “Fire Challenge” or the “Laundry Pod eating challenge” on YouTube: “he/she is too stupid to live. Nature just took its course”. 🙂 So true.

      1. Goodbye and good riddance, stupid, useless cunts. If some bimbo falls for this, is it really something you’d want to put your dick into? This is almost like Darwinism in action. We are being unburdened of the incredibly useless and the incurably stupid.

        1. I will be honest, these days when I heard that some stupid leftist idiot in some leftist State/country is killed by an illegal alien (illegal immigrant) or whatever, I simply shrug. Mudshark gets beaten into a pulp by her drug-dealer “boyfriend”, cause she likes bad boys? 🙄 Hey, she picked him. Idiot whigger gets gunned down trying to “be street” in the ghetto. One less expense for the State to prosecute and jail.
          Maybe I have become desensitized after years in Immigration and criminal law work, but I simply do not have the time of the time to give a damn anymore about these people.
          Good riddance, as you say. One less welfare recipient, one less Democrat voter. It is sad to say this, but we have more important things to worry about, like good fellow citizens being hurt by Leftist polices.

      2. Women get hair-brained ideas. We just do and then when shit goes down we say it’s because of misogyny, patriarchy and oppressive white men. I love challenging moonbats and they scurry away or become aggressive all the while talking about how violent men are. Heh!!

        1. “We just do and then when shit goes down we say it’s because of misogyny, patriarchy and oppressive MEN.”
          @Cin, I have up voted you because you acknowledged the reality!

    4. They forgot to mention why it’s Dangerous for women. Because of n*ggers and other non whites.

      1. I have to object to your comment dear sir. Unless it’s not serious, the truth is that non-whites aren’t the dangerous scum many perceive us to be. I disagree with this, but I do agree that there’s lots of people that make this country safer, and not all are white.

    5. Indeed sir, you are right. I fail to see Haiti on the list, and if there ever was a rape culture, it is Haiti. it is interesting that they fail to understand that when they make public announcements like this, that nobody with an IQ over 60 believes them and they become a laughing stock.
      But, for you ugly feminists who imagine you could ever be the target of rape, feast your beady crossed lesbian eyes on this list of ethnic wonders: https://www.atlasandboots.com/most-dangerous-countries-in-the-world-ranked/

      1. Everyone knows it’s a lie, but it’s still ammo for the leftards and of course Trump will be blamed.

    6. Were the results of this survey based on women’s opinions or government crime statistics?

    7. rememeber they want to change the law in usa so they have to justify it. brace youtrselves for dream rape because she dream of u raping her and u have to be answerabel because some how u have something to do with it

      1. Well said Keith. Follow MEN are just blaming other MEN and ignoring the fact. The whole idea of a Country or Religion “dangerous” for pussies doesn’t even make sense !!
        This is all a clear cut plan of targeting MEN & MASCULINITY in general and “specific” Countries in particular. I think we should just ignore this kind of shit.

  2. I am not American & I don’t like America but I too get shocked by this report. I know for the fact that there are rapists in American hoods but those rapists are usually dindus so most of the time its get either unreported or ignored. It looks like false rape cases are treated as real rape incidents otherwise there is no way America to be ranked so high in the list of unsafe countries for women.

  3. Also why now days everyon seems to so concern about women safety. Why not conduct a survey on unsafe countries for men. I am sure both Canada & USA will be on the top in that list.

    1. Funny how Brazil or Venezuela are not on that list. 🙄 Women, men, kids, elderly… all get gunned down by well-armed criminals all the time there. Violent crime is so common in Brazil that they do not even report it on national crime stats anymore.
      And yet, be very afraid of the nerdy white kid working at the snack counter at the movies! Women, be afraid of our campus, which (supposedly) have more rapes then the war-torn Central African Republic! LOL 🙄
      @ SunBurn
      That is because men are disposable “commodities” to the left, that is why. They do not care if men get killed while fighting a war or defending his family against a gang of “poor migrant children” (MS-13 armed gang).
      Think about what Hillary said about men: “Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat.” This is the woman who wanted authority over America’s military forces, whose casualties in war are overwhelmingly men. In Hillary’s FemiNazi universe, women are worth more than men in life, and men suffer less than women even in death!! 😡
      The fake-news leftist media only care if some Sugar Princess gets killed overseas. That makes for good outrage TV. If it bleeds, it leads.
      Remember this trailer trash junkie in Italy getting killed by a RAPEfugee from Senegal after she screwed him for drugs? You know, one of these stupid SJW “Eat Pray Love” travel hoes?
      It is SO funny how our media says America is this dangerous hellhole of a country when most of the world they deem “wonderful” (Venezuela, Africa, Middle East, etc) are on fire and while Western Europe is on fire under out of control crime, social decay, and economic collapse by the masses of RAPEfugees and failed Socialist policies?
      The leftist media only do that because they hate the USA so much. That is why they say we are this dangerous hellhole. What a joke.
      Ps. Are we supposed to “Feel bad” for that woman above? “roll: *sigh*

      1. white left man are the problem they syupport this therefore they get to be abused of rape and also those so called conservatives who like to sleep with mentally unstable woman

  4. Sounds like it’s time for the women who believe this study to pack up and leave then…what a shame…they will be missed.

    1. I was listening to Brad Pasley’s I’m going to miss her. Nice song to go with this article.
      “I’m going to miss her. Awe looky there. I got a bite.” Just brings a smile to my face.

  5. If America was the 10th most dangerous country for women, which it is not, then I’m sure most of that “danger” comes from mexicans and blacks.

  6. Purely political hubris. They’re just reacting to Trump pulling us out of the U.N.’s (In)Human Rights Council. But perhaps the authors of this study would like to personally tour any middle eastern nation like say Iran or Iraq or Syria. I’m sure they’ll be perfectly safe.

  7. Must’ve surveyed women on the Mexican border, those exiting paramount studios, and downtown Detroit.

  8. Ohhh for Christ’s fucking sakes already, who cares about these hairy assed fucking cunts. The average American “woman” is no longer fit to even serve as a fuck buddy for a Man. With the trappings inherent in living [read: “suffering”] a feminine primary social order, the United States is probably the most dangerous place in the world for a Man because we cater to and tolerate these assholes and don’t hold them accountable. The average cunt of today doesn’t even hold herself accountable.

    1. Because they use this biased studies and lies to push policies and law, you should care. They do it all the time with climate change/global warming/weather anomalies/Man made weather change. Funny no one complaint with the phrase man made, hahaha it should be “person made climate change”.

  9. Love the pic of Nigeria with the rickety raised wooden planks so peeps don’t have to walk through the waste and sewage. That’s a major engineering feat for them.

    1. Nigerians are actually quite numerous in engineering programs throughout the Western world. So shut your smart dumbass up boy.

      1. Yeah, we had a Nigerian mechanical engineer with a masters degree, from a US univ. He was awful. The foremen and PEs (process engineers) said they were amazed at the simple concepts he failed to grasp. So he got promoted to a plant manager position to keep him out of actual engineering.
        But you and him were kangz and sheeit. Wakanda forever, bro. LOL.

        1. A Nigerian Dr. is inferior in the west as well. Just smart enough to get out of Nigeria…

      2. Yes, Nigerians are very intelligent, which explains the appalling conditions there.

        1. U can’t be both intelligent and have a big mandingo cocker… it’s either one or the other, otherwise u will be too OP and we all know nature loves to have its game balanced.

        2. Most Nigerians don’t have mandingos you cuck. Not all Africans are packed with big d. Nigerians are smaller compared to Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Angola, Congo and Gabon. In fact most Nigerians look pretty slob.

        3. Looks like u spent some time with them, u know them well… sorry ive never slept with one before

  10. Yeah, it’s rough being a spoiled, fat, tattooed feminist here in the USA. Bitches. Any hardship they experience is totally of their own making.

  11. this is just down to Trump’s pussy grabbing. As soon as he steps down America will be a gender equal utopia just like sweden and Themyscira

    1. (((They))) will make him kneel on live international news for all to witness the spectacle, as the final nail in the caucasian coffin is hammered down.

  12. “The survey noted that Indian government data shows reported crimes against women were up 83 percent between 2007 and 2016. During that year, there were an average of four rapes reported every hour in India.”
    Within the same period of time you will see that India has seen a skyrocketing in the rates of false allegations. But they also have guilty until proven innocent system in regards to sexual assault accusations against men.

    1. Indeed Sasi. pussies back Home are very cunning, opportunistic, reckless, arrogant & ungrateful to MEN. Heck, even the ugly bitches have all those “traits” !!
      pussies in Hindustan has separate Buses & Transport, they have separate “pussy protection cell” police force, they don’t have to face any Consequences & Punishment; however they misbehave with MEN, they have gender based reservations & quotas, they can falsely accuse MEN & go scot free, they can Divorce rape their Husbands, …and what not !?
      Still they don’t have any gratitude towards MEN !! and the “vested interests” of west will always use pussies to destroy the Oldest known Culture & Religion. Shame on these ungrateful pussies.

  13. Fake phucking news!!
    Communist propaganda!!
    the REAL Statistics were
    released 3 months ago:
    2 Sweden
    3 Germany
    4 France
    5 Belgium
    6 Mexico
    7 Denmark
    8 Finland
    9 Guatemala

    1. Another nail in the coffin of San Francisco. May it’s memory be comprehended by the next ten thousand years of humanity.

  14. This is all false propaganda of the west and “vested interests”, especially against Hindustan. pussies in Hindustan are more free and are afforded better social benefits than MEN, and its a fact.
    West always used the weak & pathetic (aka pussies, lower class people, traitors etc.) to destroy the Culture, Tradition & Hindu dharma, always tried to create Religious tensions between the majority & minority, always funded terrorism, always financed NGOs (mostly run by pussies) to create tensions & troubling the Government, always tried to control the fuckin media to spread “manufactured” news of their own interests, etc., etc.,
    From the day the Hindu party BJP came into power, the non-Hindu west has gone mad !! Fuckin barrack Hussain obama has to “revoke” ban on Shri Narendra Modi !!
    All in all, majority of pussies in Hindustan are 100% similar to the arrogant, bitchy, slutty, entitled, hypergamous and “ungrateful” pussies in this Country; AWALT !!
    The non-Hindu west are always envious of strong family bonding of Hindus. What else these fuckin elites & “vested interests” choose to destroy Hindustan, other than the “weak, pathetic & opportunistic” pussies !!
    PS: There is no point in we MEN fighting & blaming each other, because some ass holes made some study & put out a “list” in favour of pussies !! Remember, pussies have always been “ungrateful” and they will remain so !!

    1. Dude,
      Nobody is envious of India, it’s a total shit-hole, and always has been. How many of us go on sex holidays to India? None, zero, ziltch, because your women are ugly, loud mouthed and smell bad.
      I’ve never herd any white guy state they would like an Indian wife, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Filipino YES, but Indian NEVER.

      1. john
        I’m a veteran of the West Indian Goa prostitution scene and it is alright.

      2. John..U are one of the veterans here..and i like your bold look at life..But come on man..Why does everything devolve into women and sex for you?..I am Indian too..Powerful countries play thousands of games to stop developing countries from reaching their potential..Propaganda is one of the ways..Ravi said the ‘West’..which means the elites in western countries..Not the average white guy.You have to be from a south Asian/Middle eastern country to see how the media pushes propaganda against them..Its the reason why people here keep calling India a shithole even though most of you have never been there..Its poor no doubt but it is also very complicated and interesting place..Now you may say why bother about what some english language media says about your country?..You see English is a global language and people get their idea about other countries predominantly through western news sources..When your country gets called ‘Rape Capital’ it creates major issues for its people( men of course).
        As for white guys not wanting Indian wife..Thank You for that..Cant imagine what will happen if romance tourism started in India..Thought itself is scary…So yeah keep to the south east asia for your wife hunting needs.Indian women are beautiful in their own way..My wife sure is. Peace.

        1. Dear, you need to go back to your country if you think so much of it. Wonder why you people run to the west and cry for citizenship and still hold on to the cesspit you come from.
          Make up your minds either you are Western or you are crap. You can be both.

        2. @Scorpio
          We will HAPPILY go back to our Country, the Great Bharath Varsha. But only after taking back what the west had looted from us !!
          Guess your kind (read: not all) of good for nothing, envious & grudgy trash are unable to digest the success of othet MEN !!
          Go and enjoy the mass shootings, stories of pedophilic pussies, slut walks, pussy parades against the elected President, moves & tv shows disrespecting the MALES, … !!
          PS: if you could not bear your butt hurt, as Microsoft & Google to change their CEOs !!

        3. “Indian women are beautiful in their own way..My wife sure is.”
          @Samarth, the problem with common people in the west is, they knowingly or unknowingly (most often knowingly!) ignore & deny the facts!
          For example, Hindustani’s are very well established in this Country since decades & proven themselves as an asset. Especially in the fields of Education, Research, Pharmacy, Medical, Science, Technology, Entrepreneurship and many more…
          But still (some/few) local people will look at the Browns as if they are “brand new” here !! If you ask somebody about Satya Nadella or Sundar Pichai, they will pose as if they never heard those names! Its all boils down to what I refer as JEG&IIC Syndrome (Jealousy, Enviousness, GRUDGE & Inherent Inferiority Complex) !!
          You might have noticed that few guys here always comment Hindustanis as “street s……s” !! that itself shows what kind of trash those few guys are!
          Of course, I have seen & can say that there are more decent, cultured and good local people than the trash.
          Anyway, you are lucky to have a true “ardhangi”. May Lord Nandeeshwara bless you couple.

        4. “the problem with common people in the west is, they knowingly or unknowingly (most often knowingly!) ignore & deny the facts!”
          That’s a much bigger problem in India.

        5. Ravi,
          I can live without curry and Joss sticks.
          That’s just about all India contributed to the world.

        6. And while we’re shipping those back to India, please send us all our power plants, cars, motorcycles, aircraft, telecoms, mobile phones, computers, and all the other shit white men made that you use.
          Enjoy living in your mud huts and burning candles at night.
          Now I’m on a rant, what really annoys me is all the ungrateful women and non-whites that enjoy our white male civilization, yet hate the guys that let them have it. You’d have nothing, if we hadn’t made it for you.

      3. You nailed it. For sure, this Indian dude Ravi, just like any other Indian, praises and loves India but will never let him or his kids to ever enter india.
        India has always been a stinking shit hole and people there drink cow piss as medicine.

      4. Are you the same “timid” person who left this shithole Country and living in some other shithole Country !? What a disgrace !!
        I stand by what I said, west & “vested interests” are always Envious & Fearful of Hindustan, no need to even delve into the History!
        You said we are smelly !? People in Hindustan doesn’t “wipe” you stupid !! They “wash” with water. Every other western blog (for eg, theboldanddetermined) recommends to use a “bidet” and you are commenting that we are “smelly”, moron!
        Know the details before saying or typing something! I don’t think its even worth of talking about the differences in Geographical conditions (weather, hotness, humidity etc), Food habits, Culture, Tradition, Area vs Population etc., etc.
        Nobody gives a shit about the foreigners in Hindustan (maybe as a Tourists and/or Business dealings) !!
        Lastly, I have more Respect towards the local MEN who are Patient, Conservative, Religious, Skillful, Brave & Patriotic towards their Nation; when compared to the timid pussy maniacs aka manginas !!
        PS: whenever I say “west & vested interests”, I am referring to the Political & Elite groups, NOT the common people.

    2. Dumb Desi-
      Whites are not jealous that your Mom’s parents made her marry your Dad when she was 15 years old.
      Your religion worships the penis, you black-ass Veddoid.

    3. Divide and rule – always the way of the elite – everywhere. everytime.
      Remember the architect of India/Pakistan was blown up by the IRA – shit happens.
      i want to go to India sometime.
      From one of my favorite books “Shantaram” – by Gregory David Roberts.
      “watching the ”’impossibly”’ Beautiful women walk by”…
      Got to go see that sometime.
      Dated an Indian chick recently – gregarious, fun, but rude/abrasive/demanding/loud – to everyone – She flashed her tits at the bar – and didn’t like my “immature” reaction to it – I’m worried about a #metoo from her…but still want to to fuck her – so keep tickling by txt…

  15. Sexual Harassment? US top 10? Really? I cant even say hello to a girl here without getting a shitty attitude followed up by notifying the male in charge of the location, whether it be the Bar Tender, Boss, Supervisor, Manager at the gym, etc. And before anyone says I’m being creepy: I’ve approached about 1,000 women and bedded over 30. Low conversion rate, but thats my own fault.

  16. In a previous job I was a manager. Actually had to fire a guy who did nothing more then ask a woman out on a date on three separate occasions over the course of several months. Direct order from HR on high.
    I confirmed said order and even protested a little bit saying “I know he should have stopped at say number two but this happened over 3-4 months and the last time he was turned down he sent an email explicitly stating he respected her decision and would no longer make any such requests (don’t be a beta it will never help your cause btw)”. I further said that this is hardly persistent or pervasive especially given the time frame of the requests and acceptance of personal responsibility. You don’t have a right to feel uncomfortable at work because you think some guy is “creepy”. None of it “fire him” .
    Looked into it a little further and the requests were always verbal, no physical contact in the harassment report, and were made during official break times. Called back HR and stated I didn’t think there was cause here and if they wanted to terminate him come on down and do it yourself. I wasn’t going to sign the paperwork in case he sued. About an hour later a pissed off HR director came down and did the dirty work.
    Covered my behind by sending a memo to the President of the company. Never heard much of it again other then the woman also left the company about 3 months later under what was apparently a sweet severance deal (heard it was six months pay and benefits). Ran into the guy at a local bar about a year later. He just said he was “paid out for a few extra weeks”. Not sure if it was a hand-shake severance deal or just simple payroll error and didn’t really ask. Anyway, shitty way to lose your job.
    If the US is the 10th most dangerous place for women then I’ll be damned. Ended up leaving that job once the H1B’s started showing up. Was told, after a few years of service, that if I signed an NDA (which was laughably unenforceable) I would get paid out for the rest of the month. I just did. Got up without saying a word and left throwing my company ID and keys on the table.
    Funny thing is karma is a bitch. Company went under about 12 months later because the customers didn’t want to with H1B’s that spoke broken English and did on-sites where they insisted on using that company’s kitchen to heat up shitty smelling Indian food.

    1. You did the right move for YOU! F those corporate cowards. Take the path less traveled.

    2. Only stupid men hire women, especially any woman above a non-feminist 4+ in appearance to work for him in the USA today. You are just asking for a lawsuit, false accusations, and problems.
      Also, WHY even bother hitting on women you work with??? That is one of the most common traps women set for men to sue them for money. That is also a sure-fire way to get fired from your job!!!!
      Job = work = earn money. Life is out there, not at work. Do NOT hit on women at work – ever. Simple rule! 🙄 Follow this rule, no excuses!
      Personal life coach, Tony Robbins, said so himself, and he did not want to apologize for speaking the truth about working with women and not hiring women due to the MeToo hysteria. Men do not want to hire women anymore, because we live in fake accusations/outrage world, where EVERYTHING is harassment, everything is rape, everything is a lawsuit.

      Working with female boss will be hell as well, so avoid it if you can!

      8 Tips To Survive Working For A Female Boss

      But as always, an online Tweeter mob of FemiNazis got together and Robbin’s publicist issued an apology later. 🙄 Totally messed up he did that! 😡
      Avoid working with women at all costs if possible. Do NOT hire women unless necessary and limit your pool of female candidates to uglier ones (4 or less appearance), who do not appear FemiNazi in nature. Record every interaction with them, try to always communicate by text or e-mail, keep printed e-mails of all conversations with females at home, and follow these workplace survival rules:

      8 Essential Rules To Surviving The Workplace

      Best article ever at RoK regarding workplace. The 8 essential rules to surviving the modern workplace.

  17. This is just laughable that the SJWs put the U.S. in this fairy tale list and Mexico is not even listed. One of the worst cities for women in Mexico is Ciudad Juarez in the state of Chihuahua where at least every month, some gal or gals go missing and are never found alive.
    As a bystander in worldwide politics, it’s just amusing that these SJWs keep pushing their “make believe” agenda and the “media” keeps feeding them with the same BS.

    1. I’ve seen video of live chainsaw decapitation by cartel in Mexikaaaa and entire hoods or village, not sure, slaughtered… you wake up, go to work and walk past by the dead bodies left by the cartel wars… yep, Mexikanooo is pretty Aztec lately 😀

    2. Mexico not on the list…. the entire continent of Africa not on the list, Brazil is not on the list, Venezuela is not on the list…. Iran and Iraq are not on list… 🙄 What a joke!
      Sweden, the 2nd country with most rapes per capita is not on the list!
      This “list” is a just a way to say SJW/Socialist countries are good and America is bad. 😡
      That list is a joke. Want crime stats, search online, do not rely on some FemiNazi list.
      But then again, maybe we should encourage stupid FemiNazi women to travel to Africa/Middle East and get killed. One less welfare receiving trailer trash to hurt our country. lol

  18. So women have it easier in Burkina-Faso than the U. S? Doubtful. Or Weinstein’s been busier than we think.

  19. The only reason India is number one on that list is because the current Indian government is right wing, protectionist and prevents foreign intervention in Indian matters…Its truly pathetic how wretched and cunning these people are..Putting a country on that list will prevent foreign investments..hurt the tourism industry..create a negative view of people of that country which will hurt its economy and reputation. I am am Indian woman btw…Born and brought up in a dirt poor Indian family.I have also lived in the US and Canada( husband is indo-canadian)..This list is a joke..

    1. How wretched and cunning…
      I’d save that for the Bania caste. And not Northerners.
      I’m a gora who lived in India and I’d say that while Malabari Nairs are cunning the Northerners are not.

    2. Then go back to your cesspit where you came from. Who’s stopping you, you people support right wing government’s, hate the west and torture minorities in your countries. But expect to be treated like royalty in your adopted country. Filthy hypocrites, I have read so many articles of rape and torture of tourists and women, send your daughter at 12 am for a walk on Indian roads, then we will talk about safety.

    3. Stupid comment. the US is put at #10! LOL. This is bunch of feminazi bitches overcome by the hysteria of the times (since the old bitch lost the election and #metoo) And the pussy pedestalizing Western western is amplifying it and shitting all over the place. LOLz!

    4. @manushi
      Now you understand that duplicitous nature of the Western feminists. They make up completely false narratives and whip up mass-hysteria. Now that your old homeland got got in their web of lies you seem to be upset (now do you think the US is at #10?). This is a teachable moment fore you. Stay away from feminism, keep your children away from it as well. Some of the vilest feminist SJWs in North America and the UK are Western born Indian women. They are born into affluence, live mostly in deep Blue liberal states in the US and go to very liberal colleges, and are often disloyal to the US/West. Don’t do it.

      1. @nick
        What do you mean by being “disloyal” to the fuckin west/us, you asd hole !?
        Did they do any “mass shootings” !? Did they loot any shops or shopping malls” !? (just to name a few “patriot” events of locals !!)
        What a dumb ass you are! and talking about being “loyal” !!

        1. Hey, Indian American vote for Democrats by 75%+ which is the most lopsided for any ethnic group in America, except the traitorous Muslim, who are in the 85%+ range. So the two most Democratic voting groups are Muslims and Indians. You have bitches like Kamala Harris, a Seattle congress woman Pramila blah blah, who was actually born in India, she is in the forefront of anti-Trump resistance in Seattle. Most Indian want to screw the White Republicans and Christians as much as they can. This is my personal experience discussing politics with a number of them. All brainwashed little fuckers like you. These brain dead motherfuckeds even support Muslim immigration mindlessly, when Muslims hate Hindus even more that they hate Jews. So it is a parasitic, disloyal and whiny group (about racism, when in India you have all sorts of shit hitting the fan everywhere)

    5. @manushi,
      I am really surprised with what you said! I am sure (and hopeful !!) there are many more Hindustani women like you who clearly understand whats going on against their Great Country, Culture and People.
      To all those who have down voted this woman: what prompted you to do so !? She didn’t talk anything bad or against MEN! She supports Right wing, not the leftists !? Is it because she talked truth and pointed out the wicked “agenda” of the west !?

  20. JOHN
    I sort of disagree about the prostitution scene. Some of the call girls are decent and at least you can get good quality Bengali prostitutes in Goa on Vasco Beach for $30.
    Overall you are right.
    Ravi is still 16 and and has never been laid and his Mom is an Indian cougar so take into consideration that he is a dork with the build of a 9 year old white boy.

    1. Wanted to say:
      Do you even know who is your father ? or were you busy anal fucking your sister !? or maybe giving a nice blow job to your “fathers” !?
      But know, I will not do that !!

      1. At least my Dad is not a black-assed Dravidian veddoid Tamil like your Dad.
        And your Mom is a horned out Tamil sexpert cougar because she was married to your Dad in an arranged marriage when she was only 14.
        Goras wish you would go back to your shitty South Indian Chennai and blow yourself up for the Tamil Tigers

  21. I remember when some stupid feminist wanted to prove that Muslim country was safer than white countries. She went hitch hiking in a muslim country suprise Suprise she was found dead and had been gang raped. A few days later I don’t feel sorry for these people you play stupid games win a stupid prize……

  22. How. Odd. I don’t know ANY women who have been raped. But then again, most of the women of my acquatance are not stark, raving bonkers.

    1. They were… billions and billions times, in the imaginations of the thirsty beta orbiters around them masturbating while browsing thru their photos.

      1. Is this yet another vicious feminist lie from the political left?
        The problem is this, folks: that doesn’t matter. When the Rolling Stone Rape Hoax was revealed to be just that- in spite of the mainstream media’s best efforts- all the government (under Obama) did was to “double down” and insist womyn on campuses were in as much danger as the ones in The Congo.
        So now that a “study” by no doubt absolutely unbiased “experts” declares the USA to be so dangerous for women, guess what will happen next?
        That’s right- more man-bashing laws and regulations.
        You know what’s ironic? Thanks to feminism making the workplace so hostile, with whining women ready to sue via Human Resources (feminists) for no reason at all, and companies being forced to hire women or else, more and more companies are just either leaving America, going under, or using automation- because hiring actual human beings is becoming too much of a liability.
        And without working MEN, the whole feminist model with Big Government programs must collapse.
        My only regret is that Baby Boomers, the idiots largely responsible, won’t suffer from it.

        1. My only regret is that Baby Boomers, the idiots largely responsible, won’t suffer from it.
          Do we have to have this forever and ever? I know there are some posters here who like to bash boomers but I upvote them anyway when they make a solid offering. This shit of blaming it all on boomers, Jews, illuminati, name your favorite boogeyman has got to stop. It is a major reason why the globalists are winning and make no mistake they are winning. Lastly and again if not for Boomers Trump doesn’t win. Let me say it again Boomers elected Trump. The millennials loved the bitch by a very wide margin. That crazy Marxist woman in NYC going to congress is not a boomer. Young people and brown people love left wing politics. We are all that is left between the rest of you and permanent slavery. That and study some fucking history. Most of you couldn’t even pass a basic history or geography class.

  23. India gets an A for effort for trying to keep their women in line. They all seem overweight & unpleasant. Gangraping activizing activists… I salute you

  24. I’m surprised Egypt didn’t make this list. My cousin lived there, she worked at the American embassy. She was always happy to travel back to the states because she didn’t have to worry about random guys trying to grope her on the street all the time.

  25. These dumb white chicks come to India to learn yoga and end up getting raped by some stupid God man or worse still raped and killed.
    Should send all the white women to India and make them walk alone at night as a proof of feminist strength then they will learn.

  26. LOL! These bitches have started to believe their own lies!
    It is a good thing they are so triggered that they put the USA at #10 instead of say #30 – still an outrageous lie, but a lot of shmucks will fall for it, but no one will believe #10!
    Thanks for the morning LOLz bitches!

  27. Hi everyone, can somebody tell me why so many “undocumented immigrants” want to come on into the United States when our country is so awful? If we are so racists, mysognistic and corrupt, why do all of those people try to come in to our coutry?
    Just look at the information CBS brought in from those 550 womens experts:
    ” The United States has been ranked for the first time among the 10 nations deemed to be the most dangerous for women by experts in the field. A survey by the Thomson Reuters Foundation of about 550 experts in women’s issues around the globe labeled the U.S. the 10th most dangerous nation in terms of the risk of sexual violence, harassment and being coerced into sex. ”
    I am just beside myself knowing that our nation is so horrible to women. How can we allow our country to be a place where undocumented immigrants will be mistreated?
    How can we as Americans allow nation to continue to mistreat immigrants and subject them to Toxic Masculinity and Mysogniny?
    If you have time, read this article about a pair of undocumented students in Maryland and how they were mistreated:
    Police: 2 students charged with raping girl in high school bathroom
    By: fox5dc.com staff , Alexandra Limon, Lauren DeMarco
    Posted:Mar 17 2017 12:45PM EDT
    Updated:Mar 17 2017 11:41PM EDT
    ROCKVILLE, Md. – Two students have been arrested after police said they raped a girl in the bathroom of a Montgomery County high school.
    Police have charged 17-year-old Jose Montano and 18-year-old Henry Sanchez with first-degree rape and two counts of first-degree sexual offenses. The suspects were arrested at Rockville High School by investigators. They are both are being charged as adults.
    According to court documents, the 14-year-old victim previously knew only one of the suspects. She was walking with Montano in a school hallway on Thursday at around 9 a.m. when he asked her for sex. The police report indicates she said no, but then the two suspects are alleged of forcing the girl into a boy’s bathroom and into a stall where they both raped, sodomized and forced her to perform oral sex. The police report indicates she said no repeatedly, tried yelling and tried to fight them off, but was unable to.
    Henry Sanchez (Montgomery County Police Department)
    Police: 2 students charged with raping girl in high school bathroom
    At one point during the alleged attack, they heard a noise at the bathroom door, according to the charging documents. Shortly after, they threw one of their jackets over the victim’s head, walked her out of the bathroom and left. Blood and other DNA were found by police in the school bathroom.
    The girl reported the rape to school administrators and police were contacted, according to police.
    In court, the Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office argued the suspects should be held without bond because they are a danger to the public and are a flight risk due to being in the United States for a few months from Central America. The judge in the case sided with prosecutors.
    “They are charged with three very serious offenses that carry life in prison, so that is the maximum you can get in the state of Maryland,” said Ramon Korionoff, spokesperson for the Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office. “We prosecute criminals. We prosecute the cases as the evidence leads us in those cases and the immigration ramifications are determined at a later point by the proper authorities.”
    Although the two suspects are 17 and 18 years old, they were enrolled as freshmen because they both arrived in the United States only a few months ago and were taking English as a Second Language (ESL) classes.
    U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has now lodged an immigration detainer on Sanchez. Prosecutors said he came to the U.S. from Guatemala and has only been in the country for seven months.
    Related Stories
    Students said they learned about the attack on Friday after the principal announced over the loudspeaker that there had been a sexual assault. A letter was also sent home to parents.
    Students told FOX 5 that the bathroom is in a quiet part of the building near the auxiliary gym. The school does have resource officers who patrol the property.
    “They walk around in between classes and there are security cameras everywhere,” said one student we spoke with.
    A source told FOX 5 the suspects were caught on surveillance video inside the hallway.
    Police said Montano’s photograph will not be released because he is a juvenile.
    The investigation is continuing at this time.
    Whoops, my badd. Seems that these two little undocumented students were guilty after all. Back in the day, these little bastards would have been called Illegal Aliens!

  28. I’ve only known a few women who’ve been raped…I mean, violently, against their will, raped…not the BS pseudo “rape” of the BIG feminist lie…I’m sure, if we were in the type of barbarian society that these “experts” say we live in, REAL victims would be everywhere. The F’ing LIES publicized by the Left is really disgusting, and if they get the “society” they really want, they’ll find out just what it means to live in a world where the Brute rules and those who have guns have real power. They’ll be its first REAL victims.

  29. South Africa is widely regarded as one of the most dangerous spots for women. Would’ve assumed war torn Iraq would be in the top 5. Kenya is also known to be extremely dangerous.
    Saudi Arabia is conservative but it isn’t dangerous at all. Probably one of the safest places in the world…if you follow the rules.

  30. Rape in America, at least, is almost always “regret sex”. The cases of actual violent rape, the kind where some guy jumps out of the bushes with a knife or drugs a women at a bar are exceptionally rare.
    I’ve been around awhile but not forever and have only seen one case of a woman who was clearly drugged at a bar. She was in our group of friends, started talking to a guy off to the bar, 15 minutes later eyes rolled into the back of her head and she was out. It was maybe her second drink. Guy disappears in about 2.5 seconds. (I don’t think he realized she was with a large group of friends). Two of us throw her into the back of a taxi and get her right to the hospital (no not trying to be captain-save-a-hoe, it was a legit medical emergency). Tox screen came back and yup it was a roofy. Cops got the guy on the bar video, but he had beat town by the time he was ID’d. Probably was never charged.
    But, getting roofied is not the same as “I just got really drunk and banged a guy who I wouldn’t have touched when dead sober”.
    The sole “danger” for women here in the US is not accepting personal responsibility for their actions.

  31. Is this yet another vicious feminist lie from the political left?
    The problem is this, folks: that doesn’t matter. When the Rolling Stone Rape Hoax was revealed to be just that- in spite of the mainstream media’s best efforts- all the government (under Obama) did was to “double down” and insist womyn on campuses were in as much danger as the ones in The Congo.
    So now that a “study” by no doubt absolutely unbiased “experts” declares the USA to be so dangerous for women, guess what will happen next?
    That’s right- more man-bashing laws and regulations.
    You know what’s ironic? Thanks to feminism making the workplace so hostile, with whining women ready to sue via Human Resources (feminists) for no reason at all, and companies being forced to hire women or else, more and more companies are just either leaving America, going under, or using automation- because hiring actual human beings is becoming too much of a liability.
    And without working MEN, the whole feminist model with Big Government programs must collapse.
    My only regret is that Baby Boomers, the idiots largely responsible, won’t suffer from it.

  32. TEST: Why can’t I comment?
    Is this yet another vicious feminist lie from the political left?
    The problem is this, folks: that doesn’t matter. When the Rolling Stone Rape Hoax was revealed to be just that- in spite of the mainstream media’s best efforts- all the government (under Obama) did was to “double down” and insist womyn on campuses were in as much danger as the ones in The Congo.
    So now that a “study” by no doubt absolutely unbiased “experts” declares the USA to be so dangerous for women, guess what will happen next?
    That’s right- more man-bashing laws and regulations.
    You know what’s ironic? Thanks to feminism making the workplace so hostile, with whining women ready to sue via Human Resources (feminists) for no reason at all, and companies being forced to hire women or else, more and more companies are just either leaving America, going under, or using automation- because hiring actual human beings is becoming too much of a liability.
    And without working MEN, the whole feminist model with Big Government programs must collapse.
    My only regret is that Baby Boomers, the idiots largely responsible, won’t suffer from it.

  33. Last year Nigeria had 6000 Christians murdered by Muslims only based on religious reasons alone – that does not include all the money-, sex- and impulse-control crimes.
    I don’t remember the USA to have 6000 people murdered just on the basis of their religion – actually based on the population then it should be closer to 15.000 to be worse.

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