In the past year a close friend of mine named Bob was diagnosed with cancer. While I was familiar with the disease, I didn’t know the best way to help him. More than one year later, with his treatment completed, I’m ready to share some advice on what you can do if a friend or relative is diagnosed with the disease.
What Is Cancer?
Cancer is when a specific type of cell within your body, like a lung cell or a blood cell, somehow mutates and starts replicating at a faster rate than normal cells. These mutated cells lose their original function and exist just to multiply and steal resources from normal cells, which is why one of the first symptoms of cancer is fatigue (this was true for Bob).
The cancer cells are initially localized in their own compact ghetto, called a tumor, but if they break off and spread to the rest of the body, the disease becomes “malignant.” The cancer cells now interfere with organ function, eventually causing the person to die.
There is continued debate on what causes cancer, especially since it’s not only becoming more prevalent, but affecting younger populations. Scientific research, which has become increasingly dubious and controlled by money interests, points towards “environment” for being the cause. But which parts of the environment?
We don’t know for sure, but I do know that if vaccines, plastics, GMO food, and food additives were the cause of these increased cancers, we would never find out about it because of the tens of billions of dollars at stake for companies that produce those products. In Bob’s case, he did possess a mutated gene that is linked to a higher cancer rate, but even with a mutated gene, a poor environment can lower the age of disease onset and increase its severity.
Welcome To Modern Cancer Treatment
Cancer treatment will often include three phases: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Surgery aims to physically remove the tumor and most of the cancer cells, hopefully before they spread. Chemotherapy is a combination of different drugs that aims to kill cancer cells. Radiation uses high energy rays to kill cancer cells at a specific site. It used to be that surgery was the first step but now chemotherapy often starts off the treatment to soften up the tumor and kill straggler cells that can’t be seen when the tumor is removed during surgery.
After Bob consulted with the best doctors in his city, there was a consensus that the treatment sequence should be chemotherapy, surgery, and then radiation. Total time for the entire treatment course was ten months, where Bob’s life would be turned upside down. Wracked with stress from this unexpected diagnosis, I felt it was my duty as a friend to help him through the ordeal.
I crammed as much on cancer as I could, which wasn’t too difficult since I have a degree in microbiology and was already informed on the disease. I was able to confirm that Bob’s treatment was the most modern standard that had the highest chance of increasing his 5-year survival rate, but the more I got into learning about chemotherapy, the more I become concerned because of the incredibly toxic effects it has on the body.
The Disturbing History Of Chemotherapy
Nearly 100 years ago, on a World War I battlefield in Belgium, soldiers began randomly developing blisters and sores. Some coughed up blood. It turned out that they were poisoned by mustard gas deployed by the Germans, and died weeks later. Thousands of men were killed by the gas during the war.
Upon noticing how efficient the mustard gas kills white blood cells, scientists started testing out the gas against blood cancers. Sixty years later, this drug is still used to treat some cancers, and it was part of the regime for Bob’s chemo treatment. The lobotomy procedure, where an ice pick is jammed in your nose to destroy your frontal cortex, is a newer treatment than some chemo drugs. Not only does chemo have horrible side effects, but it increases your risk of getting other cancers.
We give patients drugs that increase their odds of getting more of the same disease. Let that sink in for a minute. Can you imagine having an infection in your body and taking a drug that may alleviate this infection with the expectation that it will cause a more serious infection in the future at other parts of your body? It’s almost like playing a torturous game of whack-a-mole with your life.
Chemo drugs theoretically kill fast-growing cells faster than normal ones, meaning that it is more likely to kill cancer kills, but there is no mistake that chemo kills all cells. In the middle of treatment, Bob told me that “it feels like I’m dying.” He wasn’t far off. The point of the treatment is to kill all the cancer cells right before the patient would die, because if you continue a chemo cocktail for just a month or two longer than you should, the patient becomes irrevocably disabled or does die, something that can’t be said for most other medical treatments in existence. It was emotional to see Bob lose his hair (even his eyebrows), gain over twenty pounds in water weight, take on a ghostly pallor, and become a weakened shell of his former vigorous self.
I searched for alternatives to chemo, but besides some promising research on massive doses of Vitamin C, all I found were shady sites promoting just about every household product as a cure, including baking soda, lemon juice, and even water. There was also vitamin “cures,” many of which you can find explained without evidence on Youtube. I didn’t have enough conclusive data to tell Bob to ditch the chemo and try something else.
Surgery was straightforward and a far easier ordeal than chemo. They put him on a table, sliced him open, removed all visible sign of the tumor, and patched him back up. Within two weeks he was moving around normally.
Radiation seems easy on paper, since it’s just ten minutes a day of getting zapped by high powered rays for a month or longer. Just like with chemo, however, the side effects accumulate. The skin turns red then purple then black. Then it oozes and makes it extremely difficult to move. But hey, it’s better than chemo. I quickly learned that the term “cancer survivor” is really centered around living through chemotherapy, not surgery or radiation.
What the medical establishment doesn’t tell you is that when someone dies of chemotherapy, they say “the patient died from cancer.” But it was the chemo that actually killed him. As you can tell by now, I was in disbelief that this treatment is used on humans.
Thankfully for Bob, he survived all three rounds of treatment. A recent test showed that he is currently cancer free. I’m thankful for this and can now impart the lessons I’ve learned from his ordeal to help others who are impacted by this disease.
How To Help Someone Who Has Been Diagnosed With Cancer
This is what cancer ultimately comes down to:
- dozens of doctor visits that take a huge amount of time
- assembly-line medical treatment from doctors who have been trained not to get emotionally attached to patients
- intense physical pain
- inability to take care of oneself and work full time, leading to lower income
- psychological suffering in thinking that you may die
- guilty feelings of being a burden upon others
Anything you do to help someone with cancer should attempt to alleviate the above problems, which fit into the following four roles:
1. Caretaker
2. Doctor buddy
3. Moneybags
4. Philosopher clown
Often reserved for family members, the caretaker does the heavy legwork where the cancer victim lives. They cook, clean, and try to make the sufferer as comfortable as possible. They also monitor for sudden changes in symptoms that may require an urgent call to the doctor, which can typically happen towards the end of chemo when the side effects are most severe.
Action items: do the dishes, take out the trash, do a load of laundry, sweep/vacuum/clean house, cook a big meal that lasts a couple of days, change bed sheets, help sufferer bathe (if needed).
Doctor Buddy
It’s helpful for the sufferer to be chauffeured to the doctor’s and have someone sit with them. If you are close with the sufferer, you can also go in the examination room and fire off questions to the doctor that he is too reluctant to ask (you can be the “bad cop” to ensure the best treatment). I also recommend doing a basic check on the doctor’s treatment protocol with your own research.
Action items: take sufferer to doctor, sit in waiting room, ask questions to doctor, alleviate boredom, run off to get coffee/tea/snacks.
Moneybags writes the checks. Besides the prospect of dying, Bob’s biggest concern was money, even though he had health insurance. It’s not that the out-of-pocket health costs were expensive but the lost income from not being able to work made it hard for Bob to pay existing bills. A donation drive among friends was done to help Bob out along with more direct donations, but even small things like buying a few day’s worth of groceries and filling up the gas tank was a big help to him.
Action items: pay a bill, buy lunch, buy groceries, fill up the gas tank, start a donation drive, ask friends to give money, send a monthly check.
Philosopher Clown
The philosopher clown entertains the sufferer with humor and jokes while throwing in stoic or religious lessons that put the disease in context. For Bob, I tried to steer his mind off worst-case scenarios and focus on the positives of what was going on. You don’t want to let the sufferer slip into a mental slump where they start doubting if it’s worth continuing their existence. If the mind gives up the will to live, the body will soon follow.
Action items: make sufferer laugh, get their mind out of negative thinking, teach helpful beliefs, encourage sufferer that they can successfully complete treatment.
From the above roles, you can see that giving kind words without actionable help is nearly useless to the sufferer. I was disappointed with how many people close to Bob told him empty platitudes on Facebook like “You’ll be okay” and “You’ll beat this” before disappearing. A cancer sufferer will hear these things so many times during treatment that they quickly lose meaning, and they are no substitute for being physically there with the sufferer or sending in some money.
It’s also demoralizing for a sufferer to hear “You’ll be fine” so many times, even from doctors, and then have to experience a setback or problem in cancer treatment, which is likely to happen. If you don’t have a crystal ball that can see into the future, don’t try to predict it.
A better strategy is to be realistic about the current stage of treatment and then offer help. Here are some examples:
Bad: “I believe in you and will pray for you.”
Good: “Only three more infusions to go and then you’re done. We’ll get through this. How can I help?”
Bad: “I know a friend that had a much worse cancer than you and she’s absolutely fine now after drinking a gallon of grapefruit juice.”
Good: “You’re way stronger than I am. Can I buy you lunch or fill up your gas tank?”
Bad: “I’m so sorry this happened to you. I don’t want you to die.” Sobs uncontrollably.
Good: “I’m off on Thursday, let me drive you to to the doctor. Don’t worry, you don’t have to entertain me and can be silent if you want.”
As you can see from the above, words are cheap compared to concrete action. I also saw how people became so depressed about Bob’s illness that he had to lift them up. While it’s nice that people empathized with Bob’s situation, if he had to use his limited energy to be your own psychological coach, you were a burden to him. Don’t bring your own anxieties, fears, and morose attitude to the home of a cancer sufferer. If you’re crying in the sufferer’s presence but he’s not, you’re failing miserably.
Two Problems With Cancer Treatment (Besides Chemotherapy)
A huge problem with cancer treatment is the complete lack of psychological help. While a doctor is more than ready to pump you full of drugs or slice you open, they offer absolutely zero mental guidance for what amounts to the most traumatic episode of your life. You are completely on your own after a cancer diagnosis, and if you don’t have proper mental grounding beforehand, you will have a hard time fighting the disease.
If I get diagnosed with cancer right now, I think I’d be able to understand the disease in relation to my life, but that’s because I’ve been meditating on death for years (I even read a book called Making Friends With Death), all while mastering psychological strategies based on stoicism to deal with suffering. The average person hasn’t done this, so the mental effects of a cancer diagnosis will be just as hard on them as the physical side effects from treatment.
There is also no psychological help after you’re done. They send you out into the world and essentially tell you to call them if you think the cancer came back, but this does nothing to alleviate the intense anxiety in thinking the cancer will ravage you once more. It’s similar to the post-traumatic stress that a soldier has after returning from a war.
Secondly, there is too much financial incentive in the current protocol of treatment for it to change. While I don’t believe a doctor involved in Bob’s care tried to get rich off his disease, the dozens of doctor visits, medical infusions, scans, surgeries, and so on is a lucrative business for everyone involved.
Cancer infusion centers that dispense chemotherapy are starting to look like factories—they are hyper-optimized with the purpose of quickly and efficiently dealing with a huge amount of patients based on established protocols that never rock the boat, and an infusion room I saw with over forty chairs was creepily productive. The care is competent, but Bob was essentially a widget on an assembly line where empathy and love were simulated in bursts but never genuine.
If a cancer cure was discovered today that completely dismantled the cancer treatment system, the medical establishment would have no choice to fight it unless they were ready to lose tens of thousands of jobs and billions in revenue. It may be hard to accept that the medical community values their interests just as much—if not more—as the interests of the patients they took an oath to treat, but unfortunately I believe this to be the case, especially for those at the top of the medical community who have the greatest financial incentive in maintaining the status quo. I trust a doctor no more than I trust a man selling me a used car, as I strongly suspect that the treatment doctors give their patients is not what they would give themselves.
Cancer diagnoses are going up, and so-called scientific experts are flailing their arms in confusion because solving the problem would threaten lucrative sectors of the economy. This means that patients getting cancer treatment right now will be seen in 100 years in the same way we see lobotomy victims today. The current protocol of chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation is too profitable for any paradigm change to be forthcoming, so I expect them to retain this medical standard for the rest of our lives.
I’m extremely skeptical of the current protocol, but I may take chemotherapy if I get cancer. I wouldn’t mind experimenting on a slow-growing tumor with some nutritional experiments, but if I had a fast-growing cancer that already spread to my lymph nodes or beyond, I’d probably go with the mustard gas, even though I know it would probably kill me before the cancer does. The best strategy seems to be not getting cancer in the first place.
Because the incidence of cancer is increasing so quickly, chances are you will have to deal with a diagnosis for someone close to you during your lifetime. I hope you are able to help them through a hellish treatment protocol that will last nearly a year of their life. I was more than happy to help Bob get through his cancer. If it comes back, I told him not to worry, because we’ll do whatever we can to beat it just like we did the first time.
This article was originally published on Roosh V.
Read More: What If Everything They Told You Is A Lie?
Would suggest them some Kratom lol
No one think it’s strange that cancer is being more and more common? Pretty soon it will be like HPV or chicken pox: everyone gets it, comes with the territory, has so-so had cancer yet?
You people need to get this through your fucking heads: there is something environmental that is going on. The arguments offered by medical experts that “people are living longer so more people will long enough to get cancer” or “out methods of detection are improving” are outrageous lies.
Think about skin cancer: people used to work out in the fields 12 hours a day shirtless. Sailors lived on the decks of boats all their lives. They didn’t get skin cancer. And if they died by age 40 or 50 like buccaneers or pirates might have, they still had spent 20+ years in the Sun without getting cancer. Now, people are getting skin cancer at a very young age. A girl I went to hs with died of some type of skin cancer when she was like 21.
Cancer was much much rarer in earlier eras than in the modern world. Do you know what the new stats are for cancer? Something like 1 in 2 people will get cancer according to the medical community. You think such a stat is normal? 1 in 2???
Cancer is most common in people in their 50s and 60s and upwards. There’s a reason why it was less common before, and that is because A: people weren’t living that long. It is only in our lifetime that the average life expectancy has really exceeded 60. And B: They’re getting better at detecting cancer earlier, so people aren’t just suddenly getting ill and dying anymore. They now know the symptoms and diagnose them first. The child in the 1900s who suddenly fell ill and passed away would now be on chemo today.
You are wrong.
Average life expectancy has increased due to the massive reduction in infant mortality. Prior to 1900 or so, 1 in 3 or so children died at birth. Many more died of infection (scarlet fever, cholera, etc) in childhood. When half the population died before 2 years of age, it will cut the AVERAGE life expectancy in half. If you survived childhood, you most likely lived to 70 or 75.
Please don’t be so naive as to think elderly people did not exist 100 or 500 years ago.
There were centenarians in the times of the ancient Greeks.
people literally used to snort tobacco and rub snuff into their gums. People used to clean the insides of chimneys. And they still didn’t develop cancer at the rates we’re seeing today.
This is why a child’s First birthday is still such a big deal in some cultures.
Nope, I think genetics account for 10, maybe 15% of cancer cases…food is poison, water is poison, your deodorant and body wash are poison, etc
I imagine it could be anything.
I could offer up any number of theories that would hold water and which i could find data for:
1. I assert diversity causes cancer.
Evidence: Japan is a homogeneous society and has the lowest rate of cancer in the world despite having the longest life expectancy.
Peoples evolved in isolation. Their bodies are optimized to interact with and fuck people similar to themselves.
2. Lack of cleanliness.
Again, compare Japan vs. USA. Tokyo vs. NYC. You could eat off the floor of the Tokyo subway it’s so clean. NYC is a putrid hellhole. Homeless fucks who put their fingers up their assess touch the same elevator button and subway grip that you touch before going to Just Salad for a healthy lunch.
I have literally seen a homeless man drop his pants and rub his bare ass on a pole on the subway.
I’ve seen a homeless who smelled of shit get off of the subway only to have a business man in a fancy suit get on and sit in the same spot.
did you put a dollar in his drawers?
Just think about all the dirty people touching their eyes, their mouths, then touching a door knob or elevator button that you touch and then touch your eye or put a piece of gum in your mouth.
didn’t they teach cross contamination in home ec? i learned that shit when i was 12.
Doorknobs and light switches are all teeming with the plague.
I bet cancer rates are higher in NYC than in rural parts of the country.
NYS has the third highest rate below Kentucky and Delaware (instances of all cancers per 100k residents)
too much KFC???
difficult to assess NYC – such a flux of young people into the city but i would wager the rate among long-term residents is much higher than the average
Kentucky should be healthy: the blue mountains etc
Actually, bad theorizing. With NY, Kentucky, NJ and Delaware in the top spots after them comes Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Miss, West Virginia and Louisiana.
Sorry Charlie….the bumbkins are high on the list too.
I have absolutely no doubt that fast food is a major contributor. Anyway, I would take cancer over the morbid obesity that is now called “average” in most of the country
I’ve never seen a negro sneeze: I don’t believe they get sick with the common cold or flu
Love the argument pattern. You make a claim. I disprove it with statistics from the CDC. Then, using the most specious of reasoning, you change your claim so that the facts fit your opinions. Is this how you defended your dissertation? You would get eaten alive on any decent panel.
I have never seen one sneeze either…but they must get sick. The one black girl who works in our office has already used all of her sick days this year. She is constantly missing work. I feel bad, she must be very ill.
Mississippi and Louisiana are referred to as “cancer alley”- the mighty mississip is soooo polluted
is she affectionately called, “blackie” ?
how this is going to play out: waldemar and lolknee with some black pepper go up to Harlem. We’re gonna make a black sneeze one way or another
Depends on where you are and what you do. Lots of agriculture involves vast amounts of pesticides, herbicides, contaminants from working on equipment, etc.
Mining can be even more hazardous, the air they breathe is not exactly the freshest. I suppose logging would be alright, but cancer really doesn’t matter if you get clipped by a choker cable.
we will need some feathers.
we find one dozing on the subway.
out comes the feather
Coochie coochie coo
Or we blow black pepper on him like the Sandman
we find one dozing on the subway.
out comes the feather
Coochie coochie coo
Or we blow black pepper on him like the Sandman …
We can be called the Sternutation Sensations
if he sneezes, do we let ’em go?
The kids do constantly on the bus. I only notice because they are not taught to cover their moufs.
“black” pepper….
billions of acres of questionable fertilizers drain into the Mississippi
the “Smoky” mountains are known to cause lung cancer.
Fried vegetable oil is absolutely a carcinogen.
You need to fry things in organic butter or organic coconut oil. Cold olive oil over is salad is fine, using it to fry foods is not fine
I use olive oil for everything….
I’m going to die.
but it must be all the squid tentacles the Japs eat? Except most subsist on greasy ramen noodles and not fresh fish so there goes that theory.
I eat a lot of squid tentacles. It is an excellent protein source and really delicious. I chop them up fine, mix with mushrooms, stuff into the bodies and grill. yummers.
You’ll notice the life-expectancy of squids is dropping proportionally…
fuk that – you’re eating BAIT.
you cut that shit up and use it to catch a REAL fish!
I told my guinea grand-uncle this years ago. He didn’t buy it either and lived to be nearly 90.
Theres this Korean joint out in queens that serves the squid while its still twitching…
GAL-uh-mod is italian for baitfish
You are a crazy man. That is the good stuff. Calamari (with tentacles), scungilli, octopus, magnosa, pannocchie, datteri de mare (a personal favorite), tartufi, telline and cannolicchi. Then you have to remember the number one snack, whole fried smelts
That’s pretty good!
I have eaten this a few times, though not in queens. You wrap the litter fucker around you chop stick and it wiggles around when you eat it. I am a pretty adventurous eater and will seek strange shit out. There is only one thing on my list of shit I need to eat and haven’t and that is l’ortolan. There are precious few things I wouldn’t do in this world for a proper dinner where they serve it in the traditional fashion.
I will concede that it’s likely I’ve never had these things prepared properly. But the no-suction-cup-rule has become a bit of a Policy.
Ok, when you come over to NY next time let me know. I’m going to feed you like a proper wop.
Looking forward to it!
den we can go out ta howid beach an chase zum moolies ‘cross da boulevad
Get my IROC outta da shop an cruise 86 stree…
Calamari with jalapeño mustard. Damn good. Hard to find.
sounds good. Calamari should be fairly easy to find and the jalapeno mustard is probably easy to make with mustard and peppers
Guinea wop just sounds better.
Nobody has brought up octopus porn?
Im disappointed in uncle bob.
I am quite content going on with my life not knowing what you are talking about.
Jap broads do the grossest things
I bet in Japan they have people whose job it is to disinfect elevator buttons and door knobs. Think you will ever see that in America? No. Just some lazy fuck half-heartedly pushing some dirty water around with a mop.
Also, I would wager there is a strong correlation between the number of sexual partners one has had and cancer.
The same medical experts claim the rate of autism isn’t increasing: we’re just getting better at detecting it. BS. 300 years ago, every village had its idiot. So the rate of autism or retardation was like 1 in 1000. Now it’s like 1 in 50 or 1 25. You don’t need better detection methods to realize someone is retarded.
I know three people who got benign brain tumors in their early 30s. Their jobs required them to constantly be on their cellphones(sales). Im sure its all just a co inky dink
Can you tumor now? good.
And plastic in food supply
Its all the plastic we all eat.
Prediction: Millennials will be wiped out by cancer.
They’ll work ever so hard, getting a good paying job, investing, planning for a future that they will never live to see. Assets forfeited. Govt. wins.
Millennials will cure cancer with a radiation treatment which is powered by their own sense of self satisfaction (I got that line from somewhere but cannot remember)
Simpsons – Ed Begely riding a vehicle thus powered.
I use variations on that frequently – buildings being powered by the sustainability consultant’s “self-righteousness” and all that.
That was it! When homer was hanging out with the celebrities and offers Ed Begely a ride home. Well done.
If only I could use these powers for GOOD!
There is no good or evil, but hilarity makes it so.
There could very well be good and/or evil, but I follow the BIT.
Remember: We should be happy the wonders of medicine are allowing us to live longer than ever. Why, prior to 25 years ago, the average life expectancy was 45 and no one ever lived to 90 doncha know
No one ever born prior to 1980 ever met their grandparents. #Medical_Expert_Fact
Actually, make that 100 years ago and its pretty accurate.
Some suggested Google searches for the open-minded:
1) Dr. Royal Raymond Rife cancer
2) Rene Caisse cancer
3) Dr. Linus Pauling Vitamin C cancer
4) Vitamin B17 cancer
5) Dr. Hulda Clark cancer
6) sunscreen causes skin cancer
7) pH and cancer
Some suggested Google searches for the closed-minded:
1) there are no cures for cancer and the moon is made of pizza dough
2) doctors are gods
3) chemotherapy is good for you
4) radiation is good for you
5) sunscreen is great on toast and sandwiches
6) the AMA really cares about people
7) there are no conspiracies because Watergate never happened
I need a WHOLE LOTTA Vitamin C Gummies!
The more the merrier…
Artist’s rendering of me and vitamin c gummie
I had no idea there were vitamin c suppositories, but apparently you stick them right in Uranus.
(oh my god Pabst, I just love you today for opening that possibility up!)
EDIT: Oh fuck it is Saturn not Uranus. Still though.
That brought a tear to me eye, seriously, Waldemar…
Cancer cannot exist in an alkaline environment
I have swallowed that red pill – and it tasted really good. Chug that lemon juice. Every. Fucking. Day.
peep this chart- good info
Awesome chart dude – saved it to my desktop. Damn, you are good people, CBCB…
It highlights why that BK double cheeseburger, fries and diet cola are very, very, very bad for you…
That chart is an absolute gem. If even one person sees it, saves it, and adheres to it, you have saved/prolonged a life.
I’m going to ask the question we all know is on everyone’s mind: Where does Kratom fall on the acid/alkaline continuum?
so batteries are safe?
Tell that to this woman –
Oh, wait, you can’t, because she’s dead – her cancer thrived in alkaline environment.
That’s a perfect list of open-minded searches. I’m still surprised how many people don’t know THERE IS A CURE FOR CANCER. I first learned about it 15 years ago. Another one for the closed-minded: It is a FACT that more people make money from cancer than people who have cancer. If that doesn’t wake you up, I don’t know what will.
If there was a cure available how come Steve Jobs died so young?
That’s a strange question you ask, as if you’re implying because he died young, it proves there’s no cure.
I’m suggesting that if a magic cure existed, someone with a THAT much cash would likely be able to access it.
The amount of cash one has is not the primary factor in discovering truth.
No, but it absolutely determines one’s access to a product or specialized services.
lol, you don’t need a million dollars to be cured of cancer. As a matter of fact, the more money you have, the more likely it is that you’ll just run into people that want your money, rather than people that will actually help you.
When a room full of highly respected experts tells you what the best course of action is, and isn’t, even Steve Jobs listens.
Many people still die following the first seven and some people survived following the other seven.
What does that mean?
I don’t know. Tell me.
Don’t forget about all the plastic we eat!
That is a huge contributor to all the cancer.
And its only getting worse, plastic gets smaller, all animals eat it.
Yep, theres a Bill Burr bit on that- you used to rollerblade back in 1998, then gays started rollerblading, you didnt want to be perceived as a fag, so you threw them out. The plastic never completing degrades, so it winds up in the ocean, and a tuna eats small pieces of it. It winds up at your sushi joint, and you eat the tuna, you are really eating your old rollerblades
very solid advice.
My brother had a wife that died from cancer at 24, leaving a kid behind. At the time, I lived about 350 miles away, going to school. For 6 months, I would travel home to visit and help out about every other weekend. Sucks for everyone involved.
The kid was left with a single dad until he remarried to this girl who had two kids herself. Funny thing is, I think the boy was better off with a dead mother, than divorced parents like those other two. There was no hard feelings, no drama, no custody battles, etc.
You are a far better brother than I was!
You really don’t know until you are in the situation.
I was, sorta. I suppress deep regret for not doing more.
“Funny thing is, I think the boy was better off with a dead mother, than divorced parents like those other two. There was no hard feelings, no drama, no custody battles, etc.”
That’s tough, man.
Yeah, it is, but you look at what some kid and the rest of the family goes through because the mom decides to try the dark meat (happened to my coworker), and there is no contest. She would be easier on her family if she just killed herself.
Q) What’s the difference between a doctor and a serial killer.
A) Doctors bankrupt their patients for the service.
Aw, that’s not fair to all doctors. Orthopedic surgeons can be great. The guy at HSS who worked on my knee (and only works on knees and hips) jokes that he had a survival rate of 98%. The oncologists however, yeah.
Meanwhile, in the end the survival rate is 0 for all patients. Until that changes, at least the doctor can give you oxycodone
Orthopedic surgeons are really expert carpenters above all.
and cardiologists/Urologists are the plumbers. Neurologists are electricians. After that it seems like the rest of them are babysitters. With the exception of cosmetic surgeons who play several valuable roles in society…making women more beautiful and showing young boys what the best career in the world looks like.
Breaking up the negative vibes for a bit here (click to enlarge, usual shit)…
Bob, with all the great balls to the wall outside jokes bordering on the tasteless, of which I love all of them, somehow sticking “Why Seth Rogen is the Funniest Person Ever” has to be top 5
I fucking hate that guy. Glad I’m not alone…he sucks huge, thick, smegma-coated donkey dicks.
I have only ever seen him in one thing, a commercial with Amy Schumer for Bud Light where they talk about how unfair the wage gap is.
You’re lucky. That’s one more view than he deserves. It’s like Hollywood deliberately picked out a talentless Jew and the big guys said, “We’re gonna make the public think he’s really funny – but he isn’t.” Mission accomplished.
even the other guy who is fairly interchangeable with him, has a greek name and is also a miserable fucking cunt seems somewhat talented. Not kidding, it took me about 3 years before I realized they were different people.
You mean Zach Galifianakis…
yeah, this douche cunt at least seems like he can act.
It’s like they are deliberately lowering the bar and conditioning people to think that average talent is exceptional talent. “Hey, he doesn’t suck as bad as Seth Rogen – he must be good.”
Correct. I could stomach the one bearded fat guy because he seems like an insufferable twat who can do his job passably well instead of being an insufferable twat who can’t do his job.
I hear ya. I was watching this movie yesterday – well, it was on while I was working. Morgan Freeman was in it. Some swords-and-honor movie, produced by a bunch of Japanese dudes. And I thought, “Freeman is pretty good, and the guy playing the lead is good…but everybody else sucks.” Then they rolled the credits, thousands of names scroll by. And I thought, “They spent all that money, used all those people, hired all those companies, and the movie sucked ass.” But that’s just average Hollywood fare these days. Can’t be an accident. People in control of things like movies aren’t that stupid. “Dumb ’em down!” Yep.
Yup. I don’t know off hand, but I would bet that there are very few movies that cost more than Shawshank Redemption that were actually better than Shawshank Redemption. If I had the wherewithal to actually research that I would love to call it the Shawshank Line….whatever it was they spent on Shawshank is the most you can spend on a movie without the quality diving.
It’s so formulaic, right. Script A is good. Check. Producer B is good. Check. Director C is good. Check. Actors D through L are good. Check. Sound crew M is good. Check. Etc. So easy to make a really solid film.
That would make for a very interesting study. I’ve watched a few independent films that had a cast and crew of maybe 15 people that were 10 times better than the average Hollywood schlock-fest. Pretty pathetic, man.
How hard can it be. I can name at least 3 maybe more Pierce Brosnan movies that were objectively good, hardly cost anything to make (by movie standards) and no body watched
The Tailor of Panama
The Matador (one of my favorite dark comedies)
November Man
His Remake of Thomas Crowne Affair
and that is just off the top of my head.
I have yet to see a bad movie with Jean Reno and I imagine that despite having a killer cast that both The Professional and Ronin cost next to nothing to make.
Just looked it up, Big Fish cost 70m to make and I would be hard pressed to think of a better move since.
He sucks….had a few good roles, but that may be someone else’s writing.
This talent-less fool really grinds my gears.
They waste all the budget on big names, FX and PR. By the time they get down to actually writing it, they pay the writer dik and that’s what they (we!) get.
he seemed ok…I mean, no great shakes but he didn’t seem terrible.
Tailor of Panama was a lot of fun
yup. great movie.
Same here.
I only know him from some good early roles. Freaks & Geeks & Donnie Darko.
Exactly…how hard can it be. You might find this interesting, I just did some research on a few of the films you said you liked, plus a couple of others –
Operating Budgets and Gross Worldwide Sales for Eight Hollywood Films
1) The Shawshank Redemption (1994) – $25 million budget (worldwide gross: $28,307,092; barely made money)
2) The Tailor of Panama (2001) – $18 million budget (worldwide gross: $27,491,653; made more than Shawshank)
3) The Matador (2005) – $10 million budget (worldwide gross: $17,300,838; made more than Shawshank)
4) The November Man (2014) – $15 million budget (worldwide gross: $34,820,335; returned 2.32 times the investment)
5) Night of the Living Dead (Original; 1968) – $114,000 budget (worldwide gross: $30 million; returned 263.16 times the investment)
6) El Mariachi (1993): $7000 budget (worldwide gross: $2,041,928; returned 291.70 times the investment)
7) Halloween (1978): $325,000 budget (worldwide gross: $70 million; returned 250.39 times the investment)
8) The Blair Witch Project (1999): $60,000 budget (worldwide gross: $248.60 million; returned 4143.33 times the investment)
Thats amazing- Shawshank is the top rated film of all time according to members. I wonder how much $ its made from cable tv, seems like its been on TBS every week for the past 20 yrs
His comedy is crap. There was one movie where he played bipolar guy which was pretty good. Again, might have been the writing. The dude that did Mad Men wrote it.
my god! how the fuck? I could have bank rolled el mariachi in cash and probably could have boned Consuelo Gomez an unlimited amount of time…and I don’t mean now…I mean back then I could have. I am really shocked at how little money Shawshank made. I imagine it has made a lot more than just the box office since though right? Glad to see the matador made so much. That movie is really a fucking treat amongst treats.
There is a third fat bearded guy who I also confuse with them but I honestly can’t think of his name.
Fun list
he was good in muppets most wanted but I am a huge muppets fan so that may be prejudice. I feel like there is something else I kind of liked him in but it may be the other fat bearded guy that isn’t him or seth rogen and who I can’t think of a name for.
maybe the guy from Tao of Steve?
he was good on a short lived show Bored to Death. He, Ten Danson, and Jason Schwartzman moonlight as private detectives(and they are just jo schmos, no experience at all). And they always get stoned while on a case
yes, bored to death. I enjoyed him in that show. nice memory jogging. It wasn’t great the way that Fargo or Sherlock are great, but it was entertaining.
I added No. 8, probably after you read my initial blurb –
8) The Blair Witch Project (1999): $60,000 budget (worldwide gross: $248.60 million; returned 4143.33 times the investment)
I’m going to shoot a black and white horror film at some point. Full-length feature. Don’t care if I make money. Budget will be maybe $50,000. I mean…fuck. There’s no competition on the low end (or the high end, for that matter).
I’ll admit it – “I’m a Jason Schwartzman Fan.”
I don’t know many celebrities. When viewing the tabloids in the check out I rarely recognize any of those people. The only time I ever had actual television in my adult life was during my 2nd marriage from late 1997- mid 2004. I’ve gotten all my news from talk radio & internet for the last couple of decades…before that I was as apolitical as is possible to imagine.
Here’s where I got the info – pretty cool site.
You’ll have to click to see the entire lists, to find the films you want, but that’s where I got the numbers for Shawshank. Here’s a good one –
Deep Throat (1972): $25,000 budget (worldwide gross: $45 million; returned 1800 times the investment)
Do a low budget film called Bob Smith Gets Laid about an aspiring director named Bob Smith who decides to spend as little money as fucking possible to make a movie just to cast hot girls who he fucks in the movie. The “movie” never happens. The “movie” is just the behind the scenes of you failing miserably and hilariously at making a movie but not really caring because the goal of fucking a bunch of dumb wanna be actresses has been met in spades. Each girl has her own dumb ass fucking traits so that at the end of the movie about making the movie you have fucked some dumb broad with every possible stereo type and have failed to produce a movie worth watching. You do the math against the average price of hookers, call it a win and walk away. Do the whole thing low budget. Peple will pay money
“I am a huge muppets fan”….
That could be the singularly most surprising thing I could have ever expected to hear from you.
really? I love the Muppets show and all the movie and modern show iterations. I have since childhood. Even the most recent show which only made it two seasons I watched every episode with glee.
Maybe I’m going to have to alter my script now…
Me too. They could put a gorilla in a suit on screen, cast him as a hot leading man, and women would start fucking gorillas.
Probably writing. And direction. He still sucks though.
You are the movie guy. I am just the POS who rattles off ideas. If I cold find someone to filter our the 90% of stupid things that come out of my head and then finance the other 10% I’d be rich as jews.
Rushmore is AWESOME!
Nah, I get it. I liked the old show and movies too.
BUT, consider this exercise:
In the context of every comment you’ve ever made here, try to calculate the likelihood of an endorsement of the muppets cropping up.
I mean….this article started out about cancer for chrissakes!
BTW: While he isn’t popular in these parts I have an incredible respect and admiration for Anthony Bourdain. His first book, Kitchen Confidential, was a tell all that, if it didn’t make him famous, would have totally exiled him out of a business he spent 30 years in and had absolutely no back up for. He didn’t tell the story of a heroic young chef trying to make it. He told the story of a 30 year veteran of a crappy business starting with stupid idealism and living just above the poverty line and proceeded to tell every dirty fucking secret of the industry the way only a line chef who had been around the NYC restaurant scene for 30 years could have. Now people pay him millions to go to Europe, get drunk and talk about it. Despite his most recent bad decision regarding a woman (and that is something that can happen to anyone, good for him for buying it out, paying her price and rejoining single life as a wealthy and much loved celebrity) I think his career has been nothing short of amazing and he is actually a very talented dude.
All he had to do was humorously tell the story of being a colossal fuck up in an industry that thrives on an underclass of colossal fuck ups and has a lot of dirty secrets they never planned on letting people know.
Tao of Steve- there’s a rok article right there
Liam Nesson loves lists. That’s why they cast him in Shindler’s list (ps…this might be the funniest thing that has ever been on television)
what can I say, like Jem I am truly outrageous.
Damn, Kneeman, there’s a sea of money out there. We just gotta take a few shots. (Literally and figuratively.)
Look at the ROIs for these top ROI films, dude (double-click) –
I loved Pi. That movie was awesome
I believe Shawshank recouped their earnings later on (I watched the anniversary interview a few years back) through video CD and DVD sales from word of mouth and Academy Award exposure.
Hey now.
He can act.
New season of Baskets starts tonight!
New season of Baskets starts tonight!
Louis anderson yea!
Maybe have those dumb hot chicks promote the film on their Instagram accounts! Still a chance to get publicity and make the film public!
fucking yeah they would. All those thirsty fucks feeding their ego would be buying movie, dvd, directors cut, special editions blah blah blah
They cancelled the new show?
Damn. It was great. Esp how they portrayed piggy as a total bitch who couldnt handle anything really, but esp kermit with a sexy pig.
Surprisingly red pill.
Even better, have those chicks tag you in their pictures and rob her of followers! Reach 150k followers and sell Tees. If 10% buy it then you’ve got yourself a neat little profit.
Also,have those girls wear the merchandise to bait the betas!
We’re rolling here!
He was the guy in Spun , right?
Fun, crazy movie
Fargo is possibly the best show ever not named simpsons.
Yeah I was really sad. They really did it wellS
never seen it! must check out
You must!
The Brothers McMullen was over-rated dreck.
They’re pushing the beta male hard these days. Masculine leading men are just a memory.
Its interesting to see the movie Trumbo, people back then knew we were being infiltrated. Its funny the people demanding freedom of speech are now the people telling us we aren’t allowed to say things because its hate speech.
Ironic, isn’t it.
He’s a BETA faggot!
Exhibit A: The aforementioned “philosopher clown” approach.
When my brother was dying, er, I mean being treated for cancer, this was all I had to give. I remember listening to the doctor patiently while he droned on with more non-committal drivel. When he was done I asked :”so I’LL be ok though, right?”
A little levity goes a long way. I only wish I could have done more.
You did what you could. That’s compassionate. And that’s enough, man. More than most people would do. Pat yourself on the back. Case in point, a woman would paw through the guy’s bank statements, fake tears, and then get pissed off if she was cut out of the will. You’re a jewel in comparison.
You’re too kind. Thanks.
don’t forget look at the insurance polices..
Thank you Bob for all the work you put into these. You should put all of them somewhere on display.
Hey, you’re welcome, Jim. Laughter is the best medicine, I think. I’m probably going to put them up on a website here at some point. I’ll let everybody around here know if/when I do that. Thanks for the vote of appreciation, my man.
Seth Rogan funny……..Mein Gott Bob, you’re a genius!
Sometimes a door opens up in my brain and weird shit gets dumped right into it. It already exists in the universe, I’m just borrowing it for a bit. But thank you…
Trap doors open and a sudden idea dump happens, heh?
Yeah it’s not me it’s the door openers…I just wait to see what they dump in. Heh.
Great article. Had a family member diagnosed with colon cancer and he made it all through all 3 (chemotherapy, surgery, radiation), but it was the staff infection that almost killed him in the end.
My brother was diagnosed with cancer, it was a long struggle in which first time he survived then ten years later it came back and after a long painful struggle he died, there was nothing I could do.
Good news:
My close friend is an oncological researcher. He tells me about the changes that have occurred in the field in the last four years, and they are revolutionary. Chemo could be irrelevant in a decade’s time as experts pursue more targeted therapies. With luck, the way we treat cancer in twenty years will be totally different.
There is a book you need to read ‘world without cancer’ by G Edward Griffin.
I’ll leave it at that
Thc is the cure for cancer and the government has known this for over 40 years. Watch run from the cure the Rick Simpson story.
Problem is instead of health care we have sick care. Whereas the emphasis should be on prophylactics not on treatment of cancer.
It is true that an acidic body is more prone to cancer, heart disease, and many other health problems. Today, most people’s bodies are too acidic. The main reason is a low level of the alkaline reserve minerals. These include zinc, chromium, copper, iron, manganese and a few others. Most people are born low in these minerals because their mothers were deficient in them. This is the main reason why most all the human bodies on earth tend to be somewhat acidic.
But most of the methods recommended by the alternative medicine to normalize the pH are not very good. They are often temporary short-cuts that do not address the real problems. As a result, they work for a little while, and then harm the body.
Having been through treatment, let me add a few things. The caretaker role also includes wading through the morass of forms and BS that are involved in each new doctor visit. As well as running interference, or being an advocate. Because you won’t be able, or won’t want to. The person that grabs the barf bag for you during Chemo, and makes sure you have water. The nurses may not, and often look on in cool indifference to your suffering. The caretaker is also the person that points out to the nurses that the patient is now 70lbs lighter, do you need to hit them with that same dosage? Turns out, they don’t.
And you are spot on about the mental issues. I knew I’d be beaten up. I was told that. I wasn’t prepared to be emotionally shattered towards the end and after treatment. At the time, it hit me that cancer treatment was basically a way for you to be OK with dying. What lifted me up was my friends and family visiting. At one point, my sister-in-law gave me a foot massage, and I started crying. I could not process someone doing something so nice for me in my wretched state. You need to be there for your friend that has cancer and understand, they may not be themselves.
I gave my dad several foot massages during his cancer treatment. He still talks about how amazing they felt.
The nice thing about cancer research is that cancers are being recognized by genetic footprint (of the cancer) such that one type of lung cancer may be utterly different than another type of lung cancer, where 20 years go they were just “lung cancer”. They can dial in treatment for the genetic strain of lung cancer you have instead of doing a blanket approach that might only work for one genetic type but not the others.
Treatment will dramatically improve thanks to this for sure. A cure isn’t cost effective unfortunately.
I’ve heard this before but I don’t understand it yet. How does one dial in chemo, surgery, or radiation to a specific strain? You’re still cutting out the tumor, or blasting the area with radiation right? Are there different varieties of chemo? Not skeptical, but ignorant here.
There are multiple chemical formulations possible among the chemo drugs. In addition, some cancers react to different types of treatment better than others.
For example, some cancers (don’t rightly know which ones) can actually be treated through strict ketosis. Apparently these strains are only capable of manufacturing energy using glucose, so they can actually die from lack thereof.
So if you can identify the particular genetic footprint, you can more easily group cancers based on the treatments most likely to work. Compared to how it has worked so far, it’s like moving from leeches to antibiotics – not enough, but better than before.
By the way, you need to be there for your friend, and understand for years after. It’s been two years, and I’m still dealing with Chemo and Radiation collateral damage. Depending on the severity of treatment, they may never be the same. I went through a huge issue with my wife, because I’m no longer the same, nowhere near like I was before.
I know it will sound like a cliche, but I hope things get better for you, man.
What causes cancer is living long enough to get it. Since people in western countries rarely die of fevers, the flu, smallpox, or injuries these days – they eventually get cancer.
Everyone gets cancer. Usually our immune systems respond and take out the cancerous cells. You live long enough, either your immune system breaks down or a strain of cancer your body can’t deal with develops.
I have been down this road.
And in my circle of friends, things went so horribly that some are still suffering emotional scars from the ordeal. I of course, thanks to sites like this, survived un-scathed. It pays to be a real man where real men are needed.
When diagnosed, it’s a little too late to get a look at the Gernez protocol.
French doctor who discovered in the 60ies not a cure, but an ACTIVE treatment/prevention for 90% of cancers… with stats and all…
Search for his name.
I just have to get this off my chest real quick. As an healthcare professional (interventional radiologist-oncologist) I (and dozens of others) would drop all oncological treatments in a heartbeat if that “wonderous” all-in-one cancer cure magically came up. Why? Because all the big pharma money on the world will never repair all the accumulated psychological and physical damage (I actually zap myself almost daily with x-rays) we and our families have to cope with. You wish to believe that we conspire against you while sipping champagne with executives on private golf courses? Sure, a few american physicians actually do fit the stereotype. But for the rest of us, our through-the-roof suicide rates tell a whole different story… Rant off, thanks for your patience.
Suggest to the patients to follow a ketogenic diet. You probably won’t be able to without losing your medical license.
Cancer cells can only burn glucose as fuel while normal cells can burn glucose or ketones. A ketogenic diet essentially starve cancer cells.
It’s certainly one of the most difficult situations a person may face in life.
Learn how to listen to your friend without trying to jump in and ‘fix’ things. Giving someone the space to talk can be massively useful. How do I know this? I work as a volunteer listener with the Samaritans in the UK and we talk to people who are facing terrible problems. Problem is, not everyone knows how to listen.
The dirty little secret is that is you are older then say 20 you probably have cancer cells in your body. Something like around 80% of Americans will have cancerous or pre-cancerous cells at any given point in time. But, in around 95% of cases those cells will be destroyed by the immune system before ever taking hold. There is school thought being developed that cancers should be left alone for 3-6 months before being subjected to treatment because some just “disappear”.
Cancer has become a big dollar industry and most doctors make lots of money in putting patients into the treatment pipeline. Don’t automatically assume that the specialist you are seeing isn’t thinking about his wallet when telling you that you need to get cut open and blast toxic drugs into your system. Although of course it would be unethical to subject patients to unnecessary treatment, those same doctors are self-regulated and all have bills, vacation houses, boats, and other expenses to think about. Just something to think about when selecting your treatment options if you are ever diagnosed with any form of cancer.
Depends on your insurance. Premium insured people get the full blast cadillac treatment. I heard of a lady who got bit by a rattlesnake and was insured out the ass. They gave her a private room in the hospital and kept her three extra days for ‘observation’ at $1500+/day. Meanwhile a migrant worker got bit by the same local breed of rattlesnake only a larger one while picking apples in an orchard and was uninsured. The migrant worker got the antivenin ($175) and was released from the hospital with a bill to be sent to whatever mailing address they gave. The migrant worker was fine later that evening.
Dr Tullio Simoncini
Modern Medicine was hijacked by Rockefeller and Carnegie, to turn it into a more profitable, but bad for the patient Monopoly. Take a look at the Flexner report and see if just about every recommendation in it is to create a monopoly. Esiac tea, the Max Gerson Diet, Hoxsey, High heat treatment are all good therapies. The Gerson diet is probably the best, about 40% effective on end stage cancer patients..people sent home to die by their doctors(chemotherapy drops this cure rate). If you don’t believe it go down to their clinic in Mexico and they will let you talk to the people who are there and have gone through the therapy and are undergoing therapy. I want to vomit every time some Alt treatment works, a doctor sees it work, and he will state, there is no way that it could have worked. Theirs is a religion, not a science. One where they can injure people and keep on injuring people and somehow pretend its not happening. Watch Trump expose the vaccine fraud thats been going on, and youll start to learn all the ways weve been fucked over by the elites.
Chemo/radiation sounds like the nanny state: too much help and assistance in large enough quantities to precipitate an overdose. When overdosed with motherloads of chemo, the body’s natural defenses are then short circuited and become dormant, similarly to how the feduciaries of the nanny state are overdosed with welfare assistance, thereby losing their natural inclinaton and abiliy to provide for themselves. With excessive assistance, the welfare recipient becomes dormant in job enthusiasm and are rendered defenseless in the world, much like a dependent baby, or dormant like an immune system that has been shell shocked with chemo.
We take life skills for granted, that is granted that your parents drilled them into your head. Normal life skills we can count on in the morning like brushing your teeth, bunching and pairing your socks 4×7 and three high in the top drawer with underwear quarter folded to the right, tieing your shoes, wiping your ass, representing yourself in court and doing your own tax returns. All of these are automatic life skills that you should do in your sleep. ALSO INCLUDED among standard life skills is providing for yourself and not falling in the trap of being overdosed with nanny state spoon feeding. Eventually the welfare recipient will forget how to chew and the nanny state will oblige with pre chewed food in goop form with wide straws attached. Too much assistance/cure weakens and eventually kills. The chemo/radiation industry overdoses the ‘cure’ without fixing the underlying causes like poor diet. It doesn’t promote paleo/holistic eating that I’m aware. Hospitals still serve pesticide laiden instant mashed potatoes in bed topped with MSG gravy with an ingredient list that reads like a zoloft disclaimer. Then the gmo creamed corn for the toothless patient and GREEN JELLO that strangely lists red 40 – WTF?
Really they should taper back the chemo/rad and force a concentrated superfood diet with fasting to ‘starve’ the cancer environment. They force psychiatric patients into certain treatment regimens, strapping them down in restraints. Now isn’t cancer really just ‘psychosis’ of the endocrine system, the immune system and others? The body systems are driven CRAZY by the overload of toxins. They forcibly strap down a flailing psychotic patient don’t they? So why not then just force a ‘crazy craver’ of toxic dead food diet onto the proper diet/liquid intake that eliminates the cancerous environment in the body? So many psychotically overweight terminal hambeast ‘crazy cravers’ need strapped down don’t they? It’s an emergency situation right?
Years back I drove an older relative to a few cancer treatments after he was unable to drive. My instructions were to drive him there, pick him up and get him whatever he wanted to eat for lunch afterwards. He was losing weight quickly. So I picked him up after treatment and every time he wanted the same thing to eat, A LARGE MILKSHAKE from Roy Rodgers, soft serve frogurt locust/gmo soy base corn sweetened white doo doo out of a spigot knob with hydrogenated non dairy trans fatty smegmawhip and topped with triple oreo bits. And then a box of swiss roll twinkies from the store to take home. Geez, that shit’s rat poison. The guy is fighting cancer for pete’s sake. He should be cleaning his system up. He reminded me of the lady being wheeled into the hospital with emphysema, lung cancer, oxygen cannister in tow and she’s cursing at the hospital staff when they tell her to take the cigarette out of her mouth before entering the ER. But my relative with cancer slurping on that gmo milkshake, he might as well have asked for a .38 revolver right then and there. The problem was that no one was policing his diet, not family, no one. My words fell on deaf ears talking to the fat family members, their eyes glazed and nacho doritos between their teeth. These were rural farm/ag people that ate heaps of pork at every meal along with gmo packaged you name it. The American flag hung high at the entrance to their property and they religiously took every shot and vaccine up the ass because the good ol ‘doc’ said so. They were basically good Americans but way too trusting of the establishment. That was years ago and half that household has now passed away. Several from cancer.
Interesting change of topic and quite a break from the usual (which is also quite useful) on this site–a sign of the principals getting older, I think.
I’m just wondering–what happens to the aging player? No matter how good in shape you keep yourself (and keeping yourself in shape will make sure it happens at 80 instead of 60), eventually you will be too decrepit to live on your own. If you don’t have kids, who takes care of you? (And if you do have kids, how to avoid getting divorce-raped?)
This is why I wish the nanny state would legalise euthanasia. If I’m ever told that my options are:
a) Die slowly and painfully of cancer or
b) Get treated with chemotherapy (which will make me feel even worse than the cancer it’s trying to get rid of). MAYBE get better; odds are the cancer will come back sooner or later; a betting man would lay his money on ‘sooner’.
I reserve the right to say “Fuck that. Give me enough time to get my affairs in order, then fill me up with enough sweet, sweet morphine to stop the pain permanently.”
Kudos to anyone who goes with the chemo and comes out the other side cancer-free, or even just gets a couple extra years from their treatment, but personally I’m much less afraid of death than I am of dying.
There are loots of cures for cancer that have been discovered by independent researchers over the decades. Of course Big Pharma keeps a lid on this to protect their cash flow. Read the book the Cancer Industry for more details.
Otto Warburg discovered the true cause (impaired cellular respiration) in the early 20thy century.
Renee Caisse learned of an Ojibway herbal tea from a patient at the hospital where she worked and made it her mission to share it with the world. She made brewed it and distributed free of charge to terminally ill cancer patients under the name Essiac with great results.
Harry Hoxsey treated cancer using an herbal paste whose recipe was handed down by his great-gransfather, who himself discovered it after watching his horses eat certain herbs to cure themselves of tumorous growths. The clinic he established in Tijuana, Mexico is still open.
Hulda Regehr Clark studied cancer and other diseases and found that they’re often caused by parasites and cluster in tissues with accumulations of toxic heavy metals and organic solvents. Her treatment protocol consists of herbal detoxification and the use of bioresonance frequency generators to destroy parasites and the pathogens they often carry.
Then there’s Raymond Royal Rife who pioneered electrotherapy and developed a microscope that could see living viruses (as opposed to an electron microscope that could only see viruses after crystallizing them, coating the in gold of some of metal and then zapping them with a high-energy electron beam in a vacuum, killing them in the process). He even developed a way to kill harmful viruses using electromagnetic resonance. Gaston Naessens, a French physician who later immigrated to Canada, also rediscovered this technology.
One more thing: cancer cells feed on sugar and Westerners eat way to much of it. About 150 lbs per year per person, if not more, as opposed to 10 lbs a year by our Paleo ancestors. Cut down your sugar intake, it WILL save your life.