7 Recommended Products For Your Butthurt Liberal Friends

It’s tough to identify as a liberal. Just about every major news network shares your political viewpoints, your beliefs won’t get you ostracized or terminated from your employer, your rantings won’t get you mass unfriended on Facebook, and most university professors and your fellow students all “have your back”.

Seeing how everything is so stacked against the left, especially since neo-Hitler has infiltrated the White House and is going to bring back black slavery and exterminate Muslims any time now, what can they do to cope with this threatening and butthurt-inducing new world order?

As an offering of good grace and friendship to our misguided liberal cousins, here are six products which we highly recommend to help you survive the fallout of any triggering phenomena you bear witness in your day to day lives.

1. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butthurt!

The greatest fictional product for liberal butthurt that has ever been devised from the interwebs. If your ‘progressive’ friend has a sense of humor (which is becoming pretty rare nowadays) then the gift of laughter is a quick fix for emotional devastation.

Otherwise you risk being unfriended from all forms of social media. Shows just how “tolerant” they really are.

2. Professional Cuddling Service

Oh no! Did some fascist in a suit tell you to speak English instead of Spanish in the United States? How will you ever “heal” from this incredibly traumatic event!? Fortunately, there are now professional cuddling firms which are booming under the Trump Reich, and they are more than happy to help a liberal snowflake depart with their cash.

3. Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream

Ice cream is truly one of life’s great comfort foods. In fact, it would have made for a delicious and therapeutic treat for a left winger after the presidential election. You know, when that evil white supremacist Nazi, Donald Trump, beat Hitlery Hillary Clinton and ushered in the Fourth Reich.

Since liberals tend to love ‘social justice’ causes, you should recommend they go purchase the overpriced brand of Ben & Jerry’s. The company was co-founded by Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, two (((super white guys))) who announced in May 2017 that their company would no longer serve two scoops of the same ice cream flavor in Australia.

Why? Because of the Australian government’s refusal to legalize same-sex marriage all across the country.

Nothing says “progress” like taking away the rights and personal choices of Australian consumers in order to protest against the form of marriage which facilitates childbirth! So have them fatten up on Benny’s and they’ll feel better in the spirit of social justice!

4. A New Trash Bin

Did Donald Trump / (Literally) Hitler get reelected? Did somebody give a speech which didn’t march lockstep with social justice? Did Return of Kings publish another article saying that women with tattoos and blue hair are less than absolutely perfect “Goddesses”?

If so, then be prepared for maximum fury being unleashed on trash bins. Picking them up and forcefully throwing them on the ground appears to be somewhat therapeutic for SJW’s.

5. The Sound Of Music

Nazi’s…. Nazi’s are everywhere nowadays! The biggest European villains of the 1930’s (after the Jewish-Soviet’s who orchestrated the Ukrainian Holodomor of course) seem to have resurfaced all over the United States, and are plotting to take away the rights of everybody who is not a heterosexual white male!

The best recommendation for them to cope with the resurrection of Nazi’s is to offer them a viewing of ‘The Sound Of Music‘. It’s probably the most G-rated of Nazi-era movies ever produced, which is important to remember since even words that liberals don’t like are now considered violence.

Have them retreat to their safe space where they can defeat “hate” via lots of “love” and singing and spinning around the Austrian Alps!

6. A(nother) Cat

This option is the most preferable for single and childless women over the age of 40, popularly known as “spinsters” and more pejoratively as potential “crazy cat ladies”. However, since this article is about expressing sympathy for the butthurt, we’ll just call them “strong independent women”.

Usually liberals, strong independent women tend to absolutely adore cats, and the older they get, the more they treat them like Pokemon to fill an increasingly bitter void for their lack of procreation. Gotta catch em’ all!

7. Adult Coloring Books

Take that Hitler! I’m going to color you as black as your heart!

Adult coloring books have become a thing in the 2010’s. A sign of the increasing infantilization of Western adults who cannot seem to bear letting go of childhood pursuits. Since SJW’s pretty much are adult children, this will be a great sedative for their butthurt.

All manner of malls and supermarkets should be carrying them. So quit cryin’, get off Huffington Post, and color away.


An offering of laughter (if they can bear it), a paid cuddle, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, a trash bin to toss around, ‘The Sound Of Music’ DVD, lots of cats, and lots of adult coloring books. Put all of them together and you’ve got yourself the ultimate safe space to facilitate recovery from the cancer of liberal butthurt! It’s time for the snowflakes to go shopping and cast away their unbearable pain of dealing with reality.

Read Next: Feminists Demand Free Menstruation Products So They Don’t Have To “Pay To Be Women”

185 thoughts on “7 Recommended Products For Your Butthurt Liberal Friends”

    1. Reminds me of one of my colleagues, who was an awkward but generally ok guy that I got along with him. One day, when we were at the pool party(one day reservation paid by the company who we work for), the guy kissed another guy for no reason, despite not displaying any homosexual nature until then. His reason? “I was curious.”
      Needless to say I kept him at a distance from me after that. Thankfully, he left the company soon afterwards.

      1. We need to find the source for this homo shit going down in society and stamp it out. I’d wager that 50 years ago he wouldn’t have been in the least “curious”.

        1. 50 years ago he would have gotten an old fashioned ass whupping.

        2. I(unfortunately) know that he watched a lot of porn, like, a LOT. And nobody discouraged him from it. It could be that watching so much visual porn made him become unable to be aroused by real women, so that’s why he went with the “other crowd”. That’s only speculation on my part, since I didn’t know much about his real life(and I frankly don’t ever want to), but I’m quite certain porn played a huge part in it.

        3. NOBODY was hornier than me as a kid – and never in a million years did it occur to me to focus that energy on anything other than a girl(s).

        4. Sadly, he focused it on the wrong things. And that’s why he’s confused right now. Don’t know, could be his upbringing, could be the people he hanged out with.

        5. Porn messes with your brain. Having been detoxed for over a year now, I can say it screws up having a healthy sexual relationship. I used to be irritated that my wife didn’t want to try anal, now I concur with her and I am more satisfied with her in general.

        6. 100% agreed. I went through it and it was horrible. It’s the epitome of loserdom.

        7. No kidding. I went to an all-boys’ Catholic high school and I never saw or even heard anything remotely homo from anybody. All we talked about were the chicks at the neighboring all-girls schools.

        8. I wonder….if I’d have gone to an all-boys school would I have been an A student (lack of distraction) or would I have just exploded….
          But either way – no matter how much pussy I wasn’t getting, the thought of going balls-across-the-nose simply never occurred!

        9. 50 years ago he would’ve gone missing, and been found out in the desert somewhere.

        10. Whether your serious or not, the sarcasm brings a laugh and that is one of the reasons I come here, among others of course.

      2. I don’t mind awkward, nerdy or socially inept people— some haven’t learned how to adapt their behavoir to some social situations, but your ex-colleague sounds unstable. He should be well aware what he is sexually aroused by long before he became an adult.

        1. He watched an unhealthy amount of porn, so chances are he became desensitized by natural attraction to women.

        2. You know, if two women had kissed, it would be celebrated. If a woman kissed him, the same. If he had kissed a woman? Lost job. Criminal charges, lawsuit. There are no bigger hypocrites than libs. Women and gays get a pass

        3. Correct, but anyone who claims or exposes themselves as a lib is a flawed and inferior person with limited rational capability.
          They should be kept away from positions dealing with kids, cash and authority.

        4. The only bigger hypocrite than a liberal is a christian. Telling small impressionable children that they will burn in hell for eternity is child abuse, but the bible thumpers get a pass.

      3. “Just Curious”…..
        No, curiosity is when you’re 3 and you touch a hot iron to see if its hot. To knowingly do something against your most basic human impulses (fagging out when you’re straight, eating poop, rubbing broken glass in your eye, punching a cat…) is a mental defect.

        1. And thing is, we are talking about Romania here. Only the Russians have a deeper dislike for homosexuals than us, so his is a rare case, but also a peculiar one. There could be a multitude of reasons why he did that, but that would be me going into speculation with no proof. I’m just grateful I never ended up in his position.

        2. Especially if the cat has an attitude:
          “That cat’s been struttin’ around like she owns the place.”
          The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 20: The Canine Mutiny

        3. Not all cats are affected by the nip.
          It only takes a few to scratch you to death.

      4. Dude, just…does he think he’s hugh hefner pretending to “try out being gay for a day?” That fake adage “every man has another man he would be gay with” is another one of those subliminal cultural conditioning messages pushed by movies to make it seem normal and cool.
        Stepbrothers did it, Sex Drive did it, Lillyhammer did it, and I’m sure many more had similar lines written in.

    2. I honestly haven’t had an outright Leftist friend in years. I don’t avoid them, and I’m not one to do a political litmus test, but apparently they do. Which ok, is whatever. Most of my friends are apolitical or right-wing/libertarian, which suits me just fine.

      1. Same. I had liberal friends in college and we could agree to disagree, but +20 years later they are still struggling coming to grips with reality and paying the price for it (multiple divorces, dead-end job, no prospects, etc…) all the while still paying lip service to their beliefs. I only dropped a couple after 9/11 (Europeans) and told them why.

        1. I think it goes to interests. There are a few liberals that I am friends with, but all of them are guys I rock climb with. Outside of that, (their microbrew beers and stuff), I have little in common.

        2. Thats true. Having acquaitances due to shared interest activities is what it should be about with political affiliations aside.

        3. Seems like political affiliation has taken a bigger emphasis than when I was young. This fake taking offense at everything is one of the culprits.

        4. YES!
          Wasn’t even that long ago – nobody fukkin cared who you voted for!
          Now everything’s a goddamn position….
          Its waning a little since election season, but still, my so-called freinds at work cant see to go a lunch break without some pop-media “what trump did” outrage…
          Its like invasion of the body snatchers….

        5. the old timers had it right- never discuss politics or religion if you dont want a fat lip. I tried to tease answers out of old men as to how they voted last year, and they refused to answer. no fat lip for me

        6. I don’t think they’re faking it. They truly are offended by all the b’s little things, as they have been programmed to be.

        7. These days lots of people want to know your political stance 5 mins after meeting you. Or they would let your know theirs through a virtue signaling statement.
          Leftists’ favourite test-question to see if you’re one of them is ask how you feel about gay marriage. Not in favour? Die, you intolerant fascist!

        8. Of course, it’s easy, requires no thought and exposes oneself to no perosnal danger or consequences. It also signals that you have submited to the cult.

        9. Not in me. My Trump bashing is based in **patriotic furor** at watching such an openly corrupt piece of malignant shit drain the blood out of body politic, and particularly for showing such disregard for science and fact. He disrespects ALL American principles, left, right, and center.
          BTW, first indictments against the Trump Organization are expected to come down from NYAG Schneiderman within the next week and a half. Some are saying it could happen by Friday.
          Mentally prepare yourselves. The wheels of justice grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.

        10. Well, why don’t you reach out to the grand juries and ask them for a more specific timeline? Cuz that’s the best info I’ve got.
          Note: Secret Service Command Post was just forced out of Trump Tower last week after a “lease disagreement”. Really: they’re saying it was a “lease disagreement”, lol. Read between the lines.

        11. why are you so eager for a global form of governance when you say your rage is steeped in ***patriotic furor***?
          I dont get what the asterisks imply

        12. hahahh I’ll make some calls!
          You gotta let it go – there is NOTHING between the lines! Our strange president is no slimier than any we’ve had or will have – the only difference is he committed his sleaze while NOT on the government payroll!

        13. “there is NOTHING between the lines”
          You do know that Mueller empanelled a grand jury in Washington, D.C. over a month ago, right? And you do know that he’s put together an all-star team of sixteen of the best investigators in the American legal community? Many of whom left jobs at white-shoe law firms for the chance to work on the political corruption case of the century? You think they’d do that if there was no “there” there?
          Pull your head out of the sand, bem. I read your comments, you’re a smart guy. This hurricane is coming, whether you “believe” in it or not.

        14. “Have you stopped beating your wife lately?”
          I don’t answer loaded questions framed in presupposition.

        15. Just tells me Mueller is in league with the “establishment”, “deep state” whatever you call it. He figures if you fish long enough your bound to catch something. As for Trump, I’m no red cap wearing knucklehead. But he kept the Clintons from returning to the White House and deserves our undying gratitude for that.

        16. Goto26a

          Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! :!ap106d:
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          On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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        18. Well I can admit that us lowly voters and taxe payers will never know the truth.
          But this whole affair smells like a witch-hunt, another defensive tactic of the entrenched establishment.
          And thank you.

      2. Totally. I need liberal friends as much as I need mental illness so who needs that?

      3. One of the people I hang out with is one of those never-trumpers. It’s so hilarious to see him reject reality and revert to hardcore programming even when the people he claims to defend prove me right just by what they say and do so often….

        1. I really don’t even *know* any left wingers any longer. I knew one chick who was kinda that way but she switched gears fast when I didn’t respond to her virtue signaling with anything other than an eye roll. Suddenly now she’s becoming “libertarian” because, you know, “isn’t that cool? Isn’t that what you are?” Chick has no chance with me and she still is changing to please me. Heh.
          Otherwise, leftists are in *real* short supply at biker rallies and such.

      4. I have few friends also and they largely tend to be libertarian or ‘centrist’. I’m the hardest of the right and have had some measure of success showing incontrovertibly why Conservatism is the way to go.

    3. ^This
      I get along with them because I have to (though I openly call them p* ssy losers when they throw an autistic tantrum about Trump). But I don’t consider any liberal “friends”.
      In fact, the only guy I would truly call friend is the one who doesn’t care about politics at all.
      Aside from that, I don’t really know anyone who doesn’t at least lean left. And I want nothing to do with them.

      1. A friend would hear you out and contemplate what you said. Liberals don’t want you to think and debate. Just submit to their viewpoint. If you deconstruct their position, out of simple honesty of discovery, they will hate you for it. It stems from an uncurios mind and sloth.
        Plenty of acquiantances have lambasted me about Trumps victory, but no one asks why it happened. Lazy dolts.

      1. there is no reasoning with these people- all regurgitated talking points. try pointing out how this promotion of transexualism came out of the blue, wasnt on the radar a few years ago, now a full court press 24/7 in the media. try getting them to think there is an actual man behind the curtain, good luck

  1. Well, I’m not a SJW, but I absolute LOVE adult coloring books (along with comic books- yes, I’m a nerd and I’m proud of it)) and cats. I have cute, adorable 4 cats (along with a small dog- a bichon frise and 2 guinea pigs) and my favorite animals are usually cats. Also, The Sound of Music is one of my favorite movies (I’m a fan of old musical movies). My point is that you don’t have to be an idiot liberal to like all these things, this is a honestly stupid generalization. Plus, I’m not affected at all by politics and I don’t feel the need to “survive” to someone like Trump (he’s just like an other american president in many ways, NOT a new Hitler neither a dictator like some people call him), the only thing that really disturb me is the generalized corruption and nepotism in my goddamn country. Still, I don’t feel the need to “escape”.

    1. Coloring books are for children, as are comics. When one becomes an adult, one puts away childish things. I say this not to attack you, but to help guide you to better things. Remaining a perpetual adolescent will stunt the growth of your intellect and soul.

      1. I understand your good intentions but every person need their own hobbies (I also like videogames too) and I got too used with my actual hobbies to simply give up at them (I tried to replace them with other hobbies but I still ended up returning at them, no matter what I did/choose). I know its a matter of ambition and maturity but I guess…I’m still a child at heart (I was also spoiled by my parents, being “mommy’s dear boy” and “daddy’s cool son” (but I’ll never ever blame them, anyway, they raised me with love, dedication and a lot of care and I’ll always be grateful to them for this) and now its very hard for me to change. Very, very hard. Its not helpful either that my friends are also HUGE NERDS themselves (I know them from childhood and I can’t get rid of them because of their lifestyle. I’m very, very loyal to my circle of friends +I’m not a woman/a shitty man to change/betray my friends everytime when I feel like). But I think you understand that not only this is how I’m but also this is how my friends accept me and even influence me to be.

        1. All I read was you laying responsibility for your choices at the feet of others.
          You control your fate and destiny. Remaining in a child’s world is your choice. You own that. Step up and shake that off. Go take a metal welding class or wood shop or even just something like rock climbing.

        2. Ok, maybe I lack what I need to see myself as a person full responsible of my own destiny, I admit this. I’m a flawed person, especially selfish at times and I don’t usually assume responsibilities. I admit this and i try to correct but its not easy, not easy at all. Anyway, someone I know proposed me as new hobbies hunting and fishing (I rejected immediately hunting because I love animals- sometimes, a little more than humans, and I’ll always be against hunting. I’d rather kill a human (if its necessary) than to bring myself to shoot an animal, honestly. As for fishing, it bored me to death. I almost fell asleep first time (and the only time) when I was fishing. Not an interesting hobby for me). But I’m interested in rock climbing. It seems like I need a lot of courage and strength (I’m not afraid of heights at all and extreme sports always catch my interest) but I lack strength (I’m not a strong man). So, even if I don’t have the necessary strength, I’ll still be able to practice rock climbing?

        3. Enjoying the things you liked as a kid is fine, but always be learning, exploring, engaging new things. F’instance for me model-building was a perfect springboard into restoring real cars (and I still play with both to this day!).

        4. See, but “maybe I lack what I need to see myself as a person full responsible of my own destiny” is fukked up.
          You have to take very conscious measures to correct this.

        5. Rock climbing is great, start there. There are indoor rock climbing “studios” where you can learn in a safe environment and develop your skills and strength. Hunting, well, we’re at odds and I’d never consider killing another human being before killing an animal, but that’s fine, we’re all allowed to be different. I was serious about the wood shop and metal shop classes, many community colleges offer courses in those kinds of things, for what it’s worth. Huge testosterone boosters. If you aren’t already, going to the gym and learning to lift weights and then applying that is fantastic as well.

      2. I think the “putting away of childish things” is a gray area. A lot of stuff you learn to enjoy as a kid can become life-long enjoyments, like model-building, video games, ‘kid stories’, RC planes/cars….
        Coloring books qualify ONLY if there is a genuine artistic pursuit,
        Comic books need to be called ‘graphic novels’ to qualify!

        1. Colin Quinn’s coloring book for adults is a good time, but its really a goof

        2. Eh, sometimes. Coloring books are for kids. I mean, really, just for kids. Comic books are stunted growth “literature”. They’re great when you’re 10 but if you’re an adult and don’t rise above them then that shows a definite lack of intellectual maturity, no matter if you change their name to “graphic novels” or not. I mean sure if a person literally is biologically incapable of growing beyond them, then ok. One hopes for better for the bulk of men.

        3. My take is that coloring books are designed to help develop artistic ability in children. Presumably if your artistic ability grows, by adulthood you can draw your own pictures.
          Then again, what other people do is not my concern.

        4. Amen to that. You don’t have to be a fuddy-duddy to be masculine or an adult.

        5. Coloring books seemed to serve to teach a child to color in the lines; i.e. have fun while actually following directives.

        6. ha! I hear that – I’ve been planning mine since high school and I’ll be lucky to get in in gear by 67!

      3. Same with Star Wars and stuff like that. I saw episode 7 and it sucked hard. At one point I thought that maybe I thought it was trash because it is only meant for children under 12 and not adults at all

        1. The Disney Star Wars blow. The Lucas ones are still fun for all ages–even the prequels

        2. Yes I will say that episode 5 and 3 are still good, and I’ll watch them. But It’s just not for me anymore. Unless they wanna make give it the Logan treatment and make it rated R to try and snag me back

        3. The first two were quality cinema. The 4 after were made to sell toys. The most recent was created to bilk money based off of folks’ nostalgia.

    2. I’d be keeping that whole Sound of Music thing on the down-low if I were you.

      1. Why? Its a pretty nice movie. I don’t think people will judge me here just because I like a movie, seriously now.

        1. Nothing wrong at all with The Sound Of Music.

        2. I’m just pulling your chain. The whole “lavish Broadway musical” thing is part of gay iconography. Maybe not known outside the US.

        3. the knife fight/ballet scene from west side story is gay? bite your tongue man

        4. Had an ex-GF drag me to “Ms. Siagon” production. I recall it wasn’t bad, but every few scenes I had to spend a few minutes giving her the historical back drop of it as she didn’t know.

      2. A family of perky Austrians fights the Nazis through song – what is not to love about it?

      3. Ugh! Only musical I can tolerate is The Wizard of Oz”. The rest are torture.

    3. Liking comic books doesn’t make you a need, it makes you a child.
      Grow up.
      Adult coloring books are for soft minded women, that’s who buys them.
      Musicals are for fags.
      Cats are great

    4. …not affected at all by politics…..
      Ignorance, which is typical for SJWs, is truly a bliss.

      1. DISAGREE. Cats are the best. I don’t hate big dogs either but I prefer cats and small cute dogs anytime to big scary looking dogs. Still, I love all animals equally (except for humans lol).

    1. Bacon scented gun oil! YESSSSSS!
      Hilarious man, that is freaking awesome! Heh.

        1. ah you may be onto something… should US Marines in the middle east cover their gear in bacon fat & use GOJ trade marked bacon scented gun grease?

  2. link off the drudge site to the media matters powerpoint playbook today- maybe send it to your lib friends so they can see they are being played?

  3. Name that Simpsons episode that screenshot is from:
    Season 5 Episode 3 – Homer Goes to College
    “a bee bit my bottom now my bottom’s big”

    1. Dude, you need to lay off on the media a bit. Go do a detox weekend. Go camping without any electronics, who knows, you just may enjoy it.

      1. that wouldn’t help with the simpsons references: I watched those episodes like 20 years ago so unless your have a time machine …

  4. I’ve been trying to come up with something witty or another good product for liberals but….. I got nothing.

      1. what a nutjob. glad she is off the air(although she filed a lawsuit bc racism- this woman is barely black, but entirely insane)

        1. You got it. This is the stuff of good business. And good trolling. Can you imagine the reaction to a press release stating the conservative CEO of PussyHat Inc. is enjoying flying his new high-CO2-generating private jet to the opening of a new men-only golf course?

    1. They beat me to it with that safety-pin nonsense after the election. My natural question was: “is that to hold your diaper on?”

        1. Free passage to Mecca for ‘their S&M Gay parade’.
          Don’t forget your rainbow flag!

  5. “Fortunately, there are now professional cuddling firms which are booming under the Trump Reich, and they are more than happy to help a liberal snowflake depart with their cash.”
    That is the question isn’t it? Fight this degeneracy and be ostracised in our homelands, or rinse these fuckers for every penny.

    1. professional cuddling firms […] help a liberal snowflake depart with their cash.”
      It looks good on paper, but eventually there is touching involved.

      1. Hope your more impressed by today’s offerings.
        Yesterday, you seemed a little bored….

      2. I’m talking about selling them rainbow coloured butt plugs and ‘nazi’ alarms.
        I obviously wouldn’t touch these cretins with bare skin.

      1. Ok so, I really thought cuddling firms were a joke. I couldn’t read the whole article.
        Again, it’s so silly already that I can’t think of anything witty to add.

      2. Seems it was taken out of context and used/stolen from a long inactive Flickr account.
        Although this doesn’t surprise me from ‘Less facts more shock value’ Vice, who’s professional journalism leaves something to be desired.

  6. All this dives into a point I made a few weeks ago – to undermine the left, make them uncool. Well, all this isn’t cool, and the only way they can hide it is to dramatically increase censorship. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/100b825bb2f68d00d84550541a51ae2e7db2c4a7173cd1a0fe4498636fb6d6b9.jpg
    It’s because of stuff like this that “comedy shows” like Colbert’s aren’t growing anymore and why Hollywood’s revenues are at their lowest in at least 20 years, among other trends that don’t bode well for them: http://masculineepic.com/index.php/2016/12/31/2017-the-year-cultural-populism-challenges-big-hollywood/

    1. Hollywood sucks, they pushing social values on viewers rather than entertainment.

  7. Ever wonder how Ben an Jerry’s get in the tub? I know and consequently don’t eat it.
    And try to stay out of a 2 mile radius of any of their plants.

    1. They are two fat Jews, not surprised they are pushing destructive social change using their business.
      Australia already has a large gay population.

      1. You can spot the dykes in Oz easily. They’ve got their heads in each other’s pouches.

      2. As from what I recall from my “first day at work” tour their liquid nitrogen cooling system could take out half a town if it goes awry. Just saying.

      3. And they’re trying to bring a government down to let faggots to get married. What a wretched state of affairs.

    1. You know, back in the day (ok I’m not that old yet haha), I used to think Australia was OK. Lately though… between the stupidity of their female tourists and the anti-male crap going on back in their country, it’s like they’re trying to compete with Sweden. (They’ll lose of course. Nobody beats Sweden on insanity. :-D)

      1. Most of us true red blooded aussie males are making escape plans – I’m going to Uruguay

    2. By that logic, the cafe should be shooting their female patrons, to make up for the Death Gap. (aka. 92% of workplace deaths being male).

  8. Ben and Jerry can go eat a dick! I go for Halo Top, personally. 1/4 of the calories and higher in protein.

    1. I’ve not been impressed by Halo Top so far. I wouldn’t even attempt to buy it (I get free coupons for it though)

      1. I’ve tried 4 flavors of it so far and like all of them. Wouldn’t know the difference between that and normal ice cream. To each their own, though…

  9. Had to look up Ben & Jerry’s! Guess I’ve been out of the US either too long or still not long enough.
    Besides, after one gelato, I never once craved Baskin Robbins again. 🙂

  10. You forgot the good old baby pacifier – should be given to each SJW upon graduation from their women’s social studies diploma

  11. Goto27a

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  12. Actually, everyone needs a safe space, its suppose to be your parents and spouse, not don’t get me wrong, they still tell you the truth, but love you while they do it. These Lefties don’t have that.

  13. So many low t manlets trump bash. I am constantly surrounded by them. Once in a blue moon you get an apolitical person who criticizes intelligently and looks at things beyond the msm veil

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