Liberals Do Not Know Themselves

The question sounds abstract and cliché at first: do we have free will? If you look at the academic side of the question, what you will see is a long bibliography that seems only relevant to nerdy interests. However, the question has permeated public debates and leftist campaigns.

Feminists sometimes speak as if women have no agency. Women are all victims because muh patriarchy is choosing for them. Porn actresses, according to at least a bunch of harpies, do not choose: even though they sign their contracts and do everything by themselves, they are “used” by the porn industry.

Likewise, muh minorities would perform badly because they would have internalized some floating racism that stifles their abilities—doesn’t matter that this far-fetched theory was never proven or that blacks have been constantly found to be more self-confident than whites, not less.

Outside of leftist abuse and whitemaleophobic baiting, the question of whether we have a free will faculty or if we are the end result of smaller, impersonal mind processes where our personality dissolves has tremendous implications on what we do. Studies found that not believing in free will tended to stimulate cheating and numb patience.

The ancient Greeks believed we had an “internal sovereign” called egemonikon. To free it, we would have to meditate on our passions, beliefs, desires and so on as to free the “internal sovereign” from them: knowing what determines us and of options allows to be less determined.

No stupid fears like the fear of being rejected, no delusions like equality, no laziness considered too natural for us to work well. Instead, an enhanced and cleansed self, able to become what he is. This is the Greeks’ gnothi seauthon (know thyself) in a nutshell.

How liberals see themselves

Conservative intellectual Thomas Sowell famously argued that liberals were unconstrained minds, with less predetermined beliefs, than conservatives. Liberals would believe more in change, conservatives more in immutability. This has been true to a certain extent, and liberals rushed to use it: “change” or “hope” means that leftism wins, both in fashion and reality, over a timid, hesitating, fearful and most importantly uncool conservatism.

However, since Sowell’s time of glory, things have considerably evolved. Today liberals and their RINO cuck allies are the most constrained and constraining camp ever. They are the ones who want to lock everyone up into their mad world of “gender”, white genocide, balkanized West, mandatory worship of a hallucinated “progress”, trigger warning, land whale supremacy and every monstrous stuff that makes up the liberal pantheon.

Liberal qualities have turned on their heads, and what liberals believe about themselves is either false or liable to so many exceptions it becomes window dressing.

The same libs who proudly claim they believe in equality love to think how their mean IQ is higher than the conservative voters’. They believe they are more creative and more intellectual, that is, more prone to bookishness and theorization. They will routinely talk of “love”, “justice”, universality, “we”, “humanity.” They claim to be open-minded, progressive, tolerant, and fancy themselves as fairer and less authorian. Is that true?

Peeling the wire

Not one bit.

“Liberals are loving, conservatives are hating”

This may be the most dishonest statement the leftists ever made up. Every individual of normal constitution is capable of both love and hatred. Couples of passions are a standard part of human nature. But somehow liberals managed to confuse the apparently positive aspect of love with being right, then managed to present themselves as the side of universal love. But by doing so they didn’t even care about stigmatizing the other political side as representing universal hatred.

Liberals do not love more than others. White liberals who feel guilt because they’re white and male, and virtue-signal as to compensate, suffer from a psychological issue. White guilt is a pathology, a mental virus that corrupts self-esteem and destroys the memories of all the good things the West gave to the world. Liberals do not love minorities—they need them to clean their shit for a smaller wage than white proles. Liberals are not free of hatred—they hate “the patriarchy”, they despise conservatives, they hate us.

The only thing a liberal truly loves is his (or her) ego, comfort, and own pleasures. Which is why liberals tend to be hedonistic and coward. The “love” they claim is just a mask for self-complacency.

“The Left wants a world without losers, a win-win progress”

Obey me. For love. Or you’re a Nazi!

This is what many of them said when they ushered Obama in power. They said so even when they despised the browbeaten, blue pills fed, “loser” men. Boomers who voted Obama said so while chastising millennials as “losers.” As we learned the hard way, when they win, we lose.

And many of those on the liberal train end up losing as well, for example when you’re black and you’re forced into an identity of perpetual aggrieved victim dependent on the State instead of being taught to manage your own goddamn life, or when you’re an upper middle class feminist and you end up raped and killed by the dark-skinned masses you always supported.

The “we want a world without losers” crowd always vote themselves in power, vote their own advantages, and do so at the expense of untold people. Just like using an ECA stack while lobbying for the prohibition of smart drugs. Doublethink at its finest.

“The Left is humanitarian and universal”

Leftism has always been a particular group identity. From the eighteenth century philosophers to the younger upper middle class feminist of now, leftism has its codes, references, events and even saints. In truth, humanity only exists in a biological sense: one is human because one is a homo sapiens. Beyond that, the Earth has always been covered with different identities. The Left pretends to be different, but leftists have always been parts of societies or of the world. Which makes them as non-universal as any other identity.

Bourgeois bohemians love to talk about “culture” as their particular thing. They love to gloat about “openness” from the comfort of their flats or houses in a so-called glamour neighbourhood. Even when leftism was more akin to communism, said movement worked because it gave a purpose and a sense to the life of its members. That is, a particular purpose. No purpose is interesting or worthy when it ceases to be particular, identitarian, and thus different from the rest of humanity.

Leftism is an identitarianism. A cancer that developed from the West while chastising it. No wonder why the feminists’ fish and bicycle motto is intrinsically antisocial: leftism’s universality is a joke. And it is intolerant at our identitarianism.

“The Left has no prejudices”

Any group has common beliefs. Any group has prejudices. This is normal—and this is what leftists love to say they “went beyond” erroneously. I’ve often seen pompous students going at great lengths on their 50 shades of leftism or gender whereas talking of “the far right” as if people outside of the left were an homogeneous block. Those who speak like this know nothing of our side: even the Alt-Right is rather a big tent than an edifice.

Likewise, when the “libs r smarter” rule, which may be true if and only if certain conditions apply, becomes heralded as obvious, it is a prejudice—an excessive generalization that denies exceptions.

“The Left is smarter”

If you compare the mean IQ of a group of academics and the mean IQ of a group of plant workers, chances are, the former have a higher mean IQ. But does that mean that the academics are better human beings? That they are necessarily right? Does that mean that other high IQs who agree with plant workers should be ruled out as irrelevant?

The “smarter Left” myth is only true to the extent that the Left has taken over the institutions, only allowed its own inside, then used the institutions’ authority to claim smartness. Yes, that’s the very same people who pretend that race IQ measurements, which do not differ from class IQ measurements, are “racists” and invalid.

Leftists who have a high IQ use it to craft theories, narratives, and other misleading impressions to force and manipulate. Their pseudo-creativity is a smokescreen to mask the giant prison where they want to force society—and their own inability to get out of the matrix.

“The Left is tolerant”

As everyone who ventured outside of cultural Marxism knows, no one on Earth is as bossy and domineering as the “tolerant” Left. Forced equality and communism were not “tolerant” projects. Forcing anal marriage, gender madness, mass immigration, white guilt, land whale/HR supremacy, banning words and reshaping whole identities through mass indoctrination is definitely not “tolerant.” No one else pretends to love the Other while being so intolerant at the political Other. At bottom, a leftist is a political xenophobic.

However, the Left has been crafty (or dishonest) enough to say that its intolerance would end intolerance, just like the communist genocidal mania would end all genocides, the freemason-propelled WW1 would end all wars, etc. Now it can safely be said that all these hopes were illusions, as Leftism always needs new targets to protest and harass. The only true hope for anything better lies in the death of cultural Marxism.

Erring is human, persevering is evil

Antiracist fraudster Franz Boas was wrong. Sigmund Freud’s theory of Oedipus was wrong and likely build to hide a Jewish propensity for incest by blaming it on the children. “Minority” identities did not even exist before they were wholly constructed (“organized”) by Alinskyite figures who took all their inspiration in Marxism. Now these groups are like cancerous tumors, having no function yet stealing from a society they did not built. Margaret Mead was a fraud. Feminist “founders” had deep issues. And so on.

Leftism is all about manipulating the human psyche while making you indignant (or ashamed, depending on which role the narrative-crafters attribute to you) about being “oppressed.” Many of us were fed blue pills since our youngest infancy.

More often than not, we were taught everything would be possible, to be thrown into a world where everything is blocked, taught to be respectful when this made us cowards, taught to be cultivated when this is just made us more conditioned, taught to believe in equality because this is what the cultivated, successful individual do, and so on.

Cultural Marxism is not based on knowledge. It is based on sophisticated make-believe. Know the difference.

Read Next: If Leftist Ideology Is Correct, Why Are Liberals Using Dirty And Violent Tactics?

81 thoughts on “Liberals Do Not Know Themselves”

  1. “They steal from societies they did not build.”
    As an african I say This is why Africa will not develop not because IQ as there ate some smart ones but they the African governments are trying to copy European policies thinking that will help them.
    How ever they copy left policies not those things and ethic that turned western Europe into a developed region. They are copying a fraud that just took over a society that it did not build.
    However feminism does not stick here because there is no money to bankroll useless projects and woman know if u act funny not only will u be shamed u might end up in the street and police can be paid off.

    1. Well… they named their sexual harassment movement “Pound me too.” (#Metoo).

      1. It was a Freudian slip they still have not figured out yet because they keep calling the pound symbol a “hashtag”….if you have a lisp it is an asstag invitation.

      2. Hahahaha, I somehow missed that nuance and it’s fucking hilarious.
        Thanks for the laugh!

    2. Baizuo (pronounced “bye-tswaw) is a Chinese epithet meaning naive western educated person who advocates for peace and equality only to satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority. A baizuo only cares about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment while being obsessed with political correctness to the extent that they import backwards Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism.
      The Chinese see the baizuo as ignorant and arrogant westerners who pity the rest of the world and think they are saviours.

    1. I have nothing against lefties.
      On the contrary, I think, everyone should have one!

    2. Bravo to the author and this website to bring up the very real conspiracy of white genocide and Jewish treachery.
      However, you should refrain from positively quoting Thomas Sowell because he despises white people just as much as any leftist nonwhite…’black rednecks and white liberals’ did nothing but blame white people for the violent, degenerate culture of blacks…as if Africans weren’t lynching each other over petty theft and sorcery, or enslaving/selling defeated tribes to this day like they always have. Instead he just blames whites like they all do because he is overcome by the same vicious hatred.
      Next… There is no such thing as ‘white guilt.’ White leftists are conmen, just like their (((allies))) and just like nonwhites. They are profiting off their pet minorities by pretending to have empathy for them despite every macroeconomic variable suggesting otherwise (white neighborhood, Aryan family, less miscegenation than Republicans, SWPL music/culture).
      Next… Leftists are not ‘caring’ or socialistic – they want white rightists (and the vast majority of whites) to die off so they can assume the role of aristocratic pharaohs over a nonwhite majority population, similar to South Africa.
      These cockroaches are not utopians or idealists either – they are brutal realists. They just hide it in passive-aggressive feminine fake personas (soy boy, beta male etc).
      They have a very real extermination plan for their adversaries that they can barely contain, hence the unrestrained nature of Antifa chasing imaginary ‘fascists.’ They have bloodlust, not righteous indignation. These are the same foreign volunteer thugs that bragged about torturing nationalists during the Spanish Civil War.
      These people are more evil than they let on and more than anybody can ever imagine.

      1. The power mongers just use whatever works on the group they’re dealing with. If it’s tradcon Christian Bible Belters, they know the female element and cuck male element can be easily prodded with a guilt trip to repent. So they pressure them on social justice agenda compliance. It’s all about containment of the group into the grid. It’s about breaking th’ir autonomy and non compliant thought. If they’re subverting the gen X libs raised by boomer mush heads, they know it’s just as easy to flood them with the same correct think because they are already wiped clean of tradition not only by their lax minded parents, but also by the schools and MSM.
        And it’s INTO THE GRID you go feet first. The ‘grid’ life is a byproduct of insulated ‘civilized’ life. In less developed parts of the world, tyrants and lunatics are paid off, subsidized and protected to carry out ongoing purges and iron fisted containment of autonomous tribs until the grid infrastructure and invisible fences and thought control achieves continuity with the larger grid.
        It only takes a few lap dog protected armed and fortified betas in posts like mayor, alderman, police chief and crew and the local leftist news rag gatekeepers along with the socialist services and pharmaco to keep a sizeable community in the civilized west subdued and compliant to grid life. There are no channels to work within the system to reduce the custodial shackles of the powers and to reverse the grid advances towards total confinement. There has to be a spreading awakening from within and throughout the societies to throw off the machiavellian and non human dominance over our peoples. The more we become confined to the grid, the more life is defined by the grid. It is lower and less dignified than the li|e of a wild animal because humans are being corralled and stabled in virtual pens, mind wiped and denatured. It is war!! If you can feel your balls, you have them and they are there. You will need them.

    3. Sure but we must note that both Left and Right(slightly less left) are controlled. We can argue all day about political affiliations, left/right, democrat/republican, communism/capitalism but its pointless if we don’t address the root cause of the problem.

      1. Leftists operate a new version of the indulgence trade.
        If I do good works and buy fairtrade flowers, I will become a justified man, who will not go to hell.
        The problem of the left: The sky is a boring place with ugly women.
        BTW In Germany you can’t get unfair traded flowers anymore.
        In my university times and no money, I found the unfairest flowers for my girlfriend at the cemetry 😎

  2. “Peeling the wire. Not one bit.” Huh? Maybe I’m just an out-of-touch 50-something, but WTF does that mean? Can somebody please explain? (and yes, I did Google it and all I found was technical stuff about wiring and cabling)
    Other than that, I thought this post was just an average André du Pôle’s piece.

  3. “Social justice” can never happen because society’s losers, misfits, kooks, outsiders, utopians, scolds, degenerates, etc. have conflicting grievances that they can’t reconcile.
    Just look at how trannies creep out feminist women, for example.
    What Is a Woman?
    The dispute between radical feminism and transgenderism.

    1. Ladies, if you feel you are treated unfairly, you can try an experiment. Go to a few online message boards and change your name to a guys name like “Big Hoss” or something like that. Then put a photo of a pickup truck as your avatar (you get the idea). Go to the message boards and make your usually cliché/nothing comments like, “this is so stupid, why did they do this?” And watch your upvotes and responses drop to nil. Guys can do the same thing. Pretty girl avatar and girls name (Sophia) and become an online celebrity over night. Women have an unlimited support network.

      1. These bitches know the truth that is why they are empty.
        I remember I made a comment and one girl said that is current what u just said and she got up voted a 10 times more than my comment.
        That is why companies put these bitches in front of a new car. Thirst is real why I dont know.

        1. Yep, I see it all the time on Breitbart. A chick says “Obama is dumb.” (Boom 30 upvotes).

      To some extent this is true but also they tend to be more debauched so less bothers them-
      The black guy smoking a blunt does not care if two gays are kissing in the middle of the road and the gay does not care if straight porn companies owned by Jews destroy Christian marriages and the Jew in LA getting a nosebleed from coke does not care if the guy in the condo next door is a tranny…

      1. The conflicts between these groups heat up when it comes to dividing the pile of loot they have stolen from normal white civilization.
        The Latinx hordes outnumber blacks by far now, for example, and they will push blacks aside to grab their gibs.

  4. sigmund freud is the father of psicology for a reason. You don’t know much about the subject if you claim he’s a fraud.
    Homophobics should tale a deep inner look in why they are so bothered by the homos. If something triggers you, it’s cause you probably have it in yourself if you know what i mean. Focus on your own behavior, what others do in their privacy is none of your business or a you gossip old woman? More homos more women for you as well.
    Balance, equilibrium is the base of harmony and success. Fanatics of either right or left are equally tards. Theyr the same shet. Trump is the same or worse than obama and the scum before that. It’s all a damn joke and the joke is on us

    1. Problem with homos they try to infiltrate every level of society even on TV they insist they have one character who has a homo relation, they parade them delve in street.In Canada and Sweden boys forced by homo teachers to play like girls.
      These homos just can’t do their filth and abominations in their bad rooms. That is why they are hated.
      As for your idea that it triggers those who have it. So u say someone don’t like something because they have it? I will assume you Chris gibson are not a murderer and you don’t like murderer and rapists too does that mean you want to rape and murder ? As that is your logic.

      1. Hey keith, im bothered by thugs and murders because they threaten my family’s and my own security and well-being. A homo can realy just threat your fragile sexuality.
        As i said: your rights end where other people’s right begin. If someone wants to live a fuked up life in whatever way that should be… thats none of yer business as long as that person doesn’t do something personally to you. You focus on being be a good son, a good father, a good neighbor and realize your not that perfect yourself.

        1. Its pure disgust not fragile sexuality maybe you have not been disgusted and repulsed.

        2. Chris,
          Statically the biggest threat to your family is your wife. Thugs and murderers aren’t gonna steal your home, children and pension. Thugs and murderers won’t make false allegations of rape and sexual abuse to the police about you. But there’s a 50% chance your wife will.

    2. Freud was on to something when he started out. In the end he pulled a Nietzsche. He became consumed by his own ideas to the point that he was no longer seeking truth but self-affirmation. That’s what made him a fraud. The idea of all problems being rooted in suppressed psycho-sexual weirdness reveals more about him and his own culture than about the rest of humanity. Neuroses are a side-effect of the careless practice of psychological thinking. That much is self-evident. So many armchair psychologists today and pretty much every one a conflicted mess. Thanks Dr. Freud.

      1. (((freud))) played his part well in deconstructing the pillars and walls of the European people that had resisted and rejected j3wish infection for centuries. Id dare say The J…ws pioneering and establishment of the psychological warfare/virus they introduced to the gentiles has been a greater weapon than any nuclear bomb.

      2. Oedipus Complex was perhaps the biggest load of shit. If anything, the Electra Complex is real because the first man a girl falls in love with is her father. Moms and sons have no such relationship. Freud was just another perverted Jew trying to corrupt the Western man with his Oriental gobbledygook.

    3. Always the same shitty leftist argument. You don’t like homo that’s because you’re one. Bullshit.
      There’s a difference being hating homos and hating homo propaganda, see the difference ? One can do what one want with his ass it’s none of our business as long as it’s private. But we have the right to dislike people and media trying to shove that homo lifestyle in other’s face as the new coolest trend of this era. It’s not and won’t never be.

      1. I agree with you there. I dont promote homosexuality. I believe in men and women being together is the real apropiate thing. and im against the media promoting transhumanism, stupidity, materialism, war amongst other things.
        But i dont go out hating on people that are victims of this manipulation and victims of gender bending chemicals. Thats very diferent.

        1. “But i dont go out hating on people that are victims of this manipulation and victims of gender bending chemicals. Thats very diferent.”
          My opinion exactly, like many people here (althought i have to admit there are some real haters here, but imo they are a minority. Redpill men don’t dwell on hate. Frustrated redpill wanabees chumps do)

        2. “I agree with you there. I don’t promote homosexuality. I believe in men and women being together is the real appropriate thing.” Woah Chris, you just made my head spin. You come out guns blazing calling us “homophobes,” then somehow we arrived back on planet earth.

      2. FARAWAY
        Gay males spread disease because the human anus tears and blood born pathogens spread as a filthy body part is used past the point of design.
        This is one reason they are disliked. Two lesbians using a strap-on don’t spread blood-born diseases.
        Gays embody male sexual extremes because the gender stop-gap does not exist-500 partners a year, butt pathogens spreading, sadism, pedophilia.
        Visit the local gay “pickup spots” in a local park like George Michael haunted. You’ll see blood stains, used rubbers, filthy messages (“My anus need a good fuck and suck, please call”) and once in a while a Dahmer or Gacy.

        1. Madman marz,
          Yes i know there are some degenerates fornicators among those people. My point is to let them do their stuff as long they don’t try to force people to embrace their lifestyle. Hating non gay people who push the gay agenda (leftists, feminists, media and govs) is much more relevant to me.
          As a red pill guy i prefer focusing on improving myself and my life, which is much more important than hating them with all my willpower.

      3. The reason the left always says “homophobes are the real home I was“, is because their frame of reference is themselves-they are never honest about what they are. Which means; they claim to be “compassionate“ or whatever… But they know truly that they are just narcissistic power-hungry communists. They are fully aware that they misrepresent themselves, so they assume everyone else must be misrepresenting also. They can’t abide by the fact that we are actually honest

    4. Chris the term homophobia is BS. A phobia is an irrational fear. If the fear is rational, then it isn’t a phobia. The dislike of gay behaviour(not even a fear) stems from the past, relating to selfishness against the group as gays cannot reproduce. It is still relevant today due to its corrupting influence on society. Its not about allowing people to do what they want in the privacy of their own bedrooms the majority of people couldn’t give a shit. Its gone beyond tolerance to open promotion, and normalization of homosexuality to young children. No dissent is tolerated.
      If I had an extreme dislike of brussel sprouts that doesn’t mean I have the capacity to become a brussel sprout, or even that I subconsciously really like to eat them. I dislike them because they taste horrible to me(and the majority of people) no matter how they are cooked.
      In this day and age the idea that a homophobe is really a repressed homosexual doesn’t make any sense. Homosexuals are celebrated by mainstream society, there is no reason for a repressed homosexual to hate themselves, or other gay people.
      The idea that you have professed is a weak parlor trick, to end an argument. Just like the current fashion for leftists to call anyone who disagrees with them a fascist.
      Its like the word misogyny for feminists. It originally meant hatred of women, now it means male chauvanism, or at worst any man that disagrees with a woman, or challenges their actions.

      1. LOL “Homophobia”
        My buddy and I used to joke around when we were 13 or so, saying “Homophobia: I ain’t afraid of phags. I just don’t like ’em.”

    5. Another flawed leftst assumption, with no valid reasoning behind.
      Understand this. Disagreeing with you does not make anyone dumb or homophobic. In fact, your first resort is to attack and insult. Proving you have no rational basis.
      Gays are an evolutionary dead end, who must recruit. Men have a natural aversion to them. Its not fear, its disgust

    6. So by your logic Chris, arachnophobia is only suffered by people who secretly want to be spiders?
      You WISH homophobes were all secretly gay. Personally I’m not fussed whether another man prefers men as his sexual partners over women- just means less competition for guys like me- but I do find it funny that, considering gay people are “just born this way”, at the same time they have the attitude of a cultist eager for new recruits by trying to suggest an increasingly wide cross-section of society is really “just like us” deep down and is only a little bit more encouragement/ some more drinks away from outing themselves.
      Truth is, for the most part this remains nothing more than the fantasy of degenerate faggots like Dan Savage- and people like you, it would seem…

      1. I’m like Don Corleone in regards to gays: They do exist, so I generally leave these homos to their own devices, so long as their concerns/business don’t conflict or interfere with mine.
        But Dan Savage…he and his ilk should be consigned to Scaphism.

    7. Chris gibson- Freud was another lefty drug addict, warned many times by doctors to change his unhealthy life style. Who claimed helplessness in beating his addictions, including his famous cigars.

  5. Liberals who think that Wonder Woman shows their aspirations need to reconsider that. WW comes from a traditional, hierarchical, aristocratic society ruled by a queen. Her people value chastity, fitness, self-discipline, obedience to authority and martial skills.
    Contrast the world view of WW’s society with the democracy, equality, fat acceptance, promiscuity, anarcho-tyranny, disregard of self-care and so forth promoted by social-justice degenerates. WW looks more like the poster girl for Neoreaction than for Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment utopianism.

  6. This is interesting and in many ways true.
    However, supplant the words “liberal” and “liberalism” with “extremist” and “extremism” and it!s much more accurate.
    Historically, authoritarian extremists, like communists and fascists, have all exhibited the traits this article ascribes to “liberals.”
    It’s weird to me as a middle aged dude who grew up on America during the cold war to see the American left coopting a bizarro world form of Marxism and assigning it to things like Trans rights. Marx himself would dismiss these people as “Bourgois Socialists” because they really don’t give a fuck about the working class or ending capitalism; they seem to think that they’ll somehow establish an Orwellian dystopia, with themselves at the top of the pyramid, where people go to prison for offending the wrong group.
    That said, I also remember the pre-911 and pre-Fox news era of America.
    The right fired the first salvo in the identity wars with the following:
    1. Conservative media like Fox news presenting opinion as fact.
    2. The post-911 philosophy that criticizing George W. Bush and his agenda was unpatriotic and that no one should do it. The Republicans shifted from advocating smaller government to a more authoritarian, big government stance.
    3. The Tea Party, birther movement (of which Trump was a part), and other efforts to cast Obama as everything from an Islamic extremist to a foreigner born in Kenya to a Nazi (not kidding here, people did that).
    4. Legislation like DOMA and state level gender specific bathroom bills targeting transpeople that caused the LGBTQEIEIO community to politically mobilize more.
    Throughout all of this, the moderate left was mostly ineffective. What we’re seeing now is left extremisim cropping up in the mainstream as a reaction to the more right wing authoritarian shift the country took post-911. In oppostion to Fox and other right wing media, outlets like NBC, CNN, HBO, et al have now cast thrmselves as propagandists for the left. Antifa is the left’s “Tea Party” and instead of right wing conspiracy theorists targeting Obama with imaginary stories, the left wing theorists target Trump.
    So, yeah, the sjw’s have their heads up their prolapsed assholes but the alt-right aren’t much different.
    Now we’re in a situation where people who attempt to re-establish rationality (Jordan Peterson comes to mind) are cast by the radical left as “Alt-right” and by the radical right as “cuckservative.”
    All extremism is bullshit. Look at history and decide for yourself how authoritarianism, whether it’s commie or fascist, always ends (hint, not well and lots of people suffer in the process).

    1. It’s refreshing to find somebody who can see the bullshit, fear-mongering, and power hungering extremism of both sides. Far-right tyranny is just as much a hell as a far-left tyranny.
      I think the best antidote to such extremism is better civics education (whether in the classroom or self-taught), with a focus on the writings of the Founding Fathers (especially that of Jefferson). Extremism thrives in the darkness of ignorance and withers in the sunlight of moderation and knowledge.

      1. DI, A nice idea but its too far gone for civics classes to fix the problem. The extreme left have destroyed the middle ground. Those formerly middle ground ideas are considered extreme right wing ideas now.
        Nearly all teachers at all levels of education are neo Marxist, or at least neo Marxist indoctrinated. There won’t be any balance taught there.

      2. I’m not sure what “the far right” tear and he would be. Outside of phonies who misrepresent themselves as being “right”… The true definition of right wing means more freedom, individual liberty, less government, fewer laws. How is that mentality-taken to extremes-somehow Tryanny ?

        1. Left and right are economic views, I’m talking about authoritarianism vs libertarianism.
          Here’s a picture:

          Extreme right authoritarianism is as bad as extreme left authoritarianism in my estimation. I also observed that the US mainstream shifted toward a more authoritarian right-wing stance post 9-11 (USA Patriot act, upping the NSA surveillance programs, the war in Iraq, etc).

  7. Liberals are by far the worst people I have ever met. They are not nice, they are mean. They do not love, they hate. All the societal discord we are currently experiencing is due to, ultimately, leftist hate.
    And even worse, the real root of it is jealousy and envy, which manifest into the worse of all kinds of hate.

  8. Good article. Perhaps the most common trait among lefties is that deep down they hate themselves. Instead of coming to terms with it they lash out. This lashing out is ok in their minds because they believe in their moral superiority. Its the same as the hamster thought process of the girl who rides the cock carousel.
    So perhaps it’s correct to think that the “whore” and the “leftist” share the same mental disease. Lack of self worth, lack of knowing oneself, and incapable of seeing reality. Funny how bulimic people and schizophrenics share the same traits.
    We can agree that not all leftists are mentally unstable. Remember, most doctors don’t consider it a mental disease until it negatively affects ones life. I’d say more research is needed into how being a leftist negatively affects that persons life. Clearly that research is almost nonexistent.
    I can’t imagine any hardcore leftist men like the person they are. They must look in the mirror and see nothing but hate. It’s such a sad way to live. To hate everyone and anything that’s different.
    BTW I see comments are getting shilled pretty hard. This website is touching the nerves and that makes me laugh. Keep it up.

  9. Eh, the battle is already over, they just don’t know it yet. All their heroes, Obama, Hilary and their posse are going to jail. And the shit that’s going to come out in public…
    So let’s be the mature ones here. Sure, we can laugh and jeer, but that could push them away to some other communist knock-off ideology, and that won’t help anybody.

  10. The left is practically a religion at this point. Look at some of the college majors such as “women’s studies” where there’s all this “believing” like “life was a living hell except for men before progressivism – which should be called regressivism as that is technically more accurate.”
    Mead is one of the worst, if not the worst, anthropologist to exists and least popular in the anthropology world. When you do field work, you don’t go out to make a point. You are doing your best to figure out who the people and how they do things, not what you want them to be or do so you can make some point back home.
    Everybody judges but don’t let that get in the way of your research unless you want it to be practically useless.

    Lesbians don’t spread diseases apart from the genital warts or minor STD’s that affect the hetero population anyhow.
    But the root reason society dislikes gays is that they push the body past its point of design-a penis tearing an anus-and spread blood-borne pathogens.
    Most of you on this blog are either teenagers or hicks but go to a medium-sized city and visit the local gay cruising spot. Usually a park male restroom. You’ll see blood, condoms, glory holes…a biohazard..

    1. Your extensive knowledge of park male restrooms and sodomites is more believable than your Detroit nonsense.

        1. @ Gen-X-man, lol, you say “triggered,” and yet I see you doubling down on your replies, literally, replying twice for every negative. All the hallmarks of someone who’s been triggered.
          You talk a lot about prostitutes, but you never mention whether they’re male. One thing that I’m curious about, do you prefer ladyboys, or just boys?

        2. What’s with you and “Gen X”?
          As for the homo stuff, it is derail.
          Do you come to this blog to discuss topics or just tailgate some guy?

        3. Eew, tailgating, you had to turn this into gay lingo. You love tailgating don’t you. Just when I thought you wouldn’t go lower you bring it up. Dude…

      1. “Detroit nonsense”
        Well a guy who lives in a suburban house with his parents when he is 20-something like you would not know.
        But you can read about.
        Just like you can read about gays.
        Because you would be a hickish lower middle-class white guy from the suburbs living far from urban population centers

        1. SASQUATCH
          No J could possibly care enough about you to want to deceive you into believing anything.
          They don’t care about poverty or anonymity in the suburbs far from the NYC-Chicago-West Coast J bubbles where they are making a killing on the stock market or selling some stupid screenplay or stunt-dicking in “Queens of Anal Pt 65” in San Fernando porn shoots.

        White flight?
        Dangerous blacks?
        Property values collapsing?

        1. Those facts are easily available to anyone in the world. It does not mean they live or grew up there. Your repetitious tales of your Detroit back-story is an interesting angle but smells of BS especially when you try to sell it so hard. As a famous chosenite of yours once said, “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”
          Anyway you’re not that important. Perhaps you are just a shield for the more deceptive members of your cult on here.

        2. SASQUATCH
          I am a working middle class white male who thinks America is a pretty shitty place for the white working middle class male. What is so unbelievable about that?
          No Jew would live in Dubai or in Southeast Asia by the way.
          They have it too good on the New York-Chicago-West Coast Jewish axis-bubble to want to live in Philippines and are not allowed into Dubai anyhow.
          Perhaps you blame your inability to do anything in America on Jews but my feeling is that the country would be a shitty place for white working middle class males no matter what.
          Some assholes on here will go on about fleeing to the country but depending on your training there is no work in Podunk rural towns growing carrots.
          By the way, no Jew would have time to blog like I do here. He’d be busy closing his next Wall street broker deal or selling some shitty horror film screenplay in LA and driving down the Malibu highway or Long Island beach with some blonde sucking on his junk while he tooted coke from a silver spoon his mother gave him.

  12. In this world it’s hard to figure out, what to do, what really leads to ” success.” I just always looked at the failures of various age liberals and told myself…don’t copy their mistakes. It’s much easier to avoid apparent ruin, then read the tea leaves of success. The majority of my peers, twenty years later…are still in collage bars thinking their cool guys. Roommates / drama / debt / substance issues / silly sub cultures / endless. How did I avoid such, twenty years ago I saw 40-50 year old losers in the local pups…and knew I wasn’t gonna join their ranks. Gonna change the world, when don’t even have the capital to pay your light bill. They are so insufferable simply cause they pad their lack of accomplishments, with lofty fag ideas.

  13. I like reading ROK but it always amuses me – everyone keeps whining and whining and whining. Liberal this, liberal that. Us versus them is an effective strategy but not a positive one.

  14. Well, Churchill put it best: If you’re not a socialist before you’re twenty-five, you have no heart; if you are a socialist after twenty-five, you have no head.

  15. Let me come right out with it: I’m a liberal. I realize that having said that, most people are going to totally discount everything I’m about to say. I get that the audience of this blog is pretty right-wing. Some of the issues raised by this blog are ones the left desperately needs to address, but they’re often presented in an immature or short-sighted way. This article is a case in point. It shows no recognition at all of the fact that excessive conservatism has led to these liberal excesses. I’ve always thought psychology can do a lot more to explain our cultural crisis than economics, politics, or any another approach, and I keep coming back to this quote by Carl Jung: “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” I hear conservatives railing about trigger warnings. Yes, these can be employed in a ridiculous way that denies personal responsibility and infantilizes people. I get that. But why is it that trigger warnings have become such a rallying cry for conservatives? Why is this anything more than a mild irritation? Why are conservatives constantly calling liberals “snowflakes?” Maybe, if Jung’s point is correct, it’s because conservatives realize deep down they themselves are snowflakes, irritated to all hell by tiny issues they should be able to ignore, like twenty-something college students and liberal professors insisting on trigger warnings. I mean, people in their twenties are still figuring out life. Liberal professors are living in a glass bubble and will always have unrealistic ideas. Just ignore this and get on with life. The same thing with this ridiculous conflict over transgendered people in bathrooms. Does the world explode because someone who looks to you like a man goes into a women’s bathroom? Are you unable to live your life knowing someone somewhere (probably not you) might at some point be caused slight discomfort by this? Do you realize we have problems in this world like hunger, war, disease, drug addiction, murder, etc., etc.? Damn, talk about snowflakes. The right is the perfect embodiment of everything they complain about.
    Let me come back to the point I made above about conservative excesses leading to liberal excesses. Instead of getting so angry about how the other side is doing you wrong, try thinking sometime about how we got to have two sides. Why are we so divided? There are various ways to think about this. Here’s how I see it. Societies have always had liberals and conservatives. Liberals are basically the people who come up with new ideas and push for social progress. Conservatives provide the core stability and continuance of tradition the society needs to remain cohesive. The two poles are like yin and yang. One cannot exist without the other, and in a healthy society they play complementary roles. We are not living in a healthy society. The conservative side of society is going insane, cracking down so hard on anything outside a strict norm that most of society is excluded; this only energizes liberals, who push back against what they see as oppression, eventually going to such an absurd extreme with this that, yes, they begin to deny personal responsibility. So I admit and understand the problems on the liberal side, but again, they come from conservative excesses. If we didn’t have a chauvinist pig for a president, feminists wouldn’t be so energized. If we didn’t have ridiculously restrictive moral codes regulating what people can do in the bedroom, there would never have been a “free love” movement, which has contributed to the problem of broken families which conservatives try to fix by cracking down even more on any behavior outside their overly strict norms, intensifying the vicious cycle and causing the problem to worsen.
    If you only see your side, you are part of the problem. Go ahead, crack down on minorities, women, non-Christians, etc. See if that creates the society you want. I get that liberals need to wake up. In fact, let me briefly tell you why I’m a liberal. Conservatives want to defend their people by upholding tradition, which they correctly perceive as breaking down. This is a problem, and the left generally does not get this. At the same time, many of my friends (my people) are Latino, Asian, and Muslim, and the general atmosphere among people like this is fear, puzzlement, and maybe a bit of anger. People who are not doing anything wrong or hurting anyone are being pushed to the fringes by the out-of-control conservative element in our society. I think the solution is to form a new tradition that includes these people. Why are conservatives so damn scared of people who are different from them? I get that Middle America is filling up with taquerias and people are threatened. But how about going into the taqueria and talking with the guy behind the counter? Why are conservative whites so afraid of people who are not conservative whites? Snowflakes.
    It might be true that liberals don’t know themselves. Fair enough. But it’s absolutely certain that conservatives don’t know themselves either. So frankly, articles like this ultimately cancel out any wisdom they may contain be being incredibly short-sighted. If you think the other side is the problem, you are the problem. You are the snowflake. You are the one who needs a trigger warning. You need to wake up.

  16. Thomas Sowell talked about a “Conflict of Visions” where the annointed (basically the liberal, left, intellectual class) were unconstrained regarding 1) the perfectability of human nature and 2) the ability of solutions to fix problems. The constrained vision of conservatives views humans as flaws and accepts that we have to work with that rather that trying to achieve perfections. The other thing is that there are no solutions, only tradeoffs, although some tradeoffs will be better than others.
    The whole “hate” thing was a 60s throwback to the 40s or 30s when the international socialists (hard left/commies) were at odds with national socialists (left of centre / Nazis) who were in fact racists. Anyone to the right of the hard left must be hard right and since the Nazis were racists then therefore that is a characteristic of the conservative right rather than the left.
    The left isn’t smarter, it’s just that their IQ bell curve is flatter. Look at various exit polls from presidential elections and the Democratic candidate always does disproportionately well among people with grad studies under their belt AND with high school drop outs. “Normal” people, in the centre of the curve with at least high school and up to a 4 year bachelors degree tend to vote Republican. With Trump, this changed somewhat as he had a majority of “high school or less” and 46% compared to Clinton’s 49% of college graduates (partly skewed by Clinton’s domination of non-white college grads; Trump still won among white college grads).

  17. Liberalism ultimately leads to nihilism. Nothing matters and anything goes. God is dead and we can become God. Tossed around by the demons and eventually you lose your mind. The entire society sits at the precipice waiting for the first to jump and then the rest follow. Jim Jones legacy

  18. “do we have free will”
    No, the body of physics research would strongly predispose one to conclude that we do not. That causality reigns supreme and the universe is utterly deterministic, a straight line of time as unchanging as a tape being played.
    “Man can do what he wills, but he cannot will what he wills.” -Arthur Schopenhauer

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