One of the major themes you’ll find in my writing is that words have lost their meaning. Words today have become both vague and specific, and we rely on connotation and equivocation instead of definition. In this vein, everything today is considered “heroic”: soldiers, politicians, activists, black men from urban areas who graduate college, cancer survivors, and unwed mothers. Everybody who is “good” can also be given the label “heroic.”
But what is a hero? For the purposes of this article, I’m not trying to define it in a strict definition as held by the ancient Greeks, since the word has evolved over time. It seems that in our society, the connotation of the word is “someone who does something good that is beyond what is expected of them.” By definition, there is nothing heroic about being average. That is not to say that being average is a bad thing, and truly, many of us want an “average,” boring life. But I can’t claim to be heroic for merely doing what’s required of me. Therefore, are these people heroic based on those two elements? We shall judge the above categories based on whether they are “good” and “beyond.”
Some soldiers go to battle because it’s their only employment opportunity. Others go because of social pressure. Some are drafted. I would imagine very few today go because of patriotism, but they still exist.
Regardless of why he signs up, once the soldier is there, he has no choice but to do what he is told. Perhaps he had a different expectation when he signed up, but once he is there, he takes orders and nothing else. There is a saying in the military “never volunteer for anything.”
Yet many soldiers do go above and beyond. You hear stories about soldiers who left safe cover to save another soldier or to kill an enemy with a strategic position, even when everyone else in their group stayed where they were. People talk about adrenaline and the rage of war, but risking your life for a great cause when nobody would blame you for staying put is above and beyond. Therefore, although some soldiers are average, many are heroic.
People think a politician is heroic for standing up for what he believes in. Though I seriously doubt this in the modern day, in the spirit of generosity I’ll assume this is sometimes true. There are rare politicians who vote based on their beliefs, knowing that it will cause them to lose the next election. This is more of a character trait than an individual choice, and so these people are never elected president. So although a few politicians are heroic, [your favorite president in all of history] was not a hero, except for maybe George Washington. It was John Adams who invented the smear campaign, and that tradition has continued on to this day. Perhaps he and Jefferson started off as heroes, but all that waned once they tasted sweet political power and bent their morals to hold onto it.
Today activists write articles on a blog, but in the past, there were actually active activists. Consider the civil rights movement, when black people would march through the streets knowing they’d be assaulted by government officials. Even that Carrie Nation bitch who would destroy bars with a hatchet did so knowing the consequences. Today if a woman attacks someone, there is a good chance she will not be prosecuted. Even if a person bombs a building for a social or political cause, there’s something backdoor about it, and you can’t say that needlessly killing innocent people is good. Therefore, activists used to be heroes, but today they are not.
Note: I’m not advocating or condoning physical force of any kind, but neither am I necessarily condemning it.
Black Men From Urban Areas Who Graduate College
Just because opportunity is easily accessible doesn’t mean that it’s easy to accomplish something worthwhile. (Yes, I realize that sounded contradictory.) If everyone around you tells you that to read a book is to betray your own people or to act like the opposite sex, then it’s unrealistic to say that you have the same accessibility as someone like me whose whole family graduated from college.
Ostracizing yourself because you know it’s in your best interest is a hugely difficult thing, and therefore black men from urban areas who graduate college are definitely heroic. This feat also involves relearning the way you talk. I had a crippling speech impediment as a child, so I can at least partly empathize with that. This heroism also applies to men and women from all bad socio-economic backgrounds, but for urban black men, I imagine there is the most social pressure to fail.
Cancer Survivors
There is nothing brave about doing what the doctor tells you to. Yes, it’s painful to endure chemo, but it’s a survival action in the same way that a rabbit chews off its leg when caught in a trap. You just plug in the cord and suffer. Furthermore, labeling cancer survivors heroic implicitly labels those who died as cowardly. My grandmother wouldn’t have survived cancer no matter how hard she fought. Sometimes, life’s a bitch, and you do the best you can.
For more information on the negative effects of cancer propaganda, watch the movie Pink Ribbons, Inc. It was on Netflix Instant last I checked.
Unwed Mothers
Commonly known as “single mothers,” these are women who raise children but do not have a partner that lives with them. Obviously raising children can be a good thing, but do these women go above and beyond?
Because of their work schedule, they are unable to provide as much attention to their children as a stay-at-home mother would. This is a simple reality of time management. Not only do these women work, but they also do all the housework children are unable to do. School can only provide so many hours of free daycare, and summer provides none. Furthermore, the attention of one’s live-in parents will always be more impactful than that of a paid caretaker.
Unwed mothers feed their children, give them a place to sleep, and interact with them when they have the time and energy, which is the most basic definition of “raising children.” Perhaps there are some unwed mothers who go above and beyond, but having such time and energy restraints makes this virtually impossible. An unwed mother is only able to do the bare minimum. Therefore, there is nothing heroic about being an unwed mother.
A few divorces happen because the man was physically abusive, but they are a small minority. Let’s consider all the others, since “hero” is applied to all unwed mothers. Do you know what’s really heroic? Staying with a husband you hate because you know it’s in the best interest of someone else (i.e. your children). Did your husband cheat on you with the secretary? I offer my condolences. He’s a prick. But it’s in your children’s best interest to stay with him. If you want to be heroic, then stay with him until your children graduate high school. Do more than what’s required, and you’ll be a hero. People will shame you and say you’re weak for staying with a terrible husband, but doing the right thing despite all social pressure is one of the most heroic things you can do.
Producing offspring is a biological function that is usually not even a direct choice. Providing your children with decent meals, telling them you love them, and having enough money for a good Christmas are the bare requirements for decent parenting. Perhaps someone has been arguing all along that a hero is someone you should emulate, but do you really want to be an unwed mother? Do you really want to have that kind of hardship? In no definition of the word is an unwed mother heroic by virtue of her difficulty.
Therefore, be wary of the word “heroic.” It no longer means anything. Raising children all alone is in no way equivalent to risking your life to save a friend. If a word denoting excess is applied to the masses, then it is no longer a word of excess. By calling all unwed mothers or all cancer survivors heroic, they have made it so none of them can truly be so.
Read More: Fat Single Mothers Are Child Abusers
I’ll shill that a woman who chooses to forsake a profitable career, personal enrichment, and willingly puts herself in a position where she is dependent upon her husband for support, all for the sake of their in-wedlock children to be raised properly, is “heroic” in the modern, diluted sense of the word “hero.” If anything, it is “heroic” in that it is a big middle finger to the feminist establishment that degrades all motherhood outside of the unwed kind.
But back in the day, this was considered normal standard behavior and not heroic at all.
I think you’d find that women experience far more personal enrichment raising kids and caring for their husbands, than they ever experience in their careers as professional productivity inhibitors. They are designed to enjoy their work and to flourish in that way. The woman who is able to do something else, is probably still not going to really like it (hence all the lady doctors and lawyers that get out of their field within ten years of entering it). The woman who can do something else AND enjoy it, is still likely to have a negative influence on the work environment. The woman who can do something else, and enjoy it, and bring a net positive to the work experience, is perhaps 1/1000… if that.
Obviously, I agree with you that it was normal for women to stay domestic in the past. I’m just disagreeing that this somehow interfered with their personal enrichment. They always like to have a reason to blame someone else. The fact is that stay at home moms have plenty of opportunities to enrich themselves, both in their work time AND their leisure time, if they care to do it. Most women are not motivated enough, however, so it was simply easier to blame the problem on their domestic work. Now, they spend all of their time trying to maximize personal time off, maternity leave, etc., because work is interfering with their personal enrichment. Their fantasies and blame-shifting should not be indulged in this way.
I agree with what you’re saying. My wife is a stay-at-home mom and she tells me she’s doing what she was born to do.
Nothing says “hero” like having some loser dude bust off a nut inside your vagina and the inevitable happening nine months later.
If that’s the case, then I see “hero’s” everytime I leave the house. Single mom’s have become so common I would start a business selling them out of giant gumball machines if it weren’t for the fact that nobody would pay a fucking quarter for them.
Single moms: zero uses and counting.
They take pride in the fact that there is no father figure in their child’s life. In fact, some will actually leave their boyfriends if they get knocked up, just to say they are single. You know that crap about deadbeat dads? Don’t believe it. There are plenty of men who want to be involved but aren’t allowed to be.
“There are plenty of men who want to be involved but aren’t allowed to be.”
Ask Adrian Peterson about what happens those who are allowed to be involved. Don’t really blame a lot of men nowadays for nutting and leaving.
Some groups actually PROMOTE the idea of fatherless parenthood as a pre-planned choice.
“Hey everyone, look at me, I’m a ‘choice mom’!”
Look up and see the glory of the heroic single mother who shows her fellow amazonian tax warriors how to cheat the system, and fuck over their ex while shit talking the guy she is sooo over with on the internet.
Because he won’t leave her alone?
Something about seeing his kid, and some shit….
oh yeah…that propaganda shit has been going on for a long time. It’s always the man at fault…even when the woman leaves the man or the man disagrees with having the child. He’s to blame, he’s the bad guy and she’s the brave single mom.
It’s all bullshit propaganda that’s being sold to the public to prop up the feminist nonsense of the single mom being a “hero”. A strong and independent woman.
Give me a fucking break.
Are you kidding?!
What reason do they have to NOT get preggo, and dump the poor bastid?
If they do, cradle to grave entitlements. If they don’t, they don’t get the free education, housing, child support, Earned Income Tax Credit, food, and public services to harass, and extort their ex into slavery.
“Single mom’s have become so common I would start a business selling them out of giant gumball machines if it weren’t for the fact that nobody would pay a fucking quarter for them.”
I literally lol’d.
I read a story about a woman who had three children from three different fathers. She decided to “play the field” some more before settling down. The writer compared it to clapping for Tinkerbell and saying “I believe in fairies.” This was actually from a 1990s book about abortion and had little to do with red pill.
”Anyone can piss on the floor. BE A HERO, SHIT ON THE CEILING”. I read those words on a bathroom wall way back WHEN I WAS A CHILD. I’ve never actually crapped on a ceiling but the words stuck with me all these years. I often hearken to these words when I see a feat that is extraordinary or stupendous. Single mothers are far from extraordinary. They are as normalized and ordinary as gray primer paint.
Some of these “heroes” are likely to end up as “an hero”
Having children is not “inevitable”, certainly not for whites.
Sperm counts have been rapidly plummeting:
And, of course, women are reaching menopause at younger and younger ages:
But believe me, I know a few 30- and 40-something white couples who sure as hell wish that babies were “inevitable”, but instead they’re forking over tens of thousands of dollars to try and have one damn kid.
Yes, and in the meantime, some degenerate in the local ghetto is spewing them out by the dozens.
Good for them and their Darwinian success. I worry about the Darwinian success of myself, family, and community, not people in the ghetto.
The older they get the harder it is to bear children. Those few 30-40 something white couples married too late.
Heroes paid for by you and me
Heroes fed by you and me
Who’s the hero?
The word “epic” is being similarly abused.
I would argue “epic” is the most abused word in America right now.
Over Awesome and Cool?
or “amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing”
Nope…Conrad has it right.
Amazing…….has to be the most overused word that I have heard (every day life and TV).
Just listen for the word and count.
You’ll be AMAZED.
The word may have been cheapened by overuse, but the virtue itself has not, and never will be.
A couple thoughts:
Hero is a masculine ideal. Part of the feminine imperative is to change or eradicate language that glorifies masculinity. Labeling anyone who gives more than average effort or even women ‘hero’ dulls the word to the point of uselessness. True, masculine heroes worthy of emulation get lost in the crowd and are eventually forgotten. See: 1984.
The ancient Greeks had an interesting take on the hero, and I’m not talking about the common myths and stories. They thought we lived in a cycle of consciousness (The Great Year) starting with the Golden Age, and that they were living in the descending phase. Anyway, the Golden Age was the age of gods, Silver age demi-gods, Bronze age was heroes and lastly a dark age. Higher up the ladder you go, the more virtuous and closer to God you are. Heroic meant you were in an age above barbarism, more in tune with nature and God, but nowhere near ideal. This was the true meaning of hero according to the Greeks, and their stories corroborate this link fairly well. Of course, this has been entirely forgotten, as Plato predicted it would.
“Part of the feminine imperative is to change or eradicate language that glorifies masculinity.”
Remove the “Man”:
you’re quite right, but that feminine imperative goes beyond a mere surface attempt to alter language (i.e. diluting the word ‘heroic’ to the point of making it meaningless). Feminist literary criticism for example also attacks the idea of the great man, the man who ‘becomes’ a hero, through struggle, overcoming and great deeds (res gestae). Some have used psychanalysis for instance, including Lacan, to attack how men ‘falsify’ their egos to present linear narratives of achievement. There is literally no area of masculinity that isn’t being attacked at a cellular level. So, you’re absolutely right that its an attack on the language that sustains masculinity, but also the narrative tradition that sustains masulinity. Heroes can survive bullets, and ambushes and situations where the odds are stacked against them, but can they withstand attempts to undermine the very psychic structure of the male ego? Unfortunately that’s the kind of hero that the world needs right now in this particular dark age
We are falling under SIEGE by an apparently INSECTOID celestial BITCH FORCE. If it proves NOT to be extraterrestrial, then it comes from the lower bowels of terra firma. There is a lot we don’t understand about the insect world, like their circadian rhythm. On schedule, locusts and cicadas emerge from below. To whom do they communicate with their antennae? Who or what plots and directs their bitch queen egg sacks where to establish colonies? They sure resemble the colonizing behaviour of larger nation states. Even the lowly mold spore cultures follows directive to ESTABLISH COLONIES. Is there a ‘king mold’ sitting like a black blob on a stool unseen somewhere taking whip orders from his bitch queen who dispenses spore DNA like tic-tac’s?
Like mold or fire ant invasion, feminism emerges like a recurring insect or viral plague. We’ve been ingesting modified foods laced with insect DNA for years. Are our women and manginas now picking up unwanted antennae signal from some crawling shits beneath. All questions to ponder.
The BITCH FORCE driving our females is not of our patriarchal father above. The force weakening men into manginas is from below and it is quite real. It is no ‘natural’ power shift occurring when our women’s greatest strength – the ability to withstand extreme pain during childbirth – is diverted to a feminist BIG PUSH in an absurdly manlike battlefield drive TO TOPPLE MAN and plough the males of our species under, as the women willingly abort their young.
Finally someone who understands that the plague of locusts that is feminism is not a mere metaphor but a very real carpet of creepy crawlies that will keep coming for us however many times we crunch them under foot. But while each feminist can indeed be understood as an individual snowflake of insectoid uniqueness working within the hive, for the hive and for the greater good of the hive, the hive itself, which is necessarily the sum of its individual feminist insectoid parts, but also greater than the sum of those insectoid parts, must itself be understood as a body politic in its own right, a commonwealth of black widows, a common weal of feminist weavils weaving their way into the biscuits we as men have baked. And this hive, this body politic, this common weal of the INSECT CITY is both the hecatomb of individual snowflake bodies piled one upon the other, writhing, pullulating, pulsing with carnal infernal, lesbianic heat and lust AND the Singular Discrete Body of the GREAT QUEEN HERSELF. Hail Mystery BABYLON The GREAT, chief insectoid, head witch, great drag king wizard, the foulest of all oriental daemons, incarnated a thousand times in a thousand gendered forms. And that body, that network of the heaving mass of insectoid feminists, with their synchronising periods, their marching in formation to a million complaints, are further marshalled into the contingent parts of the greater living beast, comprising the limbs and body of the HIVE QUEEN, whose fore-limbs are the MANDIBLES, made of up of the collectivity of manginas, fashioned and formed into two discrete pincer like parts; and whose greater torso, comprising the ordinary everyday feminist body known as the Thorax, and last and most frightful to behold, the belly itself, that is the Belly of the Beast (hail Mystery BABYLON the GREAT) that we call the Abdomen, which are the Dworkins, and McKinnons, The Steinems, the Friedan’s, the academic brain of feminist theory which owing to its pure absence of reason and its motivation in pure hate and Cat Gluttony is located not in the head, where live its many eyes and cute antennae, but in the very seat of female desire itself: this Abdomen is the BELLY OF THE TARANTULA itself. And know that when the weak heed HER song, dance to HER tune, they dance to the music of the tarantella, the poisonous dance macabre, the crazed mephisto waltz that ends only in exhaustion, MADNESS and DEATH.
Let this be the first blast of the trumpet against the monstrous regime of Insectoid Women.
Our mighty pens become our paddles here on lifeboat Earth . .
Forsooth, it is a fat shame tis come to this
Reformed theologian John Knox wrote something that is similar:
knox believe the rule of women unnatural & didn’t appreciate them meddling in matters of state or religion. No doubt he would have just loved modern society
May I ask, what acts of heroism has the author commited to have the authority to speak on the matter?
What qualifications does a person require to make observations about the society in which he lives? Please enlighten us, guy-who-comments-on-every-blog-post.
The question was directed towards the author of this article. Who are you?
Umm….hello, you may be new to this little thing we call “the internet”. Its a place where groups of people often gather to share thoughts and ideas, either in the form of an article or as comments and responses to the article. In neither case is anyone necessarily obligated to qualify themselves to you in order to participate….
Me? I’m the guy who banned you.
Look on the bright side, now you have a lot more free time.
You do know he posted his email. Why don’t ask him instead of attention whoring with cynicism in the comments section.
The word is rendered meaningless in a social order where the concept of Honor has been made a useful tool of the Feminine Imperative:
Choosing single motherhood is choosing child abuse. Stopping minor spousal “abuse” by divorce only shirks the abuse to your child. I support a man’s right to choose.
While I understand your generalization of the military and even partially agree with it, at the same time I take issue with it from a personal standpoint.
I was in my freshmen year in college when 9/11 happened. I was in the DEP (Delayed Entry Program) with the Marine Corps a month later, and a number of 18-22 year old men from my college did the same. Our motivation was to be part of the solution, not the problem – to strike back at the outrage (then a national one, unlike how it is characterized now) of the Twin Towers attack. In fact, I wasn’t able to actually go to boot camp until Sept 2002 because THERE WASN’T ENOUGH ROOM.
My peers (we termed ourselves the Class of 9/11) have faced nothing but constant war in our time in the military. I have gone from one war to another (Iraq and Afghanistan) and will probably face another before I retire, the way the world is now. And I think heroism is common among the wartime military. Fleet Admirnal Nimitz said of the Marines of Iwo Jima, “Uncommon valor was a common virtue.” The commonality of herosim among our military nowadays makes it no less potent. You’ll always have the ones who hide on bases and skate through. But on the whole, I have found our military to be heroic.
As for your assertion that the military “has no choice but to do what they are told,” I have one word – Nuremburg. I have refused orders before – as long as you are demonstrably right, you can mostly get by (it works better the higher your rank, obviously. And the caveat here is that it is during wartime, and worth the loss in rank should you prove wrong).
I would say that “heroic” characteristics are much more common in combat MOSs than with POGs.
For some reason this reminded me of Pat Tillman. That man gave up a football career and left his family to go fight for his country just because he felt like it was the right thing to do.
It’s a goddamn shame what happened to him as I remember seeing a picture of him and he struck me as the kinda man that belonged on the battlefield.
That is what I call a hero. Not some stupid selfish fuckin single mother.
As has been said by someone I forget awhile back on this site.
Fuck this gay earth.
Do a google image search for the word “brave”
The red hair girl eh? Ah sexism, errr, feminism
Don’t forget racism too. Injun baseball teams and such.
Heh. Why can’t she be Mexican?
Lemme guess. Jew search engine returns Jew feminist propaganda film poster. Amirite?
Brave is a 2012 American computer-animated fantasy film. The plot is hardly surprising…
“Set in the Scottish Highlands, the film tells the story of *a princess* named Merida *who defies an age-old custom*, *causing chaos in the kingdom* by expressing *the desire to not be betrothed*. After *consulting a witch for help*…”
Highlights (*) by me.
So it’s like the Little Mermaid, except she becomes a spinster instead of finding love?
Yup. It is plagiarized from an already existing fairy tale, except, instead of angling for a competent, straight white male instead of some fish face, this girl is just a feckless brat.
Pretty soon getting out of bed will make you a hero.
Given the realities of the soul-killing corporate environment, this isn’t as far a stretch as one would think.
I try to be Heroic twice a day. I take some fucking Epic naps.
Being born makes you a hero. Taking a shit makes you a hero. And of course, as per the article, a woman is a hero for spreading her legs and making bad decisions. How heroic!
It is the Age of the Antihero, surrounded by faux-heroes
Lmao I hate this song, but it’s the embodiment of fake ass heroism
Simp alert (Iglesias).
That’s why I posted it as an example of a simp
Gotta disagree with you. Here is a video in which he humiliates an ex.
Speaking of heroes, remember the hero who carries her mattress around?
Apparently the whole school helps her carry it around now.
My favourite part of this pic is the beta front row centre. He is so beta it looks like satire… like he came straight out of a Simpsons episode. Amazing.
I’ve seen that picture, the ‘guy’ oozes weakness.
He looks like you could buy him at the store.
And here I thought that in a Mad Max style collapse it would be bad guys taking things from good guys. If I met that mangina in the rubble I would take his stuff only because it seems like food and fuel would be wasted on him.
He was in mad max, don’t you remember?
His boyfriend made him ride bitch on the motor cycle after dying his hair blond. Then rode him the other way.
Ahhh, equality in motion.
Now he is carrying his own mattress. However, teh wymmins won’t help him carry it. He is a man, and should shut the f up!
I really hope that “rape victim’s” shoes are deliberately a couple sizes too big for some reason. She’s Bozo the Clowning that shit pretty hard from the looks of it.
Those feet somehow makes me think of the Colossus of Rhodes.
Yeah, and I feel for the poor thing, because ever since one of the Greek deities banged the statue in it’s ass, it cried all teh way to wherever it is now. Probably a women’s studies class.
So when does she lose all but her feet?
I bet he is a rapist
I think we have enough to convict him of stare rape.
Did you get the memo from the NFL? We’re all rapist.
He may not be a rapist, but he’s the kind of champion that volunteers his time at the local women’s shelter. Probably a fag counselor. In a few years, he’ll have a faggott daddy moustache and glasses and look like Orville Reddenbacher. I’ve seen the shelter manginas. They get their foot in the door of a state funded women’s comune flophouse for runaway wives. They believe it is the way to meet girls. He’s the first to SCREW SOME POOR RUNAWAY WIFE when she gets off her meds and flakes it to a ‘shelter’. The only girls he gets are crazy schizos or retards who can’t think for themselves or who don’t have the wherewithal to wipe their ass. Back in college, I once heard a pathetic m’gina dishing out advice on how to get laid by ‘getting in’ with the women’s help services. He’s probably a general now in the war against men. I should have deueled him then. Who knows how many innocent families he’s had a hand in wrecking now.
LOL, yeah he SOOOO raped her, because he left his dick in her butt for 5 seconds too long even though she consented to pussy sex. Bitch please, don’t let someone in the front door if you don’t want them to check out the back
You consent (lol) to having sex with a woman and she bends your dick in order to get a good satisfying tool to rub her clit and labia with. Painful as hell, sure, but it’s cool, right?
Does she even lift?
It’s quite telling how the ‘guy’ seems to be the one primary supporting the mattrass on the right side, while all the girls are standing away from him at the other side.
That sounds like a metaphor for life, to me.
Good observation !
What the fuck is this supposed to symbolize? Is the mattress the martyr?
That thing probably stinks like glitter and fish tacos.
Rape is a horrible, disgusting thing, but I think bathing in media attention for the sake of rape might be even worse.
Truly, we’ve reached the end of discourse.
Jesus Christ, somebody suplex that Betatard faggot into those bricks on the ground right now!!!
Third girl on the right must have thought: why not take advantage of the situation and attention whore to the max? Let’s apply some bright red lipstick to this effect.
You see as civilization collapses we’ll see more of this strange cult-like behavior.
Wtf is this I read her story. She got tapped and then the guy plunged her in the ass and she cries false rape. Damn. The world is Falling apart.
I know: what’s this world coming to when you can’t give a bitch a fake name, cornhole her and then never call again? Man, I miss the 80s!
I do not see anyone there deserving to be called a man. They all look like idiotic women to me.
maybe, but that sure is one alpha mattress
Silly. He’s not a beta. He’s gay. Can’t you tell by his smile?
Although, most queers are pretty beta.
Iunno maybe… In my experience gay dudes take pride in their appearance. And they have no reason to pander to women like this…
That’s the baffling thing about gays. They have no reason to pander to women, yet they bow down and worship anyway. Look at how they view Diana Ross and Judy Garland. Absolutely baffling. They have a complete pass to write off women like a five-year-old boy, yet they dress in drag anyway.
Yup. Very queer (no pun intended). I thought that gays being gays would worship dudes….so why would the majority of them worship chicks instead?!?
Hmm, not sure. Not an expert on gay-shopping-bag-holding technique. But I’ll take your word for it.
The fact is, most gay men…equal some crap that I know nothing about, because I’m not gay.
But I do live in a town that has a ridiculously high gay population. I have yet to see one walk around like that. If he is gay, the metro-sexual fashionistos at the local cockologist’s convention probably would have nothing to do with him….I’m guessing.
They were probably dressed like imaginary queer ninjas, also walking on the other side of the mattress.
They want to be them. They worship them as role models.
Look at the way those girls dress it’s make fucking sick. Yoga pants with some flops on you know instantly they can’t even use a microwave, when I studied in Hungary every girl wore heels to school and I came back to this!?!? I thought it’s supposed to be a first world country AKA people dress somewhat proper. Even the fat guy in that back look at that nice pink matching shirt with his hat, and the pulled up socks. I don’t care if your 50 that is sacrilege excuse me while I go regurgitate my lunch.
I cock my head to the side and leer at the ass of a girl in yoga pants every time I see them in public. They know exactly what they’re doing by wearing those, no sympathies here!
Truly amazing. He does look almost like a cartoon character.
There sure is a lot of light-heartedness there for a ‘rape mattress’ march or whatever is going. Rape…ha ha.
I know right… traumatized my ass.
She is making life worse for true rape victims…
All the sudden rape is this funny whatever thing… Rape is all the sudden just another blip on facebook.
Did you know it’s not cool to rape a woman? I had no idea until this woman started speaking up. Thanks internet!
Yuppers! Until I got me brain rewired in public school I, as an devout rapist at the age of five, had no idea that raping girls was bad.
Praise be to feminism for guiding me into the light of hitting women is bad! But being hit by them is for my own maturity!
He might’ve been raped on that mattress too.
They look like they’re having fun. Being a rape victim must be like having a party.
So rape is now an art form. In the old days, you had to have actual talent to be an artist.
LOL, he thinks he will get laid by helping her, but she’d never fuck him and accuse him of rape before opening her legs.
I never get tired of this. Funny as funny can be.=))
Whatever the reasons, identifiable or not, this image struck me as wrong on so many levels and downright mockable and repulsive (not sure if “mockable” is a word.)
And those who pout “oooh whats wrong with a man helping his lady friends ?!! You’re just a sexist!” be fucking damned.
Just look at the guy. I’m not American, but he is a bloody joke.
Single Mother are fucking degenerates who are the last people on planet earth to deserve the tittle “Hero”. There is nothing heroic about spreading your legs for every fucking dude in town. You are just a fucking cum dumpster.
“The better part of valor is discretion” when it comes to single parenthood.
Single mom’s are gutter whores. . They are not hero’s for spreading their legs for a felon thug piece of trash with no job. They are reprobate sluts who ruin society and their kids lives. . Every single mom should be forced to starve to death or turn tricks for two dollars on a street corner. They are Gina tingles chasing whores who reject the very men who build and maintain the very society that depend on to survive.
My father left my mother. But instead of finding a new husband, she became a reclusive workaholic. Never dated again, never wanted to date again. Instead, she found all her validation in a dead-end job.
She wanted bad boy cock and got it. I’m sure you are jacked due to her
What, you don’t like stretch marks on the stomach that look like a National Geographic(TM) road atlas? Or a horrible attitude towards men in general because the guy who knocked them up left them because he had no desire to be a father, so all men under The Sun must be punished as a result? What’s wrong with you?
I agree with your point but you really should learn how linguistics works because words aren’t given meaning, in our heads, with a definition. When you hear the word “tree”, you don’t see a dictionary definition, you think of an archetypal tree. Language is fluid and changes meaning as the symbols words are associated with change. There are plenty of words you’re using in your article that have been devalued through the centuries and plenty that have gained new value and meaning. If certain words lost meaning, as a writer you need to start using new ones to represent the notion of heroism and courage you have in your head.
Ah, the tired college prof peeks out from his ivory tower. I recall hearing your kind I college justify playing word games and dissembling, instead of debating your tired leftist drivel.
Go occupy something.
And next up…..Clinton with defining the word “is”? or pick any other politician who is defining words when faced with a criminal act.
“Do you know what’s really heroic? Staying with a husband you hate because you know it’s in the best interest of someone else (i.e. your children). ”
This is great! Frankly most people cannot afford divorcing their partner. It is just common sense that the best option for the wide majority is to stay and try to improve the marriage. Very few divorce happily – and usually if they do the children are already in their teens and are starting their own lives. With some decisions the heroic thing is to stick with it and in marriage 1.0 this was usually a given fact that everyone tried to adhere to.
The article is spot on about single mothers. There is nothing heroic about raising offspring. My sons mother left when he was 3 months old to join the carousel of dick and drugs. I raised him on my own, even home schooled him while working full time (fuck the public school indoctrination bs). It was actually quite easy and came naturally. In fact it was probably easier without having another child (read: woman) around to raise. Nothing heroic about it, just biological instincts.
We had lots of fun times together in his younger years. We used to put on our suits and go out on Friday nights to eat (still do actually). I taught him to not be meek and go after what he wants but to do it in balance of being firm but not a prick. At age 7 he would have all the women in the restaurant swooning just by being his firm yet polite self LOL
He’s over 18 now, very well educated and well rounded young man as a result.
Sounds a lot like John Stuart Mill, one of the most intelligent and influential philosophers of the modern world (regardless of whether one agrees with his beliefs).
A father is more capable of bringing up a child properly in a single parent situation. While mothers…the modern ones at least are raising this next generation and look what we get?
Millenial fucking morons, No identity. No spine. No honor(whats that?). No ability to think for themselves.
Hope……the snake oil salesman said to you. There’s none of that for them!
Couldn’t agree more! Lets not forget the hipsters, faketards and wannabe’s, although they probably fall under the categories you’ve mentioned.
The other day at a pub some 20 or 30 something (hell I cannot tell anymore) tatted up fella was pretending to be badass, I suppose to impress the girls hanging around. He said in my general direction “yeah I could take that guy too”. So I took my partial out, placed it in my pocket and eagerly looked over at him with a great big missing tooth smile and said “you may very well be able to take me, but there is really only one way to find out”. He just looked away LOL
I agree. I had no ‘generational awareness’, I guess you could call it. I never thought in terms of GenX, millenial etc. until I worked with a dozen millenials. I simply could not believe how lame, dull, media-programmed, pseudo-heroic (while being sexist, ageist and reverse-racist), dull, STUPID, did I mention dull? They were purely useless human beings. THey could have all died together in a bus crash and I very honestly would have poured myself a drink that evening with a smile on my face. I am not nearly that much of an asshole but the hollowness, stupidity and, of course, arrogance combined to make them simply worthy of existence. The arrogance and supremacy complex was the first thing that just sprang from them. But I must say thank you to millenials. I will much more easily live the remainder of my life as an expatriot. I had planned to anyway. They make it so easy to never second guess a thing.
A hero today is carrying around a rape mattress, or a woman making it to the top in a “man’s world” or a celebrity coming clean about her ninth divorce. A hero today is the President of The United States giving free birth control to females.
No one in more admirable than a rape victim. No one. Except maybe cancer survivors.
I’m a single father who was raped while fighting cancer. I think it has everything to so with my dad beating me with a stick.
You sir are a god amongst men.
Watching the attention cancer survivors get. Man, I should get me some cancer.
Only female cancer survivors get attention. I had cancer a few years back, no sympathy for me.
Then I’ll get a sex change. Same thing, right? And it’s covered under Obamacare!
Another group that gets labeled as heroic for no real reason is the gay community. In the 21st century where the majority of people are accepting of gays and they’re politically protected, it’s considered heroic to simply be gay. I remember seeing a headline about the actress Ellen Page being “brave” for admitting to being a lesbian. Also, that gay football player won some hero award from ESPN for simply being attracted to other men.
I don’t know. Being queer sounds so miserable, they almost deserve it. Could you imagine taking a cock up the ass? No pain could be deeper.
Also, how depressed were you when Ellen Page came out as a lesbian? So sad.
I wasn’t depressed when Ellen came out as a lesbian. I just didn’t give a shit! Lol…
“Staying with a husband you hate because you know it’s in the best interest of someone else (i.e. your children). ”
Do your research this is false.
You’re on ROK. If you want to convince people that aberrant families are just as good if not better than the way biology has designed us, then I suggest you go to the Jezebel comments section.
Try PubMed and Web of Science. There are sound studies published.
Without difficulty, challenge or risk in a task undertaken that task cannot be called heroic. Likewise the stature of the protagonist is determined by the enormity of the challenge and risk the antagonist poses.
The vulgarization of the word “hero” seems to stem from moral degeneracy and feminization.
What people today refer to as “heroic” used to be called “working hard and doing the right thing.”
The word “hero” also used to require agency (a masculine characteristic). People were heroes because they took charge and accomplished great feats. Now “hero” frequently involves passivity (a feminine characteristic). Just because you endure rape or cancer doesn’t mean you’re a hero.
“As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate….”
-Gore Vidal
To be a hero is to overcome. The greater the risk and challenge of the task undertaken the greater the valor of overcoming.
Fuck, what people call heroic today is what people used to call life. Adversity is part of it. A hero is he who rises well above the mere battling of difficulty and achieves something…well, heroic
The internet is behind the explosion of pseudo heroism in our culture. You used to have to join a swat team or suit up in the military. Now it’s just ‘click, click, click.’ Get the hero fix all day long. Clicktivism. Also, before, if you volunteered or did some such thing then no one knew about it really, without Facbook etc.
The word ,,politician” does not belong in the same sentence that adresses Heroes. In my country we have a saying : ,, What is politics? It’s the art of fucking over the one closest to you while giving them arguments.” – i.e. ,,We’ll raise taxes so that there will be more money to go around.” / ,,We’ll install a new rocket base near the border – just for a defense purpose”. Any double talk reader/ speaker can call a politician’s bull shit on site. I don’t exclude the fact that there are some nationalistic and patriotic politicians but they’ve always been cut before touching the top and this pattern remains and will remain as long as…well…the few run the many. > Research the rulling families of the world.
For those of you in America, have you noticed that every soldier who has ever died “gave his life for our freedom”? As if it’s unthinkable a country could go to war for a reason beyond defense. Maybe Iraq was a just war, but it wasn’t necessary to preserve our country. Hell, we lost Nam and came out fine enough.
I actually had this question asked on my GRE exams 5 years ago.
The reason men cannot be hero’s today is because one’s integrity can easily be questioned!!!
For example: Everyone considers GOOD LOOKING LOSER a hero.. He had apparently saved us from all the “bullshit out there”
Apparently HE LIED to us all!!!:
“Some soldiers go to battle because it’s their only employment opportunity. Others go because of social pressure. Some are drafted. I would imagine very few today go because of patriotism, but they still exist.”
I stopped reading there. It is obvious that you’re pulling this out of your ass.
Language itself has been debased by cultural marxists. That is their most powerful tool; muddle language to the point where anything can mean anything, and strength becomes weakness, a hero is anyone in the media spotlight for a day, and empowerment is getting fat on government benifits and whining when nothing goes your way.
Our language has been hijacked, and I’m glad men like you are working to restore it to its central significance; to make sense out of chaos. That is the purpose of language. Yet it seems we’ve come full circle in the last forty years, as the feminists and their allies work to turn the order language has achieved back into a jumbled chaos of meaningless phrases that incite tingles while confusing definitions. In order to win their cultural war, they have fought to rob us of a meaningful life.
Without language, and the order it represents, we’re just a bunch of animals grunting sounds; the grunting may make us feel good, but nothing is being achieved, or truly understood.
It’s all a bunch of talking without saying.
Meanwhile, I’m still waiting for the Anglo British feminism movement to call Gwenhwyfar “heroic”.
“Hero” nowadays means some ass wipe using a hashtag on Twitter. #toolazytodoanythingwithmylife
Heroic = being able to get an erection while thinking about Andrea Dworkin.
Heroic = being able to get an erection while thinking about Andrea Dworkin.
Epic hero for this broad.
I’m a former combat vet of the Marines–my hero is a woman who happens to be a cancer survivor. She is heroic because she a. Was a 10 looks wise and never even blinked with fear knowing she would have a double masectomy. B. Despite being very ill from chemo graduated magna cum laude from nursing school(the day after chemo she would be studying and passing out from being so weak, the bitch is tough) . C. Continued to raise her two kids into the responsible children they are today(divorced her husband after he broke two of her ribs) the guy is incarcerated for who knows what today. She had stage four cancer—never took a day off and even paid for penguin ice caps with her own money(she refuses handouts) to keep her hair during chemo (a very painful process) so that her kids wouldn’t think she was dying(they were 3 and five at the time). She is a tough and brave woman. I would of just been on the pitty potty probably. She is definitely a rarity amongst American women as she admits, men make better managers and feminism is for fat ladies who bitch about raising their only child via an au pair. H!–you are a bad ass bitch!
I’m a former combat vet of the Marines–my hero is a woman who happens to be a cancer survivor. She is heroic because she a. Was a 10 looks wise ( think the blonde white girl version of Maria Kang but younger with a prettier face, tits and ass) and never even blinked with fear knowing she would have a double masectomy. B. Despite being very ill from chemo she graduated magna cum laude from nursing school(the day after any chemo she would be studying and passing out from being so weak, the bitch is tough) . C. Continued to raise her two kids into the responsible and respectful children they are today(divorced her husband because he liked to break her ribs due to his anger issues when drunk and not because he was cheating on her, she put up with that) the guy is incarcerated for who knows what today. She had stage four cancer—never took a day off and even paid for penguin ice caps with her own money(she refuses handouts) to keep her hair during chemo (a very painful process) so that her kids wouldn’t think she was dying(they were three and five at the time). She is a tough and brave woman. I would of just been on the pitty potty probably, eating pot brownies while watching Netflix and being a dick to whatever chick was juicing my veggies and fruits for me. When she found out she told me, a couple of her girlfriends and her family. She could of fucking died and it can come back and still kill her but despite this She didn’t whore herself out on social media or Go Fund me. She didn’t make a wish to go swim with dolphins or some lame ass shit. She just sucked it the fuck up and handled business. She is definitely a rarity amongst American women as she admits, men make better managers and feminism is for fat ladies who bitch about raising their only child via an au pair. I would of married her if the kids and cancer never happened. I just recently realized she is my hero as I had none before, also the fact she is a woman probably had something to do with it, “who wants to admit their hero has a vagina?” She was definitely my favorite girlfriend at the time and I actually enjoy talking to her today—she is cool as fuck, (I rarely talk to any exes or even present girlfriends). Anyways if I move back to where she lives I will definitely enjoy my time fucking my hero. Her new tits are good enough for me and are even bigger, bra on bangs are fine.