Toronto Man Wrongly Fired From Job After “F*** Her Right In The Pussy” Incident

While we’re accustomed to people having their lives torn apart by angry Twitter lynch mobs over things they’ve said, sometimes you don’t even have to do that much to lose your job. Witness Shawn Simoes, a Toronto man who was fired from his job at Ontario electricity company Hydro One after he was involved in a “FHRITP” (Fuck Her Right In The Pussy) incident with CityNews reporter Shauna Hunt:

Shawn Simoes didn’t even have to say the words.

The soccer fan who used vulgar language with CityNews reporter Shauna Hunt in a “FHRITP” video has been fired from his high-paying job at crown corporation Hydro One, Toronto Sun reporter Jenny Yuen tweeted Tuesday.

As the HuffPo report acknowledges, Simoes wasn’t the one who actually yelled “fuck her right in the pussy” at Hunt; his involvement was limited to explaining why he thought it was funny. In the video, Simoes is the man at the end wearing the yellow Fly Emirates shirt:

Additionally, Simoes didn’t volunteer the information himself: Hunt asked him questions and he gave her answers, which is what people who are interviewed by journalists are supposed to do.

Simoes’ termination for simply answering a reporter’s questions honestly—not even engaging in questionable conduct himself, but being asked about questionable conduct—represent a new low for Western society. While online SJW lynch mobs have been enforcing crowdsourced censorship on individuals for a while now, Simoes’ firing shows that if you’re merely in the vicinity of someone they dislike, you’ll get the boot.

A Brief History Of A Dumb Meme


For those unaware, “Fuck Her Right in the Pussy” is an Internet meme that began last year as an Internet hoax. A number of videos surfaced that showed a man named “Fred” purportedly videobombing local news reporters by shouting “fuck her right in the pussy” in an attempt to embarrass them:

Since then, the meme has gone worldwide, with numerous pranksters shouting it at newscasters and TV reporters. Just yesterday, CBC Calgary reported that a man who yelled “fuck her right in the pussy” at a reporter was charged with stunting, a traffic-related offense in Alberta.

While I think yelling obscenities at a reporter trying to do her job is disrespectful and stupid, slapping FHRITP pranksters with bogus traffic tickets or getting them fired from their jobs is by far the greater evil. Trying to steal attention away from a journalist in the middle of a story is a narcissistic and moronic act, but it’s ultimately one that doesn’t hurt anyone, unless you consider bruised feelings to be some kind of palpable harm.

More importantly, Shawn Simoes was not the man who yelled “fuck her right in the pussy” on camera. His “crime” was trying to explain to Shauna Hunt why he thought it was funny. He’s being punished for his honesty and for actually doing what the reporter asked of him. Him losing his job over this is so ludicrous and absurd that it reads like the beginning of a Terry Gilliam movie.

Don’t Fear The Penis


A large part of the overreaction to FHRITP is driven by young women’s fear of male sexuality. A recent CBC article on the phenomenon of “Fuck Her Right in the Pussy” incidents brims with so much misandry that it could have been published by Jezebel or The Guardian:

“For people who are aware of the internet phenomenon, it might have seemed like a rude joke. But I hadn’t seen the videos online, so I felt shocked and violated by the words. It felt personal. Not just a catchphrase, but more of a taunt suggesting that the men around me, instead of talking to me, should be, you know, raping me,” Birkbeck wrote.

“My reaction was visceral. People around me stopped and stared. I felt totally exposed.”

As idiotic as yelling “fuck her right in the pussy” is while a reporter is covering a story, at the end of the day, it’s just six words. Yet these women are acting as if they were bent over a chair and violently sodomized. It’s unsurprising that the reporter who became famous for “fighting back” against these incidents is a fat girl from Toronto, one of the most feminist cities in the world.

This discomfort with and fear of normal, healthy masculinity is what drives Western feminism and female dysfunction in general. For example, the agita against “manspreading” on the New York City Subway is driven by young womens’ fear of coming into contact with strange men. Girls in New York are so lacking in social skills that they can’t simply ask a guy who’s taking up too much space for their liking if they can sit down next to him: they have to bully a government agency into doing it for them.

Western girls’ sudden fear of male sexuality is the product of how they are raised. In contrast to more traditional cultures, where boys and girls are raised as part of an integrated family unit, American (and Canadian) children are raised in age- and gender-segregated bubbles. At the same time, girls are fed a constant diet of propaganda teaching them that society is patriarchal and men are evil rapists who are responsible for all their misfortunes.

While it’s unfortunate that girls have to put up with jerks in their day-to-day lives, pinning the blame for their idiocy on men as a whole is unjustified and wrong. More importantly, men whose only crime is being truthful should not be punished for it.

Shawn Simoes should be reinstated to his job and the female reporters losing their minds over “fuck her right in the pussy” need to get some perspective. Words only have as much power as you give them.

Read More: Why You Should Have A “Fuck You” Fund

458 thoughts on “Toronto Man Wrongly Fired From Job After “F*** Her Right In The Pussy” Incident”

  1. Well said, Matt.
    Also, feminism is robbing these girls (and the guys, obviously) of the chance to true fulfilling romance, and male sexuality is the scapegoat.

  2. That’s it for me. No more commenting on this site. God forbid the powers that be at work find out and I am out of a job. Good bye good folks. It was great whilst it lasted.
    I will be back soon once I get this self employment thing sorted.

    1. Good luck and God speed sir and or ma’am. You will be in our morning consultations. Good luck with self-employment-dom.

    2. It’s also not a bad idea to change up your commenter name once every year or two and start over from scratch. Just watched CitizenFour and the amount of data being collected and compiled on every one of us is simply unfathomable.

    3. do they know your nick or what? You have not much to fear if you are not commenting from your workplace imo.

  3. Every single word a man says in a feminist and SJW infested western country is completely put up for scrutiny.
    A woman may or may not consider you for a 2nd date just because of one inadvertently “creepy” or “awkward” sentence you might have said during a 3 or 4 hour get together.
    If you don’t ask the right questions or say the right things to get the 24-year-old HR cunt tingling in the Vajayjay, you probably won’t get the job and she’ll give it to a female friends female friend instead.
    Now, your best to just keep your mouth shut if ever within earshot of a journalist. Your livelihood depends upon it.

    1. That’s your problem, having 3 or 4 hour long dates. 45 minutes maximum unless you are both inebriated and intend to finish the proceeding at your place or her place. Leaving her wanting more. The more the date goes on the more you a likely to say something awkward.

  4. This stunt is rude, but maybe it’s time to double down on it. They can’t fire all men. If they do, no work will get done.

    1. All of the HR depts will be open (all women). The real work won’t get done – you’re right.

    2. It’s not entirely funny, or original. It’s meant to embarrass the woman. You’d never say fuck him right in the asshole, if a male reporter was on the scene. So I don’t really care what happened to this prick.

      1. The “prick” in question–you do realize he only laughed at this joke and explained why he thought it was funny, right? So now anyone who has a different sense of humor than what is “acceptable” is to be censored, or even fired?
        Also, if you watch the FHRITP clips on youtube, you will see it is not targeted towards female reporters. In fact, the funniest one I’ve seen involves a male reporter and two male high school age kids. No women were even present.
        George Carlin once said that anything could be made into a joke. Rape? Sure. Imagine Porky Pig raping Donald Duck. Now maybe you didn’t life at that, but I did. Once we start censoring humor, we might as well all become autamotons like in North Korea and just all step in line and band together behind our flag and our fearless leader. No thanks.

        1. No, wouldn’t censor him. I would punch him the face though. That would do well to shut him up.

        2. There were probably dozens of people there who laughed when the guy said FHRITP. You gonna go around and punch em all?
          Including the women? (Yes, women laugh at FHRITP, look at the youtube to see)

        3. So the one that made you laugh the most is the one that we have to accept as the norm?
          And yeah. Everything can be a joke. Like when I punch some dude int he head for making that joke, I will find it funny as he bleeds wondering “why did you do that??” And why can’t that be funny? I mean donald duck raping porky pig is funny. Right?

        4. Something tells me this “guy” talks a lot more about punching people than “he” ever actually does so. I’d be willing to wager a significant amount that “he” has never actually punched anyone in his life, and if “he” has, it was a losing fight.

        5. Nah, just the guy who said it.
          And anyway, do you take issue with Sarah Hunt’s response? I mean, she didn;t go out to seek this man;s job. She went out to embarrass him. Anmd she did, didn’t she.

        6. Reread the article. This controversy is about the guy in the yellow Emirates shirt who laughed at the joke. The guy telling the joke didn’t lose his job.

        7. Maybe the guy telling the joke is self-employed. Or a welfare bum. Could go either way.

        8. And do you really feel bad for the idiot who lost his job? He took a swing at the comedy fence with his weak sauce joke bat, missed and got re-assigned to the unemployment line. So while you think this about free speech, he did say what he wanted and while tried to fuck over a reporter while she did her job, he fucked over himself from doing his job.
          (I assume you read that he breached his employment terms at Hydro One).

        9. Wow, you sure like the straw man and the slippery slope, don’t you? You’re taking this to absurd extremes. One of my favorite sayings is “violence occurs when intelligence fails.” Obviously, because you can’t persuade someone with your feeble wits, you get frustrated and respond with violence. What a pathetic coward you are.

        10. Are you just playing dumb, or are you really that much of an idiot? Just asking, I’m doing a study, and you’d be the perfect specimen to examine.

        11. Her name is Shauna Hunt you idiot. He wasn’t even the one who said it. But I guess everything is justifiable when you think ruining someone’s (and everyone he knows) life over drunken words is justice. You are just some coward, who rallies behind women because it is a safe position to act like a hero and has no consequences at all. I remember clocking the school bully and being suspended by people like you. That was heroic; it fucking cost me something and the kids he put in a headlock and sent home crying thanked me for it. So have fun being the cowardly lynch mob member you are; about as noble as the KKK in the 1960’s lynching a black man because some harpy cried rape.

        12. He didn’t just lose his job; his life was destroyed through defamation as well as his family’s. They didn’t teach you “two wrongs don’t make a right” in school did they? It is the companies job to punish individuals, not yours. I am starting to think you are just an ideological wind up toy who attacks whoever the television tells you to.

        13. Yeah, no. This isn’t about some hypothetical thing you may or may not have done in school. So keep your ad hominen b.s to yourself.
          He broke compinay policy and being drunk is no excuse. If you can’t handle the bottle, Don’t drink. It’s as simple as that.
          Have we all made mistakes? Yep. And we all have to live with the consequences.

        14. Seems to me Shawn Simoes wanted the reporter to lay off his friend who said FHRITP, and reduced himself to acting like a dumb teenager, with a ‘gotta protect my buddy at all costs cuz he’s my buddy’ mentality. The minute he did that, he shot himself in the foot.
          Meanwhile, Mr. Simoes seemed almost kinda positive that his mother would have found the incident ‘hilarious’. After hearing that, now I would love to know what his mother really thought.
          By siding with his friend who had every opportunity to walk by the reporter and not say a word, Mr. Simoes and his FHRITP friend have embarrassed themselves, their families, friends, and employers by extension. They didn’t need any outside assistance from SJW Anonymous.
          He and his friend made themselves bad for business – no outside help was needed, so don’t be making Mr. Simoes a martyr. Hydro One isn’t a small business where the boss pulls you into his office and says it’s all going to blow over, so just act contrite in the meantime. This reflects on Hydro One employees, and the Government of Ontario, if he kept his job.

        15. His mother hates you people’s guts for ruining her son’s and her family’s life, and if you think she doesn’t it shows how delusional you are. Chances are he didn’t even know the guy; he was drunk at a soccer game.

        16. So Mr. Simoes doesn’t assume any responsibility for his actions, either drunk or sober? It’s everyone else’s fault? That’s a weak answer for a weak man’s actions. If that’s how Mr. Simoes really feels (and we have no way of knowing), then he should be derided for his public behaviour – especially on this site.
          I don’t presume to know what’s actually running through his mother’s head right now, but I’m going to hazard a guess that she’s wishing her son had kept his mouth shut so none of this would have ever happened. If you look in the one shot, where the reporter is speaking to Mr. FHRITP, you can see Mr. Simoes shirt to the right in his group.
          I’m not worried for Mr. Simoes, I’m sure he’ll find a sympathetic employer in short time.

        17. No he won’t. This will follow him and his family for the rest of their lives. He was already punished, why is everyone trying so desperately to rationalize their mindless mob justice?

        18. It isn’t the ‘mob’ that dictated his actions wrong. Hell, even Mr. FHRITP realized he did something stupid when the reporter went up to him – he even asked if his responses were being recorded, and didn’t look happy when he found out they were.
          It’s one thing to be an anonymous passerby shouting it out and running off, but stupidly he stuck around and got his face aired on television, along with Mr. Simoes reasoning for why he thought it was funny. It isn’t the reporter that ruined their lives, their actions caused their own problem. The broadcaster made the choice to air the piece. Someone recognized Mr. Simoes from Hydro One, and he was subsequently let go. The public isn’t hounding this guy, staking out his house and with feminists holding protests outside of it, so where is the ‘mob justice’ figuring into this?
          There’s free speech, and then there’s being an asshole. This guy fell into the latter category and faced repercussions because of it. Even if this follows him for the rest of his life, do you honestly think this guy won’t be able to secure another job with his degree? Maybe not in an HR role, but I doubt he’ll be devastated to the point of jumping off a building.

        19. You really can’t comprehend the possibility that him and the media are both wrong. I do think he will have trouble finding employment; there is a reason the media does not follow around their victims, the people watching would see them for the modern day circus they have become.

        20. I think the reporter embarrassed the him but I think she did herself (and other reporters) more harm than good. More people will pull the stunt, regardless…and her action points out the fact that women (female reporters) want special treatment (selective equality).
          Also, keep in mind, these same reporters have no problem stalking your or I when they are just “doing their job” by reporting our dirt (the news).
          I say reporters are the lowest of low in people. They don’t report news….they dig for dirt.

        21. Hydro One is a power company. What are people going to do because of this man’s opinion on the incident….stop buying power or electricity?
          It’s a slippery slope that people just don’t see. It’s giving the company the power to limit your behavior outside of the work environment (off duty) and who will define your behavior as “unruly”?
          This guy didn’t even say the offensive line and he was let go. You could be next.

        22. Mr. Simoes getting fired from his job is similar to arresting innocent bystanders in a drive by shooting.
          He was in “the shot” so he must be the guilty party.
          Soviet Union….here we come.

        23. is everyone just going to gloss over the fact that simoes didn’t actually say anything offensive?

        24. Reporting our dirt? I doubt that drives them at all. She was not reporting our dirt. She was doing a streeter at an MLS game, essentially free advertising for TFC. It’s not exaclty digging in garbage.

        25. Who cares what she was doing at that particular time. These “reporters” are usually doing nothing but “reporting” sensationalism (or fear) to gain ratings for their respective outlets. I haven’t seen real reporting in years. Reporters, today, are more like entertainment “reporters” aka attention whores. This one is no different.
          The bottom line is she was mad, picked someone to interview (to get her revenge) and it was the wrong guy, regardless. The punishment did not fit the crime (for this man). She picked someone to take the heat because she got her feelings hurt and she was tired of it.
          Don’t let them pick you one day to take the hit. You may, suddenly, change your tune. We’ll be here…waiting.

        26. Yeah, she was assgined that job. So yes, context matters. She was mad and made the idiot look like a fool. Stop defending buffoonery. It makes you look like one.

        27. Anyway, isn’t that waht this website is all about — being nothing but media whores?

        28. When you work for government or arms-length organizations, they can have that kind of power. They don’t need you making them look bad, being guilty by association, and no one needs the bad PR.
          The majority of people will realize that Hydro One had nothing to do with influencing this guys choice of words, but his actions put them in a spot where they couldn’t let it slide. If he had been working for a private business, I’m sure he wouldn’t have been fired.

        29. The media kept the cameras rolling, and chose to air it. They didn’t alter the footage, or do any artful editing to make him look bad. By saying the media was wrong, I assume you mean ‘should they have aired it?’
          He chose to speak to a reporter, knowing the camera was recording, and that there was a likelihood of it being aired on television. What was this guy hoping to prove by supporting what his friend said when even the guy who said FHRITP knew he put himself in a bad position? What good was going to come of it?
          Hydro One doesn’t view his termination as an overreaction to his comment – there’s no doubt in my mind that pressure was coming from a few places to have Mr. Simoes removed from his job – the television station that aired the footage wasn’t one of them, they just supplied the info that let others do the work. In the end, there was only one way this was going to pan out.

      2. Yes, people never interrupt male reporters to try to embarrass them. Have you discovered YouTube yet?

        1. So… you have some retarded convuluted equivelant that makes you feel that men recieve the same treatment?

        2. Explain your use of the term “convoluted.”
          Before answering, please review this entire video, which shows the exact same FHRITP thing happening to male reporters too:

        3. It’s pretty difficult to say that some dude doing it to another dude is the same thing as doing it to a woman. One is totally disconnected in meaning. The dude reporter is like “that’s annoying” a woman is “that’s demeaning”. Truth.

        4. ha ha
          All I’m hearing is that female reporters can’t do their job as well as a man.

        5. So, you’re saying men can’t be raped? Statistically speaking, when men are raped, it’s usually more often than not by other men, so your argument is totally fallacious.
          Btw, since SJWs and emotional tampons like you want equality, shouldn’t comments like that mean the same thing for everyone? You can’t have it both ways: you either have to agree that the chick should shrug off an annoyance, or you have to be outraged that the male reporter’s sexual integrity was threatened. Which is it, hypocrite?

        6. Here’s where your bullshit falls apart: if anyone, male or female said “fuck him right in the ass,” the male reporters would still say “that’s annoying.” It’s only “demeaning” because special snowflakes have fragile feelings and impute unintended meaning to everything.
          Let me ask, what is “demeaning” about a woman getting fucked in the pussy? It seems I can’t go ten minutes without hearing some empowered feminist railing about her awesome sexual freedom. So is sex empowering for feminists, or do I detect a hint of introspective truth about slut shaming?

        7. “Let me ask, what is “demeaning” about a woman getting fucked in the pussy?”
          A “sexually empowered” modern Western woman loves her sexual freedom.. but she only wants to get sexual attention and sexual comments from “hawt” attractive, high-status men she’s interested in. And on her terms…and when she wants it. If some ugly and unattractive guy who she has no interest in dares to make any kind of sexually suggestive comment, it’s “sexual harrasment” and “verbal rape.”

        8. I agree, but that’s not demeaning. That’s just a woman being controlling and vindictive.

        9. Yeah, it’s perfectly acceptible for women to walk around nude or place sculpted vagina statues in public places.

        10. That you can’t go walking around your little iceburg without a female running around town yelling about her sexual freedom is truly a tragedy.

        11. It is pretty difficult to see how someone should be reported as saying something someone else said.

        12. Not really. But if women want sexual freedom, I’m not going to listen to them whine about hurt feelings when someone makes a crude joke. You can act like ladies, or men, but not both.

        13. Besides, where else are you supposed to fuck ’em? In the ass? In the mouth? In the armpit? Maybe between the toes…???

        14. You’re giving woman a free pass or giving them “selective equality”. Women want to be treated as equals so society needs to accept it and truly start treating them as equals.
          We can’t continue to give women certain treatment under certain conditions and still say they are equal. If she wants to accept that new position as CEO of a major corporation, then she has to be able to take it when a man shouts something (like fuck her in the pussy) in her face….they can’t have it both ways.
          I’ve seen and heard this happen all too often. We’re supposed to treat women as equals when it comes to the good stuff (equal pay, jobs, etc…) but we’re supposed to protect (or coddle) them when it’s the bad stuff (divorce court or child support)..or in this case when a man shouts something at her.
          Men need to stop white knighting for these snowflakes.

        15. Agree. It’s selective equality…not true equality.
          If she can take the new CEO position with HP or IBM…then she can take being shouted at (FHITP).

        16. Good point. We live in a world where a woman wants only the best things that men have been “getting” all of these years. It’s called selective equality.
          A woman is too fragile to hear those “evil words” but she can accept a high power executive position (with that same pay)?
          I say give them equality and let the chips fall. But they (and white knights) need to spare me the crying bullshit…I don’t want to hear it.

        17. She’s a reporter, not a coporate ladder climber. At some point, FHITP will fade away, and none of this will matter.

      3. Guys make jokes like that among themselves all the time, they just don’t cry and start media lynch mobs over it.

        1. Yeah not all guys make jokes like that and those that do seem’t stupid enough to broadcast it on TV.

      4. Because, friend, “fucking him right in the asshole” is gay and filthy abnormal behaviour, whilst fucking her right in the pussy is completely normative, not even kinky.

      5. Get over it. Start your own internet meme saying whatever you want at male reporters. The longer you keeping acting like a whiny broken bitch, the more it goes viral. Web traffic and merchandise have spiked on the publicity. Thanks to politically correct butt munches like yourself.

    3. I have a feeling that’s exactly what’s going to happen. Young guys in masks doing run-by FHRITP.

      1. Verily the vouchsafed vixens of vituperative vexation shall
        Venally vault their vaginas violently onto the victor!
        (and thus, some guy in a “V for Vendetta” mask fucked them all right in the pussy) 🙂

    4. they probably could lol.
      Newsflash: all men everywhere have been fired for sexually inappropriate behaviour.

    5. Well I guess they could throw “ass” in there. That is sure to get the attention of some radical feminists.
      I could see it now….
      “They are SO controlling, did you hear what HE said… he brought up an ass! That’s because he wants to dominate and destroy! DOMINATE AND DESTROY!”

  5. There are men’s rights issues, and I know this is not the site for them, and then there are these.
    It’s not even funny. Or maybe I don’t get it.
    I can see why guys would want to vent in, well, creative ways with the societal squeeze upon us. But this is drawing the wrong kind of attention.
    A prank meme like this is the male version of feminists inventing oppression and then celebrating themselves for their sensitivity.
    As for the guy getting fired.. that is nearing totalitarianism and thought control.
    But these are the days of HR domination in companies, and manginas buckling under.

    1. I don’t get the whole FHRIHP thing either. It’s something 12 year olds would find funny.
      But that’s not the point of this article. The guy getting fired for merely answering questions is the point, and that, is way out of bounds.

      1. This is the first time I have ever heard of the FHRIHP thing. Just another tiny skirmish in the gender wars.
        Men get sick of the feminist demeanour of the average female newsreader in the western media, and wind them up with this meme. And women fight back.

  6. I am an employer. My business has one purpose: to provide for me and my family. If any of my employees do anything that would jeopardize that purpose, they would be fired. It is easy to say this man should not have been fired. It is easy to make him a scapegoat. But this is a decision made by the employer and the employer has rights as well.

    1. Do you know the words “loyalty” or “integrity”?
      How about “principles” or “courage”?
      I’m stoked to not know you.

      1. The firing is wrong. But how does one fight back against the negative publicity that such events inevitably draw?

        1. By understanding that the outrage mob has a 10 second attention span, and by realizing noise is not harm. Firing people over this stuff is based in the same kind of thinking as the outrage mob possesses. SJWs say words hurt. Employers think words hurt. It’s BS.

        2. Words don’t hurt. A lack of income stream hurts. You have mastered the life of sitting alone at the top of a mountain? Well, good for you. I’m busy doing work.

        3. First don’t apologize, second don’t apologize for what someone else did. What someone does in their own time is their own business.
          If someone cries for a boycott, the business should sue them for financial damages.
          How is it exactly permissible to threaten someone’s livelihood because they said something you don’t agree with?

        4. “Your grain silos hold more than mine, but your belly only holds the same as mine.” -Seneca

        5. How is it exactly permissible to threaten someone’s livelihood because they said something you don’t agree with?

          This truth stifles many a discussion.

        6. If an incident like that would hurt your income stream it means you’ve structured your life to be dependent on the whims of SJWs, women, and outrage-addicted manginas.
          May your chains rest lightly upon you.
          (time to find a new business)

        7. “by realizing noise is not harm.” Clarity is such a powerful thing. Well said.

        8. Protein World should be a business model that you follow. They didn’t cave to the SJWs and they even told them to fuck off.
          The man working for your company is not your spokesman or PR guy…he’s just a guy working for you. People (and corporations) need to stop pandering to these people (because of the almighty dollar). It’s the wrong direction. People (all people) have an opinion…that’s it…that’s the answer.
          It may cost you a couple of bucks (from some) but you’d be surprise at how many may actually do business with you, now, that you’ve shown some balls.
          Not my business…just my two cents.

        9. Hydro One has a monoploly one delivering electricity to customers in the market place it operates in. They are a government org and will suffer not shareholder discomfort. They are only bending to political will in this case.
          It will cost them more now they have fired him as the employee will now have just cause to sue for damages against his employer. Had they slowed their roll, done a formal hearing taken time to weigh things carefully, they could have easily let it blow over, disciplined him and maybe let him go after a few bad evaluations. as it is, they’ll end up spending tons on lawyers and then having to settle or pay an amount set by the court far in excess of what a clean severance might have cost.
          All of those additional costs, borne by the utility rushing to appease their political masters will now be tacked on to my electricity bill. Both at home and at my business. So yes Lance I respect your position, but as a tax / utility payer and job creator myself, I am not amused at having to pay for a rash HR decision at a crown corporation, just so they can say “We’re not misogynist”.

        10. Now why would I want to find a new business? There is money out there to be made, and I don’t give a fuck what someone’s personal beliefs are. I want their money. As a small business owner (as opposed to Hydro One), I have, in my own mind, the perfect balance between work and family. I don’t want to expand, because I could, and I don’t want to lose my business, because it is perfect the way it is for me and my family. My small business could not afford the kind of bad publicity Shawn Simeos is generating.

        11. Feminists and SJWs can do an internet hate campaign on anyone for any reason, real or imagined. You can run but you can’t hide. If you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time, you’re going to get hit. They have to continuously move from one crisis to the next to keep their narrative of patriarchy in the media. Its a shakedown. Its manufactured outrage. In this case, its like somebody drove by in a vehicle and mooned a female reporter. Another unrelated third party male on sidewalk who was nearby broke out laughing, and got fired for it. If its not this issue for you, its going to be something else you couldn’t have imagined or prepared for. If you’re a male, you’re a potential target. You can talk about “character” and “family” all you want. It won’t protect you, nor will your patriotic avatar. You’re male, you’re patriarchy, you’re part of the problem, just because of who you are.

        12. Yep I like it. Feminists are reverse barometer. If they hate it, there’s huge untapped commercial market potential.

        13. “How is it exactly permissible to threaten someone’s livelihood because they said something you don’t agree with?”
          Indeed. It is being utilized as a political weapon that to wield when they so desire (this frequently occurs under totalitarian dictatorships). If employers continue to remain cowed by what are essentially professional victims then this type of persecution will remain, perhaps even intensify. One would think that the incident involving Protein World would cause individuals to realize that their business will not suffer. On the contrary, that particular business experienced a significant increase in sales.

      2. Do you know the words “profit” “loss” “income” or “expense”? If an employee costs me more money than he or she benefits me then that employee is gone. “Loyalty” is a two way street in business. If you need to find me, you can call my secretary and she may or may not get the host to bring me a message at the club. I’ll be the guy sipping a Manhattan in the leather chair.

        1. Did you ever stop to think that instead of being a craven follower of the PC crowd, if you stood up to them you might actually help your business? You know a lot of us are sick of this Stalinist crap of which there will be no end as long as Manhattan sipping businessmen like you allow yourselves to be intimidated.

        2. Anything that can destroy you controls you. All you have done is admit that all anyone has to do to control you like a slave is threaten to interrupt your income.

        3. You won’t be at that club sipping a Manhattan…because men aren’t allowed into that club any longer (thanks to men, like you, caving). It’s a domino effect…and it effects everyone.

        4. So you would fire a guy for simply answering a reporter’s question? How big of a pussy are you? Please explain how him talking to the reporter would affect your profits?

        5. One employee maybe pissing off a pack of rabid twitter feminists would have a very intangible cost. And depending on your customer base, telling them to stick it up their ass might win you more admirers and customers.
          Chances are, these twitter warriors would forget the whole thing in 48 hours, and find some other poor man to hound into the grave.
          And just like most bullies, they run away very quick when confronted. And even if they stood their ground (which I doubt they would), some fights are worth fighting.

        6. No, he doesn’t think that, don’t you get it, that is where manginas come from, they cave into women thinking it will get them what they want when the opposite is the reality. Women will still buy power in Ontario if this guy wasn’t fired.

    2. So you will fire a man who has done nothing wrong, who chuckles at some knucklehead and answers why when asked. You sir are a fucking pussy, and I can only hope that fate singles you out for special dispensation when the time comes.
      Bending yourself over for feminists and screwing over innocent men for a buck. Your father must be quite proud.

      1. I agree, GhostOfJefferson. However, it is important to keep in mind how this ideology spreads. It is not only through SJW, it is very much through the behavior explained by Lance.

      2. Feminists and Progressives are bad enough but treasonous turncoats like this guy are on an equal wavelength. I bet he respects the kind of guys who commit unnecessary attrocities during a war because “they were just following orders”.

        1. The problem is he isn’t a turn coat. The merchant lifestyle supports the very life style he is defending. The bigger disconnect is that many business owners hunger for the good old days of loyalty and dependency not realizing the very thinking of the merchant, ensures they will be loyal only to the dollar. Same as anyone who does business with them.

      3. I’ve read the backlash against Lance with interest. Two things: 1) His statement was contained in a hypothetical scenario of an employee costing more the he is worth. 2) Hypothetically speaking, how much money are you willing to lose if you were in Lance’s (hypothetical) position?
        Answers should be denominated in dollars.
        The question is directed all everyone not just GOJ.

      4. I am surprised by your response. I can appreciate why you would say he has done nothing wrong. Women and manginas believe he has done something wrong. But since half of my customers are women, and another third are manginas, I could not afford to have the kind of bad publicity that Shawn Simeos has generated. It’s certainly not his fault that he has generated this controversy, but he has, and my small business could not afford it.

    3. So you fire people for nothing, simply because he answered a few questions from a reporter?
      Does this super harsh system of your’s apply only to men? Or would a woman doing something equally as innocuous as answering questions also be subject to your axe?

    4. In this particular case, his employer is a government corporation that distributes electricity. I doubt Hydro One is going anywhere due to his behaviour.

      1. Agree…of all companies.
        Be very careful not to offend because they might not “buy” electricity from us. Yeah, this one was a fucking no-brainer.

        1. omg… electricity is so misogynist… i never realized unitl i just read that on twitter… every time a woman flips a light switch in canada she will feel so violated…

    5. This has little to do with rights.
      It’s more a matter of personal ethics and an ability to reason than one of legality. Plus, the problem lies in the fact that the employer, more than likely didn’t even wait for there to be severe backlash on his/her business, the kid got fired on the possibility that something might happen.

    6. And this gentlemen is why I loath materialism/capitalism.
      In a patriarchal society a man’s family is seen as an extension of himself. And the man is seen as a part of the larger Mannerbund.
      However since the 1950s the nuclear family has become an excuse to opt out. To never make a stand. The family man, the bread winner is a new creature, never before seen in traditional society.

        1. Indeed. The primary problem is the explosive growth in government and its ability to confiscate almost a limitless amount of income. this in turn allows it to be distrusted to those connected to the political apparatus. It is stifling economic, personal, and political freedom. It allows ideological cancers such as feminism (or any number of authoritarian ideas) to grow into gestapo-like, bureaucratic monstrosities.

    7. A very slippery slope when the company wants to control all of your behavior (24/7). I would hope you would hold all of your SJWs (women) who work for your company to those same standards.
      There are plenty of women out there, daily, who should be fired for their conduct on social media. Where are those stories regarding women who she be terminated for such behavior?
      A pretty slippery slope….where does it end?

    8. Personally I wouldn’t do business with a cowardly piece of shit like you.
      How do you square that circle?
      When men (real ones) get sick of this shit, you can do business with the SJWs

      1. Re-posted
        I’ve read the backlash against Lance with interest. Two things: 1) His statement was contained in a hypothetical scenario of an employee costing more the he is worth. 2) Hypothetically speaking, how much money are you willing to lose if you were in Lance’s (hypothetical) position?

    9. The article is still necessary though.
      It illustrates that the tele-screens are literally everywhere.
      Any time you are out in public you could be filmed and painted in a bad light, even taken out of context. You could be tricked into a situation like this, and an employer will just shift in their seat and say “You did good work John but we’re going to have to let you go, Big Brother loves you.”

      1. I agree the guy got screwed by corporate SJW’s.
        I don’t agree with the backlash against Lance. I see a lot of men here bitching how cold and spineless Lance is, but not the inside of any wallets.
        I would not put Simoes and his family up in my house indefinitely, or put his kid through college.This is a lot more complicated than people realize. In my opinion some red-pill men flashed purple today.
        Not a popular stance most likely, but mine nonetheless.

        1. I agree with your point. How many of us would put our families at financial risk because we didn’t agree with the party line?
          Your question cuts through the bullshit… But it’s clear that there is a problem here that needs to be addressed. I do think this is in fact unfair, and it only shows how unfree our society is becoming. I think we can agree that constantly censoring yourself in public for fear of social/financial punishment is pretty bad.
          Many people have many different opinions and views. Why do these nutjobs get to decide who gets to have a future and who doesn’t?

      1. It couldn’t. There’s no way by any stretch of the imagination. Its not about business. Its about a woman who has probably never been alpha fucked in her life, doesn’t understand why, and is taking it out on the nearest beta who was foolish enough to give her the time of day.

      2. I’m going to try and answer your question because I believe you genuinely want to know: Character is who you are. You can control your character. Your reputation is what other people say you are. You can’t control what other people say about you. I can’t control whether a person chooses to buy my goods or services. What I can control is how I present myself to them. Part of presenting myself to my customers is how my employees (who represent me) conduct themselves. I don’t know Shawn Simeos. But IF he worked for me, and IF his conduct to this reporter (conduct that would never ever be appropriate to one of my customers or potential customers) is imputed to me, then he affects my business, and therefore my family. My loyalty is first to my family, and then to my employees. If he said and did what he did, and no one knows, I don’t care. But now, Shawn Simeos is known internationally and is discussed on the internet, as is Hydro One. My small business could probably not survive that kind of negative publicity.

        1. This guy was wearing an Emirates t shirt. If anything he makes Emirates airlines look bad. How would anyone see that and think it makes the power company look bad? And even if that were true, someone is going to cancel their electricity account because one of their power company guys laughs at a crude joke? Lemme tell you, follow the linemen crews in your local town as soon as they get off work, and they are headed straight for the strip clubs, the bars, the liquor stores. Got a problem with it? Sorry, not your concern. And I can’t foresee a possibility where anyone loses money over someone laughing at a bad joke (giving you the benefit of the doubt that it’s not funny, which I think it is )

        2. So you would not stand behind and defend your employee for simply answering a reporter’s question? It’s one thing if your employee did something foolish and was the actual guy that said “fuck her right in the pussy”, but he didn’t do a damn thing wrong.

    10. Its not so cut and dry. There has to be a legal and moral justification to actions in pursuit of profit.
      Would you kill someone for a contract for your business. Probably not. So would you fire someone protected by the first amendment, for speaking out when asked, on a subject totally unrelated to your business.
      Just like most corporations, you are scared of the feminist twitter ant-army. But there is no reason why you should be. A few thousand random females, scattered across the world, ranting on a website, is not going to make a bit of difference to the average company.

    11. So what, are the people of Ontario going to stop buying electricity from the government mandated electricity monopoly because some guy laughed at a bad joke. Give me a break.

  7. There is no way that reporter gets FHRIHP ten times a day. Is Canada REALLY that bad for men?

      1. I thought I didn’t, but clearly the bottom gets lower every few months.

  8. What happened to this guy is Grade A bullshit. You know, when nothing a man does is socially acceptable, then do whatever you want.
    Society can’t really harm a man living intelligently. Don’t play the bullshit traditionalist game: don’t marry, don’t keep up with the Joneses, don’t do the rat race.
    A man’s vulnerability is dependent on how overextended he is from following bullshit traditionalist paths.
    Fuck you money is nice, but a fuck you lifestyle is better. Knowledge that most of what we do and pursue is optional and voluntary is the first step. It’s about only being obligated to yourself, and avoiding other obligations.
    We need to accept that on some level we all allow ourselves to be vulnerable in exchange for something we want, just how it is. Life is risky as hell and that risk is greater with a mortgage and shit like that.

    1. Amen brother, men are able to be perfectly happy with little. Beer and video games will occupy a man for life. Women are the opposite so as men drop out of dating, LTRs and marriage, women will not only have to work harder to finance their government handouts but also their lifestyles. MGTOW is stopping their gravy train dead in its tracks.

    1. You are a sick fuck. Why don’t you go fuck your mother in the ass? I’ll subscribe for that.

        1. Hahaha. Nice. Hell no lol. I need to be a little more specific. Though I hypothesize that the more specific I am about the feminists I would bang, there’d be none left.

        2. What’s her shirt say?
          “This is what a woman who eats too many cookies looks like”

        3. She’s just holding the sign to hide the cookie dough stains on her shirt.

        4. Let’s see…
          fat and more chins than a Chinese phone book
          “problem glasses”
          masculine hairline indicating androgenization (meaning her reproductive capability is crap and she’ll spit out unhealthy autists)
          Yeah that’s a feminist.

        5. More rolls than a bakery.
          She has PCOS because the fat has a metabolic life force of its own.

        6. meaning her reproductive capability is crap and she’ll spit out unhealthy autists)

          And you know this, how?
          BTW the word is ‘autistics’, not ‘autists’.

  9. oh well, at least this guy will have a story to tell his children, about fucking her right in the pussy and moronic pussies.

  10. All right I laughed pretty hard watching the Fred video. Here’s the thing, its okay for feminism and news media to be intrusive and offensive and that’s the rub. Fred is being offensive and intrusive right back and they can’t handle it. Their is no reason that guy should’ve lost his job, it wasn’t work related at all. An invaluable lesson though, unless you are truly free and independent Do Not Debate Feminists!

    1. Well the lead male who debated seemed to be gay and was clearly, “Sick of IT!” He debated with extreme prejudice and not once was, “What would your mom say?” used against him as a weapon. Very telling who is allowed to speak up publicly and who isn’t.

    2. It matters to the company he works for. It sucks for him that he was caught being a douche.

  11. Feminists are so fragile that if you touch them they’ll shatter. They’d also find my previous statement to be condoning violence against women, rape, and the patriarchy.

      1. ha. I get it. You are thinking im an idiot and you are smart without realizing that my comment is a meme that a bunch of other people got. Wow, I hope, for your sake, that you are completely delusional so you won’t have to deal with the pain of being such a moron.

  12. “I WAS RAPED BY WORDS!!!!” No doubt “word-rape” will be the new feminist invention.

    1. I thought that was called sexual harassment. Has there been an upgrade?

      1. When men talk dirty to women it’s sexual harassment. When women talk dirty to men it’s $3.99/min.

        1. Did you notice that one is willing and one is not? Women don’t ask to have vulgarities yelled at them by a stranger. Men who call phone lines are asking to be talked dirty to. Do not compare them. Women can sexually harass men by calling things out to them unwanted as well (and men can harass men and women can harass women).

        2. So a woman verbally sexually harassing a man is plastered all over the media AND terminated from their job? Keep dreaming!

        3. I didn’t say that, though women SHOULD be held just as accountable for their actions. I was merely pointing out that this is sexual harassment as it is unwanted sexual attention. I like how you completely avoided that point.

        4. Women are never held accountable for sexual harassment! What’s the punishment for men vs. women. That’s my point. Don’t drown in your own bullshit.

      1. Yet if it’s a fat girl and you don’t stare then you were ‘fat shaming’ her.

    2. Agree. I found it funny that of all people a reporter is offended.
      Reporters (today, anyways) have to be some of the lowest people on earth. Each time there is a story out about some new “dirt” these reporters are out there asking questions (any question, no boundaries) to people to get the latest “news”. They stalk people anywhere and everywhere plus scream ‘it’s their right’ to report the news when they are asked to leave.
      It’s nothing but drama and chick crack. How the hell can anyone respect anything that these “reporters” say to anyone?
      Reporters (some) used to be respectable. Today, it’s a feeding frenzy with any “reporter” out there just looking for more garbage to “report”. He should have smacked her in the face for violating his space….reporters are good at violating anyone’s space for a small sound bit.

  13. Toronto: Where having an opinion that runs contrary to the state sanctioned narratives and ideas is now a crime. We are firmly embedded in 1984 territory now. Pretty soon we may start adding Room 101’s where people are tortured with rats for not blindly fellating their Marxist overseers and wrongly answering questions posed by hamplanet reporters.

    1. Gian Ghomeshi (Recently disgraced CBC Radio host) lives close to my home, when the full story broke about his misdeeds it was nuts with Press on our street. At one point the press was going door to door trying to get shocked and indignant interviews from neighbors but it was mid-day and not many people were around. I happened to be there so I did an interview. The young lady interviewing me was somewhat taken aback by my responses.
      Her, “Well what do you think of what he did?”
      Me, “To the best of my knowledge he didn’t do anything, a number of ladies made some allegations through the press about what he allegedly did”.
      Her, “So you don’t think he did what they said he did?”
      Me, “I think due process is that he is innocent until proven guilty and he deserves his day in court to determine if the allegations hold any water, people make allegations all the time not many get seen through in court.”
      Her, “Aren’t you concerned about your Children?” In a slightly over wrought voice.
      Me, I just laughed out loud, “For real?, No, they are just fine”.
      Her, “So you’re not concerned about this guy living so close to you.”
      Me, “No, from what I can tell he is a nice if rather reclusive guy.”
      She was disappointed not getting the meat she was after. Her cameraman on the other hand just kind of smirked and winked at me when she wasn’t looking as they packed it up to leave with their sound bites.
      My wife was perfect, she literally stood at my side dutifully holding my arm without saying a word. It was pure and perfect patriarchy at work. The reporter wanted her story but my wife refused to be interviewed over the matter.

      1. I seriously hope when I get married my wife will be as good as yours. Too few women stand by their men these days. You have my admiration.

      2. Beautiful, LOL.
        And as understand it, two of the whores withdrew their charges.
        I am not a fan of the guy because he’s a mangina but maybe this will give him another perspective of the gods he worships.

      3. I wonder if this whole Ghomeshi affair will end up like the Duke University incident, and see the plaintiff found innocent of the charges he’s accused of?

        1. My personal belief is that despite what I said about him being entitled to a fair trial, which of course he is, is that he is in fact guilty to at least some of what he is accused of. I have heard way too much stuff about him via the chattering classes in the industry that would suggest that he is in fact pretty much a pathological narcissist and his behaviour with women has been way over the legal line for a long time.
          He has had a long history of putting himself at the centre of a lot of things, being a drummer in a fairly popular Canadian band, being the president of the student union at one of the largest universities in Canada and along the way being kind of manipulative about the whole thing, as one must be in politics at least.
          Anyhow, that is my personal belief. The prosecution side has a lot to contend with because most of this came to light through a newspaper investigation. It has a smell of collaboration to it. But so does his side of the story in terms of collaboration, closing ranks etc. He was the hottest property at the biggest radio broadcaster in the country, he had a lot of management “support” along the way, meaning they looked the other way an awful lot of times when he was misbehaving.

  14. Postmodernism removed the line between action and words in our daily discourse, and we’re living in a complete era of unreason as a consequence…which eventually blurs the line between popular opinion and truth, since what is true is true in theory (words) and in action, generally speaking. It’s because of postmodernism that the line between what is considered hate speech and violence has been blurred, and how that journalist reacted to being pranked.
    This is one of the things Rand got right and had the foresight to see – evil usually comes to power through the “gray” rather than through conspiracies; through compromises, negotiations, half-truths, tolerating emotionalism and reason as equals in civil discourse and argumentation etc, when you don’t ferociously attack unreason in the bud and demolish it, like a cancer, it spreads, and before you know it, your whole way of dealing with political and social issues is consumed by it.

      1. Yeah it does go that deep. It’s not unique either, the postmodernists are simply the 21st century version of the sophists of Ancient Greece: concerned more with power, oratory and winning arguments than arriving at truth and bettering the condition of their fellow man or woman.
        Aristotle and Plato’s main reason for writing, designing and systematizing philosophy (Plato – definitions; Aristotle – Logic) which set the grounds for the intellectual tradition in Western thought, was for the sake of dealing with these kind of people as well as the chaos and malice they brought about in Greek democracy.

    1. Yup. That’s exactly how we have such a sweeping definition of what rape is. Rape is an adult fucking a minor or some dude beating the shit out of a chick or intentionally drugging her to get to her pussy. Or a chick doing the same to a dude.
      Anything else is attempting to create a false narrative for a deceptive cause I.e feminism.
      This is a result of some lunatics retarded ideas going unchallenged from their very conception. So we gotta shut the Looneys down every chance we get.

    2. True,
      People justify their laziness as life is not “black” or “white” good or bad, but within that grey mixture, is the recipe for evil to thrive, like leaving a seed in fertile soil, it can still hatch if the climate is just right, than you have a disaster

  15. The female reporter is shaming these men for saying few words. I’m sure she has done plenty of pussy fucking many times in her life. It’s funny how girls are quick to get offended by sexual terms but yet they have no problem doing the exact sexual acts in privacy and even in public sometimes.
    I’m sure if this reporter was at the bar or drunk in some trap music festival, “FHRITHP” would be a pleasant music to her ears.

    1. “I’m sure if this reporter was at the bar or drunk in some trap music festival, “FHRITHP” would be a pleasant music to her ears.”
      Still depends who’s saying and who’s said to do it.

      1. Yes and No.
        Yes they do tolerate a dude who is “hot” to their standard and let a guy like that say whatever they want and still be attractive. Although at times, it can be little odd.
        I had number of drunk chicks try to go all over me and when I said a lot of sexual shit at them, whey were like all over me. These are the same type of girls that won’t give me time of the day if they were sober and often times told me that I”m not their ‘type’. Yet those same girls who happen to be drunk can quickly change their “type” and tell me that I look “sexy”.
        Drunk chicks are that easy but it’s like playing chicken with the train. As soon as they are sober next day, I’m sure these are the same type of girls that will yell “RAPE” and fuck my life over.

  16. Good grief. Gents this time is confusing on one hand we have very scary and dangerous shit going down such as this. On the other we have people waking up, elections going conservative (or away from progressivism), gamers standing up to sjw’s etc. Like most people here, I just can’t see this shit culture and society given that its literally grounded, if you will, in unreason and many times utter absurdities, last. I just can’t. But as much as this incident is a cringe worthy abomination the more these fucking sjw nazi’s push for these ever ludicrous issues, events, whatever, the more they’re exposing themselves for what they really are…and I don’t mince words a couple generations ago these conformist, lemming losers would have been nazi party members. So, in a strange way with each passing fucked-up event like this, perhaps, we’re getting closer to finally seeing a massive rejection of these fucktards.

    1. It looks like neocons are losing culturally (and politically) especially with a progressive like Obama winning two terms as POTUS.

  17. These feminists are trying to see how far they can go.
    Gentlemen, we shouldn’t stand for this. We should put these arrogant children in their place: a crib.

    1. Not a crib, but an asylum with every – other – day electro convulsive therapy to get rid of the psychotic delusions.

        1. Guess the feminists will have settle for a golden shower, then.
          Too bad.

  18. Its not work related but it shows lack of character. Its not funny and its immature. A real man doesn’t take part in such childish pointless bullshit. Get to the gym instead wasting your time boozing at a soccer game.

    1. Good point. No idea why men waste their time going to stupid games and act like retards.
      They also take their women with them and while they cheer, the whores are fantasizing blowing the players. What a clusterfuck…

    2. “Take part”?
      The guy didn’t do anything other than laugh at somebody else’s dumb joke and explain why WHEN ASKED. Under that logic anybody interviewed after leaving a comedy show and fired for saying it was funny.
      So what, if some dude standing next to you says something stupid you are going to expose your soft underbelly as a sign of submission and run away yelling “i disavow this man! Please don’t fire me!” ?

    3. Get to the gym instead wasting your time boozing at a soccer game.

      I don’t know about Canada but professional sports in the USA are going white knight like crazy.
      I’d never give any such organization any more of money than I already do.

  19. Hope he can take successful legal action against the broadcaster and his ex employer.

  20. Canada has all sorts of special hoops companies have to jump through to fire someone – much more than the U.S.
    This guy is gonna sue to either get his job back or much worse.

    1. Not if he breached a code of conduct agreement which can include your actions while not at work.

      1. “Thou shalt not laugh at the following types of jokes when one is off the clock:
        Fart jokes
        butt jokes
        poop jokes
        yo mama so fat jokes
        jokes involving any of the “7 dirty words”
        on penalty of immediate termination and loss of smile”
        Page 14,634, Comarade’s Electrical Worker Code of Conduct

      2. No Canada has much more labor laws. And hydro one = government union employee. Unless he did a crime he can’t be fired basically.

        1. Yes he can with a beach of that code of conduct agreement.
          They’ll likely have to pay him severance but they can fire him. I have one at my work and I’m well aware of what it entails.

        2. generally any sort of agreement like that only applies if you happen to be representing the company outside of work. civil service workers (doctors, nurses, police, paramedics, firefighters) are pretty much the only people whod have a code of conduct so strict.

  21. “Yet these women are acting as if they were bent over a chair and violently sodomized…”
    Because it implies that most horrible of conditions for a female-being unable to choose her mates.
    “Big f-in’ deal” might be your answer to that,but this is the bedrock for a lot of the bullshit women pull.If she cant select ideal seed and resources she cannot fulfill her reproductive directive to the best she can. Since enhancing her choices means denying men theirs, society’s gone full house behind limiting any expression of male sexual selection. We are simply tools to them-and tools dont pick the owner.
    This is why the gentleman was dismissed. A proper male, according to society, should always enforce female sexual choice even if its against his own interest-or suffer the consequences.

      1. I think that’s a big part of it but not the whole story.
        I’m more focused on career and money than I am on Toronto women at this point (thank God I’m not a teenager in 2015)… because I see what this article talks about on a daily basis. I’ve mentioned before that I personally saw a guy quote someone’s Facebook to get him fired, over some dumb racial joke he posted.
        Even if you’re peak physically, peak mentally, financially stable, fun and handsome, there is still little incentive to play. The girls here are tortured by their own hypergamy and biological limitations. There is a poster in the manosphere ExCanadian that basically says “get sporty, get educated, learn a language, and gtfo of Canada and you’ll never regret it”. A lot of the top tier guys I’ve known have done just that and eventually I will too.

        1. I was going to say something about the Fat Acceptance Movement being toxic, but now that you guys are censoring me, I don’t feel this is a genuine environment.

        2. Oh my God, what I’m saying is just piercing through your brain! You can’t handle! MUST. CENSOR.
          And they say women are sensitive…

        3. Leave the efffing country, at least for a few years to experience an alternate culture.

        4. There is always a price to pay for living in wealthier nations
          Softer decadent men due to convenience and ease of life, which makes them mentally prone to manginaism, and other PC “dont hurt my feelings” nonsense
          and obsession with material values
          If you want masculine men, well… What makes a man a man? adversity
          Anywhere with adversity will cause the masculine virtues to be expressed to a higher degree, anywhere that is soft and convenient will produce men who don’t develop any kind of masculinity because it was simply not needed

        5. Pretty much, student exchange was a real eye opener for me. Canadian women behaviour is completely abnormal. Women in other countries make it clear they want you to approach them. In Toronto its always a big crap shoot. It also helps your confidence when you approach a random girl on the streets of Oslo and she’ll actually give you at least a chance, hear you out take your number whatever and actually not flake on the first date. In europe you have a shot if your not a complete loser.

        6. “The girls here are tortured by their own hypergamy and biological limitations. ”
          Good. Keep up the torture, ladies. Meanwhile, we men will just be doing our thing, improving ourselves, etc. Don’t trouble us, just go torture yourselves.
          Clark Kent, you are a genius.

        7. Not 100% sure yet.
          Hopefully I’ll get to travel to Asia or South America in the not too distant future.
          The only thing about Canada/Toronto that appeals to me is that we trade the dollar.
          If my family weren’t here I think i woulda already been long gone.

      2. Yes, precisely. When the male is highly desirable to women, MGTOW cuts a deep wound. Makes her axis wobble near to uncontrollably as she sees up close her worth (zero) in the false role she has chosen.This is the part a lot of people are not getting about MGTOW. Most remark who would care? Often they might be right, but when it cuts deep it can shatter them. The more MGTOW especially from young men, the more shattered women’s dreams. It’s like watching their immature worldview implode.
        Cause meet reaction.
        Now suffer the consequences. That’s what I care about.

    1. If she thinks the man is hot enough (or alpha) she giggles and gets the tingles. If the man is too beta for her then she wants to cut his balls off and feed them back to him. This man’s only “crime” in the posted vid was he triggered a negative emotional response in a women, because she didn’t feel he was hot enough to engage in suggestive banter with her.

    2. “Female sexual choice even if it’s against his own interest”
      Fuck that. I believe in equal rights, not some femdom shithole.

  22. With technology now any female can record on her smart phone whatever a man says anywhere any time outside of work, post it to the net, and destroy his career. They can entrap you, set you up, initiate, lead you on, keep asking you questions until you say something they can use against you. The woman in this vid didn’t even know the man, never met him before, had no reason to hate him or destroy his life. She did it just because society has given her the power to be a cunt.

    1. yes we have to do something against this….especially when laws are in their favor

    2. We have the same technology. A reversal of this trend are those websites where men post porn made with their ex wife or ex girlfriend, revenge porn I think it’s called. No slut defense shield can defy streaming video of her being a debased who-ore.

      1. “We have the same technology.”
        Which can be used to log fucking everything, then distribute the files, so that when they confiscate your drives you can just repopulate a new one.

        1. From a future announcement on the Tube …
          No thanks, I’ve seen the world of “Max Headroom”, and that was enough for me to know this is a very, very bad idea …

        2. I do not do it to any great extent and am not advising it; I find the idea utterly repulsive. What I’m doing is pointing out that the sword has two edges.
          The key issue is that the record exists, whether you like it or not, but you are the only one who does not have access to or control over it, so in the absence of your own record, it is there only to be used against you, never in your defense. When the “official” record exonerates you, it will be suppressed, or perhaps even altered to convict you.
          There is, on average, about an hour a day when my
          position is being GPS logged, but the NSA is not the only one who has
          that data. I have my own distributed true copies of the files and can produce
          them at a moment’s notice should they be needed to save my ass.
          “I’ve seen the world of “Max Headroom”, and that was enough for me to know this is a very, very bad idea …”
          A lot of very, very bad ideas turn out to be necessary for survival in a very, very bad environment.
          There is, on average, about an hour a day when my position is being GPS logged, but the NSA is not the only one who has that data. I have my own distributed copies of the files and can produce them at a moment’s notice should they be needed to save my ass.

        3. I try to stay out of such environments …
          If there are “plenty of fish in the sea”, then it should follow that some are more appealing than others, and that I should focus my efforts on those, rather than trying to remain fed yet unsatisfied by a never-ending supply of sub-par fish.
          It also follows that I should try to avoid the “Kriegsmarine” of fish. 🙂

        4. I do not, for the most part, go fishing. Fish try to leap into my boat and It is the sup-par fish I bat back that are most likely to cause me trouble these days.
          Nor are fish the only possible source of trouble, and the least impressive defense known to man is “I was at home, alone, quietly minding my own business at the time.”
          Unless you can prove it.

      2. Revenge porn had just recently been banned by the canadian government. Women are taking away any tool possible men have to even fight back. Its like your opponent has a tank and a jet plane and is taking your pea shooter.

        1. “No Ossifer, my phone was hacked by Russian gangsters!
          I have no idea how they got all that porn of my former girlfriend, and when I tried to get back control of my phone, they crashed my phone so it wouldn’t boot anymore …

        2. Good luck proving that as a defense, most juries will see right through. You’d be better off ssaying that you lost your phone and throw it in some gang infested area.

      3. Yeah, and the founder got JAILED for it. Nice job on omitting that fact. Cherrypicking bitch.

    3. “The woman in this vid didn’t even know the man, never met him before,
      had no reason to hate him or destroy his life. She did it just because
      society has given her the power to be a cunt.”
      Oh please, you know what would happen to those men in a patriarchy like Saudi Arabia? A good public beating, if they were lucky and got a mild punishment. Feminized men who do the whole degenerate feminized male-clown routine shouldn’t complain about the consequences.

    4. She didn’t get him fired…he got himself fired for trying to defend the indefensible. It’s the 21st century…any tripod tards that can’t get with the program and start acting better are not welcome, wanted, or needed

        1. NOPE, just an intelligent human being that knows how to treat people, unlike the mouth breathing apes that pretend to be men…go eat a banana while the REAL men like me handle the hard stuff

      1. so now it’s acceptable to lose your livelihood because your sense of humour is off color and you’re prone to playing devils advocate?

        1. He wasn’t playing Devil’s Advocate, he was being a rude moron and he got what he deserved. The lesson here is don’t do STUPID crap that your boss might see and call you out on.
          Hope he thinks about that when he’s looking for a new job

    5. Perhaps if someone lovingly fucked her right in the pussy for once, she’d not be so wound up.

    6. There needs to be a backlash regarding this type of behavior because it is truly a one way street.
      The courts may want to step in and start charging some of these women for some of their false claims. Either that, or it’s going to get ugly (with men taking matters into their own hands).
      It’s going to take something big for a change to happen…but it will happen.

    7. Sounds a bit like marriage and alimony and all divorces favouring women. Not sexist at all!

    8. Fucking cunt crying about men being disrespectful to her. Bitch. You’re at a sporting event which is a venue for men to let loose. I’m so fucking sick of these god damn female sports reporters wanting to be in the middle of macho man land, admitted into male locker-rooms and then crying about guys saying mean things while demanding men change their behavior to accommodate them. I think it’s highly disrespectful female “reporters” harass athletes trying to shower and change in THEIR lockerroom. But again … with protection of big daddy rules and laws, these guys will get fined should they come out and say they think you’re disrespectful.

    I swear to God, if a man came up to me and interrupted what I was saying to say something as objectifying as “Fuck her right in the pussy”, that shoe is coming off.

    1. Do you ever notice that men always use this tactic? They try to demean women by lowering their status to sexual object. I’ve witnessed this, whenever you say something important, there’s always this one guy that will be like, “We don’t care, how big are your tits?”
      Don’t fall for this tactic, and show ’em who’s boss!

      1. Women know what they are and what their worth is. It’s the reason why any and all criticism of women is instantly met by insinuations of homosexuality, sexual impotence, inability to get laid, small penis size etc etc
        Because women know trying to shame men by claiming they can’t get a woman to have an intellectual conversation with them isn’t any sort of insult, men don’t interact with women for the conversational quality, they’re there for the pussy.
        I do understand the frustration in women that comes with knowing 50% of the world values you for one thing and one thing only from they day you enter puberty: your cunt.
        If only you had something else to offer.

        1. Sadly many guys have been deluded into thinking there’s more but there just isn’t.

    2. the moment your shoe comes off….I’ll be the one shoving that same thing in your fat ass.
      now go cry and eat ice-cream in your bed as you get fatter and uglier

        1. So, do you, like, think adding a meme emphasises what you’re saying? Because it just makes you look like a try-hard, considering I know that you spent some off minutes lookin’ for that.

    1. “Not all freedom of speech is protected.”
      You might want to read that back slowly and carefully in order to make corrections for logical consistency.

      1. The employer has every right to fire him. Why should his business suffer for that weak link?

        1. “The employer has every right to fire him.”
          That is a matter of freedom of association, and a non sequitur. Logical consistency may not be your strong point.

        2. You sure about that? There is such a thing as unlawful termination. His employer would have a hell of a hard time demonstrating to a judge that the employer’s business was injured in any way.

        3. So the employer is forced to employ an employee who he doesn’t wish to represent his company anymore? Hmm..

        4. And I have not called the veracity of your non sequitur into question, the one you made to evade the point I did call into question.

        5. The employer is a crown corporation, a legal entity created by a grant of privilege, not rights, in exchange for certain responsibilities.
          It is a legitimate matter for the Crown Court to decide whether the corporation has exceeded its privilege, or violated its responsibilities.

        6. I sometimes wonder whether people who stand out are weak links or stronger than the sheep around them

  24. Wait, you think that we react negatively do that disgusting statement because we fear your sexuality?
    The rationals you come with just don’t even make half sense.

    Well, I thought you were against that…
    Now, who’s a hypocrite?

      How come I don’t care about what you say?

  26. Why would they fire the guy for? Just because a bunch of women bitch and moan behind their smartphones on twitter? Everytime I hear stories like this it just blows my mind. Why do people give a fuck about twitter so much? The guy worked for an electric company, it’s not like he had a public image he needed to uphold.

    1. Exactly. Also they are a fucking hydro power company, what are feminists SJW’s going to do? Stop using all electricity and power in their houses and go without charging their iphones? No way.

    2. “Why would they fire the guy for? Just because a bunch of women bitch and
      moan behind their smartphones on twitter? Everytime I hear stories like
      this it just blows my mind. Why do people give a fuck about twitter so
      much? The guy worked for an electric company, it’s not like he had a
      public image he needed to uphold.”
      These guys were so stupid as to harass a female reporter on camera and then stick and around to justify it. Thus, they shouldn’t have any jobs with any responsibility. Power companies are usually highly regulated by the government, have to get funding from banks, etc, and don’t want to be associated with employees shouting FHRITP to female reporters on live TV.

      1. The guy laughed at a crude joke and explained why he thought it was funny. They were leaving a sporting even and he was also likely intoxicated. I’m sure I could do the same thing by telling a fart joke at a local college football game and then asking someone why they thought farting was funny and making them defend passing gas on camera. Would it be ok to fire them then? Hey, sounds like an easy career as a SJW!

    3. Hydro One is a publically held corporation run by the Provincial government. Yes, the same government with the Man jawed late in life lesbian as Premiere. So the top mucky mucks at Hyrdro One report to the SJW Lesbian in essence. keep in mind this is in the same time frame that the same government just launched a new Sex Education program for all students across the province, which is being widely protested by more conservative groups in the province, and at the same time the provincial government just launched a massive campaign essentially like “It’s on us” and anti-sexual harassment campaign.
      So fuck-wit who made the comments on TV managed to be uniquely tone-deaf to the political environment around him when he made his somewhat adolescent comments. Add to that he makes North of 100K per year, so he shows up on the Sunshine list, which is the publication showing all civil servants in the province that make more than 100 K per year. The SJW crowd would love nothing better then to chop a poppy or two down from that list, particularly a white male engineer. He stuck his head all the way into the SJW guillotine and dared them to pull the lever.

    4. It’s a publicity stunt by a state-owned monopoly utility provider that is loathed by the general public and needs to repair its image before the government sells it off to the highest bidder to cover part of the deficit created by their financial mismanagement of the province.

      1. Yes, exactly.
        I was watching The National on CBC last night and some PR guy said pretty much the same thing.. that it was important to be on the “right side of history” and with “popular opinion”.. rather than being “legally correct”… and if they do get a lawsuit by the man who was fired, it’s public money that will be used to fight the lawsuit.. so HydroOne doesn’t lose anything by firing this guy. They just got a lot of good publicity and approval by the smug, liberal, feminist SJW types who dominate the cultural and media opinion here in Toronto.

        1. The CBC should be sold off to the highest bidder as well …
          … so that the CBC can finally pay off the damages racked up from the “cowboy journalism” of shows such as “The Fifth Estate”.

    5. /yakov smirnov voice
      in mother russia, you fire off twitter.
      in soviet america, twitter fire off you!

    International airport codes are politically incorrect. Some beta male walking thru the airport who thinks its amusing should get fired from his job. He was caught smiling on security cameras. Now his female co-workers at his job on the other side of the world feel he is disruptive to workplace harmony. He must be fired to make the workplace safe for “diversity”.

  28. ROW, you know you’re weak when you have to censor people.

  29. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me RAPE! RAAAAPEEE! RAAAPE!!

  30. 38th Law of Power: “Think as you like, but behave like others”
    These guys failed to do so and will sadly suffer the consequences. Crazy thing too was that they were merely bystanders, the closest person she could attack after getting videobombed with ‘fhritp’.

      1. I doubt you talk about the stuff you read online about antifeminism (on this site or other redpill sites) in real life. That is what I mean when I say “behave like others”.

  31. “You are lucky you don’t have a vibrator in your ear like in England”
    I am reading some other stories on this and comments. It seems to be that this is the consensus of what the “harassment” towards the reporter was and it was that statement that got this guy fired.
    As for the Hydro One Code of Conduct, it specifically says “a WORK
    ENVIRONMENT where discrimination or harassment of any type is met with
    zero tolerance” and what this guy did had nothing whatsoever to do with
    his work environment. What’s next? Do they fire a guy who hits on a girl
    in a bar on a Friday night because his unwanted advance could be
    considered harassment?

  32. I was reading the comments in the article and everyone, man and woman, was saying he deserved it. It was the same thing. All the posts were speaking as though Shawn SAID the words. He never did. It was a completely different person with a mohawk like hairstyle and jacket. Shaw was just reacting by laughing and explained why it was funny when questioned.

      1. That’s the thing. She even SAW the guy who said it. Yet, she directs her wrath onto another guy. Ridiculous.

  33. i feel for you, western men. you really have it the hard way. especially since that woman is a total fatty and has such a bad attitude and you can do nothing about it. i hope this shit does not spread to my area but i am preparing for the worst while hoping for the best. that woman should go interview Rangers and Celtic fans, that would be comedy gold

    1. Not only that, but the homo is actually a pedophile. (big surprise there) Not many people know that either.

  34. Shauna Hunt aside, these girls are hot. Would like to know what she thinks about his firing.
    But … one more guy will take the red pill because of this.

  35. A hydro one job is worth 120,000$ a year
    Lets see who ends up with his job, Guaranteed it will be a”diversity” quota hire, a feminist from another race will get his job
    the guy got caught off guard by that predator reporter acting stupid while enjoying himself, and because a woman doesn’t like it, they take his income away?
    But, he learned his lesson now, Keep your mouth shut, and go along with the PC agenda or you will not be able to survive in Canada, I wonder how much tax$ this man paid to his country, what an insult!
    It’s especially important to be on your toes and keep your mouth shut in a country that is misandric and HATES white men, but most importantly, when you manage to get a good job, with 100000s of jelous as fuck manginas and whiny females lined up to take it hoping you make a single mistake so you can get fired and they can seize the oppurtunity to feast like lions in the tall grass
    Be on guard, especially when you have something to guard like 120,000$ a year job

  36. I hope there’s someone out there counting the number of men losing their livelihoods because they came up against the matriarchy. This a form of violence, and expropriation of wealth in its own right. It is so widespread these days it needs to be noted as a social phenomenon. Maybe not quite the dispossession of the kulaks but the SJWs are only just getting going

  37. “A large part of the overreaction to FHRITP is driven by young women’s fear of male sexuality.” I love MRA mental gymnastics, it should be in the Olympics.

        1. Women and gays aren’t allowed to comment at ROK. Shouldn’t you be getting pegged by your feminist wife instead?

    1. This isn’t an MRA site dumbass. Read up on things before making yourself look stupid again.

  38. “…unless you consider bruised feelings to be some kind of palpable harm.”
    That’s just the thing. Modern feminists and SJWs DO consider being offended as actual harm. And until they can get the “freedom from being offended” codified into actual law (which they’re making great headway at, I might add), they will do whatever they can to silence and punish those who offend them. Freedom of speech ends at their poor snowflake feelings, and watch out for your career if you bruise their feelings without a good solid shield of anonymity, because most modern employers are scared shitless of the internet outrage machine.

  39. Just more feminist/SJW bull shit. Hopefully he will get a big settlement for wrongful dismissal.

  40. I wasn’t aware of this whole FHITP meme.
    But I think it might be indicative of a subtle backlash against SJW feminazi control of everything. ITs an interesting dynamic. ITs not a head on attack.
    Just ridicule and derision in a subtle form. Maybe I like this….

  41. Oh, Canada. Not too long ago, you were considered the reasonable North American Country. Now it looks like you’re farther along in the decline that the US. I’ll light a candle for you when you’re gone.

    1. Woe Canada. our home & nativ.. er First People’s land.
      True patriot love in all thy son er.. daughters command.
      with social justice hearts we see muslims rise.
      The true North strong and fre… er liberal.
      From far & wide, woe Canada, we sleep on guard for thee.
      God… er The Universe keep our land, glorious Matriarchy.
      Woe Canada we drop our guard for thee.
      Woe Canada we step aside for thee.

  42. Remind me again why anyone with any sense would want to go to this frozen shit hole police state to the north. Forney’s right: the guy yelling at the reporter was an asshole, but when did laughing at an asshole become a crime? Furthermore, that chick’s quote about her fear of being raped by men laughing at a joke tells us more about her and whatever deep trauma she suffered than it does about the men around her. If she’s that fragile, she needs therapy instead of expecting the world around her to change to suit her.

    1. Oh please, it’s obvious that a person constantly worried about being raped is either psychotic with persecutory delusions or has an overinflated view of their SMV.

      1. Really? I’m not psychotic; I feel violated every time I dine at Arby’s and you can’t convince me my feelings are invalid, Mr. Shaming Man!

        1. Yeah, they stopped supplying lube before they shove their fist up your ass to the tune of 9 bucks for a meal of shitty, gelatinous “roast beef.” It’s OK, though–you can just wring the grease from one of the “kaiser rolls” upon which the rubber roast is piled.

    2. Thankfully, more and more people are leaving the west and taking their business elsewhere.
      Let it burn!

    3. Remind me again why anybody would want to live in the shoot ’em up craphole to the south.

      1. “Shoot ’em up craphole to the south”? I don’t want to hear where you ask the whole hockey team put their cocks during your dates.
        As for living in the US, it’s lovely here. Cancukland is OK, too. Its citizens make useful lapdogs for US policy when we want to put a friendly, non-threatening face on something. In return, we protect you from being bitch-slapped by the Russians. You’re welcome.

      2. “Shoot ’em up craphole to the south”? I don’t want to hear where you
        ask the whole hockey team put their cocks during your dates.
        As for living in the US, it’s lovely here. Canuckland is OK, too. Its
        citizens make useful lapdogs for US policy when we want to put a
        friendly, non-threatening face on something. In return, we protect you
        from being bitch-slapped by the Russians. You’re welcome.

        1. The Russians haven’t ‘bitched-slapped’ anybody in North America in years, sir. And if you don’t like that insult to your country, next time don’t insult mine.

        2. 1. I have every right to be repulsed by the PC gulag that your country has become and will offer comment upon same. You are likewise free to do so.
          2. Now, shut the fuck up, Dudley Doright, and get your American protector a beer–an not that Eskimo piss Molson’s.

        3. 1. I have every right to be repulsed by the PC gulag that your country
          has become and will offer comment upon same. You are likewise free to
          do so.
          2. Now, shut the fuck up, Dudley Doright, and get your American protector a beer–and not that Eskimo piss Molson’s.

        4. Hey asswipe, we have a right-wing prime minister and ruling party, did you know that? And I’n not getting you anything, get up off your ass and get it yourself.

        5. Did you read the article? Are you unable to do so because your eyes are watering from the concentrated funk of the ball cheese you just lapped up? A man was fired for laughing at a non-PC joke. Your PM hasn’t done shit to ameliorate this situation.
          Now, about that beer . . .serve your big, strong Yankee protector.

        6. I read the article, and get it (and I don’t agree with what happened to him, either; the lady just flipped her lid, lost her cool, and went after the wrong person.) And you get the beer yourself, and kiss my ass. Also stop insulting Canada-you’ve got a lot to worry about with how the world sees the USA due to recent events.

        7. “How the world sees the USA”? Oh, please. No matter what we do, no one is happy. 90% of the US population doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what the rest of the world thinks because the other countries fault us for everything and then hold out their hands for our help. As for Canada–your socialist wasteland nanny state–YOU don’t even know what you yourselves stand for. What is Canadian? You TRY to project some sort of moral superiority, but your society has become just as corrupted my money and influence as ours. So, go drive your GM to McDonald’s with rap blaring on your car stereo as you tell me how much you hate the US. Now, about that beer, bitch . . .

        8. “How the world sees the USA”? Oh, please. No matter what we do, no one
          is happy. 90% of the US population doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what
          the rest of the world thinks because the other countries fault us for
          everything and then hold out their hands for our help. As for
          Canada–your socialist wasteland nanny state–YOU don’t even know what
          you yourselves stand for. What is Canadian? You TRY to project some
          sort of moral superiority, but your society has become just as corrupted by money and influence as ours. So, go drive your GM to McDonald’s
          with rap blaring on your car stereo as you tell me how much you hate the
          US. Now, about that beer, bitch . . .

        9. I don’t listen to that much rap, and I don’t own a car (nor do I like Mickey D’s-there are better places in Toronto to get a burger.)
          For the record, I don’t hate the USA, I was just responding to what you said about Canada in a like manner (as in ‘how would you like it if I said that about the USA?’) We both have flaws as countries, but what you said is the height of uninformed bullshit based on stupidness picked up from Faux Noise. And it’s your nation’s flaws that have been on display lately (what with all of the police misconduct going on), so I wouldn’t be saying schoolboy howlers like that (even with what happend to this guy here in Ontario.) Next time, please be factual in what you say about Ontario and Canada.

        10. Are you still throwing about childish insults about Canadians and Canada based on one incident, asswipe?

        11. You think there’s “one incident”? Your “culture” is a diluted puddle of American and British influences, you contribute NOTHING original and you’re devolving into a socialist shit hole society where freaks and losers are becoming the norm. How badly does your culture suck balls when the, what, first- or second-most trusted person in all Canuckland is a fucking handy man? Oh, and your beer sucks, too.

  43. What a shame to be Canadian, for all USA citizens who are sick and tire of gold diggers woman in USA, canada is not your solution.

    1. Come to Malaysia – it’s still somewhat red pill, apart from some high profile shills

    1. You know what would be hot? If a female reporter with a tight bod wore a shirt with FHRITP on it.

        1. That’s just not acceptable.. Sorry.. Freedom of speech does have repercussions- esp when done on camera

        2. Repercussions only if you’re a guy in the Enlightened Western Feminist Co Prosperity Sphere.

        3. The repercussions were a direct result of the condoning of vile anti- social behavior.. Personal accountability is paramount to the continuance of a well ordered functioning society..

        4. Hahaha, do tell me, what personal accountability? More like submitting to the skirt is paramount to the continuance of the Great Feministic Empire lol

        5. Taking responsibility for ones actions.. Ya know?? They caused it..
          But something tells me you are perfectly fine with adult men shouting ” fuck her right in the pussy ” in public.. And condoning it on camera.. Right?
          And there should be no repercussions cause it was directed at a lowly females.. And when they got called out on it you blame feminists.. Great..

        6. What I am NOT FINE about is firing a man for explaining his opinions truthfully off work hours. And the fact that you condemn these trigger words but don’t condemn the equally reprehensible “Kill all men” meme speaks more about you and yours than me.

        7. Why should there be repercussions if there are no repercussions for feminists saying “Kill all men”?

        8. If a feminist were fired from her job for chanting “kill all men” I would happily support that- if another woman got on camera and stated she thought KAM was funny.. I would support her being fired as well.. Could care less if she was drunk or of my gender.. Fire her ass- hell ya!!!

        9. How in the hell would you know I wouldn’t support that.. ?? I have respect for both genders.. Gee whiz.. If any woman shouted ” kill all men” in front of me. I might end up in jail for jack – slapping her…

        10. I am not privy to this kill all men meme bs.. Were these women screaming that at news casters?? Were they caught on film?? Facebook thing??( I am not on FB)

        11. Quote any of my posts that would draw you to that conclusion.. Thus will be able to address your concerns.. Presently, I have only been discussing the topic at hand..

        12. No was not privy.. mostly listen to local conservative news radio.. But do have an alex jones app – read the anti feminist blogs by PJW.. and was a apalled at the hate towards ALL women by some of the Mgtow ilk.. I was curious unfortunately.. So I followed my nose…Which led me to the Mgtow sites.. Bad bad experience … Followed an especially nasty poster from alex jones to this site.. Yes I am a born detective.. I actually agreed with some of Roosh v commentaries regarding societal problems.. Not on his PUA stuff… No games please.. Reviewed the Kill all men site ( that link you sent me) My question is.. Why is that site still up?? Why isn’t she being investigated ? If there is a petition to shut her site down and worse.?? Will be happy to rally with you on that one..

        13. old school history, natch!
          (greater east asia co-prosperity sphere aka japan’s manifest destiny)

        14. andrea dworkin said it, a feminist.
          in an american court of law, this can be construed as eminent threat territory.
          yet no action was taken by govt to censor or censure her at said time. talk about personal responsibility.

        15. Click on link given to me by Mr. Tan.. I believe it was instigated by another feminist .. I agree with you fully regarding an eminent threat..

        16. Good to se there’s still some who know history. But you can’t deny feminists THINK steeping on men IS their manifest destiny. 🙂

      1. I think there was one on the Naked News, but she took it off at the insistence of her employer.

  44. Guys…I encourage you to have your own businesses….Its really liberating to be independent.

  45. They’re now going after a school principle because he advised his female student’s not to dress like “skanks”. Seriously, in Ontario, and particularly Toronto, things are just getting ridiculous with political correctness. And the thing is, it’s only enforced on men. You never see them go after women for similar shit, and if so, never to the same extent.
    This province is being run by a lesbian feminist and it’s reflective of everything from politics, to culture and the economy. If you’re a man and qualified professional, you’ll have no chance of finding a decent job because you’ll have to get though the gauntlet of HR cunts who know absolutely nothing about the industry. Rather than being assessed on skills and experience, you will be judged on “cultural fit”. Don’t ask me what that means, the definition is different at every company. But it’s these HR cunts who make that determination in the end. Hiring in this province is more of a popularity contest. Skills and merit are secondary considerations at best.
    So with that in mind, you can see why they’d let him go. It’s bad for their “image” because it’s image that is the primary concern. Not hiring the best people, or seeing that people in this province get the best service. No, it’s about whatever immediate social cause is making people have their collective bitch-fit. The managers at Hydro One, OPG, and similar agencies tend to be women, professional engineers and such who have been given those sort of assignments because they can’t cut it when it comes to the actual technical work that is done by men in those organizations.
    I’m getting out of here as soon as I can.

    1. Rather than being assessed on skills and experience, you will be judged on “cultural fit”.

      Is this true?

      1. It’s true for most organizations that have a sizable HR department, which, are often than not, are led by women. Smaller companies that don’t have those kind of budgets still hire on the basis of skills and experience.
        The way you tell is by the questions they ask you at the interview. If the questioning has more to do with your personality, then they’re looking for someone who will “fit” the office environment, irrespective of skills or experience, thus wasting your time as a serious applicant. Because hiring is now controlled by women, the process is more like speed dating, and we all know how reliable women’s judgment is in that aspect.
        When I was looking for work, it got so bad that I had to start screening requests. When I get the call, I’ll ask a whole set of questions to determine what kind of interview will take place. If I get the sense that they’re more interested in personality, I refuse the interview. It’s a good strategy, and I had 1 lady who straight told me that they were hiring for “cultural fit”.
        I now turn down more interviews than I actually attend. Sometimes I demand money for my time and travel. But to answer your question, it is very true.
        Your best bet are companies that still specialize in male dominated areas. For me, that’s heavy construction and civil consulting. Men still tend to run things in those areas, a real men don’t give 2 shits about “cultural fit”. They’re concerned with weather you can do the job or not, those are the best employers.

        1. Okay, you answered that, but how will leaving Canada solve this problem for you?

        2. I didn’t say I’d leave Canada, but definitely Ontario. Probably for Alberta. The reasons have more to do with my own particular circumstances I guess. My skillset lend itself more to oil & gas related activities. The grass isn’t necessarily greener but the public sector in Ontario is massive. Pick any Ontario municipality and look up their employment section. You’ll see all sorts of gigs that have no business being in the public sector.

        3. Alberta just elected a NDP government, if I’m not mistaken, which probably means that more public sector things might be happening there too.

        4. Yeh, that’s a bit worrying. Failing that, there’s always self employment.

    1. Can’t wait for the female reporter to get fired for laughing at someone else’s joke outside of work. Tick tock tick tock…

      1. Crude sexist language on camera.. Smart rational man.. Supporting ” fuck her in her pussy” he’s fired in my book..

    2. Read my post below. They can fire him if they want to. They could fire him if they didn’t like the colour of his tie on a Tuesday. If they want to fire him, then pay him severance.
      Does he deserve to be fired “for cause”; does he deserve to be fired with no severance package? I think you have an uphill battle trying to justify that on any legal grounds.

        1. Nope.. My state- California- is an At Will state. A person can be fired for very little reason.. As far as the other states. Don’t live there..

        2. Just hope that someone does not catch you on camera and undertake a campaign to get you fired because your employer simply thinks you are not worth the trouble.

        3. Well scorpio.. As a fellow scorpion I am horribly disappointed. We are known for being rational and logical.. First off.. When is shouting.. “Fuck her in the pussy” in public.. and on live camera, acceptable? Really?

        4. No still fertile on this end.. Just have manners sorry if it makes me look old..

        5. Scorpios are passionate and emotional, obsessive, suspicious and manipulative. . . AWALT.
          (Well, both Hillary Clinton and Condi Rice are Scorpios.)
          He never said FHRITP. He was called over by the reporter while the actual culprit made off scott free. He thought the incident was funny. I don’t agree, but it’s not a firing offence. The punishment was totally out of proportion to his misdeed, driven by a cabal of internet harpies and white knight showboating by a widely despised organization trying to improve its public image.

        6. Don’t bother answering this shill. She’s is the state of psychotic delusion.

        7. Patience, cunning and yes logic and reason would in fact be traits of a good manipulator. Scorps are passionate but pretty good at checking emotions..for the most part.. That being stated, I would like to extend an apology to you for questioning your logic and reason- that was rude and certainly not true.. My bad..
          You are right- the young man in question was not caught on camera chanting FHITP and maybe wasn’t involved.. However the fact that he stated on camera that he thought shouting fhitp at a female reporter (or loudly in public) was acceptable and funny does show not only a lack of judgement- but lack of character as well.. He was fired because he condoned it..
          Frankly, I am tired of the commenters here saying this is a SjW/ feminist issue.. No it’s merely a matter of checking aberrant behavior that is incongruent within the bounds of a civilized society.
          Honestly, What would your opinion be if the scenario were changed up a bit. Say, a male black reporter and a group of folks were chanting “LTN” ( lynch the ni$$er) and the same man stated on camera he thought it was funny- and was fired for it later?? Would he deserve it? In my opinion he would..
          Of course the rowdies had no intention of raping the reporter- or lynching the hypothetical black male.. Nonetheless- call me a fun- nazi- but such aberrant behavior has got to be punished in one way shape or form..otherwise it will become the norm..

        8. You are setting the bar for the outrage too low. Sure, it was “unacceptable” but it takes some people who are, frankly, a bit psychotic to hunt him down to embarrass him, embarrass his employer and create such a tempest in a teapot that he loses his job over a shit head comment. What he did was not illegal but the frothing masses want criminal charges brought against him.
          It is completely an SJW thing. In the LTN example, that is SJW too. What you won’t see is any women losing their job over saying essentially the same thing to a man. There are numerous examples of homosexuals displaying abject hatred to Christians and guess what the police do: they tell the Christians to move on. There is a media bias and – as mentioned, a mental health factor where people on the left will seek maximum vengeance (aka “maximum disruption”) against anyone they perceive to be stepping out of line that they figure they can put the boots to.
          In a way, it is the norm and has always been the norm and will always be the norm. People find it funny to watch other people cross all sorts of social boundaries. We laugh at what jerks do, not because we think their behavior is or should be the norm but because the norm is to laugh at it. You can take Mr. Bean, a character who does all sorts of horrible things to other people, and that is funny. Even the opening sequence of Despicable Me where Grue makes a balloon animal for a kid only to burst it with a pin and make the kid cry. Is that normal? No. Is it funny? Yes.
          Maybe you didn’t think FHRITP was funny. I didn’t particularly, it just made me shake my head. Still, the point is that just because you don’t find it funny means that you go all SJJ (Social Justice Jihad) to ruin his job, maybe his life, and call for bogus criminal charges. It is just way beyond the pale.
          Edit: And the LTN example is all that more ironic because it was this guy who was lynched, so to speak.

        9. That wasn’t the first time the female newscaster had males yell “fuck her in the pussy ” while she was trying to do her job. The young man in question also made reference about a vibrator next to her ear.. ( I couldn’t hear the whole thing) ..
          Comparing inappropriate cinema to this scenario is a bit of a stretch. People actively choose to expose themselves to such situations.. This young woman did not. Nor did any other female, child, or male ( I am used to well mannered men) that was within ear shot.. I understand shock humor. But that goes way too far.. Would you like your Grandparents exposed to that? Your daughter?? I wouldn’t ..
          In regards to FHIHP -Making people extremely uncomfortable just so one can express their humor is not okay and yes could easily be construed as sexual harassment which is against the law. No?
          That being stated, while I understand his being fired due to the companies concern for it reputation- I don’t understand the criminal charges- nor do I agree with them..
          Personally, I am not coming at this from a Swj/ feminist perspective- I am neither. Just believe in manners and respect for others. I was born at the wrong time apparently..
          Well fellow Scorp..’we are not going to agree on this issue. Thanks for your time and have a good day/ night?? ( China time)

        10. Again, he didn’t say FHRITP and what sort of justice is there in taking out on him because other guys had done it in the past?
          My understanding is that someone in Europe pulled a stunt where they tried to insert a vibrator into the ear of a female reporter. I think the comment was along the lines of, if you think this is bad just be glad you aren’t in Europe.
          You miss the point. My focus is not on who was exposed to what but rather to show it is a natural reaction to laugh at such transgressions. This guy appears to be an observer who thought it was funny and confirmed as much when asked. That was the extent of his involvement.
          I don’t know how many times I have to repeat it: HE DIDN’T SAY FHRITP. Laughing at it is not harassment. In fact, there is no criminal law regarding sexual harassment, there is just harassment which requires a reasonable fear for one’s safety. Obviously she was not afraid of him if she called him over for an interview. Case closed.
          There were also musings about a mischief charge but that requires damage to some sort of property, so it would be a hell of a stretch to say that wasting a reporter’s time (and that of her camera and sound crew) rises to the same level as vandalism.
          I don’t think any of it was particularly funny and I think he was an idiot to go on camera for an interview when he is half in the bag. People with half a brain who have experience with alcohol know when they are drunk and understand their limitations. He obviously didn’t.
          The key point is that I don’t think it should have been considered a firing offense. If the internet and media campaign directed against him and his employer were focused on anyone, there would always be some molehill to make a mountain of. Everyone has some comment, opinion, off-day, mis-step, or drunken outburst that is at least as bad as what he did.

        11. Please read back throught my earlier posts I fully acknowledged he did not personally shout FHRITP.. But was fired due to condoning it. True he was drunk but nobody forced him to imbibe. His company doesn’t want that reputation and thus parted ways from him.

          “at least you didn’t have a vibrator shoved in your ear” Oh boy.. That’s a relief. How lucky for her..
          Of course the reporter wasn’t afraid of him by that time. On camera, in full view of the public.. That doesn’t take away from it making her uncomfortable and targeted.. If that crap was happening to me on a regular basis I would of confronted it as well..
          I fully comprehend what you are saying.. Basically: just a crude school boy prank/ everybody does dumb things whilst drunk/ yes I think it’s stupid and crude but…/he didn’t say it/ just thought it was funny/ feminist and SJW are witch hunters ..
          I hear you..
          Bottom line he and his buddies ( all adults/ not frat-brats) were out in public not just being rowdy, but partaking in behavior that is extremely unacceptable and offensive to 1/2 if the population.. And laughing about it.
          On camera..
          They made their own bed.. Blame SJW/ Feminazis all you want..

  46. I have never seen the video clip due to the Great Firewall of China. However, my understanding is that he never gave his full name nor did he mention who he worked for. Somebody had to hunt him down, identify him, figure out who he worked for, and then create a media shit storm. The employer, taking the bait, decided to play white knight as a publicity stunt.
    We can discuss the social issues about what he did and the reaction to it but an important issue that transcends any sort of gendered discussion is the legal justification the employer is using to fire the guy. Apparently, he signed a Code of Conduct (“CoC”) that purports to be part of his employment contract and contains a clause about harassment. Hydro One claims that he violated the CoC so they are terminating his employment.
    He was not on a work site, he was not on work time, and he was not interacting with any of his co-workers. If this sticks it is truly frightening that a corporation can control your conduct for the 128 hours a week you are not at work. The courts have largely sided with employees when companies try to pull that shit and awarded them severance for wrongful dismissal. The notable exception was a company with a high profile in the community and a carefully constructed public reputation who had an employee whose job entailed interacting with large numbers of co-workers as well as suppliers and other members of the public. He got arrested (and was later convicted) for possession of child porn and in the face of a media frenzy that dragged the company name into the narrative, they fired him a few days later.
    In this case, it isn’t clear what his position involved but it is obvious there was no crime committed (although some police source murmured about harassment or mischief, which – if you look at the plain words of the Criminal Code – don’t apply).
    Think of a counter-factual example where a company tried to use their CoC to justify firing an employee who marched naked in a Pride parade and then got posted on YouTube. In addition to an appeal to basic employment law, the human rights claims would fly about.
    Having said that, an employer can fire an employee at any time and for any reason or no reason at all as long as they provide reasonable notice or compensation in lieu. The question now is whether they will pay him severance (my guesstimate is between $10k and $25k) or try to get away with not paying him a dime by claiming they had “just cause” to fire him summarily.

    1. He was also not harassing anybody. I have a feeling that his bosses were just seeking an excuse to get rid of the guy for some other reason and this was the only dirt they had.

      1. There may have been some internal office politics, but as I have mentioned elsewhere, you can just give the guy a few months notice and he is out of there. The more compelling narrative is a white-knighting PR stunt to improve the image of a hated state-run utility in the months leading up to when the government want to sell it for several billion dollars.

        1. No potential buyer would change their purchase offer due to an incident like that. That’s not how deals are done at the billion dollar level. This isn’t about business. Its all about political correctness. When the roles are reversed and the female HR cunt is recorded on somebody elses smart phone laughing at a bad joke outside of work, all the feminists will come to her defense. Don’t expect standards to be applied evenly.

      2. That’s what I think as well. He displayed very poor judgement, but I don’t think you can fire someone over this.

  47. When the reporter interviewed him, he should have said “I was laughing at him, not with him.”

  48. I live in ontario, outside the Greater toronto area, and everywhere is like this! a constant dystopia of hipster SJW sociology major created reality, complete with a tyrannical gynocentic Lezbiggon primer! this is just the tip of the iceberg when you factor in all the human “rights” commission cases in our province for merely expressing opinions outside of the cultural marxist ontario norm of allowable opinion.

  49. This is a precedent setting initiative. The next step is jail time. It is Orwellian.
    The man should sue citytv for defamation and Sue hydro one for wrongful dismissal. He should not take this lying down.

  50. We need laws to prevent people from losing their jobs because of SJW witch-hunters. It should be against the law to be fired because of your political opinions.

  51. If a female reporter has a problem with free speech, then she’s just disqualified herself from her job and should be fired.

  52. The progressive left has fostered the creation of this environment. Thanks to their morally and culturally destructive policies we now live in times where the crude and vulgar is not only acceptable but embraced. However, when it’s directed towards them they become unhinged, calling for an end to such barbarism and a return to civility. The progressive left are the most depraved, schizophrenic group of people you will ever meet. All that they touch is left in utter ruin.
    My advice to these destroyers offended by the crude epitaphs hurled their way: What is good for the goose is good for the gander. The socialist left didn’t think twice about using tax money- extracted by force from culturally and morally conservatives- to finance ” art ” that had pictures of Christ in bottles of urine. Why the hell should I be offended when some animal runs up to one of these socialist clones and yells : Fuck her in the pussy.” They have no moral ground on which to stand . They made their bed now they can sleep in it.

    1. Its about who gets to define free speech in the public square. Vagina monologues is art, FHRITP is “disgusting”. Gay males can have a parade with their ass hanging out, straight males get arrested for indecent exposure. Because patriarchy…

    2. Fuck, this was all brought on by the social conservative pricks on the right. Depraved sickos who hide behind their own shield of superiority with no basis outside of chance and opinion, enforcing their beliefs on others who won’t accept it. Yep. You’re right: you reap what you sew. The right ducked things up, the left came in as a reaction and now you are stuck with it.

      1. The neo conservative right and the progress left were both spawned from the same father – Trotsky. The only difference between the two are semantics.

      2. Yeah, traditional conservatives let the feminist wackos come in and take it, that is for sure.

  53. I think it’s crass and unnecessary to yell that stuff but at the same time I see this trend coming;
    —Men are going to react sooner or later to the constant villainization. Basically I think men are going to start doing this kind of thing more often in the sense of, “Well, if you’re going to brand me as a pre-criminal anyway, then fine, let’s indulge in some obnoxiousness and disrespect. We’re going to be branded as potential criminal anyway.”

  54. The meme that should be yelled to these talking heads in MSM is “Lying fucking media whore” — that would have meaning and purpose as well as accuracy behind it and accomplish the same disruptive / embarrassment goals.

  55. There are so many expressions of sexuality that I find offensive and disgusting that mainstream society accepts, tolerates and even celebrates. Reporters like this really don’t give a shit if I feel offended by them in fact they would call me names and insult me for the way I feel. Given that they don’t care about expressions of sexuality that offend me why should I care about expressions of sexuality that offend them?

  56. I disagree with Forney that those performing the “fuck her right in the pussy” stunt are narcissistic and moronic. In fact, the MSM is such a cesspool of feminist hate, “fuck her right in the pussy” is the only response they ever deserve when the ask a question of “the man on the street.”
    It’s a political statement. The MSM falls all over themselves to celebrate violent riots by black people. These black people get on camera and yell all sorts of obscenities, after they torched a police car. So, how is it so much worse when a white guy is NOT violent and simply makes a political statement by saying “fuck her right in the pussy”?
    The MSM is nothing more than cunt propaganda. The MSM should be rejected, harassed, and vilified wherever and whenever possible.

    1. Well MSM is going to cover that which is happening. Riota, regardless of how you feel about them , are an event. And to not cover them is to enact the type of censorship this website purports to be against. So… Either you like all of it, or be a hypocrite.

      1. Equating enacting lynch mobs to censorship is the grossest travesty of virtue I have ever seen. How about this; the media is censoring this man’s right to speak for himself by poisoning the well in the name of “not having any censorship”.
        Is it too much to ask for having unbiased reporting? The media doesn’t cover the riots, they cover them selectively with an ideological slant to try to jack up ratings. Let’s not pretend this is all innocent “just doing my job” crap.

        1. Holy you are simply out to lunch. This is Tim foil hat reasoning of the highest order.

  57. No need to defend this guy. It’s being reported on May 16 in Toronto that’s he’s apologized to the woman reporter. He’s weak.

    1. A guy did it on C24 about 2 months ago. I saw it. He was being interviewed outside a Leaf’s game regarding Cadry’s spate of less than professional behaviour, and he ended it with something like “The guy makes millions of dollars a year so he should just…..” It’s a stupid joke, and stale to boot, but I gave that guy 10/10 for seamless transition.

    2. The dude is apologizing literally for standing there.
      “OMG I’m so sorry for laughing at my friend’s stupid joke at an adult recreational event! What was I thinking!?”
      I’ve been expressing my plans to leave Toronto lately and I keep getting hit by serious indignation. “You think the rest of the world is better but people are moving here all of the time!”, “You don’t know how good you have it until you leave!”, “Free healthcare!”, “Toronto is the safest best city in the world!”
      People here seriously think that we have the very best that life has to offer… when people wont even look at each other on the streets… And all people do is complain about their pointless overworked lives…
      No one reads, no one thinks for themselves, no one debates… Pretty much everyone here is a goddamned failure and woe is you if you question the status quo. Just shut your mouth, pay taxes, worship stupid women, and wait to die… That’s the culture we have here.
      Canada really is a place where stupid people rule over everybody with an iron fist. I used to consider myself a liberal but how can I after I’ve spent my whole life surrounded by them? Their version of “caring” is completely hypocritical.

      1. Preach. Total spinelessness is the mantra here. And it only looks good compared to the third world shit holes that most people who come here originated.

  58. How is that even funny? I don’t weep for this man. He got what he deserved. Women deserve your respect. You want to be treated like a man, treat her like a woman, not a sex toy.

    1. Really? He lost his job, but not only that, had his life irreparably destroyed. Don’t forget his family was tortured by the media too.
      Aldous Huxley stated (quite correctly) that propaganda feeds on the passions. You are so drunk on an ideological belief that you distort facts and do something objectively worse than what he did. It is the equivalent of pulling out a gun and capping them for insulting you.
      Let’s also not forget: HE DIDN’T EVEN SAY THE SIX WORDS, IT WAS ANOTHER GUY.

      1. Well he agreed with the other guy, it is essentially that same thing as saying those vile words. It is sexism plain and simple. I think it is you who are drunk, good day, sir.

        1. Uh, no. That is pure McCarthyism. Look up what that is and what the consequences of this kind of behavior. If you feel no empathy for someone who has his life destroyed for one minute of drunken words you are a sociopath.

        2. Oh look, a insult. That means you have absolutely no response. You are just the tried true component of a lynch mob, the quintessential useful idiot these tyrants need to operate that never questions their ideology. If you can’t see how the response was so heavy handed that it can only lead to negative consequences you are a fool who does not study history.
          There is a reason silencing your political opponents has lead to every leader who has used this tactics having assassins in their own home. Silence everyone and you have no idea what anyone is thinking because they do not speak.

        3. no, what you describe is thought crime. it’s not illegal to have an opinion when asked. also, imply and infer are not legal standards of libel or slander. essentially the same thing is not stating the same thing. christ you feminists suck at logic

        4. apparently in Canada a crown corporation has the right to terminate employment.

        5. Such a persuasive response. All you can do is engage in name-calling, and you offer nothing of substance. Good day, sir.

        6. He can say whatever he wants, and a corporation can hire and fire anyone it wants. That my friend is capitalism.

        7. which has nothing to do with your comment of skewering him based on his comments.. er sorry inferring offense upon his comment (which was an explanation of the offense not the actual words themselves).
          btw, who made you the media comment czar that you can pass judgment on an opinion you dont like? why should we censor ourselves for sjws like you?

        8. So I can’t have an opinion that thinks the company was right to fire him. Who wants to silence whose speech? I think it is you who wants to silence me. You can defend him all you like and I am allowed to defend the company.

        9. moi? madame, speak freely as you wish. but dont cry to daddy government if we men are crass with our language and hurt your feelings. after all, we have free speech too.
          who’s censoring who again with chilling effects (supreme court ruling of actions taken against unpopular speech)? i think you better check the article.

        10. And guess what a corporation have the right to fire an employee. It is their free speech right to terminate an employee, sweetheart. He still has his freedom of speech rights. He hasn’t been arrested. Freedom of speech doesn’t guarantee you the right to have a job.

        11. But it does guarantee that no institution should retaliate on individual if they happen to express an unpopular non-sjw opinion. how can one be free to express themselves if reprisal is at hand – that’s whats called a ‘chilling effect.’
          or do you think everyone who disagrees with you (or you are offended by) should lose their livelihood becuz feelings got hurt. isnt that, by its very definition, censorship?
          if that’s the case then you would never have as justice warren would say ‘a marketplace of ideas’ including bullshit ideas like feminism becuz it was an unpopular idea at one time in history.
          granted this didnt occur in the usa but the 1st amendment guarantees that no law shall infringe upon a man’s right to speech unpopular tho it may be. that includes retaliations or actions against individiuals expressing opinions.
          you’re moving goalposts here. first your argument was that he should be fired & harassed because of sexism (guaranteed to be uttered freely under free speech laws btw), next you defend the crown corps decision to fire him under the guise of free speech (totally forgetting the man’s guarantee to free speech and not be threatened by it).
          so which is it? does unpopular ideas such as civil rights in the 60s or feminism in the 70s get entertained without punishment and fear of reprisal (becuz they were unpopular) or do you censor offensive thoughts because of feelings?

        12. Actually the corporation has a right to fire an employee. There is no goal post movement. on my part. According to Section 2 of Canadian charter of Rights and Freedom : Everyone has the freedom of speech, thought, belief, opinion, expression freedom to peacefully assemble and freedom of association The corporation was exercising its’ right to not to associate with an employee.

        13. do you believe the man’s wife (a female) should be harassed also because this man exercised his right to free speech?
          i am not a femnist by any means but i do not believe she did deserved to be harassed as a non-party entity yet according to this article, she was collateral damage by sjws.
          what about her right to live freely? did the sjws not violate that by terminating one of her family’s incomes? does she not have the right to have a good nights rest without her family being bothered?
          i read a few times in places like judgybitch that the biggest enemy of women is not patriarchy or men but feminism & bitchy, judgmental, whiny women. it seems more and more true the more i see this in action.

        14. also, you did move the goalpost. why insist on the company’s right to free association (not free speech) & not your initial argument of sexism should be punishable under the law.
          i gave you a cogent argument for feminism being a nuisance in the 70s & was still tolerated because utterances in feminism was protected under free speech without reprisal from govt institutions, yet you did not respond.

        15. its fascinating to read this Canadian law.
          Chanty Binx aka BigRed is guilty of violating Article 2 of Canada’s Human Rights law in which she prevented/blocked men from attending a men’s rights speech in the University of Toronto in 2013.
          Any aspiring legal eagle manospherians in Canada want to take up this case for fame & profit?
          Lets take the matriarchy down a peg.
          *warning* eye bleach needed!

        16. Nope. So you think employers should be forced to keep an employee they don’t want to be associated with? No goal posting moving. You can’t have freedom of association without freedom of speech.

        17. and you cant have free speech without guarantees of reprisals against that free speech. so really, sjws (namely that reporter & agent provocateurs doxxing the man) violated that man’s free speech.

        18. She had some points.. But was her own worst enemy.. Too many lattes ? Or maybe a huge line of coke.. Oh boy..,not good for the cause..,

        19. Dodging my question. Plus the charter is vague on freedom of speech, association thing. It says everyone has the right, but it doesn’t say the employers can’t fire employees. I’m presuming the charter means that the government can’t jail a person, or pass laws in parliament that bans speech. Freedoms are just a list and require high judicial activism If the man and his family is being threatened by people then it is wrong and shouldn’t be allowed.

        20. You dodged mine first. which is it: allow unpopular thought like feminism in the 70s or allow censoring of thoughts like today knowing that with censoring, feminism would never exists as it was unpopular.
          you said in the beginning quote: “I don’t weep for this man. He got what he deserved.”
          now you say: “If the man and his family is being threatened by people then it is wrong and shouldn’t be allowed.”
          Forney (the author) said him and his family was harassed. so which is it. did his family deserve punishment by sjw mob justice or not?

        21. question is an actual dodge. First off Feminism was about allowing women to have choices in their lives and not some stereotypes provided by the mainstream media. To conflate feminism with calls for violence is just wrong. Feminism in its form is about allowing women to have choices. That is all.

        22. you, once again, dodged the question: is censorship acceptable or not? if so, can you deal with the fact feminism wouldve been censored in the 70s as it was unpopular then?
          thats the crux of your whole argument: that sexism should be censored because its offensive speech to women & that men who say sexist stuff should suffer.
          i point out that free speech inherently means free speech for all and for all ideas regardless of how controversial & popular it is (except for eminent threat/clear & present danger aka yelling fire in a crowded theater as a joke)
          before you moved the goalpostss (aka shifted focus from the man was a sexist to the govt has the right to fire anyone), i argued that retaliation against sexist speech limits free speech and is akin to censorship.
          you cant answer the question because you painted yourself in a corner:
          if you say yes, everything should be censored then tacitly, you admit feminism was unpopular and shoved down people’s throats in the 70s & must be censored.
          if you answer no, then you allow this man to have sexist opinions that can co-exist with feminism’s “i bathe in male tears” vitriol.
          seriously, every american should take a first amendment class in college. christ almighty, you sjw feminists do not understand one of the 2 fundamental rights granted to you (1st amendment, 2nd amendment that protects the 1st).

        23. You are putting your mouth in my words. Do you even know what feminism is about?

        24. 1)quote: “Well he agreed with the other guy, it is essentially that same thing as saying those vile words. It is sexism plain and simple.”
          quote original post: “he got what he deserved”
          that is the definition of silencing a critical or dissenting opinion. by definition, you are advocating punishment of unpopular speech. that is censorship.
          2) actions speak louder than words. this is very true of feminism. does jessica valenti (feminist) agree to this? (note the dead men & boys)

        25. What is exactly wrong with feminism? It has been allowed. This guy has been allowed to speak his mind, and his employer spoke their mind. He is still free to voice his opinion in the media, but it doesn’t guarantee a right to a job. As for your question it is entirely built on ludicrous premise. If a coworker harassed you should she be able to keep her job? Even if you and her were not on the clock at the time she harassed you.

        26. You’re filth like the brownshirts and red guard that came before. You deserve nothing but contempt for supporting persecution against people for their thoughts.

        27. You seem to be misunderstanding what I am saying. The company can do whatever it wants; the media lynching of him is unjustified. The fact that the people following this story think anything they are doing is sanctioned after he has already been punished shows how conditioned you people are to initiate a witch hunt at the media’s beck and call.

        28. You understand that the first amendment protects only against the government locking you up, not private companies from firing people.

        29. you cant even defend the crux of your argument about sexist speech should be punishable & must be censored even tho it runs counter to free speech like feminism as feminism is protected by free speech alongside sexist speech.
          your other argument is at best non-sequitir as it does not relate to your original premise.
          at worse its begging the question that was unasked because you are deflecting against your weak main thesis of sexist speech should be punished.
          you’ve proven my point, feminists & sjws suck at logic.

        30. i’m not the one that said feminism is pro men. im just refuting your statement & using your fellow feminists hamster rationalisation bullshit of hating men & disguising it as empowering women.
          that’s what debating is, refuting arguments central to your opinion, not changing topics midstream cause you are losing. thats called moving the goalpost.

        31. Nope. your argument is full on stupid. There is no coherent logic to your questions. Censorship deals with government. Sexism shouldn’t be censored nor feminism. But Sexism just shouldn’t be embraced by people. People should reject. The corporation has the right to terminate said employee . It is you who think feminism should be censored. Get yourself an education.

        32. The media is reporting on a story. People are criticizing him for his beliefs. They are allowed to do that. If they threaten him with physical violence then they shouldn’t.

        33. so everyone can see, you’ve contradicted yourself and thus lost the argument:
          quote: “Well he agreed with the other guy, it is essentially that same thing as saying those vile words. It is sexism plain and simple.”
          quote original post: “he got what he deserved”
          quote: “Sexism shouldn’t be censored nor feminism.”
          so you lied in your original statement then because you inferred punishment which is akin to censorship.
          gentlemen of the manosphere i rest my case.

        34. So we really are getting to the point where society has so little control over itself that any crime, no matter how minor, is punishable by losing your livelihood and never being able to get a job again as your reputation is destroyed. How sad.

        35. Do you know if he will never get a job?. There could some company who would be willing to hire him.

      1. Right, Honeybun, Radosh and none of his writers have earned respect from anyone. Hell they think girls having cooties is still a thing.

  59. But if he had said “marriage equality for all” he’d get a promotion.
    The culture is upside-down.

  60. I hope that everywhere you go men will shout ‘fuck him in the arsehole’ it’s definitely less then what you deserve

  61. As much as I like ROT’s articles, I would have to disagree with Matt Forney’s views on this FHRITP issue. Instead of viewing this from the “men vs feminist” point of view, we should be asking “is this the sort of behaviour we want in our society?”
    If you were to tell a judge “you’re an F****** idiot” while in court, he would hold you in contempt of court and throw you in jail. If you were to yell out “you’re fucking boring and putting me to sleep” while attending a lecture at university, your prof would have you booted and suspended from school. If you were to go up to a child playing soccer, and say to them, “you’re a fucking waste of space”, you would get mobbed by their parents.
    You may argue that you were just being truthful and that words only have as much power as you give them, but do you think the judge, university, or parents are going to accept this and let you off the hook?
    Being crude, classless, disrespectful and idiotic towards others may not be punishable by law, but as a society, we inherently know that there is something wrong with this sort of conduct and accept there may be consequences outside of the law for our actions.

    1. I hate to admit it, because it’s very low brow, but the first time I ever saw this meme I nearly peed myself I was laughing so hard. But I wasn’t laughing at the reporter, I was laughing at the guy. It was just so random and weird and that made it funny in a “why on earth would you say that?” way. As a one-off it was funny, as a collective, it’s completely disrespectful to sabotage someone trying to do their job. And you are 100% correct that there should be repercussions when adults behave in this manner.

  62. I’m surprised to hear you guys sticking up for those little punks. Those are the kinds of weak-ass little bitches that talk shit to women but cower when confronted by actual men. They definitely need an ass-kicking, and if they get fired on top of that, who gives a shit? Those were the unmanliest little pieces of shit you’ll ever come across. There was nothing manly about that shit. Punks. They need to be weeded out of the gene pool.

      1. Not at all. It has nothing to do with sticking up for the woman. Who knows what kind of skank she might be? These are just chumps. You can’t see that?

  63. Apparently our former mayor (a public figure) can smoke crack and refer to his wife’s p—– as an all you can eat buffet and still keep his job.

  64. The owner of the stadium facility has the right to ban people from being on his property if they are shouting obscenities at players or other spectators. Thats about as far as it goes. This female reporter is still going to have to go out into the world in real time live situations and interact with people who don’t support her feminist values. How long is she going to play the victim card? This is the hardest thing for a feminist to understand, men don’t owe a woman “respect” just because she’s a woman. Now watch the hamster brain spin…

    1. A young woman who recently moved to the city came in to work the other day rather upset because some guy had been wanking in front of her on the TTC. The men at my work were disgusted and thought she should fill out a police report. Me and the other ladies took her to lunch to celebrate. We explained to her that you can’t really call yourself a Torontonian woman UNTIL you’ve had a public masturbator rub one out in your honour. Think of it as the welcome wagon. My point is not all women in this city lack a sense of humour. Other reporters have been whiney about this, but I actually think this one handled it appropriately. She didn’t ask for him to be fired, she didn’t run away crying, she called him out on his stupidity and made him look like an idiot. Why shouldn’t she? If someone says something rude to me, I’m gonna bite back, and I wouldn’t expect any man or woman to react differently.

  65. See this sort of ignorance perpetuates the hate and feuls feminism. It’s pretty stupid and it’s not funny, I’m not surprised he got fired at all. Like how old are you why are you standing around laughing at pure nonsense.

  66. As usual in your rush to further demean women you boners totally miss the point as to why yelling this shit out is not just a prank.

  67. ugghh, this is one of the most misogynist, hate-filled threads ever fueled by a disgusting article.

  68. It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself — anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offence. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called. — George Orwell, 1984

  69. Shawn Simoes family are douchebags there is one in Vancouver that is an absolute fool

  70. I was waiting for the ROK post on this incident. I feel so bad for the guy. he literally didn’t do anything wrong. it’s beyond pathetic.
    and the justification is that it reflects badly on hydro one? literally no one knew who he worked for before and immediately after the whole thing. he wasn’t representing the company. he was on his own time.
    so so stupid.

  71. Get use to it, your expectation of privacy has been taken away from you, even in the streets for pete sakes. Social media has them that scared. Bill C51 is the beginning to the end of life as you knew it. Facial Recognition Software is now the second best investigative tool since DNA Forensics took over #1. Have no doubts you are living in a dictatorship era, Big brother is watching, acting creating perfect storms everywhere and eventually you’re going to get so fed up with it, you will turn to Muslim and fight back!

  72. If everyone was judged by their actions outside of work, nobody would be able to keep a job. I think it is ridiculous that this man was fired for merely discussing The Dreaded Six Words. He wasn’t even representing Hydro One by wearing logos or a uniform.
    Typical white feminists whining about inconsequential nonsense. I can’t wait to get out of Toronto.

  73. So if you were a reporter at an event say a boxing match and some ladies walked up to and “pants: you in live on the air you’d be OK with that.. The problem is not the ladies thin skin it’s the fact that being rude is somehow acceptable… And defending it is OK too… Neither are right sometime when you friend is an idiot you gotta say you don’t know him…

  74. Except this isn’t “healthy male sexuality.” If you think it is, maybe you need to get your mind checked out because clearly there is something wrong with you. I doubt men would like it if I walked down the street yelling “fuck you right up the ass,” would you? And yes, the two are comparable. Do you know why? Both are being used to humiliate in these circumstances. You aren’t finding a woman you find attractive and telling her she’s beautiful- you’re sexually harassing someone with the intent to make them uncomfortable and feel lesser than.
    I’m glad he got fired. He deserved it. Sexual harassment has no place in society. This is not healthy- it’s emotional violence. If a man yells this at me, there is a 100% chance he is getting maced in the eyes if he’s close enough to me.

  75. He was vulgar and sounded like a sexist idiot frat boy. The company is entitled to fire employees who reflect badly on their business, which at least 51% of the population– including his superiors– likely believe he did.
    Way to defend lack of personal responsibility.

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