“The Bewitchin’ Pool:” The Roots Of American Divorce Culture

“The Bewitchin’ Pool” was the final episode of the Twilight Zone aired. It is an episode that causes much consternation of those who view it. Do note, limited funding hindered the production of the episode, as it shows in the poor production and editing of the episode. However, it is a fascinating episode that highlights some serious issues in America that began to take off when it was aired.

Watch the full episode here.

The episode begins with a rich family of a successful father, a bored wife & two young children – a daughter & son. It is clear from the outset the mother is a pure histrionic female who takes to new identities as she feels the need. The father is a cold, narcissistic man. Both are dismissive of the children and are very cruel & self-centered in dealing with them.


After yet another vitriolic clash between the two parents, the children are approached- by the pool – by a young boy swimming around claiming there is a better life for them if they just follow him to the other side. Eventually the two kids agree, jump into the pool and come out into a different world. It is a fantasy world of happy children with a compassionate, loving maternal grandmother who unconditionally loves them all.

Eventually, they hear the voices of their parents and are worried their parents are missing them & concerned for their safety. They go back to reality and, once again, realize their parents are still all about themselves and their victim complexes. They desperately seek out the other world and eventually make it back, ignoring the cries of their self-absorbed parents – seemingly staying in this idyllic world.

In “The Bewitchin’ Pool” the two kids sought out an alternate reality to their sufferings at the hands of terribly cruel parents. Like any other kid, they seek out a world where a parental figure gives them unconditional love and allows them the space to be a kid. This is a typical fantasy of a child whose life has been supremely deficient from a parenting standpoint. They dream of life in which they don’t have to negotiate complicated relationships between two parents fraught with tension & anger. They desire a life where they get the unconditional love that will very much help them become well-adjusted adults. The twist, here, is that world isn’t just a fantasy but a reality if they can let go of the relationship with their parents.

This letting go has ruffled some feathers of those reviewing the episode for many reasons, but consider the relationship a child will have with parents like these. The views of the child are going to be purely black & white – either they love their parents with no qualifications or they hate their parents to their very core. This supreme vacillation is emblematic of an unhealthy relationship. In his book “No More Mister Nice Guy,” Dr. Robert Glover notes this in his sessions with husbands talking about their wives. One second they are praising their wives to the Heavens then muttering, “Fucking bitch.”

Back on point, towards the end when the parents give them the “good news” they are divorcing the daughter says they will be good now & she understands that their misbehavior is the cause of the divorce. This is a stereotypical response of a child upon learning their parents are getting divorced. Say what you will about divorce, but no matter how well intentioned by the parents, a child will always blame themselves for the divorce. The parents laugh and it represents the kids are no more than window-dressing. Sure, the kid’s existence strained relations between the two, but didn’t create any new tensions than those that were already there.

As this episode was aired in the middle of the 1960’s, with the Sexual Revolution in full sway a cascade of divorces would visit the country in the next decade. This episode shows the early recognition of the divorces that are to come, but is conflicted as it provides evidence for the utility of divorce to cure unhappy marriages, but also recognizes the terrible psychological pressure poor parenting and divorce has on a child.


First, the culture of divorce is rooted in narcissism & denial of psychological issues.

Divorce most assuredly has its deepest foundations in hypergamy. However, it is far worsened by our narcissistic society. Note the first benefit of divorce – happiness for both parents. In “The Bewitchin’ Pool” both parents are presented as highly dissatisfied with the relationship. The mother overestimates her potential – a quasi-feminist – and a dismissive male who cares only about his own success. This is an unusual relationship, as most divorces are a female leaving a male who loves them.

This episode highlights the delusions around how divorce goes down. It presents two equally dissatisfied parties that would prefer divorce over working the relationship out. Further, it highlights the delusions around how personal psychology. Rarely is somebody simply a product of an unhappy relationship. That assumes issues in a marriage stem merely from being matched with the wrong person. That is incredibly naïve & reeks of female delusions about how relationships work.

Most times, personal psychological issues get magnified in a given relationship – it is up to every person to handle their responses. It is one thing to admit your partner is making a certain trait of yours more obvious; however, it is up to you to decide whether to express it or not. Chalk it up to our society’s desire to have everybody express their emotions – it is good that everybody be aware of what they are feeling , however, having them express it isn’t always a good idea. It is best to have people be honest with themselves above all else.

Second, consider the female imperative represented by divorce culture. Women need to keep up appearances in the event of them choosing to divorce. They need social support networks to help them, they need court systems to ensure fiscal solvency and they need forces in the media assuring anybody who would judge them that the divorcing woman is making the right choice. Children, husbands, etc. are secondary or less concerns when it comes to their personal happiness. Always remember that their happiness is predicated on social approval of their decisions.

Society does a bang-up of shoring up female concerns around divorce. Females still complain that they are being judged for divorcing their husbands and separating their children from their father, but that noise is coming from other women. Kill all the men tomorrow and virtually 100% of female concerns will still exist as their problems involve other women. Still, society does its utmost to ensure women are adequately compensated in divorce, provided and plenty of governmental help for psychological issues. For the mother, not the children.

However, the most important part of this episode are the kids themselves. Their parents divorcing doesn’t cure either parent of their personal issues nor guarantee any sort of happiness or better treatment for the kids. Superficial and female-centric salves such as divorce are defenses against individuals facing their own personal issues, either by blaming the other parent or taking it out on their captive audience of children.

I can personally attest to this situation. My parents had a horrid relationship in which I would spend much time in my room alone, playing with toys, reading & writing. My imagination took me places I could never go in real life. However, the call of your parents will always be there. You can only immerse yourself in your action figures or Legos for so long before the spell is broken by the barking of your mother. Part of the reaction to this episode is people who have no idea what it is like to be in this situation. It can be very tiring talking about this episode with people who constantly bang on about how creepy the grandmother figure is & how they would never leave their parents, no matter how cruel. I completely understand the supreme reticence about leaving your parents, but this episode did & does speak to me about wanting to leave horrible parents.

I understand the wandering of any kid’s imagination in response to their deficient upbringing – their dependency necessitates understanding their parent’s issues insofar as it relates to their ability to survive. The problem is that everybody will at least, in theory, have the ability to support themselves independently when they become adults. The issue is that those complexes that carried a child through to adulthood are no longer necessary because they are no longer dependent on that parent.


In the end, “The Bewitchin’ Pool” first aired in the summer of 1964, in the middle of the emerging Sexual Revolution. The episode focused on the children who would be the primary victims of the slowly emerging divorce culture. It showed some kids who were subject to terrible parenting & needed to have an escape from that. However, the episode highlighted the nascent optimism that the Sexual Revolution embodied as seen through divorce.

It has been said that this episode was a horrible episode to end the Twilight Zone series on because there was no twist in the ending.

There was a twist in the ending, alright.

Those two kids came into happiness when most American children won’t with today’s parenting

47 thoughts on ““The Bewitchin’ Pool:” The Roots Of American Divorce Culture”

  1. The wide spread practice of marriage for romance and entertainment over necessity is a pretty recent phenomenon. The sexual revolution helped accelerate that process.
    For most of human history it was the other way around. Necessity bonded families together. Some were still miserable with each other, but it forced a higher percentage of them to work things out.
    Men talked with other men at their places of work and women did the same in their domain. They realized that no marriage was perfect. Everyone had their problems that had to be worked out, it was just part of life.
    There was also not a lot to do back then and life went at a much slower pace. Now with the rapid technological advancement, people are more disconnected than ever, get bored easily and seek to keep themselves busy, entertained…stimulated at all times.
    Because of this, media has a stronger influence than ever and it glorifies the most ideal situations, the most exciting and exhilarating parts of a relationship and life. What’s portrayed in the media will always be bigger than life. Otherwise, people would be more entertained with living their own life.
    The problem comes up when people want it above what’s available in reality. On top of it, people want those moments in life and relationships to last forever (whether consciously or unconsciously). As a result, it becomes harder and harder for people to stay satisfied in relationships.

    1. it’s not just harder and harder for people to be satisfied in relationships – but with life in general…
      look at the facebook craze… flicking through photos on there and you’d think everyone’s life consisted of one long cocktail party or vacation….
      the media and the enertainment business compress all the good parts into a condensed version of life… shit… even movie stars and DJs on tour spend most of their time fiddling their thumbs in hotel rooms, waiting for or on planes, and discussing contracts and finances etc. booorrrinnggg….
      what ever happened to sitting under the old oak tree watching the clouds rolling past on a summer’s afternoon ?
      now it would be more like sitting under the old oak tree fiddling with my iphone like i’ve left my ADHD meds at home…

      1. Well said…. and Yuan also. Watch out for the woman that spends time on celeb gossip sites and has a pile of mags in the room…. warning sign. I cycle, run, whatever I can do to keep my mind from seizing up. Love reading sphere articles but try to limit my time. Its spreading, so many new blogs every week…..

      2. Exactly, and a lot of people simply think like children now. They think life should be one long party. They never realize that if you actually want money, respect, etc. you have to at some point do the boring stuff. In fact, more often than not you have to do the boring stuff. You need to put time and effort into improving yourself, into practising self-control, into building yourself up mentally and physically, into forging new relationships with people and learning new skills. Especially, into demonstrating your worth and importance, and I’m sorry to say this but if you spend all your time partying and drinking you will soon have zero worth or importance.
        There is no such thing as a miracle job that takes you around the world and is fun and makes you tons of money. That’s a pipe dream. It *maybe* comes true, for a short time, for one in a thousand people, but you’re probably not one of that thousand.
        What’s *really* frightening is how many women actually fall for this dream, hook line and sinker. Every. Single. Online dating profile reeks of desire to have this same dream fulfilled. They think they will either be living it themselves in the near future or will seduce a guy who’s living it.
        Just as I want to shake blue pill men by the shoulders and tell them that the women they’re putting on a pedestal don’t give two fucks about them, I want to tell women that the ‘exciting’ guys who they fuck in hopes of hooking up with do not give two fucks about them and will not make their dreams come true. Just because you let a guy booty call you every friday night doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship. The vast majority of girls I know nowadays are not in a relationship. They’ve never been in a relationship and they have no idea how to even have a relationship!
        Sorry for the rant, it’s just that I wish more women knew this stuff. This is probably not a place that will get many female readers but hey.

        1. Sure, you can say that for some. But consider this– how much of your work do you actually want to share with EVERYONE you know? Does that include everyone you meet, even on the internet? Our parties, our relaxation time represents who we are to ourselves, usually (speaking as a woman, anyway).
          There are exceptions, of course. Even then, you have the cocktail version of that work, such as XKCD or Dilbert cartoons for tech people. Sure you share tech articles, but it’s not those long hours on the phone dealing with idiot clients, or even the babble heads you might meet at the bar. It’s always the exceptional cases, and that’s only when it’s interesting or funny. It would never replace talking to your spouse at the end of the day, or having a potent potable with a friend.
          Facebook isn’t designed for philosophical discussions, or REALLY getting to know people. Blogs are better suited for that. AFAIK, remember too that it was Moses who instituted divorce into Abrahamic culture. It’s been useful for men too. Nowadays men suffer far more than women do. I don’t argue about intent. Silly feminists just say that they are getting their own back. They don’t realize or care that each gender sabotaging the other does so at it’s own detriment. Game may be a survival tactic, but it thrives to the detriment of civilization.
          No body is going to learn anything, until somebody decides that judgement is the better part of valor. The sexual wars will not get any saner until somebody dares to set– and keep — standards. Friendship is awfully hard to simulate over time. I agree that most girls abuse it. For me, it was a fine filter for game players. Some few like the long con but no action is totally safe. I found authentic marriage that way. It’s a tough road. Everybody asks me how I do it, and when I tell them everybody laughs with a nasty edge. It’s not modern, stimulating, or flattering to the ego. They don’t believe me, but it can be done.
          This is how women fought back against some unfairness a while ago. The result was pre-feminism– that maligned thing called chastity. It led to the civilization that, ironically, women totally dismantled for some idiot reason. If my single life was freedom, then what is slavery? True freedom is when your best friend and only mate has your back.
          Men can do it. It’s easier for men to be men than for women to be deformed men. Show us the way. You might be pleasantly surprised. But it will take time and endurance.

  2. great article but no matter how much you ‘shrink’ wrap it with psycho-babble from the analysts chair…. children are incredibly egocentric and most need a good kick in the ass…. parents are all fuckwhits struggling with their own childish psychology…. and family is a loaded gun given to a bunch of imbeciles, one or all of whom are going to get wounded…
    get out of your family and stay out…. do something interesting, creative and intelligent with your lives… bang as many women as possible and learn to make use of all the technologies we have to replace the house wife for the domestic needs…
    children are for peasants and the ultra wealthy….
    marriage is for idealistic fools…

    1. I hate to admit it but all this MGTOW talk is somewhat convincing me. I used to staunchly say I’d never marry without a prenup (sidenote; I’m 23 going-on 24, and my mother was actually offended when I said I’d require a prenup) but lately I’ve been hearing about prenups getting thrown out, especially in that case where that woman got millions of dollars for divorcing. That’s pretty despicable.
      And I’ve compared Jamies Winston in some ways to Tiger Woods. Now, Jamies Winston suffered what he did, and his girlfriend is sticking with him despite that he was clearly cheating on her with a lot of women. But Tiger Woods wife? She divorced his ass when she found out he was cheating and made bank.
      JW’s girlfriend isn’t retarded; she knows full well he’s not going to change, and she hopes she gets that ring so she can divorce him later and cash out.

      1. women never really love the man, they love the love….. whether there is a way to manage that other than by keeping her permanently pregnant is difficult to discern… the strategy i’ve used is to make it clear to her that she is free to leave… that gives the hamster an instant heart attack… but in order to maintain that front i have to be able to pull it off if she does leave…
        it makes it difficult to build a solid family with hard asset, she knows that if she leaves, there’s no asset for her to go after, because it’s all out of reach… buy a family home and start ploughing asset into the family and you are investing in her ability to divorce…
        it didn’t used to be like this… it used to be that the couple built a more and more solid setup for the both of them.

        1. It IS too bad, but I don’t necessarily believe it can’t ever go back. It just won’t happen in our lifetimes, probably.

      2. I don’t really feel sorry for Tiger or whatever multimillionaire that pays out. Its not like they can’t get by on the pile of money they have left.
        Its the middle class and even upper middle class men that are likely to end up in prison. You knock a girl up and you are SOL regardless of what your legal status to her is. If you want to marry a girl for True Love, tell her you will get a religious marriage but not a state sponsored one. As long as you don’t like in one of the few common law marriage states left, you will be financially better off if she decides to leave you.
        If you want the state sanctioned marriage for tax purposes a prenup is still useful a lot of the times provided its signed before the deposits/save the dates go out and you make her get a lawyer to review it.

        1. I don’t see any value in marriage myself, especially since I don’t want kids. I don’t think anyone should get married unless they want kids. Despite what (old) studies say, marriage is bad for your health. Also, you only have so much energy in your body; better to spend that on your career – your passions – than to squander it on an institution that will make you miserable and may destroy you. The “middle class” is staunchly matriarchal but I don’t know many highly intelligent people who’ve bought into the narrative (the only two that come to mind are old so I can forgive them as their judgments have formed in a different world). My motivation to make money: the higher up the ladder you climb, the less stupidity there is. Aside from that money matters little to me. Give me the oak tree and the clouds.

        2. “I don’t really feel sorry for Tiger or whatever multimillionaire that pays out. Its not like they can’t get by on the pile of money they have left.”
          I know what you’re saying and I don’t feel sorry for them either, especially if they cheated but I suppose it’s the principle of the thing.
          This is also true, especially since I’ve heard of cases of teens having to pay child support when they had sex with a 30 year old woman, when the woman really should be in jail. That’s the other option I’ve been considering; keeping the ceremony church-only, no state involved. I live in a common law state, but if we never do the marriage ceremony then we won’t be considered married no matter how long we live together.

        3. My understanding is divorce rape centres around child support payments. Once you live together your common law so… living with a woman long term is not plausible. Kepp a harem

        4. Common law only exists in I believe 7 states. So you can’t end up with a common law marriage unless you live in those states. If you break up with a woman after being together for 10 years and she doesn’t have a document then whats yours is your and what is hers is hers, and whatever you stuck in both your names will either be split 50/50 or whoever had the presence of mind to take first.
          Child support payments are indeed painful, and judges will even stuff alimony into child support payments which is particularly harsh because at least alimony is tax deductible. However, child support is capped, ends at 18, and to the extent you give up property is used to fulfill the child support obligation.

      3. The strength of a pre-nup is largely dependent on the jurisdiction where it is enforceable. In some states like MA, NJ, and FL they are not worth the paper on which it is written. These states generally require a pre-nup to be “fair”. Of course this is not determined until after the fact when divorce proceedings are pending. What might have been considered “fair” when you drew up the pre-nup may not be so when getting divorced the pre-nup was signed.
        Other reasons a pre-nup might get invalidity could be duress, fraud, or failure to disclose. Duress is usually bullshit but courts will use it to throw out pre-nups. To avoid this make sure to have your wife to be sign it way before your wedding day. Don’t drop it on her the week before and demand she sign it. Fraud is basically what it sounds like an varies greatly state to state on the actual legal definition. Failure to disclose a full and fair status of your financial situation can also be a reason to invalidate a pre-nup. Most state laws require both parties to disclose to each other all their income, assets, and debts. If you lie about having say a large student loan or are hiding a bank account with lots of money and she finds out later your pre-nup is dust.
        Always, always consult a good lawyer when drawing up a pre-nup. Don’t use some form off the internet or a small town attorney with no family law experience (he will use a form he gets out of a book and just charge you more anyhow). Find an attorney with a lot of family law experience in the state where the pre-nup is going to be enforced. He gets bonus points if any of his pre-nups have been upheld in a court.
        Of course you can avoid this all simply by not getting married.

        1. I figure I got a few years on me to decide whether or not I get married, so we’ll see. I’m gonna take your words down for future reference, thanks for the info.

    2. All true. Unless you grew up an emotionally healthy family, cut them out of your life entirely and as soon as possible and do not look back. If one or both or your parents is screwed up in the head, they have had a lifetime of experience at being screwed up. This means that like anything practiced over a lifetime they have become excellent at it. This includes emotionally manipulating the people around them to put up with their shit. People that are screwed up tend to be excellent manipulators and this goes double for dysfunctional parents.

  3. Brilliant writing, sir.
    I will never truly understand how great the gift was of having a father and a mother who both cared about me, and who each understood their proper place as man and woman.
    I spent my younger years as a foster parent, taking care of unwanted/abused kids. And it breaks my heart to know how many more unwanted, abused kids are made each day.
    Not much to do except fiddle whilst Rome burns.

  4. “First, the culture of divorce is rooted in narcissism & denial of psychological issues.”
    Actually, this is wrong. The culture of divorce is an outgrowth caused by the bastardization of the true meaning of a Christian marriage. That being one of ownership. This idea of 50-50 responsibility, child-rearing, and monogamy is the modern version.
    “Those two kids came into happiness when most American children won’t with today’s parenting”
    This is because many of today’s parents want to be their children’s friend NOT their parent. Being a true parent is difficult and most people are simply flat-out lazy and/or ignorant.

    1. poor parenting is a lack of maturity caused by having too much in the world around us… everything is so easy, so we’ve become sloppy and spoilt………. i’ve discovered in myself from having a child that point you made about wanting to be their friend… you can be their friend but only once they are an adult…. if you’ve done a 1/2 decent job as a parent then they won’t hate you…. that’s the reward… but of course in the consumer age, everyone wants the reward without doing the hard yards first….

  5. The Twilight Zone (the original from Rod Serling) was a brilliant show and addressed many themes about Humanity, and this ending episode dealing with divorce is just great.

  6. Good, solid article. Your individual mileage may vary, as always.
    My parents divorced when I was 7. I remember it all quite clearly, and maybe I was unusual in that I never blamed myself. I watched them argue back and forth, for hours – my father shouting and punching things, my mother shrieking at him. Somehow I just knew it was their damage that was causing it, but it still sucked having to go through it.
    I also remember intense feelings of ambivalence. The brain of a child is very underdeveloped in certain areas. Children are incapable of logic, so, naturally, a feeling like ambivalence is completely beyond their comprehension. I never hated either of my parents, and I still loved them, but I was upset and angry at them for their behavior. That’s complicated enough for an adult to resolve, I can only imagine how it can damage a child long-term.
    As an aside, and I don’t mean to be rude about this because it is a good article, but can we get some editing in our lives? I kept getting distracted by the ampersands and cut off sentences…

  7. “That assumes issues in a marriage stem merely from being matched with
    the wrong person. That is incredibly naïve & reeks of female
    delusions about how relationships work.”
    Ain’t that the truth. Of the divorced women that I have dated, and the ones I know and count as acquaintances and somewhat “friends”…they all say this. That they just “married the wrong person”.
    This is utter bullshit. At one point that man was the right person for you, I tell them. So what changed?

    1. My husband wants to divorce me, and if we do divorce, I can sum it up like this: “He couldn’t manage his ego and I couldn’t manage my stress.”

      1. so manage his ego better by sucking his cock and reduce your stress with 5 orgasms a day… IT IS THAT SIMPLE.

        1. You’d be surprised how close I came to doing exactly that! No “feminist” here, other than that I won’t throw my fellow females under the bus.

  8. Lawyers love people that get married. So do all the businesses that revolve around the marriage scam. Smart men dont get married, they live together up until the law in the state considers it to be a common law marriage , then move on. Marriage is for thirsty simp manginas.

  9. I liked this post. I grew up in a single mother home and can relate to a lot of it. Glad to be living in my own apartment. No interest in being a husband/father, In American culture, it’s the most thankless occupation a man can take on today.

    1. if I had a dollar for every mothers giving me “bang me” eyes while shopping with their husbands I would be mega rich…
      women today are conditioned to behave like Disney’s princesses so what’s the point?

      1. Yes I notice it too, I go shopping sometimes at mid day from irregular shifts, and you ain’t see horny women in america if you haven’t done this at a grcoery store, women stare you down, they are mostly older 40s late 30s maybe 50s, not really my age group but your right

  10. Reply

    Share ›
    Atlanta Man
    The Young Gun

    5 hours ago
    Religion is way more annoying, it fucked up the conservative intellectual high ground in policy making.


    Share ›
    Tom Dane
    Atlanta Man

    3 hours ago
    Nothing is more annoying than feminism. I could care less about any religion, those people do not bother me at all.


    Share ›

    9 hours ago
    As I have seen recently in
    abundance – people will actively try to suppress the mindset of taking
    control of your life, living with discipline and productivity in mind
    and especially if you choose to repel the conditioning society likes to
    ladle onto you.
    Articles like this remind me why I put up with it.


    Share ›

    9 hours ago
    thanks for this article, I found it kinda motivating. don’t listen to your negative press!


    Share ›

    10 hours ago
    It’s fucking hilarious that you
    posted this article when Roosh says things like “Oh I went to London and
    couldn’t get laid, there must be something seriously wrong with the
    women in London.”


    Share ›
    Tom Dane

    3 hours ago
    Dont think he said he couldnt get laid.


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    Tom Dane

    a few seconds ago

    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo
    dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, all the doo dah day. He was
    scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah, doo dah, scared of that big smelly
    cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the

  11. zxzxzx

    Share ›
    Atlanta Man
    The Young Gun

    5 hours ago
    Religion is way more annoying, it fucked up the conservative intellectual high ground in policy making.


    Share ›
    Tom Dane
    Atlanta Man

    3 hours ago
    Nothing is more annoying than feminism. I could care less about any religion, those people do not bother me at all.


    Share ›

    9 hours ago
    As I have seen recently in
    abundance – people will actively try to suppress the mindset of taking
    control of your life, living with discipline and productivity in mind
    and especially if you choose to repel the conditioning society likes to
    ladle onto you.
    Articles like this remind me why I put up with it.


    Share ›

    9 hours ago
    thanks for this article, I found it kinda motivating. don’t listen to your negative press!


    Share ›

    10 hours ago
    It’s fucking hilarious that you
    posted this article when Roosh says things like “Oh I went to London and
    couldn’t get laid, there must be something seriously wrong with the
    women in London.”


    Share ›
    Tom Dane

    3 hours ago
    Dont think he said he couldnt get laid.


    Share ›
    Tom Dane

    a few seconds ago

    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo
    dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, all the doo dah day. He was
    scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah, doo dah, scared of that big smelly
    cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the

  12. Reply

    Share ›
    Atlanta Man
    The Young Gun

    5 hours ago
    Religion is way more annoying, it fucked up the conservative intellectual high ground in policy making.


    Share ›
    Tom Dane
    Atlanta Man

    3 hours ago
    Nothing is more annoying than feminism. I could care less about any religion, those people do not bother me at all.


    Share ›

    9 hours ago
    As I have seen recently in
    abundance – people will actively try to suppress the mindset of taking
    control of your life, living with discipline and productivity in mind
    and especially if you choose to repel the conditioning society likes to
    ladle onto you.
    Articles like this remind me why I put up with it.


    Share ›

    9 hours ago
    thanks for this article, I found it kinda motivating. don’t listen to your negative press!


    Share ›

    10 hours ago
    It’s fucking hilarious that you
    posted this article when Roosh says things like “Oh I went to London and
    couldn’t get laid, there must be something seriously wrong with the
    women in London.”


    Share ›
    Tom Dane

    3 hours ago
    Dont think he said he couldnt get laid.


    Share ›
    Tom Dane

    a few seconds ago

    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo
    dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, all the doo dah day. He was
    scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah, doo dah, scared of that big smelly
    cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all thepdsaojfopsdjfposdjfposdjfpojsdpfojsdp

  13. Reply

    Share ›
    Atlanta Man
    The Young Gun

    5 hours ago
    Religion is way more annoying, it fucked up the conservative intellectual high ground in policy making.


    Share ›
    Tom Dane
    Atlanta Man

    3 hours ago
    Nothing is more annoying than feminism. I could care less about any religion, those people do not bother me at all.


    Share ›

    9 hours ago
    As I have seen recently in
    abundance – people will actively try to suppress the mindset of taking
    control of your life, living with discipline and productivity in mind
    and especially if you choose to repel the conditioning society likes to
    ladle onto you.
    Articles like this remind me why I put up with it.


    Share ›

    9 hours ago
    thanks for this article, I found it kinda motivating. don’t listen to your negative press!


    Share ›

    10 hours ago
    It’s fucking hilarious that you
    posted this article when Roosh says things like “Oh I went to London and
    couldn’t get laid, there must be something seriously wrong with the
    women in London.”


    Share ›
    Tom Dane

    3 hours ago
    Dont think he said he couldnt get laid.


    Share ›
    Tom Dane

    a few seconds ago

    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo
    dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, all the doo dah day. He was
    scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah, doo dah, scared of that big smelly
    cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all the doo dah day.
    Tom Dane is a fucking cunt, doo dah, doo dah, Tom Dane is a fucking
    cunt, all the doo dah day. He was scared of his mom’s cunt, doo dah,
    doo dah, scared of that big smelly cunt, all theSHITTER ROLL

  14. Marriage is simply NOT a good investment for men.
    Why invest in a company or institution with a 50% failure rate?
    How about an investment where the courts automatically award the primary asset (children) to one side 85% of the time. (Women receive primary custody 85%)
    How about an investment where the party that breaks the contract is awarded YOUR future earnings for the next decade or more. (93% of child support $32 Billion per year, flows only FROM MEN–TO WOMEN).
    How about an investment where all the monies paid to the party who broke the contract DOES NOT HAVE TO PAY TAX ON THE INCOME, RECORD THE INCOME, AND NOT REQUIRED TO USE INCOME FOR INTENDED PURPOSE. (No legal accountability for ‘child support’ income required to be used for the child, in any US state).
    And lastly, how about a CIVIL investment in a contract which is now enforced BY COURTS WITH NO JURIES, MEN WITH GUNS, LARGE BUILDINGS WITH BARBED WIRE, AND OVERSEEN BY RADICAL FEMINISTS.
    Good luck on that investment…

  15. Thanks to the author for putting in words the situation which affects many of us. While I don’t live in the US, the “western” world, that is, the colonies and dependencies of the US military-industrial complex, have taken over much of the anti-culture produced in the US propaganda outfits and culture is correspondingly affected.
    From the personal vantage I can confirm what is written in the article to 100%. I skipped country and continent because of the screwed-upness and manipulativeness of my parents, mainly my mother. I had gone to another city but was still within their reach. Haven’t spoken to any of them since about 20 years. That helped me to more or less put together a halfways stable life. One sister tried to kill herself, the others ran away from my mother’s in their early teens. I’ve never consciously thought that it was my fault that they divorced because both of them were basket cases despite a rather good social standing.
    Having such a family background makes anybody susceptible to falling into relationships with women who themselves are damaged, as a necessary consequence of hailing from such a background. The other ones you seldom understand or connect to.
    I eventually went on to get fucked badly by a toxic relation with a damaged goods lady, before having read manosphere material. Still don’t know how to fix this one.

  16. I’m gonna say this and hope it lands on right eyes. Feminists and libtards got perpetual need for social approval. It is an ego-stroking addiction that can be and have been successfully utilized.

  17. ” My parents had a horrid relationship in which I would spend much time in my room alone, playing with toys, reading & writing. My imagination took me places I could never go in real life. However, the call of your parents will always be there. You can only immerse yourself in your action figures or Legos for so long before the spell is broken by the barking of your mother. Part of the reaction to this episode is people who have no idea what it is like to be in this situation. It can be very tiring talking about this episode with people who constantly bang on about how creepy the grandmother figure is”
    Oh but I know what a rabbid-barking irrational mad mother sounds like

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