The following article was originally published on Roosh V.
I hope I have debunked the fantasy that a man can fly into any foreign country and easily find his dream girl within a short amount of time. The reality is that meeting foreign women can be just as laborious as meeting women in your own country, and that’s not including the monetary cost of travel. The rewards are far greater, of course, but traveling to an unknown land to develop a sexual and emotional connection with a woman who shares a completely different culture than you is no easy task, and should not be viewed as such.
It doesn’t help our cause that foreign women view us as a less worthy long-term partner than a local man. You may be wondering how can that be, with countless stories of mail-order brides and international couples meeting on the internet, but there are several points to consider.
A foreign girl in her prime can get top local guys
There is no need for a hot 21-year-old Russian girl to pursue a long-term relationship with an American man who doesn’t speak Russian, doesn’t have local connections, and doesn’t have any long-term roots instead of dating a high-value Russian man that she can easily get. Even in the poorest countries of the world, the most beautiful women have multiple strong options, and when you get into the 8 and 9 beauty range, you will find it quite challenging to maintain a relationship with her since she has so many high-value local men in her orbit.
Let’s do an example. Say that you studied Spanish in high school and later as an adult met a Colombian girl who moved to your city. She speaks no English. She is quite pretty, but not higher than what you can normally get. You begin dating her and appreciate her feminine qualities and exotic nature, but local girls above her beauty range still give you tons of attention, while the emotional connection with the Colombian is stunted because of not being able to communicate properly with her. How long will you date the Colombian for the novelty factor before easing back into your previous routine?
Purely sexual relationships are easy to create but hard to maintain
It’s not that difficult to have sex with a foreign girl who happens to be interested in foreign men. If she’s never met an American man before, and you approach her with good game, she may put out for you much faster than the local guy. This sexual experience will be very valuable to her, but then the reality of the situation will hit: a relationship with a foreign guy isn’t that great. He’s isolated from the local scene and probably doesn’t have a car or other badges of high value. He doesn’t have a local sense of humor, doesn’t share an interest in local movies and music, and doesn’t have much going on besides having a job, a fact that is less important since her standard of living is ever increasing.
Even worse, speaking in English all the time is tiring. A girl wants a relaxing or exciting relationship, not one where she has to exert her brain, and if the girl is pretty enough, she can get a guy on your level who not only is from her culture, but speaks the language and has more local “perks” that add weight to the relationship. Therefore it’s very rare that relationships in my experience last more than two months with a high-value young girl. She will fuck my brains out for that time and then move on to something more suitable for her needs.
Lower value foreign girls are more willing to pursue relationships
If I’m an 8 out of 10 in a foreign country and date a young girl who is also an 8, the relationship won’t last long. She’ll get tired or bored and move on to easily date a local guy. But the lower value a girl is (e.g. a 6), the more likely she will try to lock me down. The reason for this is simple: she can not get a local guy in the 8 range, so I am the best she’s ever likely to get. The fact that I’m not local is a lower concern than the fact that I’m the highest value she can land based on her lower beauty level.
If you have low or modest standards, establishing a relationship with foreign girls can be quite easy and pleasurable. She will see you as a long-term partner and not get bored after a month or two. She won’t stray or give you bullshit. She may even start to increase her English studies to prepare for a lifelong partnership with you. Let that sink in for a second: she’s ready to throw her own language and culture under the bus to be with a man who is the highest in value she’s been able to get.
Slightly older women have given up on local men
Another potential avenue in your search are women who are 25 and older. If a woman in a place like Eastern Europe or South America is single at this age, she is becoming desperate for a man and wants to secure the highest value she can. Even if she was a 9 in her youth, she will now be accessible to the foreign man for a long-term relationship, simply because she has failed with the local men due to being deficient in some way.
The 8 or 9 who wouldn’t want a relationship with you when she was 21 and getting tons of attention from local men will now strongly consider marrying you at 28 when all that attention has dried up and you are her best option (does that strategy sound familiar to you?). Unfortunately for me, I do not enjoy the company of women over 25, so I try to limit my dealings with them, but this would be a target pool to select from especially since they’re done fucking around and desperately want to start a family. As long as you don’t mind being cock number twenty while having to wait for sex much longer than the sexy Spanish man she met during her last trip to Majorca, she’s all yours.
When it comes to my dealings with foreign women, I follow this prescription:
If a girl is high value (young and very beautiful), extract as many instances of sex from her as possible and enjoy the ride.
The reason is because I know I won’t be able to hold onto her for more than a couple months before she starts to crave a local guy. If she wants to try to lock me down, she can, and I wouldn’t mind a mini-relationship with her, but she has so many options from a respectful local pool that I am satisfied at only having the short-term sexual rewards, especially at my advanced age.
If a girl is merely cute or pretty, I could pursue a relationship knowing that I could definitely fuck better, but possibly not maintain a relationship with better, simply due to the fact that my value as a foreign guy has limitations that aren’t an issue in my home country.
In the end, it’s important to be realistic. Just like how I’ve stated that getting foreign women can entail a lot of work, we have to also understand that we won’t be able to easily wife up the best of what any country has to offer. I’m not upset at this for two reasons: (1) I’m not willing to put the additional work in raising my local value to keep the highest quality girls, and (2) The quality I’m able to get for medium-term relationships is solid even if it’s not the absolute top, and going higher would not bring me a large increase in happiness or satisfaction due to passing the point of diminishing return.
If there’s anything I’ve learned through living abroad for over five years, it’s that beautiful women everywhere—even in dirt poor countries—have options. They don’t have the immediate need to throw themselves on a sexy Westerner who has a marginal backstory that doesn’t include permanent local roots. But thankfully, foreign women are almost always better than American women, so I’m definitely not losing any sleep at the problems that my international pursuits contain.
Read Next: “You Can’t Get Laid In The United States”
How come this site has been recycling articles from Roosh’s website lately? Running out of material?
This sites overall articles have been declining drastically. I feel as though I’m reading a propaganda website. I miss when articles were clearly thought out, self developmental, and unique. Now everything is being recycled and just vomit towards feminists. We are giving these women the attention they so desire instead of bettering ourselves and the men around us.
Hey, bro! See the “Submissions” button at the top of the page? It’s pretty self-explanatory.
I have no interest in writing for this website, I’ve tried many times and no longer wish to do so! I would say the decline started when Tuth and LD stopped writing as frequent, and ChristianMcQueen started his own projects. Hopefully things change!
McQueen kept it quiet from his readers that he got married last year and some of his PUA “techniques” can get you arrested if the woman turns on you. She might even carry a mattress around campus to protest being butt raped by you without her consent.
It was proven that the opportunistic mattress-carrying cunt continued to let him tear asshole on her after she cried rape for attention. Subpoenaed text exchanges showed this.
Oh, we knew it was bullshit and most of us at ROK suspected she has mental issues, but feminists have shamelessly exploited this disturbed woman.
Writing an article isnt as simple as submitting a polished word should be.
Wow so then a serial rapist! Is she going to have to drag the couch around too?
It’s the argument of quality vs quantity, and commercialism is wholly geared to the latter… which is why 40+ million toyota corolla’s have been manufactured and sold to date while only 106 Mclaren F1’s were ever built.
Because I want to.
Case closed!
Half of the reason for doing anything……..the other half being because you can.
Them that has, does! lol
Tell us about Denmark and the Jante code again and how you cured your blue balls.
Roosh reposting articles from his other sites once in a while is smart. It allows him to bring additional content to ROK, and it helps connect readers to those other sites. For example, I primarily read ROK, and I glance at some of the articles on Reaxxion, but I don’t often make it over to RooshV. I never would have read this article if it hadn’t been reposted here. I’m sure that there are guys who read ROK but don’t go to Reaxxion, because Reaxxion is mainly about video games. However, Reaxxion sometimes has red pill articles that ROK’s readers might find interesting, and so it makes sense to repost the article here.
Because most of us dont read Roosh’s website
Disagree with most of this. As an american I can only say you’re going to do better with women the further away from america you get, culturally or geographically. If you live overseas for 5 years, you’re going to encounter some cold reverse culture shock from american women when you come home.
I will have to see how this all plays out. If I don’t wife-up and return to Toronto empty handed, I don’t know if that will be negative or positive given how multi-cultural the city is. Strangely, before actually moving to China, I has a string of Chinese girlfriends. About 10% of Toronto is Chinese but IDGAF, I like black and indian chicks and I have nothing against latinos but that has never been my thing.
“women who are 25 and older + If a woman in a place like Eastern Europe or South America”
-> After living in south america for 6 years now i can say that the local girld do age terribly. They are smoking hot by the age of 15 (yes that young), still great by the age of 20 but by 22 to 23 they tend to look a lot like 28-32 year old white girls.
By the age of 25 it is more like 35+ in white standards and it gets downhill fast from there on. No joke.
A single woman from S.A. who is single with no children by the age of 25 is in panic mode. If you take such a deal you better prepare to have 3 children within 5 years and a wife who will look like her mother within the same time frame.
I completely disagree with you. I don’t know where you’ve been in South America, but I’m from Brazil and I can surely say that american women age really worse. I was alarmed by seeing that 25 year-old Americans look like 40-year old Brazilians.
EDIT: In other countries, I really don’t know. You may be right, specially in more indigenous countries like Venezuela, Colombia, etc.
In the US most white women at 40 are deep into botox treatments. Women with darker features age more gracefully. Their faces are less likely to get that sun damaged weathered look which causes the premature aging.
American indians and Australian Aboriginees dark skin doesn’t help them much
I guess african genes matter more than skin color.
Africans look like shit from birth. LOL
I mean the resistance to the sun. Not all genes are about appearance, you know.
Well according to most ROK and Roosh forum members,Asian women age the best of all and many of them have skin as white as some white people.
You need to keep to the north if you like white skin. I don’t have any experience with LBFM types but I can certainly see the appeal. Riddle me this, Batman, how old is she?
34! That is Chinese for you.
They look a decade younger.
jealous much?
East Asian women age very, very well. But when that day finally comes… that inevitable day when age catches up with them… holy balls, it catches up all at once.
You have a point. First you are dating Zhang Ziyi and next thing you know you are dating fucking Yoda.
From Nanchang/Shanghai.×1024.jpg
we totally cant sence your inferiority complex
Try coming up with something original rather than just regurgitating what you heard some white guy say about blacks. (which is actually a correct diagnosis for most blacks)
no,the undertone is different and the skin is thicker.south euros and eastasians have an olive undertone to their skin,and even when whitest of white will look milky/pearly instead of sickly.north-east euros have a pink/grey undertone to their skin and lack sufficient ability to produce melanin in the presence of the lifegiver.this si bcause theya re Dravidian albinos that moved to central asia toe scape the UV rays of india.whites definately did not evolve in ice age northern europe as:
1.the place was filled with glaciers,and only south spain was inhabitable during the ice age.
2.they would have got snowburn!notice eskimos and siberians ,they are DARK tan people!snow reflects more UV!thats why people tan so deep in the alps !
Actually Nilotics age the best out of all human groups and have the best skin genetics.eastasians only ”appear”to age the best because of their neotenized features.but that is the case in any race ,regardless of skin quality..look at Alizee the singer,she looks 15 but is like 30 yrs old or older…she ahs alpine youthfull has little to do with their skin quality.whites age so bad because of bad skin quality,lack of melanin(wich is the mammalian equivelant of chloryphyll in plants),and the fact they look like Birds….hell even the Japanese used tot hink caucasians Were monsters called Tengu and Oni from their shinto beliefs .these are bird monsters and ghouls.
”northeuro whites”are actually pink not white.the only true ”whites”are south euros and northeast asians.their skin a ctually looks pearly white when untanned.white skin is just pink or grey in the case of the scots.
My chinese coworker said similar for the Chinese. That the darker skinned people were often found in the outer (country) areas and less appealing due to the notion of lighter skin being the standard of beauty. And working outdoors obviously tans the skin…
You get the outdoor/indoor thing but really it most mostly genetic. As I said, you have the LBFMs but they seem to have a down scale quality about them.
Ah, I see. Yes I had that general idea about the LBFMs.
Well the little picaninnies are sort of cute. Just like baby chimps lol
Those Orientals you refer to are just an offshoot of the original Caucasian race and many are whiter than the average white.
Even in the Chinese winter? lol It’s genetic
She looks like a 40yo crack ho. You can only fool the little boys on here who get an impression but you can’t fool older men who have seen how women age.I can point out things that you wouldn’t even notice. And since you said she is 34 I can show you average 34yo white girls who look younger. Most of you boys must live around the lower classes who look like crap at any age because 34 is not old at all. In fact it’s a young woman if she’s white and not from Tobacco Rd.
She’s Corsican and she looks like an average white female at 30.
I dated a pharmacist and she mentioned that they were a bunch of alcoholics because they actually understood what the drugs did; the MDs were the dope fiends. WTF are you on, Doc? You appear out of nowhere with a bunch of nonsense posts that I tried to deal with in a civil fashion but now you are being completely delusional. I mean 40, seriously?
And skinny does not equal “crack ho”. She is 5’5″ and maybe 110 pounds. Her measurements are 36-24-35, virtually perfect. Her family is upscale and because, a year ago, I did not own real estate and was not pulling in 100k a year, she took a pass.
I am 48 years old and not some pup so you are in no position to lecture me based on experience. If anything, you sound like a bitter, lonely old man who is trying to tear everyone else down.
They say that if a person is even 1 standard deviation above another in IQ that the dumber one will think the smarter one is dumb. That’s your problem kid and you’re so clueless you don’t even get it.
I clock in at 138 and anyone over 130 is increasingly disconnected from reality. All of the greatest military, political and business leaders have IQs around the 130 mark. Philosophers, rocket scientists and pedants might score higher, but they have their head so far up their arse that they can’t tell Johnny Lunchbox anything about how he should live his life.
You spoke to one of the pharmacy technicians drug stores have today which is quite different that ‘going out’ with the pharmacist who earns at least $100k. Did you learn all of this from that technician who studied a few weeks to work as a helper at a drug store? I know quite a few female pharmacists and none are compulsive drinkers and most are good looking.
I don’t give a damn about your age and you likely look like crap for a 48 yo. There are plenty of 48yo pyjama boys and losers on the net.
And if that female told you she was 34 she’s lying. She’s easily 38 and has that lower class look which means she’s worthless as a mate.
Yeah, on the Net everyone is a rocket scientist. lol
In one article here about law ( I also have a law degree) I wrote a couple of things. Suddenly everone claimed to be a lawyer but couldn’t understand even the simplist things about law that I wrote lolYou and the other negroes on here are just butthurt because only the fat
trailer park white girls will even talk to you.Females are smart and
know that the negro man isn’t shit and is considered the bottom of the
barrel in the public mind and that even being around one will lower
people’s opinion of them and make it hard to get a quality white man.
no such thing as a ‘latina’ unless you’re referring to the aryans of
ancient Rome and it’s just some word made up like ‘hispanic’ by the US
government. No white person from any of the south American countries
that they rule would ever use the term ‘latina’. These terms are only
used by the mixed race people.You negro boys should just confine your
choice in a female to those ghetto mamas and stop with these delusions
of grandeur about getting a mixed race ‘rican or whatever.Stick to what you know, the ‘hood.
You started the crap by basically claiming that you were a standard deviation above everyone else, which is why everyone thinks you are an idiot. Maybe you are just an idiot.
I remember that thread. You never practiced law and I don’t think you were even called to the bar. I spent 4 years in the trenches as a divorce attorney but also did commercial, entertainment, personal injury and a bunch of other things.
I have already said that I am a middle class white guy but I don’t do trailer parks. I have had stunners who were black, white and asian.
You strike me as being a racist cunt. You are down on asian girls, you are down on blacks, you and down on latinos. What is your fucking damage, Doc?
She was studying her pharm D at the time and last time I checked she married another pharmacist and they own and operate a drug store in northern Ontario. What she said was tongue-in-cheek, which should be obvious to any sane person.
I generally pass for mid-30s. And you apparently do give a damn about age because you keep referring to little boys and such.
Opinions are like assholes: everyone has one. But yours are particularly odious and uninformed.
You still can’t read and if they ever did let you into college it was as an affirmative action student. I said that even a person one standard deviation etc I guess that you don’t understand the word EVEN which tells me that you’re not a lawyer, I did not say that I was one standard deviation above average because I’m three.You can bullshit the other nignogs and lower trash whites on here but I can see right through you and so can my 21yo assistant Dr Danilova. We’ll be releasing our data on the demographics and class of this and other sites soon.
Practise your reading dummy.
So now she was just studying haha That’s like saying a person is studying medicine and is still in college at the pre med level.
She sounds like a moron to me, just the sort who would even talk to a dummy like you.
You have any more clichés because we’re all out of them here lol
“Africans look like shit from birth”
Great… some of them are muscular. It’s a shame the entire effing race hasn’t invented, discovered, explored, or conceived a damn thing of use to the world. Hadn’t even invented the wheel when Africa was discovered/explored by Europeans.
Her thighs are a little too skinny, but she is hot!
1 Speech
The first words by humans were spoken by Africans.
”Using statistical methods to estimate the time required to achieve the current spread and diversity in modern languages today, Johanna Nichols — a linguist at the University of California, Berkeley — argues that vocal language must have arisen in our species at least 100,000 years ago. Using phonemic diversity, a more recent analysis offers directly linguistic support for a similar date. Estimates of this kind are independently supported by genetic, archaeological, palaeontological and much other evidence suggesting that language probably emerged somewhere in sub-Saharan Africa during the Middle Stone Age, roughly contemporaneous with the speciation of Homo sapiens.”
In 1999, Archaeology Magazine reported that the earliest Egyptian hieroglyphs date back to 3400 BCE which “…challenge the commonly held belief that early logographs, pictographic symbols representing a specific place, object, or quantity, first evolved into more complex phonetic symbols in Mesopotamia.”
Who were these original Egyptians?
The Greek historian Herodotus.. described the Colchians of the Black Sea shores as “Egyptians by race” and pointed out they had “black skins and kinky hair.”
Apollodorus, the Greek philosopher, described Egypt as “the country of the black-footed ones” and the Latin historian Ammianus Marcellinus said “the men of Egypt are mostly brown or black with a skinny desiccated look.”
In his book ‘Egypt’, British scholar Sir E.A. Wallis Budge says: “The prehistoric native of Egypt, both in the old and in the new Stone Ages, was African and there is every reason for saying that the earliest settlers came from the South.” He further states: “There are many things in the manners and customs and religions of the historic Egyptians that suggests that the original home of their prehistoric ancestors was in a country in the neighborhood of Uganda and Punt [present day Somalia].”
”Greek historian Diodorus Siculus devoted an entire chapter of his world history, the Bibliotheke Historica, or Library of History (Book 3), to the Kushites [“Aithiopians”] of Meroe. Here he repeats the story of their great piety, their high favor with the gods, and adds the fascinating legend that they were.. the founders of Egyptian civilization, invented writing, and had given the Egyptians their religion and culture.”
(1st century B.C., Diodorus Siculus of Sicily, Greek historian and contemporary of Caesar Augustus, Universal History Book III. 2. 4-3. 3)
To summarise:
“Ancient Egypt was a Negro civilisation. The history of Black Africa will remain suspended in the air and cannot be written correctly until African historians connect it with the history of Egypt. The African historian who evades the problem of Egypt is neither modest nor objective nor unruffled. He is ignorant, cowardly and neurotic. The ancient Egyptians were Negroes. The moral fruit of their civilisation is to be counted among the assets of the Black world.”
– Cheikh Anta Diop, The African Origin of Civilisation.
3 Medicine
”The earliest known surgery was performed in Egypt around 2750 BC…. The Ebers papyrus (1550 BC) is full of incantations and foul applications meant to turn away disease-causing demons, and also includes 877 prescriptions. It may also contain the earliest documented awareness of tumors..
Homer (800 BC) remarked in the Odyssey: “In Egypt, the men are more skilled in medicine than any of human kind” and “the Egyptians were skilled in medicine more than any other art”. The Greek historian Herodotus visited Egypt around 440 BC and wrote extensively of his observations of their medicinal practices. Pliny the Elder also wrote favourably of them in historical review. Hippocrates (the “father of medicine”wink, Herophilos, Erasistratus and later Galen studied at the temple of Amenhotep, and acknowledged the contribution of ancient Egyptian medicine to Greek medicine.
4 Architecture
The African empire of Egypt developed a vast array of diverse structures and great architectural monuments along the Nile, among the largest and most famous of which are the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphinx of Giza
The pyramids, which were built in the Fourth Dynasty, testify to the power of the pharaonic religion and state. They were built to serve both as grave sites and also as a way to make their names last forever. The size and simple design show the high skill level of Egyptian design and engineering on a large scale. The Great Pyramid of Giza, which was probably completed c. 2580 BC, is the oldest and largest of the pyramids, and is the only surviving monument of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The pyramid of Khafre is believed to have been completed around 2532 BC, at the end of Khafre’s reign.
5 Mathematics
The invention of mathematics is placed firmly in African PRE-HISTORY
”The oldest known possibly mathematical object is the Lebombo bone, discovered in the Lebombo mountains of Swaziland and dated to approximately 35,000 BC. It consists of 29 distinct notches cut into a baboon’s fibula. Also prehistoric artifacts discovered in Africa and France, dated between 35,000 and 20,000 years old [respectively], suggest early attempts to quantify time.
The Ishango bone, found near the headwaters of the Nile river (northeastern Congo), may be as much as 20,000 years old and consists of a series of tally marks carved in three columns running the length of the bone. Common interpretations are that the Ishango bone shows either the earliest known demonstration of sequences of prime numbers or a six month lunar calendar.
Also, Predynastic Egyptians of the 5th millennium BC pictorially represented geometric designs.
”Numeral systems have been many and diverse, with the first known written numerals created by Egyptians in Middle Kingdom texts such as the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus.
The earliest uses of mathematics were in trading, land measurement, painting and weaving patterns and the recording of time. More complex mathematics did not appear until around 3000 BC, when the Egyptians and Babylonians began using arithmetic, algebra and geometry for taxation and other financial calculations, for building and construction, and for astronomy”
6 Mining of minerals
The oldest known mine on archaeological record is the “Lion Cave” in Swaziland, which radiocarbon dating shows to be about 43,000 years old. Much later on, the Africans of Egypt mined malachite….Quarries for turquoise and copper were also found at “Wadi Hamamat, Tura, Aswan and various other Nubian sites”..The gold mines of Nubia were among the largest and most extensive in the world, and are described by the Greek author Diodorus Siculus. He mentions that fire-setting was one method used to break down the hard rock holding the gold. One of the complexes is shown in one of earliest known maps. They crushed the ore and ground it to a fine powder before washing the powder for the gold dust.
7 Iron Smelting
Iron smelting is a form of extractive metallurgy; its main use is to produce a metal from its ore. This includes production of silver, iron, copper and other base metals from their ores. Smelting uses heat and a chemical reducing agent to decompose the ore, driving off other elements as gasses or slag and leaving just the metal behind.
Early iron smelting:
”Where and how iron smelting was discovered is widely debated, and remains uncertain due to the significant lack of production finds.. [but] there is a further possibility of iron smelting and working in West Africa by 1200 BC. In addition, very early instances of carbon steel were found to be in production around 2000 years before the present in northwest Tanzania, based on complex preheating principles. These discoveries are significant for the history of metallurgy.”
8 Religion
Greek historian Diodorus Siculus. From his own statements we learn that he traveled in Egypt around 60 BC. His travels in Egypt probably took him as far south as the first Cataract.He wrote about the ”Ethiopians” south of Egypt.
“They further write that it was among them that people were first taught to honor the gods and offer sacrifices and arrange processions and festivals and perform other things by which people honor the divine. For this reason their piety is famous among all men, and the sacrifices among the Aithiopians are believed to be particularly pleasing to the divinity,”
9 Laws
Stephanus of Byzantium, who is said to represent the opinions of the most ancient Greeks, says:
“Ethiopia was the first established country on the earth, and the Ethiopians were the first who introduced the worship of the Gods and who established laws.”
Quoted by John D. Baldwin, Prehistoric Nations, p. 62.
10 International Trade
In 1825, Arnold Hermann Heeren (1760-1842), Professor of History and Politics in the University of Gottengen and one of the ablest of the early exponents of the economic interpretation of history, published, in the fourth and revised edition of his great work Ideen Uber Die Politik, Den Verkehr Und Den Handel Der Vornehmsten Volker Der Alten Weld, a lengthy essay on the history, culture, and commerce of the ancient Ethiopians, which had profound influence on contemporary writers in the conclusion that it was among these ancient Black people of Africa and Asia that international trade was first developed. He thinks that as a by-product of these international contacts there was an exchange of ideas and cultural practices that laid the foundations of the earliest civilizations of the ancient world. Heeren in his researches says: “From the remotest times to the present, the Ethiopians [ancient name for blacks south of the Sahara] have been one of the most celebrated, and yet the most mysterious of nations. In the earliest traditions of nearly all the..civilized nations of antiquity, the name of this distant people is found. The annals of the Egyptian priests are full of them, and the nations of inner Asia, on the Euphrates and Tigris, have interwoven the fictions of the Ethiopians with their traditions of the wars and conquests of their heroes; and, at a period equally remote, they glimmer in Greek mythology. When the Greeks scarcely knew Italy and Sicily by name, the Ethiopians were celebrated in the verses of their poets, and when the faint gleam of tradition and fable gives way to the clear light of history, the lustre of the Ethiopians is not diminished.”
11 Philosophy
Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Philosophy is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational argument.
Philosophy in Africa has a rich and varied history, dating from pre-dynastic Egypt, continuing through the birth of Christianity and Islam. Arguably central to the ancients was the conception of “ma’at”, which roughly translated refers to “justice”, “truth”, or simply “that which is right”. One of the earliest works of political philosophy was the Maxims of Ptah-Hotep, which were taught to Egyptian schoolboys for centuries…Ancient Egyptian philosophers made extremely important contributions to Hellenistic philosophy, Christian philosophy, and Islamic philosophy.
”Ancient Egyptian philosophy has been credited by the ancient Greeks as being the beginning of philosophy”.
12 Art
The oldest art objects in the world—a series of tiny, drilled snail shells about 75,000 years old—were discovered in a South African cave.
Might be the sun..really accelerates skin aging.
Exactly. Sun takes its toll on white women. Look at scandinavians, for example.
Yes, that’s really the reason white women age badly. They’re out in the sun all the fucking time trying to get tan, which kills their skin. Why? It’s easier to spot blemishes on light skin than on dark skin. Another reason white women are trying to get a tan is because they eat terrible, nutrient-less shit all the time. Lack of nutrients makes the skin look sickly, and the tan is to cover this up. Your skin tone changes based on health. For example, carotenoids can give the skin a healthy glow that studies show people prefer over a suntan.
They look great for their age so apparently you’ve never been anywhere. And although the summer days are long there the sun is at a lower angle and not overhead as in central Africa or close to the equator.
This tanning craze of the lower class white women will go and we’ll be back to a peaches and cream complexion soon as the ideal for females.
A buddy of mine got into a marriage of convenience with a Brazilian woman several years older. About 15 years or so on, they are still going strong. She is pushing 60 – 60! – and is still a lot hotter than girls half her age.
Most North American women age like milk.
17 year old white girl. case closed.
I was a teacher and here are some of my Chinese students. It is a fucking miracle that I am not in jail now.
Teacher is respected job title held in high esteem in china right? Unlike the US where the students have no respect. You probably have cute girls intentionally drop their stuff on the floor right in front of your feet just so they can bend over and “accidentally” grab onto to your leg. Enjoy it while you can mate.
17? She look no less than 25 at least
Within my little world, being the “lao wai” (respected foreigner) works. If you want to wife up then you need a side gig because being a teacher – specifically an English teacher – does not have a lot of social credit.
As far as the students are concerned, I will finish a lecture then they come up to me – mostly the girls – to get my autograph. I kid you fucking not. They want to have their pictures taken with me and such. Here is an example: little Asian girl eating sausage. A recipe for disaster if ever their was one.
Yeah, it’s a singer named Lorde. South Park parodied her by saying she was really a 38 year old male geologist (Randy Marsh). Actually I think shes 17 now, so who knows in that photo she could be even younger haha. I can’t imagine how bad she’ll look in 15 years.
Couldn’t you get away with it, though? Or you think not?
How was it for you when you were there, you hooked up with some number of ladies?
I started out teaching grade 12 and AP courses in business subjects like accounting and economics. That was with a private high school in Canada and the students tended to be at least 18 years old. The flurry of pics a couple posts up were all students of mine while I was still in Canada.
What’s happened as I teach more ESL and less business is that my employer keeps putting me with younger students in the 14 to 16 year range, which just aint gonna happen.
I am currently working in Jinan, which is kind of provincial. Unless I really improve my Chinese it is difficult to run game here because most of the girls have poor English, and for similar reasons there are not a lot online. (However, just around the corner from my apartment is what is called Da Xue Chang, or “University Square”: a collection of stores, restaurants and karaoke bars. There are no less than 5 universities in walking distance and the place is always teeming with 18 to 24 year olds. . . who don’t speak Enlgish, lol)
I am currently dating a 26 year old who I met online. I have made enough connections that friends of friends are willing to introduce me to single girls who run from mid-twenties to early 30s. The other option is to land a post-secondary position such as this:
I had an interview lined up for the critical thinking position but they ended up cancelling the program for that semester so I accepted the job here in Jinan.
It was much different in Shanghai. Sometimes I scored; usually I didn’t. I never found a steady girlfriend in Shanghai, just he occasional ONS. More people speak English and simply by using OKCupid I could get a new date every weekend, again generally mid-20s to early 30s. Of course, “early 30s” in China looks like this.
She’s an odd looking girl but she’ll improve with age. And since I’m 3x your age I have a lot of experience in how females age.
Only the last one who looks more white is decent looking of all of those stock pics.
High esteem if you have a Phd not some half arsed language teacher.
The first few are Facebook pics. The last girl is a part time model who is a complete sweetheart, but of course a professional shot will look better.
Great reply & very interesting. Interesting pic, too. Thanks.
And just to brag a bit, the middle one is in my trophy book.
You have the discipline of a saint, my friend.
Eh I dated a Columbian 30 year old and she looked to me like a college girl from back home (USA). I think Latinas age far, far better than white girls. The only exception may be in old age, like 50+, a lot of latina women just look old and haggard, but then again they spent their whole lives cooking and cleaning and taking care of their man 🙂
Some say it is the skin but it wasn’t just that. She had the perky tits and fit body of a 20 year old, probably the overall looks of a 23 year old or so. I would post a pic to show but don’t know how to upload my own pics to Disqus.
Try harder – we obviously need to see pictures.
Yes, this is what I’m saying. The distribution of fat is also really important. In white girls, the fat goes to the belly, so even healthy girls have a belly of the size of their asses! For me, it’s just weird. I’m used to girls with big asses and small waist. Moreover, latinas eat better and exercise more. The older they are, the difference becomes more evident. But I think white girls have prettier faces.
He’ll show you some of his white girl fantasy pics lol
Thanks for this… whatever the fuck it has to do with anything.
South america, women, looks and age:
It strongly depends on where you look and what race we are talking about.
In general the more “indio” is mixed in – the faster they age.
Brazil killed most of their indios long ago and is thus different than the eastern parts or argentina or the whole of paraguay where a lot of indigenas or half-indigenas (guaranii indios) can be found for example.
The other factor that counts for a LOT is wealth. It costs money to age well. And I am not talking plastic surgery here (even though a 40yo with fake boobs is a whole different world than a 40yo with saggy sacks) – I am mostly refering to FOOD.
Poor people eat junk food, worse than burgerking junk food.
In addition they have terrible to no education and do not even know about vitamins/nutrients/calories and such. This is vital for any woman who wants to keep her looks past 30 or else they get fat fast.
The worst are these who grew up poor with not enough to eat.
They may look great (haha starving has its benefits!) at first and will be your willing slave; but the moment they get to know the “good life” where you just open the fridge and there is all sorts of foods…they will eat. And eat.
And then eat some more, because they do not know if tomorrow they will have something to eat too. But with you and your western-lifestyle and money the food will never end – the result quickly shows.
Aren’t indigenous Americans genetically similar to Asians so the stereotype would go that they age less fast at least in the beginning?
Sugar too. Some can’t even afford fast food and fill up on pure sugar products or rice, bread. Low protein, pure carb diets for some of the extremely poor.
They may be genetically similar, but boy do they age like shit in general, and are not attractive at all as compared to Northeast Asians, but that’s my opinion.
It’s all genetic so stop the childish bullshit.These Indian types looked like crap when they were still eating cornmeal tacos.
American females start showing weariness and aging by nine years old these days.
I can support this statement with a recommendation to google Brazilian grandmothers beauty pagent. All the contestants are biological grandmothers (not step grandmothers) and are in their upper 40s through their 50s. The competition was in Brazilian bikinis of the smallest possible size.
Try that in the ‘hood with 28yo grandmas and see what they look like.
The good looking Brazilians are all European and are no different than in the US Europeans.
Give me your postal code in Brazil and then tell me where you’ve been in the US.
Most Mestizas don’t age well at all. For beauty there’s like a window of opportunity with them between the ages of 16 to 24, after that it is downhill fast.
thats because of white blood.Afropean women age worse than full black women too.nilotics probabely age the best out of all races on earth.
No it’s due to Indian genes.Show me a pure native American Indian woman that would be considered universally attractive. I eagerly wait your failure to do so.
I’d ask the same for blacks in Africa but there are no pure blacks. Even the bushmen and pygmies have admixture from ancient back migrating Eurasians. Most will point to east Africa such as Ethiopia and Somalia for examples of black beauty, this makes sense being they are the most admixed with caucasoid cranial facial morphology.
all euros have black admix at 1%(and 50 % if you consider Cushites black,as E1b1b is a cushitic marker,aka meds are mulattos as a result of cushitic rape of cromagnon women)
just like all mongolians have caucasoid admix at insignificant levels yet they look 100% mongoloid.1 or 2 % admix doesnt affect phenotype,helle ven 20 % rarely affects facial features or phenotype!
but here
Ethios are ugly jewish looking mofos.Westafricans are much prettier,especially Fulani,wolof,Mandinke women with their tall bodies and curves,and exotic fine but full facial features.Namibian women are also naturally goodlooking.most ethios look black btw,they have full lips and rounded noses.if anything white women who look good have ”ethnic”features…rounder faces,flatter maxillas,almond shaped tilted eyes,wide set eyes,shorter and less birdlike noses usually rounded…full lips..rounded cheekboens etc
if youw ant to see a pure caucasoid type look no further than armenians!the fact is any race that has an extremity in features looks ugly(armenids,arabids,nordids,tronders for caucasians,tungids for asians,negrids for blacks).baltid and alpine women are the prettiest white women and they have psuedo negroid and eastasian
the challenge is stupid because ”pure”native americans dont exist anymore outside of a handfull of isolated uncontacted tribes in the jungle,even the most chinky looking mayan has some low levels of iberian admixture.I can direct you to pred native american women with no phenotypical infleunce from their african or euro side..
native americans have tons of subraces and variety of looks…north euros are also part protomongoloid…one can play the same stupid game and post a 100% nordid ,bird nosed norse woman and claim her beauty is ebcause of the 1 % protomongoloid or finnic mix!
itss annoying and predictable game with stormfroncels.
btw,somalia is not admixed.its the other way around.middle easterners and mediterreneans are mixed with fact the Med race started as a result of a mass rape sepctacle 20k yrs ago in iberia by cushitic males and cavewomen cromagnids.its actually caucasians that have african features than vice versa.ethiopians have Sabaean DNA but Yemenis are desert adapted ethiopians and not caucasians.go to Yemen,do they look white to you?lol
They do exist in the Amazon where I now reside. Your dilemma is to produce an example of one that would be considered universally attractive. And as predicted you have returned empty handed. Northern Europeans do not have mongoloid admixture. Mongoloids branched from caucasoids not the other way around
Negroes get that greyish look at a young age. Take a look at Obama and he’s 1/2 white.
I have to agree & can say similiar for many Peruvians. Not a lot of difference.
Its genetics, if you look at the diabetes rate in the us you ca actually map out every indian reservation. For some reason natives are blacks are more prone(havent checked out statistics on other races).
The Thrifty gene
I looked at that but it doesnt seem plausible. Northern europeans had to go through the hardship of winter while people near the equator have ripe food and gamr all year round.
These assholes banned me. Anyway let me respond. Look everyone had thrifty genotypes when we were still living as hunter gatherers . However, as the precursor to civiliation arose, agriculture, those racial groups that developed this, adaped to eating a high carb diet and eventually the thrifty gene began to be elliminated from those groups. Today Europeans only have probably less then 10% of their population with any type of thifty genotype. Those other racial groups that never developed agriculture nor civiization still have nearly 100% of their popuation with thrifty genes.
That may not be true. Any game around is got to by quicker predators and this was true in Europe as well which is why men had to hunt those large elephants that other predators couldn’t kill.That had to invent light piercing spears and then have the whole tribe hit it until it bled to death.
Food may not be that common at the equator either due to climatic conditions and other animals eating it faster.
Regardless of how cold it may be it’s really the seasons that make people plan for the lack of food and learn how to store it.
What do you just follow me around to spout your bs? Have you been in the winter anywhere? Or seen the constant lush tropical vegetation around the equator? You are confirming my other theory that MD really stands for mental disorder..
Had to look up the term “thrifty genes,” but simple observation of certain races tells me you are absolutely correct.
Welfare and sitting on your ass will make you fat.
A sign of diabetes is weight Loss.
I lived in South America too. And I agree. Beauty was for kids, especially in Rio. They’re hot, hot, hot and then just freaking gone from the earth. So weird. I knew one girl who was 22. I was at her house. A photo of her at 18 was absolutely unrecognizable. They eat a lot of sugar and torch themselves in the sun. Drink too much.
Funny, just had this text exchange with a good friend of mine last night. I’m in green:
Interesting how Islam takes care of just this problem in the way they treat their women.
An Islamic family lives a few houses down from me. The wife walks by my house every day and has never made eye contact with me one time. I have directly crossed paths with her getting the mail and washing my car and she just looks straight ahead. I have nothing but respect for her husband.
I think Islam is a religion for medieval barbarians with a death wish, but you gotta give em credit for one thing.. they sure know how to keep their pussy under control!
Talk to some white anglo muslims. They are in it for the societal aspects, not the superstition.
I want a partner, not a pet.
So no blacks.LOL
Oh, that is just nasty.
Back in my crazy 30s I got into BDSM. One girl I had stripped and bound and I told her to bark like a dog. When she told me to fuck off I spanked her until she said: “Ok fine WOOF, WOOF, ok? WOOF! Are you fucking happy now? WOOF!” I untied her at that point and we both had a good laugh.
the white people on this site obviousely feel so inferior to black dudes its this article isnt even about blacks yet you guys mentioned them many times out of thats probabely why they go to stubby amerindian or eastasian places where they can feel superior..Black men have better bodies naturally than the pink guy in Mr.Goode’s avatar using all those longer limbed and well proportioned)
black guys are also more aesthetic than most white men especially the fulani and maasai men.
yeah we totally dont get why you feel inferior to blacks…no amount of fatceps and going to midget lands will erase your inner feeling sof inferiority to the physiques,masculinity,and rich fertile skin of the black man..none of it will erase your pink skeleton looking ugliness.
You have some serious issues. I have nothing bad to say about the brothers but I have my own game and it works fine for me. I am in China largely as a matter of circumstance. When I was in the Anglosphere I was bagging 6 foot blondes and even the occasional black chick. The implication that I ran off to Asia because I could not compete is an argument that only some cunt feminist would deploy.
Oh sorry,I thought you were on mr.goodes side.
That’s pretty funny.
She was a good sport about it. At the time she was calling me every name under the sun but there was f-all she could do because I had her hog tied. In our debrief session and thereafter we both thought it was pretty funny.
I really love women and don’t consider myself to be a misogynist although your garden variety SJW would disagree. Still, there is something to be said about a hot, naked girl on a leash.
She must have looked like a dog
Masai are a small minority and have white blood from thousands of years ago when some whites from the mid east(it was all Caucasian at the time, arabs didn’t exist) colonised the area.
I hate tall females. They are out of proportion and look like men. You must be a shrimp because every time I hear some guy salivating over tall girls he’s usually tiny himself.
I am average: 5’10”. I exaggerate a bit as those “6 foot blondes” were actually the same height as me. My sort-of girlfriend is 5’9″ but I like all types from 4’11” up to 6’3″ (although the latter I did not have sex with – you can see her briefly in X-Men 3). The Nash Equilibriums (to use an analogy) are 5 feet, 5’4″ and 5’10”. The small ones are the best fuck toys because you don’t slip a disc doing crazy acrobatics. The tall ones dominate the field at a social gathering and give other people the impression that either 1) you are stinking rich or 2) you have a gigantic penis. The middle ones are ergonomic: they spoon the best and you don’t get a kink in your arm from holding their hands on a long walk (on the beach, probably).
She was about 5’4″ and something under a buck 20 with a decent face. I suppose a 6.5/10 but a complete 9 in the sack. The downside was the scars on her ankle from being a cutter. Plus I had to call 911 when she attempted suicide after we broke up (no connection as far as I know) and were talking on the phone.
I don’t know why you’re posting these pics. The American negro is from the interior of the west coast and is a different inferior race.
And they have average IQs of 85 in America, and about 70 in sub-Saharan Africa. I am not jealous of you knuckle-draggers in the slightest.
They can’t even entertain you. At one time, all women were required to learn how to dance, or sing, or speak French, or play piano, or SOMETHING but now it seems all they offer for entertainment is to twerk.
Every better class female, including American, does all of that. Get out of the ‘hood or trailer park kid.
Competition from local men in SA countries? Well let’s see.
1. (Looks) The average looking white American man that’s not fat will be far better looking, taller and better built than most latino guys. (Brasil would be the only competition in this area)
2. (Money) To put this in perspective, a guy collecting a monthly welfare check in the US makes more money than the average Doctor makes in Mexico, Colombia, Peru and the rest. Only the narcos would have more to offer in this area.
you have probably never been to any of those countries, which have a growing middle class… better fashion sense and style than Mr. Gringo in his sloppy T-shirt, and further more a local guy who has money – HAS MONEEEY, with a capital M, where Mr. Gringo thinks he’s styling because he got a new car on a $499 a month lease…
as my friend from DF put it recently… in Mexico I had breakfast with millionaires… since i moved to LA, i feel like a homeless…. and in fact… there’s more people in DF worth over $30M than there are in LA… and it’s relatively easy to move in their social circles if you know what you are doing….
America is dying, we used to laugh at the dumb gringos the in 80s and 90s, but they had money, now they only have credit cards… the real money is in Lat Am. and Asia and it’s very common to meet families with huge land and real cash wealth, where in the US it’s all bullshit and bluff.
“there’s more people in DF worth over $30M than there are in LA”
Do you have credible source to support this?
And if they made their money with drugs or corruption (i.e. Carlos Slim through monopolies) then you’re only proving my point.
How many of them are foreigners that now live in Mexico.
I’ve been all over Mexico and South America btw.
Yep that middle class sure is growing in Mexico, that’s why millions of them risk their lives every year to cross the border illegally and get into the US, so they can pick chillies for less than minimum wage. LOL
There is definitely some hyperbole going on in this discussion, but the power of the dollar is nowhere near what it used to be, and waning all the time. The economic conditions of most of the world have improved over the last 40 years while real disposable income in the USA peaked in the 1960s and has stagnated or declined since then.
I think stories of how many millionaires there are in one place or another are mostly personal anecdotes. And there are millionaires everywhere, from Zaire to North Korea. It just depends on what social circles you are in. But for the AVERAGE person, the middle class in the USA is dying and in other countries it is growing. I still think it’s larger in the USA at this time compared to most other nations but it won’t be that way for long, as trends are almost impossible to reverse.
The bottom line is 20+ years ago, if one traveled to another country, he really could live like a king, whereas now, some countries may seem a little cheaper to westerners, but nothing like it used to be.
US is becoming another latino country so yeah soon it wont be any different
That’s because the price of American labor is overvalued.
Pseudo-educated white people aren’t doing the economy any favors, mind you.
The US has corrupt education systems to thank for that.
so you admit white men bottom feed with the most poverty stricken,ugly cholas from mexico(thats regulated to the southern ruralareas)?most mexicans are neither poor nor pred amerindian and stubby as implied from your OP.
Exactly. If we hadn’t started burning our money in the bonfire of lower class and feminist entitlements, we would have continued at 4% growth. The average American salary would be around 120K. Teachers would be making 150-170k. Americans would still be travelling kings around the world. Now, watch middle class American kids in Asia just laughing at the thought of a night out in a capital. Upscale dinner, 130$ club entries etc. Hilariously out of reach.
Actually, white people are doing basically everything, as usual.
They wouldn’t have it any different.
the average white guy is built like a girl…it must be great to feel superior among stubby amerindians ,but Afro-latinos and a minority of Ibero-latinos tend to be tall and much more built naturally than the average white guy.facially most white american men are ugly as sin,pastey pink skin ,skinnyfat physique etc
Any positive qualities or attributes both physical or mental that some latinos or African Americans may have all come from their white genes anyway. Run along simpleton
The white man has conquered the world centuries ago.
The modern leftoids and political correctness try to let people forget this. But propaganda does not change the facts. It was us who invented everything from the car to the plane to the computer.
The 2nd world war was a war between brothers who would rule the world. The queen and the US won and have ruled the world ever since.
The women of the lesser races do know this fact very well.
The black men know it, the black women know it. The lations know it and the yellow men know it, the yellow women in particular know it and try to become as white-ish as possible whenever they can.
The only people who do NOT know it is many white middle class males.
But talk to colored women on all continents and you will find out that one of their highest goals in life is having a baby more white than they themselfs are.
Every child born darker than the black mother is considered a failure in many african societies. This is even more true for the black who live in europe.
THEY know. Why dont we know?
I have to disagree with you. I’m pretty sure the Bantu invented the bongo drum.And the aborigines invented the didgerido. It plays 2 notes and to my ear they sound about the same.
The men most in demand by the top females around the world are American men, English, European. Negroes are at the bottom. The world’s women have made their choice so your kid bullshit means nothing.Even in countries where the people are dark, the lighter ones are held in higher esteem.Get some magazines from these places and look at the people and ads.Look at Bollywood and these Latin American TV shows and then tell me what you see.
The original people of Europe are simply called the Old Europeans or sometimes the OLD Mediterraneans and they’ve been there forever.Their original homelands were Europe, west Asia and Africa and they were ethnically similar regardless of where they lived.They mixed with similar people called Indo European Aryans who were from West Asia and blonder.The world was different than from today and what you see in the world now is quite recent.
An example of what the Old Europeans looked like before mixing would be the Basque and the Welsh, although they have been mixed as well.Basque,
Assessment of lower value girls is absolutely correct
I will give you the Chinese version of this. You probably have a good income and a larger physical stature but it is all fucking uphill from there. They don’t trust you as far as they can throw you and that is largely justified. They want a ring and a house. This isn’t a gold-digging thing but a legitimate security issue. Then you have to get around any age differences. I am a year older than my current GF’s father and this is a huge obstacle. You get points for at least ATTEMPTING to speak their language but not being fluent will always be held against you.
If you are going for a Chinese girl in the long term you want to find one who is about 26 years old. Outside of Shanghai, Beijing or Hong Kong there isn’t much of a cock carousel so she will probably have a notch count of 3 or less. There is a cultural best-before date of 27 and Chinese girls don’t really hit “the wall” until well into their 30’s so they are prime, IMHO.
I’ve been hanging out with a girl from Taiwan and I swear she has been the most arousing girl I’ve hung out with in a long time. I asked her her age and she said 33. My jaw dropped… Why is this 33 year old Asian chick hotter than most 25 year old Canadian chicks?
East asian women generally look 10 years younger than most white women. I’ve seen asian american women in their 40s who look like 20s. Its easy for them to lie about their age and get away with it.
If I could find an East Asian woman with brains to boot I might wife… The only worry is creating one of these self-loathing half-Asian kids 🙁
You have to get out more. The women who have turned me down here ARE SIGHTS TO BEHOLD. The present object of my affections is beautiful and smart but the fish that got away were whip-smart business execs pulling in a million RMB a year or some such thing, with rocking bodies, good English, pleasant demeanours and such, and – in one case – a complete demon in the sack.
Half Asian have their own appeal. It doesn’t translate well but “hybrid” is something many women here want. My ex all but wanted to sperm jack me for that reason. Brandon Lee was a good looking guy. Half-Asian girls are almost universally gorgeous.
The ghost of Elliot Rogers has been haunting you I see…
And almost every other half Asian that I know personally.
They’re practically all manginas.
I got acupuncture after foot surgery from a Korean woman that was 32 and looked 18. I asked her age because she looked too young to know what the hell she was doing.
She was the kindest, most gentle woman I’ve ever met. Always touching me with soft, soft hands and asking about my family while telling me stories about Korea. If I met her now I would try and game her. South Korea has been on my list of destinations ever since.
Hopefully i’ll be there in September or January 2016 if things play out a certain way.
If u r there let me know we can go check the place out.
As a fellow Torontonian, I will extend the same offer I gave to Melmoth: if you get your ass here my employer gives me a two bedroom apartment and pays for all my food, so you have no expenses other than airfare. Jinan is kind of a sucky city but it is only 90 minutes by bullet train from Beijing and a few hours from Shanghai. Qingdao is even closer.
How is the pay? Are u able to make decent savings?
I have a reputable employer and I am on good terms with them. I get a free apartment, they reimburse me for food, and I have a salary of $1500 CDN per month, net. I can bank it all, less what I spend on travel and other crazy stuff.
It depends on your qualifications. You can get a teaching job making about 6000-8000 rmb per month (about a thousand bucks) plus rent and some sort of food allowance. In Shanghai, if you can teach economics or other business courses you can make up to 20,000 rmb per month but have to pay your own way. That is about 40k a year but the cost of living here is a third of what it is in Canada.
But to be serious, I can’t retire on what I am doing so you need something else. I have a video game that is being released next month, I am planning on opening a restaurant later this year and I have vague considerations of doing some fashion design. Teaching English (or whatever) is just an excuse to keep me here in the land of opportunity.
Most of the other white guys here are either 20 years younger or 20 years older. Maybe they are opening their mind and want to sow some oats, or they are retired and want to relax. Neither of those types are nearly as aggressive as I am about doing other shit.
The opportunity aspect is alluring. I’ve heard from multiple sources that China is a great place to try your hand in business.
I want to focus on self education right now but the weather and grind of toronto is halving my productivity.
Best of luck with the board game. I can’t imagine life without Google hehe.
I’ll seriously consider it btw. Thanks for the info.
The weather here is milder than Toronto. Actually, I am in one of the crappiest cities in the country. I am kind of stuck here with my job and – wait and see – girlfriend. I would prefer to be in Shanghai or Xiamen. I guess that has to wait.
Let me know.
Hopefully u can work towards that as u gain experience. GL.
I have not has the pleasure to know – in the biblical sense – a Taiwanese girl but I have dated a few. I asked a buddy about this and he described it thusly: Chinese girlfriend v2.0. They have all the best qualities of Chinese and western girls combined. I asked one that I dated what was the difference and she said: “we don’t spit and we know how to line up”.
I’ve said this before: the average BMI of an American woman is 26, the average for a Chinese woman is 22. They tend to look the same from when they are 16 up to being in their 40’s.
Historically, I have been all over the racial map but I guess I am getting some yellow fever for what I could explain on purely objective grounds.
Some PUA’s tout South Korean girls but I can’t say one way or another. Chinese girls (if you stay away from Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong) are not insane like the Japanese chicks nor slutty like the Flips, Thais, Vietnamese and such.
YMMV. If you are into blondes, then obviously China is not the place for you. However, my GF is a 5’9″ stunner so if you look hard enough you don’t have to be content dating fucking hobbits.
Any PUA touting Korean girls is so full of shit. You know me Scorpio. I’ve lived in China and Korea and it’s not even close. Chinese girls are way more liberal, fun and horny. Though a lot will be into serious relationship mode by the first ten minutes of a first date. Korean girls are extremely conservative with serious racial hangups.
If the feminists are all for “equality” let them start competing on the worldwide marketplace for dating and see how that works out for them. I say free tourist visas for any single women who want to come here.
How old are you?
I suppose it depends on whether you want to run game or want to wife up. If you have some shit going for you, you can find a 20-something girl here who will rock your world. A virgin is iffy but we are talking about a notch count of 3 or less.
Running game is a different story
I’ve heard partying in Beijing is bumpin right now. Also I’d be happy with an LTR with a decent woman.
I’m not really looking to marry right now though.
I am more familiar with Shanghai. Salsa is all in the rage. Learn to dance and you will never be alone. I went clubbing with a couple of Singapore girls. Didn’t get laid but sweet Jesus they were hot.
It tends to be a bit all or nothing here. The more westernized ones can wrap their head around the concept of “LTR” but those born here are either looking to party (a minority) or else get on the wife track. Again, they have that best before date of 27. If you hook into one who is significantly younger then you could probably do the LTR without firm commitment plan. Anyone closer to your age will want an end game.
chinese have horrible hygiene and foul is that a good catch?
Yes, many have bad teeth. Catch them when they are young and it works out well.
If you have a basic beta mentality many girls from foreign countries will view that more positively. But beta is still beta. And there are always stunning dissatisfied women..the question is can you find them and excite them(you will have a leg up being foreign) Latin girls helped me become more alpha because their natural femininty and charm motivated me to put in the effort. I found that i could get twice as hot girls for half the effort.
Is this you, brah?
I think it’s more a difference of motivation than effort (you sort of said this). I have found that I am actually working *harder* with more feminine (ie latina) women, but that it comes easier. But I am motivated, whereas with white women I am just not that interested, but with a good feminine woman I am mesmerized by them and driven to do what it takes to seal the deal.
And with Latinas in particular you have to be on your toes because they will shit test you, and do all the crazy shit other girls do, but it ends up making you more masculine and confident.
I agree with this. White American women just don’t do it for me in general. Don’t get me wrong, if I come across a good looking one that’s into chocolate, I won’t turn her down, but my preference is ethnic women. They have more culture in them, and the majority of the time, that culture teaches them to be more feminine. That’s what draws me to them. Granted, there’s are bitches everywhere, but my odds are better with ethnic women as there’s less of the “I’m only going to “date” you (but really just fuck you once or twice to satisfy my curiosity) because of the huge cock theory” bullshit.
It’s bullshit, really?
Yes, it’s bullshit really. Some of us don’t want a life with a string of one night stands.
I meant the huge cock bit; so Hollywood lies about yet another thing?
I can’t say about other men, but I was referring to the fact that every time I try and date a white woman, I have to consider weather she’s only dating me to see if the myth is true or not. I have no interest in being a “one time use only” black dildo for some stupid white carousel rider.
I can imagine. Oh well, then use them for the same self-serving purpose that they do, and do it even better!
As I said, I won’t turn down a good looking one, I just don’t want my life to be defined by “how many notches I got.”
Good for you. I have two nieces with a black fetish. I have a bit of yelow fever myself so who am I to judge. But I am capable of relationships with women of all races while my nieces are black or no go. I always wonder what is going through the mind of the guys they are with. It is obvious that the color of their skin is the central issue not the content of their character. I wouldn’t put up with that for more than a quick unloading of my balls.
I have two nieces with a black fetish.
What is their dad like? I suspect that white girls with very beta fathers are more likely to sleep with blacks than those with more alpha fathers.
I have become nearly sickened with white American girls. I can’t stand their faces and I’ve lost nearly all attraction, unless they have a look that makes you immediately guess that they’re foreign. That happens sometimes. But typical Sally, Kayla, Brooke and Mandy. Gross. Really. They make me sick when I come home after years spent overseas. Their arrogance is of a masculine strain and being with a growling, empowered masculine asshole of a human female is nearly gay, if not totally gay.
i hear you.
Once I was around women overseas (well, let me be clear, once I had gone and seen much more attractive women) it changes your frame of reference.
When I came back, I realized I was then noticing how “frumpy” American women often are, how their jaws are often more masculine, and a general lack of beauty or femininity I had been around elsewhere.
Kind of like once you taste real Mexican food, you realize you never knew what you were missing and nothing is ever the same again. What passes for “good” here in the USA sometimes is like a bad joke.
Women are garbage in the USA and most western countries. They’re ruined, Masculine. Too many sexual partners. They’re generally not pretty. Overweight. Neurotic. You wonder why 37 year old American men need Viagara? Let me let you in on a little secret-your dick isn’t supposed to get hard around masculine women.
I’ve been banging Russian and EE chicks for years, and it’s satisfying right down to the soul. I have been able to make a rotation with some of these bangs. It’s glorious, and keeps the blood flowing straight to the penis. I say that it adds to my quality of life.
Dude in Spain I landed and was stunned how women over 35 still had healthy body weights and natural hair, as in wow this is what human females are naturally??
Traaaaash. If i heard a date has been mudsharking Id lock the brakes up and say gtfo
100% agree with this sentiment
Spain?????????? are you talking about the country below france and beside Portugal ????? Hahahaha
once you go black you´ll never go back
How many partners is a-ok in your book?
What race are you?
It depends on the purpose of the relation. If a man wishes to settle, he should remember- No hymen, no diamond.
Once she goes black, white don’t want her back. So she doesn’t have a choice.
How is that realistic nowadays? Even the most churchgoing women nowadays aren’t a virgin. Even if you openly discuss the redpill and your desire for a virgin girl she could just lie about her virginity.
My wife of 17 years was. All I can say is that I lucked out.
And as much fun as sluts were back then, I knew I wanted a pure girl.
I didn’t know it then, being young and dumb, but I can say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, it has led to a healthy and lasting relationship. And I feel strongly it had everything to do with me being her first.
If those were my white nieces, I would write them off and forget that they ever existed. They will only produce little zebras, and it will just be a matter of time before those nieces are beaten up badly or killed by one of their knuckle-dragging boyfriends. Seen it too many times.
You “lucked out” because it was 17 freaking years ago. Nowadays perhaps only 0.01% of women above 18 are virgins. The vast majority has kissed other dudes at the very least, and has sucked a decent amount of dick while also enjoying being fingerbanged. There’s even a large section of catholic “virgins” who routinely have anal sex because they don’t consider it sex.
Also, just curious, but were/are you okay if she sucked dick/got fingerbanged/anal before she met you? Do you still consider her pure? How do you know she didn’t lie about her virginity?
Just becuase you are a slut doesn’t mean everyone is. There are still virgins You just have to know where to look
Ah… The age old question. And it is a good one.
“How do I know she wasn’t lying?”
Well, I know this phrase is not popular round’ these parts, but it’s like being in love;
“You either know, or you don’t.”
Now, to give you a more Sherlockian answer (process of deduction):
Went to hs with her and knew of her since her sophomore year. Never knew her to have a boyfriend. She later told me she had 2 in a hs stretch. Kissing, petting, but no 3rd base stuff.
I, on the other hand was a man-whore and therefore knew all the sluts in school.
A slut she was not.
Again, like “slut-face”, you either know or are clueless.
I had to teach her everything, and it took forever to coerce her into sex. Like Big Boi, I felt like it took “years of experience and perseverance, to get dat cat.”
In short this young girl had no game. And we were friends first, friends with benefits shortly thereafter and the rest is history.
Now her game is white hot. And I game the hell out of her on the daily.
Most importantly, we enjoy the tight knit family (2 boys) we have because we work at it constantly.
Ps- never stop gaming your wife.
Funny enough, earlier in our marriage, I thought I wanted a slut that could do the hat trick. I mean, this girl knew nothing. But, if she’d been a carousel rider, I doubt we’d still be an item.
She tells me all the time that pair bonding with your first is real.
If you are, indeed, trying to find a purebred, I don’t know what to tell you. I was by no means on the hunt.
Our first son was on the way and daddy had to go 0-100, rill quick.
They are out there and it will take effort. Like the other commenter said, “you just have to look in the right places.”
Best of luck, sir.
Ahem… girls are sluts, men are playas’.
Get that country grammar right, sweet tits.
Is the pasty white sex tourist in the photo you? Those things on her chest look as hard as kettlebells, however, the lower portion is deliciosa.
Do I detect a slight hint of snail trail from her bellybutton to her pussy hammock?
they never show the face,because the women are hideously ugly.
I’m just not buying this whole foreign women thing. Women are the same everywhere, they just play different games.
I buy it. Women are different everywhere, they just play the same games.
It’s easy to disregard what you don’t have personal experience with.
I discovered the loudest objectors to the idea of a man meeting a foreign woman were people who had never stepped foot inside the country in question, and in some cases never left the USA.
There are always pros & cons but in many cases they offer a man things that he cannot get here; and that includes being appreciated for being a good man.
I can pick this apart until the cows come home.
For starters, I have been around the world and have experienced different cultures, with black women being quite ‘naughty’ (especially one Jamaican woman), and Phillipine and Vietnamese being superb.
I have had the gamut of white women, with my main preference of good looking, slim and big tits, with a particular like for brunettes and dark haired women.
It is horseshit that foreign women are better – they react to the man.
There are too many guys on here that think they deserve top notch women, when they are probably fucking useless themselves. You want quality? You better offer quality.
Your experiences may affect your opinions, but as a general rule this is not correct, much of what you have said.
I was also married to a foreign woman at one point and have had long term relationships with several as well, which has been both good and bad.
It isn’t horseshit that foreign women are better. Perhaps it is better stated that it is horseshit to push the idea that it is an absolute truth, as it certainly isn’t.
There are always many factors at play, and there are always good and bad women. However, generally speaking I have found by personal experience what was offered (in the case of good women abroad) was better than is available here (USA) in man aspects.
Yes the fundamental nature of women does not change. However, cultural norms, aspects regarding how masculinity is viewed, family, and more definitely has differences.
I accept that there are also some great women here “back home.” However finding them seems to be increasingly more difficult and unfortunately as a Panamanian woman I was with once said, they are on average not putting effort into their appearance.
A man (with reasonably good appearance, social skills, and his act together) has a far higher chance of meeting an attractive, loving woman abroad. This is easily proven.
I do not attempt to speak for experiences in all countries; my experiences are limited to latin countries at the moment.
I do offer quality as a matter of fact. However, I do not recall men here claiming they deserve top-notch women. I do not presume that other men here are “fucking useless.” Not a healthy attitude to adopt.
No necesito buscar para un diamante en la basura aqui en los estados unidos cuando puedo viajar un poco a otra pais y conocer una mujere carinosa, muy sexy, y bonita.
Too long to read. When I say other men are fucking useless, I meant the ones that don’t agree with me or find me funny. If you agree with me you’re obviously not fucking useless.
You are absolutely correct. These lower class boys on here think that they can jump class by going to some other country(preferably a poorer one) and get something they could not get in their own country.The top females in every country are the more upper class ones because just as in the US they’ve had generations to sort things out where the top men have always got the higher quality females and then after awhile the people within a class always mated with others in the same class. No top girl in Eastern Europe for example is going to be impressed by any of the schmucks on here and at the very Least has a 5 yr Uni diploma(usually more) and has been to more places than these pyjama boys here. Even in these mixed countries like Brazil, the top girls are white and more upper class and these are also the people who run most of South America even when the country eg.Equator, Peru etc is Indian.They don’t want or need you.
Let them learn the hard way if they ever manage to get out of the cellar which is highly doubtful. And these guys who claim they’ve been in various countries likely just joined the navy or something because they were too inept to find a job in the US and worked as cooks or stockboys in the service. If they went on shore leave they met just the sort of females you would expect them to meet and certainly not the top women anymore than they did in the US.
I accept that there are also some great women here “back home.” However finding them seems to be increasingly more difficult
That’s because you’d never be in an area to meet any. If there’s a Walmart within 10 miles of your house, or you see any fat girls with thongs on their feet, non Whites around, and the people have that crappy look about them and eat at Joe’s greasy spoon diner then you’re in the wrong place. If the girls look and dress like Taylor Swift then you’re getting warm.
Ive found the same. Its easy to project anything onto something you dont intimately know.
Thats alot of hamstering, are you sure you arent a female?
With a rig like that on all fours do I give a shit?
Spoken like a fag stood up on friday night, walking his small pet dog from a pound that a mexican family abandoned/abused six months ago. And you bag the crap of this thing three times a day.
Best part is bagging on the masculine traits of relative’s American partners as your foreign piece starts to really illustrate red pill wisdom. Hair, use of jeans/menswear, cooking, and tats are all fair game.
You bag black and flip, piss off
Sums it up well
The men who fail to see red pill wisdom are fucking useless and thirsty
That would make her the sex tourist. She flew over for some pipe. Youll notice its her taking the foto not me ;). Yeah im not big on fake tits either but shes Venezuelan..Ive met girls with juicy killer Bs that wanted to get operated. It gives you an idea how far they are willing to go for men.
I was joking about the sex tourist thing. You do look pasty though.
Its been a long winter.
Some of the Venezuelenas are quite beautiful. For a moment I thought she might be a Panamena.
She could pass for a few different things, most people on the street assume shes Brazillian (I always tease her about it). Interestingly all of her sisters are blond.
Learn the difference between nationality and ethnicity.
That female has fat thighs and fake boobs.
Really actually try to bring something valuable to the conversation.
Hook me up with a sister(s)
But could you find a latina with real boobs?
There’s are only a small percentage of Latina’s with fake boobs.
It tends to be certain types of latinas and more common in certain countries/areas as well.
In some countries it is rare except for those certain types of more vain latinas who consider themselves “above” the others, granted they’re often attractive women but also quite into brand name purses, clothes, etc.
Also you will find lots of those types of women may be or may have been prostitutes as well. Implants are not uncommon in that case.
And without kids???? and with some money ??? and without non-human size butt ??? come on, latinas are only one tier over black women.
I have discovered the exact same thing as Roosh in my travels…
Wish I’d read this article first.
This is one of my favorite comments on the thread regarding dating. There seems to be a split in members views towards game versus non-game. This post is great, because it speaks to motivation. The right kind of woman MOTIVATES you to want to talk to her, versus feeling like you need to put in an effort while feeling a certain sense of regret. All the times in my life I’ve had hot sex, the conversation, mood, and chemistry seemed at times effortless. It wasn’t a hassle, it did not seem forced or fake, it was just there for the taking. Latin women tend to bring that out of a man.
That’s a great point. The natural desire to move forward, not feeling like it’s forced. Basically enjoying it is great.
Colombian woman in the pic? Just a guess.
I agree regarding your comment about latinas. Definitely requires some changes & being “beta” is a bad characteristic when dealing with them.
I agree .You can get a LOT more BANG for your buck with a Latina. White girls (Americans) suck, we all know that. Be masculine, have your shit together and you can get a hot Latina twice the appearance of a white girl and a lot more down to earth, faithful,more sexual,nurturing, feminine, character and probably not a fraction as blown out as a white girls pussy. You will raise your alphaness too.Just dont fall for shit tests and maintain emotional control/ frame.
I agree. You have to put up with a few things you might not have before due to the cultural differences but to be honest, there are always pros and cons. I personally believe the pros outway the cons, and it’s just more fun being with a latina anyway.
Love the accents and how they dress, too.
Yeah. There is an inherent jealousy in a lot of latinas but its a tradeoff for a WOMAN that knows how to be feminine and puts effort into looking good for her man as opposed to white girls that think wearing pajamas, flip flops and no makeup most of the day and acts like a dude and sounds like one with their foul mouth and cigarette voice.Fuck that.
You apparently have only been in contact with the 5% white underclass (1/2 of negroes are of the underclass)
As far as the pajama-wearing, cigarette-smoking case,I think I’d agree. And definitely in small towns/rural areas.
But in general the lack of femininity and lack of effort in appearance is definitely something I see almost everywear.
I remember having been in a local “sports bar” one night and the most beautiful–and feminine–woman in the place appeared to be Ukrainian or Russian. She was so out of place, LOL. The rest were terrible. UGH!
It took me a while to chill about the jealousy thing since a lot is culural (within reason) but yeah like you said it’s a trade off. One I’m willing to live with.
You dont love yoga pants with tats?
You and the other negroes on here are just butthurt because only the fat trailer park white girls will even talk to you.Females are smart and know that the negro man isn’t shit and is considered the bottom of the barrel in the public mind and that even being around one will lower people’s opinion of them and make it hard to get a quality white man.
There’s no such thing as a ‘latina’ unless you’re referring to the aryans of ancient Rome and it’s just some word made up like ‘hispanic’ by the US government. No white person from any of the south American countries that they rule would ever use the term ‘latina’. These terms are only used by the mixed race people.You negro boys should just confine your choice in a female to those ghetto mamas and stop with these delusions of grandeur about getting a mixed race ‘rican or whatever.Stick to what you know, the ‘hood.
Loyal, hot, and can cook like a woman should. Watch how spanish soap opera still market classic female traits: long hair, curves, dressed well in skirts etc = boner
“I agree .You can get a LOT more BANG for your buck with a Latina. White girls (Americans) suck, we all know that. Be masculine, have your shit together and you can get a hot Latina ”
Then always the question is : if being masculine and having your shit together gets the latinas, then what does it take to get a decent attractive american chick (8 or higher) ? The good basic qualities of being a man (working out at the gym, dressing sharp, and the alpha qualities) simply do not work. What it takes to get with a pretty american female today is becoming impossible as their behaviors and what they put value on changes like the tide of the sea.
Then I realize women stateside (and Canada) are so screwed up today that I no longer get envious or jealous anymore when I see a dude with some bitch. I know that he is jumping through hoops and putting up with a ton of shit just to be seen with her. And this doesn’t garuntee he is fucking her niether.
Honestly, does any red pill man today see a guy in the USA with a hot looking scag and then think to himself “wow man, this dude must be really alpha and knows all the moves; just look at the girl he is with!”
I sure as fuck do not.
The well known Heartists blog always writes about self improvement which is good, but many things he also writes in order to “get the girl” is nonsense, or might have been applicaple 40 years ago.
Today’s woman lives in a non-stop torrent of male offers. That, plus men in general are being replaced by social media and smartphones. Any dude today with an attractive American female is spending an exorbitant amount of time and energy just to get whatever little action that princess is willing to provide.
We are through the looking glass here, gentlemen. It’s very soon getting to the point where not playing the game will = best choice of all.
Fake tits. Barrrp.
Girl in picture- fake tits, trashy, cheap and skanky bathing suit, the obligatory belly button piercing (badge of sluttiness) and cellulite on her thighs.Judging by the bad quality of her skin (stretchmarks and uneven coloring), she’s most likely old too. Like above 30. If she’s younger but looks that old….congratulations.
Guy next to her (who thinks these cheap women make him look alpha)- bitch tits, large nipples, swollen belly, thin, floppy arms.
Yea man. You’re a mega stallion who constantly has to beat off women with a stick cause you’re so damn alpha. Your US/European passport does really not mean a free meal ticket and a green light out of these women’s shithole countries. Totally alpha.
I’m curious what it takes to make someone so bitter in life.
It’s pretty simple: Life in Western society.
I’m curious what it takes to make someone as bitter as you. I think I could chain someone to a radiator for 3 years feeding them only lemons and dog turds and they would be less bitter.
I don’t like old school radiators, prefer the in-built central heating system, but yea, you’re pretty close. I guess I am super bitter because I can’t get a super hot man like you, since I am not as hot as your girlfriend. Obviously ^^
I have no doubt about how hot you are. The only question in my mind is what obscene color you dyed your hair. Nature has its way of advertising toxicity.
Hihihi! Jim, you’re wrong! My hair is naturally brown, and it isn’t dyed. No piercings, tattoos or anything of the sort either. No plastic surgery etc. ^^
His analysis of the dad bod was spot on, the cellulite comments may be unfounded.
I think it’s more of a chestnut
What dick size range have you experienced?
Those tits scream porta potty and Im in line
the girl in the picture shown under low value foreign girls is actually very nice
might as well update the photo too.
Here is some perspective Roosh.
Canada’s birthrate is 1.61 right now, and that is including newly landed immigrants that are looking for a way out of destitution to start their familiies.
It sounds like with these foreign women you’re talking about the concept of family at least enters their minds. At least family is something they kinda somewhat look forward to.
Ask the average 30 year old native Canadian women if she feels pressure to start a family and she will probably say “What’s the rush!? I haven’t even reached my sexual prime!!! I just got a new office job!!! Who needs a man when I could just get a dog!!” There is a reason we immigrate so much, and there is a reason MGTOW and Canada are becoming synonymous. I’ve been abroad and I’ll take dating 7s that I can still recognize as women.
I’ve been comparing native broads to girls that come here from other countries and there is a world of difference. If you want to switch places give me a shout, I’ll tell my parents they have a new Turkish son.
Canada sounds like the US where women delay marriage as long as possible, and can profit from getting divorced. Marriage has become an ‘optional’ thing for american women. Its good if it works out, but if it doesn’t… meh… there are other options.
throw in a never-ending army of white-knights and there you have it
it’s pretty much the 51st state
Marriage is unnatural. You boys just want to trap a female and try to keep her because that’s the best you’ll ever do and the only way you’ll get to have sex a few times lol
To be honest, marriage serves no purpose, with the sole exception of starting a family. No one, really, has any reason to get married these days.
I must sound like a broken record but Chinese girls have an end date of 27. Once they hit that they want to get married and some get a vicious case of babies rabies.
IMHO it is a functional cultural mechanism. Silly cunts should not be running around when they are 37 trying to bag a good man and get pregnant.
Here in Korea it the sell-by-date is about 30.
I don’t make the rules I am just reading them back. I have heard some fine things about Korean girls.
Most of them look Neanderthal to me and have big boned faces. Of all the Orientals the top Japanese girls are the best.The slim ones who surprisingly have full boobs.They look well bred.Flippo girls have a weird mixed up look to them. Like the original little people of the jungle got shagged by a Spaniard.
Japanese girls are into some pretty freaky shit as their country is still healing from twin nukes. IMHO, a Chinese girl would be a better selection, although at this point I doubt that you have ever had any such option.
I’ll show you my visa pages from passports dating back to ’69 and when only the more upper class travelled.Today everything is dirt cheap and you find all sorts of people even in 1st class.This is why the image of the US abroad has changed. The people in foreign countries now see the lower classes and coloureds from the US and get a skewed impression.Let’s hope that airline tickets jump 10x to keep all of the US trash out of Europe.I can recall that in the 80’s I took the Concorde to London and the fare was $5k (perhaps $15k in today’s money)
69? Ok, so you are retired codger descending into senility. That explains a lot.
Lol first time i heard the term ‘colored’ in a long time. My guess is the bitterness comes from failed expectations. Dammit im upper class and the girls arent falling like rain!
Girls should lower this date to 22-24 AT THE LATEST if they are smart.
Men should consider “not sooner than 30 and not later than 40” for the same project.
In addition it is called kids, plural.
One is none
Two is few
It is just as hard to find a good man as it is for a man to find a good woman. I, personally am happy that my sister has not had any children yet. We grew up in a neighborhood where the “men” get every single one of their sexual partners pregnant and do not take care of a single one. She confessed to me that she feels depressed that she never attained her dream of getting married and having a family before the age of 25 but she’s happy that she doesn’t have any “baby daddy” drama. We’re drowning in a sea of sluts and betas over here. HELP!
A lot get married in their early 20s. About 80% get married before they are 25.
In Chinese the term “nu peng you” (女朋友) translates as “girlfriend” but is actually more like “fiancé”. The typical pattern is for a guy and girl to get together in high school or university and then stay together and get married a few years down the line. The guy’s age tends to be +3/-1 which is the majority situation even in North America. A thirty-something guy getting together with an early 20s girl is not common. Guys are under their own pressures to marry before they are 30.
With the 27 age for women to become sheng nu (剩女 – “leftovers”) they tend to be 1) career oriented 2) not so good looking so they take advanced education to up their relationship value 3) picky. They don’t get into a marriage-track relationship and the next thing the know, there are no quality guys who want them.
Alternatively, they end up very successful in their careers, remain relatively good looking and have lots of guys chasing them but their hypergamous ego demands they get with a guy who is even more successful. Of course, such a guy is either already married or else spinning 22 year old plates and would not want to wife up with a 30 year old.
And the Chinese term for you “kings” is 睡衣的男孩
Sounds like you’re in the ‘hood.
You are being soooooo tedious. The term for king is simply “Wang” (王). I suppose the problem is that eunuchs like you don’t have much in common with more complete men.
Apparently you’re not an educated White because you didn’t even understand what I wrote.You people are dense and can’t read.
Apparently, you are fucking moron, a racist, and general misanthrope.
Yes, I see the same thing on American college campuses: the only couples you see are Chinese students. They come over together and marry young. Probably have 1-2 sexual partners their whole lives as opposed to the American way of “sexual experimentation,” sexual self-discovery,” and treating one’s body like a fucking test tube or petri dish.
We have one at work. FOB Chinese woman, 36 years old, can’t find a man. They become mentally unstable, it seems; this one is batshit crazy. I avoid her like the plague.
They don’t realize the fertility limitations until around 40. Read this article.
It’s excruciating reading and article by and about 40+y/o women saying everything except that one thing they all know to be true (that they should have married and had kids young). It even has this line: “Women are shocked when nature applies to them”.
We may, I hope, have reached peak solipsist. I fear that everything will have to come crashing down first.
It’s because on every social-cultural topic they are allowed to think whatever they want (even if their thoughts contradict) and they will never be told otherwise or resisted in any way. I honestly think that women expect actual nature to simply do as they tell it to…alas. That’s why aging wallops them so hard. It’s the first time in their life that they don’t get to think whatever they want. It’s the hamster’s first defeat and they can’t handle it. Boys learn true cognitive pain and disappointment by age 1 and a half. Girls….not until nature stops working in their favor in their late thirties. Nothing in our culture EVER resists the female mind’s right to make any perception that it wants to make. Certainly facts and logic have no influence.
What, you don’t want your child to be born retarded? It’s like having a puppy that never grows old!
Sexual prime? Office job? Yeah, have fun justifying your piss-poor decision-making until you’re blue in the face and past 40, bitch! Just don’t come begging me to serve as utility to share bills with you!
Street Fighter V can’t come out soon enough…
Mortal Kombat X lol
Good game, but no comparison in the series. Fuck a stupid Block button. That, and Capcom/Japanese fighters have always been night and day better. The gore gimmick alone no longer does it.
Street fighter was the better game, Mortal Kombat had the better movie heh
Oh you’ll be supporting some chubby bitch in a few years when you get desperate lol
Jesus, you again? I have no desire to support you, thanks.
Go support yo mama.Welfare and food stamps aren’t enough to cover he eating and crack habit.
I’m sure you’d know better than all the rest of us.
Avoid Marriage ESPECIALLY when you are at risk of VAWA Immigration fraud.
Nobody is going to care when she files a false charge against you to get bumped to the head of the green card queue. Bad Bad Bad. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER,
Good post. They can all collaborate on the net too and get versed on these EASY strategies. You’d already be dealing with the more gutsy breed of girl from Asia, Latin America etc who would take it to the next level quite easily. Marriage is so full of incredible pitfalls. It’s just not an option.
Any female of quality is not desperate to come to the US and in fact she would prefer other parts of Europe.They would also have their own money and a high educational level.
So go marry that Flippo peasant girl if you want to get screwed.
What I like about Roosh’s writings on Game and anything related is how lucid and almost scientific he is.
He doesn’t waste your time but can still spin a logical pattern.
No wrong with woman in bikini suit. The curvyness means she fertile to make sons healthy, and she strong on plow!
Seriously, though, good advice about average girls. Looks aren’t everything. I’ve known guys who claim they “have standards,” meaning that they rule out average-looking girls for anything but a pump and dump, while pursuing relationships with 8s or 9s who are just godawful cunts.
I’m here in mainland China and the women here view western men as very attractive for relationships. As long as you’re halfway decent looking, you can get a beautiful Chinese girlfriend easily. But the women here just want to get married. They don’t really date here like they do in the West, they date before they get married. So be ready for her to stick around, or try to trap you with a pregnancy, or move in suddenly and never leave.
I lived there too. Dating was a bit scary. That’s what a lot of guys don’t get about East Asia—They don’t date for fun. It’s best to get the ‘half-ho’s’ in the bars. Equal parts fun and finance. Tell them you’re married, negotiate, then get your needs met. Then it’s an easy out. Girls go crazy when you tell them you’re married too.
Then why the FUCK am I still here in the USA? I gotta get on a plane …
off topic but here is a fun TV show just starting to be aired in Australia – people getting married who have never met –
attention whoring at its finest
Australian women, unless they are of a recent immigrant background, are pretty much the most disgusting, uncouth women on the planet..
This article is well done but at the same time, I find what it conveys to be rather depressing.
99 percent of women (all over the world) will still regard you as their personal ATM.
Sorry to seem cynical – but it seems to be too much work for an uncertain and fleeting outcome (no pun intended).
It’s hard not to be despondent isn’t it.. unless you are a celebrity, for virtually all other men, even if you somehow luck out and have sex with a hot bird, she’ll leave you as soon as a newer, shinier cock comes along.. which means most of the time, you have to settle for washed up carousel riders.. with attitude! Love and marriage is dead thanks to feminism.. meaningless sex with mediocre slappers is all you can really expect these days. By the way, I would definitely smash that “fat” 6 in the article.. nice rack!
That’s uk actress Kelly Brook. She’s put on a few pounds but carries it quite well.
She’s a world famous rack model and even she gets fat. Go Anglos!
I see a lot of men on here put off marriage, are you guys sure you don’t want to marry a local girl?
35yr old single mum hosts 16 yr old daughters party with naked twisted,drugs,alcohol,shags a guy in bathroom, shags daughters boyfriend, still horny breaks out dildos for all to help with(anal too).
What a story. Woman is divorcing her husband (Iraq War veteran) and I guess it’s back to the carousel for her?
At least the court had good enough common sense to take the kids from her.
Haha I saw that. Sounds fun – wish I went to parties like that when I was 18. It was also hilarious that the mum was a “former Mormon Sunday school teacher”! Having said that, the mum is a slut, the daughter will definitely be a slut (and likely already is), and it is clear that the lack of a strong male figure in the home has been a major reason for this. Kinda a microcosm for the west, really… but as Roosh has noted previously, via feminism and the Trojan Horse of western technology – Iphones, Facebook etc – women all over the world are being ruined at a frightening pace. Marriage is a fools game in 2015 – feminism and Marxism has made concepts such as love and marriage nothing but a joke. All you can really do is bang as many of the mediocre sluts around as possible, but that also leads to frustration after a while, because you like to think you could do better.. exceptions DO exist, but it is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.. good luck, ameribros!
Ok, I need some opinions here.
I bagged a 8,3 (age 27) that I’ve been eye balling for about 2 months. Last night after we banged, she asks me to tell her a secret. I take the oportunity to test her guile and her thinking and say (lie) ,,not many people know this but I have a 2 year old son”. She goes blank for a second and then she lays it down ,,so, that means you pay alimony right? raising a kid these days is really hard”. She fucking spooked me right there and I will tell you guys why. When talking about a problem to someone, the first words that come out of their mouth is WHAT THEY WOULD DO or worse, what they have already done. And there I am.
She looks good, treats me good but might be acting the part to get her alimony.
Can anyone relate to this ?
You did well son.
What you did was a male-version of a female shit-test.
Lets look at it in deatail.
She did at first consider that you pay alimony – meaning there is less money for HER child. Meaning you did fuck her well and she was interested in a long-term relationship in this moment.
Telling her the truth now would be quality jerk-boy game and most likely secure more fucks. Girls dig jerks you know that.
However if you do NOT want a serious relationship with her, you better be careful or else you might end up with a real kid.
Always a pleasure to read more perspectives. I’m actually looking for some wife material. My instinct directed me in her direction. There’s still digging to be done with this one. I’ll stay sharp and keep a close eye.
She just told you that she’s a gold digging bitch is what she did.
You now know it’s worthless to even think about anything serious with this bitch.
Actually, that’s what my instinct says. She looks the part, acts the part, is nice and all that but something definetly fucking stinks.
In short there are no good women anywhere. Unless you’re smart enough to build a time machine or find a way to travel to an alternative reality where the bullshit we’re in now never occured.
The Sage-Like Sayings of Harry Manlyballs # 18
“A man is a man all of his life! But a woman is only sexy until she becomes your wife…”
You should be doubly suspicious of foreign women for the simple fact that they know you’re probably there because you couldn’t get a girl back home, and are probably a sucker for the taking. Even places that have produced traditionally loyal wives for American men… like the Philippines… are westernizing in their culture, and see Americans shopping for brides as scambait waiting to be taken to the cleaners.
And the internet can help them along with VAWA claims. They will all know all the tricks. Marriage is no longer an option, even to foreign women.
im thinking about going to asia finding a wealthy women. marry her. see how long it lasts. i need an advanture hahaha
Anyone want to refute the points being made by Amanda Marcotte in this article?
How the Bitter Men of the MRA Movement Ruin Things for Other Guys
It hate to say it, but she does (sort of) have a point. MRAs usually don’t actually bother to learn Game, or even dismiss it as the tactics jerks use. She’s describing a type of Gamma male, who are usually SJWs or libtards, but can also be Churchians or MRAs. Even some PUAs are actually Gammas; usually the type who eventually cracks and gives up and claims it’s all BS.
Let me be short and sharp about her points.
1) There is no domestic violence.
The man is the master in his own house, who gave the goverment the right to interfere in domestic affairs?
In the bigger part of the world like the muslim countries such laws are non-existant anyways.
2) Nature is always right, nature wins in the long run and ugly landwhales will not get alpha dick, no matter how hard they try to fuck with our brains. No thank you. Women like assholes and men like beauty. Case closed.
3) A flat out lie. MRA is all about self improvement. No passive value = No alpha male. Game is a way to fake it ’til you make it. A permanent fake is no alpha.
4) My personal bet: You are an old fugly woman who missed her chance to get a good man while you could. Now you hate the MRA because men with options want nothing to do with you. Why do i know this?
Because women love assholes who want to fuck their brains out. They only get sour and bitter if said assholes fuck other, younger, hotter women instead. Too bad.
These are all valid red-pill points, especially for guys that aren’t that attractive but suddenly become gods overseas, but at least they’re getting some pussy, and at least that pussy is much higher quality then what they would have gotten in the West. I’ll take Chinese MILFs any day over their American counterparts (more like OABIWNFWMWED – Old-Ass Bitches I Would Never Fuck With My Worst Enemy’s Dick). Often times I’ll take the Chinese MILF over American college girls, and that’s doing my best to factor out my yellow fever.
A Chinese MILF probably looks 10 years younger than a White woman after a decade of hard drinking and partying
One of the finest analyses of female motivations in mate selection is an Aussie flick “Muriel’s Wedding”.
A woman’s life is mainly made up of other women. Her main motivation is to be higher status than those women – or at least to be higher status than she is. Marriage to a foreigner is something she considers in that light.
simple, they see us as meal tickets will the potential for a better opportunity. don’t let the exotic looks and sexy accents fool you.
“Even if she was a 9 in her youth, she will now be accessible to the foreign man for a long-term relationship, simply because she has failed with the local men due to being deficient in some way.”
If a girl is a “9” in her home country & is still single at 25, that’s a major red flag. I as a foreign man wouldn’t want her either. Just sayin’
Im glad to see an article like this.
The grass aint greener on the other side
I live in rural Mexico in a Third World village. Married 40 years in July to a Mexican woman who is my age.
I am not looking for a woman. But as old as I am, my wife’s cousin AND HIS WIFE both tell me if I am widowed, I can have an attractive woman under 30 years old, and need not marry her by the law or church. Here is the rule: NICE GUYS ARE HOT IN SMALL VILLAGES!
And, there would be no nasty comments when people saw us together. I believe this is true, because several years ago the Rich Old Bastard was widowed and he now has a child with a woman who was 20 and he was 78 when she got pregnant. No one said ugly, nasty things when they ‘married’. In fact, people made it clear it made sense to them. They don’t hate old men and they know older men want younger women, and they understood very well that a ranch girl living in poverty and expecting nothing better for the future would be willing to ‘shovel his ashes’ in exchange for a better life for herself and her children. And, not feel demeaned in the process.
In my case, by personal choice, in the unlikely event I outlive my wife, I expect to take only an unwed mother of good character (such women exist in Mexico, but not often in the USA) or a widow with several young kids. That is, women of good character but are unlikely to marry in this culture.
I do not recommend you ever move a FW to the States. A Mexican woman I know who lived in Wisconsin for several years told me that she agreed AW were witches. And, before I asked she volunteered that Mexican women who live there turn into witches in around two years.
I have written over the years that as a North American man your reputation precedes you in rural Mexico. Over the years, there is no part of Mexico that has not had a local girl marry a NA man. And, write home how well she is treated and how nice her life is.
There is a drawback in rural Mexico. It would be very hard for a single man to come into a small village and find a woman. And the first time you ‘dated’ a slut, your chances of finding a good girl to marry would be over. there are no secrets in small Mexican villages.
My usual recommendation if anyone wants to try Mexico is Guadalajara. This is because it is the place that has suited most North Americans over the years. It has an international airport, and all the things the NA want. It is the best place to start, and if you want another place visit the other places over time. There are small villages near Guad. and sometimes you can meet a small town girl working in the city itself.
Yet being a city you can find sex partners if that is your preference.
A book of many editions is CHOOSE MEXICO.
Let me add here that not everyone can adapt to the Mexican culture. Personal adaptability varies. Lee of DGM fame is very adaptable. So am I. But, not everyone is. Don’t burn your bridges and it is usually recommended to take several trips over several years before trying a longer stay.
Let me make it clear I am not talking 9’s or 10’s. I have never found women at that level to be of good character, in any nation. A Mexican 7 of good character can make an excellent wife.
When I counseled men, 1984 to 1993, i encountered many men who married 9’s or 10’s, and went through Hell. After their divorce, they married another 9 or 10 and went through Hell. I tried to tell them to look for character not just beauty. They would stubbornly insist they had to have a ‘good looking” wife.
My BIL, from the State of Vera Cruz. a true womanizer by Mexican standards, once told me the best looking woman in the world is the woman who is in your arms at the moment. He was not joking.
You sir, are a wise man.
On the other hand, getting a less attractive woman certainly does not guarantee a good woman. When I was counseling men, I was amazed at how fat and ugly some of the women were that had men contemplating suicide. There seems to be a medium point that works.
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women are the same parasitic, degenerated, hyperspoiled, worthless, fascist, subhuman scumm all over the planet.
the female gender needs to ultiately get destroyed, to make the world a more friendly, a more humane place.
SJW false flag spottet. We won’t bite, though. Go troll elsewhere.
look at his messages. he posts the same stuff over and over on different topics. he is a true retard.
fuck what women want ! men have a life on their OWN !
if a woman acts bitch. KICK HER OUT, INSTATLY. men have to rise their standarts MASSIVELY and realize, that there are 3’500’000’000 – 1 other women out there !
NO WOMAN is worth your happiness. E V E R !!!
NO woman is worth a man’s / your own life. E V E R.
Most women in fact are massively underdeveloped subhuman scum. they are not humans, because they do not contain any humanity in them. most women exploit all and every being on this planet just for their parasitic, fascist, toxic egomania.
there is no hope for the male mainstream either. they are way more pathetic than females who act acording to their nature 100% original i.e unloyal.
men are weak underdeveloped unintelligent pathetic fools. 99% of Male and Female population CAN NOT be trustet and is not worthy of interaction.
never marry. from the very start, never pay for her ..explain her why ( because u want to be sure she loves you and not your money ).
if she doesnt get / respect that, she is a parasite,, so get rid of that disease.
It’s actually very simple, it just requires you to be sovereign and respect yourself.
This is an interesting study, I’ll try to be quick. I’ve thought the same, how can my foreign wife be so bomb diggity while her half sis is shit, her half sisters friends are shit etc? I think it comes down to the parenting and hard life in a foreign country that forged this diamond. People who are great people at heart, live a life with higher beliefs, look down on shit and know better i.e. biblical wisdom of respecting oneself and doing right, even while poor her family has a cleaner house and more loving family unit than my hippy parents. Ive dated evil foreign women, but continuously meet more immigrants male/female that I identify with. Just today, had a leather sewing machine in the bed of my truck and no help. Hit up a landscaper and he didnt flinch, three minutes later he was 5 bones richer and the machine was in my place. I could drag on regarding others. Anyways, the foreign girls I met who were solid all had great parents. The beauty of foreign girls that have good souls is that they appreciate what we Americans take for granted, realize life may not turn out like the American dream, yet still love all that is to be grateful for at the moment. If an American girl grasped that Id be sold on her too.
“..parenting and hard life in a foreign country that forged this diamond. ”
Well said.
“..great parents. The beauty of foreign girls that have good souls is that they appreciate what we Americans take for granted,”
My experiences as well. They also appreciate a man who will stand up for his family and be willing to defend them.
I want roosh to post one of his epic 3 or 4 part series he has on rooshv, many of those stories are why I started to go on his site regularly and found ROK
This article makes a great point. There is no magical kingdom full of hot women who are easy to get with; high value women will always be challenging to get and maintain relationships with, no matter what part of the world you’re in. The only real difference between western women and foreign women is that there are just more high value women in foreign nations than there are in western ones.
Indeed. Its easier to do better. A greater quantity of quality. Mainly because they haven’t turned into the ‘ladettes’ I see around my local city center on a Friday night.
I’ve always found the cultural barrier insurmountable in the long run, for me anyway, and you are spot on about just accepting fun size relationships with attractive foreign women. The lock downs are the less attractive women, so you’ve just got to take it as it is, and I’m only ever in town for limited periods of time anyway.
And I’ve watched countries like Thailand become wealthier and therefore more westernized over the years, so the more negative aspects of dating from our own countries has leaked in. Its still an easier game though, and most importantly the women are still feminine and understand the male and female polarity instinctively.
So i have to go abroad to get distressed women ?????? So exciting !!!!
Here in germany is the same shit situation.(especially here in Northrhine westphalia area.) Women are becoming more and more masculine, less feminine, fatter und uglier.
I dont like gaming in clubs, therefore i am doing daygame in malls.Some years ago i walked around inside the mall and usually approached about 4 or 5 women per hour.I think that was a good ratio.Thats means: When i was at the mall for about 4 hours it was possible to approach about 16-20 women.Therefore getting 1 or 2 phonenumbers or a (instant)date per day was likely.
Nowadays i prefer to sit somewhere inside the mall and watch the people who are passing by.If i see a attractive woman , then i follow and approach her.But there are less and less women who i find attractive.Therefore my ratio has dropped to 1 or 2 approaches per hour.Sometimes even only 1 per hour.I am just tired of walking around for many hours till my feet hurt, but getting that less results.It has almost become a useless activity.But once in a week iam still doing this anyway, to train my courage level and that my game does not atrophy.
When you walk inside a mall in a EE country you will see a attractive woman every 5-10 minutes.
We are using the exact same “Hunting” tactic to find women. I use the Mall as well, and unfortunately in my area, the Landwhales are all over.
Or they have a ugly disgusting nose-piercing.Or they are dressed like guys and are wearing no skirt or heels at all.They just dont know what a feminine women should look like.Or they wear earphones and are typing
on their smartphone at the same time while they walk by.Thus they are not able for holding eye-contact…or..or..or..
The smartphone security blanket is the worst. By the time a 18 yr woman smart phone addict reach’s 40, she’ll probably have a hunched back from looking down at her phone so much.
I am jealous, judging by the time you’ve got on your hands, you must be a student or self-employed.
Unless I am on holiday, I don’t have the time to be spending hours in shopping centres. Whilst I agree that shopping centres (especially whilst on holiday in a foreign country) are great places to meet women, I make sure to incorporate approaching women in my daily life. Whenever I see an attractive girl, on the street, in a shop, in a library, etc. I approach her. That way I don’t get as annoyed if the outcome hasn’t been satisfactory.
I agree with you that an increasing amount of German girls have become an “erotischer Sozialfall”, as I like to call it.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Yes, i am self-employed.On saturdays i usually have some hours time to go to our mall for “hunting”.
I just came home from the mall.It was awful.Only 3 approaches.
Yes, there was a very attractive women with a superb body, blond long hair.I was talking to her about 15 minutes and flirting very heavily.But when i asked for her phone number she said she has a boyfriend and that she doesnt not cheat.Damn!Another big problem here in this area:
Beautiful women (in the rage 8-9) are very rare and almost no one of them is single.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Are you from Europe? I think Europeans have way higher standards of beauty then Americans. What is average to many European countries is considered a ’10’ in America. Our ’10’ you might look at and say, “She is average.”
I think the fact that American women tend to vary in appearance plays in this: I’ve noticed in pictures I see of European countries that show women and any female transfer students I’ve met were very attractive, they always wear some makeup, dress nice, and have their hair fixed or under a hat.
American women regularly dress in slobby clothes, no makeup, and brush-and-go hair… Or dressed to the nines in heels and all, super heavy makeup, and elaborately blown out or curled hair. In pictures of America, you’ll notice this.
I think it changes perception a lot. In America, the ’10’ is only a ’10’ in contrast to the shoddy one standing next to her. If all woman dressed nice, that ’10’ may not be a ’10’.
In America, we tend to dress like movie stars or hobos, never a comfortable constant medium.
Yes, germany is in europe.Yes, it seems to me that europeans have a higher standard of beauty and that your ´10`s are here only average.
But as i wrote before, things and women decline, even here.Sometimes i see here a beautiful women, but when she opens her mouth i am instantly turned off.Or she has a awkward vibe which turns off already when she is passing by.
Ii have never been in the US.But i met a lot of american man and women here in germany.I must admit, the chemistry and wavelength with them was often much better than when i talked to german women.
German women are cold, they dont say what they really think, cannot express their feelings openly.
Of course there are still a lot very beautiful american women in US.
In the 90s i admired Sharon Stone very much.I was completely fascinated by her looks.In March 2000 i saw Cindy Crawford in real life when she entered a TV-show.Such a beauty- like when the sun rises..One of the most beautiful woman i have ever seen..
The only thing Eastern Europe exports is mentally challenged orphans and prostitutes … EE women are no panacea … they’re uneducated and can only offer their Hollywood-hyped “beauty.”
Guys who think foreign girls are perfect and “wifey material” are not real red pills for me. More like guys who swallowed the red pill, didn’t like it and chose to spit it out.
They cant accept the truth so they make an escape plan and say “ok american girls are like that and that, but foreign girls are soooo special and different.”
Stop bullshitting yourself. You don’t NEED any women to be happy in life.
Agree. Also, love your photo and username. 😉
Anyway, I’m an American girl, but I’ve gotten to know plenty of European girls in my life. They think of Americans as being prudish. In particular, I know that girls from the UK, Israel, Hungary, and Slovakia start doing sexual things at a younger age than American girls. They also will sleep with a guy sooner than many American girls would. It’s a known thing among Europeans that Americans take their time more and don’t put out so soon.
Foreign guys know that American girls love their accents and often put out when they’re on vacation, but that’s a different story. In that sense, American girls are seen as easy, but in general, Europeans are more sexually promiscuous than Americans.
Until reading this site, I didn’t realize men had a preference for foreign women because they found them to be more pure. This may be true in Asian or Arab countries, but I doubt it’s true in Western Europe.
Logical article,, the language thing deserves far more weight the looks and superficiality. If you aren’t fluent in someone’s language you basically have no personality, or say 40% of one. With that number far lower to eastern asians.
Good romp is always likely, almost anywhere. Without you learning the language fluently, you won’t be proudly presentable to a single person she knows.
When I approach foreign women, their appeal exceeds the mere physical. They are more feminine, more kind, and happy, and caring, and loving, and nurturing. They will cook meals for you. They will clean up without asking. They will do all these things out of an innate kindness. A foreign 6 is higher value to me than an American 9.
Yes! Agree. And, when they like you, they make it very obvious; unlike American women, who play games from the outset. You have to have a secret decoder ring on one hand and the other on a Ouija board to figure them out.
Great point
I really don’t think foreign women are less promiscuous than American women. From traveling a lot and being friends with girls from other countries, I always got the distinctly opposite impression. I’ve even heard men from other countries talk about how they find it odd that Americans date for a while before having sex because, in Europe, sex happens one of the first times a couple hangs out.
Girls in Arab and Asian countries likely are less promiscuous, but girls in England, Germany, and other Western countries really are not. Sex is a bigger deal in America than it is in Europe.
Honor culutre (aka. getting killed by your male relatives) tends to put the ME women in check. Those western countries you speak of have been below replacement level populaton growth due to an array of socialist ideals (state welfare, abortion, feminism, etc..). A woman’s only power is sex. When it’s turned into a politcal weapon, society pays the consequences.
I just met a 35-year-old Mexican woman, from a suburb of D.F. Beautiful woman, very traditional, never married, no kids; yet has a big family. She speaks English pretty well, but gets it wrong sometimes, in cute ways. Humor doesn’t translate well, unfortunately. She’s an amazing cook and grows half of her own food. Pretty awesome.
Man, they aren’t kidding about dating the whole family with a Mexican. The brothers were skeptical of a white guy with their sister but, the oldest brother works in IT, so we hit it off pretty well. He approved and overrode the objections of the other brothers.
Fucked a Canadian chick a few times. For some unknown reason, she made my dick big and hard enough to smash a windshield. She was courteous, well mannered, married parents, articulate, about a 7.5 and made no bones about how mean and damaged American women are. Didn’t care about her full bush -perfectly fine by me; was the best pussy I’d ever had the privilege of. Sprayed her inside like a firehose, turned my sack into the size of a gobstopper, albeit temporarily of course.
Lesson learned? American women will shrink your equipment if you settle for one; the mental damage goes without saying. So, be careful.
Not sure what the point is, but well spoken.
Post beer headache. I’m better now, though
Better call Safelite! Safelite repair, Safelite replace.
Took me a bit to understand what you meant. I agree. Safelite window repair big time.
Even if this article has been recycled, it is an oldie but a goodie. I will say that it applies in a different way in Japan. Japanese parents will never accept a gaijin or foreigner when their daughter is young. But they will reluctantly accept you if their daughter is over 26 or so. That was the case with me. I think my wife was 27. Shit hit the fan a little, but the old man and I eventually hit it off ok. They would have preferred a local beau.
She is one year older than I. I think I did well. Even like her older brother.
It’s the same here in China, except that they sometimes seem to be more open to prestigious foreigners (well-to-do, blonde/blue, American, intelligent, can speak the language, etc. if they see value in you).
Nice comment, I learned something new
According to this, 8’s and 9’s are still a pain in the ass even in foreign countries. I wonder how well an American guy could do with foreign 2’s, 3’s, 4’s or post-wall foreigners?
And some may be interested in you merely for the benefits your passport provides.
There’s always that risk, but after a bit of experience it gets easier to tell. I suspect men who fall for that are easily persuaded.
“If there’s anything I’ve learned through living abroad for over five years, it’s that beautiful women everywhere—even in dirt poor countries—have options. ”
Quote of the fuckin day…
Hence why most men will not be jumping on a plane en masse and pursuing foreign women. Most men are too lazy to learn a foreign language and too chicken-shit to even venture outside Americas borders DESPITE the fact that one has much less freedoms in the States than many other countries.
I’ve said this multiple times, and I’ve told several men they could find a much better, more feminine woman abroad. They’re usually scared bitch-boys who would rather marry up an American fatty or an unattractive 2nd generation immigrant. They always hee-haw around and make excuses why they can’t.
Very few men have enough spirit and courage to actually travel abroad, embrace a cool new culture, and reap the rewards (along with making some awesome memories).
” They always hee-haw around and make excuses why they can’t.”
Ecc 7:26 And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her.
“Unfortunately for me, I do not enjoy the company of women over 25, so I
try to limit my dealings with them, but this would be a target pool to
select from especially since they’re done fucking around and desperately
want to start a family. As long as you don’t mind being cock number
twenty while having to wait for sex much longer than the sexy Spanish
man she met during her last trip to Majorca, she’s all yours.”
I would die a happy man if a woman who’s had more dick than she has fingers and suddenly wants to settle down and start a family NEVER EVER find a guy to do so. But that would require us men not to be Captn’ Save-a-ho. But there’s always fucking dumbasses that become Captn’ Save-a-ho.
Some women are far more attractive than their physical appearance. A 5,6,7 feminine women that is serious about pleasing a man blows an 8,9,10 away for family creation. Now if you are just looking to fuck good looking women this article applies big time. But it is a good article to keep in mind for men looking for family creation. Basing a wife choice on physical appearance makes no difference where in the world you find her.
“. Now if you are just looking to fuck good looking women this article applies big time. But it is a good article to keep in mind for men looking for family creation. Basing a wife choice on physical appearance makes no difference where in the world you find her.”
That’s a good point because regardless of how attractive a chick is at 23, her looks turn to crap by the time she hits her 40’s, and sometimes sooner. In fact with social media today one can look up that super hot girl you had a crush on back in high school and see today the bloated sack of shit she has become. It’s downright depressing really.
Most people do not bond and think of family and hence do not look at qualities that are important IF one is thinking about settling down.
Genetics also matters in family creation. Is she tall, beautiful, intelligent, athletic? All traits you want to pass down.
agreed but first things first we need to restore politeness. Nohymennodiamond
You got credit card? I love you long time. That about sums it up.
This is a good article Roosh. It needs a part 2.
Also consider that women’s default mode is to take advantage for short term gain. Many foreign women, thanks to media and U.S. centered entertainment, know how American women act and get into men’s wallets. Over the years I’ve met many foreign women who, when they meet an American man, start the same games that their American counterparts do. It doesn’t matter about the culture, their supposed upbringing, etc., female nature is female nature. . .Once they get an American man, they start with the problems.