With Donald Trump’s crushing victory in the Indiana primary this week—scoring a solid majority of the vote and winning all of the state’s delegates—he is now the undisputed Republican nominee for president. With Ted Cruz ending his campaign following his loss and acid casualty John Kasich suspending his the following day, the stage is set for Trump and his supporters to take over the GOP and take back the White House.
It wasn’t supposed to end like this. Indiana had long been viewed as a pro-Cruz state due to its agrarian nature, evangelical population, and lack of diversity. After losing six primaries in a row to the Donald—indeed, finishing behind Kasich in all but one of them—Lyin’ Ted needed a win in Indiana to lend credibility to his campaign and stop Trump from getting the majority of delegates he needed to win the nomination on the first ballot.
Alas, it was not to be. Any goodwill Cruz had built up among voters was completely exhausted by the time the Hoosier State voted. Cruz’s backroom backstabbing in Colorado and Wyoming—garnering delegates in states where the voters didn’t get a say—along with his botched collusion pact with Kasich and his inexplicable decision to name Creepy Carly Fiorina as his running mate caused his poll numbers to collapse. With both his opponents out of the way, Trump is now free to take on Hillary Clinton from now until the general election in November.
A Tale Of Two Rallies
I got a firsthand view of the massive gulf between Trump’s and Cruz’s popularity among Hoosiers when I attended a rally by each candidate held in the same room of the same building: the Century Center in South Bend. (I also attended a Bernie Sanders rally in between that was also held at the Century Center.) Cruz held his rally a week ago, and despite the South Bend region supposedly being favorable to him (Michiana, the home of Notre Dame, has a highly-educated population), only about 500-600 people showed up, filling maybe a sixth of the room:
To make matters worse, Cruz had decided to completely rip off Trump’s campaign style and policy positions. Not only did we begin the rally with a prayer and by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance (something Trump has done at his rallies since the Iowa caucuses), when he was speaking, Lyin’ Ted declared he would fight to keep American companies from outsourcing manufacturing jobs, an issue Trump has built his campaign on. Cruz even name-dropped Carrier as one of the companies on his shit-list despite the fact that the Donald has been lambasting them for months:
In contrast, Trump’s South Bend rally on Monday was a full house, with 3,000-4,000 people crammed into the room and another 4,000 in overflow rooms. The content of Trump’s speeches had also changed from when I’d last seen him in New York. In both that speech and another rally I’d attended in Indianapolis the week before, the Donald relaxed his attacks on Lyin’ Ted and focused on the fact that he was the presumptive nominee:
Demolishing Cruz took a while—compared to his attacks on Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio—but Trump eventually made Lyin’ Ted crack. The Indiana campaign was a nonstop series of disasters for Cruz, from his pact with Kasich falling apart mere hours after it was announced to his running mate announcement backfiring (selecting Fiorina caused his poll numbers to decline even further). When Cruz flipped out the morning of the election and called Trump a “bully” and a “pathological liar,” it was because he knew the end was near.
Chicago ’68, Philly ’16
Bernie Sanders’ unexpected triumph in the Indiana Democratic primary—he had been trailing Hillary Clinton by a significant margin in the polls—also works to Trump’s advantage. While Clinton still leads in the delegate count, Sanders has enough support to fight to the end of the primaries and he’s signaled that he will continue his campaign all the way to the Democratic convention in Philadelphia in July.
As my own experiences at Sanders’ events show, his supporters despise Hillary, viewing her as a hopelessly corrupt, warmongering crypto-Republican. There will be no reconciliation between the Hillary and Sanders camps, setting the scene for a nasty fight at the convention. Hillary will likely get the nomination due to her support from the party’s donor class, which will lead a significant number of Sanders voters to either stay home or support Trump (and in fact, Trump has been making overtures to Sanders’ supporters for a month now).
It’s the perfect situation for Trump: not only has he vanquished his opponents in the GOP, his likely Democratic opponent will have to spend the next two months fending off attacks from her own party, softening her up for the general election. While there are no guarantees, at this stage, you wouldn’t go wrong betting on a Trump victory in November.
If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.
Read Next: Donald Trump’s Loss In Wisconsin Sets The Stage For Carnage In The Republican Convention
The very best of luck to Trump against the fucking hideous HRC
Yours Sincerely
A Working Class Brit
Found out today how London just voted for its first Muslim mayor. So…what’s up with that?
London is a Labour stronghold.
Look up London’s demographics
The plague is spreading.
Grimly ironic that there’s a movie in theatres at the moment called “London Has Fallen” about an Islamic attack on the city.
Lol. Can’t make this shit up.
Didn’t their previous mayor support Brexit? Now he’s been replaced by a muslim fanatic who, presumably, is as pro-EU as one can be 🙁
And thinks the US should be attacked by terrorists if Trump wins.
It gets worse. Sadiq Khan was also Chairman of the Fabian Society (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabian_Society) and remains on its Executive Committee. Islamism and Fabianism are highly toxic philosophical poisons even when taken separately.
He took his Kratom
He’s kratom in human form.
The coming of this article was foretold
Trump might actually be able to deliver the change obama promised so long ago
Obama delivered change, just not good change. Like monopoly money change
What happened to the hope he promised. Oh, my bad, hope is still there. He just didn’t deliver.
We HOPE that he goes back to the sweaty jungles of Kenya
Change is overrated and is not necessarily good.
A tornado changes a town, for example.
A tornado boosts the economy!
Ohhhh, I love that “broken window” fallacy. Heh.
No, no. I mean through all the Youtube videos of flying whales and shit.
The US could use a good bit of tearing down.
When Cruz announced he dropped out he punched, elbowed and then smothered his wife.
She cummed hard
Despite all the propaganda about the wonders of democracy and the evils of central planning, our elites use centralized command-and-control mechanisms to manage the Presidential election process to get the outcomes they want.
The Trump revolution came out of the blue and blew up this system, at least this time around. It vindicates Hayek’s view of how social order arises without central planning, indeed, in defiance of central planning by powerful elites. I laugh at those Republican moneybags who wasted fortunes on the loser candidates they wanted to foist upon us as “leaders.”
Laughing at republican money bags indeed
Most billionaires are Democrat supporters.
“Most billionaires are Democrat supporters”
If that is true than I would wager that once someone becomes a billionaire then he is in the “club” of the global elites who are pushing for cultural Marxism.
I agree.
That is not what mainstream Liberals want to believe.
They’re not what you’d call “moored to reality”.
Rich guilt?
Actually I think it’s entirely pragmatic. They’re doing asset protection. A social program goes in, the middle class is shoe horned into financing it and the connected billionaires get their exemptions in law. If the GOP were more powerful they’d all be supporting the GOP. Hell they’d support the Rent Be Too High party if it had enough power.
Not surprising; most billionaires don’t want you to build wealth. They want to redistribute it to the most irresponsible people in society so they can get their money back through impulse spending as quickly as possible.
What kind of support does Trump enjoy among the military? Some sackless generals have come out saying they will refuse to follow Trump’s orders, if elected.
They’ve done such a great job of standing up to all of Obama’s idiotic military decisions like more integration of women into combat arms. I don’t fear these generals they are careerists.
My take is that if woman want “the feminist same” ; than institute a draft for them at 18. Let them become disposable like men.
Also make them have the same uniform, grooming, and fitness standards across the board
Crew cuts all around! And standardized PT tests that are not lowered for them. We’d have 2 bulldykes in the ranks and no other women were that to happen.
High and tight haircuts, trimmed colorless fingernails, no makeup, masculine uniforms. I’d even make the civilian attire standards masculine too, bitches
Sounds good!
No. We just need to have an all female battlefield like the women UFC and WNBA shit like that.
Some of the Generals get a lot of coin with the size of the budget. 40% of the worlds military spending so they want the status quo. Its ridiculous to think that thousands of Americans die and many thousands injured- in Afghanistan under Obama (look it up) and some puke general is worried about some rag head getting waterboarded.
Their opinions don’t matter, as long as Trump has the support of the infantry and Officers O-3 and below, and enlisted E7 and below…. that’ll be enough.
Wow, so these generals that sat back and committed war crimes without thinking twice under W are now threatening to abandon their duty and refuse to obey supposed orders by someone they don’t like?
War crimes?
These don’t even mention the waterboarding and other atrocities that went on in the detention base the US operates in Communist Cuba. America executed Japanese leaders after WW2 for waterboarding.
New money at the Washington trough.. don’t expect Romney/Bush- that money -to not make another effort to keep power. Somehow Trump has to cut a deal with these guys to keep their companies power base in tact. Lets face it; both sides it is about power and nothing to do with American’s…. Trump is now the wild card so the chairs have to be realigned and the deals made. I think trump can do that part but it will take a couple of months. I want a Wall built and our borders shut. 1.7 million people come to the US per year; we don’t have the resources to take care of these folks in a globalized- sell your soul to the lowest global devil bidder…… If that’s all Trump accomplishes in 4 years; that’s enough for me.
Not so fast. If women had never been allowed to vote, yes, the White House would be Trump’s for the taking.
Our mothers, wives and sisters still haven’t come around, alas. The Donald isn’t deporting their Mexican and Muslim bulls if the sisterhood have anything to do with it.
And the cheek of him! Daring to point out that Hillary has nothing to recommend her but her uterus and that women are even more insufferable that usual for several days a month. How dare he describe women as they are and not pretend they’re better than men!
The Donald is an uncontrollable Alpha as seen by the mothers, wives, sisters.. .We will find out if this attractive or not this fall -ie translates to voting. Should be interesting to watch…. Weak Bernie Beta men are going to stick with Hillary as the feminine imperative is all that shall be for these guys. They are plugged into to that thinking….. Even progressive women have to be alarmed with the progressives who believe that “whatever sex you feel like today”; go to a Target bathroom and oogle around. Our society is leftist militant progressive; a long term loser for the country as their is no strength left. We sell out to the third world in the name of safety and a globalized; androgynous thought process. People will find out that the rest of the world doesn’t care what the US is about.
Oh, definitely. I think a lot of Liberal women will defect to the Trump camp when they’re alone in that voting booth. Just as I’m sure a lot of Conservative women did for JFK back in the day.
I’m thinking the same will happen with a lot of the minority groups MSM is trying to rally against Trump. Imagine yourself as a Mexican-American tradesman whose neighborhood is being seeded with Section 8 thugs who threaten his son, harass his daughter, and blast music because they don’t give a shit that he has to be up at 4:00 in the morning. Or maybe you’re an Asian-American business owner who has been handed 60 pages of regulations cooked up by the Democrat city council trying to dictate everything from the size of sodas he serves to how big his counters can be.
I am a huge Trump fan for what he is. Blacks/minorities did horrible under obama..4-5% more in poverty. Wages for all of us have not increased since 2000. We are slowly dying with progressive leftist pushing us into the abyss. I will be fine- I made my cash- but I really pity folks that follow this leftist craziness into the abyss.
My Mexican grandfather worked in a Chicago steel mill from age 14 to support his family and grew up to yell at Mexicans for speaking Spanish in public, and strongly disliked “niggers” (I’m not racist, I’m prejudiced, he’d say). Yet he still believed America stole Mexican land, and voted Democrat, as far as I know.
I think Matt Forney is a Trump supporter.
Man, they can’t sneak anything past you, Monsieur de Charette.
Yeah I think his first article alluded to that.
It was very subtle but I also got the impression that Forney may support Trump.
Trump has amazing frame control.
He knew he couldn’t compete in a Neoconservative circlejerk(he’d get pecked to death over not caring enough about abortion, his connection to the Clintons, et cetera) so he changed the conversation. None of the other candidates were prepared to discuss Nationalism vs Internationalism or deal with attacks on their character.
All true. He’s changed public discourse — made it much, much worse. That’s what he’ll be remembered for.
The Trump train isn’t running to the White House. It’s running towards a footnote in history.
“He’s changed public discourse — made it much, much worse. That’s what he’ll be remembered for.”
Trump simply went into the room and started unmasking the powers-that-be for what they are.
Is Trump a horrible person? Yes, but no more so than anyone else by the self-righteousness I see on sites like NRO and Redstate.
I prefer that to the hystorically divisive Obama. The guy promised to be a healer but pit groups against one another in the clumsiest ways possible.
When describing why I support Trump to people who don’t follow politics, I describe it like this.
Trump = Lex Luthor
Bernie Sanders= Joseph Stalin/ Pol Pot
Clinton= Mrs. Underwood from House of Cards
When Ted Cruz was running= Televangelist who reminds me of Jim Jones in a couple of ways.
“Lex Luthor” will win my vote every single time.
I have compared Clinton to Mrs. Underwood numerous times. Nice to see someone else has made that connection.
ok you were good except for stupid comparison of Sanders to the murderous Stalin/Pol Pot!
Your ‘progress’ is just the same dumb series of mistakes that the Roman empire also made; both based on the same lie, that they had mastered nature.
“he’d get pecked to death over not caring enough about abortion”
First the pro-lifers yelled at him for not being pro-life enough, and then when he stated the obvious conclusion of pro-life policies, he exposed them for the feminist-lite hacks they are.
As someone who considers himself pro-life, and is disgusted with the movement generally, I agree.
The fact that they NEVER blame chicks who hop on the carousel for their situation, is one of two things that drove me away.
I’m pro-choice (generally) but I’ve noticed a lot of white knighting in the pro-life movement. In their world there’s always some caddish boyfriend or unscrupulous doctor pressuring the poor confused woman to get an abortion.
I’m pro-life, but what you’ve said is true.
Pro-Abortion myself, against it being a woman’s choice. But I could live with them not being allowed
I was vaguely pro-life, till I discovered that most abortions are carried out on inner-city ghetto, often teenage, would-be single mothers. Frankly, that’s a service to the nation.
They can’t imagine a world where women aren’t saints. It’s stockholm syndrome; if women have just been using them all along, their psyche would be ripped apart by the realization that most of their beliefs are based on a lie.
Indeed. Mark Twain observed that it’s easier to fool people than convince them they’ve been fooled.
Anyone who is pro-life should be willing to either adopt unwanted newborns or provide increased funding for their care in state-run homes or foster care. Otherwise, the commitment in my opinion is not complete.
A better way to put it would be “not pretending to care enough about abortion”
It’s a minor point, but something I noticed when dealing with neo-cons.
The globalists are so used to owning both parties they never imagined the population they spent so much time brainwashing would turn on them. Trump is a master strategist; I still firmly believe he lost Colorado and Wyoming on purpose to completely destroy Cruz’s image.
Meanwhile …
America’s Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs
How is Trump going to reverse this trend? Build walls around the factories?
One thing is sure – the US aid to Israel will double if not triple.
Tariffs and deals to be fair. Look, you can’t out print another country if they want their wages to be lower. That’s why interest rates are at 2% and inflation still can’t take off. Other countries are printing faster and stealing your technology. The best you can do is cut a deal with other places for stabilization and job growth. We are not in a regional economy. We are in a- if Canada wants to dump 2 billion hogs on us- our Industry “is gone” economy and their govt can print, fund it and make sure our producers go out of business. And that’s just 1 industry. Look at what obama did to coal on the East Coast.- wiped them out with a few impossible to meet regulations.
Not defending Obama, but isn’t Congress that pass bills to be sent to the President to sign into law? The President does not write the laws. He just ratifies or vetos bills Congress conjures up.
There are 115 agencies in the federal government and 34 volumes in the federal register.. who do think writes laws?
You have lawyers fighting the word- “state” versus federal.
The FDA can put Ecigs out of business in a second.
I just saw this on YouTube and I answered my own question. Very entertaining and at the same time depressing.
I am always bewildered by how little Americans know about their own country’s internal mechanisms.
I prefer this version
The regulatory state (agencies) essentially acts as a 4th branch of government. Even though they’re supposed to act constitutionally within the framework of the executive branch, that can’t really happen if congress is filled with cucks and commies, or a court system filled with judges who decide how the case will turn out before oral arguments even begin.
Trust me, as someone who interned for a judge (only right wing-ish judge in MA) in my 2nd year of law school… this happens all of the time.
They stopped teaching civics in the high school a long time ago.
Meh – American consumers like you are moving factories offshore. The reason is obvious – 99% of Americans go straight for the cheapest price. They won’t buy an American product that costs a few cents more because it is not made by slave labor and our factories have environmental regulations etc.
What this means is many American companies have two choices: 1) stay here and go out of business for lack of sales and tiny margins or 2) move lock, stock, and barrel overseas where production costs are lower with slave wages and few environmental regulations so they can stock their crappier, cheaper products at Walmart and Amazon where the majority of Americans shop.
And Americans lap that cheap crappy product up to the detriment of local businesses.
You vote with your dollars and Americans are voting with their dollars to send their own jobs to Asia!
What our government needs to do is to waive taxes on companies that produce domestically or exports to encourage manufacturing stays in the US so the products are priced competitively with imports.
There are areas in China called tax free zones where you have bulk products made in the US, shipped in bulk to this area in China to be filled into individual units, and shipped back to the US anf STILL have a made in USA claim as long as the ingredients were not altered during the filling process. Our government allows this.
So when you think that item you’re buying states made in USA is 100% made here in the US, that is not 100% true. You would never know just reading the label.
It comes to infrastructure too…in China they build whole cities practically overnight to serve as manufacturing hubs…Here congress can’t even pass a highway budget bill without weeks of drama.
Yet they’re willing to build NFL stadiums with taxpayer money for the sake of “revitalization”, whatever the fuck that means
This nation invests more on sports than anything else it seems. Schools are more known for their sports than their academics.
Do you even realise the hurdles you would face trying to build a city in the Western world?
Here’s one: property rights
Yes, this country is fundamentally broken. We are no longer able to even maintain our roads and transportation system. I saw an article the other day about 4 hour waits to go through the homeland security lines at the airport. If I waited in line for 4 hours in El Salvador, I would call that place a shithole and never go back. But this is business as usual in America.
I flew into L.A. airport a couple of years ago and it was under construction, we left the plane and went through this temporary tunnel thing that dumped us out on the public street, without baggage or anything. (Of course that is a ‘security’ risk as well since anyone could have entered through that door and been in the concourse, but airline security is a joke, and weapons get through all the time anyway). We had to wander around for 30 minutes and make it back to baggage claim. This is the first impression many foreign visitors get of the USA (there are similar stories posted by others).
Roads and bridges are falling apart. I had business in Detroit 6 years ago, couldnt believe how shitty the streets and highways were. “Glad i live in NYC” I told myself. Well, after nightmarish winters in 2013-15, our roads are increasingly like what I experienced in Michigan. Price of asphalt has quadrupled since the early 2000s btw
Let’s just consider one example:
If I want to buy new running shoes, which shoes could I actually buy that have been produced in the US?
Sadly, I gotta agree with you. The factories are GONE- nothing is going to bring them back
Nor should we. Instead, we need to understand how our education system degenerated so that we could not product the replacement for tool and die workers – computer programmers. Programming, as opposed to real engineering, does not require a person know more than the typical graduate of the 1950s high school. How did we cripple our own system of education to make it impossible to grow our own tech workers?
http://www.returnofkings.com/86423/how-donald-trump-vanquished-his-enemies-and-conquered-the-republican-party#disqus_thread Programming, unlike real engineering, does require a person to know more than the typical 1950s graduate? Sources please??
Programming unlike real engineering, doesnt require a person to know more than a typical grad of 1950s high school? Any sources to back that up??
Personal experience with PL/1 and Basic in high school, and that of many peers in my generation, demographics of hackers, etc. At that level, some one can give you an algorithm or a procedure in English, and you just hack away at it till it runs. Not hard at all. You don’t have to do any kind of analysis, or even algebra. It’s no more difficult than working on a car engine, which many American male adolescents did in the 1950s when enough used one became affordable.
How? Well there are these things called tariffs and trade agreements. You should read about them some time.
US aid to Israel – Trump is more sympathetic to Palestine but he can’t go against the Jewish lobby full on – too powerful when there are more important issues at hand. Highly doubt aid will increase as Trump’s foreign policy adopts the opposite approach: our allies should pay for our protection – America First (unless you have a credible source?).
He claims he will accomplish that by lowering taxes, charging tariffs for major offenders, bowing out of globalist trade deals, and based on his comments about Oreos and Carrier maybe even encouraging national boycotts.
That said, the president alone can only do so much. In our modern corporate culture, companies will always outsource to low-wage slave labor overseas, or hire immigrant labor in the US for cheap, if they can. And most Americans support this behavior through their buying habits.
And let’s hope Trump’s “neutrality” on Israel becomes more pronounced once he actually takes his seat in the Oval Office.
USA, you are screwing yourself. Whether it is Trump or Bernie, you lose, awfully. Go for Hillary as the least evil, and wait for the next election.
I know.
I would vote for Hillary only to hasten the decline and bring about the Final Reckoning
Hillary would be the neutral candidate. That is what you need, Dubya and Obama have been way too partisan, although Obama did actually do a good job.
Obama was the most divisive president in history and has EO after EO struck down and destroyed by courts. The man is awful and his policies are awful and only exacerbated an already bad situation.
No, the stimulus packages and QE worked, and you should recognize that. Your youth unemployment is about a half that of Europe’s. Please, be honest.
but how many pull-ups can he do?
Yep. As many as it takes to start sweating electrolytes.
Oh bullshit. We’re so far in debt now due to money being printed out of thin air and injected into the stock market that it’s not even funny. A “jobless recovery” is not a success.
Inflation and you need to get together and have a talk because you basically have no idea what it means. When you print money out of thin air there are consequences. Your purchasing power now is a fraction of what it was in 2006, assuming the same “income”.
No, your GDP/debt has turned into a better direction. There is a lot issues I am willing to debate, but this is not one of those. You Americans are well off considering circumstances. You can not even fathom what kind of political instability Europe is going through right now. You are pampered.
I don’t give a fuck about comparisons to Europe man. I’m talking here. His policies have caused more economic strife and mayhem in the States than you can possibly imagine. You’re getting the Swooning Leftist perspective from your Leftist European media who can see no wrong in the man, and it’s quite obvious in reading your posts on this thread. They’re lying to you. We have around 92 million employment aged people without a fucking job. There was no “recovery”, you’re being hornswaggled.
Recovery is not the aim, preventing chaos is. You should study your economics.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. We’re in chaos.
No, you are not. Your macronumbers are in a good shape.
Neutral in what sense?
This sounds like the comment of a clueless Euro who doesn’t get that the US is currently in a cold civil war, and what a Hillary presidency would really mean in that context.
Umm, if that is the case, why would Trump or Sanders be any more neutral?
Bullox mate. You must be a young one. Youth unemployment in the EU has ALWAYS been high due to your sociliast policies. The US has had no growth despite the the trillions of debt racked up and has nothing to show for it (unless enriching democrat donors is your goal). The real uneployment is closer to 23% despite the gaslighting from DC. The US middle class and private sector has been hammered and the stock market has been artifically held up.
Obama and democrats fuck up the US becasue the try and emulate European socialism.
Europes instability is due it’s continued belief in an failed ideology and it’s importation of third world parasites as their own women stopped having kids 2 generations ago.
” Obama did actually do a good job.” if you are a complete cuck and hate Western Civilization. WTF are you doing here shitlib?
Fuck you simpleton. Uh Oh “Western Civilization.” USA went to moon with a democrat president. Fuck you so much, the only good thing that GOP has ever achieved, was them being anti-slavery.
Struck a nerve, did I you cuck? JFK and Johnson would be considered right wing loons to you leftists today. Enjoy your Muslim take over, dhimmi.
WTF, at least JFK was a heavy public investor, so apparently you do not know a flying fuck about politics. Obama is more right-wing than JFK. Do your homework. FFS.
Eisenhower was also a heavy public investor, so what? JFK and Johnson were about American sovereignty, unlike Obama or any leftist today, who are unashamedly internationalist and who are doing their level best to undermine our sovereignty and power. He also took the world to the brink of annihilation over some uppity latino’s in the Caribbean. Vietnam also seems to be missing in your skewed understanding of history. Vietnam was the bastard son of both JFK and Johnson. Obama and today’s lefties would have wetted their pants and caved in Cuba, and wouldn’t have been enforcing our Containment Doctrine anywhere, let alone Vietnam. In fact, BHO probably would have just surrendered to the USSR. Sounds like you need to read something other than Marxist history books if you think Obama are to the right of JFK and Johnson. Those guys were steely eyed Cold Warriors.
Obama does lean more right, take f.e. NASA operations privatizations, which although begun in GWB’s term. Kennedy kept the core operations public, which had a fall-out effect of private success stories, like Silicon Valley.
But what do you think GOP is going to actually solve? They have a much worse debt record than democrats f.e.
Why would anyone on ROK vote for Hillary Clinton? Perhaps you should go to yahoo or jezebel.
But really, with Sanders or Trump, who would take USA seriously anymore? Yes, you need a traditional masculine leader, but Trump is not the answer. Let Hillary be there for one term, and make the space for a new Reagan.
No one only gets 1 term anymore, and Donald Trump is as close to a new Reagan as we have gotten in years. Besides, he’ll will freeze over before I vote for a feminist.
Take a look at Trump’s policies, plus his alphaness: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions
His foreign policy is also excellent for America: America First
So was your foreign policy from Reagan till Dubya? How did that turn out?
Well, the Middle East is amazingly unstable. And Europe is paying the humanitarian fall-out.
That foreign policy was not ‘America First’. Spreading ‘democracy’ around the world and paying for it is definitely not in the interests of the people.
Try saying “no” and killing some people. It works.
Let me guess…your a Merkel fan?
I don’t normally only post videos, but I couldn’t resist…
Lol Trump? Don’t you guys get it, the system is rigged it’s already chosen from the get go. Our votes don’t mean shit. They’re all told what to do or they’ll end up like JFK. Rinse n repeat. History doesn’t lie
Hopefully Trump has bulletproof skin or something… they actually warned JFK to go in his armored limousine, but he wanted to go in the open car anyway. Did people know he was a target? Either way, that was a tragedy, it’s a shame that no country is ever really devoid of corruption nowadays.
It is actually worse than that. It used to be, many years ago, many presidents ago, that the system was rigged and the votes didn’t matter. It is much worse now. Not only do the votes not matter, but the office itself is totally meaningless. You could put marmaduke in the oval office with stalin’s reanimated corpse as his vice president and kim kardashinan as the secretary of state and it would not make one lick of difference.
Power has ceased to exist boys. Participation isn’t just futile, it is a laughable exercise which is keeping a non-existent structure front and center.
Who wins the ratings war on prime time sitcoms, who wins the Super Bowl, fuck even who wins the yelp award for best thai restaurant in midtown east is all infinitely more significant than this election.
That’s why you need to Vote Trump so that he can kick the establishment’s ass and make your vote count again!
Doesn’t it boggle your mind how much effort goes into *talking* about this figurehead office though? I agree, the presidency is nothing more than the mascot for Team America World Police, and yet you have hundreds of Meghan Kellies and Wolf Blitzers interviewing and analyzing every little thing, looking at every little poll, interviewing James Carvilles and Karl Roves and pollsters and journalists and so many people who devote literally billions of man hours of time working for, talking about, and hyping up this thing that literally does not matter.
Your vote does not matter. For so many reasons. The electoral college. The fact that the presidency no longer holds real power. The fact that the 2 candidates always have the same agenda. Etc ad infinitum.
But once you step back and realize democracy and elections for the sham they are, it really does blow my mind to see all these thousands of people producing tv commercials, hiring actors, makeup artists, writing scripts, booking tours, writing speeches, etc. The nihilist side of me kind of wishes I was participating in the propaganda and getting rich as fuck off of this obscene sideshow. I bet the presidency is a billion dollar a year industry.
You and I, sir, are in total agreement
“You could put marmaduke in the oval office with stalin’s reanimated corpse as his vice president and kim kardashinan as the secretary of state”
That would be one helluva cartoon sitcom.
The establishment hates Trump and wants to destroy him – that is enough for me to vote.
I will vote Trump.
But he will have a hard row to plow to beat Hillary. The whole gender studies department is a political fiefdom for the left. Too many students with a BS in PC. My whole family now reminds me of what Orwell would have called ‘the outer party”.
Folks who are destined to serve as North Korea style minders for the proles who did not go to college.
I have never seen such a sorry mob getting diplomas ever since the gender studies departments set up shop to become the official ideology for the entire university system.
I really hope Bernie Sanders runs a third-party campaign in the fall…I think his supporters are so passionate they won’t vote for Hillary Clinton…and at his age, Bernie has nothing to gain by playing “go along / get along”. Bernie ran for President to give a sounding board for his Socialist ideals…he has been more successful than he ever could have imagined. If he bolts the convention with his followers, he may well accomplish his life’s dream of creating a viable, national Socialist party.
Part of me wishes that Trump and Bernie would run together just for the sheer “fuck you” it would send to the establishment.
Sanders is a freaking socialist, he’s so Establishment that you can’t get more Establishment. The Establishment is gunning hard to shove socialism down our throats. How he’s seen as an “outside” is anybody’s guess.
I think that Bernie actually believes what he preaches, unlike the majority of politicians, i.e Hillary, Jeb, etc. I will agree that he is pretty much the physical manifestation of everything the left stands for.
I give him credit for being much more consistent over the years than Clinton.
He’s seen as anti-establishment because of his repeated talking points about lambasting the billionaires and the 1%, and that really riles up the youth. People assume Wall Street is the inner circle, and so Sanders appears to be an outsider. The thing is, the game was rigged against Bernie and Trump, but Sanders couldn’t win, and Trump has continued to get support and take over his party. Sanders running a third-party run later would definitely take votes away from Hillary and assure Trump the presidency, but we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.
Oh, no doubt he believes it. No question. He’s a dangerous sniveling little fucktwat that, if he were to disappear from God’s green earth right now, would find me popping open a bottle of bubbly and cheering his demise.
I do agree that it would suck votes from Hillary. And I do hope he does it too. And then both of them flop and disappear into one of the more embarrassing chapters of American history.
I would still much rather have Bernie over Hillary. Either way the country is toast, but Bernie won’t really be able to get anything done, and once the country collapses there will be enough left to rebuild. Mark my words, if Hillary is elected we will see war between us and Russia. And we are not going to win that war.
We’d win that war. I’m not a hawk, but I do know capabilities and logistics. Russia is scraping for parts and materials right now for their military. They’re able to confront their local region but outside of nukes they don’t stand a chance in a conventional war against a superpower right now. 30 years ago, yes, today, not so much.
That said, I really don’t know who wins and really don’t see a good outcome no matter who wins. This entire election cycle is so fucked up.
I’m not so sure. Russia definitely has a higher national morale than we do at the moment. And remember that women, gays and trannies are now allowed to fight in our military. We might win in a nuclear situation, but in conventional warfare the Russians will kick our asses.
Allowed to fight is not the same as “actively in the ranks”. Women are avoiding this “opportunity” like nobody’s business. Disagree about conventional, I know what we can do, and I know what they can do. They are literally running on scrap metal right now and have fleets of aircraft grounded and in disrepair. Believe me, if Putin thought he could kick our ass he would have made his move already, given the pussy man child we have in the WH right now.
I hope you’re right. Either way, like you said, nobody wins if we wind up going to war again. Anyway, I haven’t even read the article yet. Let’s see how much more of Trump’s cock Forney has taken up his ass.
I believe the word you’re looking for is “all”. As in “all of it”. heh
Surprisingly tame for a Forney article. I didn’t see the word “cuck” once! Maybe he’s finally expanding his vocabulary?
1% is such an easy group to bash. write off 1% and the 9% under them who have aspirations and pick up the entire “I’m a fucking hipster doofus millennial” vote.
Funny thing is, the 1% have always been the punching bag of the unwashed masses. #1%livesmatter
From what I understand he isn’t backed by any billionaire lobbyists. Sanders’ campaign is a lot more grassroots and activist than Hillary and in this way he is more independent than democrat party.
I agree with you though that he is fundamentally pro-establishment.
To what extent do you believe he is a wholly owned subsidiary of the New York Financial and Banking industry like the Hillary?
If not, is he not some thing different?
I’m saying different, not better.
That always pisses me off. The actual real rich who are rich through doing productive things are always shit upon by the teeming unwashed smelly stinking masses of idiots. Let the fucking masses perish for all I care, yank their “safety nets” that the rich put up to help them and let them sink to the bottom of the fucking pond and die. We’ll see who needs who then.
The only thing I can think of is that he’s too open about what the left’s end game is, as far as America is concerned. The left’s whole plan hinges on bringing welfare colonists in to outnumber us demographically, while simultaneously collapsing the welfare/government services apparatus. For this to be achieved, they have to be able to lie and use euphemisms to trick people (so as to prevent an armed revolution from people like us). Sanders seems to want things to move quicker and cares little for sublety, which is helpful for us in a way.
We have to remember that for every one of us, there are probably ten or twenty more who actually still believe in the two party system.
Additionally, most of the people on the left who preach this stuff (and comprise the donor/hollywood class) have no intention of living under it themselves, and merely use it as rhetoric to obtain power. With someone like Sanders in power, there is the possibility that he may turn his focus on the mensheviks on the left.
Interesting perspective. I can see that.
Read the Cloward-Piven Strategy, Rules for Radicals, and Bill Ayers’ autobiography. I did this when I was a freshman (even turned it into a graduate thesis)… and I’ve never been caught off guard by leftists.
In my opinion, it’s because Bernie represents an old-school economic socialism rather than the “New Left” which is built on a core of identity politics/”Fuck You, Dad!” resentment towards white men.
Yeah. Check out the pics of the female Ranger school grads. They’re dudes minus the dick.
How do we win a war against Russia exactly? We can’t invade Russia and the best we can hope for in a nuclear war is that the human race doesn’t go extinct.
The democrats really are the party of billionares and bums. When they rally the dolts to mouth the Marxist rhetoric about the “1%”, they are targeting small business men or the white collar guys making 150-250k income a year. The trust fund bobos in the democrat party live off amassed wealth which evades taxation.
hillary will do anything to make a buck and gain power. Bernie, on the other hand, just has no spine and will merely bend to pressure.
Not only did he defend hillary at the beginning of the campaign against attacks but he was initially rather opposed to illegal immigration and he quickly abandoned that.
For all his yammering, I he really doesn’t want to ‘Seize the means of production.’ I don’t think modern progressives do either, because they are completely uninterested in producing, as long as they get to keep their iphones. The Democratic old guard are interested in their own power, but Sanders doesn’t really care about that. So I can see how a Sanders revolution might be economically beneficial; takes would be higher, but regulations could easily go down.
Maybe if Trump appointed Sanders an an adviser of some sort, implemented some welfare reform that streamlined the process like a basic income. I’d would take power away from the establishment, and for now that might have to be enough.
Bernie Sanders is THE most dangerous candidate right now on stage imo. He makes Trump look like a baby lamb. And now that GOJ has released the cat out of the bag, allow me to release the viper.
He is Jewish. Religiously and ethnically speaking (But I highly doubt it in a biblical sense). But he was born in America.
Consider this quote he apparently made – “A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932. He won an election, and 50 million people died as a result of that election in World War II, including 6 million Jews. So what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important.”
What he learned in his indoctrination studies as a little kid were lies. But that’s beside the point. Is he trying to say here his motivation is to stop this fantasy from every happening? Does he lust for this kind of power? Is revenge fueling him? Why did he not talk about the 1.075 million estimated American deaths in WW2 (since he wants the American throne)? Does he identify more closely as Jewish or American?
Typical politician. There is not much context to go along with the quote here and is open to interpretation and debate. In a hypothetical elitist long-game, Bernie would be one logically planned procession in line. Bake up a wall street protest. Have a politician stir up those old feelings again to win votes. The only question is is Trump really the golden wrench? Or just another slow-cooked shill?
1 1%er life = 1000 BLMer’s lives
Bernie used to have the last name of Sandberg. He’s a charlatan. Never trust globalist jews.
You know, Sanders is only 5 years older than Donald Trump, but Trump looks young enough to be his son.
So you think he can be the equivalent of the Progressive Party of 1948. The difference, of course, is that Wallace was not a candidate inside the Democratic party, having been replaced with Truman by FDR. Similarly, I don’t say Norman Thomas either, as the Democrats and the Communists had taken fatal bites out of his socialist party in the 1936 election…
Bernie is for 3 things: anti-corruption/establishment, nationalism & socialism.
Trump has the first 2, and has ’em more than Bernie, so I can see many “Berners” making the Jump to Trump when Bernie loses to hillary as getting, say, 70% of what they want is a helluva lot better than the 0% they’d get otherwise.
>national socialist
Choose one.
Bernie’s policies are well in line with the globalist elite’s in the long run, he’s anti-racist and supports open borders and amnesty. He’s definitely an international socialist (a.k.a. Marxist commie).
I’m surprised Forney took this long to express his love for Trump. Wonder what he was doing in the meantime…fap fap fap.
He’s published a couple of articles before on Trump’s continuous victories across the nation, but I’m guessing he took some time to step back and consider all the candidates. I know I did that, and it eventually became clear to me that Trump was the man.
So you’re a supporter of the feminist, Hillary? If so, why do you come to this site of all sites?
Not at all. I just don’t trust politicians or businessmen, period. Maybe you should look at my profile and see that 99% of my postings are on this site.
A lot of regs here don’t root for Trump for some reason.
Here’s my thoughts on the alt-right and includes suggestions to Trump on its usefulness. ROK is mentioned
If Trump would win, that would mean that EU would be the next superpower. The same applies to Sanders.
Don’t be stupid.
EU is dying, they have 0% of being the next one to step up
No, it is not. It is emerging from it’s growing pains.
Its crime has never been higher and they are all being sucked dry from immigrants especially germany and sweden
Remember, USA was built by immigrants. I repeat, EU is going through growing pains.
No, they’re flailing bad. The Brexit is a serious thing right now. That happens and the EU goes down the tubes.
Immigrants are not for Europe. The U.S. was founded as “anybody come over”. Europe is the ancestral home of white people. This is very serious, and very different.
Unfortunately we’ve enough fucking lemmings to walk off the cliff and stay in
Man they are different immigrants, not all immigrants are created the same
Brexit would not destroy Schengen treaty, nor the EU. Euro would come down, but that is quite different from whole Europe failing.
I mean sweden rapes has gone up 1400% since they allowed in so many uneducated immigrants
Like being overrun by illiterate rapists.
Those kinds of growing pains?
Do you think European immigrants were that much better in the 19th and 18th centuries? Ever heard of vikings?
I am not being SJW here.
Vikings were smarter then these people,many are uneducated and really serve no value besides to reproduce
It could be, dunno. If I were to choose, Asians would def be better. Or Northern Americans. But what can you do, the women have casted their bidding.
At least the European immigrants came from a similar social, religious, and economic background. They were able to easily assimilate into the new country and contribute to it. That cant’ be said about the new wave of immigrants flowing into Europe now that won’t change their way of life to fit in. They expect Europe to change for them.
U can bring in arabs but how bout they have a valid birth certificate and are educated, and not so many sweden brings in 2% of their population in Muslims per year now
That is partially true.
The Vikings raped so we should sell our women into islamist sex slavery
Brilliant logic
you think African ‘migrants’ have the same IQs as the Europeans who built America you’re delusional beyond help.
One exits and the rest figure out that it’s possible and bail.
Illiterate, inbred, low-IQ islamic rapefugees aren’t really comparable to the germans, Irish and Italians we received, and we also filtered out the moochers by not offering taxpayer funded benefits.
Make no mistake Europe is committing slow suicide.
Hopefully not.
You do not know, you are not European. Respectfully.
Then refrain from making comments about America and Obama and we’ll call it square. Respectfully.
And I have living family I visit in England and Scotland so I’m not that separated, yet.
England is not an euro country.
The fucks I give are, as it turns out, 0. They are still European. White people. Whitetopia. White birth place.
Angles – Continental Europe
Saxons – Continental Europe
Jutes – Continental Europe
Brythonic Celts – (originally) Indo European tribes that migrated off the continent to England
Gaels – Iberian Peninsula
Viking/Dane admixture – Scandinavian areas.
So yeah, they’re European chiefy.
You must be an idiot if you do not give a fuck. Euro is basically a rigged currency, does not practically flow. That is a bad thing, if you know anything about economics.
It’s assisted suicide.
US immigrants who were leaving their shit hole homelands behind and tryin to earn something for themselves. The old Republic gave you the opportunity. The rape-u-gees coming to the EU are here to mooch off the welfare and contribute fuck all.
Yeah, 1000 years ago. And for the most part, the Vikings just raided and plundered…they did not stay and suck resources. The only places they stayed, Kievan Rus and Normandy they conquered.
God, I hope the UK votes to exit. If they don’t they are seriously fucked.
White immigrants from a common religion.
USA’s immigrants were originally white Europeans who are inherently capable of organizing into a society. Even then, there were significant growing pains (Irish, Italians, and others causing gang violence, reducing wages, clashes between the native Protestants and incoming Catholics, etc) and borders had to be completely shut when it got to be too much (Immigration Act of 1924).
The EU’s immigration is from third-world Muslim nations whose people are inherently incapable of organizing into proper societies, and whose foreign religion is built on violence against non-believers and anti-liberal social beliefs. The borders remain wide open and will never be closed for as long as the EU exists.
It is an entirely different situation.
No, Europe will just become a Muslim shithole like the Middle East. Civil War is Europe’s future.
Trump/Paul ’16? Im hoping
What’s so good about Paul Ryan? Not being sarcastic or anything, I don’t really know anything about anyone in this presidential race besides the frontrunners.
It’s last names. As in Rand Paul.
Oh shit, yeah, that would make a LOT more sense.
Heh, yeah.
Trump is going to create his own vice president the way Cobra created Serpentor. Ayn Rand Paul Ryan….
G. I. Joe reference for the win.
That was artful.
I should have added Reynolds at the end so it would be a handsome chap
Never paul ryan
lolknee is going to be SO pissed that he is missing this opportunity.
We’ll have the pleasure of seeing his hot daughter working in the white house for the next 4 years!
There are things you expect from the children of supermodels. In this cause, those expectations were met. She is cute.
I don’t like her facial features. She looks like there is something very smelly very close by. The rest I could pay to have installed on any skinny girl. 6/10 Would Bang if no effort required.
She looks uniquely exotic in a strange Slavic way to me. Believe me man, here where I am you better damned well like the Nordic Viking Princess look or you’re basically screwed, as among the Fatherland population here, the non-Nordic Princess types are like 3 in 10.
6/10 get out of here and would bang if no effort required ??? hahahahahah giving it billy big bollix online !!
Lawl not even sure if you are agreeing with me or not. Yeah, I guess she is fine for illiterates
GMTA, there’s definitely something odd about the facial features. I can’t quite identify what it is, though I’m thinking that the nose and the eyes aren’t complementary
That was the final straw. He has my vote.
And you are going to need more straws.
There’s something odd with her face.
Aha, as I thought – plastic surgery.
Looks more like she lost some baby fat
The weird positioning of her eyes vs her nose is still present in both pics.
I’m not saying that there wasn’t plastic surgery though.
BTW, in that pic on the right, is it just me or does her neck look too old for her face? Isn’t she only in her early 30s? That’s not too young for “turkey neck” to start? 🙁
Subtle eyelid job, everything else is makeup and maybe some photo retouching.
Press Secretary?
His daughter Ivanka is pretty liberal though, and caused that micro-disaster for Trump over abortion and planned parenthood.
Good bonus I say.
Artist’s rendering of Forney this morning.
Is…is…uhm……Forney our new Kratom banter articles!
If not, it is certainly close
Who are we kidding, when Trump fever ends we’re gonna need Kratom! Who we kidding, we need Kratom to survive and who can even fathom the idea of doing a Mike Chang towel back workout without Kratom. We need the three K’s back soon.
Kratom, Kratom, Kratom!
I appreciate your avatar of Maldini. Was a great defender.
Yep brilliant defender and a true and humble leader. Loyal to the game and AC Milan!
=======> Kratom.
It’s got what electrolytes crave.
He types only with his left hand? Upvote switched to a downvote for sloppy meme selection.
C’mon bro you’re better than this
It’s not from typing.
Nice out but everything becomes mired in confusion then. I’m on to you buddy!
Bro. We will find out who the faggot was that banned you like a little fucking bitch-eunuch. And then that piece of faggot shit will be extracted from ROK like puss from a pimple. And it will be HE that is made an example of.
PS. Switched downvote to upvote because FUCK CUCK ROK
I hate to say this, but after a Trump presidency it’s over anyways. Next democrat will aggressively wipe out whatever conservatives are left. (think of Obama ‘accelerating’ ‘refugee placement x 100). so that a rebellion cannot happen.
Russia will be the only one left to challenge them
Assuming Putin is still around, or has a good successor.
Saw this the other day.
Vote Beeker! memememememememe
Not sure about that, miss Piggy always been kinda cute, Clinton is completely repulsive, in and out
It’s the long blonde hair on Miss Piggy. Chop that hair like Clinton and…
I like this Cruz better:
haha I was thinkin it, and you went and posted it
Would that make Ron Paul the two puppets who sit in the balcony and critique everyone else?
Those two were my favorite characters growing up.
That is sooooo good! Brilliant may I say!
I like it too. Just randomly stumbled over it.
Needs to go viral.
I LOLd when I saw Ted Cruz.
This was brilliant. BTW who was the old dude playing Xerxes? I don’t recall his face.
George Soros. Hedge fund billionaire and globalist I think.
Thanks, good to know.
Bet $100 on him last August, just when he started leading in the polls.
Taking home a cool $450 now.
Agonizing over whether to bet on him for the election. Sportsbet currently has him 3:1.
He won because he gassed the kikes and he keeps gassing them.
If Trump truly is anti-establishment, he’ll put Cruz on his ticket, in his cabinet, or on the supreme court. The two of them working together could truly fuck the elites up the ass and do something positive for working men.
USSC is the best place for Cruz.
Sanders is such a miserable looking old man in that photo, it’s something i’ve noted amongst other hard ball lefties as well. It seems that all that stress about social justice takes a significant toll on their minds and bodies..
Yeah, Bernie needs to get himself a decent barber and some Vitalis. That scraggly hair thing does not look professional, much less Presidential.
I have also seen him wearing some pretty frumpy looking suits too.
Again, not professional, not Presidential.
LOL- vitalis
If you listen to Sanders just talk (on CNN or other garbage news channel) without actually watching him, he sounds EXACTLY like George Steinbrenner as depicted on “Seinfeld”.
“Yes, Yes…yes…Oh, come on in, Georgie!”
The bookies have Trump an 11-4 underdog to win election and Hillary I believe a 4-9 favorite. The bookies have every incentive to provide accurate odds. Like it or not, it’s an uphill battle for Trump.
Yeah, and Romney was predicted to win by every authority out there, until he lost.
Maybe by the media, but I’m pretty sure the bookies had Obama to win. How could they not? They would have lost a lot of money if they didn’t/
What bookies are making money off of the US election?
the bookies don’t back who they think will win or should win. They back who people will most likely put their money on. Thats the only way they can make money. So if everyone in America started lumping on kasich then he would be the bookies favorite. Not because they used some formula or polls to predict his win !!
In the UK, you can place a bet on almost anything.
you clearly have no idea how betting works. Take sports betting, for instance. If Team A is playing Team B, and Team A is a lot better and more likely to win than team B, the bookies will make Team A the favorite and Team B the underdog. It doesn’t matter if everyone bets on Team B, Team A will continue to be the favorite because they are most likely to win.
Bookies do not “pick” who will win. Instead, they give each candidate odds. Trump’s odds are 4-11. That means if you bet $400 on Trump and he wins, you will get $1500 back (for a profit of $1100).
Clinton’s odds are 9-4. That means if you bet $900 on Clinton and she wins, you get $1300 back (for a profit of $400).
The reason they do this is because, let’s say approximately half of everyone bets on Clinton and half bet on Trump. If Clinton wins, the bookies make money (do the math). If Trump wins, they lose money. They would only allow this to happen if they believed Clinton to be the clear favorite.
Also, the fact that your odds are so much better if you bet on Trump is likely to encourage way more people to bet on Trump than on Clinton. Let’s say 80% of people bet on Trump and 20% bet on Clinton. If Trump were to win, the bookies would go broke. They would only allow this to happen if they were fairly certain Clinton was likely to win.
Bookies are not stupid, and they do not have a political agenda.
pretty much every gambling site outside the US (I believe it’s illegal for US-based sites to offer gambling on presidential election).
The only state you can gamble freely in in the US is Nevada. I guess this is another “freedom” I didn’t realize we had restricted here. They don’t allow online gambling in Nevada, because, well, hah, totally unenforceable in other states.
jesus what a paragraph !!! so you don’t think bookies hedge their bets ???
Nah it’s you who hasn’t a clue. Bookies are there to make money. The money goes on a certain bet the shorter the odds it’s really that simple
Actually, If 80% of the bets went in for Trump, then the bookies would give Coughing Hillary better odds to convince more people to put their money on her. Sports books want half of the bets to go on each side so that they can make their money on the vig. If the bets go in any ratio other than 50 for/50 against, then the books take on a huge risk and bookies don’t like risk, so they adjust the odds in favor of the side that’s taking in less bets.
Example: When I spent Thanksgiving in Vegas last year, the sports books had a horrible Dallas Cowboys team as 1.5 point favorites over a then undefeated Carolina Panthers. 3 days earlier, Carolina was favorite by a field goal. Ridiculous. Why? Tons of Dallas fanboys put money on their team and the books had to balance things out to convince more betters to go for Carolina.
The bookies on K street.
well, by that logic, the bookies want to convince people to bet on Trump because they think Hillary is going to win. The bookies clearly don’t want people betting on Hillary, and if people do bet on her, the bookies don’t want to pay out a lot of money. However, they don’t mind giving Trump bettors a big payout (if Trump wins) because they are fairly certain Trump won’t win.
huh? do you not know how to read or write?
god [email protected] trailer trash…
You’re right. The Bookies already know who is going to win and lose because that shit’s all planned ahead of time so the odds are made strategically to profit the Bookies. You think a show this big like the Presidential Election is going to be left up to millions of hicks and trailer trash in-breds to decide?
I remember Carl Rove on Fox election Night, saying “oop, wait, hold on, nope, wait, oop,” . Obama won, but Rove thought Romney won.
No one, including the odds makers, have ever seen a candidacy/presidential run like Trump’s. I wonder what his odds were of being the GOP nominee at the beginning of the primaries?
ok true, but now he’s well known and it’s down to just two people. I’m sure the odds will change in Trump’s favor if polls come out showing him to be leading, but the bookies are betting that this won’t happen.
The shady PACS that tried to put Jeb and Cruz ahead of Trump also fund Sanders to dislodge Hillary. Now that Cruz inploded, Sanders will follow, albeit with less of a boom. His followers of naive kids will then hold their noses and pull the lever for Billary Bush.
Trump has my full support, but there’s ten times more candy ass fearful Americans than there are those of us who see war, high taxes and SJW causes as greedy horse shit.
I honestly don’t know if a Trump presidency will be a salvation or a shitshow.
Is his hiring of Steven Mnuchin (ex Goldman Sachs guy) as campaign finance manager a cause for concern?
It’s one of many to come full U-turns that Trump will make in the future.
This is what he said about Ted Cruz – “I know the guys at Goldman Sachs. They have total, total control over him. Just like they have total control over Hillary Clinton,”
In August, Trump said hedge fund managers were “getting away with murder”.
“The hedge fund guys didn’t build this country,” Trump said at the time on CBS’ Face the Nation. “These are guys that shift paper around and they get lucky,” he said. “They are energetic. They are very smart. But a lot of them—they are paper-pushers. They make a fortune. They pay no tax. It’s ridiculous.”
And now he’s hiring Steven Mnuchin one of the most prominent Goldman alums to raise money for him. Who also happens to be a Soros’ former employee (Soros Fund Management).
Where it gets even more bizarre is that Mnuchin has donated frequently to Democrats, including to Clinton and Barack Obama.
If Trump abandons the platform that got him this far, he will lose the election. He better be very careful when dealing with these establishment types.
Right now, he needs to unify the party and let the establishment know that the voters have spoken. There’s no going back to the bad old days of Bush and the neocons.
“It’s one of many to come full U-turns that Trump will make in the future.”
Understatement of the year.
Isn’t hiring a former insider actually the smart thing to do?
Well, if you need someone to bamboozle people out of $$, who better than a Goldman Sachs shark? The guy is a FUNDRAISER, not a policy advisor.
That said, Trump is either going to be a great President or a complete shit show. Even if it’s a shit show, it will still be better than Hillary Fucking Clinton.
I’d rather listen to feminists than to Ted Cruz. Sorry but his bullshit just bores me to death and at least insane feminists are entertaining. Trump, however, Is a strong, interesting speaker.
I think a LOT is riding on his VP pick. There was an article over the weekend saying he would not pick a Democrat as his running mate. If he picked a moderate, popular democrat, or an independent Republican like Ron Paul, he will clean up with the swing voters. If he picks a neocon or establishment Republican, it’s President Hillary. I know the VP doesn’t have a lot of real power (well, Dick Cheney would dispute that) but it sends a huge message of how he will lead. This race will come down to Trump’s VP pick. Don’t fuck it up Trump!
You’ll never guess who he’s going to pick
I would nut in my pants if he picked Ron Paul… It would be a dream cum true… ‘fap fap fap’
Meanwhile, looking at the bigger picture, a wog named Khan has become a world leader – the Mayor of London.
Houellebecq’s Submission is a must read for what he foresaw in it really is happening.
The development in London did remind me of Submission.
I’ll never forget the shit storm that arouse over that book; I like his style and how he does not give a shit.
Nice dude
Labour Party + Pakistani Muslim– makes me think fo Rotherham, for some reason…
And within hours of becoming the presumptive nominee, he goes out and hires former Goldman Squid & Soros operative – Steven Mnchuchin to head up his fundraising campaign.
Mission accomplished – global banksters win ! Meanwhile the stupid sheeple still believe the Real Estate Billionaire is going to be the knight in shining armor who will rescue them from the stranglehold of the Elite. Baaahaaaa ! It doesn’t even pass the laugh test.
These are dark times and only getting darker. All you can do is take care of your own and ride out the coming storm.
Sadly , war will be coming soon to the shores of America
“Sadly , war will be coming soon to the shores of America”
War coming to our shores via invasion? Or internal civil war?
Internal civil war.
What else is new? America has been at war for centuries.
I think you are being short sighted and like the rest of us, do not know the specific unspoken rules that would make a candidate go the fundraising route versus self-funded . Historically self-funded candidates lose in the general elections. Why is this?
None of us regular people will know for sure, but I strongly believe there are some nuances in the rules favoring funded versus self-funded candidates (that regular people are completely unaware of and do not have access to the details needed to learn what those specific nuances are). Trump’s campaign has shed light on a few similar hidden rules already, so, I’m sure there are many more things like these that will come out to the public, as he continues his Presidential run.
Here is an article from last year, noting the trend: The Trump question: How do self-financed candidates fare in elections? by Melissa Yeager
Also, I still don’t quite understand why some people think Donald Trump is a worse choice than “Clinton part II”, “Mitt Romney part deux, “neo-Paul Ryan” or “Bush part III”. Heck, even Sanders is better choice than “Clinton part II” for that matter.
I would argue that people are finally seeing that Trump is capable of running a Presidential Campaign and a company with 22,000+ employees, whom are mostly AMERICAN citizen, with billions of dollars in real estate holdings to maintain, ALL AT THE SAME TIME. People are finally starting to give the guy some credit for his accomplishments.
In contrast, what other outside organization, WITH EMPLOYED STAFF, was Obama “running” during his initial Presidential campaign? NONE, just his Presidential campaign, with some skeleton crew staffers left behind, to autopilot his Senate duties and the same goes for “Bush part II” (just replace the title “Senator” with “Governor”). What about Hilary right now?
Although Trump did grow up rich, inheriting money and property from his fathers businesses, the Trump Family is self-made for the most part and do not seem to be directly connected with Old-Money types (all the Trumps have a history of Tax Dodging BTW). According to family history, Trumps grandfather did not process properly through Ellis Island, in the late 1800’s and had left behind many unpaid debt in Europe by the time he came to America and started his new businesses. However, what regular people don’t seem to understand is that folks like Donald Trump and Ross Perot have ALWAYS been considered “trash” by the standards of the Romney and Bush type dynasties, with family members having held political offices, in the Untied States, as far back as the 1850’s. Note, Reagan, Bill Clinton, and Obama also had no direct family ties to the Old-Money types, however, they were not nearly as wealthy, nor as independently bold, as Trump or Perot and eventually all of them did “toe the line”, following the orders of the establishment and Old-Money types (out of fear of losing their hard earned celebrity status).
The reality is that Trump will NEVER be accepted as part of the true “Owners of Capital” club because he is the decedent of regular working class immigrants from Germany, that came to the USA via Ellis Island. Whether voters believe it or not, people like Donald Trump and Ross Perot before him, are truly, the best chance, regular people have to being represented by someone in office who’s family is not beholden to or part of the establishment & Old-Money types. Although I have not thoroughly checked, it does not appear that Donald Trump, nor Ross Perot, were ever invited to or attended the Bilderberg Conference. That’s a GOOD sign, not a bad one (in contrast, both Clinton’s have attended multiple times).
There are some other things to consider, if, Trump has a REAL chance at winning the Presidency, the “Owners of Capital” will simply do what they did to Ross Perot and once that process unfolds he will eventually decide to “willingly withdraw” from the race.
Do people really believe, that if someone like Donald Trump wins the election, that he will be able to do what he wants, as apposed to, what the “Military Industrial Complex” wants him to do?
Anyone who becomes President of the United States has to “cow tow” to the “Military Industrial Complex” and even Donald Trump will not be immune to the guaranteed “CIA pep talk visit” once in office.
Be assured they will pay him a visit, if he ever wins, and like Ross Perot, Jessie Ventura, Arnold Schwarzenegger and even Obama, he too will be told to “toe the line” and “play ball”, as they dictate.
For example, why in the world did Arnold Schwarzenegger need to do ANYTHING along party lines? His fame and popularity COMPLETELY transcended political parties, yet somehow he was still answering to politicians who in-theory should have had no affect on his personal life, political career or personal fortune, all of which existed prior to being elected and was held COMPLETELY outside of the confines or influence of the “Military Industrial Complex”.
Also consider this angle, there is a huge assets difference between someone like Mitt Romney, who has a $250 million net worth and Ross Perot with a $5 billion net worth (Donald Trump has a net worth of roughly $4 Billion). Yet, someone like Romney was and still is a shoe in for party nominations. As I alluded to above, its NOT the money, nor the popular vote that matters, people like Mitt and Jeb Bush are government insiders and both come from families that always have been government insiders. That was not the case at all with Perot and the same goes for Trump, hence neither of them will be allowed to be elected regardless of the popular vote or the public’s desires, nor how much money they spend.
Ross Perot dropping out of the 1992 election was not happenstance either, nor was it simply about his daughters wedding:
Both Trump and Sanders, in my opinion, are the least likely, currently “visible candidates”, to be heavily affiliated with the established political system. Trump and Sanders weren’t born into the “right kind” of political families, in fact their ancestors were immigrants from the lower classes of Europe. Its actually really too bad they can’t be on the same independent ticket, running as Independents, with Trump as President and Sanders as VP, along with other anti-establishment people like Ralph Nader, Jessie Ventura and Ron Paul filling the various cabinet positions (actually pooling campaign resources, with the intention of trying to win, as a team and not the usual solo campaigns).
But if they tried to pull a “hat trick” like that, I’m sure quite a few of them would QUICKLY find themselves at risk of being in a “plane crash” or on the wrong end of a “car accident”.
In hindsight, I truly believe that Ross Perot would have done a much better job than ANY of the “good ol’ boys” that we’ve gotten as Presidents since then. Trump is the nations second chance to get that type of leadership. Again, Perot dropping out of the 1992 election was not happenstance, nor was it simply about his daughters wedding. He was likely threatened in some way, that none of us can imagine. Think about it, why has he been so quiet, for the last 20+ years?
Donald Trump will be no different, but, if he decides to run for President and he somehow wins, best case scenario, it will be Arnold Schwarzenegger or Ronald Reagan all over again.
Now for the Commander-in-Chief issue. Donald Trump did go to a real military academy, graduating in 1964. During the Vietnam era he would have certainly been commissioned as a reserve second lieutenant, right after graduating from that military academy. Its my understanding that ROTC graduates back then did not need to attend basic branch training, nor an OCS equivalent and instead went through a shortened orientation course (the branch assigned being subject to “Needs of the Army”). So, believe it or not, Donald Trump did the equivalent of the ROTC to OCS path that we have today (currently called a 90 day wonder/blunder). At a school like New York Military Academy (NYMA), he would certainly have gotten the same basic training as an OCS candidate/graduate of the Vietnam era, perhaps even more so (real rifles, live ammunition, drills, etc). Remember he graduated in 1964, so the military school reserve officer programs, back then, were NOTHING like they are today.
Also Donald Trumps graduation date from NYMA predates the “Reserve Officer Training Corps Vitalization Act of 1964”. So, comparisons about “what he did” while at the Military Academy and “what it counts for” is most definitely from another era, that few, if any, are familiar with today. Look up the “Reserve Officer Training Corps Vitalization Act of 1964” if you have any doubts.
As I pointed out, the ROTC and Reserve rules changed in 1965. Trump went to a full blown Military Academy, not just a high school with a JROTC program. He graduated in 1964 under the old Reserve system and had to do daily drill, keep up military decorum, PT, military science courses and rifle proficiency (specifically M1 Garand’s). Search the web and you will see lots obituaries of people that attended NYMA, that were commissioned and did not go to college or ever enrolled in a college affiliated ROTC program (all the ones I found were before Vietnam, specifically around the time of the Korean War).
People have to remember that this was strange period in military history, where the rules on commissioning appear to have been really loose, before, the passing of the “Reserve Officer Training Corps Vitalization Act of 1964”. If you read the various iterations of the “National Defense Act” and the accompanying “Officers Reserve Corps” rules for commissioning, prior to the 1964 act, you will see that the only requirement was that the officer candidate attend, graduate and take a course at an institution with an appointed military officer, teaching classes in Military Science. Reserve officer programs for both high schools and colleges, back then, were NOTHING like they are today. In fact, many colleges required males to attend ROTC on campus, while earning their degree and when they graduated they were placed on the Ready Reserves list.
Did Trump serve in combat? No
Is Trump’s situation the same as people who say, “yea I almost joined the Marines…”?
No, because he was likely listed in the Ready Reserves.
Donald Trump does have the equivalent training of an ROTC/OCS graduate from 1964 and on top of that has 4 years of military academy education. That is MUCH more military training than today’s “90 day wonder/blunder”. Contemporary “Civilian to OCS” candidates DO NOT always attend ROTC, some only graduated with a 4-year degree and then signed up for a Civilian to OCS contract. Again, at a school like NYMA, Donald Trump would certainly have gotten the same basic training as an OCS candidate/graduate of the Vietnam era.
Remember I am talking about a full blown Military Academy, not just a high school with a JROTC program. Read some stories about older guys, from that era (before the 1970’s), whom attended military schools like VMI. They ALL typically have said, that their real service time, in the military, was easier than the their time spent at the Military Academy.
Also pending on the year of someone’s graduation, likely post 1964, affects whether it was recognized as being sufficient enough, to be considered, the minimum, Military Science education required to be a reserve officer. In 1964, NYMA met that requirement.
George W. Bush did NOT go to OCS nor to ROTC, he got a direct commission because daddy asked for it. As far as I am concerned, if Bush can claim his SHORT time in the Air National Guard, as “military service”, after not having attended any Officer School or training, than Donald Trump is free to claim, AT LEAST, the same.
Remember when Al Gore put up those pictures of himself carrying a rifle, appearing to be in “combat”, saying he got “shot at” while in Vietnam?
These two examples of Bush and Gore are far worse embellishments, in my opinion.
Of our last 3 presidents have NOT has served in combat. The last president, that had actual time served in the military, left office in 1993. So keeping that in mind, Trump has more Military experience, before taking office, due to having attend a REAL Military Academy, than any president in the last 22 years. That brief student experience is MUCH better than nothing.
Never forget that “Bush II” didn’t go to OCS nor ROTC, he got a direct commission because daddy asked for it. So with that in mind, Donald Trump has had more military training than the last TWO Commanders in Chief’s!
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Also important to note, Hillary will literally have the ENTIRE weight of the establishment behind her, we’re talking billions and billions of dollars, and not even from just liberals, but from the hordes of cuckservatives as well. Funding for the Republicans will be crucial if they hope to win. This won’t be a fight they can win by sticking to morals and not playing the game.
“While there are no guarantees, at this stage, you wouldn’t go wrong betting on a Trump victory in November.” That is sort of guarantee, isn’t it? We can only hope.
“”While there are no guarantees, at this stage, you wouldn’t go wrong betting on a Trump victory in November.” That is sort of guarantee, isn’t it? We can only hope”
Trump will still have to prove himself once he gets elected. Because once he is in office, as with any new president, there comes a moment of Truth where he meets his superiors: the global elites (Soros, Rothschilds) who mandate how he is to serve them. The question is: will he serve them, or the greater good of the country?
Honest prediction: a little of column a and a little of column b.
“Honest prediction: a little of column a and a little of column b.”
That’s probably the balancing act of all politicians. Cater to the elite but do just enough for the prols to keep them content to prevent anarchy.
Exactly, however, since the current establishment has been about 90% catering to the elite and 10% to the will of the people, I think Trump will move that closer to 50/50. Just his immigration policy and the promise that we’ll be able to have more open and honest discussions about what is going on with the world is enough for me to support him.
0 politicians. They are all owned either through $$ or blood or both.
Most important moments in US history…
1.) American landing on the moon
2.) Trump calling Elizabeth Warren a fradulent Indian
Warren is right about the middle class getting screwed, Wall Street and the “banksters.” Alas that’s all she’s right about.
You can see her sitting at home one day, an aspiring politician, and overcome with white privilege guilt.
Then, on comes “Dancing with Wolves” and she thinks…”I got an angle, baby!”
We now have the Manchurian candidate, the Trump card of the Democratic party. First time I will vote third party. As the ancient Chinese curse said, may you live in interesting times.
what exactly are you looking for? Or you just against everyone.
I believe Trump is a liberal statist, little different than Hillary. While everyone lies, and politicians more than most, the Donald Trumps all liars. For the first time, I see no difference at all between the 2 major candidates for President. I will be voting 3rd party for president, and Republican the rest of the ticket. I am not against everyone, nor am I alone. There are many Republicans who will not vote Trump. We know we have been defeated already. My wife, 4 children and 2 son in laws; and everybody in my large extended family feels exactly the same. Beyond that are national Republican leaders in and out of office. The Democratic party has successfully divided the Republicans by running a stealth liberal in our midst. Some see it, some don’t, but defeat is inevitable now.
Trump has done more to shift the acceptable range of debate (the Overton Window) more to the right in one year than the entire Republican party has been able to in 50 years. Illegal immigration, building a wall, and getting fucked in globalist trade deals were never even topics of conversation before he came along. In fact the elite wanted to keep such topics as hush-hush as possible.
That fact alone should demonstrate that Trump is leagues apart from Hillary, and is the lesser of two evils in this election. If you truly want to make a difference, your vote would be better spent on Trump, which will at least move things in the right direction rather than letting everything collapse.
In today’s insane liberal dystopia, your ideal candidate simply will not appear by just waiting, and he certainly won’t be able to WIN by jumping headlong outside the Overton Window, instead of skirting its boundaries like Trump is.
Trump has shifted the Overton Window towards a nativist, isolationist and brought a level of incivility usually noted among the Democrats. If you consider that the “right”, yes he has moved the locus of the debate. For those of us who consider moral collapse to be the greatest threat, he has simply marginalized our concerns. But more than that: I do not trust Trump because up until just before getting in he was a total liberal. He has given me no reason to trust his words. Trump will not win, his disdain for life long conservatives has guaranteed that.
Well with Trump as the nominee the left are running scared. I’ve never seen so much fear in the comments of leftists in their own ‘safe places’ such as The Guardian. The trends has most certainly taken a turn for the worst.
You know leftists are concerned when they go into meltdown in large numbers and try to reinforce amongst each other that Trump is an impossible outcome. Then there is my personal favourite, the what if.. What if Trump wins? Well half of these lefties are determined to emigrate to the socialist utopia of Canada. The other half are actively proposing violence and civil unrest. It really just goes to show how little these individuals respect democracy when it doesn’t deliver the outcome they want.
This could very well be the perfect storm. From what i’ve seen in the past 48 hours, the cracks are forming. The more pressure that is applied, the more likely they are going to start turning on each other.
” The other half are actively proposing violence and civil unrest”
I say bring it on. To make America great again means having to dispose of SJWs one way or another.
Easiest way to deal with that element is to cut off power to those “areas”, and then build an actual police barricade around them so that no one can cross. That’ll end it right there and then, after a few weeks of course.
I have been begging for an excuse for so long to purge these genetic misfits.
Man I really hope he picks Virginia Senator Jim Webb, war hero, former Secretaty of the Navy, for Veep. The ultimate alpha-patriot ticket!
That would be interesting: a D pretending to be an R coupled with a VP who is an R pretending to be a D
R and D are the same party, my man. The one you and I are not invited to. It is a government by the rich, of the rich, and for the rich. Think of it as an R&D department (see what I did there?)
And by rich, I’m not talking about the millionaire next door; I’m talking about billionaire moguls. If you still think voting matters, you are mistaken.
I think of voting more as a poll, of sorts. They take a poll every 4 years, to see what the general mood of the proletariat is, and tweak the game accordingly. That and it keeps us divided and powerless.
y I know man, its the G(lobalist) party. two sides of the same coin…
Heads I win, tails you lose.
Honestly, anyone could have done what trump did had they had some balls. We watched conservative candidates this last decade do nothing. Shrug off endless attacks, smile and nod their heads trying to be everyone’s friend. Liberals hate you, act like it. They grew comfortable in their cushy jobs and were more concerned with not losing instead of winning. Too afraid to take a stand or stance on anything
thats an incredibly stupid statement . Like anyone can box if they are strong and tough,anyone can play basketball if they are tall,anyone can be a scientist if they are smart. Well they arent !!
Yikes, way to pay attention. My statement is dead on. You’re a moron.
nah re read it to be sure and its most certainly you thats the fucking idiot. You keep thinking anyone could have done what trump did if they had the “balls”
You have no idea what you are talking about. You are looking for an argument where one doesn’t exist. If Romney and Mccain had taken a hard nosed stance of Conservative issues instead of trying to be Mr. Nice guy they would have done far better and possibly won the election. This is a fact. Trump was the guy who came along and did this with no political experience. This is what the people were craving. He is incredibly popular because he took a stance on tow issues, Muslims, and Mexican immigrants. The other Republicans were too scared to do this because of the liberal media. Thus if they had the balls to do it……you get the point.
no i am not looking for a fight. But yeah that is fair enough and far different from what you first wrote and even at that my point stands. Look it’s the internet I’m not going to presume you mean something even remotely logical if it doesnt sound that way. The way you phrased it first time seemed and could still be the generic disingenuous “Me or anyone less could have done this if only……” Anyway I get your point.
You nimrod have not only assured that Hillary will be president, but anti-trump mobilization might be enough to give Pelosi the house. Imagine that, the 3 highest jobs in the world held by women, clinton, pelosi, yellen. Oh, and I am sure lots more women on supreme court to come. Great job neo-morons!!
Accelerating the decline is not really a problem. You’ve heard of the expression “enough rope?” Those three in those positions would be a rock-solid assurance that there would never be another woman in the Oval Office again … unless she’s blowing the guy who’s there.
Trump should be considered a hero by all old school conservatives, like myself, for snatching the GOP Headquarters away from the crazy evangelicals and loafer wearing RINO’s (Bush family) in Texas.
Cruz’s backroom dealings was his death knell. That’s what really made “Lyin’ Ted” stick. He was running as an anti-establishment guy that’s stood up to “the Washington Cartel” but he was now engaging in cartel-like behavior himself, especially with the pact with Kasich.
It evaporated his personal brand in one fell swoop, and Trump reframed his losses into strength for him: http://masculineepic.com/index.php/2016/04/28/the-anatomy-of-a-dead-campaign-the-ted-cruz-story/
Carly was basically the fat lady singing.
From Redstate:
“Would you consider Ted Cruz in your administration? Would you consider that?” asked O’Reilly.
“Well, he’s certainly a capable guy,” responded Trump. “So it’s something we can think about.”
Trump would consider Lyin’ Ted for VP.
In other news, Trump would also consider Elvis Presley, Peewee Herman, and Lena Dunham for VP. Doesn’t mean they get the job.
Trump wasn’t shit talking their character (except maybe Dunham indirectly).
I think that the downfall of Cruz was his voterless victory in Colorado
His recent comments that Israel should build even more illegal “settlements” has momentarily cooled my support for the man. It might end up icing it altogether.
South Bend rally may have had folks that wanted to hear Trump in Chicago but were denied that by the Acorn/Bill Ayers/Bernie Sanders Mexican Nationals crowd.
It was Mrs. C. who organized those mobs. Dirty tricks are a a Clinton specialty. Bernie doesn’t work that way.
Trump and Bernie do have some things in common. For the Bernie supporters who will listen to proper arguments (admittedly very few of them), this can help sway them to the Republican vote.
– Both are anti-establishment, and Hillary is very obviously part of this establishment.
– Both are anti-war. Trump is the only Republican who said he wants to get along with the rest of the world, including Putin and Assad. Hillary is a warmonger.
– Both want better wages for workers. (The methods are different though; Bernie claims he will use various socialist schemes, and Trump claims he will deport illegals and pursue America-first trade deals.)
– Trump is relatively neutral on liberal social issues including tranny bathrooms, abortion, and entitlement schemes like Social Security. (Personally not something I agree with, but for Bernie supporters this is a plus.)
These superficial similarities can be exploited when Hillary inevitably nabs the nomination, and the legions of bernouts are looking to vent their energy somewhere.
Sanders knows that the current economic system is dying of its own internal contradictions. The rest either don’t know or are whistling past the dialectic graveyard.
Basically: Sanders>Trump>>>Clinton. If Clinton gets nominated I guess I’ll be wearing one of those dopey “Make America Late Again” caps and voting for the bad hairdo guy. If by God’s grace Shrillary is indicted or otherwise loses the primary, then it’s a whole new ballgame
I dk if this is a typo or mistake but Michigan is not the home of Notre Dame, Indiana is, Small mental error totally understandable – ” (Michiana, the home of Notre Dame, has a highly-educated population), only about 500-600 people showed up, filling maybe a sixth of the ro
He lost Indiana over Fiorina; no one is pointing out that the precipitous drop in his poll numbers tie exactly with that retarded announcement.
Just what sort of blackmail did she use on him to commit political suicide by naming her his VP pick?
It beats me how people still can be so naïve and take sides for one or the other joker candidate that is doing her/his show on the political stage without realizing that they all play at the order of the same masters and that there is absolutely no choice behind the scene. Everything is a total joke, a show, and most still do not realize it. It’s mind boggling. On the other hand, considering the amount of brainwashing and mind manipulation that has been going on and still is, and which is going to even increase, it makes perfect sense.
But anyways, please, at least you who still retained a little bit of the critical capabilities of the human intellect, try to question deeper.
It’s not about taking sides. It’s about getting what we want passed and firing people if they fail until they understand who they work for. Democracy isn’t just a stupid social game. If you don’t play, you may have to watch your family get raped and murdered, as the poor ‘don’t vote’ people in Europe are finding out the hard way.
The thing is, “what you want to be passed and firing people if they fail until they understand,” is just another attempt at finding a solution which is not going to be a solution because the game has been rigged from the beginning. All “salvation” choices are no choiches, and all “salvation” solutions are no solutions.
What is happening is exactly what has to happen. Watch in amusement!