What Is Fourth-Generation Warfare (4GW)?

We are living in dangerous times. Our governing elite has flooded Europe and the US with Muslims which has led to a sharp increase in the frequency of terrorist incidents. Meanwhile, in the USA, leftwing groups are agitating for a race war. Even mainstream pundits like John Bolton recognize that things could easily degenerate into civil unrest if not outright civil war. But there is something you can do to prepare—learn the methods of fourth-generation warfare (4GW).

What is 4GW?

A U.S. soldier from the 3rd Cavalry Regiment is watched as he fires a squad automatic weapon during a training mission near forward operating base Gamberi, in the Laghman province of Afghanistan December 15, 2014. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: CIVIL UNREST MILITARY)

When we think of war, we usually think of two or more countries battling it out in classical fashion. Good examples of this are the Battle of Waterloo where the French Army under Napoleon was defeated by allied Anglo and Prussian forces or the Allied fight against the Axis powers during World War II. While this idea of war will continue to be relevant, a new form of warfare has emerged.

The simple definition of this new form of warfare, named 4GW, is that a conflict involves at least one non-state actor. The jihadist war against the US in Iraq and Afghanistan certainly qualifies under this definition. But 4GW could also take place between two or more non-state actors. In a sense, 4GW is a return to the ancient way of warfare, before nations existed.

The difference between 4GW and ancient warfare is that 4GW makes full use of modern technology. 4GW can include the IEDs of the jihadists in Iraq, but it also includes the hacking of an enemy’s information systems. The recent hack of the DNC’s emails, which revealed that the media and the Democrats work together to shape a specific narrative, would fall under this category. Another example is the alt-right’s “meme war” against the traditional conservative establishment. Through its nimble use of social media, the alt-right was quickly able to destroy the establishment’s arguments even though it did not control the mass media.

All war tries to destroy the morale of the enemy but 4GW tries to do this not just to the enemy’s military, but also to the enemy’s populace. Creating mistrust of the government is a tactic of 4GW. It is theoretically possible that 4GW could be fought solely on the level of technology and morale. If this work is done exceedingly well, a 4GW conflict might be won without a shot being fired. However, that is very unlikely.

When it comes to actual combat, 4GW takes a more flexible approach than traditional military training. The man who came up with the concept of 4GW, William S. Lind, writes in his book, 4th Generation Warfare Handbook, that mindset of a 4GW warrior is that of a light infantryman:

The light infantryman is characterized by his mental resourcefulness and physical toughness. Light infantry’s inborn self-reliance, reinforced by hard training, convinces the infantryman that he is capable of overcoming the most difficult situations that combat presents. [He] does not feel defeated when surrounded, isolated or confronted by superior forces… This attitude of self-confidence and self-reliance provides light infantry a psychological advantage over its opponents.



Lind outlines a number of different qualities that a 4GW combat warrior will possess. Here are a few of them.

Familiarity with a wide variety of different weapons. The 4GW warrior may have to rely on weapons captured from the enemy so he must be able to use these with ease.

Survival skills. 4GW warriors must be able to live off the land for extended periods of time. Hunting, fishing, trapping, and being able to prepare the game are necessary skills. The ability to purify water is necessary as well.

First aid proficiency. In modern warfare, soldiers are able to rely on being evacuated for medical treatment. This is a luxury that a 4GW fighter will not be able to rely on. Wounds and illnesses must be treated with what is on hand.

Ability to march great distances. The 4GW does not need to be able to run fast or hoist his bodyweight over his head. Lind calls these superfluous. What they do need to be able to do is march for hours carrying a load of around 45 pounds. This is because 4GW units must carry their supplies with them over long distances. At a minimum, a warrior must be able to march for 14 mile stretches.

Land navigation. 4GW warriors must be able to know where they are simply by using a map and a compass. Electronic equipment is nice to have but it relies on battery power and it is heavy to carry.

Demolitions. Demolitions can cause great damage to an enemy’s soldiers, equipment, and supply lines. We can see how effective this can be by the jihadists’ use of IEDs.

Lind discusses many other skills that 4GW warriors must possess but they involve group exercises that are not easy to learn outside the military. However, with the exception of demolitions, every individual can learn some of these skills without investing lots of time or money.

Winning hearts


Interestingly, Lind talks quite a bit about how the jihadists in Iraq and Afghanistan were better at getting the local population on their side than the Americans. If the US used a heavy hand in dealing with the insurgency, there was a greater likelihood that an innocent Muslim would be killed or injured. Naturally, when that happened, the victim’s entire family would join the jihadists as a way to get revenge against the Americans.

I actually disagree with some of Lind’s analysis on this topic, but he is right that in 4GW it is critical to get the populace on your side. Otherwise, any ruling state will find it difficult to control the populace over the long term. Chechnya, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Gaza Strip are all regions that are difficult to rule because the large segments of the populace reject their current overlords.

The simple way to win hearts is to make people dependent on you. Lind mentions that some jihadi organizations pay the widows or parents of jihadis who were killed while warring for Allah. In this way, they build a strong devotion to the community who come to view the jihadists as “good guys.”

While winning hearts certainly applies once open fighting occurs, winning hearts is something that we could start doing today by becoming pillars of our communities. This is a great need because we lack true leaders. Think about it—if the shit hit the fan, would you really follow a politician like Paul Ryan who’s only loyalty seems to be to making himself richer?

There are three basic ways to become a leader. The first is to become a community leader through involvement with your church, a local club, or running for some sort of elected office—say councilman or school board member—and do good work without thought to enriching yourself. You will shine like gold amidst the corrupt politicians. The second way is to gain a following on the internet or other public medium. Many of us would rally around Roosh before Hillary Clinton. A third way is to build credibility with those who are closest to you so that they look up to you as a leader.

The time to start winning hearts is now. Maybe things will never degrade to the point where armed conflict is necessary but even if it doesn’t, being a leader in your community will stand you—and your community—in good stead.


This is only an introduction. If you are serious about learning 4GW, it will take a lot of additional reading and training. The good news is that you do not need to quit your job and join the Marines. Much of skills necessary to wage 4GW are probably things you are already doing if you are a regular ROK reader.

If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

Read More: The 7 Greatest Bodybuilders Of Our Generation

153 thoughts on “What Is Fourth-Generation Warfare (4GW)?”

  1. Lind’s work is absolutely seminal, and I’m glad to see it here.
    Vox Day has more than a few blog posts tangential to the topic, as well. I find him a bit easier to read than Lind due (primarily) to his use of examples. If you’re interested in why America keeps losing (besides all the bullshit coming down from on high), take a look.

    1. Any exercises in there to help a guy get in condition for dragging a body? Someone insists that’s a vital skill for SHTF day.

  2. Before i read the article:.

    Look under your chairs!
    You get a barrett
    And you get a barrett

    1. Looked quickly and thought you wrote “barrettE”, I was like “thank god my hair is a mess today”. 🙂

      1. You should be temporarily banned for posting any visual depiction of that vile beast

        1. Don’t tell me you got triggered. I thought only feminists got triggered. We are supposed to be men! C’mon son!

        2. My wife dragged me to an Oprah once, but I’ll never go back. I find the regular symphony with no singing much more enjoyable.

      2. yeah man, you are usually pretty on point but I gotta side with the boys here. This is strike one.

        1. In my defense, my female acquaintances referenced Oprah so much that it gets ingrained in my mind. But seriously, if anybody here finds an image is disturbing, then you clearly haven’t worked around feminists like I have for the past three months like I have. A mix of peacock colored hair broads and Trigglypuff clones is what I encounter on a day to day basis. It only makes me stronger. I don’t even bother making eye to eye contact with them.

        2. I work for a construction contractor and currently we are running some projects at a state university.

    2. With that new wired fragment ammo for those who still cannot hit shit with a.50.

  3. BTW, who are the camo’ed fellows packing Barretts in that pic above? I think they might be members of GAFE, the Mexican Special Forces outfit that helped give birth to the infamous Zetas. Coming to think about it, they might be pretty relevant to this story.

    1. I think in regards to the cartels. They should be regarded as 4GW actors and actual war like what is happening in Syria right now needs to be waged on them.

      1. In both examples, it also shows regionalisms coming back. Who knows, maybe this is where big entities will break up and the resulting pieces will be hard to beat.

        1. People being ruled by criminals that rape their women and children at will. I suspect their legitimacy will be like ISIS.

  4. In regards to rucksacking, I was actually doing a little research on how the Roman armies trained yesterday. All soldiers were required to be able to travel approximately 18.4 miles with a 45 lb sack in 5 hours.
    This was their basic requirements.
    They also needed to be able to travel 22.1 miles with the same weight and time requirements if urgency demanded it. That’s some serious endurance.

    1. “All soldiers were required to be able to travel approximately 18.4 miles with a 45 lb sack in 5 hours” Some of this stuff is just crazy and has no positive benefit. All it does is screw your back up.

      1. It would have a positive benefit if you needed to be in position to defend Rome from a barbarian horde. It all depends on the situation my brother…

    2. That’s nothing. I mean, it would be hard in traffic, but the right cab driver could get you there no problem.

    3. The amount of weight carried by an infantryman has varied only slightly in all the years since the inception of Maruis’s mules, in about 100 BC. He reformed the legions to eliminate the bulky baggage trains thus allowing the legions to move much quicker than their enemies. The legionnaires of course complained about being turned into mules, hence the mocking nick name.

    4. I wonder if that includes armor? Rucking can be some great exercise, and every man should self adminster some sort of rucking test twice a year.

      1. Before injury I used to do it once a week. Its superb exercise.
        It would have to include armour.

        1. I would use a weight vest weighing the same as body armor with plates and ammo.

      2. For those guys looking to drop weight fast, go hiking with a heavy rucksack at high altitudes.

        1. Don’t forget to also juggle running chainsaws at the same time. Improves your balance!

    5. Not in shape and not carrying anything I managed to walk 19.5 miles in a little over 4 hrs.

    6. Three miles an hour march (walking) with 45 pounds? Substantial, but hardly intense for a trained man in his twenties or thirties.

  5. War in America? Where is it?? If you’re fighting left wing groups they’ll be easily defeated once you move outside the comfort zones of the big cities where the sucklings were raised in relative comfort.
    Maybe the way to beat the left wing liberals is by using the classical siege technique. If you encircle their cities, cut the food, water and power supply, they’d come out waving the white flag after a few days. Then the real problem arises. What do you do with them? Give them a certain portion of the country??

      1. Bad idea. California is a left wing stronghold so once you send them all here, they’d team together and form a superultramega leftist state of which the world has never seen. You must continue to drive them west, straight into the ocean.

        1. That’s a fantastic idea. They might contaminate the ocean, but it’s a small price to pay.

        2. As long as you don’t think you can ship any to Canada we’ll throw them over Niagara Falls and send you a bill..

        3. What would happen if you locked an east coast leftist and a west coast leftist in room together?

        4. After the singing stopped ? The most vicious still technically male on still barely technically male slap fight that you’ve ever seen !

        5. Good idea. Once all there, cut the water and power (mostly comes from out of state) and watch MS-13, etc. show the muslims how it’s done – the other white meat.

        6. Someone thought of that already, the Pacific is filled with antiseptic radiation from Fukushima.

        7. $100 USD per head and we’ll provide a Certificate of Disposal kind of like a picture of each one in a barrel going over the Falls for tourists but we’ll tell them there’s the last Pokemon at the bottom of the falls..
          That or if you take Justin Trudeau we’ll take 10,000 Liberal Hippie Douches and Celine Dion back with a guarantee she’ll never sing again!
          I think our terms are quite reasonable.

      2. Or give it back to Mexico, unless there is a no return policy in effect.

        1. Also no backsies on Texas and Colorado. You can keep your dirty redneck women and hipster stoners.

        2. You’ll get California up to San Fran! You lot are desert people,what are you gonna do with all those tree and cold further north.
          Additionally US gets to catapult a few hipsters over the border every Sunday!

        3. Nah, let’s do each other a favor and dynamite San Francisco and let it sink. As for hipsters, send them over, so we can pick on them mercilessly. No social justice for them over here.

        4. You’re mean. I’m so triggered now I might have to scold someone about how gentle islam of love is just misunderstood.

        5. San Francisco has some wonderful architecture that is worth saving, I don’t think it would be a good idea to destroy it. Same with Downtown LA, actually all the major cities in the US actually. However, the Suburban single family homes, those can all go…

    1. Since they are a cancer that cannot be contained, we all know what the only real solution is, though no one wants to say it, and understandably so because it is terrible and should make decent men recoil in horror. But, it being terrible aside, it is the only solution. Anything short, and the problem will fester and spread again.

      1. That line of thought can be dangerous for lesser men.
        Also a reason why our outlook must remain defensive in nature

      2. There might be another option.
        Within the past week, there was a conversation here that suggested (if I may paraphrase and omit much of the finer detail) that abundance and wealth leads to degeneracy. I wonder, then, if scarcity of resources and constant labor being a requirement of survival might reverse a lot of what distorts the minds of this population.
        This merely requires relocating them to Antarctica, or Mars.

        1. OK, I concede this point, but, doesn’t that lead back to my solution indirectly anyway?

        2. Singapore is abundant, yet it isn’t “degenerate”. Plenty of poor people in America don’t have abundance, yet plenty of them would be considered degenerate.

      3. Soylent green. The real reason behind “the obesity epidemic”. Two-legged farm animals.

      4. Woah holy shit. We don’t need to do that, we just need to send them off to reeducation camps to (hopefully) reeducate them and (certainly) reeducate their children.

    2. I am afraid that by that time no prisoners will be taken, so there will be no issue about what to do with them.

    3. Would that really be necessary? Most American leftists don’t have weapons or any experience with weapons, and while more conservative and rural areas have lots of weapons (enough to arm more than every person), left leaning areas generally don’t have many weapons. Also, being that American cities don’t have very defined geographical boundaries (huge sprawling suburbs surround them) and that we have very modern vehicles like helicopters and cars, a traditional siege would be pretty redundant.

      1. Perhaps, but, the key piece of infrastructure is the power grid. He who controls it, controls everything in a modern society- all flows from it.

      2. Incorrect. Vermont is very left leaning and its bristling with guns. Most of the prog/left Bernie voters living outside of the Burlington area have/use guns regularly.

    4. Meanwhile the criminal gangs are going to morph into roving bandit bands. Those people that come from the inner city is what you must look out for.

    5. Send’em to glorious communist China.
      If they are hardcore leftist then they get a free trip to North Korea.

    6. If there ever really is a SHTF day, then politics won’t matter after the first 48 hours. The elites of both parties will ban together as soon as they recognize a legitimate threat to their collective power (the reaction to Trump is an example of this on a smaller scale).
      After that, the only -isms that matter will be tribalism and Darwinism (i.e., survival of the fittest).
      But how likely is a SHTF day, really? It would require power outages over significant portions of the U.S. that lasted for a significant period of time. As long as people can plug into their TVs and internet, they can be managed and pacified.

  6. Additionally read about cell systems and networks, I knew the militias would never be a real threat when they were running around the woods using tactics that only make sense when you have a massive support structure supporting you. Really dangerous groups form networks, raise funds, and start bribing officials when the time comes.
    Putting my tinfoil hat on, if survival ever becomes an issue, you need information and support. Even running off to the wilderness becomes more of a problem when everyone else has the same idea. When Rome fell it didn’t turn into the walking dead it turned into former garrisons becoming independent and all sorts of fun stuff. You need other people.

    1. very good point about it NOT becoming like the evil dead. It is logical and incorrect to think that so i see why it happens.

    2. “Really dangerous groups form networks, raise funds, and start bribing officials when the time comes.”
      Insurgency. Spread disinformation, undermine local government, destroy power grids, raid weapons depots, disrupt logistic chains, have passive supporters collecting Information, etc…
      To be of use doesn’t mean you have to shlepp 100lb of gear through rough terrain and set up and all night ambush. You simply need to work against and undermine the system. Acts as a force multiplier when the opposition has to use limited resources to guard basic infustructure or VIPs.
      What we should be doing is getting organized and volunteer to work as democrat functionaries and give them our “support.” Become a cop, work at the court house or town hall and work close with progressive leaders. And record and pass on everything. Just a thought.

      1. Very interesting. What you are saying is that militias are only a threat if they deeply integrated into the political and social structure of the area they operate in. Basicalky, they fucntion as an extension of the populace without directly bringing repercussions on the population.
        I didnt like the idea of subverting local organizations, that leads to a pattern of self deception and civil war, the absolute last thing you need, because then you end up creating dedicated emeies among the local population. And that shit continues long after the occupying forces go home.
        Instead I woild say a better way to prepare is to network extensively with all local groups, civil involvement in politics, with a focus on teaching youth important messages. Subversion here is about moral education, teaching important principles of your core ideology. The entire Alinsky model actually rests on this concept. Only the principles are twisted and insane.

    3. I am so glad you mentioned that Rome didn’t turn into the walking dead.
      So many people have a perception that a government collapse could just happen and everything would instantly stop functioning and turn to pure chaos, but that never has and never will happen.

      1. Never?? I guess you’ve never read a history book… Russian revolution, Mao’s purge, French revolution, Hitler rolling into various countries, dozens if not hundreds of civil wars, insurrections and coups… life can and often has become chaos overnight. Plan and prep accordingly. Better to have it and not need it, than the other way around.

        1. None of those had the rule of law and government just completely disappear, it just doesn’t happen.

        2. You’re delusional- ‘it just doesn’t happen’? That’s absurd. Governments have collapsed hundreds of times in history. Would you try a quick overview of the French revolution- the arbitrary Jacobin guillotines, the mobs sacking the royal palaces … etc. and then get back to me? Tell the MILLIONS of middle class professionals that MAO slaughtered about the “rule of law”.

  7. Let’s be real here, almost everyone needs more endurance, but to trade strength for it is not a god move. You really need to be able to drag a body, and its a LOT harder than you think unless you are done it.

    1. why would dragging a body be more important than carrying personal supplies long distances ??
      And i don’t think anyone is suggesting it would be easy.

    2. Depends on the task and nature of your force. If you are the occupying force, yes, you need to drag a body. If you are resistance, then it means everyone is expendable. Drag him to where? To the hospital? The helicopter that will never come because all your heavy machinery has either been blown up or taken over?
      In that scenario you need to be able to move fast and without support.
      Disclaimer: never been in military so take what I say with a grain of salt.

    3. In terms of unarmed combat, perhaps even close melee combat, endurance can trump strength many times over.
      Personally I think finding ones ideal weight/strength on a calorie deficient diet is optimal. Assuming you are out in the bush a lot you will need to get used to operating on low fuel(food).
      If you build up considerable size and strength but it takes a boat load of food and lifting to maintain then I think that would be a problem more than a benefit.

  8. “The jihadist war against the US in Iraq and Afghanistan …”
    That’s an interesting way of putting it. What cuckish country WOULDN’T rebel and fight off outside invaders?

      1. You mean the country that experienced casualties when a Syrian rapefugee blew himself up and the headline read, “Syrian Refugee Killed in German Explosion.” I can’t get my head around how stupid that is.

      1. Luxembourg probably didn’t rebel because they actually supported the ideals of Germany at the time…

  9. I posted this a few weeks back re: navigation. The GPS network broadcasts on multiple frequencies. The signal used by consumer devices like your cell phone and Garmin can be turned off at the flick of a switch. I have little doubt this would be done immediately in any case of serious insurrection. There are police/military frequencies that could continue to operate. If you don’t have maps and know how to use them (no, digital maps on a device do not count) you will be unable to navigate.

    1. This is true. However, I was under the impression that emergency services like fire and ambulance, and other things like Airlines all operate on the civilian frequency which made it almost impossible to shut down at this point. I thought I remembered seeing an article on this a while back (few years ago). Either way, the advice to obtain and know how to use a map and compass is solid. That capability can’t be taken away by some bureaucrat flipping a switch.

    2. If you have any international version android phone and an offline map package like maps.me for example, you can seamlessly use the Russian GLONASS system instead of GPS without needing any data service or network signal for that matter. It’s just a bit slower to acquire a fix.

      1. I’ve thought about that, and it might be true, but also I’m guessing the GPS devices default to the strongest signal, the same way your cell phone goes to the strongest tower. The US GPS Sats could just beam down garbage data and that would overpower the accurate GLONASS signals. I’ve never seen a device that lets you manually select which network to use, although if you could, I suppose that would work.

        1. To my knowledge, if one system outputs garbage it just gets rejected as the data timings are compared by the chip. Signal strength doesn’t really matter either as both systems operate on different frequencys.
          Sure GLONASS frequencys can be locally jammed, but blanket jamming a whole continent like the US is impossible without seriously messing up other bands too. Anyway, it’s very unlikely this would happen.

        2. Yeah, jamming an entire nation is not feasible. But I’m thinking these devices work like wifi–they resort to using the strongest signal. If they can boost GPS over GLONASS then unless you can manually select “use GLONASS network” which is not something I’ve ever seen in a device, then it won’t work.
          And sabotaging a GPS signal –they don’t have to just put in *garbage* but could just broadcast a “wrong” signal ie make things appear where they were not. Iran brought down a US drone by manipulating its GPS signal last year.
          Either way, best to have a map and compass handy, at least of certain regions you know you will want to navigate, and be glad we have GLONASS as a backup.

  10. This is good stuff, I still need to learn how to hunt and the like/ acquire working knowledge of shotguns, and relearn how to read and plot grid coordinates. But still a good list at that.
    I have a couple of observations, though.
    1. Endurance is necessary for long marches, but so is explosive energy (acquired through speed and strength). There’s no point in marching 14 miles if you have no strength left to fight.
    2. I’d add cover and concealment to this. If a bad guy is trying to track you, you need to be aware of it and prepare countermeasures.
    3. Knowledge of vehicles and unit insignias would be helpful too. If you see a helicopter flying above you, it would be good to know if it was a Blackhawk or an MI 17, or a civilian chopper. Insignias are helpful as well.
    4. Urban tactics: for those such as myself, who live or work in the concrete jungle, it would be good to know what to do and how to react if the power grid goes down or if food doesn’t get delivered for a week. That’s the most immediate thing that I can think of which would cause 4GW.

    1. 123 agree. Esp 2
      4. Get out.
      Map quickestbest routes out of city. Vehicle and foot


    2. I think the idea is not about taking down the oppositions forces in a straight fight, but to demoralize and exhaust the enemy by disrupting his support and logistical base.
      For example in the Diaz v Macgreggor fight. Both fighters came out hard, but immediately after Diaz got Connor to take a step back, he went mostly on the defensive. Psychological edge: Diaz. Also sneaky as fuck because he indicated to Connor in the press conference that he was going to go all out on him. I love that bastard. After that, he would dodge and defend regularly sniping but never going all out, he let Connor spend himself in pointless attacks. Connor would win every engagement, but never landed any real damage, because Diaz would just melt away.
      In round two, Connor was worn out from his aggressive fighting in thenfirst, and so Diaz started working him, eventually saw an opening and tagged him, this shook Connor up as anyone can see from the video. From that point on Diaz began stalking him, literally stalking him, taking him out at odd intervals until Connor was physically and psychologically broken, and desperately tried to go for Diaz’ legs in an a last ditch attempt to turn the situation.
      The truth is, all of that probably has fuck all to do with 4gw, but I really wanted an excuse to write about that fight.

    3. Honestly if you think you’re just going to go out and pick up hunting and then kill enough to survive – you’re kidding yourself. Ive spent my entire life in the woods and hunt all the time. Even someone such as myself with 35 + years of experience, and tremendous knowledge of the preys life cycle, only has an average success rate of 20%.

      1. Never made that assumption, but learning at some point is still a necessary thing.

        1. It will take time but you can get there. The best way to get good at hunting is to do a lot of it !. Focus more on the basic skill necessary for success and less on the fancy gear. Once you learn to become comfortable in the woods it will be like having a whole new world open up to you.

  11. Is 4th Generation Warfare available on the PS4? all the best first person shooters are on the Xbox One, and I dont own it

  12. I recommend taking a look at some of the WW2 bolt actions for weaponry. Sometimes the price is right. Love my Mosin Nagant.

      1. I know it was invented then, but I am pretty sure it was also a major weapon in WW2. Replaced (I think) after the war by the SKS and later the AK.
        (I do not have the mainstay of the modern aresnal, the AR-15 or AK. But I really like my old bolt actions. And I also like my SKS).
        I will however, criticize the Mosin Nagant. It is not that accurate. At 150 yards, I often do not even have a round on the paper at the shooting range. But with my Japanese Arisaka, most rounds are grouped a few inches out and around the bulls eye.

  13. Logistics and technical skill are big. Being able to grow food purify water, repair equipment with all skill sets from carpentry, mechanically, electrically and electronically. Raising animals or operating a covert munitions manufacturing facility are all really valuable skills for an insurgent force.
    Those skills are good to have for it makes demolition intuitive

  14. This “fourth generation warfare” isn’t anything new. This has been what warfare is like for ages…

  15. It might be helpful to actually characterize the other generations of warfare.
    First Gen: Ancient Greeks, Romans
    2nd Gen: Napoleon, Modern US Military
    3rd Gen: Nazi and Soviet Military (the Soviets did it best in my view).
    First Gen is what you see when you play a game of Total War: Rome. Big groups of units maneuvering for advantage. 2nd Gen is characterized by a heavy bombardment followed by a ground assault. 3rd Gen is a unified air and land assault, with fast moving ground units attempting to encircle and cut off the enemy.
    Several aspects of 4th Gen training are within your gift to begin now. First, the fitness aspect. Forget therefore about “bulking and cutting” and all that jazz. Learn how to build strength in all aspects. This is accomplished through sensible use of weights, body-weight training and proper cardio. If you’re doing it on a treadmill you’re doing it wrong.
    Fighting.There is always some aspect of fighting you can learn, at a minimum unarmed combat (Read: NOT MMA). I have been learning UC and firearms for a few years now. Trust me when I say it worries the police when they see you coming. One look at you and they know what you are not the garden variety civilian that they can easily push around.
    Nutrition. Eat an ancestral diet and you will be capable of training and fighting until they drag you kicking and screaming into the grave.
    Last, the mind. For a start, lets get rid of this term “Jihadi”. This is an government created emotive term that groups together a large number of people with different interests under one umbrella. The Taliban for example, have completely different interests to ISIS. So read and listen to alternative media and learn what is really going on in the world so that you can anticipate, plan and react.

    1. “..a large number of people with different interests under one umbrella.”
      Murder, terror, pedophilia and conquest seem to be their unifying theme.

      1. Hey, not all murderers are into torture/terror, not all pedos are murderers, and not all conquistadors are/were moslems, etc.
        “It’s a big enough umbrella”…

        1. The apologists either fall into two camps. Their empathetic to the evil or they fear it and try to rationanilize it away in order not to confront it.

        1. Bullshit. Whites have built civilization. The Mooslem hordes just seek to tear it down. The only way a Moslem civilization is able to survive is by looting and stealing from those who produce. Any society built upon a religion where -when they’re not fighting – they’re going to pray at the mosque 5 times a day is incapable of producing nothing more than lifes bare necessities.

    2. You forgot the Black Moslems, aka Nation of Islam. Those are some groovy cats, masters of the bow-tie. They even have UFO’s and a Jew who manufactures blue-eyed devils on an island! Detroit Red, homo-pimp-and-sex-worker (liked old white dudes, just like the homo-in-chief), er, I meant Malcom X, now there’s a victim of Rev. Jesse Jackson. Even Elijah Muhammad was no Muhammad, if you catch my drift, brother.

      1. I started with Karate, then Aikido and then Muay Thai. Now I am practicing Russian Systema. Its a powerful art but you need to be ready for it.

        1. You won’t be sorry. I think it is amazing. Philosopically speaking I think it is the finest martial art I have been exposed to. Not only that, it is formless and does not require testing or “belts”. They teach you how the human works, both internally and externally. Also they teach you how to use the environment around you to defend yourself.
          Consider being taught to throw someone headfirst into a wall. No “combat” sport is going to show you that.

  16. The ability to be a true leader is also a consequence of manliness. Although different men have different habilities, the capacity to lead is a intrinsic characteristic of masculinity. Most men nowadays fail as leaders even in the most basic grounds, like in their houses for example, but today’s reality require us to lead something more than our families. I had read a few articles here encouraging men to flee, but I think anyone who value real freedom should stay right where they are and be leaders in their social circles. That’s the way we can fight.

  17. LMAO, the author lost ALL credibility when he described JOHN BOLTON as mainstream! He might be mainstream in Putin’s Russia!

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