There is an interesting tendency that I personally see every day: many of my North American red pill colleagues and friends consider Russia as a symbol of masculinity, patriarchy, and resistance to globalism and emancipation. Such points of view always put me, a person who was born and raised in Moscow, in a cognitive dissonance, because even though you won’t see gay parades and blue-haired transsexual freaks in Russia like in Canada, my country of residence, you will definitely be surprised that’s it not that favorable for a masculine man. In fact, Russia is one of the worst places for men.
As predictable, it all started with communism. Once the Russian Empire was usurped by Western-backed communist forces, they implemented propaganda of “Dekulakization”. Basically, they brainwashed the entire lower “disadvantaged” class into destroying the rich “kulak” farmers, who were defamed as “responsible” for any economic, political, and demographic injustice in the early days of the Soviet Union.
“The rich privilege” termination was more than successful: the kulaks, the most powerful and influential men, being the foundation for one of the greatest empires, were savagely pulverized except those who managed to flee the Soviet Union. In addition to seizing the means of production and slaughtering more than 20 million of their own, communism nullified the institution of traditional patriarchal family. Bolsheviks simply introduced a new set of laws prioritizing females over males and constantly persecuted the Orthodox Church, a main institution of traditional values.
This achieved the concealed enslavement of men present and future. Fathers were legally prohibited from being actual chiefs for their families. So any vital decisions for the fate of younger family members ended up in hands of anybody—their mothers, teacher, the Komsomol, but never fathers.
Government was gaining control over the future brainwashed male population by using the empowerment of women as a tool, protected at all levels from a man’s influence or being a part of traditional family. They did this by creating the Cult of Mother, sponsoring abortions, and allowing women in government positions while pushing them into becoming astronauts, pilots, and metallurgists.
A weak man has only one type of relationship: being suppressed by a dominant woman and, provided he somehow receives limited sex, granting her one or two children for her disposal to be raised as her servants. This vicious cycle repeated generation after a generation in the Soviet Union.
That’s why the USSR was relatively strong and advanced for a few decades until its male population became totally weak, culminating with its collapse in 1991. Finita la commedia. The country was left in ruin.
Was it a global conspiracy or a simple mistake? It can take volumes to answer this question, but the funniest thing is that legislation has barely changed since 1991, despite the capitalism and government changes that followed after perestroika. Let’s look at some examples of blatant, yet surviving and imposed anti-male legislation.
Our constitution is still compromised when it comes to fatherhood. A man is legally separated from his children in case of divorce. He has no right to decide whether child lives or get murdered by abortion, but if man ducks alimony he will be screwed really hard by law enforcement. Russia has the same shit as in Western Societies, except abortions are even more prevalent. The official total number of abortions per year is around 700,000. The “unofficial” one can be up to few million.
Health care
The State Duma of Russian Federation (legislation) allocates huge funds for female programs, female health, and motherhood support. When it comes for fatherhood and male health, the allocation is absolute zero. Meanwhile, cardio-vascular disease and cancer statistically affects more men than women (the life duration of an average man is 17 years less than average woman’s).
Equality before the law
In modern Russia, women get 3-4 times less prison sentences than men for the same crimes. Moreover, we have a lot of amnesties extra derogations for women as defined by the Criminal Code. It can be surprising for you, but the majority of judges are women. As you know, women have a natural tendency to ally against men.
Mandatory draft
At 18 years of age, every man is on the hook for military service. He is deprived of almost every civil freedom and right. The horrors of Russian draft army are known to everyone. Since antiquity, is has been known that the best army can only be made out of professionals, with slaves being the worst soldiers. That’s why Russia was totally screwed in Afghanistan when they had sent male teenagers to fight against well-armed and trained Muslim militants.
The age of government retirement is 55 for women and 60 for men, but the average lifespan of men is only 58 (it’s 72 for women). In practice, a woman is likely to enjoy pension benefits for about 17 years longer than a man. Would a country that cares about men have such a policy?
So, my comrades, if you are currently banging Svetlana and planning to get settled in Russia, you might wanna think twice. If things go wrong with her, or you have trouble finding employment, you’ll be more screwed in Russia than in the West.
Read More: Why Vladimir Putin Is Russia’s Proto-Tsar
Russian men don’t complain about their women as much as American women complain about theirs, but they complain about nearly everything else, especially the ability to earn a living. It appears that the trade-off to more feminine women is having a harder life.
Sounds right.
I can’t speak for Russia, but your average Korean male has a much more difficult life than the average American. And the eldest son has to live with and support his parents…blech!!!
Welfare is destroying the world.
I always complain about Russian women. We hate each other. Russian women are cold rude dominant career oriented bitches. I’ll date only South American and Asian women
So, as a Latino-White half-breed American, who likes females in almost every skin color, (Oriental, White, [regardless of hair-color], and Latina, who feels to doomed to never find a wife in the USA, which country would you recommend.
BTW, how did I end up in this comments section? I thought RoK used Disqus.
The thought police over @ Disqus are continuing there liberal-leftist-lunacy & yanked their service off of this forum. As far as I’m concerned, good riddance.
Wow, I’m amazed they haven’t yanked themselves from AmericanThinker, Breitbart, or other truth-based news sites yet.
So, what is this current comment system called?
Correction: My first sentence was also a question.
This article just recites the typical MRA complaints of discrimination against men.
I thought we realized that MRA was as bad as feminism, but more pathetic because of its weakness.
Yes, life is always going to suck as a man. It will never be a fun time, because we need to get the real work done. The relevant question is whether or not you are afforded respect, not if you get legal equality, since legal equality is a fantasy.
I can’t say whether or not the culture is hostile to men, but the article largely skips past that point. You can’t judge a country based on MRA standards, because no one accepts those. You have to look at how the average man is treated, not their legal system in an abstract sense.
they complain about their women. a fucking lot. try talking or living with them before making such outlandish statements
Not sure if you heard about the prophecies at Fatima being about the ‘errors of Russia’ spread around the world. And a lot of what you said are the errors. However it sounds like the errors haven’t been corrected yet.
That’s because Russia has not been converted yet, regardless of what the leftist clerics want you to believe.
When Russia converts it will return to the Catholic Church. That is how you know it has been accomplished.
Isn’t Magog in the Bible Russia? I know Persia is Iran.
It is written that this ‘Magog’ and Persia will simultaneously attack Israel and be destroyed by an Invisible Hand.
As a man who was born at the end period of soviet union – I can say – it’s one of the best and objective articles not only about Russia, but the whole area of ex soviets. In families here is almost always a matriarchy. And it’s very rare to see patriarchal couples. And as article says – is abnormal how many judges and other important positions are taken by women.
Interesting, I always thought Russians were quite patriarchal in general. Probably there’s some cross-sections of former-Soviet/Russian society that are still patriarchal like the Tatars and the Cossacks.
Externally it seems like Russia is patriarchal. And women do defer to men outside the home. But she rules the roost in the home.
Always thought that was because of all the men sent to the gulags; but you are saying that it is endemic to the communist system. Interesting.
Women ruling the roost at home is not limited to Russia. The same holds true in Islamic countries like Saudi and Roosh’s ancesteral homeland of Iran.
You can add Asia to that list. I grew up with Asian immigrant friends and saw their family dynamics. Their mothers ruled the roost with an iron fist, and no velvet glove. I am currently married to an Asian woman (as in I met her in Asia) and have to constantly assert my place as the boss. If you don’t women from any continent will walk all over you.
Well that’s a disappointment. What happened to all those tough sunsabitches that came out of the Great Patriotic War? Did they just fade away in Red Square wearing a chest full of medals?
They were a myth. Why do you think they had NKVD blocking forces behind them to force them into battle?
They emptied the Gulags to fight, and the Germans cleaned their clock. Read Hitler vs. Stalin 1941-1945 for a real history of the Great Patriotic War.
The Soviets lost 30 million men. The Germans for the whole war, 1939-1945, lost 2.5 million.
Throw in the 130 million people killed by the Communists in the Soviet Union 1917-1990, there wasn’t much testosterone left in the country.
The 2.5 million takes the Western Front as well?
Plus, you must take into account the number of non-German conscripts the Wehrmacht deployed.
Also, I thought the men who won the war were considered “tainted” by the Party, and were sent into the Siberian camps.
The men who won the war were considered “tainted” by the Party, and were sent into the Siberian camps.
Well written article and I’ll pile on and say the author forgot to mention that consumerism is a new problem in “old” Russia. During the Soviet era, access to western goods was restricted and after the wall fell, shopping malls filled with expensive designer goods coveted by women long starved of them but with limited financial means. I often saw Russian women walking around in $200 designer boots worth a month’s salary.
It is weird to see how much western men are deluded about Russia and other ex-Soviet republics. It is one of the most matriarchic countries in the world, where everything is done in interest of women and men are treated as exposable cattle.
Never fooled me, all white women are worthless.
* expendable not exposable, sorry for bad English.
There is also an unusually high amount of suicides in the Russian military due to the mandatory draft.
The Russian dedovschina system is above and beyond terrible. The Western media under reports it as a version of what goes on in basic training world wide. It includes beatings, starvation and occasionally rape and murder. And it’s not overseen by mature sergeants, it’s nineteen year olds abusing eighteen year olds. It’s insane.
Look at that cartoon. Hank Hill is gonna kick your ass.
Great article. Thanks for writing.
Just remember, Russia was not called the Fatherland, it was called the Motherland.
It was the Fatherland under the Tsars. Motherland under the Bolsheviks.
I never understood what the optimism was about regarding Eastern Europe.
Western males foolishly think this is a Paradise of oldschool women.
The fuck it is. Our Eastern European sluts wil eat you for breakfast.
There is no way out of the Matrix, gentlemen. No pussy paradise at the end of the rainbow to escape to.
You will have to put your own women back to place and make your countries and civilization Patriarchal again if you ever want to live the life you are dreaming about.
Good to see you back here, brah.
And good to see you sir!
But…these avatars…
Mine is the same as ever.
Glad you’re here too, AS. Yeah, the avatars are childish, plus I hate having to type in my screen name and email every time I post. Won’t be posting as much now.
Well it is good to be back, gents. I do not know why ROK banned me from commenting sometime ago, (still in the old disqus days)…
I must have said something really, really crazy to get banned here. 🙂
Be that as it may, I am happy for this new commenting platform giving me an option to come back with my old nickname.
I think Mike Ness covered this pretty well:
You can run all your life
But not go anywhere
I think the entire world is infected with feminism to some degree. I’ve heard some EU countries; girls expect to marry a super rich guy (that’s correct, “super rich,” rich is not good enough). Seems like another thing that’s easy to blame on the boomers. Only the best for daddy’s little girl. Or maybe lack of daddy. Your guess is as good as mine. Either way it’s another ridiculous expectation here in upside down world where things should be handed to you on a silver platter because you are you and you’re so awesome because you think so not because it’s justified. Or handed to you for some kind of reparations.
Ive experienced this too. Expectation is that every damn wish and emotion be fullfilled. May it be ridicilios too. Taking care of the basics – not enough. I thought it might have been some kind of shit test or signs of disinterest….
This article has many implications for men in the west. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 support for women’s programs disappeared…the state ran out of cash. Back then, women were on the hunt for sugar daddies or expats and became sluts for support. Today, western economies are running out of cash and soon government support for women will also come to an end. The difference between the two situations is our new broke hungry sluts will be fat and covered in tats. Work hard, save and plan your escape , our time will soon be at hand.
“our new broke hungry sluts will be (FAT) and covered in tats.”
The economy should correct that much.
> women were on the hunt for sugar daddies or expats and became sluts for support
This explains the boom in ethnic Russians in Israel during the late 80s and early 90s. A lot of single mothers would marry Israeli men and use their new husband/plane ticket’s Jewishness to apply for an Israeli passport.
when is Russia gonna frickin collapse internally already????
How come they still get away with macho masculine
military shows of force land grabs in Crimea and Georgia?
Are the jews propping them up with Trillions
to keep them alive as a boogeyman for The West (or what’s left of it) to fear?
Because of nukes. Russia has second largest stockpile of nukes in the world and if she collapses it will be a hell of shit show with warlords selling nukes to everyone who has money. Syria would look as a child’s play in comparison with that. It is in interest of the whole world to prop up Russia even if she behaves badly.
Most of the tactics used against men in Communist Russia sound like the same ones used now against men in America.
Of course it isn’t. Trumphitler’s KGB (disbanded in 1991) handler Putinhitler is there.
Vladhitler meets the Donald at the Kremlin and they have vodka and cigars while saluting a Hitler painting.
Vladhitler meets the Donald at the Kremlin ??
Nahh they meet at the Haifa beach ….
Oy Vey Russian??? Kosher Salad dressing
At last ! I am waiting for this kind of article to throw some light on whats really going on, “out side of the United States” !! MEN in every other Country are suffering with the “pussy pass”, one-sided and gender biased laws.
Russian “weak & pathetic” pussies started disrespecting MEN and are campaigning against MASCULINITY in all the ways they can. Now fellas, think twice before going to Russia for “feminine” pussies !
Spot on commentary about Russian matriarchy. As an illustration, watch this kick ass trailer for a Russian movie called “Viking”.
Looks pretty bad ass. All these fighting, bleeding, suffering tough men look like they are sacrificing to build a civilization or a homeland for them and their posterity. Yay Russian men & Vikings right?
Now watch with English subtitles to understand what the story is.
Then the question becomes – which are the best societies in the world for men?
I know you guys gonna hate this, but the answer is the middle east you can slap a woman there whenever you feel like it, Egypt is a good option I guess and Syria in the old days.
Mexico is the country of future. Mexico is safer than the US but because of the lies of the corporate media, they want you to believe that Mexico is really dangerous so you don’t realize the good life, you can have in the main cities of Mexico. There are already 1.5 million of Americans living in Mexico and 500, 000 of Canadians and you know why because you can have a high-quality life in Mexico if you have dollars.
I am going to Mexico for new years. I had a friend bale on the trip due to the State Department issuing a warning. The warning was due to one tourist in downtown (not Zona Hoteles) Cancun being caught in a drug feud cross fire, last January. I asked him why the State Department wasn’t issuing travel warnings about Chicago, where 10 times as many people are killed every weekend.
But Mexico is where cartels film slow beheadings of live people. Ever heard of that Mexican woman with the pink tank-top?
I’m Russian living in Moscow. I always say on RoK that Russia is a matriarchal feminist shithole ! Thats why I even was banned on RoK forum. Russia has one of the biggest count of female bosses in the world since USSR ! Russian women are cold rude career bitches. I’ll only date South American and Asian women.
I’m glad that we finally have an article exposing the truth ! I hope its just a start! There’re so much details to reveal !
Wait what about child support….heard guys dont get hammered for not paying.
Well latin america us the most dangerous continent and asian women get tiger mom over the money and are probably more golddigger then russiaan women. Its not all green overseas
Me and Russian women hate each other. But with latinas and asians only good experience
You’ll go to jail if you dont pay. And most judges are female
Mexico is safer than the US but because of the lies of the corporate media, they want you to believe that Mexico is really dangerous so you don’t realize the good life, you can have in the main cities of Mexico. There are already 1.5 million of Americans living in Mexico and 500, 000 of Canadians and you know why because you can have a high-quality life in Mexico if you have dollars.
You get South Americans and Asians in Moscow?
Are they there on work visas or something?
No. Only when I travel. When South Americans, Asians will come in Moscow, they quickly become psychologically similar to Russian women (which I hate)
That’s everywhere, like Russians living in Czech republic become similar to Czech.
I live in Brazil and I can assure you, latin women sucks too. Girls love foreigners, it’s easy to get attention If u até russian, American, etc.
The world is fucked up, here in Brazil we have many laws against Men, most judges are female too, they say all the time about how machism destroy livra and bla bla bla.
Now they want more women in the police force..
Sad, because I, an American, was seriously contemplating going to Russia in my hunt for a wife, as I seemed here in my hometown.
Last week one of the rich Russian bitches (Ksenia Sobchak, daughter of former Putin’s boss) decided to be a candidate for president. Of course she’s a feminist liberal and gay friendly. All female gay slaves will vote for her
She’s the Russian Miley Cyrus, & will be twerking her way to Russian Presidency ??
She’s Russian Paris Hilton
Nahhh.. Paris Hilton, has a bit more class ??
Miley Cyrus, or maybe the old whore Madonna ??
The French singer Alizee sang La Isla Bonita much better than Madonna.
In post soviet society, where I live, man are very aggressive against each other , but are totally weak and soft towards women. Extreme pedestalising exists. Thug bitches from the hood are aloud to do anything they want. Man buy flowers to them. I discuss women topics only with a few closest friends . If you say any criticism about women in public, this society, especially other men, call you a looser. They are very, very far from red pill.
I live in Poland where I see a lot of Ukraine and Russian women and I often travel to East and Central Europe. I can’t disagree with you. Many men here was impressed about east women – how they look like, how they can flirt, how they can… cheat. Now they are very distanced.
In my opinion Central Europe (Czech, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania) is much better choice if you looking for a relationship.
Polish girls are getting pretty pozzed though. Their value is going down for long term relationships, at least in the cities.
Czech for relationship? lol No. And it’s even weird how different Czech are from their neighbours Poland and Slovakia (more so in the past than nowadays tho)
Haven’t ever seen girls so selfish and careless about their partners.
The fact they are one of the leading countries in divorces in the world and they have the highest pornstar rate, per total population in the world speaks for itself. The only good thing here is to roll single and maintain a good stable.
Here it’s like the mix of the worst from west and east.
It is an eye opener to read this. Russia is plagued with the same system that USES MEN UP. We should count our blessings in the west that we avoided a massive purge that Russians suffered under stalin.
We see the same government and corporate agression against western private family farms from agcorp and government bureaus. We have the same ugly skirts on the benches in judiciary and family courts. We have the same witch hunts for child support blood money.
But we still have traditional patriarchal groups that were never purged. We often look to the example set by Amish, Mennonite and off the grid religious fundamentalist survivalists. These groups have a hedge against the forces destroying the patriarchal family unit. These types of traditionalist separatist groups were wiped out in Russia with the purges.
I remember a scene in Dr Zhivago where a whole company of Christian schoolboys were wiped out, shot in a remote rural field. They were like boy scouts stepping up to the plate with their issued single shot long rifles to fight the red terror. I likened them to Amish being slaughtered if a similar purge ever swept the west. It was like Red Dawn with the antifa fantasy ending where the evil whites lose.
It’s all the same plan in white western countries – to neuter the men and empower the simple minded women to follow and be snitches to the state.
The manosphere has it’s scope correct and RIGHT ON the jugular vein of the problem. IT IS feminism and bitch rule/empowerment and it’s purveyors that act as the vehicle for the subordination and enslavement of our people.
Testing 1,2,3 the system
Exactly! I spent five years in that country and it was good and bad. The good? A man could still be a man (then) and do manly things, within reason of course. Also, the black bread was very tasty, and so was Kavass. Then, I noticed that within a span of two years, the quality of the grocery foods was on the decline, prices were up, and paying for less overall. Also, the connection was very good and liked it, and it worked even during a storm.
The bad? Female attitudes. For the first six months, things were looking up compared to the Anglo-Bitch countries. Then when attending a Christmas partry and needed to put away a back-pack I first put it next to a desk that was occupied by two females. Then I decided to move it away since it could be in the way of people. They went off and bitched about how I did not trust them, blaa, blaa etc. This was the first inkling of the true nature of the Slavic female. Also, as time went on, noticed that the 20-30 somethings and even older expected to be treated as the cat’s meow and could never do any wrong and certainly would not apologize for anything such as almost storming a bus and pushing men and boys out of the way. The movies went from mostly Russian to American within two years as well.
On the other hand, the Asiatic females were glad to see me, do some business, talk, even police women. It is in their Asian culture to be nice to men (as far as I know), except for the Tatars, who like the French, do not like anyone else.
And, to top things off, was monitored by the KGB all of the time. Even tried the oldest trick in the book by sending a female to the residence. I gave her, and by extrapolation who ever sent her a nasty surprise and did not weaken at all.
Lastly, went to a Communist Party office just to see what it was like. The people there were polite but did not talk very much.
Conclusion: it is ok for a short trip, but that is about all. And, Putin is playing Mr. Nice for the time being.
Jewish infiltration and subversion of western nations always leads down the same road.
LOL @, “Its the Jews!!!”
Bolshevism, communism and Marxism weren’t Jewish inventions? Please enlighten my goyish mind.
The roots of all of this are in the Enlightenment. Furthermore, the great social upheaval of the French Revolution was neither powered by nor controlled by jews.
While it would be a much happier world without jews infesting it, white people need to look inward to see the source of their problems. “But for the jews….” is a bad argument because it does not address the real issue.
just another tinfoil hat conspiracy theory to keep you from having to take responsibility for your own situation.
“poor me, I can never get ahead in life, the mean old Jews are oppressing me”
Change “Jew” to “white man” and see how pathetic it sounds.
Who were the Bolsheviks Wayne? Please enlighten me. If I’m just a lost conspiratard with a victim complex please show me where I’m mistaken.
Idiot. Do some research:
i used the believe in the jewish conspiracy, then i got into dark enlightenment, UR and all that stuff and i felt stupid. you should do the same. it really pains me to see most of the right blaming the wrong enemy with the right mindset
Who is the “right enemy”?
From my research, it seems that Jews get blamed for pretty much every crime that the Jesuit Order sponsored.
One of your fellow Jew-haters, Jimmy Carter, take a medication that was invented by Israel.
1st comment by thunderman is right on. To idealize Russia, destroyed by the same ethnic gang that’s destroyed Europe and its global diaspora nations, is ignorant. The same people run the show everywhere there are white faces, and to not realize that proves the cattle-like nature they attribute to you.
In my opinion, the bottom line is this…Russian, American or whatever…no man should ever completely trust any woman. Its just an unfortunate reality of modern life.
The article has truth in it, yet, it is still better than a mass of western scumbag women. I lived in Melbourne, Australia for a 10 years (with a big breaks), and I NEVER saw such a low quality women, such UGLY bogan women, and so CUCKED guys, who date fat and ugly women, thinking they are princesses. And Melbourne is best city in Australia, so you can imagine what a crap the rest is (excluding naive country town girls). SO ANYTHING is better than this. In Russia women are at least feminine and have eye contact, etc..
Feminine? They’re brutal cold rude bitches !
What I don’t understand is this; if women are in complete control of Russia, why do the females still dress in a rather feminine way?
E.g. They still wear dresses over.
Because Russia has a severe male shortage.
I suppose even feminists can’t control which females get to pass on their genes if there is a male shortage.
Hence why so many seem attractive in one level or another.
Any place outside the western world (as defined by this map) is better for men. African countries even in Subsaharan africa may have huge problems but they are not cucked and are more masculine/might is right places. So from a darwinian view point they are better.
The west is on the road to hell and destruction. Only maybe Poland, Spain and Italy and Portugal off this map aren’t so bad or Romania. They don’t fit into same mold as rest of these other western countries. The Anglosphere (UK, Canada, NZ, Australia, USA, are by far the worst). Germany, Sweden, France, Belgium, Netherlands all look terrible to.
Hey, uh, do you know how I got to this comment section? I thought Return of Kings used Disqus.
LOL. This is why Russian women act so crazy. I always wondered about that. Russian and Jewish women are the craziest broads I’ve ever encountered. Never again!
We live in a gynocentric society, even true in Russia.
Men can die and perish, meanwhile women are important.
Blue haired transexual Freaks ? So …. you think we can trust what he says in the rest of his article ? Just asking.
Yes, you can. I’m Russian living in Moscow
Indeed, women here in Russia are demanding. And the laws, but also many customs are entirely stacked against males. I remember those e-brides thing, where you can find a Russian beauty because men in Russia aren’t available and whatever. Don’t fall it. The surplus of women in dating age is only 2%. The beauties who seek you in the west aren’t “leftovers”, but deliberately seek income through beta’s in the west.
There’s lot to tell but if you get the picture then you know enough. The simple truth is that if you want a “real” women, you have to find a women and convince her with your attitude and masculinity. No woman has a reason to be feminine if the world around her doesn’t have manly men. Doesn’t mean you have to be a muscled knuckledragger. It’s about – again – attitude. Same as everywhere.