Don’t Let Your Girlfriend Have Homosexual Friends

Throughout the years it has become clear to me that most people out there have very little regard or respect for your relationship and seek to actively sabotage your efforts to keep a steady household. The most common saboteur will be your girlfriend’s gay friend.

A personal example

I would like to give some personal anecdotes that can serve as an example for the general trends out there. The girl who I have a serious relationship with had a gay friend she would occasionally meet for coffee. Fair enough, nothing wrong with that.

One time, due to some random unimportant events, my plans changed and I decided (for logistical reasons) that I would join them for coffee as well. It seemed like a good idea since I had also never met her gay friend (although we did talk about him and he expressed a positive interest in meeting me).

Instead of being glad I showed an interest in getting to know him, he demanded that he first see my girlfriend alone before I joined them. I told my girlfriend this was crap and she told him we were not changing plans. Instead of reacting like a normal person, he took offense at this and started badmouthing about me behind my back. He thus in effect demanded that she have a quasi-relationship with him so that he could discuss his personal problems.

This event eventually lead her to cut all contact with him and she told me some of the debauchery he was into: gay-parties with plenty of butt-sex, drugs, AIDS scares, etc. Of course he retaliated by giving her some unsolicited ‘advice’ with regard to our relationship; advice that was of course ignored.

Undermining your relationship

So we have come to the point where homosexual drug-abusing degenerates who took thousands of penises up their butt think they can have a say in how your heterosexual relationship should go. Without blinking an eye, they will explain to your significant other that she should not lose herself in a relationship and that it is important for her to also have a life separated from her boyfriend as well.

While it might seem obvious that such a person is not to be listened to, it is not that simple. Persons such as that are everywhere and gay best friends are actively promoted in pop culture by other female friends (e.g. “He understands me so well!). And if you only but hint at the fact that you disapprove of such person you will be labelled a bigot, insecure, jealous for no reason and so on.

Some people will shame you into thinking you are a possessive old-fashioned bigot who should learn to grow up. All the while, these gays have zero respect for you and your relationship. If their little special bond with one of their girls is in any way infringed upon by you, they will retaliate and try to undermine your relationship with their polygamous-homo-advice.

Is he really ‘homosexual’?

I have also heard a story where one of these so called “gay” friends said to one of “his girls” that he occasionally watched heterosexual pornography. We, heterosexual guys, all know what this kind of speech signifies: sexualizing the conversation.

“Oh he is gay so it is okay, he’s fine.”

Wrong. If a homosexual person can enjoy heterosexual pornography and express this enjoyment to your girlfriend, you should seriously consider his true motives. Treat their meeting as any normal meeting with a normal guy and judge from there on out.

Never forget that a large portion of so-called homosexuals are also aroused by heterosexual love, but the world of heterosexuals is not as sexually accessible for them. While they might be close to girls all the time, sexually speaking they might be further away than some random beta loser. Most girls enjoy the company of gay men because they are sexually harmless, but that may not be the case because a hole is still a hole to many gays.

What about lesbian friends?

What about lesbian friends, you might ask? They can be categorized into two groups. First, you have the real ones: the short-haired butch types. They are extremely unlikely to have any form of close friendship with a feminine woman, which I am assuming most of you prefer as a girlfriend.

The second type, on the other hand, you have to be extremely wary of. They are the so-called “bi-sexuals,” the “sexually curious” ones or whatever new orientation they make themselves up to be. They tend to be attractive. Whether they are truly attracted (in a loving way) to other women is doubtful, but they are foremost and undoubtedly attracted to male attention and if your girlfriend is anywhere near attractive, they will have no problem using her as a prop in their seduction.

They will entice your girlfriend to perform soft-core lesbian acts in public such as kissing and groping. These types of girls are oftentimes staying out late, drinking copious amounts of alcohol and having enormous amounts of sex.

I don’t think I have to explain what kind of influence they can have on your girlfriend. For these girls, monogamy is nonexistent and they shall openly lament to your girl how boring she has become by staying so long with one man. They are the ones poking her to go have one more drink or visit one more club. It’s not like you would mind them having fun, right? They really do not care about you at all and generally will be even less subtle about it than male gay friends. Perhaps they will even try to make you jealous by hinting that every girl is really “sexually curious.” No form of destabilisation is off-hands for these girls

What can you do?

What advice can I give with regard to this? Be extra cautious with whom your girlfriend is affiliated with if it concerns a “gay” friend. Know that they do not have you interest at heart and will actively seek to undermine the traditional future you have in mind for the two of you. Nonetheless, if your relationship is sound and you exhibit regular male-leading capacities, you should not be worried as much.

Be extra wary when your relationship is over a rough patch or you are removed from your significant other for some time (long distance relationships should be avoided). In such instances, you should be extremely cautious because a gay friend might be the emotional connection she has at that moment and the ideals they propagate are dubious and will undermine any regular monogamous relationship.

Read More: It’s Impossible For Women And Men To Be Friends

145 thoughts on “Don’t Let Your Girlfriend Have Homosexual Friends”

  1. Don’t date the type of girl who would even consider having a “gay friend” in the first place.

    1. words of wisdom.
      Lot of girls like to have samples of gay friends, black friends, lesbo friends like they were collecting some fucking pokemon. But all of this is just for virtue signalling.
      stay away for suck posers.

        1. I learned a hell of a lot from having muslim, migrant, asian and black friends, the world is not how you’re told it is, there are often valid reasons for why people think and act the way they do which you wouldn’t find out from white mainstream media. Not to mention, it’s entertaining to have such friends, it brings more color to your life.
          I agree that some people have a token black friend, and I feel sorry for the minority group members being used that way.

    2. Strange that some young girls subscribe to “lesbian chic,” which is saying you are lezboe just to appear liberal and trendy. Not surprisingly there is no male equivalent to lesbian chic as in “homo suave” or something because there is nothing cool about taking it in the garbage chute. When you ask a chick out, and she says she’s gay say, “Great we have something in common already. We both like girls.”

      1. @Robert
        There is no “homo suave” as of yet; but it is coming- soon. As for the “lez chic” types; guys should adopt the same attitude towards them as they would towards the guys. It’s time to grow up, all of us.

      2. Its about power. By positioning themselves as lesbians, they defacto lock out the 90% of beta males. Now only the best of the alphas will do for them.

      3. there is no male equivalent to lesbian chic as in “homo suave”

    3. Good advice. Here’s another one: don’t date a girl who has a close male friend who is hetero, but she refers to him as a “gay friend”.
      Goddamn, was I dumb in my early 20’s.

      1. The summation here is: “Don’t date a girl with ANY close friends with a penis.” And to take it step further, when she starts an average-minded conversation about a person/people (small minds = possesions, average minds = people, great minds = concepts & ideas), if she starts more than lets say, 10%, of any of those conversations about ANY man/men, don’t fuck with her, or wrap it up and fuck her only. Years of wisdom, acute observation, and rote learning speaking here.

    4. Where I live, your wife isn’t allowed to be alone or to talk with any other man, unless you are with her.

      1. so you live in a shithole.
        I think i would make getting out of the shithole a higher priority than women.
        But that’s just me.

    5. Strongly disagree- who is she supposed to be friends with? Most women are toxic and undermine relationships of friends out of jealousy and encourage degenerate behavior in sharing their own stories of cheating. Some straight guy who’s “just friends? Nuh uh. Supportive family members are probably best but in short supply. A slightly chubby, low-test beta gay is the best realistic choice I can think of.

  2. If a guy has to be wary of his girlfriend meeting with friends (gay or not) there are definitely other factors at play in the relationship that need addressing. Tagging along with your girlfriend to these coffee dates (not knocking the author) screams insecurity and anxiety. If one cannot logically trust his girlfriend to meet with friends, what can one trust? Just like how some guys wouldn’t necessarily be pleased with a girl tagging along when he’s going to meet with some buddies for a beer.

    1. The guy tagged along because his plans changed for that day and it was a spur the moment decision, not because he was suspicious of the homo friend. He didn’t become suspicious until after that incident made the fag sperg out.

      1. The tagging along statement wasn’t specifically aimed at the author but a broader point of IF you find yourself tagging along, it might be due to insecurity in the relationship.

        1. Actually, trusting women in what got us into this mess in the 1st place.
          To be clear, do not trust women. Only realize that they are women, which indeed ensures they will make awful decisions. Like hanging out with homos.

        2. Jealousy is a natural and healthy thing to feel, it wouldn’t be insecure if I carried a gun in a bad neighborhood.
          Ideally, Women should be restricted to the point where men shouldn’t have to constantly assert themselves.

      2. Here’s a little experiment for ya. Take a personal social circle test of as many girls who have gay friends (preferably gay males, but lezbos will do too), and ask them if they’ve see a “psychic, empath,” or anything similar more than once or twice in their life. And when you get the results, ask me how I already knew the answer. After you get your answer, the best you can, take a broad account of their lives from what you know of them. Is there a modicum of balance? Do they lack heavily in certain baser functional categories but excel in a few others which are lofty, but devoted to obsequiously. You’ll see a pattern here. It’s rooted in behavior disorder, and no, not one that is misunderstood because we live in a “changing world.”

    2. Women cannot be trusted. You forget, they are the masters of deception, lying comes naturally to them, as does manipulation. Since most women do not possess a conscience, this further exasperates the problem; they will lie without any remorse.
      Even “good Christian” women cheat, they just hide it better.
      Women only use freedom for evil. They will test your limits; give them any opportunity and they will always cheat. They love the thrill. They love the rebellion, they are sick in the head like this.
      This is why it is not surprising some countries circumcise their women, it helps prevent this. It is no wonder why the moomoos give women very few rights; the moment they are free they will cheat. They will divorce. They will commit adultery. Then they will murder their babies.
      Only the naive trust a woman. Of course don’t act insecure or desperate or needy either. The trick is finding the best method to tame/control the creature.

      1. Funny you mention the insecurity part. (in agreement w/u) I laugh at how everyone nowadays calls a guy whose dated a girl a while, who feels he’s gained some trust in her, that does the very wise move of “VERIFYing any trust” and 99.9% of the time, BAM, he catches her up to shady ass shit on the very first verification. Usually at minimum, it’s the precursor to cheating if not actual cheating. When you shed all insecurity and enter the Zen state, of truly DGAF to a level you don’t even think about it consciously, if becomes evident that no one can date a “woman,” even if you are with just 1, you are always dating “women,” because what you’re with, is conceptually the most selfish creature on the planet… you are dating an ideology of masses, not a soul bearing singular being, one that uses emotions and the very act of child bearing, then the child itself, as tools, to again, revert back to her subconscious and conscious mental programming to help themselves.. ONLY. Taming in this environment may be futile, but realizing you’re paying for it one way or the other, your time, money, or emotions.. the 3 cost bins. If you chose to tangle with the modern female, decide before entering the playing field which bin you plan to pay from, as your net gain will always be less than zero, don’t spend from a spent bin, or you’ll fuck your life up tremendously.

      2. Perhaps women wouldn’t want as much “freedom” if people such as yourself didn’t refer to/treat them as “creatures that need to be tamed.” Women are people, not animals, and you should start respecting that instead of calling them sick in the head. Good luck finding a wife with that attitude.

  3. Why can’t people ever know the difference between lead and led? Led is the past tense and lead (pronounced “leed”) is the present tense. This is not to be confused with the metal lead (pronounced “led”). Your sentence should read “This event eventually led her”. Fucking moron.

    1. look gentlemen, here’s our unique specimen of a successful breed between a grammar nazi and a sperg. And this is a very agressive one ! Applause our specimen gentlemen !

  4. Women love the virtue signal of having gay friends. Similar to their interactions with black people; they erupt with exaggerated laughter at their tired and clichet jokes, “look at me, look how much fun I’m having with my gay friend.” In their defense, they’re simply doing what they have been told is socially acceptable and they don’t have a mind of their own. It’s not their fault, it’s the fault of feminized cucks who fuel this behavior.
    A while ago, I got a girls number and we were talking about hanging out. She said, “on Saturday, my friends and I are going to the gay bar.” Me: “uh huhhh.” She went on, “yeah, we’re going to the gay bar.” I swear the girl said, “gay bar” fifteen times during the conversation. Message received, you go to gay bars.
    Women do what they have been told is acceptable. Cucks even the competitive playing field by continuously diluting society.

        1. Fag Hags are the girls who primarily hang out with flamboyant queer men. Often they don’t even know the queers badmouth her behind her back. I knew a big fag hag back in the day, and she eventually pissed away her regular friendships. Now she spends her time chasing younger men (yep, one of the “Still got it, Gurl!” types). Fag Hags tend to be flamboyant types that sleep around a lot. Beware.

        2. “fag hag” AKA fat ugly bitch that only fags pay attention to because she never took the time to take care of herself for us to find attractive.

    1. I went to a gay bar for an older crowd, say 35 – 50, while visiting a friend in San Francisco. His uncle had us pop in while we were walking through the neighborhood. It was actually more chill than a regular bar due to the lack of women and the lack of lower status guys you’d find at a dive. There were no flaming types visible at the gay bar.

  5. Trusting women to behave themselves around homosexuals, trannies and other men is an oxymoron.

    1. Hanging around gay people is a novelty to women. To them, it is a novelty that never wears off. Each woman thinks she is the first human on earth to accept a gay person (in her self centered mind).

      1. A girl I grew up with, when we were in our early 20s, bragged about these 2 fags she’d befriended with another girl in our circle. She’d tell us about the sick shit they’d tell them they did. Eventually the more fringe she became, the more friends she started to lose. When she started losing friends, she started picking out each of her – now lost – straight guy friends and spreading rumors how she thought each of them was gay, to try to create paranoia among the heteros. Fast forward 10 years, she committed suicide.

  6. Homosexuals and lesbians don’t breed, they recruit the naive into thier lifestyle.
    Also don’t ignore the hard facts:
    The best epidemiological evidence indicates that only 2 to 4 percent of men attracted to adults prefer men (ACSF Investigators, 1992; Billy et al.,1993; Fay et al.,1989; Johnson et al.,1992); in contrast, around 25 to 40 percent of men attracted to children prefer boys (Blanchard et al.,1999; Gebhard et al.,1965; Mohr et al.,1964). Thus, the rate of homosexual attraction is 6 to 20 times higher among pedophiles.”
    Ray Blanchard, et al., “Fraternal Birth Order and Sexual Orientation in Pedophiles,” Archives of Sexual Behavior 29 (2000): 464.
    Homosexuals recorded a mean of 1.9 sexual partners in the last month (SD 3.4).
    (Landovitz et al., J Urban Health. Aug 2013; 90(4): 729–739.)
    “(48 %) of the participants reported drug or alcohol use during sex in the past month, and among those, 91.7 % reported alcohol use at the time of sex, 59.7 % marijuana use, 34.8 % amyl nitrate or other inhalants, 30.4 % ecstasy (MDMA), 27.1 % cocaine, and 14.4 % methamphetamine.”
    (Landovitz et al., J Urban Health. Aug 2013; 90(4): 729–739.)
    Only 4.5% of homosexual males report sexual fidelity.
    (McWhirter and Mattison, The Male Couple: How Relationships Develop (1984): 252-253; Wiederman, “Extramarital Sex,” 170)
    in the precious 6 months, 46% of male homosexuals had 2 to 10 partners, 20% had 11 to 50, and 5.6% had 50 or more sexual partners.
    (Paul Van de Ven, et. al., Queensland Gay Community Periodic Survey: June 1999. Sydney: National Centre in HIV Social Research, 1999, 18.)
    “While CDC estimates that only 4 percent of men in the United States are MSM, the rate of new HIV diagnoses among MSM in the United States is more than 44 times that of other men” CDC Fact Sheet
    28500 homosexual males contracted HIV in 2010. Now contrast that to heterosexual males ~3800. Considering homosexual males account for 4% of men, that is a HUGE discrepancy.

  7. Absolutely spot on!! I dated a woman once who had a gay friend, and he and his boy toy constantly tried to break us up. For things that did not even exist. Too much estrogen and apparently their lives were not dramatic enough. When discovering this, i confronted them and of course it was denied. So i dumped her and apparently a year later they introduced her to a guy and she got real fat then pregnant. Dodged that bullet.

  8. I suspect bis*xuality, both in women and men, is highly correlated with an orientation towards attention-seeking i.e. narcissistic self-validation. To the extent that gi rl-gi rl action is understood by a bi wom en to create desire, masturb tory feelings or sexual frustration in men it should not be considered to have anything to do with ga ness or hom* s*xuality at all, even if there may also be other factors to be considered, such as fem inist and gnder qu**r ideology, or even same sex attraction. Feminism – particularly Adrie nne Ric h’s compulsory l*sbianism – has sought to re-frame ordinary girly interaction as occurring within a “l*sbian continuum” so one also has to factor in the fact that the situation has been deliberately confused for political gain, however beyond all of that what we have with female bi *xuality is some political posturing and strategic confusion, some possible same sex attraction and a substantive portion of displaced heteros*xuality that substitutes attention for actual sex. In other words it is mostly fraud and self-deceit

  9. seriously, this commenting system is hugely annoying. It seems to reject some words automatically. Bear with me while I check what can and cannot be written: bisexual, , feminism,

    1. Its started getting a little more leftist fascist recently. I think it blocks you if you do more than 2 or 3 comments quickly rather than on the words

      1. no that was my first comment today. I thought it was the IP address but it wasn’t. Then I tried different words. The only word / phrase that seems to have been a problem was ‘gi rl – gi rl’. It’s not censorship but its too sensitive damn annoying

  10. OK, I’ve worked out that it is forbidden to write “g*rl – g*rl” on ROK
    Is there a no stuttering rule on ROK?

      1. Try it again, with the space removed either side of the hyphen. I get a forbidden. However like you I can write girl – girl.

  11. Be wary even of your girlfriend’s straight friends.
    If her friend is a single and miserable feminist type of girl, she will most likely try to harm your relationship simply out of envy and resentment.

    1. Test how easily she can be controlled. She will do the same for you, of that you can be sure. She will test how much can she exert pressure to “change you” and thus you must also test her for compliance. If you cannot stop her partying or keeping male friends, then you can be sure that she is useless and likely cheat. Its all about situations. If a man is around booze he’ll start drinking. If she is around hot dudes she will eventually start cheating. If she is around men at all she is unfeminine and low-grade, even if at work. Women who don’t work or work in largely female environments such as nursery school teachers are best.

    2. Humans are highly social animals. Women take that to the nth degree. My ex met a stupid, perpetually single woman at work and within 2 or 3 months was acting out. It happened so fast it made my head swim. Next thing I knew she was in freefall, a total midlife crisis. All egged on by this loser chick who never managed to land a decent man in 40+ years on the planet.
      Problem with women is that they are like teenagers. You can’t ever steer them straight – the more you point out how idiotic or dangerous their friends are, the more they’ll defend them and cling to them. You only have one option – step back and let it play out. You will never control them. If they’re going to flame out over some stupid friend, they’ll do so regardless of what you do or don’t say. Men at least can be reasoned with – you can take a guy aside and tell him he’s being a fool and he may listen to you. Women can’t be.
      Even the title of this article misses the point. “Don’t let”? Are you kidding? One of the many, many hard lessons I learned in my divorce is that if you have to tell a women that she’s doing something wrong, it’s already too late. Cut bait and move the fuck on.

      1. “All egged on by this loser chick who never managed to land a decent man in 40+ years on the planet.”
        I was in a similar situation. I couldn’t believe my ex was taking life advice from a chubby feminist alcoholic whose track record with men was nothing but failure after failure. It just did not cross my mind at the time that this friend could have a strong influence on my girlfriend’s views on things. This girl was by all measures a total failure at life. Why take her advice of all people?
        I agree with your last point man. Trying to teach a modern women to cooperate and compromise in a relationship is pretty much a total waste of time. Like you said, better to move on early than expect her to mature as a person.

        1. Uh….no. White women have their faults but they are still the most beautiful and intoxicating creatures on the planet. Sure you have to put up with some bullshit but that’s better than some black chick with a high t count or a half-autistic Asian. The rest of you can chase tail from other races but I love white women, problems and all.

        2. I gave up on western women of all flavors a while ago. Western white women are a special kind of retard – if you must have one, try to find a Mormon girl. But then you’ll have to become part of the community yourself if you are not already one of them.

      2. You’re missing out with that attitude. A righteous, committed woman will be leaving snail trails all over the furniture if her man lays the law down properly regarding unhealthy friendships. First they fight, then they bargain, then they submit. Repeat once or twice, and at the end you have good wife material. No one is perfect.
        This requires you to hold yourself to a higher standard, too, though. You need to lead by example.

    3. yes, a more dangerous scenario than even the gay saboteur. I told a girl I dated briefly when headed for the exit “out of your 5-6 friends you meet each month for ‘girl’s dinner,’ only 1 has a normal existence. By simply being in attendance – despite you saying you just listen (which I never bought) – your sympathetic empathy is part of the problem, and their acceptance of your attendance implies they’d chose you to walk in their shoes with them.” Then the bitch fest started, and I blocked her.

  12. Common. Fucking. Sense. Gay are usually effeminate men and levels of masculinity are strongly tied to culture, not only hormones. When a man goes gay he stays that way as sexuality is only plastic during puberty for some brief time, maybe earlier also, but once gay you never come back. With cancer we are seeking a cure; with homosexuality there is little research into a cure at present.
    The idea that homosexuality is not wholly genetic I first heard about in the book Freakonomics where they cited studies that found that were older gay uncles to catch HIV far fewer later born infants in a family become gay verses families with gay uncles without HIV. This and other studies proved that homosexuality was not something one was necessarily born with. Its proven that even if not a choice to be gay it certainly is not fully genetic, and is very much linked to society and how you were raised.
    The leftist establishment that control at this point all mainstream websites and tv doesn’t allow this to be discussed as they are a totalitarian dictatorial anti-intellectual mob. It in that vein that they oppose all thinkers who disagree with them. They follow the Islamist strategy of destroying opponents verses the rights egalitarian debating school of thought.
    The left controlled University humanities departments and from there their protégées went on to control the media. Thats a core reason right-wingers oppose college.
    Cultures without masculinity and strong families as core values must be related judging by the sheer volumes of gays these families churn out. Whilst I have nothing against gays, as they are not competitors, it clearly is a symptom of much deeper issues in society.
    The general lack of freedom of expression across the web means there are no other mainstream sites even questioning homosexuality are allowed. I have an uncle who lived in the Soviet Union and he believes much of the west is now below the Soviet Union by way of freedom of expression. There were huge issues that couldn’t be discussed then; there are huge huge issues that cannot be discussed now. This bodes very poorly into the long term regarding our societies futures. Most left wing thinkers confuse logic and group think. Congratulations on this article.

  13. Problem is, women these days in their 20’s and 30’s seem OBSESSED with homosexuals and drag queens, and always see them in a ridiculously positive light. Behaviour they would consider abhorrent (sexual or otherwise) or utterly uninteresting from their straight associates is laughed off or treated as a plus in gay people. And they seem to think a guy in a dress and wearing an amount of make up which would have them ridiculing the wearer if they were a woman is some kind of achievement.
    I keep noticing gals keep saying how awesome their gay friend is, but rarely seem to be able to tell you WHY. When they do, the mention something straight guys and gals also do without expecting a pat on the back. There is obviously a cultural and media brainwashing aspect to it.

    1. Its because female company is shit. Thats largely the reason they give. Men enjoy it but not at the level of intellectual discourse at the level of validation and lust which women do not have.

      1. I’ve known many of the most educated women in the west and not a single one can hold a conversation that is more stimulating than that of a 5 year old boy. They are great at organizing themselves for exams, and compliant workers, but they simply were born to follow.

        1. They are organizing to destroy masculinity by destroying all bastions of masculinity, such as single sex schools.

        2. That’s why I never understand when men claim they want an “interesting” woman. The “interesting” part of them is their physical attractiveness.

        3. Honestly I went to a single sex school and it and the brothers who ran it were more like a bastion of buggery.

    2. women love the notion of men acting or trying to act like them, in any respect. thats why they love gays. it lends to validation of themselves.

      1. Simple clear observation. I said above, even the act of child bearing and rearing for a woman is purely a selfish one. People can’t wrap their heads around that yet, but it’s true.

  14. This is very true. One girl in my harem right now has a gay friend who constantly tries to throw me under the bus. She ignores him now since I told her he has no business telling her how to live her life since he fucks every boy toy he can get his balls on apparently. I think it’s partly due to the fact that I ignore him when he’s around so I’m sure he’s upset that another man doesn’t pay him attention.
    So yes guys beware and keep a strong dominant frame with these girls and tell them to stop taking advice from degenerates.

    1. I had a gay acquaintance in my social circle and he would constantly talk shit about how I would chase young girls. Meanwhile this guy is banging way more random guys for ONS, gloryholes, gangbangs, etc. He also got away with legitimate sexual harassment with groping people constantly. Incredibly entitled human being.

      1. “He also got away with legitimate sexual harassment with groping people constantly.”
        This is a popular pastime for “gay pals”, grabbing women in ways that would get normal men a knee to the groin, but it gets passed off as nothing “cuz he’s gay!” Imagine what else might be glossed over as “nothing” because the gay.

        1. the fuck will do it to straight men too, and when he gets stomped then play the victim card of the dude he groped as a gay hater.

        2. He would grab guys or girls. His gay card gave him that entitlement. Which I notice almost all gays willingly use. More proof that giving people a socially protected class always ends in entitlement.

  15. A man or woman is known by the company s/he keeps. A woman shouldn’t have any male friends, gay or straight. Having too many straight female friends by the way is also a major red flag as it indicates too much free time and attention seeking. A serious woman is focused on her family and a few (one, two max. three) highly loyal female friends – who are basically sisters to her.

  16. A gay is not a “regular” guy who happen to love or fuck some other “normal” guys.
    Gay is a twisted psyche that allows to do things that make sane person’s stomach turn. That’s a mental disease that should be tackled by professional non-liberal psychiatry ( oh yeah, in Canada we psychiatry is more cucked than politics).
    Homos should be legally banned from any interference in heterosexual couples’ relationship.
    Fortunately, having gay friends, at least close ones, are not that common if you date a girl with somewhat traditional values.
    There is a greater threat to your relationship –
    Your girlfriend’s promiscuous female friend…this is a wolf in sheep’s clothing that will try to drag your girlfriend into Sodom lifestyle simply not to feel alone thus guilty when fornicating…

  17. A gay co-worker of mine told me about his relationships with straight women. This guy isn’t flaming but you will immediately sense the homo in him. Anyway, his “best female friend” is married and whenever they’re around each other they drink and they make out. Lord knows what can be happening aside from that.
    Point is if she has as gay best friend you could be one degree of separation from fucking him yourself.

      1. Totally rampant I’m sure on DL society-wide. The worst outcome for society is this bi or “homo” gets her pregnant and they have the kid.. but it would be ultimately poetic justice on her path to a ever-fucked-up life.

  18. Ultimately, in a strong, committed relationship, it’s best to look at friends as to whether they’re ‘friends of the relationship’ or not and be wary of the folks who fall into the ‘not’ category.
    I’m speaking from a married perspective, where my wife early in our marriage had friends who tempted her to strain her marriage vows- not chastity, thankfully, but fidelity, which speaks to the heart of the matter. Where a ‘friend’ would suggest harm to the marriage in a woman who values her marriage enormously, this shows that the ‘friend’ is anything but. Friends do not destroy friends’ foundations.
    I’d be wary of a gay or straight friend who was not a positive influence in terms of promoting happiness and fulfillment in my woman’s life, including her marriage.
    Really, being married, it’s easier. A good husband can point these things out to his woman, and support her as she makes the correct decision to maintain primacy of the marriage in her life… but really, if a woman, single or married, can be swayed to not act in the best interest of the relationship by peers, you should learn about this deep, deep flaw as early as possible. No relationship survives without fidelity.

  19. Man is made to mate with woman. There’s not a gay-lever in the brain or pecker that gets flipped. Men look for masculine affirmation from other men, some just end up sexualising that dynamic, which is a sin. There’s nothing to keep him from heterosexual adultery, and if a woman spends time on a man, she respects him to some degree. Respect and the proper pieces fall into place, and BANG! you got a butt-sex-aids-girlfriend. Beware!

  20. Your girlfriend should not be hanging out with other men without you, gay or not.
    Gays will fuck anything, men or women. Gays will also encourage women to be sluts

      1. At my local university they had to remove the ladyboys from the female dorms because they kept raping the women. Now they have their own ladyboy dorm.

  21. Dunno about this, I had gay friends growing up and gay friends now. My wife has a gay guy friend she’s known forever. They’ve all been totally good and friendly. In fact, the only assholes I’ve met have been hetero but I’m not tarring every straight person with the same brush.

      1. MattTarngo,
        Nah, not really. She earns more than me, absolutely will never cheat and we have two kids that are definitely mine. I’ve got it pretty sweet!

  22. The ‘sphere has known for a while that hot women will have sex with their gay friends without a shred of guilt, because that kind of sex “doesn’t count” as cheating. My guess is many gay men are actually bi-sexual and more-or-less horny bastards who certainly are DTF anything including your GF. How do you think AIDS made it way into the hetero population?
    Anyway, this article is spot on; don’t let your wives/gfs hang out with fags.

  23. I’ve known plenty of gay men at work or school or social, and the overall characteristic they all have is they are MANIPULATIVE AS FUCK. They are the greatest manipulators being men and typically of high intelligence, working on all people they know, whether straight or gay, male or female. There’s always some angle or drama, craftiness and generally trying to steer things their way, including getting in your hetero pants. They always, ALWAYS ask: “Are you *really* straight?”, a hundred times, even if you say “No” a hundred times.

  24. I had a couple close gay friends who were stereotypically gay in their speech, dress, etc. but seemed to be very clean cut. No drugs, hookups, etc. The problem being that they were Fascist progressives. I was kicked from the group for doing such things as flirting with women at parties whom they deemed too young (early 20s), innocently flirting (mutually so) with a single woman in the group, and dancing with women at parties (who would get drunk and grind on me). I also was dating a lot and did a very beta thing at the time, which was to openly complain when my dates said ridiculous things like “You’re probably not a rapist.” His response was that rape culture exists and as a man I must man up and own other men’s mistakes. I was expecting some empathy like a normal human being, but SJWs are into Collectivist groupthink. There is a very clear double standard here. They essentially assume all interactions on the part of men are sexually motivated and it’s pretty mind-numbing to navigate as they parse everything you do. Interestingly, the group was 4 women and 3 men, and 2 of the men had problems with… yet none of the women did. I’m pretty happy to have those White Knights out of my life.

    1. Jimmy –
      “They essentially assume all interactions on the part of men are sexually motivated”
      that is correct from a gay man’s perspective. All THEIR interactions with other humans are for manipulation and fucks.
      I hope you also adopt the tack that your social interactions with women (only) other than family are sexually motivated. IOW, you should not have female ‘friends’ that you aren’t fucking or who can lead you to fucks. If you don’t think that way, with all due respect, you are still blue-pilled and probably lying to yourself. 100% of all orbiters who pretend to be “just friends” always are just lying in wait to bang the chick they are “friends” with.
      Straight men should not have anything other that 100% professional interactions with females at work as well. No chats by the water cooler, no 1-on-1 lunches, no drinks after work, no mentoring, no unnecessary collaboration.

      1. “They essentially assume all interactions on the part of men are sexually motivated that is correct from a gay man’s perspective”
        not only from a gay man’s perspectiv : This assertion is equally true or must be true in red pill frame of mind, concerning men and women interactions.
        hence, “you should not have female ‘friends’ that you aren’t fucking or who can lead you to fucks. If you don’t think that way, with all due respect, you are still blue-pilled and probably lying to yourself.”

    2. “They essentially assume all interactions on the part of men are sexually motivated”
      Women believe this too, which is one of the reasons any all-male organization terrifies them: “They can’t all be fags so that means . . . one of the my basic beliefs may not be true! Burn it with FIRE!”

    3. its not that these gays care if rape culture exists, its just that they cannot stand against any social norms. they see a violation and they get angry.

  25. James Vogel is 100% spot on. Queers are just as if not more emotional and neurotic than women. That’s why women and queers make best of friends. Even with all of the neuroses affecting Western women, there are still a handful that are down to earth and normal. You can’t say the same for gays because even the seemingly normal ones have a huge pressure cooker of emotions and debauchery under the surface. They’ll corrupt your woman and may even hit on you in front of one of their 50 boyfriends, and that’s just asking to be roasted.

  26. I don’t believe in true gays. Gay guys are often super chatty with me. One time I went into a coffee shop and was in a skirt and boots, and the gay guy there exclaimed, “WHOA!! I love your purse!” He even gave me the once over, to make sure it coordinated with the rest of my outfit.

    1. Don’t let your girly ego go to your head. Homos are chatty with everyone and that particular homo liked your outfit because he wanted to wear it.

  27. I suspect that bi girls and experimenter types are far more subtle troublesome, as far as disempowering men goes, than are male homosexual friends. They are troublesome as well, but more obviously and overtly so. It is the “chic” ones that should be suspected more, they will have a higher likelihood of ruing your situation. Plus, you are not allowed (socially) to disdain them, whereas most people will expect a masculine or normal man who is not on drugs or into stupid ideologies (wether alpha, beta, sigma, whatever) to disdain male homosexuals. You absolutely must find them cool. That makes them less inhibited about ruining your situation.

  28. I think the majority of gay are exactly as this article claims. There is a minority, say 40%, who are exactly the opposite. They have normal relations with people with both sexes, they got morals, they are not into all the hardcore debauchery. All what they want is to bang their partner in their bedroom and outside that they don’t advertise anything.

  29. My issues with homosexuality are that 1. It’s being forced on us 2. It is disgusting 3. The real truth of this “community” is being withheld 4. It’s resulted in loss of individual freedom for all 5. I have a right to not associate and to not approve of this and that does NOT make me a bad person 6. It is inherently tied to pedophilia and we see, based off of the homosexual movement’s “gains”, to now legitimate pedophilia 7. It’s political “gains” are illegitimate, marriage was accomplished by way of the judiciary, plus, homos have and should have rights under law and vis a vi the state but they really want is coerced acceptance 8. homosexualism is incredibly selfish. I could list more.

      1. This may fit more or less under category 2, but it is big enough I think to have its own category: It is unhealthy, ie. those who are gay (MSM in particular) have vastly disproportionate rate’s of STIs and sexually-related GI tract infections.
        Also, it is shallow (ie. to base one’s fundamental dentity on one’s sexual proclivities is actually quite ridiculous — the red-piled know identity is best based off of character and accomplishment).

  30. Fuck the maricones and they are not getting near my girl. I get all Latin jealous on my girl that she knows not fuck with me and do stupid shit. Also I tell her maricones are bad people. So don’t let your girl hang out with this monstrosity of what god hates and detests.

  31. Echo the others commenting on she shouldn’t be around queers in the first place. I want nothing to do with a chick who is basically condoning their fucked up lifestyle. Any “man” who chooses to be with a dude over some hot chick with a banging body and tits is seriously mentally fucked up. LOL

  32. Indeed lesbian friends are equally as toxic. A lesbo is to a heterosexual man that a nazi is to a jew.
    And if her faggot friend likes hetero porno – that’s another issue – perhaps the dude is secretly hetero. Game tactics today are nuttier than squirrel shit – I have heard of completely straight guys pretending to be gay to get with women.

    1. Seriously!? If a dude has to “pretend” to be a faggot just to bang a chick than he might as well be a fag himself. That’s the same beta you see holding his bitches purse in public. Might as well cut off your balls. The sad part, you’re right @bobby Society gets nuttier and nuttier every day.

  33. Actually, I say to women don’t date men who think they have the right to dictate who your friends are. I’ve been married almost twenty years to a wonderful husband and have all kinds of friends and yes some are gay. This website is like a safe space for losers who can’t handle that women no longer need men to survive and they actually can choose men who are decent and respect them. I’ve read some of these articles to my husband we laugh at how backwards people are. Clearly these women do have a lot of power if you needed to create a website just to cope with the fact you don’t have all the control anymore. It’s really quite sad.

    1. ‘husband,” lol.
      You read to your ‘husband’. What’s he doing, his nails? Was he born intersex, by any chance, or just acts like it?

    2. Sorry, your “power” is by proxy. Nothing more.
      If something like “Lucifer’s Hammer” ever happened, or even a general economic collapse, the “power” you brag of would be gone minutes later. Everyone saw this in Woodstock 1999 when it fell into chaos and during the September 11th 2001 attacks.
      Your “power” comes from other men, from police, Human Resources departments. If I- even in my current condition- and several of you “empowered” women were in a hostile environment I would do far better alone without you than you would without me.

      1. Doubtful. You all would probably end up killing each other. Sure, women would definitely struggle in some ways but there is nothing that can’t be worked around and if women needed to they would adapt. They can hunt, kill, build things and do everything that would need to be done. No doubt about it. If Lucifer’s Hammer happened and we went back to basic civilization modern men wouldn’t really have an edge over women. And the only reason men in the olden days physical edge is women didn’t really know what they are capable of and the fact they can survive.

        1. We saw that at Woodstock 1999 and the September 11th 2001 attacks…oh yes, and the “Batman” movie shooting.
          If a “Lucifer’s Hammer” disaster ever happened someone like you would be in for an unpleasant reality check.

  34. Can somebody answer a question here?
    In spite of Kinsey’s phony “10%” figure, homosexuals make up about 2% of the population, at maximum. They tend to congregate into groups.
    So how do so many women seem to have homosexual friends? How do they even know? Are some of them just saying that to get close with the “what are you worried about, we can’t have sex, he’s homosexual?”
    I miss the 1970s and 1980s.

  35. It’s fashionable for hipsters and liberals to be friends with homosexuals and jump on the homosexual rights bandwagon at every turn. As an older man, I’d drop a woman like a hot potato for being a homosexual chaser. Years ago, when I was in my 30s, I knew a libtard woman who insisted on going to homosexual bars and venues with her homosexual pals. She forced her husband to accompany her homosexual entourage while flaunting her tolerance and supposed enlightened friendships. The kicker was that her husband eventually left her for one of her homosexual pals!

  36. Fuck homos, lesbos, trannies and feminoztis! They deserve the HELLFIRE! Fuck them sexual deviants. Homos are shit fuckers they like to fist their homo partner’s shit hole. Lesbians rape young girls and physically abuse young boys. Homosexuality is a mental disorder and I don’t give a fuck what you, Obama or the UN tells me.

  37. Not sure where you got the idea that butch lesbians are not into fem girls, but that’s completely wrong. Many butch women are totally into “lipstick” girls.

    1. They are particularly into feminine women. Its a double win. First, they get to pretend that they are doing something that men do (ego boost), second they get to take out their self loathing on the males in general by depriving the males of another potential mate.

  38. Both male and female homosexuals will sabotage any heterosexual relationship. The gay males will do it because by decreasing the pool of availabe women they hope to encourage more males into homosexuality. those males who dont go with the program will suffer. And the rest will have to kowtow to them to get in good with the women.
    The female homosexuals will do the same thing for similar reasons. Obviously turning a woman off to all men will increase their available pool of women to fuck. Also, by turning yet one more woman into a piece of trash it makes it easier for them to pretend that they arent sexual failures.
    Female homosexuals have a tremendous hatred for hetero males, well the non psychotic males anyway. And male homosexuals will always sabotage.

  39. Yet another reason why homos most be rounded up and quarantined at minimum, or burned at best.

  40. no problem here…..i jetison anything associated with homosexuality……life is complicated enough

  41. Straight up, I don’t agree with this. The outcomes here are the result of inexperience and I’m guessing the author is late 20s or early 30s. Put simply, this has nothing to do with gay vs straight; it’s partiers versus non partiers. There are wonderful monogamous people in the gay community who contribute disproportionately to business and the arts; then there are the crazy train wreck party boys mentioned here. Put simply gentleman: if you allow your woman to hang out with bar trash, she will eventually behave as bar trash. been there, seen this, bought the TShirt, donated it to the homeless! As Roosh says, women take the shape of the container you put them in. Nowhere does he mention gay or straight. I’ve seen squeaky clean bona fide church and suburban/country girls get in the big city club scene and 8 weeks later, they’re snorting blow off the steps in the nightclub parking garage. Allow your girl to party with pigs and soon she will be covered in mud. While “gay drama” is legendary, there is nothing intrinsically gay or straight about this. Drop your girl in any party scene and absent proper upbringing, she will become a degenerate party girl. God forbid someone reads this and nixes their pre woke club slut’s gay friends… but thinks it’s perfectly fine to let her hang out with straight people who have her snorting blow on mirrored tables and shooting porn at 3am… while her cuck BF is driving for Uber thinking all is well b/c no gay ppl are there… SMH.
    Less gay blaming… and more Alpha male chick shaming —

  42. As much as there’s a lot of truth to what you said…
    You may in fact have homophobia twisting your perceptions. Some people are legitimately gay and not trying to get with your girl.
    In fact, the more she blabs on with him the less you have to hear her verbal nonsense. When she complains about you to him, any negative comments he makes will cause her to be defensive of you. Friend’s girls for example, typically push her closer to you because they’re so negative. She automatically takes the opposite stance.
    That’s why reverse psychology is so effect. That’s also why underhanded insults that don’t come off as negative, are an effective way to deal with competition from other guys.
    Oh…and you obsessing over any potential threat to your relationship…it’s a waste of energy. That is not alpha. Alpha’s are indifferent, and that is the antithesis of indifferent.
    If a a girl is going to cheat or has cheated, I personally can sense it. And if I get that vibe, I explain it to her, I cut ties, and I move on to the next viable candidate.
    Paranoia over trivial matters is not game. It is borderline obsession. You shouldn’t care if your girl cheats. If she does, she loses you, and ultimately that should be her loss, not yours.

  43. My first serious relationship ended when I told my girlfriend her gay friend is manipulating her and that I want him gone. To her, that was the last straw and she wanted nothing to do with me anymore. And of course I only brought it up because we were fighting and I had enough of her shit.
    Oh, and that dude was really bad influence in her. He had a rich boyfriend he regularly cheated on with random dudes, all the while promoting his degenerate behavior to the point my gf did anal with buncha guys before me, just because he told her to do it.

  44. “I would like to give some personal anecdotes that can serve as an example for the general trends out there. The girl who I have a serious relationship with had a gay friend she would occasionally meet for coffee.”
    Why on earth you would allow your woman to meet with another man on her own??

  45. “I would like to give some personal anecdotes that can serve as an example for the general trends out there. The girl who I have a serious relationship with had a gay friend she would occasionally meet for coffee.”
    You have yourself to blame for this. Why do you allow your woman to socialise with other men on her own?

  46. This is just pure crap, I’m Gay and I have never interfered with any ones relationship.
    And whom ever wrote this and those who support this notion are crazy and don’t know what they are talking about. This isn’t typical behavior unless you are cheating on someone. Most friends in general would be looking out for you, and wouldn’t tell you something just to create drama. Also is you have concerns about someone “Faking” being gay, just introduce them to other Gay men or women. To see there opinion about them.

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