Early in the morning yesterday, special agents of the FBI raided the office of Trump’s lawyer Michael D. Cohen and seized records which contained confidential material between clientele, just like how it was done in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Stephen Ryan is the lawyer of the lawyer of Donald Trump and commented that this was “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.”
He also said:
“Today the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York executed a series of search warrants and seized the privileged communications between my client, Michael Cohen, and his clients,” he continued. “I have been advised by federal prosecutors that the New York action is, in part, a referral by the Office of Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.”
Federal prosecutors from Manhattan are now investigating communications between Trump and his lawyer Cohen. They claim payouts were sent to the prostitute Stephanie Clifford aka Stormy Daniels. They have been slamming Cohen with bank fraud allegations and everything else they can dig up, and now again another attempt to revive the old sex allegation.
Hilary Clinton’s illegal scandal where 33,000 emails were lost is not investigated, yet the FBI continues to go after the Trump administration. Due to this noise, the stock market has dropped, effecting the American economy.
Trump himself said the whole thing is like a “witch hunt” with these guys out to get him no matter what the evidence shows. He mentioned that his team have given pages and pages of documentation, but this action is a disgrace and attack on the country. Trump continued that these types of allegations have been going on for a long time, but now it is getting ridiculous.
He also said they found no collusion with Russia whatsoever.
“This is the most biased group of people. These people have the biggest conflicts of interests I’ve ever seen.”
Reporters asked Trump if he had an affair with Daniels after he concluded his comments trying to get an answer, but this claim against him is just another engineered strategy to get him impeached. Why is the deep state continuing this witch hunt over an allegation by some slut? They are making it as though she is some actress or star, but no, she is a prostitute who had sex with God knows how many for money, hence prostituting on camera. This case is being dragged out farther than it ever should have.
During the 60 Minutes interview, Stormy’s pupils looked dilated as if she had just taken drugs. Her husband helped her pass the polygraph test, yet mainstream media made it sound like she was telling the truth. She and her husband collaborated together on this alleged affair. She also has a history of domestic violence charges and cheating former husbands for money. So, believing the words coming out of this washed up old hag is like treating Hilary Clinton’s words as truth.
It is time to fire Mueller
Who gave this rogue maniac Mueller the authority to investigate Cohen’s records? Ask any lawyer and they’ll confirm that any communication with a client must be held in strict confidence, and not subject to being ceased by the FBI.
Trump was asked if he’ll fire Mueller after he gave his comments, and he replied that the situation is very sad and went in about how the FBI has fallen in its performance. However, he did not rule out that possibility.
Popular talk show host Michael Savage even tweeted to get rid of this guy.
— Michael Savage (@ASavageNation) April 9, 2018
He’s nothing but trouble, and now it is time to give him to boot. He’s a danger to Trump and to the stability of the U.S. government with his obsessive-compulsive thirst for trying to find dirt on Trump. Robert Muller needs to go, immediately.
To make matter worse, once again Russia and Assad are being for blamed attacks in The Middle East even though no concrete evidence exists whatsoever. With Bolton by Trump’s side, expect another Syria incident which is going to infuriate the already angry Eastern powers. Watch out for young men losing their lives in unnecessary wars due to desperate greasy old men who are overly aggressive in global affairs.
Read More: Rigged: FBI Reveals It Has Evidence Hilary Clinton Broke Law, But Will Not Prosecute
What disgusts me about this whole Stormy Daniels affair is why are they giving a voice to some old prostitute who is obviously doing this for attention and to smear Trump’s name. She is a used up whore, you can’t trust anything she says.
Das Juden and feminists have started a war against men! it’s about that time for men to join Russia and fight the feminist to her last breath to save Western civilization.
Russia is pro feminist it is not like a place where women are all in the kitchen raising children or have high birthrates. Do not join government organizations just create your underground movement worldwide like: Identity Evropa
It’s not about the whore. This is the jews doing absolutely everything they can to bring down our elected president. Because he has paused the jewish white-genocide project. He slowed the mexican invasion of America slightly, so the jew must bring him down. It doesn’t matter that he’s playing along with Israel’s false-flag chemical attack by Syria narrative. To the jew, white genocide is the #1 global imperative, and cannot be slowed for any reason.
Calling all white knights! Defend the roast beef!
I don’t understand the story or upset. Trump banged a hooker, so what?
Trump is rich, all rich men bang hookers. I bang hookers too, it’s fun.
To guys that have never banged hookers, all I can say is …. “You don’t know what you’re missing”
Where I live, 50% of 15 year old boys have had sex with a hooker.
It’s entirely normal and healthy.
People despise what they cant have. Could you imagine how many attitudes would change if Trump haters had money? Painfully easy concept to understand. One of many reasons why you can’t take liberals seriously. They do what is convenient at the time.
But it’s not like it wasn’t obvious he bangs hookers.
He has a clear history of sleeping with hookers.
Both his Soviet Bloc wives are obvious hookers.
Sort of funny that America’s ‘first lady’ is an Eastern European hooker.
…. and America’s last first lady looks like a tranny ……..
Leftists praise communism when really what they want is to be bourgouis.
Many Trump haters have money.
Every US student who goes to London visits a 40 pound SOHO hooker. It used to be an initiation on school trips.
In those days the models upstairs were all Maltese women in middle-age with a few Irish women in the bargain.
They were dirt cheap. Thirty pounds in 1990’s UK.
To my mind it is better than being 25 and wanking to porn like a 5th form student because you still live at home.
But these guys would rather go to the club and watch the same skanks and slags “getting off” with somebody else every Saturday.
Gen Y or Z are too dickless to screw hookers-this would imply 18 year old youth leaving their house.
“Where I live, 50% of 15 year old boys have had sex with a hooker.”
Lot of cheap decent looking hookers where you live? If so do tell approx. where?
SEA, a lady in her 20s is around $30-$50 for the night.
Maybe I should think of retiring to South East Asia; my 401K money might last allot longer.
$30-50 dollars a night is heck-of-allot cheaper than $480;
Scottish woman, 28, is arrested in Florida after having ‘sex with a 14-year-old boy who paid her $480 after he found her online while searching for prostitutes’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5599379/Scottish-woman-arrested-Florida-having-sex-teen-boy-hotel.html#ixzz5CMrCC0ik
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“Enterprising” young lad
Exactly, if I was trump, I’ll be like “…and?? So what?!”
The only problem is, this will distract and demoralize him by causing tension and hostility in his marriage. These bastards are trying to wear Trump down by attacking his family.
Remember how Don Jr.’s wife got an envelope full of white powder and the next day filed for divorce?
Exactly. This wall hitter claimed that she wanted the “truth” to come out. Anyone with a single brain cell knows this is her lottery ticket to wave that used old snatch around. She has a 7-year-old daughter!!
It was highly amusing how 60 minutes tried to make her look like less of a slut, but only made her look as ugly as she really is. Trumped banged a slut – so what!
Prostitutes are paid, 1. to open their mouths, and 2. to then keep their mouths shut. Stormy is guilty of breach of contract.
So some shishka from the (((porn industry))) wants some post-wall attention, and the lawyer (((Michael D. Cohen))) is the fall guy to give it to her huh?
I’m sure her handlers in the porn industry kept most of the hush-fund that he paid-possibly they set up the whole thing with her as a plant to begin with.
Since these folks usually vote Democrat it is no surprise that they would use this as a way to take him down via impeachment.
What is their religion?
They are technically not even religiously observant. Most of the “Jews” causing all this mischief and grief to western civilization are secular Ashkenazi Jews who converted to Judaism during the Khazar Empire era.
Ethnically, they are essentially the same as people from modern day Georgia and Southern Russia (if you visit Georgia the country you will observe that the locals look very much like American Ashkenazi Jews) but by having a vastly different way of life and treatment of their Christian goy neighbors, they became a different race in their own right.
Either “white” when it’s convenient to chastise western civilization and goys to a non-white audience like they do today (Tim Wise etc.), or “Jewish” when they feel threatened and a victimhood mentality will work best depending on the situation.
Actually Askenazi are something like 60% Italian and in my opinion an Askenazi and an Italian are hard to tell apart.
Once in a while you see a real obvious Khazar who looks vaguely Asiatic (Nimoy, Barr, Weinstein) but mostly they look Italians and often they play Italians in film.
Mr. Fuller Brush man is that you?
Only because the Anglo bites the hook, my man. Only because they bite the hook
My god that c**k carousel riding Stormy Daniels is wider than a silverbacks prime breeding mate, and looks like she didn’t hit the wall but MERGED with it instead. And people would pay a subscription or tickets sales to see her in action? Why, she is worse than a C rated horror show already.. but gold diggers are nothing if not tenacious to TRY steal gold from people they feel can blackmail. God knows, she don’t have anything else to offer. Freakish looking, bring on the dwarfs for then next film….
That’s Porny Daniels.
Hahaha “merged with the wall”
Remember the days when people used to laugh at the Enquirer magazine?
To be fair, the President of France’s marriage to his quarter-century older wife is pretty much National Enquirer material. It’s just that friggin’ bizarre.
This story joins the ranks of Bat Boy and the Lochness monster. If you go to YouTubes comment section you will see people screaming in all caps arguing wether or not Melania speaks five languages. The Stormy Daniels story reminded me that the US is filled with adults who are still fascinated and obsessed with genetalia. If I were from another country I would imagine this to be the equivalent to Barney the purple dinosaur being on the news every day.
The US advertises sex 24/7 in every medium, but it’s up there with Saudi Arabia in how it demonizes it and makes it taboo.
Jesus Christ! When did Fox start writing for ROK? FFS the FBI did a massive investigation in the Clinton emails. There was an 80 page report release over it. Do literally one shred of research.
Mueller has had an impeccable record serving both dem and repubs so going after him if you know anything about him is pure stupidity.
This is just a mash of pure bullshit, bad research and skewed opinion.
And since you side takers will ask, because all you care about is who my political affiliations are to, as if that makes a fucking difference when your fucking wrong as fuck. Nobody.
Trump has had some great points and also spouted some crazy bullshit. The left has some good points but tends to go waaay the fuck overboard. My opinion is that both sides are stupid, blinded and so willing to follow their own bs side that they ignore that they are doing exactly what they are saying the other side does. All sides are stupid.
So WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH BEING MORE OF A MAN? Articles pointing out that Trumps treatment of women is a solid power play? Fine. Good commentary no matter how the mainstream doesn’t want to see it.
But this?
This is following at its finest. If I had to make a list of ‘the rights’ talking points I could show them this article. Be fucking better.
You have a point. What I get out of this article is that basic rights were violated once again. Client lawyer information is fucking confidential. Period!
it’s a Coup…like Seven days In May…
Speaking of rights being violated, comments in this thread are being censored. Is the author, foreigner “Mr. Luthra”, in charge of censorship here?
“Client lawyer information is fucking confidential. Period!”
Not if it’s criminal in nature. There’s a caveat called the “Crime fraud” exception dumbass.
No shit fucker. This is gang warfare. You’re either with Trump or you’re in the wrong ‘hood homie. Democrats and “anti racists” made it this way, don’t hate the players, hate the game. Trump could shit in my crepes and bath in the blood of a thousand virgins as long as he builds that wall.
NOT under oath apparently. The (((tribe))) can get a pass on lying to the goy masses if they want to.
what does any of this have to do with election tampering? has Mueller severally overstepped the boundary to find anything?
You can believe what you want about the Stormy Daniels case, but to take out a search warrant to find out whether or not someone had consensual sex with someone else 12 years ago just REEKS of political trickery. Having sex with a woman, even if it was an affair, does not warrant a search warrant….someones head had better role for this.
it should come as no surprise the left has brought us much over the last 5 decades (at least); the removal of school prayer and the pledge of allegiance, feminism, abortion rights, high divorce rates, gay rights, mainstream porn and now want to use their vipers to destroy even more
Police either don’t have the knowledge or the right to refuse to raid.
Either way; Police are controlled by them and not controlled by us!
My comments are not showing up. Fucking Juus
I bet 10 Euros that behind this scandal is Ruth Ginsburg or other anti-white man hating Juu who should be in a nursing home dying a slow death than using our tax dollars for secret Israeli medicine cures that increase life expectancy.
Soros and the Rothschilds.
I am nor from USA, can someone explain this to me? If they find out Trump did inded hire a prostitute before becoming president, why would that be grounds for impeachment?
Not at all
No one important. I literally lol’ed at your message. Because here in the Soviet United States, they want to make it illegal for a man to offend a woman. No, it’s not grounds for impeachment.
they are going for the smear campaing bullets for 2020
The info you need is found in the lastest drop of q-posts. It’s all very interesting, we’re in for a damn interesting week or two of politics.
Here’s the latest vid on it, but check the other videos.
NOI, A reasonable question.
I’m not from the US either but I am a lawyer in a comparable country and follow the US political talking heads as much as I can.
It seems a stretch, doesn’t it – equating a consensual sexual encounter between 2 adults with grounds for impeachment of a US president.
As I understand it, the political problem is NOT the encounter itself – but the terms under which her silence was sold and paid for.
Most countries have legislation regulating the circumstances under which money can be donated to – and on behalf of – political candidates during a campaign. The rules are very technical and differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction but all have the same broad purpose: to prevent donors from obtaining undue influence over candidates who may one day try to repay them through the use of their political clout.
From what I can ascertain, the bitter SJW’s who are too childish to accept defeat in the last election may intend to argue that the payment by The Donald’s lawyer to Stormy – in as far as it may possibly be characterised as a payment made ON BEHALF of the campaign, may meet the definition of a proscribed donation TO the campaign. The reasoning, I suspect, is that when you pay someone’s debt for them you are saving them the money they would otherwise have to reach into their own pocket to pay.
If you are interested in US politics I recommend going to Youtube and searching for Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham, which is what I do. Their shows are great.
Imagine that Pauline Hansen HAD been elected Prime Minister.
Your opposition would DO ANYTHING and I MEAN ANYTHING to have discredited her.
In point of litigation they will try to make TRUMP deny it and then impeach him for perjury following the Lewinsky precedent.
The porn industry are huge supporters of the Democratic party because Republicans always go after them when they are in office to assuage the Evangelical voting bloc.
Pornographers hate the Republican base and will do anything to destroy them.
Porn contributes billions to the California economy, remember. Not so much any longer because anybody can upload an image of their cock being sucked by some woman for free and the market is shrinking but 30 years porn was a huge business-
Take the average Australian male porn actor who comes to LA.
He does a few films in Melbourne for the Greek or Italian mob but realizes that the real money for male stars is in California and also the industry there is more professional. He has some kind of side trade too-roofer, dry wall, brick layer.
When he comes to Los Angeles he puts a great deal of money into the economy-most male porn stars from other countries end up staying in the US permanently.
The WOMEN put even more into the economy-though much of it goes to cocaine.
This in itself is a major contributor to the Democratic leaning Californian economy which Evangelicals despise in Alabama-Australians forget that the US regions often despise one another deeply and California is loathed.
Good point. What about those never investigated 33000 emails from killary ? I wonder..
They are ginning up a story line that the payment came from co-mingled campaign funds or some other such bull$#!t involving technical financial regulations.
Ridiculous, of course, but the Globalists realize that all is fair in love and war.
And this ain’t love.
That’s what happens when you trust your life to a guy named (((Cohen))). Then again, he himself is from (((NYC))) and let his daughter marry one of those people.
Triple brackets. Implying 3 levels deep of control?
What a vulgar, despicable woman this is: not because she performs in porn, (that’s her choice) – but because she so easily betrays a public man’s private confidences for lucre.
Stormy is no minor, but an adult, and yet she’s acting like a selfish child. A real adult woman, with agency, would be discreet following what even she concedes was a consensual encounter between two people of mature years.
Despicable that such a mercenary is lauded by the press as a heroine of sorts.
I don’t know about you fellows, but when pondering life’s most serious issues, especially those pertaining to women, I find it helpful to turn to the world’s greatest living expert. I speak, of course, of a certain tiger-blooded and totally bitchin’ rock star from Mars who is beyond wise in the ways of women.
When his own confidences were betrayed by the porn star, Farrah Abraham, a few years back Charlie wrote to her in the following terms as is recorded in the Book of Sheen:
” …send my number to middle earth .. and follow it into said abyss…the world will collectively sigh as the pungent memory of you vanishes into the troposphere of lame-suck…” Wow. Talk about winning!
Mr President, you need to heed the words of your fellow alpha-male and prophet and consign this chump to the abyss. As Charlie has written, so let it be done.
Australians in porn industry are similar Bogans, why would people from the absolute depths of the lower class have morals. Daniels recounted “days without electricity” in her childhood and being a single child.
Of course poor people doing double anal would have no morals.
Most likely her handlers set up the whole sorry affair to blackmail him, which worked.
Pornographers vote Democratic because Republicans always go after the industry-naturally they want to destroy Trump. And yes, of course a good deal of them are not Christians.
Not that this matters, Australian pornographers who had a chance to go after the Conservative party would do the same thing.
“What a vulgar woman”
Yes, she does double-anal with black men and lets six drug addicts masturbate on her face.
My understanding of the Australian porn industry is that its performers are all Bogans recruited from the slaughterhouse towns with a few stoned surfies thrown in that happen to have a giant dick.
Indeed I would not want to share a flat with these folks either.
Stormy’s kid is pretty much guaranteed to have a Personality Disorder now. That whore fucked up another human life by opening up her mouth.
If President Trump is removed from office, at this point, there will be an armed insurrection of some sort. And what is left of the rotting hulk of our country will never fully recover.
This whole angle stinks of libtard hypocrisy. It isn’t okay to cheat on your wife yes, but she had to know he was married, he’s not just some no name guy that simply forgot to tell her about his wife. Because of this fact, she is equally as responsible, if adultry was illegal in the first place! We got two problems with this story and the media are still hanging on to this with their dear lives and making this skank to be a poor littoe victim of the evil president. They should really hire better script writers from all the talent they have over in (((Hollyweird)))
Stormy KNOWS what the BBC is…
I don’t like Trump but even I can’t figure out what the issue is if it was consensual.
Yup. Rich guy fuks hoe. Nothing to see here.
The FBI is a criminal organization that has gone rogue against the USA. It needs to be defunded, destroyed and its leaders put into prison.
This Stormy whore has fake tits; that right there makes her undesirable. So he had straight sex with loose adult females- so what? If Barney Frank didn’t get in any trouble then neither should he. I, for one, do not care at all about this.
You mean in addition to having two black dicks in her huge gaping anus at the same time?
I almost don’t believe that a man with access to the finest hookers in the world would actually stoop to screwing this trailer trash.
And her videos are actually really cheap. She is not a high-echelon porn star.
But she got BBC
which movies in particular ? I’d like to investigate them and have my own opinion.
Democrats want their own Monica Lewinsky.
Didn’t care about Clinton getting his knob polished in the oval orifice, either. Just do the POTUS thing and get stuff done for America. At least DJT did the dumb deed elsewhere, and during a different phase of his life.
Stormy 3 Holes wants to manufacture a credible myth after two decades of a wild, unscrupulous life. She’s as much of a predator as DJT in the game. How can she extend the fame, oh here’s how, play dirty tricks with high rollers and test for vulnerabilities to stoke her exploits. Add up every lay she’s had by the inches…11 MILES of dick later, post-wall, phony parts…she should just deepen her legal bench with Gloria Allred and get on with the spectacle she craves, surrounded by enablers. Human wreckage.
Nice to see the FBI has no other problems and tons of additional bandwidth to pursue this lark. Agenda is lit.
Doubtful Stormy dreamed the blackmail up, she is just the whore who was willing to fuck telephone polls.
Her handler would have spotted a quick payoff and of course it worked. Stormy got a line of blow, a new purse, a couple of grand and her manager took the lion’s share of $100,000 Trump would have spent in an hour anyhow.
Pornographers are staunch Democrats because the Republicans who otherwise don’t care what happens in capitalism to proles have to get please their Evangelical bloc in the South who are pissed off at fruits and J’s for controlling the print and electronic media out in California.
Californians of course love the pornographers as money-backers and a source of billion dollar revenue as an industry in San Fernando.
Stormy herself is simply another garden-variety white trash used by J’s tale-the usual poor “Part Cherokee and Part Irish” background all Southern trailer trash claim who was recruited by J’s to perform vile sexual acts in ratty apartments so they could fill their pockets with the money of another penniless Anglo prole whose choices boiled down to sex work or minimum wage.
To some degree the Anglo from the South like her brings the exploitation by the J owners of the means of production right down on themselves…the young parents have a child too young…the Dad that quickly abandons them because a 21 year old male does not exactly want to settle down…the molestation…the poor neighborhood where sex and drugs are the only viable commodities…the shitty minimum wage because if the female prole quits another will walk by in 5 minutes who needs a job.
And think about it from Stormy’s perspective. Armed with two arms and no skills and no influence, what else has she got but a vagina and a mouth and an anus? To some degree she employed them quite well.
If it wasn’t clear from my digression, I was already going beyond any debate that Stormy D banged DJT. When I said “manufacture a credible myth” I meant she’s sort-of playing the “credibility angel” all of a sudden, and cares oh so much about “truth” while backstabbing the meaning of the word. Bitches are chimeric. There ought to be a statute of limitations on their ability to further profit by ruining a man for an hour of hijinks 12 years prior.
Your Stormy profile sounds totally plausible to me…”another penniless Anglo prole whose choices boiled down to sex work or minimum wage.” Nugget.
“Sex work and minimum wage”
Chinese do the same in the Philippines. One group is stupid and gets exploited; the other group has an IQ maybe 15 points higher on average and does the exploiting.
An Anglo like Stormy Daniels has two stupid Bell Curve parents who are 20 when she is born…she grows up in miserable poverty, nearly Third World…sex and drugs are the only commodities in her neighborhood…at 15 she finds out that a vagina has a higher market value than a pair of arms…
The “J” who owns the media means of production simply waits for her to do the circuit-promiscuity at 15, the underage entrance into the dance circuit at 17 until at 21 she gets off a bus in LA ready for the big-time…
They don’t exactly DO ANYTHING any more than Chinese dealers MAKE FILIPINOS SMOKE SHABU. They simply wait until for Bell Curve IQ limitations to lead the proletariat to their means of production-the porn studio.
J vs Evangelical War
The J liberal degrades the white female Evangelical or Protestant Anglo and her people are forced to watch her degrade herself in the J studio-sticking penises long and black as police nightsticks up her but.
The evangelical voting bloc for Republicans protests this and the Republicans-fully aware of how much of California’s economy is dependent upon porn-make a half-hearted effort at going after porn. Very difficult because the actual product is manufacture across the country.
Naturally the J is a Democrat and she has become a tool to harm Republicans.
Funny !
Imho even if its true then Trump or whoever guy in US of A shall be able to fuck any prostitute or pornstar they want and pay for the service, all fair and square. Any attempt to make it seem unfair is witchhunt, violation of privacy, breach of trust.
If i were Trump, if this gets away okay for me then the next thing I’ll do is making a pornstar profession illegal. So there shall no more such filthy woman trying to get more than she deserve. It is simply worst kind of blackmail.
California’s economy DEPENDS on porn and so do the Gen Y males who jerk off all day to porn.
Because of the massive degree of money that porn brings into the California economy this cannot be prohibited.
Haha. I know, right? And california is the ultimate bastion for the SJWs in US of A. Strike to the heart!!!
Impossible…they have all the cash. They will continue to have it because people in the flyover will form lines in the street to watch the garbage films they produce out of scripts that Hyman wrote over half a kilo of cocaine and Tequila and thirsty Gen Y Anglos in suburban cul-de-sacs who cannot get decent jobs will continue to jack off to porn 4 x a day.
The porn industry will never shrink because young men in Kansas cannot get a hooker and its illegal but an 18 year old girl get double-anal is perfectly legal.
DO people actually pay to watch porn?
Are they no capable of finding torrents?
I don’t know how porn makes money these days.
Certainly the days when any man who could get an erection and have sex with a woman on camera could make $1000 a scene like Ben Dover (In the seventies when that was huge amounts of money) are over.
SOHO probably does not make as much money from porn mags.
The problem is that it has totally turned girls into whores and males in hairy-palmed pervs who jerk off to porn all day-listen to the Gen Y on this site talk about how they cannot stop jerking off to porn all day.
Porn is free, whoever pays for it needs to get with the times (go ogle). The question here actually is why is free? And (((who))) funds it and for what agenda? Need i say more?
Who funds it? Horny J men who have enough money to simply do it half for fun.
Agenda? Coke and sex.
In the end of the day somebody must be paying the bill, uncle John. Not always necessarily those who enjoy it.
Except…Cali has declared war on Trump, so maybe crushing the porn industry “for the children” and to “prevent human trafficking” might be just the ticket for a MAGA counterattack.
Won’t happen, but it’s fun to dream.
I don’t CARE who Trump sleeps with or slept with in the past. I don’t care if he or his attorney paid off a prostitute to keep her mouth shut. It’s all a distraction from more important things. The country falls for this stuff over again and the system gets bogged down.
It’s more important if we fall for the “Syria chemical weapons” False Flag AGAIN.
bitch wasnt even a good performer relied mostly on her fake titties just like Tera Patrick.
Her husband bwahahaa
How did the hell a used up porn star who has had to much b dick inside her manage to go through 2 husbands and still find another to marry. Talk about male thirst some men will do anything for some fanny I would put a bullet through my head before I would take anything like her on.
Porn isnt free, your tax dollars pay these exhibition prostitutes. Porno is the tool Satan in this devils playground.
tool of Satan
What a bullshit article full of anecdotes supposition and downright lies. First of all of the crime fraud exception is the caveat they used in order to raid Cohen. Second the Rave was signed off by Rosenstein Trump’s pick so it’s hardly a deep state affair unless you think Trump is in one orchestrating it. Finally Trump has been known to tell Tall Tales so anything he says here regarding a Witch Hunt is just more bullshit.
This whole article reeks of trump inspired state run media bullshit
What an epic load of horseshit. This article writer should be drawn and quartered.
I hope he does fire Mueller, just so you idiots can marvel at how badly it plays out for Trump for doing so.
Trump is our Dark Knight.
He can take it.
Did anyone notice that backpage and it’s affiliated site got shut down the other day? Kind of ironic given it’s been confirmed the president is a big user of Prostitutes and US is home to a $97 Billion Porn industry where 80 million copies of “50 Shades of Grey” are sold. It’s okay FBI.. I know other sites 😉
But yeah, Stormy is a
Prositute. So is that playboy chick he had a affair with. So is Melina. She’s bought and paid for folks. While I will happily jump in on the Stormy bashing fest, it’s disengious to not acknowledge that it’s now been confirmed that the woman doesn’t even sleep in the same room as The Donald.