The Future Of The Manosphere

You might have noticed the jaded air wafting through your favorite sites recently. Prominent bloggers and personalities in the manosphere have been repeating themselves, confessing to dissatisfaction with their conquests, or just folding up tents and moving on. Are the lifestyles they preached really so unsatisfying? Maybe the red pill was just a fad, or these men are burning out and quietly returning to the mainstream, like hippies in 1973. However, I believe there is another explanation.

These pioneers are simply casting off for further shores, and they’re going alone, or with a small group of companions, not a large audience. They are building the next stage of the men’s awakening, in the form of a myriad of smaller, focused groups of men realizing their dreams both on-line and off. It will be more positive and creative, focused on achieving dreams and goals rather than simply Game (‘sphere 1.0) or diagnosing the ills of modern culture (2.0).

Manosphere 1.0 and 2.0

I use the term manosphere unapologetically, because despite its faintly silly ring, it accurately delineates the core of blogs and sites that have shaped the thinking of a loose tribe of men since around 2008. This could be also called the Roissy-sphere, as the pseudonymous DC blogger was perhaps the main catalyst.

Roosh then added his uniquely simple insight, namely that Anglosphere women sucked in comparison to those of the rest of the world, kicking off what is probably the best broad online community we have right now. Other figures have been almost equally important, so mentally add in your favorites, and then there is the legion of worthy second-tier blogs.

But the Roissy-sphere is in fact manosphere 2.0, as it couldn’t have existed without the legion of PUA/seduction sites as far back as the late 90s. As a participant in the early days of, a time of Ross Jeffries vs Tyler Durden flamewars and a succession of now-forgotten gurus. Let me tell you that this manosphere 1.0 was exciting, empowering and necessary, but also incomplete and primitive. Beaten down by the rampant feminism of the 1990s—all Oprah, date-rape scaremongering and Ritalin—men regrouped by creating checklists of body language to emulate, IOIs to look for, and techniques to open mixed 5-sets.

But those men got a little older, had some success with women, and found themselves facing a slightly different set of problems. They could get laid. But they were increasingly aware of the gynocentric expectations of society, and the deteriorating quality of Western women as long-term partners. Finally came awareness of the emasculating power of the state, taxing and regulating obedient males beyond the point of tolerance, and then removing the traditional incentive of a role as head of the family. The ranks of the MRAs and MGTOWs swelled, but for confident, adventurous men of the world these are not satisfactory responses—MRAs were shrill and focused on elusive legal reforms, while MGTOWs merely raised a white flag as they were squeezed out of the sexual marketplace.

I believe that the current manosphere is in transition, as there are now significant numbers of men who have been educated in its ideas for several years, and not only that, have taken action and succeeded in changing their lives. We have learned game, we have lifted heavy, we have traveled and experienced relations with women from other hemispheres, and we might have even fired our boss. Or perhaps we haven’t done all these things yet, but we are nevertheless on the path.

So just as there came a point when you no longer needed to read constantly about new openers or how to neg effectively, it’s no longer so important to read about the evils of feminism, the obesity epidemic, or female hypergamy. And a lot of the bloggers who opened our eyes are moving on, too, to the next stage of their lives.

The Future

What then is that next stage? I believe that there will no longer be a central online hub for men who have fully realized the red pill and are living out their lives boldly, adventurously, and without regard to the precepts of a decadent and gynocentric society. These are truly the men going their own way. Not MGTOWs playing video games and giving up on sex for fear of false rape charges, but men scattered all over the earth, creating and shaping their environments in their own image. Though not necessarily immediately visible, their impact will be great, most of all in their own lives and the lives of those around them.

Although I call the next stage manosphere 3.0, that’s somewhat tongue-in-cheek. We won’t need to latch on to a label, or to bookmark the same sites. We will just be doing our own thing, each in his own way. And the happier and more successful we get, the less we need to rail against the evils of society. We already know that many folks are fat and lazy, that women are following their own imperatives, and that there is no point in pinning hope on any political movement. Check, check and check. We move on and and pursue our goals, more centered in ourselves, more specialized in our tasks, and happily ignoring the play-by-play of the mainstream.

But although I see the next stage as very individualistic, it won’t be done alone. It’s only natural to form solid, real-world bonds of friendship with like-minded people. Manosphere 3.0 will be a multitude of clans and communities pursuing their own goals, of business, lifestyle, or whatever they choose. This will happen naturally and organically.

What then of manosphere 2.0? Some of the names may change, but there will continue to be discussion along the lines of what we have shared for the last several years. And in fact there will be increasing numbers of places, online and off, where men will be newly exposed to red pill thinking, with all the accompanying stages of denial, anger and adjustment. Places like the Red Pill subreddit will play an important role here, as masculine conservatism goes mainstream in a similar way to game going mainstream after 2005. (Of course, I don’t mean mainstream in the sense of a celebratory Time magazine article, but in the sense that most young men will be exposed to the key ideas, whether they agree with them or not.)

And so the world will continue to change, one person at a time. It’s an exciting time to watch the big-picture of the cultural landscape, but manosphere 3.0 will not be a social movement or a network of blogs. It will be your own journey, as you embark on a voyage of exploration and conquest of your own making, leaving behind the restrictions of the homeland to sail into the wind, no certain landfall ahead, but confident in your sea legs, your steel and your choice of trusted companions.

Read More: The Manosphere Is Approaching A Tipping Point

98 thoughts on “The Future Of The Manosphere”

  1. Manosphere 1.0’s result, to paraphrase Kant, was to awaken men from their “dogmatic slumber.” Get them to realize that something isn’t right, and get them to get off their asses and do something more positive in their lives. The best way to do this? Focus on getting laid and do something to appeal to a vague sense of “masculinity” that they had lost growing up, or were never taught to begin with because of physically or emotionally absent fathers and father-figures.
    Manosphere 2.0 has continued this, but shifted the lenses to a realization, among men, that “it isn’t just me.” There are insidious forces all around us that are affecting us in many negative ways. If anything, this iteration has been to motivate men to dig deeper, since we all like to solve problems, eh? 🙂
    I agree that “3.0” will be something a bit looser. The way I see it, MGTOW-type is better than MRA- or MRM-type. The latter props up the system and acknowledges that MRAs want the system to continue, but want a bigger slice of the pie. MGTOWers, apart from the gamers, realize that the system is broken and you can’t save it. So, the alternative? Strike out for new lands and live on your own terms.
    Though I’m positive that more men will see the light and strike their own paths, my concern is how well these men will band together to do something about shifting to a new paradigm. Seems that many men lack the focused organization that women have, which is one real reason why feminism has been as successful as it has.

      1. there’s an idea that MGTOWers don’t interact with women at all (not true)
        and then there’s the idea that gamers ONLY game (semi-true)

      2. barbarossssa is a huge mgtow and he gets pussy. People seem to have this odd notion that mgtow is against pussy. It’s not. It’s against marriage.

    1. “my concern is how well these men will band together to do something about shifting to a new paradigm.”
      One of our biggest obstacles has always been collaboration, but even individuals / small networks of men in large enough numbers will destabilize the status quo. Femistatism is way overleveraged on the premise the vast majority of men will keep doing as they’re told.

      1. Decentralization is our biggest strength. We will grow through networks and in a cellular fashion. Even on Facebook I am seeing more and more men discussing the topics that I see here. Yesterday someone used the word “misandry” in a comment. A couple weeks ago someone posted Jack Donovan’s article on Gay Marriage (what the fuck ever). On a Christian forum I frequent there is one guy who has to be in the manosphere somewhere, and a 16 yr old who is sounding pretty red pill aware. I was even accused of reading Dalrock (guilty) so obviously this person at least heard of him, even if this poster was a beta herb. The manosphere is growing and not all of it is on man-blogs. I just figure the best bet is to encourage these people every chance I get.
        Remember, we have evolution on our side. The manosphere is bound to grow and dominate.

    2. I have to agree with you, that having the “it isn’t just me” realization was an eye-opener. I consider it to be one of the seminal events in my life.
      The good news is, the Internet provides men with a new way to communicate and talk about their experiences in new lands in the 3.0 era. It’s everywhere in the world. In the old days, there wasn’t any such convenience. You got on a ship, sailed away, and hoped for the best. At best, you penned a letter telling your buddies about your new freedom and conquests. But modern technology will hopefully make writing and disseminating those “letters” more commonplace.
      Books are already being written by men who have struck out for new lands and are living on their own terms, then being disseminated using the web.
      One particular example is Naughty Nomad. A very interesting read from a young man who is already ahead of many of us. Check out his web site. I wish I was where he is when I was a young man.

    3. Currently, online is the core of our “movement” and personal interactions and friendships are an echo of that.
      I think the next stage will need to involve more personal interaction and networking with sites like this playing more of a supportive role.
      A while back I had this idea, which I’ve since mostly abandoned. However, I think the core is good. If two people in Topeka are regular visitors of this site, how the hell are they ever going to find each other? They could make great wingmen, workout partners, accountability help, or just give good red pill advice.
      I’m not saying my idea is the best, but we do need to make this less about forums and more about friendship. A group of seven or eight red pill guys banded together in a mid-sized city could grow exponentially and really change things on a local leve.

      1. The challenge is the Internet teaches us we aren’t alone in our beliefs….then ensures we eventually are, as we form illusionary relationships with people half way across the world, but don’t even know the name of the man who has lived next door to us for a decade.

  2. Essentially then at some point all the Manosphere blogs stop getting updated and the Manosphere as a whole becomes one big ghost town because enough men have complained and already removed themselves from the state of affairs. Interesting.. could happen.

    1. Ancient Athens became a “ghost town.” And it’s influence is felt by every Western man, woman, and child today, and will be felt until the end of humankind..

      1. Athens knowledge is felt today because the saracens decided to not burn everything down unlike christendon which at the time did things like the burning of the libraries at alexandria etc.
        So the equivalent to modern day would be, if you delete the information (heavy government interference and regulation of the internet), then the knowledge would effectively be supressed and dead in the water.
        Surpress the knowledge (1984) or bury into a sea of trivialities (brave new world)

        1. Not necessarily. If every manosphere site were deleted today, we could easily reconstruct all of its wisdom on paper somewhere.
          And completely snuffing out an idea is pretty damn hard. Rome tried really hard to wipe out Christianity and ended up being taken over by it.
          Noth Korea has Christians today, even though there’s more extreme censorship there than anywhere else.
          You can stifle the Truth, but you can’t kill it.

        2. Christianity was to Rome was feminism is to modern western civilization.
          Slave morality version 1 – Christianity
          Slave morality version 2 – Marxism/socialism
          Slave morality version 3 – Feminism
          Christianity was and is at its heart an anti-masculine movement asking strong capable men to defer to a spiritual master.

        3. YES! One thing I despise about christianity is how slavish to “the lord” most christians are. Prove to me god exists, show me “him” walking into a room and carving the grand canyon in a day and I’ll think about changing my mind.

        4. Hate to be a fact finder here, but it’s said to have 4 possible burnings. While one was done by Mohammed and friends, it does make me wonder considering Egypt’s current occupants.

  3. The purpose and mission of the manosphere is now:
    1. To provide men with inspiration to develop the full range of their masculine virtues.
    2. To assist men with all aspects of self-improvement, in all fields of human endeavor.
    3. To present a comprehensive philosophic and ethical alternative, based on anthropology and history, to the reigning repressive, degenerate orthodoxy of feminism and political correctness
    4. To lay the groundwork for acceptance of our worldview by a constant stream of information. This is an informational war, and we need to be heard. Since we are confronting liars and degenerates, the only way we will be heard is to confront them with the same tactics they have used for 40 years to destroy and marginalize us.
    That’s it.

    1. Feminism is one branch of Progressivism.
      The Manosphere is one branch of the counter-revolution.

      1. True. But it seems that the manosphere (at least at present) has remained apolitical, in the sense that it has never specifically advocated entering the political arena. And this is the correct choice. The time is not right yet. The political system and current popular culture is so controlled by our enemies that any hope of influencing anything is doomed to failure. The whole system is totally corrupt.
        Far, far better is it to focus on remaining a “philosophical school”. This is how we can attract the young. Because ours is the truth. We offer the young men the truth, and the other side has only lies and slavery to offer.
        At this point, manosphere looks a lot like one of the old philosophical “schools” of the ancient world (Epicureanism, Stoicism, Platonism, Cynicism, Gnosticism, etc, etc.). It is not a religion (not yet!), but it definitely has a core set of beliefs and attracts men of a certain composition and disposition.
        Where it goes from here is anyone’s guess. It may persist for some time, then fade away, like many other movements. Or it may gain a wide swath of adherents, with the ability to profoundly influence popular culture. If so, online magazines like this one are going to look like the voice of the prophets. And we are the sages.
        Now pass me a drink.

        1. Let’s hope it never becomes a religion. Religion is largely irrelevant in this context — and even more perfidious, as Dalrock has shown admirably, concerning today’s man.

        2. 2 words : F I G H T – C L U B …. anyone for a punch up in a parking lot ? – try slapping yourself in the face a few times, very hard, it really works…… i got so mad the other day, i dislocated my finger, pulled the joint clean apart…. hurt like hell for two weeks, but felt great….. i’m toying with a bottle of acid on the back of my hand now… and thinking of blowing my ikea furniture to kingdom come…..

        3. What is a religion if not for an ethical treatise? If religion, in its most finite form, is “thou shalt and thou shalt not” any code of ethics becomes a religion. Secularizing a religion does not negate its precepts.
          However, game itself is not so much an ethical code as it is a technical manual for the psycho-sexual manipulation of females. It remains morally neutral in the sense that all technique is morally neutral.
          The secularization of Christian ethics which occurred during the Enlightenment formed the inevitable rise of leftist policy. By instilling the judicial power of statehood in supplantation of divine authority, the state becomes a religion, becomes a god, established its morality, and instilled its heresy.

        4. It is a good thing that it has not joined the political fracas. As far
          as I can tell, both parties are corrupt, and the culture itself is the
          enemy. Any opposition will have to be asymmetric. What the Manosphere
          is – as John Robb would put it – is a networked tribe. There are
          various sites but many of the same posters consider themselves members
          of more than one. Most of the information here is open source. It is
          bounced around and added to by hundreds and thousands of voices. This
          is the strength of the Manosphere. There is no orthodoxy. The basic
          principle is that men are getting fucked. The how’s, why’s, and what do
          we do about it’s are pretty much open to discussion.
          And one thing to remember, every revolution in the modern sense started with the philosophers.

    2. I disagree with Balboa’s final conclusions regarding the ‘dying or central hub manosphere information’. When you’re inside a red pill world (like the manosphere) for a long time it can seem like everybody is aware of the change in the tides, the scent in the air that somethings not right with the world.[ It’s akin to owning a green volkswagon beetle and then suddenly noticing green VW beetles everywhere. they were always there and still few in number, but you’re just primed to see them now.]
      But that’s simply not true. our numbers are still too few. and people seperated by immense geographical distances, alienated by their SWPL communities, will seek solace in an internet hub, for the 4 reasons Quintus outlines above.
      Like it or not, unless there comes a day of massive regulation, the internet is still the primary way to help dissaffected men seek to improve themselves and find the truth of things.
      Sure there will be men that do work within their own spheres of influence to carve out a traditionalist, masculine natural life, but again this will still be few and far between. having something like ROK, or rooshforum or whatever else next, will always be a beacon to the angry young men upset at the unfairness of the world and looking for a way, a way without compromising principles, to live the life they want

      1. If this is true, then it will remain a fad, good for a season or two on vh1, a book or two, and time wasted on the Internet.
        Sorry ya’ll – I work in online advertising, i see the numbers. There are people who have taken a shit this morning to a larger audience then the entire Manosphere worldwide. If this is to make a difference, it must go beyond just another blog one reads to feel good about onself and to justify ones failures. I call this the second life rule – the more expansive one’s online, Second Life is, the more pathetic their real one actually is.

        1. Since when was the manosphere ‘advertised’? That’s the only way you’d see any real numbers. This isn’t something marketed; This is a lifestyle.

    3. This is actually the exact reason I post here. I’m gay, don’t need “game”, don’t know shit about “men’s rights” or whatever.
      I’m just here to be anti-feminist.

  4. After finally getting around to compiling blogs of various interests into one reader this week (too busy with life to sit down and read for a long time now!), I happened to stumble across this blog also in the process. Anyway, I can certainly relate to this topic, and guess I am inadvertently a “MGHOW” too I guess.

  5. Pua cant be the future of the manosphere. Isn’t pua and gaming slowly dying in other Western societies? Im in the UK and I respect Krauser a lot, but he’s banging europeans/EE’s and (rightfully so) avoiding the local ‘talent’. Still, the local talent holds out for a hypergamous ONS despite being absolutely useless themselves. Pua is a reaction to [email protected] women.
    Seeing a we’re economically being reduced to the role of ‘serfs’ no matter where in the world you go, it looks like feminism and also women’s rights are going to be stuffed in the West in the long run. But how long will that take to play out? And will women want providers again? More importantly, will there be any real providers left?
    I have to admit, trying to get my stripes in the post-college economy with regards to getting a good job has meant conscious sacrifices. Also, women have been a pain in the workforce. Sometimes I think I should’ve just [email protected] my way through life instead of trying for a good job, because women in the UK dont care at all for providers, compared to other countries Ive lived in . I’m just supporting a system that doesn’t work for me here. I do get attractive women, but very rarely. Not enough to make this career worth my while in any way just for the women alone. And it is a job nowadays; they’ve eviscerated the ability to make it a ‘calling’ (ie you wont get the best treatment unless you’re minted or important).
    I just got put to the front of the line at the A&E dept. of my local hospital today because I’m a med student. No waiting for hours on end. So, I guess having the job status does have some perks.
    I can see a lot of economic problems coming to the west in the future. Like lack of healthcare (already here). It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out, but most western women (and men) have suffered a lot of flak damage. There will be less meaningful unions in future and a violent society as money, jobs, resources become scarce and because of crappy parenting.

  6. The Manosphere was weeded out, that’s all. Probably due to aggrandization of societal issues and false markerting of ‘game’ as being equal or greater than looks/status/money.
    And not to mention how the manosphere shamed MRA towards the end, which were the original guys to warn men about the dangers of unstable women in the modern society that enables them.

  7. So maybe it will be a return to the classic ideals of masculinity, when the best men found themselves by setting out to conquer and explore, and strove to become versatile well rounded mavericks a la Leonardo da Vinci. A new renaissance. It’s slowly coming full circle.

  8. This site and others like it are becoming my bible.
    It is such a sense of relief to realize I’m not the only man who feels chewed up, spit out, and yes, persecuted by modern American society.
    And for what? For being a sensitive, intelligent, caring, honest, hard-working, tax-paying citizen my entire adult life. A maker, not a taker.
    Not any more.
    If life had a reset button I know we all would have pressed it by now. That’s what I see happening and I’m glad to see it amongst my red pill brethren.
    The first step to finding a solution is diagnosing the problem. That was manosphere 1.0 and 2.0. Now it’s time for action.
    I’m well on my way to finalizing my plans to escape having my balls put in a vice by this gynocentric society. I’m glad to see others are as well.

  9. Although I call the next stage manosphere 3.0, that’s somewhat
    tongue-in-cheek. We won’t need to latch on to a label, or to bookmark
    the same sites

    The big thing missing is books: a lot of individual bloggers arrive, do their thing for a couple years, then depart. Though their posts might remain relevant, few people are willing to wade through a blog’s archives, and it’s hard to separate transient commentary from more general principles.
    That’s why I think more writers should turn their posts into ebooks. Since they already have the raw material, it shouldn’t take a huge amount of effort to create an eBook and publish it on Amazon. Ian Ironwood is already doing so, and I hope others will too.
    Right now it’s too hard for people to find a simple yet comprehensive introduction. Neil Strauss’s The Game is still useful, but it shows its age and is obviously focused on a narrow set of features.

  10. The future of the manosphere is that it will be a philosophy shared by a few and hated by many.
    I’m 31 and of East Indian origins. I live and was born in the UK, and I was taught that us folk in the UK were the best at everything. Then I lived around the world and realised how pampered and uneducated us folk in the UK are.
    My number one rule here is “the old white English person is decadent, ignorant, amoral/wicked and incompetent”. I spend all my days with doctors. I wish I could say otherwise, but compared to the white American doctor/person or white German who excels at what they do and seems to have morals from my perspective, the white Englishman is a joke (most of my friends are white; and i’m christian btw). White folk here cannot survive without the government and immigrants as they cannot look after themselves. They offshore each others’ jobs and blame other people for it. They are also so stupid, they do not know they are stupid.
    I realised that if there’s going to be economic slavery of people, it will eventually be worst in the UK as America, Canada, Aus etc have their own resources. We only sell dodgy financial products in the UK, hence mass immigration; the future slaves of Britain. Viva the new British Empire; slavery never ended. It just has been re-imagined.
    This is where the manosphere comes in; to counteract the fact that people have been dumbed down into servile slaves; and the fact that women have been doing ‘made-up’ jobs to further divide the family, with the ‘real’ jobs being sent overseas, whilst more power and wealth is consolidated in the upper legion of society. Women are blaming men for all sorts of ills that they are themselves causing.
    In the end, we will all become poorer and enslaved in the West. But women won’t see this until its too late; they’ll wail that its all men’s (our) fault. With the law against men, our backs against the wall, with the choices of having a relationship with a used-up barren slut or nailing as many chicks as we can, what’s a guy to do? Are those even choices? Sure, some guys may luck out, but most men won’t.
    Even the concept of an alpha male is being reduced to ‘guy who nails lots of women’, even though Western society is dying out. Some alpha male. The real upper class are laughing at the men of the West. As is the rest of the world.
    Complaining doesn’t work (you’ll get shamed for bringing issues up anyway, so don’t bother). I have noticed that feminism is starting to take a dive as in my native Scotland, men have become more women-hating over the last half a decade. Not that it matters, women are still trying to play around like times are good. The only time we’ll see an extreme change in their behaviour is when the money situation gets really poor. Unfortunately, most of the women in the UK with their skrillex haircuts et al have been getting more physically and personally repellent by the day, especially in comparison to their EE counterparts who are outbreeding them and will become the new people of the UK.
    The UK is finished, that’s why I will take my medical degree and skills to NZ/Aus or perhaps Canada and escape this zoo/[email protected] paradise. I understand that I may receive a lot of hate for these comments, but at least I am being upfront and honest. My personal philosophy is that irrespective of race or colour, I’ve learned that only a minority of people are open-minded(intelligent) and only a minority of people have morals. I will live my life and protect my family and those white friends who I call my brothers, but I have no obligation to society at large. You can’t help destructive people, they will only drag you and themselves down.

  11. I believe that somewhere in the future game-followers or manospherians would identify themselves as a political faction. Like today people declare “i’m a libertarian” or “i’m a vegetarian” there’ll also be “i’m a roissian/rooshian” or something more general.
    This would be the point where game has become mainstream enough for everyone to deduce a person’s belief system from his “i’m a roissian” statement. people would immediately know that this person is not keen on marrying or supporting a family, that he travels the world, dates women and does stuff for his own benefit.

    1. Whether or not we like it, it’s going to end up being political.
      Virgle Kent is pretty liberal, but he’ll be classified as a reactionary just like all the rest.

  12. One time, I read on DJ Bible about this guy who approached 37 women but only got 1 lay. I was always skeptical about game.
    ‘Game’ always sounded suspect to me because it’s not money. It’s not power, it’s an imitation of it. And you can’t fake fame. It doesn’t fit under any of those things, which are actually important.
    My point is I don’t know what the future’s gonna be but it better not be that chest-pumping ‘I’m alpha and you’re not, bro’ bullshit. 1 in 37 is nothing to be proud of unless that 1 is the unicorn of women. She probably wasn’t and the guy just wasted all that time ‘cold-approaching.’
    Might as well get a prostitute. A typical woman and a prostitute aren’t all that different. We know that most sex is paid for anyway so if you wanna go for it, do.
    When you look closely at ‘game’, it seems like the lotto.
    ‘if you don’t play, you can’t win’? ‘Dating is a number’s game’?
    It’s a waste of energy, energy you can use showing REAL power, making REAL money and having REAL fame.
    It’s all relative but you can’t fake it. Exceptions are here and there but they’re exceptions for a reason.
    P.S Dating is about finding the women who may already be interested in you. Maybe some of them are interested in you the way you are now. Know how to read body language and make your move. They’re gonna make it very easy for you if they have any interest in you.

    1. So let’s be pragmatic about it. Game has an underground connection to sales, which is also is a numbers game, and which is somewhere you actually can make REAL money.

  13. “… and we might have even fired our boss.”
    Or have even gotten fired themselves, after slipping out of Emcorpera one too many times to frolic with naked mermaids in Ballroom Dance 101 at the local university.

  14. Manosphere 1 is game.
    Manosphere 2 is masculine values.
    One can subscribe to both 1 and 2, or 1 and not 2, or 2 and not 1.
    Example of accepting 1 and rejecting 2: read the comments section on Krauser’s recent post ‘Reflections on day game’ (his finest post so far), where a feminised, Kantian-Rawlsian robot appears to accept game but whines on like a pussy about equality (I won’t say more – read it yourself, a treat).
    Example of rejecting 1 and accepting 2: the increasingly large numbers of posters on rooshvforum who whine that game doesn’t work or is minor compared to looks and money.
    Manospheres 1 and 2 aren’t going anywhere.
    As for manosphere 3, sounds like postmodern bullshit to me.

    1. Manosphere 3 will be about actually changing things. I don’t know if it will be a larger media presence or we’ll simply accelerate our individual outreach, but 3 is when we’ll start having an impact.
      Jezebel and the like currently see us as an annoyance, an outlier. Very soon they won’t have that option and the knives will come out.
      We’ve got the Truth, they have the power. Such a situatin can’t last forever.

  15. MGTOWs did not raise the white flag. Rather, we simply did a risk-benefit analysis and said that the risks of bothering with females outweighed the benefits.
    I’ve been out of the marketplace for four years and things have never been better.

    1. I agree with you word for word, but I admit that in simplistic terms, it’s raising the white flag.

  16. Manosphere 3.0? You mean where men are real men? and act like it? and don’t apologize for it?
    Not yet … wait for the economic collapse – Then no one will ever need to obsess about the minutia ever again

  17. The principal reason why the manosphere isn’t going anywhere is because it’s virtually the only place where men can talk honestly. For that alone, its importance won’t be dimmed by a bit of periodical repetitiousness. I think it’s true that we’ll likely see a divergence in focuses, interests, philosophies and so on (more than we already have, that is), but that was always inevitable.
    The amount of wisdom I’ve seen on the manosphere is truly massive, but all types of wisdom need time to germinate into something even more lucid and comprehensive…I believe that’s what the manosphere will undergo, in various forms, in the coming years.

  18. had the pleasure of meeting bill powell (apocalypse cometh) and aaron clarey (captain capitalism). and we spoke on this very subject.
    the word used to describe the Sphere now- evolving.
    anyone can say whatever the hell they want about me, but the fact that my viewership continues to swell tells me all i need to know. the email’s i get thanking me for keeping the site up keeps me posting. the being called “an alpha role model” is very flattering. one reader called me “the roissy of applicable game”. as far as i’m concerned, fuck the theory, that shit is nothing new. how about posting something the readers can use NOW to be more successful. be it women, or life. you know game- GREAT…..proud of yah. how you helping other’s become better. THAT should be our mission.
    this community isn’t going anywhere. we’ll keep getting bigger.

  19. This is off topic somewhat because I can’t register until June 1st to comment on the RooshV forum, so it goes here. It’s about that limo incident in San Fran.
    Someone started a thread there and the general consensus is that a bunch of fat, old, drunk whores got what they deserved. I guess this is what happens when some hate-filled, sub-80 IQ morons get to post on an Internet forum. Lots of bogus assumptions about why they couldn’t get out, and how they probably started the fire themselves, etc. The few decent people and voices of reason who objected to the thread were summarily branded as white nights and manginas.

    1. (Cont)
      That was a horrible, unfortunate tragedy in which 5 innocent women were burned to death beyond recognition. Speaking of the future of mrm, my vote would be to disassociate from the kind of pond scum who can so easily make light of something like that and further enforce the feminist stereotype that the mrm is made up of a bunch of hateful, angry losers and virgins hiding behind their keyboards.

      1. If only you had been there to save them. Four precious lives would still be here enriching the world with their goodness.
        I love you.

  20. So we are back to becoming adventurers I suppose…
    We all got shit that we want to do as men, i personally want to start up a heavy metal band and travel the world in it; I bet ya’ll got something similar in mind. But remember to live for yourselves not for society, family, women or anything of the sort, use these only to advance your OWN goals in life.

  21. You give “Game” and “PUA” too much credit.
    Sure “Game” has helped some guys, but you will find it has helped the taller, best looking, richest, most socially active (aka bullshitting loudmouth) guys the most, essentially men who really should not have needed any “Game” to begin with.
    When you take a look at most modern PUA figures you will find they are about 6ft tall and good looking, now considering we live in an age where women care nothing for intelligence and being a good provider as a requisite for panty dropping, most “betas” are probably wondering why these PUAs need so much “Game” to get laid to begin with.
    Game has helped a few men, but it has essentially allowed women’s increasing entitlement to reach new heights. The majority of men have been told idiotic misleading things like:-
    1) An average looking guy walking up to women talking about shampoo, will get you more play than a tall good looking guy just saying “What do you do for work?” This is how it plays out:-
    Average guy :- (with amazing “Game”): ” What shampoo do you use, I think Pantene is the best”
    Girl “Me too…hmmm..ok…bye!”
    Tall good Looking Guy:- “What do you do for work?” (Typical “AFC” question)
    Girl (Enthusiastic as shit) : “I work in sales!” What do you do?
    Good Looking Tall Guy:- “I’m a garbage man”
    Girl ” I love garbage men! and men who work with their hands it’s so rugged and sexy”
    The results of “Game” from the past 10-15 years are clear for all to see and they aren’t good. In every club in moderately large cities, men are now better looking, better groomed, work out and dress much better.
    But it’s a zero sum game, Why? Western women have reacted to this increased attention i.e. by guys approaching more aggressively, by doing less. They now need to do less work, because better looking guys are approaching them. In most clubs I see guy’s who are ripped going after women who are 5’s at best. Now the average 5 in 2000 thinks she’s an 8 in 2013, and now thinks she deserves a 6ft male model, who is also is an amateur athlete, with the brains of a rocket scientist and a dick that would make Ron Jeremy jealous in his prime.
    So the results of Game? Well – Women in 2013, are fatter, bitchier, uglier, ruder, and more picky than ever, because they are getting more of what they want i.e. male attention. This attitude of women in 2013 in nightclubs/bars is actually a damning indictment of the Game/PUA culture.
    MGTOW, Guy’s playing video games, not bothering, are just naturally reacting to this, it’s not a highly organised movement, it’s just common sense. Why chase diminishing returns?
    Idiotic morons in the Game/PUA “Community” called these guys “Losers, Chodes, AFC’s, Chumps, Beta’s” to provide gravitas to their snake oil tactics and now they wonder why there is a backlash against them.
    Why would a guy who is average looking, normally socially adjusted, and has a decent job bother dating modern women if one who is a completely obese, a 1 or 0 on the looks scale, the bottom of the totem pole, thinks he’s not worthy of her and treats him with utter contempt?
    What do PUA’s tell them? – “Up your Game Bro”
    Women are rude/bitchy in clubs – “Up your game bro, it’s a shit test”
    90% of Guys in the club are taller, more athletic, better looking, throwing money around like Mayweather…PUA Response ….”Up your Game Bro”
    Men are being more aggressive, PUA response.. “You need to be hyper masculine, you need to be a thug”
    Anyone see a pattern?
    PUA’s are simply cult like figures, watching “The Master” in the cinema reminded me of most PUA’s I’ve seen on the internet and in real life. They are also staunch radical feminists because they share the same mantra:-
    “It’s always the man’s fault” i.e. women can do no wrong.
    “Man Up(TM) = Up your game” i.e. you need to do MORE.
    “Don’t be a bitch” = “Don’t complain” i.e. There are no such things as problems which affect men in dating such that the exercise becomes pointless or just not worth it, drawing attention to any problems means you’re a pussy, same dated spiel as the feminists then…
    What so many men on here don’t understand is that men are as much a part of the problem as women.
    1) If men stopped feeding fatties ego’s by gaming and approaching and flirting they wouldn’t think they were 10’s.
    2)If men stopped making huge efforts, spending all their time and money looking good, to hit on vacuous club sloots then they wouldn’t think they were “amazing” people. The nightclub is temple of the modern feminist woman, they gather round every week and watch as hundreds of men vie for their attention for hours on end.
    Seriously guys, if women were doing this to us every Saturday night, what would our ego’s be like? If they were auditioning, entertaining us and even literally fighting over us? Is this behaviour even remotely masculine?
    3)If men stopped marrying carousel riders when they hit 30, they would stop this behaviour or at least not brag about it, utterly shamelessly, without any introspection on TV, and in national newspaper columns generically titled “I’m ready for marriage at 33, where have all the good men gone, Man Up already!” .
    Now of those points, progress is made on point 3. Women are now complaining because they realise that at 30 it’s hard to find a man, and it’s making news, of course they are blaming men but it’s just deflection. My point here is that progress has been made by men doing nothing other than sitting on our asses, you see simply by limiting attention supply to aging prunes, which is quite natural for men anyway, progress is being made.
    Most modern women are just attention whores, and male attention is too cheap. Starving off the attention supply to them is actually the best thing men can do. Game, PUA, The 10 million Approach Method, All Day Stalker Game, 365 No sleep Mega Alpha Game, Tyler Durden’s sweaty ball-sack Game, WMD Saddam Hessian Game really just fuel’s women’s ego’s to new stratospheric levels.
    Essentially if men weren’t willing to go so low to get pussy, then women would have to try harder naturally. Let’s do the maths:-
    Game encouraged men to try harder, they did. So lots of cheap male attention $, same supply of women = women$ value goes up = more male$ required for the same women. So PUA’s say to men supply more $! (More $, better Game, better looks, better lifestyle)
    So let’s get this shit straight…
    We are in a situation where a woman fatty -2 can get a male 6, a female 3 can land a male 8 and we have morons in the “manosphere” and idiot PUA’s and Game practitioners saying:-
    MEN need to do more i.e. keep supplying those cheap $.
    Now to men who honestly believe these PUA/Game charlatans, ever hear the one about Einstein’s definition of INSANITY? or is that material to “Beta” for you?
    To pre-empt the comments of the PUA/Game cult leaders are their avid followers, i’ll save you guys some time shall I, so you can get back to “upping your game”
    1)Charges of Bitching/Pussy/Beta, not being a REAL(TM) man. – Yep that’s me.
    2)Loser in Mummy’s basement.
    3)I need to up my Game! essentially Man Up! (Come on, you’re feminists at heart)
    4)All PUA’s aren’t like that!
    5)Charge of homosexuality
    6) A story about your 5’1 friend “with Game” who gets laid more than 6.2ft male models.
    7)A story about how your friend of an ethnic origin used “Game” to convert a female KKK member. He used the opener:-
    “Which crosses do you prefer burning Oak or Cedar?”
    (Of course with “Alpha” vocal tone, body language and approached from 69.97 degrees, because 70 degrees is for “Beta’s”)

    1. I’ll agree with all of this. I’m not a male model or anything, and all these PUA/Game muchachos say you need to cater to what the ladies want. fuck that, been there, done that, all it got me was ulcers. I’ll do my own thing and maybe I’ll find someone who likes who I am the way I am.

      1. forgot to add something. If I have to use “game” to pick up some skeezie club whore in any country, then I’ll pass. Chances are, she sucks in the sack, has been treated like a princess her whole life, and is an entitled bitch who expects a man to be her servant or something. No thanks!

  22. Maybe Manosphere 3.0 could include urging fathers to take an interest in their daughters’ sex lives, and not just let them run around banging terrorists and welfare queens. Anyone up for that?

  23. The problem with the ‘Manosphere’, is that it has matured at the same rate as it’s leading lights. There is little to zero formalization, or classification, to the writings. So, a newbie walks right in to the very same spot the man who reads religiously for 3 years walks into.
    This is why it seems the Manosphere is ‘evolving’ (which it has never stopped doing since it’s inception – and at a stunning rate I might add), because everyone is trying to keep up, rather than starting at the beginning and moving through the stages.
    Sure, it’s probably tiring to pick up hotties all day long. I had a roommate who was a huge PUA….the amount of energy he spent on ;laying the groundwork’, along with the inane conversations I heard him suffer through, actually made me MGTOW for quite a while.
    I think the Manosphere is going to blend even more….there will be less ‘tribalism’ (MRAs are weenies, MGTOW’s are weenies, etc) and more general acceptance of each ‘wing’ of the Manosphere. This is the closest thing the world has ever seen to an ‘anarchist’ society, and the growth will be on a personal level, for sure. But men will draw strength from other men’s work laying down a path.
    We need to lay down that path. Clearly.

  24. I ain’t fucking going nowhere else. Where am I gonna go? Everyplace else has loser idiots.
    There is still research to be done. There is still a whole culture to be torn down. There are still women to piss the fuck off.
    Inevitably, like a university, some leave, some stay and continue learning, some teach, some research and share findings. I’m staying.
    Besides everyfuckingbody else is a dweeb geemer dork and you weirdo bunch of outcasts are the only people I don’t despise and disrespect.

    1. I respect your opinion, but other places also don’t have:
      1) Divorce theft
      2) Child support penury
      3) Laws that protect women while society simultaneously granting them past female privileges
      4) Sub-replacement fertility i.e. Western women are de facto sterile
      5) False rape allegations that heavily favor women
      6) Feminized workplaces
      7) Misandrist agendas
      8) Replacement of the father figure by the State
      9) Impossible expectations of men, no expectations of women
      10) Rampant consumerism, materialism
      Those are reasons many of s want to leave.
      But to each his own.

  25. I thought Roosh came first as DC Bachelor and actually inspired Roissy, who was one of Roosh’s commenters at first before starting his own blog. Both this article and Rollo’s recent article act like Roissy was the godfather of all this and Roosh was inspired by him and was one of his followers, when I’m pretty sure it was the other way around. It’s a bad enough mistake on its own, but even worse when done on Roosh’s own blog. Extra disrespectful.

  26. This is a very poignant and a very true article. I have been struggling myself with many of the concepts you describe. Okay, women are hypergamous. So what? Whining is for losers. Action is for winners. You must simply realize these facts of human sexual nature and move on.
    At the same time, don’t forget that there will always be another generation of men steeped in the feminist paradigm. This will not change any time soon. As far as I can see, it is actually becoming more of a problem, if that is possible. So there will always be a necessity for a newer generation of young bloggers to have a personal journey where they discover the red pill for themselves. The process of unlearning the matrix takes time.

  27. This is an excellent post. My addition: I want to dispell the weird idea that mgtow is against getting laid. Mgtow is basically still wanting pussy, but not pursuing it with the same devotion and commitment as a pua. But primarly mgtow is against marriage.
    Think of this way: two men walk into a bar, one is a pua and the other is a mgtow. The pua cases the joint looking at all the assorted flavors of pussy, and commences his routine, his well-honed skill set. The mgtow goes straight to the bar and orders a scotch, only giving a cursory glance at the ladies.
    The pua is in his arena, preparing for work. the mgtow is not in his arena, he is preparing to get drunk.
    The pua succeeds, he is escorting a woman out of the bar and they are going to another club across town. the mgtow is nursing his scotch and thinking about getting a hooker.
    You can argue that the pua is a better man, and that the mgtow is a loser, but in the end, who cares? Maybe the mgtow does score in the bar, the point is he is his own man, he does not want to marry or find a wife. He has his own rules, his own lifestyle.

  28. This is just the beginning. The manosphere may have existed online for a few years now, but as these ideas have developed and been refined, I think we will see them emerge off-line as well. Not just game but conservative masculinity as well. The Internet may make everything seem to go by faster but I think we are just ow getting to the good stuff.

  29. This is just the beginning. The manosphere may have existed online for a few years now, but as these ideas have developed and been refined, I think we will see them emerge off-line as well. Not just game but conservative masculinity as well. The Internet may make everything seem to go by faster but I think we are just ow getting to the good stuff.

  30. This is just the beginning. The manosphere may have existed online for a few years now, but as these ideas have developed and been refined, I think we will see them emerge off-line as well. Not just game but conservative masculinity as well. The Internet may make everything seem to go by faster but I think we are just ow getting to the good stuff.

  31. This is just the beginning. The manosphere may have existed online for a few years now, but as these ideas have developed and been refined, I think we will see them emerge off-line as well. Not just game but conservative masculinity as well. The Internet may make everything seem to go by faster but I think we are just ow getting to the good stuff.

  32. This is just the beginning. The manosphere may have existed online for a few years now, but as these ideas have developed and been refined, I think we will see them emerge off-line as well. Not just game but conservative masculinity as well. The Internet may make everything seem to go by faster but I think we are just ow getting to the good stuff.

  33. This is just the beginning. The manosphere may have existed online for a few years now, but as these ideas have developed and been refined, I think we will see them emerge off-line as well. Not just game but conservative masculinity as well. The Internet may make everything seem to go by faster but I think we are just ow getting to the good stuff.

  34. This is just the beginning. The manosphere may have existed online for a few years now, but as these ideas have developed and been refined, I think we will see them emerge off-line as well. Not just game but conservative masculinity as well. The Internet may make everything seem to go by faster but I think we are just ow getting to the good stuff.

  35. This is just the beginning. The manosphere may have existed online for a few years now, but as these ideas have developed and been refined, I think we will see them emerge off-line as well. Not just game but conservative masculinity as well. The Internet may make everything seem to go by faster but I think we are just ow getting to the good stuff.

  36. This is just the beginning. The manosphere may have existed online for a few years now, but as these ideas have developed and been refined, I think we will see them emerge off-line as well. Not just game but conservative masculinity as well. The Internet may make everything seem to go by faster but I think we are just ow getting to the good stuff.

  37. This is just the beginning. The manosphere may have existed online for a few years now, but as these ideas have developed and been refined, I think we will see them emerge off-line as well. Not just game but conservative masculinity as well. The Internet may make everything seem to go by faster but I think we are just ow getting to the good stuff.

  38. This is just the beginning. The manosphere may have existed online for a few years now, but as these ideas have developed and been refined, I think we will see them emerge off-line as well. Not just game but conservative masculinity as well. The Internet may make everything seem to go by faster but I think we are just ow getting to the good stuff.

  39. This is just the beginning. The manosphere may have existed online for a few years now, but as these ideas have developed and been refined, I think we will see them emerge off-line as well. Not just game but conservative masculinity as well. The Internet may make everything seem to go by faster but I think we are just ow getting to the good stuff.

  40. This is just the beginning. The manosphere may have existed online for a few years now, but as these ideas have developed and been refined, I think we will see them emerge off-line as well. Not just game but conservative masculinity as well. The Internet may make everything seem to go by faster but I think we are just ow getting to the good stuff.

  41. This is just the beginning. The manosphere may have existed online for a few years now, but as these ideas have developed and been refined, I think we will see them emerge off-line as well. Not just game but conservative masculinity as well. The Internet may make everything seem to go by faster but I think we are just ow getting to the good stuff.

  42. This is just the beginning. The manosphere may have existed online for a few years now, but as these ideas have developed and been refined, I think we will see them emerge off-line as well. Not just game but conservative masculinity as well. The Internet may make everything seem to go by faster but I think we are just ow getting to the good stuff.

  43. Interesting perceptive. I’ve been observant of RooshV before this site. It’s only recently he began to make waves and making feminists whine. (must be doing something right)
    As far as I know mras and fathers right groups existed before The Game explosion. They ware small, neglected and dismissed. At the turn of the century guys like Durden and Deangelo got famous for implementing behavioral physiology to get laid. Game went mainstream because young men needed help. It works, somewhat. Kinda like building a house before putting down foundation. Not impossible.
    I’ve read The Manipulated Man in 09 way before I discovered manospheare and Elam tagged his site as a red pill distributor in 08 I believe. The shit really hits you like a freight train. Red pill and kink sent my masculinity into overdrive. Not that I had problems getting laid before, this was something new. It gradually turns down that annoying warning light ‘pussy, pussy, must get pussy’ and abundance skyrockets. Saying ‘no’ to an attractive woman when it comes to sex is most empowering. I get laid on my own terms, there is no getting ‘lucky’. but I digress..
    Pua’s, MRAs and Ownwayers are all connected, we all try to help men. Something many of you see as well. Future is combined influence on reviving, reshaping or creating new masculinity. While fempire dissolves from within it is important not to fragment and leave petty dick size comparisons to blue pillers.

  44. Interesting perceptive. I’ve been observant of RooshV before this site. It’s only recently he began to make waves and making feminists whine. (must be doing something right)
    As far as I know mras and fathers right groups existed before The Game explosion. They ware small, neglected and dismissed. At the turn of the century guys like Durden and Deangelo got famous for implementing behavioral physiology to get laid. Game went mainstream because young men needed help. It works, somewhat. Kinda like building a house before putting down foundation. Not impossible.
    I’ve read The Manipulated Man in 09 way before I discovered manospheare and Elam tagged his site as a red pill distributor in 08 I believe. The shit really hits you like a freight train. Red pill and kink sent my masculinity into overdrive. Not that I had problems getting laid before, this was something new. It gradually turns down that annoying warning light ‘pussy, pussy, must get pussy’ and abundance skyrockets. Saying ‘no’ to an attractive woman when it comes to sex is most empowering. I get laid on my own terms, there is no getting ‘lucky’. but I digress..
    Pua’s, MRAs and Ownwayers are all connected, we all try to help men. Something many of you see as well. Future is combined influence on reviving, reshaping or creating new masculinity. While fempire dissolves from within it is important not to fragment and leave petty dick size comparisons to blue pillers.

  45. Interesting perceptive. I’ve been observant of RooshV before this site. It’s only recently he began to make waves and making feminists whine. (must be doing something right)
    As far as I know mras and fathers right groups existed before The Game explosion. They ware small, neglected and dismissed. At the turn of the century guys like Durden and Deangelo got famous for implementing behavioral physiology to get laid. Game went mainstream because young men needed help. It works, somewhat. Kinda like building a house before putting down foundation. Not impossible.
    I’ve read The Manipulated Man in 09 way before I discovered manospheare and Elam tagged his site as a red pill distributor in 08 I believe. The shit really hits you like a freight train. Red pill and kink sent my masculinity into overdrive. Not that I had problems getting laid before, this was something new. It gradually turns down that annoying warning light ‘pussy, pussy, must get pussy’ and abundance skyrockets. Saying ‘no’ to an attractive woman when it comes to sex is most empowering. I get laid on my own terms, there is no getting ‘lucky’. but I digress..
    Pua’s, MRAs and Ownwayers are all connected, we all try to help men. Something many of you see as well. Future is combined influence on reviving, reshaping or creating new masculinity. While fempire dissolves from within it is important not to fragment and leave petty dick size comparisons to blue pillers.

  46. Interesting perceptive. I’ve been observant of RooshV before this site. It’s only recently he began to make waves and making feminists whine. (must be doing something right)
    As far as I know mras and fathers right groups existed before The Game explosion. They ware small, neglected and dismissed. At the turn of the century guys like Durden and Deangelo got famous for implementing behavioral physiology to get laid. Game went mainstream because young men needed help. It works, somewhat. Kinda like building a house before putting down foundation. Not impossible.
    I’ve read The Manipulated Man in 09 way before I discovered manospheare and Elam tagged his site as a red pill distributor in 08 I believe. The shit really hits you like a freight train. Red pill and kink sent my masculinity into overdrive. Not that I had problems getting laid before, this was something new. It gradually turns down that annoying warning light ‘pussy, pussy, must get pussy’ and abundance skyrockets. Saying ‘no’ to an attractive woman when it comes to sex is most empowering. I get laid on my own terms, there is no getting ‘lucky’. but I digress..
    Pua’s, MRAs and Ownwayers are all connected, we all try to help men. Something many of you see as well. Future is combined influence on reviving, reshaping or creating new masculinity. While fempire dissolves from within it is important not to fragment and leave petty dick size comparisons to blue pillers.

  47. Interesting perceptive. I’ve been observant of RooshV before this site. It’s only recently he began to make waves and making feminists whine. (must be doing something right)
    As far as I know mras and fathers right groups existed before The Game explosion. They ware small, neglected and dismissed. At the turn of the century guys like Durden and Deangelo got famous for implementing behavioral physiology to get laid. Game went mainstream because young men needed help. It works, somewhat. Kinda like building a house before putting down foundation. Not impossible.
    I’ve read The Manipulated Man in 09 way before I discovered manospheare and Elam tagged his site as a red pill distributor in 08 I believe. The shit really hits you like a freight train. Red pill and kink sent my masculinity into overdrive. Not that I had problems getting laid before, this was something new. It gradually turns down that annoying warning light ‘pussy, pussy, must get pussy’ and abundance skyrockets. Saying ‘no’ to an attractive woman when it comes to sex is most empowering. I get laid on my own terms, there is no getting ‘lucky’. but I digress..
    Pua’s, MRAs and Ownwayers are all connected, we all try to help men. Something many of you see as well. Future is combined influence on reviving, reshaping or creating new masculinity. While fempire dissolves from within it is important not to fragment and leave petty dick size comparisons to blue pillers.

  48. Interesting perceptive. I’ve been observant of RooshV before this site. It’s only recently he began to make waves and making feminists whine. (must be doing something right)
    As far as I know mras and fathers right groups existed before The Game explosion. They ware small, neglected and dismissed. At the turn of the century guys like Durden and Deangelo got famous for implementing behavioral physiology to get laid. Game went mainstream because young men needed help. It works, somewhat. Kinda like building a house before putting down foundation. Not impossible.
    I’ve read The Manipulated Man in 09 way before I discovered manospheare and Elam tagged his site as a red pill distributor in 08 I believe. The shit really hits you like a freight train. Red pill and kink sent my masculinity into overdrive. Not that I had problems getting laid before, this was something new. It gradually turns down that annoying warning light ‘pussy, pussy, must get pussy’ and abundance skyrockets. Saying ‘no’ to an attractive woman when it comes to sex is most empowering. I get laid on my own terms, there is no getting ‘lucky’. but I digress..
    Pua’s, MRAs and Ownwayers are all connected, we all try to help men. Something many of you see as well. Future is combined influence on reviving, reshaping or creating new masculinity. While fempire dissolves from within it is important not to fragment and leave petty dick size comparisons to blue pillers.

  49. Interesting perceptive. I’ve been observant of RooshV before this site. It’s only recently he began to make waves and making feminists whine. (must be doing something right)
    As far as I know mras and fathers right groups existed before The Game explosion. They ware small, neglected and dismissed. At the turn of the century guys like Durden and Deangelo got famous for implementing behavioral physiology to get laid. Game went mainstream because young men needed help. It works, somewhat. Kinda like building a house before putting down foundation. Not impossible.
    I’ve read The Manipulated Man in 09 way before I discovered manospheare and Elam tagged his site as a red pill distributor in 08 I believe. The shit really hits you like a freight train. Red pill and kink sent my masculinity into overdrive. Not that I had problems getting laid before, this was something new. It gradually turns down that annoying warning light ‘pussy, pussy, must get pussy’ and abundance skyrockets. Saying ‘no’ to an attractive woman when it comes to sex is most empowering. I get laid on my own terms, there is no getting ‘lucky’. but I digress..
    Pua’s, MRAs and Ownwayers are all connected, we all try to help men. Something many of you see as well. Future is combined influence on reviving, reshaping or creating new masculinity. While fempire dissolves from within it is important not to fragment and leave petty dick size comparisons to blue pillers.

  50. Interesting perceptive. I’ve been observant of RooshV before this site. It’s only recently he began to make waves and making feminists whine. (must be doing something right)
    As far as I know mras and fathers right groups existed before The Game explosion. They ware small, neglected and dismissed. At the turn of the century guys like Durden and Deangelo got famous for implementing behavioral physiology to get laid. Game went mainstream because young men needed help. It works, somewhat. Kinda like building a house before putting down foundation. Not impossible.
    I’ve read The Manipulated Man in 09 way before I discovered manospheare and Elam tagged his site as a red pill distributor in 08 I believe. The shit really hits you like a freight train. Red pill and kink sent my masculinity into overdrive. Not that I had problems getting laid before, this was something new. It gradually turns down that annoying warning light ‘pussy, pussy, must get pussy’ and abundance skyrockets. Saying ‘no’ to an attractive woman when it comes to sex is most empowering. I get laid on my own terms, there is no getting ‘lucky’. but I digress..
    Pua’s, MRAs and Ownwayers are all connected, we all try to help men. Something many of you see as well. Future is combined influence on reviving, reshaping or creating new masculinity. While fempire dissolves from within it is important not to fragment and leave petty dick size comparisons to blue pillers.

  51. Interesting perceptive. I’ve been observant of RooshV before this site. It’s only recently he began to make waves and making feminists whine. (must be doing something right)
    As far as I know mras and fathers right groups existed before The Game explosion. They ware small, neglected and dismissed. At the turn of the century guys like Durden and Deangelo got famous for implementing behavioral physiology to get laid. Game went mainstream because young men needed help. It works, somewhat. Kinda like building a house before putting down foundation. Not impossible.
    I’ve read The Manipulated Man in 09 way before I discovered manospheare and Elam tagged his site as a red pill distributor in 08 I believe. The shit really hits you like a freight train. Red pill and kink sent my masculinity into overdrive. Not that I had problems getting laid before, this was something new. It gradually turns down that annoying warning light ‘pussy, pussy, must get pussy’ and abundance skyrockets. Saying ‘no’ to an attractive woman when it comes to sex is most empowering. I get laid on my own terms, there is no getting ‘lucky’. but I digress..
    Pua’s, MRAs and Ownwayers are all connected, we all try to help men. Something many of you see as well. Future is combined influence on reviving, reshaping or creating new masculinity. While fempire dissolves from within it is important not to fragment and leave petty dick size comparisons to blue pillers.

  52. Interesting perceptive. I’ve been observant of RooshV before this site. It’s only recently he began to make waves and making feminists whine. (must be doing something right)
    As far as I know mras and fathers right groups existed before The Game explosion. They ware small, neglected and dismissed. At the turn of the century guys like Durden and Deangelo got famous for implementing behavioral physiology to get laid. Game went mainstream because young men needed help. It works, somewhat. Kinda like building a house before putting down foundation. Not impossible.
    I’ve read The Manipulated Man in 09 way before I discovered manospheare and Elam tagged his site as a red pill distributor in 08 I believe. The shit really hits you like a freight train. Red pill and kink sent my masculinity into overdrive. Not that I had problems getting laid before, this was something new. It gradually turns down that annoying warning light ‘pussy, pussy, must get pussy’ and abundance skyrockets. Saying ‘no’ to an attractive woman when it comes to sex is most empowering. I get laid on my own terms, there is no getting ‘lucky’. but I digress..
    Pua’s, MRAs and Ownwayers are all connected, we all try to help men. Something many of you see as well. Future is combined influence on reviving, reshaping or creating new masculinity. While fempire dissolves from within it is important not to fragment and leave petty dick size comparisons to blue pillers.

  53. Read the book Roots. In “primitive” Africa, a village was set up with two lines of huts, separated by cultivated fields. In one row of huts were the women (mothers, grandmothers) and all children seven and under. Across the fields the men lived in the other huts. There were husbands and wives, but none of them lived under the same roof. The male children would move from the custody of their mothers at seven years of age and after that would be raised by their fathers, to be taught what a boy needs to know to be a functioning man in that society.
    A brilliant pattern to live by, obviously reached after thousands of years trying to find a way for men and women to function together without detriment to the community.

    1. I’m not knocking your point here, Myopia, which is, men need to be the ones who raise our boys to manhood, a very good point. But perhaps the primitives of Africa are not a relevant example, seeing as how the peoples of Africa have succeeded in creating nothing of any lasting value or worth. Not literature, not culture, not science, not philosophy, not even monuments to great leaders or achievements because there haven’t been any.
      I just think we have to be clearer about the examples we follow or upon whom we give praise. For some reason, nothing living below the equator and a thousand miles above it has produced anything of value in all of world history. I wonder why. One suggestion was that the weather was too good! No struggles against nature so no fortitude. I wonder.

      1. We’ve killed untold thousands of trees writing hundreds of books discussing ways to attain a communal balance. Peaceful gender relations is a philosophy, and a cultural condition. Name one monument you would choose over that.

        1. I don’t know why your reply just now showed up on my Disqus. But here’s my reply:
          The internet.
          Shakespeare. Mozart. Bach. Beethoven. Elvis. The Beetles. Boston. Styx.
          Star Trek. Star Wars. Video games. The Lord of the Rings. The Chronicles of Narnia. Perelandra.
          Thomas Aquinas. Socrates. Aristotle. Descartes. John Locke. Thomas Jefferson. George Washington.
          Einstein. Newton. Frances Bacon. Blaise Pascal. Galileo. Kepler
          Francis of Assisi. St. Benedict. John of the Cross. John Wesley.
          The moon landing. Indoor plumbing. Vaccines. Trauma medicine. The automobile.
          The thing about a patriarchy is, when it asserts itself, peaceful gender relations are irrelevant. Men just create the next generation and then go build shit that makes everyone’s life better.

  54. You might be talking about Manosphere 10.0, not 3.0.
    I a lot has to happen before red pill men will have the freedom to pursue their individual masculine places in the world.

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