The Counter-Intuitive Method To Closing The Deal In Tough Night Game Pickups

Having recently travelled from Berlin to Ibiza, the two great party centres of Europe, I have as you might expect been doing quite a bit of night game. This has newly underlined for me the importance of a very simple but very important night game tactic: hanging in there.

You see, creating attraction through night game is actually pretty straightforward. The challenging part is to make something happen as a result of that attraction. In most cases it is the man who is able to stay up long enough and hang in there until the end of the night who is most likely to get laid.

The Pros and Cons of Night Game

Night game gets a lot of negative press in these parts and with good reason. You will probably be familiar with the problems it faces, but let me list a few for you here anyway: clubs are loud, noisy, and expensive. They are filled with girls who, already validated by thousands of Tinder and Instagram fans, have no real interest in hooking up. Also, girls’ ‘bitch shields’ are high, there is intense competition from other men and cockblocks abound.

All of this is true. However, in my opinion we shouldn’t entirely write night game off just yet (although you should practice it in combination with day game and other forms of pickup). Because the reality is that a lot of very attractive women go to clubs and a lot of guys get laid through them. These are simply facts, and that being the case it’s worth thinking a little more deeply about what techniques are actually most effective in a night time environment.

Actually, despite Tinder, girls still feel sexy in clubs and they will still hook up or go home with a man if he demonstrates enough value. So of course, it goes without saying that you must work on your value as hard as possible, which includes lifting, dressing well, style, being interesting, and all of those things that we talk about so frequently here at ROK. You must also be socially adept and learn the rudiments of game.

But once you’ve done those things it’s not really that hard to spark attraction in a club environment. Because night game has one massive advantage over day game—-approaching and hooking up is not only normal, it’s expected, and often welcomed. With day game you have the added challenge of communicating “Hey, this is normal! People meet in the Fish Oils aisle at Whole Foods all the time!” But with night game you are just doing what people have done for decades.

Once you’ve created that attraction though—or once you’ve picked up on an indicator of interest (IOI) from a girl—the real challenge is then to convert that into something tangible, like sex.

Here in Ibiza there is a massive problem with logistics. It’s not that there aren’t thousands of hot girls and it’s not that they’re not horny, it’s just that making something happen is a bitch. This is because (a) girls are paying upwards of €50 for a ticket to a club—they’re not just going to walk out with you at 2am, (b) most girls are with groups of friends, which means that they don’t want to look slutty by leaving with a random guy, plus they feel a sense of responsibility to the others, (c) everyone goes to clubs all night and then is pretty much comatose during the day, so it’s hard to organise a daytime meet and (d) it’s hot as hell which makes everyone lethargic and removes any sense of urgency.

Note that I’m not saying that hook-ups don’t happen in Ibiza—that would be ridiculous. I’m just saying that these are some of the downsides of night game here, and they mirror similar issues you’ll find everywhere else.

Last night, for example, I met two girls in Pacha (separately and both Canadian, coincidentally) who were interested in me. I took phone numbers from both and they have been messaging me today, but because of a combination of the above I haven’t been able to seal the deal with either yet

Hanging In There

This is where the noble art of hanging in there really comes into its own. What I mean by this is when you meet a girl in a club and there’s mutual attraction, and it’s late enough in the night (you can’t pull this off at 9pm!) then you have to be prepared to hang in there and stay with her until the end, no matter what.

It can be awkward, it can be boring, it can be uncertain and it can be frustrating, but doing it will give you the best possible chance of sleeping with that particular girl.

What hanging in there means in practice is pretty self-explanatory. I slept with a Lithuanian girl the other night by using this method. We met, then she wanted to go to a friend’s bar, so we went. Then she wanted to go to another bar so we went there too. Then she came back to my place but she wanted to sit up for hours drinking and talking about philosophy, so we did that too. Then at about 6am she agreed to go to bed ‘but only to sleep’. So we did that too. Finally, a few hours later we came to and had sex. But it was only because I was prepared to go with the flow and hang in there that this result was achieved.

Critics might say that you are effectively just dancing to the girl’s tune, playing the clown. And to some extent they’re right. But if you want to get results from night game then you have to recognise that it is a game and play the hand that you are dealt.

The evening with the Lithuanian girl required me to be patient and also to have faith that things would go my way (which was by no means certain.) It helps if you actually like hanging out with girls. I enjoyed myself and was able to put the outcome out of my mind for most of the time.

If you think hanging in there is a waste of time then don’t do it, but consider the alternatives you have. The probability of anything coming of those phone numbers I took in Pacha is small. The truth of the matter is that in night game—for naturals as well as for players—it is usually the last man standing who accrues the sexual rewards that so many desire.

For a compilation of all Troy’s best game writing, advice and techniques from the last four years buy his new book How To Get Hot Girls Into Bed.

Read Next: The Game Principles I Used When I Picked Up A South Korean Girl 

423 thoughts on “The Counter-Intuitive Method To Closing The Deal In Tough Night Game Pickups”

  1. Nice article. If someone is on the hook it is wise to hang in there. With that said, brief encounters and fast lays – for instance outside of a club in summer time, although it does not happen very often – have their part in the whole too.

  2. thinking of going to Balearics this summer.
    may be on boat.
    is there beach/day game?
    Too old (and always have been) for dance party time/effort…lighting/noise.
    sometimes I will stalk and snatch from club entrance — has worked – and you can see what you are buying!

    1. I have to leave early so I can get up and go to work…… It sucks but some folks gotta work for a living.

      1. We’re the grown-ups and some of those 20-something women cannot comprehend that.

        1. On one hand, “He never spends enough time with me”
          On the other, “I need a man who makes lots of money”
          On the third (she’s an alien), “It’s not fair that men get paid more”

      2. Somebody has to work and pay all those taxes so that the unemployed and government workers can pay their bills…

        1. It’s a dirty job but somebody’s gotta do it, unfortunately it’s me lol


      1. relax dude, humor, Thumbs up for an appropriate response, given you believed me.

      1. Yes, but those “instant chick magnets” are running all around, doing cartwheels for other people.

        1. I think that’s considered child abuse man. How else is the government going to indoctrinate your kids?

      2. Just make sure the Catholic priests and Michael Jackson wannabes are hanging out near the clubs licking their chops, and taking the kids may well be worth a game notch with the club rat “ladies”.

  3. If the logistics in Ibiza are so bad, why bother going there? It’s not like pretty women don’t exist in places where pickup is easier.
    BTW, the only philosophy you can discuss with women is solipsism, and that too, on their terms.

    1. Yeah, I am a bit skeptical about the ROI. In Europe I would prefer Budapest, Malta or even Slovenia (Portoroz), if one takes into account costs, logistics, girls, competition and so forth.

      1. I know a guy who is going to some car race in Budapest. He has been before. Says it is absolutely amazing. Everything is so cheap it is basically free, the women are all stunning and once you are pegged as a “wealthy American” you can’t fight them off. Whether this is true or not I don’t know, but that is what I’ve been told.

        1. Sounds a bit exaggerated but some truth in, probably. Nice place. Pretty good balance between traditional and modern elements.

        2. He meant specifically the clubs and parities associated with the car race but yeah, over the top.
          Not my speed. I’d rather take the orient express luxury railroad to Paris…tuxedos in the dining car, chandeliers and the whole thing

        3. I was floored with my small time in Seville. Currently think englishBob is around those parts and he also recommended going. Have always gotten love from Spanish women from Spain as well. For whatever reason people they don’t seem to start their day until after 11 am. My kind of place.

        4. Spain is filled with dark haired, dark eyed, crazy brained women who will fuck you until you can’t walk.

        5. My kind of place. Long overdue to go back. Something about there always seemed more appealing than Dominican Republic or Puerto Rico. Long overdue to return and enough of them speak English with that rolling lisp.

        6. certain women….Spaniards, dark Italians, pretty much anyone who is from a line of people who had their entire DNA pool changed by Hannibal and the Boys gang raping their way through a country, have some special brand of it.

        7. I have always been a fan of Dominican Women. There is a woman that will fuck you until your dick hurts, stab you for some imagined slight, fuck you again, punch you in the face and have dinner ready at 7

        8. This is what I like about New York. Immanuel Kant was asked by a student once why he doesn’t travel abroad and just stays in Konigsberg and he replied that all the interesting people come to him.
          Likewise, the absolute best of all the other places around the country and, indeed, around the world, come to new York and I don’t have to leave to sample the lesser varietals who stayed behind or didn’t make the cut.

        9. Heh! My kind of woman there too. As long as she fights for me while I sleep with her neighbors daughter who is in college and the mother of said daughter, I have no problem with that fast life.

        10. something about the mixture of African invaders into European blood turned the women just fantastic.

        11. I wondered about the slavs and the mongol hordes invasion into Russia in the 13th century.

        12. This is exactly my type.
          Also, I don’t find the mixing of races quite as abhorrent as others. I think a well seasoned dish like either of these beauties is just lovely.

        13. Absolutely. From all over the country and all over the world the highest quality come here so I don’t have to travel around and see the second stringers who didn’t make it.

        14. Lol! Ok, well if that makes you sleep well at night believing that, then who are we to say otherwise. heh

        15. Nothing wrong with liking the small pond. I sleep fine.

        16. Where highest quality = best:
          Best computer programmers, Silicon Valley and some parts of Russia and Israel. Best dairy producers, midwest. Best agriculture, midwest and south. Best mathematicians, pick a Florida spaceport or possibly SpaceX or again, Russia. Best physicists, same.
          I can go on.

        17. Don’t tell me you got triggered when he said New York is the best place in the world.

        18. I was specifically talking about the women. Sure, better programers in silicon valley and the Midwest has the best cows (take that as you will) though I think California does more beef than any place outside texas and Nebraska. Florida doesn’t have the best of anything lol. I specifically was speaking about how it is nice to live in new York because the best women of other places eventually make their way here so I don’t have to travel to the shitty places to enjoy them

        19. Well I certainly am not in a position to judge, but as I hear, for best women as in the fashion model types that you like, I have always been under the impression that the absolute cream of the cream flock to Paris. If that’s not true, that’s fine, I have no problem with the concept fo pretty girls in NYC, although I think that many top quality chicks never even consider going there, although some might. If enough do then you on your end get the perception that they ‘all’ do, and that’s cool even if it is just a perception from within a bubble.

        20. I need to do a proper study of Mediterranean genetic patterns sometime. To say Spain’s entire DNA pool changed sounds somewhat misleading.

        21. everyone lives in bubbles, some are just bigger. As for the fashion industry, yeah, milan, paris, new York…its a roving art. But I mean the average girl who is working a job in her 20’s. The sheer amount of just absolutely beautiful women here is mind boggling mostly because it is such a dream of so many to escape where they are and get here.

        22. A dream of some sure, and enough that when you see them all around, you come away with the perception of ‘most want to escape’ which is kind of funny. Most non NYC people do not thrive nor can thrive in the concrete and steel jungle. The ones that can, and desire to leave flyover, sure, no doubt they head out. Every girl I’ve ever dated, and I go for high quality as you know, couldn’t be dragged into NYC to live (visit, sure, but not live) if you gave her a brazilian dollars.
          But, and this is important, enough chicks do that it makes for a happy world for you, and end of the day that’s A Good Thing ™.

        23. Damn, Walken was excellent in this scene. Sleepy Hollow was the only film of his I saw.

        24. If you know that you are about to die, this is definitely how you gotta do it.

  4. The only circumstances where I can see myself dancing is if I get fireants in my pants.

      1. I know the feeling. I was raised a teenager in Chicago before my mother moved me to the small town of Bomont to live with my aunt and uncle. I fell for a girl named Ariel whose father, Shaw Moore, the reverend of the local church, lead the crusade to outlaw dancing in the town. After beating Chuck, Ariel’s would be suitor, in a game of tractor chicken I went to the city council to fight for the towns freedom to dance. We had prom outside town limits, the whole thing was a total cluster fuck.

        1. bacon-lettuce-tomatoe sammy for lunch today, thanks for the idea

        2. Just think, if you hadn’t been riding around in a doodle-bug listening to Quiet Riot and got stopped by the fuzz, it never would have come together for you!
          I kind of really hate admitting I watched that movie…..

        3. Of course you had to leave Chicago after you pretended to be sick to get out of school, that metastasized into a benefit being raised to “Save Knee”, and your best friend crashed his fathers sports car. You left behind your girlfriend Sloane and luckily escaped your irritating sister.

        4. Absolutely, especially when Mr Frye got home as the driving the car in reverse to reduce the mileage trick didn’t work

        5. the real tragedy is that you and Sloane were simple fabrications of a very very disturbed mind….

  5. Not putting down Troy, but if I’m spending money to fly eastward across the pond, spending €50 for a club cover charge, and more money on drinks, it doesn’t appeal to me when I can be sight seeing. I bet those Tinder Tarts wouldn’t even take the time to visit Ufizzi or the Louvre.

        1. Maybe my definition of ‘triggered’ is different but I envisage it being firing off some guns and having a jolly good time.

        2. @blueeyeddevil gotta side with the champ on this one. If you go into a tiger filled jungle looking for tigers in the morning you don’t really get to complain about having run into tigers later that afternoon. Best bet is probably to avoid the tigers.

        3. Tiger pit! Heh! Looks like one of their pussies escaped the pen to come play on our side.

      1. Why don’t you go cry to your mom about your 3 degrees of fever? That’d me more useful than looking for a friendly shoulder to cry on

    1. This might in the best case open up for a more nuanced understanding about the sexual differences, strengths, weaknesses and overlaps, but unfortunately much is bullshit as well. There are some obvious and well-established truths in there, such as that men produce more sperm which potentially can make them more promiscuous, and that women have a higher reproductive value. But we know that in current times a significant share of women are disgusting sluts who are willing to fuck with multiple bad boys, celebrities and turn into porn for almost nothing.
      And the things about intellectual achievement and IQ are just silly. Studies of Richard Lynn, J. Philippe Rushton and Helmuth Nyborg show that men have about 4 points higher IQs on average, and tend to have the top IQs in the world (although individual exceptions co-exist). Even if brain size would have little to do with it, it’s just the case that men excel in intellectual pursuits in general and science in particular.
      Crying-wise we know that many girls cry over nothing and have higher empathy, leading them to be susceptible to pathological altruism (defend rapists, for example).

      1. Funny but that IQ thing definitely rings true with me. Was about 5 points higher than an ex who was studying to be a lawyer. You had to shoot me to make me recognize torts though.

    2. I don’t have a long drawn out conclusion, so to sum it up, that’s biggest load of hooey I’ve read in quite a while.
      If we have degenerated to the level that women have to tell each other things like that to feel better about themselves, then we truly are screwed in the long run.
      Mostly though, it just looks like embracing penis envy instead of embracing being a woman.

      1. Now you know how it feels baby… this is just backfire of decades and centuries and millenia of men needing to brag about their physical strength (the only thing that you guys are better at) to feel above women. Kisses from the right side of humanity xx

        1. So millennia of building civilisation doesn’t count it does it? Here’s the deal, how about you shut the fuck up, get in the kitchen and fix the boys some steaks and then come back for blowjobs? That’s a good girl.

        2. God, it’s so easy to feel your self-loathing personality that I couldn’t help laughing out loud. It must be so, so tough to walk through life never finding someone who truly loves you for who you are or who is down to respecting you like you want to be respected. Baby, oh poor baby, I understand the pain you must be going through to need coming over here to desperately find a way to feel better about yourself by putting others down. I actually don’t feel like humiliating you any further because of how damaged you sound. I hope you find some help and get better with time xx

        3. So essentially, you’re insecure. Got it.
          Meanwhile, loads of data doesn’t back up your pretend assertions in the least. You’re good at crying, and ‘feeling’ and by golly you can deliver and care for a baby like nobody’s business. But if you were truly the ‘superior’ sex, you’d have been the one who created all of the civilization that you see around you right now (that’s all the pretty shiny stuff with lights and things) and not men.
          Now go sit down for a while sweety, the men are talking.

        4. She’s just craving attention and drama. Like women tend to do from time to time.

        5. Read Human Accomplishment by Charles Murray and realize that men have done pretty much everything. And a bonus point:
          “If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts.”
          – Camille Paglia

        6. was about to say the same. I don’t mind feeding trolls, even women trolls, if they add something — even if that something is just entertainment, but this one doesn’t even seem fun. Probably best to just ignore.

        7. No, to be honest I thought that this comment section of outraged men was so funny that I needed to blow some kisses to you frustrated folks. Damn, how low is it to cry together about an article that offers facts about women being stronger than you? So, so sad.

        8. I think violating you anally would help immensely. I get the sense you’re also big on urolagnia.

        9. Pretty much. I dismiss them or scold them like children-sometimes a firm spank makes them heel.

        10. Please, try harder, you’re not providing much entertainment and toying with you really isn’t delivering the experience I think that most of us had hoped for.

        11. Hahaha woah, stop right there with all that chivalry lil boy. It’s probably you who secretely desires to be put in that situation, but for the sake of your questionable mental sanity I’ll say that plain and simply your mom and dad never loved you enough.

        12. Yeah, I can practically feel the desperate need for attention jumping out of the screen from her. Gotta wonder about these types.

        13. Actually, my last lesbian lover is in the means of getting married to me. Well played, though. But you aren’t being much fun to be either tbh

        14. tell ya what sugar-butt, with all this ‘outrage’ we sure manage to laugh a lot more than you’re likely capable…

        15. We had a few fun broads here that I actually enjoyed….can’t remember handles now. This one just seems like a snarkster though. Gotta contribute something if ya want the attention. As homer would say:

        16. You’re right, too chivalrous-maybe you much prefer having a plastic bag slipped around your head and then being thrown into a mountain of AIDS infested hypodermic needles and then gang raped by Ebola infested chimpanzees.

        17. I’m insecure? I’m gonna remind you that the only reason why I’m here is that you bunch of idiots are whining about an article that questions your superiority and I thought the fuss was so much fun that I needed to add wood to the fire of YOUR insecurity. It’s so entertaining to see you all flocking to me like pigs in heat. I’d say adorable, honestly

        18. Oh no! I’m having so much fun looking at all these comments. I’m bored at work and this is making my day

        19. Much fun to be or me? Either or, more power to her. All I ask, after they perform enough oral to get off work for the prerequisite week, don’t keep all of the flower maidens to yourself when you find out on your wedding day?
          FYI, no need to lie to yourself. We all know you are getting wet right now imagining one of us, or all of us, bending you over and sliding a finger inside of you. Just make sure to clear your cache and cookies when you finish up okay?

        20. Here we go, an insecure lil boy who needs to feel superior in size to feel superior in intellect. Tell me, are you also a pedophile?

        21. Throwing the into a pit full of nu-male beta white knights will be more than enough.

        22. I really wish I had your talent for utterly evil and dark and yet poetic attacks, lol.

        23. Nah, I have no failings because I don’t fuck with any of ya. It’s still adorable to see you trying, please keep going

        24. Hush baby girl, I’m going to let you be now. It’s not kind or polite to take advantage of people with screaming insecurities or mental conditions.
          Hope your day gets better.

        25. No. I’m not like you or your idol, that inbred retard Lady Gaga, judging by your vapid, asinine, inane ramblings. You strike me as a trollop who gives blowjobs for crack.

        26. Oh but tell me, isn’t this entire blog a whole discussion about why women are best fitted to be nurturers and carers of civilization? Then how does that make sense if we mix it with the phrase that you just quoted? Couldn’t it be that at least one of those approaches is wrong and therefore your beliefs altogether are a mistake in itself?

        27. That’s too harsh even for me-that’s like being cast into the 9th circle of Hell and then Di Yu by way of Xibalba.

        28. Ha. What can I say? I’m a wordsmith. My tongue is even more venomous and forked. I could tear strips off people and disembowel them in such a way they become blancmange whimpering in a corner.

        29. Yeah, that’s a good one. I had to capitalize that word so my emphasis could reach out the screen. It’s a simple little dialectical resource, but I understand that you have to cling to the smallest rock possible to make me feel bad about myself so YOU feel better about yourself. Oh whoops, I did it again. Am I still a bad, bad girl?

        30. I figured I’d go easy because being an inferior woman they would invariably fuck up the steaks. But seeing as you have raised the issue, then place your order by all means.

        31. Bish, steaks are overrated. If I were you, I’d try with something easier to cook because I don’t think you got anyone who’s down to wasting their time cooking a steak right for ya

        32. Actually, that was when I was about 16-17. A girl has a right to have her own pop idols, I’m pretty sure you had Rambo or Rocky or some rockstar as well at that age. That’s low, boo, this comment’s a D-. Try harder please

        33. Adams this is total fucking bullshit! Come on. Women couldn’t put together grass huts.

        34. I don’t know… let’s ask a simple question. Is that girl being forced to dress like that or speak in front of the camera? You tell me

        35. little bits of bacon in it covered with crispy breadcrumbs.

        36. “comments disabled” musta been a real barn-burner for that to happen

        37. I actually possess a functioning brainstem so your observation is laughable.
          I give you a 4/10. 2 points for ‘tits’ and 2 for being able to operate a keyboard; however, monkeys at a typewriter can also and produce Shakespeare-what you produce, barely passes for the English language.

        38. Its a little boy, not a girl. Dancing rather sexually in a club for adults.

        39. Oh shit, that’s my bad. Couldn’t watch the video. Anyway, are you sure he’s being forced to do any of that?

        40. poetic attacks…oh lord here we go again….maybe today instead of Haiku we can go limerick
          There once was a woman so blunt
          On a website she pulled a stunt
          She bitched and moaned
          and cried and groaned
          Just an attention whore and cunt

        41. looks like the dude in the blue shirt at the beginning is rubbing the small of his back- or am I imagining things >?

        42. Lmfaooooo your first phrase is so pretentious I think I’ve had enough cringe for the rest of the month. So okay, when you go on dates (hmm) with chicks (hmmmmm) do you also try to appear intellectual like you are right now? Damn, are you actually trying to train your “game” with me right now? Please slow down, I’m about to fall in love with you or something

        43. There are overlaps between the sexes in terms of intelligence, personality, behavior and physical abilities, and I think that we have covered that pretty well.

        44. Hey its montreal not montresome….it is for everyone!

        45. Sure I could. I am actually a fair to midland cook in general and excel at some certain things. Not sure I would make you breakfast, that depends on how fun the night before was, but could I? Yeah, sure I could.

        46. If I were to push your guts into the back of your head then you probably would fall in love with me. You get the drill.

        47. ya know, I hadn’t thought about this one in a coons age but as soon as you said sugar butt something deep in my mind just remembered homer grabbing that gummy bear.

        48. Okay I’m actually going to watch the video. No need to stand up for shit I’m not fully aware of.
          Alright, 15 seconds was enough. Yes, I definitely think this little boy is at least just out of his age span / activities he should be enrolling in for his wellbeing. That being said, I’m still kind of worried about the guy up there saying he spanks women as if they were little children. That’s definitely more dangerous than this video.

        49. Yeah I’m not very comfortable with this to be honest with you. It’s just not appropiate

        50. There once was an unstable girl
          Who HAD to lash out at the world
          ‘and for my next stunt-
          LOOK, I eat cunt!’
          And caused us fine men to hurl

        51. of course it is, but whatever…I can’t change it and it doesn’t effect me so caring about it is roughly the equivalent of caring who won the sports ball competition.

        52. upvoted despite the fact that hurling is never my response to women who are snizz whippin’

        53. That kid in the video is the direct result of being created by a non spanked woman. Had she been spanked, that boy would likely be at home with his studies like a normal boy his age.

        54. I don’t know who this Stanley Guy is and why his cup is so Valuable to people in Pittsburg, but if the steelers had the most homeruns then fine by me.

        55. I admitted my part. You admit yours. I think it’s healthy to agree on the affirmation that comparing women to little children is at least disturbing

        56. ??? So you’re assuming this boy has only one parent? Couldn’t it also be the father’s responsibility (in the case that his other parent is a father and not another mother) that he is going around environments that don’t correspond to his age?

        57. Yep, comparing women to little children is an attitude that by statistic could be more common than 8 year old boys dancing in drag, so that’s why I think it’s way more dangerous. Because a lot of people can think that way and that’s borderline pedophilia

        58. Brains are also guts? English isn’t my mother tongue so I guess I’m learning something new today

        59. I think that’s assuming even more. Fathers can also be irresponsible, brainless and uninterested assholes. This boy’s situation is the result of one single thing: 0 interest to lead him into boyhood the right way. That can be the mother’s or father’s fault, or both’s.

        60. dont let yourself be a useful idiot- there is a deliberate effort to divide us, and its apparent in the media
          hetero v homo
          black v white
          christian v muslim
          break out of that matrix. most on this site dont care if your a lesbian, all we want are decent, civil neighbors who will recycle, maybe feed the pet while Im outta town, take in the mail…dont let people imagine these transgressions for you

        61. Can we please not jump into the trolling category or I will stop trying to make an effort to make ends meet with you guys

        62. I didn’t mean that men were screwed….dumbass.
          I meant society in general, your little hamster brain couldn’t even figure that bit out, much less run the world.
          Now, don’t you have some ironing to do? Men are talking here.

        63. Evidently it went right over your head.
          You’re being schooled also seeing the disgusting thing you accused me of being also-just as well you said it online because that would be enough for you to eat a stiff right cross.

        64. First thing I said is that men are physically stronger than women. About the rest, I’ll just say none of us is more valuable than the other, we’re just plain and simply different and differently built. But because we serve different purposes and have different talents, it could be that women’s personality and way of doing things is more interesting for present times than men’s.

        65. I’m from and in Spain. It’s 17:21pm here but I made the joke for the sake of our discussion. Forgive me? <3

        66. My nights are reserved for lesbian sex, but I’m pretty sure I could excel as a mid-day/afternoon gym partner. Would that be enough?

        67. challenge accepted
          Her Box was snizz whipped back to front
          when she let out a sign, a moan and grunt
          Always on the look out for quarrel and spat
          Ever the angry, snark laden twat
          The Whippin’ of Snizz Calmed her Tit
          And thus this Elegiac Couplet

        68. Your*
          I don’t like ironing, it makes clothes stiff. I’d rather wash them in man tears and hang them to dry in the sun
          Okay yes that was way too feminist

        69. are dundaheads like her the real enemy? she gets bombarded with disinfo all day long

        70. I’ve never had a female gym partner, I probably work a little hard for most women to want to join. But if you and Lady Godiva are sweet enough I suppose being a spectator would warrant an omelet or three.

        71. If I lived in Spain and was a woman, I’d be a lesbian too. Thank God I am a man, and will be making my rounds back there within the year.

        72. Properly dressed men prefer their clothes stiff, now get busy and clean something.

        73. Oh shit that’s true, how’s the substance thing called… starch? I don’t know how to work that though

        74. I don’t really go heavy enough on a bench press to require a spotter. I am a proponent of massive volume work so high reps at lower weights. Bench pressing weight so heavy you need a spotter is for the ego, not the body. My ego doesn’t need any help so I go the other way.

        75. Funny but definitely notice the extra love I get from spaniards who come to America. They all seem very determined not to head back. Surprising since on its surface Spain seems a very beautiful place.

        76. That’s a spain thing. You need to have breakfast at 11 so you can make your 10 pm dinner reservation.

        77. She is doing the exact thing that females do in any male space. Go back and read her first comments, and the male responses, and then read her latest comments and the male responses. It’s the classic female intrusion bullshit.

        78. A man invented it and one will be glad to instruct you how to use it.

        79. We are determined to run for the hills and never look back because of the shitty situation. I’ve also emigrated, to the US for a year and to France for another. I prefer life in Spain overall but perspectives of future were much higher out there

        80. Partly agree but often women who succeed are dependent on male built structures. But there is definitely a complementary interrelationship.

        81. Nah. Still the same but noting an elseworld case if I were born a woman. Thankfully that existence will never happen. Seems for the birds.

        82. I actually agree with you so much, no kidding. High reps at lower weights produce a much more aesthetic physique. I fucked up my back due to a coach being too stupid with heavy weights, so definitely pass on that type of workout

        83. It’s true tho! The guy up there gets it, especially during holidays we have breakfast that late

        84. Yes let’s not forget I’m a lesbian feminist and you guys are men rights activists
          Just kidding, we can still be friendos <3

        85. why not try to win over the hearts n minds of a few? She could spread the good word to the rest of them on her roller derby team

        86. well you seem to be a bit of a contrarian and are looking to get a rise out of people for no better reason than your own kicks, but on this we totally agree. Further, the idea that building an aesthetic physique won’t come along with strength gains is simply untrue. If you put in the effort and keep to massive volume you will get that aesthetic physique and over time what you call light weights will just get heavier as you get stronger.

        87. The only thing worse than feeding the trolls is feeding the attention whores.

        88. I still think that for the most part traditional men’s time is over, at least their way of doing things is. Not trying to be hateful by saying that, I’m just saying that the world is opening itself to other things now

        89. You aren’t a lesbian, you just like playing with girls. Sooner or later you’ll want some dick. Maybe you will resist the urge, lord knows at least 3 Priests in spain have resisted the urge to get fucked in the ass since the time of Ferdinand. As for what “us guys” are I would suggest that it is very small thinking to stumble on a group of 2-3 dozen people and immediately and without any kind of qualification just assume they all think the same way, agree on everything and enter the world as one single entity. The fact that you would think that makes me believe that your feminism is just a phase and like all Spanish women you crave, from a very deep spot, the very machist attitude that you outwardly claim to loathe. So yeah, friendos for sure.

        90. ‘Lesbian’, oh how trendy and how surprising, daring and edgy.
          As predictable as the sun rising that somebody fully damaged by feminism would gloat about having a mental disorder. Sad really.

        91. We have a fundamental disagreement there, chica….
          These ‘other things’ you see are the prelude to a collapse of the whole setup.

        92. I’m not trolling you guys, I’m just politely exchanging points of view <3
          While also teaching you guys that having a feminist within your comment section is actually really good

        93. I think I might have come across wrong here. I meant what’s wrong with the Spanish men, are they a nation of manginas?
          I ask because a Spanish buddy of mine is an over-the-top romantic while at the same time a skinny-fat geek.

        94. Nah Jim, I have dealt with honestly looey women and I don’t think she is one. She just likes attention….for that matter so do I. SHe is just passing time. A good firm hand would do her more wonders than a loony bin

        95. No, she isn’t being “friendly” she is being an attention whore. It’s so obvious. This is like classic Rational Male female inclusion stuff.

        96. Agreed. Lesbian is what being liberal used to be. It is a dumb label that doesn’t exist for women. It is easy to see this once women stop being youthful. Just about every ‘lesbian’ I have known came back to being heterosexual once the wall approached.

        97. No it’s not, the human race is in constant evolution and the leaders of that evolution can also change with time. Remember that results of evolution start showing after 1000-1500 years, and where are we? Year 2017, right in the middle of a complete societal change. It’s the natural course of things, the evolution of our means of socialization and progress.

        98. Well, the birthrates in more traditional countries vis-a-vis the West tell a different story but I get your point.

        99. But I really love women. I’m not trying to be funny here. I love women with my entire heart and soul and feel nothing of the like for men. I’m serious.

        100. Seriously? Not sure what is up with the men there either. I want to say that is a European thing for Millenials unfortunately. Knew a kid who seemed very much a fag fly, make claims of having a threesome with hot French girls. Seems like their way of getting women but to become so effeminate to do it, I would welcome suicide or leave immediately.

        101. Spanish men are loud, unpolite and have 0 class. Believe me when I say this, as a lifetime long lesbian I see more and more and more girls crossing the road to my side as time passes by

        102. Literally, it is almost right out of the Rational Male article on Male Space.
          Her comment: “While also teaching you guys that having a feminist within your comment section is actually really good”
          Male Space article: “The second purpose in the goal of female inclusion into male space is really a policing of the thought dynamics and attitudes of the men in that space.”

          EDIT: HITLER

        103. 22 and have both been with very attractive men and women. Not kidding, I don’t know how I’ve managed but I’ve only ever dated models. And for the life of me that I can’t feel a 0,000001% of what I could feel for a woman for a man

        104. THANK YOU. A “lesbian” with a female avatar shows up and starts shitting on everything.

        105. It’s all fine and dandy now. Wait until you’re 35-40. You will know what being miserable feels like first hand Mrs. Lesbian.

        106. I’m of the belief that lesbians are just women who haven’t been dicked hard enough.

        107. young men in Spain have a ridiculously high unemployment rate, could be why she thinks all of them are bums

        108. Even if they have never been dicked, all women respond to a masculine man being cocky and funny with them, while the man is still clearly bedding other women. Once you get a ‘lesbian’ to let you joke about fucking her, she is one night out away from letting the joke be a fact.

        109. No! Okay listen, you guys can think whatever you want and that’s great, I’m not trying to police anybody. I said that because I feel like you guys exclude people who don’t think like you do. Also, don’t you think it’s a bit extreme to label me as Hitler when you don’t know me lol

        110. I love men, the majority of my friends are male. I just stated a fact lol
          Also, I think vaginas are awesome

        111. I figured she meant something like that.
          Women: “We need affirmative action so we can work and be equal to men!”
          Women later: “I make just as much money as all these guys! Where have all the good men gone!?”

        112. wow, male youth UE was 55% in 2012, down to 40% now…just wow

        113. Is being married with children or traveling the world with my soulmate miserable?

        114. I don’t like men :'( I really don’t, and I wish you guys could understand that
          Or let’s say that women are my thing, rather

        115. She is at her peak SMV year. She should be working hard to lock down some poor sap to provide for her lavish lifestyle. Three more years of decent prospects, then she will have to settle for some beta or cats.

        116. Hey don’t be mean to my cat! Also, what makes you think that I have a lavish lifestyle lol. Or that I want to lock anyone down

        117. Talking from my experience with other confirmed lesbians. It’s all the long game. Being a lesbian works now because you are young and hopefully hot. Who doesn’t want to look at a hot naked woman? Just noting the possibility to come to team dick is high, if you haven’t already sampled team dick. If you’re good, I’ll welcome you back in style to the team myself.

        118. Classic female hamstering:
          “I don’t like men :'( I really don’t, and I wish you guys could understand that”
          “I love men, the majority of my friends are male. I just stated a fact lol”

        119. You’re gonna make me cry but because I’m getting tired of repeating it :’) Me and male energy just don’t click together, they don’t function, they don’t connect… men are not what I want and same goes for their dicks

        120. Unless you are married to a worthy man and have your own biological children , hell yeah.

        121. It’s your life, thought I would be gentlemanly and offer some helpful advice. Not surprised that it fell on deaf ears. Mark my words though, if you keep this attitude into your 30’s, you will regret it by your 50’s.

        122. That is why I said wait until you’re 35-40. You will know what I mean by then.

        123. Why do you guys value planning so much? You could literally die tomorrow and nothing you have carefully planned for years will ever work out. I can’t know what will happen 20 years from now, all I can know is what I want. And women are what I want

        124. If by the time I’m 35-40 I am single, then I will know what you mean. I will know that not having a woman in my life at that time will suck

        125. Fools thinking they will be young forever. Reality will hit them hard when the party is over.

        126. ??? I don’t like men = sexually, relationship speaking
          I love men = In general, friendship wise
          Damn do I have to point everything out jesus

        127. Also, the first thing was a response to guys talking to me about dick
          The second response was towards someone who said I’m a man hater
          Completely different contexts

        128. You have no idea how much you will feel the need of a strong in-charge man by your side when your looks are decaying and you will finally realize what a cold and shitty place the world is. Reality will you hard when the party is over woman.

        129. The world gets cold and shitty once your looks are decaying, yes. That is why having someone who loves you for you is so important. And that’s why I want a woman by my side, who loves me for me despite my saggy tits and wrinkly face

        130. At that point you will need the kind of security only a masculine man can provide , in order to stay sane. It’s all women’s fate. You can’t escape your true nature. And wait until you are too old to hang around with your girlfriends in those places for youth where being gay , degenerate or whatever is considered “cool” , like you do now. When you have to go back to the real world and you are treated like an degenerate outcast , it will be game over for you. You will remember our words. Hopefully you will be smart enough to get a grasp on reality soon enough.

        131. I don’t understand why you’re here. This is a site for straight men, and you are a proud lesbian feminist. You don’t think you’re in the wrong place?

        132. “Why do you guys value planning so much?”
          It is an inevitable consequence of have to be relied upon, not just myself, but my family also. Sure, you can party it up for awhile and not care about any consequences. You may be able to cry to your future spouse to take care of you when it is over, or maybe the government. But those payments will come due. Maybe not to you, but to those of us who take responsibility it is a different story.
          If you got the time, read Isaiah 3 and 4. Paraphrased:
          Prideful, slutty women will go through trials, but their behavior will have made them unattractive, and consequently alone. “And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.” …….they will become desperate.
          I fear this will happen as the welfare bubble collapses and feminism is exposed for what it really is.

        133. She is probably sorrounded by manginas in the real life. That’s why she fucks other women. But she is also just a woman in the end , who needs her fill of raw masculinity. That’s why she comes over.

        134. That was before my time. I wish this format still had that “Hall of Fame” list of articles.

        135. Last few weekends, (We) have been building this chicken coop in our back yard. The wife and kids were supposed to dig this trench and do some minor work before we put up the wire. They dug about half in two weeks at home. Friday morning, I get up at 5 start digging, tell the wife and oldest boy to run to town for materials. By the time they get back, I am don, and we put up the chicken wire, In short, took about a day and a half to do 90% while it took them two weeks to do 10%.

        136. half the trench, but there is pouring the concrete, setting the posts, installing the wire.etc which constituted 80%

    3. One question arises-if what they say is true and women are indeed super, why do they need protection and support from the government?

      1. Then you get to their truest area of superiority, the blame game. Hell, if there was even one small town run by women solely, it would turn into a shit Basket before the year was up.

        1. I think it was the Dutch edition where they demonstrated how useless women were when left to their own devices-the producers had to send men over to aid them and shake the teams up.

        2. And another note, the men fucked up royally by giving in to their lizard brain and being manginas by feeling sympathy. I would have offered them something for a blowjob and then reneged on the deal laughing at them. But in seriousness, they should have put it to a vote whether to have the women invited.
          That and the video sums up women today. They are selfish, greedy, self-centered.They were playing it up to look as sad as possible in order to get what they wanted when cold and wet. This tells you just how sincere women really are. They only look out for themselves, and play on your sympathies for them to get what they want.
          To this I say-GIVE. WOMEN. NOTHING. When all men start doing this, then every woman in the world will become submissive and subservient to men as it should be.

        3. Its just so painfully obvious that you never get laid. You can’t blame all women for your inability to attract them, its probably a result of the fact that you’re an ignorant, misogynistic piece of trash. Also Im 100% certain you have a small cock. You sound like that kid who shot up Isla Vista

        4. How fortunate for you you’re hurling insults from behind a keyboard. Were you to say such to my face I would hit you so hard I would cave your miserable face in and then kick you so hard you would flop around like an infantile retard as you hit the floor. One right cross and you’d have brain damage.
          And kudos for playing the white knight-does that result in you getting your dick sucked you Ebola infested inbred sperm belching haemorrhoid?
          I’ve got 10″ sport, and you won’t get it because I’m not into faggots.

        5. And by the by-I would smash you that you hard you might get hooked again on fentanyl to forget about the asskicking you received for opening your mouth.
          Normally I don’t go for the jugular like that as I am a man of honour, but your insults necessitated me going there; I go could even further and shiv you with another statement but I have some modicum of humanity.

        6. BAHAHAH threats over the internet, I am absolutely terrified. Also just so you know, this ” denotes inches, not centimetres, you must have gotten confused. I got directed to these Pick Up sites through some Facebook article and I have to say this shit is absolutely hilarious. Poor guys just trying so hard to get laid. Good place to start is not hating women for one, and also not being a complete and utter retard probably helps. Goodluck, you’ll lose your virginity some day Im sure.

        7. Hey asshole-I hope you get cancer like that person did that compelled you to become a drug addict. Maybe you should have died too. Would have been hilarious.

        8. “I would smash that you hard you might…” Ok, so another issue you might be facing with the ladies is your, at best, tenuous grasp on the english language. They prefer it when people can speak in properly constructed sentences LOL this site is incredible thank you so much for this.

        9. Tenuous grasp? That’s rich. You procured a thesaurus to assist you in preparing your laughable riposte, you cocksucking piece of dogshit?
          I laugh at how death pushed you into drugs-let us hope another tragedy befalls you and you OD. That would be hilarious.

        10. Wait, you’re saying you would need a thesaurus to come up with the word tenuous? My god this is the best website of all time. Sincerely, thank you. I hope you lose your virginity one of these days, you deserve it, what with all the sad, desperate effort you’re putting forth. Maybe these comments will provide you with the impetus you require to finally get your dick wet. Do it out of spite! I’m rooting for you!

        11. Evidently my response went right over your head. No surprise considering you’re drug fucked.
          I hope you overdose.

        12. Ahh yes, right over my head, clearly. I mean you possess such a staggeringly vast intellect. It takes high cognitive functioning in order to achieve such prowess at being a misogynist. Also, “drug-fucked?” lol, well you’ve got me there, Im only 9 months drug free, while you’ve managed to stay celibate your entire life. What’s your secret? Is it the micropenis?

        13. That’s it keep ridiculing people and telling them how ignorant they are in believing in God/Jesus.
          That will win them over to your lies, lol.

        14. Why do you imply that being a virgin or having a smaller cock makes a person’s opinions not have value? Do you only listen to men whom have 10 inch cocks, or 12 inch cocks?

        15. You know God doesn’t exist, deep down you know it. If you somehow don’t then why do I care if i win you over? Doesn’t effect my life, you’re just hopeless

        16. That’s not my point, what I’m saying is he’s spouting all this anti-feminist, misogynistic bullshit while on the website of some pick up artist, so he’s obviously having issues getting laid, but the reason he never gets laid is because of all this anti woman bullshit. This whole website is bullshit I don’t believe for a second that any of these guys actually get laid, and definitely not by quality women, because they clearly hate women. Treating women with respect and actually being able to understand them as people has always worked great for me, plus it gives you the advantage of not being a bigoted asshole

        17. Your master Satan loves getting his minions such as yourselves to ridicule any Christian for anything. Your master Satan is so
          good at what he does as the great Deciever, he’s made people like you believe he doesn’t exist either, while you do his bidding.
          Take care, neighbors

        18. I do no one’s bidding but my own, although Satanism does sound more appealing to me than Christianity, I’m an atheist, or as we call it in Canada, educated.

    4. my “going galt” desire is getting stronger every day.
      I just cannot hear this nonsense anymore.
      And all women I deal with are coddled/solipsistic/narcissistic/borderline…selfish…
      pump and dump is too much work for ROI

      1. Already there-I think. Never been in a relationship. I will only ever commit to one when they’re wife material. Otherwise I will use them to amuse myself.

    5. That was the most bullshit thing I’ve read bun a long time.
      Full of half truths and deliberate mischaracterizations.
      But that’s the kind of garbage that will he taught as true.

    6. Reminds me of conversations with ex girlfriends. These were the most common.
      Pain management: girl: “women are better than men at pain management because women give birth.” Me: “screaming and crying is not “managing pain.” What you’re telling me is that you experience a lot of pain during child birth, not managing it.” The dumb looks on their faces after I said that.
      Multitasking: girl: “women are better at multitasking than men.” Me: “what sort of tasks are we talking about? Talking on the phone and putting on makeup? Those are mindless tasks, do you know how to do anything difficult? No? I do.” (Stares off into space).

      1. pushing a stroller while talking on iPhone, and holding starbucks. most men don’t do that

        1. “Talking” always makes the list. I chose not to blab nonsense when I’m in the middle of something. Some bullshit like, “so I went to the store and the person working at the desk was a guy which was weird because it’s usually a girl and they didn’t have the thing I needed so I had to get a different thing then I went back to the desk and bla bla bla bla.”

        2. never got this one: how did Keller burn her ear? answering the iron!
          I thought she was deaf?

        3. Like Hellen Keller always told me, haters gonna hate…just pretend you don’t see or hear them.

        4. The other day I was having dinner with my friend, his wife and wife’s friend. We were having a nice time. Then the ladies went off and started blabbing. I looked at my friend, he looked at me and he jumped up from the table and started flapping his chicken wings and really loud he started squawking, “baaaawk buh bawwwwk bawwwk bawwwk…!” His wife laughed her ass off, I laughed and the other girl sat there pouting. Ahhh such a nice relief from the pussies at work.

        5. Is pretending to listen to their blather while thinking of something important considered multitasking? 😛

      2. My wife: “sure childbirth was tough, but nothing like when I had knee surgery”

        1. Sure enough! My knee surgery took me a year of painful recovery. Don’t see that much with childbirth

        2. No doubt it would be painful, but they know it is something you or I will never go through, So the feminists act like it is some sort of torture.

        3. yup. don’t see any lolchildbirth up on this comments section

        4. All you really have to look at is the comments on Caesarean sections vs natural childbirth. Nearly all women prefer natural childbirth as opposed to surgery, which tells you the truth right there.

        5. Here’s my knee story: About two and a half years ago, I slipped and fell walking home one night. There was this rectangular metal pipe sticking out about an inch and a half above the ground. My knee hit it when I went down. Punctured my right knee cap, about an inch deep, right through the cap. I could see layers of cartilage, tendons, muscle, etc.; there was a puncture in my knee, a perfect rectangle, about an inch long by a half-inch wide by an inch deep. Didn’t go to the doctor. Didn’t cry about it. Couldn’t walk for about two weeks. It took me over a year and a half to walk without a limp. Hurt like a motherfucker, for months and months. Slowly I rehabbed the knee on my own, no doctors, no help of any kind. And now I’m fine. – The End

        6. That, my friend, just tripled my knowledge of childbirth and I would thank you not to increase it any further lol

        7. I avoid doctors like the plague. Everybody was telling me, “Bob, you GOTTA go to the doctor!” No way. Only if I am dragged in there unconscious…

        8. I asked my mom about childbirth. Me: “so was it really as bad as they say?” Mom: “not at all, I don’t know why women make such a big deal about it, it wasn’t that bad.” And my mom is not some tough chick. She is a very sweet and gentle woman.

        9. mine was simple in action, but the end result was totally torn ACL MCL LCL and ruptured meniscus from kite boarding. Needed reconstruction surgery which hurt just as bad or worse than the injury then had to re-learn how to walk

        10. I heard doctors scare the patients into Caesarean sections even if natural childbirth would suffice, just to extract more money. Is that true?

        11. Wow, that is some catastrophic shit…I feel lucky. Whenever I catch myself whining a little bit about my fate, I always think about guys with no hands, or no legs. Instantly I feel blessed. How long did it take you, until you could walk again – and are there any lingering effects…

        12. Like Woody Allen Says
          “I feel that life is divided into the horrible and the miserable. That’s the two categories. The horrible are like, I don’t know, terminal cases, you know, and blind people, crippled. I don’t know how they get through life. It’s amazing to me. And the miserable is everyone else. So you should be thankful that you’re miserable, because that’s very lucky, to be miserable.”

        13. I bathed it constantly with hydrogen peroxide for the first few weeks. Wrapped it with bandages after the fact. Started doing healing sessions with a warm compress, using castor oil packs and a heating pad. Castor oil has been called the Oil of Christ. It has really powerful medicinal properties. Slowly, the wound started to heal. I have a small scar, but that scar is smaller than the huge gash that was initially there. Had a click in my knee for about two years, every time I took a step. That went away, too. Couldn’t carry any weight at all for a long time, as the extra weight made the knee hurt like a bitch. That went away, too. I avoid serial killers in white lab coats (aka, “doctors”) at all costs, as they are one of the leading causes of death in the USA…

        14. Woody struck gold right there. We’re all miserable, it’s a matter of degree. I think it was the Cathars (this religious group way back in the day) who believed that the earth was a level of hell. I think they were right. I mean, primarily, life is about pain, frustration and loss. There are little fireworks displays of happiness and accomplishment that fire gloriously along the way, but in a very brief and fickle fashion. The rest of it is pain, frustration and loss, pretty much…with a heavy emphasis on frustration and loss. Eventually we lose everything (in an earthly sense).

        15. That’s very interesting. I read some books touting the healing properties of hydrogen peroxide and castor oil, but I dismissed it a pseudo-scientific nonsense. I’ll research it some more.

        16. Those two things (hydrogen peroxide and castor oil) would put a large chunk of doctors out of business. Had a girlfriend who had dental problems. Turned her on to peroxide, she started rinsing with it three times a day. Went back to see her dentist, he was stunned. “Man, you sure have turned the corner here, what’s the deal?” She didn’t tell him. Castor oil is really awesome, too. Especially when it comes to wounds, or muscle pain, or joint pain – any type of body pain.
          Here’s a link, regarding a castor oil compress, how to make it, what it does, etc. –

        17. Yup, the last three we just did at home. Hired a midwife to come over. After the first, I think it is the way to go.

        18. The psychic Edgar Cayce said castor oil was a miracle cure for almost all ailments. My mother suffers from rheumatoid arthritis. You really think this will work on disease like that?

        19. I would certainly like to know more. Pity there are no good midwives in India.

        20. I don’t know for sure, but apparently it has helped people –

          Here’s the problem – if a person isn’t willing to try it (and many aren’t), there’s not much you can do. Some people will not attempt anything outside the box. I would sure give it a shot, though, if I had it…

        21. no thank you. A friend of mine showed me his. It was this little crystal that looked like sputnik.

        22. A knew a guy who did. He said he was passing out occassionslly because of the intense pain.

        23. I would bet you there are plenty. Women have babies over there, there is a demand, so there should be a supply. At least in the US, they are registered nurses specialized in delivering. From what I have seen, they are more competent than general practitioner doctors who are quick to do Caesareans.

        24. My mom is cool. She has nothing to prove in that regard. It’s funny, she brought up the subject of girl power before I ever brought it up to her. She said, “what is with these tough girls in the movies, it’s so unattractive. They make such ugly faces and they act so manly.” I just laughed, shook my head and said, “I know mom it’s gross!”

        25. I take all this “childbirth is the most painful thing” stuff with a grain of salt. Remember, there is no objective way for men to validate it. The only way to know how painful it is is to ask women how painful they think it is. If I asked my wife, she would say its the most painful thing in the universe, but I have noted that her pain tolerance is what I would generously describe as “non-existent to minimal.” So is it really that painful? Well, I’ll take their word that it’s painful as compared to the other experiences in their life. But I would also observe that, biologically, this is what their bodes are built to do.

        26. It will make the biggest, toughest badass crumble and cry like a baby…it’s beyond-words pain. I’ve talked to women who have passed kidney stones, who also gave birth. They say there is no comparison, the kidney stone thing is unbearable. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

        27. I can’t remember where I heard this joke from, but:
          Getting kicked in the nuts is far worse than giving birth.
          The evidence is that no man after getting kicked in the nuts looks forward to the next time, while women after giving birth to the first are already planning the second.

        28. That’s just dumb, bob.

          I’m close to not believing you.
          Not that it really matters to me or you.

          If your knee was injured as you described, you definitely should have went to the hospital.
          Its not like you can’t afford it, what with all your winnings.

        29. Shoulder arthritis. My grandpa filled (crammed) a baby food jar with Dog Fennel Buds, and poored in Kersoene. Put the jar way for 6 weeks. Then rubbed that on his shoulders twice a day. After a month, no arthritis. And it pissed him off, because his mother-in-law had been so pretentious about telling him the treatment.

        30. I dunno, but I do know nightshades(tomatoes,potatoes,eggplant,peppers) make it worse

        31. You go to the doctor if you want drugs or to have something removed. That’s it.

        32. Understand everything, and I have been hurt and avoided doctors too, even with obvious bone fractures (not compound!) twice in my life.
          But a punctured kneecap???!!!
          Why no emergency room???!!!

        33. Just don’t want doctors fooling around with my health. Last time I went to a doctor (long, long time ago), I had an ear infection that I couldn’t shake. The fuck gave me an antibiotic with thimerosal in it (mercury). They are clueless, pretty much…serial killers in white lab coats. Third leading cause of death in the USA (according to lowballed estimates, I think they are No. 1).

        34. Seriously?!?
          You can bet there is no science behind that one. Gotta look into these things more.

        35. “Thiomersal (INN), or thimerosal (USP), is an organomercury compound. This compound is a well established antiseptic and antifungal agent.
          The pharmaceutical corporation Eli Lilly and Company gave thiomersal the trade name Merthiolate. It has been used as a preservative in vaccines, immunoglobulin preparations, skin test antigens, antivenins, ophthalmic and nasal products, and tattoo inks. Its use as a vaccine preservative was controversial, and it was phased out from routine childhood vaccines in the European Union, and a few other countries in response to popular fears. The current scientific consensus is that no convincing scientific evidence supports these fears”
          “The toxicity of organomercury compounds presents both dangers and benefits.”
          The “see also” section in the organomercury page lists heavy metal poisoning, mercury poisoning and minamata disease. LOL! Safe, my ass! No wonder so many people are dying.

        36. Had dual bi-lateral knee scopes (both done simultaneously).. not normal procedure. Was walking like I had Cerebral Palsy for 10 days. Confirming MRIs done pre-surgery both with meniscuses split like sand dollars, left one almost completely through. Found a random half-dollar size of femur bone that had sheared off one side, took that out. – Currently need both knees replaced so essentially haven’t lifted at all. To quote the surgeon:”I’ve done 1800 of these surgeries and never in my career have I seen anyone with knees this bad walk in here under their own power, not in a wheel chair, or at least with crutches. You must have an incredibly high pain tolerance!”
          Passed a crystalline kidney stone @ 17 yo (the sharp ones that cut, not the nice rounded ones), that was unbelievably painful – life flashing before your eyes type shit.
          Circa 3 years ago, meat head days, (7 years after leg surgery, still bone-on-bone joints), Leg days consisted of up to 30+ sets, very heavy. 1350 Lb+ Leg presses (yes down to 90 degrees), Hammer Strength squat plate machine 600-750 Lbs, Barbell squats 350-405 Lbs (yes ass to grass), max weight leg extensions & leg curls (we’d hang a 45 plate on the pin to add more weight), Dead Lifts, Lunges, calves, all heavy as fuck… no roids, no test. Sheer will.
          The pain associated with the above, deep, brutal, lasting pain that is, is Ions beyond what any woman I’ve met can handle. When I hear them bitch about pain, I either walk away, or laugh in their faces.

        37. I learned the major importance of the knee cap during my knee surgeries. It really plays a much greater role than you might think, both protective, and location of the underlying ligaments. Sounds like you got lucky ultimately.

        38. Jesus, you got all the major ligaments. Bonus for meniscus. That had to take a while.

        39. Could argue the definition of life is pain. It’s all about how you manage to digest it I guess. Goes along with the saying:”You can’t match a sorrow,” I figure that encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual pain somehow.

        40. Read my long comment above. x1000 agree. And they won’t give you anything to dull the pain until they’re fairly certain it’s a kidney stone. It took 3 doctors after 2 big shots of demerol to pry my convulsed full body musculature out of the fetal position. I hallucinated from the pain I was living life backwards going back into the womb and dying in reverse chronology (fetal position and all).

        41. I’m wondering if it was from one of the blue collar comedy tour.. Bill Engle or Ron White maybe.

        42. Missed one 3/4. But yeah. Bad. Took a long time and wasn’t easy

        43. It’s a whole new level of pain…hope you never go through it again (hope I never do either)…

        44. I did get lucky. While I was hobbling around I thought of people who had no legs. Made my problem seem trivial…

        45. We did the last one at home, my son. Didn’t plan for it… I played catcher.
          Fire department truck showed up and the crew smoked and coked waiting on the paramedics– never even knocked on the door. Paramedics showed up just in time to play clean-up.

        46. The last one we had from the hospital was like that. Baby popped out before the doctor got there. There was a RN on staff that delivered, I assisted. Still, we got the full bill. Never again.

        47. The hospital they took her and my son to actually did give us a bill for delivery and the other standard charges. Ex tore them a new one over it, they did get to charge us for the ER visit and the placenta delivery though.

        48. Bob I’ve passed five kidney stones that I know of. Two of them on pain meds (the last one was the size of a .22 bullet). Four of them I was travelling / out on the job site and just toughed it out with Ibuprofen and drinking plenty of water. After the first one you know what’s going on. It may hurt like hell, but you know you won’t die and that helps (at least for me). I’ve had nurses over the years tell me “Now you know what it’s like to have a baby.” The last one I passed I was on vacation and it got so bad it put me in the floor. It was off to the “doc in a box” for some opiates. The nurse there looked at me and I beat her to the punch with “I’ve heard it before. Now I know what it’s like to have a baby. Right?” She looked me in the eye and said, “No, I’ve had kidney stones and a baby. Kidney stones are a lot worse.” Let’s just say I make damned sure I’m properly hydrated these days, lol!

        49. I mostly stay away from doctors as well. I say mostly. I probably would have gone in for that one. At least to get some antibiotics, just in case an infection developed.

      3. LOL! I love that one. And women cringe at the very thought of pain. My chick cut her finger and practically became paralyzed from the neck down!
        Multitasking comes from nursing. Looking after children while cooking/cleaning. This is why I say men should never look after children. We are great at focusing on one thing at a time. One distraction and those kids are toast.

        1. It’s cute, they cry like kids too. Cut! One one thousand two one thousand…. and here come the waterworks.

    7. Oh these poor insecure little girls. Bless their hearts.

    8. That has to be one of the shitiest propaganda pieces I’ve ever read in my entire life.

    9. Thats the biggest piece of garbage I have ever read. Higher IQs? The best female chess player in the world cant even crack the top 75 of the mens rankings. And these broads then want to talk about muscle mass and strength? If the powers that be made every single sport co-ed, women would stop watching sports out of embarresment. They would beg to have their own ladies division out of fairness.

    10. People who are actually strong just get shit done without fuss, complaint or the need for constant affirmation. It is the weak who feel the need to spend their time trying to convince themselves and those around them of how strong they are while they accomplish nothing of value. Strength is self-evident in results. The more time these libby chicks spend trying to convince us of how strong and independent they are the more I believe the opposite.

    11. Jesus fucking Christ this is an Orwellian nightmare. The West is DEAD.

    12. written by: Sarah Rainey For The Daily Mail
      That says it all.
      But then again, it could also have been writen by a male. Such as: Brucey Swisher or Hymie Lipshitz…

    13. I like how the author claims the highest IQ ever recorded was a woman. Completely ignores the drastic switch in the way IQ was scored(she is comparing apples and oranges) or the simple fact that at the high end of IQ men outnumber women 8-1 or so.

  6. OT: This day in history (1788) The US Constitution is Ratified (I assume this means some kind of coating was added to it to make rats not eat it)

  7. The part about the Lithuanian reminds me of what I did when I was 19… seriously. Too many hoops to jump through, my friend! And how was that pussy at 8am after 2 hours sleep, a hangover and shitty breath??? Better to party with your buddies on your terms, flirt with the shameless club sluts, then order an escort before you get too tired / drunk. A nice professional shag and then a good night’s sleep alone. That’s the way you party in Ibiza and you might end up saving a few quid!

  8. She wanted to stay up to talk about philosophy?!!! Troy you get the Player’s Medal of Honor for going above and beyond the call of duty.
    Player de la Playa!!!

  9. Great point. I always called it ” last man standing.” Ive seen and been the dude that hung out by himslef all night until some miracle happened horny girls were ready to fuck. Takes a while to build up the tolerance, and now i always keep a viagra for emergencies.

  10. I remember long ago just sitting back at one of the clubs I went to, and just watching all night. It was virtually zero the number of girls who went home with a guy they met that night. However in other countries I’ve done amazingly well. So know your venue..getting laid can mean you’re at the right club, not the wrong one.

  11. This shit is just so misogynistic its crazy…do people actually take this advice for real or is everyone here like me just for the lulz

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