The Real European Union Is Based On Christendom

As someone who has written for various right-wing websites, I am only too aware of the deep need felt by white men across the West for an identity and community.  Indeed, these things are fundamental human needs, as Maslow pointed out in his famous ‘hierarchy of needs’ – needs which I have felt for as long as I can remember.  The problem is: we are seeking fulfilment in all the wrong places.

Mistaken identity

Sports teams, regardless of how little they truly represent the local demographic, are the most common and abhorrently sad display of this.  Seeing grown men paint themselves, chant religiously, fight vehemently with other teams and weep bitterly at any loss would make sense if it was for some ritual concerning a shared myth or metaphysical belief which bound some group together at a subconscious level.  But this is all most commonly seen at football matches – a glorified children’s game.  Such is the pathetically desperate need of the Western man for a cultural identity.

When we look at minority communities, welcomed into Western countries with remarkably great ease and even more remarkable numbers, the why and wherefore of our lack of European communities become even clearer.  ‘Muslims need to integrate,’ the civic nationalist mindlessly insists.  ‘Integrate into what?’ they must think, as they pay lip service to the consumerism we call our culture.  Nevertheless, the licentious West invites greater numbers of young men from these more cohesive groups, filling our cultural vacuum.

Those complaining about a lack of integration should be attending a church, or doing something to build up their own communities.  After all, if our civilization lacks something, it is our sore lack of the very cultural technology Muslims still possess.  In this feeble condition, all complaints to the state fall on deaf ears; its coercive power follows the path of least resistance, falling on weak, white (as yet) majorities.  We are an easy and bounteous target.

Naturally, this begs the question: if even our own political class refuse to protect us adequately, how can we expect other civilizations to treat us?  I therefore contend that the irresponsible omission by our men to develop and maintain strong community institutions alone makes terror attacks inevitable in the West.

Sadder still, following the now commonplace bombings, stabbings etc., you see the soulless Westerner desperately trying to find his heartbeat – some sign of life in their civilization, anything to hang their flimsy value system on:

The right look to patriotism, but that too must be based on something.  A superior people, perhaps?  The Brits, Germans and now the Scandinavians have all tried this in one way or other but they have all ignored the dangers of our excessively individualistic tendencies when not bound by an absolute, objective and transcendent creed.

The left look to love, but…what love?  Did I miss the history lesson in which humanity was inherently lovely?  Resources are less scarce now, sure, permitting enough peace for middle-class leftists to forget the brutish nature of man; yet, we can hardly describe the West as a beacon of love to the world.  Our hyper-individualised society only knows of going to and from the workplace, indistinguishable cafes and home; personalism and the community are all but extinct here.

The thing we are all looking for, which has been replaced (left and right) by the state, is Christendom.

Identitarians will probably stop reading here.  Race is first and foremost for preserving Western civilization in their estimation.  What they fail to understand is that you must have the whole package.  Of course, ethnic homogeneity is vitally important for preserving a high trust society, which in turn is important for markets, the rule of law and any other Western institution you could care to mention.  Of course!  But is that all it takes to keep unity amongst Europeans?

Either I have missed yet another history lesson or Europeans have always been a danger to each other because of our individualistic psychology – generally above average on the psychopathic scale.  Was Pagan Rome unity?  Not sustainably; their statism, adopted in part from the Near-East, allowed too much scope for irresponsibility among the political class.

The proverbial Ring of Power could not be resisted by plutocrats, especially not following the Renaissance and the Reformation, when proper states formed in Northern Europe and all conceivable institutions became centralised as a means of control.  Welcome to modern Europe.

How do we save Europe?

The EU has tried in vain to unite Europe under this soulless, modern system of centralised statism.  But it is currently failing and, indeed, can never succeed because it functions in fundamental opposition to human nature; the nature of Europeans to be more precise.  Pope John Paul II called for the EU to recognise its Christian heritage but this was ignored and, not ten years later, the EU began to crumble.  Yet, during the greatest periods of decentralisation in Europe, it was the unifying creed of Christendom which not only united the continent of Europe and the mosaic of communities, guilds, universities etc. etc. which comprised her.

It should be noted by all identitarians and made a matter of close study, that the Church (unlike super-tolerant paganism) was able to secure cultural homogeneity within regions, providing peaceful, lawful trading relationships across a diverse Europe, whilst also celebrating and defending the decentralised systems of government and voluntary, individualistic institutions natural to us.  It was this system, prior to the rise of nation states, which saw Europeans identify each other as brothers, especially the nobility.  Differences could be set aside to handle common foes and preserve an equally common identity.

Just look at Eastern Europe!  They are ‘living proof that defence is possible’, as Hungarian PM, Viktor Orban put it, declaring that they ‘will not change their identity’ in the face of the EU bringing Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic to the ‘Court of Justice’ for not accepting Muslim migrants.  What is this identity?

According to Orban, ‘the European identity is rooted in Christianity’.  As Prof. Ricardo Duchesne has shown in his brilliant article of the same name, Christianity is a Hellenistic religion and Western civilization is Christian.  Therefore, it seems the problem many new right and Christian folk alike now face is the indivisible nature of Christian and European identity.  As Belloc put it, ‘the faith is Europe and Europe is the faith.’

Tens of thousands of Polish Christians march for their identity

If we Westerners want our identity back, we have to embrace its entirety and learn the lesson of Eastern Europeans, who have risen from the ashes of Communism, knowing its value.  We cannot currently replace the vital cultural technology of religion.  Civilizations cannot and do not function without it.

Therefore, it is a monumental oversight, an ideological compulsion or a mental deficiency which could cause one to do so.  More than this though, we should revisit this ancient institution which built our civilization in search of the soul of our people, but not simply out of practicality.  Our pews are empty, as are so many of the pleasures of our civilization; let us rediscover what gives those Eastern Europeans not just their identity, but their zeal for it.

Read More: Brexit Vote: Why Britain Should Leave The European Union

477 thoughts on “The Real European Union Is Based On Christendom”

  1. Don’t see any resistance to the EU outside of Russia. Most of Western Europe is under the vice and even Britain which voted to leave will still keep relations with EU countries. None of these countries got birth rates. Also consumerist BS.

  2. It really is.
    The enlightenment is a direct result of Luthers translation of the bible from Greek into German, undoing the Latin BS.
    And it is symbolized in the EU flag.
    The German’s Augentrost’s colours. Edelweiß. Blue and Yellow.
    Critical thinking, Immanuel Kant’s work, is only possible in German.
    Hans im Glück.

    1. And don’t be fooled. English is a cool language, but as Latin it has a flaw, and while for a long time French was the language of Science and Philosophy, Europe agreed on German as its new language of high culture.

      1. What? German as a language of high culture? You must be joking? Even Frederick the Great, the greatest of the Prussians designated French as the lingua franca of his court at Sansoucci. German is not a literary language, maybe scientific but not suitable for any sort of high culture. German is spoken on the continent because of Germany’s economic position but linguistically it will always play second fiddle as a literary language and lingua franca to English and French. Schönbrunner Deutsch was the Austrian attempt at refinement of the language but even they went back into French. Lastly, I cannot for the life me imagine hearing poetry in German.

        1. Maybe you have been beaten too much with a stick.
          So, just as an idea, stick those ideas, you got beaten into your brain, where the sun don’t shines and become a free mind.

        2. Schubert_ Der Erlkönig (D328) – subtitled in English
          On Youtube easy to find.

    2. Heidegger was in fact correct that philosophy can only be done in German and Greek.

      1. Monthy Python
        Philosopher’s Football
        It is at least correct for the European languages.
        It would be great, if we could finally agree on that instead of infighting and find out, later, what other great cultures came up with.
        Japan, China or the Russians and India … just not so rushed this time, so we won’t fall a second time into a trap like Theosophy/Feminism. 😉

        1. english words aren’t long enough or sufficiently unintelligible. Anything less than fifteen syllables isn’t philosophical

        2. Well, to start with Heidegger points out that the inner relationship between man and language in Greek and German share a lot in common. This is to say that the epistemological and linguistic being in the world in classic greek and in german is similar due to how language is used. The idea is that philosophy begins with the greeks and their understanding of being and ontology in general and that the study of being was kind of fucked up by the Romans who looked to add classification systems onto what is a concept which can’t be understood through classification. That german bypasses all the latin bullshit makes it able to connect back to the original ontological studies of pre-socratic greek….So Heidegger felt that his ideas of Dasein and inderweltsein and seinzumtode and mitsein (being, being-in-the-world, being-towards-death and being-with respectively) were epistemological connected with the logos and ontos or primary sense of being from which all philosophy grows that was uncovered by the Mileseans and later Heraclitus and Parmenedies, Empedocles and all the other boys from way back when.
          I guess, in nut shell lay terms, the reason Heidegger felt that German and Greek were the only proper languages of philosophy are because they were the only languages in the civilized and educated world that bypass the influence of Roman taxonomy on a very basic and very deep level.

        3. whether it is true or not is a whole other question. I am sure there are some frenchies who would take issue with the idea that philosophy can’t be done in a romance language but that’s the story at any rate.

        4. yeah, @Hipponax1:disqus, we don’t cotton to no book-learnin’ yankee queers down heayah!

        5. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
          It’s not like there isn’t a English way of having nice long words.
          It just is more the funny than the philosophical way.
          Thieves of Time by Terry Pratchett is one of the best versions of the Prometheus saga ever.

        6. I upvote but say that words like logos Λόγος or Physis φύσις are deeply philosophical. English lacks concrete terms for abstract notions and that kills it as a philosophical language.

        7. Actually while I say that philosophy can be done in most fusional languages, that make phrases, It would have been good if it would not have been by the French… in ANY language! I take the idea that they are degenerate from birth and conception, and that there is something wrong with their minds!

        8. I have too much of a love for the French to agree and too much rationality to disagree

        9. Joseph de Maistre, as far as I know, is good but I can hit your rationalism with one just word: existentialism! Besides Soren Kierkegaard we owe it to the frogs.
          NO I would not like to see the BEST chefs of Europe be gone… I am pretty close to being a foodie, neither do I consider unlce Pierre no matter how dirty and degenerate he is be gone! Even if they DAMAGED GREECE WORSE THAN ANYONE ELSE (read any good book on the national schism of Greece and the Minor Asia catastrophe) still they give us so much life that… It is impossible to think Europe without them!

        10. I don’t speak either language, but I do appreciate that. Without having any real understanding of it, I’ve gained the impression that German has some words that are pretty untranslatable concepts for which their are no unwieldy cognates in the English language. Obviously I can’t speak with authority as a non-speaker but I still cannot see why translation cannot capture the meaning – it just seems to me that it cannot capture it efficiently. Hegel is pretty dreadful to read in English, but i wasn’t aware that he’s a piece of cake to read in German either. As for Greek that’s an evening course for a distant future for the likes of me

        11. I did some German, but wasn’t really paying attention, and that which you say is true. German tried and succeeded to a great degree to copy ancient Greek! Still I say that even fusional languages like Russian, Latin, etc. are good for philosophy.
          While English is adequate for anything it is not good for anything! English by the way is an analytic language…. like Chinese! But with fusional remnants like “whom or whose” Hegel or Heidegger are understandable to well-read Greeks like me in Greek. It is the relations between words and meaning that makes him difficult I believe. The reason is that the Greek translations are intricate and use only grammar, cases, instead of syntax, to make connections between words and meaning.
          Greek is sadly a worthless language today… if you want to learn it better learn ancient Greek as with it you will now may roots in many languages! Modern Greek are a shadow of what Ancient Greek were! As modern Greece is.

        12. “While English is adequate for anything it is not good for anything!” Ha, I like that, probably very true. Can’t say I know anything of Chinese, or anything much about Russian. I would love to find out more about the German Greek nexus, but am rather disinclined to invest the time that woujld obviously be needed. If I do so I will almost certainly try German first. I don’t even have any (well not much) Latin, so the thought of Greek is daunting.
          Sad that modern Greek hasn’t kept the spirit of the classical age alive, but in the longer term perhaps that’s an opportunity for a future renaissance perhaps

        13. I hope it will give such a chance but I don’t have high hopes… all the people around my age (24) can think only of arses, tits and jokes… and soccer! Girls don’t care about sports and think of their equivalents… No one cares for the language and I have forgotten the last time I heard in the street or through TV or the internet the word for October correct…. it is Oktovrios but near everybody says it as OktoMvrios…
          If you start do German first. I think that this nexus started to exist because the scholars in Germany started to copy Greek because I remember the similarity with ancient Greek is striking.
          I have delved a bit into Chinese philosophy and the language’s structure… Besides the art of war forget it, it’s mostly posturing (I have read the analects and Tao te quing, besides the art of war). The language is a true analytic without any fusional remnants, as English is, so this does not surprise me. To give an example a Chinese would speak as such: I be with you yesterday. No time in the verbs no cases in the copula (be).
          As for Heidegger himself his magnum opus Being and Time, that I have but still have not delved into, was influenced by a Japanese text on… tea! Japanese philosophy is a bit weird they will say somthing good in cases that you would not expect them to. The language is agglutinative and besides the Hagakoure and the Book of tea… there are no other texts in philosophy that are of any value in other such languages as far as I know… well maybe in Hungarian.
          Now that I delved into it what is agglutination? A form of grammar for a language that makes big words and prefers them over phrases… in the case of polysynthetic ones… phrases don’t exist and periods cannot be found. To give an example that I know the phrase in Japanese for “yesterday I didn’t want to make you angry” is one word okorasetakunakatta… it lacks the subject and object, so the meaning considering this in the word is neutral but you get the idea. These languages tend to lack concrete terms as they can be constructed on the get go but try to remember them and their meaning is never clear.
          And this whole post is a great demonstration for one failing of the Greek mind: lack of intellectual discipline!

        14. sounds like you and your countrymen need a OktoMvrios Revolution! Actually I think the events of the last few years, the financial situation, austerity programmes, and the struggle with the international banks might well produce a quasi revolutionary mindset in time, even if the human resource situation so to speak is as bad as you say it is (I’ve only been to Greece once in the 1990s and then not for very long).
          I can’t really comment on the greek connection to german, but what you say doesn’t sound far-fetched. Certainly I can see how useful it would be to understand the origins of important concept words, but sometimes that’s also about knowing a little about the history of the concept as well. I was just reading on the other article about the caduceus and somehow got onto reading about the concept of Pharmakos (and the related term pharmakon). I won’t go into it as it’s quite involved and as a greek you will have your own perspective perhaps, but I would say as a concept it illustrates quite well the kind of complexity that may sit below modern english words that we take for granted. With respect to modern medicine and pharmacology, can one have a clear idea of what the subject matter involves if one does not have at least some knowledge of the history and family relations of such terms: the pharmakon as both medicine and drug / poison? The pharmakos as an evil to be expelled, but also an implied therapy? It actually make feel quite inclined to learn Greek, but I am not I’m afraid ready for such an undertaking.
          As for languages more generally I would like to learn some more, but have no natural talent in that regard. I tried to learn a little Czech, which assigns meaning through grammar and cases rather than word order, but I still find that very difficult, and I am a little reluctant to branch out towards other languages that might pose similar or greater difficulties, however rewarding they might be down the line.
          I am intrigued though by the idea that one might have a philosophical treatise written solely on the subject of tea.

        15. Funny thing the book of tea is not a philosophical treatise it simply during its duration as a book starts, stops and resumes ideas about being. It was a good and interesting read as you learn everything about the art of preparing tea and the cultural significance it has for the Japanese and its many different forms. The Philosophical injections are… just the cherry on top of the cake. The book is small only 54 pages and if you have kindle it costs very little:

          The paperback though is still not expensive.
          There is next to no chance for a revolution, in actuality I am hoping for a coup or, jokingly, for Russia to conquer us… The human resource problem I cannot even start describing it… You must learn Greek, and come here to live for 10 or more years to really grasp it! The only thing I ‘ll say is this: SYRIZA, the current party, got elected on a policy that is a clear winner for the past 20 to 30 years, disregarding everything else with! The policy you may ask? It said that it will employ its voters in the public sector from which they cannot fire you! For a somewhat extreme example: there was a public worker that killed somebody and got convicted and 5 years later he still received his pay check by the state. So as long as the state is standing there is no way for a revolution of any type to happen. Oh, also a lawyer from Thessaloniki said something critical of fat women and he was for more than a week on the tv for that… go figure.
          Pharmako is best tranlated not as medicine but as drug because it can be used to poison, reflecting one of the older concepts in pharmacology and one of its oldest truths. Plato had a weird also understanding of medicine being bad if it sustains life but doesn’t cure and considered it good only when it did. Because sustaining sickness and people who are meant to be sick all the time is not a good thing. This is a totally different conception on healing and medicine from the modern times.
          Czech, as Russian, a language that I know to a good degree, is part of the Slavic group. Which is pretty far from English in the Indo-European family. German is fusional but closely related to English, being both parts of the Germanic group. Start with German and then branch out. If you are interested you can watch some videos from langfocus on youtube as a guide.

        16. So true. That is exact why so many of ‘our’ ideas go horribly wrong, when half or even more of a sentence gets lost in translation.
          Freud is a good example.
          And that’s why the world loves more our Panzers than our philosophy. …
          (Half the Abrams is Rheinmetal …)

        17. Thanks for the link. I will probably read it when I am thirsty. Not necessarily for philosophy or the truth. But for a nice good old fashioned cup of tea, or the japanese equivalent
          Greece sounds like a socialist bureaucratic nightmare. I knew Syriza was bad, but I didn’t know it was possible to bribe your way into power like that. As for the rest, murderers and fat women have rights you know. But more seriously, the constitution of greek society aside, and I know little about it personally, all greece really has to do is start promoting it’s heritage. I don’t mean just it’s archaeological heritage, but the classical, particularly the aristotelian way of thinking. There is a real thirst for a restoration of high culture, and a fit for purpose idea of reason and ethics. Of course that’s available as part of the universal heritage of the west, but only greece could physically ground it – we are talking about physical memory here, not simply the abstraction of idea. The template is still there, even if might be a daunting challenge.
          We live in a post-postmodern world. Wouldn’t it be great if what followed built on the neo-Aristotelianism of the likes of Alistair MacIntyre for instance….
          Re. Plato’s position re. health care he sounds rather like a pragmatic jehovah’s witness. Talking of post-modernism though Derrida’s opposing take in Plato’s pharmacy seems to seek to explode any such clear boundaries as Plato would like. To sustain sickness, would be precisely to breach that clear separation between the living and the dead. I try to read plato’s pharmacy. I’m not sure whether I’m put off more by the post-modern style or the endless greek concepts
          Re. languages,, German is definitely on my to do list, but probably not for a few years yet

        18. to be honest I think it isn’t primarily about the language issue, although that doesn’t help of course – hegel etc is genuinely mind-twisting. I think german philosophy is a little too earnest for the anglo-saxon mind. I mostly prefer continental philosophy over english philosophy (such as I’ve read) but that’s partly because it’s somewhat emotionally lightweight. On the other hand reading half a page (or just a paragraph) of Hegel can make you yearn for the latter. So german philosophy is great, but only in tiny homeopathic quantities

        19. Very little, as I know next to nothing about them. Give me some time to do a fast research.
          Now I finished on Sweden: sadly not that much the language has a similar structure to english in its current form, although it keeps gender and besides pronouns has no cases. So it is an analytical language with more remnats of fusion. As words have no inherent connection to one another not many can be expected.
          I finished my fast research on Danish now: sadly the same situation with Swedish.
          In general with Germanic languages German is the odd one out by surprise! In general though all these languages were once fusional so the older writings will be better for philosophy. It is the normal condition for fusional languages to develop slowly into analytic ones. The exceptions are those of languages that model themselves on their early scholarship and force this also on the lower classes.

      2. Hey, I wanted to ask you since you’ve talked before about Friedrich Nietzsche and seem to know a lot about his work, would you say that the only way he should be read is in the German language and no other?

        1. That is a tough question. While I do feel that reading anyone in the language they wrote in rather than through a translator (who will have his own beliefs and interpretations and prejudices that will come through the already imperfect translation) I do think that it is valid to read philosophical translations….one thing, however, is that if you are going to read Nietzsche in, say, English I think it is at the very least important to understand some key terms and what they mean in the original german. One thing I would suggest is the excellent Nietzsche Dictionary by Douglas Burnham which helps you get into his jargon. The problem with Nietzsche is that he is incredibly easy to read which, because he is so subtle, so good with language, so cheeky and so brilliant, makes him down right near impossible to understand and adding another layer of complication through translation just makes it that much harder. But if you have a solid foundation of understanding what he meant when he used certain words, metaphors and key phrases and a little bit of background on how those words play to the german ear because of their use in the language then I think you will be ok.

        2. Agreed. It reminds me of those who claim to study the Bible without ever flipping through Strong’s. There are nuances to words that we modern English speakers have dropped, and those nuances can make all the difference in the world.

        3. correct. I am lucky in that my reading ability in classic greek is good now and years ago when I made it a point to keep up with it is excellent. However, if you don’t know just how meaningful a word like, say, logos is when it is translated to “word” then you will never really understand what is going on. Concordances and good explanations of the peculiarities of the original language are absolutely essential to any real understanding … not to say you can’t get real understanding from a translation, but you do have to put in some extra work as you are overcoming an obstacle.

        4. I read Nietzsche in college and my professor made this point consistently: Nietzsche gets lost in translation. “To go under you must go over” makes no sense in English (at least it didn’t to me) but in German, and with a German cultural context, it’s apparently much clearer.

        5. Hey man, anything that’s not civil engineering is useless in the real world. Shut up and build a fucking bridge.
          – signed, five hundred RoK readers

        6. That’s good to know so I won’t end up wasting time. It’ll be a while before I can actually start reading him, though.

        7. Reading him in translation kinda feels like you’re on drugs. It’s brilliant but … something’s off.

        8. Well, since we are in the Man’O’Sphere here, I guess most of us know Star Dusk.
          A linguist. Living in Germany and his German is pretty ok, but I’ll bet my ass he’s doomed to misunderstand Nietzsche.
          And translation is his bread and butter.
          So my recommendation is to read him, of course, but never end an argument with Nietzsche said, because without good German, you’ll end up in an endless debate. (And German itself is a language to talk to each other, the whole language sneers and scoffs the written word. Goethe often said the written word or Prosa can’t even get close to the beauty of real men’s rhymes
          “Ein wohlgeputzter Maurer, die Kelle in der einen, den Hammer in der andern Hand, hielt in Reimen eine anmutige Rede, die wir in Prosa nur unvollkommen wiedergeben können.”).
          There is a special liveliness to thoughts in German.
          And alone the image and tone of the language has been pretty messed up.
          Yet alone the prefix über is most of the time misunderstood.
          It has always a warning component.
          As an example from another direction, look at the word Gewähr. Rifle.
          We have so many words around Gewahr.
          It is like a ethical manual on how to use guns and what for and when to use them.

          Gewähr is humane, for humans.
          Here is the ‘opposite’
          For animals or humans really behaving like animals.

          And this is only a tiny bit.
          And now think about Wehrmacht.

          A very organic logic is in there.
          That is why there can’t be a real discussion about a meaning of a word and when someone is a German and speaks and knows his language he can create new words, if there is a logical place for it in reality.
          Drahtesel. A bicycle.

          Esel is a mule. But also an (beloved) idiot.
          The wheels of a bike are build with spokes.

          Anyhow, this could go on for a long while, the point is, English is at best descriptive, German is organic.
          A simple mans language. Only Barbarians.
          Men with spears. Gers. 😉
          And the question wasn’t even addressed at me, so excuse my enthusiasm.

        9. I took a Nietzche class in my freshman year.
          When I realized that the TA was a faggot I dropped the class.
          Nietzche would have wanted it that way.

        10. Hipponax do you have an idea what exactly Thaddaios means?
          The German, or my name is the modern version of it, and as far as I know, it kind of means fear/honor the word/logos.

        11. Your enthusiasm is more than excused but thoroughly enjoyed. As for being doomed to misunderstand Nietzsche — I believe that puts him in sound company with most people who have ever read any nietzsche and as for trying to end an argument by using Nietzsche quotes I could not possibly agree any more vociferously. I feel we could have this conversation over a very, very long period of time friend.

        12. What goes up, must come down, spinning wheel, gotta go round.
          Blood, Sweat and tears got pretty close.
          My tip would be, look at the word Krone.
          Schaumkrone on waves and beer.
          Baumkrone on trees.
          Wolkenkrone on clouds.
          They all come down one day and it takes water/life/work to bring em up.

        13. That’s not true. We also appreciate mechanical and electrical engineers. We like diversity.

        14. “Gandhi fucking rocks” – Nietzsche
          I just won the Internets for today.

        15. your name on the simplest would be fear of god if I am not mistaken. However, knowing some german I am fairly certain there is a more psychological element to it in the way that angst means more than just “Anxiety” but that is a guess….any more I would have to defer to you. As for Thaddaios….if i am not mistaken Thaddaios was the original name of the apostle Judas (son of James not Iscariot) / St Jude

        16. Angst is the feeling of being pushed into a corner.
          Dogs bite then.
          Fear or Furcht is kind of the opposite, seeing a bad sign (footprint for example) or being unsure about something, quite like Iskariot. =)
          Problem is, no one yet gave me 30 Shekels. xD

        17. I used to explain angst versus fear to people as saying that there is a telos in fear and there is not in angst. If someone puts a loaded gun in your face your feeling is connected with a discrete action in the world and can be unraveled and made sense of while angst is more free floating and isn’t focused on any particular thing. I do like your reasoning but wrt Thaddaios you have the wrong Judas. There were two of them and Thaddaios was St Jude and not the guy who took the shekels.

        18. Hmm, Angst is showing, so there is at least a bit of Telos in it in a sense of telling someone a emotion without a need of saying it directly.
          Angst is, for a lack of a better word, more the Minotaur in us.
          And Furcht is being frightened of what could be found in the labyrinth.
          A Furche is a track on the ground.
          And Angst is connected to Enge and eng.

          No wonder we call Britain England.

        19. I had a TA who looked like Gallagher. Russian though. didnt smash watermelons either. just thought Id toss that out there

        20. you would be too if you made less than $30k/yr and were on food stamps(dont laugh, read an article on these sad sacks a few yrs ago)

        21. Even if I disagree a lot in Nietzsche I ‘d recommend you to read at least his basic texts. He said many truths that should not be discarded. His format is terrible barely philosophical at all but whatever he said about slave mentality and many more he was more than spot on.
          I’ d even say that even Marx managed to get some things right, I have read the communist manifesto and while his argument against the bourgeousie, that it destroyed tradition and unbound the worker from it, is correct… the rest is just lies, falsities and many more unholy things… Yes I am an intellectual masochist I know but even a broken clock points two times a day the correct hour.
          Nietzsche is in a far better position that Marx… His shortcomings had to do with the fact that he copied heavily from Chinese and Buddhist texts.

        22. I’ve read the Gay Science in full and skimmed through many of his books and other secondary sources.
          I’ve read quite a bit of Nietzche 🙂
          In my freshman year I just couldn’t handle contemplating the ubermensch surrounded by a bunch of low-testosterone nerds…
          I’ve never read Marx though tbh.

        23. I have all the tome of the capital and want one day to indulge in this form of psychological torture!!! What did I say? I am an intellectual masochist! I HAVE READ POPPER’S THE OPEN SOCIETY!!! Most would have killed themselves after that.
          If you should read one of his books it should be the communist manifesto it’s not long and in truth you will have an idea of how leftists think.
          The gay science is one of his books that I haven’t read, in my case I have read only Ecce homo, Human all too human and beyond good and evil. After these I am planning on Thus spoke Zarathustra. Still to my thinking what he provided is unattainable by other means.

        24. The next one I want to read is Thus Spake Zarathustra. If I get around to reading it sometime I’ll let you know and maybe we can compare notes.
          I’m currently reading the Quran (also intellectual masochism) and hope to read the Old and New Testament sometime soon as well.
          Also I just finished Dante’s inferno a month ago.

        25. Dante’s inferno was my first epic! The second was the Illiad. It was a translation by Kazantzakis, his translations are considered a different work by themselves and it was pretty good. If I say good things for Catholics it is due to this book.
          I read the both the new and old testaments! The old is extreme masochism and it made me an anti-semite. The new testament has next to nothing common with the old! For me the prophet that forsaw the NT was only Jeremiah… because he gave a stable anathema to the Skypes!
          The Quran was an easy read by surprise, its writing style is easy as hell, which sasy a lot for Muslims ! Its mistakes are juvenile and in the end I nearly read it as… comedy! It’s even more hillarius the fact that no one sees its shortcomings nor acknowledges them.
          I hope we speak of such a thing in the future because it really interests me.!
          Here is also my email: [email protected]

        26. Hey right on man sounds good.
          I have a few interests for reading the Bible. The main one being understanding the differences in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditional thought, so as to understand world politics a little better… And to get a better sense of my own history and identity…
          But a big question I’m hoping to answer in reading the Old and New Testaments is to understand if there is a theological justification for race preservation. I have the assumption that the Old Testament supports it (e.g., Babylon was a perversity in the eyes of God, God created different nations and spread them about the Earth, the Jews as a nation fought to escape slavery and death, etc.) but I’m unsure of whether such a justification can be found in the New Testament. I’m interested because in the coming generations Christian nations could use such a justification to protect themselves from being wiped out.
          You’re right the Quran is extremely simple in its writing style. And practically every passage includes some variation on “the unbelievers will be punished!”

        27. Oh I forgot the OT has problem by it writing type. It is a Jewish text full of bile and repeats a lot of times the same messages over and over again. Its best parts are the wisdom of Solomon, most of the Psalms and song of songs. For me the best part was wisdom Syrah. The rest are a chore to go through due to the repetitiveness of the message and the bile!
          The NT is a mixture of texts: a watered down version of Jewish texts: the first two gospels, Greek text, luke’s gospel and Proto-Christian as before best example is John’s gospel. The bile is nearly non existent and the Proto-Christian texts are a mixture of Jewish and Greek texts. They have sweetness and concretness of Greek while maintaning the absolutism and vigour of Hebrew… who under normal cirumstances have a lot of bile, references to bodily fluids, like bile and urine, and disgusting hate to the other and to the self!
          You understand why OT made me an anti-semite?

        28. I read a translation and the only things I agreed with Marx were his use of the term ‘temperence fanatics’ and that he thought the Socialists were disingenuous.

        29. me too, will see when I get around to it how readable it is. Can’t bring myself to order it over the internet and have asked in several bookshops who don’t seem to have it despite it being recently re-released.. Will eventually get hold of a copy

        30. The reason why I support Christianity is because it is open ended, while I didn’t give as much appreciation to race preservation in NT, two or three years ago, it gives general impulses towards to them you need to aspire. Christianity cares for the preservation of the Christians, first, and the propagation of the religion second! The white race for me is righteous because it is the only one that has managed to understand the message so it deserves and it needs to be preserved because it can better serve God.

        31. Same.. I’m sure I could find a copy online, but reading an entire book on screen is painful.

        32. Marx diagnosed the problem accurately, give him that much. The problem was that he offered a terrible solution.

        33. The kindle edition is $0.99 and there’s several paperbacks for $7 and hardback editions for $25, heard it was at one stage recently doing quite well on Amazon. It has over a thousand reviews and four stars, hmm, am also in the middle of some books at the moment but will certainly read at least ten pages one day and see if it grabs me

        34. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاتة
          Bro I was reading your comments on your profile. Why don’t you start a website/blog based on providing a Muslim response to the Mano sphere and alt-right. Some of these extended comments would be a better use of energy on a platform like that.

        35. WS WR WB
          I have a blog:
          I have had a lot of other things going on but inshaAllah after August 11 I plan on updating it regularly again and I have a bunch of article drafts already written up. It will include responses to the alt-right and the manosphere (taking the good and rejecting the bad from both), inshaAllah. But the main focus is on spiritual self-improvement and self-purification (tazkiyyah) and things like that. Closeness to Allah and disciplining the self are more important and more beneficial than responding to aqeedah claims imo.

        36. Although in fairness this is why the KJV is superior, it uses English words, some of which were archaic at the time, to capture much nuance (the use of charity as opposed to love in I Cor 13 for example).

        37. I feel similarly about many writers, like a doctor with a good diagnoses who then suggests killing the patient.

        38. Qualified yes and no, it’s more important who your father is and who your God is then anything else. I recommend Prof. Hornets bible reading plan and the KJV. The plan gives you a good overview fast and the KJV is beautiful English, you’ll see phrases and words that just seep through English literature. You don’t have to do the 10 chapters a day part of the plan, but it makes a good bookmark. I recommend the Bible app (the most popular one).

        39. Thanks for the tip about the Nietzsche dictionary. I am just starting to read him, in English, because it is the only language I know.
          I do seem to remember someone here at ROK saying we should Schopenhauer first.
          I did not even who Schopenhauer was, so I took the gentlemans advice and bought his book to.
          ROK has been quite an education for me, and has inspired me to improve my knowledge.
          Many thanks to everyone, even those who do not agree with me.

        40. Ah yes, Strongs, a wonderful resource.
          I may have to dig mine out the box in the garage.

        41. I understand you very well, it is similar to how the church made me an agnostic, and well on my to atheism. Hypocrisy sucks.
          I kind of like the OT, the stories are better, and a tiny bit more believable.

        42. I prefer the NT, the OT is, for the obvious reason, too Skypish.
          Hypocrisy destroys…. doesn’t only suck it destroys! It is the very first landmark of degeneracy.

        43. To be honest the best translation that I’ve seen is found in the Study Quran, which also comes along with a commentary. I honestly think that the modern English reader must read the Quran with a commentary if they are to understand it because there is a huge chasm of time and cultural values, let alone language that act as a barrier. To give one example, look at this link:
          If you PM me your email address I can send you a pdf of the Study Quran for you to check out.

      3. I’ d say fusional languages (the type in which Greek and German but also Latin, Russian or Spanish are part of but NOT English, which is analytical) but that may be debatable.

      1. See wise man or Männlein as we German’s say.
        Latin is BS. That’s why Luther had to go back to Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew to get to the core.
        A King James Bible is of course as rotten as any version diverting from Luthers is.
        Catholicism or not or Protestantism, that isn’t even the topic here.
        It is about language.
        Latin is great, when it comes to Seneca, Tacitus or Ceasar.
        To me it’s important, because I like to know what they said about Armenius. But as a language itself, especially when it comes to the enlightenment it is BS.
        If it were of any use in that context, except for historians, Europeans would have sticked to it, because enyone with an education already knew Latin.
        You understand your circular reasoning problem here?

        1. If your issue with the language spesifically – I wouldnt have an opinion on the matter since I dont speak latin or German to compare.

        2. Yes. It is only about the language.
          The rotten argument ends always in endless debates anyhow and people race to the bottom, but at least together, which might be an uplifting experience. 🙂
          Religion is, in my opinion, just allegoric simplified philosophy with a bit of wonder and nonsense and some wise traditions.

        3. The holy scripture should be written in understandable language… In Greece I’ d like to know the people, that have not finished theological studies, that have read even the old text on it… The OT is being sold here mostly in Modern Greek and the NT is being sold as a dual language book in the same format that ancient Greek texts are being sold. On the right side Ancient or Old Greek on the left side Modern Greek.

      2. Catholicism still has some good spots… Protestantism was problematic from the start… still православие лучшее всем! Orthodoxy is best from all!

        1. Yes, It is truly conservative and not very milticultural. How many Aftican Orthodox believers exist? Almost none. Orthodoxy is almost exclusively for Eastern Europeans and Greeks.

        2. Aren’t we Eastern Europeans :'( ?
          I am just kidding here but in some recent studies we are put in Eastern Europe.
          As for orthodox blacks… they do exist mostly in Nigeria but they are a barely noticeable minority… It angers me that in Greece they found one such guy, and his family, Antentokoumpo who to his credit respects like hell Greece but then says that his Greek and they use him as a way to promote multiculturalism here!!!

        3. Hell im in Tennessee and I see a Ethiopian Orthodox Church. God belongs to all those who answer his call not just Europeans

        4. Sorry, but Christianism was meant to be Universal. Not universal as in “invade the world invite the World” BS but as in “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”.
          If anything, the Orthodox went into stagnation because they failed this mandate. While the Catholic Church had to be infiltrated so its hierarchy could be utterly destroyed, I am afraid Orthodoxy did itself in and in most cases is just the arm of the state.

        5. Interesting. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”

        6. That is true but today if one says universalism everyone things globalism.
          Orthodoxy’s stagnation is what it protects it from infiltration and what made the invasion of humanism inside it impossible… Well not so much to the Greek one but that is the result of the clergy’s inability and fixation with the patriarchate… in Constantinople under the rule of an Islamic country! If we took it to our head to throw it away and even start following the old calendar we would fare much better.
          The old calendar, I mention, because it allows to distinquish between secular versions of festivities and religious, also the more religious tend to lead instead of the more centralians… Which means that there would be no chance for the Church to normify itself.
          Universalism is something very good, as it believes in immutable stable laws and concepts that DO still stand true no matter if you know them and the personification of them is the holy spirit and the grace it gives.
          The mistake from the Catholics was the belief that most people would in the end follow it and keep up with it. I cannot consider the Houtou as good Christians, for example, the moment they did nothing to christianify themselves. Their conversion was the result of their fear of whites (maybe angst is better but I am not sure). On top of that the other problem was normification but that started to happen with the Pope before John-Paul II the Pole.
          Lastly I will only say that I have only deep respect for trad-catholics, in truth I was even thinking of conversion to Catholicism but then Bergorio happened… If one Pope can change so much the Church, in my book it stops being stable and the Church needs to be stable as much as the aeternal or to be more stable than the temporal.

        7. The mistake from the Catholics was the belief that most people would in
          the end follow it and keep up with it. I cannot consider the Houtou as
          good Christians, for example, the moment they did nothing to
          christianify themselves. Their conversion was the result of their fear
          of whites (maybe angst is better but I am not sure). On top of that the
          other problem was normification but that started to happen with the Pope
          before John-Paul II the Pole.

          The real tragedy of many third world countries is that they weren’t given time to really convert (maybe God’s will?). It took Europe 1000 years to truly convert to Christianity, expecting other groups with lower baselines to convert in 100 years was sheer madness. This is true considering that when Africa was conquered, Europe itself was losing its faith (1800s), therefore conversion was not even a goal, even if lip service was given to Christianity back then.
          By the way, I am of the opinion that after Council Vatican II no pope has occupied the Vatican only antipopes. According to Catholic doctrine if you are Pope and start preaching heresy, you are ipso facto excommunicated and no one is compelled to regard you as a Pope. I encourage you to visit, they have a lot of info.
          By the way, do you know where could I start learning classical Greek?

        8. No, I don’t were you can start learning classical Greek I did some in school and remember very little but they also didn’t know how to teach them! I understood the Dative case, for example, while I was learning Russian, years later! The wishing mood (it’s not its name) for example was never properly explained and took a small grasp of it years later by a need to finally understand it. Or while we knew the infinitive of all the basic verbs we were not told how it was used…
          The conversion process in Europe was actually pretty fast, in the South the religion got its grasp easily in the people that were not degenerate and its higher meanings helped it root itself in the ruling class then it was simply a matter of time ’till the dionysiacs would have either fucked and drunk themselves to death as it left them void, also traditional women were far more prone to convert to Christianity that managed to help the numbers grow.
          In the rest of Europe it was a far easier case: the moment the religion managed to root itself it required less than a hundred years to srpead, the people that it had difficulty with were people that really did not manage to truly convert, like Scandinavians BUT NOT Germans.
          The problem with Africa and the Third world is that these people have simply for milennia failed to develop a state by themselves and when they did it was under patronage. In all cases the religion failed to root itself inward as the people were too stupid or too fixated on their “traditions” to lift them from it. This is evident with Islam in sub-saharan Africa. Islam hides only the previous paganism and all its practices were added to it and rooted themselves into it. For example clitoridectomy is an African practice that rooted its way in Islam through African converts. A disturbing thing to add is that the connection between people of Hindu origin (Pakis) when put in close proximity with Africans for some time started to copy that practice. And by the way similar phenomena are observable in modern day Pakistan under which many Hindi traditions and practices remain prevalent to such a degree that the Islamisation is even difficult to be noticed. They have even icons of Mohamad in Indian style, with his face shown and a halo on top of that!
          The problem is that these people cannot grasp the meanings of Christianity or anything European for that matter! Their languages lack even script in many cases and have next to no way to introduce into them abstract notions! Their successful conversion would require eugenic shifts that did not exist before in any time and would require far more many years than those of Europeans who could grasp such notions and did manage to see its civilizational push. The thing was that with some few exceptions in the most hard-to-reach places in Europe actually cousin marriage was shunned monogamy was prevalent and there was some notion of a state even in the case of the most barbaric peoples at the time, Christianity only gave a push, a far needed push but again just a push.
          I also add on the latter paragraph that people that used to be civilized in the past (Pakistanis as part of India) have degenerated to unimaginable degrees from antiquity to the position that they are barely recognizable today. Actually I do believe that degeneracy in the meaning of throwing down the quality of our genes is partially the reason why in Europe also Christianity suffers. In the end materialism and hedonism are dangerous things and the more they are pushed the more damage they do making the downward thrust stronger, only good thing is that Europeans when being degenerate failed to produce children due to our social norms, while the norms of many other older peoples were degenerate up to a degree and that did not prohibit them to propagate. If it weren’t for the infux of third-worlders liberalism would have become extinct during this century anyway and tradition would have been re-implemented by the suriviors.
          The tradcath site is quite interesting!
          And again here I demonstrated once more the lack of intellectual discipline that haunts the Greek, and the Orthodox mind I’ d also say, from its conception!

        9. The conversion process in Europe was actually pretty fast, in the South the religion got its grasp easily in the people that were not degenerate and its higher meanings helped it root itself in the ruling class then it was simply a matter of time ’till the dionysiacs would have either fucked and drunk themselves to death as it left them void, also traditional women were far more prone to convert to Christianity that managed to help the numbers grow.

          Dude, even into the 1200s Crusades against the pagans were still being waged in Northern and Eastern Europe. Even in the time of Constantine the Christians were just a minority-majority (more than 300 years after the arrival of Christianity to Rome…). Europe’s conversion to Christianity was anything but fast. Oftentimes it had to be coupled with some encouragement…of the cold and sharp metal persuasion.
          In regards to Africa, in Africa not even a 100 years have passed since they (Sub-saharan Africa) received the doctrine. Moreover they haven’t experience the events I described above, so I wouldn’t expect anything from them, especially since the nations of origin of their former teachers have lost the faith and will to live. If there is place in need of some sort of Inquistion that place is Africa.
          Regarding the Pakistanis, Islam has damaged their genetics. Centuries of inbreeding due to lack of sexual options (thanks polygamy) have turned them into a low IQ deranged mob, tightly controlled by less inbred elites. If you don’t believe me check this out:
          The same apparently can be applied to varying degrees to any population converted to this cult. Turks are way less inbred (30%) than Arabs or Pakistanis, however the problem is not so much the marriage between cousin but the multi-generational nature of this unions (not only most young muslims are product of these marriages but their parents were and so on….)

          ”Saudi Arabia is a living genetics laboratory,” said the executive director of the Prince Salman Center for Disability Research, Dr. Stephen R. Schroeder, an American geneticist who has been doing research in Saudi Arabia for the last year. ”Here you can look at 10 families to study genetic disorders, where you would need 10,000 families to study disorders in the United States.”


        10. Only to clarify a bit on what I said about an easy conversion: I removed from it southern Europeans because due to what I consider Dionysiac cults (funny thing here the neo-pagan movement actually did bring that back to life with the phalyphoria… I ‘ll be blunt this is a form of cock-worship! While I do say that neo-pagans from the North have merits this cannot be said of the south or at least for my country) there were far too many degenerates to accept it. Still the success it had with the upper class and the traditional people sealed its fate. Also I pointed that the people who did not accept it easily never really took it in but partially. But the conversion of the Germans and the Russians and even the Franks and the Irish was quite fast, not bloodless but fast due to little resistant being shown after the religion entered inside. Sadly I can’t trust africans, it be good if they could fix themselves in all ways but I cant see it happen.
          For the effects of polygamy I know, even if here in Greece there are some morons who think it as good, In general though Arabs, Muslims, Hindi and Pakis are sadly extremely inbred in the last two cases the people were degenerate long before they religion broke them apart and did have polygamy. For me India should be studied in detail for the results of degeneracy, over many generations, be found.

        11. Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church.

        12. Those a few tiny exceptions to the rule. 95% + of all Orthodox Christians in the world are either Eastern European or Greek.

        13. If the Catholic church had not become so rotten and corrupt, the protestant church would have never started.
          If the protestant churches had not followed the catholic example into corruption, there would be no LDS or JW variants of christianity.
          Each succeeding sect was an attempt to reign in the corruption of it’s predecessor. None of them have been very successful, corruption seems to be the order of the day for christianity.
          Maybe orthodoxy is not so bad after all ?

        14. Orthodoxy right now is the best by far… but I am affiliated with Greek Orthodoxy, that is the most problematic of all Orthodox Churches… As much as I have researched it no other Orthodox Church actually has one! Oooh yeah I forgot to add that it is partially infiltrated by anarchists and commies! It has many good people on its organization but that does not fix it sadly.
          That is why if anyone wants to convert I’ d suggest a Slavic or Wallachian one, but not the Greek. It also is the ONLY one orthodox Church that due to some stupid notion of patriotism continues to follow the patriarchate… which is located in TURKEY in Constantinople and the Patriarch is an ecumenist (can be substituted with globalist) and also a Turkish citizen!
          If we cut at least the connection to the patriarchate, or if it will simply seize to exist because there is no other Turkish citizen that is a high ranking orthodox clergyman most of the problems with it would start to solve, with the excommunication of the Greeks of New york (they are very close to skypes and so they are also very liberal… or that is what I have heard of them) would have solved up to 85% of them!
          What though stands true of all the Orthodox Churches is that the doctrine cannot change because no ecumenical synod can happen at all for hundreds of years. This is the reason why not any Orthodox Church can cave in to things like praising homosexuals or gay marriage or female ordination.
          Lastly I am a person that requires some intellectual stimulation and so I always admired tradcatholics for actually wanting sermons that preach and explain the doctrine, after the liturgy… in Greece this doesn’t really happen as few priests do it… we prefer mostly to lament for the state of the world as that is. Hence the reason why once I was even thinking on becoming a Catholic. Needless to say that is not happening in other Orthodox Churches as their clergy TEND to be better selected

        1. Show me ONE Russian Orthodox Church in the WORLD where gay marriages are allowed.

        2. Maybe you didnt see it, but Catholic churches do gay marriages all the time. Google it.

  3. Have you seen how divided Christianity and all its denominations are these days?

    1. It’s not hard to spot the fakes. They go out of their way to proclaim tolerance and smear rainbows on their websites. Anyone who joins those churches is only fooling themselves.

      1. Or their leaders declare that they are not pastors, but “life coaches” or “inspirational speakers” (a la Osteen and Meyer).

      2. It is not hard to spot the fakes they go out their way forget that Jesus love and forgive everyone, not just the ones on the ” better than you self righteous my jesus is better than your jesus KJV only ” list.
        The parable about the beam in your brothers eye comes to mind here.

  4. Only if if the bible got proven true by the scientific method.

    1. Christianity would be totally useless if proven true by scientific method. Faith in things unseen is kinda of the point.

      1. So atheists are to be convinced by that? I should just have faith?

        1. I didn’t say you should be. I just said that scientific method is not productive when talking about Christianity. What you believe is up to you. I am not here to make peoples minds up for them.

        2. I know, my q was rhetorical. My point is that we will never all unite under a religion.

        3. I think you are probably right, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t impossible. As an atheist with a scientific and logical mind I think you would at least consider certain alternatives. Like,lets say in a hypothetical question:
          If the world would be better off and if you personally would be better off if all people were united under the banner of a religion you didn’t believe in wouldn’t you pay lip service to it? I mean, can you really be so much of a non believer that you wouldn’t put in the lip service if it could be shown that it would make your life better?

        4. Considering Europe’s future, your question is not exactly hypothetical…

        5. tbh I find islam a more attractive religion than christianity. I’m kinda jealous of how Arabs control their women with it. I also find the religion more manly, christianity with all the songs and what not sounds very feminine to me. And gospel ugh I can’t even lol

        6. It’s funny you should mention Islam after your previous comment about us never all uniting under one religion. When the Islamists say that “Islam is peace” what they mean is that Islam intends to end all wars and struggles by uniting everyone under the Islamic religion. It intends to do this by killing everyone who is not Muslim, and that includes everyone who is not Muslim enough for their tastes. So, it’s quite possible the world will unite under one religion… after they kill off everyone else.

        7. Murder infidels… take 5 wives… throw gays off buildings… What’s not to like?

        8. the arab control of their women never appealed to me. As for Christianity…i guess it means a lot of thing to a lot of people. I am not religious at all. The lord and I have an understanding. That said, I like the gospels and am an ardent student of Christianity and think there is a lot to be said for it.

        9. Yeah, setting up society so that the top 10% of men ever get to see an actual living human vagina in their lifetime, while also ensuring that you have a bunch of short tempered, basically useless young males at your beck and call to go out and suicide bomb innocent civilians, that’s the height of manliness, bro.

        10. Yeah, that’s the sales pitch, but they got some fucked up shit in the fine print.

        11. I would rather be doomed to eternal hell than smell like most arabs.

        12. We’ve got openings for flamethrowers and doorgunners, Take your pick.

        13. Me too.
          Haven’t been to confession in 34 years, don’t go to church much, but I am absolutely a Catholic and will remain one till death. Albeit lapsed of course.

        14. Where do you get that 10% figure? I know you are referring to polygamy but I think most islamic countries don’t actually have it. I don’t think only 10% of Pakistanis or Iranians get wives. tbh such hypergamy is what we now have in the West and we also get short tempered frustrated men (Elliot Rodgers, Columbine shooters etc)

        15. That was not my point. My point was that “peace” and “everyone uniting under one religion” can mean very different things to very different people.

        1. thanks Jim. Faith isn’t one of my gifts. This doesn’t, however, preclude either understanding nor respect.

      2. I agree, but perhaps not for the reasons many would suspect. The scientific method applies to natural physical phenomena – if the Bible were proved true in such a way, it would mean that all it contains are physical phenomena. If God is merely a physical being, then he lacks a fundamental philosophical requirement for God (that is, the ability to transcend nature in order to give it existence – this is derived from Aristotle’s musings).
        If proven true by the scientific method, Christianity loses its reason to exist.

        1. Well said and, tbh, pretty much exactly the reason I would suspect….however, I am bound to say this by my own moral system…fuck aristotle.

        2. mine too, but he seems fairly coherent. Aristotle is, in my opinion, the worst thing that ever happened to philosophy.

        1. Kierkegaard was a complicated character. The leap of faith was part of a larger ontological stage whereby one transcended morality itself for a higher telos…..the leap of faith wasn’t merely faith in god it was faith unto death…it was the faith of Abraham to bring Issac to the top of Mt Hebron…not all people who have faith are, as Kierkegaard calls it, Knights of Faith.

      3. Christianity deals with things that are out of the scope of science. There are a good many elements that you could never “prove true” by the scientific method because they go well beyond what science can prove.

    2. Horseshit, prove any historical fact with the scientific method. Horses for courses. Its all witnesses and corroborating evidence, like a court.

      1. Mmmyeah all those diggings etc are just for decoration. Radiometric dating? A conspiracy. DNA? What’s that? All hearsay is to be blindly trusted according to you?

        1. Diggings? Radiometric dating? What are you talking about? Who’s against DNA? What conspiracy? Who are you arguing against?
          I mean we use methods for determining the accuracy of historical events that are NOT the scientific method. There may be scientific techniques involved but they are not the scientific method. We don’t determine facts about Caesar by measuring or repeating conditions, we use other methods.

        2. A question that may seem unrelated: How is your relationship with your father?

        3. I’ve always been fascinated by radiometric dating, mostly how we could create a useful timescale for it. Carbon dating seems the easiest – between observation of carbon decay and calibration using objects of known ages, we can reasonably guess how old a sample must be within certain boundaries. However, when we go beyond those bounds (say, past 3k or so years), we have to make a lot of assumptions, like how much C14 was in the sample and how fast it decayed (there are conditions under which the accuracy can be smudged – dating of items in the foggy hills of Scotland can vary from contemporary items in the deserts of the Middle East).
          How do we know how to calibrate longer timescales, like millions of years? Do we have rocks we know to be millions of years old, and have we made sufficient observation of rocks in different areas and conditions to create a semi-reliable scale? Recall that, according to radiometric dating, the Mount Saint Helens eruption happened thousands of years ago, not coming on 40.

        4. Whatever method they use, I’m no expert on either but all I mean to say is that there is no evidence for a god and no evidence that christianity is true so I won’t blindly put my trust in it. Saying it is the truth because it’s in the bible is not evidence. The quran and the gheeta make the same claims without evidence.

        5. Horseshit there’s NO evidence.
          It may not be evidence you accept or believe, but eyewitness testimony, archaeological confirmation, and historical records are all evidence. Internal consistency is also necessary but insufficient condition for truth.
          Who is saying believe because the Bible says? You’re arguing against a guy who isn’t here.

    3. And then you can prove Nietzsche true by the scientific method!
      See the error you’re making here?

    4. You have made a category error, here, but not an uncommon one. Science is a subset of philosophy dealing with observed natural phenomena; history and theology are subsets of philosophy but not subsets of science.
      This is the problem: science lives in its process and its data. How would you test nature to judge whether George Washington crossed the Delaware – it supposedly happened in the past and cannot be observed now. The scientific method cannot be applied to anything outside its boundaries – observable natural and physical phenomena – and so we cannot collect scientific data.
      Other forms of philosophy deal with evidences, premises, and logic. We cannot prove beyond the shadow of any doubt that Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg address, but through evidences and logic (and a few premises for historical inquiry and sufficient evidences) we can be quite certain.

  5. Sorry, you can’t reboot Christianity now into anything other than Creative Anachronism. The Pope wears Renaissance Faire costumes instead of modern business suits for a reason.

    1. the resurrective principle has a kind reboot potential don’t you think?

  6. “Jesus is great. Jesus is the best. The best. I love that guy.” — Gandhi.

      1. I don’t either.
        “If you want to circumcise a Jew, kick his sister in the jaw.” -Gandhi.

      2. Are you suggesting that Gandhi did not, in fact, love him some Jesus?

      3. I don’t either because Gandhi didn’t make any of those quotes, Vinny Pringo did.

        1. Chief? Ok, are you being anti indian? because if so gandhi will fuck your world up

        2. Gandhi will fuck your teepee inside out if you dis his Indian homies.

        3. He’ll scalp you like a Thanksgiving turkey and shove his peace pipe right up your geronimo.

    1. Oh you naive fool, put the g in a mirror image and it is a stylized J!
      For Joo!

      1. Damn, you’re right. Now you’ve brought the matter to my attention I can see that that guy has very obviously jewish tits

    2. “The hell you say. That ‘G’ obviously stands for ‘Gandhi’.” – Gandhi

    3. No, it stands for “goy” and he’s sending out secret radio waves to Zion via his Jew-helmet that he’s successfully infiltrated Western civilization. You gotta think like they do, man.
      /massive sarcasm

  7. I’m glad you mentioned Dr. Ricardo Duchesne.
    Dr. Jordan Peterson is getting a lot of airtime for saying such controversial things as “there are two genders” and “the nazis and communists were bad”.
    But Dr. Duchesne is the only Canadian academic I’ve come across who is openly criticizing the globalist forces and post-modernist ideas that are leading to mass-multiculturalism in the West.

    1. Duchesne has dropped massive red pills like “Canada is a European civilizaiton” and has actively said true things about First Nations people being the savages they are.
      The CBC is doing itself a favor by not drawing attention to them.

    2. Duchesne posts at EuroCanadian, unfortunately I don’t think it gets a lot of traffic.

  8. “The Real European Union Is Based On Christendom”
    Sure. It’s our roots.
    And to be precise, Catholic Church.
    But, well, it’s difficult to identify to ‘that’ right now.
    The serie ‘The Young Pope showed a possible way (cut all the Rotten branches and rebuilt on a true Core, but, well, in a peace time, it seems raher…a pious wow.

  9. I’m probably going to be considered a pessimist, but Europe I think, it’s lost as it currently is.
    Look at France. Look at Germany. Look at Greece, Sweden (For fucks sake, look at Sweden), Italy, the UK, Spain. They are all invaded countries and some of them are already under siege.
    And the population there doesn’t really give a damn, and if they do, the socialist/feminist governors of the EU shut them up with ridiculous Politically Correct laws.
    Cultural Marxism and Feminism have their claws so firmly and so deep into the heart of Western European men, most of them can’t even bother to defend their countries. Their women are wild feminist beasts who’d rather welcome the barbaric horde than to worry about their own safety.
    No. Europe is lost. We will be seeing large scale civil wars in Western Europe and massive destruction of culturally significant cities in less than 40 years.
    Venice, France, Rome, Madrid and London will see their century old monuments damaged in ways they haven’t been in centuries.
    Call me pessimist, but looking at Egypt and other muslim controlled countries, we all know once the muslim population reaches parity or perhaps even before, civil war in those countries will begin.
    America, the continent, isn’t safe either, considering at Canada, things up north look bleak.

        1. That just reflects Canada’s identity so well. Maybe a small dildo in the corner would make it even more perfect.

        1. Jeez, what is going on in Canada? You guys were robust whiskey drinking natives of a wild land like 5 years ago. What the unholy fuck? Is this a case of temporary mass insanity? Are you guys gonna wake up from this just as fast? Or is this a deep and real change?

        2. We’ll see bro… federal elections in 2 years I think.
          This is what you get when women can vote for which candidate has a nicer hairstyle.

        3. Trudeau is what happened. He’s working hard to make Canada as gay and sharia law abiding as possible. I can’t see how the hell that’s supposed to work, but the guy’s definitively working on it 24/7

        4. Yeah, but what I’m asking is if Trudeau is the problem or the symptom.

        5. How could Americans ” vote ” in obama ?
          This what the welfare state brings us, the liberals/marxists/communists/democrats cannot get votes honestly, so they buy them with handouts.
          Anyone who objects is a racist, misogynist, islamophobe, eyc.

  10. The original idea about the European Union was conceived by … the Nazis.
    German historians have repeatedly published the Nazis’ documents containing plans for European integration. Gerhardt Haas and Wolfgang Schumann’s collection of documents was released in 1972 in East Berlin, entitled The Anatomy of Aggression: New documents concerning the military goals of German imperialism during the Second World War. This book primarily cited evidence of large-scale plans for the economic integration of Europe under the Nazi leadership in the interest of European financial capital. In particular, such plans were hatched in the Reich Ministry of Economics, the Reich Industrial Group, and the Reich Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Another German collection of documents on the relationship between the Third Reich and the process of European integration was released in West Germany in Munich in 1987. It was called Europe and the Third Reich and was composed by Hans Werner Neulen. It paid special attention to the political plans of the Nazi leadership to unify Europe. In 1985, Michael Zalewski, published the first volume of Documents the history of European integration, titled Plans for a Continental European Union: 1939-1945. It is not difficult to guess what kind of integration was at stake.

    1. Yes to all that, though it was a Union of ‘nations’ from my recollection.
      We should add that the post war Europe envisioned by the Nazis was contradictory and many different plans were ‘agreed’.

  11. I’ve been beating the drum of the Christian Identity and the “10 Simple Solutions to Cure and Heal Your White Civilization” for years. Better men than I for much longer than that.
    If you want some instant blow back, even among “red pilled” communities, start pointing out the truths about Christianity, its European roots and history, abandonment of Christian moral law being what led us to our current circumstances, and this law being the only solution that will save white nations.
    People reject Christian moral law, its relevance, its history, its study, and its implementation. People will find “solutions” in every bizarre corner of human thought, from every obscure human thinker, from every far flung corner of the planet while completely rejecting the most widespread and readily available source of knowledge in history, the Bible. Everything and anything is a potential solution to our current social and cultural disease, except the Bible and Christianity. The moral laws that made white nations the most secure, prosperous, blessed, and safe ever known in the history of mankind couldn’t possibly have any answers to our current problems, after all.
    The truth is that real Christianity is against racial integration, miscegenation, “freedom of religion” which includes Judaism and Islam (see the 1st Commandment), feminism, homosexuality, democracy, women in leadership roles of any kind over men, fake “federal reserve note” money, usury, SLANDER and LIBEL (false rape accusations and misrepresentation in reporting, and all fake news), ridiculous taxes like property and sales tax, gun grabbing, and a host of other evils that we live everyday. Without these moral principles as the national law, any society is doomed, but a remnant will eventually rebuild on the ashes anew after a well needed “thinning of the herd” due to the large scale moral rebellion against God’s law.

    1. “Without these moral principles as the national law, any society is doomed”
      Question: If civilization cannot exist without the Christian prohibitions that you mentioned, how did civilizations manage to exist and flourish BEFORE the birth of Christ? How did the Sumerians, Mycenaeans, classical Greeks, and even the early stages of classical Rome happen? Pure accident?

      1. The Bible says that God’s laws are written into the hearts of men. It’s possible to go far if you accidentally follow what are Christian principles. Unfortunately, without God’s word itself to anchor you, you will eventually stray from the right path and fall into ruin. All those civilizations you cited are dead today. Rome in particular is a relevant example since towards their downfall they gave women the vote, legalized no-fault divorce, had marriages/family collapse, men and women turned to homosexuality and pederasty, the currency was debased, and eventually the borders overrun with foreign hordes.

        1. “All those civilizations you cited are dead today”
          Newsflash: ALL civilizations collapse within about 800 years. Byzantine, Holy Roman, Zhou, Ethiopian, Khmer, Ottoman, Han, Habsburg — all of them from 300 to 800 years each. And each one had wildly different customs and laws.
          The only exception to that rule is Japan (almost 1800 years and counting), but Japan is always the exception to everything.

        2. Egypt lasted nearly 4,000 years.
          But otherwise, ok.

        3. 5000 years, actually.
          There’s been a million discussions about how to define a civilization. Egypt is especially thorny, but they for damn sure haven’t had the same civilization for that long — they’ve gone through Ancient, Macedonian, Roman, Ottoman periods. The ancient period can itself be subdivided.

        4. Yeah I wasn’t sure on the exact length, thought it was 4 and a half, but six there half dozen the other. But they culturally survived up to the Islamic invasion, all things being considered. I usually view civilizations as existing primarily as a culture that can often times change its form of government. Hell I even somewhat think that we, the West, are little more than the remnants of the Roman empire that rebooted itself after the collapse of the Western portion.
          End of the day I’ve always considered the Egyptians to be a very special case of “long in the tooth” as far as civilizations go.

        5. They do collapse, but they don’t have to.
          As for Japan, their birth rates are among the worst in the world and their economy has been in the toilet since the 90s. Also, (((certain people))) have begun advocating for the country to open its borders as the only solution to their mess.

        6. If the entirety of Egyptian history counts as one civilization then the West is alive and well, too.

        7. I don’t think that’s quite comparable. The Egyptians had a national identity long, long before anybody else and retained it even though forms of governance changed. The “West” is a big mismash of folks who used to, just 100 years ago, want to rip each others throats out and who have various differing thoughts on identity, none of which revolve around “the West”, instead preferring “French” or “German” or “The English”. They are not monolithic, and many of the ethnicities in the West didn’t even agree to get along until recently (Before Bismark the place now known as Germany was 300 some separate and distinct kingdoms).

        8. ‘ALL civilizations collapse within about 800 years.’
          You ignored his answer.
          Saying that is like saying, ‘Everyone dies in the end so there is no such thing as a healthy diet as we will die anyway one day.’
          Christianity is instead founded on logic.

        9. ‘…the remnants of the Roman empire that rebooted itself after the collapse of the Western portion.’
          How long have you been an EU Commissioner?

        10. No, Christianity is founded on primitive stories, some of which were told by previous religions. Read Kierkegaard, who recognized this.

        11. You have now twice disregarded answers to your questions/queries.
          If you regard Christianity as second hand ‘primitive stories’ then engaging with Christians wastes ever-bodies time, in the end.
          Just saying.

        12. Founded on logic ? Please introduce me to your crack dealer.
          Logic, like the ark, talking animals, raising the dead, walking forty years with no wear on your shoes, and my favorite, the trinity.
          How can anyone with two functioning brain cells think that 3 and 1 are the same, it is a mathematical impossibility. I would love to watch a trinitarian debate this with a mathematician.
          Christianity is founded on fear and guilt, and great way to keep the simple minded masses obedient, and paying money into the church’s coffers.
          Remember, “god ” is going to burn you in hell for eternity because he loves you.

      2. How did they “flourish” if they are gone and God’s morality has remained 100% consistent before, during, and long after they are gone?

    2. How is the Bible against racial integration. Hell if anything it supports it since all true Christians( people that follow the word of God not the easy beliefism crap) are considered brothers and sisters in God’s eyes. I agree with all of your other points

        1. “Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
          ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭3:23-29‬ ‭
          The main point i was making is that if someone chooses to believe the gospel and live a life of repentance then you should consider them your brother regardless of their race. God is more focused on what is inside of us than what is outsidd(as cheesy as it sounds).

        2. So, “we” were held in custody under the law. You do not dispute that, am I correct? Who was held in custody under the law?
          Now that faith has come, who does the guardian depart from? Who’s are Abraham’s seed, according to the promise?

        3. I probably shouldn’t of added 23-25. My main points were in 26-29. My main point is that anyone who belongs to Christ is a part of God’s family regardless of race, sex, or social class.
          Now for answering your questions I’ll do those to the best of my ability l. The first to seems like they are referring to the Jewish people though it could be everyone in a sense. And the answer to your last question about the whole Abraham seed. That is in verse 29 ” if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” So toanawe that one its anyone who belongs to Christ.

        4. “Hey, you Jews, you’re my people” the Bible says in what verse? We have a book of Hebrews, but no book of the “Jews”. Interesting, no?
          You didn’t answer my questions, by the way. You’re almost assuredly a brother, so I’ll answer yours.
          All Israelites who belong to Christ are Abraham’s seed. Don’t think that having Abraham for your father will save you, because God is able to raise up seed to Abraham from rocks. Not all Israel are from Israel.
          “Israel” is Hebrew for “ruling with God”. You can be a physical descendant of Jacob/Israel and not be of the covenant. Lineage will not save anyone. These verses are not giving Israel’s promise to non-Israelites or preaching universalism. Hebrews 8:8~10 clearly states what the New Covenant is and who it was made with. It was made exclusively with Israel, not “all believers”.

    3. ‘The truth is that real Christianity is against racial integration, miscegenation..’

  12. I think the elite-financed Nazi drama might have been a dry run for what we are seeing unfold right now. “Now, we’re gonna bring the extremist Muslims into every Western European country – instead of the Nazis. And they will kill off most of the cucked masses and many of their own brethren will be killed in the process. And then we’ll send the troops in to kill off most of the remaining cucked European faggots and the Muslims. But we’ll keep a few thousand of ’em alive to do our gardening work and such.”

  13. Im not religious, but last two Catholic churches I went to in Canada were full actually. One was full with Fillipinos, another one with Brown people. I was actually rather shocked to see Catholic Indians or whatever they were.
    Culture cannot stand vacuum, if one people doesnt have it, someone else will fill it with their ideology.

    1. There’s a Tamil Catholic church not too far from where my mom lives. She’s the only white person there. My step-dad is Tamil.
      These people promote moral values and relationships between men and women in line with the natural order. And they ain’t white.
      Ethno-nationalism is idolatry. Generation Identity, for all its good, is filled with socially liberal sychophants that ignore the real source of our troubles, namely the decline in real Christian values.

        1. Tamexicans!
          Sounds vaguely like the name one would give to an horde of underground mole people.

        2. Catholics inter-marry all the time lol. I know an Irish Filipina, a Ukrainian-Mexican (*waves*) and a Angolan Pole.
          Catholicism is inherently multi-racial (and I say multi-racial because multi-culturalism is anti-God; Catholicism, in and of itself, is a culture).

        3. No offence, but for me it is very hard to imagine a Latin person with a brown person (donno a better term for someone from that region – India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka).
          My Latin GF and my ex (also Latin), they both are quite repulsed by Indians, smell being the most disturbing factor. Again, dont take it personally.

        4. ‘No offence, but for me it is very hard to imagine a Latin person with a brown person…’
          No offence intended, but where do you live at present?
          I find it hard NOT to imagine every racial coupling you can imagine as I see them every day and have done for years and years.
          ‘Mixed race’ has been the biggest growing racial group in the USA for years.
          Here in Leicester, brown skinned children speak with Eastern European accents and have names like Edvinas.

        5. How often do you see Latin girl and an Indian/Pakistani guy? I was talking about a specific match.

        6. I staying in Leicester for the Summer.
          That combo would be no biggie here.

      1. Just because most whites have lost their faith I don’t think they deserve to lose their countries. I know many lovely South Asian people (am married to one) but don’t want to be replaced by them.

        1. I’m not a fan of open borders (especially not to Muslim immigrants), but sadly, Christianity demands I side with God and not split his flock according to race.
          Ethno-nationalism a la “white people need a home” is anti-God and anyone who promotes it is an idolater.

        2. Favoring certain groups over others when talking immigration policy is not splitting the flock. And to be honest I would rather have an Ismaili Muslim neighbor than an Jamaican Christian. (I’ve been mugged twice by Afro-Caribbean youth)

        3. “Ethno-nationalism a la “white people need a home” is anti-God and anyone who promotes it is an idolater.”
          Dude… The entire Old Testament was about the Israelites fighting to exist and escape bondage of slavery. The Bible clearly acknowledges that different ethnic groups exist, and that they have a right to fight for their existence.
          I’m not saying that different people can’t practice Catholicism, not in the least. But where does the Bible say not to give a shit about your own race?

        4. In case you hadn’t noticed, there’s a New Testament, and almost all theologians agree (with the notable exception of hard-right Dominionists) that Old Testament laws or no longer valid.
          Most of the New Testament is about loving everybody and how everyone is equal at the cross. And no, this isn’t an excuse for mass migration, but its also not an excuse for ethnic hatred.

        5. “Old Testament laws or no longer valid.”
          Ok. Well if it all hinges on New Testament thinking, than I’ll have to do more reading before I can even fully agree or disagree with you on this.

        6. Also your claim doesn’t even seem true tbh.
          Practically every Christian I’ve ever spoken to acknowledges Genesis, the Tower of Babel, the miracles of Moses, etc.
          Every Bible I’ve ever picked up included both Old and New Testament.
          Who are these theologians that get to pick and choose what is and what is not the word of God?

        7. And lastly, I’m not advocating for hatred of other ethnic groups.
          I’m advocating that people should value their own.

        8. ‘Also your claim doesn’t even seem true tbh.’
          No, no no no.
          Mr Kent, you have received a very brief and patient explanation of THE most BASIC Christian value that there is.
          That all humanity are loved by the Almighty.
          No differentiation whatsoever.
          That’s what Christianity is.
          ‘Every Bible I’ve ever picked up included both Old and New Testament.
          Who are these theologians that get to pick and choose what is and what is not the word of God?’
          ‘A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.’

        9. No.
          Clearly you were not advocating anti-Christian hatred.
          It’s some others around here.

        10. So then what is your take on this?
          If you found out that your ethnic group was going to be destroyed, do you not have a right to defend it, because God loves the attackers just as much as you and those you care about?
          Should you value someone on the other side of the planet just as much as you value your own child?
          I’m not trolling. I just value family and nation, and I’m trying to gain a better understanding of how Christianity deals with these ideas.

        11. I cannot agree with you. Nations have a role to play in God’s plan and Jesus never said “Invite every to your country so they can be converted”, He said Go forth and make disciples from the nations of the Earth”.
          As simple as that.

        12. In case you hadn’t noticed, there’s a New Testament, and almost all theologians agree (with the notable exception of hard-right Dominionists) that Old Testament laws or no longer valid.

          The laws that were abolished were the ones that pertained the Old Hebrew rite (animal sacrifices, pilgrimage to the temple, exclusivity of Israel as God’s chosen people, circumcision, etc.). Otherwise the 10 commandments would be invalid however no Theologian would agree with that preposterous notion (at least the serious ones).

          Most of the New Testament is about loving everybody and how everyone
          is equal at the cross. And no, this isn’t an excuse for mass migration,
          but its also not an excuse for ethnic hatred.

          I think a friendly reminder is in order:

          34 Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword.
          35 For
          I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter
          against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law….

        13. Hi.
          I am certainly a Christian.
          I regard Christianity as the only font of meaning and salvation on this Earth.
          All other ‘paths to God’ are ONLY relevant in as far as they bring souls to Christ.
          Right, that said……
          ‘If you found out that your ethnic group was going to be destroyed,……’
          By whom and for what reason?
          We all know there are more abortions each day than every single terrorist killing added together.
          That’s pretty ‘destructive’ of an ethnic group.
          I’m just posing the question, do not abortionists kill more white skinned children than anyone else?
          Ethnic groups don’t just ‘get destroyed’.
          They are attacked or they destroy themselves.
          In the case of white people today, both things are happening at the same time.
          However, the heaviest blows are being made by Godless whites.
          ‘…do you not have a right to defend it,….’
          In exactly the way it was attacked, you have the right (obligation) to defend it.
          So a financial attack (enslaved to pay welfare to alien refugee groups that hate your guts?) then fight a FINANCIAL battle to NOT pay the bills of people you are NOT responsible for who have no right to be in the country.
          In the same manner, if they kill your children, slaughter them all.
          Kill every one.
          Kill those who helped & abetted.
          This is necessary as you are obliged to protect the children you were blessed with.
          God entrusted you with their safety.
          You have no right to risk that safety under any circumstances.
          ‘….because God loves the attackers just as much as you and those you care about?’
          We are all his beloved creation.
          No-one gets a choice.
          He loved the US pilots dropping incendiaries on Tokyo as much as the children cowering in the wooden houses below.
          He loves us all.
          However, that does not mean we do not sin and we are all subject to justice.
          He hates the sin because it causes us such unhappiness.
          Allowing foreigners to rape and steal and destroy your (Christian) society is deeply sinful.
          It is almost as sinful as allowing (for example) sodomites to pervert marriage ceremonies.
          If non-Christians come to your Christian civilisation; they will drag it down.
          If non-Christians come to your Church; they will drag it down.
          For Christians, allowing these things to happen is sinful.
          Therefore, we deserve the consequences as we allowed it to happen.
          God is not ‘punishing us’.
          We are reaping as we had sewn.
          ‘Should you value someone on the other side of the planet just as much as you value your own child?’
          First it’s impossible.
          Second, you have no way of practically helping.
          Third, you would need to create third parties between you, and so YOU would not actually be doing the ‘helping’.
          The Almighty will soon present you with Good Deeds needing to be done right in front of you.
          Secular forces (ie the tv) will show you these unsolvable (because of a lack of Christianity) problems from around the world and pretend YOU are responsible.
          This is to make you feel Bad, greedy, useless, privileged.
          Did it work?

    2. Same observation here… Tried to find a Catholic Church to attend to find more people to relate to and I found myself surrounded by Filipinos and various other ethnic groups.
      Don’t get me wrong, if they have strong communities and good morals all the power to them.
      But I was upset that I couldn’t find any strong European enclaves anywhere near where I live.
      I even met a Chinese Protestant pastor a couple weeks back at a poker game and it left me scratching my head.

      1. Whites have by and large come to view their degeneracy as the new religion (just look at how they treat it), so something like Christianity to them is retrograde and backwards. They’ve used their famed white person intelligence to talk themselves out of Salvation so that they could instead play with their genitals in the public square. So much for intelligence.

        1. I’ve often thought that once you hit a certain level of intelligence, that you generally start using it to rationalize your own ego and excesses, or you waste it on trivialities so far removed from the real world that they become nonsensical. Like counting angels dancing on the head of a pin, or sitting around theorizing that it’s impossible to run around a circular track because you’d have to cross half the distance of the track times infinity, and infinity has no bounds (yes, people used to sperg about this, thankfully engineers told them “Integrals you idiots” and patted them on the head).
          And this is what we’ve done as a culture. “Yay, genitals are fun! Let’s all write fifty page dissertations explaining in exacting, scientific detail why we should play with them in the public square!”

        2. ‘They’ve used their famed white person intelligence to talk themselves out of Salvation so that they could instead play with their genitals in the public square. So much for intelligence.’
          ….I always wondered why ‘intelligence’ didn’t always seem to mean ‘decent’ or even ‘sane’.

        3. ‘I’ve often thought that once you hit a certain level of intelligence, that you generally start using it to rationalize your own ego and excesses, or you waste it on trivialities so far removed from the real world that they become nonsensical.’
          …or you’re so intelligent you figure out that Satan cannot exist.
          That’s all it takes.

        4. The number of piercings, tattoos, dyed hair, lesbians, gays I’m seeing these days.. Just don’t get the thought process that compels so many straight people to go and get such extensive tattoos.

        5. And then you do everything Satan would tell you to do. So not really so smart.

        6. ps ‘Ghost ofJ.’
          Regarding this conundrum of the application of human ‘intelligence’,just what is this ‘intelligence’ in the first place…

          …has some interesting questions.
          I’ve got a great analysis somewhere of very low IQ Africans demonstrating very very high IQ abilities, can’t seem to locate it now.

        7. ….it’s almost as though ‘salvation’ and ‘intelligence’ had zero relationship to each other.

    3. ‘ I was actually rather shocked to see Catholic Indians or whatever they were.’
      Do you know what ‘Catholic’ means?
      Do you know what ‘Indian’ is?

    1. Welcome to the clam bake! Speak your mind, give credit to Ghandi where due, and don’t eat the furniture!

  14. Identitarians should take note. Our movement will fail without Christianity.

      1. Actually ethno-nationalism was founded and grew under the banner of Christianity I believe. It doesn’t have to replace a religion, it can just be a component of society.
        We have enough enemies against us at the gates, no need to get all Who Is More Perfect on everybody.

        1. Ethno-nationalism might have been created under the banner of Christianity but that doesn’t make it Christian. Any attempt to split God’s flock along racial lines is a sinner.
          Now, as for Islam, they need to be crusaded till Kingdom Come.

        2. Keeping my nation’s borders secure and my people as my people is not separating God’s flock. Christians are free to be who they are, and nobody is stopping folks from Guatemala from visiting a church as guests in Chicago.
          Open borders wackiness, I don’t buy into, for anybody.

        3. I never said anything about open borders. I simply said that ethno-nationalism a la “white people only” is anti-God.
          Mass migration from Muslim countries is anti-God though.

        4. Open-borders doesn’t stem from Christian love of neighbor. In fact, in most cases immigrants are imported to be used against your neighbor for driving down wages and fomenting social strife.
          A Christian world would never abide “White Genocide” or the genocide of any people… Not to mention the many other tragedies and horrors that attend our godless era.

        5. ‘We have enough enemies against us at the gates, no need to get all Who Is More Perfect on everybody.’
          On the contrary, we have an obligation to call things what they are (No SJWs we).
          Regardless of the merits one way or another, ‘etho-nationalism’ is a direct contradiction of Christian theology, Catholic or not.
          Raphael V. is correct on that score.
          As a Christian (?), he is morally obliged to make the contradiction clear.

      2. Couldn’t agree more. We should love our people and culture, but our primary commandment is love of God.

      3. Absolutely, Europeans have failed to realise that Christianity gave them power over the nations. Before Christianity there were only the Greek City States and Rome and even those entities respected the East and North Africa more than some German and Anglo savages running around. The Anglo-Saxons, Teutons and even Slavs were nothing without Christianity and at least the Slavs appear to save their civilisation mostly by recognising that Russian identity is Orthodox and only Orthodox. England, France and Germany (Italy lately as well) will be punished for their apostasy, sexual licentiousness, embrace of the Jews and mostly notably self-worship (which ironically for white nationalists makes them exactly like the Jews they despise… two sides of the same coin).

        1. Wait a minute, the bible says that the Jews are god’s chosen people, so why would a nation be punished for embracing them ?
          Deut. 14:2

        2. Wait, are you serious? The history of the Jews in the West has been one of revolution, subversion, usury, pornographic corruption and anti-christianization. Biblically, the Jews denied Christ, so in essence the Jews made themselves anti-Logos and permeates through all things they do. I believe you should refer to Ancient Christianity meaning the Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Catholicism. When they were united, the held the same position, that irrevocably, the Jews once they committed the cosmic crime of Deicide, they made themselves revolutionaries but also in turn found favour with Satan. St. John Chrysostom the Saint responsible for the Eastern Orthodox Liturgy, wrote homilies against the Jews or numerous Papal Encyclicals. Lastly, ethnically these people are Turkic Khazars from a less discussed Kingdom bordering Russia in the Middle Ages, called ‘Khazaria’, they converted around the mid 8th Century A.D. So ethnically they have no direct patrilineal ties to Abraham, but they inherited the spirit of Christ-Killers by accepting the Babylonian Talmud which preaches all manner of conversion against the goyim.
          Case in point even in modern times, Karl Marx, Lenin, Trotsky or even today with all the Neocons pushing for WWIII. I will post a few links on the catholic position on the Jews vis-a-vis E. Michael Jones and Eastern Orthodox vis-a-vis St. John Chrysostom. So either these learned men and more importantly Saints, are all wrong and haters or the Jews have been persecuted innocently by every single nation in which they have inhabited simply because people wanted to ‘pick on the Jews’. So ostensibly, you can either position yourself against the Saints by siding with the Jews as an apostate shabbos goy or you can come to the conclusion that the Jews brought something down upon their spirit when they denied Christ. You cannot have it both ways. ”Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie’ – Revelations 3:9

        3. “(which ironically for white nationalists makes them exactly like the Jews they despise… two sides of the same coin).”
          G.K. Chesterton argued that National Socialism is in a way Jewish because it embraces the idea of the “chosen people.”

      4. I’m basically an ethno-nationalist but I realize that the spiritual is what comes first, so it’s OK to have limited non-white immigration as long as they assimilate into the family and hold the same spiritual values. That said, mass immigration is never acceptable unless it’s between nations with very similar cultures and spiritual values.

    1. Indeed.
      Some ‘identarians’ would happily rather fail than give up their exciting new racism.
      They should be honest and say so, so that everyone knows where they stand.

      1. You cannot serve two masters. If you cling to “race” as the highest good even over God then you are an idolater and you will almost certainly lose what you love.
        Who knows why things work this way. But we intuitively understand that they do.

        1. Yes, well put.
          People can be just as ‘racist’ as they want to be, but claiming a Christian justification for ‘racism’ is blasphemy.
          Look at the results of allowing ‘liberals’ to claim to be Christians (ie Church of England).
          You end up with empty Churches very quickly.

    2. (((Christianity))) is inherently a cucked religion, as it places the Jews on a pedestal.

  15. Hello guys. Raised Catholic and a lurker here since the site was started. Been to to Dubai and deployed to Afghanistan. Protestantism is dead. Your choices are Catholicism or Orthodoxy. Mohamadans are not us. Fight or lose…

    1. These animals, and the globalists that enable them, are our enemies. Simple really…

    2. Orthodoxy please. The RCC is a pedophile ring and a money-laundering racket.

      1. Raised a Catholic, but sadly have to agree with you. I’m considering a jump to Orthodoxy.

        1. Please do. Orthodox Christians are far less “yay open borders” and are far more conservative and capitalist. Also they don’t have any skeletons in the closet with regards to child abuse and don’t run a bank out of a religious compound.

        2. I came over from a vaguely protestant/bordering on atheist
          upbringing. As cheesy as it may sound, the Orthodox Liturgy has been the only religious activity where I’ve ever ‘felt’ anything.
          And because they left the liturgy intact since the 4th century instead of
          constantly revising it like the western church, you get a healthy dose of
          Scripture just by participating.

        3. Orthodox priests are allowed to marry, thus it addresses natural male sex urges.

        4. I agree that the catholic church has failed its followers and the Vatican/pope had always been more of a political institution rather than a religious one. But the hierarchy of the orthodox church is no better in terms of corruption, deviance and sin. Go ask the greeks.
          And you should be advocating for more solidarity between all the christian faiths in these times rather than setting them against each other.
          The talmudic jews would be delighted with your logic.

        5. And thus does not result in ridiculously perverse man-boy relationships.

        6. ‘And you should be advocating for more solidarity between all the christian faiths in these times rather than setting them against each other.’
          Curiously, I regarded his comments as cogent and the criticism he received as being non-Christian and also unhelpful.

        7. I say fuck Christianity. As Nietzsche said: Christianity is the religion of the downtrodden, the bullied, the weak, the poor and the slave.
          Is just ancient socialism invented by jews and promoted by a SJW snowflake called Jesus. A hippie bum with no prospects, brought up by a cuck man who took in an unmarried pregnant woman. Typical SJW background.
          I say lets’ go to our true EUROPEAN ROOTS: Our PAGAN Gods, Strong and Merciless. Odin/Zeus/Zalmoxis are way better than Christ.

        8. Exactly. They speak of a united Christian Europe and then seek to divide each other any way they can

        9. Not to mention, if you force all of your pious men not to procreate, you loose some pretty key genetic attributes.

        10. Ok, it gets falsely thrown in Christianity’s face, but…
          Hitler was LITERALLY Pagan.
          Hitler Youth theme song translation:
          “We do not want to be Christians anymore,
          we want to be Pagans again.”
          Paganism is no better than Hinduism, which is a crap hole religion.

        11. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !pb126d:
          On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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        12. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !pb225d:
          On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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        13. Where does the bible outline the behavior of priests for the future religion based upon it?

        14. You know XClips, as I read that criticism from Nietzsche on Christianity, he was exactly right. The truth of the matter is that’s a feature, not a bug. Paul said that we were to be slaves of/to righteousness. Jesus and Peter both said blessed are those who are bullied and persecuted because of their righteousness. Paul said that God’s grace is perfected in our weakness. And Gregg X Volz (of Petra fame) claimed that faith in God is not a crutch, it’s a bloody stretcher, because we don’t have the strength to follow God on our own. I would sooner claim the Cross of Christ than Mjoelner, and read David’s Psalms than listen to Odin’s ravens.

        15. I’ve pretty much “jumped” over. The last straw for me is this current Globalist, sock puppet “pope”. He just fucking sucks…

        16. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !pn169d:
          On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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        17. Too bad he’s such a cuck when it comes to anything beyond the Benedict Option.

        18. Christians are dying off for a reason to, The public is sick of bible thumpers meddling in everything.
          The fairy tale no longer works.

        19. Excellent, very well said, Sir.
          Fighting among themselves is a major failing of christianity, and religion in general.
          How can you take these people seriously when they preach love, and kill each other over what church to attend ?
          How can a thinking person be expected to accept the book of mythology as the ” sacred inspired infallible word of god ” when they cannot even agree on what version to use ?
          Does the bible teach that god is the author of strife ?
          Does anyone remember that Jesus himself rebuked his disciples for sectarianism ?
          How can you believe that these religious nut jobs represent the ” true god ” when they act like devils ?
          The bible teaches that by their fruits ye shall know them, the fruit of christianity sure makes atheism look good by comparison.
          By the way, I AM NOT AN ATHEIST !!!!!!, but looking at the way christians act makes me want to seriously consider it.
          I am compelled to say it again, religion is not the answer.

        20. It is a good thing, capitalism is the greatest financial system ever devised.
          It provides EVERYONE a chance to do better.
          Socialism on the other hand is pure, unadulterated evil, it is based on theft.
          Socialism, communism, marxism, welfarism, etc may not exactly the same, but they are close enough, they only differ in minor details.
          They are all based on the principle of punishing the successful and productive with ruinous taxes and idiotic, crushing rules, and rewarding the lazy, stupid and criminal with handouts and a free reign.
          An example of this France.
          Socialism ” levels the playing field ” until everyone is poor.
          An example of this is Cuba.
          Socialism does not work, and is non sustainable.
          Look at bankrupt Europe, South America, or the ruins of the Soviet Union.
          Even China had to back away from it and let the people start making some money, and their economy has thrived as a result.
          Like Mr. Trump said, Hillary will turn us into another Venezuela.

        21. The financial system of the West is rotten to the core(and it isn’t what Capitalism is either)

        22. Marrying a woman doesn’t cure being a faggot, which is the real cause of the “pedophile” crisis in the Catholic priesthood. MSM covers it up but it had nothing to do with pedophilia, 9 out of 10 cases were homosexual abuse of teenage boys.

        23. It’s literally commanded by Jesus and the Apostle to be celibate for the Kingdom unless you literally can’t be, dumbass.

        24. “Oh no, I don’t actually know anything about the Bible I insist on pontificating about, better deflect like a complete moron!”

        25. A COMPLETE moron would have accepted what you say without you providing a proper citation.

        26. “muh citation needed”
          Yeah, cute, go back to reddit if you’re just going to spew memes instead of do homework. Read the Bible before you pontificate about it like some kind of expert. I’ll give you a hint, try Matthew and 1 Corinthians, since it’s pretty clear you’ve never actually read it.

        27. You like that word, ‘pontificate’, don’t you?
          And I could read the bible forward and backward and still find no regulations regarding the yet unformed roman church’s requirement for priests not to marry.

        28. Typical, realize you’re full of shit and move the goalposts (conveniently ignoring the restrictions already in place on married clergy recorded in the Bible) and start pretending Christianity is about puzzling over a magic book instead of obeying apostolic authority. Let me guess, you think the Bible magically fell out of the sky and it’s just magically true because feelings. It’s no surprise that SJWism is a direct descendent of Protestantism.

        29. You’re all over the place now.
          Just to recap:
          My claim was and remains “the bible doesn’t say anything about priests having to be celibate”
          You slapped your vag all over my face with “the bible says celibacy is admirable” and “yor stoopit, sjw, reddit, muh, pontificate, pontificate…”
          You have failed to disprove my claim. Its OK.
          And , not that its even germain to this decaying conversation, I don’t claim the bible to be infallible, nor am I a protestant.

        30. No, you’re not a Protestant, you just think and talk exactly like one and think anyone is going to be impressed with your Protestant strawmen. Really convincing. Read a fucking book that isn’t a Chick tract before your run your mouth off about Christian theology and history.
          Did m’lady friendzone you and now you have all women on earth living rent-free in your head and so anybody who makes you butthurt is automatically an evil female out to ruin your day?

        31. Just to recap:
          My claim was and remains “the bible doesn’t say anything about priests having to be celibate”
          You slapped your vag all over my face with “the bible says celibacy is admirable” and “yor stoopit, sjw, reddit, muh, pontificate, pontificate…”
          You have failed to disprove my claim. Its OK.

        32. Chirstendom was the only thing that stopped Europe from being overrun by the Muslim horde. 732 AD.

      2. Over a billion Catholics and yet you chose to identify them by actions of a few. You can choose the catholic faith and be a good Christian

        1. An organization that actively hides and supports pedophiles is what I call shady, regardless of the actions of its followers.

      3. But yet non-catholic public school teachers molest x30 more and no awareness campaigns to date. Funny that.

        1. It’s in the news everyday or so, where some teacher has sex with her boys, sometimes girls. What do they get? Counseling.

        2. Same in my neck of the woods. Priest conviction comes along twice a decade. Public school teachers? Once a week.

        3. It would disrupt the narrative of the faggot-rights campaign even more than the truth behind clerical sexual abuse.

    3. Despite all its failings and my own foundational secular humanism, I still call myself a Catholic.
      Members of my family have been Catholic for at least 1000 years. I’ll never know their names or their stories, but I take great comfort from knowing they knelt in the same churches, received the same Sacraments, and even experienced the same doubts and questions of faith as me. It connects me to a story far, far bigger than my own. And I am grateful. The Church endures. It’s endured terrible Popes. Endured the changes of the eras, from the fall of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance. That identity connects me with all others who have claimed it, for better or worse.

      1. Tradition can blind you the reality of the situation. Hiding, supporting, and enabling pedophiles is an unforgivable sin in my book.

        1. An unforgivable violation, indeed– committed by organizations, everywhere. The only dif between the Catholic Church and others is their dirty secrets are exposed. And now they will have to reform. The rest just haven’t been held to account, yet.

    4. Protestantism is dead because they allowed women clergy.
      Its harder to find a Jew in 1950’s Germany than to find a male clergy only protestant denomination.
      It comes down to what kind of woman wants to be clergy,
      and the answer is usually pro-lesbian feminists.
      They flood the seminaries, take over the clergy, then force the Bible believers out.
      Need proof, check out the Episcopalians and Presbyterian (USA) denominations. The United Methodists are next.

    5. Should you choose Catholicism, choose the traditionalists like the fssp or the fsspx, they are the most redpilled ones.
      They are also the ones who have restored my faith when i was an atheist before.
      Most of the catholic clergy and the current pope are unfortunatly blue pilled, but things can and will change in a generation.
      For example, as far as i have seen myself, the newest generation of priests, even among the non-traditionalists, is much more conservative and redpilled than the “peace and love” dying old guard.
      We need all hands to make redpilled again the catholic church from the inside.

    6. I was raised presbiterian, my father and my brother are preachers in this denomination.
      Let me tell you something, protestantism isn’t dead. While I acknowledge that Protestantism has divided christianity, it is also what saved christendom from Catholic corruption.
      Read history books for god sake.
      The entire US was also built under protestantism.

  16. In many ways rather than weaken the EU, Brexit is going to make the EU even more powerful. Emanuel Macron wants to end the EU as we know it and create a federal Superstate with the Brussels playing a role similar to what Washington plays in the US. Right now its a loose federation of different countries, but this new idea means the countries that exist now would be blended into one giant superstate. This is not far fetched because the EU leaders have been attempting to do this for years, Britain was the spoiler in the whole thing. With them leaving, it gives the countries on the Continent more power to go forward.
    Macron knows there is anti-EU sentiment, and he and Merkel will try new things to keep the project going, but its likely to be under another name.

    1. They have to “try new things” to keep the project going, but the project is threatening to break apart over the forced immigration and debt crises, not sure how many measures can counteract that in the long run especially with all the new patriotic orgnisations popping up, spreading information on the internet. Of course an elite controls the mainstream media.. Anyway will be interesting to see what happens in the German election

      1. Strong nationalist movements need healthy young strong people. Too many Europeans are aging. Not enough young people.

      2. France electing LePen would have spurred nationalism in Europe. The loss of France would’ve left the EU mortally wounded.
        It’s either Schulz or Merkel. Schulz is even more migrant friendly than Merkel.

        1. Yes it is very hard for the parties that are free of, or at least have less think-tank and influences to get a foothold. I’ve watched a very lot of speeches though from the AfD and there are so many talented people in it, just they seem to have a person at the head of the party who is somehow ((influenced)) and opposed to the patriotism of the party. Thing is, ‘the truth is on our side’ and short of a real war or purge the right wing resistance in Europe is not going away it’s only going to get louder the more the leaders disregard the will of the people.

  17. In Europe, for everybody, Nation comes first.
    I am a Hungarian, my people are the Hungarians.
    We can co-operate with other Europeans against Islamists, Jews, etc… on the common basis of our Christianity.
    We can co-operate with other Europeans against blacks, browns, etc…, all other colored people, on the common basis of our White Race.
    But first and foremost, my identity is Hungarian.

    1. ‘We can co-operate with other Europeans against Islamists, Jews, etc… on the common basis of our Christianity.
      We can co-operate with other Europeans against blacks, browns, etc…, all other colored people, on the common basis of our White Race.
      But first and foremost, my identity is Hungarian.’
      OK, thanks.
      Right, look, one problem is that the ‘Christianity’ contradicts the ‘white racism’ part, whereas the ‘white racism’ contradicts the ‘Hungarian identity’, element.
      But, thanks again.

      1. I do not see why. A coalition of Nationalist, White, Christian countries is the way to combat Jews, Islamists, Liberal-Bolsheviks, and any other enemies of our civilization.

        1. That’s not what your post says.
          I’ve already quoted you specifically.

        2. You speak about contradictions.
          I do not see any contradictions between being a Hungarian and a White Racist, because, frankly, I am such a person, and I am not alone with that in my country.
          I see no contradiction between being a Christian and a White Racist either, because, frankly, I am such a person, and I am not alone with that in my country, again.
          So what are you on about?

        3. ‘So what are you on about?’
          I’m ‘on about’ the blindingly obvious contradictions in your stated positions.
          These contradictions are so clear and so simple that you even refer to them yourself.
          ‘…. between being a Hungarian and a White Racist, because, frankly, I am such a person, and I am not alone with that in my country.
          I see no contradiction between being a Christian and a White Racist ….’
          You see?
          You CAN see the contradictions, though you claim that there is none.
          Though, that’s more dishonest that contradictory.
          Explaining that ‘you are one’ does not eradicate any contradictions in your stated position.

        4. You are talking bollocs. An European person’s core identity is his nationality. Not his race, not his religion. That two things are additional layers of identity. He can co-operate with people of other nations on the basis of common grounds, be that race, be that religion. But only based on race or religion, another European is no brother of mine. My people are the Hungarians.

        5. ‘An European person’s core identity is his nationality. Not his race, not his religion. ‘
          You are simply ill educated.
          As one European to another; your crude misunderstanding of basic concepts and primitive appreciation of wider Europe is not inspiring.

        6. Yeah, sure, some Western foreigner will dictate me how I should think about my people and others.
          You know when fellow Europeans will be allowed to claim brotherhood with us based on race and religion?
          When that 2/3rd of Hungary which is now under enemy occupation – occupied by our “fellow” White, Christian “brothers” of the neighbour countries with the blessings of Western europe since 1920 – when that territory and the few millions of Hungarians living there are handed back to us as a brotherly gift. But not before.

        7. Let me guess, “Windmills”, you probably are one of those Euros who demands that the Hungarian accept a tsunami of rapefugees.

        8. Given that you won’t say where you’re from, I believe that my guess is correct and that you are lying.

  18. Slightly OT: Mark of the Deble.
    A Wisconsin company is to become the first in the US to microchip employees.
    Three Square Market is offering to implant the tiny radio-frequency identification (RFID) chip into workers’ hands for free – and says everyone will soon be doing it.
    The rice grain-sized $300 (£230) chip will allow them to open doors, log in to computers and even purchase food.
    And so far, 50 employees have signed up for the chance to become half-human, half-walking credit card.

        1. ‘Led happily into slavery by convenience and distraction.’
          Can YOU open doors with your hands both holding hot coffee?

        2. Your another one…..
          You’d LOVE one of those electronic dog tag thingeys if YOU were important enough for it to matter if you wandered over a cliff one lunch time.
          Don’t worry Mr ‘bem’, I think you’ll find only elite priority staff will be branded thus.

        3. No but Vinny Pringo can kick one down while holding cups of coffee in both hands and not spill a drop.

        4. Right.
          Good, I’m gonna stand right HERE and wait.
          Wait just as long as it takes!

      1. ‘..same way they got all you fools hooked on smartphones….’
        The £40 per week unlimited internet access, deal?

    1. What did you expect? People use smartphones. And all the data gets stored by companies. You think it’s private? Nope.

  19. Western European women are even more hypergamous than most American women. They take it to a whole other level in fact. German women love things like public nudity, saunas there are coed nude, there are many parks and beaches that allow it.
    Christian values left much of Western Europe decades ago and was replaced with debauchery and hedonism.
    Western European women have sex and a lot of it, they don’t have kids and families.

    1. In defense of American women… they’d be a lot more hypergamous if most of them weren’t so fucking fat and disgusting.

      1. That’s true. The Euro women used to be attractive. Not so much these days. Out of whole bunch of 20 something backpackers who were from Spain that I ran into at a hotel, only one or two were attractive.

        1. Americans still think Europeans are slim because they eat better food. They aren’t aware food habits in Europe are getting worse and as a result more ugly.
          Europeans are thinner than Americans but many are overweight.

        2. When I was on vacation, two British girls blasted the most rancid stinky fart 6 feet in front of me on the beach. It stunk like rotten eggs and poop. I vomited afterwards. They weren’t trying to fart in my face or do something dumb, but they just decided to pass gas. Fucking disgusting.

        3. British women have the worst hygiene in my experience. They make the French look anal retentive, and French girls are stinky. Remember a French girl put her feet up on my headrest on a flight a few years back.

  20. Jews have too much power in the West, particularly the United States. They will fight tooth and nail (mainly by subversion) against a return to Christendom.

    1. No.
      Grow up.
      The WHITE EUROPEANS mostly the WOMEN are ‘fighting tooth and nail against a return to Christianity.’

      1. Agreed. Christianity has enemys in every form imaginable, from Jews to the purest Aryan. There are those who strive for the Kingdom of God; for it to be “on earth as it is in heaven.” and there are those who strive against it. The rest is, as they say, commentary.

        1. ‘Christianity has enemys in every form imaginable, from Jews to the purest Aryan.’
          I have zero regard for any racial analysis of humanity.
          As such, ‘pure Aryan’ to me, is neither a scientific nor social category.
          Right, that’s out of the way….
          ‘Christianity has enemys in every form imaginable,…’
          In my opinion WE are both the enemy of, and substance of; His Church on Earth.
          It is in our hearts that the decision for, or against, Him is made.
          Not in the minds of those who hate The Faith.
          Since His sacrifice, the situation is that humanity can reject, or accept; salvation.
          The decisions and desires of Jewish people, atheists (or self identifying ‘races’ of people) is irrelevant to our personal individual decision.

        2. This is because christianity has willfully been an enemy to everyone else for 2000 years or so now.
          Maybe if christians would remember that bible says, love thy neighbor as thyself, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and pride goeth before a fall, there would be so many enemies.
          Our current crop of bible thumping hypocritical assholes who run/ruin the republican party is a good example of this.

      2. Although Jews often find themselves, for whatever reason (likely high iq), leading the vanguard of degeneracy. High iq likely puts them in leadership positions — both good and bad.

      3. “just like me” white feminist jewesses led the herd of women into western cultural insolvency initially. The ideology metastesized with commonors where it was previously in a nebular and incoherent and disorganized form as it always was with female nature. These weren’t traditional conservative jewish women leading the cause, they were 100% ashkenazi women; short, putrid, mullosk looking, butt ugly and with hook noses so knobby they acted as built in bookmarks or crease holders for reading outdoors in the wind even. Hence: they read.
        It is doubtful the academically militant phase of feminism would have ever been entered if not for the diaspora of key ashkenazi females in arenas which were garnering large followings. They took a negative aspect of female nature and unionized it, canned it and weaponized it. Their circumcized men were aloof of this, content with their traditional ponzi shell game and notice elite banking practices are separate from feminism. Feminism is a seed from hell loosed upon mankind. It is the death knell of our patriarchal species. Patriarchy is the glue that raises man above the natural food chain of wild beasts upon this orb. Under bitch rule matriarchy, mankind loses his humanity and withers in numbers. Order is lost and humans under matriarchy no longer master the elements in his surroundings. Under matriarchy, man loses his soul, no longer master but becomes a low compromised competitor with every other grunting, clucking, squealing, chirping feathered neurotic thing in his midst. He becomes just another dumb animal without a soul.
        PATRIARCHY POUNDS at the door. THE DAY of man nears.
        GREAT BALLS of fire will return to men and our humanity will be secured!

      4. They are not fighting it. They are just not interested in it. Especially the women.

        1. Once I’d agree.
          Now the women are aggressive and seem like Gestapo Officers.
          They are exerting the power to shepherd social thinking.
          Women are the Praetorian Guard of the SJWs.
          The young ones are the worst, real zealots.

  21. Why should the West be for a Middle-Eastern deity? If anything the West should be for the Greco-Roman gods.

    1. Because only a small non objectively thinking person would associate the omnipotent/omniscient/omnipresent eternal creator with an ethnic and cultural identity. God of the Bible is outside of time and space. He is the true God. Just because the source of scripture is from the Middle East does not make him middle eastern or Jewish. He is alpha and omega.

    2. There is only one God. What kind of a fool thinks transient ethnic identity is what determines the meaning of the whole universe and beyond?

  22. The right look to patriotism, but that too must be based on something. A superior people, perhaps?

    1. ‘Countless ancestors died protecting these institutions and values,….’
      In a male dominated society, doing that made sense.
      We no longer have a male dominated society, so it’s at least possible the civilisation that grew out of that society is now impossible.
      Any man prepared to fight and die for The Single Parent Welfare State is probably insane.

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  25. Most common interracial couple in Western Europe is a Muslim man and European woman, it was not always so common, but these days when I travel in Western European countries, I see them all the time. It always puzzles me why these men value European women over their own more traditional women.
    German women particularly love the darker men, often Turkish or Arab, I even used to see young guys with old haggard German women, many of these guys were just doing it to get a visa to live there. In spite of this you also see younger more attractive women with them as well.
    France is even more mixed, while they don’t keep racial data, France is at least 20 percent nonwhite, and probably more around 25 percent. Still that number is small compared to the US which is 40 percent non white. Got to love how they compile race statistics in the US, because many Hispanics are labeled as “white” even though they clearly are not.

  26. Saw something about a French person living in Japan, so its starting, people will eventually leave the West. While the number of non whites is larger in the US, most of them are not Muslims, and do integrate to some degree. Europe’s issue is that most immigrants are from Middle Eastern countries, non Christians, and have no will or ability to integrate into their host countries.

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  28. For those who are calling Christianity a religion of cucks, I think you are misinterpreting the intent behind the verses you are referencing. What I believe is the message, is that a Christian should be meek to God, but not meek to mortal men. That would include the institutions and apparatus of men that do not acknowledge God.

    1. Pride goeth before a fall ? The bible teaches that pride is a sin, and meekness/humility is a virtue. The idea that christians should persecute and and attack anything that does not acknowledge their sects version of ” god ” is horrible.
      They christian taliban mentality the churches are full of today is blatantly not biblical.
      Remember, the bible teaches turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, and to obey the law and government.
      It does not say only for those you and your sect approve of.

      1. Obey the law of God (which was spiritually fulfilled – but we are still to follow it in the flesh on this world), not the law of the land or the government. The government will eventually become the beast system – the anti christ kingdom. The Bible expressly says to NOT obey and to rebuke.

  29. ‘the European identity is rooted in Christianity’…really? is that Catholicism, Methodist, Calvinist, Presbyterian…or maybe Mormon or Jehovah Witness?….some ”unifying” force.I, for one, don’t need any of it.

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