I Do Not Date Woman Who Have Any Of These 15 Red Flags

“It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.” -Bruce Lee 

The above is a quintessential Bruce Lee quote that I live by. In a world where busy is sexy and flaunted as a status symbol, we must channel fortitude in our everyday life to do less; particularly, when it comes to selecting women.

It’s near impossible to find quality LTR women nowadays. but being mindful of the points below, we eliminate a plethora of time-sucks and low quality mates, thereby saving precious time and energy for the best women out there.

1. A woman who has slept with much older men and prefers it. Would a father or male role model allow his teenage girl be taken by men decades older unless there was a specific reason?

2. A woman who falls for “black guy” game. She will tend to be loud, hyper-aggressive, and impulsive.

3. A woman who dances Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba. Basically any Latin dance, because all it comprises of suggestive lyrics and skimpy attires, where men lead women intimately and rub and touch them. It’s kinda like foreplay to sex.

4. A woman who keeps in touch with her ex-boyfriends and casual sex partners. She should want to let go of any man besides you, because you are her world, and vice-versa.

5. A woman who entertains a swarm of beta-male orbiters, and acts aloof about it. She’s an attention whore who needing constant validation and connection.

6. A woman who flirts with other men overtly or covertly, and doesn’t resist another man’s game. The man’s subconscious rationalizes it as a green light and presses her with bolder moves.

7. A woman who doesn’t have a strong relationship with her family. Strong parenting is the antidote to sluts. Fathers and mothers, please take time to show your girls what they should expect while dating and how they should carry themselves as well how to find lifelong mates.

9. A woman who doesn’t have good, healthy examples of what a real, committed, long-term relationship looks like. Otherwise they believe that a relationship is always easy with no troubles, disagreements, or fights. And the moment it gets difficult, they deem you as being “controlling” and they move on to the next guy.

10. A woman who has a career in massage, dance, modeling, or acting. It’s a bad sign if she needs to use her physical body or looks to get paid.

11. A woman who lies to you and withholds information from DAY 1 or DAY 100. Self-explanatory.

12. A woman who never fights for your time, attention, and love. But gives the whole world unceasing empathy and unconditional love.

13. A woman who moved out really early from her parents home or lived in a different country and traveled to many cities. Yes, she has slept with lots of men that you know nothing about, and still thinks she deserves a solid, good man.

14. A woman who values the opinions of her girlfriends or anyone else, over yours. Not a keeper!

15. And most importantly, a woman who doesn’t want to grow in all areas of her life, every single day. Instead she might use logic, such as “you don’t like me the way I am” or “you’re trying to change me” or some sort of bullshit along those lines. Nope! “I love who you are, but I also want you to keep improving yourself everyday girl. And I’ll promise to do the same.”

We men must realize that meeting good women is not about doing more, but having the patience and perseverance to do less. Good luck out there my brothers.

Read More: How To Pass The Bliss Test In Long Term Relationships 

261 thoughts on “I Do Not Date Woman Who Have Any Of These 15 Red Flags”

  1. I see nothing wrong with a woman wanting an older man because she wants a stable provider, but most cases is a girl wanting to resolve her daddy issues. These girls are not good for relationships, but they are so hungry for sexual validation that at least you’ll have some fun in the sack.

      1. A traditional relationship can be considered a sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship so that is not something to be ashamed of, especially if she is young and understands what an older guy brings to the table . If the guy is in his 40s , in good shape , with a 6 figure+ income and she is young , below 22 and wants something stable then this is a good thing

      2. LOL! Beta asian writers now on ROK? This site is slowly becoming a joke. Here is some food for thought before you start taking chopstick boy serious… Asian women have the highest rate of marrying outside their race, and it isn’t even close! Half of all new marriages for them in the US are to non-Asian men. THINK ABOUT THAT.

        1. Jesus. If you have to ask what the problem is here, then you will never get it. Who gives a fuck about the dating criteria of the most beta of men? These cucks get walked all over by Asian women, and are proud to live in culture that have 1.2 men to women ratios. Get real.

        2. A lot of guys think we are winning some war . Yeah right , go to any popular bar and watch women still behaving like women talking to guys they are attracted to not guys who make sense or are wise

        3. In the U.S. cause of Feminism, Socialism, and Big-government. In Asia not at all, maybe 1% lol. (or extremely fringe).
          We all take the shape of our containers unfortunately, and as human beings we learn through osmosis.
          You know I’d love to write an article on this topic you bring up someday. Until then, let’s stick to what we’re actually talking about. Instead of getting butthurt and attacking me personally LOL.
          I want you to have a great LTR as well.

        4. You ROK types get off calling the writers derogatory names like “chop stick” boy, or resort to throwing the writers under the bus with “beta”, or other less endearing name calling. Reminds me of punks from junior high I had to slug it out with in the early 70s (you probably didn’t even exist). I thought the editor was supposed to reign in this type of diatribe. Obviously, he does not . The writer has some valid points, even if I don’t agree with all. You appear too ignorant and resort to name calling rather than articulating anything valid or substantial. Return of Punks is a better name for this site. Remind me as a traditionalist man why I avoid ROK.

        5. I found #15 to be especially helpful to my understanding. I can love who a person is yet still expect them to grow and improve as a human being, just as I challenge my self to learn and work to become better than I was. But apparently such things go over your head.

        6. “Falls for black guy game” i.e., translation “I’m afraid she’s had black dick before and I won’t be able to measure up” – way to project your insecurities. This is why the so called men’s community gets a bad name you got a bunch of insecure dudes who can’t compete in the sexual marketplace and they project their insecurities about other men and very often it ends up being black men. Probably also explains why asian women marry out the most, because no matter how “smart” yall supposedly are no one wants an insecure man. The fact that that also made the upper part of your “list” also speaks volumes

        7. As a black guy I can actually relate to the “black guy game” put off. I don’t like dating women who expect me to act like the stereotypical black man in pop culture. They tend to be slutty with annoying characteristics. I won’t touch white women who exclusively date black men. They’re the most irritating because they believe I want a stereotypical black woman with white skin.

        8. For ER, it’s amusing that you bring up insecurity.
          To be honest, I have ZERO insecurity when it comes to casual hookups, and why so (besides fearing that she might be a pyscho or have STD’s). But when I’m screening for a LTR, I want to understand a woman’s values and if she is a SLUT so I don’t invest any further (cause I have made the mistake in the past lol).
          And probably Asian women here do marry out of their race because Asian men are mostly conservative in our long-term relationships. But guess what, they’re no better off than their feminist conditioning, and that’s the main reason. Even when my younger cousins and their friends talk about privilege, feminism and politically correct equality, cause of their liberal arts education, it drives me NUTS. And I’m scared for the unlucky bastard, that they will be partnering with.
          But yeah, anywhere in Asia, mostly I grew up in Nepal, even prostitutes won’t sleep with Black men, let alone the top quality women – you won’t even get a sniff. And it is due to racism, and because of how the stereotypical Black man game translates and is widely known.
          Don’t try to justify reality. I’m not insecure, just completely turned off when I know a woman has slept with Black guys. It’s a man’s sexual programming in my reptilian part of the brain, and I think it is a survival instinct. Warning me that this female is not suitable LTR material.
          And I have nothing against Black men personally BTW. You can sleep and wife these women, they’re just off my LTR list permanently. And if you want to call that racism, then do so. I like to think that I’m free to call that my criteria and preference in selecting a high-quality LTR.

        9. Ol boy is right (though racist), it doesn’t change the facts. Asian men are betas and their women are fleeing from them in droves. I get the feeling that you would accept your woman being defiled by a white guy? Interesting, since they seem to be hoarding your women. Sounds like penis envy to me.

        10. LOL!! This is too funny. Hey Kauai, no self-respecting Black man (or any man) wants chinks, let alone chinks of the Nepali variety. Sorry buddy, but only beta white guys want them.
          Funny enough, while you kiss white ass for brownie points, they are fucking the shit out of your women while you grandstand and wax poetic about “game”. All I see are Asian chicks with them! Stick to sex dolls and porn sites, and stop giving advice, especially when you can’t control your own women.

    1. There are a lot of things that back in the day would not be that big of deal, but in today’s environment is a sign the bitch ain’t worth it. For example, 80 years ago a woman who was not a virgin still probably wasn’t a slut, she may have had a bad marriage with a drunk abusing asshole, had one long term relationship with a guy who moved away, or something like that. Today, a woman who is not a virgin is typically a raging whore who has had a train run on her. Or, like in this article, Latin dancing 50 years ago just meant a woman liked getting out and dancing, but she didn’t do it to necessarily to fuck half the world. And then comes the sugar baby thing. In today’s environment women who go after much older men are typically just sugar babies, are doing it JUST for money, probably don’t want a family (unless it latches down a mans wealth), and more than likely she is fucking younger men on the side. When the fundamentals of your entire culture changes you have to adapt and realize that not everything is what it seems anymore.

      1. Honestly, you should worry more about a non-latin woman trying to learn latin dancing (salsa, bachata, merengue, tango, etc). They are the ones who usually use the dance for the purpose of getting laid with a latino. Latin women can dance most of the traditional latin dances without the need to get laid by a stranger, usually we will only dance with family members and our husbands anyway. Thus, I’ll have to disagree with the author on that point. EXCEPTION: reggeaton, latin trap, dembow. Latin trap is exceptionally disgusting.

        1. No problems with S/O or family members dancing with a girl. Problem when it comes to dancing with other men for a LTR. Otherwise, again no problem with casual partners. They are the easiest women to seduce anyway!

        2. Kauai Gyatso, I see no lie there. In my opinion, if its not a style of dance you can do with your father and your brother without looking incestuous then you don’t do it with a stranger! You can lead with just your hands touching. You can dance without smushing your bodies together. You can even dance with someone and leave more than a foot of space between you. Old school latin dances are often more about foot work and turns anyway. I’ve noticed that most people who only dance “a certain way” don’t have any dancing skills anyway.

        3. unfortunately, Bachata is like the new wave in latin dancing I’ve noticed lately. And it is far from respectable LOL
          Not that I care for it at all, the music is super GAY and so are the men dancers and their moves, but chicks eat it up. And the men, that can put up with this nonsense, a lot of Afro-cubans and Latino guys, that is their pipeline to sleep with all these dancing women. Not LTR for me at all!

        4. Well, with all due respect, this is where the cultural ignorance comes into play. I am Dominican. When I was growing up, bachata dancing was just the three steps – either side to side or front to back – and a few turns. There was a lot of focus on footwork, and when I danced with family we rarely touched more than hands. The bachata you have witnessed is most likely something westernized youth and americans have latched onto. But then again, bachata originated in cabarets and was associated with prostitutes for a long time…. LOL I’m in no way encouraging you to learn how to dance but if you meet an actual latin woman, don’t write her off right away if she says she knows how to dance.

        5. I actually lived in Barcelona and traveled in Italy for a bit, and I’m telling you a first hand account of what I saw. Women go crazy to dance Bachata.
          How can a man put up with his woman being felt up by another dude intimately like in Bachata baffles me! And a woman wanting to do that with another man, besides her partner in a LTR is the same.
          BTW, I only write these women off in a LTR, for casual relationships, they are awesome 😛

        6. Well, Bachata is Dominican. Italians and SPaniards dancing it is the same as Americans dancing it. Its not really theirs.
          And, omg you called bachata gay! My heart…. my soul! LOL I love the music and grew up with it. You can dance bachata with class…. you can dance anything with class if you try and you have actual rythm and skill. I think the main problem is that many today don’t want to be classy. That we can certainly attribute to modern feminism.

        7. Bachata is Dominican alright, but how prevalent it is in Spain, Italy, and everywhere there is a Latin dancing culture should inform us, what kind of dancing and preferences such women and by that virtue, men, are leaning towards.
          And yeah being classy nowadays is a personal choice, not a default of a modern, feministic society. You got that right girl!

    2. Yeah, some fun in the sack… Along with everybody else (and they mamas). I learned to stay away from the lighthouse sluts, you know, the ones who indicate to the sailors where to come park their meat.

    3. So in other words, the author wants the Tibetan equivalent of some arranged-marriage Indian giggling idiot in a sari, completely incapable of any sort of intelligent conversation, who will mindlessly squat on the floor in the kitchen whilst she makes curry and roti for him.
      You can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy. It’s a conflict you see in a lot of first generation Americans.
      My take anyway/
      Just a thought.
      P.S. and as a sidenote:
      I really enjoy ROK (and similar sites). It’s really crystallized a lot of my thinking regarding the sexes, esp. in the United States. (Where were you 20 years ago?)
      That said, there are times that I get the feeling that I’ve somehow wandered into The He-Man Woman-Haters Club – look it up – complete with a Greek-Chorus chanting: “Ho’s an’ Bitches. Ho’s an’ Bitches. Womens ain’ts nuthin’ but Ho’s an’ Bitches.” (Add a plate of ribs plus a bottle of whisky and you have a blues song.)
      There, I’ve said it. Thanks for listening

      1. Yeah, you have gotten accustomed to trash so much you’re justifying living in it. Change your mindset and quit tolerating skank behavior.

      2. Eh… I don’t think there’s anything wrong with going back to traditionalism a bit. I see what you are saying somewhat though. Some of these articles can be a bit off the wall. There was one that was removed; it stated that hot girls all fuck their dogs. Really? LOL Don’t underestimate a traditional female. She may not have anything to talk about with you at first, but she’s willing to learn from you.

      3. You have your cultures mixed up, and you’re way too sympathetic towards slutty behavior.
        Also, when it comes to the upper class in Asia, nowadays, arranged marriage is basically like parents and families introducing their kids to other kids, and it is up to them to go through with it or not. No one has a gun to their head, saying that they absolutely have to follow through.
        Amusingly, it can sometimes be a nice way to be introduced to an awesome girl. Mad social-circle, Family-circle game! I think men, have to be as resourceful and optimize from their options.

    4. You just described attention seeking whores ??
      Just maybe good for, wham bahm, thank you mam ??

  2. I agree with most of these, but I would definitely be fine with a woman who can Latin dance.

    1. Same here.
      In regard to Number10: A woman who has a career in massage, dance, modeling, or acting.
      You can add a whole slew to this list including bartender.

      1. I’d include teacher to the list, especially local English teacher when talking about Asian women. A lot of those women take those jobs to get more access to foreign p3n0r. If you can be that foreign p3n0r for a spat of fun, great, but most likely not LTR material. I learned that lesson the hard way.

        1. Add nurse, or anything whatsoever related to healthcare.. med sales, med insurance sales… et al. Never met one that wasn’t.

      2. Or a liberal or a hippie or a stoner girl who does not use hard drugs.
        Years later I would hear that “Tracy” the stripper became a psychologist. Her husband, if she had one, would have no idea the ten miles of penis that had been in her.

    2. Absolutely. The BEST women I’ve met danced kizomba and salsa. Women who like kizomba like it when a man takes the lead and are not afraid to be feminine. The author really should learn how to dance. For me a night of dancing with beautiful, slim and feminine women is far preferable to a night of sex. Having said that, dancing kizomba well is pretty much like having sex, on two occassions the girl I was dancing with had to excuse herself after as she’d had an orgasm on the dancefloor. That kind of power is no bad thing at all.

        1. You never touch pelvis’ when you dance kizomba properly. And to answer your question, like Roosh, and many game veterans, my notch count got way too high and I lost the lust for scoring. I like the picking up part, because there’s a challenge, but as for the fucking part, zero challenge, I already know the second she walks through that door the game is over: she’ll have multiple orgasms, try to get my number, I’ll laugh as I make her exit, seeing the disappointed look on her face. Rinse and repeat. It gets dull, dude. When your notch count is in the hundreds this will all make sense to you; till then, keep at it.

        2. I dance too. When I lived in Ohio I learned swing dancing because it was so popular there. Dancing has great value for a man. It doesn’t mean that just because I can dance that I am going to chase after women that are into it, especially Latin dancing when done by White women. White girls who Latin dance for the most part have the other 14 negatives listed by the author (except they prefer Latino men to Black men).

      1. That seems to confirm the authors point. Latin dancing is like sex with the man all over the woman. Fine if she’s with you, but then, she’s ‘danced’ with a hundred other guys.
        Sure it’s sexy, but then so are (some) models, actresses, waitresses, etc. Same idea.

        1. If you can’t dance I can understand your point. It’s like if you’ve never hit a golfball cleanly you can never understand the addiction of playing golf. I like dancing. Used to hate it and hate the men getting all the attention from the females on the dancefloor, so rather than crying about it I went to dance classes and now dance at an advanced level. I like leading the woman and they like following. It’s like jumping in a time machine to when the traditional roles of man/woman dynamics were valued.
          If the only thing you can glean from my post is that it’s all about sex then you simply don’t get it. And that’s fine. I’m fine to own the dancefloor while you stare on with jealousy, no skin off my back.

        2. Dancing has actually been a part of me ever since I was a boy, from salsa to swing to footwork (a derivative of multiple forms including swing). I appreciate the skill necessary and the translation to sex. We are merely talking RELATIONSHIP material not bangworthiness. Of course many girls with rhythm are hot and worth a bang. But again, a woman that is easily led by horny men who take charge and is mesmerized simply by their movement is not good relationship material. basically if all it took was your good body movement to get her to bed, then sex ain’t that special to her and i don’t even know how that is hard to understand.

      2. asdasda
        “dancing kizomba well is pretty much like having sex, on two occassions the girl I was dancing with had to excuse herself after as she’d had an orgasm on the dancefloor. ”
        This is probably the reason the author finds it objectionable. It’s basically having sex without having intercourse. Definitely a red flag.

      3. “Having said that, dancing kizomba well is pretty much like having sex, on two occassions the girl I was dancing with had to excuse herself after as she’d had an orgasm on the dancefloor. ”
        You just confirmed why he doesn’t like women who are into kizomba. No one wants a woman who gets off having a strange dude eroticly grinding on them – to even the point of orgasm? Now if I was trying to scoop her for a pump and dump, cool. But as a long termer or wife? Hell no.

      4. asdasda….
        Sounds like a “white” Latin guy here trying to rationalize perverse dancing. #Trump2020

        1. Might as well respond. Frankly, it’s a bit of a sad state of affairs how this site, which used to be about improving yourself, is now a domain for MGTOW mentality. Fitz embodies that beta mindset. The amount of assumptions made is a joke.
          I’m not latin, I live in SE Asia, dance with French, Russian and SE Asian girls. Non of these girls are fat or whores, they’re traditional.
          I don’t need to grind a chick to get her wet. It’s like you betas don’t understand how a girl’s mind works, I’ll give you a clue, it’s their number one erogenous zone. They get wet by my confidence, dominance and skills on the dancefloor. A couple of times some black guys came along, and left with their tails between their legs as they couldn’t compete (plus it just so happens that none of the girls in the dance group are mudsharks). So carry on with your MGTOW mentality, as I said before, no skin off my back.

      5. Yeah, I feel like there’s some cultural ignorance going on there. No offense to the author. Theres nothing wrong with a latin woman dancing traditional latin dances. Usually women of other races and cultures will start latin dancing for the purpose of getting laid. The exceptions are modern “latin dancing” such as reggeaton, latin trap and dembow. Majority of people who go to a club just to dance that are only out to get drunk and get laid.

    3. The issue is that she won’t be Latim dancing with you. She’ll be searching for Spanish men who are going to grope and feel all over your girl in the name of salsa. And she will love every minute of it. All the Dancing with the Stars contestants are fucking each other.

    4. Dancing is a gay activity. Men who dance are almost always gay or at least closet cases and if not are certainly the effeminate type. Lesbians dance with each other but all women dance with gay men because they feel safe, knowing they won’t have their pussies grabbed. They want their pussies grabbed but not by gays and not in public. The guys who don’t dance but save their energy for later get to go home with the sweaty gurrlz

  3. Very strong article, I could see many girls. The problem with these realities, is that in the western world, they nearly all match with these profiles.

    1. Many women from the more rural areas don’t match these profiles. Urban women though 100% are all that and then some unfortunately

      1. Dude, I grew up in rural ass conservative Texas…some of the most disgusting and prolific whores live in these areas…It is probably still more likely in these areas to find a woman if she is still really young, but dude, rural is a whole different game and YES, it is called ALWALT.

        1. Nothing is ever sure fire. The problem is that cities magnify the problems seen in rural areas.
          What I will say is that if you think it was bad in rural Texas, imagine Houston.

        2. You are right in that regard Fritz, if there ever was a good rural women, as soon as she hits the cock-fest liberal city she is done for. Still, with internet and cell phone age, rural women have plenty of access to the outside world. The thing that tricks men into believing that rural women are not sluts is that rural women just act more feminine, an act, because they are still in the “rural” culture (they don’t have purple hair, can probably cook, aren’t constantly talking about sexism)….but at the same time they are fucking Chad in the back of his truck out in the pasture.

        3. Yes that is true but it also depends who you go after. Some girls are overlooked for stupid reasons by men. They are quality but they just go unnoticed. These are less likely to have the problems written about since some or most are sheltered.

  4. “A woman who dances Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba. Basically, any Latin dance…” Well, then you’re ruling out 99% of Colombians, Brazilians, Argentines, and chicas from other Latin American countries Couldn’t disagree more with this so-called “red flag.”

    1. Yeah dancing salsa and bachata is quite fun and a great way for a couple to exercise together . It sounds like most of the writers want a woman who is a pornstar from an Amish village

      1. God forbid you try to give these guys some advice, you’ll be treated of americuck and nigger etc.. these guys need to shut up listen up to the more experienced men around here.

    2. I am not sure but I think mane the author just means Western women who do so. I have met plenty of White women in Kentucky who have gotten into Latin dancing and they are by far horrible relationship material for the following reasons:
      1. Surrounded by faggy beta orbiters (seriously many men who dance are super beta and unmanly)
      2. They think they are above other women because they are “cultured” and “have rhythm”. White women want a cookie every time they learn a physical skill since most of them have 0 talent in anything other.than TV watching and eating.
      3. They largely have a thing for brown men. If you’re White and want your girl to not have any interracial experience, Latin dancing White girls are not it because you can be sure Pablo and Juan stuck it in her for being a good girl.
      4. They are more than likely left wing. For some reason conservative White women are just to wary of anything with brown overtones so you won’t see Madison from the country dancing to Salsa but you WILL see Megan from the city doing so. She will feel all PC and cultured for being so “open”. All ballroom dancing women are usually liberals as the “arts” are very much a part of leftist attempts at showing how cucked they are.
      5. She will follow a strong man’s seductive lead if he is hypersexualized. This is great for you…until you realize it isn’t her first time. Nor her second or her twelfth for that matter. No, many times girls who dance just want hypersexual male to lead and they will comply by being a slut. Again, great for bed but shit for relationships. It is definitely better who makes you work harder than just being overly horny. In other words it means she falls for Latin man game.
      Anyway those are reasons to avoid WHITE women who Latin dance. Latin broads are a whole different dynamic so those that figured them out can chime in. I personally only date White women and have only been with 2 Latinas in bed so can’t comment on their nature too much. What I will say is it is much different to date a Latina who was born into the culture of said dance than a White woman who is an attention whore and wants credit for being cultured.

      1. I have a friend enrolled in ju jitsu and krav maga. Every year women buy a few lessons on Groupon , get all excited about learning then disappear after 2months

    3. Would you like to see your daughter or mother dancing hot with many men ?
      Yes these cultures are REDFLAGED.
      Having sex is ok, even having lots of sex, but making it a permanent passion, in beast mode, in public places, it is degeneracy.

    1. Yep. If she is an attractive western girl and she doesn’t come from a conservative religious family then she will not be LTR material. It’s that simple.

      1. If a woman doesnt believe in an invisible non existent fairy tale man in the sky she can’t be a good wife or mother. Hilarious.

    2. Even if a man isn’t particularly religious, I am sure red pilled atheist and agnostic men are noticing that their female counterparts are largely very much leftwing sluts who are antithetical to RP simply out of hatred for anything White or traditional.

    3. Many thinkers of the manosphere redflaged the “sweet religious honey” of the church. They say the woman must be hold strongly by a patriarchy (this is maybe what you mention behind the word religious). The musulims females are not LTR because of their faith in god or religious life, but because the muslims men make them shut their mouth and care about what they are supposed to care about. What we expect from religion is what we expect from strong men, because religions are the manhood spiritualised.

  5. Gonna add any woman that uses tinder to find relationships. It means her sense of judgment is clouded and also that she has unrealistic expectations. On top of that she would be overwhelmingly picky and more than likely has an overly elevated ego from beta orbiters and thirsty men.
    Also, has anyone noticed how shit tinder works in cities now? In the city I am we have a population of 2.7 million and women outnumber men. I did a test where I used a European male model’s pic to see how many more matches it would get…and nothing but fatties and very rarely a hottie. I am under the impression the hot girls have dumped tinder as a lead source because of how shit the game has gotten. I also know for a fact beta men have ruined tinder in many ways.
    Now I will say that outside of cities tinder still works great for fwb and the girls are hotter, but I seriously think tinder in urban areas has reached its point of negative returns. Like I said even a profile with a European model just matches with fatties.

  6. What’s wrong with a woman that’s not African American, liking African American guys?
    I like ROK a lot of levels, but sometimes I feel like the racism is a little off-putting. Especially if this website is designed for guys of any race or color to step up their game.

    1. Generally black men are the epitome of the “bad boy” that smarter women will avoid. Obviously all races have those types and that’s how I would interpret the signal to mean because any female that prefers that type of man is not LTR material.

    2. It’s not really liking black men being the problem but the worst things about their culture (thug life). It’s also the reason why black communities have so many single mothers.

      1. The real reason there are so many single mothers is because the “State” encourages it by doling out Cash and Prizes. It’s the same reason why the divorce rate is so high. Cash and Prizes.

    3. The statistics aren’t in favor of Black men. We are generally leery of women who chase Black guys because many of them have criminal records, have been in prison, and are overly violent. In other words, women that gravitate to men like those have their own issues that we would rather not deal with. That and higher levels of AIDS in the Black population.
      Are there exceptions? Yes. Do we want to hope they dated the Black dude who was the exception? We ain’t holding our fucking breath.
      Before my RP days, I briefly dated a woman who had shacked up with a Black dude. I actually was very cautious and held off on Fucking her. Anyway I asked if she had ever been STD tested and she said no, and well my ass just kinda ran out one day and never said anything else. The worst part about her? Born again virgin. Again, I wasn’t red pilled back then otherwise I would have seen a million red flags wave brazenly at me.

    4. If the guy she likes just so happens to be black, then whatever. But if she rallies for black guys then shes on the “thug life” train, and her interest is fleeting at best.

    5. JuiceMan, in case you didn’t know, this is a white supremacist site. Chateau Heartiste, Stormfront.org, Return of Kings and quite a few other “manosphere” websites form an echo chamber of white supremacists ideas. The thing about the manosphere though is that it’s tries or at least pretends to be something else which can fool a lot of people but lurk here and over at Chateau Heartiste for a few months and you’d realize what they are really about.
      While Stormfront members will openly suck each other off about how great it is to be white, manosphere sites are far more subtle about it. Make no mistake friend, if you’re not white, these people don’t see you as human so be very critical of what you read here.
      In the early days, the manosphere was great but it’s nearly all white supremacist nonsense now. The quality of articles has been steadily decreasing over the last few years and pretty soon I’m probably not gonna see any reason to visit these sites anymore. No sensible man, white or otherwise should embrace any of the ideas radical ideas promoted here. It will poison your soul and make you a bitter person. No good can come from living life in hatred and fear.

      1. It’s not being racist to recognize the contributions white men have made for modern society. It’s be honest. Which of course in our overly politically correct society has become racism.

      2. Not just white supremacist either, white MALE supremacist. They hate their own women as well as everyone else. A pretty narrow world view indeed but that’s what floats their boats. Their very own claustrophobic echo chamber. Fucked up basically

        1. Really, than why do you black dudes always want to fuck other races of women…do you hate your own women…LOL. #sterotypicalbalckwhoguiltsotherraesintolettingthemfucktheirwomenbecausetheirwomenareshit.

        2. Black men, unlike some cuckish-cross-burners, can appreciate the variety and beauty of all women. Why? Because they’re not afraid and they don’t suffer from the “our-women-mantality” of cuckish-scarcity. Women can smell that stench from 12 parsecs.

      3. @RedWheels….I think what you are saying is that this site is where white men act like normal men, you now, like all the other men that inhabit the rest of the world. White women are beautiful thanks to their genes, fair skin, small straight noses, straight hair, non-aggressive nature…etc etc. White men did not have beautiful white daughters so that some thug POS can ruin it. I am not one of those fagot pussies that wants my race to die off because we turned our nation into a free brothel where everyone in the world can have the “vaunted white women”….If see a white women, or even a fairer skinned latin/asian, so much as kiss a black dude I would never date her. Black men are criminal, have like 10 times the domestic abuse rates, are failed academically, they are typically horn dogs who just want to soil another races women because that is all they have going for them, they are insanely racist themselves, they are not that attractive to most sane people (tinder, dating apps, studies have all confirmed this), and they have never accomplished anything as a people. So ya, white women women who fuck black dudes are disgusting, and I gave you many FACTUAL REASONS for that. Hey, are you one of those idiots that think race is JUST skin color, lol, BECAUSE IT ABSOLUTELY IS NOT. What masculine men would want their unique genetics thrown down the drain (Conquered) by allowing their unique women to fuck failed men (all while white men uphold the economy, pay most of the taxes..etc etc)??? Tell me how masculine that is?

        1. Wes is at it again. The reason White dudes are like this is because there isn’t some large effort on White men to conquer non-White women. It is always dark men wanting White women. What is wrong with their own women? Why do they need validation from White women only?

        2. Modern women, including “White women” , are not partial to cross-burning. A large portion of black americans are mixed with white blood. Guess how that happened? I understand that your angry but divine justice is a mother-fucker.

      4. The funniest thing is that the guy who founded this site isn’t even white. He’s the son of Middle Eastern Muslim immigrants.

        1. And the funny thing is he is still sympathetic and understanding of what is going on in the west right now, and he has even said that he would never breed with a women with a skin tone different than his own, he want children that in some way look like him. He is still Caucasian, just more Persian in look. He also isn’t the stereotypical black who just goes around desperately trying to stick his dick in everything, demanding respect for nothing, and then bitching that white dudes don’t like mudsharks…like we should just be happy about our women turning into whores.

      5. Strangely enough Stormfront sees Eastern Europeans as white (and will ban you for disagreement), while NAZI Germany saw them as a sub-race.
        (Not agreeing or disagreeing, just saying)

      6. Instead of simply downvoating you. Let me explain – you are not a Man if you don’t belong to a tribe that’s what men are and being in a tribe means exclusiveness(as in us vs them) so if you buy into this “we are all one” BS than you are not a real Man thus have nothing to do with the manosphere to begin with and are wasting your time here

        1. In other words, cowardly safety in numbers. Yeah, that’ll go over real well in polite society where the hottest women congregate.

      7. Great observation. This is why feminism is going to be the victor because this movement encompass ALL women. As long you are female doesn’t matter if you are in Asia, Africa or Europe. Even more you can be a man who decides to turn female you are embraced and welcomed with open arms into feminism. Also if you are a bro who embraces and supports feminism you are also welcomed into the feminist circle. That is why feminism has such a wide and powerful voice as it unifies.
        As for this manosphere it is set to fail as this male movement isolates and emasculates men because at times embraces racism. For that it breeds division and infighting. All of this mind you is being dictated and strongly influenced by female pussy. So sad. Too bad.

      8. I think guys like you that throw all these accusations around owe a little more transparency to the targets of your insults.
        I think if you’re going to pull the race card in the anonymous comments, you should tell us:
        What is your race?
        Do you have a wife or girlfriend?
        If so, what is her race?
        What race of women are you most interested in?
        I strongly believe that the readers will find your answers to these questions highly illuminating.

    6. You misunderstand. No Racism here.
      No problem with such a woman. Only we do not wish to fuck them. We leave them to you black guys to fuck. We win – you win.
      What is the problem?

      1. Black guys don’t care who you fuck. That’s your problem. What you consistently fail to comprehend is that women decide who they find sexually arousing and whom they are going to sleep with. You don’t get a vote. The Sexual Market Place Ecosystem is not based on set-asides and handouts for behavior. It’s a jungle out there so proceed accordingly.

        1. Exactly. So in other words a woman who consistently good after low SMV, scum type men is obviously damaged goods AND we should want nothing of her. What is the part you are not getting here? Why should we chase after the same filth you do? Keep your white wimminz LaQuan.

    7. I do not mean to offend anybody, and I especially do not support any supremacist notions when I say this…. But people who have European genetics (whites) are superior to Africans (blacks) in all areas that actually matter, with very few exceptions. In my eyes, a white person who chooses to be with a black person inevitably lowers their value in all areas. Why choose to be with a race that has the worst intelligence, the most violent, an entitled attitude, overall negative character, low life expectancy, ridiculously high STD rates, crazy amounts of fatherless children, low income, least educated, and so on…. This isn’t just a white women black man problem in my eyes either. White men with black women are equally as culpable for the degeneration of the separate races. I do not hate black people as I feel the differences in our races are due to genetics, therefore it is not their fault. I do however believe that segregation in opposite-sex relationships between the races is not a detriment, but rather a benefit for everybody.

      1. “I especially do not support any supremacist notions.. but white people are superior in every way to blacks”. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

        1. The most dangerous thing to any racist is truth. you also see truth murdered in cold blood, by the most racist people, who just cannot stand that history favors the truth, repeats the truth. it is apparent in all the ancient texts, stone carving and ancestral paintings. and still the racists will reject and kill it and any messenger of it. one has nothing more to do than look at each continents history, to know that the most vocierous hitorical revisionists are also the biggest current racists. the truth is self evident and undeniable both in recorded facts and anecdotal ones. you want to know who the superior races are? The most technological and societal ones are the civil ones that progressivism and marxism attacks daily to subvert and destroy and subvert. one need to look no further than the members and foot soldiers if the marxist and “progressive” armies. There is your racists of every single twisted and fringe mentally ill stripe.

        2. @Deplorable Neal Jensen….racism is natural and evolutionary…protecting your genes is smart, making yourself a minority to others who can be just as racist to you is very stupid. Don’t be one of those civic nationalists fags, race matters. Races are different in MANY more ways than skin color, and yes, whites are fundamentally better than blacks, we have objectively proven this. There is nothing wrong with saying we are better, it is the truth.

      2. Remember that no one spends time, energy and money trying to destroy a people they deem inferior. It is usually the opposite that causes this cowardly reaction.

      3. Your a pathetic closet-cross-burner. Admit it. If God didn’t want the races to mix then he would have surely made it impossible. But then again, what does a ungodly man know about godly things?

    8. It says falls for black guy game, not just girls who like black guys. Girls who go for the “yo baby damn you fine” kinda shit. Only low self esteem women give in to that shit. AWALT but some are easier than others

  7. i know its not related to this article, but where is the piece on louis ck? id expect ROK to have done something w that asap. looking forward to seeing what other ROKers have to say about it.

  8. Add: has a mangled vagina that looks like an exploded steak, has had abortions (outside of rape- indicates a relaxed attitude towards unprptected sex and disregard towards her own health, obviously yours as well ), is hyper loud, agitated and physically unstable, has slutty friends, is easily influenced, loves attention from other men, assumes a shitty behavior towards service people (taxi drivers, cleaning staff etc), is generally rude, swears, has a good relationship with her parents/sublings but they’re fuck ups, started her sex life very early, isn’t ashamed to admit to past bad behavior (relationships with married men, sex for money or with a “celebrity” etc).

  9. This is one of the articles that disappoints me because it states the obvious but it’s vague and slightly inaccurate. Kauai Gyatso, you come across as a pseudo-Red piller who seeks White acceptance.

    1. No, he’s just your garden variety X-Box-Playin’ angry dork who made the mistake of believing that women would want to sleep with because of his incredibly high IQ. There are some women out there that would find his high IQ fascinating but they’er not the type of woman(curvy) he wants.

      1. Don’t play video games, but intelligence does turn me on! Can’t lie to that. Don’t care how hot a girl is, because if she can’t hold a conversation on my intellectual level, the sex is not enough for a LTR. And yup, I love curvy women. Cheers to that!

  10. It would be virtually impossible to find a woman who meets the author’s criteria…so basically, men should avoid long-term relationships with females at all costs because unicorns don’t exist. (And I heartily agree with that one…why settle for one when you can make a bundle and have ’em all.)

    1. A women who has 2/15 of these traits may very well be a great catch… but a women who has 10/15 of these traits most likely isn’t… We should not expect perfection, but we should expect greatness

    2. Unless the science is available whereby the author can clone his own version of the ideal woman/girl, this guy is going to have a tough time getting into any form of a healthy and happy relationship. I agree with some of the so called Red Flags but some of them just say male bitterness all over. Look like everything in life it is dictated by Pareto’s Law. The majority of anything is going to be crap. There is that small percentage that is going to be meaningful and worthy. Here is a rough number to play around with. From my personal experiences 20% of the women wouldn’t give me the time of day even if we are the last two people on earth. 40% of the women are somewhat interested and I have to put in more effort as I am more interested than they are. But….. there is that 20% where her interest level is higher and the relationship is great, happy and fulfilling. So this means 80% of the women I meet are absolute crap and if I stick around means I am going to be the bitch in the relationship. Avoid those ASAP and you will recognize those very quickly. Problem is many guys have their ego so far up their asses they keep piling on the losses hung when they should just fold and move on.

  11. Plenty of wisdom from Bruce Lee. His book is a little expensive so look for a pdf online to see if you’d get anything from it before you commit to a copy. Bad thing about being between countries like me is that you’re unable to build a lhysical library, though my ebook collection is pretty big.
    “Be water, my friend”

  12. Does this guy know anything? No Salsa or Bachata? You basically eliminated all Latinas, women who are feminine and know how to use their bodies. Please don’t write about things you have no idea what you are talking about.

    1. See my comment above. Basically, while I can’t speak for the author, I know for a fact that Western White women knowing Latin dancing doesn’t guarantee them being feminine at all and in fact many of them are leftist sluts. Lots of them are also into banging brown men.

  13. From reading this article this guy dates men. He disqualified every chick on planet earth! Maybe he likes to be a little asian bottom for a strong manly man?? What great advice from Asian Casanova!!

      1. LOL Fitz that was awesome! was going through the comments, and glad to hear your thoughts. Gotta RAISE OUR STANDARDS, especially when it comes to the future mother of our kids and our life partner. Probably one of the most important decisions a man can make in his life if he decides to have a LTR, and therefore, meticulous discipline is the only way forward!

    1. I think the main take away from this article is that these are generally speaking red flags. You’re correct in a way – very few (if any) women don’t have any of these traits. But let’s just say she has 2 of them. That is acceptable so long as her character is otherwise good, wouldn’t you agree? But, if she suffers from the majority of these 15, I believe you can safely assume she isn’t the best catch.

  14. I hope the author has fun hating on all kinds of women while he’s jerking off.
    No women who dance Salsa, really?

    1. for LTR’s I mean – didn’t say you can’t have fun with these women. You’re welcome to wife up women that like being led by other men and touched all over their bodies and turned on.

  15. Brilliant list.
    The ‘salsa’ dancing one is an eye opener. I like a guy who specifically addresses things we’ll find in the wild, like women who love to go Salsa dancing every week. My intuition said, “You Salsa every Saturday? Really. – uh, Okay” – so I never scheduled a date.
    I wasn’t sure what ‘Salsa’ was in reality, now I know.
    I don’t have a problem with number 1, given that I’m an older, stable, secure guy. A specific kind of woman likes that. But if a girl in her 20s wants a guy in his 40s – that is still sorta rare, I think. That’s going to have a material component to it (she is interested in status, material). Perfectly fine though, as long as both parties realize and accept it. I have no idea what we’d talk about though. The education difference will be enormous – and that doesn’t include all the wisdom a man accumulates just living life through his 20s and 30s.
    Number 12. Great. A woman who never fights for your time but fights to save the world, basically. I intuitively always held the idea that this wasn’t good, but hadn’t seen it specifically stated, and yes, I agree.
    Number 6. A woman who’s always on the make; flirting and ogling other dudes. The commitment-phobe, concert addicted woman who loves to sleep with stars etc. She has a PhD in seduction, and like a man with a PhD in engineering, she’s going to apply it to every aspect of her life. Ran into a few of these.
    But the best one is, for you younger guys, number 13. A woman who moved out early and struck out on her own, sometimes as early as 15 or 16 getting emancipated etc.; yes. That’s a huge red flag. I’ve met people like this when they reach their mid-20s, and after long conversations, they told me about how they left their country of origin and came to the US at like 16 years old to live with an uncle or some shit. They can’t really account for where it all went from there. They aren’t addicts of sluts. They didn’t do drugs. Often, they don’t drink, but if you strip back the layers, you’ll find she has lived in a wold most of us never imagine.
    She relies heavily on men – older men – lots of men, and always has. Stable men. Those men, and the lists constantly grows, and no one is ever taken off, take care of her throughout her life, and they all sleep with her.
    What’s more, she probably has a nebulous self-image, gets hooked with people who treat her like crap sexually, and she just rolls on, used to getting things, material and even love and protection, for trade.

    1. I had an extremely abusive upbringing, both parents were beyond psycho, I didnt have any choice but to get emancipated young (it was that or keep getting beaten by both by both parents and molested by my father). In spite of all that I went to college and made a successful life for myself and I’m a decent, caring person. Nobody picks thier family you know. I dont think there is anything more cruel than denigrating someone for doing what the have to do to survive and overcome a horrific childhood. Shame on you.

      1. Damaged women are a waste of time, too much baggage to ever maintain a real relationship. I would never date a woman who admitted what you have, let someone else be you shrink and punch pillow.

        1. @John Dodds, I wouldn’t give you the time of day either sweetheart. Im maintaining a real relationship just fine, thank you very much. Im happily engaged, and my fiancee as well as my many friends constantly say that they don’t know a more kind hearted or compassionate person than myself. I’m great with kids (having raised all my younger siblings myself I have plenty of childcare experience), so Im going to be an excellent mother as well. My experiences have not damaged me in the least. Im not sure what your excuse is for turning out so horribly though. A creepy Hugh Hefner idolizer who mocks and shames abuse survivors on the internet. Lovely. Your parents must be proud.

  16. For the men saying all women engage in behavior the author listed: you might want to look elsewhere. I am not saying NAWALT or any of that nonsense; I am saying there are still women who haven’t been exposed to the world of Black men, club dancing, sex tourism, and beta orbiters. Yes these women exist. They largely are from two groups.
    The first group is sheltered conservative women who have respect for male authority figures (their father was present and didn’t treat them like a princess). Usually you will catch these women married off or being courted by some beta looking geeky loser who daddy approves of because he won’t hurt her. Now, if he is a type of beta like Elise Linscott’s ex-husband, then she may be at risk for becoming like your modern Western post-feminism woman. Especially if living in the big city. But until she is exposed to this world, you just have to worry about training her and your life will be easy. Don’t train her and watch her become the woman of your worst nightmares.
    The second group is the oft-ignored “cute girl” cohort. Not the type to be out at the clubs or bars, she is introverted and prefers to be alone reading books or pursuing her passions. This type of girl may overlap with group 1 but not always. This type of girl is low on the experience with men as most of her life she has been ignored in favor or stereotypical “hot” girls who just happen to wear more makeup and dress more revealing. She honestly looks as good as the other girls, she just is more modest about showing it. As a result of her low experience she already doesn’t have beta orbiters nor does she have a desire for sex tourism or being overtly flirtatious with men.
    These two groups of women are the groups I focus on because the women therein bring me near zero grief compared to the sluts Western men chase. Having hen sheltered from the world, they act more feminine. Now when I say feminine I do mean feminine. They are very shy, sweet, quiet, and for the most part of expect you to do EVERYTHING for them. Essentially they welcome your guidance and if your guidance at any point drops, her interest will wane and she will politely tell you she isn’t interested. She won’t ghost you but she WILL tell you to kick rocks once she notices you acting like a pussy.
    Girls like this are largely uninterested in your “social proof”. If they see you act like a man in traditional ways (being aggressive, being physical, being mechanical, being a brute), she will follow your lead. She also won’t entertain the idea of plate spinning and doesn’t believe in open relationships so when she wants to commit to you she will he blatant about her intentions.
    Girls like this when turned on by you essentially act as your rest haven. After a long day of fighting the world, she greets you at the door by running out to your arms and embracing you in a passionate kiss. She longs for your touch, for your dominance, and for your wisdom. And unlike the women who meet 1-15, she doesn’t take any of this for granted.
    Long story short, these women are out there but some of you don’t want them. I don’t even know why I wrote this. Maybe because I have a hope that if more men pursue women like this, other women will feel the need to step their game up and stop trying to be like men.

    1. True words, however these women are increasingly rare simply because a) such women ARE rare in today’s culture, and b) they’re easy to trick by alpha males and after a few disappointments they do become embittered. While traditionally “good” men (successful, attractive etc) are busy chasing whores, these girls fall for fake alphas given their lack of experience. I’ve seen it with my own eyes and it isn’t a pretty picture.

      1. I know Hoplite. It is sad. But either we improve ourselves well to where we know how to find them or forever deal with aftermath of other men’s mistakes.

      2. That and NEVER pump and dump these girls. Do that with whores already far gone. Enter relationships with these women and you will thank yourself and have hope again. The more feminine a woman is, the more childlike, innocent, and sweet. Feminine women don’t need our player bullshit, they need our guidance.
        That said, relationships with these women do require work because they expect you to lead. You have to be on your game and be a strong leader or else she will start to take the manly role and will hate herself for doing so. Man, I am not saying being with these girls is easy street. I am just saying they are rather innocent and sweet just because they haven’t been hardened by the world and once we scoop them it is up to us to keep sheltering them and being their protector, whereas most modern women will forgive you if you don’t do that since they actually will find it “oppressive” and “patriarchal”.

        1. Yes yes yes I HATE it when my husband drops the leader ball. Y’all are on to something huge here…

        2. Yes yes yes I HATE it when my husband drops the leader ball. Y’all are on to something huge here…this is stuff I’ve been trying to figure out how to say for a long time but didn’t quite know how and didn’t want to just be accused of not knowing what I really want or lying. Yes I want an alpha but not a ‘bad boy’ one. I want a confident, dominant responsible one who will lead me and keep our roles in check in a straight forward, firm, predictable, healthy manner. Not a jerkboy that uses threats (dread game), emotional blackmail, distance/neglect, and other destructive and abusive behaviors to attempt to control and manipulate another human being. I have never and will never be happy as one of many plates. I’ve always ‘nexted’ men who used any of these on me and moved on to one of the many other available healthier acting men and never got and still don’t get why all other women don’t either. Especially, as is often pointed out on here, there are virtually infinite other options.
          I have to think there is something unhealthy about those girls that go for mean, uncaring, disrespectful guys but also that they are Made that way by men being this way to them. Cycle. How to break?

    2. This is the type of girl I’ve always been and, as such, alot of what is said on these sites doesn’t make the most sense to me. I mean, I understand it and it does seem to have merit, but there is always the feeling that something is missing or not quite right or just off somehow.
      I can see where most of it is going but it doesn’t quite get to the right place and/oropould be interpreted and handled a bit differently for better results in the big picture. It did occur to me that maybe I’m just different but I think it is more like no one is interacting properly with anyone else and all the improper behaviors feed off each other in a vicious cycle. There are too many incorrect or incomplete assumptions on all sides and so we just bounce off one another never getting it right. One example you pointed out ‘guys don’t go for these girls’. That’s part of the problem …I think more girls would be like these girls if more men went for them and everyone would be happier and with less games.

    3. There is so much truth here that it hurts. Literally, tears have fallen from my eyes. It is just as hard for us to find a good man who is not going to take advantage of us as it is for you to find a good woman. I’m lucky that I’m married now to someone I love so much. But when I was single, it was so hard. I wanted to be married and have my children by 25 but men who appreciate a good woman who is monogamous and want a family are rare. The “good men” are largely beta bitches: mommas boys, losers, extreme leftists, etc. Men I can’t respect. The alpha males will pretend to date you for months just to “get in”. I’m glad I met my husband but life as a single woman was so hard.
      I feel like the men on this site just want to complain about shitty women and not address their own toxic behavior. Both sexes are at fault.

      1. Straight up disagree with both sexes are at fault. If most women in their prime (18-25), gave Nice guys (not pushovers, but real gentlemen, well educated, takes care of themselves, respects people, but doesn’t take shit either) the time of day, instead of always giving their body loosely for the Badboy, thug, dangerous, assholes, mysterious bullshit. we wouldn’t be here.
        Instead these same women when they approach or hit the wall, then they want a man with integrity who shows up when he says he will, doesn’t play games, and doesn’t put up with them either. But it’s not a fair deal at this point, because the gentleman wants something better out there. He has done all this work to improve himself, better his resources and his life, and he wants a beautiful, youthful, and respectable woman to pair with, and that will raise their kids with strong and good values.
        Western feminism is to blame. Period. I just hope some women, still have the sense to realize the value of their looks, physical attributes, and what they have to offer in a LTR is paramount, regardless of what modern society or Feminism tells you what men really want.

  17. With regards to women in acting and modeling, in addition to the reasons listed, there is also the matter of TIME apart. Why bother dating a girl who is always away on a shoot, sometimes days on end?

    1. I doubt that most men who come to this site have access to legitimate models and actresses anyway, so the point is moot.

      1. Why is the point moot? And why do you assume that many of the men here wouldn’t have access to ‘legitimate’ models and actresses?
        I share my thoughts here after spending a decade working in film production (exposure to actresses and models) resulting in many dates and a few short relationships.
        I say short because of the understanding that we’ll be in different parts of the country/world in a matter of months.
        ‘Legitimate’ actresses and models are not hard to come by as some folk might think.

        1. Because I’m assuming that most men visiting this site don’t live in New York or Los Angeles ot work in film production/fashion. When I say legitimate, I mean actual fashion models and TV/film actresses who actually get paid for what they do. Not girls with an instagram following or a part in their local community theater play who call themselves “models” and “actresses”.

  18. Well now look, we are all human, and we all love sex. Let’s be realistic about life here – almost everyone has multiple sexual partners over their lifetime. That in itself is not a problem so long as it is within reason…
    Let’s say a woman who is 30 years old and has slept sex 10 different men up to that point. This, in my opinion, is not a red flag by any means.
    However, if that number is 100+ or something stupid, yes that is absolutely a red flag and I wouldn’t want anything to do with her.
    Lastly, I would recommend to all men and women to refrain from asking their future partner that dreaded question of “how many men/women have you had sex with”. Why? Because you could very well ruin what may have been the best relationship of your life, or rather you could get a manipulated answer.

  19. I dated a girl 8 years younger. We met on Instagram. When we broke up, she still traveled several thousand miles on several occasions to see me. She came from a broken family, no father, moved out early, and as far as I can tell today, prefers dating older men. She didn’t lie or withhold information, but she had an unnatural attachment to validation from random strangers online, and did “modeling” on her Instagram page (Hypergamy portfolio). Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth “gaming” to take advantage of Hypergamy if all you get is a shallow relationship. I’ll stick to dating village girls.

  20. My last girlfriend had at least 10 of these characteristics. Thing is, she initially passed herself off as a traditional, sweet, feminine and religious girl (she was a pastor’s daughter and her parents were immigrants) who just wanted to be loved by a strong but vulnerable man. In the first six months of dating, she took great lengths to hide the ugly things in her past.
    In time, I uncovered that she was only concerned about her career and had a slutty past. She even tried to get a job as a stripper while we dated, despite my firmly telling her I would feel very disrespected by her doing that.
    When we broke up, I was relieved that I had dodged a bullet by not going any further with this girl.
    [Imagine getting married to a careerist slut….]
    I had already become familiar with the true nature of women in my past flings, so I can’t say I became bitter and disillusioned after this.
    What truly heart was that after years of hooking up with and gaming the usual American women, I thought I had finally found a traditional, feminine, religious sweet woman who could love me without me having to play any games.
    Ha. No. I learned several things:
    • game IS needed even in relationships
    • Chateau’s red pill maxims about the true nature of women are painfully true.
    • Showing vulnerability to a woman is akin to saying “I love you.” Never do it first and do it as little as you can.
    • Be the one to dump, even if it hurts! If you feel her fading away, pull the plug. She mind end up crawling back to you, but even if she doesn’t, it hurts a hell of a lot less than getting dumped.

    1. Unfortunately you are true. But as time goes on you will be able to spot girls like that after much experience. They aren’t rare so you start to notice patterns and find that they have become effective bullshit artists. One of the best ways to find out is to push the sex stuff more and turn her on. Her willingness to take it further will help you see that maybe she isn’t as chaste as she comes off originally.

  21. Somewhat long time dancer here. As much as it pains me to say it, since I met a lot of people through dancing and they are my friends after all, the women aren’t really marriage material. Now some men will say that they don’t mind the women who dance SBK and I can understand it since you share a certain interest and as people, they are pretty alright, but for marriage material, honestly horrible choice.
    Most importantly: most women see dancing as a way to get that new man that will hopefully treat them right or whatever they hamsterized and have a few kids from another dude (in one from an evolutionary point of view rather funny case a dude who already impregnated a girl and walked off on her with another girl once she popped out the child) while thinking they can get a fresh one who isn’t married and doesn’t have kids. Of course, he is the sucker.
    So yeah, you can use them to have fun dancing while refusing any romantic involvement.

      1. someone gets it! I’ve had too much fun dancing and which led to other things 😛 But yes, these women are absolutely not LTR material.

  22. Kauai, I read the quote at the top and had to comment.
    It is one of my favorite quotes ever.
    If you understand and apply the wisdom in those words, you are moving along the correct path.
    Now i will read the article.

  23. I’m in my 30s. If it wasn’t for dancing I wouldn’t have much of a social circle. Lots of latinas out there. I tend to gravitate toward the quieter and more conservative dressing ones and avoid the skin tight short dress broads. There was this one girl I saw with some funky contacts that gave her eyes a weird color. Definite red flag there. In salsa class today I danced with this petite Asian chick that couldn’t have been more than 20. Definitely not a slut (yet). It’s a fun scene but be vigilant. The look a new girl gives you when you can move her around the dance floor is intoxicating.

    1. Nobody is saying dancing doesn’t get girls. We are saying girls that are into heavily sexualized dances are not relationship material. They love the dancing for the rush of it feeling like sex with random men. How the fuck is that a good quality to have?

  24. People generally don’t get emancipated at a young age unless their home is a pretty horrible place to be. Trashing victims of childhood abuse is a new low, even for this site.

    1. Ok and? We are saying to AVOID RELATIONSHIPS with people like this. HOW is that trashing them? So we have to date the people YOU deem worthy for us?

    2. Not trashing victims, just avoiding them, plenty of undamaged women to try, why invite trouble?

    3. Nobody is trashing them. We are just advising other men on potential life ruining relationships. Girls who have been abused often carry their wounds and baggage throughout their lives. When we walk into a woman’s life we have no idea about what has happened before. I had a BPD gf in college that was molested by her uncle as a kid. She told me and honestly it didn’t bother me. A few months later it became apparent that she was a complete emotional trainwreck. Slutty, verbally violent, cut and burned herself. My reputation in my hometown is irreparably damaged from a 6 month relationship with her. I dropped her and she’s been doing the same shit with other men to this day, despite stays in the mental hospital and countless hours of therapy and anti psychotic medication. She’s simply broken. The fact that you have such little empathy for men speaks volumes. Yes, some women experience trauma and heal but many jist loom for a guy to take their destructive emotions out on.

      1. Im sorry that you experienced that with her. I went through all kinds of abuse as a child, spent most of my youth in and out of foster care before i got emancipated as a teen. Today I am graduated from college with honors, engaged and about to purchase my own home. Im also planning to adopt children from foster care, as I experienced the system myself. My experiences made me a better person (what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger). My friends who grew up spoiled are more “damaged” than I am- lazy, demanding and unmotivated. If that’s the kind of girls you’re looking for go right on ahead. You could be missing out on a very good woman with incredible strength of character if you dismiss her as “damaged” because she’s been through a lot of trauma in the past.

      2. You can’t trust anything these BPD girls say as they often lie as a coverup for their rotten behavior. I dated one of these girls in the past and everything was a lie, including the sexual abuse stories. This is not to say that there are no authentic sexual abuse victims but rather that it’s difficult to determine their reckless fantasies from the reality. I remember back in the day where the popular belief was that girls who did porn were all victims of sexual abuse. At the time, I believed and felt genuinely sorry for them. Fastforward 30 years – Do you think anybody would believe that sob story today?

    1. That’s Amber Heard who was married to Johnny Depp then dated Elon Musk the Tesla, Paypal and SpaceX guy, worth $20 billion in case you’re wondering

  25. Dancing salsa and any latin dance is a red flag? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard. I found my last LT relationship of 2 years by seducing her with my salsa and merengue skills, and she treated me extremely well, only reason we broke up was because of differences in religion. She didn’t even know how to do latin dance I just led her. Most girls really don’t know how to do latin dance right but if you lead them you’ll set yourself out from any other guys at the party. The author was probably at a party when the girl he was hitting on got taken away by some guy who could do salsa, and now thinks that all girls who do latin dance are sluts. Most men these days are clueless about dancing. They only know how to sneak up behind a girl and dry hump I mean “grind” on them. If you know a bit a latin dance, because bars, clubs, house parties always play those types of music, you’ll have a wayyyy easier time getting girls at those venues even if your not tall and good looking. Source: Asian 5’7″ guy. I always have friends getting rejected because they creep girls out with that crap.

    1. Sigh
      Nobody said it doesn’t get you laid. It does. But any woman who gets off on being overtly with sexual with multiple random men is good relationship material how? Fuckin A people are stupid nowadays

  26. another red flag is
    a grown adult woman
    who is still a tomboy
    to the point where she
    doesn’t tend to her hair
    and wearing fake-up just
    doesn’t come naturally for her

  27. Sounds like a great way to stay single.
    So let’s do that Bruce Lee thing and do away with all these red flags.
    Instead just have one.
    Above everything else, has she ever lied about rape (i.e. does she ‘brag’ about it)?
    You freedom isn’t threatened by her notch count or any of those other things written about.

    “Third Culture Kids” who are female-and I live overseas-have all sorts of issues. It is not the fault of a child that its parents have forced it to move overseas all its life but I have noticed things about women who grow up overseas.
    Usually, they are liberal and elitist and sneer at rubes. If you wanted a patriotic woman you should seek out a townie.
    They’ve been fucked dozens of times. There are no drinking ages overseas and kids raised in places like Dubai or Asia are clubbing at 14.
    They have trust issues and commitment issues.
    They are always liberals.

  29. I think this writer suffers from severe Madonna-Whore syndrome.
    Not what I’d expect from a long term lothario.
    Women like older men. always have, always will.
    If your girlfriend is your age, good chance there’s someone older on the side who doesn’t get all uptight and macho.

    1. And that is perfectly fine with me. I’m gonna sleep with her as well and perhaps many other women like her, but cannot and will not take her seriously for a LTR. you’re most welcome to wife her up!

  30. Do not date women with ADD or ADHD unless you want to be her babysitter. These women literally have parts of their brains missing. They can’t remember anything and you will have to be like a drill sargent to keep them straight. Things like going on a date and leaving their purse behind, or leaving their keys locked in the car with the switch on so that the battery is run down when she returns. It’s like your common bimbo on steriods the stupid things she will do while she is in her own little world. There is
    medication for this condition IF she remembers to take it. She could make herself a note but she’d forget the note, she could put it in her phone, but she’d forget the phone or forget it’s in there. The one I know is so addicted to video games on her phone that she forgets to go to sleep at night. Reminding her doesn’t help, She won’t remember what you said. Sometimes when she needs to go piss, she concentrates so hard on it, she pees on herself. Her life is a mess but she gets a pussy pass, don’t let yours get tangled up it to.

  31. My red flags:
    Has a career in psychology / sociology / social worker. These women are mentally ill and often trying to understand their issues, narcissistic or histrionic behavior. Everyone has some issues but these people are unable to turn off from their career and do not act genuinely.
    Mentions exes too often. Friends with ex, or had a bad breakup. Three of my five relationships in the past three years ended soon after they unfriended an ex from Facebook.
    Takes too many selfies / overactive Facebook / too many Facebook friends
    A woman who complains that guys are only looking for one thing. That’s because you have no other redeemable qualities, buddy.
    My green flags:
    Religious and close with family.
    Brown and Latin girls… women from Pakistan, Indian, Ecuador, Peru are not any more sane yet they have some basic respect for men.

    1. American Indians are unpredictable and the Mediterranean blood does not help.
      Pakistani women? Where are you going to meet them? A UK ghetto? Probably if you are white their brothers will shoot you.
      Hindu Indian?

      1. Online dating for those. Indian women do not want black, or asian men, and sometimes do not even want Indian men, though their families prefer them. Also, many of these women who prefer white men have a more down to earth understanding of their value since white men are not their beta orbiters. Likely because they ‘assume’ they’re only into other Indians. I’ve found the women appreciate intelligent conversation and are not as dismissive of men.

    2. I’m wondering if the type of social worker matters or the job setting matters. I have worked with the elderly for many years as a case worker. I am currently pursuing my MSW. Most of the students i meet at school are far left and are working with youth/children. I see a lot of the fallacies listed throughout this website in students at my school. (in fact, I am unpopular because I often express opinions that are not popular to leftists, such as personal responsibility.) But of those who work with older people, I notice they are a bit more traditional, and have less childhood trauma. All of my observations are anecdotal; I am, in no way, attempting to speak for all social workers. But I do notice that those who work with children as social workers are far more “damaged.” Could it be their own experience? Could it be vicarious trauma through the work? I don’t know.

  32. My first wife admitted “her first husband raped her” on our fourth or fifth date…. I should have run away screaming…..but no like a dumbass I felt sorry for her. Shithead move!

  33. When I apply this list strictly to past women, I realize that all it takes is just 1 of the 15 flags to be present. Not 2, or a few… just one, and you’re usually either secretly being cucked, or it’s already over before it starts.

  34. LOL! Beta asian writers now on ROK? This site is slowly becoming a joke. Here is some food for thought before you start taking chopstick boy serious… Asian women have the highest rate of marrying outside their race, and it isn’t even close! Half of all new marriages for them in the US are to non-Asian men. THINK ABOUT THAT.

    1. LOL don’t know what this has to do with what we’re talking about here. smh! No related arguments, besides the obvious lack of intelligence and immaturity. Take a walk.

  35. So you wanted a borgaschmord of no-strings-attached-pussy and now you curse the high cost of your Faustian-Bargain. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!
    However, I do have a question. “2. A woman who falls for “black guy” game.” – Does this include White guys, Asian guys, Latin Guys and Indians guys who are all pretending to be down with the brothas so they can cop a sniff. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!
    All kidding aside, chicks dig guys that know how to dance because it’s a barometer for bedroom performance. Just like when men can tell by the way a women walks or dances, whether she’s good in the sac or not. Women who know how to move are always better in the sac and vice versa.
    Instead of making a butt-hurt-beta laundry list of Boo Hoo Hoos, I suggest you head down to the nearest dances studio and learn some moves so women don’t see you as a boring stick in the mud with no moves. Just like the song goes “Girls just want to have fun.”

    1. So you’d enter a relationship with a woman who gets off on dry humping random men and somehow something is wrong with the rest of us?

  36. Man , this site is blue pill. I am not taking about the author who’s on his way to understand something, but many if the comments here are incredible. Dance? A man does not dance. Dancing is for women. Waste of time.

  37. You talk of “Black guy game” as if it is universal to all Black guys. Nonsense and the epitome of lazy stereotyping. The reason my wife fell for me is because I was the most responsible, motivated, ambitious, and all around awesome guy she ever met who also just happened to be Black. There is so much good information on this site, but he casual racism on display here is just (in my best Trump voice…”Sad”)

    1. yeah when your culture makes a piece of real estate actually appreciate for the first time in human history, we’ll start paying attention.

    2. If your wife is white, she’s a traitor to her own father, got something missing in the brain obviously, severe psychological trauma of some sort. No white woman with any sense of healthy self-respect or confidence would have anything more to do with a black guy than taking her change at the gas station. To you, it’s a victory, because you envy white men, and hate your own people. But to her, it’s a major step down, a voluntary sullying of her own genetic line, and it’s indicative of serious mental illness. No father raises a daughter and says “gee I hope she turns out to be a race-mixer!”, and there is a very good reason for that.

      1. Monumental BS James, one of the reasons my wife loves me is that I embody many of the same character traits she admires in her father, who by the way live with us part time in their retirement. You have a deep seeded resentment and fear of competition. Get off your ass and accomplish something of your own, instead of pathetically clinging to some kind of melanin affiliation to boost your confidence. Lastly, “you” are African as well, as is everyone, DNA does not lie, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTxcpq8TtcQ

        1. The fact that her father is a repulsive cuck only bolsters my argument rather than weakens it. The kind of pathetic shell of man who would tolerate the situation you describe is exactly the kind of half-man who would raise a mudshark. She is rebelling against his weakness in raising her, subconsciously.

      2. You are so very steeped in your fear you are a lost cause with your schoolyard slurs. All that fear is going to eat away at you, find your courage and go out and accomplish something James, and try to educate yourself on evolution as well.

  38. Some of you guys are missing the point. Maybe “Black Guy Game” wasn’t the best phrase to use but we know what he means. Actually I find younger black woman (Afrocentric college age) are very turned off by black guy game and prefer the educated black frat guy type (think Dwayne from different world). I find Hispanic American women very susceptible to this type of game and many are not LTR type. Any girl susceptible to simple hood game (used by Black, Hispanic and Eminem white boy types) is not LTR material. Let’s stop being and PC and Racist for fun shit gets old.

    1. nicely put! That was my meaning indeed. And you nailed it with the demographics as well. Who wants a woman, who falls for the first man talking smooth and touching her all over. As a man, especially for a LTR, I want a girl that is a LOCK, which can only be opened by my special key, and not just anyone.

      1. I definitely respect that. Hood game is disgusting. It’s literally just cat calling and makes even a good looking man drop from a 10 to a 2 immediately. It also means that he’s doing that to every woman he sees. The women he uses that on obviously aren’t special to him, and the women who fall for it are numbnuts.

  39. Smoking
    Dyed color of rainbow in hair
    Piercing of face other than ears
    Single mom
    Excessive tattoos
    History of sexual abuse
    History of mental health treatment

  40. So, this pretty much means that 99.9% of women are not worthy of going near with a 20ft. pole.

    1. This is true. You must be the .1% top tier of man to get the women worth having. If you aren’t up to the challenge get busy. 95% of all people are just filling up space.

    2. for sex it’s OK; although, I’m kinda picky nowadays with who I choose to even have casual interactions with. Cause you are who you hang out with. And people’s energies rub off on you, sub-consciously and un-consciously.
      But for an LTR, never settle man. It’s better to be alone, then miserable! It’s only when we’re confident and comfortable being alone, that we become whole and centered, and from that amazing space, we can attract awesome, deserving mates.

  41. LOL black guy game = she’s dumb as F%$K & total sleaze. Ask on first date if she’s dated bros, so you know if you need to dine & dash or throw purse out window after she’s been booted from your mode of transportation. Brothas only take take take, it’d be different if they contributed a share of their own ladies to the game, but they rarely produce anything worthy of feminine beauty.

  42. Where on earth did all the bitter cat ladies, white knights and becky-chasers come from in these comments? Lord have mercy.
    Well let me try to add a few to the list. Great article by the way.
    A past in the Peace Corps, or summer camp or any similar organization that involves coed sleep-aways.
    Tattoos but especially those in erogenous zones or visible outside standard work attire.
    Atheist, or any religion except Christian and its variants.
    Admires her strong mother and downplays her father.
    Seeks entry or is in a male-dominated field.
    Shows an interest in hobbies that attract beta orbiters, such as guns, comics, underground music scenes, or video games.
    Shows hipsterish style choices such as vintage clothing, colored hair, weird piercings.
    Likes Twilight, Harry Potter, etc.
    Prides herself on the books she reads.
    You can easily eliminate 99% of the weak competitors in today’s paltry sexual landscape with these three questions:
    Does she have 12% bodyfat or less?
    Can she cook a four-course gourmet meal without making a big deal of it?
    Does she value loyalty over popularity?
    Most skanks fail right out of the gate so there is no need to waste your time further.

  43. How about some nuclear red flags. These ones are worth x100 points each:
    Has dated outside her race more than once (relax brothas, this includes sistas who be steppin out).
    Has been or is addicted to a hard narcotic.
    Has been in a mental health facility and/or is currently on anti-depressants.
    Has ever had a pimp, incarcerated boyfriend, porn director, or agent.
    Has ever had a pregnancy outside of a committed marriage.
    Has been divorced.
    Has been a dedicated activist in a left-wing organization.
    Takes calls or texts from her male boss on nights and weekends.
    Is in any sort of performance career – singing, stage acting, comedy, ballet, athletics.
    Is in the legal profession in any capacity.
    Smiles and makes eyes at attractive waiters, bartenders, and valets when you are out.
    Travels frequently for business.
    It’s not like these women should just evaporate off the planet or anything, but any man who uses them for any more than a live masturbatory aid is begging for pain and suffering.

    1. I’ll have to disagree with this: ” Has dated outside her race more than once (relax brothas, this includes sistas who be steppin out).”
      Especially since there are so many articles on here encouraging men to date foreign women.
      The “pregnancy outside of marraige” should be number one. Not just number one but NUMBER FUCKING ONE. lol

  44. What’s the deal with MEN???
    They’re always hor.ny, but most of them are penniless and too ugly to fu.ck.
    Seriously, I’m thinking of just becoming a Feminist, but I still wanna be a feminine hottie and none of that TERF bulls.hit because I’m a trap-loving woman.
    Come on, why don’t you say we join the DARK SIDE and create a new brand of “Pink Pill Lipstick-Les.bian Feminism” that forces all TERF Dyk.es to the Gas Chambers and all men to take Estrogen from the age of 5 so they turn into Se.xy Bootylicious Traps instead of Fat Neckbeard Dorito-Eating Sweathogs that browse 4Chan all day?

  45. You are off mark when it comes to dancing. Salsa is not an intimate dance. Bachata dominicana is also not really intimate. Bachata sensual is. Kizomba is not a “Latin” dance. I ‘d avoid Kizomba and some Bachata dancers but beyond that, dancing is not a red flag.

  46. To be honest, 13 can go one of two ways.
    1. she’s a whore
    2. she worked her ass off in a shitty paid job and managed to be independent.
    Moving out young doesn’t automatically make a woman a whore.

  47. I would add a sixteenth red flag:
    16. A woman who admits to having been grossly overweight in the past.
    Weight issues are mental health issues which don’t disappear just because the fat did.

  48. #5#5#5#5!!! Especially in today’s social media world. These girls are rotten to the core.
    #7 & #9 – I have a slight variance to these two: I will never date a girl who did not have a present father and/or a close-in-age brother growing up. Women who grow up without a male role model in their lives have an incredible amount of disrespect towards men. They are unbelievably toxic and psychologically fucked up beyond belief.

  49. It’s great to have standards — I applaud you for that. But you make a LOT of assumptions. You’ve oversimplified everything down to a = b, without accounting for OTHER information.
    Two examples:
    Is every woman who comes from a weak/stressed/dysfunctional/broken family a SLUT?!
    Has every woman who has traveled extensively and lived in several different places “slept with a bunch of different men?!”
    Of course, the answers to both are NO.
    My advice is to pare your list down, emphasizing the most important ones. And open your mind. (Maybe that comes with maturity.) 🙂
    Single woman

    1. These things affect odds. Statistically speaking that your parents are married and not divorced is a huge predictive factor but odds are odds and there are always exceptions.
      Do people who have been in jail always return to jail in the future? Not always but statistically they do so more often than those who haven’t been inside.
      This imbecile doesn’t understand basic odds or logic.
      The reality is women judge equally as much as men and that is 100%. Give them ten men and they’ll not pick on a lucky dip they will be able to basically rank them and get the best they can. They pick also on factors which are probabilistic rather than strictly determinative.
      The man looks after a dog and the old lady next door maybe he is caring? that is also an odds thing and doesn’t strictly determine it and thats how all humans work out others by looking at patterns and using odds.
      I did disagree with the travel point also because these days all women have travelled and I know many didnt sleep around.
      I think he underplayed the role of race ( racially northern european women are often players) , of family ( e.g. if parents cheated ) and religion (few Hassidic Jewish women commit adultery).
      Don’t be a dumb-ass

  50. I just want a woman to be a woman. I want her to appear and act feminine. I don’t want any woman who is trying to be “one of the guys.” She can be a strong woman, but please be a woman.

  51. This article screams incel bitterness. We don’t give a fuck about your sexual frustrations. Women don’t like weak-ass chinks, accept that already Chin Chong Wang.

  52. Sounds like a load of crap to me – a woman who falls for ‘black guy’ game, are you kidding me? Fucking racist!!!

  53. Or she thinks he’s loaded with cash and is waiting for him to die she can get everything ESPECIALLY if he has no family

  54. Apparently women won’t date a man who can’t figure out he left number 8 off this list.

  55. Too bad we have most women, especially feminists in my country who falls in that top 15 list category.

  56. His last point invalidated all the other points before it. He wants a woman who can change for the better, and yet he won’t accept that many women are able to change from a certain background or behavior. And, unfortunately, traveling to many cities is a way to grow as a person.

  57. This website is the funniest and most entertaining horse shit I’ve seen in a while— a bunch of supposedly grown men sucking each other’s metaphorical dicks. Adorable.

  58. What it all boils down to: Any woman who would have anything to do with you – avoid at all costs.. unless she’s running a special.

  59. Nailed it Kauai, when you look at your reasoning and react logically and not emotionally it’s extremely self explanatory. Feminism perpetuates the self entitled snow flake type so having the values in line with your preference is 100% your prerogative. The values are very recognisable as I’ve only dated Asian, and your partner should be reciprocating 😉🙃 it’s Better than the feminist shit you read nowadays with women listing off their unrealistic expectations when they don’t even possess half of the attributes. #nailedit

  60. Its apparent the author realizes his inferiority to Black game and Black Cock. The whole of ROK honestly appears to feel threatened by Black American Men. At first it appeared to be a ploy by the Iranian to engender himself to the white nationalists among us, now its just cliche’. As an Iraqi Vet and proud Marine I’ve served alongside and lost more Alpha male Black brothers men who were more alpha and red pill then your whiny beta snowflakes and chopsticks. The MRA movement needs unity of men not division.

    1. You know exactly what he means by “black guy game” and black guys should also be very wary of girls who fall for Black Guy Game. We are NOT talking about banging Pointdexter from West Africa who is in the Chess Club and a STEM major. You know what we are talking about and any girl who disrespects herself by banging a knee-grow with a ghetto attitude and treats her like dirt should be more than a Red Flag.

  61. The unordered biggest predictors of divorce:
    1) Are the parents married
    2) How many sexual partners did the woman have
    3) Did her mother or father commit adultery
    4) The ethnicity of the coupling e.g. white men black women have v low 15% ten year rate in America where white women black men have very high over 70% ten year rate ( white guys dodge SE Asian and white women ).
    5) Religion of couple ( Athiests divorce the most )
    For marriage dodge ethnically South East Asian women. Go North East Asian is my tip.
    Many of my friends actually got rich from marrying these asian women. Three of my male friends have gotten their wives asian families to buy them houses in London in their twenties. Several others have married up massively into wealthy families and life lives of luxury. This doesn’t happen with white women easily and generally the rich girls are not marriage material or out of my league these days. Two of the top three countries for millionaires by number are now Asian. If they are only Asian middle class with a nice flat in a top Chinese city then even still in ten years they will be rich on yellow money. Guys I remember who got with middle class Chinese girls fifteen years ago are now married into rich families living it up as they are getting rich fast. Defo the only gettable wealthy girls.
    I call marrying a wealthy high earning woman marriage a condom and thats because no other form of protection actually works. Dodge all the other risk factors and you can still get fucked because even if you judge her perfectly and read between every line and dodge 50 bullets sent by sluts dressed as virgins this stellar chick can then only go and fucking change and you can still get fucked.
    Its not about getting rich from them its about not getting broke from them if it goes wrong. White women are crashing fast verses other women so kindly dodge. This next generation there is hardly one better than a Kardashian.

  62. Roosh is an awesome guy for starting this site and the movement but he needs to filter who writes these articles. I feel like this article was written by a 22 year old idiot. I live in Los Angeles and every girls has all 15 red flags. What are we left with, fat ugly 4s? This is the reality, we must come to accept it. Sugar baby is the new phenomena. There is no hope, women are openly admitting to whoring and loving it. Yes, we cannot stop old rich men for paying for girls. If you avoid all these girls especially in LA you won’t be left with anything. Find a girl, negotiate a reasonable price- pay her and get your nut and fulfill your needs. Live your life make money and do good in society.

  63. I can see this man being turned off by a woman “Whos lived in a different country, traveled many cities” only because he hasn’t himself, and has a hunch he probably never will.
    On another note, anyone who regularly enjoys massage will know that it is a trade that take skill and dedication regardless of looks.
    Consider not publishing articles by 22 year old virgins.

  64. So basically so are describing a unicorn. A pristine woman that worships you and you keep in a pedestal showcase. All of these “red flags” that you are describing are the typical average behaviors of females in the current society, specially the hot ones, or the ones that you jerk off to. If you are going to write and complain about what you don’t like and wait for your unicorn to fall in your lap, you are the beta of betas!
    Lame to see this kind of posts. As a true man, is your responsibility to go out there, be a beacon of values, non judgemental sexual flirting and from the abundance of women in your life, choose the one to whom you feel more common thins.

  65. To No. 2-6, 9, 11-12, 14
    If you want a real LTR, if you want to marry a girl, get a young girl. Get her real young. Or re-educate an “older” one. Have a powerful frame for that.
    Where is No. 8?

  66. My red flags
    If she Makes fun of , or talks shit about a person with special needs
    How she treats fast food workers
    How often she calls the cops
    Note (if she lives in the suburbs and regularly call the cops their is a problem

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