For several years the liberal establishment has been pointing out that “rape culture” has made the West as dangerous for women as an African slum. We’ve been told that native-born men, because they weren’t taught how not to rape, have been raping with impunity in universities, clubs, bars, and on dates. So much raping has been going on that by now you’ve certainly stumbled on dozens of rapes while they were in progress. Even I’ve been called a “rape teacher” and “rape instructor” more times than I can count, all because I give men tools for having consensual sex in the most efficient (and legal) way possible.
This week, news broke of a Syrian refugee rape mob assaulting dozens of women in Cologne, Germany:
On New Year’s Eve, 1,000 men described as Arab and North African sexually assaulted 90 women in the German city of Cologne. Instead of being random, separate assaults dispersed across a very large city in the country’s most populous state, they all occurred in the vicinity of the Central Station, or Hauptbahnhof. Wolfgang Albers, the local police chief, called the incident (more like, dozens of incidents) “a completely new dimension of crime.”
I expected the establishment to immediately start programs or make posters that teach Syrian men how not to sexually assault German women. Instead, they have instructed women how to take responsibility for their safety, an action that they’ve been insisting for years is the same as “blaming the victim.” Because of this blatant double standard, we can conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that “rape culture” is nothing more than a political weapon to harm and marginalize Western men. It has nothing to do with keeping women safe and everything to do with emasculating Western men and removing their due process when it comes to sexual encounters.
Immigrants and refugees can quite literally roam the streets and grab whichever German woman they want without getting criticized by politicians while a woman who falsely claimed to have been raped in a dorm room by a German man (ironically enough) gets invited by an American Congressman to the State Of The Union address. Welcome to insanity.
The double standard is so ridiculous that German liberals are using my talking points
One year ago, I posted a thought experiment about how if we made rape legal, women would have no choice but to keep themselves safe and take the proper actions to minimize the chances they will be raped. Here is the take-home message from that article:
If a woman is indeed a child then maybe we really need to keep promoting “rape culture” as a way to keep them safe, but if they are actual adults, which is often claimed, then we can start treating them like adults by allowing them to take responsibility for the things that happen to them which are easily preventable with barely a strain of cognitive thought, awareness, and self control.
The article went viral and I was roundly criticized by the media and their feminist foot soldiers of being a monster and evil person who wants women to be violently ravaged. Because of it, I was accosted by a mob in Montreal that repeatedly called me a “rapist,” even though I have never been accused of rape.
It’s important to note that my work has also never been linked to a single sexual assault conviction out of the 100,000+ men who read my work. Therefore not a single rape has ever been attributed to me or my writing, which statistically must be below the average, and yet because I demand women account for their own personal safety while simultaneously teaching men game tools that take advantage of the sexual dystopia that feminists helped create, I’m attacked alongside my readers.
Cologne has dealt a body slam to the narrative
Based on the unrelenting criticisms we’ve received in the manosphere, you would think that the Western establishment is singularly focused on reducing harm to women by changing the behavior of men. Of course you would be wrong. On New Year’s Eve in Germany, mobs of refugees went around molesting, grabbing, and in some cases outright raping German women. Instead of outrage directed at these men for their crimes, many of which had multiple witnesses, the German authorities have told women that they need to protect themselves. Useful idiots in the media said we shouldn’t be so racist to the refugees. The rapists have been given a pass because the assailants are a protected class in the perverse multicultural narrative.
Instead of re-consider their open-borders policy from the bowels of the Middle East, German politicians told women that they should defend themselves more properly and have a “code of conduct” to not get raped.
Speaking on live television this afternoon, [Cologne] mayor Henriette Reker, who was near-fatally stabbed in the run up to October elections by an anti mass migration campaigner, said in future women would have to be better prepared in her city to deal with migrants. She remarked: “The women and young girls have to be more protected in the future so these things don’t happen again.
“This means, they should go out and have fun, but they need to be better prepared, especially with the Cologne carnival coming up. For this, we will publish online guidelines that these young women can read through to prepare themselves”. [Source]
Even more absurd, the Cologne mayor advised German women to remain at an “arm’s length” from strangers. Refugees get exempted for their behavior and women are told to accommodate their predation, while American, British, Canadian, Australian, and European men are assumed to be born rapists who must be taught how not to rape, even when they’ve never been accused of a crime or any prior act of wrongdoing. What happened to stopping rape culture? What happened to “toxic masculinity”? What happened to safe spaces? All gone in the same amount of time it takes for a New Year’s Eve firework to explode in the German atmosphere.
The scam of “rape culture”
What’s happening in Germany reveals that there never was a rape culture in the West, and there never was concern for women’s safety, but that promoting it was but one means to allow the establishment to expedite their subversion of Western societies, to weaken and demoralize the men, to sterilize the women with “empowered” careers, abortions, and casual sex, and to break up the family unit and make everyone dependent on corporations and the welfare state instead of each other.
Today, I am a vindicated man. I’m vindicated because the establishment of an entire country has exposed the lie which I’ve been pointing out for years. This week they were forced to contradict their own narrative, one that we’ve long been claiming is obviously false, by enabling, promoting, and protecting a genuine rape culture of Middle Eastern refugees who are invited, fed, and sheltered by the state. Are you feeling enriched yet?
Now that the whole world sees the double standard through which “rape culture” is being applied, only one of two outcomes can happen. The first is that the establishment completely drops the rape culture narrative, stops treating Western men like criminals who need to be taught how not to rape women, scales back the anti-male “affirmative consent” laws, and kicks out the refugees that are turning European cities into third-world hellholes.
The second outcome is that they continue to selectively use the rape culture weapon against Western men while giving refugees a pass, a mammoth contradiction that will infuriate the citizenry and accelerate the collapse of the multicultural narrative and those who use it to hold power. Millions will move over to nationalism, the only antidote that can put a stop to the sociopathic liberals currently in power. I think we all know which road we’re about to go down.
Read Next: Congratulations To Feminists For Helping Import Actual Rape Culture To Germany
“The second outcome is that they continue to selectively use the rape culture weapon against Western men while giving refugees a pass, a mammoth contradiction that will infuriate the citizenry and accelerate the collapse of the multicultural narrative and those who use it to hold power.”
I believe a 3rd outcome is a possibility. It seems most Western Government have disdain for their own people. Once the people wake up to that…..
I never thought i would see “German Vigilante” in the same headline in my lifetime.
As things continue to escalate and the sheer numbers of the violent migrants, along with policies that protect them, make the police impotent, you will see many, many more vigilante groups spring up to protect their communities. They will be regarded like Batman; condemned by the media, but praised by the communities they protect. This is all my personal speculation.
Always wanted to be batman.
Tough call. Given the times, I’d probably opt for more of an Arrow approach…mainly so I can run around yelling “YOU HAVE FAILED THIS CITY!”
The Tick all the way.
How do you say “spoon!” in German?
Hah! I haven’t watched The Tick in years. And his trusty sidekick….Arthur….
…Batman merely adopted the darkness
I hope these vigilantes have cool costumes. The optics are important.
Not going to lie…I’ve mused on the topic of what would I wear if I were to become said vigilante. My thinking is something similar to the Daredevil outfit from the Netflix series (not the red goofy costume. I’d probably add some basic protection like shin/forearm guards and such. A bit of wistful childhood daydreaming does the soul good.
It’s too bad it always takes something happening to women for some of these men to finally get riled up. It’s pathetic and gynocentric. I guess there is only one violent crime that is worth fighting for?
These migrants are doing more than just rape. They also blow themselves up and attack people in other violent ways. They need to get these vermin out period for all of those reasons.
I bet it must feel amazing to feel vindicted after all this.
And since every jewish leader is pushing for an unlimited third world importation to dillute western society and feed the mammoth welfare state, you can bet that #2 will be the one who will be followed. Expect articles in 2016-17 like “A mob of immigrants clash with two german men, police arrested the two germans”
Oh, there’s a rape culture alright. It was created, nurtured, fed and grown by women. It still grows fatter by the day, suckling at the collective tit of women who think that “rape victims” are entitled to be believed no matter what and no matter how long they’ve remained silent.
As usual, it will fall to men to right the ship. Arm yourselves. The state won’t protect you, you must protect yourself. I suspect that if any similar incidents in the future are swiftly and violently put down, this nonsense may stop.
Yup. The police are there to enforce government dictates, NOT to defend “the people”.
I have a friend who is a police captain in Hessen and we had an interesting conversation over beers in his garage about 10 years ago. Ah the things he revealed are just starting to come true. Germany, along with the rest of Europe, is f*cked and that is slowly dawning on the public.
As a Brit, i will be voting to leave the EU as soon as we have our referendum. Devolution of power to a foreign ruler (Brussels) is suicide. The day you lose your say in what happens to your country is the day hope is lost. A common economic market was clearly a lie to control Europe- and perhaps ultimately to destroy it from the inside out.
It was pure overreach. Brussels is not accoutnable and corrupt as they come. Me thinks the EU will finally dissolve when the Germans run out of money. How many times are they going to pour money into Mediterranean failed states? Take in illiterate 3rd world savages? Provide generous welfare with a shrinking population (tax base)?
It is entering the end game.
It will be interesting to see what happens if/when the EU is disbanded.
Smaller countries like Austria will go nationalistic again but the larger more guilt-ridder ones like Germany and France will probably fart around a while longer trying to keep the narrative alive. Deutschmark, Franc, Lira.. All the good old currencies will come back 🙂 Passports at the borders with a boom gate and a soldier with a gun! Actually, possibly soldiers from both countries on each side of the borders with guns.. It can’t happen soon enough. Maybe it will even provoke a sort of upbeat feeling in a lot of the population as one nasty source of moral oppression goes away..
Yep, it’s the second option.
After all, this is happening because the “left” (including feminists) can never admit to being wrong (partly due to their conditioning and narcissism) even though their ideology has been thoroughly debunked over and over.
They will talk themselves into pretzels to try and rationalize this, I mean, these are people who say: “I believe women no matter what.” and “With this many accusations it must be true.” Regardless of lack of, or contrary, hard evidence.
At least until it doesn’t fit the narrative.
And it’s obvious that Roosh has been attacked because he speaks out against all of this, I mean, with his heritage he should have been given a pass by default right? Nope, he (and the men who patronize this site) is a threat to them and their lies. Congrats, Roosh.
Part of me wants to start backing up their “teach men not to rape” narrative, not because I believe in it, but rather just to hasten the decline so we can finally get to the point where people accept reality.
I mean…women learning to protect themselves against sexual predators? How preposterous! Next they’ll be telling us we should lock our doors at night instead of telling burglars not to steal. Swiper, no swiping!
“I mean…women learning to protect themselves against sexual predators? How preposterous! ”
Feminists have no power to broker with. The only solution they offer is for the “enemy” to just one day go “gee, your right. We’ll just give up all this alleged privilege”
They practically beg to be at our mercy, but complain while they’re at it.
If they want this privilege you have to earn it just like a miner. Going miles underground to shake hands with the devil hoping the mine doesn’t crash in so they can write a folk song about ya! (Got that from Bill Burr)
All we need to do is point out Hillary Clinton’s hypocrisy about all women should be believed when they claim rape. This should include all of her husband’s accusers, but she won’t believe them.
Am reading a book at the moment about the left and their narcissism, had never realised there was a link till now.
I hope that we go down route 2. Route 1 will be a quiet process with no admittance of having been wrong, and no apology.
I genuinely believe now that things have to get much worse before the eyes of enough people are opened and real, meaningful action is taken!
I worry re route two that many of the white populations of Europe almost genetically don’t have the balls to assert their nationalism anymore. What would a real display of nationalism look like? Schießbefehl / order to shoot people trying to illegally cross the border perhaps. One party in Germany has recommended that. Not even like many people would even get shot but it’s an invisible line somewhere whích would signify that society has finally moved measurably away from the narrative and no, you didn’t just imagine it.. There’s a lot of hot air and rhetoric every time one of these things happens but nothing really meaningful that properly deviates from the narrative has come out of it yet.
After the Zimmerman Affair, I realized that the US was on a hopeless path towards Civil War II, fought over Race, Region, and Religion.
While I still believe this, I am beginning to wonder if Germany, Sweden, or possibly another NW European country will have one first over immigration and religion, which if we’re being honest is really about race.
“After the Zimmerman Affair, I realized that the US was on a hopeless path towards Civil War II, fought over Race, Region, and Religion.”
This is how the community organizer and his merry band of thieves (democrats) operate. Divide and rule. The constant demonization (sex, earnings, race, religion, gender, etc…) and politicalization of every sphere of private life is a process to maintain power.
His “Town Hall Discussion” last night was a frikin’ insult to even his followers. He has one year left to shit on everything decent Americans have built to pander to every SWJ cause.
Even when faced with a rape survivor, he had the nerve to tell her she shouldn’t be armed unless she jumps thru hoops of being trained to fire a gun. He basically tells his voter base to go fuck themselves.
Is this Town Hall Discussion online somewhere? Would like to take a listen to it.
here’s the link on youtube. At the 19:50 mark he meets the girl he practically tells to fuck off.
Much obliged. I’ll see how much I can sit through before throwing my screen across the office. With Obama, it probably won’t take long…despise that “man.”
Good luck
Have you seen his workout vid? And then compared it to his wifes? She is more manly than him.
I saw a bit of it…I laughed, I cried, I pondered how much longer our country had before its inevitable collapse.
Ya know, there is a book out there called Civil War 2 written by an ex- Ranger or Special Forces guy, he wrote it over 20 yrs ago. Its free in pdf form if you wanna do a search for it (I cant bring myself to read it)
Already read it. Actually looked for it after Zimmerman. I liked how he broke down the signs that it was happening. I wasn’t so impressed on how he thought the war would actually happen.
Care to provide a synopsis for the lazy like me?
Basically, he assumed too much of a conventional war. As well, while I appreciate his extreme levels of caution in order to avoid hubris, he assumed way too much military competency of blacks and a bit too much of mestizos.
He first describes the symptoms of the war coming and then the war itself.
The Symptoms:
He does a BRILLIANT job of laying out the symptoms, especially when it comes to organizations that build around racial identity, like black and white police fraternities. He essentially predicted the Oregon situation and black lives matter with extreme accuracy.
The War:
This part did not impress me so much. He assumes, most likely for the sake of caution (which I do genuinely appreciate), of a mostly conventional war that divides the USA into a white north, a black south east, and mestizo southwest. His arguments honestly did not impress me.
The Aftermath:
This was vague to say the least. He assumed the US divided into 3 racial states – White, Black, Mestizo. I found this surprisingly short sighted.
I realize that I sound very negative about the book from what I read above, but the book is short and well put together. It’s well worth your time, especially for spotting symptoms of Civil War II.
I can’t stop laughing at this whole ordeal. We now know the real reason why feminists don’t care about this situation.
From Reddit:
I think feminism is just one big shit test. All it takes is for men as a
whole to stop buying their bullshit, but western men won’t. They keep
giving feminists inches and they keep asking for miles.
Enter the Muslim migrants who are traditional and treat women like
cattle. Finally someone is here to pass their shit test and make their
desire to be dominated come true.
Thus they will say anything to defend them
“Rape culture” is a means by which the undesirable women that make up feminism can validate themselves by convincing themselves they are “rapeable” as it were.
Shit….I never thought about it like that. Makes sense.
How does the old saying go, “give a feminist 9 inches and she will always smile.” I don’t know, something like that.
I have met a lot of these “feminists”
Save for a single occasion where a girl walked out of dinner on me because on a first date she was talking about the wage gap and, realizing I wasn’t going to convince this one and even if I could I didn’t really want to bang” I responded by saying “shut up, you know the only gap I am interested in is the pink one between your legs” before she got up and stormed out of the restaurant (got waitresses IG btw), aside from that one instance, every single feminist I have ever encountered (remember, I went to college and grad school as a philosophy major) would complain all night long about what I dick I was and then begged to be fucked, sodomized and have her hair pulled later.
I tried to explain to one of these dundaheads why that 12 yr old girl who threw a no- hitter in the little world series would never make the varsity baseball team, much less play ball at a Div I school like Vanderbilt- what a waste of time. She was enraged when I said she shouldnt have her mitt in the BB Hall of Fame, not only bc she is a girl, but BECAUSE ITS FUCKING LITTLE LEAGUE. Even if it was a boy(and Im sure boys have tossed a few) nothing like this belongs mere feet from shrines devoted to Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, etc.
Feminists really think they can play ball with the big boys if “they were just given a chance”.
I, for one, welcome the female sports teams to come compete against the males. That way we can quickly and summarily put to rest this “grrl power” phenomenon.
Love this! College funding for women’s sports is downright absurd.
There is no such thing as a women’s athlete.
I will, in my current state of fitness, have a first round KO over Ronda Rouseey so quickly that I would have time to crank one out on her unconscious face before the 3 minute bell was up.
I will, with 6 months of condition training, post up any woman in the NBA
And, despite never having played tennis in my life, with my fitness and coordination, I believe it would only take me a year of intense training before I could beat either Williams sister.
Girls should play little league sports against other girls. They should run track and field and do things like that. It promotes fitness and that is a great thing. But it is exercise and not athletic competition. Funding them is bullshit and pretending they are anything other than good ways for girls to keep a figure that men will find attractive is absurd.
Let me know if there is a female sprinter out there that can legit compete against usain bolt, a boxer who can fight even a low ranked boxer in the same weight class, a single woman who could take on even the worst male basketball player and I might get interested.
Until then, women’s sports need to be seen for what they are….valuable exercise for women to stay in shape, and not pandered to as if they were real athletic competition.
Vegas wouldnt like that; the line would be “off” whenever it was a male vs female game.
The only woman who belongs on the baseball diamond is Morgana the Kissing Bandit (and yes, Im gonna watch the fuck outta this 18 min clip)
read about when like the 200 seed tennis player whooped both Williams sisters and then after was laughing and saying it was a fun match without even being winded…and this was in their prime.
$$$ dude, all about that $$$, no need for a sports bra 50 yrs ago(The son of a bitch who created that is a genius)
Yup. Lululemon guy is a personal hero of mine too. Dude straight up came out and said his shit wasn’t made for fatties.
I’ve heard similar stories about male jr. high soccer teams doing the same to the female Olympic soccer teams.
Some of my peers in martial arts make the claim that because women are generally smaller and weaker than men, they develop better technique to compensate. This all sounds well and good on the surface, but completely falls flat when you think about it.
MMA has weight divisions, so there cannot be a huge strength discrepancy. At that point, the match is determined by whoever has the better technique/tactics. Same goes for other sports. There’s a diminishing ROI for putting on more strength and size and eventually it behooves you to develop your skills.
Well not jr high, HS varsity level. Same for the female Olympics hockey team- they scrimmaged with 17 yr old boys
Off by a few years. My point still remains valid. “World Class” female teams getting owned by high school boy teams.
Think yer talkin a wee bit of shite there buddy- no way you’d be able to post up that giant chick Greer- something from the WNBA- she is 6’8″ (although I would love to wager on that).
this is absolutely correct of course. We have spoke about this before. I did college and amateur boxing as a young man and have kept up a high level of fitness and, while I wouldn’t get in the ring with young bucks any more, I still hit the bags and spar on occasion.
With that, there is no female MMA boxer that will take me off my feet or who could remain standing if I hit her once which I could do on command.
The temptation would be just to put out my hand and hold her head while she swung her little fists and laugh a bit, but I like my idea of very fast knock out and then jizzing on her sleeping face better.
You guys should watch this, man I miss the pre 2001 days. Now, she couldnt get within 60 feet of the pitcher. Someone in the stands would yell “Look at those bombs!” and security would freak out and shoot her for being a terrorist
6 months, no work, nothing but training at a pro basketball camp….her height won’t mean shit when all 48 inches of my chest smashes into her ovaries.
Youre on, how do we make this happen? My money is on britney greer.
maybe we can webcast this? If you win, great publicity for this site. If you lose, you must commit seppuku
crazy…I’ll spank that big bitch and make her call me daddy.
I think that was the female olympic soccer team, but yes, true – they lost to a high school team of boys.
You plan on smashing your chest into her? Thats a charge…
I will play the way the men in the NBA play. Hard, rough and dirty. If it’s going to be on then it’s on. Of course she will beat me if I go easy on her just because she is a girl.
@lolknee:disqus , the people that are arguing with you simply do not understand what its like to get hit in the FACE, ribs or midsection by a trained boxer, even an amateur one. I too tried a little amateur MMA in the mid 90’s, due to my Taekwondo instructors STRONG insistence (I will elaborate on why below).
Since my early teens to the time of young adulthood I was shooting to make the Olympic qualifiers for Taekwondo (never did make it due to the costs of traveling to pre-qualifiers). However, my last Taekwondo head instrucior was a former hand-to-hand combat trainer for the Korean SF and among his staff he employed 3 former Olympic athletes from Korea in the disciplines of Taekwondo, Boxing and Judo. Guess what he made me do in my overall training? I had to spend a couple o hours a week, one-on-one, working with both the boxing instructor and the Judo instructor, even though my goals were entirely within Takwondo.
Because as I learned from experience, the guys doing pure, Olympic style, Taekwondo had NEVER been hit in the face, FOR REAL, let alone without padded headgear (the boxing part) and they also had NO idea how to balance themselves against hard strikes (the Judo part). Long story short, the strategy that my instructor had in mind for me, was to hit an opponent, really hard and with good boxing technique, EARLY in the match, even if it cost me a point (not using Taekwondo striking style for that initial set of blows only). He reasoned that it would throw a majority of my American opponents off mentally and in turn, they would be scared for the remainder of the match. He was right, only OTHER native Koreans, from Korea, could take a well place punch in the face and keep sparring at full efficiency.
Women are in this same category, including many CURRENT pro MMA fighters (Rhonda Rousey anyone?). However, I’ll give some benefit of the doubt, to those that were former female pro boxers and former female Muay Thai fighters, as they have likely been hit for real at one time or another (Cris Cyborg started at the Muay Thai centric Chute Boxe Academy before it became a full blown MMA academy). But, I’d still argue that in most cases, this is NOT the norm for women, because most female pro-fighters likely only got tagged in the face, for the FIRST time, during their late teens, AT BEST. Its safe to say that most women’s FIRST introduction on “being hit in the face” happens in a structured training environment, while sparing with people that are hitting them at no more than 50% power.
Height doesn’t equal strength. In any kind of contact sport, NBA players would get their ass kicked by NFL player 6 inches shorter. WNBA… for real…? They couldn’t compete against male high school players.
absolutely correct…also yes…Olympic shit is so freaking expensive…without a sponsor you better be rich.
When I first started training we practiced taking punches. The biggest problem with young boxers is being afraid of being hit. Flinching is the end. Also, you don’t want to be startled. You need to know what a good punch in the face feels like in practice so when it happens in the ring, and it will, you aren’t totally thrown off your game plan.
Are there muay thai fighters and boxers who are female and can take a punch…yes…from another woman or from a man in a friendly who is actively going easy on them.
Even with headgear on, if a punch goes through your defenses and hits you in the side of the head, straight in the nose or even at the body it is just fucking shocking when it comes from someone who is very fit, very strong, very fast and knows how to fight.
As for the people giving me shit here….it’s mostly good natured ribbing. Something I enjoy.
She’s just an attention whore in the pre-internet era.
Good to see another veteran of Olympic style TKD sparring. I competed in the AAU tournaments on the national level for about 8 years before the responsibilities of life caught up with me. Learning to take a beating is crucial. There was a running joke in my school that I didn’t really start going until someone kicked me in the head.
Wow are you cynical.
Not sure about other sports, but the headgear used in TKD is actually for if you fall and hit your head on the floor. It does very little to actually protect you from a strike. I’ve been knocked out due to a kick to the head (although hitting the floor jarred me back to consciousness) and have seen stars when someone did a ridgehand to my head in a “light-contact” sparring division. To that end, I intuitively learned that I shouldn’t rely on any of my gear to protect me. If I couldn’t avoid the strike, I better learn to fight deal with it.
lol said “post them up”- I choose the best, tallest player.
I roughly know his specs(age,height,weight) as hes mentioned them before. All I’m saying is its a compelling matchup, one I would wager on. He is a boxer, so I would never challenge him on that one
The experiment you speak of has already been run a few time to hilarious results. The 2014 Olympic women’s hockey team lost 3 – 1 to the Salisbury School of Connecticut High School boys team in a game, wait for it, that was no checking! If checking had been allowed as it normally is in the rules the boys regularly play at, instead of being forced to play no check rules, the results would have been even more hilarious.
US National Women’s Soccer team lost 8 – 2 against a teenage boys soccer club. In soccer 8 – 2 is an absolute blowout, Biblical level of team destruction. This result is normal when they play 15 – 17 year old boys, apparently.
And my personal favorite, at the 1998 Australian open both Williams sisters, Venus and Serena, were completely crushed by a intoxicated slightly after playing a round of golf that morning by 203 ranked in the world retired tennis player Karsten Braasch. He then proceeded to casually dismantle and destroy them both in separate tennis matches.
My point entirely. Sadly, these events never happen on primetime for all to see, so the notion of “grrl power” still has followers.
I have never been kicked in the head and am always temped to find a TKD guy to do it… a ring, with gear, etc.
He was slightly drunk and he still beat them both?
Legendary story.
Well if you ever wanna make your way down to TN, heh. I’ve been known as a headhunter at my school.
Yes and no, a majority of people doing Taekwondo don’t tend to understand how their headgear is different from boxing headgear. It seems that you did, but that’s not the norm for Americans, native Koreans, however, know this.
Sure the Taekwondo headgear won’t help much with a straight jab to the face or an uppercut to the jaw, but it does soften the blow from head kicks which tend to connect on the side of the head and not directly in front. Taekwondo fighters, however, DO NOT know these nuances intuitively, like a boxer does. To a Taekwondo fighter, headgear is simply headgear because they are taught to avoid point scoring strikes, not to absorb successive jabs to the face where there is no headgear padding.
My instructors philosophy was to hit them hard early in the match and take the warning ding or possibly give an opening for the opponent to score a counter point.
Note headshots were not always required to scare the crap out of an opponent, a strong back kick that put them on their backsides had the same effect, even if they were able to score a counter point during the process. “Glass Jaw” is an understatement when used to describe their ability to regain composure and continue the match. I have been telling people for years, that the Americans they see on TV, competing in the Olympics, are just rich kids that endured the qualification process, by having an endless supply of money for training, travel and entry fees. They are FAR from being the best athletes that America can send to the games.
I’ll NEVER forget the Welterweight match, where I scored the first point, connecting perfectly, with a back kick, to the center trunk of the opponent, at full strength. It sent the guy sliding from almost the center of the ring, well into the alert area. He looked like he was going to cry for the rest of the match.
Here are the rules for penalties, per the WTF:
Article 14. Prohibited Acts
1. Penalties on any prohibited acts shall be declared by the Referee.
2. In the case of multiple penalties being committed simultaneously, the
heavier penalty shall be declared.
3. Penalties are divided into Kyong-go(warning penalty) and Gamjeom
(deduction pen- alty).
4. Two Kyong-gos shall be counted as a deduction of one (1) point. However,
the last odd Kyong-go shall not be counted in the grand total.
5. A Gam-jeom shall be counted as a minus one(-1) point.
6. Prohibited acts : Kyong-go penalty.
a) Grabbing the opponent
b) Pushing the opponent with the shoulder, body, hands, or arms.
c) Holding the opponent with the hands or arms
d) Intentionally crossing the Alert Line
e) Evading by turning the back to the opponent
f) Intentionally falling down
g) Pretending injury
h) Attacking with the knee
i) Attacking the groin intentionally
j) Intentionally stomping or kicking any part of the leg or foot
k) Hitting the opponent’s face with the hand or fist
l) Gesturing to indicate scoring or deduction by raising hand, etc.
m) Uttering undesirable remarks or any misconduct on the part of the
contestant or the coach
7. Prohibited acts : Gam-jeom penalty.
a) Attacking the fallen opponent
b) Intentional attack after the Referee’s declaration of Kalyeo (break)
c) Attacking the back and the back of the head intentionally
d) Attacking the opponent’s face severely with the hand or fist
e) Butting
f) Crossing the Boundary Line
g) Throwing the opponent
h) Violent or extreme remarks or behavior on the part of the contestant
or the coach
Hah, we often joked about doing the same thing: Punch them in the face and take the penalty.
I haven’t been down there in ages….maybe one day this summer. I did quite enjoy Nash Vegas.
It’s a neat little area. I typically avoid Nashville as much as I can simply due to the traffic. They do have some nice restaurants and bars though.
I’m a huge proponent of seeing a mixed gender MMA tournament. It would only take one big event, with a male vs female in all significant weight categories, to put this whole girl power stupidity to rest once and for all. Most problems can be solved in the octagon.
I don’t have cable, but I’d make it a point to go to the local bar to watch those fights.
I’d bet on 6.0 male high school basketball player against 6.8 WNBA player. And i’d take your money.
Hahaha!!! Juevos Splash! “How’s that omelet looking?”
she can tray but the back of her head will hit the floor before she can.
She is a girl. A big girl, yes, but a girl nonetheless. She is not an athlete.
BTW, 1 think I will give to Grier….despite my 100% agreement with Roosh that anything over 150 lbs is unfuckable…I will make an exception for her 200+ pound 6 foot 8 ass after I post her up and make her call me daddy.
odds of you beating her:
1 in 5
odds of you bedding not only a lesbian, but a GIANT lesbian:
1 in 340,000,000,000
First of all, there is no such thing as a lesbian…just dykey pissed off bitches. Once she is dominated she will purr like a kitten.
Secondly, The odds of me being her are 1:1
Odds of her being conscious afterwards are 1:5
glad to see you have finally come around. It was harder convincing you than it will be posting up that big bitch and then making her beg for cock.
absolutely. Abandon all the silly sexist girl leagues and let women compete for tryouts on the real teams.
yup. The quote was something like how it was funny playing around, but it’s not like he was playing serious. Mind you, this wasn’t a top ranked player. He was pretty much as low of a ranked player as you could be while still being considered a professional.
Here’s one you won’t read about in the mainstream media:
Women’s National Soccer team loses to the U17 National boys team (8-2!).
remember, he was an Australian slightly drunk….so basically he was shitfaced. I had forgot that he beat them both back to back.
Yeah, but WNBA players are only athletes in the way that lingerie football players are.
I havent come around- that was a funny post. She looks like a man, she talks like a man, it aint happening sir- she digs chicks.
How do you post up someone with a wingspan like that? Are you a shorter version of kevin mchale or hakeem olajuwon?
nope, I suck at basketball. I mean I am coordinated and have good cardio and don’t get winded, but I really stink at basketball.
The is a girl.
Magic Johnson’s T Cell count could take that bitch to the hole.
As for her being a lesbian. That big bitch just hasn’t found a guy who isn’t afraid of her yet. Send her my way, I will teach her what she digs.
I got to go to all the womens FIFA world cup games in my city last summer. These are the top women at a national level and I could have played right along side with them at the liesure levels I played back when I was 17-18.
Funny how Ronda Rousey declared that she’d kick male ass anytime but, when asked if she was willing to make it happen, resorted to the good ole ” it wouldn’t be proper to display a man hitting a women.”
I wanna see that 105 pound “Grrrl power” footballer going up against a big beefy texas linebacker.
It’s fun to see when reality hits hard, though.
And not even all star boys teams, just random, regular varsity players.
So much for that horseshit movie, “Bend It Like Beckam.” 😆
We’ve had separate professional leagues for a long time now. Why? Because everyone knows that women would get their asses handed to them if they competed directly with men.
Could you see the WNBA playing against the NBA? It would be a slaughter.
Annika Sorenstam, best women’s golfer of all time, played a tournament on the men’s tour and missed the cut. She said it would of been a really good score on her tour lol.
Serena Williams, best women’s tennis player of all time, got worked by journeyman bum from the men’s tour ranked 200 in the world and he said he was only going 60% lol.
The examples go on and on.
There’s a tranny already in mma knocking chicks out…,and that’s with his balls cut off aka no testosterone and with hormone therapy aka adding estrogen.
Fallon Fox.
Braasch was actually German not Australian, I am a tennis nerd…hehe.
“a man whose training regime centered around a pack of cigarettes and more than a couple bottles of ice cold lager.” dixit a journalist.
The score was 6-1/6-2…he probably had one of his blitzkrieg cigarettes (German lucky strike, lol), in between…
Thanks for the info. I am a stickler for being correct and am glad I have this mistake out of my vernacular.
Great quote too!
The girlfriend tried to tell me yesterday that female soccer is tougher than men’s soccer. I felt embarrassed laughing so hard in that tapas restaurant.
In a way, it is. Women don’t do well as a team. They try to sabotage one another by forming clicks to do harm to one or another group of women on the same team.
It’s not that it is physically harder, but you have to navigate through the catty bullshit.
Hum….im a netball player. Which you can google is you sont know what it is. Netball is a that relies on a cohesive unit due to minimal movement and strict restrictions on wjo can score etc.. basketball is the closest sport ans in basketball one or two players xan dominate a game as there are no real restrictions. You cannot do this in netball. Ive played in mixed gender teams as well as female teams and the males as always, always more ‘selfish’ with the ball. They tend to try and control more of the game and dominate.which can be useful, however netball works best as a cohesive consistent unit, not sporadic acts of sportsmans skill by a few key players. So my experience says that women who primarily play netball in the uk prefer this kind of team play over other sports. Guys tend to fins the restrictions frustrating.
They were still teenagers, but yes it is funny how easily he beat them. There is a book called ‘Andy Roddick Beat Me With a Frying Pan’ that contains a bunch of sports myths and really puts the male vs. female argument to the test. He basically says that while a female athlete can beat Joe Average, they lose in almost every sport against the best male teenagers and simply cannot compete with the best men in the world.
The fact that netball has modified rules to suit women, and yes I am responding in light of the woman above you because ROK has a policy of not responding to women.
Fascinating stuff.
As a young man i used to train regularly with the Olympic women’s Judo team as i competed in the same weight class. (i was just an amateur). Needless to say i could rag doll them any time i wanted. The whole point of training with guy like me was so that they could practice against much stronger opponents.
I don’t see why women should get a separate professional or even serious amateur competition league. I mean, if they want to exercise and have fun then that is great, but in competiton there should be one league. It should not be banned to anyone of any race or any sex….simply the best of what it is. No Men’s and Women’s soccer. Just the Best soccer players. If they all turn out to be men (plot spoiler: they will) then that is just the way it is….a meritocracy not mediocracy
“shut up, you know the only gap I am interested in is the pink one between your legs”
if you know you won’t ever see them again, why not troll them. She was a tiny little thing. What was she going to do? Punch me? Fine…would have been worth it.
Best line ever. I’m surprised she didn’t climb on it right there. I bet you could pick up bitches with that.
I have found that being unapologetically — well —- me has resulted in success beyond anything I had ever really thought possible. Some other factors at play here like target rich environment (NYC), good job, being very in shape and having a few credentials to my name, but nothing so unique to me that I don’t see other guys with the same advantages being, well, not me just having no luck whatsoever.
LOL unbelievable!
CockRock on champ!Thanks. Champ may be a bit extreme. I will take “seasoned swordsman” though.
The preferred nomenclature is “deft cocksman” dude..
Next time I’m asked “what do I like best in a woman?” you know what the best answer is:
“My dick”.
Works for Trump.
Only answer.
Strong frame and “look at all these fucks I don’t give”
Nicely done.
claim sexual harassment? that’s like their “go to” nowadays.
Love it. Not sure if that was the “smart” thing to do, but totally worth it.
Smart or not smart. I was in a public place. She was going to leave and not sleep with me. Even if I could game her into it I could already foresee annoying issues. I wanted to cut it loose…why not have fun. The Abundance mentality and my general demeanor made an impression on the waitress who thought it was the funniest thing she ever saw.
Great story! But….If you hadn’t yet banged her, why on earth were you taking her to dinner-?
first date. I hadn’t banged her.
Your actions may have given that waitress the tingles.
Also, to answer this anyway, I like taking girls out to dinner.
Taking some sexy POA out for a nice dinner has nothing to do with getting in her pants. I assume consent the moment she agrees to go out with me and am only deterred if I lose frame or fuck things up.
Taking a fine woman out, dressing nicely, flirting with the bartender or waitress in front of her, having her dressed nicely and be out of her element (I tend to go for much younger so they often don’t have experiences at really nice places)….that is for me….
Man, for this and many other reasons, **never** do dinner dates on the first date! Dinners are justified post-bang, but no sooner.
I did…only paid for my meal. Am now married to the girl, heh.
nah, I genuinely enjoy the dinner date. Sometimes it blows up, that’s the breaks. I honestly have fun taking a girl out to dinner.
Rate up. I understand why people wont dine modern women first but, taking them out of their comfort zone (the zone they expect according to disney) and going into yours has its own merits plus theres a ton of new girls that turns 18 everyday anyway
Class of 2016 please line up.
But seriously, that’s not fair. 18 year olds are great, but the sell by date isn’t until 26
I like to think of it more as dining myself and I’m bringing along some nice accessories like my watch and some sexy thing
Man that’s a good line the only gap I’m interested in..
YOU sir, have done us a disfavor by NOT wearing a GoPro with audio when you did that. The look on her face would have been epic
I swear I could be a roving reporter. I have a very interesting life
You sir, are a hero.
Interesting idea to think about Western women defending the Muslim invaders because they think of them as alpha males, meanwhile criticizing Western men with impunity because they are beta males. This, along with the usual status signaling that goes along with defending brown people explains a lot of what is happening here.
I may be dating myself here, but where is the outcry for Monroe?
Ha! I remember that show.
You know something, I’m going to run an experiment. I’m going to try a “masculinist” approach to dealing with women I meet and see what happens. Being “alpha as fuck” might strike them as disingenuous, so I’ll take a more subtle Captain Kirk angle.
I’m laughing here, but only because it actually makes sense.
“I can’t stop laughing at this whole ordeal.” What race/ethnicity do you belong to if i may ask?
No you may not ask.
I didn’t have to.
Amen Roosh!
You & the Other ROK writers were defintly a Cassandra in this contest.
First I ask myself how many of these rape victims are likely
feminists and HR managers. Then I take a nap.
It’s mind boggling that some feminists are saying that this is actually racist. They are saying that some men only seem to care about women when they can be racist as well.
Since when are we ever going to see such a large scale sexual assault carried out by white Europeans? Never. They adore these barbarians but when faced with such an overwhelming event they still find a way to spin it to blame white men as per usual.
And next time they say something along the lines of not blaming the victim you can point to what Henriette Reker said and use it as a shiv against them.
Lastly I think this is the tipping point. The turd world barbarians are now so brazen and embolden that these large scale assaults will become more common.
It gives me hope that most of the comments to her tweet are calling out her idiocy. Hopefully, people are waking up.
“Let them be raped”
-Gorf Antoinette
we should stop speaking and let them be raped. the only bad side is that, when their bastards will be born the gov will create a tax to force us to pay for single mother
Great article thank you
The exact same thing happened in Helsinki on new years, where police where tipped beforehand that a 1000 mostly Iraqi asylum seekers had planned this.
(link is in Norwegian)
It also mostly occurred around the central train station.
So it was obviously planned and coordinated via some form of social media, which makes it even more worrying in my opinion.
Just like the USA only increased it oppression of men as a result of foreign attacks. So Germany because of immigrant violence will further crack down on native white men.
Germany is starting to remind me of my cousin who keeps going back to her abusive husband.
Refugees give Germany the ‘gina tingles.
Chateau Heartiste made a relevant post yesterday for anyone interested:
Remember that the elite are intelligent – cunning to the extreme. Honestly, this is all according to plan. As these illegal migrants remain a protected class there will be little, if any, mainstream criticism directed towards them. Instead, as has been noted above, women are being instructed to distance themselves from men in public. Remain at arm’s length. Don’t talk to strangers – don’t even smile at them. NO EYE CONTACT!
These women are being trained to dissolve the dynamics of interpersonal heterosexual relations in the public sphere. When all German women have been taught to avoid ALL men – as there is no distinction made between German men and these barbarians – the potential for pair-bonding will be delegated to social media alone. Certainly social circle game will still work – but, gentlemen, if you’ve ever seen a crowd of millennials out on the town all they’re doing is feeding into social media. Slack faces aglow in electric light.
We all know the dysfunction of dating through the screen. The relationships created are concocted solely for the purpose of physical pleasure and validation. Generally, these couplings do not have the strength of foundation to preserve the progression towards building a family. You’re just one dick of many protruding through the screen at her, even though she may give you a try you’re just another cock on the carousel.
Another blow to birth rates. Another attack on Game.
You nailed it! Aka: The Hegelian Dialectic.
I would like to chime in with this
This is all I have to say.
Hey, I’ve not been relevant since MI2 and let’s face it, I was the low-point of the film that could have been played by anyone, but hey…look at me!
How dare anyone notice that where these coffee beans come from, the people are pretty much black *gasp*, how racist…quick, let’s see how we might disrupt or destroy their livelihood.
Vapid attention whoring, prerequisite of celebrity and feminists everywhere.
No one has ever told this bitch to STFU!? Why do these people follow these stupid celebrities? They are so insignificant.
SJWs feel guilty that the coffee they drink was picked by non-white child labor. Those images must be hidden away from sight so they don’t have to feel guilty about taking selfies at the coffee shop.
Reminds me of a Jim Gaffigan skit:
“Do you know what they do to that chicken?”
“No but it’s delicious!”
Change the question out with, “Do you know who picks those coffee beans?”
brought to you by people who “are vegetarians, but I eat chicken and shrimp.”
In case anyone missed this in the Washington Post article linked:
“Harsh comments are earning some Germans more than scorn. In the town of Wismar in northeastern Germany, for instance, a judge in October sentenced a 26-year-old man to five months probation and a 300 euro fine after the man had posted on his Facebook page that refugees should “burn alive” or “drown” in the Mediterranean.
In September, the home of a 26-year-old Berlin man was raided by police, who confiscated his computer and phones after he had posted the tragic image of the dead 3-year-old Syrian boy whose body on a Turkish beach became a symbol of the refugee crisis. Along with the photo, he had posted: “We are not mourning, we are celebrating!”
A 29-year-old Berlin woman, meanwhile, received five months probation in July after she had posted comments on Facebook about an alleged rape of a German woman by an asylum seeker. “Filth out!” she wrote, arguing that if tougher measures against refugees were not deployed, “more asylum seekers’ homes will burn.”
Take advantage of online anonymity while you can.
Imagine a world where judges that issue these sentences, and the prosecutors who bring charges in the first place, just start to go missing.
I have been minding my mouth when it comes to social media. I posted a post after the Paris shooting but honestly Im just gonig to mind my own biz and laugh when shit starts happening closer to home (Canada)
These “asylum seekers” only understand and respect one thing. If you have one of these (or similar) then they understand where you are coming from at that point.
Russia, Hungary, etc…all understand how to deal with these groups.
The funny thing is that Obama and Clinton wants to ban these and make them unavailable to the citizens.
Imagine knocking on the door of a stranger’s house and convincing them that you are ill and need a place to rest. They compassionately let you in. You then immediately proceed to their daughter’s bedroom and start forcibly penetrating her. The father comes around with a baseball bat and threatens to kill you on the spot if you don’t leave. The wife stumbles in and says “Wait honey… He’s kinda cute… We’ll just tell our daughter that this man is not well and she needs to keep him at arm’s length.”
“No! We are getting this scumbag out of our house!”.
“If you don’t put down that baseball bat I’ll divorce you, take your daughter and half your stuff!”
Sadly that is an exact analogy. How long before this happens in Canada? Trudeau is bringing in 50,000 of them after all, with near non-existent security checks.
I can’t wait until it happens in Toronto. I am going to laugh my ASS OFF.
I hate to admit it, but I will definitely say ‘I told you so’ to more than a few people when it happens.
Why do they always want to do it the hard way?
–Wile E. Coyote 😛
I’m not looking forward to it tbh.
From what I understand they’re getting dumped by the Downsview Military Base.
FUCK I used to live right by there.
Sorry but I am going to pop a schadenboner when it happens. This city’s women hate men. Let’s see them defend themselves without men.
Things will get very interesting in Toronto this summer when the Syrian refugees see scantily dressed women all over town.
I’m looking forward to seeing their reaction to Slutwalk and Caribana.
LOL it will be even funnier if it happened at slutwalk. Let’s see if they have the balls to “teach muslim men not to rape”.
My question is why are sensible questions (eg. German & Swedish ‘refugees’ are causing widespread rape) shot down in our country, yet ridiculous questions (eg. how feminist are our politicians) at the forefront of many conversations?
It’s almost as if people WANT things to go to hell!
They do.
Order out of chaos.
Sort of like a forest fire.
Please record it. Please.
I’m Canadian, and it’s amazing how they classify a PUA as a rapist, yet don’t seem to fear rapists amongst the ‘refugees’.
Nice, but I’d change it around a bit. It’s their son who wants to chase out the mud-dindu to protect the family, but daddy government and mommy voter says no.
Brilliant comparison.
Alternate ending: imagine if instead of being all talk, the dad just walked in and smashed this fuck’s head in. Then imagine he put the corpse on his front porch as a warning. Imagine if when his dumb wife opened her mouth, he told her to shut the fuck up or he would deal with her when he was finished. In short, imagine that the “male” in this story was actually a “man” and not a fucking pussy.
You forgot the part where the daughters beta boyfriend comes over and watches the rape.
This… is what I fear is going to happen to Canada.
First, my less-sensible countrymen decided Roosh was a “rapist” somehow and did everything they could in an attempt to stop him from giving a simple speech, while we insist on letting in tons of Syrian refugees on the basis, “they’re not all bad”.
They’re not refugees they’re asylum seekers
No, they’re parasites.
They’re immigrants. Shades of brown.
A lack of masculine men leads to an abundance of feminists.
You’d better get it together my German brothers, our time is running out.
Western men need to stop being pussies. Stop trading actual real world achievement for digital. Go outside , hike , learn to shoot a gun , get into trouble ( within reason ). Let the thoughts you get from your Johnson override your brain every now and then . I read this on a shirt one time ” above all things , be a man ” . Western men used to be respected but we’ve traded the cowboy image for the desk jockey ” yes mam” image . It’s easy to combat this , just look how your grandfather’s / great grandfather’s acted . Imitate how they acted and dressed , if you can’t do that watch older movies or read books from older time periods , pre 1960 . Save your balls , be a Goddamn man
Truer words. By the way, were you one of the guys in Atlanta that was interested in meeting up near Nashville for the ROK tribal event? If so, and you’re still interested, send me a private email and I’ll get you on our email list.
I was , I ship out for the army February 1st so I won’t be able to make it .
In that case, good luck and take care. And watch out for military women, bitches be crazy.
“It’s easy to combat this , just look how your grandfather’s / great grandfather’s acted”
So much truth right there. I was lucky enough to be raised by Grandparents, and looooong ago when my grandad was raising my mom… he simply took no shit…
When my mother was young, one of the neighbor kids was throwing rocks, and hit my mom in the head. She ran to my grand father crying, with a small yet bloody gash on the side of her head.
My grand father walks over to the kid throwing the rocks and asks him
“Are you throwing rocks?”
“Did you hit her in the head and make her bleed?”
“Okay, well… if you do that again, I’m going to break your arm.”
Of course, the kid told his parents about this, and my grand father gets taken to court over it. In court the judge asks my Grand father
“sir, did you tell this boy you were going to break his arm?”
“sir, you can’t say that to people, especially small children”
“You’re right. However, if he DOES hit her with another rock, I WILL break his arm”.
For that, my grand father had to pay a small fine. The best part though… the family of the rock throwing kid moved out of the neighborhood about a month later.
They could have spanked the kid or simply raised him… smfh
Some are already going this, but as long as the West is ruled by the Leftists amount of “men being men” will be insignificant. We need real men at the top to lead masses by example.
I love my country’s (Canada) wide tracts of land and free wilderness (the mountain man in me), but I’m not sure how bad it’ll be when I get older; many people may leave before we become a full-out SJW shithole! Nonetheless, although that scenario is possible, I’d rather stay here and do my best to lead my more sensible countrymen to a victory of some sorts against this ridiculousness. I don’t even have to overthrow the establishment, just make sure it keeps its distance.
Following the next mass sexual assault by “refugees” on native European women, I fully expect governmental advisories to German women to be modified to something like this:
“German women should adopt the habit of Islamic women and cover their bodies and faces completely to prevent undue attention from sex-starved Islamic cavemen.”
With the current safety guidelines put out by their mayor, the women of Cologne have already lost one degree of their public freedom while the assaulters gained a degree of acceptance for their “culture.” But don’t worry Western guys, it’s still your fault and the patriarchy is to blame.
They’ll blame Western men for not protecting them, totally disregarding the FACT that they were the ones that demanded to have these migrants come in. Even to shame Western men calling them racists.
Leftists have jumped the shark. 2016 is going to be fun, hit the gym and lawyer up.
In summary, the chain of importance is now:
Immigrants > Women > Men
It shows that it’s not about what right and wrong, but about the hierarchy of ‘oppressed classes’, migrants are more ‘oppressed’ than women, so they can’t be asked to change their way of dealing with women.
Basically we’re watching SJW/Left thinking eat itself. It’s all falling apart.
We will be going along for the ride, and taking the blame too.
You’ve missed the LGBT crowd
As far as I know, LGBT people rate above women in the victim hierarchy, but below migrants/muslims. So if a migrant kills a gay for being gay, it wouldn’t be wrong.
While the so called “irony” is somewhat comical, I am deeply saddened by all of this. The German people have been one of the main targets of hate ever since they resisted the globalist agenda (leading to WW2).
The traditional enemies of the truth may finally fulfill their desire to completely eliminate the spirit of the German people (and of course see to it that the White German bloodlines cease to exist).
Through feminism, promotion of the homo agenda and degenerate lifestyle choices, big bank usury, and the promotion of open borders and multiculturalism – the genocide of the German people is well under way.
People need to understand history, consider the argument Germany made and how Germany’s defeat appears to have been the first stage of wiping out White Europeans. Jewish leaders aren’t hiding shit, they are simply attacking people that expose it,
Their is plenty of evidence supporting Germany’s cause. It has been suppressed and demonized. I wouldn’t have said 20 years ago Germany was right. Having actually researched it, it is the only conclusion I can reach.
WWII happened because European Countries wanted to drain Germany dry after WWI and the people could not earn enough to even live. That’s why after World War II America made a point of limiting crippling reparations on Germany, Japan, and Italy and helped to rebuild all of Europe as fast as possible.
What is happening now is weak progressive leaders believing their own BS while knowing they can always claim they just cared so much. Dumb blonde bimbos who like puppies and ponies are in charge now.
I think it is more of a progressive self loathing that has infected Western Nations and is spreading fast using Social Justice.
To them every one is totally equal so any place or person that is very successful must be stealing it so destroy them instead of rewarding hard work.
Equality=Use the government to take someone who worked hards stuff and give it to someone who did not work for it. They want to bring the successful down instead of forcing backward people/cultures to fail by withholding aid or buying oil.
Though the war Germany consciously started and its horrific crimes against Jews and enemies are obviously bad (it goes without saying), if you ignore that and the darker parts of Nazi doctrine domestically the Third Reich was excellently run.
One piece I learned in my history class a few days back. I had braced myself for some feminist indoctrination when I saw the topic “Hitler’s targeting of women” on the board but instead it was an interesting piece on how Hitler promoted motherhood as the key to the future of the country (and the Aryan race).
Mothers got 25% off their house mortgage per child, 10% of income tax taken off per child, crowned with medals after 5 children (this one might be a bit exaggerated to be implemented in our society but still), and overall extremely celebrated.
This had great consequences for Germany’s birth rate and the traditional family.
Feminist organizations have been tasked with protecting women and children from sexual assault. They get millions upon millions in funding and have every possible public platform to inform the general public of real threats. Now, we have a serious threat with thousands upon thousands of refugees sexually assaulting western women and children. Yet, they still blame western men for creating a patriarchal society that tells refugees it’s ok to sexually assault via sexual objectification through media and institutionalized sexism. Incredible, we still get the blame for people we have had zero influence over. On the website Feminist Current they espouse this and call for a curfew for ALL men not to be out at night because we can not control ourselves. They don’t even touch on the fact it was refugees in Cologne and Germany that were on a sexual assault rampage on New Years.
There was a disgusting headline in Germany after this happened, that “men” need to control themselves. In suppose it sells newspapers and gets clicks which is why they do it, but is rather disgusting to be calling on all original men of the country when its patently the recently imported “enrichment” from the middle east and north africa..
The only reason the guys they are bringing to America are not doing this is the 2nd Amendment.. for now. But I bet something similar is going to happen in a Progressive Utopia like San Francisco at a SJW gun free slut walk or love parade.
These bubbling tensions are becoming increasingly frustrating…. A part of me would prefer for the civil war/mass civil unrest to just start already.
Just remember ‘they’ want you/us to lose.
(You’d expect the government to allow the general population to fight for what’s ‘right’…)
But they are the ones who hate guns and think front line Military and Police are actually going to do whatever they tell them.
Militaries can be bought
The police? Look what happened to George Zimmerman. What do you think happens to someone who isn’t a police officer who tries to defend themselves against the joys of diversity?
Unless guns become cool and trendy. Don’t underestimate them. Look at sex. They went from hating it to embracing the dirty parts of it.
You mean mercenaries also Zimmerman was a victim of the race baiting media
Theres an old clip of hulk doing his shtick, stepping behind mean gene oakerland, letting gene do his thing, hes flexing in the background, and he literally falls out of the camera frame as hes flexin- its one of the greatest things Ive ever seen in my life
What? Do you has a link to the video?
No idea how to find it.
Think of that scene in the movie The Princess Bride where that bald, lisping guy is laughing and just keels over, falling out of the frame
2016 will probably be the year…
I’ve got a horrible feeling it will drag on longer than that…… still waiting for that spark that tips people over the edge.
Someone posted a link to a long and terrifying article about where this is going to go you might not want to read it but here it is international socialism based in Brussels… Traitor leadership. After reading that will have to seriously prepare in case the shits starts hitting the fan…
My attitude is this to any invaders…. “Don’t threaten or dictate to us until you’re marching up Whitehall. And even then we won’t listen.”
The article is sobering and dark.
Prepare yourselves.
Winter is coming.
Correct my good sir –
Scary shit.
OH MY GOD that was an extreme read!!!! Didn’t know the gates of vienna site went beyond a critic of islam. Yes that Björn Höcke got himself into a spot of bother in Germany. I thought it was mean how they had a go at him just because he chose to bring and unroll a small German flag during a talk show. Yes he can rant on the stage like a certain person in the 30s talking about a thousand year reich but he is not an out-of-control nutcase. When you listen to him calmly in an interview you can tell he is just like us he doesn’t buy all this socialist leftist rubbish. Even this recent comment about some breeding differences between Africans and whites.. Has probably got some truth in it but oh the shock and horror.. Le Pen is probably more extreme and hateful than him..
After reading that… gees it makes ROK seem very tame that was worse than many horror movies…
How long can this continue? Will these men watch everything they have, genetics, culture and future stolen from them while women swoon over their own rapists. I am watching and waiting.
from the bowels of the middle east, very well said..
White Germans are going to have to buck. Eastern European Nationalists are currently bucking. The International Clique seems to have accelerated their plans exponentially over the past few years (Syria chaos, refugee crisis, BLM & race baiting schemes, uptick in SJW activity). Trouble for them is, people are waking up very quickly. 2016 may be the year of a “great awakening”.
Heck, even on Breitbart, a very pro-Israel website, traditional conservatives are becoming more and more open to the JQ and other red pill tenets. You’d think a guy like Ted Cruz would be “their guy”, but the Breitbart comments section has become very pro-Trump (from what I’ve personally seen) and receptive to Nationalist and pro-White ideas. The chaos in Europe is forcing people to become racially aware. With racial awareness comes openness to Nationalism.
It’s been quite a journey for ROK these past few years, but if we’re going to take the “red pill” then we must accept what we find. If that means rethinking everything we thought was true about WW1, WW2, various ME conflicts, etc., then so be it; I’m afraid we’ve run out of time to be politically correct in our assessment of who is orchestrating the current dilemma.
I consider being on ROK the last few years and watching this all unfold to be a privilege.
Most people’s heads are still in the clouds… When shit hits the fan it will make absolutely no sense to them…
I wont be surprised if one day ROK (or rather the manosphere in general) are mentioned in the history books.
The pictures of all those migrant men and next to no women and children.
What happened in Cologne was the mere culmination of a long trend, and let’s also not forget that these rapefugees have been a scourge to their own women for the longest time, even in Europe:
Feminists do not care about women. Repeat to infinity.
The article does expose the double standards but you are merely scratching the surface. You need to ask yourself why such self-defeating and self-destructive policies are not publicly challenged or given serious thought as to why they are implemented even though they fly in the face of logic.
The current rape hysteria has a specific agenda and it operates according to the Hegelian principle or dialectic materialism: Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. Create a problem and offer your own solution for it to get what you want. The final solution in this case is for heterosexual behavor to be made rare and eventually treated as a crime. Now who would benefit from such a solution? Is it the feminists, the SJW, the liberals, the right wingers?
Know your enemies, gentlemen or you’d never win this war.
We need to take our countries back, kick these freaks out of our countries, condemn/hang our corrupt politicians and start reeducation programs for healthy gender relationships. Finally start dismantling corporate rule to limit its power.
One Nation Under God!
One Nation Under God!
We need to take our countries back, kick these freaks out of our
countries, condemn/hang our corrupt politicians and start reeducation programs for healthy gender relationships. Finally start dismantling corporate rule to limit its power.
Merkel taking a selfie with that migrant is just golden. I wonder what the women who were assaulted think of that picture.
I sure hope the women who were groped or raped in Germany were typical leftist European dipshits – some of them may have the brains to learn something from the experience.
it’s a virtual certainty the vast majority of these victims were liberal women. something like 80% of german women vote for leftwing ‘diversity’, for young women it’s probably 95%
European women overwhelmingly vote for ‘diversity’, so maybe further and harsher lessons need to be taught before it sinks into their brains what they’ve done.
they get bailed out by men too much.
This is why I’m not that keen on going all ape shit over them getting raped. Some of these stupid ass men didn’t get riled up when suicide bombers KILL people by blowing themselves up but they go all insane over rape?
Maybe if men stop bailing these women out all the time then MAYBE (I hope so) they will be forced to learn from their experience for once. Maybe that’s the problem? They never have to face the consequences of their actions because white knights always bail them out.
(note: for the low IQ crowd no, I’m not in favor of rape or any other violent crime but some people never learn if they keep getting bailed out by others. Look at the banks for example.)
Of course “rape culture” is a sham. It never existed in any legitemate sense in the first place. It’s one of many imaginary offenses dreamed up by people who collapse into a blubbering, shrieking pile of useless shit whenever the notion of self agency and responsibility is presented to them. It’s a buzzword for SJWs and feminists who live only to manufacture injustice that they can “stand up to” and thereby justify themselves as having stood for something. Its a means for diesel truck “women” who are devoid of any desirable traits to the opposite sex to ensure that their more attractive peers find it more difficult to get involved with men. Because women are insatiably jealous, fickle creatures who would cheerfully burn one of their own at the stake if it meant they’d get ahead in one way or another.
Rape culture has not ever, nor ever will exist in any legitemate sense.
Rape culture exists in countries where these dunecoons are from. Not a white privileged co-ed getting pissed because a guy pumped and dumped her.
Wake up Eurocucks.
Does that guy even have a clue? Typical white knight.
so where’s Emma Watson’s “He for she” campaign for gender equality now???
what a bunch of dumb cunts
She’s at the migrant centre handing out puma sneakers with hugs and kisses.
Cologne´s major is a traitor and must be imprisoned for such anti-german comments.
Germanic people are cowards by nature. That’s why Northern and Western Europe is so fucked up. I think the Slavic people of Eastern Europe are the only hope in stopping the Muslim invasion.
Cowards by nature? They’re aggressive by nature and at least one of them have been expansionists for much of the last two thousand years. Also the only ones that stopped the was another Northern or Western European nation.
It is against their nature that they are guilting themselves into passivity.
If two of these nations, Germany and the UK allied one hundred years ago instead of facing off, there might not be any Jews or arabs in the world today.
Brilliant Article Roosh, Well Done!
The best part is watching badly behaving woman (Angela Merkel) fall flat on her face – but having seen the rise of women we have also seen the rise of blame game and lack of accountability so watch how many men will face the blame for her stupid decisions.
The Rise of women has also brought the Decline of society.
I think those two outcomes are both wishful thinking.
What will continue is more of the same and they will continue to call anyone a sexist and a racist who disagrees while covering up the truth.
It will be interesting to see how women react to losing their privilege status but by now western men are so emasculated they won’t really care what is happening to the women.
In short, feminism is a lengthy rationalization for resenting daddy
how very surprising
They do know that the last person in the news to say “don’t get raped” instead of “don’t rape” was a feminist elected official from Germany, right?
Oh the irony. What she really meant is, “Don’t get raped by white men. A minority can rape and beat the shit out of you all he pleases”.
What a sham feminism is. And so many bought into it. Lol.
When Frau Merkel let the barbarians hordes through the gates what could we expect, but this surely? If proof was ever needed why women are not capable of the dispassionate, critical and hard decisions of high political office which cannot be based on wishy washy emotions and sentiment then she must prove this point without doubt.
They’ll blame the patriarchy instead of their own fucking stupidity.
Can we agree that Western society would be better off if all the swarthy misogynistic dunecoons crawled back to the sotadic zone?
It’ funny how fems think they can quell the savages with niceness and understanding. Then when it backfires it is the white males fault somehow.
Back in the day the police were more willing to use their fists, batons, guns, that’s not there anymore and is replaced by niceness etc
I’m from a major germany city and for what it’s worth here are my
thoughts on this. Excuse if this is going be a little incoherent and things you already know, but I can barely contain my anger and frustration over this situation and I somehow need to vent and channel my thoughts.
There are ‘officially’ 1.1 million of “refugees” already in
germany. 5k are arriving here every day. Merkel says there is no
upper limit of refugees we will give shelter. It is estimated that we
will have 2 million of them by the end of the year. And this
will not be the end of it.
According to german law the ethnicity of any individual who committed a crime is not to be mentioned in public unless necessary. What happened on New Years went down ever since they arrived here, but it just went down largely unnoticed because the government and media willingly downplay any crime by refugees. And the first police report on the cologne New Years read ‘mainly peaceful’, when in actual face it was a fucking riot.
Germany will face a never seen rape epidemic. These are mostly young men in their sexual prime exposed to never seen before sexual laxity and no german Fräulein is going to give it up for them. What could possibly happen? What happened in Sweden will happen to Germany, on a much larger scale. Two underage girls have been raped for hours by four muslims on new years:
So here is my little story of new years eve: I met up with a friend and got on the train. Look, germany had an immigrant problem before this refugee crisis, but what I’ve seen really took me aback. Those war weary refugees have taken over the entire train. Swearing at everyone in sight. Women who got on the train left at the next station. Others searched our proximity for safety. I couldn’t understand a word unless they were going up to every girl saying ‘Fuck Me? Fuck Me?’ One of them pulled the emergency standstill of the train. Feels fucking awesome being trapped on a train with these savages chanting Alluha Akhbar. Me and my mate put on the best don’t-fuck-with us faces, but I’m not gonna lie: I was scared as fuck. You just don’t know what is going on in their heads. Needless to say my new years eve was pretty much ruined.
We got off the train and at the city people were shooting fireworks at other people, you saw muslims roaming the streets in packs. You saw crying women and police cars. Doormen were in fights. People were screaming warnings at each other. It was a war scenario. It wasn’t even midnight and me and my mate decided to take a cab home. Once we were in the Taxi we were staring at each other in disbelief. It’s one thing to read about it, to know it.. but to actually experience this madness first hand… I felt sick.
But go and voice your genuine concern, immediately you are demonized and labelled a nazi which is precisely what the government wants. Go on the streets and hold up a refugee protest sign and you will be fucking ostracised from society.
Now here comes the sick irony: almost every german AGREES WITH YOU. The same people who will agree wholeheartedly behind closed doors, will turn their back on you as soon as their public reputation is at stake. I understand that sounds cowardish as fuck. If I had EURO for every ‘I agree with you, but you can’t say that
What happened after WW2 is 60 years of brutal indoctrination of guilt and regret. Being labelled a Nazi is amongst the worst thing that can happen to a german.
The average male of my demographic is the avid videogameplayer, the docile worker drone, the annoying hipster faggot. I don’t expect any meaningful resistance from them. When push comes to shove, they are useless. I think the first thing I will do once the rage has channeled into more productive thoughts is finding more
likeminded people, if only for protecting ourselves and keeping the
german spirit alive.
germany is according to the news almost out of pepper spray LOL
The Unstoppable Force (Islamic Radicalism) has collided with the Unmovable Object (The PC Euro-Socialist Welfare State) — now we watch the fallout.
Two contradictory liberal “progressive” ideals finally collide; and the liberals choose multi-culturalism. Why? Because after World War II westerners began this period of self hate (currently extant) that causes them to hate westerners en masse first (hence the multi-culturalism) and western men second (hence the switch to “blaming the victim”). Of course the political and financial elite could care less. They have to be laughing at everyone who buys their bullshit narratives.
Epic skewering of the rapeugees and the Cuckopean response:
May it happen soon. Enough of this horseshit and enough of the traitorous, incompetent boobs that run most Western nations.
I wrote about this myself just yesterday:
Shit likes this causes women to abandon the feminist movement in droves. How can a group call themselves “feminists” while supporting the importation of 1 million foreign rapists? It doesn’t make any sense. These dumb leftist groups do not protect women; they endanger them!
I hope thousands more get raped and assaulted. It’s. About time women get served a dish of equality.
I have to write this again this amusing debacle has been caused by a woman Angela Merkel – I don’t have to add anymore visitors to this site would have seen their own amusing debacles created by pig headed women like Angela Merkel.
What a bitter, ironic twist that actual, rampant rape is imported to the west by a depraved culture that spits in the face of everything we in the free world cherish–and the feminists still rush to defend these savages. Feminism, questionable to begin with, loses all meaning if not wanting to appear racist and culturally insensitive trumps attempting to achieve true gender equality.
No comment.
Ron Jeremy sent him to prison just to rape the rapist. LOL
Of course jewish led feminism hates white males. But now,even the slower thinking women got that the jewish feminists hate western women too.
this is me after the cologne rapes. heehheheheh
You’re not that much of a dumbass to take David Icke seriously, are you?
Good work Roosh! I’m really just a Daily Stormer man, but Andrew linked this article.
Men conquer.
Women invite.
Who invited the muslim brothers into germany?
It was a woman.
Because the native german did not reproduce enough.
This is a fact.
What is the solution?
Bring in fresh muslim cock who will make sure his wifes (plural) are doing their fucking job.
Women dont give a fucking shit about culture, or their home country. They want to be fuck well, hard and often so they can have the best quality babies from the best alphas they can get. Babies, thats what they are all about.
It is us men who have defended our countries. It is US who keep the bimbos out. And it is our weakness to let young foreign men into our domains to fuck our women and have the babies we are too weak to have ourselves.
This is true for europe. But cheer not my brothers in the united states. Cheer not. Look around you. It is not much better. The white race who has conquered the whole world decades ago is now in full retreat. Thanks to the condom, the pill, feminism and decadence. We are beeing extinct by not beeing born.
Think about it. Long and hard. Then go fuck some girls and let them have your babies.
Cultures commit suicide, historically, more than being conquered by foreign invaders. Those coming along are simply realizing one day that they are in the majority and have inherited a land that no longer holds the culture that made it successful. I think Alexander Tytler was very accurate regarding civilisations and their rise and fall.
“What’s happening in Germany reveals that there never was a rape culture in the West, and there never was concern for women’s safety, but that promoting it was but one means to allow the establishment to expedite their subversion of Western societies, to weaken and demoralize the men.”
This is a brilliant insight Roosh.
Consider the effect of dramatically increasing the male population with non ethnic Germans.
Here is some chilling data:
1 There are only 11 million Germans between 15-35 year of age that are fertile.
2 There were around 1.5 million invaders last year and there will be around 2.0-2.5 million next year.
3 They’re all getting citizenship and they have a right to family reunion so there will be 7.5 million in the next 2 years.
The fertility of Germans is a low sub replacement 1.38 children per women, the invaders have a fertility much higher, 4 children.
Germans will be a minority in 20 years and most will be dead in 30 years (average age 46)
Psychologically how will German men cope with there being perhaps 2 men for every fertile age female?
Consider also the fact that most of the refugees are not even from Syria but around 80% are from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africa, Nth Africa. Most of the faces aren’t even Syrian.
This isn’t about refugees or asylum. This is about destroying national identities and forming a world government.
Feminism was the method. Feminism decided to destroy western civilisation.
I don’t know if it is ironic or apropos that white guys get hammered for saying something to the effect of “don’t act like slut and you won’t get raped” while the government is publishing handbooks to the same effect so that white chicks won’t get raped by immigrants.
You reap what you sow. Nothing is worse for feminists than appearing racist–their own advancing and promotion of the female gender be damned.
Women are often quite good at slamming in the psychological stiletto. The whole rape culture thing is a nonsense but it serves to infuriate men. These women aren’t being rational, they are simply enjoying the power of destruction.
The feminists = ethno gender Marxist want to destroy western civilisation and ‘womens rights’ is the method. Its built around the natural tendancy to protect women. You only need an unsubstantiated suggestion that a woman is under threat and all rhyme or reason is thrown out the window.
Teach young men to desacralize women.
“Germany Proves That “Rape Culture” Is Merely A Political Weapon Against Western Men” – What constitutes “Western Men” these days? ANY XY Chromozone who happens to be yanked out of someones crotch in a western country?
DONT NOT, I repeat; Do Not Come To Their AID if in the general vicinity of this crime. You put yourself not only in harms way but western women will find you an easier target for prosecution! Just walk away, do not contact the police, the police will also find you an easier target for prosecution.
Being waken up the hard way.
its sad but I have been saying its all a plot to advance the globalist agenda. This proves it without a doubt. It’s why Bill Clinton gets a pass, anything to destroy western civilization and bring in chaos.
I’m going to start a Kickstarter to buy an airship, fancy food, booze, and popcorn so when Europe starts burning we can watch and laugh at the liberal politicians.
Everyone should contribute.
It’s WWIII.. The invasion has begun ! Now we wait for the fightback…
German women now are very stupid and naive, yes it is true, but I understand and forgive them. I think the problem with Western men is they don’t know how to dine, discuss and have civilised conversations with women. I have known an Australian man of German/Irish decent but he was so stupid and I couldn’t converse with him. Then I met my husband (who does have brown skin!) he is very intelligent but I won’t have children because I am too selfish.
Why does every woman need to have children? Children are a nuisance and pure caucasian children look retarded until they are middle aged. Yuck!
‘Immigrants and refugees can quite literally roam the streets and grab whichever German woman they want’
Exactly. I do it on daily basis, today only I made 10 strikes lol
When real men have disappeared in the west, such will come in flocks from the east – natural selection 😉
Only one remark to the pathetic scoundrel Valizadeh – you go on rampage against immigrants and praise nationalism? Seem to have forgotten that you yourself are son of immigrants. If they were not welcomed at the time you’d probably be hanged or jailed back in Iran, knowing the level oppression of male oppression in that shia slum.
I wish I was a brown man in Germany, its like playing GTA with cheat codes on, do whatever the fuck you want, no consequences. You don’t even have to work!
I find it hilarious. Wrong as it may be, I’m enjoying this cluster”—” and look forward to reading more.
I’m not white, so I only receive me 50% of this hate towards whites and men. However, I know stupid when I see it.
We have a real rape culture and no one wants to even call it what it is. They “victim blame” and tell women keep an arms length from these men. And feminists ignore it and still act like two drunk white kids is their biggest concern.
I love this so much. It’s like watching deer bitch about how male deer are horrible while welcoming the wolves in their den and acting like all is well as they chomp on their throat.
Things will get worse.for women… Not for men like me. We will be fine. After a bit more they will realize feminism has failed them and hung them out to dry.
This will be the biggest blow to feminism and will kill the movement for at least a generation or two.
It should be a crime to enjoy this so much. Under feminism, it may be…but they will still ignore Muslims raping them and operating human slave sex rings. That will be ignored, again.
Btw, just so you know: Germany now wants to make a law similiar to “yes means yes”. Of course it’s only gonna affect white germans. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Just part of the war on white men.
feminists actually want to be raped, that’s why they fantasize about it so bad, damn fucking dangerously thirsty whores.
The reason why there is so much hatred towards white straight males is because of a Zionist agenda to destroy Europeans and their culture.