My First Multicultural Experience

John Lennon was a great, great, GREAT man. He truly was the voice of the baby boomers, unarguably the greatest generation to have ever lived. His calls for world peace rang out from the windows of the high class building he lived in, echoing messages of hope across a gentrified Manhattan which at the time had an evil majority population of 70% white people. Lennon was such a great soul that he recognized the importance of ethnic cross breeding, choosing as his life mate Yoko Ono, a Japanese women from a high class family.

Ono’s family had spent their lives living in the lands of evil white men, having sent Yoko to a Christian school to be tutored by more evil white men – so she knew all about their evil by the time she moved to white cities and spent her time hanging out with white people. Evil, evil white people.

John Lennon and his ethnically safe soul mate Yoko Ono

And yes, Lennon had made mistakes in the past – perhaps biggest of all having married a woman from his own cultural and societal background, a white woman, and having fathered an evil white BOY with her. Of course Yoko Ono, who by the grace of not being Western or white was mentally and morally superior by default, quickly put that evil white boy in his place by helping Lennon cut off contact with him, making sure their inheritance was denied and squandered so they couldn’t hatch evil white man plans against the world.

Truly, Lennon and Ono were shining beacons of what a multicultural utopia could be. Just listen to the greatest song ever written.

Stirring is it not? Dig those lyrics brah…

Imagine there’s no countries, It isn’t hard to do.

We are so lucky. We truly are. John never got the chance to see how our evil nation states – created to protect and enrich JUST the lives of the people who lived within their borders – are morphing into borderless squares of politically correct corporate fiefdoms.

Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man.

Wow. The world John envisions is so beautiful isn’t it? A world where no one feels hunger, no one feels the need to generate wealth, where we’ll all live in houses whatever size we want built by all of us just to see the smiles on our fellow humans. I mean, imagine a world where, like, we needn’t have to breathe so we could live in the water with whales and dolphins. Imagine a world where beautiful people had to pair up with ugly people so that in the end everyone just has plain and mediocre genes. Imagine a world with nothing that makes us feel any sort of emotion what so ever!

Imagine all the people, Sharing all the world…

John and you other baby boomers, you may have been a bunch of dreamers, but this dream of yours is finally coming true. It’s taken far, far too long but we’re almost there brother. We’re almost there. Thank you for leading we younger generations to it.

I was listening to the above video not too long ago, and it made me reflect on the joys of my own experiences in growing up in a small multiculturally diverse Canadian city. Multiculturalism has been getting a lot of bad rep lately and I honestly find this mind boggling.

I think most of the people saying how multiculturalism destroys peace within a nation or takes opportunity away from those whose parents, grandparents and greater ancestors who built the country are simply haters and bigots. I don’t think they’ve ever really lived in or experienced the joys of being in a multicultural community.

Well folks, old Billy Chubbs has. I spent my childhood growing up in a city that is a shining example of the multicultural utopia currently being created around us. Unfortunately my parents moved me away during 8th grade, so I never got to fully mature in that glorious rainbow of skin colour and differing religions. I think I am worse off for that lack of experience. I can, however, recount some lovely incidents I had during the golden age of my life that I spent within that multicultural Nirvana.

Billy Chubbs first experience with a different culture

There I was, fresh faced and precocious, ready for another day of 1st grade. My colouring books and lunch safely tucked away in my favourite Power Rangers backpack. After a kiss and hug from my mommy I was out the door. The day was bright and sunny. The leaves were beginning to change into their fall colours but for the end of September the weather was exceptionally warm. School was seven blocks away and I took my time meandering to it, watching squirrels gather their nuts, looking at the pretty flower gardens carefully kept in front of the middle class houses. I noticed a lot of them down this street had For Sale signs up but I thought nothing of it – in fact, I enjoyed those signs quite a bit that day, giving each one I passed a satisfying bonk with a stick.

Turning south two blocks away from the school I had my first multicultural experience.

A bit of background on my city first. For most of the 20th century my city was predominantly full of evil white men. It was truly a hell hole; no, there wasn’t much in the way of crime or uncomfortable experiences, but what we had in safety we lost in soul. The city council, baby boomer dreamers that they are, decided to do something about this. The 90s and early 00s were a rough period for the innocent parts of the world. Wars and genocides in African and the Middle East – caused by us evil white men of course – were ravaging the disenfranchised 2nd and 3rd worlds.

Realizing something needed to be done to help their fellow man, and to give our city some much needed culture, our council held several closed door meetings in their suburban McMansions and agreed to accept a lot of refugees from these culturally superior countries.

Our first big slice of multicultural utopia arrived in 1999 in the form of several hundred Somalians. The apartments right by the school had been rented out to them. I had walked this route last year with no incidents and boy howdy, was that ever boring! As a young man what I really craved a bit of excitement on my way to school, and a nice Somalian man provided it. He was sitting on the corner, swaying and smelling of mouth wash. That explained his big toothy white smile when he saw me walking by. He hopped right up and began stumbling over.

Now two weird things happened, which the doctors at the hospital later told me was probably just euphoria from me realizing I was about to experience a non-Western – and therefore superior – culture.

My body went numb and I froze. A voice inside my head said;

This is your brain Billy. I’m releasing Dopamine; it will make you numb.

To which I thought back; Are you trying to kill me?

No Billy, I’m making you not care.

And behind the nice man’s shoulder, there was a bright white light and suddenly an Angel appeared. Apparently, much like our encounter, at the time no one seemed to notice it. The Angel had a sad face and was stretching out his hand, mouthing; You’re going home my child.

Of course, being white AND a man, I knew the Angel did not have my best interests at heart and therefore could not be trusted. Besides, I wasn’t going home! I was going to school! I ignored the silly Angel and stood there waiting to see what the nice Somali man wanted.

He began by trying to teach me his language, and as was his culture’s way it involved yelling at me and pushing me around. As an evil white boy, I had some reservations about standing there absorbing the Somalian culture. For a long time afterward I thought I didn’t run because I was frozen from sheer fear and terror but recently some feminists explained how it was my duty to welcome all cultures, and that my refusal to run was my mind recognizing that simple fact of nature. They couldn’t explain why the Somali then took my back pack off, held it between us and unzipped it to shake all my books and lunch out onto the sidewalk. But those feminists assured me that, as an evil white man, it was my fault.

When I asked what he was doing with it he finally communicated with me in my own evil and inferior language.


Oh! I thought, He is just a hungry hobo. John Lennon says nobody should be hungry, so I reached into my pocket and took out my two loonies for milk money (one dollar coins for the 98% of you reading this who aren’t Canadians) and happily held them out to the man.

The nice man then gave me a Somalian goodbye by kicking me in the stomach with his engineer boot before prying open my hand and taking my two dollars. I tried not to cry as the wind was knocked out of me. I shamefully admit I had a brief thought about why a grown man had struck me, a small child, and if he was white I suppose I would have thought the man a criminal. He was, however, a different colour then me and since I was the white male it was simply my duty to accept his culture.

The teacher made a big deal out of my being late and then of the massive red welt which turned into a 3 inch bruise on my stomach. Then my parents and the police made a big deal out of trying to get me to identify the attackers. When I did they stopped making such a big deal, recognizing that I was not the victim of a crime but just experiencing multiculturalism. They showed me a big binder with a lot of faces inside, asking me if I recognized any of them. There were lots of evil white men inside, a few disenfranchised brown Native Americans and black men but none matched the nice Somali that taught me about his ways. The incident was soon dropped.

I had many more enlightening multicultural encounters after that, the most shameful of which occurred in grade 6 when me and my friend committed a hate crime by attacking some Sikh kids that had earlier cornered my friend’s sister and tried to make her lift her skirt up for them. That was their culture, and we evil white boys should have known better by then. I felt absolutely no revulsion or hatred for the older men in my city and society in general as my Principal and Vice Principal, both evil white men who had fortunately embraced multiculturalism, forced my friend and I to shake hands with the Sikh boys we had attacked for no good reason.

It’s not a crime, it’s their CULTURE.

My friend’s family could not get over their evil whiteness and moved shortly thereafter. My own mother and father tried their best to avoid giving into their hatred, even as in my weaker moments I admit I begged them to leave as well. When our evil white neighbour got hit with a brick in the head walking to his car after work, I guess my mom and dad finally realized that multiculturalism can affect the morally superior baby boomers too, no matter how much they tried to make our city a Multicultural Utopia.

So, the cowards we are, the Chubbs shamefully retreated to a smaller town. The population was almost 90% white and I spent my boring high school years soullessly safe. My grades skyrocketed since my classes were full of calm, boring evil white people who didn’t scream at each other in different languages or bring pellet guns into class. To make up for my shameful ways I attended university, giving tens of thousands of dollars and three years of my life to further the feminist indoctrination institution.

And today, now that my country is thoroughly multicultural, I don’t have to worry about finding any more evil white communities! Chasing careers in a crowded job market saturated with affirmative action laws and immigrant driven wage undercutting, I get to relive my childhood every single day! I just hope those evil white people living in suburbs, gentrified neighbourhoods and gated communities get to experience the sheer joys of multiculturalism one day. After all, they’re the ones who instituted it in the first place and have spent so much time spouting how good it is for everyone. I know they’re afraid of affecting the rest of society with their evil whiteness, but it’s okay. Most of us Millennials and Generation Xers have paved the way for you baby boomers; we have met multiculturalism and it is us!

So come on folks. Erase those borders, open up those gates and for god sakes build a project or two in mostly white neighbourhoods. Multiculturalism ain’t so bad, and it’s-a-comin’ anyways – don’t you want to be ahead of the curve?

Maybe we just need some more examples; why don’t you, gentle reader, share some of your experiences with multicultural utopianism below?

That’s how they made me, Facist baby, Utopia, Utopia…

Article Facts

Number of times evil, white, multicultural, utopia said: 89 (Jesus Christ)

Amount of Milk Money taken by Multiculturalism : 645 CAD

Number of Canadian Boomers for Multiculturalism : 9,000,000

Number of Canadian Boomers Living In Predominantly White Areas : 9,000,000

Number of Obligatory Feminism Knocks : 3

Author’s Scale Of Evil Male Whiteness : Worse then Hitler

Read More: Life At The Bottom: A Law Graduate’s Experience

176 thoughts on “My First Multicultural Experience”

    1. edit… wait, should have read this article properly, just got to the John Lennon stuff and was like, “Fuck this.”
      I’m on the same page, if I were in power I’d make Hitler look like a saint.

      1. America was multicultural at the first place,its a country of immigrants on a land stolen from natives,you guys invented this shit! Its Europe that should be saved,you non-europeans can go fuck yourselves.

        1. I’m European, dickhead.
          And the whole argument of “they were there first blah, blah blah” is bullshit. Take the Aboriginals for instance, they were the only people who didn’t invent the wheel, and as for preserving the land, nah, they just burnt shit down when they wanted to get the animals out of the forests, perminently destroying the variety of vegetation. And as for America, the natives weren’t doing shit with the land, along come the whites and provide sanitation and roads and shit and now everybody wants a piece of the pie *cough* Africans *cough.* Look at Africa, the whole place is shit with exception of South Africa (and formerly Zimbabwe), who do we have to thank? Yeah. So then the blacks see all this and suddenly say, “I want a piece of the pie, what should I do? Oh yeah, I’ll just shout racism about 5 billion times and then they’ll get shamed into giving us their cool shit. And look at South Africa now that the blacks are in power… it’s gone to shit. Surprise, surprise.

        2. It’s genetics… see my comment above… in cold climates, the whites had to get their shit together and that included technology… in warm climates you just pick fruit off a tree, smoke whatever herbs you can find and fuck ….
          And that is why white people are important… because thousands of years of evolution have given them the technology and creative mind to solve problems, rather than just eat fruit and breed…..

        3. Natives didnt invent the wheel either still southern americans had a great culture.Besides, africans were brough there by western europeans.Why did you bring them there if you didnt want them there?Why did you invade another mans land,if you dont want them there after?Why did you immigrate there if you dont want another immigrants there.Its others GOD GIVEN RIGHT,for the natives EVEN MORE SO,to live in America.We in Europe didnt bring here anyone,we didnt steal the land from anyone,we are no immigrants,so we have the right to speak up against immigrants with incompatible cultures flooding our territories but AMERICANS cant say a single word because that land is just as the africans,europeans and natives as ANYONE ELSES!

    2. Agreed. Dudes were just minding their own business when a bunch of pilgrims showed up and messed up the joint with all that multi-culti stuff. A hundred years later, hordes of them snuck in via an island off the eastern coast and went full-multi-culti and stole what was left.Tragic.

  1. There is a reason for the violence and dysfunction across Mexico, Africa and the middleeast. Sudan, rwanda, south african white farmers being murdered, the people are inherently dysfunctional. In Mexico they dont just kill you anymore, they always torture you first.
    Im half spanish I think its obvious to see the white man ruling is the only way for any society to have order.

    1. It is the heat…. and the genetics…. hot climate + indigenous people that lived there thousands of years = lazy, religious / superstitious, ignorant, tribal, over breeding, closer to apes…
      Cold = well organized, community based, technology based, clear headed, well prepared, forward thinking, closer to star trek (for want of a better example)….

      1. Let me ask you….
        Do you think the cold climate folks have the right to control the warm climate people and take their land/natural resources etc?…
        Why can’t the cold climate people just stay in the cold climate?

  2. Multiculturalism may pass off as nice and good, but it’s slowly transforming us into the world state of Brave New World. Simply the idea of hate crime is political hogwash destined to get more votes for the politicians and more party machines. I mean in today’s world hate crime is far less frequent than “hate” crime. Today’s connotation of hate crime is ironic since the hatred is now targeted towards the specific group by prosecuting them for hate crime. When will people understand that multiculturalism is just a well thought out attempt to fashion our destruction? This is why big government/politics/democracy will never work: so long as scumbag politicians need to get votes, they’ll exploit the law for their own needs.

  3. This is why I won’t contribute to any foreign charity – even seemingly good ones, such as building an orphanage in Tibet – until my country rediscovers its health and vitality. Canada is one of the few vestiges of civilization in a world which is fast devolving, and if that is lost all of humanity is lost.

    1. I don’t know that it is lost – it will require a major recovery period after a long period awash in seas of blood. When’s the last time you went to Toronto, or even Vancouver? Canada as a concept is over.

    2. The vestiges of your formerly strong Canadian culture are on sale in shops along Harbord Street in Toronto …
      If I were you, I’d be spending that charity money of yours on building better libraries.

  4. This is a great piece of writing, Mr. Chubbs.
    The story could just as easily have taken place in Sweden, or indeed most of Western-Europe.
    What registered most with me was the way that heinous acts by delightful new Mogadishun imports are totally disregarded by white elites. I had a car filled with 5 Somalians follow me and my girl after we walked home from a nightclub recently, screaming threats, brandishing a knife and demanding money.
    Our liberal peers responded to this by saying; “These poor people only turn to this because they are denied opportunity by the inherent racism in our society.” Ugh.

    1. Ukraine is poor as hell, but it’s really hard to get robbed. You have to be asking for it. Many times at night I walked by a group of young men, 4 or 5 strong, but they didn’t give me a second look. Culture does seem to influence criminality.

      1. The thing is, Ukraine is – just as Russia – more or less openly discriminatory against non-whites / muslims. No liberal guilt, whatsoever. If the few non-whites behave badly, they can be sure that they will be dealt with.
        Sweden or -even worse- Germany on the other hand are absolutely crippled by liberal guilt and dogma. Turkish and Muslim immigrants can pretty much do whatever they want without being punished. And they can leech off of the welfare system.

        1. The fact of the matter is though that anything worth having on planet earth has been invented and built by white people, largely because living in warmer climates like india and africa doesn’t propel you towards having to do much of anything other than pick mangos from a tree…
          when you are going to be snowed in all winter, you better have your shit together by autumn….. so for example the swiss built watches all winter while the french and italians made jewelry and spectacles….. meanwhile in the sudan, they just picked mangoes off the tree as usual…..
          the cold climates of the northern hemishpere (inlcuding Russian and China) have fostered all of the great knowledge of humanity…
          it will take many many generations to iron that out of the gene pool…..
          Marx, Stalin, Mao, Hitler and many others offered world peace and harmony and dreams of equality for all…. but ended up committing genocide…
          Peace and Plenty will come when we have the technology that allows it… and sorry but that’s largely going to be built by white people….. it’s in their genes……

        2. An older Brazilian woman once told me, “There are no philosophers in Rio because we have the amazing beach in the world.”

        3. I’m sorry but you are wrong,the chinese and europeans were nowhere when middle-eastern,north african and indian cultures were at their peak.Even later when Europe began to develop ,Northern European were living like animals and the culture and knowledge was given them by Greeks and later Romans.On the other hand,Siberians and Northern American natives live on the northern hemisphere and lived like africans(some still do) while south american natives invented a lot of shit,their only problem was that they didnt have to invent new weapons cos they needed none,they were fighting only each other,they were isolated from the outer world.Btw Russia like 1000 years ago was an even bigger shithole than today not even worth mentioning.There are ups and downs in cultures,and Europeans werent even the first to create a great one.Its just this american bullshit that people swallow.I wonder why Roosh is such a pussy that being a middle-eastern never mentions this.

        4. The problem with this theory is that the birth of western civilization came from the Mediterranean.

        5. look at it again, it’s a bit more subtle than it seems… but the climate issue is correct… even birds and fish are smart enough to move by the seasons….
          originally there were hunter gathers…..
          in colder climates the struggle for survival was such that they didn’t have the time for too much thinking…
          so the philosophies and technologies started in slightly warmer climates which were easier… HOWEVER…. none of them started in tropical climates… it gets pretty cold in even in north India and China in winter… as it also does in the Med. … it’s no tropical paradise….
          and once the ideas spread to the northern countries they embraced them with vengeance… whereas the lazy latins, messy middle easterns and their indian brethren didn’t have to bother than much…..and slowly slipped back into decadence…
          even chocolate that originally came from mexico has been developed and perfected by belgians, french, swiss etc because it’s a great winter staple…
          ever heard of Mexican chocolate ?

        6. the original european genius – the greeks, came from a warm clime – and the eskimos from cold. I think it has more to do with genetic intelligence differences, which have a source in who knows what. Neanderthal dna some say.

        7. who knows the race of the babylonians, assyrians, sumerians – I know the original persians descended (like original hindus) from northern aryan horsemen raiders.

        8. The Greeks you’re thinking of were mostly Nordics who had migrated south. Go back another 10,000 years and their ancestors were living further north.

      2. Curious? You necer had problens there? I heard if you have swarthy complexion youll get beaten or killed by gopnik thugs. Maybe cause youre a tall guy they dont wanna take u on.
        Whats the reaction when u say u are turkish.

        1. Did you know that not all Russians are blonde?Actually its a minority,many of them are dark,its just a western propaganda that people are beaten there because of racism,shut the fuck up….

        2. 99% of russians have light brown to blond hair.
          Those who don’t are not ethnic russians.

        3. just western propaganda? lol. remember the tadjik child in st. pete? how about the gang in moscow that was stabbing chinese kids a few years ago? those stories were covered in the russian media… or do they all work for foreign NGOs as putin’s thugs like to claim?
          ti ne znayesh o chyom ti govorish…

      3. Culture does seem to influence criminality.

        Society and culture is racial construct. It’s not “culture” it’s people which comprise this “culture”.

  5. Silly child, you shouldn’t talk to strangers. Sorry, I forgot, BLACK strangers. A friendly white priest would have given you a piece of candy and a pat on the back and would most definitely not molest you.

    1. This isn’t about blacks vs whites. This is about mult-culturalism. Stop being retarded or get banned.

      1. Don’t they fall under the multi-cultural umbrella? The post suggests as much with the photos used, and the comments below; namely the one that says white men should rule is what posts like this allude to.

        1. That is a deflection Samseau. You didn’t answer. Are they, or are they not included? But whatever. Don’t bother.

        2. @ Brobox
          Hey thanks for reading!
          Sorry this post comes across as White Man’s Burden to you. I tried to avoid that, but since the man who robbed me was Somalian, and (according to Google) the Somalian ethnic is 85% black, with the other 15% being sort of other kind of black, it was an unfortunate coincidence that this was a black on pasty white crime. If I had written an article like this from the perspective of my friend’s sister who was accosted by Sikhs, then it would undoubtedly come across as an article racist against brown skinned people with pictures of grinning brown men surrounding little white girls. If I had written this article from the perspective of Laura and Laurence Nelson it would have had a lot of pictures of white red necks and KKK members. From Gandhi’s perspective, you would have seen a lot of classy looking British gentlemen with impeccable moustaches in Pith Helmets and khaki uniforms whomping the hell out of little brown bald men with sticks; most of those brown men having only one eye, since that’s what Gandhi was always talking about right? British people taking their eyes and making them blind?
          Moving on, the last photo was taken from a Google search for Bosnian Civil War. The Bosnian War was a conflict filled with ethnic cleansing; where the Bosniaks, Serbs and Croatians were all relatively the same genetic line – a fancy way of saying they all had a similar skin tone (sort-a-white). Many of them were indistinguishable from one another, much like the Hutu’s and Tutsi’s in Rwanda. Before 1992 most of those people living in that doomed Balkan paradise were just a mass of borderline swarthy honkies. However, their cultures differed and after years of living in relative peace, with much intermarrying between the cultures, the first major crisis to come their way made them turn on each other along cultural lines. Race and skin colour has nothing to do with the inherent dangers of Multiculturalism. Or maybe it does. I don’t know, I’m not a scientist.
          Also, in the gangsta pic the shirtless guy with sunglasses and warrior braids is a Native American. But I found that picture googling the crips. Isn’t that weird? I guess at least the Crips have found a way to make multiculturalism work. Heck, that guy in the back making Killaz signs looks a little Rajputti to me too. Perhaps there is hope after all.

        3. Well thank you sir for the clarification. I honestly just wanted to address the inclusion of what being multicultural based on by the responses here. If we are addressing the “culture” aspect, some (like the comment mentioned about the white man ruling) suggests that race is a determining factor for some people. Yet what is often left out is the the co culture’s within respective ethnic groups. Criminals and gangs in particular, are an aspect of “subculture theory”. They study this in Criminology. A gang with all the different people you described among clarification of photos, are part of that subculture. But you say this:
          “Also, in the gangsta pic the shirtless guy with sunglasses and warrior braids is a Native American. But I found that picture googling the crips. Isn’t that weird?”
          In a sense it can seem weird. Unless you believe that a subculture such as street gangs is only associated with certain racial groups of people. We do selectively place people in these categories and we do this unconsciously. Mainly based on personal experiences and what we see in periodicals and the news. Based on the statistical drawbacks that NA people live with, I believe it’s possible.
          Poverty is a subculture.
          Delinquency is a subculture.
          We use different terms (poor, working class, middle..etc)
          The problem arises when people attribute these subcultures as something that is indicative of an entire culture.
          You didn’t get robbed by a Somalian, you were robbed by a criminal, who was Somalian.
          For some, they are not even cultured enough to separate the ethnicity. Somalian then becomes African to them (many Africans do not even refer to themselves as African), now 1 billion people have to suffer the stigma of an unfounded stereotype of an unrelated ethnic group completely separate from theirs.
          That subtle bit of context that is left out is the problem we don’t even know to acknowledge. It happened with 9/11. Muslims as a whole are not bad people, yet once those planes hit; it did not stop people for treating them all as terrorists. Not only that, the color of their skin and their features were very much how they were identified.
          That is the glaring flaw in the logic of many people in regards to multiculturalism. They attack the culture as a whole, and willfully ignore the fact that all ethnic groups have subcultures, good and bad, and ones that cross racial lines, such as criminals. Which is why they study the mentality, ideology, and in some cases pathology of these people in particular to find commonalities among them. This is not to cast shade on your post I did not interpret it as anything but what one would expect from RoK; as an avid reader I really had no opinion of it. But some readers could use that bit of context. Or perceptions run wild.

      2. Its normal for multiculturalism to cause clashes between people; a great example of this were the Irish in Norther Ireland regarding their differences in politics and religion, and the Irish in New England for reasons of culture and nationality. (e.g; “irish need not apply.”) Being an immigrant to a new country and/or culture is a bitch. Having to deal with newcomers is also a bitch. Overall, the immigrant should always be respectful and cordial. Otherwise, post like these are more than justified. I would like to see an article representing a counterexample to the disgusting behavior of some ungrateful immigrants. That is, an article detailing the virtues of a grateful immigrant. It would be a fruitful juxtaposition.

    2. “A friendly white priest would have given you a piece of candy and a pat on the back and would most definitely not molest you.”
      Yes, actually that IS probably what would happen. If you think the average priest is just as prone to pedophilia as the average black man is to crime, you are delusional.

    3. How many priests do you know?
      The majority I know are good, reliable men who wouldn’t hurt a fly.

    4. @ Sergio
      Hey thanks for reading!
      Sorry that the article wasn’t written clearly enough for you. I did have a John Madden style play by play written of my first mugging, but 20,000 words in I realized I was just rewriting chapters 1-20 of my future book Mein Kanadampf and did some selective editing. Any ways, I did not talk to the nice man or even initiate contact with him. He got up and confronted me and like the naive little bitch I was I stood there instead of running. The first and last words I said to him was in the form of a question, said question being why he was shaking my back pack out. I was curious to know what a fully grown man wanted with my Scribblers and pencil crayons. Hope that clears things up!

      1. Didn’t you know chubbs? You were suppose to do like the female editor from The Onion and cower showing your allegiance to “not all are like that.
        The fact that you didn’t, and actually showed that hatred is a human condition that coes not discriminate on race merely shows that Brobox and his kind (read humans who think like that) are merely claiming you need another year of hard core feminist/multicultural indoctrination where you think all others are cool, and you being white, are not.
        White is so pre-Spanish-American War. Get with the times my friend, buy a tie-die shirt, and head to your nearest slut-walk for training.

  6. If their multicultural greatness is so awesome, why are they fleeing so many genocidal wars? WE MUST bring that here! Oh yes, I feel my evil whiteness deteriorating under the glorious hails of fists of assorted colors and progressive boots raining their wisdom down upon me! All hail Haile Selassie, we know he is gonna make a comeback from the grave and make the wisdom of Jamaica, Africa, Somalia the rule of the land. Strangely, they read a white man’s Bible, but it’s okay, I’m sure it makes sense some how. Maybe another garbage bag of ganja will help me see clearer, and help with the pain of my “lessons.” Perhaps my wife, freshly “taught her lessons in the bedroom” can use some too? That must be multiculturalism teaching me how to be a real man?
    Also, never forget, it is not that they get preferential treatment in college programs that makes them get ahead in the affirmative action world; it is merely payback for centuries of “systemic oppression” you as a white male are totally responsible for.
    If any one wants to read the forbidden truth, look up “White slaves, not indentured servants” and see that 85% of colonial slaves in America were not white, they were something, but the 15% of African slaves was an atrocity, and you descendents of something or other should be made to pay reparations checks in 20’s and 50’s so these wondrous people with deeply ingrained intrinsic morality and culture can “bring you to the truth.” (Read: give you a beating and take everything you have in a communist utopia that strangely seems third world).

  7. Totally agree with this but at the same time I want you Americans to realize that none of you are welcomed in Europe either,it works for you too.Stay.Out!

      1. Russia bitch!the country you assholes fear so much because we beat westerners and are racist hahhahha idiots..You are pussies!!

        1. Yeah sure,thats why beta westerners are dying to get here and pick up women,read this site man,its all about that.

        2. Yeah, I had one of your buxom beautiful blonds. Awesome tits, and smoking voluptuous body. Perhaps you married her?
          And we don’t fear Russia, Berlin Wall anyone? Stop being butt hurt. We won, it’s okay.
          Let’s compromise on that we both like your women okay? See, everyone wins.

        3. Well,my point is that you guys complain about blacks and others in america,while they are americans too yet fail to see that we hate you just the same in our country too.Well,THATS funny..We have those who hate their fathers and sleep with an american just like you have women who sleep with a black,we look down on them just the same.You fail to realize YOU are the niggers here if you are american and we dont like it.bitch.

    1. YES, and how do you do a background check on a third world immigrant, I have been saying this for a long time. It is interesting how these different groups infiltrate certain industries, not by chance, its all marxist engineering. But Somolis in the airports, very interesting.

      1. Marxist? Are they forming a coop or planning a revolution against the overlords at the TSA? Do they have soviets yet?

  8. Great article!
    I am sorry that POS Somali did that to you. The USA should’ve turned Mogadishu into a parking lot in 1993 instead of taking those @ssholes into our country, feeding them, and then letting them go back to their sorry country to become jihadists and pirates.

  9. I just about spewed my coffee everywhere when I saw the picture of “Yoko Ono”. Thanks for that…

  10. John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Grace Slick, Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Harold Sloan, Alan Ginsberg, Saul Alinsky; what do these people all have in common?
    They’re not Boomers.

    1. @ kfg
      Hey thanks for reading!
      True, but ol’ Lennon was the poetic voice of the Boomers. His morals, ethics and every other fancy and extraneous way of saying ‘beliefs’ represented that of the general Boomer population. Robin Thicke is not a Millenial, but his poetry and lifestyle perfectly encapsulates the desired Zeitgeist of my generation; same with that nearly senior citizen Redfoo of LMFAO fame. You don’t have to be born with a generation to represent the worst of them.

      1. “Hey thanks for reading!”
        You’re quite welcome.
        Right up to this point you were doing fine.
        What is the difference between Robin Thicke and the people I named? Robin Thicke is a show biz kid aping the current zietgeist for his own personal pleasure and commercial advantage.
        The people I named created the zeitgeist of their age. Just about everything you blame the boomers for was born in the Greatest Generation and driven by the Silent Generation. I was acquainted with many of them as the drivers included my parents (one late Greatest, one early Silent).
        The defining event of the twentieth century was WWI and the great wave of cultural nihilism that it engendered. Read Somerset Maugham’s “The Razor’s Edge,” or at least watch the Bill Murray movie version.
        You can’t understand the counter culture of the 60’s without understaning the Roaring 20’s, not a “normal” time of peace and prosperity that it is so often portrayed as, but a great party, thrown on easy credit, to try to drown out the voice of the inner nihilist.
        It didn’t work.

        1. It is very likely that we agree on a lot. People forget about the twenties, and what it did. The easy credit, and nihilistic solipsism of that era culminated in the crash and subsequent Great Depression in 29.
          Sadly, there are many distinct, and easily observable, similarities between then, and now. Especially our financial situation, and I don’t like it one bit.

  11. Great stuff. Amusing and it makes several important points. Plus it busts on Lennon the Peacenik Wifebeater. Which is what we should call from now on in these parts.

    1. @ Mad Max
      Hey thanks for reading!
      Thank Allah no. If I had of lived in Toronto – if I had of even been born there – I would have fled or shot myself long, long ago.
      I don’t want to say what city it is, because I’m afraid that my Somalian friend might be reading this article and track me down through my IP. Dear god, if he was willing to do something like that to child Billy, what would he do to adult Billy?! D:
      Loved you in The Road Warrior by the way.

    1. I believe it’s a photoshop protest of Finns against what they thought was impunity on immigrants to rape in their country.

    2. Finland is pretty impressive in regards to their lack of multiculturalism as compared to their Scandinavian counterparts. Finland only has an immigrant population of maybe 2%-3%. From the little time I spent in Helsinki and Stockholm, the contrast is quite severe between the two cities. I actually found Stockholm very disappointing because it was so multicultural.

    3. @ Alaska49
      Hey thanks for reading!
      I’m pretty sure I found it while googling Ethnic Rape Scare. Couldn’t tell you the specific site.

  12. I’m pretty redpill, but articles like this stir up all kinds of stormfront ‘white is right’ scum and that shit is fucking disgusting. Is that the direction this website/red pill ideas are heading?

    1. Re-read mine and other comments. I don’t have to be a KKK loving asshole to know that the racism of black on white crime is rampant, well documented, and covered by the media. Any white guy asked behind closed doors at a suburbia BBQ will tell you why they won’t move to Detroit. It is not relevant that black cities are largely on a downward spiral the world over. I don’t even necessarily think it is based on skin color, as much as I do on culture and entitlement mentalities raised in that culture.
      However, one does have to ask why it is that most countries that are predominately black all seem to struggle the most with violence, and dictatorial leadership the world over. That cannot all be because of White European influence.
      Call me racist, I have been called worse, but I am merely pointing out the obvious herd of 10,000lb elephants, and steroid induced 3000lb gorillas in the proverbial room that is welfare, social spending, and minority dominance in street crime. If white people a re guilty of any crime, it is white collar crime the most.
      People lie, numbers don’t. I am tired of being told to lie to myself about the numbers because some minority is going to get his panties in a knot about single motherhood destroying his prospects, but damn me if I point it out and don’t have the same melanin in my skin.

      1. A few things to note after which I wont respond:
        -Whites are the majority US population group. Obvious right?
        -FBI data classifies many Hispanics as “white” So any stats on your version of “‘black on white’ anything” would be inflated. Due to the fact that Hispanic people are more likely to live within the same or neighboring communities due to near identical economic standing.
        -Proximity is probably the biggest factor. Why is black on black crime high? The same reason the largely ignored in the media white on white crime is high: we still live in segregated communities.
        Here is your white murder rate chart for 2010:
        And here is the black one:
        In addition;
        The likely hood that a black person or person of color will encounter a white person in one day in America or the West in general is far higher than the reverse. As high as 57%. So the opportunity for a “criminal” who is black, to encounter a white person who then becomes a victim, is that much higher. But, if you looked at the charts, it’s far lower than expected and what the news would tell you. And it continues to drop.
        The most damaging thing about what you say here affects white men the most. You go on about negative cultures and entitlements, completely unaware of subcultures, real raw numbers relative to the total census, AND, by demonizing millions of people as being indicative of a mono-culture, it’s completely flawed and drowning in intellectual dishonesty. So yeah it is racist of you to deny your self the broad perspective of information and variations to be had of a society that like it or not, exists. Created by white people of the American and Western European variety, and now resent losing control. By other progressive white people nonetheless. I told you before, you are being played. More so by the charismatic racists that have hijacked various movements you would gladly stand behind using your subconscious, unfounded fears of people of color to garner your support. And its working.
        What’s worse, is when you and people like you paint people of color in this way, you actually bring more harm to yourself. And that is also what white nationalists and trad cons want. By making people of color appear aggressive and violent, you as an inverse make white men out to be weak. So when an actual criminal who happens to be black inflicts harm on a white man, its now black society. When a white man for that matter who could give 2 fucks about youbeing white like him is more likely to inflict harm on you, yet you fail to or refuse to acknowledge the mold growing in your own neighborhoods, because you are too busy trying to assert your arrogance and flailing dominance over everyone else. Look inwards, at your own people for fucks sake. White America has a youth drinking, problem, A drinking problem in general, that takes more lives in DUI accidents and killings then black and white murders combined. Drugs is rampant with more whites into much harder drugs and trying much harder drugs as early as their teens. Yet there is no focus towards white people there either. C’mon man..just stop it already. You are misguided and it’s sad.

        1. The thing about your arguments is that even if a fraction of what you say is true, based on your charts, the media actually intentionally denies or obfuscates data and identifiers of black criminals. I concede, the total number of our combined population (all races) who commit street crime is actually really low compared to the rest of the population.
          However it has been my experience in talking with you that you also have a preconceived notion that any one that comes out saying blacks in America have a violence problem you refer to a variety of ailments in white populations (like your binge drinking and DUIs) as if they are relevant to what the topic at hand is. They are not.
          The fact of the matter is that even in respect to Latinos, African_Americans represent the largest population of violence in the country. Like it or not, your slight of hand with cherry picked data pre-approving your off topic switch does not change the fact that though African_Americans are a smaller segment of the population as a whole, even adjusting for poverty and upward mobility, they consume most of the stats on violence against themselves and others. White kids drinking themselves to death in any number of ways have no bearing on this fact.
          I don’t care what tradcons or white supremacists say. It is obvious that black Americans have an entitlement complex and feel justified in any number of indignities they conduct on white Americans in a very broad spectrum of violence, entitlements, and racist insults and slurs that you will be damned or beaten if you return in kind.
          You don’t have to like it, you just have to understand that the past five years have taught me that in regards to work, sports, personal relationships, and anything; they expect special treatment, and can treat me as they see fit. I can’t go into too much detail, but it is pretty obvious that despite the MSM’s best attempts white Americans are asking themselves what the fuck? Their voice is not heard, and if it is they grab the dumbest most unaware whites they can ind and put them on TV. They can’t have an honest discussion or their will be riots in every street.
          Two men, one in New York, one in Arizona/New Mexico(?), each had a similiar shooting incident as Zimmerman. Zimmerman was targeted initially, I feel because his last name and skin color got the media hype machine all excited. When they discovered he was latino they purely went into damage control and tried to ruin his life in order to save face. The other two men with a similiar or worse scenario got their guns back, no Al or Jesse to raise picket fences. These two men were black, no riots in the street over that.
          Say whatever you want, I feel your charts are cherry picked and don’t mesh well with what I see. I know that blacks are unfairly targeted, but that is due to single mama drama, and a sub-culture that inspires these sorts of things. Not anything I may have done for being white.
          You want to fix it, fix those two things, and I will be happy to get an engineering degree along side any of them and move on with our lives. We both know that is not the point.
          I am not going to shy away from saying it anymore.

        2. Your link says it all.
          That website reports that, in 2010, white males committed 3,896 murders. Black males committed 3,807 murders in 2010. Those are the absolute numbers. When you take into account that white males outnumber black males in
          the population by about 5-6 times, then you realize that black males commit murder at a rate about 5-6 times higher than white males.
          Blacks are more violent and more criminal than whites. All
          of the available data supports that conclusion, even after leftist hobby horses like poverty and education have been controlled for. Now you can hem and haw about interracial crime rates as much as you like, but it doesn’t change anything. Black people and white people are different.
          The reason that the red pill inevitably tends toward what
          you call “racism” is that it rejects the fairytale notion of equality.
          When a feminist looks out at the world and sees that men
          occupy most positions of political authority, she thinks “sexism!” Why? Because she assumes that men and women are fundamentally interchangeable. They’re perfectly equal. Thus, if there are any differences in life outcomes or behavior or preferences it must be the fault of “institutional sexism” and conspiracies by men to keep women down. The red pill rejects that explanation. Differences in outcome exist because men and women are different.
          When an anti-racist looks out at the world and sees that
          blacks occupy most jail cells, she thinks “racism!” Why? Because she assumes that blacks and whites are fundamentally interchangeable. They’re perfectly
          equal. Thus, if there are any differences in life outcomes or behavior or preferences it must be the fault of “institutional racism” and conspiracies by the white man to keep blacks down. The red pill rejects that explanation. Differences in outcome exist because blacks and whites are different.
          The problem for black, aspiring red-pillers like yourself is
          that you have a hard time extending the logic of anti-equality from gender to other issues like race. There is real cognitive dissonance present because you have
          been conditioned since childhood to shout “raciss! raciss! raciss!” whenever discussions about black dysfunction come up.
          You see the same sort of dissonance in gay anti-feminists
          and MRAs. You all try to attack equality where it benefits feminists and defend it where it benefits yourselves. Myopic.
          Equality is an abstract notion that exists nowhere in nature—not on the individual level and not on the population level. Sexes are different. Races are different. Cultures are different. These differences have real world consequence. They have far better explanatory power than invisible bogeymen like “sexism” and “racism,” too.

        3. I said I would not respond further but here:
          70 percent of all crimes are committed by 7% of total

          They are actually hard to predict:

          SO, your claims of any dysfunction among a specific culture
          in the west are unjustified. If we spoke of the criminal subculture, then you
          may have had merit. Next….
          Entitlement programs were established by FDR at the behest
          of white people, the federal relief act, social security, etc. during the
          recession; and in doing so he had to slight the injustices people of color
          faced because if he addressed them he would never get the white support to pass
          those bills.

          Black people by that point where all but Jim crowed out of
          Let’s be more than
          frank; entitlement programs are perfectly ok as long as its white people using
          them is what is not being said. America has suffered a long history of
          willfully mis-characterizing people who were not white, for what reason? To
          eliminate competition. To willfully disfranchise them out of having the means
          to provide for their families.
          Therefore, it is a mess WHITES created. Due to the KKK, of
          which there are still 179 groups of them in the US today, and other white
          supremacy groups, as well as the black codes. 1875 sir. That is not a long time
          ago. That is two 69 year old people dying back to back. What we are all living
          today to see now is Newton’s 3rd law applied to the US.
          To have a staunch belief…and let me be clear, I have no
          reason to believe you will realize the illogical ways in which you look at the
          world we live in. It’s a reflection of old age where post 35 you become
          “set in your ways”. Anyway, to have a staunch belief in the things
          you say even at the expense of data that contradicts as much speaks volumes
          about YOU and your entitlement. You get to be an individual, you live in a
          system that until very recently it caters to (and still does) to whites. To say
          what you say with confidence, you have to willfully ignore:
          -Recent history
          -Institutional Racism
          -Actual crime data
          -Population numbers substituting them for percentages.
          -And your own conscious thoughts
          White people will not acknowledge the ugly past. So now
          people are getting upset because the realization that equality never existed,
          and I read it here, people still believe that it should not. Because of why?
          Because some person of color, that is a criminal, somewhere, may beat your ass or took your money.Or they already did.
          And still you wouldn’t want them around because, even if by your logic they were peaceful, they are direct competitors for all numbers of jobs. Any justification of being anti multicultural due to just violence is horseshit. It’s all about money in the end…capitalism. “They can take my job and do it batter than I can” jealousy. Look at areas where this has already occurred.
          While a hate crime is still a hate crime, Violence
          alone is not real power. Why?
          Because as such, you have to break the law enact it.
          Where it becomes power, is when the person who incites
          violence, is not punished but absolved by the law in the form of not guilty verdicts and reduced sentences for the same crimes. And no person of color can honestly say that they have been absolved. They are persecuted and imprisoned. Justice is served. The reverse, has been largely inconsistent.
          Like I said, it’s intellectually lazy of you and it’s sad.
          But this is where your entitlement speaks volumes. You truly believe you are in
          a position to talk down from a place of moral superiority. This is why you are
          losing. Because cultural rot is festering in your culture; aside from the obvious rot in your belief system and it’s being ignored. Because instead of looking at outsiders walking the streets selling drugs for example, you are
          completely unaware of the meth labs in your own communities. People of color don’t have the privilege to look down on your culture.
          Where is the push for exposing this in the media? We never hear about meth labs until one blows up. People of color don’t fuck with meth like that.
          That is true entitlement. The benefit of the doubt of your culture. What do those suburban moms always say in the news when something bad happens:
          “Things like that are not supposed to happen here”
          Well they do bitch. And the happen exclusively in neighborhoods where police don’t even feel the need to concentrate their efforts. Why is Sudafed locked in cages in majority white states local pharmacies, no longer over the counter, and you can only by one at a time? Fuck outta here. We know why.
          White people are 42% of the poor, YET take in 69% of
          government benefits
          Blacks however are 22% of the poor, and take only 14%
          Already know what you are going to say:
          “OH but blacks are only 13% of the population.”
          Here is where you fail at math. The same with crimes and
          prison stats.
          The percentage listed, is OF THE POOR. Meaning, it’s an
          entirely different category not relative to population data.
          ***However, US Census despite being down, lists the population
          in poverty based on income at 1.2% of the US population.***
          So take whatever NUMBER is 1.2 percent of 308+ million, which is 3,704,946 in poverty, and 22% of that is black people. Which is 815,088 in poverty. 14% of that is 114,112 using govt programs.
          Just under 115,000. Out of 38.9 MILLION PEOPLE.
          See the illogical nature of the rhetoric you spew? You have no stats to back it up. Because there are people who actually do the work.
          So the claim of entitlement is…well psychological
          projection, lack of perspective etc. An overall low intelligence. And lack of critical thought and reasoning. For your biases are what they are and you can’t even justify it.
          You, and people like you don’t do this kind of math or
          analysis, because you don’t need to. Why? This is where (and why) you get accused of having privilege. You set the narrative due to being the majority.
          America IS white culture and history has highlighted all the underhanded practices performed by whites in power and white people who stood by and allowed it that made this possible.
          Anyway, at least from the posts by Athlone, many blacks try to be
          honest in their writing about black culture. And highlight some of the underpinnings that affect it. And asses solutions. But I have yet to see an honest assessment of white culture from writers who supposedly care so much about their people.
          If you feel you are portrayed as evil, and don’t even have the slightest clue as to why or why someone would think that way? Something is dysfunctional in your culture’s subconscious nature. Or it’s just the representatives who frequent the web and race troll. I’m not one to pin an entire race on the actions of a few.
          But keep up the unfounded fear mongering and E-high fives with each other at the expense of your own closeted bigotry.
          This site was good in the beginning, but articles like
          these, while they are opinion pieces, draw in people who reminisce of an old and dead belief system, and objectionably alienate any readers that are not
          “entitled” to buying into white nationalist-esque, pseudo-intellectual, white resentment conjuring trash. It’s weak and the worst kind of victim mentality because it’s unfounded, hypocritical, and a complete contradiction and lack of empathy and selfishness for your sake, not your own
          people. You don’t give a fuck about them because they are white.
          It’s not people of color living in a white world, its white people living in a world of people of color. Lest you ignore the billions of Africans, and Chinese. War and strife is
          common. Always has, always will be. Let’s not lie and say white mono cultures never fought each other. The revolutionary war and the Civil war. You can’t be
          a mono culture and truly believe you will have peace. You will destroy yourselves. Feminism and birth control anyone? Birth rate decline among whites?
          How do you fix that?
          Well dominance right? That ship has sailed.
          Finally…None of the “achievements” you hold so
          highly would have been possible if you had to do the actual manual labor. Not if
          you had to pay your workers an honest days’ worth of pay from the beginning.
          Not with slavery, not with convict leasing, not with flawed ideological preconceived
          notions of race.
          Fuck this site.

        4. You have to ignore poverty as well as segregation to justify your statement. Have you ever met peaceful Poor people? You are telling me the white trash poor in this country are peaceful? Let me ask,
          Would you live in a nice home among them?
          This is horseshit.

        5. Crime rates correlate with poverty rates at .36, and with % unemployed rates at .35.
          Crime rates correlate with % of black population at .81 (and at .78 when controlled for poverty, education, and unemployment).
          I won’t take the time to explain these statistics other than to say that, no, you don’t have to ignore poverty or “segregation” to show that blacks are more criminal than whites. Race is the single best predictor of crime rate for a given zip code. Thus I would greatly prefer to live among poor whites than poor blacks. Any rational person looking at the numbers–white, black, red, or yellow–would make that same choice.
          Sorry if that hurts your feelings.
          The numbers that these analyses are performed on draw from reputable national sources such as the U.S. Census, the Uniformed Crime Report, and the National Crime Victimization Survey. The findings are presented in this report:

        6. Good Lord what rambling, butthurt bullshit. Learn to make a clear, concise, coherent argument if you want to have a discussion in the comments section.

        7. I lived in the Philippines amongst peaceful poor people. So don’t blame violence on poverty.

        8. Did you seriously link the “color of crime”?? Obviously not biased at all. They fact that its revered by whites who hold superior beliefs is tantamount to the fact that it is poorly done. A White Jew of whom you guys adore tore it apart.

          He actually sites credible sources.
          Furthermore, to say anything about blacks being more violent, when Americans design missiles and give them names like “Peacekeeper”, nulls and voids any argument of who is more violent. Candy coated genocide is all too common. In history past and present with American exploits in the middle east
          Japan is never allowed to have a military again. And look at how Asians were and are still treated after that.
          Cool man demonize millions of people, billions if you look worldwide. If you won’t see that flaw in your logic..there is no point in corresponding to you further

        9. The numbers that “The Color of Crime” analyzes are from governmental sources. If you belief the basic statistical analyses that Taylor uses, the math itself, is somehow “biased,” the onus is on you to propose the more apt mathematical procedure.
          The numbers, drawn from credible, national databases speak for themselves.
          Now what Tim Wise is doing in his “response” to the Color of Crime is quibbling with some of the more arguable conclusions (such as how much proximity figures into interracial crime rates) without addressing (because it can’t be addressed) that black crime rates are higher disproportionately than even the rampant poverty and lack of education in the black community would suggest. That blacks are a highly criminal community compared to any other ethnic group in America.
          And I don’t know how the military figures into any of this. I’m arguing that black people are prone to violent criminality. I’m not arguing that they cause more global-scale wars. I think that the same sort of population level cognitive deficiencies that cause them to commit crime at higher rates also prevent majority-black countries from achieving the sort of technological/social development necessary to being a military factor on the global stage in the first place.
          And I’m not demonizing anyone. I’ll leave that to you and your faggot Jew friend Mr. Wise. Unlike your average leftist, anti-racist, I can have discussions about population-level differences between races without collapsing into hysteria.

        10. 1) Google some academic papers.
          2) Give the abstracts a cursory read through.
          3) Cherry pick a quote that kinda, sorta relates to your argument.
          4) Declare victory.

        11. Brobox, I am not trying to be a dick, I swear. But I could not make heads or tails of your last three paragraphs.

        12. Very true, and the fact that he probably has all that memorized tells me that he frequents these sites as often as I frequent this one; if not much more. It is obviously near and dear to his heart.
          However, most of what he has is cherry picked data.
          Most of everything he has to say is pretty easily refuted.
          Lastly, his good riddance of the site is an poorly worded implication of racism to those who come here. If we don’t agree with him, we must all attend the same KKK meetings.
          Saying that white people live in a world of color belies his take on things. If white people are so far down the intellectual ladder of history, why are we ahead even if his bogus claim of whites not doing the majority of their own labor actually needed to be controlled for?
          Who has worked all of our mines and factories before WW1? White men. Who built the rail roads? White men, and Chinese immigrants who got treated like shit. Who handled farming in the South? Black slaves, I concede that, but who handled it by themselves up north? White men and their families.
          He claims my calims are intellectual pseudo bull shit; butt has no idea about his own “facts.” If you can even call them that.
          The truth of the matter is that a man by the name of Howard Zin rewrote the history books, and was indeed a terrible, brainwashed, socialist asshole. Essentially, the history that Brobox uses is largely inspired by Zin. It only reads history from the story of the oppressed and their obvious view, and not so obvious views, of their “oppressors.” Or I should say selected oppressors, for ZIn on many occasions leaves out the whole picture. Slavery being a major economic factor in Africa is a major one. If you counteracted slavery with the trade’s tentacles being largely influenced by the Middle East and Africa, not just Europe; and put that together with the UK, and the US thirty years later, getting rid of slavery first…we are actually the best countries when it comes to slavery. NO, I AM NOT ASKING FOR AN AWARD. I am not saying that is anything more than what it is, a dire condemnation of humanities cold-hearted nature at best.
          People like Brobox need the communist’s narrative of slavery as accepted in this country now, for without, thye could not unconstitutionally extract resources, and politically hold white people hostage in fear of being “raciss.”
          Fuck me and this site Brobox?
          NO, fuck you and your bigoted bull shit. I boarded 500 hundred vessels from the Horn of Africa to the mouth of the Euphrates by Basra (Persian Gulf) looking for these assholes. I can tell you why we never catch them, but you won’t like my answer, and you are totally in the dark of why it affects you.
          You are in the dark, and your charges of racism will soon carry little to no weight. I feel for you, I do, for hatred is your closest internal companion, and has you convinced it’s name is tolerance.
          Wake up, and take an honest look around you, and let your faculties see clearly for once. Do you honestly think white people oppress black people today? It is not feasibly possible, any more than men can oppress any feminist.

        13. You caught the flaw that I did, though I did not bother to do the math. He puts out an enormous amount of information that he obviously has memorized to try and overwhelm you into submission.
          However, when you take it point by point, the very things he accuses me of, he is guilty of himself. He truly does believe that whites, particularly white men, are the reason black people are down and out. If this were before the 80s, hell even in the 80s I would not have said anything. However, people in this country have tried really hard to push racism towards black Americans down. Individuals like Brobox will never recognize that becuase he is convinced that white people live in this “culture” of winter wonderland, and food aplenty, devoid of all stress or strife.
          Nothing could be farther from the truth. However, the free ride of affirmitive action will not last forever. White people born since the mid to late seventies cannot be held responsible for the sins of the past. They had nothing to do with it.
          He accuses me in a lower comment of competition of resources being the reason white people are still racist because black people do it better. I just don’t see it. Black people have a leg up nowadays, and white people who fought for this for them back in the sixties are starting to wake up and go “Oooops, we actually thought that there would be equality?” They never actually thought about it that by handing them the keys in droves, without any reciprocation, that one set of our species would not try to take advantage of them? It is a purely human response to take advantage of one trying to apologize.
          The thing is, most white people had little to anything to apologize for. The very party that did most of the damage to them the last two hundred years is the very party that thy (Black Americans) largely vote for en mass. Democrats. Because they give them free shit. Republicans are not any better, but their viewpoints on “personal responsibility” and hard work repulse most BAs.
          Will it always be this way? Doubt it, he sort of alluded to that in his comments, that societies with more diverse populations tend to not destroy eachother. However unfounded that might be, he is touching on the fact that we are breeding eachother out. I personally have a son with a black woman, and a south Asian. My white genes are all but assimilated. Unless I go out and “fix the plumbing on another white girl, or have a baby I don’t know about (both of these are possible), white people don’t have my genes anymore. Doesn’t bother me. Brobox bothers me, he is a butt hurt racist. His racism though is culturally accepted. It is the VISA card of racism the world over thanks to globalization and liberal socialist policy that has spread like a disease throughout the world.
          When that changes, I would not want to be a guy like Brobox. He thinks I have racist tendencies, and to a certain extent I do, I don’t like being called evil because I’m white. I would prefer to be called that because I too am human.
          Turing someone into a caricature to be burned is what all fascists do. Perhaps he took his training at his black panther’s trade union local a tad too seriously.

        14. I have no doubt that there is a correlation between violence and poverty. However, I am more convinced that violence creates poverty more than that poverty creates violence. This includes government violence that prevents free markets.

        15. Oh yeah, the murder rate in West Virginia is comparable to that of New Orleans, Memphis, or Detroit. I grew up in a rural, Southern, improvished small town,almost wholly European-American, one murder in the last 50 years. Poverty has nothing to do with it.

        16. Typical liberal bullshit. Columbia? LOL, academia is liberal anyway but the ivy league is full of self-hating whites.

        17. Whites also account for over 70% of violent crimes against children even considering population ratios. Bet you didn’t know that, did you?
          A half truth is worse than a lie. Remember that.

        18. What’s your point exactly? Blacks may be dumb, lawless people incapable of sustaining civlization, but white people account for over 70% of the population and over 70% of the crimes against children?
          A not so shocking statistic even if it is true.

        19. >even considering population ratios
          Are you sure it’s not hicks like yourself that are dumb and lawless?
          Don’t answer that. Run along now.

      2. Undoubtedly this is right, all these problems run rampant in the communities of people of color, but you have to consider their origin. To think that ‘systemic racism’ is over is fucking delusional; they grow up in a system that is pretty much intrinsically anti-black. They have almost no way of getting out of the ghetto (companies that looked at identical resumes, one with a ‘white’ name and one with a ‘black’ name, almost always thought the white name looked more professional and competent-translates to no higher paying jobs), and a government who actively works against them (CIA distributing crack cocaine in ghetto neighborhoods, CIA testing effects of syphilis on unknowing blacks, CIA possibly purposely infecting black community with AIDS, DOA literally spitting in the face of black farmers trying to get the subsidies promised to them).
        Combine all that with a culture that has virtually 0 fathers or father-figures, rampant drug addiction rates, and insanely high rates of poverty and incarceration (poverty contributes to this massively, as well as the fact that you have almost no choice BUT to sell drugs or fucking starve/be socially ostracized) and large incidence of violence, and you get a cycle of poverty, destruction, and ideologues like yours that falsely identify race as the prime indicator of violence and crime.
        The countries that are predominantly black seem to struggle the most with violence…have all been systematically and ruthlessly stripped of their natural resources. Governments set up by stronger western nations systematically impoverish and murder their people, leading to further conflict that western nations profit by selling weapons to and exploiting further natural resources.
        Would I venture into a black neighborhood, and do I venerate black culture? Fuck no, it’s trash. But I can at least see the reasons for how and why it got there.

        1. Blacks are less intelligent, more prone to mental disease, and more criminal than whites. But you’re right that’s all whitey’s fault. Never mind that the mean IQ for an American black is higher than that of an African black. That’s not indicative of the privileges blacks enjoy in America. Whitey must be up to SOMETHING! Without whitey we’d have a bunch of black Bill Gates and Steve Jobs running around generating enormous wealth for their communities.
          Black children are born out of wedlock today at over three times the rate that they were born out of wedlock in the 1960s. But that’s whitey’s fault, right? Because we all know our social policies are much more racist against blacks now than 50 years ago… right? Fuck it. WHITEY’S FAULT!
          And those, poor defenseless nations on the African continent. All those MILLENNIA prior to European colonization, and they were never given the opportunity to develop a civilization capable of defending itself against outsiders. I guess that’s whitey’s fault, too. Prehistoric whitey was probably disadvantaging prehistoric black men in some way. Archaeology will certainly discover how so very soon.
          Down with whitey!

        2. You mean people who live in the ghetto and have shit access to any form of good, well-funded education and have no father and their mom is a junky whose boyfriend beats him or introduces him into gang culture grow up to be…LESS intelligent than people who don’t have that problem? And they’re…going to commit more crime? AND their psyches might suffer for it?
          Color me surprised.
          Black children are born out of wedlock because of socialization eliminating the need for a patriarchal system, causing women’s hypergamous nature to come out and reward philandering alpha thugs with sexual intercourse without the need to stick around. You know that, you read this website.
          Africa’s shit geography and lack of available food sources account more for Africa’s lack of development up until colonization than racial differences.
          If yurup was shit for growing food and/or had no access to outside culture’s knowledge and Africa had all of its advantages, Darky might be the feared figure at the top of the social totem. Or maybe if the mongols hadn’t stopped their conquests of the west due to infighting, could be the slanties. Nature and shit

        3. “If the history and geography of the entire world were different, then the black man would be better off!”
          You know, you might be onto something. It’s the UNIVERSE that’s raciss!

        4. I have considered their origins man. Yet all races have dealt with crippling blows to their upward mobility, almost everyone (including whites) by European whites, and all races are guilty of it.
          However, when controlled for that, almost all races have made significant progress. Blacks included. The problem is they cannot forgive or forget many of them. I am all for preserving the knowledge of the history of the holocaust, slavery, and ideological atrocities (communism, fascism, and the like). I am not however in favor of maintaining the hatred that came with them from any of the sides.
          At some point you have to move on, because hatred is tricky. It is a symbiont, it needs willing hosts, and when it has you; it destroys yours, and everyone’s life attached to you and around your world. It is like fire, it can leap from building to building, forest to forest, brush to brush, and being to being. It can potentially consume everything, and not die out until there is nothing, or no one, left to consume.
          Rather than continue to hate each other, acknowledge the past, and bury the ashes. A peaceful ground, left undisturbed, can grow anew. Once you burn a prairie down, don’t touch it. Let it grow. However, once everything starts choking everything (in this case everyone) else, it has to get burned down again.

        5. It’s not about the past, but what’s happening now. A lot of the examples I gave you came from within 20 years of today’s date. Though much less overt, the racial issues of today plague any kind of social mobility for people of color (read: blacks).
          It’s not about hatred (though if you read half the comments on this post you’ll see that it still exists) but about how society is structured-since white men constructed the society, they’re naturally on top. Those peoples that have been historically enslaved and oppressed (treatment of blacks doesn’t even hold a fucking candle to the shit we still do to amerindians) are limping along the racetrack with a broken kneecap, courtesy of a structure that whites had a head start on.
          Again, this isn’t because whitey is evil, but because he broke ahead on the global power stage. It could have easily been east asians if things had gone differently.

      3. the black problem goes back to the abuse of the slave masters, and the slaves then passed that abuse down the generations… an abused parent tends to abuse their kids because they can and they need an outlet for that abuse they’ve held in for so long…..
        the racism black people have felt for so long, then gets vented on white people….
        people with insecurities, emotional scars and hangups from childhood will pick on almost anything to vent their subconscious burried anger…. it would be a million Oprahs to clean all that shit out….

        1. what about Haiti? Also, if you look at countries in Africa, you’ll find that the longer they were colonised, the higher the quality of life tends to be.

      4. Cultures are not created in a vacuum, a culture is a product of a people, as they say “race is not a social construct, society is a racial construct”.

        1. Culture is a combination of environment and biology. If a people are stuck in a certain kind of environment, they will adapt to survive most efficiently in that environ, and culture evolves from that.

    2. Yes, you are “pretty” redpill.
      If I had to guess, I’d say you’re somewhere between a 2 and a 3, just based on your comment there and the RoK readership.
      Be disgusted all you want, but gay-ass fretting about where the red pill community is heading won’t amount to anything. You could pick up some tips from your feminist friends, though, on how to nag and scold men who are being big meanies and saying hateful things. There’s an idea.

      1. You’re a fucking moron if you digest all of this dogma and see it as the pure spoken gospel. Just like a feminist, you bleat and it comes out sounding like red pill talking points rather than leftist drivel instead of looking at facts from every angle.
        I follow red pill writers because they’re a beacon of truth in a world awash in feminist, socialist propaganda, but I don’t let it blind me to the imperfections in conservative thought. I’m a masculine conservative, but I also notice racial prejudice in society that gives me a less shit life than other people. No, I don’t think there’s a way to solve that-especially through socialization-due to the tribal nature of human beings.
        And then you hilariously try to shame me like the sad-sack feminist cunts on twitter and tumblr.
        It fucking burns knowing I share ideology with a blind-faith extremist retard.

        1. No one was “shaming” you, sweetheart. Calm down.
          I wish you all the luck in the world in your fight against “privilege” and “systematic racism.” Those are fine, dignified struggles for a white man to be involved in, and I’m sure your career as a social justice ally will go swimmingly. Just work on those big, sincere, tearful “I’m sooooooo sorry for what my horrible evil forefathers did!” eyes.

        2. You can’t fight nature, isn’t that what the red pill is about? Best to be is educated and not let your eyes be clouded by the seed of those stormfront writers you so eagerly suck off.

        3. Exactly. You can’t fight nature, which is why you can’t expect blacks to behave like whites when given equal social status and freedoms.
          Glad you agree with me.

        4. “I can’t even believe how many dicks I can fit into my mouth right now. Wait, a coherent argument?”-the sad truth, every day of his life.

    3. Whites are better than everyone else. This statement is so far beyond obvious I wpn’t even justify it.

      1. there is no doubt that different races share different genetic traits…. the blacks always win athletics.. it’s not just selective breeding from slave days… they generally have more physical bodies….
        whites generally win on logistics and science.. they love to think into things…
        Mediterraneans are more creative… Steve Jobs was from Syria the cradle of civilization… no co-incidence there… .
        asians are better at martial arts they shorter lighter bodies are built for it…..
        asians like copying things and running production, they get the urgency, accuracy in repetition needed….
        indians are more colorful and dynamic, they’ve embraced software engineering and medicine….
        africans are more violent… even compared to medieval europe, they just can’t stop the corruption and bloodshed….
        there is no point in fighting genetics… you don’t buy a pet chiuaua if you wanted an attack dog…

  13. Where you from, Billy? Rexdale?
    I’m a Scarberian. I left in the late 80’s. Your experience is different from mine. Let me tell you, black people from the ghetto do not trust white people. Neither do white people from the ghetto. I freakin’ hate yuppie scum!

    1. Riverdale. It really went to hell after Mr. Weatherbee retired and Mr. Lodge pulled all his businesses out of town.

      1. Some parts of Riverdale are slowly turning back to white enclaves, but of the yuppie kind.

  14. U must be from surrey. It would be a shock if your from toronto chubbs. To me seems rather odd to hear minorities beatin on the majority since it would be foolish when a backlash occurs. I take it youre a young guy that recently graduated. The ghetto parts really do create fucked up ppl. Like tgere are twice as many indians in toronto than bc but crime is hella low there.
    Dont forget before you graduated from high school farrah noor adams a pakistani woman qas raped an killed by scotsman homas wedell only got 16 yrs an got lil attention compared to white surviving victims. Hel the guy tgat stabbed theo van gogh got life.
    U can look up other multicult nations like qatar uae malaysia n singapore where the native arab n malays are outnumbered, yet no complaints. Thailand saudi latin america dont seem to have this problem. Fiji has it now cyz the pope started some problems when he visited.
    But since the 60s minorties always took crap. Skinheads in uk started the paki bashing deal. Germany had eally strong neonazi back in the day till some turkish womans house burnt down then started this pc campaign in russia.
    Seariously when given the choice would any white guy here rather be ethnic?
    Backlash was bound to happen. Immigrants take abuse then the kkids become thugs. Bren like that since irish italians comin here to the bew somalis comin here now. Seems likimmigrants come in waves. For a while we got guys from asia now we gettin ones from africa. In western europe lately its been refugees an eastern europeans.
    But whites have themselves to blame. Their fertilty is too loq thats why immigrants are comin. Feminism was a start to all this. Career oriented birth controll usin unfemine women brought the west to its knees after castrating her men. Now shes chasin macho third worlders.

    1. @ splooge
      Hey thanks for reading!
      No, not Surrey. If I was from Toronto i wouldn’t be posting on this site – I’d be on Jezebel, talking about how terrible I am just for being a Western born man. Toronto could be nuked tomorrow and the only thing that would happen is we’d lose a terrible hockey team and become 4% greater as a nation.
      I am recently graduated, 22 years old. The reason the one’s in my city beat up on the Canadian born is because they faced no repercussions. That story about my friend’s sister nearly being molested is a prime example of what happens to those of us who do try to stand up for ourselves and the responsible citizens of our countries – we get shamed and humiliated. If were adults we would have been charged for hate crimes. I hate to use them as an example, since a large chunk of their membership is pretty white power-y but look at the English Defence League. They are responding to incredibly violent subcultures that exist in their country; remember the man who got his head cut off in the middle of the day? Yet there are numerous members of the defence league which are so called minorities.
      The anti-immigrant groups in France are even more multi-racial then the ones in Anglo countries; there are Algerians in their ranks who attack other Algerians. The reasoning? The recently immigrated Algerians come from a violent, dysfunctional culture and are being imported by private interests to undercut wages of French borne citizens – including those third and beyond generations of Algerians who live there, who’s families fled Algeria when they saw what kind of ‘independence’ they were going to get after the FLN and other groups forced France out.
      And yes, there is blame to be laid on white people – the older white people, who enacted and supported these unchecked immigration policies. Multiculturalism was thoroughly entrenched in Canada 20+ years before I was born. The younger generations have to live in the aftermath of their parents poorly thought through policies. But not all of it is to be laid on the voters – let me put on my tin foil hat here – Globalism has a lot to do with it to, and Globalism is the result of the greed of private interests who care only about making as much money as possible for themselves. They don’t care about societies, cultures, ethnics of any colour – all they care about is the short term bottom line.
      They don’t give a hoot about Billy Chubbs losing his milk money. Later that day, as I sat in my classroom watching all the other kids chug down their delicious cartons of milk, I learned to hate the man. I learned if you want to keep your milk money, you can’t trust the government.

  15. Sorry man but crime rates are falling in Canada. The more immigrants there are in a locale, the lower crime rates. Check the official stats.
    Not sure whether it’s correlation or causation, though. I suspect it’s causation because Canadian immigrants are cherry-picked based on the point-based system.
    Never had experience with Somalians, though; I do believe that some ethnicities are worse than others. There are plenty of Sikhs here in BC and I find them to be a solid and honourable people.

  16. Yes, the white man is great, the white man is wonderful, and best of all, the white man is definitely NOT responsible for what is happening to his society.
    Blame everyone but yourself, isn’t that the fundamental basis of victim mentality?

    1. Seems like he was willing to cast blame on his own people who invited people with an alien culture into his country.
      Or is he supposed to blame himself that a guy stole his lunch money and kicked him in the stomach? Damnit, why did I throw my stomach into his boot?

  17. I think its fair to say you highlighted a particular negative experience and extrapolated it to the entirety of immigration and multiculturalism…I also grew up in Canada but have very different observations. I am a white male but generally believe white males are not able to compete effectively at the highest levels as they are now been outworked buy newer immigrants. In studying finance and economics at University of Toronto, I was frequently one of the few white dudes in the class. I’ve also worked at a leading private equity fund and a hedge fund in Toronto. The situation is very similar. Whether its family values or something else, they simply often lack the work ethic, preferring to hang out at dive bars watching hockey. Look at most smaller towns in Canada…they are white centric (like you said) so they do not have to compete with the hardworking immigrants who crush them and raise the bar. Getting 90’s in a rural highschool amongst a bunch of small towners is like getting 70’s in a competitive, diverse school in central Toronto, Vancouver or Montreal. Dumb white guys have effectively been pushed to the small towns and boonies because they cannot compete. What city were you from anyway? Windsor? would add some perspective.

    1. @ Eli
      Hey thanks for reading!
      Don’t take this the wrong way guy, but your CBC propanganda is a lie bud. I didn’t need ya to tell me you were from Toronna, I could tell right away cause every single self hatin’ immigrant praisin’ white hooser I know comes from der. Der’s a reason why Toronna is considered a joke outside of Toronna, and buddy ya need to get outta der. Imgrants don’t get to da top cause they work harder – dey get there cause dey get a helpin hand out every steppa the way eh? Canadian job applications contain da question Are You a Visible Minority, and if ya check dat box off and come in with yer red skin yer in like a puck inna net eh? Dem Imgrants get to da top cause dey work cheaper. Look at all dose poor hard workin’ fellas who got laid off from dem banks recently eh? Who replaced dem? Oh, just imgrants who’ll work for six loonies an hour instead of a green with the queen on it eh? (Google 20 Dollar Canadian bill to get that joke) But hey, it’s not like dem Canadians which’ve been here for more then two generations should expect honest pay fer honest work eh? If yer not willin’ to get paid just ten bucks an hour workin’ cold fourteen hours days on the da dangerous oil rigs dere then it’s yer own fault when dey truck in a bunch of Chineseses who’ll do it right? Why pay folks who price their smarts and hard work all reasonable like, who’ll create stable families with dat der wealth which’ll grow up to continue making da country great when ya can just pull an ol’ Globally switcharoo and bring in third world types to fill ’em up dem positions for Loonies a day. That’ll keep the economy strong forever right buddy? Dem folks shouldn’t have a reasonable expectation to good wages if’n ya can get another fella in der who’ll do it for the cheap even if dey suck at it.
      If Imgrants and der 2nd generation offspring really were better ‘en other Canadians, if they really could crush us den why do dey need so much helping hands to get to da top? Level da playin’ field, make us all equal an see just who comes up at da toppa da pyramid bud. And ya, dat sounds logical like, dat diverse big city high schools have higher educational standards solely cause dey got Imgrants in them, and not cause, say, they have more financial resources and attract better talent to teach as opposed to dem rural communities which struggle to get money and good teachers. No bud, it’s just gotta be dem Imgrants which are making schools great.
      Ya need to get outta Toronna there and get some real perspective guy. Have a good day buddy.

      1. I’m not originally from Toronto and live in Buenos Aires. I certainly don’t need any advice from a guy with a suspect command of the english language. I’ve traveled to over 70 countries and worked in many. The situation is the same in Manhattan, London or any other major financial center. Keep your small town Canadiana, hockey watching, beer guzzling small town perspective and see how far it takes you. If you can’t strike it big in Canada, you won’t anywhere. Its the easiest place on earth to make money. That’s why immigrants love it. They see how lazy the second, third and fourth gen canadians are and they come and crush them like Peter Munk did.

        1. Oh yea, because in The City, it’s the indians and pakis who run things lmfao. That’s how I know you’re lying. Multiculturalism is the same b.s. everywhere. Go to clichy-sous-bois, essone, marseille, seine-saint-denis, south london (croydon), hackney, birmingham, malmö, etc. Since you’re in argentina (supposedly) go to florianapolis, then go to rio or bahia and tell me the difference. The fact you claim to be well-traveled, yet are unaware of these places, gives me the impression that you’re just lying.

  18. Forget genetics for a moment or even the question of superiority, over the longer term when has there ever been a civilisation that has had more than one homogenous group coexist?
    Nazi Germany and the Jews, Bosnia and Muslims, Rwanda, Zimbabwe and white farmers, Israel and Palestine, Christian persecution in Pakistan and around the world. Humans cannot tolerate living beside other cultures for long periods of time without killing each other.
    Feminism and multiculturalism and denial or praise for cultural or racial differences is a way to brain wash us so that we don’t get pissed off and kill the minorities. Unfortunately the minorities don’t buy into the same brain washing and the exchange of values tends to be one way.

    1. Amen, there’s not a long term example of long-term multi-culturalism on the planet, even in the animal kingdom.
      Any time you have 2 groups competing for the same resources, there is conflict and division. Ants don’t invite cockroaches to come and live in their nests

  19. roosh, you can do better than this,,, it’s becoming like roissy or stormfront here,, save your credibility here man

    1. Do you have an argument against the piece?
      Or it just a case of “i don’ like it. make it go away, mom”

      1. We could make articles about how stupid every american is,how fat they are,how uneducated,how are they a burden to this world,but what would be the point?While all would be true,it would be totally pointless.This is just mental masturbation too for the betas who try to blame their shitty life on something and I dont care but it lowers the quality of the site.Smart people can make generalizations because they can see the exceptions but I dont see anyone smart here,I see only retarded racist americans spewing hate because their life sucks and its just pathetic.

        1. Isn’t the onus on men to recognize faults in their societies and correct them?
          Were this not a characteristic of the great men of history, we’d be living like cavemen/Somalis.

        2. Havent you noticed you sit front of a pc and do nothing about these “faults” you speak about?You havent done anything about it in your whole patheric life and I know you will never do anything about it,you will live your generic and boring life and instead of bettering yourself you will be hating on others,and I dont give a shit,but I actually enjoyed some articles here but losers like you ruin it.awesome…

        3. The onus is on men to recognize faults in their society. But it is not to scape goat other people for your own problems. The plight of the white man can be blamed on white men themselves.

        4. Yeah, Libertas called you perfectly. You are projecting.
          Some of us do things in the real world, A few of us even fund certain socio-political organisations involved in stimulating the changes we would like to see.
          Speak for yourself, buddy. I took the plunge and bailed out of my safe, generic, boring life 3 years ago- thanks to being sick and tired of the personal and societal faults outlined on sites like this.

        5. Of course they should accept blame for most of the faults in their society.
          But are they to merely accept this and move on, or point out the root causes then act to remove them?

        6. @ Helmut
          Hey thanks for reading!
          “This is just mental masturbation too for the betas who try to blame their shitty life on something and I dont care but it lowers the quality of the site.”
          You know, I tried to avoid reading the comments. I thought to myself, ‘Hey Billy, if people like the article, then they like it; if they don’t then they don’t. No response I give their comments could possibly change their minds. They will view the article how they want to view it. They’re adults with their own opinions and we should all just respect one another.’
          Well I caved in, as you can see from my other comments. I tried to hold on strong, but you and the others have done it Helmut. I cannot help now but realize I’ve posted the biggest piece of crap article this site has ever seen. I have not kept up the traditions of our fine, classy and highbrow articles. Just look at the top two posts of this week; 1. 24 Signs She’s A Slut – and – 2. America Is Becoming A Homosexual Nation. The great authours of the past would surely look down on me today.
          So I hereby apologize to those whom this little tale from my childhood has offended. I’m just relieved that clearly many of you did not waste too much of your time carefully reading the article with a nuanced eye. Incredibly subtle sentences, like the police mugshot binder I was shown being mostly full of white faces, apparently brook no thought or analyse compared to the incredibly racist overtone where I lay complete and utter blame on the possibly inebriated immigrant who mugged me strictly on skin colour and racism, making zero mention of the white people who were responsible for their being there in the first place.
          I just pray that anyone reading this response who may have been offended and upset can get to sleep tonight. I know it’s hard. Poor Billy is a lost, frustrated soul and he is the sickness that is killing Return Of Kings. However, if you find yourself continually upset by what is posted here then I suggest you temper your soured spirit with a visit to another site; say like Imgur or Jezebel, where people who say anything that’s less then 100% politically correct utopian feminist dogma, even if it’s the truth, get down voted into oblivion – where they belong amirite? And while I pray for your souls, please stop and say a prayer for mine. I really need it.
          And milk money. Please donate to ROK so Roosh can schlep me some milk money. My bones are ever so brittle.

        7. Ray. I question your reading comprehension here. 🙂
          If white people should accept most of the blame for their own downfall, then let them. That is the point. Take responsibility and quit trying to scapegoat others.
          The point is that this article and others here are trying to blame other people for the plight of the white man, when white people should admit that they themselves are the cause of their own problems.

        8. Don’t let people like that get to you. Most of them grew up in majority white suburbs or neighborhoods. People like us, with actual real-life experiences to draw from, are the wiser ones. They speak from theory, whereas we speak from experience.

  20. Hey Billy. White people raped Native Americans clear out of existence. White people are responsible for the cluster fuck in the Middle East that will lead to WW3. White people are responsible for the federal reserve that is bankrupting the world. So enough with the white victimization crap.
    Unless you have been living in an igloo, white people have taken a dive. You can try to paint black people as being bad for society, but look at how far whites ole have fallen.

    1. I think you are confusing ‘white people’ with Jews in the two examples you put forward.

      1. Jews conquered and wiped out the red man?
        Jews may be responsible for this or that, whatever. If white people are so stupid that they are so easily controlled what is this saying about white people?

        1. I referred to “White people are responsible for the cluster fuck in the Middle East that will lead to WW3. White people are responsible for the federal reserve that is bankrupting the world.”
          What happened to the red man was a mere consequence of territorial conflict. Not a unique characteristic of the big bad white man.
          No race has ever expanded without encountering challenges, the ancestors of American Indians would have pushed out numerous smaller tribes on their route from Asia to America.

        2. Lol. Then what is happening to the west is a mere consequence of territorial consequence. Mexicans are close by so they will come here, just as the white man once did.
          As far as the Middle East and the banking system goes, blaming the Jews is convenient, but what does this say about white people? Quit blaming other people.

        3. Reading comprehension is a useful skill, just saying.
          I have no problem with economic migration, the best-adapted race wins.
          But in the case of what has been described in this article we are looking at the fallout of state-subsidized migration.
          Whereby the state has, in its infinite wisdom, decided to fund the importation, care and housing of an uncivilized race (in this case, Somalis). This is more an act of suicide than ‘territorial consequence’ as you put it.
          Also, who says I’m blaming?
          I admire the superior intelligence of the Jews.
          It is you who seems to have a severe issue with blame, throwing around hackneyed first-year philosophy student criticisms of the white race.

        4. So now you have no problem with economic migration? So the Indian It guys and the Mexican fruit picked can stay? Black people aren’t immigrating here in mass by the way so your already weak argument is on even shakier ground.
          Ok so you want to say that Somalis are uncivilized. According to who? Who’s to say that white people are civilized. I see lots of white meth heads and rapists and thugs.
          And yeah you were blaming Jews. I have no reason to throw mud at white people. I’m just pointing out that you shouldn’t blame minorities here for the plight of the white man.
          I’m just surprised that Roosh is going this direction with his website. Stirring the race pot must be good for hits.

        5. You’re arguing against points I haven’t made.
          If the site is indeed planning similar articles, then a race troll like you (yes, I’ve seen your comment history) might as well stop visiting.
          It’ll save you a lot of outrage.

    2. Who fucking CARES about the Indians, you politically correct hack? NO nation is founded by people growing out of the ground, they are founded by migration as it has been for centuries. The Indians rightfully fought back and they lost. Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White Countries For EVERYBODY, aint that right?

  21. “We are so lucky. We truly are. John never got the chance to see how our
    evil nation states – created to protect and enrich JUST the lives of the
    people who lived within their borders – are morphing into borderless
    squares of politically correct corporate fiefdoms.”
    Nailed it right there.
    The point that shouldn’t be overlooked is the fact that immigration should be something that is beneficial to the nation. It shouldn’t be a handout used to assuage ridiculous feelings of guilt or notions of equality.
    Once you realize this, you can have a reasonable debate on immigration policy .
    Oh yeah, nice to see the race trolls on both sides falling right through the cracks and immediately making this a thread about little more than fingerpointing. Some things never change.

  22. Say all you want about western countries being polluted by multiculturalism, but it is those same western countries who are invading other countries, assassinating leaders of other countries, and interfering with governments of other countries.

  23. That picture comes just in perfect timing when it turns out the nationalities of the rapists are not to be put into statistic in Finland anymore, after it turns out that 70% of rapes are perpetrated by 5% of the population, which happens to be immigrant.
    Of course these immigrants are not majorly from Japan, Iceland or Germany, so the statistics will not be taken anymore to show who are the worst offenders.
    And then a new article is out about immigrants complaining that the integration should not be the solely the immigrant’s responsibility, well, because…
    Nobody asks the immigrant societies to tackle the rape and assault epidemic stemming from their communities, suddenly the perps are individuals, but then when the individual westerners decide to be wary of a guy in a hoody with big bling bling, wearing jeans down to the ankles and walking with that hop that prevents the pants from falling down, suddenly the non-rape, non-assault weariness is institutionalized racism and intolerance.
    One thing which amuses me in all that misery, treason and sad stories is this:
    Feminists and gender eqwalists have fucked the society for decades. Now there is a more important sister in town, race. Multiculti trumps feminism. Men are screwed anyway. Nothing changes.
    Bit more beatings, bit more taxes, bit more streets to be avoided and bit more changing lanes.
    Oh, forgot to mention, it is the western man blamed for the vibrant rapes.
    By his intolerance, by his lack of respect for western women, etc etc.
    It does not need to make sense.

  24. canadas immigration and refugee policies are written and enforced by jews. -or do you really believe white men would import somalians et el into their white country? why-for money right, greedy white capitalists–but the greedy white capitalists were doing just fine before the importation of non whites, and if they wanted more cheap labour, all these powerful greedy white capitalists need do is implement a pro family high fertility program to birth more white workers for their factories, easy to do when you control the media, the government and everything else right!
    White capitalists didnt bring in the thrid world, the white masses didnt demand it, it was the jewish elite and no one else…to divide and conquer, just as they invented feminism to divide and conquer the sexes, white woman in conflict with the white man.
    name the jew and expose their lies!

  25. Biggest eye-opener for me was, how come nearly all of the western world forced immigrants and multiculturalism into their countries around the same time?
    BTW, Free Golden Dawn!

  26. Roosh why do you keep recruiting garbage writers that turn out this tired, repetitive, and flawed conservative propaganda?

  27. Diversity study finds that ethnic and racial diversification destroys
    the bonds of society .
    Putnam’s study reveals that immigration and diversity not only reduce social capital between ethnic groups, but also within the groups themselves. Trust, even for members of one’s own race, is lower, altruism and community cooperation rarer, friendships fewer. The problem isn’t ethnic conflict or troubled racial relations, but withdrawal and isolation. Putnam writes: “In colloquial language, people living in ethnically diverse settings appear to ‘hunker down’-that is, to pull in like a turtle.”

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