Publisher’s Response To “Girls With Short Hair Are Damaged”

Yesterday, Tuthmosis’ article Girls With Short Hair Are Damaged went viral on Facebook and Twitter. We did not expect this to happen because after his last article went viral, female activists on and Jezebel implored the world never to link to us again. We thought our little web site would fade into obscurity, receiving maybe 10 visits a day, but as you can see from this live Twitter feed, there is something in the ether that irresistibly compels young Western women to share our elite wisdom. As of this writing, Tuthmosis’ article has received over 27,000 Facebook likes and received nearly 3,500 comments.

While reading the angry comments yesterday, a part of my heart did warm to their concerns. Tuthmosis probed their happy existence without their consent by making a comment about the attractiveness of women with certain hairstyles. He linked one of their physical features (short hair) to physical behaviors (psychosis, derangement). Was that mean? Did he intend to hurt the feelings of innocent women? I meditated on these questions for some time, using the following pictures to help me in my quest for the most objective answer possible:

I also called up one of my Ukrainian lady friends and asked for her opinion. I like talking to her because she is agreeable, feminine, and doesn’t interrupt me when I’m talking. Here is a picture of us by the Black Sea:


Lastly, I reminisced on previous women I have had sex with (it took about four hours), trying to see if I could identify a pattern that matches with Tuthmosis’ analysis. After prolonged and vigorous deep thought, I have come to the following conclusion:

Tuthmosis has understated how utterly damaged short-haired women are. Run, run far away from them.

Don’t believe me? Look at the live Twitter response feed. Tuthmosis may have been too nice. To make yourself ugly, and then try to convince the world that you’re in fact beautiful, or that you don’t need a man to find you attractive at all, is so delusional that the ROK executive team is currently reaching out to the best mental health professionals in Moldova so that these women can get the help that they desperately need. (At the same time, I have since held a private meeting in the ROK office with Tuthmosis to encourage him to not write with such a polite filter that makes him hesitant to offend the female sex.)

Sadly, the women who are blasting us right now with vulgar speech and masculine manner are treading the line of self-mutilation with their pixie cuts. If you know a girl who has voluntarily chopped off such a reliable indicator of female beauty and fertility, nothing short of an intervention with all family and friends is necessary to force the victim to grow her hair back out.

I part now with a message of hope. Women: unless you have a smushed pig face, your attractiveness increases at least 6% for every inch your hair passes your shoulders. Don’t listen to people who are trying to sabotage your beauty by encouraging you to adopt a lesbian haircut. We are the only ones who will be brutally honest with you. We are not shy to state where objective female beauty comes from, unlike the saboteurs in your life who are just trying to make it harder for you to find a good husband. And for those of you especially sick women who think that you are going to punish us by cutting your hair, you’re only punishing yourself. Being lonely and having to settle for a brood of cats is not a good life for a woman, but that’s what will happen if you keep your hair short. May the peace be with you.

Read Next:  Fat Shaming Week Was A Corpulent Success

710 thoughts on “Publisher’s Response To “Girls With Short Hair Are Damaged””

  1. Be careful, remember what they did to Snowden. You might be trapped in Eastern Europe forever. Oh wait, never mind! =P

  2. I wasn’t really sure if short-haired women were actually damaged when i first clicked on the article.
    After reading all the comments on the twitter feed and RoK , i am 100% convinced.

    1. Unfortunately, crazy girls don’t know they’re crazy. They think they’re acting perfectly rational and logical, whilst simply reinforcing the stereotype.

    2. Good neg there Vato!
      Notice how it completely flew over the heads of the boys here?
      Good game, bro.

  3. I am a bit dichotomous here.I fully support the tuthmosis article and commented positively on it.But this picture of roosh….almost pissed myself laughing.Jesus,what a beta.Truly,the definition of a herb.

    1. fine, so it may not have been the best picture he ever took. so freaking what? is that enough to insult a man? let me see you have the balls to uproot and move to another continent where you have to learn the language to fucking SURVIVE – cause the bread lady doesn’t speak a lick of english. then you come back to me and tell me i’m a pussy. mkay, dipshit?

    2. I don’t see what the issue is… he’s a well dressed, good lookin cat with a spectacular babe on his arm. An Herb to me would be 1/2 of these guys I see walking around with ill fitting clothes and a pot belly that makes em look like they have their asses on backwards.

      1. Uh, he’s not comfortable around women (at least the pic in question didn’t hand a case of hover hand), admits he smells and doesn’t lift very much although he says he does in his abundance of free time…and he has no career and lives with his parents still when they don’t give him money to get him away from them. Even a dead clock twice a day…

  4. “your attractiveness increases at least 6% for every inch your hair passes your shoulders”
    See? This is part of what makes ROK great — we back up our assertions with science. Awesome.

      1. It’s 6%, not 6 percentage points. You can’t be more than 100% attractive. That’s impossible.
        There’s also a point at which the Hair Length Attractiveness Index begins to decline. Somewhere around ass-level hair-length would be my guess, at which point more length becomes a negative factor. But I’ll wait for the science to back me up on this before I reach any firm conclusions.

        1. Erhh in this case, “6% more attractive” indicates a vector, not a composition, therefore it can be greater than 100%.
          Like a share price can increase 200% in value, a woman can become 200% more attractive.

        2. I guess, if you want to get all technical, Poindexter. I’m still holding out for the mythical HB10. There’s an upper limit to attractiveness, and hair down to the floor ain’t it.
          I’ve officially exhausted all of my science knowledge, though.

        3. The HB10 then would be the mathematical equivalent of approaching infinity. You can never get there.

        4. tend to agree. plus, every man’s standards are different. i may like extremely skinny chicks, you may like huge double E’s. nobody can honestly say we’re wrong cause it’s all subjective.

        5. “it’s all subjective”
          No, it’s not. That’s the whole point of the scale — numbers. Those sweet, sweet, objective, rock-solid, universal, unchanging numbers.

        6. disagree. you might penalise (sounds kinky, right??) a chick for not having huge tits, whereas i wouldn’t give two shits about that. therefore, an 8 for me could be 7 or lower for you. having an objective scale of value is unrealistic, imho, cause not all men appreciate the same things in a women – as i said before.

        7. My wife has hair down past her ass and it has not stopped being attractive to me. I care not who else it might be attractive to. One of the reasons I am married to her is because many years ago when we first were getting to know each other and were talking on the phone, she said she had to hang up because she had an appointment to get her hair cut. I said I like long hair and would rather that she not cut it. She said if you don’t want me to cut it I won’t. In over 8 years since then she has cut it 3 times, and each time to my harsh critisism afterwards.

  5. “We are the only ones who will be brutally honest with you”
    In a sick way, the men on here care more about woman than their ‘friends’ who encourage them to chop off their hair. A sick irony.

    1. The subterranean denizens of the “meanosphere” actually do care more about women than the feminist harpies who hate attractive young females and continually pump them with lies so they will make poor life choices and squander their youth and fertility. Because misery loves company. For example, Salon had a recent panel discussion with a half-dozen hags spouting sexual advice for teenagers with such drivel as “virginity is a myth” and other garbage, as if anyone is screwing these old shrews.

      1. you know how you can 100% sure that we mean well? it’s in our self-interest to get women to better themselves, cause we win as well as them. can’t fake that.

      2. Yep. It’s always the hags that are giving the sex advice (despite the obvious flaw that those hags haven’t had sex any time this century).
        I was in a book store a few years ago and walked past ‘sex for dummies’. It had a photo of the author on the cover. (Her pic is below).
        Notice that they don’t get young sexy babes to write these books (that would get feminists protesting at bookshops). Instead the ‘for dummies’ series (a very good series) is forced to bow down to political correctness and hire a hag.
        p.s. ROK readers will be glad to know that ‘Dr Ruth’ has released other great books on sex such as:
        Top 10 secrets for great sex
        Rekindling romance for dummies
        Dr Ruth’s guide to teens and sex today (so this hag thinks she knows about teens)
        There are other idiotic books, check out her amazon profile.

        1. I’m sure an old lady who’s had lots of sex throughout her life knows a thing or two about it. Listen to the wisdom of your elders. That’s what those of us in intact family cultures do, and it has worked out great for us so far. You people also might want to try it.

        2. “Notice that they don’t get young sexy babes to write these books (that
          would get feminists protesting at bookshops). Instead the ‘for dummies’
          series (a very good series) is forced to bow down to political
          correctness and hire a hag.”
          Not. Actually Dr. Ruth has been a sex expert for most of her adult life, so she’s been at this since was young and in her prime. She is a recognized face and name in the field. There are also plenty of sex books written by young and good looking men and women as well. You can read whatever books you choose. Just read.

        3. wisdom from the unwise isn’t very convincing, especially if it needs to be dressed up in dead trees. similarly, life advice from an adult child also isn’t very convincing, especially if it needs to be dressed up in yet another guise: elderly advice. decades of life-on-easy only makes her an expert in that experience, nothing more. to dress it up in books, sages, and culture only serves to discredit such previously credible sources. previously credible sources because those long before her built them up, whose efforts she uses now to cash out on. not very respectful to her elders. not very respectful to those coming after her either. it’s just plain disrespectful period, that is, if you believe the truth matters more than people.
          she sells books to make money. no need to dress them up. give her your money if you like, but cry wisdom by fiat and then simultaneously complain about respect? liars have earned neither, and deserve nothing but scorn. to be nice to them is to invite betrayal.

        4. You got any photos of Dr. Ruth in her “prime,” sweetheart? I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess that “USDA Select” or “Not Fit For Human Consumption” would be more apropos.
          Accepting sex advice from someone that ugly is like listening to the sartorial insights of a color-blind nudist. Once the novelty wears off, there’s little of substance to fall back on.

        5. @Aziz Nuts, What? It’s just your average looking man in the picture. Nothing unusual there.

        6. Oh, okay. So now sex is only for the young and beautiful? Last time I checked, it was something that was for all consenting, interested humans. Dr. Ruth does not need a beautiful face to be an authority on sex or to sell books on sex. Sex is so commodified by society that we cannot see it for what it truly is…a way to physically connect, reproduce, and empower ourselves and our partners.

        7. “Empower ourselves and our partners”? Holy shit, that’s a tall order; what, exactly, do you mean by “empower”? If you mean “to derive energy from,” that’s fine; you can get up and vacuum the floor or whatever when you’re done, but me, I want to fall back into a coma whenever I bust a nut. To pry me out of bed, you’ll need amphetamines and a spatula. Oh, and I don’t like sleeping in the wet spot, so just roll me from side to side when you’re changing the sheets. I’ll be awake in 12 hours or so.

        8. Do you seriously suggest that the only people who can enjoy, and therefore give advice on, good sex are those who fit your hetero normative standard of beauty?

        9. What the heck is a Hetero normative?
          You went pseudo intellectual
          Never go pseudo intellectual

    2. This is true. Feminist will say there is no problem with being fat, no problem with having short hair, and no problem acting like a dude when in reality, those things ARE a problem. Being fat is unattractive, having short hair decreases beauty, and acting like a man is unattractive.

      1. Then I’m happy I’m chubby, I’m happy I have short hair, and I’m happy I’m more masculine than any of the dudes I know.
        If acting like a man is so unattractive, why do men act like men?

        1. vive la différence, ma feme. vive la différence.
          You already admit you’re attracted to the masculine. You’re just a bit confused –you’re trying to take on the characteristics that attract you and display them yourself as a way of attracting men.
          Rather than fetishizing what you’re attracted towards to the point you literally try to become it, why don’t you try some simple changes within yourself to attract a masculine man into your life?
          Most men are primarily attracted to a women because of one of four things: Hair, Face, Breasts, or Legs/Ass. Which kind of man do you find you mostly attract?

        2. Because straight men don’t want to fuck other straight men. If you’re looking and acting like a dumpy straight guy, you’re basically expecting a heterosexual man to engage in gay sex.

      2. You’re right, all women should care about what YOU find attractive. What other reason do women have to exist than to be attractive to men?
        Okay, that was sarcasm. This is me being totally serious: My heart goes out to any woman who has to deal with you on even a semi-regular basis. You are a piece of trash.

        1. Whether you like it or not, women DO exist to be attractive to men — AND vice versa. There’s nothing wrong in it. It’s what we’re all here for.
          However, women have a *choice* between exuding femininity and giving it the middle finger. Feminism chooses the latter as a reaction against perceived ills. This is a childish reaction, not a mature response.
          A response is born out of awareness and consideration. A reaction comes from hitting the knee with a mallet and seeing it jerk reflexively. Whether you react against a given stimulus or towards it, either way, the stimulus controls you.
          *Choosing* to be feminine, however, despite the propaganda that tells you that you need not bother, is the true mark of a strong woman; a woman with a powerful feminine essence.
          There’s nothing liberating about ditching your responsibility to make yourself an attractive person, male or female. Notice that I say “responsibility” and not “duty”.
          Duty is a dirty word. It means you have to because someone said so. “Responsibility”, on the other hand, is simply your “ability” to “respond”.
          So you can respond to the fact that men find certain things attractive like a child and tell the whole world to fuck itself while you willfully mutilate yourself and ruin your beauty. OR you can choose to keep your beauty at its best.
          Just like men can choose to work out or get fat; to eat crap or eat well; to work hard to become financially independent or be lazy and do just the minimum to get by.
          Whatever choice you make, make sure it comes from a careful consideration, and not a knee-jerk reaction.

        2. Logic shift anyone? I don’t really think these articles were to say that women should only care about what men find attractive.
          It was probably more directed at the ones that cut their hair off, don’t dress feminine, work at construction sites, curse like sailors, sleep around constantly, disrespect male authority, and then whine on tumblr about where all the good men have gone, not wanting to admit they simply scared them off.
          In a nutshell, men are tired of being blamed when they don’t accept the outcome of when women make stupid mistakes.

        3. Do you have anything substantive to rebut the assertion you’re knee is jerking over? If not, we’ll just consider your pedestrian ad hominem as the best you’re capable of and figuratively pat you on the head: “GOOD girl! THAT’S the way to deal with those big meanies saying things you don’t like to hear!”.
          That was sarcasm.

        4. It’s not just him who finds those things unattractive you tool. Almost every other man does so as well.
          If you want to have success with men, you have to cater to them. We have no problem with this truth regarding catering to women. Why do you?
          You dumb piece of shit.

        5. My heart goes to the thousands of cats who live with all those short-haired, ugly-looking, masculine-behaving fat women..

        6. If it’s more directed at all the things you say it’s directed towards then it’s an article that says women should only care about what men find attractive.
          To start, women who cut off their hair, don’t dress feminine, “work on constructions sites” (which not every single short haired women does, it’s actually probably a very small number), and sleep around. They are allowed to do all of those things because they can. For some reason men are allowed to sleep around, encouraged even! And women can’t, but they can because women do enjoy sex! (Wow! Shocker isn’t it!?).
          Now… For your idea about “male authority” what the hell!? Women have as much authority as men (if not more) and if you find that you’re being disrespected mention it in a non-misogynistic sexist way to express it. Because lets be honest here… This is the 21st century women aren’t property and so men have no authority over any woman what so ever, it doesn’t matter if you’re dating them or not. You respect each other as friends or significant partners the way friends and significant partners treat each other. Because men and woman are equal beings.
          There are good men, and I have never seen “whining” on tumblr about finding good men, just how sexy some celebrities are.
          And that’s all I have to say to you so far.
          The main problem with both of these articles is that they speak about women in disgusting derogatory ways making them sound like they’re only made for the use and abuse of men and having short hair makes you worth less than a woman with longer hair (who is still worth less than a man).

        7. No Idea: that’s hysterical. Men catering to women? Seems to me that looks have nothing to do with a lot of men thinking they are god’s gift to womankind.

        8. Interesting. I ended up here after reading an ‘article’ discussing how equality could be achieved by making women do the dirty work, like construction jobs. So, on one hand, there is this whining about fat, entitled lazy women leaving all the hard work to the men. Then grumbling, on the other hand, that hard working women aren’t feminine enough. So wtf is it that you want? You can’t have it both ways.

      3. May I say this. I don’t care about permission I will say it anyway. Fuck you and your male oriented mind! Girls and women and anyone for that matter can do whatever the fuck they want. They don’t need your permission. They don’t want your approval. They do it for themselves. They want to look that way. Understand that please.

    3. Why is it sick? Is it really sick to expect women to be feminine? I don’t think it’s sick at all; it just makes sense.

    4. Sick? No. Women naturally compete with each other. Why wouldn’t they try to sabotage other women?
      The only time I understand women having short hair is immediately after giving birth. She’s pulling mom duty, and by the time she’s done with the hard kid stuff it’ll be grown out again.

        1. (LOL!)
          It’s The International Bank of Married Vagina’s way of saying “We will no longer be accepting any more deposits.”… and then it’s nothing but service charges for the next 40+ years.

        2. Have you EVER been around a baby in your life? They spew from all ends, and there is literally no time to clean up the spew! Do you really want your wife’s sexy hair caked in puke?

        3. Yes, I do. Baby puke is softer and disintegrates quickly in water. Cleaning my own puke out my wife’s velcro hair after her girlfriends convince her to hack it would be a disaster! I eat baked beans and animal flesh for goodness’ sakes. And if you are the sort of long-haired lady who doesn’t have the time to care for a baby…well, then, you’ve got issues other than your hair disqualifying you from motherhood.

      1. “Weakness” has virtue. Indeed the very title of the ‘Tao Te Ching’ can be translated as “(Classic of) The Power And Virtue Of The Way”. Here “Power” refers to the yang, masculine aspect, and “Virtue” refers to the yin, feminine aspect, which goes to the duality of the universe and reality.
        There is positive and negative, there is night and day, there is the sun and the moon. There is male and female. If negative electrons decided to start acting like positrons and neutrons, electicity wouldn’t work and you couldn’t charge your iPhone. If the moon decided to start acting like the sun there would be no night-life for you to go out in short skirts and dance the night away, but females think that its ok if they all start acting like males?
        The key to happiness is to live life in accordance with the way of nature. That means embracing your born nature, and developing it to its fullest natural expression. For women, that means to embrace femininity, embrace “weakness”, because “weakness” is virtue.

        1. I feel like the only woman in Europe without an iPhone.
          I know your point, I have read the Dao. Right up there imho with Aurelius.
          Sexual dimorphism is a crucial example of this duality, but surely each sex has its own strengths/weaknesses so pointing to one and labelling strong/weak overall is an improper question? We need stronger mother figures nowadays, but their strength isn’t from acting like men, it would be from fully realising their potential creative power in the family as women they were genetically born to fulfill.

        2. Don’t confuse nature for social standards.
          All of us were born into this world via a natural method, and we were born naked. This is Natural.
          Wearing clothing, is a social standard. Something that is pushed onto all of us from various authority figures.
          Also, you say that happiness is to live life in accordance with nature?
          Then I challenge you to give up money, and live off what the land gives, and not what the government and society has authorized.

        3. Wearing clothes is natural, for purposes of keeping warm, or protection from solar radiation, or for purposes of adornment.
          Money is natural too, as it is a function of mathematics, which is the language of the cosmos.

        4. Wearing clothes isn’t natural, it’s just a way of using our creativity to balance the odds of our survival. Adapting to the evironment is natural. And Money isn’t natural either, as we gave it it’s importance. The Gold Standard, the Silver Standard, and even giving it a role as a function of mathmatics is all our doing, not natures. Besides, One person can say a tomato is 1 U.S Dollar, and another can say a tomato is 50 U.S. cents, but are they truly right in the logic they ised for pricing their goods?

    5. It is sick, but also makes sense!(If you have no self worth). If a woman thinks that making changes to herself is too hard(Or she shouldn’t have to change because she is perfect the way she is) then it only makes sense to bring the competition down with you to level the playing field(i.e. Encouraging self mutilation, unflattering fashion, and lying to “protect feelings”)

    6. It isn’t so much that they care as it is that they don’t want anyone to interfere with their eye candy. As a very long haired woman, I can’t say that I quite understand the short hair thing, but, I don’t need to understand it because it isn’t my hair.
      Furthermore, I keep my hair long because I love it, not to impress men who objectify women & think that they should have a say in our hair, even. Here’s a crazy concept : Unless it’s on your head, don’t worry about it. Simple enough, right ?
      If you aren’t attracted to women with short hair, that’s fine, I wouldn’t knock you for that…but pushing everyone to conform to your standards is beyond ridiculous, lol. We all have things that we aren’t attracted to, although on this site, that right seems to be reserved solely for men…but take a deep breath, no one is forcing you to hit on the short haired women 😉 Just walk on by, flirt with whoever you choose, live & let live.

  6. The twitter comments are the best. Don’t they realize they’re simply marketing the website? I expect an exponential growth for the ROK community. Keep up the good work gentlemen

    1. There’s a lot of bitch-made men commenting on twitter and in the article as well. sad, just sad.

  7. nothing spells ‘feminist’ like short hair. and nothing spells ‘deluded’ more than ‘feminist’. i would never have anything to do with neither.

  8. That’s exactly what I did in 2010 to spite a man: cut my hair into a pixie cut. NEVER AGAIN. 4 years later, its mid-back and still growing. If I cut my hair short again, my man will break up with me. He made that very clear, and I never will.

      1. Oh I’ve been called worse. None of those silly women’s opinion matters. Only that of my man.

        1. Let me clarify. The man I cut my hair short in spite of, I no longer speak to. My current I’ve been with for almost 1 1/2 years, and he’s never seen my hair short. I have no plans of ever cutting it.

        2. No he didn’t. He wouldn’t commit at the time. Because I was so foolish to see that, I cut my hair off. A cry for help.

        3. So…you cut your hair off because you chose badly. Wow. I could see where he was coming from. At least you wised up. Props for that.

        4. This is why I don’t even try to understand women.
          – Man won’t commit
          – Cut off your hair to ‘spite’ him
          – He now sees you looking less attractive, reinforcing his sense of having dodging a bullet
          – ???
          – Profit!
          What did you expect to happen? Not being an arsehole here. Honest curiosity. Can you explain your logic?

        5. That’s the thing, it wasn’t a logical decision. It was impulsive, selfish, and I lost out in the end. I learned really quick, and had to take responsibility for my actions. Now, I’m in a very good relationship.

        6. Thing is, he was 13 years older than me, and told me that he was in that point in his life to do so. I was ready too. I was 21 at the time.

        7. See, herein lies the problem. Not all men are the same and share the same preferences. I was with a man before who liked my hair short (he enjoyed seeing my neck all the time). After we split up, I grew it out to celebrate my liberation from the relationship. Hair can signify a variety of things to a variety of people. No reason to put these things in a tidy box.

      1. Ashley and Mina are pretty much the only cool chicks on RoK.
        All the others are just trololololo’s

    1. I dId the same thing except more of a bob, shoulder length – the shortest its ever been. Thankfully I grew it out pretty quickly. Married now will never ever cut my hair short again. Short hair a red flag? You better believe it.

    2. hey Ashley, if that’s an actual true story, then you are one smart girl and should be an inspiration to all women. I congratulate you with all my heart.

    3. Long hair is easier. If going to the gym or gardening, it is so nice to be able to tie it up. I love the way it makes me feel. I cut mine off once at collar length, and it was just very upsetting for a year I felt like had lost a piece of me.

  9. I really wish women would stop telling men what they find attractive. As a women, when another women cuts her hair short to have more time and because it’s easier, I judge her. You have time where you value it. If you don’t value yourself, or your appearance, why would anybody else? Grow your hair out, put on some lipstick and get yourself together. A little competition would do us all a favor.

    1. ah, yes. but that would go against the core feminist belief that even a foul-mouthed 300lbs godzilla of a woman is “beautiful”. they can’t handle that, cause if we declare those monstrosities (rightfully!) fugly, then they think it’s a slippery slope til we declare that anything over 110lbs is a hog. ah, women…how can you not love their lack of common-sense, logic and decency?

    2. Oh could you imagine if we were in ukraine? The competition would be insane, you’d have no choice but to look your best at ALL TIMES. Being in north america, even I find myself not putting full effort in at times because its not needed. The competition here is nothing compares to EE. It makes it so much easier, that an overweight woman can get a boyfriend, but like you said, a little competition does us good. Although its rare, but when I see a striking woman, it doesn’t make me hate her, but simply do better for myself. An extra hour in the gym, a new outfit, a new meal to perfect…. Just makes me keep improving.

      1. That’s the difference with girls like us – When we see a beautiful woman, we don’t put her down. We think what can we do to improve ourselves more! Feminists are lazy and would rather us all ugly ourselves down so nobody needs to try.

        1. I’m a feminist with short hair. Sometimes I break out my curling iron. Sometimes I flat iron it. I have lots of products for it. I didn’t cut it because it was easy, I cut it became my hair looks better short (and also, my boyfriend prefers it that way). I also like make-up, sundresses, and exercise.
          Feminists don’t hate pretty women or want to tell men what to find attractive. There is nothing wrong with being attracted to young, slender women with long hair.
          In short, I am totally okay with you not finding me attractive as long as you are okay with me doing my hair the way I like it, dressing the way I want, and looking how I want. As long as you treat me like a human being, I am not offended. Seriously.

        2. > Feminists don’t hate pretty women or want to tell men what to find attractive.
          LOL. Wrong.

      2. On some real shit though… I was once at a park with a friend that I never had any intention of being attracted to “like that.” But that night, she was wearing a dress. And we’re sittng outside and I’m thinking “wow, she looks really pretty in that dress.” I wondered why this was such a big deal. Then I realized it was because she actually looked feminine. I had become so used to seeing women wearing female pants or just dressinglike men, or seeing their underwear through their leggings (RAPE CULTURE) that I’d forgotten what a girl wearing an actual dress-not a miniskirt or a club dress- looked like. Though I never was again, I was definitely attracted to her that night.

        1. Of course, I’ve seen few women with long flowing hair down to her tailbone, wearing a cute summer dress. The men just stare in awe because its so rare nowadays.

        2. Feminine women hold more cultural power than dumpy, empowered masculinised women ever will, which is why they try so hard to shame and destroy them: ‘cut your hair, be aggressive!”

        3. And that right there is what the feminazis are trying to suppress. Now with the internet, they are losing momentum and getting more and more ridiculed every day. A glorious site.

        4. What’s considered “long hair” in western culture is considered short to medium in mine.

        5. Yes, I still consider my hair to be medium length, even though a lot think that it’s so long. Still have a ways to go.

        6. Are they losing? I was looking at Interpals to pass time today and it’s pretty agonizing how many Polish women are sounding like the average American woman on POF or OKC. Taking pride in being rude and snotty and shit like that. Oh well, survival of the socially fittest.

        7. dang, I wish I’d have invented that! I remember the whole pen pal thing from elementary school.
          Anyway, at least the American feminazis are getting more ridiculed by the day. I don’t know what to tell ya about Polish women.

        1. well duh. maybe not american but anglosphere anyway..ashley is not a freaking cambodian name..

        2. I live in Calgary, Alberta and living here is like going to a funeral everyday. People always frowning and mad about something or someone. It’s true Canada is so bland that ask any Canadian where they vacation and it sure isn’t in Canada. Canada has 2 cultures, fake french and fake smiles. You only get good reviews from a short list of Canadians that still hold on to the colonial revolution hatred era. It’s so sad to see people live like zombies and have so much hate for the world. About the crime in Canada, there are lots and lots of crime and domestic violence that the police ignore to report. I see crime every single day in Canada and the jealousy towards Americans is so high, don’t light a match. Drug users galore, drunks and whinos out the yahoo and the homes may look clean from the front but the alleys behind the homes or just filthy and the way they cut their grass and kill the roots. The people in this city is so wasteful and garage sales? If you get lucky and find one that doesn’t have everything from the 1950’s and 60’s you’ll be lucky. Canadians are very boring and self-absorbed that it’s like watching someone getting ready to commit suiside but never goes through with it. Yes Canada is very dull and you would think they just stepped out of the ice age by the way they carry on about mountains and trees. ” Look over there-eh. Oooh, mountains and trees.” Yes Canada we all know about mountains and trees and creeks and hiking. You might have wanted to discover that about 40,000 years ago when it was essential but now we have amusement parks and Disney World and Six Flaggs and Knotts Berry Farm and Silver Dollar City and Branson and Vegas and Los Angeles……etc. I know why Canada is teed about the United States and thats because our people came together to form a bind in having a great nation unlike Canada. Not all Canadians are a-holes but 99.9% are. All I have to say is that my daughter came to me from school and said ” Dad, when I get 18 and graduate, I’m moving to the States where the action is because I’m so tired of all these teachers preaching crap about how fun Canada is and I’m waiting for the fun to begin dad and there is no fun here, just boring old games and same food everywhere you go” Nobody is happy here in Canada unless they are drunk or on drugs or on their way to the airport getting ready for vacation to the States or Mexico. 7 more years Canada and you can kiss my ass goodbye forever!!

        3. The Anglosphere is genetically wired for BDSM, rape fantasies and all manner of sexual perversion and deviancy. That’s part of the reason pair bonding and family formation and family continuity are so hard for them as well.

        4. tl:dr > My name is Marcel, I whine, bitch and complain a lot.
          You sound worse than an old woman. You probably could not recognize fun if you tripped out.
          hurry up and gtfo

        1. A quick tip on femininity:
          Aping male behaviour is what makes western women so goddamn unattractive. It doesn’t make you equal. Women misunderstand the complexity of masculinity, so trying to act like us always comes off as clueless, and trying far too hard.
          Traditional femininity has a huge amount of power over alpha men. Learn how to use it to your advantage rather than trying to posture like a man, rating the women. Femme fatales were anything but weak, considering what they could get a men to do, and they didn’t have to swear like a sailor, or display their notch count to control a guy.

  10. Not the same for a man though. During one phase I was fed up with trying to get my hair cut so elected to grow it out and put it in a ponytail. Of course with my sharp attire I looked like a coke dealer from central casting and got hassled by just about everyone from TSA to street cops. Now it is close-cropped. ForeignBride tried to cut it for awhile but it makes a mess in the house and almost impossible to sit outside during cold weather for a cut.

    1. I haven’t done anything more than occasionally trim some damaged ends since about 1990.
      Oddly enough people often ask me if I’m some kind of cop.
      Depends and the guy I guess.

  11. I’m constantly amazed that women think they have the authority to determine what men find attractive in women.
    As a man it would be really great if women were attracted to short, fat, bald, men with crappy jobs. But I know they are not, and no amount of bitching or shaming is going to change that. If I want a quality woman I know I must be what women want, not try to change what they want into what I am. Why is it so hard for women to understand this?

    1. “I’m constantly amazed that women think they have the authority to determine what men find attractive in women.”
      Feminists think they have the authority to determine EVERYTHING.
      Big headed cunts.

      1. On that note, feminism is a social construct. (See what I did there?) Outside of maybe western Europe and North America, for the most part, these losers would get laughed at for such senility. Maybe they should take notes as to how the rest of the civilized world does it. because women all over won’t be coming to their rescue. I did note in some of the Twitter feed how many women wanted to vomit. Maybe that idea of dating a woman with eating disorders isn’t such a great idea after all. No surprise there.
        There are women (I presume they are) on another forum I visit on occasion that had issue with Candace Bure (Cameron) being happy with a “submissive” role in her hubby’s life. I have no idea why they so mad, because what she has works for her. I had to let them know that they ought to take notes and learn, because they could be the 65-year old friend of my dad’s common law who can’t and still hasn’t learned how to keep a guy. Why? Because’s she stubborn and dominant…and overbearing, too. Which made me wonder…if I am so much like my dad (RIP), then why the fuck was she trying to pick up on me? Lulzy hamsters. Like I’m in the biz of dating a bro.

    2. exactly!! if i failed an exam at school, i didn’t go around yelling that the passing grade ought to be lowered to cater to my dumb ass. a message that is lost on today’s gullible woman.

      1. the whole pixie cut thing started with Rihanna and it works on her because she is pretty hot, she’s black, she’s an artist so can get away with doing crazy shit…it’s part of being expressive and standing out from the crowd…. plus she’s trying as all pop musicians do, to create controversy and be weird…
        where it breaks down is when teen / twenty somethings start copying her fashion statement, which is blatantly tongue in cheek in the first place… plus Rihanna can afford an army of stylists to change it back again when she gets bored of it in a few months time…

        1. it also happened cause women are herd animals and are programmed to copy whatever new trend is cool. i chuckle whenever i see one of these lemmings trying to tell me she thinks for herself. bah.

        2. be thankful for the herd instinct, they are all clean shaved now… one of my first girfriends went up the wall in the early 90s when i told her to shave it clean… now it’s by default….. there are many advantages to the female stupidity… it’s just a question of leveraging them….
          what we need to start is the BJ under the table on a first date… cosmo will be writing articles about how you must suck and swallow before you even say hello to your date….
          then we can have the anal instead of the first kiss fashion….
          followed by a craze of
          servile female, dominant male…. and cap it off with 10 women
          to a man ….. and cosmo writing articles about how every good girlfriend brings her man new bangs each weekend….

      1. And that’s fine, you can do whatever you want with your hair, since you’re a Strong Empowered Woman Who Doesn’t Care What Men Think Of Her ™. Go for it.
        Which doesn’t explain why are you showing evidence of anger over men judging you as unattractive because of it. Does it matter to you or not?

        1. As a girl with her eyes recently opened, my first reaction to comments like this is a pang of hurt/anger- Almost like you attacked me, personally, with some made up lies. But after about four seconds the truth hits me, and holy shit logic is a beautiful thing.

      2. You’re right. The rest revolve around lots of litter box cleaning and cans of cat food.

    3. I declare that we should call all women with pixie / short haircuts with a new term. These women shall be called: ‘Boys with Tits’!
      The only men that like it are latent homosexuals that can pretend they’re having sex with a teenage boy.
      (Women don’t have the musculature of men, they look like teenaged boys physically. The only difference is if they have large tits.)

      1. Boys with Tits! HAHA! It’s too long a phrase to have punch, but it’s still hilarious.

    4. So you think all women want the same thing from a man and/or relationship? Maybe stop thinking of women as a collective group of terrible, judgmental she-beasts and start thinking of them as human beings with individual aspirations and feelings. Just a thought.
      Also, what characteristics would you attribute to a “quality woman” aside from good looks? I’m not trolling, I’m genuinely curious.

      1. Kindness. Youth and beauty (the two are linked). Fertility. Genuine caring. Yes, this includes cooking, as it is the physical act of literally nourishing the people she values. A mother nourishes her baby with her body, and the rest of her family with her cooking.
        Maybe we think of women as a horrid herd of she-beasts because that’s all we see. All you have to do is turn on the television or load up the huffington post and it’s in your face. Indeed, these women take great delight in cruelty and shaming, all the while never feeling a shred of regret at the pain they deliberately cause.
        Look at your other posts on this thread where you express hatred. Why don’t you feel ashamed for behaving like that in public? That sort of ugliness has a way of permeating your entire being and getting into your face. I’m not trolling, I’m genuinely curious, what’s your height and weight and do you ever spend time making yourself more attractive? We would all would like to see a full-body and then a face photo of you as well, but I understand if you decline to maintain your anonymity.

      2. “Maybe stop thinking of women as a collective group of terrible, judgmental she-beasts and start thinking of them as human beings with individual aspirations and feelings. Just a thought.”
        Women are amazingly conformist.

    5. In short, women are not trying to decide what men should look for in them. They are fighting for their right to decide what they want to look like, and not be judged for it. Not everything revolves around finding a man, and not every man wants a submissive and effeminate girlfriend.
      And certainly, women get judged for maintaining highly paid, typically masculine jobs, and for working out to keep their fitness at a superior level (which makes them ‘too masculine’). Neither of these could possibly be compared to a fat, bald, lazy man, and yet we get harshly judged for them anyway.
      I am going to keep my hair short, because it looks good on me (not that long hair looks bad on me), because it’s easier to maintain, and because it’s safer in my learning environment where I handle heavy machinery and power tools.

      1. “and not be judged for it.”
        Never going to happen. People will judge you for every decision you make in life whether you want them to or not. In much the same way as if I chose to work at mcdonalds for the rest of my life paying all my bills from the wages there perfectly happy with life, others still would have an opinion about that. You already have the right to decide what you look like, but you aren’t going to force the rest of the world to redefine their standards and act like it’s attractive no matter what. Do whatever you wish with your hair and career, and accept the reality and consequences of your own decisions.

      2. I’ve dated hundreds of women, and I’ve never met one who isn’t constantly judging the looks, behaviour, style and life choices of every other woman in her circle. From how they wear their hair; to how they raise their children; to the amount of money they make; to the quality of their boyfriends, women are constantly reinforcing their superiority over whichever ‘bestie’ is not currently there to defend herself.
        They’re just utterly two-faced about it. Ganging up on men for daring to voice their preferences just strikes me as hypocritical projection.
        And yes, even the ‘sisters’ do that. Tumblr is just one big competition to prove who is The Best Person by being more sensitive to disadvantaged non-white, non-male social groups than other womyn. This is why they’re heading into ‘making shit up’ territory: “I respect the rights of gender-fluid dragonkin.” Such a good person, so morally superior.

      3. “They are fighting for their right to decide what they want to look like, and not be judged for it. ”
        That’s because you’re a weak person.
        “and not every man wants a submissive and effeminate girlfriend.”
        You’re right. Only about 85%.
        “And certainly, women get judged for maintaining highly paid, typically masculine jobs, and for working out to keep their fitness at a superior level (which makes them ‘too masculine’). Neither of these could possibly be compared to a fat, bald, lazy man, and yet we get harshly judged for them anyway.”
        That is mostly in your head. We here judge women more for being fat, not for being in good shape. And as for working higly paid jobs, I don’t see the problem. One could make the argument that intelligent women who deprive the next generation of their intelligent genes by not having enough children are harming society, but in general, we prefer women ACTUALLY working highly paid jobs as opposed to bleeding their ex husbands dry because they weren’t “haaaapy”.
        “I am going to keep my hair short, because it looks good on me (not that long hair looks bad on me), because it’s easier to maintain, and because it’s safer in my learning environment where I handle heavy machinery and power tools.”
        Cool. As long as you don’t pretenc as if longer hair wouldn’t make you look better….

    6. I love that someone down-voted this. Just because something is irrefutable, doesn’t mean a certain SOMEbody has to like it.

    7. Put yourself in a woman’s place – the sole factor on which they are truly judged and truly relevant, by both men and women, is their looks. Yes, you can work around the margins of basic given beauty, but you’re not going to be able to change it radically. If you’re ugly, you are condemed to anonymity – these are the sad doomed souls at Jezebel and trolling men’s websites for any attention.
      A man, on the other hand, can greatly improve his status and he has a long time to do so. He might start off at the bottom of the barrel, but he has a chance to scale the peak.
      Thank God every day that you are a man or a hot chick. All the rest are the eternally damned.

  12. I don’t know why does ROK even takes into consideration criticism from fags, transexuals and feminists

    1. because they poison the world around us, corrupting women that would have otherwise been healthy of mind? the sad truth is, feminist bullshit is the biggest obstacle for today’s woman. few make it out unspoiled.

      1. I don’t think you can reason with people who claim that children are born into neutral sex. They are just retarded. I heard in Germany or Sweden they made it legal that you can write that your child does not have any sex. Seriously only cure for that is flamethrower, those places should be purged until disease spreads further.

        1. there was a trans presentation at my college once. A bunch of kids were in there getting indoctrinated like good little pawns of a cultural marxist state. Some bullshit about “First identity” and “Second identity” was on the projector. I hadn’t taken the red pill yet about women, but I felt I was the only one clued in about the foolishness that is this current era of homo/trans propaganda. I really regretted not going just to make a scene and go all “This presentation is full of shit and you know it! Quit lying to these kids!”
          Sadly, it’d probably get on youtube if I did. what a world.

  13. I was thinking that all the howling last night was a bunch of coyotes out back. Turns out it was just the twitter feed. Feminism has turned women into the Queen from Snow White, and tried to turn men into the magic mirror.
    “Oh mirror, oh mirror, who is the fairest in the land?”
    At least the mirror was allowed to point out when another chick was better looking.

    1. no no. it was the shrieks of overweight harpies, inbetween bites of ben-and-jerry’s. the fact that an article made them put down the spoon enough to punch some keys, is in itself a small miracle.

      1. Sell those fatties larger keyboards to fit their oversized chubby fingers, comes with an ice cream dispenser..

  14. All you red pill women out there put your heads together and create a Return of Queens to help reverse the decline of the western woman.
    Principle #1-Keep your hair long. It’s what real men want, and it’s what’s good for you.

        1. Yeah right. Ill believe it when I see it.
          Watch what they do, not what they say.
          Talk, and blogs, are cheap.

      1. From their ‘about’ page:
        “Return of Queens is a website for the traditional, feminine, heterosexual, and loving woman. By “Queen” we don’t mean “Diva“.
        We here at ROQ believe that men should be real men, and women should be real women. No hybrids of either are welcome, especially feminists. Included in the list of excluded are trans-gender [pre AND post op], gender fluid [whatever the hell that means], gay men, lesbians, male feminists [yes they do exist], and any combination of those previously listed.
        We believe that men are our heroes and should be treated as such. We don’t support the idea that men should be subservient to us, but that we should support them in all things so long as its legal. We here at ROQ are strong women, but not aggressive in either thought or manner, unless you threaten our men, children, family, or friends. Our consensus is that our daughters should be taught that a lady can be strong, yet still be a lady, and that being a lady does not mean you are being dominated or oppressed by a man.”
        I be damned …I’ll drink to that!

        1. nice anti-feminazi mission statement – no wonder they’re virtually unknown. ROQ appreciation week, anyone? 😀

        2. and by the way, what in the fucking world is ‘gender-fluid’? do you like wake up one morning and say ‘hmm today i shall be a man’ and tomorrow you decide to be a woman? the nerve of these feminazis, to try to reform biology. what’s in your pants defines your sex. deal with it, bitches.

        3. Actually being a lady does mean that you are dominated by a man. And nothing more insufferable than a woman getting aggressive over some phony threat to her social circle.
          They should drop the strong woman nonsense.

        4. I think they are using ‘dominated’ the way it is commonly used by feminazis, basically meaning ‘abuse’ (hence why they included ‘or oppressed’). All in all I’m pretty happy with how that statement of intent is worded. Already a huge step to actually see someone write that in the open, outside of the narrow manosphere corner.

        5. That website is fucking lame. Trying to piggyback on the success of RoK to make a quick buck.
          Bitches cant even be original. Dont give those cunts any traffic — they are fake as usual.
          NAWALT bullshit

  15. All you red pill women out there should put your heads together and come up with a self improvement aggregate for women called Return of Queens. Help reverse the decline of the western woman. And let your first principle be to keep your hair long for as long as mother nature will allow you. It’s what real men find attractive, and it’s what you love deep down inside.

    1. i don’t think many women can escape groupthink, it’s what they’ve been doing all their lives, it’s second nature to conform. hence not many will have the courage to swim upstream, as it were.

      1. At first glance, it doesn’t seem to be very anti-Red Pill. Must look into that site further.

  16. Pretty sad to see the level of discourse in that thread. All fuck off asshole ur ugly… It’s not just the fact that it’s so incredibly coarse and vulgar, it’s so unimaginitive and stupid. Whatever happened to spirited insults and quality ad hominem? Probably as unlikely as having a meaningful exchange of opinions with most of them. And Roosh is officially a hate preacher, trying to improve men and women’s lives by serving no bullshit truths about what keeps us unhappy. Ironic, eh?

    1. people prefer a conforting lie over an inconvenient truth, what do you expect? if feminists could be reasoned with, there’d be less of them. but i suspect some heavy ad-hominems would be thrown your way within 2 minutes of trying to reason with them.

    2. “Pretty sad to see the level of discourse in that thread….It’s not just the fact that it’s so incredibly coarse and vulgar, it’s so unimaginitive and stupid.”
      They are working entirely off emotion. The intellect is not engaged.

      1. It’s called ‘Narcissistic Fury’. Look it up. Explains 90% of reaction to most ROK articles.

    3. “Whatever happened to spirited insults and quality ad hominem?”
      Nowadays they issue girls a basic deck in pre-K, and they spend the rest of their lives trying to level up playing the same low power crap over and over.

      1. indeed. we should give them a printed-out checklist and make sure they don’t forget one of those tired insults that hurt sooooooooo much. lemme see, what are some classics?
        1. you cant handle a real woman
        2. small dick
        3. you are all little boys
        4. live in mom’s basement
        5. pedo
        6. rapist
        7. gay
        8. stuck in the 1950s
        there, i just saved you bitches some time next time you wanna insult a guy using the same tired old routine. feel free to expand the list.

        1. I had one genius tell me that the second amendment only guarantees free speech…I had to correct her? and school her? that the FIRST amendment covers free speech the SECOND amendment covers firearms. I will give the slightest nod to her? that she? did admit her? mistake, but the underlying problem persists – these damaged lifeforms don’t even know what the fuck they’re so pissed off at – they just become a part of the feminist Borg and hate.

        2. Oh I got plenty of “I don’t need you to tell me how to look,” and ‘I am tatted and have short hair and have a man, therefore, you’re wrong.’ My favorite one was actually a snarky reply (albeit completely false): “Your attitude is a lady ‘boner-killer.’”
          Of course, I was giving my opinion on the matter, and it was perceived as an attack on all things feminine.

        3. I stopped arguing with them when their emotions overtook their judgment. It’s like trying to argue with a banshee. A loud, obnoxious banshee.

        4. Yep. And the Americanas wonder why they’re being replaced with foreign women. As their wombs collect cobwebs and they see more and more of their pay disappear (’cause they have no tax deductions, like kids), they can throw birthday parties for their cats and bask in the afterglow that they “won”. What exactly did they “win”? Who the fuck knows (or cares) what goes through their damaged brains.

        5. Great point! It’s another “fuck you” to men in the USA when you see that in divorce cases 90% of the time the women (I won’t give them the respect of the title “mother”) end up with custody of the kids. Then when the kids end up as fucked up, if not more fucked up than “mommy” is, everyone wonders why. Yep. No way in Hell would I ever, ever marry in this country – it’s tantamount to volunteering to be tortured for the rest of your life and beyond.

        6. So basically, not only do bitches be crazy as hell nowadays, bitches be dumb as hell too?! Ugh, what a world. Then the next words out their mouths are “you have a puny male brain! but I’m not sexist!”

        7. The Second Amendment DOES guarantee free speech.
          We can shoot idiots who try to suppress our right to speak BECAUSE we have the right to keep and bear arms!

        8. Yes, I understand that. But in the case I’m referring to, the feminist? that was trying to go toe to toe with me clearly had the amendments mixed up.

        9. Not really. Or at least make it worthwhile, because I don’t know anywhere that a warning shot is even granted.

    4. Look, I get that Roosh looks very uncomfortable around the women in his pics, but there is still a grain of truth in what is being said.

  17. Tuthmosis has understated how utterly damaged short-haired women are. Run, run far away from them.
    Don’t believe me? Look at the live Twitter response feed

    Short-haired chicks, I’m now inclined to agree. Now I only felt that women only cut their hair short when they felt the need to start over in some form, and this is from personal experience. But calling to castrate someone because he said something you don’t like? And that something wasn’t that he was some type of pedophile? Not exactly helping your case that you are not crazy. This, and the Nash Grier episode, helped me to seehow a lot of you ladies these days are really not right in the head. I don’t think I oughta be too paranoid around you girls, but it’s clear to me that most of you are not sweet, gentle, delicate flowers I was raised to believe you were.

    1. I’ve met my fair share of short-haired woman. African-American women are known to have incredibly short hair, and the ones with incredibly short hair are some of the most obnoxious I’ve met.
      Then, again Chanty Binx gives them all a run for their money:

      1. Damn, thats some nasty thing right there.
        I can see the happiness and emotional stability radiating from her face.

      2. African American women can’t really help their hair being short, that’s why most of the time it’s a weave. I’d prefer it if they just went natural. Hah! Ironic. Women be like “We are free to be ourselves!” Then you tell them “You know, it’s better if you go natural instead of wearing fake hair. be yourself!” Then they still get all offended! Is there no end to the lack of logic? Is there no pleasing them?! Welp, at least we’re not obligated to entertain any crazy person. Thankfully though, I have only met nice black women in recent years but it’s probably because of where I live. White girls stay in the middle. Hispanics are usually either the sweetest, or the bitchiest.
        This is the jam though.

  18. The mind-bogglingly amazing thing about all this, is that you don’t even realize how sexist and backwards you are. You actually can’t comprehend why everything you say is absolute bull. It’s actually kind of sad; how damaged does a boy have to be to actually think that anything written on this site is an acceptable way to view women?
    Kids, women – real women, I mean. The ones who are intelligent and accomplished and self-respecting – would NEVER let a man who thinks of them the way you do within ten meters of them. Which leads me to conclude that you seek out insecure and shallow women and then ridicule them for being insecure or shallow. You avoid women who don’t fit into your view of how women should be and deride them as being “feminazis” or “ugly” as if what you think should actually mean anything to them. When, in point of fact, these women you have nothing but contempt for have nothing but absolutely justifiable contempt right back. And it’s not because they are man-hating or jealous of the awesome power of your dicks. It’s because these women have grown up in a progressive world with strong female role models and men who understand that they are actually people and not sperm receptacles. Because these women know good men, and can thus spot the difference between good men, and loathsome little boys.
    And then, you are derisive to those men. You call them “pussies” or “betas” when, in actuality, fairness, decency, charisma and kindness are staples of a good leader. Look at any man in history – Theodore Roosevelt was probably the baddest ass president in American history and he loved his wife without exception and encouraged his daughter to do great and progressive things. Spartacus brought Rome to it’s fucking knees because they enslaved him and his wife. He led a rebellion and made finding her a priority. JFK got around (boy did he!), but he never disrespected Jackie. And he loved her without reservation. THAT is what makes a man, boys.
    I doubt you’d know how to treat a woman without derision or contempt. You have this antiquated Donna Reed mentality, feeding off the cliches of the 1950’s and refusing to believe that the world has NEVER worked that way. And I feel kind of sorry for you. Because you will never be extraordinary men or know extraordinary women.
    Because those kind of men confuse you, and those kind of women terrify you.

    1. so…it’s wrong to have standards? way to go. jesus fucking christ, it’s like a race to the bottom with you bitches!!

      1. Get with the program! They are only called “standards” when women have them. In men they are known as “biases”

        1. Men prefering long hair is a sick fetish?
          Is it a “sick fetish” when women prefer tall men, or men with good jobs?

        2. i believe he was referring to the feminazi double-standard. women have standards, men have sick disgusting fetishes – according to the cunts.

      2. Not at all wrong to have standards. Which is why no woman with standards would want you. Being blatantly disrespected, objectified and vilified are not exactly turn ons for girls. And since the world collective can spot what really makes a man worthy of their time, you don’t have a shot in hell. Because you seem to genuinely believe that a girl cutting her hair means anything other than that she likes how it looks or it makes her comfortable. Like its any of your business or like women are here to please you. How do you not see what’s wrong with that?!? And then you act like their incredibly justified offense to these assertions make them… god, I don’t know… man haters or something. And that’s pretty fucking sick, dude.

        1. yawn. i will stop objectifying women when they stop seeing me as a walking wallet or a springboard to a more luxurious life. til then, i consider your argument invalid.
          also, a girl has all the right in the world to cut her hair. i also have all the right in the world to pass her over for a long-haired girl. fair? fair!

        2. See, that whole first part was a ridiculous objectification. And the fact that you choose women who are like that shows – not that women are evil – but that you have really bad taste in women. You choose women who are bad to you and then you blame women instead of looking around and going “gee, I should really make better choices.” But you also don’t want in independent woman because then you wouldn’t hold the financial monopoly. Again, you choose shallow, selfish women and then vilify them for being exactly what you were looking for. Not really the fault of women collective tat your taste sucks.
          Also, you absolutely have the right to not be attracted to girls with short hair, but bypassing every other thing about them because of one thing proves that you are entirely unworthy of the woman to whom the short hair belongs. Fair? Fair!

        3. honey, i like my women pretty. i don’t give a shit about their degrees or how poignant of a point they can make about 18th century philosophy. i have guy friends with who i can discuss those things, if need be. and if all that makes me backwards, GOOD! hell that only ensures that i could never ever be attracted to your ilk, which is a-ok with me.

        4. The male consensus is that women with long hair are more attractive than women with short hair. This is fact and a simple matter of natural instinct. If a woman has short hair and is attractive, it’s in spite of her haircut and not because of it. This is fact and she would look infinitely better with long hair. Since men know what they like in regards to length of hair, and have not kept it a secret, when they look at a woman who has cut her hair short they see a woman who has consciously decided to make herself less attractive. This is a red flag, regardless of the endless and convoluted reasons a woman can assign to the decision.

        5. And smart automatically equals ugly? God, you must date some serious airheads. And don’t call me honey, and stop assuming I’m a woman just because I think of women as human beings. And I seriously doubt any guy you hang out with is particularly well-versed in science or philosophy.
          And you basically just told me that I was absolutely right about you. You’re a bastard and you’re not worth any woman who would take you for more than your wallet. Dude, my condolences. You’re pathetic.

        6. well no, not automatically. just like a hundred-fold increase in the risk of them being ugly.
          oh snap, now you went and shattered my self-esteem.. i guess that all i can do now is live day by day, trying to rebuild my life from the rubble..
          grow up dude/bitch/trannie/sentient-robot. insults are childish.

        7. No, there is no scientific imperative for women to have long-hair,and no reproductive one for that matter, either. And if hair length were actually a biological necessity for men to want women, it would – by its very definition – need to include the rest of her body, too. Like legs and armpits and genitals.
          Please, stop.

        8. at the dawn of our species, being able to grow your hair long implied that you were healthy and able to defend yourself from predators. that equals good genes, which equals high reproductive value. you suck at this, go read some evo-psych books and come back when you can put forward a coherent argument.

        9. Not an insult. Just an observation.
          And no, women’s looks and IQs are not mutually exclusive. You’d know that if you could get a woman who is both pretty and intelligent to speak to you.

        10. Yes, clearly human beings are the only complex animals on Earth who do not have a naturally occurring selection process for mating, even if it goes on beneath our higher level thought processes.

        11. i never said they were mutually exclusive, dummy! i merely said that MOST smart chicks are below-average if not straight up ugly. geez, at least have the decency to read my responses properly before making a fool of yourself.

        12. Yes! but women didn’t exactly wax back then and the human race survived somehow. Hair is a personal preference, not a scientific imperative. Jesus H Christ, why is this hard for you to grasp?

        13. I though name-calling was childish…
          And there is absolutely no real distinction between you saying MOST and “Like 100 times more likely”. It’s all just insecure male speak for “der, smart girls are ugly. NARF.” I’m not an idiot, but I am starting to wonder about you…

        14. correct. but if you’re sick or malnourished, your hair stops growing or at the very least grows real slow. so hair length is a criteria to separate the high-value females from the rest of the herd. and since you correctly stated that cutting one’s hair wasn’t an option back then, it was a pretty good indicator of one’s worth. it only became a choice when they invented scissors and whatnot, cause only then could you opt for a haircut or opt to leave it as it is. back then, no scissors, no choice but to let it grow naturally. which means back then it was not a personal choice. too easy..

        15. Yeah dude, like OMG WOW just WOW
          Indeed, I could see you at a black tie affair rubbing elbows with the likes of high profile successful businessmen. Your snark, ugly tattoos and short mannish hair drives men like that out of their minds.
          You’re a classless annoying ugly pig.

        16. Um… you do know that bikini waxing is a documented health risk, right? That hair does serve a purpose, and if you cared at all about women’s health, you wouldn’t encourage them to do it. I love how you only care if it benefits your aesthetic desires.

        17. What’s the difference between a woman shaving her armpits and legs, and cutting her hair short? The first makes her look more feminine and increases her value to the opposite sex in some cultures. The second makes her look more masculine.

        18. that’s right i only care about my desires. what the fuck do i care about the health consequences of waxing her kitty? i’ll dump her for a younger version way before any disease can appear. cue the torches and pitchforks hehe

        19. Run that wheel, hamster. You might actually get skinny.
          Just because you can’t grow your hair out because you’re thoroughly polluted from all the GMOs and diet sodas you ingest doesn’t mean men don’t find long hair attractive.

        20. Again, just because men aren’t objectifying you because they find you unattractive and disgusting doesn’t mean the rest of us women mind receiving that kind of attention.
          “Objectified” = being sexually attractive to men

        21. “Which is why no woman with standards would want you. Being blatantly disrespected, objectified and vilified are not exactly turn ons for girls.”
          Didn’t you understand that what they write here are how they think, not what they say to a woman?
          “And since the world collective can spot what really makes a man worthy of their time, you don’t have a shot in hell.”
          The only indicator they really take into account is confidence, which we probably have too much of rather than too little. Don’t worry about us, we do just fine 😉
          “Like its any of your business or like women are here to please you.”
          Read the end of the article again.

        22. Yeah dude, like OMG, you’re pathetic, muh feelinz, muh catz
          You are really, really stupid. On top of the bad haircut, overgrown body hair and inane snark, it makes sense you’re doubly outraged at this article. You couldn’t be an attractive woman to save your *pathetic* life so your mission in life is to hate on women who can.
          Men don’t want you. Sucks to be you doesn’t it?

        23. Unfortunately, a woman’s belief in her own intelligence usually cultivates a pissy, arrogant attitude. It’s the Dunning-Kruger effect in action. Educated women decide they are smarter than everyone around them, and therefore believe they should constantly dictate how they believe people should act, since they ‘know better’. They become argumentative, patronising and sarcastic, too enveloped in their own smug, self-satisfied cloud to realise they’re made themeselves hugely unattractive to most men.
          Women’s average intelligence skews lower than men, and clusters around the mean with fewer outliers. The Average University-Educated Woman seems to cluster around the +1 standard deviation area, so they’re smarter than average, but still not *that* smart. Anyone up around the +3 standard deviation range will read them as functionally-retarded in their thinking, due to what is known as the IQ Communiation Gulf.
          So, the +1’s will dictate how they think things should be. The +2’s and +3’s will instantly see the flaws in their logic and find their ideas ridiculous, but the communication gulf means the +1 lacks the cognitive ability to understand their error. It cannot be explained to them. They simply lack the horsepower, much like how children of a certain age cannot imagine things from the perspective of another. This is why I believe the biggest threat to society is that of the Supercilious Moron, screaming for social change without understanding the negative consequences said changes will bring.
          In my own city, the population distribution means there are exactly six women that I could share true communication with – meaning those who would understand my spoken thought, using my natural comprehension of language, and the related cognitive processes to make sense of it. Realising this, I could either try to meet these Unicorns; date the university-educated +1’s and deal with their tiresome attitude; or just date beautiful women who are pleasant to be around, and don’t constantly try to voice their opinion on subjects that they’re too underpowered to process. This means I have to constantly fake being of average intelligence to avoid social stigmatisation, but my brain can work on three things at once, so self-monitoring is easy. Luckily, women like my looks and muscles, so never see through the performance, because, despite all their whinging, favour stereotypes over imagining greater complexity. They’re shallow like that.
          As for your comments: You write like a woman; you demonise beautiful women as airheads like a woman; you respond with narcissistic fury like a woman. I’d be very surprised if you’re not university-educated; don’t wear nerd glasses; don’t have short hair, aren’t overweight, and don’t have a boyfriend-substitute pet offering you unconditional love.

        24. It is men that tend to be into philosophy. It is the only field in the academic humanities that hasn’t been overtaken by women.
          Women don’t care about a man’s views on metaphysics and Stiegler’s theory of technics and time any more than men. And i have met all the ‘right’ women.
          Women care about a man’s looks and/or money first before they consider the rest, particularly if they are American or Australian. Intellectual engagement has little to do with attraction.

        25. In Europe you can meet great looking women that appreciate the Dutch masters and the films of Andrei Tarkovsky but the chance of finding them in the U.S is slim. The reasons for this are cultural.

        26. Jesus fucking christ almighty I am getting sick of these sociology / philosophy / gender studies wannabe bitches posting their vacuous platitudes here…
          It is..
          Gettin’ old, real old.

        27. Even in the corporate world the successful females know that they must collaborate with men to stay in power or advance.
          People that hang around university campuses acting smart really are clueless about how things work in the real world and in the upper echelons of Corporate America.

        28. Not every woman on this planet was born to serve me.
          Only the hot ones. The rest, who cares.
          You put your panties on backwards this morning, or what?

        29. Give me a Brazilian or give me death
          No woman is forced to shave her pubic hair off. And I am not forced to date her. Fair deal.

        30. Honey, you’re not listening. Reread Van’s first sentence. MEN PREFER LONG HAIR ON WOMEN. It’s that simple. Don’t analyze it, rationalize it, or wish it away. It is what is is. Shave your head if you want to. Men will continue to prefer long hair.

        1. even worse if you are right..white nights are even more pathetic than feminists. the latter don’t know better, but men should.

        2. This person talks more like a white knight than a feminazi. That’s why I postulated.

        3. I’m grateful for white knights…..their women are much more receptive to my attention

    2. listen bitch, keep your hair long and your whinging replies short, and you will be much less likely to end up as an old crazy spinster.

        1. reload the page, disqus sometimes gets the names mixed up.
          on topic: just one. me. unless i have some weird split personality that i don’t know about, that is 🙂

    3. haha, suggest to a woman that she not cut her hair, and demands that you be Spartacus or JFK, because those guys would love her like she is

      1. Yeah,, haha,, JFK and Spartacus would use her for a quick minute, then dump her ass.. ESPECIALLY JFK,, haha

    4. You done shrieking yet, you emotional sow?
      I guarantee you are any one if not all of the following:
      • Fat
      • Hideous
      • Unattractive to high quality men
      • Has short ugly hair
      • Is using psychiatric medication
      • Is some kind of gender confused freak
      • Has been abused by a stepparent
      • Is into cutting/self-mutilation/suicidal cathartics
      You are a very miserable woman, it’s no wonder you’re so deranged. Get some help.

      1. Wrong on every count. Is it really so threatening to you that a woman might actually love herself without your help? I don’t dislike you because I hate myself. Exactly the opposite. I’m fucking awesome, and I don’t need or even want your approval. No woman who care about herself would, either. If anything, the woman you just listed the characterizations for would be MORE inclined to find you attractive. But I can tell you that every one of your assumptions about you is laughably wrong.

        1. “I’m fucking awesome” sounds like you need to convince yourself to protect you ego, and “I don’t need your approval” is silly when you come here to comment on how wrong we are.

        2. “I’m fucking awesome” supports my suspicion of narcissism, hence the need to constantly return here to restore ego equilibrium knowing that someone somewhere has judged you negatively and that this cannot stand.
          “I’m fucking awesome” is also the problem with young women. They’ve been pumped up with false self-esteem that they lack the capacity for the kind of honest self-reflection, or ability to accept any kind of criticism that encourages personal change. They think they’re perfect, and the world should change to suit them. Hence, they mentally-and-socially stagnate.
          No-one is perfect how they are. Life is a constant opportunity for self-improvement and discovery of your own potential and capabilities. Women who crow on about being ‘amazing’, are anything but. They’re mundane. Having a vagina isn’t enough to make you interesting to me. Aside from differences in appearances and tightness, the sensation produced by one over the other is enough to warrant putting up with arrogance and snark. (Exception: unless she trains as hard as I do, has experienced coregasms whilst working out, and knows how to put her kegels exercises to good use).

        3. “a woman might actually love herself without your help”
          owns the largest dildo and vibrator collection in the Western hemisphere. Maybe you can open a museum.

        4. I believe you need to study cognitive dissonance. The cognitive dissonance in your speech is too overwhelming.
          Your hamster wheel is spinning out of control, trying to counter each attack with narcissistic ramblings that none of us really care about. If you think you’re awesome, great, tell it to the mirror, we don’t give a shit.

    5. Wasn’t JFK married in the 1950’s?
      Also, how many times can you say “actually” in a rant?
      Have you read the moronic responses from all these cat herders? It’s 100% proving what Tuth said to be true.
      The lady doth protest to much, methinks.
      You get offended about “generalities” but then you can’t come close to taking issue with any specific thing.
      Madam, I hate to break it to you, but you’re a fool.

    6. The whole premise here is that girls who cut their hair short are subconsciously trying to send a message to the world: “I am damaged.”
      You wrote the longest, most emotionally charged comment on this thread.
      That suggests that this material strikes a nerve with you in no small way.
      You’re coming across really, really damaged. Your anger clearly comes from deep, deep inside.

    7. If you feel a crime has been committed you should call the police. Maybe they’ll help you retrieve your balls too.

    8. what? we’re backwards because we go against the liberal feminist hive mind and groupthink? Naaaaaaww.
      Legbeard alert

  19. Vox Day often notes that the most visited page on his alpha game website is his men don’t like short hair post from a few years ago.
    So it wasn’t too hard to predict this reaction.
    Low hanging fruit.
    Tuth did a good job reaching for the low hanging fruit. His article was good.

  20. Note roosh’s head angle in comparison to the girl he is seen standing next to in the photograph.

  21. Standing ovation for the Kings.
    Shame on Tuth for originally having been “too nice” to the poor ladies. (lol)
    And all this on the day Justin Bieber gets arrested.
    They are gonna LOVE him in prison.
    (For all we know he might be pregnant already.)
    I think their pretty little worlds are now shattered.

    1. -Publisher response on a viral article that shattered hundreds and hundreds of bitch egos
      -Justin Bieber in prison
      This is an epic day.
      I am going to smoke a cigar and drink some wine with a big smile on my face.

      1. Truly an epic day. Tuth MUST to do a post on Justin Bieber getting arrested. Something EXTRA sick.
        Something to permanently paint a picture – in millions of girl’s minds – of him taking 7 football fields of cock behind bars.
        Something like…… “Justin’s offers prisoners copious amounts of his own perfume to try and avoid getting a damaged bunghole”…… or “Justin Bieber’s bunghole is damaged.”
        You get the idea.
        Fuck it. If he doesn’t do it, I will write it myself.

        1. Write it, its fun. I have already submitted two articles myself.
          We all have meaningful thoughts, and this is the place to show them, and discuss them.

  22. Those feminists are a bunch of hypocrits. A female written article about men styling that woman like would probably get zero hate.

    1. True. Most men would either take it into consideration or ignore it altogether. Threats and wishes of death toward the author would probably be very minimal.

      1. Right. Most men have a living to make and have other things to deal with in life. Your average woman peddling that kind of crap is probably mid 20s or older and has no job and lives in the back room of her parents house still. Nonetheless, she will still be on POF pimping herself and her lack of accomplishments with the inevitable list of demands in a guy in tow.

  23. Anyone still doubting Roosh’s advices should shut up now.
    Look at his girl, not bad at all…

    1. eeeh. kind of a big ass, but to each his own. i personally wouldn’t, but many of you would.

        1. personally i go for the really skinny ones, but i understand that everyone has their own standards. and hey, since our target audiences don’t overlap, i thoroughly encourage y’all to go for the ghetto-asses!

        2. Seriously man, to each their own, but that girl looks thin to me. I bet 90 x cent of men like asses exactly that size.

      1. still thought she is tall, young looking, attractive and thin…
        Roosh definitely hitting above his league, no questions about it.

  24. “Being lonely and having to settle for a brood of cats ”
    Sadly, this is not the truth. All of them, even if they are fat and with entitled manners , have hundreds of suitors..until men when will start to hit where it hurts (lack of attention, since they are all attentionwhores), this is not going to change.
    Western men need to be like Russian men. That is, MEN !

    1. don’t put russian men on pedestals just yet. they’re not more manly, they have just been spoiled by having a shitload of hot women around them. if there were more hot western women, more of us would also become – seemingly! – more alpha. cause you can just kick a difficult woman out the door, knowing you’ll find another hottie in like a day.

        1. Yeah, and we are starting to realize that even if they are hot they are just a pain in the ass to deal with. No fun at all.

        2. The hottest girl in town means shit to a man if she gives him hell on a daily basis.
          Bad Energy = Bad Sex = Loss of Attraction = DTB

        3. I remember back in the day when fatties were just happy to be let in the door of the party and they were at least the jolly sort. What happened?

    2. “All of them, even if they are fat and with entitled manners , have hundreds of suitors…”
      They use their other single fat old ass girl friends as their support system. No men anywhere in sight.

        1. of course a woman can get laid until she’s 100 if she wants to…
          most of them lose all sexual ambition after 60 anyways…

  25. Goddammit Roosh I just fucking love this site. I crack up damn near every day I read this shit. Everyone I turn on to RoK, Delicious Tacos, and viva la manosphere reads everyday and loves this shit. Keep it coming man…

    1. It was cool before. Now there are so many lame cunts posting here its getting played out like facebook and isnt cool anymore.

  26. Note that roosh’s head is angled away from the lady in the picture. note also the classic protective hand gesture protecting his genitals seen also as a clenched fist. this photo speaks volumes.

    1. nice analysis, doc. feel free to zoom in to his moustache and tell us all about how the angle of this moustache hairs denotes he is a saggitarius or something. fuuuucking hell..

      1. I like to stick to the simple basics.
        Roosh is facing square to the camera. The girl is facing square to him.

  27. “I reminisced on previous women I have had sex with (it took about four hours)”
    that’s a very long masturbation session i hope you used lube ….

  28. ” I have since held a private meeting in the ROK office with Tuthmosis to encourage him to not write with such a polite filter that makes him hesitant to offend the female sex”.
    Good shit right right here.

  29. Both the Russian and Argentine women that I dated had nice long flowing hair down to their waist. Far more sexy and attractive than the buzz cut dykes in San Francisco!

  30. Oh, there was an article with the images? Thanks!
    William Randolph Hearst, who else recognized him?

  31. I’ll never date a girl with short hair OR keep a girl if she cuts her hair…
    Great advice.
    Men, the moment your “special” one cuts her hair, find a replacement.

    1. That just means someone picked badly if their gal even thinks a silly thought like that.

      1. You can’t tell if your gf will turn psycho on you but if she cuts her hair and pretends it’s no big deal, run away.

  32. What most of these frenzied feminists that are emoting all over the comment section fail to comprehend– as they bray about “their choice” and “doing things in their own interest”– is that the advice Tuth, Roosh, and RoK offer them is, in fact, in their best long term interest, unless they are called to a life of religious celibacy in a cloister in Montana. Even then, increasing the ugliness in the world is never a good thing. Aristotle, Aquinas, and the Western natural law tradition have taught us for centuries that the fulfillment of one’s nature is what is best, and acting in accord with our human nature will make us happiest. Of course in an age of relativism, our visiting trollops seek to create their own reality by mere acts of will, objective truth be damned.
    As humanitarians, here’s our take:
    Cutting your hair short will make you less attractive to higher-quality men–> you are less likely to marry a quality man–> you are less likely to start a family and have children–> you are less likely to fulfill your nature–> you are less likely to be happy–> you are more likely to get cats and inspire the quiet disgust of neighbors and family members.
    Tuth is right- pixie cut women either fail to understand this or if they do, are giving a fat stubby finger to men and the natural order of the world, and should be avoided as unfit wives and partners. Butch hair is just one of many indicators of foolish rebellion which any self-respecting man of better stock should reject. These strong, independent, spunky invaders defy nature at their own peril.

    1. The whole problem with feminism and all the liberal bullshit is that they reject reality.
      No wonder they are so unhappy.

      1. It’s just a specific off-shoot of the pervading cultural mentality that says there should be no negative repercussions for an individual’s decisions, or room for judgement about those decisions from other members of society. This spins off in the economy of victimization which in turn enables a continuation of poor decision-making because whatever someone does is usually blamed on the actions of another.

        1. Yeah, victim mentality.
          Hell on earth if you ask me. These people are not in control of their own life. I could not image a worst existence than that.
          Just look at how their self worth shattered because we said “we do not like short hair.” Thats it. They are very weak mentally.

        2. Hell on earth is exactly right. When virtue is sold as vice to ignorant sheeple the end result will be so horrific I tremble in fear to imagine what sins you commit in bringing new life into this brave new world..
          A future techno-barbaric tyranny awaits all your children where human life is valued less than animals and human existence is a shadow of what we now know.
          If they ever invented time travel I imagine the future survivors of the world will warp back to these past few generations and kick the ever loving shit out of your stupid fuckin asses.

  33. Roosh hits it out of the park.
    Tuthmosis has understated how utterly damaged short-haired women are. Run, run far away from them.
    I’m pretty well convinced of that too. If it isn’t long, next! And that goes double if you’re stuck (at the moment) in the English-speaking world.
    “Women: unless you have a smushed pig face, your attractiveness increases
    at least 6% for every inch your hair passes your shoulders.”

    I’ll refine it to +1 point on ye olde 1-10 scale for every foot her hair grows out from a little-boy cut.

    1. I don’t even care if, lo and behold, they ARE attractive, short-haired and buzz-cut chicks are fucking crazy. Whether they sing in a punk-rock band or they are getting a PhD in Critical Literary Theory at The City University of New York, what initially appears to you as an interesting women, will eventually be a psychopath coming at you with scissors at 1am when her Zantac meds run out.

      1. Agree. Women with short hair and arts degrees tend to be psycho. If they also bi-sexual, stay the fuck away. I didn’t in my early 20’s and paid the price.

      2. It also vastly inflates their self-perception of their artistic ability. It’s all clove cigarettes, fantasies of L’Heute Verte, and terrible, terrible poetry.

  34. By the way…
    Have you noticed how Roosh put a sexbot into the example pictures mix?
    Sneaky sneaky Roosh. I see what you did there.

  35. I like how the article says long hair is a sign of femininity and this and that, yet most heavy, black, death and all around metal guys have long hair. Short hair is as much a political statement as wearing a t shirt with a slogan, it doesn’t mean shit and it doesn’t affect anyone. It is only a choice.
    Some people, regardless of sex or gender look good with long hair, and some people with short hair, some people look good with no hair at all. Attractiveness is subjective and everyone have they’re preferences.
    I think when it comes to aesthetics everything is permitted, the manliest men on wrestling shave their armpits, legs, back, chest,and so on. The manliest men in music have long hair. Hell even Willie Nelson has braids. No one in the world can argue that Emma Watson looked great with short hair, also Rihanna. And finally just to clear things up. I am a man, I had long hair for a long time, and my girlfriend who I have been together with for 7 years, has had short hair and she looked beautiful with that hairstyle. Thank you for your time.

    1. Again you’re not a man therefore you have no idea like most Women what we find attractive. You’re an idiot!

    2. Uh….Rihanna is as damaged as they get! Emma Watson? Who knows how much cock she sucked on the casting couch to get where she is….not damaged? Is ANYONE in Hollywood not damaged? You utterly and completely missed the point of the article. To me, attractive or not, women who purposefully cut their hair short are damaged. Its a red flag. Ignore at your peril.

      1. Not cool, man. Emma Watson is a class act, one of the few there are these days. No argument that that haircut was shit though. Thank Christ she’s seen sense and grown it out again.

    3. I wouldn’t call a skinny long-haired dope playing a gee-tar “manly”.
      Take note, folks: in the counterculture, the women have short hair and the men have long hair. There’s a reason it’s called the counter-culture.

    4. Actually, Emma Watson cutting her hair was when I noticed she had man shoulders. Can’t say I’ve paid any attention to her since. I had to think for a half a minute to recall who she was.

    5. Dude when you come on our ssite blaspheming the holiest and sacred metal in the world — thats where I draw the line.
      FUCK YOU

    6. ” like how the article says long hair is a sign of femininity and this
      and that, yet most heavy, black, death and all around metal guys have
      long hair…”
      rockers have worn their hair long since the ’60s. Thanks for noticing.
      Ever notice how many chicks are waiting outside the dressing room? Because they are attracted to those MEN.
      retard patrol, come in, we have a live one

  36. Roosh, sell us some cool Returnofkings tees…maybe with an interesting quote on back to invite inquiries about the site…

    1. “Women with Short hair are damaged” with a picture of a chick with a pixie cut would be awesome.

  37. The funniest part about this whole situation is that you have ladies who opposed this who are homosexual or already in a relationship trying to justify their buzz cuts. News flash: we don’t care about you. These articles are trying to help white heterosexual ladies find respectable partners. If a woman disrespects herself by cutting her hair short, she will only find men that disrespects her and quite possibly vice versa. So all the gays and all the women in LTR with shaved sides need to keep their opinions to themselves. Keep being a degenerate and men will continue to ignore you.

  38. A woman’s hair length means nothing. what about a woman who has short hair due to illness or injury etc. it means nothing. However, what DOES mean something is this..
    Note that roosh’s head is angled away from the lady in the picture. note also the classic protective hand gesture protecting his genitals seen also as a clenched fist. this photo speaks volumes.

  39. Preach it! Any woman so at war with her own femininity that she cuts her hair short is completely insane and deserves – nay, requires! – shunning.

    1. Very good point, well spotted. I think the Britney Spears is the best example, although the sluty Miley is more recent.

    2. Very good points Doc. The women you cite are “crazy” by any objective standards…..and went from “normal” to “crazy” over time.
      As I keep pointing out….when Jennifer cut her hair that was at the same time she moved from “sales pitch” to “horrible shrew”.
      Coincidence? Maybe? But I don’t think so.

  40. Long hair is truly one of the most beautiful things about a woman. I really admire a girl if she has beautiful, long, well-cared for hair. I cannot grow my hair very long due to hereditary thinning and it has really proven to be a struggle for my self-esteem, regardless of other things I have working for me in my favor. I could not imagine losing my hair or chopping it all off, I think i’d rather lose a limb. Kinda why it totally astounds me that women are encouraged to chop theirs off. Or would even want to. i read somewhere in a past culture that long hair was sign of hierarchy, and the longer the hair the greater the woman stood in power. It’s almost comical what society has turned it into.

    1. Had an ex who’d never cut her hair, other than trims for split ends. Her hair’s knee-length now.
      It makes her seem a lot more beautiful than she actually is.

        1. Her regular trims to avoid split ends keep it right where it needs to be. She usually has it “up”, but at the length “up” still means “midway down the back”.
          It’s kind of a thing of beauty to behold from an objective perspective.

    2. I understand you completely, I have had recurring dreams about my hair being chopped and I wake up crying (I am serious), for me it’s or would be a terrible thing, something that many people don’t understand and ironically, especially women.

      1. Long hair on a woman is a sign of health and vitality, and men respond to both since it tends to communicate fertility. A woman with short hair – looks like a boy, or a child – neither particularly worth noticing or enticing to a man. Maybe that explains why gay men like short hair on women. I don’t know, or really care.
        One of the women I see regularly, has hair that if it were straight would be well past her waist, but it’s naturally curly so is mid-back. She has naturally what other women spend hours trying to achieve artificially. I told her once that if she ever cuts it – I’m gone. Just a statement of fact.

  41. I told Tut to keep killing it in 2014 after his now legendary post about girls with eating disorders. I had no idea he’d drop another warhead on reality before January was even over. It has been one hell of a show. Thanks Roosh.

  42. “Where did your long hair go? Where is the girl I used to know? How could you lose that happy glow? Oh Caroline, no.” — Wisdom from the Beach Boys’ “Pet Sounds.”

  43. #1 reason for a girl not cutting her hair is that she won’t remind me of justin bieber

  44. Your website is full of people who can’t/don’t want to see women as human beings, a policy which will lead to a future of bad relationships and loneliness, because oddly enough all women are human beings and individuals.
    This particular article could be seen as the first baby steps towards that realisation. “Not all women are the same!” you broadcast, as a newsflash, to your bewildered readers. That’s right, there are not one, but TWO types of woman!
    Apparently the myriad of different human personalities from all cultures and societies have been boiled down into two hugely generalised categories of “short hair” and “long hair”. Fantastic. Well done.
    My definition of damaged: Anyone who feels that this website speaks for them.

    1. Women weed out men based on their manner of dress and grooming. Rightfully so, these things say a lot about a man. You give them a pass, but as soon as a man describes a personal preference that he has for female presentation and grooming, he doesn’t “see women as human beings”?

      1. While the statement, Women = Human Beings, leaves many of us scratching our heads, as men of science we are obligated to accept this conclusion.

    2. This site is an exceptional aggregate of male experiences with women.
      If the majority of male experiences with short haired girl is bad then that’s what it is…
      These are observations only.

    3. “Your website is full of people who can’t/don’t want to see women as
      human beings, a policy which will lead to a future of bad relationships
      and loneliness”
      Because seeing women as human beings has led to so many good relationships and togetherness.
      Female logic.

    4. You’re probably the same type of woman that has a 600 page checklist of things a man should be. If women responded positively to men “treating women as human beings” (whatever that means), sites like this wouldn’t exists.

    5. February 14th is going to be a long day for you in your parent’s house, isn’t it?

    1. that’s why the only power they have to try to censor it is sex, or shaming language, which usually circles back to the former.

    1. ROFL
      ROFL you won’t link to this site, but you come here and post a link to your long whiny Blog response to this site
      feminists….calling them stoooopid would be too kind
      Don’t worry, at least your cats love you. Maybe.

  45. The Ukanian lady friend pictured with Roosh does not have long hair (and it is scraggly with horrible split ends) In fact all the women in the photos have medium length hair. Long hair at least touches the butt.
    Seems you guys have not “standards” or even know what long hair is.

    1. The article does not say “long hair” it says “short hair”. Short hair is shorter than shoulder length. It is possible to have hair that is not short and is not long but somewhere in the middle. Learn the difference numbnuts.

  46. I know people here aren’t going to love this opinion, but I don’t really care. I agree that women with short hair are objectively far less attractive than women with long hair. This is pretty well known. Calling them “damaged” makes them seem as though they have some sort of mental issue, which (mostly) isn’t true.
    While I think that Tuth’s article should stay, I don’t think the chosen title was the best.

    1. Do you think people who cut themselves are damaged? Self harm is self harm. And knocking a point of your SMV is harming yourself.

    2. “Calling them “damaged” makes them seem as though they have some sort of mental issue, which (mostly) isn’t true.”
      Actually, it IS true. That’s the point.

      1. Gotta disagree with you, Peter. A long-haired female can be JUST as messed up as a short-haired one. Don’t let the aesthetics fool you.

        1. “Gotta disagree with you, Peter. ”
          Hi Jeb. Well you are dreaming…since I have never said that having long hair is any guarantee of the woman being decent. Indeed. If you read what I have said I have said 99.9% of women in the west are liars and hypocrites. I am sure many of them have long hair, right?
          I have said many times the best way to find a decent woman is to get one from behind the iron curtain.

        2. If I’m at a bar and there’s two women with short hair and long hair, I’ll favour the long-haired one. Whilst she MIGHT be crazy, short hair WILL be crazy.

  47. Oh God, this post is so ridiculous.
    And I am saying this being a young, non-american woman (20), with long hair (and nope, I’m not a crying feminist who doesn’t get male attention. Sometimes I wish I would get LESS of it in clubs, but apparently there are too many sexually frustrated guys out there who need to try themselves at game- but that’s a different topic).
    Some of my boyfriends also looked better when they hadn’t cut their hair for a couple of weeks than directly after cutting it (most men do). And, did they care when I told them this? Nope. And I got over it, as it was their decision. I didn’t determine their “masculinity” on how much their cared about their looks-although they mattered to me. But there are more important things, e.g. a balance between looks and professional success.
    It is utterly superficial to determine the mental state of a person based on the length of their hair. If you find it more attractive- nice, go for it. But please stop generalizing so much, as it takes a lot of your credibility.
    There certainly are be girls who cut off their hair after a breakup, or during another sad period of their life. But there are also many guys that grow a beard or get a tattoo or whatever when they experience the same. But I would never dare to say that unshaved guys are automatically damaged. There are also other reasons for deciding to do so – one of them is convenience, just as an example.
    What I can say, though, is that, after having occasionally read articles here for a couple of months now, I was utterly disappointed when seeing Roosh for the first time. After all this talk on Alpha-Males and how many girls you get, I had expected someone more attractive, or younger, or both. Instead, you get to see someone whose best days are clearly over. A pity, also takes credibility from this site.

    1. ” . . .male attention. Sometimes I wish I would get LESS of it in clubs . . .”
      Shave your head.

      1. My rule of thumb: if a girl is writing it, she’ll make sure to drop hints as to her attractiveness. Anyone see the obnoxious former fatty who went viral the other day for losing a lot of weight? Now she’s complaining about creepy men checking her out all the time i.e. humble-bragging that she’s more sexually attractive than the fat fucks she’s pretending to encouraging to love themselves.

    2. You read here for MONTHS and still dont understand the very basic fact that womens sex value = 90% looks, while male looks is 15%.
      You may get attention because you are hot. Be thankful for that. If we would judge you by your smarts, you would be invisible.

      1. “You may get attention because you are hot. Be thankful for that. If we would judge you by your smarts, you would be invisible.”

    3. Why did you expect Roosh to be very good looking? Handsome guys rarely learn game, simply because they dont need to. Most PUA’s /Seduction gurus or whatever you want to call them are average looking guys. As to his age, a dude in his 20’s would probably have less experience so I don’t know why you expected him to be younger (He is 34 anyway so he is not old).

    4. “After all this talk on Alpha-Males and how many girls you get, I had expected someone more attractive, or younger, or both. Instead, you get to see someone whose best days are clearly over. A pity, also takes credibility from this site.”
      LOL! I just love how you women like to try and tell lies and get away with it. Level of attractiveness has NOTHING to do with gaming women. Tomy Lykis gets LOTS of women…and no one, not even TOM, would call himself attractive.
      Now…I am a very handsome man and I always have been. But let’s be honest. I am 50 now and I am about 20kgs too heavy for my frame. I would do very well to drop 50kgs.
      But I have no trouble at all meeting women…and this despite the fact I actually intensely dislike meeting new women. I very much prefer to be with women I know well. Even if I have not seen one of my favs for a year or two and we bump into each other or we talk on the phone all those good feelings surface and are present.
      I think I might even start and advice column on the Mens Business Association to teach women how to find and keep the best of men. You women seem to be totally clueless and you seem to think that lying is the way to go.

    5. “Sometimes I wish I would get LESS of it in clubs”
      No woman wants less male attention. They just want less male attention from beta losers. They want MORE male attention from alphas, especially high alphas.

    6. “I had expected someone more attractive”
      Roosh is a very attractive young man. And the number of women that he meets and dates is, in part, because of his attractiveness.
      Tall slim men like Roosh (and myself when I was that age by the way) are never short of female attention.

    7. Cunt checklist
      1. Boasts about her age and looks but disclaims being a feminist. Check.
      2. Claims to have multiple boyfriends . Check.
      3. Indicates that she values men based on: A. “Looks”. B. “Professional success” . Check.
      4. Insults, demeans and belittles the owner and founder of the site along with all its male readers. Check.
      Verdict; Fail Cunt.
      Doubt she is even hot.

    8. You do realize Ophelia is quite the ironic name, right?
      Ophelia is the name of the Shakespeare character in Hamlet, who goes absolutely berserk from her rationalization hamster spinning out of control, and thus becomes a promiscuous loon, eventually leading to suicide?
      The devil’s in the details.

  48. A chick with short hair is like a dude with a long hair. It’s unusual. And whenever someone does something that is generally considered unattractive, it usually says something about their personality.
    And no one can argue that Jennifer Lawrence didn’t look better with hair.

  49. OT,
    please tell the women that perhaps the “man drought” has got something to do
    with the fact that the Australian family courts are a criminal cartel and this
    has been well proven.
    Perhaps it has got something to do with the fact of my case where 95% of assets
    were criminally given to my ex and this has been consented to by ALL members of
    the Australian Parliament and the FULL documentation of this fact can be found
    in both the old and new versions of my second book The Truth Be Told.
    Time to shove the man drought so far down the throats of these hate filled
    shrews until they want to spew.

    1. An American woman made a youtube response to Truthmosis’s article today, let’s all go there and troll her!

  50. As a happily “married” man, I am not this website’s target audience. And yet had I not discovered material like this several years ago and taken a sledgehammer to the pedestal I had been raised to put women on I would not be a happily married man today. So I still read this website, with great amusement and with even greater amusement caused by watching the reaction on Twitter and Tumblr. Never have I seen armies of girls so eager to prove the enemy right. It’s beautiful.

  51. An American woman made a youtube response to Truthmosis’s article today, let’s all go there and troll her

      1. If you could push a button and explode the heads of everyone currently browsing Tumblr, nothing of value would be lost.

    1. I knew her voice would be deep as hell! Damn they’re turning the men into women and the women into men!

    2. She should be upset, she actually spent money on that hairhat, an investment, gone down the drain.

  52. I found this site. I’m fucking 15 years old and this makes me feel so sad. You are telling me, a child that my worth is defined by something as pointless as the length of my hair and how that affects my attractiveness to men. It sickens me that you genuinely believe that this is important, and that there are other people out there that think like you. Thankfully I am aware that your view is infact the wrong view and one that is very damaging, but so many girls – and boys- are out there who believe that people like you speak the truth. I just don’t know whether to laugh or cry at your stupidity this makes me so sad it’s almost hard to believe.

      1. Also don’t spend the next fifteen years fucking every guy who gives you the attention you wish your father had.

    1. When I was 15 I was reading Hermann Hesse, J. Krishnamurti, Carlos Castaneda, Cervantes, Beowulf.
      You are reading RoK.
      You should “feel sad”.

  53. Please suck a cock you complete assholes. 🙂
    Actually don’t, you’d probably be terrible at it.

  54. Hi Roosh,
    “We did not expect this to happen because after his last article went viral, female activists on and Jezebel implored the world never to link to us again.”
    Laughing my arse off. Women can not help themselves….men say something they do not like and they attack, attack, attack, attack and then attack some more. Western women are as predictable as a swiss watch.
    Job well done young man! Job well done!!
    “I also called up one of my Ukrainian lady friends and asked for her opinion. I like talking to her because she is agreeable, feminine, and doesn’t interrupt me when I’m talking.”
    You are correct. As far as I can recall no eastern european woman I have ever been talking to has interrupted me when I am talking except if they ask….they ALWAYS say “Excuse me” or “can I interrupt you there” or words similar. It has been so long since I was interrupted in the middle of saying something that I had forgotten just how much western women do that all the freaking time. My wife did that often and I used to stomp on her hard saying “it is NEVER ok to speak over the top of someone”…yet look at any interview on western media….women talk over the top of men ALL the time. They just scream louder.
    “Tuthmosis has understated how utterly damaged short-haired women are. Run, run far away from them.”
    Absolutely. If a woman has short hair? Chances are high she is not good long term material. For a bit of fun, maybe, but my experience has been the same. I am not as experienced as you roosh…..but I can even say that in the days Jennifer had long hair, dating and early marriage, she was a TOTALLY DIFFERENT woman to after Joshua John Nolan was born and she cut her hair short. And I mean this was the SAME woman. The long hair co-incided with her preenting me the “sales pitch” and the short hair co-incided with “hate filled shrew”.
    Since so many of your readers are young men. They are invited to go link to my former son on his facebook.
    And as you point out Roosh…just look at the responses by the women…many of them demanding violence against Truthmosis, many even WISHING HIM DEAD!
    In WHAT UNIVERSE would it be acceptable for men to talk like these women are talking? NONE AT ALL. These women are hate filled shrews and it is showing.
    5.5 years ago I went on to the Relationships Blog on the Sydney Morning Herald in Austalia and one of thethings I said to women was “You have been psyoped by the Illuminati into a deep seated hatred and fear of men. You are victims of this psyop and if you listen to us we can help you get out of it.”
    Well? Here we are 5.5 years later. And just look at the level of PURE HATRED being spewed by women.
    I have dated about 20 eastern europen women Roosh. By date I mean at least one dinner date to get to know her. Some of those 20 did not go past a dinner date. It is not like I am a “player” or a “cassonova”. I actually intensely dislike meeting new women. I do not enjoy it at all. It is an arduous task that I would really prefer not to have to do. However, it is a task that has to be done.
    6 of them went on to make fav status. And in all that time? I have NEVER heard from any of those OR ANY OF THEIR FRIENDS language that even remotely approaches what we saw in the comments on Thruthmosis article.
    I would be really interested in other men like you who have dated lots more such women than me….it that true almost across the board? Have any of you EVER heard eastern women say things like “I want to smash your face and cut your dick off” or “I want to throw you off the edge of a cliff”?
    My fav#1 can not believe me when I repeat these sorts of things to her. I actually had to send her links to such things before she would believe me. Her answer was “what is wrong with these women, do they not believe in GOD”? And the answer, of course, is “no, they don’t”.
    The Truthmosis article, with now 5,200+ comments, has demonstrated for the WHOLE WORLD TO SEE how DAMAGED MILLIONS of western women are….because we know that it is not only the women who commented who are “damaged” but it is also the vast majority of western women. Damaged by a psyop to brainwash them into a deep seated HATRED and FEAR of men.
    My points of 5.5 years ago were PROVEN IN SPADES by Truthmosis’ article.
    Let me congratulate you and the team again on a “job well done”. You are getting the message to the “common young man” in a way that I never could because I am not one of you.

    1. You write “I have NEVER heard from any of those OR ANY OF THEIR FRIENDS language that even remotely approaches what we saw in the comments on Thruthmosis article.” regarding women using foul language in affect here. But I wonder, are you completely blind to the hate-spewing, degrading, disgusting things that guys have written on these articles? Perhaps read through the detrimental sewage too many men on here spout before writing posts insinuating that western women are monsters and western men their innocent angelic victims?

      1. “But I wonder, are you completely bkind to the hate-spewing, degrading, disgusting things that guys have written?”
        None of the men here express themselves using the potty mouthed language that women use Li Cheri. If women wish to be taken seriously they need to speak to us respectfully….especially me.
        If women wish to be taken seriously then they need to demand and publicly express in their own name their demands that women are to be treated as equal before the law.
        And as for the opinions expressed by men here? They are entitled to their opinions. If you do not like them? Go away.

      2. “Perhaps read through the detrimental sewage too many men on here spout before writing posts insinuating that western women are monsters and western men their innocent angelic victims?”
        If you have an argument against what men are saying that demonstrates what they are saying is not true as opposed to simply name calling it “detrimental sewage” then present the argument.
        But while western women openly condone and support women committing crimes against men you can be pretty sure that we are going to continue to call western women DEEPLY EVIL PEOPLE in the 99.9%+ majority.
        The very few who claim to be decent women like you? You are well advised to stop talking to us men and start talking to your fellow women. We invited women to co-operate and collaborate with is and you refused. So now we are denouncing you.
        If you wish to co-operate and collaborage with us you have been told what you need to do to do so. I did not see you register to a CAF site so I take that as a no.

        1. I haven’t claimed to be decent though. I might be a real douchebag. I sure feel like it often enough.

  55. Seems like a bit of a tempest in a teapot. Short-haired girls? Pass ’em up. Fat females? Bypass ’em. Fake orange tans and ridiculous looking implants? Ignore ’em. Unpleasant women? Forget they exist. Move on and don’t waste time with detritus.

    1. You are the company you keep. (Which is why I LOL at guys who beat their chest over deleting their Facebook full of lame attention whores…)

    2. No, the problem is that they infect others and make the problem worse for everyone. These words need to be said, and spread far and wide. Stop the hate, reverse the damage.

    1. She wants that ugly tattooed fat bitch Lena Dunham to save her? Priceless. Just priceless. She’s in my age group, and men MY age don’t want her ass.

    2. About the only response that whale could provide worth a flip would be her hitting the treadmill, growing some hair and laser zapping her tats away. Femilosers fail either way.

  56. I believe it all boils down to personal tastes. Personally, I adore girls with pixie cuts. I guess it also has something to do with my infatuation with tomboys. There is also the benefit of showing more skin around her face and neck areas, also less of a chance of hair getting in your face when performing bedroom acrobatics. Other advantages to short hair is that she’ll take less time in the shower, and that shit also dries quicker, so you don’t have to worry about that hair getting sheets/carseats wet.
    Functional benefits aside, I think short hair makes a girl seem younger and cuter compared to those with longer hair.

  57. Hate to go off topic here, but I also never liked it when women straighten their hair either. Any ‘hair styling’ should always augment the type of hair that they were born with – not totally distort it.

  58. Tuthmosis has swallowed the sun twice within one year. As a writer, I envy that man.

        1. Needs the website name on the bottom if you want it to spread, people won’t know what ROK is.

        2. You just covered up her sad expression with the website name. Oh well, maybe your next idea will be better.

  59. So lesbians aren’t women? I had a vagina last time I checked, and I far prefer women with long hair, though having longer hair makes it more difficult to be identified/is an issue. I got hit on less by men and more by women when my hair was short, but I prefer having longer hair at this point and hate rainbow anything or bad hip hop at shitty lesbian clubs. Ah well, destined to be single. Carry on. Though I do have a few straight guy friends who far prefer shorter hair on a girl. Preferences are preferences, article is silly fluff, but I would think that was fairly obvious.

    1. Lesbians are women on the outside and male on the inside.
      Which explains why you read our site.

    2. Lesbian logic: I’m sexually attracted to women, so the obvious thing to do is to log onto a website aimed at men discussing male-female sexual relationships and start drivelling on about the length of my hair and my clubbing habits to a disinterested audience.

    3. Lesbians are just invisible to me. No one cares what you think about anything but other lesbians, maybe. Back to your vibrator and cats.

    1. well he is 6’2…tall men have huge feet as a general rule.
      I’m 5’11 and my feet are kinda big aswell.

  60. Getting angry because of one man’s opinion does make all these women come out unlike the strong, independent women they think they are. Think ladies, think.

  61. Has it occurred to you that some women cut their hair short because they like the way it looks and/or feels? As astounding as it may seem, not every single thing they do is motivated by a desire to please men. At this point, short hair might actually be highly desirable by women. It acts as a filter to remove judgmental imbeciles from the suitor pool.

    1. “. At this point, short hair might actually be highly desirable by women. It acts as a filter to remove judgmental imbeciles from the suitor pool.”
      To paraphrase “I’ll make myself look ugly and that way all the guys who think I’m ugly won’t hit on me because I don’t want to go out with someone who thinks I’m ugly and making myself ugly will cull them out”
      That’s the gist of what you believe woman are thinking when they cut their hair, no ?

    2. Wow, Mark, that’s pretty original! Haven’t considered that…. only saw it about A THOUSAND FUCKING TIMES on the other thread.
      You guys really have no argument at all, and just keep repeating the same tired bullshit interspersed with feminist shaming language.

    3. Right…and ask all of those over 35 year old, career women with the short hair cut how happy they are at this point in their lives (while looking for a man)? Many women are waking up to find that feminism has actually worked against their best interest. Anyone think that Hillary Clinton is hot? No. Short hair cut and pants suits don’t do it (but it took so long for women to ‘get the memo’).

  62. I love my new hair and so does my boyfriend and that’s what matters. People have preferences, not all guys prefer long hair. Also not all girls with short hair, peircings and tattoos are sluts, I know I’m not

    1. You’re boyfriend is lying to you and looking at you’re picture right now you look like a little boy in that picture.Fucking ugly.

        1. And if his love and affection was truly enough to make you happy, you wouldn’t be on here lashing out in narcissistic fury at a bunch of random dudes on the internet who dislike your sassy, pre-pubescent boy hairdo. You’d read the article, laugh, shrug and go on with your day.
          Instead, you’re proving your relationship is damaged, and that the narcissistic supply you extract from him isn’t enough to protect your ego from the slightest possibility that someone out there in the greater world might find you unattractive.
          So, basically: you’re crazy. You can’t let it go. The point of the article is reinforced.
          Kristen’s boyfriend: do you understand that your girlfriend is stating publicly, through her actions on her Twitter feed, that your love is not enough. Don’t listen to what she says about your relationship, instead watch how she acts. Major disrespect. She cares more about our opinion than yours. Dump her and move on.

        2. Your boyfriend IS a loser beta, I can guarentee that. I will give oyu that, American men are a bunch of faggot pussies. You need to meet a foreign man, then you can get his alpha semen pumped into your filthy tight vagina.

        3. Maybe he is a closet homo.
          That would also explain why he likes the boyish haircut.
          Does he cry after sex?

        4. and he’ll dump you as soon as that long haired beauty comes along (or already has come along and you don’t know it). It’s a fact, you versus a long haired beauty….you’ll lose every time.

    2. Who gives a shit about your faggot boyfriend? His barista job and little dick is the best a fat ugly bitch like you will ever do. Nothing to brag about, trashy skank.

        1. Your boyfriend is a girl. And you are a hairy dyke gender fluid confused faggot. Ugly as fuck too. You’re a real catch. For losers.

        2. “I’m not fat though. But I am everything else you just called me.” LOL
          GTFO faggot bitch. No one cares about you and your dykeish high school medicated tranny shit.

        3. How tall are you Kristen ? You’ve shared your weight, why not share your height as well. ?

      1. See, this is where guys get as bad as the feminists on this one. It’s nothing of value and doesn’t contribute anything but vitriol.
        Leave that to the feminists, dude.
        Lead by example.

    1. That’s just a Mess. She proves it’s possible to be thin, blonde, 19-year-old and uglify yourself enough into being sexually-unattractive to men. Note her high value boyfriend dumped her arse for a long-haired, feminine, Brazilian singer.
      Her new look translated into sales of around 400,000, and the 51st best selling album of 2013, which, considering all the hype and media handwringing, is a huge failure. Ugly girls don’t sell.

  63. OT Roosh,
    One of your writers might want to do an article on this and put it out there to tell the 100,000s of young lads..DO NOT BE A SPERM DONOR.

  64. I would rather die than have my hair short. I love my shiny mane and can’t understand why any woman would like boyish hair cuts.

  65. Just remember Roosh, for every 10 retweets of rage, we might get atleast 1 more male who secretly (or better yet openly) agrees with us

  66. Its amazing how men can control the responses of women with simple words on paper. It is so easy for the women of today to be offended. this power can be intoxicating lol.

        1. I think their real frustration comes from not having the ability to :
          A. Get a White Knight to defend them in person
          B. Call HR and have them fired from their job
          C. Publicly use shaming language on them
          I think this is what pissed them off more than anything.
          In real life nobody has the guts to tell them to their faces what cunts they really are.
          I for one, would hate being a woman – knowing that the number of men that truly hate me is growing and growing exponentially by the day..

        2. It all could change if they just realize and accept that men and women are not equal and learn from the generations before them on how to act and behave with men. They are the authors of their own unhappiness.

        3. Hate to break it to you but men create their own unhappiness too. How do you feel about gays? I mean, this is 2014 after all.

        4. I have no issue with gay or straight people. what you do in the privacy of your bedroom is your business and no one else’s. With that being said, Homosexuality is wrong, biblically, naturally and logically. it serves no purpose and can cause serious disease in men. If being logical about it, it is a mental/emotional disorder or illness. It deviates from a natural logical path and is a dead end as for as procreation is concerned. Now, to be fair, I am biased on it halfway. I love bisexual women. the act is wrong for the women to do but its a hell of a turn on. People will be with whoever they want to be with and will do whatever they choose to do. That is their right. But the truth is …..its wrong.

        5. Homosexuality is natural and can be seen in several species, so tehrefore it cannot be “wrong (…) naturally” or “deviate from a natural logical path”. It is in fact a product of procreation – the more sons a woman gives birth to the bigger the chance of a homosexual son for example. It has probably got to do with the biological end game of keeping too many males from the same gene pool procreating as it might increase inbreeding and disease.

        6. That actually makes no sense. To say it is natural indicates that has purpose, which it doesn’t. Animals get sick in nature too, whether physically or mentally….just goes to show. The more sons a woman gives birth to the greater the chance of the continuing of her bloodline and the family unit, the more chance her sons will procreate and have sons of their own. That is logical. Inbreeding happens in nature and in humans….unfortunately

        7. Diseases are natural. If you were saying that they weren’t. I’m a little tired so I might have misunderstood your meaning.
          The continuance of a bloodline is ensured no matter if the offspring is male or female though…

        8. Not unless you run into someone like me. I’m a little old school…if I see something that doesn’t seem right I’ll gladly tell a woman what’s up.
          This is “unique” today because so many men are such fucking pussies. They are too busy bending over for women or they are using the white knight “tactic” to try to hook up.
          You’d be surprised at the responses that I get when I tell one of them the truth…it’s shocking. But, again, they’ve been told that they are so special (all of their lives). It’s probably a shock and refreshing at the same time.

    1. Agree. They are used to getting their way and living in an echo chamber. Remember..many of these little princesses have been told that they are “special” their whole lives. This is the first time that they are dealing with people who don’t think they are so fucking special.
      It’s really about them (they are fucked up)…and the responses show it.

  67. You know, if you maggots didn’t sound like you believed the shit coming out of your mouth, I wouldn’t be so disgusted. Who the hell do you think you all are, making these bullshit comments about women? “In our self-interest to get women to better themselves” Self interest? Selfishness. If a woman can cut her hair off and like herself more, why not? You’re all fucking pigs and it’s laughable. You guys talk like you don’t know any women who have real issues. You just want your picture perfect barbie models to fit your ideas of beauty. Don’t act all fucking high and mighty like you’re superior to anyone. You’re narrow minded judgmental pricks. Do the world a favor and get with the times or get out.

    1. I know women who are suicidal. I’ve picked up girls when they get discharged from a mental hospital. I’ve comforted and counselled a friend who just got raped. I’ve helped a friend on the edge of homelessness who can’t make the trifecta of deposit + first month’s rent + bus fare money to get to job line up.
      So shut the fuck up when you say we don’t know women who have “real issues”.
      With that said, none of the above women would have benefited whatsoever from chopping off their hair.

      1. And you know this how? You spent time with them and got into their minds? Or you’re a psychiatrist? You’re a piece of work. Almost any comment here I’ve seen has nothing but generalizations towards women and don’t even bother considering any sort of individuality for them. I bet you want your bitches to stay at home, cook, clean, and take care of the little bastard children you wish you could have. This isn’t the 50’s.It’s called being progressive. A quality I see next to none of you ignorant assholes having.

        1. “Almost any comment here I’ve seen has nothing but generalizations toward…”
          LOL pot calling kettle, come in kettle
          your opinion, as some sort of feminist harpie, is worth less than the Argentinian peso. Buy a bigger vibrator and some new batteries. Maybe a “I’m a bitter skank” tattoo on your forehead too. Then cis-gender yourself.

        2. So I have to be a feminist (or even a woman) to think the opinions here are shitty?
          “worth less than the Argentinian peso” Lol. at least my opinion has some sort of value, yours is like a fart. unwanted, stank, and will blow away eventually. Narrow-minded, toxic, elitist pigs like you need to die off and the world would be a better place.

        3. “Narrow-minded, toxic, elitist pigs”
          oh oh it has really called me out now, I am worried, OMFG
          “(or even a woman)”
          ^ cis-gendered tri-sexual spotted!
          mutants at the gates

        4. Yep – I have gone with more than one girl to a therapist’s office because she was afraid to open up and talk to a stranger on her own.
          I’ve never asked any girl I’ve been with to quit her job, cook, clean, or take care of my (non-existent) children. All the girls I’m seeing right now have jobs and their own homes. I can’t help it if they cook meals for me if they know I’m going to show up. It’s just something a woman likes to do for someone she loves. (And I like cooking meals for people I care about too.)
          My point stands: chopping off one’s hair doesn’t help someone who’s suicidal or homeless.

    2. You have to love this shit. We can’t have a preference but women are allowed a laundry list when meeting a guy. He has to be so tall, make so much in income, blah, blah, blah… As soon as men come out with a preference (or make an observation) then women (and white knights) get bent out of shape.
      XoJane and Jezebel are calling you…they miss you. We don’t care what women think or say (because they aren’t men and they don’t know what men find sexy and attractive). Women are sabotaging their chances at happiness by cutting their hair (stupid).

  68. They should call this site returnoftrolls because you attention whores will write anything to get site hits. Sad really.

    1. Remember one thing. We didn’t put it on twitter …women did. Women have been giving this attention…like always. Don’t react. stop being offended over EVERYTHING. feelings for the most part are irrelevant in most areas in life.

    2. They aren’t trolls when they actually believe the bullshit they let come out of their mouths.

    3. Did you come up with this all by your self or did lady with short hair helped?

  69. I’ve had a shaved head, a pixie cut, a Mohawk, and just about everything in between. My hair is currently mid back, and my boyfriend who has seen me with all of those haircuts, tells me at least once a week I should go back to a pixie.

    1. That’s because he’s into small boys. You’ll be out as soon as he finds one (or a woman with long hair).

  70. did you get it?
    this far and no further. these are our observations, these are our conclusions, it is what it is, we stand by them and if you refute our conclusions then show us a valid arguement, otherwise, we make no apologies and shall mock you for shits and giggles

  71. Oh so THIS site is where sad hopeless lonely goons go to die before they are swept aside and into shitstained obscurity before society and progress rolls them over. I was always curious where all the bigots who wanted things like segregation and slavery before it went… Well, they didn’t have websites back then, but this is where they would be now! At least you have a corner to swim in each other’s fecal and semen leavings.

    1. if you want to see sad and hopeless, just take a selfie
      the fact you had to post this comment proves my point – it’s called free speech, a concept you are clearly unfamiliar with – if you don’t like it, don’t come here, don’t read it, don’t link to it – we certainly won’t be worried about that

    2. You have to love it. We have our own site and some dick tries to come along (white knighting). Beat it, no one ordered white knight, bitch ————————————>

  72. I’m starting to look forward to these publisher responses almost as much as the social media outrage.
    Go for a hat trick RoK!

  73. Even as a certified androphile, I have to side with Roosh and ROK on
    this. Women look much better with longer hair. If any chick’s going to
    turn me, it’s gonna be one who is aesthetically feminine. I like my men burly and my ladies gorgeous.

  74. You must be the most ignorant son of a bitch. Why can’t women just do something because they want to? Since when are women’s every move analyzed under the microscope of sexism and stereotypes? Please educate yourself. The articles on this blog seem to be selfish by nature, so let women please themselves without bringing your “masculinity” into it.
    I hope to see an article about how guys with long hair are “faggots”. Because that is just as ridiculously uneducated as both of these posts.

    1. They can and they do…and were seeing the result of it.
      Ten year olds running around with the same haircut, getting the same tats, buying the same type of hand bags and purses.
      Men are telling women exactly what they find attractive in women….women just don’t want to accept it. They can keep cutting their hair and they’ll keep getting passed over (by men) for long haired beauties.

  75. The issue isn’t if you think it is hot or not or which you think looks the best. The issue is with calling people “damaged”, “ugly”, psycho”, “whores” etcetera. One can discuss physical attributes, personal and/or general ideals and what one finds attractive versus not attractive without being a narcissistic uncivil idiot.
    I could write a whole lot of negative demeaning remarks about Roosh’ appearance and behaviour and what I think he should do and how he should act to be more attractive and pleasing, but since I am not a presumptuous douchebag suffering from delusions of grandeur I don’t spend my life telling others how they should please me.

    1. I could write a whole lot of negative demeaning remarks about Roosh’ appearance and behaviour
      Please do!

      1. No I will not. I prefer not to comment negatively on anyone personally unless they themselves ask for my honest opinion and I have somewhat constructive criticism to give.

    2. i don’t reject some parallel of odd appearances. but i do laughably reject the parallel that roosh’s appearance is for lies the way women with short hair lie. roosh’s deviations are in search of truth; a pixie-cutter’s deviations are in search of lies. one is to find, the other is to obfuscate. one is to say sure, it’s unsophisticated and simple, but at least it’s nice. the other is to intrinsically destroy even the simplest of life’s pleasures out of spite. worse still, at some deep level the cutters know they make themselves ugly, so they must convince all women to self-cut. acceptable looks good in a sea of fail, right? hence why you’re here: to shout louder; after all, if everyone lies, liars don’t look so bad. of course, it does just take one saint to make the liars look filthy again. oops. guess you’re posting duties will never end.
      yea, roosh is no saint, but if you’re going to make a comparison, on topic, he might as well be. compared to you, i dare say even the knaves and betaknights are all saints. at least what little value they have they don’t try to destroy – and then demand acceptance and attention for it. cutters are ugly because they made a choice, and that choice reveals an unforgivable wickedness that burns the eyes. the reaction to call them ugly is correct, even if the articulation could always be improved. the appearance is a symptom, the disease is the cause, and it is indeed unsightly.
      now post back quickly, le cheri. you wouldn’t want to call yourself a darling, be shown to be quite rotten, and have the truth get out, would you? my darling little liar? le cheri? so sweetly rotten on the inside? come on, post again, speak again, do it! so we can all see you better, right?

      1. Of what are you speaking? I’m sorry but it is truly difficult to understand what you are writing about…
        When have I called myself a “darling”? Are you saying I’m a “self-cutter”? Are you saying I’m saying women should cut their hair short? That I am encouraging them to do it? I have never suggested anyone should cut their hair off in my life. I have answered 2 different girls on 2 different occasions who asked me if I thought they should cut their hair short/if they would look good in short hair, and I answered that I think it depends on the hairstyle, and that if they regret it the hair will always grow out, but that it might take a very long time and there’s always a possibility they might regret it so they should be very sure about their decision.
        I have had long hair for more than a decade, simply because that is what my man (and I) prefer. I love long hair. I do however respect everyones wishes and right to do what they want with their own body without me thinking I have the right to decide for them or comment nastily about it. I also think that some women look really good in some short hair cuts. Just as I think some long hair styles can be quite nasty.

        1. your username is “Li Chéri”. your picture is a girl with pixie-cut hair in the front. both of your posts say that pixie-cutters should be acceptable. both of your posts throw in irrelevant distractions to down-play the negativity of pixie-cutters as not-so-bad. you pre-occupy yourself with what you think should be instead of what is, and you do it at every single step of the way. are you self-aware?
          in all this, one thing is certain: you don’t know what any single one of these things means, and simultaneously think you get to define what they mean any way you want. you don’t think they’re all related, but they all reveal. each thing show a liar. a lying username, a lying picture, a liar acceptance, a liar lying merrily. your internal feels of being right is completely separated from any external-derived actual correctness: the definition of righteousness. a righteous liar.
          but you don’t understand. it’s truly difficult. after all, you think you’re honest — isn’t the internal sensation of honesty all that matters? masks look so good anyway, and masquerades are fun! come back, post again, lie to me again, and we’ll dance the night away, my darling lying little liar.

        2. My pic shows me with bangs/fringe… You know, this sort of thing:
          But maybe you didn’t know that existed, maybe you thougth every hair on the head had to be either long or short?

        3. in all honesty, i really like the top one. and, in all honesty, your hair isn’t either one of those (no matter how much you’d like to say otherwise). if you were trying to support your point, you may have missed.

        4. Are you trying to tell me I’m not Keira Knightley or Jennifer Garner…? I know that already. My hair-do is similar to those girls’ though, that is why I posted them.
          Edit: Vapid bloody discussion.

        5. You’re right, I was not being truthful before, but I was afraid to blinden you with my angelic beauty. But now I feel that you might be ready to look upon the vision that is me.
          That’s me to the left. I know, I know, you’re probably thinking that sometimes there’s just so much beauty in the world that you feel like you can’t take it.

        6. as before, i don’t reject some parallel of odd appearances; you do look like a man in drag. but i still reject the parallel that these men in drag lie the way you lie. they’re exaggerating to reveal the comedy of drag queens; you’re exaggerating to obfuscate the reality that your cutting diminishes you. their ridiculous masks come off at the end of their comedic masquerade, and thus the audience laughs. but you cut your actual visage; you don’t ever take your mask off and insist that all keep masquerading forever, and thus the audience is disturbed.
          thusly, i must yield credit to you. in your red herring attempt at sarcasm and ad hominem, you have actually come the closest to the truth yet. at the very least, you finally addressed the relevant argument. on that note, i would suggest that since you think your cut makes you look like a man and your mind doesn’t like that, then stop doing it. it doesn’t work, and you know it.

        7. You can keep trying to sound educated and posh, the only thing you think you’ve got and what you persistently are “accusing” me of is having short hair. Ridiculous.

        8. You’re attention whoring…at the very least.
          We here (at ROK) don’t give a fuck what women think….XoJane and Jezebel are waiting for your return —————————->

    3. Any women who needs to cut her hair short, tat up her body, pierce her body (all over) does have some sort of issue (large or small).
      These women, at the very least, are attention whores.

  76. a shout our to Tuthmosis!!!
    he has lit up the internet now with the second superstar
    post, hamster heads are still exploding this second. RoK is probably public enemy number one at Globalism Feminism HQ, they are having emergency meetings
    I hope you commenters who so strongly disagree with the article in question with will ponder this: exactly what feminist or women’s site would allow a man who disagrees
    with the opinion of the writer to post a comment at all? They delete or
    prevent 99% of dissenting comments instantly, in their pseudo
    intellectual arrogance. Come on now…crickets.

  77. John Doe here, the guy who wrote a few articles for RoK. I just wanted to say one thing.
    I am sorry for being such an asshole to the American women on here. Truth be told? I hate 95 percent of Americans, both women AND MEN.
    Let’s face it, Americans in generally are very evil, shitty, stupid people. America is a satanic country and I am happy to see it collapse.
    So to all the women whose feelings I might have hurt? I don’t hate you. I hate both men and women equally. American men are also very shitty people too. American men and American women are EQUALLY shitty people. I hope you all burn in hell, both American men and women.
    And to the 5 percent of nice people who aren’t assholes? This message does not apply to you.,


    1. “I’m a very feminine, conventionally attractive girl”
      Prove it.
      People might take you seriously if you didn’t cloud your ration of thought with emotionally charged potty mouthed tirades. Good day to you.

    2. get me a beer, bitch
      ROFL you just proved Turhmosis’ point. But since you are a feminist, you are too stupid to realize it.
      Don’t worry, your cats will still love you, maybe

    3. Why do all women think it’s about them (knee jerk reaction)?
      This isn’t about you, beat it ———————>

  79. I cut my hair short because it was pissing me off. I had a boyfriend straight after that. Apparently I look more mature with short hair and I looked “childish” with long hair. I have more things to do than have to deal with my hair being in the way, I race dirt bikes.

    1. At one point you gonna have to make a choice of what is more important to you. Getting dick or dirt bikes. You can’t have both

        1. You have both (for now)….until a feminine beauty comes along with long hair. Watch your boyfriend (when you’re out together) and see his reaction when he spots a woman with long hair. He’s yours…for now.

  80. I get those ‘why did you cut your hair, short hair is so unfeminine’ comments all the time.
    The satisfaction derived from being able to reply ‘I didn’t cut it – I have an illness which causes it to fall out’, is simply delicious. The mist of embarrassment that trickles down their faces at this response almost makes living with partial-baldness worthwhile.
    (Curiously, I have never received a negative comment from a woman. In fact, they never seem to comment on my hair at all…)

    1. And all the hundreds of people who see you and don’t bother to comment all think you’re unfeminine and the reason why never crosses their mind. To think they would even give you any additional thought is the height of self-delusion. Have a nice bald day!

    2. You’re reinforcing Tuthmosis’ article. Your health is damaged plus you derive pleasure from embarrassing acquaintances. That isn’t normal, healthy human behavior.

  81. Holy shit these american bitches are really batshit crazy. They are toxic.
    Have my deepest sympathy brothers at the other end of the atlantic.

  82. I started reading RoK only yesterday, and originally what pulled me in was the very brutal titles, and harsh language- because it offended me. HA! But after reading a few articles something started to happen, I started sympathizing and then I started AGREEING. Now I feel weird because it all makes sense and I’m not sure how to handle this new state that my brain is in- as a 21F living in America. So thank you RoK for the very refreshing reality check. I want to write you a 15 page essay on all the realizations I’ve had from just an hour or two on this website, but instead I’m just going to work on becoming a woman that a man would want.

    1. Mental illness is not “masculinity”. These idiots take character flaws and pathological maladjustment and pretend they are “masculine”. Look elsewhere. Like a shrink.

    2. To give you a few pointers/ideas. Don’t make the assumption that you know what a man wants, as this is one of the many fallacies of feminism. Just as much as it is true that men can’t always know what women feels. Open and honest communication is the only way to go.
      That said, the natural order of things dictates that women should entrust their independence to a man, and for a man to entrust his emotions to a women. With this dynamic a man can leave his emotions at home, for safe-keeping, to go to work with a fully determined mind and stress as much as needed without having to bring back the stress home. For this to all work though, the man has to be the head of the household, so that he can project his emotions accordingly to fulfill his wife emotionally, while also protecting himself and his home from outside stress.
      As far as I know men actually have more powerful emotions than women, thus it is only a man that can make a women feel good about herself long-term. Men have tougher shells so they don’t seem as emtional, but if we have our hearts ripped out it feels like stinking death inside.
      – 26y male from Finland

  83. Some stupid feminist tumblr bitch made a video reply to the Girls with Short Hair are Damaged article. Let’s all go over there and troll the shit out of her.

    1. ROFLMAO!!! this woman took 13 minutes and 41 seconds out of her life to complain about a person she’s never met for making her feel bad on an article she chose to read. I can’t stop laughing!!!!!! seriously!!!

  84. Meh – My husband prefers my hair shorter – probably not buzzed or anything but short and sassy. Also, what-the-hell-ever kinds of dudes frequent this page don’t really seem like the type of man I encounter with regularity in my career. I suppose I prefer to focus on a broad variety of goals (for instance improving educational opportunity for children of color) rather than concerning myself with whether I am sexually attractive to people other than my partner. I like sharing my opinions, have a full life of friends and family, and have as much sex as I want. I’d imagine most women with short hair don’t give a flying fuck about what dudes like ya’ll think. Girls like us don’t enjoy hanging out with guys like you. Seems like it’s mutual, which is fine.

    1. “I like sharing my opinions, have a full life of friends and family, and have as much sex as I want.”
      “I’d imagine most women with short hair don’t give a flying fuck about what dudes like ya’ll think.”
      Nothing but pure lolzzolzzollz

    2. You don’t run into men…you run into white knights and manginas who are going to agree with you. Our society, today, has plenty of men who will kiss your ass (versus tell you what’s up). It’s a shame because women, today, need a good kick in the ass.
      They have their head so far up their ass yet they still don’t know this fact…their shit does stink.
      Let your husband run into a knock out beauty with long hair…he’ll no longer be your husband (or keep her on the side).
      Watch your husband when a long haired beauty walks by…then you’ll have your answer.

  85. Let’s be real, men have a lot further to go than women do in terms of expression. Most men’s employment is dependent on short hair and shaved faces.
    If men are STILL socially bound by the same kind of restrictive gendering that women once faced, how will they ever accept the progress that women have already made?
    The unfortunate men who write this bs forget that 60 years ago, women couldn’t wear pants without it being considered cross dressing.
    How would we have ever discovered yoga pants?
    Men, grow your hair out, put on a skirt, you’ll probably get more pussy that way anyways.

    1. Women want the best of both worlds. They want all of the progress that the feminist movement has brought to them but they don’t want to have any of the responsibility that goes along with it. You know why chivalry is dead? Because we no longer have any ladies.
      Women want ‘selective equality. They only want to be considered “equals” and play by the rules when it suites them. You don’t have to keep your hair long but you’ll lose out to a woman with long hair every time. You know why? Because men prefer women with long hair. Stop following the herd…they are setting you up for failure.

  86. Awesome site I have to say. It’s nice to be around other smart Alpha’s for a change

  87. It is in my interest, & other smart mens interests, to like a woman who is a woman, not some freak of nature or some inverted femenazi freak. Just keeping it real

  88. Hahahahahahaha. This is the article that finally convinced me to cut my hair. News flash, the world does not revolve around your dick!

  89. Apparently it’s ok to lynch somebody if they say something you don’t like. Now tell me, how exactly are you feminazis “oppressed”?

    1. only a dumb azz would take the time and effort to print an article from their computer so that they can wipe with it.

  90. Boys sure are uppity bitches these days, I tell you what. First we let them vote and own land, the next they’re telling us what we can and can’t do. Why don’t you sluts get back on the front lines and fight for Mama? Flex those muscles for us too, while you’re at it! Ho yeah.

  91. Whether a woman has short hair or not, I think there
    are far more important subjects to talk about. If a narrow minded individual
    cannot see passed that point I think that they should take a step back
    and truly analyze their thoughts and beliefs… The society we live in made us
    believe that a woman should have long hair; think about it, it’s much easier to
    control a mass that’s going in one direction and that has the same point of views,
    A woman who decides to cut her hair is not
    a menace to anybody, it simply indicates that she can stand up for herself
    and is not bothered by unnecessary negativity. Don’t
    get me wrong, there are people with bad intentions; those are the ones
    to avoid. As long as you can differentiate the two, it won’t matter what
    the physical aspect of that person is.
    Don’t become a sheep & focus on the real problems.

    1. Women cutting their hair short shows us just how much of a herd mentality that women truly have in life. They all follow each other around buying the same hand bags, boots, shoes, etc….and now the short hair cut. In the end, a woman may be strong and independent but she’ll lose her man to a woman with long hair (every time).

  92. It’s you self-absorbed, conceited sons of bitches who can apparently only focus on the length of a woman’s hair. There are so many other things in this world you can pick on, such as, oh i don’t know, racism, war, et cetera? And you choose to bully women for their HAIRSTYLE? Women can keep their hair long or short; they don’t give a shit if it’s attractive or ~*feminine enough*~ for you narrow-minded assholes. Has it ever crossed your minds that maybe short hair is more comfortable, more convenient, or just plain fucking cute to the women who decide to get their hair styled that way?? Get your heads out of your asses and try and think about more important issues. Women have the freedom, rights, and to keep their hair short if they like, and it’s literally NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS if they do so. You’re deranged if you believe otherwise.

    1. Agree…they have the freedom and right to be alone because most men find long hair attractive. Women can follow the herd if they like but in the end they will lose out (the man) to a (feminine) woman with long hair (it’s just the facts).

  93. I’m still trying to decide if this is the most deplorable website in existence, or the most subtle satire ever written.

    1. It might also be the most admirable website in existence, or the least subtle satire ever written.

  94. Really? This article is nothing more than one’s man opinion. I was born in Africa and the majority of women have short hair. The majority of an entire continent can be damage due to the fact that can never grow long hair. But most opt for longer fake hair to resemble their sisters from the west. That’s cool and it’s their choice but some don’t. I love a girls with short hair and it’s a fetish of mine. I would take Halley Berry over several long hair beauties because that just my PREFERENCE.
    I like you roosh but i like my preferences more because at the end of the day, I’m the one fucking the girl and not you. I also like really big lips on a woman unlike any that you have above. At the end, femininity (in her actions) trumps the length of her hair.

  95. If people here in the Americas are trying to be more open to cultural differences between themselves and the middle east, I say that based on your easy access to the black sea in your photo, then I feel as though you guys should try and show the same respect back. North America is filled with many different immigrants who all came here with different traditions and values.. long before anything was “in style” it was a part of a certain culture. All fashion is taken from art periods throughout history that were influenced by what was going on at the time. I cut my hair short so Id stay more focused on school and that I wouldnt let myself get distracted with boys and so they wouldnt get distracted with me. The thing is about hair is that it grows back. So when Im ready to focus more on finding that guy it will be at the right time in my life. Thank you for reading through all of this like I did your blog. -Rachel

    1. and you’ve just proved out point, here. Women with long hair will always win over women with short hair.

  96. “Objective female beauty”
    Now THAT is a good laugh! Beauty is subjective, and it certainly doesn’t need to come from your outdated opinions!

  97. this post is utter bullshit. i thought i’d read something refuting the misogynistic, sexist, and stupidly bullshit post this seeds from, but instead this poster actually believes women shouldn’t be able to choose whether or not they cut their hair or keep it short. hair has absolutely no bearing on a person unless they say otherwise, and while a cut may portray a hint of someone’s personality, it is not a concrete way to dictate anything about a person whatsoever. if a woman wants long hair because she prefers it, that is her choice, if a woman prefers short hair because she enjoys it, that is HER C H O I C E. i cannot stress this enough. unless you are a doctor or psychiatrist, you have no right to say that women with short hair have certain mental issues or are damaged in a mental or physical way. this is total bullshit. it’s hair, it grows back, it’s completely irrelevent to you personally if women prefer their hair in a way you don’t, and surprisingly, some women have to have their hair short due to medical issues, because not EVERYTHING a women does is about men and their preferences, because shockingly, most women have their own fucking preferences!

    1. We’re just giving you what we (men) find attractive…if you’re into other women then so be it.
      Women who cut their hair short have admitted that they do it for spiteful purposes (your own side is telling us). They are only hurting themselves because a woman with long hair will win over a man….every time.

  98. Yes because women are sexual objects and have been for centuries and obviously in this new day and age this still applies.
    Because you know women are only here to serve and entertain YOU, be damned if women ave individual thoughts and ideals about how they look and their own self image. Because men are the only ones who dictate what is acceptable for what is sexually appealing and if a woman has any notion that short hair is attractive or makes them feel comfortable with themselves it automatically makes them DAMAGED. And then you go about saying your being too nice? Oh please oh please. And the fact that you say we are only harming ourselves?!
    Oh you have to be joking me. Really?
    It seems that the real fact is that you and your bigoted douchnozzles have no clue as to what you are talking about. Are you really so threatened by a empowered woman who is comfortable in her own skin to rock out what ever the heck they want. Are you so threatened by us that you lash out like a little five year old that didn’t get his favorite toy so instead you break other toys to get the grownups attention? Because it seems us women (and most men) are more mature than you at this point. Women no matter skin color, size, height, age, and background can do whatever they want. Would you like to know why? The amazing answer that your tiny little idiotic brain can’t seem to comprehend?
    Because we are secure about ourselves mentally, physically, we are beautiful no matter what and it shows that you are unable to handle this security so you lash out.
    But hey I guess I wouldn’t know anything about that and start collecting a freaking brood of cats.because in wouldn’t know anything about that huh.

    1. Men are the one’s who will tell you what they find attractive in a woman (it’s not fat and it’s not short hair). Long hair does it for men…it just does (so tell your friends).
      Anyone telling you to cut your hair short is setting you up for failure (with men). You may get men who will line up for sex with you but if you’re up against a woman with long hair…..then you’re out.

  99. Ya know…. This is all bullshit. You can like or dislike whatever, that’s fine. But the whole bit
    “To make yourself ugly, and then try to convince the world that you’re in fact beautiful, or that you don’t need a man to find you attractive at all, is so delusional that the ROK executive team is currently reaching out to the best mental health professionals in Moldova so that these women can get the help that they desperately need. (At the same time, I have since held a private meeting in the ROK office with Tuthmosis to encourage him to not write with such a polite filter that makes him hesitant to offend the female sex.)
    Sadly, the women who are blasting us right now with vulgar speech and masculine manner are treading the line of self-mutilation with their pixie cuts. If you know a girl who has voluntarily chopped off such a reliable indicator of female beauty and fertility, nothing short of an intervention with all family and friends is necessary to force the victim to grow her hair back out.”
    That is just bullshit. For one, you obviously don’t know what actual self harm looks like. And two, how do you plan to start interventions? People can’t really force anyone to do jackshit, at least not where I live. That wouldn’t fly. Because guess what? Not everyone is as closed minded as you. When I was 12 years old, I had shoulder blade length hair. It was pretty. But I went to a barber and cut it all off. It was maybe 2 inches long. The longest it’s gotten since then is maybe 6 inches. Right now it’s maybe a centimeter long in most places. And my boyfriend loves it. I get tons of compliments on how sexy I look with short hair. Of course, some of them might think that I’m a tranny guy, but whatever. I look much better with short ass hair than with long flowing locks. It fits my lifestyle much better. I’m a martial arts teacher, artist, and musician. And yeah, you can get by with long hair doing those things, but it’s easier with short hair. I don’t have to spend time on it in the morning. And this
    “Don’t listen to people who are trying to sabotage your beauty by encouraging you to adopt a lesbian haircut. We are the only ones who will be brutally honest with you. We are not shy to state where objective female beauty comes from, unlike the saboteurs in your life who are just trying to make it harder for you to find a good husband. And for those of you especially sick women who think that you are going to punish us by cutting your hair, you’re only punishing yourself. Being lonely and having to settle for a brood of cats is not a good life for a woman, but that’s what will happen if you keep your hair short”
    I cut my hair for myself. My life doesn’t revolve around doing things that will make me more pleasing to men. My boyfriend started dating me while I had very short hair. He’s always liked my hair. I’m not going to end up alone if I have short hair. And to all the ladies who are having a hard time finding a guy who isn’t so shallow that it’s a must have that the woman has long hair, come to Humboldt. Because here, no one gives a fuck if your hair is down to your ass, or if you’re bald. Maybe I want a brood of cats bitch. I fucking love cats. Ladies, if you want short hair, you’re not making yourself less attractive. You’re just showing a different side of yourself. It’s not bad if a guy prefers women with long hair, but what this guy is doing is just plain childish. Get over yourself. A lot of women don’t give two shits if you like something or not. And just remember. There’s a way for women to reproduce without men now, using bone marrow from another women, which will produce a female child. So guess what. At this point, if you’re going to look at women only as pleasing objects, then we can look at you as purely something to fuck for pleasure. Because we don’t need you to keep living. I’d be a little more respectful of women if I were you.

    1. Today’s woman doesn’t show much respect (to anyone, including other women) so she doesn’t deserve respect (from anyone). You want respect…start showing it.
      As far as the hair thing goes, it’s a fact that longer hair represents what most men find attractive (and feminine) in a woman. Most (straight) men relate short hair to young boys.
      Your current boyfriend might like your hair, other men may say that they like your hair (but they just want to bang you). If you were standing in a lineup with other long haired women, then you’d probably be one of the women picked last. Women don’t want to believe it but it’s coming straight from the horses mouth. Just “get it” at this point (we’re giving you all of the answers).

      1. Blah blah blah, if you want my respect, you earn it. I don’t owe you shit. Men don’t show much respect to women either. The hair thing depends on where you live I guess, because where I live, the girls with short hair are considered very attractive. And yeah, if they want to bang me, that’s nice. Some are actually genuinely attracted to me. And I don’t think you know what every guy thinks. Plus, I do things because I want to. Do you honestly think I care if a guy likes my hair or not? If you do, you’re sorely mistaken. Like my hair, don’t like my hair, bitch about it if you want, but you’re wrong about it making anyone unattractive just because you don’t like it.

        1. and that a woman’s “go to” argument (while she sits on the sideline, bitching about “where have all the good men gone”). Your hair is your hair but unless you are a knockout, you’re going to get less attention from a man (versus a woman with long hair). The respect thing is too funny. Many women out there, today, want respect by “default” but don’t want to show any respect. Yes, you have to earn it but a little common courtesy wouldn’t hurt.
          Too many women with an entitled attitude are running around acting like we owe them something.

        2. I never said that anyone owes me respect. Of course it’s a two way street. And you talk about women acting entitled. That’s really funny, because that’s how a lot of men act. Everyone can act entitled, everyone has to work for respect. Nothing is free. And I catch the eyes of more men than my long haired friends do. I turn heads because I’m not a typical girl. I don’t have sheep syndrome and I’m fine with sticking out.

        3. Of course you “stick out”…all of you special snowflakes think you are special. It’s the “everyone gets a trophy” mentality of today. We’re all winners and we’re all special. Talk about entitled mindset.

        4. Hahaha, aren’t you just a little ball of sunshine, Mr. Sourpuss. There’s nothing entitled about pointing out something. You just seem to feel that you always need to be right I guess.

        5. Nope..I don’t need to be right all of the time and I got your message (in the last comment). Did you get mine or are you ignoring it? See how that can work both ways?

        6. “The hair thing depends on where you live I guess, because where I live, the girls with short hair are considered very attractive.”
          Most of the time that’s because there’s a shortage of little boys.
          ” Do you honestly think I care if a guy likes my hair or not? If you do, you’re sorely mistaken.”
          Your 1,500 word posts in this thread on the subject say otherwise, dear.

        7. Wait, so we have to earn your respect by looking hot (i.e., having long, flowing locks down to our butts?) The interesting thing is you want us to respect you, but you won’t respect our choice to cut our hair without mocking us for doing so. And then you demand respect. Hmmm.looks like we’re back where we started..This whole article, editor’s response, and the majority of the comments on here are hilarious. Good thing not all guys are like you and think just like you and like the same things and hairstyles as you….

    2. “I cut my hair for myself.”
      As with women who wear slut gear “for themselves”, that rather illustrates the problem.
      Let’s see:
      – Implies she knows what self-harm looks like.
      – Cut her hair to 2 inches long at the age of 12.
      – Practices martial arts.
      – Claims to be an artist.
      – Is obsessed with cats.
      – Is afraid of having children and wants science to give her a child.
      When was the first sexual assault on you, sweetie: age 10 or earlier? And which family member occasioned it upon you?

  100. Meh, short hair is the least of it. The tatts, piercings and near-universal obesity are worse by factors of twenty.

  101. I choose to be amused by the rampant misogyny of sites like this. Once you start from the premise that a woman’s worth is based on having a man in her life, or what men in general think of her, you’ve passed into the land of absurdity. God help any women that get involved with cretins like you.

  102. I had short hair when I rode horses competitively because long hair braided under a helmet sucks. I got hit on by other women constantly and trust me, my face is too long to ‘pull it off.’
    my rule now is that my hair has to be able to be pulled back from my face so I can get shit done. Too long and it’s heavy. Too short sucks.
    I kinda have to agree with the short hair haters. Some women can indeed rock it but…. they did look better with longer hair!

    1. Only when it’s healthy and some long hair does not respond well to any sort of washing or heat treatments…Thus the way to keep it healthy is to keep it short. And thus some women look better with short hair because it’s healthy.(:

  103. aw. aw. wow guys, we get it. something else we hope YOU get–chemo stinks, okay? to use the word damaged, wow again. to lose your hair–I can’t talk about it. to see girls and women who’ve cut their hair short voluntarily…it’s like seeing through the worst storm. hope you remember that every single time you see a woman with short hair.
    she gives hope and sunshine during the storm.

    1. She gives, for the most part, other people shit.
      We don’t give a fuck about your chemo. If anything you’re even more twisted because you choose to regard a bodily mutilation that medicine forces on you as something a woman should do voluntarily.

      1. If getting rid of hair in any form– trimming, shaving, cutting, regardless of how much is removed—then when men trim their beards and hair, they’re also mutilating their bodies. So are women with long hair who *GASP* get their split ends trimmed…Hair is different than flesh and the rest of your body…….If it were self-mutilation to get trims or cuts, then a whole lot of people should be going to jail for operating and working in barber shops and salons..

  104. the statement below was in response to a comment I made about chemo and short hair. deleted it in hopes that this person’s reply would be deleted as well. i received an alert that this person is a publisher, and thereby legally responsible for content on this site. if i read anything else that is actionable as verbal abuse, the site and publisher will be facing litigation.

  105. I’m a little late to this article but I support it wholeheartedly.
    I mean, how DARE us men have preferences when it comes to the opposite sex?

  106. How much did you have to pay that girl to stand next to you by the black sea? Just curious.

  107. “She doesn’t interrupt me when I’m talking” Let me enlighten you as to why…she’s zoned out. Gone. Not listening. In her head she’s fantasising about a man, a well built, powerful, sexy, handsome man. A man who’s so secure and confident in his masculinity that he doesn’t need to write bitchy little blogs or join internet support groups for beta-male wannabe “masculine men”. Anything to deflect from the self indulgent whining of the bedraggled bag of bones in front of her. Hope that helps sweetheart x

  108. Is this an Onion article in disguise? Otherwise it’s a load of crap 😂😂😂 There is no set definition of what makes a girl beautiful…..

  109. I think it depends of facial structure. All the girls here have pretty much the same oval facial structure. Also, long hair is hard to wash, gets in food a lot, and clogs drains… you wouldn’t want to live with that either… Besides, short hair is very pretty, and many of the actresses who have changed Western ideals for beauty, such as in the case of Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe, had short hair. Long hair is beautiful too. It all depends on how you wear it.

  110. I know this is an old article, but by chance you get this message- I was wondering something. One- you said hair makes a woman attractive the more it passes her shoulders. So do you consider ‘short’ hair anything shoulder length or shorter then? Two- do you prefer long hair on women of any age? Or do you think certain hair lengths are more appropriate for certain ages? I know your articles focus on younger women, but just as a curiosity do you think even older women should have long hair too? Even elderly women? Or do you not even give a crap about the hair of post twenty five women? Haha 😄

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