Conservative Australian Senator Cory Bernardi, who represents the state of South Australia, is currently being lambasted by SJWs and others for prominently sharing an article on SJWs by Roosh. The writing Bernardi linked to (“What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)?”) has become a staple for disillusioned men wanting to understand why the political and social climate of Western society is at all time lows for stupidity and cultural regression.
Modern support for everything from “rape conviction by accusation” to gender-fluid bathrooms can be explained by the social justice warrior “creed.” By helping to disseminate Roosh’s piece, Senator Bernardi exposed the tactics, strategies and all-round twisted thinking of SJWs to a much broader audience. The rage with which the SJW crowd has responded is a testament to their underlying hatred of free speech and constructive, reasoned argument. Plus, in trying to strangle Bernardi in their attacks, SJWs are proving exactly what Roosh said about their intrinsically unbalanced, precious temperament and commitment to ad hominem assaults.
In addition to serving as a poor excuse for bringing down Bernardi, the sharing of Roosh’s article by a prominent and frequently attacked politician gives SJWs another opportunity to falsely, maliciously, and libelously accuse Roosh of rape or being pro-rape over a different satirical article. The furor that erupted after the planned Return Of Kings global meet-ups could not have continued indefinitely. Members of the public, already being unabashedly misled, would have become bored and started to question the narrative they were swallowing without question. One can therefore imagine the glee with which so many pro-SJW “journalists” took up the opportunity to defame Roosh again through an angry flurry of “reports” against Bernardi, whom they also hate with an unmistakeable passion.
SJWs have previously harassed and threatened Bernardi’s (female) staff
Cory Bernardi knows firsthand how depraved SJWs are and how quickly violent they can become. As a vocal critic of Australia’s program “Safe Schools,” which serves as a euphemism for the semi-SJW propaganda being shoved down children’s throats, Senator Bernardi found himself at the center of a furious backlash this year. The problem was, however, that the SJWs decided to try and intimidate the politician whilst he was 700 miles away in Canberra, Australia’s capital city. They knew this, of course, but what better way to spread the SJW love by intimidating, harassing and threatening a bunch of female political workers, who then have to take shelter in a back room?
Remember that constructive, reasoned argument I spoke of earlier? Here is an image from Bernardi’s trashed office that proves how seriously SJWs take it:
Yet the more proximate cause for Bernardi’s sharing of Roosh’s article was the forced cancelation of an event he was scheduled to speak at. Because Australia is facing either a parliamentary vote or plebiscite on gay marriage in the coming year or so, SJWs have stepped up on their attacks on anyway endorsing the heterosexual conception of marriage. They successfully blackmailed a hotel in Sydney to ban the speaking panel that included Senator Bernardi. There is no such thing as free speech if you disagree with SJWs.
By SJW logic, Hillary Clinton is a supporter of public beheadings and the beating and mutilation of women for hanging out with Middle Eastern despots
Roosh does not in any sense support rape, a false accusation militant leftists are now trying to smear Bernardi with by association. But if we take the logic being spouted by SJWs, all manner of people can be painted in particular ways. For instance, people should be a lot more concerned about the receipt of money by Bill and Hillary Clinton’s foundation and what it supposedly says about their own views. By receiving millions in donations from Middle Eastern monarchs who make it their business to actually oppress women, kill gays, and target or ban religious minorities, surely this means Hillary supports what they are doing? Come on, guys, it’s only logical!
If the threshold for association crimes is now so low that sharing an article, not even the satirical article Roosh was persecuted for, fits the bill, virtually every SJW or their enabler is open to being labeled as a devil worshipper.
How would you respond to being publicly maligned, defamed and threatened?
Roosh has an incontrovertible target painted on his back. When given the opportunity, SJWs will pounce. Unlike Senator Cory Bernardi, the Return Of Kings proprietor relies on his ideas alone. He cannot rely on the protection of high political office or the conservative faction of a center-right governing political party.
As Roosh’s newest book will demonstrate, free speech is not free, especially when it accords with basic common sense, science, and historical experience. Times have certainly been difficult this and last year for Return Of Kings after even our readers were threatened with mass violence for desiring to meet with like-minded, decent fellow men. Notwithstanding this, Cory Bernardi’s sharing of Roosh’s work is a testament to the fundamental strength of our message.
Read More: Australian Male Senator Shuts Down Female Colleague For Accusing Him Of “Mansplaining”
Senator McCarthy was attacked by the media in the 50’s for sharing a list of Russian spies and conspirators compiled by the FBI. Salman Rushdie and Robert Spencer have standing death warrants for criticizing Islam using its own teachings and scholars. Now Australian senators are being attacked for sharing an article by an individual the enemy have decided is this week’s Great Satan.
When the barbarian hordes are slaughtering the outlying villages, you can either go to war or let them rape, pillage, and slaughter their way across your kingdom.
Form up, boys. We go to war.
I recently found out JFK and RFK were totally on board with what McCarthy was doing- they only chose to distance themselves from him once JFK decided to run for prez. The rot has been growing here for a long, long time…
Though religion (both were Catholics) had a lot to do with it.
MacCarthy was Catholic too. Does his religion have something to do with his fight against State Department traitors?
No, but it did play a role in some of the politicking that went on behind the scenes.
RFK was McCarthy’s assistant in the early years, but another fact ignored by the left. RFK respected the man so much that McCarthy was the god-father to Robert’s first born.
fascinating- yet something else you wont find in a jr high school history text book..
Public schools should be shut down. Complete waste of time and resources.
Another ‘jobs program’ for women & minorities.
He was largely vindicated later too. Of course everyone remembers him as being wrong.
Red Guards, all of them. Hopefully someone will send them to get re-educated through labor once they outlive their usefulness.
A pity we don’t have a charismatic figure like Trump here in Australia to crush the SJWs into oblivion. Looks like the upcoming election is going to be a case of Labor vs Labor Light.
Funny how the leftist liars are still calling you a rapist. Pathetic. There journalists should be hanged for their dereliction of duty
I guess “a man we accused of rape based on one article which we were too thick to realize was clear satire” doesn’t stir up the outrage engine as well.
Honestly can’t believe that people are so incredibly dense as to not see the obvious premise
We know the names.
You can kick the “journalists” on the sidewalk when they’re unemployed and begging.
Or head to the Philippines, where the new president is openly talking about murdering reporters, lol.
Gas is more traditional for 99% of the ((journalists)) involved.
“…It’s outright dangerous.” To whom? Leftists pussies who want to turn everything into a transsexual androgynous orgy for 5 year olds?
hey don’t minimize how “dangerous” this is to them. Why, just the other day there was an incident where an English professor suggested to a black student that The sentence “there going to the store” was incorrect” Can you believe it! The nerve! He actually asserted his privilege and told a BLACK person that their grammar was incorrect because it wasn’t conforming to HIS performative and heteronormative concept of how words work. I am not even kidding! An English Professor! You would think that they would be more culturally aware…… I mean, this is a university…not a concentration camp.
wtf omg i canteven like english is a like evolving language so how dare he do somthing so horribly racist
kill me
That sentence hurt my soul.
I see work has calmed down enough for you to come out and play?
Them instead
I admit, I threw up a little bit while writing that. My old English teacher would flay me alive.
for a bit but I will need to get balled out again soon for something totally absurd. Small things linger large for great men.
Well, once some folks figure out you’ve got balls they curiously have to check for them again every so often, there’s a reason these things sell so well:
proper grammer is somehow raycist. Eye saw a woman on tv talking about it, it somehow stops mynoritees from speeking their minds..go figure
Propah grammuh iz muhsoggykneestick ayund rayciss.
Rayciss for the dindu’s
It “be raysis”
Don’t worry, I stand with Bob, you are one of us, I make you an honorary KKK member. LOL I’m kidding, if you were white, I would think you were only half as awesome and your schlong would be half as long.
Speaking of university…..
I guess they offer degrees to future welfare recipients.
use welfare to pay off their exorbitant college loans? Brilliant.
This is why we need Bernie. College is too expensive, and no one wants to hire me with my Ph.D in Asian-African Women’s Issues.
High-Speed internet, iPhones, houses, and gourmet food should be a basic right guaranteed by the Government!
An SJW degree? And I thought a gender studies degree was bad…
Uh… whut?
No matter where you sit, wiggle violently for social justice
Where’s my safe space……
Fixed it for ya
Hey Clark did you see this good news?
Some broad from England said she was raped by the hotel staff in the Dominican too! hmmmmmmm
Still doesn’t make sense lol
There may be a connection between this and the fact that these are stay-at-home online courses.
I love the mao shirt.
Really on the nose but most people are so stupid they wont notice.
All universities should be skipped (for now). Men should take up trades at this point. Learn valuable skills that you can use in life and you can earn a living as well.
The disease at these schools is too much. I would not suggest a college life to any man at this point. Not until we clean up the mess.
hehe yeah I did.
You mean I can’t just go around accusing men of sexual harassment when I’m bored?
Toronto chick, meet real world.
Mr. Kent, did you switch the lube with bengay on that pig in the photo?
Collidge b free 4 de ‘groidz on welfare, also diddincha never hear of the Negro College Fund?
You forgot to mention how all that tech was actually first invented in ancient Sudan and Namibia, etc, but due to their advanced energy weapons, it all got vaporised, leaving them one step beyond the Planet of the Apes until the Jews got to Europe and reinvented everything
My favorite quote was where she said something like “I mean I falsely accused this guy of rape and there are literally no white knights trying to fix it for me”
Ive been applying for grad schools recently and several of the applications ask me for my gender identification. The options are feminine, masculine, androgynous (I thought it was an insult), asexual, and gender fluid.
I have a hard time with the idea of paying my money to any institution that entertains such foolishness.
Social Justice degrees are a thing now? Would you like a squishy with that?
Its triggly…triggered and wiggly.
Apparently. I was so stunned I had to share. Just when you think things are one of and isolated affairs, another ad or some real feminist comes around to show that insanity is alive and well.
Believe it or not, I know a woman that is paying here college loans off with SS disability. She went to college and got some useless degree in psychology and then claimed to be bipolar and now receives SS…
One of the first sites I discovered on the WWW was an online ebonics translator. It was hilarious. It would translate stuff on the fly, randomly adding phrases like “Sheeeit!” “Suk muh Jimmy!” etc. but also had a few choice texts pre-translated for your reading pleasure. The site no longer exists (as I found out here page 213) but I will always remember a truly special version of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Coleridge:
Rhyme of the Aunt Shit Mariner
It be an ancient Marina
And he stoppeth one o’ three. Sheeeiit.
“By dy long grey beard and glitterin’ eye,
Now wherefore stoppst dou me?
The bridegroom’s door’s be jimmy’d wide
And Ah am next o’kin;
De guests be met, de feat be set, dig dis:
Mayst hear de merry din”
This site provided countless hours of laughter.
EDIT: This is something similar:
I saw something years ago. I can even date it. It was opening night of the movie The Crow and I was out with a bunch of school buddies to see it. Of course we got a few drinks first and then we went to this big book store near the movie theater….I think it was the one that was a national chain but got killed when Barnes and Nobles picked up. You can still find the book I found, bought and read aloud to anyone who would listen for most of the rest of the 90’s but rather than a link of where you can buy it….here is a link to the e-text…enjoy
PS: Not meant as satire. The author was some ultra serious guy on a mission.
To be read in your best Samuel L Jackson voice.
borders books probably!
That was it! Lol
There is the danger of Roosh getting so much traffic from a politifal endorsement that the site goes down.
“Members of the public, already being unabashedly misled”
*tips hat*
The media has spoken! This is our leader!
I resent that I have been wrongfully accused of misleading people….and the fact the author didn’t capitalize my name.
Patreon time
I’m going to create a petition on
How do we fight back against this rabid leftist stupidity and cultural decomposition in a more visible manner?
I was previously unaware of the invasion and trashing of this Australian Senator’s offices. They’re physically violent against property and people.
Siting down and trying to work out the differences
peacefully is a non-starter, since they don’t want to do that. I’m opposed to simply letting them be violent and ignoring their transgressions. We suffer governments that are unwilling to treat them as the organized criminal gangs they are becoming.
Perhaps that last one can be fixed before this gets completely out of hand. Spread the sanity and push our message. We’re going to need no-nonsense strong men in government, and we’ll need the majority of the electorate to understand that by supporting the leftists, they’re supporting the violence. Talking more and talking louder will raise visibility of this.
1) Respond to force in kind. Let them strike first so you can claim self-defense, then demolish them. Have someone videotape it and post it all over the internet with tags like “Liberal/SJW/Feminist attacks peaceful debater.”
2) Call out the leaders of the SJW/Feminist movements on their hypocrisy on the largest social platforms you can. Basically use their own SJW tactics against them without mercy. When they apologize for their transgression, take it as an admission of guilt and proceed to take another chunk out of them.
We just need a modern day Genghis Khan.
In my opinion, irony and sarcasm simply do not work in writing.
SJWs may be loud and violent, but they are physically weak. Just take another look at the picture of them trashing the office. A bunch of dyed-hair, shaved head females with a collection of genetically inferior white knight cucks. Want to forcibly remove these assholes from your presence but not get arrested? Hire some guys (cash only) with sketchy backgrounds who don’t give a damn. Once a few of these turds have had their faces blackened by anonymous guys who have zero ties to you, but so happen to be everywhere you are, they’ll think twice before trashing your office, tossing beer in your face, or fucking with you in general.
That could actually work…you would just need to make sure said henchmen wouldn’t blab if arrested or interviewed.
Yep. Hire an old friend from high school who hasn’t done much else with his life except lift weights and get arrested from time to time.
The tactic works for Islam. Seems effective enough.
Bikers for Trump plan to show up en masse in Cleveland for the RNC convention. They plan to oppose Black Lives Matters and the rest of the anarchists. That will be interesting.
I know one particular biker that will be there and most other ROK regulars know him as well. Not sure if he’s going to be actively opposing BLM and such but he going to the event.
He going alright. He studying on he ebonics right now just in for case he be need it.
I see what you done did there…..smartass.
Will there be live transmissions of those events? Would like to see that.
You ever use the app periscope? There should be hundreds of people using that.
Never heard of it. Sounds good. Thanks.
Wow, I’m getting more and more tempted to go…
QUICK! Somebody get this guy Vox Day’s information on how to deal with an SJW attack! The WORST thing he can do is backpedal or apologize!
Somebody find a way to get him this link:
That’s also a fundamental rule of game. Give the Senator a double-shot of red pill stat!
Dont stress. He doesn’t apologise. Ever. 🙂
Hey, Mr. Bernardi reads Roosh!
Perhaps he’s reading these comments at this very moment….
Mr. Bernardi – Don’t back down from these deviants. Read Vox Day’s book “SJW’s Always Lie.”
It’d be interesting to learn he’s a semi-regular commenter.
When this is all over, I would love a guest article. If he’s actually one of us, he will have interesting insights to provide on dealing with SJW assaults.
I’m sure he’s not the only person of influence who reads the manosphere.
Which is an encouraging thought while we’re living in this cultural dark age.
Article aside, that photo of the loud SJWs in the office–what possible benefit do the few men in that photo see in being there?
I’m guessing they have been raised with the lie for so long they see nothing else. It is like a horse with blinders on it.
It’s good to see people in high places referencing the ideals shared on this site.
This site is read by a lot of high profile people. I have heard it referenced by some well known celebrities.
Aaron Clarey? (Just joking cap.)
I don’t know Bernardi but looking at him, I get the distinct impression he does not give 2 shits about what SWJ’s think. Glad to see it!
Don’t know anything about the guy, but just looking at his picture it looks like he could have single-handedly cleared his lobby of all those protestors who were trashing it.
Just what I thought. The SJW’s are cowards underneath. Scratch the surface and they squeal like pigs. As long as they are in a group they feel safe.
I guarantee you all it would have taken to clear out that room would be to slam one guy on the ground, pound his face to a bloody pulp, and then yell “WHO’S NEXT?”
The same types of cowards have put laws in place to make sure that anyone who does this gets severely punished…
SJWs are mentally ill, mentally challenged criminals.
Freedom of speech applies only to liberals, apparently.
Go job Mr. Bernardi stand your ground, and don’t let the SJW push you around
Beautiful, the thing is they alienate the general public, the silent majority, whenever the SJWs launch into a new shitsmear campaign like this.
Kudos to Bernardi, well done sir, well done.
I was earlier today having this thought while talking to a hottie I hang out with sometimes that if the women in that movement knew how to look more like her and act like her, and the guys could be more like me, the whole problem would go away.
They just probably never got once a taste of it.
If you’re not banging her, you’re part of the problem.
This is where we need to support Bernardi. He is seriously the only politician in Australia who is prepared to attack “sacred cows” like feminism, single mothers, Islamic immigration, social justice warriors etc. That is precisely why our media “elite” is trying so hard to destroy him. He’s a sort of Down Under Donald Trump, but he is not running for the top job, he is an outspoken backbencher clearly disgusted by the cuckservative governing party, who are no friend of red pill men like us but still preferable to the shrieking feminists and corrupt unionists of the ALP. I highly encourage all Australian ROK readers to vote 1 for cory at the election next month. Without him, the Australian parliament would lose it’s only red pill voice. I also hate our lame mainstream media, most of whom are diehard SJWs themselves. Every single media outlet has a daily feminist column, but if a real man has an opinion, it creates a national shit storm.. Just look at this as an example.
“He’s a sort of Down Under Donald Trump”
This sort of thing is actually playing out everywhere.
If it’s playing out everywhere is it legit or is it engineered, controlled opposition with an ulterior motive?
Good man that senator. Amongst other things, it shows that Roosh is making an impact, and that the worst nightmare of these silly lying bints could be about to come true: that red pill ideas are slowly entering the mainstream discourse.
As for that screenshot above of the petition, if that petition has been accepted it could be actionable. Roosh has pointed out the perils of taking legal action against people who don’t have any money, but is a prominent campaigning organisation and for it to passively endorse the word ‘rapist’ when they must know that is scurrilous lie is massively libellous.
Absolutely. I would be shocked if some high-power legal team isn’t already serving the papers.
Maybe Roosh should talk to Thiel..
that’s actually a very good idea. Mass leftoid takedown
Yep. Welcome to 1984.
If Hillary wins she’s going to have to kiss that motherfuckers ring.
I’ll say one thing.
Alr-right kinda stuff is definitely making it’s way mainstream.
The other day I saw a show on Fox news where they were lambasting fluff college majors.
SJWs are worried that their days may be numbered. As more information is getting out about their tactics, you’ll see them get desperate and try to silence anyone with this information.
We are seeing it in the U.S. at Trump rallies where Trump is uniting plenty of Americans who are tired of the nonsense. We are tired of SJWs not giving all Americans the right of free speech and we are tired of them ruining a man’s life by just accusing him of anything. Many men have lost jobs, marriages, their whole lives because of these SJWs.
The backlash will be quick…and it will be ugly. These SJWs should prepare because it will not be pretty.
The irony of preaching about intolerance but actually being the least tolerant group of society is totally lost on SJWs. Free speech is dying in this country. Personally, I think feminists etc absolutely should have the right to their (albeit warped) opinions, but they refuse to grant others the same right. It absolutely shits me that this is deemed perfectly fine by our society, but if a man does the same he can lose his job and be ostracised.
That’s why more men need to call out the hypocrisy or the double standards when they happen…instead of remaining silent or shying away from this conflict. The more light on it, the better (as is the case with this Senator).
Before I swallowed the red pill, I never realised just how bad our media in Australia actually is! Bernardi Bernardi “tweeting a link” to a “pro rape advocate” is a candidate for the biggest gaffe of the campaign, according to the media!
SJWs never cease to amaze me with how out of touch they are with people in the real world… like Bernardi tweeting that link has put anyone out of a job, or caused a crime to be committed… talk about first world problems!
Hillary really is a woman abuser of the worst sort. She is incalculably evil, manipulative and desires power at any cost. She is known to have personally intimidated female victims of Bill Clinton’s actual abuse of women and enabled it on her way to power.
She doesn’t care about women or anyone else for that matter. She is a complete pyschopath.
Check out Roger Stone on Hillary.
I think Bernadi has since retracted the retweet, and as much as that shits me, it is understandable. After all, office furniture isn’t cheap. But it demonstrates that the SJW narrative is breaking down, and increasingly people aren’t standing for their bullying and hypocrisy. Watch this space..
I do like Bernadi. By linking to Roosh’s article about SJW’s bullying, silencing and threatening dissenting opinions, he managed to get SJW’s to bully, attempt to silence and threaten him….
Well, that is just irony.
Poor australians. Hope they wake up someday.
Yeah the poor bastards are about on par with Canadians as far as the jackbooted SJW crowd goes. But they’re slowly waking up, don’t worry about that.
It is so bad over here, seriously. Our Prime Minister is a self-described male feminist! And he is from the supposedly “right wing” party, which is actually the cuckservative party.
There hasn’t been a conservative since Howard was in-granted he was responsible for the banning of automatic weapons but let’s be honest and ask-do you really need that much firepower? It’s a bit much even if I am in favour of rights and liberties such as gun ownership.
Even if Roosh was the worst person in the world and raped babies every day before breakfast, it’s completely irrelevant to the validity of his ideas. The irony is that this incident proved that SJWs don’t care about ideas but about people who come up with them. And that makes them all bigots.
Well… as if we didn’t know that already lol
It boggles me that these fringe groups have enough of a voice that this would become a gig deal. I mean, they’re pretty bad, but don’t have this much control.