The Evolution Of Policing Makes Modern Cities Look Like They’re Under Military Occupation

The British Special Air Service, or SAS, the nation’s elite military corps, founded in 1941 as a crack commando unit to fight the Nazis, has been permanently deployed to the streets of London as of late March, 2017.

British SAS in North Africa, shortly after creation

The first SAS mission was Operation Crusader, a parachute drop into North Africa (modern Libya and Egypt).  Although over a third of unit were killed or captured, the battle was the first British victory against German forces.  The SAS was disbanded in 1945, as an elite military squad was not seen as necessary during times of peace.  But Churchill didn’t know London, 2017.

British SAS, today

The past 50 years have seen some (debatable) positive developments in technology and the internet, but in the social realm, unless one is a three toed mixed race transsexual lesbian, the changes have been overwhelmingly negative.  The basic human decency of the average citizen has been declining since the Great War, and has seen an especially sharp decline over the past decades.


$50 says she can’t name this place in 6 months

This is harshly apparent to anyone above the age of 30.  All Western nations have seen an increasingly violent police force, combined with an increasingly degenerate and dumbed down populace.  Stonehenge, which survived for 4,000 to 5,000 years, had to be roped off in the 1970s, because it was too tempting for Generation Idiocracy to destroy or graffiti the site. So bars are needed to keep the modern Homo sapien away from this prehistoric rock structure, because it would be too tempting to destroy or deface it for a laugh.

Evolution of the British Bobby

British Bobby smiling and conversing with fellow Londoner, 1960s

The British Bobby has seen a rapid change.  Just 200 years ago, most areas of Britain had no organized police force, but were overseen by local constables and administered by a Justice of the Peace.  The importance of words and imagery cannot be overstated, and the image that modern police forces today is far from peaceful.

Primary tools for maintaining order: A whistle, a uniform, and a truncheon.

The first professional police force in Britain was the City of Glasgow Police, created in 1800.

An English policeman wielding a truncheon.

The Metropolitan Police were established in 1829, and London, despite having 1.5 million residents and being home to the most powerful empire in the world, was policed by only 450 constables and 4,500 night watchmen (today around 50,000).  Government intentionally created uniforms that were dissimilar to military uniforms, and police were unarmed, as it was to be made clear these were not troops of occupation or armament, but enforcers of law and order, indeed those with the intent to “protect and serve” the people.

When was the last time you saw a smiling police officer?

In 1991, Armed Response Vehicles were introduced in London, patrolling armed forces which regular street patrolmen can summon in case extra firepower is needed.  Over the next 25 years, militarization gradually increased.  As of 2017, while the majority of individual patrolmen are not armed:

  • Armed police are now common
  • Over 400,000 security cameras film Londoners multiple times per day
  • A bottle of water, the element which constitutes over 70% of planet earth, is banned from air transport
  • Barricades and security fences are installed around public areas, and
  • SAS commandos in ski masks and assault weapons permanently patrol the streets

Calm down, citizen. These are the Good Guys.

Any comparisons to Hitler, or being Orwellian, or a Nazi, or “Gestapo tactics” can no longer be used to describe western police forces, as the terms are insufficiently harsh.  As we can see in these photos, the armaments, imagery, and presence of the modern police force is more aggressive, more highly armed, and more imposing than the Gestapo.

A Lose – Lose Proposition

The current military occupation of western cities is a double edged sword of evil.  On the one hand, western liberal democracies, which were an unquestioning force of progress and civilization for hundreds of years, have now become so unstable and dangerous that they do require a more violent and aggressive police presence to maintain order.

Clearing the beaches of Normandy? Nah, just observing the local soccer match.

At the same time, the force used is absurdly out of proportion to the need, so we see federal governments drastically increasing their powers and becoming exceedingly tyrannical and violent.  This increase in both crime levels and police aggression is a brutal combo that may knock out the west from its dominance permanently.

The image above is not one we will ever see again in Western civilization.  The modern policeman has been trained to prosecute lawbreakers (whether they be violent criminals or inadvertent rulebreakers), not to help the public.  The public has been taught to fear and obey authority unquestioningly, and will not expect a policeman to aid him peacefully.  And the man would probably be accused of pedophilia or other degeneracy for wanting to help a child.

An Advanced Civilization Is Easily Governed

On the one hand, it is true that as Britain and America transform from areas of highly educated, cultured, homogeneous Europeans, to a mix of more primitive and violent populations, a more powerful police force is needed.   A policeman has never needed to use ballistic weapons to get me to comply with his questions or commands.  And that is typically the case in civilized society.

Police were not afraid to turn their backs to docile crowds of peaceful Europeans

But as we import more refugees from war torn areas that have been under violent siege for decades, these rebellious warriors that only know aggressive violence and war will continue their aggression in the west.

Why Is Society So Dangerous?

There is a dual answer.  Firstly, by and large it is not.  Life in the west is mostly peaceful, even when including violent mass attacks against crowds.  And secondly, to the degree that there are individuals desiring death, destruction, and harm to strangers, one must look behind the simple conclusion to see enormous complicity from western governments.

The mass murders of the Paris nightclub and Nice cargo truck ramming were only possible because French officials encouraged and allowed violent fighters from Syria to leave the battlefield and settle in Paris.

It’s not even a matter of “immigration good” versus “immigration bad.”  Allowing warriors from Syria to leave the war and enter the very Western nations that have funded and encouraged destruction and warfare in Syria, is insane.  It’s the equivalent of the US encouraging immigration from Afghanistan to New York City in 2002.

There is a reason these fighters want to cause extreme harm to British, French, and Americans, but not to Swiss, Canadians, or Russians.  It’s not hatred of whites or Christians (Russia is probably the whitest and most Christian), it’s war against those who are fomenting physical and cultural invasion in their nations.

Remember that there has always been war, oppression, and violence.  But why today must we fear traveling from one place to another, for fear of a stranger murdering us?  Firearms, bombs, and poisons have existed for hundreds of years, and passport controls and borders that restrict travel are only a few decades old.  Why are we suddenly facing this paralyzing fear of strangers?  How much of it is manufactured?

The frog boiling analogy cannot be exaggerated, and youth who grow up today seeing black uniformed police with facemasks will come to accept armed occupying troops as a way of life.  Muh 6th Amendment indeed.  More incidents like this 2014 murder of a camper in a park by police will happen.  And the world will grow even more dangerous.

Literally Surpassing Hitler

When the police are more menacing than The Empire and Waffen SS, you have a problem

Sadly, Hitler and Gestapo analogies may no longer be used, as to call police “Gestapos” today, would be a nostalgic call for disarmament.

Which of these images is a peacetime police force and which an invading army?

The result of this militarization will be further growth of the twin evils of crime and government oppression, and further breakdown of civilization.  Police forces and government surveillance will become even more aggressive, and violent attacks, while still rare, will be more deadly and dangerous.

The world has been in turmoil and at war throughout almost any point in its history.  But never before have the top civilizations been in such fear and disarray in times of peace.  The SAS did not even patrol London during the threat of Nazi invasion.  And yet now it’s needed for the common Londoner to go about his day?  To those who reach for the simple answers of “immigrants are dangerous” I would suggest that to the degree that may be true, that is precisely the tool of the dialectic being used to implement further disarray and increase state control.

Read More: 4 Items On The Elite’s Population Control Wishlist

326 thoughts on “The Evolution Of Policing Makes Modern Cities Look Like They’re Under Military Occupation”

  1. “There is a reason these fighters want to cause extreme harm to British, French, and Americans, but not to Swiss, Canadians, or Russians. It’s not hatred of whites or Christians (Russia is probably the whitest and most Christian), it’s war against those who are fomenting physical and cultural invasion in their nation”
    Not entirely true. There are terror issues in Switzerland as well Canada and Russia (watch the news) because the elites are bringing in lower primates whose sole mission in life is to destroy the culture of its host nation.

    1. There haven’t been straight up terror attacks in Canada by Muslims yet, but they are few in number and Canada has a pretty strict immigration policy in terms of immigrant wealth and education.
      But the Muslims have managed to pass Bill M-103 which makes it illegal to criticize Islam. Questioning the Jews is also considered hate-speech here.
      Meanwhile, everyone is taught to criticize White Christian males ad nauseam in Universities, and we are slowly replacing our worked-to-death population via immigration. Trudeau has made it clear that Canada is not for Canadians, and the Islamic community is ramping up its political activity in response.
      The Muslims here are not violent, but they are strongly united and unbending about their ideology.

      1. The US really is the last man standing, and we are barely standing

      2. no criticism of jew s in canada either? I thought that was a Germany t ing only?

      3. “Trudeau has made it clear that Canada is not for Canadians”
        Has any of the muslim groups started ridding the art museums of art made by western artists yet?

      4. You think O’Leary has a chance? He seems like he would be a reasonable politician.

        1. Yeah I think he has a chance. He isn’t as nationalist as I would like, but at least he won’t bankrupt the country.

      5. “There haven’t been straight up terror attacks in Canada by Muslims yet..”
        The Brampton 8 and those ones that planned to bomb a train bridge in Jordan Ontario were incompetent but give it time I’m sure sooner or later they’ll succeed.
        We have a fairly short window to act on muslim immigration policy but I fear with our idiot Prime Minister in office it won’t be possible..

  2. I won’t speak for any other city, town, community, country or whatever but as someone who was a child in NYC in the 70’s, an adolescent to teen and went to college here in the 80’s-90’s a young adult in 00’s and still lives here today, the militarization of the police force here has been an absolute positive and the relaxing of that militarization by the current mayoral administration has been disastrous.
    You guys can keep all your bullshit abstract notions of liberty and freedom and have a cake walk through the town you live in with it and it makes no never mind to me. The fact remains that from the moment I was born until the moment broken windows was put into place and truly enforced there was not one safe square foot of my city at any time day or night where you could walk without having to constantly be on guard against violent and often lethal crime.
    Since broken windows the property values have soared, the city has become cleaner, the quality of life has increased in ways that even the greatest idealist would never have imagined, places where white people didn’t dare to walk are now some of the coolest neighborhoods and I can leave a bar half crocked at 4 am and go home with almost no fear of molestation.
    The brutal fact is that I was born and raised in a NYC that was a war zone. Just as much of it was controlled and policed by gangs as it was by the police. I went to bed and ignored gun shots. I was offered drugs, prostitutes and guns on the street by dealers, whores and gun runners as young as 12 years old, in broad daylight. The paramilitary force that the NYPD has become along with the massive amount of authority they were given and their mandate to strictly enforce the law right down to the most petty of crime hasn’t just been a good thing is has been an excellent thing.

    1. London is not NYC. It is (was?) by and large peaceful, polite (well, politer than NYC) and orderly almost to a fault. Strangers will literally apologize to you if they take a cell phone call within your earshot. While you may think that some kind of Stasi goon presence makes you safer in NYC and thus is justified (it isn’t, but we’ve already had this discussion), this level of policing is in no way justified in London or really any other civilized European city (or any American city really). You may be able to make a case for NYC (which I reject but again, we’ve been down this road already) but to suggest that armies of machinegun toting goons is good and necessary for London, England just isn’t something that I can even begin to buy for one second. Outside of a few soccer hooligans, the English are largely docile, polite and not prone to any crime higher than the occasional pickpocketing.

      1. oh no doubt about London which is why I prefaced my comment by saying that it is only with regards to new York. I don’t know London more than as a casual tourist. I was there for 2 weeks once in 2000 and for a weekend in 2003 so I can’t say one way or another but I am apt to agree with you based on my minimal experience there.

        1. I visit somewhat regularly with family, now mostly near Islington (London) and get around a lot elsewhere in London via the Tube (which, of course, I loathe). The whole “let’s make London brown!” thing is revolting, but it’s still a really peaceful place. And this isn’t just a few police goons, these are SAS and I can really not even begin to understand the thinking that the British leaders were engaging in when they considered this a good idea.
          Not really commenting on your comment to me, just expanding my “What the fuck?” about where Britain is heading.

        2. yes, I got the general sense that London was a polite city. in fact, annoyingly so I felt. I eventually got used to it, but I was in a state of perma eye roll for a while at first.
          I either missed the lets make London brown thing, ignored it or was there before it was noticeable but it didn’t seem like a thing so much to me as a tourist.
          On the whole I didn’t really enjoy London. I felt compared to other major cities like Rome, Berlin and especially Paris London was dull. But yes, this level of policing does seem unnecessary based on my experience as a tourist.

        3. 2003, being the last year you were there, you wouldn’t have noticed it. In 2009 you’d really start to notice and by 2015 you’d walk around thinking “Am I the only white guy on this street? Is this England?! Dufuq?” in places.

        4. yeah figures. When I was there it seemed cosmopolitan but no more than any other city and still, for the most part, for the lack of a better word, very English.

        5. My first trip to the U.K. as a newly minted adult, we landed in Glasgow Airport. I picked up the rental, standard shift, which I then immediately drove out of the airport and into this mad roundabout which I’m convinced was constructed by Scotland as a way to weed out any weaklings arriving in Scotland. I survived, but it wasn’t a very pretty time trying to coordinate shifting a stick on the wrong side, sitting on the wrong side, and not smacking head first into the 4,300 cars surrounding me and traveling at approximately 120mph.

        6. Very similar experience here!
          Landed in Gatwick at dawn having not slept (I have Barracus Syndrome), thought it would be best to just dash up to Cambridge real quick- like.
          Wow, right onto the highway in rush hour with the stick on the wrong side,half-asleep….happy to be alive.
          We drove that car to Cambridge, York, Liverpool, Dublin, Antirm, around the west half of Ireland and back to Gatwick unscathed….
          Then I backed the fukking thing into a pole at the airport…..

        7. Britishers would sacrifice their legs if it guaranteed them ‘security’

        8. Yeah, that’s why I’m here in the States instead of being born in the U.K. Grandparents would have none of that safety nonsense.
          And to drive the point home, while we didn’t have much in the way of money, I was well outfitted with my own 12 gauge, a functional Jarts game as well as the old sharp edged 1958 Erector Set by the age of ten.

        9. “Am I the only white guy on this street? Is this England?!
          worked with a fellow who told me this when he visited London … back in 94!! … it put the shits up him back then!
          walking around some places in London where the shifty blacks were just loitering round in mid sized groups/gangs and eyeballing everyone made it dodgy enough for him to not go back, and he loved London.

        10. I was a lot more comfortable being the driver on the wrong side vice the passenger on the wrong side.
          Brit neighbor of mine while I was over there had two huge early US built 70’s Plymouths. A truly exhilarating experience if you were riding shotgun and he want to pass a lorry on a two lane road. You got to see what was coming before he did.

      1. Not from me it isn’t. I am a big city guy. I would die in any other place as soon as I found some rope. It may well be an argument for you to avoid big cities, but to extrapolate that to an argument against big cities in general is an error. I think living anywhere other than a big city is clownshoes insane. We all have our way of seeing the world

        1. Oh come now, you’d thrive on a tropical island full of French people.

        2. so long as I had 100m to spend there. If I had to work to live and survive i’d drop dead in a minute. My love for French tropical islands is predicated on me doing nothing but drinking expensive booze, eating expensive food and having lots of sex with beautiful women while waking up late and swimming all day.

        3. Well sure, assuming that. I’m just noting that it’s not that you can’t live outside a city, you can live in places that are totally the opposite, assuming you have the financial means to never have to lift a finger to do work (which is an admirable goal to shoot for). Kind of unrelated to the article, but I felt the need to mention it, heh.

        4. right. you hand me a few hundred million and I can find a way to live about anywhere lol. I was just asking myself this question as a hypothetical. If I could live the next 10 years as a billionaire and do what I want when I want (mind you I don’t have world domination goals or anything like that, mostly just having fun) I could finance any lifestyle I want but after my 10 year clock is done its check out time would I do it.
          I have to say that the answer is yes for me. With no wife, no kids etc. (and mind you I am positive I do not want them) 10 years of life by my terms with unlimited supply of finance and no obligation to work would probably be better than living it out. I am not sure how I feel about this.

        5. It ceases to become a matter of where you want to live when the government steps in to turn the entire country into George Orwell’s nightmare because the sheep from the metropolitan cities demand bigger government.

        6. I can save you some time here Corey. He doesn’t care about the means, he is pleased with the ends. That’s not an insult to him, that’s just his position and you’re not going to argue him out of it.

        7. Ten years of living that lifestyle would probably take you out of the game through health reasons alone. Which really isn’t a bad way to go out.

        8. so says you. on the other hand I say that here in the major city we are really living while everyone else that isn’t here is not here because they either failed or are afraid to try to run with the big boys and are only, in turn, living a quarter life. You are right. I am right. You are wrong. I am wrong. I don’t have this whole the government is out to get me. I like my life here. I enjoy it and find it fulfilling. I am glad there suburban and rural places for people who don’t and happy they find joy there. You say the cities are filled with sheep. I say they are filled with humans and the sheep are the ones who aren’t here….being led around by college football and abstract notions so they will go to work and do the infrastructure shit that we are too important for. What’s the difference? In the end, the reality of the matter is people just go to the places they like and live there and come up with stories as to why the stuff they like is better than the stuff they don’t like because that seems to make more sense than simply saying they like one thing better.

        9. well I would have to craft the deal with the morning star very carefully but as it isn’t actually going to happen I let some of the fine points slip for the sake of the hypothetical thought.

        10. It’s funny to me how what used to be common knowledge for most people has morphed into inside jokes that smart people share unbeknownst to the general rabble.
          Morning star, excellent. Heh.

        11. This is why I don’t argue with you.
          I disagree with you, but ultimately it comes down to subjective preferences. What you think is good for you and what I think is good for me are just going to contrast in some key areas. I don’t think either of us cares enough to bother convincing the other of who is “correct”.
          What I appreciate about your take on things though is your conviction, and that you don’t seem to bullshit yourself.

        12. thanks clark. If I may say something nice about myself, I do believe that I am one of the few people who manage to allow for absolute conviction while at the same time accepting opposite points of view. I totally get that what I feel is a part of my being and isn’t something that is shared and that is ok. What strikes me as more than passing odd are people who find some kind of pathological need to make their subjective tastes into some kind of absolute by shoehorning an entire universe into it. Why can’t some people just say “i like this and that’s why I do it” it always seems to be “i like this and if you don’t do this its insane and wrong and possibly evil” I am sure there is some kind of psychology behind it, but I have too much good scotch to drink, young snatch to fuck and music to listen to to really put too much effort into figuring it out.

        13. The cops can only be Andy and Barney when they’re policing Mayberry.
          Tougher criminals means tougher measures.

        14. Or, here’s a thought, let people be responsible for their own self defense.
          It’s strange to me how little crime we have where I live, even in the big cities. Everybody can carry. Suddenly, the entire culture turned polite. Well, politer than previously, Ohio has a pretty polite and almost unbearably happy type of person residing in it as a general rule.

        15. I say both/and personally, just like the Victorian era or better yet old Texas.
          Everyone has a gun, everyone knows how to use it and for especially bad hombres not currently deterred the Texas Rangers the original paramilitary police force.

        16. so when you eventually have to agree to a retina scan just to get on the subway, its no biggie to you? “nothing to hide”, etc.?

        17. Introduce large percentages of minorities into the equation and that won’t work. They won’t be responsible for anything regardless of the amount of government intervention. Which is why urban areas need a more militarized police force.

        18. True story- there used to be a bar in the small town I grew up in commonly known as “The Lounge”. It was the only place for close to a hundred miles that could serve mixed drinks so it was a popular spot.
          I was there one night and the local city police force(one officer) was in there hanging out shooting pool. About 30 minutes after he left, he returned asking “has anybody seen my gun belt?”. Turns out that it got in his way when shooting pool so he had taken it off and laid it on the bar then forgot about it and went patrolling. The bartender handed it back to him, he said “preciate it man!” and that was all that happened nobody got fired, no stolen weapon, no shooting and no public outrage.
          Man, I miss the good old days.

        19. “Our scan of your social media presence indicates that you may be too masculine for public transport. You will be required to take the heavily-monitored man route to ensure you don’t meet any women who might be triggered by your presence.”
          Here’s hoping that this remains over-the-top a few years from now…

        20. more like:
          “I see you’re a frequent commenter on a pro-rape, anti-semitic website – the thought police have been summoned….”

        21. If you have a CHL you can bring your sidearm into bars, as long as you’re not drinking, and if you have a knife you don’t need any kind of “permit” and the knife can be as big as a Broadsword and nobody will say squat. And, you can drink all you want while you finger the blade on your katana. I love Ohio.

        22. We got us da black folk in Columbus and especially in Cleveland.
          They tend to keep to themselves. And the few times I hit their neighborhoods, I open carry (totally lawful here, no permit required) and I get nothing but smiles and “Hey boss, whatzup?” from them.

        23. Texas has pretty strict gun laws compared to Ohio, although your castle doctrine is far superior. Y’all can’t carry at all without a permit, open or concealed, except for hunting and your own property (and friend’s properties of course).

        24. As a former cop I have no problem protecting me and mine but
          the feeble/old/disabled can’t really do a lot of Krav Maga or gun-fu.

        25. “If I may say something nice about myself”
          hah – now THERE’s a fukkin change…..

        26. Another ROK’er is moving here soon actually. Not because of me (that I’m aware of) but he took a job here in Cbus. So we’ll have an official Columbus ROK chapter with more than one member! Woot! heh.

        27. Sure, no question, but they profit simply by association. There is no polar bear hunting in Ohio. None. Somebody might draw down on the Teens, you see.

        28. the posts on this site could be cobbled together to make a helluva dystopian movie script

        29. Agree myman… grew up in the Bronx, but 70s my folks moved us to the zzzzmidwest. Missed those good years. NYC when policed was fantastic and a testament to that people CAN live and watch out for neighbors especially. Its that or arm 2nd amendm ent to the teeth. Remember those Charles Bronson deathwish movies? They’re baaack….

        30. I’ll let you know when it happens. As it is now, if I am asked to show my bag I have to comply. In the decade plus that that has been the case I have been asked to open my bag exactly zero times. They know what they are looking for and white blue eyed corporate looking guy isn’t it and they have been judicious. Every day I ride a subway with millions of people and that subway is incredibly safe. I will let you know when the cost outweighs the benefit but it is no where even close now

        31. I knew a Willard once. He was a real rat.

        32. Your views don’t completely align with mine, therefore, you must be Hitler.

        33. and one day youre gonna decide that giant vat of vanilla whey protein is too large to bring to the office, so you put some of it in a mason jar. You are pulled aside, they see it (if only you bought chocolate) and they freak out, cattle prod up the arse, etc…

        34. I often *do* drink whilst fingering the blade of my katana.
          Relaxes me.

        35. TO be honest, I am betting that the whole orwellean nightmare shit is pretty much just tinfoil hat conspiracy. If I am wrong and it comes to pass I will make sure to apologize (if I am permitted to do so) but in the meantime I am going to live my amazing life and assume that things are just great.

        36. “This is why I don’t argue with you.”
          Same as you, I’m not much for arguments here rather just putting forth a position / opinon no doubt different than others, and hashing things out if I have time or care to bother.
          Most forums are echo chambers these days and so fucking boring…

        37. Ok the one the right is Little Bo Peep, actually an ass not a sheep, who’s the one on the left?

        38. “They know what they are looking for and white blue eyed corporate looking guy isn’t it and they have been judicious. ”
          I have this “White Pass” as well! At any border crossing between this large dominion and your country I can drive accross at will and be completely unmolested. Never been searched, questioned much or even looked at funny.

        39. I remember driving my mother upstate in my bmw a few years ago going about 100 miles an hour. She told me “slow down” I told her “they aren’t looking for a white guy in a suit driving a bmw” lol

        40. Having read many of your comments over the last month or so, I have to say you seem happy with your life in NYC. It’s refreshing to read comments here by someone who isn’t hateful or negative.
          I would live like Hugh Hefner meets James Bond (that would be more akin to Porfirio Rubirosa). Perhaps a dash of Dan Bilzerian thrown into the mix.
          Anyway, good day to you sir.
          Now, go make your millions!

        41. It’s pretty much the same here with permit you can go packing just about anywhere or open carry requires no permit., no laws about pocket knives at all that I know of.

        42. Thanks. Yeah. I mean like everyone I wish I had less work and more money and all the celbrity chicks I beat off to fucked me on command but all things being equal I like life.
          Bond Hefner is exactly what I’d do too lol
          I am frequently compared to rubirosa so that made me laugh

        43. Rubirosa is considered a mix of Bond and Hefner before either of them was known.
          And you are compared to him?
          Damn! Good for you.

        44. Frequently. Lol. It’s become a joke for me. Like 3 separate people this yeR already and all for different reasons

        45. ” if you have a knife you don’t need any kind of “permit” and the knife can be as big as a Broadsword and nobody will say squat.”
          “Ohio law does not restrict the concealed carry of any specific knife except for what it calls a “dangerous ordnance” which includes ballistic knives. The concealed carry statute simply makes it illegal to conceal carry any deadly weapon. The Ohio Supreme Court said in State v. Anderson, that to convict a defendant of carrying a concealed deadly weapon, the state must prove that the instrument is capable of inflicting death and that it is either designed or adapted for use as a weapon or that it is being carried as a weapon. Some knives that are very likely to be found to deadly weapons, and therefore illegal to conceal carry include:
          Dirks, daggers, or other stabbing knives
          Balisong, or butterfly knives
          Gravity knives
          The law does restrict both open and conceal carry of any dangerous weapon in a school zone or a Courthouse, but you may open carry any type of knife on your person or in your vehicle.”

          In summation…most knives are pretty much legal; unless you are carrying them (in the eyes of the law) for use as a “deadly weapon”. And those are just Ohio State laws…local municipalities can regulate knife/carrying possession any way they see fit.

        46. You obviously sunscribe to the “New York is king” philosophy…. I’ve met a few NYC fans in my time…. but in reality NY is a giant ghetto with a few fancy condos and office buildings at the centre….. most of it is an utter shithole…..the majority of global finances are run out of London – NY is just the frilly distraction to keep the sheep looking in the wrong direction.
          Any of the big cities have a certain amount of opportunities if you lick the right holes…. but with skill and ingenuity the major cities are an out moded concept from a past era.
          You dont need to jam shoulder to shoulder to get to work through a hoarde of other cattle… when you can fire up the PC and be productive before you left the bedroom – and the fact of the matter is that only pesants in the ghettos that cant afford to leave and middle class donkeys chasing the proverbial carrot ‘love their city’ – the smart and the wealthy spend as little time there as possible – preferably coming in and out by helicopter.

        47. When you get the very things you always wanted… usuaully works out that they werent worth having. Hence the 10yr checkout. Not worth a dime.

        48. Sounds like every single nurse who says she could totally do a doctors job.
          It’s cool if you can’t hack the big leagues man.
          Tell me me more about what the smart and wealthy do.
          I hope, truly, you enjoy your life. What shocks me about weak people is that they need to make every other life seem awful for their own self esteem.

        49. Kneeman, I have sheep. Periodically I shoot one in the head, hang it up in the barn, skin it out, cut it up and grill it. Somehow I don’t think most of that will fly in NYC. I’d better stay out here in the country, methinks…

        50. They know that white, blue eyed corporate looking guy pays their effin’ pay check too. You’re being profiled, but in a positive way it seems.

        51. They also know that I can probably afford a lawyer to do due dilligence for months checking out everything they have ever done.
          That cop smoked a joint 6 months ago at a wedding and someone has a Facebook pic of it? Guess who no longer has a pension

        52. Whatcha talkin’ about? There is a whole about to tail movement happening here. There is a restaurant serving whole pigs heads and April Bloomfield is breaking down entire cows at her west side butcher shop for all to see.
          When I want to do something special with poultry I go to the live poultry place, pick my chicken and have it killed in front of me.
          The cool thing about a city with 8 million people is that there really is something for everyone if you know how to find it

        53. By the by, Eastern and Greekster fall on the same day this year. There will be loads of Whole sheep on spits and I will go to a bunch of parties and partake with Greeks

        54. I think it might have been the shooting them in the head thing that I was talking about. But if I did it over in Camden, NJ nobody’d even notice. 😉

        55. Hahahaha head up to my family’s farm in the Hudson valley

        56. The people are responsible for their own self defense, not the police.
          Riss vs The City of New York
          Ballisteri vs Pacifica PD (spelling?)
          Warren vs DC
          Castle Rock vs Gonzalez
          It’s just a matter of whether your local jurisdiction is trying to prevent you from having the effective means to defend yourself. Or force you to believe you must be dependent on police, without realizing they have no duty to protect you.

      2. It’s more an argument against a disarmed populace which have been deprived of the effective means of self defense, thus forced to rely for police for protection.
        Although legally, police protection of an individual is an illusory promise. They have no legal duty to protect an individual. Hence, Linda Riss losing her case against the City of New York for failing to protect her from an ex-boyfriends threats. She had called them repeatedly. She was partially blinded in an acid attack he arranged, she lost her suit.

    2. could have gotten the same result by shutting down government housing, government solved the problem it created by assuming total control

      1. coulda woulda shoulda. We were given a solution to a problem and the solution worked. I am fine with it.

    3. Don’t get me wrong here, dude. I agree with the general thrust of your point. But I would note that there is a difference between “militarized” policing and “vigilant” policing. I also live in an east coast urban area with a militarized police force. I certainly enjoy many of the same benefits you mention, and in the not so distant past, the violence you mention would have been possible if not for increased policing. What chaps my ass is not the broken windows style stuff you mention. I fully support them cleaning bums up and arresting petty criminals so I don’t get hassled. Hell, I wish they would do more than they are! But, when I walk down the street and see police suited up like they’re about to go on patrol with me in Baghdad, and they have the armored vehicles to boot, that’s where I draw the line. We don’t need to deploy the Marines to clean up the crack dealers, and if we did, I’d say just let the Marines do it and get rid of the police. Plain old revolvers, night sticks and patrol cars are good enough for 99.99% of what police encounter on a daily basis. And for that other .01% they have radios and superior numbers. So they can fuck off with all of their military style weapons and tactics. Whenever I see this shit, it makes me feel uneasy, like I’m on the wrong side of a combat patrol.

        1. But there is an attitude that goes with militarizing.
          I was military. Ideal goal was shoot them in the back, from outside their weapons range, prior to them even being aware I was there. Always a risk of collateral damage- you try and minimize it but it goes with the territory of engaging with an enemy.
          Police aren’t supposed to think like that. That they’re patrolling in and/or engaging with the enemy. They are servants of the public in the area they’re patrolling going after criminals- fellow citizens. Collateral damage being a much bigger no-no.

      1. It took my a while to get used to it but I kind of like it. I pretend I’m a general and nod at them lol. I get what you mean though, still in my neighborhood which is super heavily policed because we pay the lions share of the taxes for the whole damn city and they know who butters their bread, there is enough of a force to legitmitley make being a criminal scary and I like it

      2. Much of that was a response to the shit going down in the late 80s and 90s. You had Colombian, Mexican and Jamaican cartels riddling entire streets with bullets. Escalation would be expected from the police.
        And while it’s hard enough to get someone militarized to step back, it gets even harder in the wake of the so-called war on terror.

    4. Anyone who has lived in NYC for more than 5 years must be clinically insane (disclaimer: I lived there since the early 90’s until 2015).

      1. I am a native. I think anyone who has lived out of NYC for more than 5 years must be clinically insane….lol…you lived here. You know that I am only partially kidding when I say that New Yorkers think that people who don’t live in NY are in some way just kidding.

        1. I have it so ingrained in my soul that without the co start buzz I feel ill at ease. Seen that onion, they do it well

        2. Then may God have mercy on your soul, my friend. 😉
          I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a lot of great times and fond memories from my time in the Big Rotten Apple.
          Now, whenever I go back there on business, I feel like Snake Plissken from “Escape From New York.” I just want to do whatever I need to do and leave as quickly as possible.

        1. San Diego for awhile. Felt like being on a long vacation. Eventually CA bullsh*t got to me and I left there. CA is a wonderful example of how socialism can f*ck up anything.

        2. “CA is a wonderful example of how socialism can f*ck up anything.”
          I live in Canada so I know how you feel!

      1. You can make hypotheticals all day and maybe it would be better and maybe not. As it is, imo, nyc is the best place in the world to be. I’ve no desire to change anything except to get a mayor who isn’t more pro police and less pro black lives matter

        1. Fair enough, it would just save you the Billions of Dollars in front-line policing, but, yeah, in reality blacks are going nowhere, and you’ll just accept that society needs hardline policing to contain black sociopathy.

        2. Kind of how I see it. And while I pay a fortune on the front end, salaries are also incredibly high so it’s pretty much a net even break in the end.
          I haven’t felt even remotely threatened in at least a decade andnif you take out the times when it was overtly my fault for being an aggressive douche bag maybe 2 decades and this in a 22.5 square mile space with 6 million people all of which very poor of very wealthy and with no geographical border between them.
          Ideal solutions that involve rounding people up or time machines are great but in the meantime the actual practical solution implemented is working and has been for decades

        3. Wrong, that’s what race specific bioweapons and FEMA death camps are for.

        4. If there were race-specific bioweapons, I wish they would hurry up and use them. The fact that they haven’t, and the negro infestation is increasing, shows they do not have them. As for FEMA death camps…if they are for blacks, then good…but in reality they’ll be for whites, just like in the Soviet Union.

      1. 20 years ago word up but I think he might be senile now

    5. What you described wasn’t due to the militarization of the police though bro. Stop and frisk has always existed in reality. It became a public policy with the broken windows campaign. Those things plus increasing the physical numbers of police by joining the transit police with the regular police department were the start to the peace we see on the street. Think about it, when and where do you see these heavily armed cops? I see them on the east side of 42nd st near the UN, in grand central terminal and actual military at the path train stations at WTC and 33rd street. The only time I see these guys in action is on t.v.. They aren’t stopping crimes. The policies did.

      1. The policies did yes. But I live on UES and I see them patrolling 2nd 3rd Lex park and Madison in the 70’s and 80’s.
        Like I said, the city knows where it’s bread is buttered.

        1. Ok I hear you. My question was do you see them out all swat teamed up. I only have seen them in few places like that on a full time basis. I’m hardly ever in that Lennox hill area code. I was just down by nyu last night. Bunch of stumbling college kids around a bunch of street people, nary a cop in sight. I saw one squad car on the way back to my car. At one point in the midst of the windows and frisk eras there was very real concern about the nypd funding. Rookies made 24k a year for3 years I believe, which was hardly livable at the time and Seattle actually put up a billboard in ny encouraging officers to relocate there for their higher wages. The system here was stay in nyc for 5 years then apply for state trooper and there was heavy turnover. I know a few cops. Crime was down record numbers under nanny bloomberg and they were worried it would go back to dinkin days. This was well before the militarization began though bro. I don’t think the big weapons are deterring anything. I think they are a show of power

        2. Yeah I see the swat guys in body armor three abreast on Friday and Saturday nights in the heavily populated ues areas….i.e. The place where billionaires and harlem are seperated by 1/4 mile
          It is def the policies enacted under Rudy broken windows especially, but the fact that I can’t throw a stone without hitting a cop makes people think twice about acting out.
          Also the mandatory minimums on unlicensed guns, though not popular on this site, has very demonstratively ended gun violence. It simply isn’t worth it to illegally vary a gun in a stop and frisk city where you are getting 3 years no questions asked for having that gun

        3. I agree the change from 1 year to 3 years impacted the landscape. I think if the law regarding shotguns to protect the home were changed crime would go down further. A vast concealed carry change would turn nyc into the wild west. Readers here might not understand that. There are multiple stories about criminals caught just hopping the turnstile being found with pistols every year. There are still a lot of guns in ny. The wrong people have them. I live in jersey city now but am in nyc almost every evening. Shit, we should go sarging sometime bro.

    6. For what I see NYC became a huge ghetto for rich to very rich people, where middle class and “poors” where literraly expelled from the city, by forced depropriations or huge rentals progressive rises i.e., thus it doesn’t surprise me at all when you throw out the most vulnerable population to crime, and the most directly prone to show broad daylight criminal behaviour for a few, with over-policed, over-armed LE in the entire rotten apple, that your world has had decrease in crime rates.
      Saying that, I recall that there was a big economical crisis in the 1970’s, hence what, bringing huge frustration to the “normal” and vulnerable population, not able anymore to make the ends meet, or not protected at all, some of them choosing the wrong path, plus all the illegals “slaves” brought meantime to appovrish the middle class and get the richer even richer, who simply don’t care.
      As a matter of fact, even the homeless are being persecuted and must hide themselves like rats from NYCrap authorities.
      By the way, wish you all well in your little “paradise” ;).

      1. I see what you are saying but think you miss some of the nuance. I don’t say this to put you down, just there there are so many elements in play (like the outer borough areas closer to the city like astoria, woodside, sunnyaide, Long Island city, parts of the Bronx, greenpoint, ridgewood, redhook, etc) which all became much more accommodating as prices in Manhattan itself forced people out. The NYT ran an article not to long ago that I agreed with that said a household income of 200k is “middle class” if living in Manhattan.
        Getting rid of the bums was a whole other things. Bums don’t belong here. Yes they were persecuted. Sleeping on the street is a crime.
        There are a lot of reasons for decreased crime but the policies of the late 90’s early 00’s are the number one contributing factor.
        I get that you aren’t a fan of “the rotten apple” but to me it truly is a paradise. My New York side will just assume that you are antagonistic against it because it chewed you up and spit you out….hence why “of you can make it here you can make it anywhere” but I do try to be more empathetic than that in general and realize that not all things are good for all people.
        We all find our blue heaven somewhere. I hope you have found or find yours and are able to truly enjoy it.

  3. you make good points for both sides…i like this article.
    -on one hand,the government is making themselves have more and more power-which is bad
    -on the other hand,people are getting more and more violent,stupid,crazy,debaucherous,etc-therefore requiring more force from the police to maintain law and order.
    this however is not to mention the cases of the government blatantly violating our basic God given rights…nsa spying,illegal search and seizure,indefinite detention violating habeus corpus,etc…some of the violations of our rights come from the local police(such as stupid “city/county code ” laws about having gardens or chickens on your own property)…however,the bulk of this is federal stuff. the feds are literally shitting all over the constitution.

    1. In my country the police is just another criminal gang.
      They run most of the drugs, prostitution and extortion.
      You want an illegal gun, ask any uniformed officer, you want someone hit, the police will get it done for you.

      1. That’s even most first world countries. Extreme third world, the police are little more than a criminal militia. In the first world a lot of people would be amazed to discover how often the biggest dealer in town is a cop.

    2. “Immigrants” are just the latest boogeyman. Anything to distract us from what is going on at the highest levels. War is the health of the State. And immigrants blowing stuff up are great for States that want you to support its expansion of police power.
      Just as long as they are only blowing you and I up.

  4. Putting the SAS on patrol in London is insane. These are some of the most highly skilled spec op soldiers in the world and they are being used as a basic security force? Doesn’t GB have a National Guard equivalent that they could use?
    As for the increased militarization of the police:
    1) Immigrants who have no wish to assimilate and hold hostile views towards the West are coming over in increasing numbers, thus increasing attacks and hostile action against the population.
    2) Changes in culture and what society believes in. You didn’t always need police to correct behavior, having a strong family, and strong community values helped keep people in line without the use of force (minus corporal punishment ) thru the use of shame and expectations. However this is now becoming the minority. As strong families and strong communities are becoming the exception and not the rule.
    3) Increase in the level of crime and the actions of criminals. If enough money is at stake, or the punishment for being caught is the same regardless of you using violent means, then you have no reason not to use weapons. In LA and other cities today, lots of the criminals have access to automatic weapons, explosives, and armor piercing ammo. Its nothing new, back in the Prohibition the gangsters had fully automatic Tommy guns, while the police had shotguns and revolvers.
    Thinking on these three factors, I’m not all that surprised that the police is looking more and more like a military organization. Personally, if I’m gonna be a police officer, I’d rather have options, then walk into something with just a baton and a smile on my face.
    Good article Max

    1. I am no friend of militarized policing, that being said…
      Back when they were facing 1 robbery a day in all of England (seriously, it was the late Victorian era), they didn’t need much.
      The criminal has evolved as well sadly.

    2. Problem is that police are trained to keep population in order and population respond to the police accordingly…. whereas military are trained to fight an enemy…. thus putting military in the role of police…. aka. Military rule ….. automatically creates an us verses them dynamic promoting civil war and or total opression. Even Hilter was careful of this dynamic.

  5. Fantastic article Max. Well done, sir.

  6. I’ve always viewed what a lot of people would call “militarization” of our police forces as evolution. This article could have been written 200 years ago when constables were given clubs, or 150 years ago when they were given guns, or 100 years ago when they were given cars or 50 years ago when they were given helicopters. The bad guys up their game, so cops had to up theirs. Deploying the SAS in the streets of a London is just fucking retarded.
    Eventually (hopefully not in my lifetime) we’ll see complete and total policestates.

    1. Not as long as we have guns they won’t. And they can’t take them from us either, or they’ll be thrown against a wall and slain. They can keep their stinking police state, homey.
      Edited: Wasn’t directed at you personally, apologies that it came off like that.

      1. We’re a long ways away from that as well. If I remember correctly, didn’t the police/national guard attempt to round up as many of the guns in places of Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina? I don’t remember hearing about John Q Gunowner shooting it out with the cops over that.

        1. Of course you didn’t hear about those who didn’t hand them over. That’s bad PR, chief. And we’ve learned a lot from those days (and Ruby Ridge, and Waco) and no longer trust Officer Friendly to do the right thing.
          Some organized government unit comes for my (and everybody’s) guns, then the party starts and I’ll even help kick off the festivities.
          So yeah, we outnumber the entire military and cops combined by around 110:1. Nobody is taking anything from us.

        2. Perhaps I’m still a little too trusting of the government. At the end of the day, cops/military are people with families and picking fights with your average gunowner wouldn’t be in their best interest despite what your local politician says.
          No need to apologize! I’ve got my big boy pants on and one would have to be a little off to question your passion for freedom and liberty.

        3. Right, I don’t even consider the cops acting on their own as probable or even possible for a national gun confiscation scheme. That would come from the blithering politicians.

        4. Numbers never count for anything if organization is poor.
          Given the willpower and organization of gunowners, the military can sustain whatever casualties they need to.

        5. You’re probably not familiar with the offline networking I’m assuming.

        6. Not really. All the same, the Militia movement has had 25 years. The idea that they somehow developed a massive power base and still can’t even get a few local political concessions is ridiculous.
          Most people who suggest a kind of political discontinuity are as laughable at that “three-phase” plan Ryan was trying to pull with healthcare. If it can be passed in the future, why not pass it now? And if the Militia movement has any kind of power behind it, why hasn’t that translated into some form of soft power, even on a local scale?
          Besides, the Bundy Militia was a joke, and it was totally quashed. A successful militia movement wouldn’t have allowed stupid stunts like theirs.

      2. I’ve followed this confiscation issue for a few decades and it’s not feasible. I don’t think ATF would be willing to carry out such orders. Some are anti-gun assholes, others don’t care one way or the other, and some are gun-friendly (believe it or not). I know a recent FLETC graduate, and from what I heard, the attitudes of instructors and trainees lean pro-gun.
        Part of me thinks that anti-gun Dems push their federal agenda to drive up prices so they can cash in on inventory. Think the Clintons and their ilk are buying guns, ammo, and magazines? Probably so. Then when a Dem gets Congress and the White House, they can push for restrictions and sell their guns for a hefty mark-up.

    1. I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that invading a peaceful neighbor and carving up his territory between you and a Communist leader is somewhat short of “doing the right thing”.

        1. I have the milkshake that brings all the boys to the playground, home fries.

        2. home fries? you mean… we go…..Arbeit Macht Fries or the Luftwaffen Fries at the one and only Fuhrer Burgher……..been looking for an opening.

        3. “The Final Solution To Your Hunger Question!”

        4. really should have screen shot those I can’t seem to think of any of them now.

        5. Have it OUR way, at Fuhrer Burgher!

        6. New on the desert menu, Jew Cakes, fresh from the oven!

        7. And who can forget Zyklon B-anana Shakes!

        8. Waitresses tell you “Now if you need anything else, just heil!”

        9. The kids play area, inside the restaurant, is called The Bunker.

        10. Weight Watchers woulda failed miserably in germany. timing is everything i guess

      1. Poland the peaceful neighbor, Poland was killing ethnic Germans in territories lost in WW1. One of the main reason of Poland invasion. And they refuse several peace offers before the invasion, they felt untouchable.

        1. Oh sure, so teaming up with the Communists and agreeing to divide Poland ahead of time was *all* about saving a few stragglers in Danzig.

      2. Don’t forget the treaty of versailles and all the post WWI-bs. Germany was simply reclaiming former areas that belonged to it at an earlier point in time.
        Have you also read Patton’s memoirs? He knew going after the Germans was the wrong thing to do and that the U.S. should have taken on Russia instead. Read some of the letters he sent his wife in his final days. He knew there were no death camps and saw firsthand how the German people were being dispossessed of their homes by unyielding jews after the war had concluded. And yes, he was murdered in that car accident because he was going to reveal that there were no such thing as death camps. In fact as far as the camps go, most of the casualties and starvation occurred after the limeys and the U.S. bombed all the transit lines which could no longer deliver food and supplies into the camps.
        There is blood on everyone’s hands in war, but the Germans had to make a move if they were to secure a future for Germany. Unfortunately, they lost due to the betrayal and gullibility from other white nations.

      3. Watch and you can fill in the gaps (involving Polish attacks on German before they eventually retaliated).

  7. SAS on streets of London…someone told me the Brits declared martial law a couple of weeks ago, took it with a grain of salt…

  8. Niggling a bit…
    Those fighters do want to cause harm to Russia and to a much much lesser extent, Canada. They already have.
    They know that fighting the Russians means facing ruthless men who have the full backing of their own government and people to do what it takes. The Chechens aren’t two bit hoods either, they’re tough, and smart by comparison with some of the other Islamic fighters.

  9. I’ve got a crazy idea for the British. Suppose they took all the dangerous criminal elements in their country and sent them to some sort of prison colony. Some place far away, inhospitable, where it would take skilled sailors to ever bring them back.

      1. They’ve got the whole desert in Straya to fill, and a bunch of Strayans could be convinced to take their place in the Motherland.
        You’re pretty much right, though. I just had this crazy idea of taking all the productive Australians and putting them in the Middle East, then taking all the crazy people out of the Middle East and putting them on a similarly desert island, far from other people, where they could go nuts on one another without anyone else having to fuss about it.

        1. all coincidence Im sure- all the young white men fighting and dying for corporate wars abroad, while simultaneously importing the young men from these war- torn regions to the west…
          Yeah this post made me mad, and I dont get mad much anymore…

        2. Sometimes I think the wars in the Middle East were started for the specific reason to kick-start the mass immigration.
          I mean, what else could it be? I remember everybody talking about the oil, but really? When America pulled out from Iraq, the oil stayed, the control over oil was lost. So?

        3. maybe, but we never pulled out from Irag. The US embassy in iraq is the size of Vatican City, were never leaving…

        4. When the jews were lobbying for israel post ww2…. there was actually an idea to give them a chunk of Okalahoma or a small piece of Australia…. that would have certainly worked out better for global politics…. they’d have become like a jewish version of the Armish….. much more pleasant…… something about the middle east bakes people brains and turns them into madmen.

      2. Antarctica is pretty empty. Send all the Religion O Peacers over there, so they can live in glorious harmony.

    1. There’s a certain look an Australian gets when he sees an Englishman get off of a boat or train for the first time in Australia. It’s this cocky, happy kind of smile that communicates precisely everything that the British did wrong.
      “Now see here chap, you were caught pickpocketing in dreary, always raining Liverpool. That will not stand, wot? No, we’re going to take you down to the docks and send you to a large island that features palm trees and constant sunshine! That will teach you proper!”

        1. Sure, but you have to compare that to Pub food in England. I mean, really, it’s a wash.

        2. When staring down a tin pan with sad, sorry little things that were at one time sausages, floating in a tepid grease and water mixture, you’ll resort to any other kind of meal. Even Hindu food.

        3. The English derive almost their entire caloric intake from ale these days. It’s just safer that way.
          Exception for brekky, which they do right (meaning, just like Americans). Sunny side up, bacon or bangers, toast and a nice cup of black coffee.

        4. Tell that to the French.
          What will I be having today? Oh, how about a really carby big ass croissant and a quarter pound chocolate bar? Yeah, that sounds great!
          I love the French, but man, they totally dropped the ball on breakfast.

        5. Fair enough, an English breakfast is truly great.
          I think the secret of Anglo Saxon success is bland fuel like food. Look at the Italians, the minute they got some decent spices and herbs they never left home.
          We conquered the world while they sat by the sea, napping every afternoon, drinking wine and flirting.

        6. I find the key to food is variety. I like my granny’s German food, especially the baked things but I do tire of cabbage

        7. brazilians barely even eat breakfast from my experience, they just wait to have a massive lunch.

        8. That, I’m down with. An apple or coffee and such for breakfast is fine. I like the English/American brekky because it’s just so damned tasty though.

        9. What in god’s name are you talking about!
          Cheese and a croissant? It isn’t as filling or as protein rich as the English. Brekkie (black and white pudding included please) but I’ll not hear someone slander fresh baked croissants and cheese!

        10. British cooking was some of the finest. It got ruined by ww2 rationing that continued well into the 50s – so an entire generation of pommies got used to eating greasy garbage. English fare is having a huge revival lately and in fact the supermkts and restaurants in the UK are probably the finest in the world now. France and Italy used to be the culinary delight of the world but the UK has an amazing range of food now.

        11. I live in the UK currently, moved from NZ two years ago.
          And no, UK meat, produce, and cuisine is bad. The only people defending it are the Brits that have gotten used to it. And when you tell them it’s bad, they get offended lol.
          French food is pretty much English food, just done right e.g you guys do ham and cheese toasties (bleh), they turned it into a fucking croque monsieur (food porn).

        12. Complaining that continental Europeans don’t do big breakfasts is like complaining why the English do only sandwiches for “tea”. Two totally different lifestyles (The Latins have light breakfasts and massive dinners, while the Brits have med/big breakfasts, med/big lunches, and light “teas”).
          What matters is the quality of each food item. French/Italians/Portuguese don’t do shit-level bread. Their bargin bin supermarket baked goods can be better than the expensive Starbucks stuff sometimes. At a good European cafe, all you need is a small pastry, an espresso, and a few hours to converse with someone. You’ll want for nothing else…
          At least, if you buy into the lifestyle. Most of my travelling buddies look for the nearest McDonald’s or English style breakfasts after a night out in Europe, only to prepare themselves for the next nightly adventure.
          I reckon America will have the best fry-up somewhere in the country (if it’s about big portions and fattiness, Americans have it downpat), but the best big breakfast I had was in Northern Ireland, called the Ulster Fry. It’s the potato bread that really makes it.

        13. They got breakfast right – never thought baked
          beans would go well with eggs & tomatoes, but not bad, not bad at all.

        14. Where’s “here”?
          Anyway, English food is just American food without the burgers, fries and hotdogs.

        15. What do Kiwi’s and sperm have in common?
          Millions of them enter and only a couple of them actually work.
          The Kiwis have solved their own fuel problems.
          They imported 50 million tonnes of sand from the Arabs and they’re going to drill for their own oil.
          What do you call a Kiwi with a thousand lovers…..
          A shepherd.

        16. What I don’t like about Europe is the lack of variety. All you can eat in Italy is Italian food. A week of that and I am tired of it. This is what I like about Britain you can eat food from anywhere in the world.
          In my experience, I find that people who complain about the food in England eat in places where I would never go.

  10. Solution:
    1. Deport all colored migrants.
    2. Return to smiling bobbies armed with a baton maximum.
    Unfortunately to achieve that and to keep it that way, we should have to do something with the backstabbing, traitorous Jews. Any solutions, finally?

    1. In fairness Hindus/Sikhs are highly skilled and commt almost zero crime, and do not reproduce like rabbits with the goal of conquest, and they hate the Mhammed personality cult more than we do. The problem with skin colour is our main (((enemy))) has our skin colour, and the brown skins are just here as their tools.

  11. I remember in the 1990s how outgunned the police were with their S&W model 10s against criminals and their $80 Mak-90s. After about then is when I remember the police upping their arms a lot, and crime has dropped since then, go figure.

    1. That also coincided with the mass re-arming of Americans when they discovered concealed carry. It wasn’t just the cops, cops can’t be everywhere. When Mr. Smith has his own 1911 under his suit, criminals stopped seeing him as a target of opportunity.
      And cops were arming up big from the 1970’s forward, there were few departments that by 1982 didn’t have their own SWAT team.

      1. It was a bit hard on the tourists in Florida at first. Right after they went shall-issue, the criminals started following rental cars from the airport to rob the definitely unarmed occupants.

    2. If it wasn’t for the 1986 FBI shootout in Miami, we probably wouldn’t have the 10mm.

  12. In the old SAS pic, is the man in front Robert ‘Paddy’ Mayne?
    The man was a killer. Cold blooded type. IIRC one of his men said he surprised a bunch of German airmen in the North Africa one night and proceeded to shoot every one of them a Colt .45.

      1. I’m more of Schlitz malt liquor kind of guy, but do enjoy the whole Colt firearm ensemble.

        1. my fave was the St Ides commercial w ice cube: “Get your girl in the mood quicker, get your jimmy thicker, with St Ides malt liquor”
          talk about false advertising

        2. I remember that! That commercial would be great today not just for the content but for the low voice afterward it said “get your jimmy thicker” saying “these statements have no been approved by the FDA”

        3. would be great if that spot was on the web, dont think it is(therefore, it never happened)

        4. I am not the best searcher for this stuff, but I am sure if it is there some of the fellas here will find it…..I don’t believe it was a tv ad though I think it was a print ad (possibly in playboy)

        5. yo mtv raps! they had a slogan “be there or be dead”
          They were, as far as I can tell, the only tv show that threatened to murder people for not watching. “If you don’t tune in to see Now That We Found Love by heavy d and the boyz…..AGAIN……we will hunt you down and kill you

        6. 25 years later, and i still dont get what “ice cube in the glass house headin for the sto” means. probably for the best

        7. dont remember that. mtv was cool once, this show, 120 minutes…that animation show with Aeon Flux on a Sat night

        8. he went from “gangsta” to the center square on hip hop hollywood squares…throw your TV out the window- please

        1. That Lando would do anything for a Colt .45, including selling out his best friend. And who locked down the Colt fields and refineries? The Empire.

        2. I just want to know how many colt 45’s it took for lando to put on Han’s clothes when he took the millennium falcon off of cloud city because Han had been caught by the empire and encased in carbonite to be brought back to jabbas fortress….
          I mean really….lando Is wearing is clothes.

        3. That is *really* creepy and I never noticed it, since the late 1970’s, until you pointed it out to me.

        4. He was wearing Han’s clothes!???!
          I gotta watch that again. Friends is one thing but that’s friggin weird….
          Maybe they come with the ship? Maybe they were Landos threads to begin with?

        5. yeah when he takes off in the falcon he is wearing hans clothing. See below.

        6. no way dude, with han encased in carbonite Lando was trying to tap that princess ass and figured Han was doin’ alright so he swapped duds. That is the only explanation.

        7. I just did some research (YOU are going to get me fired someday…).
          At some point after escaping on the Falcon, Lando does in fact change clothes! He HAD to have raided Han’s bunk, sniffed his undies and put on his gear!

        1. Credit where it’s due, that man exuded as much charm as a man can exude in his day.

  13. I understand how oppressed you can feel when the cop in a blacktical vest carrying two guns (that you can see) has to make you slow down, use a turn signal or injures your liberty some other way but when Akmed opens fire on your kid’s preschool, who do you want to show up: A bobby with a truncheon and a stern, “Now listen here!” or do you want Charles Martel driving a fucking APC, wearing level III body armor with a full-auto rifle shooting pork-infused hollow points, tossing flash-bangs with a 12 guage on his thigh and a Glock on his other hip?
    Oh, and he is riding a shark strapped with dynamite as well.

    1. Well see, I say, how about, oh I don’t know, surrounding passers by and teachers drawing their weapons? Our teachers are armed here too. Here and South Dakota did it right after Columbine. And, people like me can be on school property armed.
      No Akmed is going to hit a hardened target. Deterrence is far better than tactical advantage after a crime has started. Every freaking time.

      1. I keep thinking Akmed will be hitting Comi-Con in San Diego. Lib state with a very anti-gun government, in a county with a non-issue philosophy sheriff, a stones’ throw from a border that’s a sieve, and politicians falling over themselves to provide sanctuary. Streets flooded with people in all manner of costumes with ample room for concealment.

    2. Yea the machine gun totting gov agents arrive after abdul has left the building/earth.
      They really only need chalk.
      GOJ has it right.

    3. “… but when Akmed opens fire on your kid’s preschool, who do you want to show up:”
      How about making certain Akmed and his kind are not allowed to enter your country to start with?
      Better yet, don’t even let them in on vacation!
      And if Akmed wants to show his ass, why not support law abiding citizens who shoot his fucking ass?

        1. “And if Akmed wants to show his ass, why not support law abiding citizens who shoot his fucking ass?”

        2. It’s not as if he can’t be picked out of the crowd, then either shot or deported. We let you in, sorry it was a mistake, here’s the ticket home.

    4. The APC is more likely to open fire on the playground than Akmed.
      You give the police weapons, and they can’t wait to use them.

      1. I disagree and your comment, if serious, it makes you sound like you are adopting the liberal belief that police aren’t rational humans like you and just want to oppress nice people.
        I did the job for around six years and I never had to trample anyone’s rights, I had plenty of opportunities to legally shoot people, which I didn’t take, and I still kicked ass when required. Remember police are individuals like everyone else.

  14. “The Evolution Of Policing Makes Modern Cities Look Like They’re Under Military Occupation.”
    They are under occupation.

  15. “There is a reason these fighters want to cause extreme harm to British,
    French, and Americans, but not to Swiss, Canadians, or Russians. It’s
    not hatred of whites or Christians (Russia is probably the whitest and
    most Christian), it’s war against those who are fomenting physical and
    cultural invasion in their nations.”
    Really? It’s a matter of time before those assholes cause extreme harm in Canada (also in Swiss, Russia and many other places). We already had killings on a smaller scale in Canada, and it’s only the beginning…

    1. Yeah, I’ll take Chechnya for 100. And not to mention docile little Sweden just had a terrorist attack a few hours ago.

        1. impossible. brakes failed. probably made in the USA. always our fault

  16. I would say that this police militarization is the end result of the “dog-eat-dog” Social Darwinism that is prominent in Anglo cultures. If “might makes right” is the only value that you hold, then police militarization is inevitable.

    1. It is only prominent since the jewish agent Thatcher and her jewish cabinet destroyed/ asset stripped the entire British state in the 80s and brought about the fracturing of community ties between people, and classes. Prior to that Britain was a low crime, high trust society, where even petty crimes were recoded in national newspapers. Just look at the crime stats, and, like Americas’ crime stats, they can be shown to be directly proportional in relation to the amount of non-whites in the country, and increase precisely in relationship to non-white immigration (another jewish pogrom against the Anglo countries).
      In reality, the militarisation of the police, by a hardline jewish/zionist agent like PM Theresa May is the only course of action her and her clique have if they are to fullfil their plans. If you understand the Russian Revolution, you’ll see where this is heading. There is nothing ‘Anglo’ about it, other than the victims are the Anglo people and the civlisation they have built up by being, objectively, the most creative people in human history, is being taken from them by jewish financiers, who are running the entire ISIS psychological operation.

  17. This is one of the symptoms of multiculturalism, and one of the reasons the elites want it. You can only justify these types of police forces when you have warring cultural factions or extremely violence-prone citizens, neither of which would be true of Western nations without the forced introduction of diversity.

  18. the original british SAS look like a bunch of homeless dudes waiting for soup. Damn !

        1. And rightly so.
          Any Grammar Nazi worth his salt endorses free helicopter rides for those who think it is in their “liberty” to overwrite the laws of the language.

        2. It is so good to see you posting again, monsieur.

        3. That scene is priceless. That whole movie is priceless.
          I’m totally John Cleese in that clip.

        4. That scene in the arena stands where the Idle’s character is going on about how he wants to be a woman was supposed to be ridicule, not a lesson for the future.

  19. Add to that the private security companies like Garda hiring mercenaries all over the world…like blackwater but in your city.

  20. Off topic but I owe Michael Savage a retraction. A while ago I said I liked him but he was a zionist Israel-firster. Well maybe I was wrong. He is coming out against this Syrian attack pretty strongly. He is also calling out Kushner’s role in making this happen. Good job, Dr. Savage – maybe there ARE a few based Jews.

    1. Michael Savage is a Jew.
      (((They))) take great pains to be present at all sides of any political divide. And they always try to be in control of the narrative of the side they took. No JQ allowed.
      So that they can say “not all Jews” or “the good Jews were on your side from the start”.
      In reality, they are promoting their tribal interests on both parts of the political divide.

      1. I am well aware of all that. But there are genuinely some that don’t like what Israel and their fellow Jews are doing. I believe Savage may be one of those. He could parrot the Mark Levin line and gain more popularity but he doesn’t.

        1. I think one of the reasons Donald Trump won the elections, was because he must have made a deal with the opportunistic and rational faction of World Jewry. That faction must have felt that if the pushing of Cultural Marxism goes on much longer, then pogroms are coming their way.
          However this result must have a price for Trump: supporting Israel in military and foreign policy.

    2. Savage can be quite objective, and years ago even pondered that the mercinaries in Syria might be Israeli proxies to expand/ aid Israel. The problem is his narcissism – he has to be the orgin of every idea, so if someone calls in and suggests jewish involvement, he gets hysterical as jews are inclinded to so and rejects it (then raves about nazism for 20 minutes. 6 months later he’ll start saying the same shit as if it was his idea.

  21. Want to escape this? Get out of the cities.
    It’s a classic bubble, pour all resources into what looks good, and ignore everything else.
    For all the tyranny of the inner cities, I doubt the government has any enforcement power even as little as 15-25 miles away.

    1. Freaking +1000 upvotes
      Drop the cities, get off of credit, live free.

  22. “$50 says she can’t name this place in 6 months.”
    I would have bet you $50 she couldn’t name it when she was there!

  23. Why Is Society So Dangerous?

    It’s pretty much due to the leftists favourite word – DIVERSITY. When you invite in people by the millions from backward third world countries that simply do not have the same beliefs, culture and standards of behaviour as the native population then that is a recipe for disaster.
    When a white population is mostly homogeneous there is a great deal of social cohesion and trust among the population. Sure you had crime and drunken English soccer fans but this was handled by the local police. Heavily armed tactical police simply never would have been warranted. As a member of the public you could go about your business without looking around to see if Muhammad or Mahmood was driving up behind you in a truck.
    But once that homogeneous population becomes diluted with ‘diversity’ then the social binds begin to deteriorate. People become less trusting and a bunker mentality starts to develop. It’s no coincidence that third world shitholes are cesspits of crime and corruption.
    As CH says on his blog: Diversity + Proximity = War

  24. The more diverse a country is (via race), the more rough and militarized the police will be.
    As more immigrants from South America, Middle East and Asia arrive in the United States, expect to see more police militarized.
    Even if you deport every single Asians, Arabs and Hispanics… you still have blacks and whites. White and Black Americans can’t even get along as a whole.
    This is will DIE-versity never works and never will.
    Also the government uses this excuse to enact more bullshit law and dumb citizens will have no choice but to actually support their government enacted laws because they are in constant fear of outsiders (new arrival immigrants).
    They see Habib wearing full Burkha that just moved into his white neighborhood so John will be so scared that he will start voting for government enacted law to have more police patrol in the neighborhood (for example).

  25. Nothing that a Final Solution for jews and their mud-race foot-soldiers could not cure.

  26. Again dead children have been exploited. Show images of gassed children in Syria and the left goes berserk. But those same people will refuse to show or acknowledge images of dead children or adults that have been mowed down by a truck driving muslim.
    Here in Australia Carrie Bickmore, a host on a left wing piece of garbage called The Project had an on air breakdown over it.
    Over at the Roosh forum there are some pretty awful images of the Stockholm attack including dismembered bodies and a dog that was killed. Lets see some of the left publicly go berserk over that.

  27. Why was my post censored?
    I didn’t wrote anything forbidden, nor did I incited to hatred, nor anything else than expressing my opinion.
    Waiting for your reply.

    1. I’ve been having an issue where my posts disappear and then reappear. It happens randomly on multiple sites. I’ll refresh, they’re gone, refresh again and they’re back…

    2. Same here. Posts pulled by RoK. They are censoring stuff here (it appears for a while, then they flag it as spam, even though their spam filter lets through actual spam very regularly).
      …And I didn’t write anything abusive in it, either.

  28. Seems like in california cops get special asshole training. We must assert our at-tor-it-ee! Its fantasyland stuff they push that its to defend against drug 4 cops a year are killed by drug dealers.

    1. I know a lot of good cops here in California, but I detest them as a group.
      Mainly, because every time there’s an anti-gun law put forward, the union leaders agree to support it as long as there’s an exemption for LEOs.
      LEOS should be limited to the same firearms available to other citizens. If it’s good enough for self-defense for me acting alone, it sure as hell is adequate for them acting as a group with radios and backup.

      1. Right they are passing out all of these military vehicles even to your local barney fifes…that should be concerning people

  29. Wrong about stonehenge. There was a music festival (free entry) held at stone henge every year on the solstice. Glastonbury was the second rate after party. Under english common law if a public gathering is held for 10+ years at the same place on public land…. it becomes common law that the gathering can continue. There was no vandalism of the stones that was a police excuse for preventing the final gathering that would have cemented the stone henge solstice gathering as a right of anyone who showed up. They also tried to shutdown glastonbury. It was so narrow minded in the late 70s early 80s that any kind of party music or gathering was seen as a threat. The UK is truely the head of the snake and the original communist police state.

    1. I was there in 1977 (or 78) …….. great event, watched the Druids do their thing at sunrise. It’s a shame that all those sort of events get banned by the police in the west.

  30. A real result of Immigration and the advanced browning of Europe and America. Enjoy. Most of Africa, the Middle East is in civil war and Central/South America is a 3rd world pit. We bring in millions with no belief in a Christian god, rule of law- property ownership and expect a good result. Who you kidding. Just in the last 15 years America brought in 22 million people and created only 7 million jobs.and people wonder why the welfare large state and our standard of living declines. Its like we stab ourselves in the neck with a liberal butcher knife and then are surprised we are bleeding. Its insanity with liberals and rino conservatives charging us all over the cliff.
    Our society is dangerous because it only takes a few people to take down multiple buildings bringing your economy to a standstill and your markets to zero. So you arm up.

  31. The Westminster “attack” (which was the pretext for the deployment of the SAS in London) was another hoax staged with crisis actors, just like Charlie Hebdo and all these other media “terror” events. Ultimately the goal is to have an unarmed populace (hence the slew of mass-shooting hoaxes in the U.S. staged under Obama — Sandy Hook, Santa Barbara, etc.) “protected” by a permanent militarised police.
    We live in a massive psyop.

  32. In a recent podcast, Roosh touched on this, and I agree. I never would have entertained the thought of a federal police force being necessary, but now I’m not so sure. It isn’t so much tactics and training needed at the local levels, but compliance with basic law and order. We just don’t have enough in many American cities, we have politicians in blue uniforms shirking their duties.
    In Berkeley when the cops refused to intervene while rioters went wild and attacked citizens, that was at the behest of local law enforcement leaders – the lesbian leftist police chief of Berkeley, to be exact. People like her are an obstacle to basic law and order that the public expects and pays its police departments to provide. She has no business commanding a police department if she refuses to do her job. Same goes for Baltimore – the mayor ordered the cops not to do anything in the face of riots and the police chief dutifully complied.
    Ditto for every police chief in a “sanctuary city” currently flipping off the Trump administration – they should all be fired immediately and replaced with a federal chief until such time as a qualified local police leader can be found.

  33. Max what a fucking article !!! thank you for an insightful, intelligent balanced view of the current problems we face.

  34. Stonehenge has been interfered with for 1000s of years, which why its in the sorry state its in now. Its not a new thing.

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