Jurassic #Woke

“That is one big pile of shit.”

I remember giggling like a punch-drunk fool when Jeff Goldblum said that in Jurassic Park.  It was the first PG-13 movie my parents ever let me watch, and hearing someone swear so casually made me feel like I was one of the adults.  Then, the terrifying monsters that used to actually be real showed up, guys were getting eaten alive, and I felt like my 8-year-old self again.

It’s a fond set of memories connected to a movie I still enjoy.  This weekend I saw the latest installment of the franchise, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.  As it continued to beat me over the head with woke propaganda, I kept thinking: “that is one big pile of shit.”  Let’s explore the progressive tropes in this pile of shit, and an accidental conservative stance that slipped by unnoticed.

“It’s 2018; I’m capable of saving myself from this volcano, thank you very much!”

The Intention

In chronological order, these are the most prominent leftist social engineering themes imbued in JWFK.

1. Dismissal of “Fake News” accusations

As exposition, there is a BBC news segment where an anchor informs the audience of “Save the Dinosaur” rallies and summits.  A scrolling chyron reads the unnamed US President denies the existence of dinosaurs.

The filmmakers have concluded that (A) objectively denying the existence of animals viewed by tens of thousands of people and researched with published empirical data in the JWFK universe is the same as (B) holding media accountable to fact checking and committing to unbiased reporting in our universe.

2. Gender bender

Two supporting characters are archetypes of their respective opposite sex.  One is a male computer programmer who is a frantic, effeminate wreck.  He asks for reassurance from women multiple times, and he screams in a falsetto at least twice.

His counterpart is a stereotypical “woman who don’t take no orders from no man” tough girl.  At one point she actually says something like “I’m not as fragile as your ego implies” to the double-crossing game hunter, who later calls her a “nasty woman.”  The Tumblr-feminism hallmarks of stilted, unwitty quips and the obsession of President Trump’s supposed misogyny made the cut into this movie about dinosaurs.

Scene from original film rebranded as sexual assault PSA

3. Capitalism is bad

To be fair, this theme has been present since the first Jurassic Park.  However, it has been at the forefront in Jurassic World and JWFK.  In JWFK, the animals are only saved because the group funding the rescue operation plans an auction of the surviving dinosaurs.

Later, the buyers are identified as tourism executives or industrial war complex magnates.  It’s difficult to take the “capitalism is bad” theme seriously when a film is part of a franchise that has grossed over a billion dollars from box office sales alone, not to mention merchandise revenue.

4. President Trump is bad

So far, opinion pieces in ScreenRant and The Guardian claim the vicious new Indoraptor is a metaphor for President Trump.  They cite the Indoraptor’s creation by capitalism, purchase by Russian warmongers, and even its spindly head spikes that supposedly resemble the President’s coiffure as evidence.

I honestly don’t know if this is intentional from the screenwriters and director, or if this is just a case of journalists with Trump Derangement Syndrome seeing what they want to see.

Make Dinosaurs Great Again

The movie basically feels like a very long Vox video, with decent dinos.  But how on earth can you find a conservative stance in this travesty?  Well, it happens by accident.

The Mistake

The movie tries to make another woke statement, but it unintentionally supports a conservative policy instead.  Toward the end, the auction went awry and most of the people fled.  The activists must decide to either let the dinosaurs suffocate from a poisonous gas leak, or they can release the dinosaurs into the forests of Northern California.

Eventually, the little girl decides to free all of the dinosaurs.  She says she has to free them because “they’re alive, like me”—she feels connected to them because she just found out minutes ago she is a clone, and she knows the dinosaurs are clones of their ancestors.

It’s a sloppy conclusion, but it’s basically supposed to be about empathy.  In this, the filmmakers try to make a case for open immigration policy.  However, in their sanctimonious virtue signaling, they didn’t realize that this is a much stronger metaphor advocating restrictive immigration policy.

Before the little girl opens the door leading outside, one of the adults has to unlock the individual cages.  The adult unlocks all the individual cages, both the herbivores and the carnivores.  The herbivores symbolize good illegal immigrants and the carnivores symbolize bad illegal immigrants.

By unlocking all the cages, she symbolizes leftist ideologues who want to give all illegal immigrants unfettered access to the United States.  It’s mayhem for both the good illegal immigrants and the citizens of the US to have bad illegal immigrants here.  But let’s go a step further.

What if the adult just unlocked the herbivore cages and the little girl released them?  Sure, these dinosaurs wouldn’t eat people.  But they could step on people, and cause traffic accidents and damage to property.  And it would cost taxpayer money to deploy crews to safely capture the herbivores and get them relocated to a sanctuary.

This symbolizes that even if we only have good illegal immigrants entering the United States, it is still a massive problem.  It causes significant disruption and taxpayer money to support them, when they really shouldn’t be here in the first place.  Dinosaurs and people should not coexist.  Illegal immigrants should not be in the United States.


It’s a shame that Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is such a big pile of shit.  The acting isn’t terrible, and I laughed at a couple of Chris Pratt lines.  The visual effects and the sound are good.  It’s just the latest recipient of a social justice makeover, and that gets old really quick.  It’s accidental anti-immigration stance will go largely overlooked.  I regret giving my money to this movie and the institution it represents, because Hollywood is pushing the entire West to be #woke.

I’ll keep in mind the closing scene of the film, where Jeff Goldblum reprises his role as Dr. Malcolm in a testimony before Congress.  He says that humans will now have to coexist with dinosaurs, and there’s a cut to of the gigantic mosasaurus opening its jaws as it approaches an unsuspecting surfer.

We do not have to coexist with illegal immigrants.  Read a book by Pat Buchanan.  Promote the work of John Lott.  And if you don’t already, make sure you know the candidates you’re voting for in November commit themselves to immigration reform.

Read More: Donald Trump Fails To Appease Left With Executive Order Solving Manufactured “Family Separation” Crisis

90 thoughts on “Jurassic #Woke”

  1. I think criticism of capitalism is pretty fair to be honest.
    I don’t understand why Americans identify so much with capitalism, it’s just a system of generating wealth.

      Answer this-
      Why does capitalism work better in countries like Australia or Canada than in the United States?
      The overall standard of living is higher in other Capitalist countries than the US.

        1. JOHN
          I don’t think any Americans could possibly agree with “taking over the world”.

        2. The obsession with perfect and utopian economic systems is what is wrong. Economic systems are engineered constructs…the best economic systems are those that are adaptable and mixed…the mixture depends on a number of variables which include: Foreign threats, resource abundance, technology, overpopulation, culture, IQ, etc etc. Being ruled by a rich elite aristocracy is no better than being ruled by a powerful dictator…there is no simple solution to maintaining a first world and wealthy nation (which is why there are not many first world nations). Ideologies like libertarianism, communism, Marxism, Minarchisim, egalitarianism are all ideologies adopted by simple minded morons who don’t have the intelligence or the knowledge to understand reality, so they chose simple systems based around their own selfishness, and then they worship those systems almost like a religion “If only we did it this way it would work and we would live in Utopia”…”how dare you question my perfect ideology, you are a [racist, sexist, statist, bigot].

        3. We have enough lemmings in America that could be manipulated into trying to take over the world. Remember, Americans bought that Germans were trying to take over the world.

        4. I think we all, deep down inside, know why America has more issues than other Brit-core countries. No one will say it though.

      1. Because the Jews have had more to gain by controlling America than Canada or Australia, the immediate post-war period notwithstanding.
        Also America is 300+ million people whereas Canada and Australia’s populations are each about 30 million. This makes things much easier to manage.
        Things are getting a lot worse in Canada though. Our country is turning to shit economically and socially, so don’t misinterpret my post as bragging.

      2. Because they are not 300m people with tens of millions of primitive brazilized ghetto dwellers and redneck white trash. It is funny how the shining examples of successful and happy pseudo socialist societies are always relatively small populations. Why dont u show me a society of few hunded million peope that can sustain the sjw hipster cool modernistic and socially just lifestyle of say sweden or canada… cmon im listening

        1. @Trollstein…you are correct to some degree, however, the problem with small societies is that as soon as they get wealthy they either have to expand or they eventually get conquered. Most small nations today only exist thanks to the power of the white western world that upholds UN mandates and keeps the peace (somewhat). Large counties can be very successful, and are actually some of the most successful in terms of technology, influence, and power. The reason many large nations fail is because it is hard to keep homogenuity among large and diverse populations…this is why empires always fall. If America had stayed a WASP nation than it would be fine and still have 100s of millions of people. This is also why China has been around for 4000 years, they stayed homogenous. It is all about homogeneity, tribalism, and ethnic loyalty. It is easier to maintain homogenuity in smaller nations.

      3. @Wes the Great
        Yes large societies can be successful in terms of technology, influence and general power but that is not being successful in social terms. U can be the most strongest society in world and be a dystopia full of slaves at the same time. And please don’t give me China as example for socially just society, please don’t… China was and remains one of the most brutal, primitive, hardcore and unequal and unjust societies in human history… are they strong and influential and technological? YES, but can they provide the 1st world swedish way of live to every sweatshop slave or peasant shepherd… no. That is the problem with scale, u can not balance everything.

        1. @Trollstien…you didn’t get what I was saying. I am merely talking about the survival of a nation, its people, and its culture. Yes, power and technology matter, without it you cannot defend what you have created. China could easily stomp all over smaller nations, ever heard of Tibet? Also, like I said earlier, there are any factors that determine how free and successful a nation becomes, but my point is that YOU WILL NEVER build a powerful and successful nation without homogeneity, it is not a guarantee for success but it is absolutely necessary for sucess.

        2. Survival has nothing to do with success. Believe me Bangladesh and Somalia will outlive say Sweden even though Sweden is one of the most successful societies in history and the others are shitholes. It has nothing to do with success or even homogenity as u say. All that matters for survival is women having children instead of being artsy fartsy photographer hipster writer independent traveling self sufficient chick. Homogenity is not required for survival as we know they slaughter each other like animals in Somalia but in the end they will outlive most of the successful people on this planet. Homogenity is required to build successful society which is completely different thing from survival. And the OPs question was why other countries are more successful than USA not if who will survive or not but u started talkin about survival out of nowhere.

        3. “Survival has nothing to do with success”…lol, so if I don’t survive I can still be successful? Reminds me of that ancient proverb I heard somewhere, “If you die, you win!!!” LOL.

        4. Homogenity is absolutely required for survival and success. It is what builds the social cohesion, ethnic loyalties, and trust needed to make tribal systems work. If you don’t have a tribal system than you are just an animal roaming around with no real purpose. This is why diverse nations go to shit, it is why there is gentrification, it is why we have borders, it is why almost every nation on earth worth mentioning is homogenous. This is humanity, it is so simple.

        5. @Trollstein,
          If you think that Sweden still has such a great society, then you haven’t been paying attention for the past several years. Sweden has been the first Euro country to totally wreck itself with too much Third World migration. It’s become the rape capital of Europe.

        6. Was in China last year, seemed as free as America and Europe. People were all relatively happy, some were poor, some were wealthy. Every apartment I stayed at had a 42″ LCD TV bolted to the wall. Nobody was watching me or following me around, felt like a very safe and civilized country. I was surprised! The western governments and media portray China as entirely different to the way it actually is.

      4. The problem with capitalism (and all other isms) is their success is measured in power, money, territory, monopoly, etc. But is not measured in happiness. Go take a look at Japan if you want to see a country devoted to every other measure of success except happiness. And go look at some islanders, Fiji, Thailand, Bahamas etc. They may be poor, they may have fewer malls, but they don’t commit suicide at the rate of the Japs. Just saying.

      5. Where did you get the information that the standard of living in Canada and Australia is better than the US.
        If you measure the standard of living in the US on a state by state basis, 6 states have a lower standard of living than Canada, and another 8 have about equal standard of living.
        As for Australia, 7 states have similar standard of living, and only 14 have lower standard of living than Australia.

      6. Because they benefit from the military protection of the US and therefore don’t have to spend as much as they would otherwise.

    2. what other system would you have ?????. I am african I can tell you the oposite is more evil.

      1. I’m not saying capitalism is ineffective for generating wealth, or that I’m against private property or something. I’m just saying capitalism is not without its problems and there’s nothing wrong with pointing out its faults.
        What we’ve had in Canada has been pretty good. We have a capitalist economy with socialized health care and some other useful public services. For us it has worked because our population has been more or less homogeneous, and no one feels resentful about paying taxes so their neighbour can have healthcare. Also our population is around 30 million and we have abundant commodities, so it’s not impossible to manage our economy and factor in quality of life for our citizens.
        What kind of economic system is used where you are?

        1. I think the base idea of capitalism is very effective as an ideology. Like any ideology is does have its flaws and its limits as a theory, and also putting it into practice.
          It does need to be tempered and personalised by the individual society to avoid things like monopolies, exploitation, so the average citizen feels invested in their society.
          Things like globalism, mass immigration, multinationalism, and political lobbyists who represent the aforementioned interests have weakened the effectiveness of how capitalism works in the west.
          The average citizen’s interests are farmed out to multinationals, resulting in local job losses, destruction of manufacturing industries. The end result is the average citizen begins to feel disenfranchised as a few people make obscene profits, and the rest have to take a massive drop in their standard of living, and opportunities.

        2. You have it so good in Canada ?
          Rampant socialism/marxism, an insane tax rate, and almost no gun rights.
          No thank you, I will stay with capitalist, imperialist, redneck USA.
          Canada reminds too much california.

        3. I think what you’re seeing in Canada is that younare still in that sweet spot where you’re reaping the rewards of new(er) socialism while enjoying the fading benefits of the previous capitalistic system. Stefan Molyneaux has an interesting theory that a country that goes from capitalism to socialism enjoys the benefits of both for one generation. That’s because senior execs and professionals all learned their work ethics in a capitalist environment. It will be interesting to see how Canada does in about 15 years when no one working has any memory of capitalism.

      2. Africa’s problem is Africans. Doesn’t matter what system you choose they’ll just be the same dumb and corrupt cunts they always are.

        1. Truth. Nobody on the #woke side talks about this, but slavery is still a thing in the majority of African countries. And most of these same countries have black folks in power.
          There was a “white people free” day at a libtard college in Washington that was FULLY SUPPORTED by the administration, and it turned into anarchy within minutes. In the aftermath, white people no longer felt safe there and left in droves. All of a sudden the college is $6mm in the red.
          But, apparently I’m supposed to repent for the sins of people who died 100 years ago simply because of my skin color, when back in the day my family was never well off enough to own slaves anyway.
          Sorry, not sorry. Got no libtard sympathy here…

        2. Correct. Africans refuse to grow up and leave the stone age, American indians, and blacks have the same problem.
          If these people would take the time and energy they devote to complaining about the past and use it make something out themselves, they would be as successful as anyone else. They need to get it through their thick skulls that the old ways are gone, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
          They bring the so called ” oppression ” on themselves because they insist on acting like stone age savages.

    3. Tribalism (clan monopoly) (d)evolved Feudalism (feudal monopoly) (d)evolved into Capitalism (corporate monopoly), which (d)evolved into Communism (state monopoly), which (d)evolved into African economy (state corporatism), which will devolve back into Tribalism.
      Socially development seems to move in loops.

    4. actually, any half civilized country with capitalism is better off than those without. I don’t doubt human greed, but harnessed to a nations wealth…it makes everyone better off. Case in point… The Dominican Republic is capitalist, but run with typical Hispanic cronyism… and it’s poor, but much, much better than Venezuala, which is socialist but also run by the same incompetent Hispanics. On a lower level, Jamaica is a shit-hole country, capitalist, run by negro’s. But it’s not as shitty as any other black-country, ie: Zimbabwe, that is run by even dumber negro’s and is communist. So, capitalism, for whatever its faults… is demonstrably better across the demographic sphere.

      1. Swedes can be feminist libshits and they still didn’t have to lock their doors before the rapefugees.

    5. The only problem with capitalism in its current form is the usurious nature of it which was created and is currently maintained by the international banking cartel. Get rid of usury and you have fixed most problems that currently adversely affect the world.

    6. Cuz it’s based off of the merit of your hard work. You can reap what you sow or you can work for someone else who decides your wage or salary. If you don’t have success in the USA it’s cuz you don’t want it. I’m not doing too bad for an immigrant 😉

      1. Usually the people declaring capitalism rewards hard work the loudest are those who have benefited from inheriting capital or got lucky on the speculation economy.
        Banks earning trillions on Ursury pushing numbers and paper is rewarding ‘hard work’ apparently in The capitalist fantasy.

    7. It comes back to federal control of the economy. The traditional midwestern rural American has a natural disdain for anything “big brother”.

    8. Capitalism is not an artificial dogma or economic system. It is the original, organic system that human societies all over the World naturally and independently developed, as it is the system most naturally aligned with human desires and motivations. And since it so naturally aligns with human nature, desires and motivations it is also the most efficient and successful AND FAIR given proper governance and rule of law – as in relatively racially homogeneous First World capitalistic democracies.

      1. consider a nation like a family. A healthy family does not prosper from deceiving and exploiting its members for personal greed.
        A successful family does not let (((outsiders))) own its currency dictate its way of life or pervert its children.
        A family that works only for another (((family))) or is permanently indebted to another (((family))) is a slave.
        (((Outsiders))) and sellouts leisurely growing fat off the back of the families hard work from manipulation, speculation and usury is not how healthy societies developed.
        A family that fails to protect its bloodline ceases to be a family anymore.
        In my opinion the most natural healthy economy has been Germany’s national s0cialism. It was a great success and no it is nothing like (((communism)))

        1. I agree, if the nation is relatively small and if it is also more homogeneous, then the nation (a big extended family) can negotiate the degree of profit sharing in the capitalistic system it has – example Scandinavian countries before they embarked on their collective suicide. But this system is still capitalism – It was based primarily on private property and was driven by profit motive and not equality of outcome. But the nation since it was of relatively small, culturally close knit and racially homogeneous, had no problems sharing the profits, to a greater degree than say a larger nation like Victorian England or early American Republic. A multi-cultural, multi-ethnic continent sized mega nation like today’s America has a hard time negotiating profit sharing, because of group identity and differentials in group productivity messes everything up. Add to that corrosive ideologies like cultural and economic Marxism and we get the chaos of today. It is not capitalism’s fault.

        2. Usually the people who shout the loudest against capitalism are the ones who think they are too good to work and pay a fair share of taxes, but consider themselves to entitled to as many handouts as possible.
          The ones who are too stupid and lazy to get an education or learn a skilled trade and are exempt from taxation are the loudest champions of socialism.
          The ones too cowardly to serve in the military fit in this group as well.
          There is plenty of opportunity to become wealthy here in the USA, all you have to do is get off your ass.

        3. The problem with national socialism, is that it is socialism.
          Socialism DOES NOT WORK, this has been proven all over the world for decades. Even the soviets and the red chinese had to back away from it to avoid economic collapse.
          The root of the problem with socialism is too much state control, and the fact that it based on punishing the successful and productive to reward the lazy, stupid, and criminal.
          Socialism ” levels the playing field ” until everyone is poor.

        4. @bill
          But it did work, it worked too well for the (((you know who))) to allow it and risk jeapordizing their world monopoly.
          Germany’s national socialism only rewarded those who contributed. If you were successful it was because you earned it. There was no more opportunities to become Ju-rich from scheming. It worked because the nation was an ethnically homogeneous family working together for the greater good.
          The Multicult capitalist west is just a walk in brothel for big Corp/gov/banks where the people scamper about like rats looking to get there’s and gibme dats.

      2. I agree that its a fantastic system but it in no way is organic or natural. Most of human history people lived in barter economies. Read The Wealth of Nations to see how even the most basic tenets of capitalism were once considered novel or even revolutionary. The idea of forming corporations to share risk and profit, being paid in cash for your work to an employer, talking the profits of your company and re-investing it in the business or sharing it with stockholders….even the idea of entrepreneurs opening their own businesses. None of this was widespread 500 years ago.

    9. So true. Capitalism generates wealth like the device you used to read the article and to post your comment. May I suspect that you enjoy many other kinds of material goods as well, all of them produced by capitalism and unimaginable for earlier generations?

        1. It was still invented and designed by American know how. On the other hand, I believe the collective decision to sell out our manufacturing (including sharing all the knowledge) to the Chinese will prove to be the biggest strategic mistake the USA has ever made.

    10. It’s not that capitalism is bad per say. It’s “crony” capitalism that’s bad, in which individuals use scams and deceits in the system in order to profit a buck. Take the example of corporations who exploit our broken immigration system to import cheap foreign legal/illegal labor, and shaft American workers all in the pursuit of increasing their bottomline.

    11. Americans identify with Free Market economics, not “Capitalism”, a pejorative term used by Karl Marx to describe virtually any non-Communist systems.
      The 3 main primary options: are Free Markets, Socialism/Democratic Socialism, or Communism. You have some in-between options, but not many that are realistic.
      Americans have done extremely well under Free Markets, going from a small colony inot a global superpower. American Free Markets created the middle class, global stability, and prosperity for most of our citizens. America “invested” the Middle Class back in the early 1900s, thanks to Free Market systems, period of low immigration, and the end of the Progressive reign, notably under President Calvin Coolidge.
      Compare what happened to America and places like Brazil, Cuba, Soviet Union, and even now Western Europe. Free Markets brought prosperity for MOST while socialist policies failed miserably. If Socialism and Communism worked, then Venezuela, Cuba, and Spain would be richest countries in the world. The ontl countries that had Democratic Socialism work to a very minor extent were small, homogenous resource-rich countries, like Norway. The rest (UK, Spain, France, etc) all failed miserably trying Socialism and are under collapse right now.
      Every single American economic mess we have had beginning in the 1930s was designed and created by the Fed Reserve and the Progressive leaders (FDR, LBJ, Obummer, etc). Every single economy prosperous time we have had was under Free Market leadership, like Coolidge, Reagan, and now Trump.
      Even Bill Clinton had a good period too, but ONLY after Newt Gingrich strong-armed Clinton into reducing and cracking down immigration and massive welfare reforms.
      Remember this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5eyI5r2j2c
      The problem is NOT Free Markets (“capitalism”); the problem is global Socialist policies of stealing and re-distributing our wealth and sending to other countries (or welfare illegal immigrants inside our borders) OR leftist policies of large-scale immigration or making bad trade deals to send out jobs and wealth overseas).
      Globalism, which is a WTO and UN-centered Socialist global economic system, where American wealth (created by Free Markets) is stolen from its citizens and is transferred to shithole countries under many guises (“foreign aid”, global warming aid, Climate Accord, etc), trade “deals” that purposely hurt Americans to benefit other countries, AND out of control immigration. All 3 have drained America of its wealth and middle class.
      You identify the problem, but find the wrong cause. Socialism and leftist economics are the problems, NOT the Free Markets.
      Ps. Trump is cracking down on Immigration, fighting these bad trade deals, and ending these global “agreements” to steal our jobs and wealth. Stay tuned.

    12. Clark Kent, you mean the character from a comic that sold millions world-wide and is known thanks to capitalism?
      Dumbass motherfucker

  2. As an American who lives overseas I cannot understand why people place so much importance on a stupid film dreamed up by some cokehead in the Hollywood Hills over call girls the week before pre-production.
    Why do Americans place so much concern in some children’s film ABOUT DINOSAURS that is the 5th sequel to a 20 year old movie?
    Its a children’s movie.

    1. Because most people in developed countries or rich areas live more inside fictional worlds than real ones, and this propaganda get straight through into the minds of the stupid people (which are the vast majority btw)

    In 1973 Michael Winner was afraid of racism so he hired a big, scary obviously Jewish young actor to play the home invader and rapist in Death Wish.
    The actor was Jeff Goldblum.
    Goldblum was the poster child for gun rights and NYC drugs and crime. Watch the film again.
    THOMAS F DUFFY – Nirvana and the Jurassic Park Paleontologist
    The second actor in Jurassic Park who advanced conservatism through Death Wish films was Thomas F Duffy who played “Nirvana”
    He’s Irish-American-a big, red-haired lug with a deep rolling voice. In Death Wish 2 he played the smartest of a gang of PCP and cokeheads who rape Bronson’s maid.
    So it is ironic that these poster children for Conservatism in their youth are now pushing a liberal agenda.

    It is ironic that Goldblum, who broke into the business playing the mugger who killed/raped Bronson’s family, would now be pushing the liberal policies.
    Winner, who directed the film, later said he wanted cast a big scary Jewish guy in order to avoid racism.
    The second actor from Jurassic Park who also was a Death Wish poster child was Thomas F Duffy. He was the big, red-haired guy who raped Bronson’s made and got electrocuted.
    So it is ironic that Hollywood now has these guys pushing a liberal policy.

  5. Didn’t Jeff Goldblum make his name playing a mugger in Death Wish, the ultimate Conservative film.

    1. I will give you credit though. Atleast you are aware these movies are always trying to implant messages and emotional triggers into our minds, some I’m sure with clever subtle little head fuks difficult to discern and recognize.
      Just don’t count on them ever working positively on the great unwashed. #fastasleep

  6. I think your reaching with this one. If anything I think it accidentally accurately portrays the desired leftist immigration (any and everyone no matter what they want or my do) but it doesn’t actually portray it as bad intentionally or otherwise.

  7. This is why I don’t patronise forms of “entertainment” generated by the so-called “entertainment” industry any more. Who wants to pay to sit thru this and waste 1.5 hours of their life? There’s so many more real ways to spend time.
    I could barely finish this tiny article…


    1. I made a comment last week about this site’s obsession with Hollywood. I don’t see why these cuckservatives keep going to the movies and then complain about it. You already know that it will be full of feminism or sjw ideas. Redpill man are done with Hollywood. The writer is full of It for watching this. Hollywood is ran by p€d0s(look up pizza gate, but I warn you that it is pretty sick) and the (people behind the scenes who like to rub their hands). The last good movie was the lord of the rings series.

    2. Hollywood and the media in general plays a large role in influencing the minds of the next generation, influencing them/indoctrinating whilst they are young and malleable. If you ignore it you are basically letting these freaks have open slather on the future to do what they want. End result is what we have now, feminazis, fags, and joo’s trying to tell as what to do and how to think, all of it lacking common sense, and being generally inefficient and unworkable.

      1. Wow you’re completely right! Writing articles on a site that’s focused on masculine men that already hate Hollywood will certainly change this! My neighbours stopped watching Hollywood films and started to hate jews because of these stupid articles?

        1. How do you think things have changed so much for the worse over the last 30years? Its not all bad luck, and randomness that does the job. Neo Marxist, feminist, gay ideology has incrementally invaded all the institutions and corrupted them. Hollywood is a big part of it.
          Its been a conscious decision to white ant from the inside out. Its all done under the guise of freedom or equality.
          Is also been very effective, in achieving their goals. Being in denial, trying to ignore it, or not doing something about it when you have the opportunity to vote for someone, or support someone that represents your views. If you are apathetic you lose the numbers.
          Younger people, that think somethings not right about the extreme left wing’s propaganda, they will look for direction to help steer them in a better direction If there aren’t articles that give them hope or at least a better option, they will just fall into the leftist line.

  9. What’s funny about the whole Leftist establishment at this point is that they don’t realize that every shriek of racism, every sarcastic Trump meme, every snarky comment, just paints them as sore, juvenile losers who will lose again in the next election. I personally cannot wait for the reaction videos after Trump wins again.

    1. “just paints them as sore, juvenile LOSERS who will LOSE again in the next election”

  10. FFS, A adult male watching a Hollywood film made for little kids I give up.
    I wouldn’t pay one single cent/penny for the rest of my life to watch a Hollywood movie again. They have helped to get us were we are now up the creek without a paddle. With their masters (((The Tribe))) destroying everything that was once good.
    I haven’t even got a TV anymore here in England I would rather go out for a few hours on my Mountain Bike, take a walk along the riverbank for miles with my camera soaking in the sun and fresh air. I sometimes go fishing to catch a fish (Zander) scale, gut and fillet it on the bank and cook/eat it their and then. I sometimes go out with a mate metal detecting true a few hours wasted some might say but I’d rather do that than make some (Tribe Production Company ) make untold millions which they will do no doubt with this film.

  11. I knew this movie was “one big pile of shit” when I learned of its basic premise.

  12. Jesus Christ.
    Saying that you oppose regulations is not the same thing as saying you support pollution.
    Saying that you oppose the minimum wage is not the same thing as saying you support slavery.
    Saying that you oppose seatbelt laws is not the same thing as saying people should drive dangerously.
    Saying that you oppose food stamps is not the same thing as saying you are against private charities.
    Saying that you oppose government roads is not the same thing as saying you are against all roads.
    Saying that you oppose government schools is not the same thing as saying you are against all schools.
    Saying that you support drug legalization is not the same thing as saying you think people should be addicted to drugs.
    Saying that you support gun rights is not the same thing as saying you think people should kill people.
    Saying that you support car ownership is not the same thing as saying you think people should have car crashes.
    The government is not your daddy. The government is not your mommy.
    Who wants to live in a prison?

  13. I agree with immigration reform but this article is just plain stupid. Of course your interpretation will be overlooked. You seem to be trying to find literally anything that will fit your narrative just like the leftists do. It seems desperate to me.

  14. I watched the movie. This immigration metaphor never entered my mind. The dinosaurs were all dangerous. They’re alive. I think the risk in their getting out is that they’re all biological/pharmaceutical treasures available to the highest bidder, or luckiest captor. The toys have been skattered for whoever wants them, like the nuclear armaments in The Stand after the pandemic. A gripe I have is that a dinosaur sold for 100 million dollars, which is way, way, too cheap. Most of them weren’t in breeding pairs. What you’re buying, you’re not buying to breed, you’re buying a collection of the DNA to make more of them. The idea was not that dinosaurs (or immigrants) had been let free on the mainland, but that biological weapons, medicines, and resources had been let out of the box. Any of those capitalists stand to turn the world over with the powers that Bio-engineering needs only a catalyst to claim. I liked the movie enough, too. In a post The Last Jedi world, you have to take one deep breath before you trust a franchise flick. Gosh, The Last Jedi sucked.

    1. “Gosh, The Last Jedi sucked.”
      The understatement of the century right there!!!

  15. The first Jurassic Park was a monumental achievement by Stephen Spielberg. The second one, “The Lost World,” also a Spielberg film, was quite good too. But since he’s no longer directing, the last three dino films have gone way down hill. But, I’ve read that another film has already been greenlighted. It’s needed to explain what happens with all those dinos now running loose. So, I’ll be stuck shelling out more dough for the next one when it premieres. After that – NO MORE – please!

  16. I’m going to play devils advocate here – the author articulates (and supports a valid point). But two realities out of what appears to be a shitty movie;
    1) The author recognised it, and there’s no guarantee that the rest of the normie crowd didn’t either employ hamster rationalisation or selective deafness to gloss over that. Logic isn’t their forte, neither is allegorical meaning.
    2) Did they honestly make a mistake? Could have been deliberate, or intentional – either way I’m pretty sure you’ll be hard pressed to get the truth.
    Assume that if media has large backing it will be geared towards an agenda, as the Author pointed out. Anything in it take with a grain of salt and a sigh that it’s one more salvo against who we really are. Normie s are being inundated to the point of super saturation but they show now sign of having a gutful.

  17. I sort of guessed they would ruin this movie with political correctness.
    A pity, because Jurassic World was a good movie, and it made millions. Didn’t Hollywood take the hint?

  18. All I remember from Jurassic Park is Spielberg’s gratuitous use of ass shots on Laura Dern.

  19. “The herbivores symbolize good illegal immigrants and the carnivores symbolize bad illegal immigrants.”
    You fool, its not about “good” or “bad”, its about being ILLEGAL !!

  20. I think the Harry Potter movies do a even better job at taking a reasonable stance on immigration. The gal that wrote the books tried to make the good guys good mainly because they believe anyone can be a wizard, and thus they aren’t prejudiced. The bad guys are bad, basically because they believe only wizards should be wizards and ancient wizarding families are the best. The author really thinks she’s sticking it to all of those anti-immigration meanies. Anyone could be a good Brit, is the general idea.
    The problem is, in order to make her movies somewhat realistic, and thus believable and enjoyable, she had to make the good guys accept any person with wizarding talent. That’s right. The good guys would have excluded muggles from their schools as well. Only people with magical talents are allowed in. Just like only people whom can benefit Britain should be allowed into Britain and only those whom can benefit America should be allowed here. Ergo, the good guys in Harry Potter really are more logical than the bad guys. It only makes sense to allow anyone with magical powers to train to use them. And who cares about an ancient wizarding family if they become bad for wizards in general?
    Just like us now. Whom would care about America’s elite, if they become bad for America.
    Are there any other movies that look like they are trying to support one political viewpiont, but actually through favor to the opposite?

  21. I was 8 years old when the first film came out. I really wanted to see it but my dad would not let me as I was too young by the standards of the time. I think he was right.
    When I finally saw it MUCH later I no longer cared and the only good thing about the movie were the visuals in my opinion. The characters were antiheroic and there was too much black humour for a somewhat family oriented movie. With that said, the movie may have been keeping with the book, which I do not know, but as a casual viewer it does not really make a difference for me.
    Alan Grant intimidates and teases kids for no reason and the rest of the characters seem to have a nearly amused attitude regarding the deaths of innocent animals and humans like the live cattle they gave for the dinosaurs to tear into shreds.
    I like the second movie better even though I find Jeff Goldblum dull to watch.

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