How To Break Through Beta Male Conditioning

Are you alpha?

The Red Pill glossary of terms defines an alpha male as one who is socially dominant and displays high-value traits that are attractive to women. To expand on this definition, I would add that a true alpha male is one who has achieved total freedom not only in his choice with women, but in his ability to do what he wants, when he wants, where he wants, with whomever he wants.

As David Deida writes in The Way of the Superior Man:

The priority of the masculine is the mission which leads to freedom. You are always searching for freedom. Your basic motivation is to be released from constraint and experience the freedom on the other side.

The following is a 4-stage model I propose that every man must go through in order to break out of beta and become the badass alpha male he was meant to be.

Level 1 – Bluepill Spectator

The blue pill marks a path of conformity with society’s expectations. Men trapped at this level don’t even know that they don’t know. They are hypnotized and caught in the hamster wheel of going through the motions. They take what they are given. They are mere spectators in life, leaves in the wind, running on a script that was handed to them. They don’t ask questions. They do what they are told.

Level 2 – Choosing the Red Pill

Choosing the Red Pill means waking up and becoming aware of the games being played around you. At this level you are consuming the information to help you get better at these games. You are gaining knowledge on how to optimally function in a society that’s increasingly lacking a positive identity for men. But contrary to popular belief, knowledge is not power. Knowledge is only potential power. Without application, knowledge doesn’t amount to shit. Merely knowing something is not enough because you can know what to do but still not do what you know.

I’ve talked to a lot of guys over the past few weeks, and the majority of them are trapped at this level. They’ve read the books, they know the theories, and they understand what’s going on. Yet, they are caught up in the accumulation of knowledge and haven’t gotten down to application. They justify their inaction by placing blame on external factors, failing to realize that this mindset leaves them powerless.

Level 3 – Swallowing the Red Pill

Swallowing the Red Pill means taking what you know and actually applying it. You can read all the books you want on how to lift properly, but until you actually get your ass in the gym you’re not going to make any progress. You can accumulate all the information out there on how to get laid, but until you actually get in the field and approach you’re never going to get better with women.

At level 3, you understand that taking action provides access to the most information-rich stream of data. Only by taking action is the path revealed to you. Only by taking action can you gain an understanding of nuance and the areas that you need to improve on.

Knowledge can never lead to wisdom. The only thing that leads to wisdom is experience. And the only way to gain experience is by actually doing it.

Take advantage of the community, take advantage of all the resources you have available, but understand that action is the only thing that will move you forward. 

Level 4 – Living the Red Pill

At level 4, you have results. You’ve been taking consistent action and are at the point where you actually identify with the particular belief system. It is who you are.

But “living it” is about taking consistent action. It’s not like you go to the gym for 12-weeks and then never have to go again. Living as an alpha male means that you’re always growing and striving for constant and never-ending improvement in every area of your life.

Call To Action

Knowing what to do is only 1% of the battle. Developing the discipline to do what you know you need to do, day in and day out, is a whole other animal. And then there’s the aspect of whether or not your actions are actually moving you towards your goals. Such is life. I’ve been working hard on my business and my body, but it has come at the expense of my dating life. All of us are on this journey and all of us have different areas that we need to improve on. What is the one area of your life that needs the most improvement and what actions can you commit to in order to improve it? Comment below. For me, it’s definitely women. Come September, I intend on traveling to either Vegas or South America and doing a minimum of 5 approaches every single day for (at least) 30 days.

As a man, your testosterone level is a major driving force in your overall health, energy, and assertiveness. Download the FREE 5-Step Blueprint that (almost) doubled my total T-level from 564 to 902 ng/dL in less than 4-months. 

Read More: 11 Hard Truths I Learned From Taking The Red Pill 

99 thoughts on “How To Break Through Beta Male Conditioning”

    1. “I would add that a true alpha male is one who has achieved total freedom not only in his choice with women, but in his ability to do what he wants, when he wants, where he wants, with whomever he wants.” – you only become ‘alpha’ by overcoming adversity of somekind, even if you are the ‘top dog’ no girls going to just roll over for you – besides, being ‘alpha’ doesn’t mean you can do whatever the fuck you want, when you want, no strings attached, its actually quite the opposite – it means keeping yourself in check constantly, living by high ridged standards no one else lives by, knowing how to manage and direct others, placing group before self, etc etc, the list goes on and on, this is even more true in the animal kingdom seen time and time again, the boss in charge has a ton of shit he has to take care of, the idea of ‘alpha’ your perpetuating is the ‘king’ who lords over his surfs and tells everyone what to do, but guess what, if he’s just fuckin around and doing whatever he wants he aint gunna be king that long, skewed notions of ‘alpha’ can distort your intentions – I realize you’re probably referring to ‘alpha’ as having somekind of freedom from outcome with women, but the reality of that is delusional as all fuck, there is no real freedom of outcome with girls, she ‘picks you’ just as much as ‘you pick her’ – unless you wanna make women literal slaves with no choice whatsoever you have to accept the fact that she’s choosing you just as much as you’re choosing her, if not way more so in som regards.
      “Living as an alpha male means that you’re always growing and striving for constant and never-ending improvement in every area of your life.” – Agree with this point but its also somewhat fatalistic, regardless life isn’t all positivistic either , there is no ‘constant uphill’ battle which can be ‘won’, life ebbs and flows, its not one direction.

      1. Checking your ‘T’ is for insecure beta male faggots bytheway* – “Oh my GAWWWWWD, what is my Teeeee ta-day? Please be high, please be high, please be high….oh I’m soooo squimish and nervous, why am I sooo nervous…oh my gawwwd I just peed my pants…I need HIGH T to be a man…just working out isn’t enough for me, if I can’t grow a beard and work out I must NOT be a MANLY MAN, a REAL MAN, like EVERYONE says, it doesn’t matter that I have a dick and workout and eat healthy, I HAVE TO check my Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” – gay enough for you incels? Fuck off with this faggot gayass bullshit, fuck this site man, bunch of gayass queer click bait bullshit

        1. “Download the FREE 5-Step Blueprint that (almost) doubled his total T-level from 564 to 902 ng/dL”
          Pro at clickbait bullshit – ‘almost’ doubled his T? No, not even close – the definition of ‘almost’ means ‘very nearly’ or ‘not quite’ – its basic fucking math – to double your T you would need to go from 564 to 1128 genius – 902 isn’t ‘almost’ to 1128 – its 79% there which is ‘almost’ 80% – to be in the category of ‘almost’ 1128 you would have to be at very least at 90% – ‘almost’ means to be ‘not quite there’ – its so fucking basic that children know it and use it every fucking year at school – “Joe didn’t get an A on his test, he got a B+, which is ALMOST an A” – Mo, your fuckin logic is worse than an elementary school student, da fuck is wrong with you? Mentally handicap? 79% is a C+ bitch, 80% is a B, 90% is an A….to ALMOST get to an A (90%) you need to get to a B first bitch, which you aren’t at…you are ‘almost’ ALMOST to a B…better go work out more Mo

        2. No, you knew what you were doing, thats why you put the ‘(almost)’ in there because you thought you could fool everyone and squeeze by sounding like you ‘(almost) doubled your T’ when you really didn’t even ‘almost’ do jack shit – I get it man, you read online about how all these ‘bros’ DOUBLE THEIR T and so you tryin to take yourself ‘serious’ and make the same claim, not to mention but the whole getting your ‘T’ check is gay as fuck in case you missed it I said it like a dozen times already, why’s it gay? cuse your perceived ‘control’ over your T is going to flucuate throughout your life regardless, if you know what increases T than just do what increases it, there’s no need to worry about getting it checkec, what a waste of mental room and stress for no reason, so you gunna end up psyching yourself out if its ‘above normal’ or ‘below’ and if its below youre gunna stress yourself out for no fucking reason when you could be putting your mental energy else way, waste of mental firmware, waste of life, I’d rather you be retarded at math than be an insecure beta worried about pointless bullshit

      2. So therefore the alpha is not really free. He has tons of responsibilities and has to constantly update and stay on track to maintain his “freedom”.
        This whole “alpha” bullshit needs to go anyway. In the animal kingdom wolves are referred to as alpha and beta but the alphas only maintain their status for a short while and quickly fade from their ‘top dog’ (no pun intended) position gracefully. They even move behind the rest of the pack during their alpha period.
        Recently on the forum I’ve even seen short fuse balkan shitheads referred to as “alphas” for their inability to control their temper around other men.
        Instead of being alphas we should strive to be virtuous quality men who dedicate some of our time to others and some of it to ourselves. Not that this division is somehow clear because virtuous self-interest is good for the community as well. Just scraping by as a pretend-happy cog in the machine like numerous office drones and other workers will give you a living but that’s that.

        1. I agree. Alpha bullshit needs to go. Doubt there’s a single self proclaimed alpha male on this site.

        2. I’m alpha as all fuck bitch, thanks for giving me an open to say so – ironic that I’m even on here considering how fag these articles have been lately, throwin all my pearls before this fuckin pig swine motherfuckers that are goin straight to the slaughter – for how long and how much effort I’ve put into this site and built up its reply sections and for how many conversations I’ve started and enlightened I must say that I’m dissapointed with how shit this site has become – even 2 – 3 years ago it had some legit ass articles, everything is clickbait cuntshit now though – oh well, leaving as a self-proclaimed alpha and legend among men is a good exit, goodluck making sense of the deep resvouirs of knowledge I’ve contributed to on here, go out and experience some shit rather than wanking it off. If you learn anything from this site it should be patriotism or death.
          Patton’s speech:
          “Be seated.
          Men, all this stuff you hear about America not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the war, is a lot of bullshit. Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting and clash of battle. When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big-league ball players and the toughest boxers. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. That’s why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war. The very thought of losing is hateful to Americans. Battle is the most significant competition in which a man can indulge. It brings out all that is best and it removes all that is base.
          You are not all going to die. Only two percent of you right here today would be killed in a major battle. Every man is scared in his first action. If he says he’s not, he’s a goddamn liar. But the real hero is the man who fights even though he’s scared. Some men will get over their fright in a minute under fire, some take an hour, and for some it takes days. But the real man never lets his fear of death overpower his honor, his sense of duty to his country, and his innate manhood.
          All through your army career you men have bitched about what you call ‘this chicken-shit drilling.’ That is all for a purpose—to ensure instant obedience to orders and to create constant alertness. This must be bred into every soldier. I don’t give a fuck for a man who is not always on his toes. But the drilling has made veterans of all you men. You are ready! A man has to be alert all the time if he expects to keep on breathing. If not, some German son-of-a-bitch will sneak up behind him and beat him to death with a sock full of shit. There are four hundred neatly marked graves in Sicily, all because one man went to sleep on the job—but they are German graves, because we caught the bastard asleep before his officer did.
          An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, and fights as a team. This individual hero stuff is bullshit. The bilious bastards who write that stuff for the Saturday Evening Post don’t know any more about real battle than they do about fucking. And we have the best team—we have the finest food and equipment, the best spirit and the best men in the world. Why, by God, I actually pity these poor bastards we’re going up against.
          All the real heroes are not storybook combat fighters. Every single man in the army plays a vital role. So don’t ever let up. Don’t ever think that your job is unimportant. What if every truck driver decided that he didn’t like the whine of the shells and turned yellow and jumped headlong into a ditch? That cowardly bastard could say to himself, ‘Hell, they won’t miss me, just one man in thousands.’ What if every man said that? Where in the hell would we be then? No, thank God, Americans don’t say that. Every man does his job. Every man is important. The ordinance men are needed to supply the guns, the quartermaster is needed to bring up the food and clothes for us because where we are going there isn’t a hell of a lot to steal. Every last damn man in the mess hall, even the one who boils the water to keep us from getting the GI shits, has a job to do.
          Each man must think not only of himself, but think of his buddy fighting alongside him. We don’t want yellow cowards in the army. They should be killed off like flies. If not, they will go back home after the war, goddamn cowards, and breed more cowards. The brave men will breed more brave men. Kill off the goddamn cowards and we’ll have a nation of brave men.
          One of the bravest men I saw in the African campaign was on a telegraph pole in the midst of furious fire while we were moving toward Tunis. I stopped and asked him what the hell he was doing up there. He answered, ‘Fixing the wire, sir.’ ‘Isn’t it a little unhealthy up there right now?’ I asked. ‘Yes sir, but this goddamn wire has got to be fixed.’ I asked, ‘Don’t those planes strafing the road bother you?’ And he answered, ‘No sir, but you sure as hell do.’ Now, there was a real soldier. A real man. A man who devoted all he had to his duty, no matter how great the odds, no matter how seemingly insignificant his duty appeared at the time.
          And you should have seen the trucks on the road to Gabès. Those drivers were magnificent. All day and all night they crawled along those son-of-a-bitch roads, never stopping, never deviating from their course with shells bursting all around them. Many of the men drove over 40 consecutive hours. We got through on good old American guts. These were not combat men. But they were soldiers with a job to do. They were part of a team. Without them the fight would have been lost.
          Sure, we all want to go home. We want to get this war over with. But you can’t win a war lying down. The quickest way to get it over with is to get the bastards who started it. We want to get the hell over there and clean the goddamn thing up, and then get at those purple-pissing Japs. The quicker they are whipped, the quicker we go home. The shortest way home is through Berlin and Tokyo. So keep moving. And when we get to Berlin, I am personally going to shoot that paper-hanging son-of-a-bitch Hitler.
          When a man is lying in a shell hole, if he just stays there all day, a Boche will get him eventually. The hell with that. My men don’t dig foxholes. Foxholes only slow up an offensive. Keep moving. We’ll win this war, but we’ll win it only by fighting and showing the Germans that we’ve got more guts than they have or ever will have. We’re not just going to shoot the bastards, we’re going to rip out their living goddamned guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. We’re going to murder those lousy Hun cocksuckers by the bushel-fucking-basket.
          Some of you men are wondering whether or not you’ll chicken out under fire. Don’t worry about it. I can assure you that you’ll all do your duty. War is a bloody business, a killing business. The Nazis are the enemy. Wade into them, spill their blood or they will spill yours. Shoot them in the guts. Rip open their belly. When shells are hitting all around you and you wipe the dirt from your face and you realize that it’s not dirt, it’s the blood and gut of what was once your best friend, you’ll know what to do.
          I don’t want any messages saying ‘I’m holding my position.’ We’re not holding a goddamned thing. We’re advancing constantly and we’re not interested in holding anything except the enemy’s balls. We’re going to hold him by his balls and we’re going to kick him in the ass; twist his balls and kick the living shit out of him all the time. Our plan of operation is to advance and keep on advancing. We’re going to go through the enemy like shit through a tinhorn.
          There will be some complaints that we’re pushing our people too hard. I don’t give a damn about such complaints. I believe that an ounce of sweat will save a gallon of blood. The harder we push, the more Germans we kill. The more Germans we kill, the fewer of our men will be killed. Pushing harder means fewer casualties. I want you all to remember that. My men don’t surrender. I don’t want to hear of any soldier under my command being captured unless he is hit. Even if you are hit, you can still fight. That’s not just bullshit either. I want men like the lieutenant in Libya who, with a Luger against his chest, swept aside the gun with his hand, jerked his helmet off with the other and busted the hell out of the Boche with the helmet. Then he picked up the gun and he killed another German. All this time the man had a bullet through his lung. That’s a man for you!
          Don’t forget, you don’t know I’m here at all. No word of that fact is to be mentioned in any letters. The world is not supposed to know what the hell they did with me. I’m not supposed to be commanding this army. I’m not even supposed to be in England. Let the first bastards to find out be the goddamned Germans. Some day, I want them to rise up on their piss-soaked hind legs and howl ‘Ach! It’s the goddamned Third Army and that son-of-a-bitch Patton again!’
          Then there’s one thing you men will be able to say when this war is over and you get back home. Thirty years from now when you’re sitting by your fireside with your grandson on your knee and he asks, ‘What did you do in the great World War Two?’ You won’t have to cough and say, ‘Well, your granddaddy shoveled shit in Louisiana.’ No sir, you can look him straight in the eye and say ‘Son, your granddaddy rode with the great Third Army and a son-of-a-goddamned-bitch named George Patton!’
          All right, you sons of bitches. You know how I feel. I’ll be proud to lead you wonderful guys in battle anytime, anywhere. That’s all.”

        3. I almost had absolutely nothing to remark you about, until I read this part: “Instead of being alphas we should strive to be virtuous quality men who dedicate some of our time to others and some of it to ourselves. “, really?
          You seem to have the general idea nail on, about this “alpha-beta-mgtow” shit and expectations, but everything you built up from the beginning came crashing down. A leap from one to another. Perhaps I’m misinterpreting you, perhaps you misspoke, Who knows. Regardless, anyone who tells anyone what to be, what to do or what to think is either promoting their own agenda for power (Which would be meaningless here. Think politicians) or is not quite “there” yet (Think useful idiots)
          An individual must go through his own journey to the darkest corners of his mind and find his own meaning and rules to abide by. Whether that means being “virtuous” or not.
          To be free, is to embrace postmodernism.

        4. >>> The main beta conditioning came from your mommy. Some women don’t know when to stop with badgering their son(s) and trying to get the young boys to excessively pander to or pedestalize all ladies. Mothers implement more beta conditioning than the government or schools during the early years – and this has a ripple effect which lasts years.
          I saw a remarried mother once chastising her 5yo son to stand and face the wall as punishment for not speaking submissively to a female. The mother screamed at him like a drill sergeant for the entire ordeal. She was an alpha widow remarried to a provider, and she probably didn’t even know why she was having the outburst. The 5yo was in her vicinity so he got ‘disciplined’. I thought to myself “Geez this poor kid is going to be emasculated in the long run”. My first thoughts were that her beta hubby has probably never bent the woman over his knee and disciplined HER. Poor kid.
          This kind of thing happens all the time with improperly managed mothers who aren’t required to keep their hair down and their mouth shut. These kind of women speak AT you whenever they feel like it – and they rarely listen when you speak. You have to wave your arms in their face or snap your fingers before they’ll listen. And yet they’re cognizant enough to go on a hypergamous tirade with little ones. But for the woman to snap to and listen to the patriarch man, it’s like they’re zombie eyed at a TV set even with no TV set around. You have to use your own energy just to get their attention like clapping your hands loudly in front of their face. A subtile whisper or ‘look’ should get her attention – but NOOOO you have to clap and flap the ding bat out of her damn ADHD trance every time. To let such an attention devoid woman loose on her child will only breed and magnify the same brew of hypergamy fueled logic deficiency and cognitive withdrawal in the offspring.
          The best scenario is the child won’t succumb to long term suffering, but will grow hardened and stronger by going into cognitive preservation mode and plot escape or revenge on the psychotic ‘mommy dearest’. Either way a crazy bitch hen mother that roosts and wields ‘discipline’ on a hypergamous whim spells trouble for all affected. The patriarch needs to SPANK her at the get go where it lasts . . and lasts, because her parents obviously didn’t spank, or teach or instruct her properly. A woman that was raised properly in the beginning with the fear and respect of the power of the patriarch is ideal.
          NEVER leave a poor boy in the clutches of a woman who is left to think for herself. Only a woman under the crack control of a red pill patriarch daddy man can learn the self discipline to shut up when it’s time to shut up and tit feed when it’s time to tit feed. Only a properly heeled woman who abides to the polished straight edge rule of KING DADDY can do a proper job on her end with the mothering of a child. Much of the emasculating/beta conditioning we see today came initially from some loose, unhinged and improperly managed MOMMY. >>>

        5. McGoo is kind of right. I’m that child, and am incredibly angry at the abuse I’ve suffered – without anyone even respecting that it even happened. Can you say ‘gaslighting’? When I learnt that word existed, I started to get things clear in my mind.
          Or instead of spanking, as I said to my (incredibly-prude, irrationally-so) father, “that kind of high-strung woman needs to have sex constantly, to stay sane, or something like that.”
          This is my own mother I had to unfortunately talk about to him like he was a child, a fool – this is a leader of people, an accomplished man in his profession.
          It doesn’t work, to ignorantly marry someone like that, forgetting that at the other end is the Menopause and she won’t be satiable in the same way (nope, I DON’T know the details of my parents current sex life, but my Dad was alluding to it being ‘a design flaw’ in marriage, since he is healthier than ME in that department, despite being 70).
          Well NO SHIT, SHERLOCK.
          Sex Education – this is ALL about Sex Education, isn’t it?
          Therapists have been fucking WORTHLESS. I had one (reasonably-attractive) trainee therapist literally rubbing her legs up and down, horny as fuck (maybe because I was in the submissive role, or perhaps just the actual INTIMACY that she craved, go figure) – then I told her something about the level of abuse and she instantly was shocked into disgust. Like switching off a light – boom! They literally aren’t ready to handle the level of harsh reality that life absolutely includes, without any of us choosing it.
          Such idiots will become mothers one day, even if they are white Western women. I pity their poor children (and maybe will be lucky enough to live long enough to have to fight them, due to their uncivilised results, but abuse heavily-curtails life-expectancy so be brotherly to your fellow man where it doesn’t fuck you over, guys, we need to stand together when and where it matters.)

      3. Why be a responsible Alpha male that takes care of the pack when you can be a disciplined Sigma male that answers to no one? I dont see how the Alpha male in human relations is relevant to the animal kingdom alphas? Unless you’re a seventeen year old high school football star.

      4. “even if you are the ‘top dog’ no girls going to just roll over for you”
        This is so true. The lowest bitch will hold a bone from the highest alpha

      5. The main beta conditioning came from your mommy. Some women don’t know when to stop with badgering their son(s) to pedestalize all ladies. Mothers implement more beta conditioning than the government or schools.
        I saw a remarried mother once chastising her 5yo son to stand and face the wall as punishment for not speaking submissively to a female. The mother screamed at him like a drill sergeant for the entire ordeal. She was an alpha widow remarried to a provider, and she probably didn’t even know why she was having the outburst. The 5yo was in her vicinity so he got ‘disciplined’. I thought this poor kid is going to be emasculated in the long run. My first thoughts were that her beta hubby has probably never bent the woman over his knee and disciplined HER. Poor kid. This kind of thing happens all the time with improperly managed mothers who aren’t required to keep their hair down and their mouth shut. These kind of women speak AT you whenever they feel and rarely listen. It’s like they’re zombie eyed at a TV set, even with no TV set around, and you have to use your own energy just to get their attention. NEVER leave a poor boy in the clutches of a woman who is left to think for herself. Only a woman under the crack control of a red pill patriarch daddy man can do a proper job on her end with the mothering. Much of the emasculating/beta conditioning we see today came initially from some loose, unhinged and improperly managed MOMMY.

      6. ›› The main beta conditioning came from your mommy. Some women don’t know when to stop with badgering their son(s) to pedestalize all ladies. Mothers implement more beta conditioning than the government or schools.
        I saw a remarried mother once chastising her 5yo son to stand and face the wall as punishment for not speaking submissively to a female. The mother screamed at him like a drill sergeant for the entire ordeal. She was an alpha widow remarried to a provider, and she probably didn’t even know why she was having the outburst. The 5yo was in her vicinity so he got ‘disciplined’. I thought this poor kid is going to be emasculated in the long run. My first thoughts were that her beta hubby has probably never bent the woman over his knee and disciplined HER. Poor kid. This kind of thing happens all the time with improperly managed mothers who aren’t required to keep their hair down and their mouth shut. These kind of women speak AT you whenever they feel and rarely listen. It’s like they’re zombie eyed at a TV set, even with no TV set around, and you have to use your own energy just to get their attention. NEVER leave a poor boy in the clutches of a woman who is left to think for herself. Only a woman under the crack control of a red pill patriarch daddy man can do a proper job on her end with the mothering. Much of the emasculating/beta conditioning we see today came initially from some loose, unhinged and improperly managed MOMMY. ››

      7. You wrote a book in the comments. If you have so much to say why not write an article and highlight your entire premise instead of piggy backing so. Eone balls enough to write their own article.. I’d bet Roosh would post it if you’d submit it, but followers hip and peanut gallery assassination is easier for some folks, like you. Man up, write your own complete article and take the righteous heat you deserve and defend your work like those you snipe at, or are you BETA scared?

        1. Fucking Google interferes so much through the Android operating systems with their unwanted edits and shit…… I don’t need their leftist spell check and grammar help and interference to say what I want to say…. @Guest: “You wrote a book in the comments. If you have so much to say why not write an article and highlight your entire premise instead of piggy backing someone else’s. They have the balls enough to write their own article.. I’d bet Roosh would post it if you’d submit it, but followers hide out in the peanut gallery where they attempt to assassinate them, it’s easier for some folks, like you. Man up, write your own complete article and take the righteous heat you deserve and defend your work like those you snipe at, or are you BETA scared?”

      8. Patton’s grunt speech is a masterpiece. The silent gen then became parents to the post war repopulation boom kids. Now we need Patton’s fire and spirit to call on the common man who is agitated. He is marginalized in his own home and in his homeland. The TV vomits shame upon him continuously. He knows the enemy and reaches out listening for a balls against the wall voice. Is there a voice of Patton in the streets? A voice to bid farewell to the elite’s stranglehold on man? A call to gut them like an old school German sausage chef does to a pig and hang them by their entrails? (I’m favorably impartial towards both the Germanic volk and their excellent wurst BTW).
        It’s a great speech by Patton still. We need to hear more of that tone coming from the streets and from the homes and clans. I like the part where he says we’ll “twist” their entrails. You’ve gotta be mad at someone or something to want to do that to them. You have to have been wronged severely to feel good and natural about dishing out that kind of retribution. Just PLEASE keep focused on the real culprits and don’t allow the elites to ball game your anger, your thrust and your will into a separate contained arena or playing field. That’s the LAST time the elites are wasting you and you have to stay true on that. Yeah yeah there will be sausage to be made of the elite’s entrails I promise you. Everyone can smell it coming. The information smoke screens they relied on in the past don’t work anymore.

        1. Jingoism can be mesmerising, but it often isn’t the whole truth, so not a good example for Masculinity.
          WW2 was an immoral Jew driven and failing British Empire hostile-takeover bid on Germany because Germany had humiliated Jewish and Anglo bankers by kicking them out and restoring German prosperity after bankrupting WW1 reparations. Any American could have volunteered earlier to fight in WW2 on either side if they were stupid enough to want to risk painful death, and some did; many from allied countries fought with the Germans…
          The USA was very late into WW2 while making massive gains supplying the warring countries, and only entered because the Zionist Jews arranged for the USA to enter the war, whicg they did by arranged Pearl Harbour (by starving Japan of Oil) with no warnings (despite plenty of allied intelligence warnings etc.), to trick the public into supporting entry into WW2 so that the British would promise to give the Zionist Jew Rothschild and his terrorist Jews Palestine, via the Balfour agreement, for the conquered area now called Israel.
          One of Patton’s letter to home showed that he was later deeply ashamed at what the USA government did to Germany while he was Governor in post-war Germany and was later removed because of his queries and opinions like this e.g. the giving of German civilians property to uncivilised USSR originated Jews and the deadly-barren prison camp cruelty and staving of the surrendered German soldiers on the instruction of Jew advisers in the US government!
          The Irony is that a significant percentage of the most Alpha men from many countries needlessly died in WW2 because they were soldiers, and the less capable left behind had time to screw more women, possible even some soldiers women, so a lot of the children born afterwards were significantly less likely to have been from the more Alpha men…

        2. Patton also infamously said that “we fought the wrong enemy”. Now what made him (et al) so mad at Hitler, and not Stalin?
          We’re waking-up and… “The Devil sends the Beast with wrath, for he knows that time is short.”

  1. Hey Mo great article. There is a time to stop reading and start working.
    Alpha in anmal kingdom is leader of the pack, and bangs the hot little deers.
    Alpha in manosphere can mean the same thing. But, always means a guy banging chicks. But, could be a loner/loser/unemployed – anything – just gets to bang…Not necessarily a pack leader.
    “Knowledge is only potential power” so fucking bitterly true. Sometimes knowledge too late -age(50s)/finances…can’t manifest such. Often I wish to go back in the Matrix.
    “They justify their inaction by placing blame on external factors” I do this and is true…but, have read so many teachers condemning this behavior – actually almost all of them “everythign is your fault” now get to action… Having trouble with this!
    Most important lesson I’ve learnt from myself (in 40 years of pick up)- thru natural selection -women want to bang – and bang now. if you are filling out the application for a date to bang later…is not so good…..I have done much of both…banging now is better (logistics matter). and 90% of the chicks that are into you are so for now – and now only…”Mr right now”.
    This is why the expert PUAs speak so much about “flaking” – they are great street charmers – but that shit is gone 2 hours later with 300 other guys on her “box of dicks”-iPhone
    Agree with the time issue -i spent 2 months dating in the Spring- expensive and time consuming. However, I did achieve regulars. And still have them.
    this summer I’m located in the best pick up location in the world -and I worked/saved$$$, and refrained from drinking…
    However Saturday/Sunday may indulge – last chance for a model – wish me luck -I have a connection…
    So Mo – I go thru feast and famine – 5 approaches? After divorce and IRS audit I sold and left USA for good – banged 5 chicks in 24 hours in Thailand – then 5 chicks in 24 hours in Manilla…p4p off course…haha
    And back in USA after 6 months…not for me yet…
    the fall I will continue to work for business, work on fitness, and fine tune single mom quick bangs, or conduit to hotter chicks without indulging in late night expensive bottle service…not easy.

    1. Yes bro, all of us are on this path and the point is to keep our minds open to constant and never ending improvement. Life is full of lessons. Every new day is an opportunity for us to learn. The 5-approaches is a minimum standard through which I will evaluate whether or not I stuck to my word. Of course, once I get started it will be many more than that. Good on you for bangin 10 chicks in 48 hours, that’s crazy. Keep it up my man.

    1. what do you think this site is all about man>? this site is built for incel beta’s looking for a quick fix or articles which have pseduo-intellectual MRA ’empowerment’ speeches – what do you think roosh’s work is all about man? It’s not the best writing I can tell you that much>its interesting pick up from a world travelers point of view, but at the end of the day he’s selling an idea to men and they eat it up cuse they were raised by shitty parents, he’s the daddy they never had>this whole site is click bait for men who want psedo-intellectual ideas to feed their insecurities, nothing more, I provide some of if not the only thought profovking conversations on here and all I get are downvotes from faggots across the fucking board, the most ‘intellectual’ this site gets are globalist conspiracry theorists who are trap themselves in their own horrors not willing to change the world themselves but would rather bitch and whin about it, you can dig up the most obscure, bizarre, twisted, and downright idiotic ideas on here about (((you know who))) ohhhhhh spooooky, (((theyre))) out to get EVERYONE***** shit is fuckin faggot and gay as all fuck, but they troll these fuckin boards, and roosh if youre reading, whereever you are, fuck you too

  2. Why is a Muslim guy allowed to write articles for this site?
    Hell, this isn’t even an article, its just a glorified ad for his testosterone system.
    Get your testosterone up and be alpha — is that the pitch basically?

    1. Hmmm…Muslim name? Perhaps.
      But how do you know he’s actually a Muslim? I mean a practicing Muslim who believes in all that horse shit?
      I say this as an ex Muslim myself.
      I’ve seen the shit and I left it.
      Even if he was, does that make his piece of writing any less valuable?
      We’ve had Christians, atheists, Israelis, Masons and others write articles for ROK. Heck, one could even say that the writer roster is more diverse than a NY yoga class.
      Don’t like it? Head over to buzzfeed.

        1. I’m aware of that.
          My full and real name would also be considered Muslim (I was even detained briefly when visiting the US a few years ago).
          But I’m an ex Muslim and I have no intention of changing my name.
          If someone is Mike, should I simply assume he is Christian? Perhaps, though I could be wrong.
          A name is just a name. It doesn’t reveal the ideas, thoughts, beliefs, values of a person…until you speak to them/hear what they say.

      1. Some commentors already know it all already, even anything written by everyone they don’t agree with. They just instinctively know it all. Funny that I have to actually read an article to find out what the authors point is, and then have to comment on how they know it all already… It’s Textbook ignorant millennial behaviour. Sure wish I knew it all God like already like those morons. It has taken me a lifetime to learn all the stuff that I didnt know I don’t already know about. Oh wait….i think you understand Aye.

        1. There are some guys that are a little wet behind the ears on this site. Hopefully age will improve their wisdom. But that will be hard to do since most Millenials don’t work and live with their parents.

    2. Moderate Muslims are OK. Anyway isn’t Roosh Muslim. Not all Middle Easterners are Muslim by the way. Some are Christian and have a Muslim sounding name. Also, I think this site is how to improve ones masculinity not a White Power Christian site.

      1. I may be confusing this with someone else and be way off, but didn’t Roosh say he was baptised Orthodox Christian?

        1. Sorry. I assumed he was. His father was though. But I think my comment remains valid. I have known Muslims that have roots that go back at least a few generations in America. They are moderate. But not to be misunderstood I am against the intense Muslim immigration this country and Europe is now experiencing.

      2. Cavalier, thanks for adopting a more rational stance here.
        In spite of being an ex-Muslim, my parents are what you could describe as moderates.
        They live and work in the UK, pay taxes, get on with neighbours, have no criminal record, don’t proselytise to people and just get on with their lives.
        And YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT ABOUT WHAT THIS SITE IS ABOUT. One simply needs to visit the ‘about’ page to remind themselves of what ROK is about…and who the writers are.

      3. It isn’t an issue of a White Power Xtian Site. It is an issue that importing radical islam goes hand in glove with the destruction of the West.
        People like ‘Mo’ greatly benefit from the noblesse oblige of white nations but the very thing that allows for this benevolence is the existence of the nations.
        Thus, the fundamental paradox. We can provide for a certain # of ‘Mos’ but when the Mos outnumber the Mikes? You are in a 3rd world shithole again.
        Any ‘Mo’ who is not just lying to themselves is well aware of this fact and needs to let it be known that they understand this dichotomy. That the realize the boat is FULL and are grateful to benefit from the society we’ve created that lifts them from the shithole lands of origin. This was standard operating procedure for all immigrants to America up until about 1965. It turned poisonous and ugly after that.
        More clear now? Here to help… AP

        1. But what has any of that have to do with the article Mo wrote? Should he be banned from writing articles because he may be Muslim?

      4. Moderate Muslims enable, protect, give birth to, give housing and food to the future ‘immoderate’ Muslims of the world. So, no, the ‘moderate’ ones are the Trojan Horse for the future or present ‘immoderate’ ones who will always eventually draw blood on the infidel unbelievers. Wake up.

        1. The real Trojan Horse is a certain self chosen tribe. They are behind all the degeneracy and mass 3rd world immigration. They are behind all the social and legal changes that have emasculated Western Culture. If you don’t know that, then you need to wake up. I never said I was for Muslim immigration or think it inconsequential.

      5. “Moderate” mozlemz are the equivalent of white beta cucks.
        We’re glad that you have the majority (or all) of them in your western countries.

        1. Are you an hysterical woman, or just gender confused. Men don’t need the opinions of weak little women.

  3. “Knowing what to do is only 1% of the battle.“
    But I thought “knowing is half the battle.” Fuck you, GI Joe, you blue pill beta cuck!

  4. Beta male conditioning. I thought it said beta AIR conditioning. No wonder it’s warm in here.

    1. 1 MILLION UPVOTES for Mr. Noodelman!!!
      Thank you for having a sense of humor. No one does anymore!

  5. The funny thing is, once you are truly redpilled, you understand that chasing cooze around is a colossal waste of your precious time and resources. It becomes more about pushing them away so you have time to build something greater than yourself. Don’t forget, the most redpilled and most accomplished men through history were not slaves to their dicks – many of them were celibate, many more had fewer than 3 partners in their lifetimes. Sex with strangers is overrated.

    1. Great point man. The drive we have for sex is that of creation. It is this drive that great men of the past have channeled to create works of art, literature, and even empires.

      1. What faggot, weak double-speak. You tell one guy to “keep it up” after he brags about banging 10 (prossies) in Thailand in 24 hours, and then you give this guy props for calling BS on the entire Alpha-male myth of bedding women constantly. So, which is it Janus? Double-faced Muslims, typical. You’re no-name faggot who is no alpha because TRUE ALPHAS stand by their worldview, and you don’t stand by yours. You have no steady worldview, as you proved here. Faggot.

    2. Spoken like a man who’s read & absorbed Heartiste’s “16 Commandments of Poon” , especially point 3 :
      III. You shall make your mission, not your woman, your priority
      Forget all those romantic cliches of the leading man proclaiming his undying love for the woman who completes him. Despite whatever protestations to the contrary, women do not want to be “The One” or the center of a man’s existence. They in fact want to subordinate themselves to a worthy man’s life purpose, to help him achieve that purpose with their feminine support, and to follow the path he lays out. You must respect a woman’s integrity and not lie to her that she is “your everything”. She is not your everything, and if she is, she will soon not be anymore.

  6. You look at every single culture on earth that places sexual pleasure above all, and they are ruined, failed cultures. The only civilizations that have built anything of lasting value practiced varying levels of sexual repression. Releasing your life force into some disgusting club slut means that energy is no longer available to you. It’s a waste – -and you get nothing out of it but a few moments of pleasure (and possibly a lifetime of regret). I’m not advocating MGTOW, but the idea of “game” as practiced in the 2000s is ridiculous, humiliating, and belittling to men, and no more a valuable use of their time than playing video games.

    1. WTF! Why all the upvotes? It’s basic knowledge around here that the manosphere is about a certain dogma, a certain world view, a certain zeitgeist. Which basicly breaks down into 7 Holy Commandments.
      Lift Weights
      Study Only S.T.E.M.
      Make A Bunch of Money
      Ideologically Support Patriarchy
      Focus on Self Improvement (which used to be called Self Help)
      Never Masturbate
      Shag Every Skank Possible
      That’s pretty much it. Nothing above the dull, buzzing drone of samsara.

    2. In regards to your point on sexual repression, I believe that the more a culture tries to suppress sexuality the more it comes out in weird ways. Having lived in Pakistan for a number of years, I’ve seen this played out there – sexuality is extremely suppressed, yet it has the most searches for porn in the world. In Saudi Arabia guys are raping goats. And then we have India where New Delhi is the rape capital of the world. In Japan, they have weird octopus porn and what not. You say that the “idea of game as practiced in the 2000s is ridiculous, humiliating, and belittling to men…”. I believe that “game” is a word that will have varying definitions depending on who you ask. For me, game is about becoming an attractive man at the core by cultivating traits such as confidence, decisiveness, and assertiveness.

      1. Those are good points. I believe your definition of game is the 3.0 version that is going to be more effective in the long run.
        “7 Holy Commandments.
        Lift Weights
        Study Only S.T.E.M.
        Make A Bunch of Money
        Ideologically Support Patriarchy
        Focus on Self Improvement (which used to be called Self Help)
        Never Masturbate
        Shag Every Skank Possible
        That’s pretty much it. Nothing above the dull, buzzing drone of samsara.”
        — I see nothing wrong on that list really except number 7. I think that learning how to master clown game was a vital first step in opening a pathway, but we’ve moved past it now. If you’re doing it right then the game starts coming to you more and more.
        I hold nothing against the author (I enjoyed the article) or any man who wants to chase skirts as I sure did when I was younger, but all the ancients caution against overindulgence in pleasures of the flesh and they are correct.

      2. Showing the male genatials is illegal in Japan. That’s the artist work around to avoid being censored.

      3. As if westerners (who are supposedly not sexually-suppressed) aren’t sex-obsessed and perverted enough!!! They even invented 5 new genders according to one’s weird fetishes and “orientations”; a male with a v***na marrying a female with a d**k. The Slut Walks, men rimming each others a*****s publicly at gay parades.
        And where did you get this (saudis rape goats) thing? other than stories made up by bored rednecks on the internet..
        You dare say that while in many western countries and some US states, bestiality is still legal.
        “Sex acts with animals are legal in Canada, so long as there is no penetration involved, according to a surprise ruling issued by the Supreme Court.”
        We’ve seen firsthand how sexual freedoms in western countries didn’t result in saint populations; but teen single moms, people advocating for the acceptance of incest and so on…

    3. Yup. I know because I wasted 5 years of my life praciting this nonsense, and turned off a few very good girls who were totally confused by game tactics, because plying game, by its very nature, pedestalizes the woman and makes the man put out ‘try-hard’ vibes which are the very antithesis of No Fucks Given. It’s a total contradiction. “Try to NOT try to give a fuck. SHOW her that you’re NOT trying to show her that you (don’t) really care, but then at JUST the right moment you show you DO care, but not really.” What faggotry. And women hate it. Just be a man, chill, then when you sense she wants some more, take the step. It’s that simple. Fuck “Game.”

      1. Most game looks far too hit and miss, with significant time required to learn, and like frack do I want to be a performer or a clown, that’s going to get tiresome fast.
        I read “The Rational Male” books, so that I have a solid grounding about the cyclic mental state and life phases of women, so that I could discard misconceptions and useless baggage (and lot of Blackness/negativity here), and can realistically judge the suitability of women.
        Everyone does some manipulation, females routinely, instinctively and shamelessly manipulate males, even at work, so men must take back the playing field by being able to beat them at social/sexual manipulation. Nudge their emotions in the correct sequence and timing, like cracking a combination lock, as certain female manipulation products advise, so that they don’t really have any sub-conscious choice even if their consciousness thinks they do.
        All I think I need is to have a suitable appearance, genuinely positive mindset and presence, to capture their initial attention and to communicate smoothly.

  7. I think swallowing the red pill is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It means hitting the gym, eating right, making and investing money, and being significantly better at everything than 95% of dudes. You do that and then are still left trying to find an acceptable woman when likely none exist. There are no unicorns! There never were.

    1. Right on that bro. I think we all have a tendency to assess our situation relative to other dudes, but I strive to embody the mentality of comparing myself to who I was yesterday rather than to who someone else is today.

      1. Hey, Mo, please just continue to parrot the same bullshit self-help, shit you have just copied and pasted from other people, that we’ve heard in the West for the past 50 years. This is lame, so unoriginal, so hackneyed as to be laughable. Roosh is a loser. Look at him and listen to him, and trust your instincts: loser. There’s a reason why he couldn’t get chicks and it’s not because he didn’t ‘have game” and then learned it. It’s because he’s clearly insecure at heart. And Mo is a lame Mooslim parroting Western self-help shit that’s been around for 60 years or more. Lame all-around.

  8. I like your stuff Mo, always things a real man should keep in mind.
    Go to SA. Nothing in America worth having except money.

    1. Appreciate it brother. Currently, I’m in Canada but man, I love the US. The thing is, I don’t see the US as one country – it’s more like 50 different countries. So vast, each state varying to some degree in it’s people, culture, and consciousness.

  9. “a true alpha male is one who has achieved total freedom not only in his choice with women, but in his ability to do what he wants, when he wants, where he wants, with whomever he wants.”
    by this definition, the only true alpha’s in the world are supremely powerful dictators. Even Trump doesn’t have this level of power. In fact, this power is basically mythical.
    I’d say from a biological, scientific point of view, it would have everything to do with choice and ability in reproduction. You’d have to define it as the top X percent of men in terms of choice and ability to reproduce. Choice being, choice of women, and ability meaning when they fuck a girl, a baby is born 9 months later.
    Do a little research, add some numbers and better define both “choice” and “ability to reproduce” in this context, and we have an actual definition of an Alpha Male. After all, biological fitness is defined as your ability to reproduce, and not only ability, but your actual success as well.
    If anyone defines an Alpha Male as such going forward, I expect credit. I came up with this 5 minutes ago and posted it here first. I am the first to publication!!!!

    1. a true alpha male is one who has achieved total freedom not only in his choice with women, but in his ability to do what he wants, when he wants, where he wants, with whomever he wants.”
      Thank you. This is so laughable and utopian as to be ridiculous. NO MAN outside of dictators and Moozise scumlord caliphs have this kind of ‘freedom’ and only because they have enslaved everyone in their community or nation. This ass-clown has no clue what he’s really saying or writing because he’s daydreaming and talking out of his ass. What a joke. He is the quintessential loser who is philosophizing in his basement without much real-world experience thinking he will reach some heights that he has yet to even come close to reaching and never will. Wake up.

      1. Aw c’mon don’t be so hard on the lad. It takes guts to put your thoughts down on paper and expose them to criticism. And we were all young and full of utopian ideals once.
        We’ve got to stick together as best we can because the rest of the world is against us.

  10. When they invented the airplane, the Wright Brothers were most likely celibate. Is anyone on this site more redpilled or more alpha than the Wright Brothers, whose image still graces my pilot’s license? No.

    1. Add in William Shakespeare and Nikola Tesla to that list as well. Some of the most productive men in history have been celibate because they channeled that drive into creation. But of course, not everyone can be a Wright brother. The point is to either start going out and meeting women or to channel that drive into creating art. The trap that most guys fall into is channeling that drive into getting addicted to porn and fapping all day.

      1. “The trap that most guys fall into is channeling that drive into getting addicted to porn and fapping all day.”
        I think that’s painting with a broad brush, no offense.
        We often have an overly positive concept of ourselves and look down on others for trivial reasons. See a 35 year old guy wearing a cap and looking laid-back? Must be a sports watching schlub then. Never mind that he’s very well read in physics. The unremarkable fat guy playing with his phone in the corner of the club? Must be a lazy push-over. Actually he’s fluent in three asian languages and has multiple black belts.
        I’m guilty of doing this myself and have been caught off guard by the knowledge of some people I took for granted because of their appearance or the place I ran into them in.
        In order to self-improve more we should imagine ‘most guys’ as being better than us and not the other way around. That’s motivation.

      2. Or seeing where things are going, but doing nothing to benefit themselves, as well others by extension. Learning is a life long process.

    2. Yea me.
      I flew 1st class in an A380 across the Pacific. And banged some p4p hotties…
      They never got off 😉
      But, I do appreciate the greats:
      Newton and Teslar.
      the man with the math, and the man with the machines.
      Now women make up to 90% staff in some places -where are the great inventions? cure for cancer?

  11. I have been a celibate for a year and the most amazing things have been happening!
    Ragnar Redbeard gets it.

    1. Half ? – I wish.
      I think its like the first step on a long, never ending journey.
      mostly because of the enemies arrayed against us…unless the swamp is drained…

        1. ok.
          My favorite is “DayLight’s End” -Jonny Strong.
          no bloody crossbows or nailed thru baseball bats – rule 308

    2. Upvoted solely for your user name. When those faggs killed Merle I knew it was time to stop watching.

  12. A friend’s wife cheated on him, with his best friend. Now she is asking to come back, but there are signs that she is still cheating. Would you take someone like her back? What if you were still in love with her?

    1. Never.
      And especially not the friend.
      this shit needs to stop.
      A “friend” did the same to me. But the betrayal was the worst part – involved business secrets which he shared with her….That white-knight-bitch will spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder…

      1. Self service through betrayal. That is the accurate description of all of modern society.

    2. Bro…do you even need to ask this question or are you just looking for permission? Dump the whore and start on a path to salvage your self-esteem, because it must be in the gutter if you “love” a woman who is cheating on you…er…sorry…your friend.
      She’s giving you a gold pass to break free of the entanglements, I’d jump at that in a hot second! Most of the time it’s the opposite problem, you can’t figure out how to get rid of the bitch while not looking like an a-hole to everyone.

      1. Think of it – you leave the bitch this way, on your terms, right after she did this, and you’re the hero, you’re the man, you’re the alpha. You showed her you would not be walked on, you set an example, and she is rightfully punished for her transgressions by losing face in your social and familial circles. That’s a WIN for your confidence and a strong message to other women that you respect yourself.
        But, you put her back in the driver’s seat, and dollars to donuts she will end it on HER terms, by making you look like a chump, a loser, a sadsack, a douchebag. YOU will lose face, and you will suffer an SMV setback, not her.
        The choice is yours.

      2. I wouldn’t tolerate infidelity, but my friend seems desperate to get her back. I didn’t know if it was my place to say anything – he’s in a dark place and I didn’t want to push him over the edge.

  13. Way too much time and energy is expended on trying to codify redpill theory or alpha male behavior. A good understanding of female nature is important, as is the need to preserve ones dignity in all circumstances. Neediness is the kiss of death in all spheres relational existence and is no different when it comes to relations with women. Female nature serves a purpose as does male nature. The issue is when that nature is left unrestrained. Unrestrained hypergamy and attention whoring is the female equivalent of male “pump and dump” PUA tactics. That lack restraint we see today on both sides of the gender divide is what leads to societal degeneration. No one gets a free pass.

  14. I am a Sigma, with some strong Alpha traits and some Beta traits. My “Beta-ness” comes form my nerdy side, which is a natural result of being an outlier for most of my life away from the average intellect.
    I have never given a fuck what people think of me, I despise social hierarchies and refuse to play those games, I do what I want, play by my own rules, and end up winning anyway. Most average Betas can’t stand that, and most Alphas don’t understand me.
    Now, with women, I generally have no problems with initial attraction. I have slept with a fair share of 9’s and have high standards (I won’t sleep with ugly girls if its down to my hand and them). The problem I have is that I am not a typical full bodied “Alpha”, so when I am fucking some of these women or am in STRs with them, unless I manage to get them to fall in love with me, when a full bodied Alpha does come along, these women drop me like a hot potato.
    This is where Game comes to my help. My problem has always been following through to maintain that attraction until she falls in love. The reason why, is that I am a very no-bullshit, highly efficient, perceptive and smart guy, and I am not wired to be a clown around women, I can’t stand most of their inefficient behaviour like the constant bullshit, flightiness, drama and need for games. I’m talking about women who are 9s, which I have realized due to their highly attractive looks, they all seem to have developed lots of personality disorders. I have understood that to be successful with such women, you have to deal with alot of this bullshit, and Game comes in handy. I have had to alter my behaviour as such and become more playful and indifferent.
    However, I am mulling dropping my standards and going for 7s and 8s for LTRs, because they seem to have less personality disorders that come with great looks, and my personality type is not to be a clown, as it does get tiring to play that role. Learning how to be indifferent towards women has helped me tremendously. I have now accepted what most women are about, their true natures, I have stripped away the cultural brainwashing of liberalism, and I am now mostly indifferent towards them and don’t invest too much emotion until one excites me and proves to me that she is actually worth my attention and time. I don’t allow myself to get bothered with their behaviour, I have accepted that hot women just come bundled with certain behaviours due to their looks, and a man must always spin plates as insurance and never be afraid to walk away from these women if they pull bullshit moves.
    Go forth soldiers! Keep working on your Game. The goal is to weed out the good ones from the chaff.

  15. I like your writing in general but this leaves a lot to be desired. You don’t give any actionable advice aside from doing cold approaches. You use the phrase “take action” repeatedly and don’t explain what that means. Just saying red pill this and that, alpha, beta, etc. doesn’t actually mean anything. Do you truly think someone can break free of beta-dom by reading this article?

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