Sex is big business in Sweden. In Sweden, big business means government funding and political influence. Two organizations stand out in power, influence, and wealth, and are responsible for corrupting countless children and pushing a bizarre sexual agenda: RFSU and RFSL. This article will give a brief introduction the history and current activities of these two institutions.
Sexual “Enlightenment”
RFSU, The Swedish Association for Sexuality Education, was founded in 1933 by Elise Ottesen-Jensen, also known as Ottar. Ottesen-Jensen was a Norwegian syndicalist who is best known to an international audience for being one of the co-founders of International Planned Parenthood Federation.
Today, the journal of RFSU, Ottar, still bears her name. Free abortion is one of the most important issues of RFSU, but the organization is also the authority on all sexual issues, from contraceptives to education on the actual act itself.
Sexual education in Swedish schools does include representatives from RFSU visiting the class. These meetings have often been criticized for the fact that the teacher is removed and the RFSU official is holding his or her own class with the students. To complete the Orwellian aspect of all of this, this representative is usually called “informer.”
An Informer that visited a class of 15 year olds in Umeå spent her time educating the pupils in “the right to be a whore at school” as well as playing the condom game. Apparently this game is similar to musical chairs, but the participants are divided into groups represented by various kinds of condoms. The game was mandatory for all pupils.
All French ticklers please rise?
Anna Kosztovics, who in 2005 was active in the Malmö district for RFSU, wrote about the importance of allowing children to “play sex”. She based her article on her own experiences when she held educational courses for kindergarten kids during 2003. The focus seemed to have been on “breaking the hetero-nom” and to allow public masturbation in the quiet areas of the kindergarten. Public masturbation is a reoccurring theme in RFSU education, and usually labelled knullkoja (fuck-hut).
Anna Kosztovics goes on to describe a ”normal” occurrence where two seven year old boys competed in a hockey game and the loser had to suck the other boys penis after each lost game. The boy that usually won said he mostly won because didn’t like the smell of urine from the other boy’s member. She ends her article by explaining how she considers the subject “wonderful and jittery”.
Apart from sending Informers to schools and kindergartens, RFSU are working in close harmony with the Church of Sweden. At confirmation camps, 14-year-olds were educated and then issued a “knullborgarmärke.” This is a play with words, referring to a “simborgarmärke” that indicates that you can swim 200 meters.
Knullborgarmärke should be roughly translated into “fuck-badge.” According to RFSU, the badge gave the 14-year-olds a license to have sex. Since the informers are alone with the kids, priests responsible for the camps claimed they did not know of this occurrence. The practice was stopped once it leaked in 2007.
Current projects include a norm breaking work at the kindergarten of Västerås, where the game “mom, dad, kids” is to be replaced with the “family game” instead, since it could be daddy, daddy, daddy, kid or whatever other combination of sexes. The youngest groups at this school are apparently 1 – 5 years old.
The information campaign of 2015 includes classes where participants are to moan, touch themselves and say phrases like “harder” and “softer.” Four couples are presented in the informational movies, two heterosexual and two homosexual. The target group for the campaign is Swedish 13-year-old schoolchildren.
Actual tax money on top of these various businesses is hard to estimate. I have tried to get a vague idea, but it is almost impossible, since, like so many other tax posts in Sweden, the figures given are shady at best.
Gay And “Whatever Letter Combination Is In Fashion” Rights
RFSL, Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights, is a younger organization, although it boasts to be the oldest gay rights organization in the world. It was founded in 1950 by Allan Hellman.
Apart from working towards legalizing gay marriage, gay adoption, and to generally make homosexuality more accepted in society, RFSL has also been active in trying to lower the age of consent (currently 15). This work was carried out by a group called Pedophile Working Group.
Today, RFSL officially rejects the idea of consensual sex between adults and children. They were also opposing laws making AIDS carriers legally bound to inform their sex partners of their disease.
Its current leader is Ulrika Westerlund, who has a passed at the feminist magazine Bang. For all you that read my previous article on the Silence Norm of libraries, you might remember this publication.
Just as RFSU, tax spending on RFSL is very hard to estimate. It is usually on a rather local level and based on personal connections. In Malmö, the representative for the communist party, Hanna Thomé, increased funding yearly from 340,000 SEK 2009 to 1.9 million 2014. The entire sum for all of Sweden can only be guessed.
Hanna Thomé, eager to hand out other peoples money
A truly lucrative business is the selling of HBTQ certificates. Swedish municipalities, libraries, churches etc. need to pay RFSU for the schooling to be able to pass the test to get this. However, these certificates expire after three years, and then need to be bought again.
There are currently 290 municipalities in Sweden, and a certificate cost around 6 million SEK (700,000 USD) for a normal one. Apart from educating the workforce, informers are chosen by the best students that are expected to report any occurrences of homophobic behaviors or expressions.
Bad conversations are to be stopped and theories such as postmodern feminist theory, queer theory, gender, post-colonial theory, black feminism and racialization should be encouraged. This is the official list of issued certificates so far.
Radical Socialists In Our Midst
RFSL is more openly socialist and communist than RFSU. Dispatch International interviewed representatives for the organization as was openly told that “what is good for the collective is good for the individual.”
Many more radical groups seem to be loosely associated to RFSL. Perhaps “Hetero hate day” is one of the more flamboyant. According to the participant in this video, the day is about the struggle against the hetero society. He goes on to name the emotions they celebrate, that apart from hate include “a little bit of horniness, a little bit of frustration, a little bit of joy. Perhaps a little bit of love and such as well.” The event is sponsored by the Institute for Queer studies and as such receives tax funded sponsoring.
RFSL is currently engaged in a rather peculiar conflict, as a pride is being planned in the Muslim dominated suburbs of Stockholm. This pride is organized by men and women linked to the nationalistic party Sverigedemokraterna and for that reason, the homosexuals taking part in this march are being labelled racists by RFSL and many other prominent members of Swedish MSM.
The march will, unless RFSL manage to stop it, be held on the 29th of July. A gay counter event will be held at the same time by “anti-racist” HBTQ activists. A rather funny internal argument arose around this counter event, which at first was labeled as a picnic, but as the word “picnic” was suspected of having racist origins the activity was changed to “hang-put”.
We will try to cover this event in future articles. Until then, please enjoy your “male privilege” while it lasts.
Read More: Swedish Government Spends Billions On Gender Equality With Little Effect
Terminal velocity. Let it happen. That faster the better. It will collapse and it will be glorious.
That’s because homosexuality is linked to other sexual deviances like pedophilia. They want to hypersexualize children because that is when they can exert the most control over their minds.
They? Who do you mean by “they” goy?
The left obviously.
Its pretty simple. Not sure what the fuss is about.
Never mind BS about ISIS or cultural marxism or liberalism etc.
Its about genetics. Sweden is a repository of a very pure strain white DNA that evolved for who knows how long and it is of the utmost importance to destroy it. Hence the crazed hysteria to wreck as much genetic damage as possible as fast as possible. Poison the youth and you destroy a peoples future.
I must admit there is a gross irony here. Jews are a very tiny portion of all of sweden, for them to get blamed for the decisions of white swedes in a white swede nation is borderline hilarious, especially when you consider how American whites constantly tell non-whites and women to take responsibility for themselves. Should white swedes take personal responsibility and stop blaming the jews who have little control of their country?
Wow, never thought about it that way. Now it’s starting to make sense…
If Jews make up most of the 1% that control all the money hence the power, how? Especially since nothing brings out the shut it down racism card like pointing out the things Jews do. No one wants to discuss the extraordinary over-representation that Jews have in the media and banking industries in their host countries they have “little control” over. Not to mention every leftist “immigration” “diversity” scheme in white nations has been pushed by, funded by or authored by Jews. Every cultural subversion, every institutional “revolution” and horrible change has Jews behind it, it’s a fact and it should not be ignored or blown off. But yes, we all need to stand up to these Jewish Marxist governments and their shills and traitor lap dogs. But that is not easy to do without war which people are coming to realize.
It is not that you do not have a valid point. There is a double standard though. Jews control the European media right? But when you look at American media, it is 98% white owned and that number goes closer 100% when you are speaking national media. There is no asian, hispanic or african american version of cnn or cnbc or msnbc or foxnews etc. Whites both outnumber African americans and actually statistically control the media in America. Yet blacks are told “Take responsibility for yourselves” and “your failures are your own” and “You’d do better if you just pulled yourself up by the bootstraps”. Yet all of that talk is lost when it comes to Jews and whites.
The personal responsibility for whites disappears, the fact that jews run the white media is trotted out by the SAME people who pretend this media shouldn’t affect MINORITIES, in a white majority nation. If Jews, a minority of 1% can control 64% whites with media, then why is it diffiult to understand that whites who own 100% of national media and 98% of all media can control the 12% blacks?
Now I have no issue disccusing jew control of the economy. Jews control the money because of the history in Europe, of Christians being greedy and not wanting to lend money. This was due to usury laws stemming from the bible which jews ignore. The European Christians didn’t want to lend their money because they couldn’t charge interest. So the only people lending money, were jews forbidden from owning land.
You find this as far back as the time of Shakespeare in the merchant of venice. Since the jew class prior to both industrialization and merchant based economics aka mercantilism, had excess capital from the interest that they could reinvest. Where the Europeans were left with land that would be divided up multiple times over and over by their kids and grand kids, the jews had money lending businesses. So what would happen? The business wouldn’t get divided like a farm, the business would just expand into a new area and the kids go their own way.
By the time slavery and industrialization rolled around the jews had the capital to invest and their gains became more and more 75% of all the african slave traders were euro-jews. In fact in Kingston Jamaica 20% of the white population was euro slave trader jews. As for jew control of the media, this is quiet obvious for anyone with a brain.
And given that they control the media they are not going to permit no goyim like you to go on their tv show and tell everyone what the jews do and race bait. If you were a jew, would you let a goyim who you were taught was something like a donkey or a horse on your show to ba dmouth you? Of course not. Jews control the media because rich whites never viewed owning the media as general a meaningful investment.
While the leftist immigration schemes are defintely mostly jew run. You have to bear in mind alot of greedy whites are getting in on that too. But white women and men are supporting abortion and birth control. So you will have a population crash. As in most people won’t have kids. Thus white countries are often faced with the question of well, do we ban immigrants and let the system implode or do we let them in and perserve the economies. Let me give you a very basic example.
If you look at an average american town, the entire economy will be in gross decline due to falling populaiton. No immigrants to go to the schools because we don’t have kids mean the schools close down and the employees lose their jobs. all the spin off businesses go down too. The small businesses by the dozens who depend on the university as well. These are the people who ban together and demand immigrants and foreigners.
Even the guy owning the 10 story building across campus demands immigrants to come in and rent his shity rooms. Alot of white people want immigrants because they economically depend on them. There are literally white people who have built multi-million dollar immigration consultant agencies off immigrants. Lawyers, doctors, bankers, bakers, coffee shop owners. Everyone is racing to make their money. Of course have been behind every economic revolution because the JEWS are an economics.
Jews are not a religion because Karl Marx was an athiest jew. When have you ever heard of an athiest Christian? Athiest muslm? Athiest Hindu? Jews are not an ethnicity or a race, they resemble the races of the locals where they live, and they speak the languages and cultures of the places where they are. The Zimbabwean jews look like Zimbabweans and the German jews for the most part look very much like German whites. Indian jews speak hindu languages andnigerian jews speak nigerian. So the jews are neither a race, culture, religion, or language, the jews are an economic racket.
Notice that the jews are the only religion who rather not have converts, they are the only “religion” who will turn away non-jews who show up to their worship services. This is because they aren’t a real religion they are an economic racket who function much like the patels of India or any other merchant class who robs the wealth of the producers. Whites produce the best movies in human history, but why are all the companies with rights to those movies conveniently jews?
Blacks slam dunk all the basketballs and sell the best music in world history but all the basketball teams are jew owned and all the record companies are jew owned. Whites invent the computer and the internet yet somehow its all jews getting rich off of it… how? That is because the jews are an economic racket, they rob the producer classes of every race and sell it to the world at a profit while paying pennies on the dollars.
It is why the backstreet boys was the number one band of the 1990s, yet they were largely broke because they were robbed by the man who started the group called Lou Pearlman, a FLORIDA JEW! This is just how jews function. Michael Jackson had over a billion in net worth yet was somehow indebted to jews, he said the jews were the devil so they killed him. The jew very well knows that if you are in financial debt then another jew is making money.
So they will say to a young white artist or a young black artist in music, I’ll sign you to a record deal for $5 million. The naive kid thinks he is getting rich. But that Record exec jew, has a deal with the banker jew, the other jew down the street who has a recording studio. The contract stipulates that the $5 million must go to production, hiring staff, writers, paying off interest, ttravel expenses, and lawyers and accountants and publisicist and teamsters who set up te events and venue rents and so on.
And at every step the jew exec is hiring other jews. And the next thing you know, you went over budget, everyone is saying it is more expensive than it was when you first called. So now instead of making $1 million, you owe $1 million. And now the JEWS own you. This is why despite the appearance of success, most of these hollywood stars especially in music are near broke all the time.
When someone calls me an anti-semite, I say so what. Jews are an economics. They are not a race. If they call me a racist, I ask them what race are the jews. Don’t you Euro-jews claim to be white. See the jew wants it from both dips. They want to be white but play the minority race card. Irish and Germans and Poles don’t get to do that, but jews do. If the jews are white we cannot be racist to them. If they are not white and admit this publicly then that is enough for me.
because when most whites learn jews are not white, they learn who jews are.
Being an anti-semite is like being an anti-marxist, or an anti-mercantislist, or an anti-capitalist. Everyone is entitled to dislike an economic system. And Jews are an economic system. That is it!
Jews are left leaning because they realize the best way to take from other groups to suppress capitalism amongst them. The jews don’t want the whites in east europe, the asians in central asia and east asia and africans taking advantage and making fair trade of their resources, because the jews will have no place.
The jews produce nothing of value they just rob and steal from different groups across the planet. The jews will still metals in congo, metals in china, then send them to america to make $600 phones using white labor. You see the jew has done nothing of value here. He neither mined the metal nor built the phone, but the jew will make all the money. Because jews are a racket. That is it plain and simple. Now imagine if the african and asian were trading to the white without the jew middle man. There would be enough wealth for all sides to make money and not need the jew. And this is why the jew must use the media as a weapon to race bait and divide.
The jew tells the Africans in South africa they must accept the white minority and diversity. The jew then tells the asian they must accept whites and then tells the euro white nations they must accept muslims and africans and asians. Multiculturalism and diversity for everyone. But for jews in Israel, only jews may immigrate. Israel is an official Jew only state. Multiculturalism for Zimbabwea to Angola you must accept every immigrant and jew who wants to enter but if an african goes to Israel what is the punishment he will get?
The jews push multiculturalism. The africans wanted no part of it, they fought wars for thousands of years to keep foreigners out. But the jews tell the africans go to europe, they tell the europeans go to south africa. The jew is laughing because Israel is jew only.
You see the jew behaviour is despicable and has always been. You either believe the whole planet has an irrational hate of jews, from babylon to egypt to romans to europe to asia and so on. Or perhaphs the jews are just evil.
Mel Gibson was right, Jews do start all the wars.
Muslims and Immigrants will stop this sh*t in its tracks!
It’s funny right?
1. The left imports these shit flinging 3rd world theists into white countries.
2. Shit flingers bring their shit flinging values.
3. Shit flingers reach critical mass and undo everything the left worked for.
It shows that, above all, leftism is not a coherent ideology or truly conspiratorial plan, but rather the simultaneously sadistic and masochistic desire of spirituality, logically and biologically sub-developed people who have reached a critical mass in society, and have taken over the state.
In my view the reason is 99% the nutritional deficiencies and environmental pollution that result from modern agriculture and industry (and oestrogen contraceptives filling the water supply), and overpopulation. This cycle of overpopulation and then self destruction has repeated itself a thousand times.
You can bet that as the immigrants get fucked over by nutritionally empty Western food and suffer the effects of pollution, they will become just as dysfunctional as the host populations. Islam is a strong ideology, but no ideology can defeat biology.
This is a curious irony about our traditional and capitalistic nature. Our success is the reason for our demise. Short of colossal population falls (like Russia) or planned reductions (China), a religious and traditionalist revival cannot happen. People just don’t have the biological capability for higher level thoughts and functions.
And of course, they cannot even be criticized for doing it either. They aren’t native whites! Oh… The dilemma!
The Left are too fucking dumb to see the long term results of letting in millions of Muslims because in the lefts mind it’s only white straight men who aren’t Muslim who are evil. They are in for a rude awakening.
4. Once the left’s Ideals completely make their residence uninhabitable the Leftist’s Migrate, in search of a stable environment/economy (created by conservative ideals usually) and begin poisoning their new residence with Liberalism until the quality of Life Dwindles in that Place, a Swarm of Locusts is a good analogy of the Liberals behavioral patterns.
“Shit flingers reach critical mass and undo everything the left worked for”
Therein lies the compensation.
A leftist told me the other day that everything we hear about muslim countries is exaggerated by the racist white media, especially the rate of violence and genital mutilation. He thinks neo nazis are a bigger problem and believes that White countries are better at hiding their problems so the muslims look much worse by comparison.
Leftist denial is toxic.
They’re living in complete denial, the media are actually very politically correct and go out of their way to be tolerant towards Muslims.
Neo-nazis? Are you fucking kidding me?
However, because I’m a cynic, I do think that he may have a point. The media paints a picture of the Muslims that I’m pretty sure is not accurate to continue funding the holy war we have going on over there. Not that I think the Muslim religion is good; fuck, I think all religion is fucking evil, the more radical religions are just doing what the less radical have lost the will to do. Let’s not forget the Crusades, a wonderful display of butchering in the name of “God”.
What should we do with the radicals? IMHO, let them fight it out among themselves. Cut ties with Israel and let them stand on their own two feet. Of course, that means that they will likely obliterate their neighbors using their most powerful weapons. However, I fail to see how that’s a US concern. Is Israel want’s to nuke Pakistan; who are we to get in the way. It would only take a limited massive display of force from a country to stop this madness anyway. The problem in “war” today is that everyone knows that the US has lost the will to really “fight”. You don’t fight with Humvees and M-16’s when your “in it to win it” and you have a fucking arsenal of weapons that are vastly more powerful and could end the conflict overnight. If the rest of the 3rd world nations thought there was even a fucking chance that we’d aim an ICBM at their cities for something like 9/11, they’d NEVER fuck with us again.
“This cycle of overpopulation and then self destruction has repeated itself a thousand times.”
And yet, our leaders (and most countries) are just blind to this problem. Pretty much every government in existence works under the “unlimited growth” assumption. Without continual growth, the whole fucking thing topples over. Problem is, growth for the sake of growth has major ramifications. And, nothing is unlimited, eventually the population will fall worldwide.
We need to stop the out of control breeding across the world and encourage people to have 2, 1 or 0 kids. People who think the world “needs more people” have obviously never been to a city. Especially with the rise of more automation and “harder AI”, the need for people to do most jobs is going to continue to drop, year after year, pretty much without any breaks from here on out. Finally, as machines get smarter and smarter, there will only be a need for jobs at the very highest levels of intelligence/skill. If your job can be done easily by a machine, chances are, 20 years from now, that job will cease to exist.
This last point has similar parallels to what women do to men in their relationships. A woman hooks up with the alpha guy, beta-mize him to the point she can’t stand him any longer, then leaves him for the next alpha guy and repeat the process. The original guy is left heartbroken and now with the help of the government, financially destroys him.
Ask that leftist when was the last time we saw a public execution by decapitation here in the West? …without anesthesia.
It seems that all Feminine,beta, and Leftist ideals follow the same Life cycle.
Fiat money works under the unlimited growth assumption. Population is already falling…about to go over the cliff, most European countries have been below zero population growth since the early 70’s…Japan & South Korea too. Countries where the majority are past working age are not too far future.
I eagerly await the gay pride demonstration outside the mosque on Friday.
WHich Friday? 😛 THey might get stabbed like those kids in Israel! 😛
Oh, any Friday of their choosing. The gay Muslims need to be let out of the closet!!
If the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (look them up if you don’t know who they are) really wanted to be bold and transgressive and make a statement, they would hold a “Hunky Mohammed” contest instead of a “Hunky Jesus” contest.
I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but whenever I hear about sex programs aimed at children, I always have the feeling that these programs are masked, and their real intentions are to make pedophilia acceptable in the society. Initially these sex programs started with young teens, but now they have spread to kindergarten kids. Kindergarten kids? Kindergarten kids! Making seven year old boys perform oral sex on each other and encouraging prepubescent kids to masturbate publicly! This stuff just makes my suspicions stronger. And it is no wonder that the pedophiles who target these young children mostly make them perform homosexual acts, like making young boys suck penises. Sexual deviant practices like pedophilia and homosexuality often go hand in hand.
Its true, to finish off white society pedophila must become normal.
I guess, it’s larger objective is to finish, or to drastically reduce the numbers of the entire human race. As whites, diminish, immigrants, will flood the traditional white nations, to fill the vacuum, and then the children of immigrants will grow up in the same culture, and become “progressives”, embracing radical feminism, deviant sexual practices, and as a result finish themselves.
No, I think the tribe wants it applied to whites only.The more low IQ mud people the better.
Each to his own. However, then the conspirators would want to finish the middle easterners first, because, research after research has shown that the middle easterners, in general and the Ashkenazi Jews in particular have the highest IQ’s.
The tribe are jews, most middle easterners have destroyed themselves with drugs and religion.Plus they are not in white countries mostly.
I was elaborating the fact, that I don’t think this culture of degeneracy is a conspiracy to destroy the race with the highest IQ’s, otherwise they would be targeting the middle easterners and/or the Koreans, not the whites.
Yeah middle east has destroyed itself with religion, but they are out breeding the whites. That’s where I think, the real success lies. They are ensuring the existence of their genes for the future. Moreover, the middle easterners and the Indians /Pakistanis, are some of the richest and most successful groups in the white countries. Their high population growth, combined with the fact that they have some of the highest IQ’s work hand in hand for their success.
At the end of the day, every race, whether Caucasian or Asian, is responsible for itself and it’s their success. IQ’s, population, ideologies, and the religion they follow, everything counts and contributes towards their success. As one race/tribe slacks off, another emerges to assert itself. It’s neither fair, nor unfair. It’s just, what animals are hardwired to do through years of evolution. It boils down to the survival of the fittest.
More easily controlled by the financial exploiters that fund and support the writers of their social shape-shifting curriculum. Passive and dumb as a rock is the objective.
Look what is happening in Ontario, Canada. The Liberals tried to introduce a new sex ed curriculum but backed off while they had a minority government. Then they get a majority government led by a lesbian Premier and they force it through. Meanwhile, one of the key people who designed the curriculum turns out to be a convicted pedophile.
While I consider myself a conservative, I am a rather open minded guy when it comes to sex, but this shit is just too fucked up.
Same with me, I consider myself a conservative, but I do believe that children do require a degree of sex education. However, it is in the best interests of the child, if their parents educate them, on how to avoid sexual abuse, and about their body parts, so that they can communicate to the parents, if necessary.
Other than that, things like, state sponsored adults teaching children to masturbate and suck penises in schools is rather fucked up. People usually begin to masturbate when they reach puberty and/or are on the outskirts of reaching puberty, and I don’t think it is something to be taught, it is something that kids “discover” themselves, like what feels good to them. This is the natural course of self sexual discovery, and adults must let children experience it. Deliberately waving sex, masturbation, and deviant sexual acts in children’s faces, robs them of their innocence before age, and the adults who seem to be too insistent and gleeful to “teach children how to masturbate” are nothing but creepy, and very likely pedophiles themselves.
I’m really astounded by the hypocrisies of the liberals. They lose their minds, if a nineteen year old boy has consensual sex with seventeen year old girls, call him a rapist, and put him in prison, but are perfectly okay, and respect and pay adult women, for sexually abusing children, making them masturbate publicly and making them suck each other’s dicks.
It’s really fucked up, and every sane man and woman can realize this.
Ever actually bothered to read the curriculum in Ontario? Or are you just going off the Helen Lovejoy’s out there?
Actually, no. Even infants are known to masturbate. But you are correct in that it is not a “taught skill”.
Actually, I have read the curriculum. Sex ed is only a small part of it, but controversial nonetheless. Whose talking point are you working from?
The actual curriculum. I like to know if I’m talking to someone who’s going to scream about how they’re going to teach second graders about sex (they arent) or not.
Sorry, but you don’t have a right to say that. Your apparent morality (based solely on your comment above – sorry) is just as much an artificial construct as theirs. Since you don’t appear to believe in an absolute and objective standard for sexual behavior, i.e., God’s law aka natural law, you are left with merely pushing your own subjective morality on them. Unless of course, you’re not really so open minded and we’re just saying that for the sake of avoiding trolls.
Sweden is a democracy. In a democracy the majority rule and the majority in Sweden want the minorities to have the major voice. This did not happen overnight. Religious writers were writing about this growing degradation back in the sixties. That’s FIFTY YEARS AGO! No one tried to stop it. Not even the religious people. Why not? Perhaps because they wanted the sexual freedom, too. Look at how Jimmy Swaggart was castigated for being against porn and masturbation and all and even more so after his own failures were made public. We forget that no law is a law because everyone obeys it. Nor should we make adherence the standard of right and wrong. But we do now.
All hail the power of the People!
Don’t kid yourself. There is money in role playing as thought police and thought-instructors. The reward system is hardly altruistic. Some people work hard labor jobs. Thought police live in nice homes and drive new cars and lecture other people about “privilege.” Identity politics is an industry and it pays the people who use political leverage to tell other people what to think and how to live, or even to demand of people to explain their very existence. Using children / adolescents / minors as the entry point for this profession is part of the skeeze. Other particularly captive targets are university students.
Who said anything about Altruism? The last thing motivating a democracy is altruism. Nevertheless, the majority white, straight citizens of Sweden could have at any time – and still can – rise up and throw these perverts out. IF they did it as ONE.
But they won’t. They’ve been silenced with shame for so long they are like the elephant at the circus tied to a stake with a string. The “altruism” you are accusing me of being taken in by is use by the minority perverts in charge of so-called “oppressed peoples” to shame the majority better-off white citizens into submission to their perverted agenda. An agenda that fascinates and titilates the normal man’s secret fantasies.
Yeah, I ve read it you phaggot. And its highly inappropriate and good luck to the teacher who tries to teach that my children.
I 100% agree, gay rights was just testing the waters.
…..then making the society agree that imparting sex ed to teenagers, was a further act of testing the waters.
And, then delivering sex ed to prepubescent children was again testing the waters furthermore, the testers themselves confounded, as to how much the society would tolerate, if anything was masked in the name of “progress”.
And now Sweden is making children perform homosexual acts, and Swedish parents are okay with it.
Their next progressive idea will be to make the society believe that innocent children, with their undeveloped brain capacity, can consent to sex, with creepy, pedophile adults.
You’re correct.
I can’t wait for Jesus to return, and wipe these degenerates off of the map!
Even I would really enjoy seeing that!
To be frank, I too fear the Lord’s return, for I too am a sinner and not better than them. I just pray to him that he makes me realize my sins each time I fall. And I pray that he may transform them too, for the Lord isn’t pleased with anyone’s death, but with their salvation. And I will continue to do my work. While I don’t judge them, and cast the first stone at them, I will always tell them that what they are doing is wrong, because, the Lord himself told us to preach the truth to others, which involves telling them that they are indulging in wrongdoing.
So I say, may the wish of the Lord be done. May these people (and me too) transform before it is too late. May we be saved as the Lord desires. After all the Lord came for sinners.
soon very soon, considering the state of this effed up world.
I don’t understand it. The age of consent laws in the US are some of the highest in the world (19 in some states) and yet at the same time we have out of control “illegal” sex rampant from ages 12-18. If the idea is to legitimize pedofilia, it seems they would be changing the laws which prevent many people from sexual intercourse at ages beyond when many were married in the not too distant past (many grandparents I know were married at 13-14). If it’s a conspiracy, it doesn’t make much sense to me. It’s almost like they are just destroying society just for the sake of being evil.
So that it can be remade in the form of the New Soviet Man.
In the USA cuckoo clock, 12 years olds are fucking each other like bunnies, but if a 17 year old is caught dating a 15 year old, the 17 year old is sent to prison and then is made to be on infinite parole and labeled a sex offender for life including restrictions on the location of their housing. The parole industry in the USA is big business. Parolees are expected to pay $ to the parole police for being on parole. It is very sick system. That crazened man Dick Cheney owns stock in US for-profit prison corporations. To make their profits go up to pay their shareholders, to grow their business, they need to imprison more people.
I think it has to do with further demonizing men, heterosexuality and human nature. Further weakening an already broken people who have fallen victim to this plague and can’t seem to kill themselves fast enough for their tribal puppet masters. Men are naturally attracted to younger women, teen girls as well, if we hyper sexualize females especially young ones, make sex free and consequenceless, make “female empowerment” all about sexual promiscuity and how “male like” women can act, encourage slutty behavior, while at the same time making something as natural as a 19 and 17 year old dating a life long federal crime for the male, it just adds more destruction, chaos, distrust between the sexes, break down of families, less white babies which is the ultimate goal they’ve been excelling at since getting the immigration act passed in the 60s and the “Civil Rights” movement aka infesting the US with Marxist policies and culture. It’s just been a downhill spiral to the West and the US’s ultimate destruction and transformation into a dirty third world communist Latino craphole like the rest of everything below the US/Mexico so-called border.
Well why not, if being gay is a choice and so is being trans, why not let the pedophiles have their fun too and the polygamous and the guy who bangs zebras. We are now a society of perverts, we show sex on tv, we have men marrying men, we have self proclaimed animal lovers, we have lesbians in office, former british pm is a pedo, the church guys are all pedos, rabbis are pedo, the pedos are like the gays, they will not be stopped. Enjoy the decline.
How can a country that has murdered 50 million babies, kidnaps people and steals their organs and creates bioweapons to murder its own civilians be expected to defend children from pedophiles. Utterly ridiculous.
The strength of a strong chain is measured at it weakest point. It’s the same with a society. Any society that kills it’s weakest, innocent members, and glorifies it as a right, is very weak in it’s morals. If a society can get so low, then I’m not surprised that it tolerates all the other degenerate practices, and as you said I wouldn’t be surprised if pedophilia becomes legal.
Being gay is innate to people who are gay. Transgender is a mental disorder for those particularly stricken with narcissism to the point that they can not accept being gay. Sex assignment surgery is nothing but mutilation demanded by narcissistic mentally ill gay who can not accept being gay as a complete form of human. It is said that about 10% of the human population is gay and has been since the beginning of time. So what is the dig deal? Some eastern cultures resent the western fetish with inventorying and labeling everything human.
It’s not conspiracy it’s fact covered up
That is completely false.
You swedes are a fucked up race of people.
“You swedes are a fucked up race of people.” – – that they are! That’s why Islam is storming the gates! To shut this sh*t down!
Screw Islam.
Yes. They are literally cucking their nation to third world scum out of fear of being racist. This can’t be posted often enough lol.
That video is some major bullsh*t. 😛
Kind of seems like leftists are always trying to think of ways to make things just a bit more deranged than they already are.
Jesus Christ Sweden, I mean…
Oh, don’t worry. It’s happening in America too. Read this and prepare to throw up in your mouth.
Not if Rand Paul or Donald Trump become President! 😀
Not going to happen.
I’ve come to the conclusion only 20% of any population are sufficiently motivated to be off the government teet and want to do things for themselves.
These are self reliant don’t tread on me types.
The much greater percentage of people are either out and out statist (democrats) or statist but only when it comes to corporate welfare, senior citizens and the armed forces (republicans)
The people who like trump now, because he’s not a bullshitter, will not vote for him on mass next year. It’s a bit of theatre really.
Their showing their support for him as signalling to mainstream cucks to be wary and hopefully change policy. Not that he is a legitimate candidate.
Anyways the kochs will (rightly or wrongly) decide who wins in the future via who they issue their i360 software too.
Personally I loathe the kochs because I believe that the highest office in the land should be free from corporate interests.
Powers of government should be significantly muted, but along side of that corporatist practises should also be abandoned.
Let the free market decide.
These fucks only got rich because of no contest contracts, if you really wanna see improvements across the board start eliminating government kickbacks regardless of who it is too.
Ofcourse most people are so used to being fed by the government they don’t know how to be self reliant.
And there in lies the problem.
Time will tell. Voting has yet to take place.
I need to get this on a t-shirt.
Instant pussy magnet.
That’s awesome! Thank you for that laugh
They all need to go in the oven.
these old hags are just frustrated because boys think they are too pneumatic.
Either way they will be wiped out because these fags dont reproduce themselves.If Europe becomes a caliphate they will be enriched by being dumped from high rise buildings.If Europe gets captured back these guys will be interned in a camp or hanged for treason.Quite simple.They are doomed either way.
Before all that happens their disgusting practices will spread to other countries. The reproduction of faggot ideologies is more dangerous
The haircut of the woman in the main picture is such a boner killer. Penis repellent. Why are they trying so hard to be unattractive? It doesnt make men take them seriously like they think.
The only good things from this shit country are furniture and meatballs.
Italians have BETTER meatballs, and Germans make better furniture!
That I don’t know. I was stating that those were the only two good things form Sweden. I don’t know if any other countries do those two things better. But isn’t meatballs Italian – American rather than pure Italian?
Meatballs have origins in Sweden, Turkey, and Italy has its own version, not like the Italian version from America.
I see. More learning to do. Thanks.
“We’ll find the water you hid from the fields
and launch a great flood of redemption.
And if you want you can build an Ark
and take two of each kind of despair,
but we’ll be waiting on the mountaintop
when you land, we’ll slaughter each pair.”
War 5:3-6:4
This is WHY you need to welcome MUSLIMS to Sweden! They will stomp this sh*t right out!!!!! >:I FWAARK! >:I
I hope you are just trolling. Europeans certainly deserve a lesson for their faggotry but these medieval subhumans should not be allowed to cross the 41st parallel north.
Even Euros started as savages! Muslims are the FLOOD of purification for Europe!
Is that you, Moshe? How’s the weather in Israel?
Hopefully the sand nogs and these leftist will share the same mass grave.
Maybe this is what should happen to Sweden. Putin can roll in and just kill everyone there. Then he can rename all of the cities with Russian names. Then a few million Russian men and women can move there, contingent on marrying, having at least four children, and practicing Orthodox Christianity. Divorce would be all but illegal. Obviously, the rest of the world wouldn’t stand for this. But hey, a guy can dream.
Russians? Psssh. They inviting Muslims! Muslims are the CURE!
not all swedes are nuts, they’ve just got a very bad case of stockholm syndrome. They need de-programming after a century of commie mind control
russians don’t even have four children in russia. more than two children is very rare. too expensive, even with government incentives.
Come on really? Is Sweden really this weird?
“An Informer that visited a class of 15 year olds in Umeå spent her time educating the pupils in “the right to be a whore at school” as well as playing the condom game.”
I certainly don’t doubt the overall truth of the matter but I admit I also question if these articles might be just a bit blown out of proportion.
Sweden should be renamed Monty Python’s Flying Circus. It would require a new flag.
Weird is not the word
Deranged, twisted, disgusting, abominable are the words
It really seems to me that Sweden is a nation that’s praying for death. It just wants somebody to put it out of its misery.
This is where ISLAM comes in! 🙂
This is the most fucked up thing I’ve ever read. What the actual fuck.
Nope ! Actually Sweden is the most fucked up country on this planet !
deleted : why am I even responding to this rubbish?
Maybe in the galaxy. Soon we will receive a distress signal from aliens reporting what a fucked up nation Sweden is
The same was going through my mind when I was reading it. Disgusting.
I want someone to destroy Sweden. It’s toxic. It pollutes the world with really bad ideas that are harmful to civilization.
Their bullsh*t has no effect on Russia and Muslim countries!
I don’t quite understand how some of things described in the article haven’t led to child abuse charges. If the article describes what goes for sex education in sweden then it sounds like there’s should be a massive abuse investigation to come that would put jimmy saville in the shade
Way too rational, Mike. The reason you don’t understand is because you’re thinking like a man. Lop off your balls, inject your brain full of estrogen, and start using recreational drugs on a daily basis. Then you’ll think like a Swede. At that point, encouraging 7-year olds to have gay sex might seem like a good social policy.
yeah, I know. I’m half swedish myself though I haven’t been back there since the 90s. I just don’t recognise what’s going on at the moment, let alone this sort of thing. It just seems insane. As another commentator has pointed out, while sweden appears to be swimming in the most deranged politics the sort of thing described here has to be on the fringe. Some of the things described like what those two boys were made to do, must be illegal.
Liberals know that their ideologies are fucking stupid as fuck, so they have to pound it into kids heads so that they have zero ability to even review another viewpoint and accept it as fact.
Funny you should mention that, I was just making a comparison of liberalism and religion the other day. The two are a lot more similar than many on ROK would like to believe. Political correctness and equal rights has just replaced the church as the new method of social control.
doctrines, of what?
of fantasy and fiction, chosen for solipsistic inversion of reality? chosen so that failures can think-feels not only good, but superior? all while changing nothing but to run smack-hamster-face back into reality’s brick wall? sure, a doctrine, a lot more similar to doctrines because all doctrines are doctrines, but pretty fucking different in the way that counts.
these people are failures. who the fuck cares what their religion is/are. they’re the doctrines of give-up, of victim whine, of regression to the mean. their shared central advocation is chosen parasitic hamsterdom: connivingly stealing the might of the successful, to gluttonously/jealously stuff their own hollow un-ableness, all while demonizing that very same might, and most of all, pridefully masturbating that -their- weakness is pious.
that each crazy parasite doctrine puts -their- specific regressive fail first is just the initial keystone hyper-selfishness choice of me-over-reality. their foregone conclusions then use the same pious-reality-inversion trick: “i’m the most supreme holy weakness, give me -all- the stuffs not those impostor weaks”. they choose themselves first, with their “un-ableness” conjured identity, and then use that trick, that deliberate deception-paired-with-their-holiness-not-yours, to eat. now if they did something more than eating, i don’t think i’d care, but all they do is just eat. and over eat. and eat some more. it’s repulsive. learn to recognize this repulsion.
there is only one reality. doctrine must preach it and it alone. otherwise, this shit is what happens. if you’re going to compare piss to water, don’t get lost in thinking both are a lot more similarly wet. you’ll be right, but fucking irrelevant.
Fuck these fucking sick fucking faggots, I hope they all fucking burn to death.
I wish the entire country would burn. Sweden is a giant pus-filled vagina that’s smelling up the entire globe. Somebody needs to cauterize it shut.
Bring in the Muslims!
That’s very Islamic of you. How about just changing it back instead of killing everyone ?
it cannot be, not without that last part. that’s the myth that started this whole mess, sadly. and it’s the same myth/laziness that allows this mess to just get bigger. it is a pleasant fiction, though still a fiction.
appeasement doesn’t actually end any different than if no appeasing was ever actually done in the first place, it just kicks the can down the road.
Including the children?
Never has there existed a more self-loathing, pathetically retarded bunch of dumb fucks all crammed into one society.
That’s no way to talk about the UK and USA.
Have you been watching The Bachelorette?
Please enlighten me on the joke.
The joke: how much self-esteem or intelligence can you have if you join a bunch of men and get the sloppy twenty-seconds on some whore’s ginch?
Hmm. Wonder if someone a long time ago said this would happen…
If I have to choose between Caliphate and this, I pick Caliphate. Lesser of two evils.
Never thought I’ll say this but I agree with you. I hope muslims achieve majority in Sweden and cleanse that wretched place!
The debauchery is only for the native white Swedes. Once the country resembles Surinam, the pressure will be off and the job is done. The pressure is on max right now (that is the pressure to pervert). But once the native Swedes are past a generation died off and forgotten, the naturally swinging jungle dick (bestiality and homo) will be under the jurisdiction of circumcision and castration bitch courts and token matriarchy under a corporate system of state ‘government husbandry’ will be established. It only takes a generation or two to flatline and put down a native peoples and replace them with a mongrel horde. The second generation mongrel group is the one that explodes in numbers rapidly. There’s a 20 year time fuse on this. It isn’t monarchies now but powerful corporations that are re terraforming the demography to create the perfect ‘dumb brown zombie’ worker caste.
how on earth are all those things not considered child abuse and/or pedophilia?!!
Swedes are worse than ISIS!
are there even men in sweden anymore?!
Way too rational, Draven. See below.
My thoughts exactly! I am bewildered as to how these people have not been arrested yet.
Sweden is the one country that deserves to get taken over by Muslims.
Aldous Huxley didn’t write Brave New World as a how-to book. But apparently the sex obsessives in Sweden viewed it as a blueprint for a sexual utopia any way.
I had a friend who was sexually abused as a child…she supports all of this. The more children know, the more they know they own their body’s.
I thought socialism was an economic model. What is with all this sexual stuff??
As George Orwell wrote:
Man, I’ve gone from dreams that the Swedish Bikini team would join up to tongue my nuts to hoping I never have anything to do with these perverted losers. Even Gary Glitter would blush. OK, maybe not, but you get my point.
The last post mentions Gary Glitter. Well, a pedo that just tries to get away with it and keeps it hidden is far less evil than these man-women who want everyone involved in it and teach it. These people in reality are criminally insane.
Children go through a sensitive period and are more prone to suicide. These wicked teachers are trying mess up everyone’s childhood and everyone’s mind.
But don’t be fooled; it is the gay agenda everywhere to begin this sort of education at kindergarten. The first step is to say they are educating kids on their sexual options and freedoms.
They all agree that what they call “Bringing Out the Horny Goat,” comes last. The horny goat is open teaching and legal involvement of the teachers and others in pedo stuff even between parents and kids. Especially kids obtained in gay adoptions.
We do not watch mainstream TV at home. I don’t want my young son exposed to the sick shit they push on the population especially that pro homosexuality and now transgenderism. I let him watch the old claasic cartoons like Bugs Bunny and Tom and Jerry. At least these male characters still cat call the female characters and promote heterosexuality.
They’ve got days “dress like a girl” and enacting gay couples experience in schools. Totally fucked up.
Is that Cyrillic? I can’t quite tell. Are you Russian? If so, will you guys go over to Sweden and wipe it off the face of the earth? This American would be personally indebted to you.
Yes, Cyrillic but from Bulgaria where the alphabet actually originates from.
Can’t help you with the Swedes though. I would only be interested in invading a country where there’s a good stock of women to be had.
Sdes, Adminy ban lyudey, kotorie pisat’ o Kryme. Ya ne znayu za chto…
So you can fuck 15 years olds in Sweden?
if you name is muhammad probably
This is so sick
Carpentry and warcraft is best taught from father to son and likewise reproductive (sex) ed is best taught from mother to toddler. Ergo: When little junior asks mum why he can’t scale her growing belly to get tit milk moustache anymore, mum explains ”drink your juice instead, Sven” and that the clan is awaiting the arrival of the chariot to bring new progeny to the Nordic creed. Plus junior has teeth now and will join the fest as papa nurses the bonfire beneath the smoked reindeer and herring. NOW THAT’S proper sex ed for a Swede.
The government teaching sex ed? How brainwashing borg can it get. The fruits of government are rotten, beyond inedible rotten. Beyond shit or feces in its inedibiliy. The fruits of government are lower than low. Lower than the lowest and oldest layer of shit in the shitpit beneath the outhouse. Lower than the lowest and very bottom most layer of shit. The stenchiest cake of the shitcake. Deader than the deadest of excrament and ‘alive’ with only the bacteria that swims in the cesspit.
Swedish government needs put back in its place, IN THE SHITPIT. And Swedish women need put back in their places too. With their asses UUUP and getting raw assaulted by their Swedish man. When daddy comes home from a hard day’s work at the collider making things go BAM, he likes Inga fresh and ready with that ass UUUP. He sees that fajita meat of midlife 22yo pickleschnitz and it’s one more BAM to close the workday.
Swedish sex ed: SHUT UP, BREED AND TIT FEED!!!
The article made me think of Julian Assange, who got a taste of what these sick fucks are making out of the Swedish society. By that alone he should have some personal interest in denouncing the feminist fuckups who’ve made his life miserable for years now. Sadly he’s running with the fags at the Guardian, and his wikileaks project depends on a certain cozyness towards the fags, never mind that a Rothschild and relative of Lady Di was financing him last I knew.
The article also made me think of Anders Breivik, even if he’s from Norway. With this level of sickness going in Scandinavia no wonder people prefer to go and shoot the recruits of the pervs – a leftist party, even of those recruits are still kids.
My wife BTW was just incredulous when I told her about this article. That got me wondering how people would react if more came out about the degeneracy which is obviously happening in Scandinavia with full support of those govts.
Sweden, already dead….
How many years before these shenanigans disappear? Hmm? The future of humanity looks bleak indeed unless we can get rid of these types spreading their filth and all their counterpart ilks.
I could’t help but think of the fucked-up society of Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” while reading this; Sweden probably has it worse though.
Anyways, don’t mind me, I’m just gonna go in the corner to vomit for the 100th time after just thinking about this article…
By destabilizing families, children will seek stability in State run or sponsored social structures. Then pliable young minds can be indoctrinated into pliable adults unfettered by traditional morality or allegiances, and easily manipulated towards State goals.
Sweden is run by collectivists whose allegiance is to leftist ideology, not any notions of national identity. Sweden is one of many beachheads into Europe (and indeed, all the the West) where invading armies of immigrants are being used to break government systems and dilute nationalism with balkanization. Native Swedes have been successfully conditioned to accept, embrace, and celebrate the destruction of traditional Sweden for the Greater Good of Diversity. The Left expects that “New Swedes” will be similarly corrupted and compliant within a generation or two. By then, international treaties that have set the stage for the elimination of borders and national sovereignty will bring a global collective of nations similarly destroyed by social unrest blamed on nationalists, and economic collapse blamed on capitalism.
‘Government husbandry’ takes over the nest just as a snake who cannot ‘dig’ will kill the rodent which builds and occupies the dugout. The swedish feminists only have limited powers to assist the government snake in its purge and displacement of males. Once the snake in ‘in’, the swedish females too are consumed as its food.
I don’t think you can blame the Jews for this one.
Every. Single. Time. See link below.
Guys you’ve got to take it down a notch I think. I’ve lived in Sweden most of my life. It’s a fucked up place and I can’t wait to get out but you are really exaggerating here. These comments aren’t contributing to our cause. Think realistically. This shit isn’t normal. I haven’t heard of any of it.
These Sweden articles are written by people like me, who hate our fellow swedes, we are biased.
I can’t wait to see Sweden go up in flames too but it’s not gonna happen as soon as you obviously think. Great to see your enthusiasm though
Tom Krall, your name should be Saleem Zhakti! 😛
As a matter of survival. I have considered it
LOL! 😀
Thanks for the Sunday morning LOLs! Keep’em coming.
I’d like to know the statistics for adult male virgins in Sweden.
Because this kind of sexual liberalism has the paradoxical effect of making women reject more and more of the male population, in favor of the minority of thugs, cads, bad boys and jerks that young women really prefer for their early sexual experiences.
I’ve actually looked for that but cannot find any. Personal experiences do support your theory, but of course that isn’t satisfying statistics.
Jesus. Fuck.
Glad I didn’t have children.
Reading this article was the first time in my life I Have ever enjoyed the thought of Muslims overtaking those people.
Man, each article about Sweden makes more and more furious with those people. FUCK the swedish men who allowed this shit to take place. These fucking feminists would never hold that much power if it wasn’t for all the manginas sitting on that country so fuck them and I sincerely hope they have a taste of their beloved multiculturalism and that the Muslims destroy them all.
Oy vey! Sweden are good Goyim.
at this point, the only sane thing to do is hope the book of revelations is true and we all get burned…..there is no hope left. the world is doomed.
Jesus will return soon, my friend.
Wow. I’m all for teaching teenagers proper sex ed, but this is fucked up…
How can gays and lesbians teach proper sex ed? That’s like a pimp teaching how to be a saint.
Why hasn’t a group of parents with baseball bats showed up and spilt these perverts blood over the walls?
I have only met three Swedish girls in my life and they were all fellow travelers in Australia about 24 years ago. Actually, the first I met on my way to Australia on a small Fijian island. I was going for a walk and happened upon her sunbathing topless. She sat up and started talking with me. I was struck by how unselfconscious she was about her ample tits which bounced about as she talked and gesticulated.
Later, on Fraser Island, a buddy and I were part of a tour group with two Swedes. The hot one (a 7 or so) had a thing for my friend so I took one for the team and distracted the not so hot one (a 5 – yes there are Swedish girls who are 5’s). They did not strike me as being any more or less slutty than the other backpacker girls I met on that trip.
24 years is a generation ago.
I say this honestly, without any hyperbole: the day that some retarded leftist makes my son suck another boy’s penis as a “game” in school, the war begins. And the opening salvo will be the death of every fuck involved in this system, from top to bottom. Every one. This is why I value the second amendment. Government oppression doesn’t always roll with tanks and fixed bayonets. But if it comes for me, I’m prepared to click off safe.
if every man in Sweden think like this….
i’d join you in a heart beat.
This should be a featured comment
Sweden has gone absolutely batshit insane, a boy getting another boy to suck his dick is considered “wonderful”. It’s only a matter of time before Swedens pro sex and radical feminism way of life comes in conflict with The Muslims traditional and patriarical way off life. I wonder what they will do then?
The Muslims would save Sweden?
Nah they’re just extremists the other way, Sweden doesn’t understand that Islams principles clash with their own.
Mhm. And Sweden is a state that will kidnap your children and terminate your custody if you homeschool.
Good share! Sweden is a sh*t hole! >:I
This is so evil!
Anyone notice a trend, it’s all women who are in support of this shit? It is almost always 99% of women who advocate for the Most degenerate shit in society,Keep those women in the Kitchen, when they’re let loose in society they reek all kinds of havoc with Crazy Ideas, Holy Crap didn’t we Learn anything from Adam about letting women determine decisions?
When it comes to everything bad in the world, I blame Eve and Satan.
Man, they all got that “I’m an Educated Liberal look” I’ve began to associate that appearance with “Educated Idiot”.
How come society has let women become the Overseers of the Sexual world? Why does society think it is a good Idea to allow the Female Gender to determine what the ethical boundaries of what’s acceptable and what’s not when it comes to Sex?
please stop Sweden in transforming in to Sodom and Gomorra.
Would the Muslim solution suffice?
God will judge them with fire, when Jesus returns.
Children sucking each others cock?!! this is it …i want to kill someone…but wait i’m not in Sweden…thank God
Perhaps I’m just old and backwards but, the basics of sex Ed should be taught by parents and the details should be filled in by experience.
Why hasn’t someone already killed the person or persons responsible for making kids suck each other off? If that was my kid somebody would already be totin an ass whupping. That’s got to be the fucked upest shit I’ve ever heard of.
Just show your kids porn.
Return of Kings continues to fund bizarre and inappropriate kratom education for readers
He hits on the nail.
Putin is the best leader in the world today. Takes shit from no one and keeps libtard and Islamic ideologies under the thumb.
Christ this is majorly messed up. No wonder it’s spearheaded by hardcore lesbians.
Meanwhile Sweden continues to be overrun by moslem savages. Between this garbage and that garbage the country as everyone knows it will be gone in 50 years or less.
I have no problem believing the left is capable of this, but I wish the author would include a list of references.
I have linked to most of the stuff I talk about. Is there any statement in the article you miss a reference to, please let me know here and I will provide a reference. Naturally the links will be in Swedish, but Google translate should work to get the content readable.
Thank you for pointing that out. Looking again I see that there were more links than I originally thought.
You’re welcome
Can we just nuke Sweden already? Seriously and while we are at it round up all the feminist in first world countries and ship them there before we drop a big ass super megaton bomb.
Putin is happy to supply the bomb. With 2 crates of complimentary Ruski Standart.
If civilization is the Zoo that the human animal has built for itself,
then Sweden must be the monkey cage.
Good article by Prince Prospero. The homosexual agenda has gotten so far in Sweden that now even the defense department propagandizes for homosexuals. Whether in schools, the work place, the bureaucracy or the military, homosexuals have succeeded in pushing their agenda through. What is interesting is that most Swedes tacitly accept this state of affairs. Political correctness runs rampant in Sweden and the population has been conditioned to accept whatever the government and small interest groups have told them they have to accept. In essence Swedes have very little political will of their own; and even if they do not accept what their government tells them , they nevertheless remain silent and bow their heads in reluctant submission. It is as if mass public castration of the heterosexual male has taken place in Sweden. Given this fact I am sure that their military has very little will or morale to be an effective fighting force. With a daily dose of feminism from the main stream media, together with multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and gay and lesbian rights the male population has become completely feminized. I sincerely hope that Russia escalates its espionage and military activities in the country. Personally I would like to see the country vanish from the map, since apparently its main mission is to spread degenerate teachings and to destroy the moral fiber of societies.
I thought you guys were pro-promiscuity?
deleted: just realised this was written by an anonymous blogger. This is like talking to a wall with graffiti on it.
The Swedes are massive multi-cult cucks. They’d rather import third world hordes than make their own children.
What is exaggerated or twisted?
all of it.
And you draw conclusions that you cannot prove except you believe that Sweden’s teaching methods will result in results that are not evidenced by fact and indeed, all of Sweden’s research shows that their methods of teaching- and sexual education- have been positive and the country is raising children who have a healthy attitude towards the opposite & same sex and are far better at conducting genuine relationships.
Now piss right off and do not dare to ask me questions unless you have the gumption to use your real name you gutless coward. Christ, anonymous bloody pontificating fools. The world’s full of them.
you must be proud that all those who comment on your writings are rabid homophobic racists. That says much about you.
The purpose of sex education is sterilization. So while Swedes may be having plenty of meaningless sex, not too many children are being produced by NATIVE Swedes.
This is probably the most sane comment on here.
Sweet Jesus….is this real??
Sweden will become an atlantean myth.
Not that I doubt the word of ROK, but it was very refreshing to hear from an actual Swede below that said he’s never seen this before. That’s not to dismiss the severity of this issue. I still can’t get over how all these pushers for promiscuity are all ugly ass people. The sexual world that I’m accustomed too is incredibly hierarchical. Contenders are judged on the most superficial items whether its looks, athleticism, wealth etc. As follows, if you’re ugly, such as the people pushing this, you’re all at the lowest rung in this very competitive game. Competition, looks, wealth etc…are all things that you’d presume the sjw’s would be against. What puzzles me is that if ever there is an institution that is ripe for sjw outcry the sexual marketplace, if you will, is it. But not only do they not do anything they’re encouraging this? So the rage that I feel for these people is because on top of being perverted they’re also being completely irrational. I mean, how irrational is a person if they advocate for conditions that keep them down…and they passionately advocate for this to boot?
Most “ordinary” people have no idea. I didn’t know until I actually started reading the websites of these organizations (as I link to in the text).
This article almost made me barf.
I can tell you’re in THAT mood of yours. The kind that indicates it’s the perfect time for us to have a discussion on Islam
Oh come on, that part about the 7 yr. olds wagering a blowjob on a game of hockey didn’t strike you as disgusting?
tell your half white half asian wife there is no way Amelia/o is going to school in Sweden.
Coming to America if Democrats win in 2016.
Islamic takeover or Russian? I’d prefer Russian, but I could give two fucks if the Muslims took over Sweden. If I lived there I’d be cracking skulls along with em. Allah Akbar!
The FUCK did I just read
The beauty of Sweden endorsing lgbt anti family practises is that they sow the seeds of their own demise.
Less reproducing adults means that there will be no replacement for these people in society.
Who will they be replaced with? Well the people who reproduce more.
So if you care about your country your best bet would be to have traditional relationships and have many children.
Ofcourse the cruel irony of this is, that marriage is profoundly anti man now, and with women rejecting their role in society why should a man have to keep his (as provider and protector of the state)?
So the only conclusion is that things will get worse.
Enjoy the decline.
Sweden’s population will be replaced by MUSLIMS! From Syria to Somalia!
Scandinavia has wrought what it sowed. I have no sympathy with the Swedish people with the exception of two guys: one who is a fitness blogger, and the other being a genius former hedge fund manager.
Here is another great one from Paul Joseph Watson. At about 2:19 he states “…feminism is a refuge for sexual failures”. The rest of the video, as you can see focuses on the likelihood that fat and ugly women are feminists. Again, I remain puzzled by the incoherence of seeing the sexual failures (see above) pushing for more and more sexualization? It stands that greater sexualization further empowers the sexual hierarchy ergo the very conditions that created the personal discord among these sexual failures. ??
I hope this is satire…
There is a reason for the “normalizing” of common, although taboo and sometimes horrifying sexual behavior. And that reason is so people will accept a complete surveillance-state.
Too many gays, dykes, bi sexuals, trannies, pedos, cucks, and a whole host of other weird taboos that people DO NOT want other people seeing. Unless they are assured that these lifestyles are not just acceptable, but to be celebrated!
I’ve just woke up so allowing for cognitive distortion, but this really is a joke article right? Those pictures of feminazis are actually guys right? There is no way any woman could be that ugly. None of this is really happening? I realised the gag when…’the word “picnic” was suspected of having racist origins the activity was changed to “hang-put”. No fuckin’ way. Lol. Funny piece though and you never know some rainbow socialist republics like Sweden might actually get this bad and this could be a real story in 20 years time.
haha, I need to start applying “trigger warnings” to my articles.
I do think that the extreme weirdness of it all works as a sort of camouflage. Many people refuse to believe this, but I picked only stunts where I could link to either MSM sources or to the organization itself. problem is most people never check up these organizations own sites, so the “naaah, that can’t be true” attitude is common among swedes.
Of course this is the pretty mainstream things. If you simply want weirdness, you can find that in any country (hence I edited out the part of the feminists that want to save the species of genital crabs and grow them in their pubic hair). What I focus on is what major Swedish organizations do, and how they interact with the state.
I do not know whether I am allowed to say this, but presumably it is okay since the site is not run out of this hellhole. EVERY individual mentioned here should be shot, point blank in the head. These are the kinds of people who actually DESERVE what ISIS dishes out. Within the next 20 years, pedophile sexual degenerates of both the physical and mental variety, need to be culled in a mass execution campaign.
This is why I Heil Hitler.
Take a good look at Sweden. That will be your nation in a few years. Still want to accept and support homosexuality and feminism you manginas?
Makes me wonder how they get any work done there.
Hell no Sweden is not letting Denmark claim top pedophile nation yet
Also wait for the leftists say the priests are pedophile which they think means the basis of Christianity is pedophilia
Got to love it when they say priests being pedophiles means Christianity is pedophilic taking a different property of them to try and say a religion is pedophilic than I guess I can take the obvious detaiil of them having sex with boys means homosexuality is pedophilic which is true but SJWs are in denial
Sweden is a country too far from saving. If these people were walking around the US and people are notified of their doings they would of been assaulted the moment they stepped out of that door
And not surprised on the SJWs being silent on this article
As a blue pill man I would have been shocked to see it is women sexually abusing children like this. But it was realizing that every abortion required the consent and active participation of the mother (40+ million of them) that opened my eyes to the red pill truth about women. Child murders all.
this is satire isn’t it?
Ouch those pics! Swedes and northern Europeans are generally not easy on the eyes, minus a few rare models and atheletes. “An Informer that visited a class of 15 year olds in Umeå spent her time educating the pupils in “the right to be a whore at school” as well as playing the condom game…Knullborgarmärke should be roughly translated into “fuck-badge.”
According to RFSU, the badge gave the 14-year-olds a license to have
sex….RFSL has also been active in trying to lower the age of consent (currently 15).”
These are all Manosphere talking points, no? I thought “Game should be taught in schools” and “the age of consent lowered to get rid of statutory rape laws and false rape allegations and to allow men access to nubile young girls who ‘if she bleeds she’s ready’ and its normal and natural to be an ephebophile (pubescent-adolescent)”. These arguments are regularly made in the comments section of the Manosphere so I would think Manospherians would agree with the Swedes on this points.
“Its current leader is Ulrika Westerlund, who has a passed at the feminist magazine Bang.”
Bang? LOL!
I am so, so afraid of the future we behold. Society likes to think it is above God, that we are above Natural Law, and we can do whatever we want with whom or whatever we wish. These SJWs and radicalists CLEARLY have mental problems; issues that need to be addressed! But because it is under the guise of “equality” and “humanitarian” venture, everyone believes that this fluffy little goat is harmless and is here to create a wonderful world. They are so mistaken! We are headed toward Sodom & Gomorrah, toward perversion of our children, the downfall of family and of society as a whole. The devil is winning and if you speak against him your life is at risk. I may sound crazy but I know in my heart that I am right.
This is where macho men come to worship God and themselves; not necessarily in that order. They have lots of Jesus-y moments. They talk about scratching their balls and praying Jesus will come back soon to kill their enemies while they watch.