I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: going to college was one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made. I spent four years of my life in the ivory tower and got nothing out of it aside from a piece of paper, five figures worth of debt and some funny stories. What I do for a living now—writing—didn’t require a degree and never has. If I could do things all over again, I’d have skipped college entirely, cashed out my bonds and gone carousing in Brazil or Thailand.
It’s clear that I’m not the only one who thinks this way. For as long as I can remember, the percentage of men enrolled in colleges has dropped every year. Universities across America are becoming giant clam-fests, coffee klatches of sexually frustrated co-eds whining about the quality of men they’re expected to hook up with. Barring some kind of housing crisis-esque meltdown in the student loan market, higher education is only going to get pinker as the years go on.
Good, I say. The day when the last young man decides that doing anything is better than pissing away four years of his life and $50,000 of his money on a sheepskin will be a glorious day indeed. Here is why most men should not go to college.
1. You will learn absolutely nothing
Outside of math and the hard sciences, most college curricula have zero factual basis. I don’t mean necessarily that everything taught in them is a lie, but rather that there is no objective standard on which they are based. In math and hard sciences such as chemistry, for example, claims made by scholars and professors can be independently proven and verified. In the humanities and soft sciences, you can literally come up with any thesis you want and get away with it so long as you sound convincing.
For example, I once wrote a term paper for an English class contrasting Jimmy Stewart’s character in Vertigo with Cary Grant’s in North by Northwest, arguing that Stewart played an effete beta and Grant a dashing alpha male (I’m dead serious; this was shortly after I discovered Roissy, Roosh and other game blogs).
The problem with the humanities and other liberal arts degrees is that without an objective standard, learning is impossible. If the only metric by which students are judged is how accurately they follow the MLA citation guidelines, they will never learn anything. Not only that, it makes academic fraud ridiculously easy. For example, academic ghostwriting—writing other peoples’ college papers for money—is now a huge industry in the U.S., with countless writers earning a living by helping students cheat. If someone who has never even cracked a book on literary criticism can write quality papers for an English class, it means English degrees are worth less than toilet paper.
2. You will put yourself in debt for years, if not decades
Unless your parents are rich or you’ve gotten some quality scholarships, you’re going to have to finance your education by taking out student loans. Thanks to the collapsing economy and the usurious nature of student loans, you’re going to be a debt slave for the better part of your adult life. Because student loans have ridiculous interest rates and cannot be discharged in bankruptcy, they will be an albatross around your neck, keeping you from marrying, having children, buying a house or doing anything worthwhile in life. Even if you luck out and end up with a decent job, your student loan payments will combine with your other expenses to keep you on the hamster wheel for years.
Aaron Clarey said it already in his brilliant book Worthless, but it bears repeating: it’s absolutely insane that we allow 16 and 17-year-olds to make these kinds of decisions. We don’t let them smoke, vote, or drink, yet we allow them to shackle themselves in the chains of debt slavery by letting them major in useless subjects. And when they end up slinging lattes at Starbucks, we scratch our heads and wonder “Hurr durr, how did THIS happen?”
3. You will be denigrated every day—and potentially arrested—for being a man
Imagine a black man who willingly puts himself in an environment where he’s called the n-word every day and told he’s an inferior, evil person because of the color of his skin. You’d think he was insane, right? Yet men are still choosing to attend universities where their Marxist, leftist, feminist professors preach hatred against men in general and straight white men in particular. To be a man in college is to be blamed for everything that’s wrong with the world, from poverty to colonialism to environmental degradation. If I wanted to be picked on, I’d go see an insult comic.
You might think that being castigated for your Y chromosome is no big deal, but the rabid anti-male hatred on campuses is starting to have real-world effects. Consider that California’s new “Yes Means Yes” sexual assault law effectively makes every sexually active man enrolled in the state’s universities into a criminal. As attorney Mike Cernovich points out, the arbitrary and poorly-defined concept of “affirmative consent” means that any man can now potentially find himself behind bars for “rape.” With New York Governor Andrew Cuomo recently forcing a version of “Yes Means Yes” on SUNY schools, maleness itself is rapidly becoming illegal on college campuses across the nation.
Not only that, but while your professors and administrators assert themselves as infallible moral authorities, they’re engaging in degeneracy on a level that would make Caligula blush. Beyond professors tearing up political signs they disagree with and helping fabricate “hate crimes,” both they and administrators are complicit in wide-scale academic fraud.
For example, most professors and administrators are well aware that many of their students are going to degree mills and passing in work that is not theirs. They do nothing because if they actually started expelling students for plagiarism (like the college syllabus says they’re supposed to), that would mean fewer tuition dollars for the school and no money to pay their bloated salaries. If you’re too much of a wuss for war, education is a pretty damn good racket.
The only reason to go to college if you have the talent and drive to major in a high-earning, math-centric degree such as computer engineering. Anything else is a waste of your time and money. But what do you do with your life if you aren’t STEM-oriented? Here are some suggestions.
1. Learn a trade
Electricians, plumbers and other tradesmen are among the highest earners in the U.S., pulling down five- and six-figure salaries with only a few years’ certification and experience. The cost of breaking into a trade is minimal as well, as you will typically be paid while you’re apprenticed. Additionally, the trades are still a masculine field: you won’t have to worry about politically correct HR commissars getting you fired for not toeing the leftist line. Finally, you will have job security, as no matter what happens to the economy, people will still need their electrical grids maintained and their water pipes working.
Despite this, men are reluctant to enter the trades because decades of liberal propaganda have made blue-collar jobs “uncool” and “low-class.” My friend Dr. Illusion tells me that his company is absolutely screaming for new hires. The lack of new tradesmen has helped to push salaries up, meaning that if you’re looking for a career in the trades, there’s no better time than now.
2. Go to the Bakken oil fields
While the Bakken oil fields in North Dakota and Montana are no longer as active as they once were, enterprising men can still make bank there if they network well. No experience necessary. Halliburton, Select Energy and other oil companies are constantly looking for men to work on their hydrofracking rigs, with annual pay reaching into the six figures for some roughnecks. Even “menial” jobs in Williston, North Dakota and other oil towns pay well due to the region’s labor shortage. For example, when I lived in Williston two years ago, even Wal-Mart was paying $21 an hour.
3. Just do it
If you have lofty dreams of being an artist or businessman, you don’t need a degree to achieve them. If you want to be a musician, forget about auditioning for Berklee and just take guitar lessons from the music shop in your town. If you want to be a writer, go score some mushrooms from the hippie down the street and take a trip (or do something else equally memorable). If you want to start a business, save up your pennies and just do it. Take advice from a guy like Robert Koch, who dropped out of college and began making money online, and is now living in Peru.
Avoiding college isn’t merely a smart financial decision, it’s one that may save your life. With hysteria about “date rape” reaching Red Scare-esque proportions, to be a man in an American university is to have a target on your head. Save your money and choose another path instead. While your “enlightened” feminist, you-go-grrl peers are stuck paying off their student loans on a minimum wage salary, you can be living the life of your dreams.
Read More: How To Get A Good Education Without Going To College
25 year old hugless virgin checking in. I was thinking about going back to college so I could have a chance to interact with women. Any advice?
Do not go back to college just to interact with women. If you are going to major in something that will lead to a solid and desirable career then go to college but certainly not just for women. You would better be served using a small pittance of what you would spend in college on some pickup artist’s course.
I swear by Hypnotica’s Collection of Confidence program. The applications are fierce, you do all of the work, the lessons are self verified, you don’t need to learn any augmentations to your personality like peacocking and such, and as you bring life into the course you are never out of your comfort zone completely. Best lesson of all, you hold yourself accountable for all of the changes you make.
Another regular guy who has solid game applications is David DeAngelo’s Cocky and Funny program. But to each his own. At worst, his approach infuses a level of fun into what sometimes feels like a botched job interview for pussy.
Since you would be considered a non-traditional student (an undergrad over 24), you can probably qualify for full Pell & Tag grants if you show very little income. The grants are much better than taking out loans and, depending on where you go, you might even have a few hundred bucks left over after tuition and books each semester.
If you’re going to go to school just to bang young sluts, might as well have the gov’t pay the bill.
I got this:
I had the same mindset as you. I thought I’d finally get laid at college. Didn’t happen. Started drinking and socializing: still didnt get laid, but it inched me closer. Where you are helps you get laid, but what you do gets you laid.
Even to this day I thought that moving to a big city would get me laid. It didnt. I’ve had some good success in the past and it was due to what I did every day to go out, socialize, and get women.
Neill Strauss thought touring with Motley Crue for several months would get him more pussy: it didnt.
Go learn game. Spend $2-3000 on a bootcamp. Make it happen.
David DeAngelo gives email tips for free by seeking his stuff out. And Hypnotica, while closer to 80 dollars, develops a core set of values that carries over into every aspect of your life. Be different, embrace change, don’t judge yourself, dare to decide. The list goes on. So for under 100 dollars you can improve your life with women and focus your resources into other areas.
As the author proposed, go to trade school or go if you’re taking a STEM course.If you’re a functional male with real world skills, the lizards will come after you..
Take a night school in something to do for a hobby. You will meet lots of women doing this.
This is a re-post of a comment I made on “Why Your Education Has Failed You”
College and funding it is all that is prioritized and crammed down everyones throats. Its not for everyone. There is no more “shop” or “Home Ec” classes anymore. Now you have degree holding zombies wandering around who cant even fix a leaky faucet on their own and have to pay someone. Every time I meet a contractor they tell me “I wish there was 20 of me” because they are so in demand. Welders are in massive demand right now.
I have been trying to direct male family members in NY into apprenticeships and have found getting an apprenticeship for manual labor jobs isn’t easy despite the lack of supply and usually requires requires knowing someone within the union of that trade to sponsor them.
They will have to move out of state. You are right of course, the trade industry is not exactly what they make it out to be. There is risk no matter the path you take. However, if you can hang with the guys, you can make a lot of cash. And laugh at most of those who got a degree. You will have an all male workforce to hang with, and you will get paid well.
But most of these guys are not geniuses. The humor is low class, and mundane. In other words, hilarious, and un-censored by the PC police.
Pray they fail to “envelop” the trades with their vaginas like they have in the military or men will have nothing. These bitches do actually hate us.
You think finding an apprenticeship in a right-to-work state would be a good idea?
I have heard Texas has tons of trade jobs, not in oil, but related to it. Like an electrician who service buildings near a pipeline.
“But most of these guys are not geniuses. The humor is low class, and mundane. In other words, hilarious, and un-censored by the PC police.”
My family has been blue-collar for a couple generations and this is one of the reasons my dad pushed me to go to university.
Any jobs servicing electricians near pipelines?
I think looking for work by a state can be a bad idea. When I was still in the service, and getting out, they told me how great it would be getting hired because “Everyone loves vets!”
Not true. Be careful about what bureaucrats tell you. Be they state, local, or federal level. Usually, the local guys know you know where and when they work. So they tend to be helpful.
Right to work is just a program. Does not mean it will actually get you a job. Does not mean it will be a bad idea, unless that is the only reason you go.
You need to develop contacts in your chosen field, and in the associated fields. If you are a pipe fitter, make friends with welders in other disciplines. Just because you can fit pipe on a ship in Pearl Harbor, does not mean a guy in Michigan will hire you since you chased a wittle piggy’s pussy all the way home.
They will hire you because they see you have skills!
No skill, no job. Even if you get hired, and they see you have no skills, you will not have one shortly.
On the other hand, if you have skills, you can be the most loudmouthed, outrageous jerk, who bangs other men’s wives, and ten DUIs. They will try to keep you, maybe, or at least think about it.
Like MMA, there is no textbook perfect way to tackle everyone, or thing. You have to develop into a well rounded craftsmen. Or good luck getting a job.
The economy in certain areas is getting better. But it is still the buyer’s (read employers) market. Plan ahead, and plan well. Or be prepared to spend a lot of hours crying in your mastabatorium in mommy’ basement. I say that with the utmost respect, what man doesn’t, right, right?
I looked into radio towers, and field work setting up power lines. Big time dollars, but you are gone for months out of the year. Sort of like rail way engineers, or mechanics. Lots of dollars, until the chica takes the kids in a divorce. Or convinces you that will happen, and you take the menial 42k/year 6-6 job so mommy can tell you no touching the tits tonight.
On the other hand, if you are a young squire in training with no kids, and lots of hormones to pass to the future single mommas around the country, get your ass a journeymen’s license, and start saving, and prepping a man’s future misery.
I know in private industry they don’t give a damn about veterans. I thought that actually hurt me in interviews as they don’t believe the military culture is conducive to creating good private industry workers. I would agree with that but not for the reasons they think. In fact, if I went by leadership, the private industry has been incredibly incompetent compared to my military leaders. It is definitely an employer’s job market for SOME things. I work in data analysis and am getting my MS in Operations. There are ~40% fewer data analysts than positions available now and it is only going to get worse. Granted the job sucks and involves sitting at a desk 50 hours a week but it isn’t likely going anywhere in the next 20 years from technology or outsourcing.
Women who have interviewed me tend to be impressed by me being a war vet. I’ve gotten pretty much every job I’ve applied for except for when I had some pussy anti-military guy interview me for a management position a few years back. I should have found who his girlfriend was and banged her lol
I find certain industries to be receptive. Defense (obviously), energy, and law enforcement seem to be inclined to hire vets. Outside of those fields, I haven’t found employers receptive to the idea that my military experience was equivalent to private industry experience (which is laughable to me because the demands in the military far exceeded any of the civilian jobs I’ve had). As one hiring manager put it to me, “touting your work ethic, teamwork, and adaptability? The catchphrases of every interviewee who is not directly qualified for the position.”
I realize this is a very late reply, but any state that is really “pro union” is not a good place to get into the trades. Unions are corrupt and extremely liberal.
I’ve worked in Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi, pretty much the entire Southeast, and it’s ridiculously easy to get into the trades and make big money.
I’ve been in the electrical field for 8 years or so. I’m 28 years old, and I make $40/hr, plus quarterly bonuses of 3k or so. I made $111k last year, will probably make $130k this year.
Learning a trade is the best path for a man. That or the military. I don’t recommend staying in construction, though that is a great place to start and learn skills. Maintenance is the place to be, less labour intensive, more brain work/troubleshooting.
Just a little advice from someone who is living the blue collar life and loving it.
I appreciate the feedback. Curious what trades you would recommend to get into maintenance. I hear elevator repair/installer is a good one.
Go non Union, I’m non Union pipe welder n I’m self employed and pick my jobs, with unions you’re stuck and only work whenever they want you to work and some don’t let their hands work for others while they’re sitting at home starving and it’s based on seniority most of the times instead of talent
Manual labor for a job fucking sucks. I’ve been in construction for 10 years running crews and doing the work myself. It’s great because I rely on no one when I need things fixed, except for major plumbing/electrical but day in and day out it’s a fucking joke. I’m currently taking classes for graphic design and slowly building my portfolio. I would never fucking ever encourage a man to work in construction for a career unless they were adamant it was their chosen life’s path. A couple years to make money and gain skills is cool but for the rest of your life? Fuck that.
That’s what a lot of guys don’t think about when they enter. The work will take a toll on your body and life can become quite difficult if you don’t prepare your finances. You actually NEED to retire from these kinds of jobs.
They pay well so you if plan accordingly you can make it out the other end alive and well. Maintaining your health is a must. Don’t be one of those guys that drinks himself into a stupor every weekend. You’ll either die before or right after you retire. I’ve seen it before. One older guy was happy as hell he reached retirement after working as a mason.
Died of a heart attack 1 month later.
2 wise commentators here.
Interesting. I wonder if his heart had become dependent on the stress and experienced fatal “withdrawal” symptoms.
Did you read Mark Cuban’s take down of the “Education Bubble” in 2011 or 2012?
Basically, between high priced degrees that actually go to paying a women’s studies professor the same as an engineering professor (or else!), and the research grants they have to maintain, it is no wonder they have not toatally attacked their foot ball programs yet. Considering how much bank many university teams make in ticket, and jersey sales, the university would either cancel much of it’s research grants for PHDs, or go belly up.
I’m going back to school for engineering, double major I hope, and without my military benefits you could forget that! Also, these classes are hard. Damn hard. I am in Calculus two, energy engineering, and calc based physics, and I can tell you it is a load with or without a family!
Trades are good, but you have to be willing to travel more, and work harder. If you go for a stationary job you will most likely not make the six figures. More like mid-lower five.
Also, you will pay around thirty thousand if you go to a trade school at your local community college. Which means getting paid 20/hour is not going to be worth much. if you want a house and a family.
If and when schools burst their bubble, I hope a lot of these schools that Captain Capitalism claims to have taught at go under. They are merely robbing these kids.
I feel we should go for the British System. Or a hybrid between ours and the UK. Essentially, kids who don’t want to go to the university, or maybe can’t (shhhh!), “graduate” during their sophomore year in high school, and start learning a trade. When they are 18, they can get their happy arse out of the house, and start learning how to pay their own way. If they decide later to go back to school, they can. At their own expense.
Those who stay, are trained hard, and proper, for a four year degree. And perhaps beyond if they want to get a PHD. At their own expense, or with aid, of course.
This is what I feel we should have here. But I am not a sociopath union teacher, so what do I know?
A word of advice … consider not double majoring… employers dont care, especially in engineering.
Calc based physics is just the beginning … just wait until you have labs based on doing differential equations on the spot.
Heard that too. And looking forward to it…sheesh.
Forget that lab DE noise! Go into civil, make just as many bucks, and spend half your time outside in the sunshine
I too am a veteran. What do you think if America had a 2 year service for people right after high school? South Korea and Israel do this. It would be a good way to learn a skill.
I went to college on academic scholarship because I achieved very high marks in high school/ SAT and I also have worked as a carpenter for the last 8 years (which I began training in when I was 16). I would never give up my college experience nor my tradesman’s training. To each his own but I feel that the best of both worlds option isn’t one I’d trade in.
It all depends on the subject, there are some crappy ones but study engineering in a good school and you will be golden, study liberal arts and you will be fucked.
And always study for yourself, not to get the grades !
Obviously there are some good alternatives for those who for any reason can’t do good studies as you outlined, no doubt about that, but running college down as a rule of thumb is not smart at all and a bad advice.
Don’t go to college, UNLESS you are going for something that you’re both passionate about AND leads to a high paying career that values that college degree. Fascinated by biology and want to be a doctor? Go to college, just make sure you finish the MD! Love numbers and want to be involved in physics? Go to college. Love computers and want to be a software developer or infrastructure engineer? Go to college.
Don’t know what you want to do (probably 80% of those 18 years old)? DON’T GO TO COLLEGE! Want to be a writer? Don’t go to college. Want to work a trade? Don’t go to college.
Pretty much everything that you can learn in college except for math/science is a waste of time. Sure, literature is interesting. Read the books they assign in college and you’ll get pretty much the same experience as an English major. Everyone loves psychology. Unless you want to be a psychiatrist (MD), don’t go to college because you’re interested in psych! Read some books and learn about it, but spending 4 years on a degree that has almost no value in the market is ridiculous.
Again, unless it’s math or science, AND you really love it, it’s not worth it.
The fact is that unless you are going to one of the dozen or so top tier
colleges, like Princeton or Harvard (where you are essentially buying
into their “network”), college does not make a lot of sense for most
people these days, especially young men, except for those going into
professions like law, medicine, etc. Even then, they’d probably do
better going directly into a professional school straight out of high
school. Most jobs available these days do not require a college
education except by HR Department mandate. Most young men would do
better to start a business or start working/interning in the industry or
trade of their choice rather than spend the time and expense of
college. Not to mention that colleges have become “hostile environments”
for young men these days.
I swear school is less about what you walk away with intellectually and more about how to pad your resume with buzz words, hip schools and influential people. A bunch of losers looking to curb the time it takes to earn that 100k salary by finding a name to give them a good word.
As others have observed, school, especially public education has become much more about giving jobs to bureaucrats than educating young ‘uns.
The funny hidden truths about schooling overall, it originally was only for the bureaucrats and well to do as they felt the populace good for only blue collar jobs and padding grunt duty. The current corruption can be seen as the ruling class trying to take it back as the envious try to ensure some stake in the pie.
I went to private school so I can’t comment as strongly but schooling overall seems to be a gross waste of time. At best it starts a decent road map that, initially gives incentive to learn, builds core strengths, and improves intelligence with competiton. As you improve, it is noticeable who is smarter and the lacking areas to improve those who are smart and have a voracious appetite for knowledge.
Is it any wonder the average youth in America will try at least two drugs, Alcohol and Weed by the age of 15?
This is the game of life. This is how it has been and will always be. Either win or complain about the system while making 50k for the majority of your career. Your choice.
In truth that is a fallacy. Look who has the majority of the world’s capital. It isn’t the resume fluffers. Although they all seem pivotal in keeping the wheel flowing the same, the rebels to this truth earn the most. School tries to sell itself as a place these rebels got started but it is most likely where these students realized they were masters who needed to go their own way. What is 50k to 20mil? Or even 200k of loans to pay plus interest to a 100k, potential, starting salary?
The majority of the world’s capitol is in the hands of people who went to the Harvard’s, the Yale’s, the Stanford’s, and the Oxford’s of this world. Most extremely wealthily people are well educated. Resume-fluffers are not among this elite. The people who tend to fluff resume’s en mass are the ones who are desperate (i.e. the average).
But does that say more about the legacy of schooling or the purported myth that school educates equally and all have a chance to improve accordingly? On average those with higher IQ’s tend to live longer, healthier, more enriching lives and can potentially gain entry into these schools. In America, grades factor immensely in regards to entry. Also where you went to school and it’s location factor as well. And aren’t statistics a clear sign, 70% of America’s wealthiest families are also the most likely to attend the schools listed. In essence a privatized schooling system, sold as a public environment with access for all.
Over all this is a slightly different train of thought as what I’m getting into is overall success for an American child, but the schooling system of late, while educating enough to sell education, they are hardly the house of dreams they laud themselves to be. Education would be stronger if a majority of universities were closed over grade schools as all they are doing is inflating the margin of loan borrowers.
Exactly. You have spoken well. You cannot complain. You just have to play the system to your advantage. Do I have debt? Yes. Do I use my academic credentials to market myself and make money? Yes. I have no choice but to make sure I win. That is called being a man.
I couldn’t agree more. When I first entered college, I immediately thought it an extension of high school and bull. Being black, it is considered the heroic endeavor to ‘make it out’ and earn that ‘piece of paper’. Not only did I learn an equivalent amount of education from fellow street walkers, one such friend only went to the library and easily is more well read than your average college educated lady. On top of that the propaganda of ‘being whatever you want to be’ is funny because in essence the addition to that maxim is, with our help. I still cringe at how much time I wasted as I learned more out of college than in, entered a starting Job of picking shit up and putting it down at 32k (still better than the average English Degree prospects) and got my degree without finishing the curriculum. Kind of feel like Bill Cosby in that regards.
College is a waste if you are remotely inclined to use the arts. If you are in NY and even if you are not and still wish to write, Gotham School for Writers will teach you more in 1 year than 4 of most colleges in America. Only go to college if the job you seek is attached to a degree, nursing, computer engineering and such. For avenues like writing, trial and error, coupled with experience rule the day.
I know what you mean. When I went to college I was all set to take it seriously. I was going to read every page and study hard. It all came crashing down within two weeks. The amount of drinking, pot smoking and ass-hattery was disgusting–granted I was pretty innocent and naive back then and only less so now.
The traditional professional degrees are worthwhile…medicine, veterinary fields, engineering, architects, law, the sciences,
humanities, gender studies, weak wishy washy degrees are not worthwhile
The sad truth of the matter is you right and at the same time wrong. Those degrees mentioned: sciences, medicine, and law are all pivotal in American society and traditionally garner high wages and suitable risks.
Humanity and gender studies are also laughable as any person with appendages can type up a statement on either and be heard. The internet has done away with much need to use either of those degrees other than in conjunction with a law degree. Note the double major phase.
Here is where I am biased. English as a degree is barely above liberal arts in effective use but in truth, it has the highest earning potential of all the degrees and best potential for work/life balance. It is snubbed because if we speak English already what is the purpose? A strong background in English ensures no lawyer can subvert, no person you can’t appeal to, no market you can’t enter aside from those that apply physical sciences. You can choose to write up resumes or write opinion pieces. The pieces will gain revenue in passing while you concentrate on other affairs. You will never be out of a job because the average American knows fewer than 25,000 words in the English language. Words like diatribe and ubiquitous are solid examples. Opinion pieces and immigrants are starved to enter the market and steal jobs because although they understand English less, they do know more words and their meanings overall. And as long as you can construct a statement correctly, someone will listen and you can be paid. Handsomely.
America isn’t set up for critical thinkers and unless if you are willing to ensure the safety of the rich, learning English in America will continue to be about what your assessment of a meaning in an essay and transcribing it. And maybe teaching others or branching off into law. I swear the best paid are those in position to ensure the wealthy live comfortably. Plastic surgeons are the best example I can think of.
What do you think about obtaining an MBA to get into administration?
I must respectfully counter this idea that college is a waste. The reality is that a majority of 18 to 22 year olds need the time to mature. Even a weak liberal arts degree can be critical in teaching young adults how to meet a deadline and be responsible. Where I do agree, is that many who go to college have to be realistic and understand that after they earn their liberal arts degree they will have to take some type of course to obtain a real skill or learn a trade.
I respect your counter and will address your point on maturity. You suggest school as a place of maturity. I disagree. Is it more mature to enter school for better opportunity or to enter the workforce if the need demands it? One course is in no way, worse than the other, except if you factor in survival. I think an intensive, senior year of high school, which is typically a waste, be taught as a college level year. Make the focus on preparation with resume building, research applications, high level English use, early college courses taught and an exacting 18 credits a semester. When faced with challenges people mature. Liberal arts to assess determination is laughable as that information is barely above the grade of high school teachings.
An even more solid idea, is a last year internship mandatory for high schoolers. The choose a potential field to work in and for that year they work in their field as well as manage school duties and build on real world skills. This would circumvent the minimum internship requirements, allow kids who wish to work immediately to stay on, a more assessment of level of competency, and determination as completing the internship as well as curriculum will produce a level of accomplishment for all involved.
College is not the place to mature. It’s just high school with cigarettes and booze. The real world is the only place to mature.
Everything happens in steps. Remember, for most college kids it is the first time they have no supervision and have to make smart decisions. It is the first step before the real world. Most kids need that four year running start.
High school also has cigarettes and booze. I’d say though gothic/emo gets replaced with existentialism. And drinking binges can last longer.
I think work teaches you better get it done or your ass is out. And if your ass is out you know damn well why youre out and what youre gonna do next time. College is bullshitting putting stuf together a lot like tabloids.
Unfortunately, work is not always so meritocratic. Star student here who had to get his licks dealing with office politics before he learned that sometimes being the best not only doesn’t work in your favor–sometimes it’s bad for you.
Fortunately, college worked out very well for me. I actually studied a “proper” degree in Finance, which is vital for breaking into the banking industry (a high paid field).
It is pointless to go to college to earn a Bull Shit (BS) Degree however and I would encourage any young man to have his goals and objectives clear in his mind before making a decision about college. You must be honest about your academic ability and what you really want to do. If you have no clear idea about your career then paying tens of thousands to take some BS Degree in the hope that you’ll figure it out after graduation is madness.
Better, take a job, any job (preferably a manly job) and in time, you will fall in where you belong. I don’t recommend the military though. That is the one thing that is worse than college.
This.Post.Exactly. I’m 48 and spent 4 years getting a worthless degree. I went back to school to get a science degree to get into med school but never got in. That’s 7 years of my life wasted. Not a job I’ve ever had made use of my useless education. Now I sell real estate and make more in a good month than some people make in a year. Unless you are pursuing a hard science, don’t bother with college. Just my 2 cents…
Agree infinity percent. I’d lean towards adding law to the list of superfluous degrees unfortunately. We’ve got a huge glut of lawyers out there and not as many as we’d like to think make those huge six (or more) figure salaries.
Top 3 useless college degrees in the UK (by popularity):
1) English language – already well explained by Matt
2) Geography – It’s not science, it’s not humanities, it’s a worthless piece of paper
3) Psychology – With a few exceptions, it’s mostly hoes, homos and weak men looking for answers. A small percentage of them end up making a decent living as shrinks often scamming people.
A friend of mine studies psychology.
90 percent of the students are women. The rest are effeminated males.
Psych courses should always be on you schedule; they are interesting and it’s a great place to meet women. You need some electives, so you might as well make it one with lots of women in them. Because, trust me, your STEM courses sure as shit won’t have a single hot woman in them (if there are any women at all).
Stem is cool, like nova or star trek. But psych, well u learn Jedimind tricks tthere.
Wait until that Yes means Yes law slaps you across the face. You’ll be out of how many years of tuition money and nothing to show for it except possible be a member of that infamous social media website known as the national sex offender database for the rest of your life.
Thank god I’m long out of college; I truly feel for young men today.
True, but then you get a get a team of lawyers to sue the shit out of that school for damages.
The yes means yes law will bring hungry lawyers out in droves.
Hahaha I was thinking exactly that. IF you go to college, ignore the women. You can have a girlfriend, but she is going to be bummed as hell when you tell her that because of YMY you won’t touch her until after your degree is complete.
That’s when you get a girlfriend that does not attend the same school as you. Do her off campus, away from the jurisdiction of the college kangaroo courts.
On a separate note, looking at your screen name and seeing the “…And Justice for All” album cover, the lyrics for “Shortest Straw” is perfect for a guy caught in that Yes Means Yes law. Describes what he must feel like to a T.
Yeah, no shit
The shortest straw
Has been pulled for you
Michael Jordan was a Geography major at my alma mater. So were a lot of other athletes who later went pro. Thanks to them, Geography ended up the highest-paying college major at my school, completely skewing the demographics.
On the other hand, a good friend of mine who DID study Geography (later went into civil engineering) used his new skills to reduce the local bar population by demographics and steered a group of us to a whole system of vagina-rich territory. Geography isn’t useless, it’s just usually not pursued with such aggressive determination.
As a degree, psychology is useless. As a tool, it’s invaluable.
This is absolute garbage. The author is advocating that men should not aspire to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, software engineers, investors, and even politicians. Yes, cede all these fields to women, and go become blue collar workers.
What nonsense. The truth is, you will never become a fully grown man unless you train your mind, and you will train your mind fastest by actively learning from others, and then critically examining their ideas to see which ones work for you.
If anything, men should go to college, get educated, and at the same time, learn trade and have solid manly skills.
The problem is not college, but the useless courses which guys are focusing on while in college.
He is NOT claiming never to enter college at all. Merely that men should only enter college if they are pursuing defined goals that lead to careers. While it would be ideal for everyone in America to obtain higher education, it simply isn’t reasonable.
Matt makes mention of that very opinion in his article but like the 5 reasons tattooed women are broken article, people gloss over the exceptions he lists and hit, “well that isn’t me so he must be wrong” mode.
See my post below. Doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc… They all pretty much require college degrees. What men should not do is go to college for a degree that doesn’t directly lead to a career. English, psych, etc. Pretty much everything but hard sciences/math/sciences is not something that a man should pursue in college. Which is a huge majority, STEM majors are a rarity from college.
Even for those aspiring to be doctors, lawyers, nurses, etc, it would be much better for them if the system allowed them to skip college and go directly to the professional schools out of high school. Hell, even most of high school is useless and could easily be compressed from 3-4 years to 1-2 years.
Yes! Especially after college entrance exams like SAT’s are taken.
America’s education system functions in respect to an agrarian calendar. It is beyond retarded that we have not moved beyond that since a tiny percentage of the society actually farms anymore. We could finish high school and college in 3 years respectively if we didn’t have these idiotic schedules.
Law could be taught as a 2 year master’s program, but NFW will the schools give up 1/3 of the tuition money they get now.
Northwestern Law does provide such a program. But it is considered experimental and in the minority of schools doing this. I’d say they are the only one attempting it.
Law was so prestigious just a decade ago.
Now even women know that most young men with JDs are toxic debt holders.
I agree with this as well .
To be a practicing physician:
-4 years of undergrad
-4 years of med (grad)
-3-8 years of residency (depends on specialty)
—–Able to practice as a independent attending—-
-1-2 years of fellowship (subspecializaiton)
Average debt for med school (grad) is ~$250K-$300K
not even- more like 1996 was peak lawyerin’. the blogspot pointing this out escapes me, but the debt horror stories are truly tragic.
Most people I know who go into law seem cocky while they’re in the law school.
Then once they’re in it they look beaten to the ground…
The times they are-a-changin.
The other problem is that most lawyers are tools. I like to say (and have no doubt posted here before) that it’s the 99% of lawyers that give the rest of us a bad name.
Why should anyone willfully accept their enslavement?
Did you even read the article?
“Outside of math and the hard sciences, most college curricula have zero factual basis.”
“The only reason to go to college if you have the talent and drive to major in a high-earning, math-centric degree such as computer engineering.”
I would say that the author, while mentioning the trades, does not say “cede all this to women”.
He’s saying you don’t need the massive debt for a piece of paper that is likely to be worthless.
I’m old enough to remember when going to college was what you did when you wanted to excel. That is, you didn’t go to college to become a cubicle rat. You went to become an engineer or scientist, doctor, lawyer – stuff like that.
Now the cubicles are filled with college grads. I’ve seen quite a few of them with degrees in communication or something like that and doing jobs having very little to do with their major.
The whole thing is a racket.
My mom got a job in finance as soon as she graduated high-school. And get this… they trained her!
Sounds rediculous doesn’t it?
I spent under 15g by going to California public schools, have worked at two jobs that both require degrees and had an excellent environment to make friends and meet girls. Can’t say I really agree with the article
Yup, same, as I was just gone 17 at the time I did a humanities course for a year, spent the whole time partying and getting the knickers off the birds in my faculty. Great fun but I guess I could afford the year back then. On mature recollection I should have done Agricultural Science, my family background was farming and meat processing.
I’m now in forestry. Great degree as it encompasses a wide variety of agricultural areas.
Looking back at it now I was way too young to make a mature decision. I should have done an apprenticeship, I would love to have been a mechanic/welder/etc. Then once said apprenticeship was completed travel or look at university again.
I went back to work in the family business. Learned a lot through harsh experience over the years. Ups and downs. 43 now, single, dodged a few bullets, just a few more years and debt free. Still learning and looking to travel………….
Debt free still sucks. You are still at the fate of man.
Wrong. Debt free is the truest form of freedom in a country that enables debt from cradle to the grave. Try it sometime.
Working to pay someone else is modern slavery.
I am debt free, own properties, and and still have to realize that our political and social systems make me nothing more than a little boat tossed around by the sea. Possessions can weigh a man down, and that is also a form of slavery.
Did I say possessions? No. I said debt free, which is not the same as buying useless crap. If you’re debt free and still feel powerless, you have bigger issues to address.
A home, vehicle, a little money to make it through hard times is not useless crap. We all are in debt, to our country, social circles and our dogmas. No one doesn’t have to live up to some sort of expectation. And I consider that a lifelong debt. It may not be monetary, but its something I have to pay on every day of my life.
I don’t give a crap about college. Any mgtow knows his wealth is developed by his own inspiration. Share, I learened things in college like Communism doesn’t work and most of the women in my extra credit opportunities were disgusting shirttail riding non contributing jackasses. No one led my groups so I always took the lead. So many want to follow, or worse, are unsure of their own needs and desires.I’ve always had repercussions for stepping up to the plate and going for what the objective is. When a young, hot girl attracts my attention, I ask her out. When I see someone getting ripped off , I offer my help. I am a Nobel man. I need only to survive and be proud no one gets the better of me. But somehow I get distracted. Some woman, I’ve had so many, I lose myself to. I developed an. Over unity engine, I think, but got shut down. Who gives a crap about vagina? They are all stupid us less things.
economics and business university in my country:-pay around 800 € fee a year (depends on family income)
-easy to find used or bootleg or even used bootleg books, resell them the next year for same price
-lectures not mandatory so you can also work
-degree has legal value, is mandatory for some specific jobs, employee has to pay you more just because you have it
These are institutions that have been subverted. The purpose should be to subvert the subversion. This is indeed a good time (and opportunity?) to ask some hard questions about what stupid degrees / indebtedness and buying into an ever more corrupt system may achieve, but that’s mainly about thinking hard about what you want to achieve, and how best to achieve it – i.e. within the system (which may be the only system for purposes of STEM, medicine, law etc) or without that system.
It will be a tragedy for male participation / representation to decline even further in the most influential fields just as it may be stupid and pointless for men to enter and thereby support fields of study which are inherently hostile to them.
I keep hearing about psychology as an increasingly useless, feminised field, which having studied it I know to be the truth, but only to the extent that it has been made useless and feminised – particularly at post-grad level. Much of the ‘technology’ of our current babylonian captivity – lol – derives from the dark arts of psychology – remain ignorant of those arts at your peril.
There needs to be dual movement – strategic attack and strategic withdrawal.
Also, the current tsunami of oestegen in academia violates the principles of ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusiveness’ that was the basis of the feminisation of the academy in the first place. Withdrawing / boycotting may be a missed opportunity to challenge the foundational principles upon which these developments have occurred on their own terms
I’m not too sure about the Bakken suggestion. That is where I started after graduating college. It was a pretty good deal 5-7 years ago, but now cost of living is just too damn expensive. Unless an employer is paying your rent, the inflated income isn’t worth the trip. Apartments there are now more expensive than San Francisco and New York. However, there is a ton of section 8 housing available (I don’t know who can be broke enough to meet the requirements), but if you can find a way to get into one of those you will be set.
The good thing is employers will hire basically anyone who walks in the door looking for a job. Most people don’t make it six months out there before throwing in the towel and going home. The people that make it past the one year mark usually stick around for a while, but that is a very small figure.
Don’t expect to get laid while you’re out there. All girls that aren’t land whales skip town after high school and never come back.
I found working in the energy industry is greatly overrated. Pay is good but work demands are obscene. I’m also curious to see what happens to production to balance out the oil prices. If prices drop 10-20 cents lower per gallon of gas I’m assuming the average oil rig worker is going to undeservingly suffer. Especially those working for small companies or sub-contractors.
I’d second that. It can work out here, but you have to be smart about it.
Best thing is to be willing to travel with work, I weld pipe in the oil field and have just been moving all over the country for the past decade. It’s worth it if you’re not stuck on staying in one place
Which current welding trade schools do you recommend?
I didn’t go to trade school I learned out in the field but I’ve always heard about the Tulsa school of welding being the best, most teach you enough to get your foot in the door and from there you just gotta pick it up and make a name for yourself. There’s so much work going on its nothing to make six figures a year. Another thing to do is try to be a welders helper on pipeline cause it’s not that hard, it’s the same weld over and over and it pays insane money, it’s nothing to take home 3k a week on 5 days of work, there are guys working contract filing 1099 taking home 7k a week
The debt load that college kids have to assume these days is insane. They wind up being indentured servants to banks for the rest of their lives, while the schools enrich themselves and/or redistribute income according to the Rules of the Cathedral.
Unless you’re a scholarship kid, or someone else is paying, think long and hard about going to college.
À bientôt,
I still think college is massively overrated in terms of life experience.
It’s marketed as an intellectual hot spot (laughs) mixed with endless fun and sex (sex is there, but it’s kind of a depressing environment).
It’s like day care for adults, everyone carries around books and pretends to “study”.
Agreed. The college experience is vastly overrated in every sense.
Not too overrated, try getting a 8k scholarship to go EE for 6 months. Yea, that was fun.
Agree as well. Just look at the flyers from most of the public schools. Show’s all the people having fun at the tailgates, the great scenery, and the “best times of your life”. Even the college committees know to keep making profit they have to market on the subject of having “fun” instead of actually a stepping stone towards your profession.
How much debt does a typical student in the USA end up with?
Does anyone also know the answer for in the Uk and other countries?
USA depends.
If you have no scholarship or parental assistance you are looking at 50k for state school and 65 to 100k for a private.
That’s per year.
No those numbers are total debt of people I know.
I went to Boston College 50 percent scholarship …ended with 45k in debt (total) because the yearly tuition and board was 65k my last year.
My total tuition and board for four years was 185k, minus 100 k scholarship and 40k of my own money and my parents.
Full cost, $65K per year. Times four makes $260K. Was it cheaper in the beginning?
I’d be impressed if a no-financial-aid state school was had for much less than $100-$150K for four years. I guess it varies, though. You’re right that tuition probably gets down to about $10K per year at the cheapest state universities, but you still have room and board to contend with. I’m no expert; these are just the general figures I hear.
If you get a real degree, that is STEM or business, the $quarter mill is paid back in no time. If you get a bullshit degree, or you go to a bullshit school, all bets are off.
The UK is Capped at £9000 ($15000 take forex) per year for fees with a typical degree taking 3 years. That is loans for tuition only. Then loans and a few grants to be able to live for a year. Say another £9000.
That three year degree has cost you $90,000. However you don’t pay any back until you are earning I think £25,000 and it is only 9% of your earning above that that you pay back. Ie someone who earns £26,000 will only pay £90 back.
I think there is a 40 year rule where the outstanding debt gets written off.
As for international students I don’t know if the fees are capped at all (excluding those in EU)
The trouble with the UK is that the living expenses are quite high. I remember years ago looking into going to college in the UK and I realized that the tuition looked cheaper than the USA but ultimately when you calculate how much the cost of living is, it can be the same thing. They do not have the cheap student housing that we have in the USA.
student accommodation is at an open market value. A friend of mine paid £500 a month for rent, gas & elec with water & tv license. This didn’t include broadband and didn’t include food or text books.
WSJ says $35K.
For law students, as of 2012, it was apparently $140K. http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2014/03/25/how-much-outstanding-loan-debt-is-from-grad-students-more-than-you-think
And this is rising, of course.
” or someone else is paying, ”
That would still be a waste of time and money. Best to have that money saved in something wise that will appreciate, or put part of the money into a potential esy business for yourself.
You may not have that option, meaning that a particular individual’s parents might be willing to fork over $40K (or whatever) a years for their kids education, but they’re not going to give the kid that $40K to invest.
“If the only metric by which students are judged is how accurately they follow the MLA citation guidelines, they will never learn anything. Not only that, it makes academic fraud ridiculouslyeasy.”
This is a great line right here for any students that are reading…
Up until around the 3rd year of my undergrad my grades were average. I put a lot of care into my writing and always tried to tackle the most esoteric subjects, but my peers who had no genuine interest in discussing the subjects of our classes at all were sporting A+ grades. I assumed I just wasn’t as engaged or as bright as my peers.
Then, in my 3rd year I was hanging with a new crowd and one of the girls was a straight A+ student and I started spending more time with her. What did I learn from studying with this A+ student??? I learned that she wasn’t actually smarter than me at all… she just knew how to give the system what it wanted. She didn’t question any of the subjects or have any interests of her own… She wasn’t concerned with whether or not the material she was being taught was true… She just knew how to put everything into proper MLA format… She knew HOW to take tests, regardless of whether or not she internalized the underlying principles of the subjects…
In my 3rd and 4th years my grades bumped up to As and A+s (brought my average high-enough to get me into the graduate program I wanted) and the only thing that changed was that I knew what the system wanted from me. From my graduate experience as a Teaching Assistant let me tell you from the source, most of your grade has nothing to do with the originality or quality of your ideas. It has everything to do with making things look a certain way. There is a lot of doubt in my mind that Einstein would have accomplished anything if he spent those years drawing within the lines at his local university. I had to flunk out many more male students than I did female students simply because they didn’t give a shit about MLA formatting or such bullshit. (PS I’m not knocking MLA format or formatting standards per se, it is obviously essential in academic writing, but I am knocking the regimented nature of the school system, where following orders gets you further than critical and original thought).
If you’re a male student right now and you don’t know why your grades just can’t get to that A/A+ range… do yourself a favour and book an appointment with your teaching assistant and straight up ask them what you gotta do… it is probably something you didn’t think of because it just seemed so stupid and pointless to you… .
I can attest to that formula perfectly. In college I also had sub-par English grades. At one point I risked failing out because of this so I reviewed on A paper. Fastidiously. To end the course I went from a C- to an A and never saw any grade below an A again for the following two years. I hate rules so naturally I avoid reviewing them. Certainly helped getting the system.
Two other points, the parroting affair of women especially, to understand the system well enough to reap immediate rewards is what is taught from an early age. While other boys were studying and getting C+ and a B, a girl I knew would right test answers and place them in her sleeve or on the floor by her foot. Not only was she praised for her intelligence but is currently a nurse. She was cheating from the age of ten, as we were in competition of who held the better grades in class.
Second point, Clark, great addition in the last education post. You added a link which dissects the follies of education in America and posits a way to change that. It was very informative and clearly illustrated where education stops short.
Cool I’m glad a couple people actually checked out that link.
I could go on and on about the corruption I found at the graduate level as well. It really is a left-leaning ideology and if you stray from it you can be black-listed.
I know of a PhD student who’s research projects weren’t working out properly, so she was encouraged to continue pursuing her degree for a total of almost 8 years. When she finally graduated her professor refused to write her a reference letter and because he thought she wasn’t ivory tower material.
He basically got 8 years out of a naive student to carry out his off-the-wall projects that didn’t work out, only to kick her to the curb when she wasn’t useful to him anymore. There are plenty of other examples but that anecdote is just to illustrate how much the system has your balls in a vice… the students have to give up practically all of their power to their professors who may or may not give a shit about them… there are no systematic standards for what PhDs can expect to get out of their education.
Is the link in this thread or is it in a previous college/ Uni thread. Thanks in advance
twas in a previous thread on institutions or something.
If you google Noam Chomsky and the business of academia I bet you’ll find it.
Here is a different link I just found to a transcription of a short talk he gave at university of toronto.
Ah college english courses! I had to take a class on multicultural american literature. Taught by a british woman of course. By the end of the semester, I told everyone “Youre all being naive.” She gave me a D (granted, I probably deserved only a C, but the grade pissed me off).
The female grad student(black) chuckled when I said that. Had a nice convo her after class. I wonder what she is doing these days and I wish her well.
This is why I dropped out. I wasn’t learning anything valuable and couldn’t question anything.
I didn’t need the help of my instructors at all, I thought it was all a big joke (on me). Here I am spending thousands of dollars for someone to tell me things I could have easily found on my own.
Granted I didn’t attend a prestigious college, but still…
I was so utterly disappointed.
I got out of the military in ’93, and having matured a bit, immediately adopted your protocols, graduating Magna Cum Laude…I’m no dummy, but I am not brilliant, I simply knew how to write, and knew how to read what my liberal teachers wanted. Since I was a Criminal Justice Major, the majority of my courses were “soft” science (writing/theory, etc). I aced all that, and only had to focus on Stats and Chemistry, stuff like that.
Oddly, that’s actually MOST OF LIFE, as I’ve found in the workplace.
Scotty, it seems our experiences and conclusions are VERY similar. The secret to college writing is all found in English 102 or whenever you learn the basics of writing a 5 paragraph essay. That’s the whole key. Need to write a 20 page paper? no problem. All you do is expand your five paragraph essay format and cite your sources. Instead of one paragraph on a discussion point, you expand it to 3 or 4 pages. You follow the 5 paragraph essay format in your test and writing assignments and you’ll always get a least a “B”, even if the instructor disagrees with what your saying. My experience anyway. And by the way: if you start thinking in terms of a 5 paragraph essay, anticipating test questions on course material becomes easy as pie.
Related story: When I went to university the math and chemistry courses were all about memorizing formulas and numbers. No original thought at all. One day our professor gave us a test asking why certain processes happened; no math at all, he just asked us to think about the underlying causes. Half the class lost their minds because they were given a task that didn’t involve rote memorization. They complained to the faculty so loudly that the test was overturned and we never ever had another task that involved thinking again.
I’m new here….sorry….what’s MLA?
lol… its not a manosphere term. Its an academic writing term. I forgot what stands for but MLA refers to a method of formatting.
In subjects like history you format everything in MLA.
In psychology you format everything in APA, etc.
Not quite. Most history majors are taught the Chicago Manual of Style, not MLA.
No bank in its right mind would ever dole out thousands of dollars in loans to some 18 year old that has no marketable skills and no collateral. But good old government backing allows forthese kids to make 10+ year commitments with loans that they never should have been given in the first place. I’m glad I’ve grinded my way down from 25k to currently just about 6k in 2 years. Many of my friends are not so lucky.
If the government stopped endorsing these loans, you’d see the prices of education
drop almost overnight because all the schools would be priced out of the market. Additionally, maybe people would actually take a look at the fields of study they are about to jump into instead of just having some loans that they can defer until 6 months after they finish. Honestly, I think a lot of students just continue to take bullshit classes because they fear the point when they actually have to start paying their loans back.
You forgot to mention that the highly inflated loans are not dischargeable in bankruptcy. If that’s not a fucking rotten scam, I don’t know what is.
The current college system is the closest thing to 19th century slavery that we have seen thus far.
I met a guy a couple summers ago at Boryeong mud fest. He graduated in 2001 and was aiming to be a pilot. 9/11 happened and the whole thing dried up for YEARS. He couldnt discharge his loans so they were going to procure his wages until the debt was paid off. He said fuck it and moved to New Zealand and got citizenship there. Sounds a little outrageous, but Im most certainly missing steps in his story.
Sounds like he wasn’t left with many options.
is it a good time to become a pilot now?
An anchor woman suggested this should become more common for young Americans. Erin Ade (spelling?) of Boom and Bust.
I have to reluctantly endorse this idea.
College is a mistake for most men, sadly, but trying to convince their parents – who have sweated out years of college prep for little Johnny – is difficult. A son who doesn’t choose to go to college is a failure, to most myopic parents, an invalidation of their hard work and effort. Regardless of the facts of the situation, the social stigma of a boy not going to college after high school is profound.
So fellas, listen to us older and wiser heads. Unless you want a STEM degree, or have a burning desire for a traditional Classical education and can find a school that still does that, you’re better off in a trade or pursuing your own interests until your sexual capital improves enough to start making other plans.
And there’s nothing saying you can’t still screw college girls. Hell, if the male college population declines any more, Game will be supplementary, not obligatory, eventually. And without being a student you aren’t subjected to the same Yes Means Yes crap your collegiate brethren are.
No, the STEM mantra is retarded.
It’s not STEM, it’s only engineering, computer sci, and medicine… a small percent of STEM.
Math, bio, chem, and physics have dismal prospects.
You are correct. The STEM label is misleading.
I disagree. I did physics, and although it took me a while to find a job after college, largely because I took time off and moved to a different city, the degree prepared me well for the mental challenges of engineering and, later, corporate finance.
I have friends I took physics classes with who were physics majors (I don’t think one of them is working now in that field), and many are not doing so well. My engineering firm does not employ physics majors… and unless you are of elite intelligence, with the job market as it is this is a foolish major.
To do corporate finance as an engineer or physics major ,you have to be exceptional so congrats.
Oh, thanks, but I left out the fact that I got an MBA. I was planning on doing business all along. Physics was a terrific groundwork for it. It taught me how to think.
“College is a mistake for most men, sadly, but trying to convince their parents – who have sweated out years of college prep for little Johnny – is difficult. A son who doesn’t choose to go to college is a failure, to most myopic parents, an invalidation of their hard work and effort. Regardless of the facts of the situation, the social stigma of a boy not going to college after high school is profound.”
Fuckin A… that describes my folks. That plus they tended to look down on trades people.
“And there’s nothing saying you can’t still screw college girls. Hell, if the male college population declines any more, Game will be supplementary, not obligatory, eventually. And without being a student you aren’t subjected to the same Yes Means Yes crap your collegiate brethren are.”
Don’t know about that. You are still a man and any female could do anything she feels like if she decides to runi your life. Are you talking about going to college campuses without being a student looking to score some fresh meat? That may be harder than you think as many schools have tight security and tend to kick out anyone on school property who does not have college id.
Avoid college like you avoid single moms. If you really want the college experience, just hang around college bars on the weekends
One other thing I would warn young men about is specialization. It’s fine to have a primary career/skill, but you need to be able to transition to other things if nessecary. For instance, if you work as an accountant, also know enough to get on a construction crew in case you get laid off. Maintain a wide circle of friends from all walks of life who can help you out if your preferred job takes a hit.
Agree. I worked in the IT field for many years (large to small companies) and I worked in the food industry (kitchen, cook) on the side.
I, now, bounce between the two (the first one I subcontract services…the second is a regular thing that I enjoy doing for side income).
Always have a couple of different skill sets to fall back on (diversify). That way if one falls (or threatens to downside)…you can just laugh as you are driving away.
I’m not worried…and this isn’t my only “gig”. It’s great to have when negotiating your salary as well.
Plus, a side note…in between the IT field and food I’ve done professional painting (houses), drywall hanging, some auto, some electrical, a little roofing. All worthwhile skills to “have” but able to transition into other jobs…if needed.
Learn all you can…and learn with your hands (just for the fuck of it).
Not only gain a trade, but you can start you’re own business with trade skills…And when you do,…..don’t hire HR (blue pilled) women. Plenty of guys know how to email and fax these days.
Excellent article Matt. I don’t think you’ll get as many death threats with this one, besides the usual nutcases.
I majored in Computer Science and graduated with only 5,000 in debt. That was paid off fairly quickly and now I am able be a working husband and father while my wife is a stay at home mom. We are debt free, have a huge savings account in case I get laid off and can’t find work, and are able to save and give without living on rice and noodles.
College worked for me, but only because I took responsibility for my life and didn’t demand that anything be handed to me. In addition, I was able to develop some skill to get my foot in the door for my career. However, once I was in, I expanded my skill set to the point where my college education was near worthless by comparison.
So unless you are interested in a STEM career field, don’t bother going to college. And if you have average grades in high school, don’t even bother with college either.
Just wanted to say thanks for the article. Read it earlier and just suggested trades to a friend who can’t afford grad school – which would otherwise be a necessity for him, since his undergrad degree (pretty sure it wasn’t STEM) isn’t taking him anywhere.
Educated doesn’t equal intelligence. Learn a trade is excellent advice. I thought of myself as a sort of loser or pariah for not going to college after high school. I didn’t even finish high school, I got my GED at 18. I’ve been working on cars since I was a young man, thanks to my father. Here I am at 30, debt free, living on my own, own 2 cars, 2 motorcycles, and make high 5 figure salary. It isn’t a great deal of money but I can pay my bills, live in a good area, and save money; and everything I own is from my hard work…no hand outs here. Meanwhile, my friends with their bullshit 4 year degrees, are working in ski shops, salesmen, or are straight up unemployed with massive debt hanging over them. Most scrape by, some live at home. It just goes to show how useless a degree is. Spend 6 figures to get through college, can’t find a job because you don’t have experience. Yeah, no fucking thanks.
Same. Learning those skills, alone, will help you in life. This type of story is exactly the type of story that the counselors in high school (or college) don’t want young people to hear.
It may sway their opinion (and money) about going to college. They want these successful stories to quietly go away.
It didn’t help that I was probably making more money in high school at 16 than some of the teachers.
and that’s the funny part. They all seem to follow the same “path” and they think that you should be on it, too.
No thanks…I’ll think for myself and move along where I think I need to be at that time.
The reason you shouldn’t go to college is because you are going pay anywhere from 30k-100k just to waste 4 years being indoctrinated by boring useless Marxist nonsense just so you can go home and work the same jobs that high schoolers are working except you are going have to pay 100K of debt. In short, high school dropouts are actually better than most college graduates. The irony in that is astounding. College is probably the biggest scam of all time.
“College was the worst mistake i ever made.”
Same here. I’ve been saying that for years.
I learn in college you can get crabs from toilet seats.
It can only get better over time. It should actually get harder to sell the “American Dream” (i.e. go to college, big house, etc..) as time moves on. More people will have the same horror stories about spending time and money with nothing to show for it (ROI is bad).
We need more men out there with these types of stories to pass on to younger guys (so they’re not brainwashed by the system). A 15 to 17 yr old is trusting his parents, teachers and counselors to look out for him.
Big mistake.
Been explaining to my oldest daughter, as painful as it is (I’m the second generation to go to college in my family) that COLLEGE IS A WASTE and that if she continues to work at McDonalds, as a 16 year old, she very seriously has the potential to be bossing around college grads in about 5 years, as a real manager. Not that this should be her goal in life (bossing around grads), but it says something, doesn’t it? That a 16 who puts in, say 5 years at McDs, can be making $50k in a few years, and be marching around all those brilliant 25 year olds who have English degrees. College used to be elite and mean something. The tide has turned and it’s a joke.
Let’s just clear something up …
Everyone suggests that kids get a STEM degree. That’s utter bullshit said by people who never majored in STEM. I originally went for chemistry, and then switched to a better major after seeing job prospects. Most STEM degrees are worse than worthless… they are mental torture with no job prospects.
Most stem degrees suck in terms of employment … do not expect to be making more than 35k, if you even have a job, majoring in biology, chem, physics, or math.
The only things worth going to college for these days …. medicine, engineering, computer science (small percent of STEM degrees). Actuarial sci can be done outside class. Finance and accounting are only worth it if you are in the top 10 to 15 percent and don’t mind the added cost of an MBA.
I think the academic rigor of most STEM programs is overlooked as well. They are certainly not courses a person without interest and aptitude can take and succeed in.
I got through engineering grinding my teeth… I missed entire weeks of my life … lol.
Trades are better … I know guys who do the physical part from 18 to 36, then become for foremen, supervisers, and project managers.
I have other friends who are police and fire with no education … love their jobs making more than I am.
You are right though, a lot of this advice is misleading.
Getting into a good paying trade is challenging without a connection into the union. I tried calling around for my nephew in NY and they simply aren’t taking them despite what BLS says. They want demand to remain high for their services so they can charge more.
Working oil rigs is BRUTAL work and is subject to production demands. Engineers and managers can be replaced easily so grunt workers are even more interchangeable. Prepare to live to work as opposed to work to live in that field.
I do think government jobs have much better stability, salary, and work/life balance than given credit for here. And I’m a registered Libertarian so it isn’t like I’m a huge proponent of the government. If you can get in with a solid city, PD, FD, gov. agency, etc. you are gonna be as good as it gets in this god-awful economy.
Funny you mention that … I have actually tried to get out of engineering into a police or fire job…
You have to know someone or be a marine if you want in. That simple. Where I live 3 to 4 percent of applicants get in.
Trades are even worse… I could get into a union (connections) if I wanted to, but I not a good fit.
Connections are mostly luck at the entry level. … you have them or you dont.
You can make connections once in on your own, but from the outside its hard.
What you refer to is inertia. Inertia is often labeled “racism” by the SJW types. But in fact it matter not what color you are.
I have seen this up close. For example, my dad was a construction worker, a laborer and he even lied about my age and got me into the union. That as easy. During the summer, while still in high school, I was pulling in 22 bucks an hour.
But he would say “You can do better than this, son. A monkey can do this.”
Problem was, construction work was all in my family. I was in a union at 15. I could get jobs, tools, etc. My dad was well known in the industry having worked in it for 35 years. My uncles were also in the industry.
So there I was able to be fast tracked in construction but being told I could do better. What a dilemma! The reason being, if I wanted to do something else, I had no connections, nowhere to go – nothing. I tried automotive engineering and found myself surrounded by guys who already knew their stuff but needed that “piece of paper” to prove it (what a racket). It’s easier to get a business loan and start your own garage when you have that degree, I must add.
I tried a lot of things though, and ended up with minimum wage jobs that hardly paid for the gas to get there. This was not racism or sexism it was purely inertia. And overcoming inertia would deserve an article all on its own.
Fire department you are probably screwed. Only guys I know that get in are veterans that get hiring preferences. Even then it usually takes a minimum of a year. If you are willing to look around and relocate for police departments you can definitely find one that will take you provided you meet the requirements. Might take 9-12 months though. Also, look into government agencies. I know some of them are always looking for engineers. USAJOBs is a good site to start with. Connections are exactly that, I know complete sky cranes that are all fucked up but they have the right connections so they will always have multiple jobs available to them. It happens.
I have a friend who went to school to become a cop and it still took almost 2 years to get a police job.
(Then he quit because the police culture is extremely fucked up)
Yeah, I know some, like NYPD, take FOREVER. Multiple years is not uncommon. Federal Agencies are significantly worse usually.
NYPD… pff.
Are you black, Latina, or a woman?
If not no thanks.
If you really want to be a fireman, work as a secretary or some other easy entry job into a hospital that’s a trauma center. Firemen/EMS routinely comes through and they always chat with the staff on board. Network your way through them while also taking your EMT certification classes.
That’s what I did when I was in college , I was a part time EMT-B. Best of luck man. It was a great time by the way since its mostly big buff guys. Whenever we weren’t doing shit , we working out or just shooting the shit with each other. Avoid any liberal cities though, there are always some fat behemoth EMS women trying to be men.
Unfortunately, too many departments hire based on meeting minority quotas. Undoubtedly, the quality of the candidates declines tremendously when instituting that policy.
Spot on. Dominican ‘boss’ bitch? Hired!
I’d like to hear what you have to say on that. Right now I’m teaching English in Taiwan. It’s an easy life (if you’re single, which I am), a good living (if you want to work hard, which I don’t, I prefer swim and gym time to iphones and shit like that). I just got my MA in TESL/TEFL at an accredited university out of pocket cash but just am not enthused.
BUT the education field here is mostly female as well as your university students. You have good a shot with many women with little or no effort on your part if you learn Mandarin. Sometimes they volunteer their phone number without you asking. Just don’t get married. Nothing but horror stories and lost opportunities.
Looking into this now. You say an easy life but but work hard? Please elaborate !!! Also, if I may, which contractor are you working with?
Electrical is a gateway to instrumentation. Maybe things have changed but that used to be least physically demanding trade.
A “real” degree requires that you actually have the ability to do it. Everybody thinks they can pick a field or major from a hat. If you are not already programming computers by the time you go into a CS course and have a handle on algorithms and structure, you’re going to have a bad time.
I had the same trouble in Automotive Engineering, a 2 year trade course (for the most part). I got straight As but I was looking around and was surrounded by guys who were already rebuilding engines and transmissions, worked at garages, etc but I had none of that actual experience. When I tried to get part time jobs in “the field” even though I was a student there was no winning it with guys in line who already done it professionally (got paid) before when they were still in high school.
Realizing I would be walking around with a piece of paper and nothing else, I dropped out and found other goals.
Need to check if Disqus works.
I was a mechanic, welder, truck driver (my uncle owned a trucking company) and worked in construction (my cousin owned a construction company) and in a steel mill for years before I went to college at age 29 after the military. I helped a few Engineering majors that knew the math but frequently didn’t know what the application was.
BUT college is a lot of fun and partying with young, ahem.. ladies. It’s a good thing after the military.
Are you chinese? In China you mean?
THe only sure-fire business job is accounting, go for the CPA. No MBA needed. But CPA prep course can run $3K and the test itself is about $1K to take all four parts. You start at high $40’sK but after 2 years and get the experience to earn CPA status, you’ll make a cool $60-$80K guaranteed. It may be less on average than some trades, but no outside shitty weather work and no physical strain. Also, that $60-$80K is a guaranteed base, go for manager by 30 yrs old your breaking 6 figures in public accounting, go into industry similar salary. Partners make a doctors wage without all the schooling or debt. Like anything worth doing one has to put in his dues.
I would not recommend accounting. One of the biggest pushes of technology into the financial industry is into the accounting field. Yes, there will always be accounting jobs but they are going to get more and more limited. Look at what online services are doing to tax preparation. Programs are going to expound on that and replace many accounting services within 10 years.
Online programs can’t sign off on audits and almost all self employed people need a tax professional to prepare their taxes. Turbo tax is really only good for people who just have W-2’s to enter.
The only downside to being a CPA is it is an endless hamster wheel of entering data, looking at spreadsheets, and other extremely mundane tasks. Auditors have to travel all the time.. travelling sucks when it’s all business. Tax accountants stare at a computer screen for 80 hours a week. I value my time to go to the gym, walk my dog, pursue women way too much to do public accounting as a career.
Yes, and as the number of accounting positions deduces, the competitiveness for getting the remaining positions will increase.
But why will the number of positions go down? No technology can sign off on an audit
Because the total number of accountant positions will decline. Creating greater competition for the remaining ones. This is something that has happened in my current field of logistics. Certain tech and management positions are increasing in numbers, but not at the rate at which other logistics jobs are being automated. When this is happening in every industry the end result is that corporations will need fewer workers.
But that’s all speculation. As I said, no technology can sign off on an audit.. You need a human being to sign off on an audit. That will never change. Accounting already is almost entirely automated but it hasn’t caused any decline in human jobs yet. CPA stands for copy + paste + add. Also, some rich people with really complex tax situations absolutely need a public accounting firm to sort out all their issues. You’ll have situations where someone sells their half of rental property to the person who originally owned the other half in exchange for stocks that were sold in the year with only a fraction of them containing a cost basis. So you have to fuck with the depreciation on the house, calling old brokers who some of which may be deceased to find out an old cost basis, all kinds of crap.. I don’t see audit or tax accounting going away anytime soon.
The problem with accounting though, is it’s beta as fuck. You’ll have to work with snarky office jockeys with less testosterone running through them than a ballerina. That’s why I might have to give it up and go back into welding or something.
1. It’s not speculation. It’s happening now in industries and is the likely culprit in the 38 year low labor participation rate given worker productivity and corporate profits. It’s not exclusively baby boomers retiring.
2. It will only get worse. Humans have finite capabilities, machines do not.
3. It wouldn’t take all accountants being replaced. Merely a displacement of a number of accountants can create a surplus in supply.
4. This Oxford study provides the prediction of individual jobs being replaced by technology in the next 20 years. Accounting is highly jeopardized according to their analysis.
One thing machines will never be able to do is communicate well with a human being. No automated call center will ever be as good as talking to a human being. With how complex some of these issues can get, it’s hard to imagine how computers would be able to include every possible scenario in their program.
The accounting industry may well get hit at some point but one reason I can’t jump on board with that right aways is that, as I already said, computers have already completely taken over accounting but it hasn’t displaced human jobs. You still need human accountants to input the data, correct errors, analyze the data and make decisions. I think if it were going to be hurt severely by machines it already would be.
Call center and data entry are two nearly guaranteed activities to be automated according to that report. Realize, it doesn’t take 100% of jobs in an industry to be replaced before it wrecks turmoil on the job market. I think there is compelling evidence now that we are witnessing machines removing human labor in the work force and that it is the tip of the iceberg.
Well that’s a good thing. If machines end up doing everything for us, communism could work.
I completely agree! I majored in biochemistry up til my sophomore year since that is what my adviser recommended me to do for a “perfect degree” to get into medical school. The degree was so full of shit requirements I would never use and it made me miserable. Around juinor year I switched my major to humanities (haha) and just kept taking the required prerequisites for medical school. I did all the fuking bullshit requirements to get in and got into medical school. Lot of the women in medical school had bunch of bullshit degrees as well that had nothing to do with science.
Getting a STEM degree is very difficult and unless you’re doing something in engineering (like you said) , it’s not worth it. The professors , at least most of them, have no idea how to teach and just regurgitate the text book and then go back to their labs to do their own grant funded research. It’s complete bull shit.
All the upper level STEM classes average around the 30-40% each test and the professor sit back and smirk as if they accomplished something by making such ridiculous hard tests for which they never taught anything. All my classmates just self taught themselves using the textbook, youtube videos, and personal tutors.
College is fuking useless. If I really wanted to learn I would just go to class and never pay a dime-there are at least 100-200 students/class. How do they know I paid? Of course unless you have a piece of paper saying you went, you never actually went.
Accounting is not worthwhile degree in the UK. Whilst it may ‘buy’ you exemptions in professional qualifications you will still need at least 10 more exams and three years work experience in order to reach a chartered level. Even IF you have a masters degree on top you will still have 5-6 exams and three years work experience.
You’d be better off, both financially and in terms of time taken, going down another route. In the UK the entry is typically AAT level 2, 3 & 4. Which will take 2-3 years at a cost of no more than $4000. (equiv. of first year of uni/college) & will grant you 3 exemptions from the professional examinations. Leaving you with 13 exams and three years work experience to do.
Assuming student start AAT route at 16 instead of A levels would be starting the professionals qualifications 3 years before his peers have finish their degree.
Typically your employer pays for your professional exams and education is free for those under 19.
Students can be chartered by age 23 with zero student debt and earning over £35,000 per year.
Fuck degrees.
What do you think of business degrees? I’ve been really slacking in college and am pretty unmotivated by it, because I’m building an online business, which I hope to do as a full time job. It’s like I don’t care about the idiotic classes because I’m actually building something that’s going to make me money AKA a business. Any advice?
Strongly discourage general business degrees, unless you are at the very top of the class with excellent internships. I have a few friends who work as business analysts, and the job pays okay, but they hate their job.
Supply chain management and accounting are the only business degrees I would suggest. Accounting is flooded, but if you take it seriously you will always have a job.
you need the internship, grades don’t mean shit! I graduated with a 2.6 gpa I majored in Markerting and International business with work experience which I BS’d in interviews and I landed a 60k paying sales job out the gate. Go to business school to network, and do some co-ops because all employers care about is your work history.
I would say that the degree is an important MARKETING tool if you are serious about having your own business. Continue putting effort into your own business. That is a good thing. However, the world is not fair. People will judge you if you do not have a degree. The degree is symbolic of someone who can follow through and finish. If you want to be taken seriously, people want to see that you have a degree in something.
I am glad you have made this point. I meet my share of STEM folks who end up unemployed. The problem is that doing problem sets and labs is different from being able to set up a business that is related to your STEM degree. If you were a Biology or Chemistry major and it was easy to set up a lab to do medical testing then that would be great but setting up something like that as an individual is virtually impossible.
I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. STEM degrees are hard because few people can finish them. And that’s why there are a lot of jobs that requires STEM. If you majored in Chemistry, there are a lot of jobs in Pharma, Biotech, and Oil services. If you majored in Chemical Engineering, there are even more jobs open for you.
It used to be:
Go to college
Get a good job and work hard
Get a good woman and have a family
They got rid of the good women and made college too expensive. So fuck it.
However, this article gave me an idea.
“The system” needs to come down. But I cannot advocate a “revolution” or some terroristic violence because those methods do more to centralize and and motivate “the system”.
So it must be made to collapse under the weight of it’s own weaknesses and stupidity. There is no shortage of that. And this is not some Marxist ideal. Heck the system IS marxist.
This paragraph:
“For example, most professors and administrators are well aware that many of their students are going to degree mills and passing in work that is not theirs. They do nothing because if they actually started expelling students for plagiarism (like the college syllabus says they’re supposed to), that would mean fewer tuition dollars for the school and no money to pay their bloated salaries. If you’re too much of a wuss for war, education is a pretty damn good racket.”
Gives me an idea because one way to wreck the system and it’s world of administrative evil, the land of the cubicles and and offices, would be to get paid to do the papers of college students and then you plunk into “the system” another retard who can’t do crap and is already heinously lazy. Hordes of such people working for banks, governments, etc. would make it very inefficient. It would become a joke.
Imagine if just about every employee was a retard dolt idiot who bough their way through college. Imagine what working in HR would be like with people like that.
And the best part is, this is a means that makes money – getting $$ from these pampered princes and princesses is a profit motive.
Thank you Matt.
I remember during the first 3 and a half years of college everyone thought they were rock stars and movie godesses.
My how things changed during the final semester … reality hits, people panic, realizing, no they won’t be rich, they are debt slaves destined for white collar drudgery if lucky.
I went to a very expensive school and can’t tell you the number of young women with worthless degrees now scrambling for a man to help defer their costs.
Beta bucks to the rescue!
Haha. It’s funny to see this all play out.
I really thought I was hot shit when I was in college. That hubris went away fast when the real world caught up to me, which was quite quickly after college.
I suspect millennials are significantly more arrogant than previous generations. Being 27, I don’t know any different so I only assume our behavior was normal for young people.
Given the great economic conditions we/they grew up in, plus the spread of liberalism, I think its reasonable to assume theyre just a bunch of overly arrogant spoiled children.
Them entering the real world with debt and no prospects is almost deserved given their arrogance.
The first thing you learn when you graduate from college is no one gives a shit. The second thing you learn is you don’t know shit. The third thing you learn is you don’t have any experience. That’s when you realize you screwed up.
I do love it though when you run into a woman with such a high opinion of her fucking self (with her BS degree).
These women will try to look down their nose at you…all while demonstrating they don’t know shit and they can’t handle the real working world.
Beta-bux! Save MEEEeeee!
In my late-20s its interesting to see my cohort of girls fighting over the attention of any dude… None of the alphas want to wife up these girls… Sometimes they try to pull this shit on me as well but I aint buying what they’re selling…
Slavery to a party girl who treated me like shit 5-10 years ago? Do I look retarded or something?
I’m 23, and I already had a distress call from a girl I was interested in in college. I could smell her student loan debt over the phone and taste it in emails she sent me out of no where.
The same way we hunt for jobs, women hunt for husbands., especially ones with poor job prospects.
Agree. I work with a woman who says she used to be a lawyer but she gave it all up to be a mommy.
I said to her “no, you gave up being a lawyer because you were a shitty lawyer….and you had crushing student loan debt”.
That was the real reason.
I laugh every time I think about it and the look on her face. Priceless.
Got emm Coach!
+1… the college campus makes people feel special, and for three years they’re FOS.
I did under grad with a concentration in finance. I’m not a brilliant person, but have always had a modest skill of managing MY own money. Halfway through college, I realized that I am not employee material and did not want to retire like that. Had I not wasted that time in school, I could have saved up enough cash for my own establishment in those four years.
I also majored Finance, but after I took a geology elective I ended up in the oilfield much happier (and a lot more $$).
Finance jobs are pretty gay nowdays, the glory days of stockbrokers and investment bankers are gone as many have trimmed their workforce. The jobs that are out there are clicking on Microsoft excel all day in a feminized work environment.
Finance is useful knowledge but youre better doing something else or starting your own biz
The knowledge is all over the Internet for free. Contrary to what I percieved of finance prior to college, quantitative (formulas, ratios) turned out to be more subjective than qualitative analysis. As far as jobs and money go’s, I’m a miser… The power of compounding will beat a annual salary increase every time.
Working in an office environment with women is similar to working under the old Soviet Union.
You don’t know who is listening in on your conversation or who is going to “report” you to the KGB (I mean the HR department).
Women just can’t believe some of the things I say sometimes. But, I tell them (like my elders told me)….”mind your fucking business”.
True wisdom from those older folks.
college/university etc, is a huge fucking racket and a great case study in the ill effects of introducing perverse incentives under the pretense of do-goodery i.e. everyone is entitled to go to college. The student loan issue is, right now and here, producing vast toxic effects across our society. However, and this always gets to me, as we, namely the recent grads, wallow in this economic malaise, elsewhere crony industries, such as academia, are enjoying a windfall! And isn’t that a dose of hypocrisy…thought greed was the root of evil and yet these same priests and priestesses are made rich from the government loans system. Ahem, a system that puts their snowflake students into a indentured servitude. But, hey, its the fault of all white, heterosexual men. From afar, I can’t see how this will last.
It will not last. The student loan bubble will burst and drag the economy further down the toilet. This rotten scam will not end well for those being scammed. But because it’s all legal, none of the benefactors of this filthy generational scam will be punished. They will ALL retire quite comfortably.
As a college grad, I cannot emphasize this enough: DO NOT GO TO COLLEGE. College is a complete fraud and scam. There is virtually nothing you can learn in a college classroom that you cannot learn on the internet.
Learn a trade, get a job, start your own business, whatever. Do not destroy your finances by buying a worthless college degree. College degrees are meaningless in the real world.
College degrees are like assholes; everyone has one. College degrees are utterly useless in the modern economy.
I know, I know..people will tell you to go into a STEM field or some other such thing. MOST people cannot hack it in STEM fields. If you can, then maybe you need that degree to get to the next level. There are of course exceptions to every rule. However, I estimate that over 95% of college degrees are completely useless. If your major is easy and your classes are fun, your degree is worthless.
Law school is by far the biggest scam of our generation.
You went to UCLA, knowing full well that you had to be at the top of your class to get a debt-servicing Biglaw job. You knew the facts and you took the risk and loss. It’s 100% your fault.
Be more sympathetic … the system is a scam.
I know plenty of good and intelligent guys and gals who are screwed with 6 figures of debt for not knowing any better.
You’re right, the system is a scam. However, its everybody’s responsibility to not go blindly into the system without thought. If someone knows the risk and does it anyway, they don’t need sympathy.
You are correct about that, but we’re talking about mostly American 18-20 year olds here. They have virtually no wisdom. The system is specifically designed to exploit that group of people. Ask any young college student how many credit card offers they receive monthly. These credit card companies know that these kids have no money. That says a lot.
The system preys on the ignorant. Plain and simple. I was young and ignorant, and I got played. I’m big on personal accountability, but this has limits. Do you blame an 11 year old for getting molested? Obviously, college is not the same, but the premise of this exploitation is. These young people are being victimized by a ruthless system.
I should have known better, but I didn’t. That’s the whole point. The irony of the college racket is that for most people, you have to experience the racket before you can identify it. By then it’s too late. Do you see what I mean? It’s quite vicious.
The worst perpetrators are the professors, being highly educated are ‘assumed’ to be extremely intelligent but in reality have spend their whole lives in academia living off the government student loan machine.
They can sit comfortably haranguing and insulting the private sector and ‘greedy business’ while duping young people into their outrageous tuition rates. It’s all bullshit.
Not even 18-20 year olds. Most kids that go to college are 18 yr old graduating seniors. They put the work in the classroom from 14-17, then apply/get finances and commit all while they are underage 16-17 y/o.
And lots of professors are leftist fruitcake white-knights…
Think revenge of the nerds… and your tax dollars are being spent to screw you.
Not all of them. I was a professor until recently, but I was quietly fired because I’m a libertarian (and a libertine, as well). Poolside.
I was young. Everyone I trusted and admired told me to go to college. It was all a big fucking lie. I learned the hard way.
May I ask what is your plan now?
Agree with you 100% regarding the fun classes. I took an engineering degree and barely had time to sleep.
I did get a great ROI on it though, but then again, that’s engineering for you.
As much as the debt is painful, most people have to be realistic. This is particularly true for the undergraduate level. What would you be doing if you were not in college?? Most 18 to 22 year olds would not have been doing much. With regards to law school, it is a money making scam but the way to win the game with the law schools is to go to cheaper schools and plan to be a solo practitioner. Make sure to have a solid understanding of what you need to know and what you have to do to have your own practice. I went to a highly ranked and expensive undergraduate institution and was smart enough to go to a mid-tier and less expensive school for law school. I have been a successful solo most of my career. I avoided ridiculous law school debt because I figured out that where you go to school is overrated unless you are going into politics or trying to be an academic.
They really screwed younger men in high school when they took those trade classes out. Shop classes were vital to the development of any young man. It was a way to learn something (anything): woodworking, auto, etc….a way, a path towards a good career (with your hands) or a skill worthwhile to just “have” (i.e. being able to work on your own car).
That was really the downfall or the start of it all. They took shop classes out of high school and then counselors starting bad mouthing anything that had to do with physical labor. They promoted college as if it were the answer to all.
Fucking douches.
They really screwed younger men when they shipped all those jobs overseas.
If you can read and think logically you can do STEM. You can start out as a math bonehead and still succeed. You will just have to work a lot harder at first.
Actually you only need to be able to read and work. The logic will come with the learning.
I sucked at this stuff when I started. But I could read pretty good, and I refused to give up.
Law school is complete BS. I did a semester and then dropped out. It struck me as mostly being about learning to strut around and act superior to everyone else.
Why not start your own law firm, network, get clients and bill them $250-1000 an hour
I went to college for 5 years because I believed I didn’t have a choice. It was a miserable experience, and after all that money down the drain, my degree is nothing more than a wall decoration in my office. I would have rather gotten my licenses straight out of high school and spent that time earning. The money from my college fund could have been the start of a retirement fund instead.
How in the world did you go to college for 5 years and have a miserable experience
I was there 5 years because I changed majors in my 3rd year and that’s a bitch to catch up on. I didn’t take the red pill until I was 27 and I had been raised to pedestalize women. I wasn’t getting any action and didn’t know how to because it’s hard to find good male guidance on a liberal college campus.
Also 32 people got shot in my last year.
There needs to be an article on the importance of fraternities. Would have been a completely different 5 years for you.
My only view of fraternities going into college was that you’d be severely hazed and possibly forced to do gay or illegal things to prove yourself worthy. That view may need some correcting if it’s not true.
For many professional degrees just passing with the bare minimum will get you a good job (doctor for example). For STEM degrees other than engineering, like biology, chemistry and physics, there are good jobs out there but you need to be near the top of your class to get them.
For example: The girlfriend of my lab mate has a PhD in chemistry (graduated earlier this year) but being the lazy, whiny bitch she is, is basically unemployed and makes $80 a week editing scientific papers for Chinese and Indian researchers. Compare that to another graduate I know who graduated at the same time as her, he now works at a large scientific instrument company making 95K a year.
One good thing to say about the non-engineering STEM fields, they still offer their top students good job prospects. Being top of your class in women’s studies does not.
You’re right, Matt Forney. Don’t go to college if you are a run-of-the-mill, average American citizen going to Obscure State University to study Psychology. Do go to college if you have the intellectual prowess to attend a top college, and you use that opportunity to network, take challenging classes, and as a prerequisite for your graduate eduction. While college is worth it for above average leaders, politicians, and people who will make a difference, it is a waste for 85% of people.
The PEASANT COLLEGE you describe in the article is modern ed. that is vetted to the controlled masses primarily. The finance structure guarantees wage slavery and the social policing completes the hardwiring of graduates as eunuchs, manginas, white knights and feminists. We see anti family and non reproductive programming with the little ‘gaytown’ party and flophouse districts built alongside even the most backwater of state colleges. ‘Turn gay or adopt a puppy’ is the theme for passing the social ed. in these places if Junior doesn’t get thrown in the tank for simply being a man.
Elite colleges on the other hand have exclusive laureate programs for the upper clubs of elites which discuss how the world really works. Elites like Henry Kissinger and world bank heads have studied economics, politics, etc. Elites get away with murder of course. In these clubs, the Bill Clinton definition of ‘yes means yes’ comes into play. The lower colleges are population and mind control for the masses. Don’t go there.
Brilliant analysis.
I think online/remote learning will cause the massive disruption this odious industry known as academia deserves. Its not just money, its time that is wasted. Years at a school are years out of production. And in today’s environment with no defined benefit pensions and the unlikelihood of social security none of us have any time to loose. That said, I can envision a number of new and vastly better solutions via online learning benefiting not only the students but employers. As it stands right now, many people continue to be either unemployed or under employed. Why? Can’t they re-train as the obligatory economist predicts? Well, no, its not that easy, since, jobs are becoming increasingly specialize and those that aren’t are consumed by machines. But, the technology to literally custom make a very specific curriculum that fits the narrow requirements of some highly specialized job…exists! Perhaps in the future, we won’t necessarily go to a four year college but, in many cases, routinely go back to “school” as it were to retrain, but rather then wasting time on everything from useless electives to fucking diversity progressive bullshit, a quick, efficient and thoroughly training regiment can be devised via online sources without the bricks, mortar, administers and a full compliment of title 9 female athletics bloating costs to sky high levels. No, none of that, instead, tomorrows education leveraging the scalability of the internet could be remarkably cheaper. Note: it will also likely be very competitive, so, bye-bye tenured radicals…yes, perhaps someday we can spit on them when they pour our coffee.
And another thing, boys won’t be held back by these disgusting slugs trying to “level” playing fields, et al. Under such conditions they’ll outperform the girls.
What do you think will happen to the housing market if young people can’t afford mortgages DUE TO STUDENT DEBT and poor job prospects?
2 problems … 1) property taxes will have to increase to cover the fewer number of people living in big houses paying for increasing public pensions 2) the older generation won’t be able to sell off their big homes to younger residents, both young and old will be looking to down size or rent small
I’m assuming what this means is that small apartments and houses will be in short supply, as demand escalates. Is this where I should be investing? Probably not because of property taxes and kicking unemployed renters out.
Double edged sword. Things tank or get difficult, renters increase, however the increase is mainly unemployed lesser desirable tenants. Going to take at least another decade for things to balance out the way they used to be between renters vs home ownership.
+++1… For men, all this is real-world fact. There’s one other thing worth noting: avoiding college is a MGTOW act, and undermines the university gulag. Men fleeing universities highlights the hostile environment, and young women are already noticing how the absence of men on campus threatens their life-plans. That’s important, because in our society only women are listened to; no one else matters. Men won’t have basic human rights on campus until women speak up. WomenAgainstFeminism was part of the start of women realizing that men are wising up.
The university gulag is the backbone of a parasitic, totalitarian matrix that disenfranchises and exploits men. Nothing will expose its flaws and bring it down faster than men abandoning it.
The rise of alternative educational pathways for men can’t come soon enough!
Bingo. Plus women realize when they look around a class and see no men, that their hypergamous nature will result in diminished options. There will be more women competing for fewer tier 1 dudes. They know that but it’s something that nobody there has the nerve to stay.
Today’s college women are secretly panicking. Their marriage options, to a man of higher standing, are looking grim.
No wonder they are fantasizing about Christian Grey so much.
I’m sure this gal was heartbroken when, at 18, she decided to swoon over guys that were 22. Tough shit for the guys her age (or younger) back then.
Now we’re supposed to cry her a river.
Hypocrisy at its finest.
That’s for sure. Feminists went apeshit when Susan Patton wrote that
women at college should get on with the job of finding a mate because
they would never again be surrounded by so many eligible men.
As the proportion of men on campus shrinks, Patton’s advice compounds in importance. Feminists are well aware they have no answer for that, so they have to fight desperately to keep young women from cluing in. (Throw in a divorce and an out-of-wedlock child, and these women are truly up the creek. All the harpytalk about how divorce and single motherhood is empowering can’t hide that.)
FWIW, here’s a piece that appeared the other day, by a woman who realizes that at just 30 years old she already has a problem:
The ROI for a degree is not guaranteed. I think college is an OK choice as long as you choose carefully, as in a field where there’s actually a demand and requires a degree. Too many people go to college just to go, and think little about the consequences of their actions and assume there’s a job waiting for them post-graduation. Nope. I recently learned that Human Resources was created to give all the women with Psychology degrees something to do, in order to keep them off welfare.
Choosing carefully used to work, but now there are too many factors stacked against us: Crippling student loans, misandric new “rape” policies on campuses, erosion of the middle class, diploma/accreditation oversupply, and for profit diploma mills that don’t give a shit about education or future employment.
Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
Do you need to be super smart to be an electrician? Any recommendations for field?
No, you just need to be able to understand the basic circuits. It’s not electrical engineering, which requires smarts, or at least a massive work ethic. I would look at the data on average wages for different field, and the work that’s required to get into those fields, and try to decide what’s worth it to you.
I was groomed in the Union circa 2004-7. Before that, I got my CDL & drove a concrete mixer for 2 years while I tried to figure out what to do with my life. Worked all day & went to classes at night. I was laid off in 2009 when the economy crashed & the small resort town I moved to stopped building/spending. I switched professions since but I will always have that manual dexterity I took from my experiences. Since, the trade has picked back up I noticed. Service work is best because there are always new adventures every day & guaranteed year-round work.
Actually…If there is 1 thing & 1 thing only I learned from being an Electrician…it’s DON’T get married. I apprenticed under several great men. Men that were always divorced & robbed of their wealth as they made 70-80,000$ a year. Seeing their looooong grey faces coming into work every day…they told me horror stories.
You can make huge money working on an oil rig now. But the work is dangerous and backbreaking, and you’re out in a remote location. Office jobs have their advantages and you often need a college degree for that. Big exception is computer programming, where dropping out because you know more than the professor is considered common because programming changes faster than textbooks.
The real reason to go to college is because 18-22 y/o females are hell bent on sucking as much cock as they can, because that’s the period in their life when they aren’t controlled by their father or their husband, and they are surrounded by cock and booze every weekend.
The main reason these colleges and universities are so damaging is because they tacitly encourage a passive mindset in students. Let me explain: when you sit in a classroom for the majority of your time and absorb material your brain-body system is being trained to be in a passive state. Remember this is for the majority of your time in the class – you are not actively engaged!
Moreover, when you couple this with the abyss of rules and stipulations and limits that they impose it becomes increasingly difficult to motivate yourself – its a quiet sinister disempowerment.
Ever wonder why trade and tech school students tend to be more confident and empowered, ready to act? They’re taught in an active hands on style. This is why its better to learn by being thrust into what you wanna do.
Its better we save our pennies, sidestep the debt and create our own success in whatever more interesting way suits us best. Fuck the class and the academic cartel
The recent group of grads are learning this one the hard way. They were sold the “American Dream” by society, politicians, parents and others….only to find out it’s really a nightmare.
Each grad, now, has a degree, debt and there is no job waiting for them (because the job market has been going to shit for years).
This country was sold out years ago by politicians and corporate America (working together) for the almighty dollar. Like Enron, they said “everything is great in this country” while cashing out their “stocks” while the market was hot.
Now, the next generation is stuck…and it will take retooling (a trade) to fix it.
“The recent group of grads are learning this one the hard way. They were sold the “American Dream” by society, politicians, parents and others….only to find out it’s really a nightmare.”
I think the baby-boomers were the last generation to have life easy and take advantage of the american dream. I know plenty of older guys from that generation who have made it, and each of their individual path to success can no longer be duplicated. Today the frontier is the internet, but this requires a new way of thinking and be very innovative, and you are competing with the entire fucking World, not just competiiton from your country.
Yep, agree. What really sucks is how many baby boomers (but not just baby boomers) are exploiting the new generation for personal gain. They know how the world is changing but they are singing that same old tired song of yesterday to young people (for personal gain).
The dollar always rules in the U.S.. Everything else is complete bullshit to cover it up. Example: Politicians will always say they care about education (especially public education) while sending their own kids to private schools.
I go to UC Santa Barbara and I can tell you that the hatred of men is strong here. Ever since the shooting occurred here, the anti-male speech has become more vocal. Of course it isn’t a direct “all men are evil” but it might as well be with sayings such as “you’re not entitled to anything” or “teach them not to rape.” Us normal guys already know this yet they continue to create an environment where girls are afraid that all men are rapists. It’s bad to call women fat or tell them not to sleep around with a bunch of guys as this can hurt their self-esteem. What about the self-esteem of guys? Don’t people know the damage that is done to the psyche of men by continually telling them it’s their fault and they need to stop raping girls? You actually then believe you are a potential rapist and watch your every word and step so as to not come across as creepy. I know. I used to be like that until I found ROK. Here, they tell us men on how to improve ourselves which is a relief from the constant male-bashing I get from school.
Absurd…the UC Barabara shooting killed more men than women and they still have the time to make it a crime on females.
I remember reading an article where they said the shooter killed 2 women and 4 other people. Those “4 other people” were the men! They couldn’t even label them as such
Women are always the “victim”…just remember that when dealing with women (and you’re golden).
It’s a bad time in America to be a man. Even when you think you’ve found a sane girl, the rug is pulled out from under you. I dated a girl from the California coast last year and they’re a special breed: outwardly feminine, but with a virulent misandry that catches you off guard. Feminism is all envy, and envy for men in general eventually turns into envy for the boyfriend/husband. And envy, being one of the 7 deadly sins, leads to places you don’t want to go.
The proper response for “teach men not to rape” is “teach girls not to kill their babies”. 90%+ of all infant homicides within a few weeks of birth are committed by females.
yup — I’m always aware of what might be hidden in the back of a woman’s mind. I got schooled on that point when I heard a girlfriend make it clear she found it empowering that Thelma & Louise killed men.
In a backhanded way, I feel like I owe her for opening my eyes so I could be more aware of the need to protect myself.
Women take every “example” and they use it – to the extreme – that’s with everything.
They feel like every man “deserves it” even when the man is not at fault. The Ray Rice situation is a good example. Women want equality only sometimes. The woman hit and yelled at Rice (who knows how many fucking times) and he finally hit (or pushed) back.
Still want equality, women?
“teach men not to rape”
Agree…that is bullshit. Can we “teach women not to bitch (complain)”?
Women are looking for a free pass at every fucking turn. You have to call them out on that shit or it will continue…..forever.
Dude, improve and better yourself for YOU and not for some chick.Make your self bigger /stronger /smarter and the bitches will come…
There is definitely a ‘need’ out there for male only leaning institutions. If anyone is looking for a business, then you may want to consider it.
The great thing about male only schools – men discussing important subjects (using logic) and no distractions (women).
Treat it like work – find a woman outside of school to bang.
No college education? So that’s why in your 20s you can earn less than women in their 20s. Young adult women now earn more than men their age because more women go to college than men now. Plus a college degree is the single biggest step towards wealth: http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2014/02/11/the-rising-cost-of-not-going-to-college/
Oh yeah, did ya infer the part about there being more women on college campuses than men? I thought you might.
Truly wealthy people started their own businesses and had marketable skills. College really gives you none of that. The fact that young women are getting high GPA’s in fields like communications, psychology, marketing, English, etc…..doesn’t mean theyre on their path to ‘wealth’.
I find it bizarre how every girl needs to flaunt their academic credentials. I have a degree in finance and I think it was largely a waste of time…..why young women need to constantly spout out shit of ‘LOOK WERE IN COLLEGE WE ARE THE FUTURE RICH!’ is wrong and strange.
College is funded by government, its little more than indoctrination camps, the fact that you celebrate more women being there just shows how fucking naïve you all are.
Review the first chart in the report I referenced once again:
Basically, if you want to have a low salary, low shot at getting a job, and a higher shot at living in poverty, skip college. I recommend one of them STEM degrees over English or Marketing or whatever.
I also recommend actually doing something other than whining about those awful, awful girls. Perhaps get out there and bang one or two every now and then? Those of us with high incomes, low chance for unemployment, and positive attitudes shouldn’t be getting ALL the fun…
I suggest you start hanging out with more men.
You’re starting to sound like a fucking woman.
I should quit banging HB’s and instead hang out with a bunch of men? You can go your own way, and I’ll keep going mine.
I remember when the PUA’s were happy and carefree womanizers. Now they’re a bunch of sullen, bitter, whiny old guys, who’ve apparently swallowed Grandpa’s Creepy Grouchy Old Republican Party pill.
But it’s a free country. Live your life how you want. I’m enjoying my college-educated (and college-income) life to its fullest.
and that’s the part that you don’t get. I don’t “hang” out with women…I bang them and move on. I share thoughts, business ideas, etc…with other men (because it’s wasted on women). I’m not trying to be a woman’s BFF.
That’s where guys, today, are getting it wrong. I don’t want to hear about her problems….I could care less. A woman is the same way…she has a plan, an agenda and she’s sticking to it (using a man for something).
Nice try with the fucking shaming….you’re either a woman or you’ve programmed by a single mother.
OK, I’ll reluctantly bite because this shit is fast becoming dogma in the manosphere.
disclosure: I’m a humanities prof in a UK university. I have no debt at
all, because I’m the first in my family to go to university and got
grant-aided at undergrad, and was good enough to get a full bursary up
to my PhD. In between those I worked in some other areas that were a)
related to my Lit degree, b) dominated by women in the workplace (no
glass ceilings in any of those industries) and c) definitely require a
degree (though it didn’t matter what it was in) to gain entry.
my 2c: there are too many people on the planet. Roboticisation,
outsourcing and tech innovation is eradicating jobs one industry at a
time. Further Ed and Higher Ed are on one level extended kindergarten –
we need to keep people busy doing something, so they might as well be
drinking, fucking and reading the odd book.
Point 2 – it doesn’t
benefit men to opt out en masse from education. That merely
copperfastens the victory of the feminist-marxist pabulum over the
valuable wisdom of Western civilisation and the classical tradition.
Third level education is only going to keep expanding (if for no other
reason than the kindergarten one) and we NEED strong men in there,
fighting the tide of BS, putting wisdom on the curriculum and teaching
people what civilisation really is before it’s entirely forgotten.
could’ve stayed in those other jobs; they were well-paid, high status
and good fun. But in this industry, I get three months off (paid) each
year to write my own books. I get to travel the world to conferences.
And I get well, though not THAT well paid. But the real kisser is that I
get to realspeak in front of the babyfems, I get to call them on their
BS, argue out the gaping holes in their logic, make them read the wisdom
of the ages, digest it and try in vain to refute it. I get to change
minds, especially those of young men.
The perks (other than the time
off) are primarily that I’m the highest T guy in the entire institution.
I’m beating pussy away with a shitty stick 24/7. And young guys are
seeing old grey-haired me doing it, and getting a role model to emulate.
concur with some of what’s being said, but it’s way too simplistic to
suggest that only STEM can get you a great job (often it won’t, and
often humanities will.) We need a fucking fifth column in our
educational institutions. We need people to call an end to the BS. This
nonsense began largely in academia – the Frankfurt school et. al., and
it will begin its death there too. Don’t underestimate how thinking that
begins in the Ivory Tower can filter out and infect the whole of
society. Our enemies have used this technique against us. If we want to
fight back, one of the key fronts has to be their home turf. I hope some
of you will join me.
I’m astoundingly glad there are professors such as yourself still fighting the massive amount of BS in college today. I’m a senior at a California college; only 1 male teacher throughout my almost 6 years here. Couldn’t stand it then, somewhat better now after finding the manosphere. Learned the skill of “selective hearing” very early on with being pushed to take courses on Feminism and Gender History, not to mention all the other useless horse-shit they pass as “higher learning.”
Funny you mention the Frankfurt School, I’m required to attend a lecture today for a class with a professor who is in laymen terms: “a woman’s rights crusader.” Can’t wait for the day I get out of this hell-hole
I hear you. I’m heavily outnumbered. But I’m standing on the shoulders of giants, not midgets. My advice to you is either go the Garbage in-Garbage out route: feed the BS back to the ideologues, tell em what they want to hear, echo chamber essays, grab your A*s and move swiftly on.
Alternatively, a modicum of research, and some red pill thinking, will generally produce endless difficult questions for these SJWs, emasculated feministas, manginas and deviants.
Ask your crusading prof whether he crusades for men’s rights. Identify health prognoses, health provision and family law judgements as areas of anti-male societal prejudice. Identify men’s involvement in war and combat, poorer life expectancy and weaker educational outcomes as evidence of female privilege. Throw some empirical stats in there for him to choke on. Smile, play nice and accept his whataboutery, while insisting he answer your questions.
If you’re in hell, you’ve the choice of either motoring on through as fast as you can, or else pulling over and helping me turn the place around.
Sir…glad you are fighting the good fight there in Academia. You’re like a secret agent behind enemy lines. A subversive. I hope you have tenure…
You are a great man.
Wow, I agree. Too many damn people on the planet.
In retrospect i should have started a pig farm. Lots of money in bacon.
Maybe the reason that the manosphere is anti-education is that they are mostly fucking idiots.
Matt. Glad to see you are still alive after the tattoo article. Truth is, if you don’t have a university degree, you can’t get a job answering the phone. I’ve been a nurse for decades and now they won’t hire me because I don’t have a degree. My experience counts for zip.
In the oilfield I worked with highschool dropouts who make 90k or more every year. The demand for welders with the right safety creds to work on drilling rigs is outstanding.
You are wrong, there are certain trades which are still in demand.
The main problem is the general studies plugged to any major, almost half of any college degree is money wasting general ed. Just look at accounting; need only five classes to start accounting job, but you have to spend 40 credits of general ed to support the liberal education mafia.
The “liberal education” mafia. Love it!
It seems Europe and America aren’t really different after all. I’m about halfway through university now, and while law is still useful for my later career I’m seeing the things people warned me about all around me. My university has been handing out honorary doctorates to Marxist thinkers, there have been special courses for non-western immigrants only, and along with a handful of other men I’m the only one who dares speak his mind about things like ‘positive discrimination’ and the ridiculous arguments used in the ‘social sciences’ to justify social engineering.
You’ll see young women soak up the indoctrination like sponges. It poisons them. Girls who go to community colleges or smaller unusual colleges are usually better and less sheepish
I worked in the oilfield 2 years and am using the money to start my own business.
I think this is the ideal strategy as you can make 80k+ for 2 years then use that to jumpstart something else so you don’t end up stuck in the field.
how did you get started in the oil field? can a 18year old fresh out of high school with no experience get a job in the oil field?
Yes. As a roughneck, I’m not sure you even need the high school degree. Its hard work, but pays much better than any other unskilled labour. You should even get a few safety certifications in the process of your job training. Just remember to apply to the rig companies (Precision drilling is a good one in Canada), not to the oil companies, as the oil companies contract out their drilling to the rig companies.
Funny about the whole college thing. My anecdoatal evidence validates this 100%. I’m in the used automobile retail business and the vast majority of the nicer inventory I sell are purchased by retired veterans, self-made businessmen, or active/retired tradesman (construction, electricians, steamfitters, etc.). The majority of those folks also have large amounts down and/or outstanding credit profiles or just stroke a check.
The vehicles I usually have to work hard to finance through a secondary or subprime source or otherwise ‘work with’ someone on are recent college graduates or women, both up to their eyeballs in debt already, some with previous reposession and major charge-offs.
Dammit. I need a new car soon (’98 Explorer). But is all i’m really after is a hot woman, that is rational with money & reasonably not crazy most of the time
I’m just going to sum up colleges and universities by asking you folks to watch this short 10:00 minute video. Have a laugh but also have a box of tissues with you because of how depressing the reality of the situation is. I know folks we’ve been bamboozled!
Sure wish I knew about the college scam before spending 4 years in a business administration program then realizing after I got my job that I didn’t even need my 4 year degree to get this job. Otherwise I would have gone into trades…
Enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdCd–14iZM
Yea, I’ve got a triple major bachelor’s degree in business.. It’s useless. And of course the sentiment from everyone is “You had to go into a STEM background.” yea yea, funny too, I meet more complete moron engineers
now than ever, and in my city, engineers are a dime a dozen and out of work, and a hand full of science majors that literally know ONLY what the school has taught them about their field, with 0% common sense whatsoever.
Yet here I am with 2 useless buis degrees and can hang with a lot of engineer minded people but don’t have a crack at their position bc of a stupid piece of paper. I’d also argue, that they are processing people through these schools with degrees that don’t deserve them. Total idiots with undergrad degrees, and this decade, for the first time ever, I’m meeting complete morons with graduate degrees. The system is broken, the financing of it is broken, and the curriculum is useless. A hand full of science, medical, and engineering degrees are about all that’s worth the bother anymore. That is if you realistically want a job based on your scholastic credentials.
If everyone did stem they would make min wage. .
Many of you might have seen this photo.
“For a fair selection everyone has to take the same exam: Please climb that tree”
I was brought up by parents and teachers that convinced me if I went to University I would be ok in life financially. It was a waste of four years getting a degree I have never used and thankfully my parents paid for it out of their hard earned savings.
I am 32 years old and when I look at the few people I know my age who are what I consider wealthy, not one went to University. My advice to a young man would be to skip college, get a trade and remember you can always go back later on if your grades in school are good enough.
Glad to have you back Mr. Forney.
Are lefties still mad about fracking? And is it one of those moments where it’s nonsense?
Thanks for the linkage!
A crazy stat…only 1 in 5 college grads gets a job that requires a college degree. That’s an 80% failure rate!!!!
There are careers where college does make sense but there are so many kids that go to school with a clue about what they want to do.
College is a business. It used to be an institution of education (learning) but it has followed the path of ‘Corporate America’ (money, first).
I talked with a female (44) who was visiting the states from South America (I believe she was from Colombia). She had studied there (and here) and she said the university in the states was much easier (classes easier to pass, no problem).
I told her the same thing. In the U.S., it’s all about the money, first.
I spent time with a woman getting a PhD in Literature (or Art history?) I asked her at the time what that would qualify her for. Her answer… a university prof to teach other students and encourage them to spend big money on a PhD and become Profs too. I asked her if she took any Logic classes while she was there, particularly in circular logic.
The whole system is ridiculous. I’m a third year Computer Engineering major and will finish all my major requirements in the winter quarter this year. Yet the school won’t give me the degree until I fulfill the 180 credit requirement (next winter for me), and I can’t find a company that’s willing to hire me unless I receive a formal degree. Because it’s super important for computer engineers to know about cross cultural communications apparently. I just wish I had found this site before I went off to college.
Do you know how to code? there are many online programming bootcamps alongside online code courses like teamtreehouse or codecacademy.
You can also lie your ass off on your resume
I know how to code in C, C++, and Java. The last classes I’m taking deal with hardware. They honestly are the only ones that have been worth the money. And yeah, I should have lied about the resume.
You can also freelance, maybe even start your own thing. Don’t look to the industry to coddle you. I’ve made the best money and have had the most freedom contracting out my skills. Plus, the variety has made me extremely more versatile than those who spend years in the same job.
Yeah that’s a good idea about contract work.
Join the military. It’s still mostly a male space (as long as you join combat arms) same college environment too. Drink all night and sleep with random girls. Plus it will change you for the better. Don’t join for pride of country, join for the brotherhood that you gain and the memories you will make. Men fight, it’s what we do best so why not get paid to do it.
I hear you, I really don’t like the fact that there is a huge chance to get killed, but if you gain discipliine, make a brotherhood and shit like that, then by all means I will go for it.
Just got accepted to the inside Wireman apprenticeship today. Also waiting on a hvac/metal worker apprenticeship interview results, all while taking a Diesel Mechanic Program in case I wasn’t accepted to any apprenticeships . The Sky is the limit, do whatever it takes to be on top.
Realworld learning is never wasted!
This topic has been beaten to death. Going to college or not is more a question of WHAT you’re gonna study than whether or not you should do it. If you’re not going to get a STEM degree then it’s pretty much not worth either the money or the effort.
I have never regretted going to college but that’s because I got a degree in STEM which at the time when I graduated gave me a six-figure job right off the bat in the petroleum industry. I’ve worked in Siberia, Saudi Arabia, Africa, Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, Norway and Sweden before I finally settled in Los Angeles, CA. This is significant to me as I always wanted to travel the world. I’ve never regretted going to college OR getting a degree. Meanwhile I see people who studied humanities battling for the scraps at the bottom 20 years after they graduated.
I enjoy my job because it’s intellectually challenging, I’m held accountable for hundreds of millions of dollars worth of petroleum reservoirs all over the world. This is simply the type of job that you cannot get without a STEM degree. Roughnecks only go so far in the petroleum industry. It’s hard physical labor that’s dangerous and often comes with pain in the back and joints after 10-15 years. I much prefer my office, higher pay, less risk and better benefits.
Geez, how many more years until retirement?
If I were to retire at 65 I’d have almost 15 more years to go. I don’t really have a plan for permanent retirement, however. I may go down to fewer hours at 65 but hopefully I’ll keep working in one way or another until the day I die. I enjoy my work and too much spare time leads to an utterly meaningless existence when you’re bored with life itself. If I take a vacation longer than 1 month I can just feel the life energy seep out of me.
In other absolutely fucking hilarious news….
I cant spend four years here studying in university.. i’ll be 24 in a couple of weeks no less (long story).
I just want to do business. I’m panicking.
Every single day. I follow economics all day and I see Europe going down, while the communist EU and ECB and the bankers gobble up my beautiful continent to their coffers while keeping us down and degrading our quality of living..
Never too late to do what you want to do, I am 24 and still working on my PhD in the same place as all the younger undergrads. Its not bad being slightly older actually…
If you decide to get a college degree make it an elite degree. One that is so difficult it will keep out inferiors. If you happen to be in California, consider going to two year community college for your freshman and sophomore years to keep the cost down and then transferring to a Cal State School. A community college in California is less than $1,000 per semester including books. You could even decide to stretch that out over more than two years and work while you accumulate credits to complete your freshman and sophomore semesters. If you take longer than two years and apprentice in your chosen field, you might decide to go in a different direction and because the cost of accumulating freshman and sophomore credits is so low you wouldn’t be so resistant into adapting and changing into a field you decide is better suited for you.
I did just that and because I worked while in school I didn’t have time to participate in all of the college foolishness that might get you into trouble. I met women at work not at school. When I finally got to the University to begin my Junior year, I a few years older than my classmates and because I worked, I had a seriousness about completing my education. I worked for a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration with an Accounting Theory and Practice Option with the intention of taking the CPA exam and becoming a Certified Public Accountant. I successfully completed the long and difficult task and found myself in a profession filled with high value women and like minded intelligent comrades. Some of the younger women had spent so much time studying that they were very marriage worthy and some of the older women spent so much time in their career they simply sought regular servicing.
I watched as my Alpha friends farmed these rich fertile lands for 20 years. I married the girl I took to the prom. We had four kids and we are still married. She has a smoking hot body and we are as sexually active as ever were. I have been swimming in her ocean of love for 32 years. We raised our fine children together and continue to do so. When I am done with this post, I am going to go inside and threaten to spank her. She will giggle.
If becoming a CPA or a Lawyer is not in the cards for you consider electrical engineering or some degree that will lead to a trade. I consider being a CPA a trade. It takes years to get good at the job and requires dedication to the craft. Its built in barriers to entry create a profession that is both high paying and exclusive. If you do go to college, make sure there is a job on the other end.
The Quadrivium is the only reason why anyone should continue with higher education. Personally, I should have paid more attention to chemistry homework because it was very worthwhile. As far as college goes you get the conundrum posed to you; do I party and chase tail? Or, do I buckle down, pay attention in class, attend every single lab and study diligently that I understand concepts and theories completely?
I’ve dug my fair share of ditches and postholes, carried rocks, installed siding, and participated in many other sucky forms of construction. Anyone with the intelligence and competency for mathematics and science does themselves a dis-service by not sticking with school. I’d much rather be running the Large Hadron Collider than a backhoe. Never forget, trades are often backbreaking and soul crushing labor.
PROTIP: If you are an un (or under) employed STEM graduate or ex-millitary, apply for a job on the railroad. You’ll avoid the influx of total morons which most blue-collar jobs have had in the past few years (they rarely get past signals testing. If they do, they inevitably fuck up on their probationary period) socialized insecurity, and you’ll get to be part of a highly-paid male tradition. Not to mention, the career itself is quite enjoyable. We have one of the highest rates of voluntary employment post-retirement age, even when the prospective retirees are financially secure. (Which you will be.)
University/college is a world mostly for women.
I agree that college isn’t necessary. I honestly didn’t learn a single thing by going to lectures in 4 years. My degree was in Microbiology/Immunology and everything I learned was self-taught. The only problem is today if you don’t have the qualificiations then you won’t get hired anywhere. Trades will definitely become more valuable as the years go by with all the betas running around who can’t do basic functions like changing oil or using a wrench.
As Tom Leykis says, if you’re changing oil, you probably knocked up your high school sweetheart…..in high school…..& you’re a loser.
I dropped out of high school when I was 17. I already knew what I wanted to do with my life. I’m a 3rd generation carpenter and with no high school diploma or college education I make well over 100k a year while my buddies that I grew up with went off to college and now work as batista, cook and an unemployed schmuck oh ya one is also a bouncer at a dive bar.
well done!
Excellent article. One of the best.
College is a place where there are tons of attractive girls, free booze, no responsibility, and you get to spend all your time thinking about whatever you find interesting. Except for the outrageous price, how is it not pretty much the best thing ever?
Because unless you are there for a specific piece of paper that your particular high-paying profession will not take you without — I’m thinking law or medicine in particular, and they’re overstuffed with people — then it is wasting three to five years of the precious time you have on this Earth for nothing but a bit of intellectual stimulation. It may sound like a short time, but those are years when you are in your physical and earning prime and will never get back, times when you can learn a useful fucking skill with your hands or brain.
Pussy does not reside solely on college campuses, and given the sort of stupid rules that are being adopted for them, they are becoming distinct health hazards for young men who just want to fuck.
Intellectually, universities will not let you think about whatever you find interesting. They are indoctrination institutions for the most part and highly political. The period in which you could go to a university and get the prized “liberal education” has passed: indeed it passed more than 50 years ago as war began on the middle class. I learned far, far more over the 20 years since I left university than I ever learned while I was there.
You can always find spare time to read philosophy or other notable texts for self-improvement, which really are your prime responsibility as a young man. Right now it’s important to find a niche carrying as little debt as possible, and do so very, very quickly.
Good points. Here is a good one for you, Marcus…a good laugh for the day to go with your thoughts – the late Sam Kinison in Back To School:
FUCK manual labor. GOD it would suck having to do that all day five days a week.
what if you want to attend college to become a pilot?
You’re on the wrong site.
why is that?
well when it is all females in school then the gov. will step in and start paying off all the “burdensome” loans.
Yep. was thinking exactly that. Once it is clear that the tilt is full swing (like 75 percent female), expect a govt-mandated extraction of funds from the taxpayers (which ironically will include high income women) to pay off loans. We already have seen the bitching and whining from young liberals (mainly women) about student loans…how someone owes them something.
Good article. Should be printed and handed out to every 16 to 18 year old man in high school. I agree the only useful degrees are the STEM degrees and possibly financial/commerce degrees. While I have no problem with someone who has an overwhelming interest in history, art or literature getting a degree in them however it does not usually have a reasonable ROI and they should understand that before blowing their money on it.
Universities are in a bubble right now. You can get the same education in many other places in the world (and online) for far less than what you would pay at an American university and this will become more apparent as time goes on.
For the average person, trying to get a STEM degrees really sucks. I came close to a CS degree, but the last 2-3 classes I just couldn’t pass. Let’s say I would have earned it, how many other graduates from colleges all over the US would I have had to compete with while I was job hunting? I’m not convinced I would have been a success even if I would have graduated in that field.
I think the real issue with STEM is that someone can get the degree in four years and for another person it might take eight years. What happens is that there are some good STEM people out there who just need more time to get the degree. Unfortunately, taking too long to get the degree is seen as a negative thing so many just give up even thought they might actually be a good STEM person.
& the specific questions or problems you didn’t get correct on a test or whatever, may never come up in your entire career afterwards, so that held you back for nothing
College is a huge scam. I was told to get that degree. If I didn’t I’d be flipping burgers and living in a trailer. I was told losers don’t go to college. I was told by boomers you have to go to college to be successful. I went to a reputable four year college and graduated with a 3.9 GPA. I racked up 50k in student loans in the process. I know so many people who are 40 and under who have a piece of paper from a college that isn’t even worth using to wipe your ass. . My degree has never once opened a door for a job that I couldn’t have gotten without a degree Most of them are ashamed to let people know they are struggling with a degree while they know people without student loan debt and degrees making high five or six figures. I’m doing fine now no thanks to a degree. Everyone has a degree now. It is the most overrated thing America produces. . College is a waste of time for most people. It actually hurts you getting a job. Most of the lower half of jobs refuse to hire you, since they think you will leave when a better job opens up. So feel free to ignore the advice we say here. If you are going to be a Dr you should be fine, but even stem and Lawyers are unemployed now. . You will just have debt that can’t be expunged in bankruptcy from student loans and be priced out of half of jobs due to being over-qualified. . The top half of jobs are not around anymore so you will be competing with everyone with a degree for those and that’s tens of millions. Better to join the military, learn a skill and then become a cop.
spearhead site is down, can’t get the link
Great stuff. I would also add that in the high tec industries it moves so fast a degree is pointless. Some of the guys around me in my job have degrees but they are usually in unrelated fields everyone is self taught. As for my job in the days before the internet I bought some books and just taught myself, took a while but I worked while I did, cost me nothing but freetime. Now with the internet its never been easier. Just teach yourself something, then start offering to help people with it then eventually you can charge and then you have a career for life.
I’ll quote some feminist leaders (credit Arbiter at the Chateau). These are the people running your colleges, and they fucking hate you (men):
”Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect
of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to
civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the
government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation,
and destroy the male sex.”
– Valerie Solanas, feminist writer, SCUM founder (Society for Cutting
Up Men), homosexual, Marxist, would-be murderer of Andy Warhol
”Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that
the women’s movement must concentrate on attacking this institution.
Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage.”
– Sheila Cronin, homosexual activist, leader of the feminist organization NOW
”Ninety-five percent of women’s experiences are about being a
victim. Or about being an underdog, or having to survive… women didn’t
go to Vietnam and blow things up. They are not Rambo.”
– Jodie Foster, actress, homosexual, quoted in The New York Times Magazine
”And if the professional rapist is to be separated from the
average dominant heterosexual (male), it may be mainly a quantitative
– Susan Griffin, homosexual activist, Emmy Award winner, quote from Rape: The All-American Crime
”If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a
decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an
evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the
population of males.”
–Mary Daly, homosexual activist, professor at Boston College where she refused to admit male students to her classes
”I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and
compassion which man structurally does not have, does not have it
because he cannot have it. He’s just incapable of it.”
– Barbara Jordan, homosexual, congresswoman, adjunct professor at University of Texas
Great article! I, for one, buckled down and ate oatmeal for 2 years straight for every meal to dig myself out of soul crushing school debt. Just this past August, I am out of debt. I learned my lesson and hope others will get wise to the academic scheme. If not, at least they can learn debt is the worst/most irresponsible thing a person could inflict upon themselves. This debt lesson taught me to always ALWAYS save your money and pay cash for whatever you want. A hard lesson learned, but I think the idea is gaining momentum. This generation may get wise to the enslaving debt schemes (fancy car, fancy house, expensive liberal art degree, etc). I think we might all be in for a pleasant surprise when kids start reclaiming personal responsibility and doing things as individuals rather than rely on institutions. This may be the greatest generation yet, who knows…
Well Done!
While I agree, some degrees are not bad. Nursing degrees have decent ROI.
Going into the trades is also a good way to get into your own business. I’ve known lots of men who started out in construction or HVAC who within a year had started their own business. If you’re dependable and know what you’re doing, all you really need to start a contracting business is an old (but reliable) pickup and some tools.
Be warned with STEM degrees: you could still end up in a soul crushing cubicle. That’s been the story of my career.
And there’s no reason to go to college right out of high school. I went in the military, learned electronics, worked my way into engineering, then got a degree in my 30’s to compliment my experience. I also went to one of those pricy but effected “adult education programs”, so out of two years, I only had two classes that were filled with leftist propaganda (the “critical thinking” classes.
You can also CLEP out of all the BS English and “well-rounded” classes, then take the core classes for a STEM degree.
Brilliant article. College today is no place for a white hetero guy with dignity and self respect.
This current promotion of credentialism is only a way to force you to spend money on college, certifications, and such.
This blue collar jobs/social proof thing is only an issue for the snot-nosed punks (with worthless degrees) who are pissed about marrying down, where are all the good men, and other shit. Moreover, “relationship stability due to higher education” is bullshit, the spreadsheet husband can tell you that.
If the idea is all about getting rid of debts and headaches, why would a smart guy marry a social prostitute?
At 34, entered a field requiring no degrees and had the highest 10 months of pay in my life. This occurs after two degrees (one STEM) and laid off after a fourteen month gig.
Yes, I entered sales, but I knocked it out of the park. I’m back in high-tech now, and it’s brutal to aging white men. Enjoy STEM while you’re young guys. I’m acquiring rental properties as I prep for my exit.
I went to college for two years and got an associates degree that is practically worthless, I’m probably going to end up going to technical school, and learning a trade. At least with trade school you aren’t looked at as a potential predator for being born with a Y Chromosome.
When I went to college, I was required to take a Women’s Studies class, where they celebrated the insane writings of Betty Friedan and Margaret Sanger. Men were not allowed to go to the bathroom, but “womyn” were, of course, to handle their feminine needs.
College was the biggest waste of time for a man. Then again, never again are you surrounded by so many stupid, easily influenced women still in their sexual prime. If I could do it again, I’d pretend to be in college, work a full time day job, and visit campus parties at night ruthlessly fucking as many 18 year old sluts as possible.
talk that talK!
Wait. So, if I want to start a business, make money, and be successful…all I have to do is…it? As in, literally follow Nike’s tagline? This whole time I’ve been trying to educate myself has been pointless because saving my pennies is actually the only thing I need to do? Shit, man.
And where do I find the free shrooms and music lessons? HOW WILL I SAVE MY PENNIES?!
I agree that college has been completely corporatized, and unless mommy and daddy pay your way, you will have loans up the ass. Then you will graduate and realize that you are still a useless piece of shit with no career experience, unless you’re lucky enough to play office bitch for a few months (i.e., internships), which still won’t 100% secure a job. Fortunately, this is the case regardless of gender, so everyone suffers together. Hooray for equality!
But if you go to college for a liberal arts degree and actually try to learn, regardless of whether you agree with the ideas of every professor in every class, then you will learn. To say that college is useless is so ignorant. Unless you are trying to get a Ph.D., your GPA doesn’t matter. Thus, good grades are pretty irrelevant, and, as a general rule, they do not actually signify intelligence, as noted by many comments here.
That being said, if you bust your ass and learn everything you can while in school, including practical skills related to your career goal, you’ll be fine when you graduate and you’ll pay off your debt just like everyone else. It’s the people who think college = job who end up jobless and confused. Earning a degree is indicative of nothing other than one’s ability to navigate a system. Getting educated, however, is a conscious decision to better understand the world. You decide whether or not you’ll learn; you decide to become a marketable prospective employee; you decide to employ critical thinking throughout your studies. I realize that having a degree is nothing more than a checkmark on an application, but educating oneself is not.
Also: “Additionally, the trades are still a masculine field: you won’t have to worry about politically correct HR commissars getting you fired for not toeing the leftist line.”
Stop freaking men out with this masculinity shit. “If you aren’t smart enough for math or science, get a manual labor job so you don’t grow a vagina or get charged with rape!” What the fuck is that logic? The only “hysteria” is men like you convincing other men that they will no longer be men if they don’t abide by your shitty rules, and that feminists are out to get them because…Y chromosomes. HR isn’t going to fuck you over for having a dick. They’re gonna fuck you over for being a scum bag. You have the right to hate whoever you want, but you don’t have the right to act on it at work.
If one desires a trade job, by all means, trade away. But don’t discourage men’s education because “you will learn absolutely nothing.” This counters the entire message of this site, which is essentially that men are more valuable/intelligent than women.
You mention “objective standards,” but fail to adhere to any. Aside from the fact that colleges do function more like businesses nowadays, this article is unfounded and assumes that men are worthless unless they’re making substantial money. AND that even if men do go to college, they do not have the capacity to be successful in fields other than math, science or physical labor. Unless, of course, they decide to follow in your footsteps and become a writer, in which case all they need is some shrooms and a dream.
“They’re gonna fuck you over for being a scum bag.”
This would be a more convincing statement if any HR department in the history of the world ever observed an objective, measurable, or defensible standard of what being a “scumbag” is. All it takes these days is one false sexual harassment claim, and you’re gone. All it takes is maintaining your personal integrity against a superior’s dishonest instructions, and you’re gone.
Unfortunately this is also the state of modern militaries.
>article on why college is a waste of time if you’re pursuing anything but hard sciences and math
>>written by a spent cuntrag of a desk monkey whose name can only be known to the world’s lowest common denominator through shitty self-help books and shock jock articles
cute. but do go on, since just about anyone can be a writer these days – tell us as eloquently as you can why your squeals of attention deserve to be heard over others. even the lowest of insects deserve to be heard from time to time.
This response was written by someone who is still addicted to external validation, which a college education will mainline you if you’re unaware of it. Note the placement of legitimacy in being “known”, i.e. that one’s work supposedly has no value unless others openly laud you or you are wildly popular. As Mark Twain said: “Popularity? Why, it is but the crumbs of greatness.”
Some of the best writers in the world are relative unknowns, and some of the worst sell millions, unless anyone wants to argue that Dan Brown is William Shakespeare reincarnated. And so long as a writer is selling enough copies to cover his bills and stay independent, he is actually in a far superior position to those who have to self-censor or lick the public’s arse with politically correct horseshit.
>’still addicted to external validation’ already sinking to personal assumptions based on an embarrassing misunderstanding.
since you’re stuck pontificating over a minute detail in my comment to see the forest from the trees – being “known” =/= being popular, it was just regarding what his place is in the world – a writer who’s barely competent in stringing a sentence together. he’s lucky that writing has such staggeringly low standards these days, otherwise he wouldn’t have an audience to pander to.
I’m not gonna lie, but graduate school has perpetuated the notion of racism, classism and gender issues. no matter if it’s health psych, clinical psych, whatever psych, they have shown me that it sucks to be black, and men suck and they should all be castrated. Not to mention the field of psych, at least in academia, is predominantly female student populated.
Going to post-secondary was the worst descision of my life. Admittedly, it was a heck of a good time, but it has taken me fifteen Goddamned years to get clear of the debt I incurred. I wonder if it might be worthwhile for young men today to spend one semester in a typical college straight out of high school, and the next two working in the real world. If nothing else, the stories they would hear from men might make some of them wonder about the propoganda being shoveled their way…
Hey young U.S. people, study abroad (Europe, the middle part especially). It doesnt cost so much, liberal (not in the leftist sense) and its a pussy fest!
Interesting piece.
Maybe it’s different in Canada. University was a great experience for me. I majored in English and History. It advanced my ability to look deeper into whatever it is I am doing; reading/writing/listening/watching/talking/ etc. etc. There is so much more to it if you actually understand the ideas and realize that it is teaching you to see all sides of everything so as to not get fall prey to someone’s horse shit.
But I mean, I get the argument for how it’s overpriced, it’s dominated by women, and can leave you in debt.
I chalk it up to being it is what it is.
It’s all what you make of it.
Sidenote- my chaucer lectures often went well into detail about cuckoldry and the propensity of the english woman to cheat.
So essentially, university promulgated my red pill transformation.
it’s like anything though. We all know a lot more people that do things half assed than people that do things with flourish.
I’ve chosen French as my field of study. I don’t think it’s a waste of time but I don’t need a degree to study a language either. I only chose French because I’m from a Francophone background. I don’t regret the decision however, I don’t believe a Humanities degree is worth an extra thirty-five thousand dollars in debt. You’re better off learning a trade, travelling, or running a small business.
People who want to win are going to win. People who want to get a degree to make money to compensate for their irresponsibility are going to fail and end up at starbucks. People may take advantage of them, but ultimately they caused their own misery, either by banality or indolence.
I wish someone would’ve told me this before I wasted 6 years in Art school.
Great Article!!!! I went 4 years to a University and graduated in accounting, which is a great, math-centric, skill-based career. But, that was 4 years of paying tuition and going into debt. If I had it to do over, I’d have studied bookkeeping during HS, gotten a full time job at some Gov. Agency when I was 18 and then attend Univ classes part time. I’d be earning good money and able to begin a nest egg while others are going into debt. So what if it took me 8 years to get a degree. That’s 8 years of college socializing. The classes would be a breeze because I’d have work experience reinforcing the course topics. Oh, and why Gov agency? A nice secure job where I can slack off a few hours a day to do homework.
Or make social connections with people who will be successful. Who you know trumps what you know.
Or perhaps find a sugar momma wife.
i’m calling bs if you are a black man you better get everything you can the whites will block you if you try to move up and you got nothing but a hs diploma.i have seen whites try to promote hs grads whites to positions over blacks with degrees.as far as the trades it has to be something the mexicans cannot easily undercut you
Excellent article. I’m 25 years old and I went to college/university. It was the worst mistake of my life too. The sheer amount of time and money, combined with the fact that I didn’t learn anything there that I couldn’t have taught myself. So, since I left college in 2013, I’ve been in the process of rebuilding my life, doing the things I would have done if I hadn’t been attending classes.
Right now, I’ve found myself in the position of mentoring a very bright, wise-beyond-his-years 14-year old guy who was homeschooled. I will attempt to persuade him to avoid college as well unless he absolutely needs it and I doubt he does.
Great points. But, I wish you had specified that you are talking about those ecomomically worthless fields in a college degree is a waste of time. I am an engineer and in professional fields (medicine, accounting, engineering, denistry, law, etc.), a degree is necessary and the faculty work hard to prepare students for the real world (I was also an engineering professor). I do observe that students in “fun” fields like fine arts do get ready access to many beautiful young coeds who are eager for sexual experimentation. It is an opportunity to have four years of incredible babe access. So, if you have wealthy parents or don’t care about having a future, maybe it is OK to major in these areas.
One no-brainer solution is to only give student loans in worthwhile fields. If denied this easy money, many men with potential to contribute to society would have to choose a worthwhile major or drop out of college and maybe learn a trade like plumbing. I know many recent grads who are deeply bitter about the massive debt they finds themselves paying on. They are not without blame as they have to know that a degree in say art is highly unlikely to yield a job which would allow them to pay off huge bills. But, by giving he loans, there is an implication that they will be able to pay them back.
Sorry but straight white males attending college who get bashed by lefitst Marxist college professors still get laid with college age girls. Not anywhere close to a Black man being called the N-word.
I’ve come to realize that college isn’t for me, but when I talked to my father about dropping out and just becoming a police officer, plumber, or a worker at the family store, he became visibly annoyed and told me I have to remain in school.
There has to be a better way. I know I’m not the only one who feels like this.
I have a funny story:
I was in an art history class that was led by a (presumably) feminist GTA. I was pretty loud and boisterous in class, and I could tell she didn’t like me. When she had a special presentation on the Vietnam War Memorial, I told her (loudly, in front of the whole class, as was my usual style) that the Vietnam War Memorial is the greatest war memorial I had ever been to. Since I had a dry sense of humor, I think she took offense at my sincere comment, thinking I was mocking her.
She took offense until, after the rest of the class left, I stayed an extra 30 minutes to watch the end of the documentary and told her that one of the only times I’d ever seen my father cry was at the Vietnam War Memorial, so it had special meaning to me. She was so touched at the sincerity, from then on (as she rightfully should have), I always got the benefit of the doubt and never got less than a 95 on any of the following papers I wrote.
There are a few morals to take away here, but I will let you all decide what those are…
Legalize doing any job without a degree and for educational establishments to teach whatever they want and watch the education-work complex fall apart swiftly.
Join the Army.
Try to get an ROTC scholarship. Enlist if you can’t. Most enlisted I know get they’re 2 or 4 year degree using tuition assistance. After that, they still have their GI Bill.
I earned my BA with a ROTC scholarship. Then got my MS with tuition assistance. I’m now trying to figure out how to use mu Post 911 GI Bill. I’m thinking flight school.
The army will work you like a rented slave but after 4 years you’ll have veteran’s preference and the GI Bill plus what ever you earned with tuition assistance and maybe a trade depending on your job.
I’ve dedicated my life, okay maybe that’s an exaggeration, to telling the younger guys I know not to go to college and instead learn a trade or join the military and have them teach you a trade. My friends who want to be chefs? I tell them to start out in bakeries. That’s how Gordon Ramsay and Emeril Lagasse started. None of this $60,000 Cordon Bleu associates crap.
I’m in nursing and nursing school with all the anti-male bs was infuriating to me. I had teachers who refused to teach about male diseases and a clinical instructor who was offended by everything I said. She was hyper sensitive to the point that I stopped talking in front of her. Apparently any adjective was derogatory to her–“female patient”, stating the patient’s age, etc could all be construed as “sexual harassment” according to her. Colleges are very anti male institutions. Just thinking about what I had to endure pisses me off to this day. I’d like to get out of nursing in a few years and get into hospital administration.
I think its sad, I don’t think any dudes brain functions in long term view until he hits the age of 25, so basically you are pushed into collage by really stupid people around you as male. They totally 100% fuc* you good, by lying through their stupid dumb-ass non math counting teeth, . And when you realize that fact . Today when you go to collage your a rapist, and there is nothing that you can learn that teaches you how do do anything useful. Except for Math, Science, Doctor. The amount of money you spend, could build you a entire business empire, instead of being a slave, having your wages garnished, while working at dead end jobs. Instead of actually making the job.
I made a mistake of doing so and I owe loans. I thought it was going to be a good idea to do so and also because I wanted to make my parents happy. They always wanted me to be successful so I did what I thought I had to do to get there. Had I read this article or something similar then maybe I would have not made such a mistake. The only thing that I’m thankful for is the fact that I didn’t take a Women’s Studies course. I used to think it was an interesting class to take plus one that can help me meet girls. I was mistaken. I knew a guy whose GPA dropped to a 2.2 just for flunking the class. The reason why he flunked, he disagreed with some points that his man-hating feminist teacher believed in. So she decided to give him an F because she thinks that he is ‘mansplaining.’ The only thing you learn in the class is stupid feminist jargon and your man-hating professor’s view on men. He told me about disagreeing with something that everyone (mostly girls, particularly the ugly,man-hating lesbian type) in the class had shoved down their throats by the professor and they basically shamed him for it. Nowadays, universities are just ran by money hungry people, feminists, and white knights.
I can personally relate to this. Here in Quebec, we have a network of publicly-funded pre-university colleges called CEGEPs. You can’t get into Universities like Concordia or McGill unless you have a college diploma.
I initially wanted to be a medical microbiologist so I had to take a two-year Health Science program, which consisted of core courses like Math, Chemistry and Physics, and elective courses like English (mostly boring literature classes), Humanities (mostly sociology, religion, etc.), and Phys Ed. You couldn’t just focus on your intended field of study, since that’s considered specializing. In other words, a lot like High School. I only studied Biology in the second year of the program, and it was barely above secondary level.
University is the same thing although with a lot more focus on your intended field of study. I guess all those professors need to be gainfully employed even though they admit that you’ll forget most of this stuff after graduating unless it’s in your field of study.
Don’t get me wrong. The teachers were for the most part very cool and I made a lot of friends in my classes, but most of the socializing takes place in the student club spaces where you meet people with similar interests even if you don’t share classes. They don’t mind alumni dropping in, either.
It was free for students from Quebec or France, everyone else had to pay
tuitions. No one really needed student loan unless they were living on
their own and had to hold down a part-time job or three.
As for me, my interests changed and I just completed my course requirements to get my diploma, which looked better on my CV than just saying college dropout.
After some job searching which got me nowhere, I decided to go into business for myself. I started a home-based business which grew out of my hobbies of reading books, magazines and comics, playing videogames and tinkering with electronics. I bought, sold and traded videogames, comic books, trading cards and VHS movies. I went to second-hand bookstores and video stores around Montreal, networking with the owners, seeing what they wanted to buy and what they sold. I bought stuff at garage sales and church bazaars. I attended comic book and videogame conventions where I met the dealers and sometimes bought out their stock. I eventually acquired a store front for my enterprise and now I repair electronics and I still buy, sell and trade videogames, DVD and Blu-ray movies, trading cards and some comics/graphic novels.
People often ask me if I took a course for all this. They kinda surprised when I answer no. I already knew the basics and I learned the rest on the fly; whatever else needed to be done was outsourced. You don’t need a degree in business management to run a lemonade stand; most businesses operate on similar principles. Income minus expenses equals profit.
It wasn’t a complete waste of time for me. In the end, I did learn a lot of stuff in college, and most of it wasn’t in the curriculum if you follow my meaning. Too bad all of this took place in the early to mid 90’s before the Internet really took off and the manosphere came into being. Red pill truth at that stage could have saved me a lot of aggravation.
matt irl
OH I’m in the manosphere. No wonder this is so fucking warped.
Unfortunately for high paying business/marketing jobs you need agree. And to be a good entrepreneur you need to understand how large Fortune 500 businesses work from the inside out. Maybe 1 out of 100 guys can make it without any guidance or instruction but for the rest of us Joes you need a leg-in and some additional insight into how things work.
Plus you need to be able to fall back on a wage if your business crumbles which is why many entrepreneurs come from already successful career Men who can always go back to work if their venture doesn’t work out. College may suck but it’s easier said than done.
To paraphrase Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting…….
“You’re a first-year grad student; you just got finished reading some
Marxian historian, Pete Garrison probably. You’re gonna be convinced of
that ’till next month when you get to James Lemon. Then you’re going to
be talking about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania were
entrepreneurial and capitalist way back in 1740. That’s gonna last until
next year; you’re gonna be in here regurgitating Gordon Wood, talkin’
about, you know, the pre-revolutionary utopia and the capital-forming
effects of military mobilization. ‘Wood drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions
predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth’? You got that from
Vickers’ “Work in Essex County,” page 98, right? Yeah, I read that too.
Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us? Do you have any
thoughts of your own on this matter? Or do you, is that your thing, you
come into a bar, read some obscure passage and then pretend – you pawn
it off as your own, as your own idea just to impress some girls,
embarrass my friend? See, the sad thing about a guy like you is, in 50 years you’re gonna
start doin’ some thinkin’ on your own and you’re going to come up with
the fact that there are two certainties in life: one, don’t do that, and
two, you dropped 150 grand on a fuckin’ education you could have got
for a dollar fifty in late charges at the public library”
And that sums up college
Most everything said in the top three points are completely false and have very little validity. For starters, why do you think college graduates make more money than non-college graduates? Because the things they learn in college are priceless. You will be a better and more aware human being after college. Ask anybody who finished, your mind is enlightened when you get a better education, knowledge is power.
For point 1: To claim you will learn “absolutely nothing” is an absolute and blatant lie. There are tons of things to learn. You will develop critical thinking skills and it will liberate your mind and make you aware of your own bias’s. It gives you multiple perspectives to ponder, which is much better than just always thinking you’re right and never contemplating others views. You aren’t the center of the universe, nor is your immediate culture. Become aware, come on people.
Point 2, you can easily pay off $64,000 dollars of loans in ten years on a higher income than you would have otherwise had. College graduates make on average 87% more than their non-graduating peers, that is a huge difference. Don’t be misled by thinking that college grads are in a worse financial situation than those who didn’t go to college.
Point 3. I don’t even know where to begin. Don’t worry, you will never be personally blamed for things other men did, but you should be aware of things that people do in general. Nobody will shame you for being white or a male, but heaven forbid we ever see a perspective from people who aren’t majorities in the world, why would that ever be important? (Sarcasm). Although I agree that you don’t NEED a college degree to make as much money as other graduates, getting a solid education will enlighten your mind, and give you a more fulfilling life all the while making you a smarter and more capable human being. You would never tell somebody to not go to elementary school or middle-school or high-school because they teach you “absolutely nothing”. Knowledge is power. In K-12 education you are learning things that will make you a more capable human being. College is just an extension of that. You can get by without college, but going to college will make you grow as a person and develop critical thinking skills that will help you decide for yourself what you want to believe, and not what other people want you to believe. Again, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, don’t ever be scared of what you will learn.
I’m in the UK, so I was able to take a pure science degree (no “majoring” and “minoring” goes on there). But one memory from School English class stands out.
Basically I’d been getting B or C grades for a while, despite trying fairly hard. For one essay, I had little time to compete it. so I wrote what I thought was a compelte load of cliched artistic drivel. I was highly praised by the teacher (a feminist women with whom I generally didn’t get on at all).
Bottom line is that these subjects are trash. Fortunately, Science and Engineering have the hard objective standards of mathematics and experimental verification. The drivel thinkers just can’t get their irrational heads around it, so they go off and waste other people’s time.
Going to college for a specific reason, to gain a specific skill is still very important (Business Admin, Engineering, Computer Sciences) but yes, there are a lot of distractions and time/money wasting degrees in University/College.
The example below is a good example; “Psychosocial Studies” at the University of East London. It doesn’t look like you’ll learn to balance a budget, fix a vehicle, or learn how to make a profit.
Instead, you’ll learn things like “Understanding people’s lives within the context of our changing world”. Dandy..
Why anyone would want to pay thousands of dollars (or pounds in this instance) to sit in a classroom instead of getting on a plane and traveling and really learn from the world is beyond me.
Edit: My link to the video keeps disappearing. Google video “Psychosocial Studies UEl” to find the intro to the course.
I just happened across this while thinking about wether i should go to college or not. I enjoyed the article, it brought up some good points. I’m not actually sure what i want to do though, and my general interests tend to lie in science, computers, video games, engineering and building things (i quite enjoy making function replicas of video game items as a little hobby).
So, i still need to do a lot of thinking. I’m 18 now, but i haven’t graduated high school. I’m in a bad school district in the ghetto, so at this point i’ve decided the GED may be better.
Anyway, one thing i disliked about the article was the sexist comments. It wasn’t directly sexist, but it was rather vulgar and want to group women together as a single negatively portrayed entity. I suppose the name of the site is returnofkings for a reason yes? If only such an insightful article wasn’t want to ruin itself…
“The only reason to go to college if you have the talent and drive to major in a high-earning, math-centric degree such as computer engineering. Anything else is a waste of your time and money.”
Also, law. The world will always need lawyers. Law is the only non-STEM field of study worth going to college for. My sister went for it and already makes good money. But anyone going to college for anything else than law and STEM, he is putting himself in tons of debt for “knowledge” that nobody wants to buy. Do you see anyone hiring “philosophy” experts? Or anyone hiring… “gender studies” experts? Those are for privileged Disney Princesses who want to live the dream of high-school a bit longer at the expense of their parents.
PS: Of course, the girls studying philosophy, english literature, gender studies or whatever dream of becoming professors, teaching the same useless knowledge themselves, or getting a comfortable government job mooching the taxpayer, but most of them won’t gain any employment from their degree.
LOL I totally agree. Men should stop going to college and certainly stop going for any type of post-graduate degree!!! I concur, I think it is bullshit and it is a complete waste of their time!’